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Exception Handling: 
Designing Robust Software 
Hello everybody, 
Today I’m going to talk about exception handling, it’s about how to design robust software. 
I just realise that I don't always practice my english, but when I do I do it at conference. Q_Q
About me 
• 張⽂文鈿 a.k.a. ihower 
• Instructor at ALPHA Camp 
• Rails Developer since 2006 
• i.e. Rails 1.1.6 era 
My name is ihower. Here is my blog and twitter account. You can get my slides URL from my tweet now. 
Currently I work for ALPHA Camp. it’s a professional school for startups. I teach ruby on rails bootcamp there. 
I have been using Ruby on Rails since 2006. At that time, rails version is 1.1.6. Anyone older than me, raise your hand? cool, we’re exceptional.
• Why should we care? (5min) 
• Exception handling in Ruby (10min) 
• Caveat and Guideline (15min) 
• Failure handling strategy (15min) 
Here is today’s agenda: 
I will talk about why should we care exception handling first. 
then we will quickly learn how to do exception handling in ruby programming language. 
then we will look at some caveats and guideline. 
finally we checkout some failure handling strategy.
I’m standing on the two 
great books, thanks. 
Before entering my talk, I want to thanks to these two great books. 
First book is a Chinese book by Dr. Teddy Chen. He majors exception handling area professionally. Although his example is java code, I still learn a lot of 
concept from this book. 
Second book is Exceptional Ruby by Avdi. I learn many ruby tricks from this book. Besides this book, he also had talks about exception handling at 
I highly recommend you to read these books if you want to learn more after my talks.
1. Why should we 
OK. Let’s get started. Why should we care exception handling?
Feature complete 
Production ready? 
Ask yourself, is feature complete equal to production ready? I think we all know it’s not true. 
Production environment is brutal and shit happens. 
remote server can go down, data can be incorrect, request can timeout, API call may return error, system may be out of memory…
All tests pass? 
Does all tests pass mean production ready? It’s not true neither. It just means software is correct based on spec, Doesn’t mean software is robust for 
Happy Path! 
The reason is that we all focus on happy normal path. 
We assume that every method call succeeds, data is correct and resources are always available.
But there’s dark side…… the unnormal path! 
That we often ignore.
Pick Two? 
Cost Quality 
One reason we ignore the unnormal path and sacrifice software quality is that we want to meet our product deadline and budget. 
After all, unnormal path is a non-functional requirement, it’s a quality attribute that our manager or our customer doesn’t see it clearly.
abstract software 
architecture to reduce 
development cost 
Another reason I think is that we often emphasize high-level abstract architecture, we learn design pattern, refactoring, TDD. That all bring us more 
portable, re-use and reduce development cost.
Development cost 
Operational cost 
But one important lesson I learn from my production experience is that “Development cost is not equal to operational cost”
“Don't avoid one-time development 
expenses at the cost of recurring 
operational expenses.” 
– Michael T. Nygard, Release It! 
This is my favorite quote from Release It! 
Michael said: 
Don’t avoid one-time development expenses at the cost of recurring operational expenses. 
So, your design decisions made during development will greatly affect you quality of life after release.
My confession 
I have to confess that I easily made decisions based on optimising development cost, not operational cost before. 
And I was miserable and suffered it. Our customer got angry and company lost money. So I decide to change my mind. This is why I start to look at failure 
handling and give this talk. 
So, if your project’s KPI is reducing development cost and deadline, then hope you can have new perspective from my talk.
2. Exception handling 
in Ruby 
Now let’s get started to learn what’s exception.
“If code in one routine encounters an 
unexpected condition that it doesn’t know how 
to handle, it throws an exception, essentially 
throwing up its hands and yelling “I don’t know 
what to do about this — I sure hope somebody 
else knows how to handle it!.” 
– Steve McConnell, Code Complete 
Steve explain it at Code Complete book. 
He said that raise exception is just like yelling “I don’t know what to do about this — I sure hope somebody else knows how to handle it!.”
“Raising an exception means stopping normal 
execution of the program and either dealing with 
the problem that’s been encountered or exiting 
the program completely.” 
