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국내 최고의 오픈소스 전문기업
Private/Public Cloud | Data Center to Cloud | Atlassian
H. T. 02-516-0711 F. 02-516-0722
서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로83길 32 나라키움삼성동A빌딩 5층
Copyright 2019 Open Source Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.
이 영주
Contents 01. Prometheus?
02. Usage
03. Alertmanager
04. Cluster
05. Performance
01. Prometheus?
01. Prometheus?
• Prometheus?
⚫ 2012년 SoundCloud에서 몇몇의 개발자와 함께 시작.
⚫ 2016년 CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation)의 두번 째 Memb
⚫ PromQL이라는 자체언어를 이용해서 빠르게 검색가능.
⚫ Kubernates의 모니터링에 많이 쓰이게 되면서 각광받게 됨.
⚫ 초당 수백만 쿼리를 수행 할 수 있게 디자인 됨.
⚫ 기존 Monitoring system보다 성능이 월등히 좋음.
⚫ Openstack, AWS, Azure, GCE등 거의 모든 Platform 모니터링 가능.
01. Prometheus?
• Prometheus?
01. Prometheus?
• Monitoring?
• Alerting
⚫ 일이 잘못 되었을 때 사람에게 알리는 것.
⚫ E-mail, Slack, ...
• Debugging
⚫ 문제원인을 파악 하는 것.
• Trending
⚫ 사용량을 예측하여 계획에 반영.
01. Prometheus?
• Categories of Monitoring
• Profiling
⚫ tcpdump ...
• Tracing
⚫ OpenZipkin, Jaeger ...
• Logging
⚫ elasticsearch, Graylog
• Metric
⚫ Prometheus, Zabbix
01. Prometheus?
• Prometheus Architecture
Target을 찾아서
자동으로 등록!!
push 방식 간접구현
(App이 여기에
metric을 push)
이해할 수 있는
format으로 바꿔줌.
사람에게 알림을
보내주는 역할
그리는 역할
다른 Prometheus의
metric도 가져올 수 있음
Prometheus Federation
02. Usage
02. Usage
• Running Prometheus
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# wget 
--2019-04-18 13:22:50--
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# tar xvzf prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# cd prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
- static_configs:
- targets:
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]#
Binary download!
Self monitoring
02. Usage
• Running Prometheus
Prometheus start!
Listen address!
02. Usage
• Running Node-exporter
[root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# wget 
[root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# tar xvzf node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
[root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# cd node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64/
[root@yj26-ovstest3 node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64]# ./node_exporter
INFO[0000] - uname source="node_exporter.go:97"
INFO[0000] - vmstat source="node_exporter.go:97"
INFO[0000] - xfs source="node_exporter.go:97"
INFO[0000] - zfs source="node_exporter.go:97"
INFO[0000] Listening on :9100 source="node_exporter.go:111"
기본설정 port 9100
02. Usage
• Running Node-exporter
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|[[:space:]]*#' prometheus.yml
- static_configs:
- targets:
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
- job_name: 'node3'
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# ps aux |grep -i prometheus
root 12286 0.0 2.2 157280 41652 pts/1 Sl+ 13:41 0:04 ./prometheus
root 12520 0.0 0.0 116812 1032 pts/3 S+ 15:25 0:00 grep --color=auto -i prometheus
[root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# kill -SIGHUP 12286
Log ...
... caller=main.go:724 msg="Loading configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
... caller=main.go:751 msg="Completed loading of configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml
node exporter target
1번 시그널을 보내서
config reload!!
Config reload 성공!!
02. Usage
• Scraping
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# curl localhost:9090/metrics |head -n 20
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 41814 0 41814 0 0 5023k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5833k
# HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the GC invocation durations.
# TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 1.2143e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 2.9441e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 9.6832e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000199094
