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호주에 거주하고 있지만 여러 나라를 다니며 일하기 좋아하는 개발자. 오래전 스
프링 프레임워크의 매력에 빠진 뒤로 스프링의 변화에 맞춰 기술을 공부하고 이
를 이용해 일을 하는 것을 좋아한다. 최신 스프링에 추가된 리액티브 함수형 프로
그래밍 기술을 블록체인 코어 개발을 비롯한 여러 분야에 적용해보고 있다. 토비
의 스프링이라는 책을 썼고, 유튜브에서 토비의 봄 TV라는 코딩 방송을 하기도 한
o ó
public UserOrder orders(String email) {
try {
User user = findUserApi(email);
List<Order> orders = getOpenOrders(user);
return new UserOrder(email, orders);
catch(Exception e) {
return UserOrder.FAIL;
public UserOrder orders(String email) {
try {
User user = findUserApi(email);
List<Order> orders = getOpenOrders(user);
return new UserOrder(email, orders);
catch(Exception e) {
return UserOrder.FAIL;
두번의 동기 API 호출
public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) {
DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult();
user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback(
orders -> {
dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders));
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ),
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL));
return dr;
public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) {
DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult();
user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback(
orders -> {
dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders));
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ),
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL));
return dr;
두번의 비동기 API 호출
public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) {
DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult();
user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback(
orders -> {
dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders));
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ),
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL));
return dr;
비동기 결과처리를 위한 콜백
매 단계마다 중첩
public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) {
DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult();
user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback(
orders -> {
dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders));
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ),
e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL));
return dr;
매 단계마다 반복되는
예외 콜백
public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) {
return asyncFindUser2(email)
.thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user))
.thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders))
.exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL);
public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) {
return asyncFindUser2(email)
.thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user))
.thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders))
.exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL);
} 비동기 결과처리 함수 이용
중첩되지 않음
public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) {
return asyncFindUser2(email)
.thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user))
.thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders))
.exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL);
Exceptional Programming
예외처리 단일화
public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders3(String email) {
try {
var user = await(asyncFindUser2(email));
var orders = await(asyncGetOrders2(user));
return completedFuture(new UserOrder(email, orders));
catch(Exception e) {
return completedFuture(UserOrder.FAIL);
} Java8+
빌드타임, 로딩타임, 런타임 코드생성
public Mono<UserOrder> asyncOrders4(String email) {
return asyncFindUser4(email)
.flatMap(user -> asyncGetOrders4(user))
.map(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders))
} WebClient 이용
CompletableFuture와 유사해 보이지만…
public Mono<UserOrder> asyncOrders4(String email) {
return asyncFindUser4(email)
.flatMap(user -> asyncGetOrders4(user))
.map(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders))
Mono<T> (0, 1)
Flux<T> (0 … n)
Mono<User> -> Mono<List<Order>> -> Mono<UserOrder>
o ßà
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1));
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1));
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1));
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1));
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1));
테스트 성공!!
void mono() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(2));
테스트 성공???
void mono3() throws InterruptedException {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
mono.subscribe(item -> {
테스트가 끝나지 않음!!