– Devid A. Black, The Well-Grounded Rubyist 
David explains more straightforward at the well-grounded rubyist book. He said…
1. raise exception 
# do something 
raise 'An error has occured.' 
rescue => e 
puts 'I am rescued.' 
puts e.message 
puts e.backtrace.inspect 
Most modern programmings have exception handling, like java, c#, php, python and of course including ruby. well, except golang, but this’s another story. 
So, this is the basic exception handling syntax in Ruby, 
I think most of you already know it. 
The raise method will disrupt the flow and jump to rescue part.
raise == fail 
# do something 
fail 'An error has occured.' 
rescue => e 
puts 'I am rescued.' 
puts e.message 
puts e.backtrace.inspect 
One thing you possibly do not know is that fail method is the same as raise.
“I almost always use the "fail" keyword. . . 
[T]he only time I use “raise” is when I am 
catching an exception and re-raising it, 
because here I’m not failing, but explicitly 
and purposefully raising an exception.” 
– Jim Weirich, Rake author 
there’s a interesting coding convention that jim weirich almost use fail method. He said that he only use raise method when he want to re-raise exception. 
So if you checkout rake source code, you can see the style. very interesting and subtle difference.
“raise” method signature 
Back to raise method. let’s take a closer look. 
This’s its method signature and it can accept three arguments actually.
# is equivalent to: 
raise RuntimeError 
If you omit all arguments, then it’s equivalent to RuntimeError
raise 'An error has occured.' 
# is equivalent to : 
raise RuntimeError, "'An error has occured.' 
If you give it a string, then it’s equivalent to RuntimeError with a string parameter
raise(exception, string) 
raise RuntimeError, 'An error has occured.' 
# is equivalent to : 
raise'An error has occured.') 
if you give it a exception class and string, it’s equivalent to new the exception class and passing the string parameter.
(Array of string) 
raise RuntimeError, 'An error' 
# is equivalent to : 
raise RuntimeError, 'An error', caller(0) 
The third argument is backtrace, it’s just an array of string. 
The default is caller which returns the current call stack.
global $! variable 
• $! 
• reset to nil if the exception is rescued 
raise method also setup a special global variable to keep the current active exception. 
It will be reset to nil after the exception is rescued.
2. rescue 
rescue SomeError => e 
# ... 
let’s take a look at rescue method. rescue is where we handle error. rescue keyword is followed by exceptional class, then a hash rocket and the variable 
name to which the matching exception will be assigned.
Multiple class or module 
rescue SomeError, SomeOtherError => e 
# ... 
rescue method supports multiple classes or modules
stacking rescue 
order matters 
rescue SomeError => e 
# ... 
rescue SomeOtherError => e 
# ... 
It also supports stacking multiple rescue. 
And order matters.
# ... 
# is equivalent to: 
rescue StandardError 
# ... 
If you omit exception class, default it will rescue StandardError, 
It doesn’t not include other Exception like NoMemoryError, LoadError, SyntaxError.
Ruby Exception Hierarchy 
• Exception 
• NoMemoryError 
• LoadError 
• SyntaxError 
• StandardError -- default for rescue 
• ArgumentError 
• IOError 
• NoMethodError 
• …. 
Why not capture the base Exception by default? The exceptions outside of the StandardError hierarchy typically represent conditions that can't reasonably 
be handled by a generic catch-all rescue clause. For instance, the SyntaxError represent that programmer typo. So ruby requires that you be explicit when 
rescuing these and certain other types of exception.
Avoid rescuing Exception 
rescue Exception => e 
# ... 
Here is one of infamous mistake that programmer try to rescue Exception class. This will make it rescue all exceptions including your typo. In most case 
this is bad for debug.
rescue => error 
# ... 
# is equivalent to: 
rescue StandardError => error 
# ... 
You can also omit the exceptional class, the default is StandardError too.
support * splatted 
suppress(IOError, SystemCallError) do 
puts 'This code gets executed.' 
Rescue supports star splatted. 
For example, Rails has a suppress method, it will suppress exception you specify. 
In the case, it will ignore IOError and SystemCallError.
support * splatted (cont.) 
def suppress(*exception_classes) 
rescue *exception_classes 
# nothing to do 
Here is the rails source code, you can see it use star after rescue keyword.