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.000424251
go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.000761761
go_gc_duration_seconds_count 5
# HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.
# TYPE go_goroutines gauge
go_goroutines 38
# HELP go_info Information about the Go environment.
# TYPE go_info gauge
go_info{version="go1.12.4"} 1
# HELP go_memstats_alloc_bytes Number of bytes allocated and still in use.
# TYPE go_memstats_alloc_bytes gauge
go_memstats_alloc_bytes 1.385236e+07
# HELP go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.
# TYPE go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total counter
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]#
Metric name
Time series
Cardinality는 7
Metric Type
Description of metric
02. Usage
• PromQL
Internal Fuction
Time series name
Instant vector
Access URL
Metric name
kvm2 를 제외한 node의 eth0에서
3분동안 수신한 traffic byte 총량의
1초당 평균 변화량 = Network 사용률
02. Usage
• PromQL
02. Usage
• Grafana
03. Alertmanager
03. Alertmanager
• Alertmanager Architecture
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
[root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager]# wget 
[root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager]# cd alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64/
[root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' alertmanager.yml
group_by: [Alertname]
receiver: email-me
- name: email-me
- to:
auth_username: ""
auth_identity: ""
auth_password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
[root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64]# ./alertmanager
... caller=main.go:177 msg="Starting Alertmanager" version="(version=0.16.2, branch=HEAD, revision=308b7620642dc147794e6686a3f94d1b6fc8ef4d
... caller=main.go:178 build_context="(go=go1.11.6, user=root@1e9a48272b38, date=20190405-12:27:40)"
... caller=cluster.go:161 component=cluster msg="setting advertise address explicitly" addr= port=9094
... caller=cluster.go:632 component=cluster msg="Waiting for gossip to settle..." interval=2s
... caller=main.go:334 msg="Loading configuration file" file=alertmanager.yml
... caller=main.go:428 msg=Listening address=:9093
... caller=cluster.go:657 component=cluster msg="gossip not settled" polls=0 before=0 now=1 elapsed=2.000210783s
... caller=cluster.go:649 component=cluster msg="gossip settled; proceeding" elapsed=10.001438416s
Google App
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' 
> prometheus/prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
- static_configs:
- targets:
- localhost:9093
- rules.yml
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
- job_name: 'node3'
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' ~/prometheus/prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/rules.yml
- name: example
- alert: InstanceDown
expr: up{instance="localhost:9100",job="node3"} == 0
for: 1m
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]#
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# ps aux |grep -i prometheus
root 12286 0.0 2.3 157424 44836 pts/1 Sl+ 13:41 0:10 ./prometheus
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# kill -1 12286
아까 추가한
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# pkill node_exporter
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# ps aux |grep -i node
root 12838 0.0 0.0 116812 1028 pts/2 S+ 17:34 0:00 grep --color=auto -i node
[root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]#
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
03. Alertmanager
• Running Alertmanager
04. Cluster
04. Cluster
• Monitoring Server가 죽으면 어쩌지???
동일한 역할을 하는
Prometheus를 추가!
04. Cluster
• Alertmanager가 죽으면???
Gossip network가 끊어지면 ??
알림을 두개씩 받는다.
하나도 못받는거 보단 나음.
05. Performance
05. Performance
• Hardware
⚫ 1개의 Sample을 압축 하면 약 1.3 bytes 정도의 storage 소모
⚫ 기본설정 15일간의 data를 남기고 초당 10만 sample을 저장한다고 한다면 Storag
e 약 240GB 정도 소모
⚫ 초당 10만 sample정도 처리하는데 CPU 약 0.25개 정도 소모.
⚫ Query, Recording rule, Go gabege collection 까지 생각하면 +1 개
⚫ CPU는 1.25개면 충분!
⚫ 초당 10만 sample정도에 Memory는 약 8GB면 충분.
⚫ Prometheus는 scrap 시 압축을 해서 받기에 1개의 sample당 Network ba
ndwidth 20 bytes 정도 소모
⚫ 초당 10만 sample을 처리하는데 Network bandwidth는 약 16Mbps 소
Node exporter 1개 약 3000 Time series
Node 100대
기본 15초에 1번씩 scrap
= 20000/s
05. Performance
• Reducing Cardinality
Cardinality가 높은 순으로
metric을 나열한 것.
05. Performance
• Recording rule
[root@yj26-ovstest1 prometheus-2.8.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|[[:space:]]*#' rules.yml
- name: node
- record: job:node_cpu_seconds_total:rate3m
expr: >
100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="node",mode="idle"}[3m])) * 100)
[root@yj26-ovstest1 prometheus-2.8.1.linux-amd64]#
CPU 사용률 계산식
05. Performance
• Recording rule
05. Performance
• Recording rule
05. Performance
• Target이 너무 많아졌을때는???
05. Performance
• Target이 너무 많아 졌을때는??? Horizontal Sharding!!
Thank you.