void mono4() throws InterruptedException {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
AtomicInteger item = new AtomicInteger();
i -> item.set(i),
e -> latch.countDown(),
테스트에서 동시성을 제어해야 하는
void mono5() throws InterruptedException {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
Integer item = mono.block();
void mono5() throws InterruptedException {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
Integer item = mono.block();
데이터 스트림이 종료될 때까지 대기
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
동작을 검증
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
StepVerifier 생성
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
첫번째 데이터 아이템 값
void stepVerifer() {
Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1)
스트림 완료
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
3 데이터 + 에러발생 스트림
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
첫번째 데이터 1
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
두번째 데이터 2
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
두번째 데이터 3
void stepVerifer2() {
var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3)
.concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
에러나고 종료
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
원격 API 호출+로직
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
원격 API 요청 준비
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
원격 API 실행
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
응답 HTTP 상태 코드 처리
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
API 응답 body 변환
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
결과에 비즈니스 로직 적용
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
예외적인 결과 대응
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
작성하기 매우 편리함
웹 플럭스 첫걸음은 WebClient로부터
@GetMapping(value="/api2", produces = "text/event-stream")
public Flux<String> helloStream() {
return client.get()
.flatMapMany(res -> res.bodyToFlux(User.class))
.filter(user -> user.getId() > 1)
.map(user -> user.toString());
HTTP 스트리밍 API 요청도 간단
Flux 테스트로 작성 - StepVerifier
private WebClient.Builder builder;
private ExchangeFunction exchangeFunction;
@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<ClientRequest> captor;
@BeforeEach void setUp() {
this.exchangeFunction = mock(ExchangeFunction.class);
this.builder = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("/").exchangeFunction(this.exchangeFunction);
@Test void getRequest() {"/hello").exchange();
ClientRequest request = this.captor.getValue();
assertEquals("/hello", request.url().toString());
assertEquals(new HttpHeaders(), request.headers());
assertEquals(Collections.emptyMap(), request.cookies());
가능은 하지만 과연?
private MockWebServer server;
private WebClient webClient;
public void setup() {
var connector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector();
this.server = new MockWebServer();
this.webClient = WebClient
WebClientIntegrationTests 유용한 샘플
public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() {
prepareResponse(response -> response
.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.setBody("Hello Spring!"));
Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get()
.map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders());
httpHeaders -> {
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType());
assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); })
expectRequest(request -> {
assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT));
assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath());
}); }
public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() {
prepareResponse(response -> response
.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.setBody("Hello Spring!"));
Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get()
.map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders());
httpHeaders -> {
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType());
assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); })
expectRequest(request -> {
assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT));
assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath());
}); }
MockWebServer의 응답 준비
public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() {
prepareResponse(response -> response
.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.setBody("Hello Spring!"));
Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get()
.map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders());
httpHeaders -> {
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType());
assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); })
expectRequest(request -> {
assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT));
assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath());
}); }
WebClient 코드 실행
public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() {
prepareResponse(response -> response
.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.setBody("Hello Spring!"));
Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get()
.map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders());
httpHeaders -> {
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType());
assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); })
expectRequest(request -> {
assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT));
assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath());
}); }
응답 결과 검증
public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() {
prepareResponse(response -> response
.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
.setBody("Hello Spring!"));
Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get()
.map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders());
httpHeaders -> {
assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType());
assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); })
expectRequest(request -> {
assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT));
assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath());
}); }
MockWebServer 검증
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
WebClient 호출
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
일반 Mono/Flux 코드
interface HelloService {
Mono<String> hello();
public class RemoteHelloService implements HelloService {
public Mono<String> hello() {
return client.get()
res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException()))
@Autowired HelloService helloService;
public Mono<String> helloApi() {
return this.helloService.hello()
.map(body -> body.toUpperCase())
.doOnError(c -> c.printStackTrace());
단순한 리액티브 API를 이용하는 코드
Mock 서비스로 대체 가능
public interface HttpHandler {
Mono<Void> handle(ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response);
public interface WebHandler {
Mono<Void> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange);
PersonRepository repository = ...
PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository);
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson)
.andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople)
.andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson);
public class PersonHandler {
public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
웹 요청을 처리하고 응답을 만드는 순수한 함수의 모음
PersonRepository repository = ...
PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository);
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson)
.andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople)
.andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson);
public class PersonHandler {
public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
웹 요청을 담당할 함수 핸들러를 찾음
PersonRepository repository = ...
PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository);
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route =
route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson)
.andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople)
.andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson);
public class PersonHandler {
public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … }
ServerRequest->ServerResponse로 변환하는 리액티브 핸들러
new ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter(toHttpHandler(
req -> ok().body(fromObject("Hello Functional")))))
스프링 컨테이너도 필요없음
o bindToApplicationContext 이용
public class WebClientBootTest {
@Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void hello() {
webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
o bindToApplicationContext 이용
public class WebClientBootTest {
@Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void hello() {
webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
SpringBoot 앱을 MockServer에 배포
테스트에 사용할 WebTestClient 생성
o bindToApplicationContext 이용
public class WebClientBootTest {
@Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void hello() {
webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
WebClient 처럼 API 호출하고
o bindToApplicationContext 이용
public class WebClientBootTest {
@Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void hello() {
webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
API 호출 응답 결과 검증
var client = WebTestClient.bindToServer().baseUrl("http://localhost:8080").build();
client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
• WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성
을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용
var context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MyConfiguration.class);
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToApplicationContext(context).build();
client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
• WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성
을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToController(
new MyController(), new HelloApi()
client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
• WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성
을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToController(
new MyController(), new HelloApi()
client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring")
.isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
특정 컨트롤러/핸들러만으로
테스트 대상 구성
Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request) {
return ServerResponse.ok().body(Mono.just("hello"),String.class);
void routerFunction() {
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = route(GET("/rf"), this::handler);
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToRouterFunction(route)
스프링5 웹플럭스와 테스트 전략

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스프링5 웹플럭스와 테스트 전략

  • 1.
  • 2. 호주에 거주하고 있지만 여러 나라를 다니며 일하기 좋아하는 개발자. 오래전 스 프링 프레임워크의 매력에 빠진 뒤로 스프링의 변화에 맞춰 기술을 공부하고 이 를 이용해 일을 하는 것을 좋아한다. 최신 스프링에 추가된 리액티브 함수형 프로 그래밍 기술을 블록체인 코어 개발을 비롯한 여러 분야에 적용해보고 있다. 토비 의 스프링이라는 책을 썼고, 유튜브에서 토비의 봄 TV라는 코딩 방송을 하기도 한 다.
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  • 31. public UserOrder orders(String email) { try { User user = findUserApi(email); List<Order> orders = getOpenOrders(user); return new UserOrder(email, orders); } catch(Exception e) { return UserOrder.FAIL; } }
  • 32. public UserOrder orders(String email) { try { User user = findUserApi(email); List<Order> orders = getOpenOrders(user); return new UserOrder(email, orders); } catch(Exception e) { return UserOrder.FAIL; } } 두번의 동기 API 호출 RestTemplate
  • 33. public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) { DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult(); asyncFindUserApi(email).addCallback( user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback( orders -> { dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders)); }, e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ), e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL)); return dr; }
  • 34. public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) { DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult(); asyncFindUserApi(email).addCallback( user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback( orders -> { dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders)); }, e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ), e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL)); return dr; } 두번의 비동기 API 호출 AsyncRestTemplate
  • 35. public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) { DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult(); asyncFindUserApi(email).addCallback( user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback( orders -> { dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders)); }, e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ), e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL)); return dr; } 비동기 결과처리를 위한 콜백 매 단계마다 중첩
  • 36. public DeferredResult<UserOrder> asyncOrders(String email) { DeferredResult dr = new DeferredResult(); asyncFindUserApi(email).addCallback( user -> asyncOrdersApi(user).addCallback( orders -> { dr.setResult(new UserOrder(email, orders)); }, e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL) ), e -> dr.setErrorResult(UserOrder.FAIL)); return dr; } 매 단계마다 반복되는 예외 콜백
  • 37. public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) { return asyncFindUser2(email) .thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user)) .thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders)) .exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL); }