Like case, it’s support === 
raise "Timeout while reading from socket" 
rescue errors_with_message(/socket/) 
puts "Ignoring socket error" 
Last trick about rescue is triple equal sign. It like “case” except it requies Class or Module. 
For example, we can customise a errors_with_message method that only rescue exception with “socket” message.
def errors_with_message(pattern) 
m = 
m.singleton_class.instance_eval do 
define_method(:===) do |e| 
pattern === e.message 
And here is our customerized method. 
It create a temporary module with a triple equal sign method that using regular expression.
arbitrary block predicate 
raise "Timeout while reading from socket" 
rescue errors_matching{|e| e.message =~ /socket/} 
puts "Ignoring socket error" 
In fact, we can make it more general. 
We can pass a arbitrary block predication. 
The errors_matching method passing a block to check if it should rescue or not.
def errors_matching(&block) 
m = 
m.singleton_class.instance_eval do 
define_method(:===, &block) 
Here is the method implementation.
“In practice, the rescue clause should be a 
short sequence of simple instructions designed 
to bring the object back to a stable state and to 
either retry the operation or terminate with 
– Bertrand Meyer, Object Oriented Software Construction 
So, what’s the “rescue”purpose after all? 
Bertrand said at Object-Oriented software construction…
3. ensure 
# do something 
raise 'An error has occured.' 
rescue => e 
puts 'I am rescued.' 
puts 'This code gets executed always.' 
ensure part will always be executed, whether an exception is raised or not. They are useful for cleaning up resources.
4. retry 
be careful “giving up” condition 
tries = 0 
tries += 1 
puts "Trying #{tries}..." 
raise "Didn't work" 
retry if tries < 3 
puts "I give up" 
Next is retry keyword. Ruby is one of the few languages that offers a retry feature. retry gives us the ability to deal with an exception by restarting from 
the last begin block. 
The most important thing about retry is that you should define a “giving up” condition. Otherwise it may become an infinite retry loop. And One of the 
most simple “giving up” solution is a counter. In this example we give it a counter three. After three time tries it will give up.
5. else 
puts "Only on error" 
puts "Only on success" 
puts "Always executed" 
else keyword is the opposite of rescue; where the rescue clause is only hit when an exception is raised, else is only hit when no exception is raised.
• raise 
• rescue 
• ensure 
• retry 
• else 
let’s recap what we learn. 
We learn five Ruby syntax about exception handling. 
They are raise, rescue, ensure, retry and else.
3. Caveat and Guideline 
(15min) Next, let’s checkout some caveat and guideline.
1. Is the situation truly 
First important question is. 
is the situation truly unexpected? 
should we use exception or not?
“ask yourself, 'Will this code still run if I 
remove all the exception handlers?" If the 
answer is "no", then maybe exceptions are 
being used in non-exceptional 
– Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, The Pragmatic Programmer 
The answer is it depends! 
In The pragmatic programmer book. Dave and Andy ask “Will this code still run if I remove all the exception handlers?” 
For example, imagine that we’re going to open a file, 
if the file should have been there, then using exception to make sure is good. But if you have no idea whether the file should exist or not, then it’s not 
exceptional situation if you can’t find it.
User Input error? 
User input error is a classic example that we can expect user will make mistake. We can 100% predict it will happened during normal operation. our user is 
either fool or evil.
This is bad 
def create 
@user = params[:user]! 
redirect_to user_path(@user) 
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved 
flash[:notice] = 'Unable to create user' 
render :action => :new 
Take a concrete rails example. Since we can “expect” invalid input, so we should NOT be handling it via exceptions because exceptions should only be 
used for unexpected situations.
def create 
@user = params[:user] 
redirect_to user_path(@user) 
flash[:notice] = 'Unable to create user' 
render :action => :new 
So rather then using exception, we should use normal if else control flow. This will make our code more readable. 
Exceptions should only be used for unexpected situations
Record not found? 
Another classic example is record not found. 
If you can “expect” that record can be not found, then you should not use “exception” for not found situation.
user = User.find(params[:id) 
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 
# ??? 
This is bad 
One good way to deal with record not found problem is using null object. So rather raising exception when record not found, you can just return a null 
Use Null object 
user = User.find_by_id(params[:id) || 
Like this, you can design a NullUser object. 
