endodontics root canal dentistry enamel infraction lateral luxation intrusion extrusion replantation complicated crown fracture crown fracture luxation root fracture avulsión traumatic dental injuries traumatic dental injury dental trauma trauma altered cast technique free end saddle rpi jelenko surveyor ney surveyor dental surveyor rpd design removable partial denture rpd surveyor pra periodontology ibrahim bayram periodontal risk factors hexagonal risk diagram lang and tonetti periodontal assessment periodontal risk assessment periodontal risk endodontic solvent solvents removal of guttapercha removal of gp rerct removal of silverpoints removal of resilon removal of root fillings guttapercha retreatment apical barrier endosequence cem cements bioaggregate theracal biodentine mta bioceramics bioceramic materials in endodontics sealers anatomy
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