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[오픈소스컨설팅] 프로메테우스 모니터링 살펴보고 구성하기

  • 1. Open Source Consulting 국내 최고의 오픈소스 전문기업 Private/Public Cloud | Data Center to Cloud | Atlassian H. T. 02-516-0711 F. 02-516-0722 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로83길 32 나라키움삼성동A빌딩 5층 Copyright 2019 Open Source Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 3. Contents 01. Prometheus? 02. Usage 03. Alertmanager 04. Cluster 05. Performance
  • 5. 01. Prometheus? • Prometheus? ⚫ 2012년 SoundCloud에서 몇몇의 개발자와 함께 시작. ⚫ 2016년 CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation)의 두번 째 Memb er. ⚫ PromQL이라는 자체언어를 이용해서 빠르게 검색가능. ⚫ Kubernates의 모니터링에 많이 쓰이게 되면서 각광받게 됨. ⚫ 초당 수백만 쿼리를 수행 할 수 있게 디자인 됨. ⚫ 기존 Monitoring system보다 성능이 월등히 좋음. ⚫ Openstack, AWS, Azure, GCE등 거의 모든 Platform 모니터링 가능.
  • 7. 01. Prometheus? • Monitoring? • Alerting ⚫ 일이 잘못 되었을 때 사람에게 알리는 것. ⚫ E-mail, Slack, ... • Debugging ⚫ 문제원인을 파악 하는 것. • Trending ⚫ 사용량을 예측하여 계획에 반영.
  • 8. 01. Prometheus? • Categories of Monitoring • Profiling ⚫ tcpdump ... • Tracing ⚫ OpenZipkin, Jaeger ... • Logging ⚫ elasticsearch, Graylog • Metric ⚫ Prometheus, Zabbix
  • 9. 01. Prometheus? • Prometheus Architecture Target을 찾아서 자동으로 등록!! push 방식 간접구현 (App이 여기에 metric을 push) Prometheus가 이해할 수 있는 format으로 바꿔줌. 사람에게 알림을 보내주는 역할 Graph를 그리는 역할 다른 Prometheus의 metric도 가져올 수 있음 Prometheus Federation
  • 11. 02. Usage • Running Prometheus [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# wget > --2019-04-18 13:22:50-- ... [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# tar xvzf prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/ prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/consoles/ ... [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus]# cd prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/ [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' prometheus.yml global: scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute. evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute. alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: rule_files: scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# Binary download! Decompression Self monitoring
  • 12. 02. Usage • Running Prometheus Prometheus start! Listen address!
  • 13. 02. Usage • Running Node-exporter [root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# wget > [root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# tar xvzf node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz [root@yj26-ovstest3 temp]# cd node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64/ [root@yj26-ovstest3 node_exporter-0.17.0.linux-amd64]# ./node_exporter ... INFO[0000] - uname source="node_exporter.go:97" INFO[0000] - vmstat source="node_exporter.go:97" INFO[0000] - xfs source="node_exporter.go:97" INFO[0000] - zfs source="node_exporter.go:97" INFO[0000] Listening on :9100 source="node_exporter.go:111" 기본설정 port 9100
  • 14. 02. Usage • Running Node-exporter [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|[[:space:]]*#' prometheus.yml global: alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: rule_files: scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: 'node3' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9100'] [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# ps aux |grep -i prometheus root 12286 0.0 2.2 157280 41652 pts/1 Sl+ 13:41 0:04 ./prometheus root 12520 0.0 0.0 116812 1032 pts/3 S+ 15:25 0:00 grep --color=auto -i prometheus [root@yj26-ovstest3 prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64]# kill -SIGHUP 12286 Log ... ... caller=main.go:724 msg="Loading configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml ... caller=main.go:751 msg="Completed loading of configuration file" filename=prometheus.yml node exporter target 추가!! 1번 시그널을 보내서 config reload!! Config reload 성공!!