This will make our code more simple.
Replace Exception with Test 
def execute(command) 
command.prepare rescue nil 
# => 
def execute(command) 
command.prepare if command.respond_to? :prepare 
Here is another example about exception abuse, it’s from refactoring book. 
You’re raising an exception on a condition the caller could have checked first. This exception is unnecessary because you can just check it.
“Exceptions should be used for exceptional 
behaviour. They should not acts as substitute 
for conditional tests. If you can reasonably 
expect the caller to check the condition before 
calling the operation, you should provide a test, 
and the caller should use it.” 
– Martin Folwer, Refactoring 
Martin in refactoring book said that “exception should not acts as substitute for conditional tests.”
Spare Handler? 
# main implementation 
# alternative solution 
Spare handler mean you provide alternative implementation inside rescue part. 
This is bad smell. you just make rescue part more complex.
user = User.find(params[:id) 
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 
user = 
This is bad 
We can use the same null object example. 
In fact, the null object is just the alternative solution when record not found. 
So in the example exception handling is totally unnecessary.
user = User.find_by_id(params[:id) || 
We can just check it at normal implementation without exception handling.
2. raise during raise 
raise "Error A" # this will be thrown 
raise "Error B" 
The second big issue about exception handling is raising during raise. In this code example, the original exception Error A is thrown away by Error B. 
We lost Error A information. 
This is a real problem if you’re not intent to do this. 
It will make debug harder because we can’t trace Error A.
Wrapped exception 
raise "Error A" 
rescue => error 
raise MyError, "Error B" 
rescue => e 
puts "Current failure: #{e.inspect}" 
puts "Original failure: #{e.original.inspect}" 
I’m not saying we should not raise during raise always. Because sometimes we want to convert low-level exception to high-level exception. It can reduce 
implementation dependency and easier to understand for the high-level client. 
So how to fix this? the solution is we wrap it to keep original exception. 
In this example, we raise Error B during exception Error A. and we define our exception class called MyError.
Wrapped exception (cont.) 
class MyError < StandardError 
attr_reader :original 
def initialize(msg, original=$!) 
@original = original; 
set_backtrace original.backtrace 
Here is MyError implementation. 
We keep original exception here.
Example: Rails uses the 
technique a lot 
• ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper 
• ActionControllerError::BadRequest, 
• ActionView Template::Error 
In fact, Rails use the technique a lot too. 
Like ExceptionWrapper and ActionControllerError, and Template::Error 
3. raise during ensure 
raise "Error A" 
raise "Error B” 
puts "Never execute" 
Next issue is similar but worse, it’s possible raise exception during ensure part. Not only it will overwrite original Error, but also it will leave its cleanup 
Remember that we know this “ensure” mission is to cleanup resource, so if it raises exception during ensure part, then it’s possible that there’re resources 
leaking and this’s hard to debug. 
So please avoid raise exception during ensure, try to make ensure part very simple.
raise "Error" 
file1.close # if there's an error 
Let’s take a more concrete example. if file1.close raise error. then files2 will not close. 
This causes resource leaking. 
So try to confine your ensure clauses to safe and simple operations.
a more complex example 
r1 = 
r2 = 
rescue => e 
raise "run error: #{e.message}" 
Combine above issues, I give you a challenge here. 
Suppose we have two resource r1 and r2 objects. 
we run it and there’s ensure part which will close resource.
class Resource 
attr_accessor :id 
def initialize(id) = id 
def run 
puts "run #{}" 
raise "run error: #{}" 
def close 
puts "close #{}" 
raise "close error: #{}" 
Here is a resource implementation will make it have errors.
r1 = 
r2 = # raise exception!!! 
rescue => e 
raise "run error: #{e.message}" 
r2.close # raise exception!!! 
r1.close # never execute! 
bascially, It will make successfully failed 
r2.close failed 
So, we can deduce that r1 will not close sadly. 
lost original r1 exception and fail to close r2 
run 1 
run 2 
close 1 
double_raise.rb:15:in `close': close error: 1 (RuntimeError) 
Here is the output result. 
We not only lost original r1 exception, but also fail to close r2. 