  • 38. public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) { return asyncFindUser2(email) .thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user)) .thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders)) .exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL); } 비동기 결과처리 함수 이용 중첩되지 않음
  • 39. public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders2(String email) { return asyncFindUser2(email) .thenCompose(user -> asyncOrders2(user)) .thenApply(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders)) .exceptionally(e -> UserOrder.FAIL); } Exceptional Programming 예외처리 단일화
  • 40. public CompletableFuture<UserOrder> asyncOrders3(String email) { try { var user = await(asyncFindUser2(email)); var orders = await(asyncGetOrders2(user)); return completedFuture(new UserOrder(email, orders)); } catch(Exception e) { return completedFuture(UserOrder.FAIL); } } Java8+ 빌드타임, 로딩타임, 런타임 코드생성
  • 41. public Mono<UserOrder> asyncOrders4(String email) { return asyncFindUser4(email) .flatMap(user -> asyncGetOrders4(user)) .map(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders)) .onErrorReturn(UserOrder.FAIL); } WebClient 이용 CompletableFuture와 유사해 보이지만…
  • 42. public Mono<UserOrder> asyncOrders4(String email) { return asyncFindUser4(email) .flatMap(user -> asyncGetOrders4(user)) .map(orders -> new UserOrder(email, orders)) .onErrorReturn(UserOrder.FAIL); } Mono<T> (0, 1) Flux<T> (0 … n)
  • 43. Mono<User> -> Mono<List<Order>> -> Mono<UserOrder>
  • 45.
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  • 50. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1)); }
  • 51. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1)); }
  • 52. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1)); }
  • 53. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1)); }
  • 54. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1)); } 테스트 성공!!
  • 55. @Test void mono() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); mono.subscribe(item -> assertThat(item).isEqualTo(2)); } 테스트 성공???
  • 56. @Test void mono3() throws InterruptedException { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); mono.subscribe(item -> { assertThat(item).isEqualTo(2); latch.countDown(); }); latch.await(); } 테스트가 끝나지 않음!!
  • 57. @Test void mono4() throws InterruptedException { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); AtomicInteger item = new AtomicInteger(); mono.subscribe( i -> item.set(i), e -> latch.countDown(), latch::countDown ); latch.await(); assertThat(item.get()).isEqualTo(1); } 테스트에서 동시성을 제어해야 하는 번거로움!
  • 58. @Test void mono5() throws InterruptedException { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); Integer item = mono.block(); assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1); }
  • 59. @Test void mono5() throws InterruptedException { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); Integer item = mono.block(); assertThat(item).isEqualTo(1); } 데이터 스트림이 종료될 때까지 대기
  • 62. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(2) .verifyComplete(); }
  • 63. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(2) .verifyComplete(); } Flux/Mono
  • 64. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(2) .verifyComplete(); } 동작을 검증
  • 65. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(1) .verifyComplete(); } StepVerifier 생성
  • 66. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(1) .verifyComplete(); } 첫번째 데이터 아이템 값
  • 67. @Test void stepVerifer() { Mono<Integer> mono = Mono.just(1) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(mono) .expectNext(1) .verifyComplete(); } 스트림 완료
  • 68. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); }
  • 69. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); } 3 데이터 + 에러발생 스트림
  • 70. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); } 첫번째 데이터 1
  • 71. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); } 두번째 데이터 2
  • 72. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); } 두번째 데이터 3
  • 73. @Test void stepVerifer2() { var flux = Flux.just(1,2,3) .concatWith(Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()); StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNext(1) .expectNext(2) .expectNext(3) .expectError(RuntimeException.class) .verify(); } 에러나고 종료
  • 74.
  • 76. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); }
  • 77. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 원격 API 호출+로직
  • 78. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 원격 API 요청 준비
  • 79. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 원격 API 실행
  • 80. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 응답 HTTP 상태 코드 처리
  • 81. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } API 응답 body 변환
  • 82. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 결과에 비즈니스 로직 적용
  • 83. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 예외적인 결과 대응
  • 84. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/api/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")); } 작성하기 매우 편리함 웹 플럭스 첫걸음은 WebClient로부터
  • 85. @GetMapping(value="/api2", produces = "text/event-stream") public Flux<String> helloStream() { return client.get() .uri("/stream") .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON) .exchange() .flatMapMany(res -> res.bodyToFlux(User.class)) .filter(user -> user.getId() > 1) .map(user -> user.toString()); } HTTP 스트리밍 API 요청도 간단
  • 86. Flux 테스트로 작성 - StepVerifier
  • 87.