  • 15. 02. Usage • Scraping [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# curl localhost:9090/metrics |head -n 20 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 41814 0 41814 0 0 5023k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5833k # HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the GC invocation durations. # TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 1.2143e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 2.9441e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 9.6832e-05 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000199094 go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.000424251 go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.000761761 go_gc_duration_seconds_count 5 # HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist. # TYPE go_goroutines gauge go_goroutines 38 # HELP go_info Information about the Go environment. # TYPE go_info gauge go_info{version="go1.12.4"} 1 # HELP go_memstats_alloc_bytes Number of bytes allocated and still in use. # TYPE go_memstats_alloc_bytes gauge go_memstats_alloc_bytes 1.385236e+07 # HELP go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed. # TYPE go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total counter [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# Metric name Label Time series go_gc_duration_seconds의 Cardinality는 7 Metric Type Description of metric
  • 16. 02. Usage • PromQL Internal Fuction Time series name Selector Range Sample Instant vector Access URL Metric name kvm2 를 제외한 node의 eth0에서 3분동안 수신한 traffic byte 총량의 1초당 평균 변화량 = Network 사용률
  • 21. 03. Alertmanager • Running Alertmanager [root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager]# wget > [root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager]# cd alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64/ [root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' alertmanager.yml route: group_by: [Alertname] receiver: email-me receivers: - name: email-me email_configs: - to: from: smarthost: auth_username: "" auth_identity: "" auth_password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" [root@yj26-ovstest3 alertmanager-0.16.2.linux-amd64]# ./alertmanager ... caller=main.go:177 msg="Starting Alertmanager" version="(version=0.16.2, branch=HEAD, revision=308b7620642dc147794e6686a3f94d1b6fc8ef4d ... caller=main.go:178 build_context="(go=go1.11.6, user=root@1e9a48272b38, date=20190405-12:27:40)" ... caller=cluster.go:161 component=cluster msg="setting advertise address explicitly" addr= port=9094 ... caller=cluster.go:632 component=cluster msg="Waiting for gossip to settle..." interval=2s ... caller=main.go:334 msg="Loading configuration file" file=alertmanager.yml ... caller=main.go:428 msg=Listening address=:9093 ... caller=cluster.go:657 component=cluster msg="gossip not settled" polls=0 before=0 now=1 elapsed=2.000210783s ... caller=cluster.go:649 component=cluster msg="gossip settled; proceeding" elapsed=10.001438416s Google App password
  • 22. 03. Alertmanager • Running Alertmanager [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' > prometheus/prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/prometheus.yml global: scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute. evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute. alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: - localhost:9093 rule_files: - rules.yml scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: 'node3' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9100'] [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# grep -iv '^$|^#|^[[:space:]]*#' ~/prometheus/prometheus-2.9.1.linux-amd64/rules.yml groups: - name: example rules: - alert: InstanceDown expr: up{instance="localhost:9100",job="node3"} == 0 for: 1m [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# ps aux |grep -i prometheus root 12286 0.0 2.3 157424 44836 pts/1 Sl+ 13:41 0:10 ./prometheus [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# kill -1 12286 Alertmanager 위치 아까 추가한 node-exporter
  • 23. 03. Alertmanager • Running Alertmanager [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# pkill node_exporter [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]# ps aux |grep -i node root 12838 0.0 0.0 116812 1028 pts/2 S+ 17:34 0:00 grep --color=auto -i node [root@yj26-ovstest3 ~]#
  • 28. 04. Cluster • Monitoring Server가 죽으면 어쩌지??? 동일한 역할을 하는 Prometheus를 추가!
  • 29. 04. Cluster • Alertmanager가 죽으면??? Gossip network가 끊어지면 ?? 알림을 두개씩 받는다. 하나도 못받는거 보단 나음.
  • 31. 05. Performance • Hardware ⚫ 1개의 Sample을 압축 하면 약 1.3 bytes 정도의 storage 소모 ⚫ 기본설정 15일간의 data를 남기고 초당 10만 sample을 저장한다고 한다면 Storag e 약 240GB 정도 소모 ⚫ 초당 10만 sample정도 처리하는데 CPU 약 0.25개 정도 소모. ⚫ Query, Recording rule, Go gabege collection 까지 생각하면 +1 개 ⚫ CPU는 1.25개면 충분! ⚫ 초당 10만 sample정도에 Memory는 약 8GB면 충분. ⚫ Prometheus는 scrap 시 압축을 해서 받기에 1개의 sample당 Network ba ndwidth 20 bytes 정도 소모 ⚫ 초당 10만 sample을 처리하는데 Network bandwidth는 약 16Mbps 소 모. Node exporter 1개 약 3000 Time series Node 100대 기본 15초에 1번씩 scrap = 20000/s
  • 32. 05. Performance • Reducing Cardinality Cardinality가 높은 순으로 metric을 나열한 것.
  • 33. 05. Performance • Recording rule [root@yj26-ovstest1 prometheus-2.8.1.linux-amd64]# grep -iv '^$|^#|[[:space:]]*#' rules.yml groups: - name: node rules: - record: job:node_cpu_seconds_total:rate3m expr: > 100 - (avg by (instance) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="node",mode="idle"}[3m])) * 100) [root@yj26-ovstest1 prometheus-2.8.1.linux-amd64]# CPU 사용률 계산식
  • 36. 05. Performance • Target이 너무 많아졌을때는???
  • 37. 05. Performance • Target이 너무 많아 졌을때는??? Horizontal Sharding!!