How we fix this? the basic idea is to implement a wrapping class and try to stack all exceptions. I left the challenge to you.
4. Exception is your method 
interface too 
• For library, either you document your exception, or 
you should consider no-raise library API 
• return values (error code) 
• provide fallback callback 
I think all of you have the experience that exception is one of the most common source of surprise and frustration with 3rd-party library. because you can’t 
sure what’s kind of exceptions may be raised when I call these library. In java , they try to solve this issue via checked and unchecked exceptions, but it 
seems not very successful. so unfortunately, there’s no perfect way to solve. What we can do it provide documentation, or you can consider no-raise library 
API. No-raise library API means it either return error code or provide fallback callback. We will check this later.
5. Exception classification 
module MyLibrary 
class Error < StandardError 
Every library codebase should provide their error exception a namespace. This provides client code something to match on when calling into the library.
exception hierarchy 
• StandardError 
• ActionControllerError 
• BadRequest 
• RoutingError 
• ActionController::UrlGenerationError 
• MethodNotAllowed 
• NotImplemented 
• … 
so client code can choose rescue parent class or child class easily. Here is ActionController Error from Rails.
smart exception 
adding more information 
class MyError < StandardError 
attr_accessor :code 
def initialize(code) 
self.code = code 
rescue => e 
puts "Error code: #{e.code}" 
Another simple way is we can make our exception more smart via adding more information. 
In this example, we add an code attributes into our error class.
6. Readable exceptional 
# ... 
Last advise is that we should keep our exceptional code readable and isolated. One single failure handling section leads to cleaner ruby code. 
We can refactor this nested exception handling via extracting method.
Extract it! 
def foo 
def bar 
# ... 
# ... 
It will become like this. We can omit begin keyword too. Quite simple and easy to read.
• Use exception when you need 
• Wrap exception when re-raising 
• Avoid raising during ensure 
• Exception is your method interface too 
• Classify your exceptions 
• Readable exceptional code 
Recap what we learn:
4. Failure handling 
(30min) OK, let’s see some failure handling strategies.
1. Exception Safety 
• no guarantee 
• The weak guarantee (no-leak): If an exception is raised, 
the object will be left in a consistent state. 
• The strong guarantee (a.k.a. commit-or-rollback, all-or-nothing): 
If an exception is raised, the object will be rolled 
back to its beginning state. 
• The nothrow guarantee (failure transparency): No 
exceptions will be raised from the method. If an exception 
is raised during the execution of the method it will be 
handled internally. 
First, there’s a concept we need to learn. how we call a “exception handling” is safe or not? “Exception Safety” definition comes from C++ standard 
If you never notice your method is exception safe or not, and your methods are no guarantee mostly, then no wonder your code will crash because you 
don’t know. 
The weak guarantee is no leaking, the strong guarantee is commit-or-rollback 
The nothrow guarantee is no exceptions will be raised.
2. Operational errors 
programmer errors 2/12 
Another great perspective is what’s kind of errors we can handle? we can divide them into two kinds: operational and programmer errors.
Operational errors 
• failed to connect to server 
• failed to resolve hostname 
• request timeout 
• server returned a 500 response 
• socket hang-up 
• system is out of memory 
Operational errors represent run-time problems experienced by correctly-written programs. These are not bugs in the program. 
For example, failed to connect to server, timeout, out of memory
Programmer errors 
like typo 
Programmer errors are bugs in the program. These are things that can always be fixed by changing the code.
We can handle operational 
• Restore and Cleanup Resource 
• Handle it directly 
• Propagate 
• Retry 
• Crash 
• Log it 
we have many way to handle operational errors.
But we can not handle 
programmer errors 
But we can not handle programmer errors. 
There's nothing you can do town. By definition, the code that was supposed to do something was broken, so you can't fix the problem with more code.
3. Robust levels 
• Robustness: the ability of a system to resist change 
without adapting its initial stable configuration. 
• There’re four robust levels 3/12 
Third concept you should know is robust levels. 
There’re four rebuts levels which can be your non-functional requirement.
Level 0: Undefined 
• Service: Failing implicitly or explicitly 
• State: Unknown or incorrect 
• Lifetime: Terminated or continued 
Level 0 is undefined, which means you do nothing. 
everything is unknown or incorrect when something goes wrong.