  • 88. private WebClient.Builder builder; private ExchangeFunction exchangeFunction; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor<ClientRequest> captor; @BeforeEach void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); this.exchangeFunction = mock(ExchangeFunction.class); when(; this.builder = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("/").exchangeFunction(this.exchangeFunction); } @Test void getRequest() {"/hello").exchange(); ClientRequest request = this.captor.getValue(); Mockito.verify(this.exchangeFunction).exchange(request); verifyNoMoreInteractions(this.exchangeFunction); assertEquals("/hello", request.url().toString()); assertEquals(new HttpHeaders(), request.headers()); assertEquals(Collections.emptyMap(), request.cookies()); } 가능은 하지만 과연?
  • 89.
  • 90. private MockWebServer server; private WebClient webClient; @Before public void setup() { var connector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(); this.server = new MockWebServer(); this.webClient = WebClient .builder() .clientConnector(connector) .baseUrl(this.server.url("/").toString()) .build(); } com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver WebClientIntegrationTests 유용한 샘플
  • 91. @Test public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() { prepareResponse(response -> response .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") .setBody("Hello Spring!")); Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get() .uri("/greeting?name=Spring").exchange() .map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders()); StepVerifier.create(result).consumeNextWith( httpHeaders -> { assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType()); assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); }) .expectComplete().verify(Duration.ofSeconds(3)); expectRequestCount(1); expectRequest(request -> { assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)); assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath()); }); }
  • 92. @Test public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() { prepareResponse(response -> response .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") .setBody("Hello Spring!")); Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get() .uri("/greeting?name=Spring").exchange() .map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders()); StepVerifier.create(result).consumeNextWith( httpHeaders -> { assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType()); assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); }) .expectComplete().verify(Duration.ofSeconds(3)); expectRequestCount(1); expectRequest(request -> { assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)); assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath()); }); } MockWebServer의 응답 준비
  • 93. @Test public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() { prepareResponse(response -> response .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") .setBody("Hello Spring!")); Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get() .uri("/greeting?name=Spring").exchange() .map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders()); StepVerifier.create(result).consumeNextWith( httpHeaders -> { assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType()); assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); }) .expectComplete().verify(Duration.ofSeconds(3)); expectRequestCount(1); expectRequest(request -> { assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)); assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath()); }); } WebClient 코드 실행
  • 94. @Test public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() { prepareResponse(response -> response .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") .setBody("Hello Spring!")); Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get() .uri("/greeting?name=Spring").exchange() .map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders()); StepVerifier.create(result).consumeNextWith( httpHeaders -> { assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType()); assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); }) .expectComplete().verify(Duration.ofSeconds(3)); expectRequestCount(1); expectRequest(request -> { assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)); assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath()); }); } 응답 결과 검증
  • 95. @Test public void shouldReceiveResponseHeaders() { prepareResponse(response -> response .setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") .setBody("Hello Spring!")); Mono<HttpHeaders> result = this.webClient.get() .uri("/greeting?name=Spring").exchange() .map(response -> response.headers().asHttpHeaders()); StepVerifier.create(result).consumeNextWith( httpHeaders -> { assertEquals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, httpHeaders.getContentType()); assertEquals(13L, httpHeaders.getContentLength()); }) .expectComplete().verify(Duration.ofSeconds(3)); expectRequestCount(1); expectRequest(request -> { assertEquals("*/*", request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)); assertEquals("/greeting?name=Spring", request.getPath()); }); } MockWebServer 검증
  • 96. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")) } •
  • 97. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")) } • WebClient 호출
  • 98. @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return client.get() .uri("/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")) } • 일반 Mono/Flux 코드
  • 99. interface HelloService { Mono<String> hello(); } @Component public class RemoteHelloService implements HelloService { public Mono<String> hello() { return client.get() .uri("/hello") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, res->Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException())) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, res->Mono.error(new RuntimeException())) .bodyToMono(String.class) } }