Level 1: Error-reporting 
(Failing fast) 
• Service: Failing explicitly 
• State: Unknown or incorrect 
• Lifetime: Terminated or continued 
• How-achieved: 
• Propagating all unhandled exceptions, and 
• Catching and reporting them in the main program 
Level 1 is error reporting, or we call it failing fast. 
All unhanded exceptions will be caught and reported.
Dummy handler (eating exceptions) 
rescue => e 
Here is a anti-pattern that rescue errors but doesn’t report or propagate. 
It hides the problem and make debug harder.
Level 2: State-recovery 
(weakly tolerant) 
• Service: Failing explicitly 
• State: Correct 
• Lifetime: Continued 
• How-achieved: 
• Backward recovery 
• Cleanup 
Level 2 is state recovery, or we call it “weakly tolerant” 
your system state will be correct after error. 
we can achieve this via backward recovery and cleanup resource. 
Basically it means restore original status.
require 'open-uri' 
page = "titles" 
file_name = "#{page}.html" 
web_page = open("{page}") 
output =, "w") 
while line = web_page.gets 
output.puts line 
rescue => e 
STDERR.puts "Failed to download #{page}" 
We already talk about cleanup, let’s emphasise backward recovery. 
Here is another concrete example from programming ruby book. 
It fetches a webpage and save it as file. 
The critical part in rescue is it will do backward recovery, that is delete the file if there’s exception.
Level 3: Behavior-recovery 
(strongly tolerant) 
• Service: Delivered 
• State: Correct 
• Lifetime: Continued 
• How-achieved: 
• retry, and/or 
• design diversity, data diversity, and functional 
Level 3 is behavior-recovery, or we call it “strongly tolerant” 
Your service will be still available. To achieve this, you have to implement retry and/or design alternative solutions. 
Retry primary implementation may work for some temporary errors, like network problem. 
But more often you have to implement alternative solution for possible operational errors. 
In fact, in this morning Zero downtime payment platforms talk, Prem just give a great talk about how they design a failure tolerant system.
Improve exception handling 
• Level 0 is bad 
• it’s better we require all method has Level 1 
• Level 2 for critical operation. e.g storage/database 
• Level 3 for critical feature or customer requires. it 
means cost * 2 because we must have two solution 
What we can learn from these robust levels? We can define our system robust level from beginning. 
We know Level 0 is bad, and it’s better we requires every method is Level 1. For critical operation like storage or database operations, we can make it be 
Level 2. Finally, for very critical feature or customer requires, we can achieve Level 3. But Level 3 means you will double your development cost at least 
because we must implement two solution for the critical feature.
4. Use timeout 
for any external call 
Timeout::timeout(3) do 
rescue Timeout::Error => e 
# ... 
Strictly, timeout is not about handling exception. 
It’s an exception you should raise when you have external call. it can help your software more robust. 
Usually HTTP library already implement some timeout, but please keep in mind that you have it. 
For example, if you implement your RPC call via AMQP like RabbitMQ, then you have to implement your timeout yourself.
5. retry with circuit breaker 5/12 
We mentioned retry with simple counter. Here is another elegant trick about retry: circuit breaker 
The basic idea is wrapping a protected function call in a circuit breaker object which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the 
circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error. More details implementation you can checkout martin fowler's blog.
6. bulkheads 
for external service and process 
rescue Exception => e 
logger.error "Error from External Service" 
logger.error e.message 
logger.error e.backtrace.join("n") 
bulkheads is a strategy that keep a failure in one part of the system from destroying everything. Basically it stops the exception propagating. it can help 
your software more robust, especially for distributed system.
7. Failure reporting 
• A central log server 
• Email 
• exception_notification gem 
• 3-party exception-reporting service 
• Airbrake, Sentry New Relic…etc 
Reporting exceptions to some central location is a common sense now. 
Besides building your own central log server, you can also use email or any 3-party service like airbrake.
8. Exception collection 
class Item 
def process 
[true, result] 
rescue => e 
[false, result] 
collections.each do |item| 
results << item.process 
exception collection is a very useful strategy when you bulk processing data. If you have thousands of data want to be processed, then fail fast is not good 
for this scenario. 
For example: running tests, provision…etc 
We will want to get a report at the end telling you what parts succeeded and what parts failed.
9. caller-supplied fallback 
h.fetch(:optional){ "default value" } 
h.fetch(:required){ raise "Required not found" } 
arr.fetch(999){ "default value" } 
arr.detect( lambda{ "default value" }) { |x| 
x == "target" } 
caller-supplied fallback strategy is a useful trick when you design your library API. 
If library itself doesn’t have enough information to decide how to handle exception, then client code can inject a failure policy into the process. 
Ruby standard API use this trick too, for example, fetch and detect. What’s happened when key doesn’t exist? we can inject a block to return default 
“In most cases, the caller should determine 
how to handle an error, not the callee.” 
– Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming 
In the practice of programming book, brain said: …. 
so you can delegate the decision to the caller in some way.
def do_something(failure_policy=method(:raise)) 
rescue => e 
do_something{ |e| puts e.message } 
Here is a general implementation, we pass a failure_policy block into it.
10. Avoid unexpected 
• rescue all exceptions at the outermost call stacks. 
• Rails does a great job here 
• developer will see all exceptions at development 
• end user will not see exceptions at production 
This strategy is saying you should rescue all exceptions at the outermost call stacks, so end-user will see a nice termination. 
I think rails does great jobs here. 
It provides detailed backtraces at development mode. 
And it provides error page to end user at production mode.
11. Error code v.s. exception 
• error code problems 
• it mixes normal code and exception handling 
• programmer can ignore error code easily 
Error code is the traditional way to deal with error. 
In most case it’s anti-pattern, because it mixes normal code and exception handing. 
And more importantly, programmer can easily ignore error code.
Error code problem 
prepare_something # return error code 
trigger_someaction # still run 
For example, if the prepare_something fails and return an error code. 
and programer ignore them, then trigger some action will still perform.
Replace Error Code with 
Exception (from Refactoring) 
def withdraw(amount) 
return -1 if amount > @balance 
@balance -= amount 
# => 
def withdraw(amount) 
raise if amount > @balance 
@balance -= amount 
In refactoring book, there’s even a refactor called replace error code with exception.
Why does Go not have 
• We believe that coupling exceptions to a control 
structure, as in the try-catch-finally idiom, results in 
convoluted code. It also tends to encourage 
programmers to label too many ordinary errors, such as 
failing to open a file, as exceptional. Go takes a different 
approach. For plain error handling, Go's multi-value 
returns make it easy to report an error without 
overloading the return value. A canonical error type, 
coupled with Go's other features, makes error handling 
pleasant but quite different from that in other languages. 
But there’s counterview too. it’s golang. 
golang doesn’t have exception. in its FAQ, it said that they believe error code is better.
“It's really hard to write good exception-based 
code since you have to check every single line 
of code (indeed, every sub-expression) and 
think about what exceptions it might raise and 
how your code will react to it.” 
– Raymond Chen 
one of exception opponent also points out the shortcoming of exception, that every piece of code can raise exception.
When use error code? 
• In low-level code which you must know the 
behavior in every possible situation 
• error codes may be better 
• Otherwise we have to know every exception that 
can be thrown by every line in the method to 
know what it will do 
So, any suggestion when to use error code instead of exception? one answer I found one answer at stackoverflow is relevant. He recommends using error 
code for lower-level code which you must know the behaviour of in every possible situation. Otherwise we have to know every exception that can be 
raised by every line in the method to know what it will do.
12. throw/catch flow 
def halt(*response) 
throw :halt, response 
def invoke 
res = catch(:halt) { yield } 
Sometimes if you really want the kind of GOTO feature, then ruby provides throw/catch syntax. 
So we can distinguish it’s not exception handling. This example comes from sinatra. I can’t find Rails source code use it.
• exception safety 
• operational errors v.s. programmer errors 
• robust levels 
Let’s recap what we learn. 
we learn how to decide a method is exception safe or not. 
we learn there’re operational errors and programmer errors. 
we learn robust levels and we can improve our exception handling incrementally.
Recap (cont.) 