  • 100. @Autowired HelloService helloService; @GetMapping("/api") public Mono<String> helloApi() { return this.helloService.hello() .map(body -> body.toUpperCase()) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.just("Empty")) .doOnError(c -> c.printStackTrace()); } 단순한 리액티브 API를 이용하는 코드 Mock 서비스로 대체 가능
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  • 107. public interface HttpHandler { Mono<Void> handle(ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response); } • •
  • 108. public interface WebHandler { Mono<Void> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange); } • • •
  • 109. PersonRepository repository = ... PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository); RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson) .andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople) .andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson); public class PersonHandler { public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } } 웹 요청을 처리하고 응답을 만드는 순수한 함수의 모음
  • 110. PersonRepository repository = ... PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository); RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson) .andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople) .andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson); public class PersonHandler { public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } } 웹 요청을 담당할 함수 핸들러를 찾음
  • 111. PersonRepository repository = ... PersonHandler handler = new PersonHandler(repository); RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = route(GET("/person/{id}").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::getPerson) .andRoute(GET("/person").and(accept(APPLICATION_JSON)), handler::listPeople) .andRoute(POST("/person"), handler::createPerson); public class PersonHandler { public Mono<ServerResponse> listPeople(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> createPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } public Mono<ServerResponse> getPerson(ServerRequest request) { … } } ServerRequest->ServerResponse로 변환하는 리액티브 핸들러
  • 112. HttpServer.create().host("localhost").handle( new ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter(toHttpHandler( route(path("/hello"), req -> ok().body(fromObject("Hello Functional"))))) ).bind().block(); 스프링 컨테이너도 필요없음
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  • 116. • o bindToApplicationContext 이용 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebFluxTest public class WebClientBootTest { @Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient; @Test public void hello() { webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring"); } }
  • 117. • o bindToApplicationContext 이용 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebFluxTest public class WebClientBootTest { @Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient; @Test public void hello() { webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring"); } } SpringBoot 앱을 MockServer에 배포 테스트에 사용할 WebTestClient 생성
  • 118. • o bindToApplicationContext 이용 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebFluxTest public class WebClientBootTest { @Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient; @Test public void hello() { webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus().isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring"); } } WebClient 처럼 API 호출하고
  • 119. • o bindToApplicationContext 이용 @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @WebFluxTest public class WebClientBootTest { @Autowired WebTestClient webTestClient; @Test public void hello() { webTestClient.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus().isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring"); } } API 호출 응답 결과 검증
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  • 121. • var client = WebTestClient.bindToServer().baseUrl("http://localhost:8080").build(); client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello");
  • 122. • WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성 을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용 var context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MyConfiguration.class); WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToApplicationContext(context).build(); client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
  • 123. • WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성 을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용 WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToController( new MyController(), new HelloApi() ).build(); client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring");
  • 124. • WebHttpHandlerBuilder가 이용할 수 있는 WebHandler API 구성 을 가진 ApplicationContext를 이용 WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToController( new MyController(), new HelloApi() ).build(); client.get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring") .exchange() .expectStatus() .isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("Hello Spring"); 특정 컨트롤러/핸들러만으로 테스트 대상 구성
  • 125. • Mono<ServerResponse> handler(ServerRequest request) { return ServerResponse.ok().body(Mono.just("hello"),String.class); } @Test void routerFunction() { RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route = route(GET("/rf"), this::handler); WebTestClient client = WebTestClient.bindToRouterFunction(route) .build(); client.get().uri("/rf") .exchange() .expectStatus().isOk() .expectBody(String.class) .isEqualTo("hello"); }
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