• use timeout 
• retry with circuit breaker pattern 
• bulkheads 
• failure reporting 
• exception collection 
• caller-supplied fallback strategy 
• avoid unexpected termination 
• error code 
• throw/catch 
we learn we should use timeout for external call. and learn some strategies like retry with circuit breaker, bulkheads, failure reporting, exception collection, 
caller-supplied fallback strategy and avoid unexpected termination. 
we also learn when to use error code and throw/catch flow. 
That's all I have to share with you today.
Thanks for your 
Thanks for your listening.
raise if question? 
puts "Please ask @ihower at twitter" 
I don’t expect Q&A time, the time should already run out. please tweet me if you have question, or catch me at teatime. 
Thanks again.
• 例外處理設計的逆襲 
• Exceptional Ruby 
• Release it! 
• Programming Ruby 
• The Well-Grounded Rubyist, 2nd 
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Exception Handling: Designing Robust Software in Ruby (with presentation note)

  • 1. Exception Handling: Designing Robust Software 2014/9/27@RailsPacific Hello everybody, Today I’m going to talk about exception handling, it’s about how to design robust software. ! I just realise that I don't always practice my english, but when I do I do it at conference. Q_Q
  • 2. About me • 張⽂文鈿 a.k.a. ihower • • • Instructor at ALPHA Camp • • Rails Developer since 2006 • i.e. Rails 1.1.6 era My name is ihower. Here is my blog and twitter account. You can get my slides URL from my tweet now. Currently I work for ALPHA Camp. it’s a professional school for startups. I teach ruby on rails bootcamp there. I have been using Ruby on Rails since 2006. At that time, rails version is 1.1.6. Anyone older than me, raise your hand? cool, we’re exceptional.
  • 3. Agenda • Why should we care? (5min) • Exception handling in Ruby (10min) • Caveat and Guideline (15min) • Failure handling strategy (15min) Here is today’s agenda: I will talk about why should we care exception handling first. then we will quickly learn how to do exception handling in ruby programming language. then we will look at some caveats and guideline. finally we checkout some failure handling strategy.
  • 4. I’m standing on the two great books, thanks. Before entering my talk, I want to thanks to these two great books. First book is a Chinese book by Dr. Teddy Chen. He majors exception handling area professionally. Although his example is java code, I still learn a lot of concept from this book. Second book is Exceptional Ruby by Avdi. I learn many ruby tricks from this book. Besides this book, he also had talks about exception handling at rubyconf. I highly recommend you to read these books if you want to learn more after my talks.
  • 5. 1. Why should we care? OK. Let’s get started. Why should we care exception handling?
  • 6. Feature complete == Production ready? Ask yourself, is feature complete equal to production ready? I think we all know it’s not true. Production environment is brutal and shit happens. remote server can go down, data can be incorrect, request can timeout, API call may return error, system may be out of memory…
  • 7. All tests pass? Does all tests pass mean production ready? It’s not true neither. It just means software is correct based on spec, Doesn’t mean software is robust for production.
  • 8. Happy Path! The reason is that we all focus on happy normal path. We assume that every method call succeeds, data is correct and resources are always available.
  • 9. But there’s dark side…… the unnormal path! That we often ignore.
  • 10. Time Pick Two? Cost Quality One reason we ignore the unnormal path and sacrifice software quality is that we want to meet our product deadline and budget. After all, unnormal path is a non-functional requirement, it’s a quality attribute that our manager or our customer doesn’t see it clearly.
  • 11. abstract software architecture to reduce development cost Another reason I think is that we often emphasize high-level abstract architecture, we learn design pattern, refactoring, TDD. That all bring us more portable, re-use and reduce development cost.
  • 12. Development cost != Operational cost But one important lesson I learn from my production experience is that “Development cost is not equal to operational cost”
  • 13. “Don't avoid one-time development expenses at the cost of recurring operational expenses.” – Michael T. Nygard, Release It! This is my favorite quote from Release It! Michael said: Don’t avoid one-time development expenses at the cost of recurring operational expenses. So, your design decisions made during development will greatly affect you quality of life after release.
  • 14. My confession I have to confess that I easily made decisions based on optimising development cost, not operational cost before. And I was miserable and suffered it. Our customer got angry and company lost money. So I decide to change my mind. This is why I start to look at failure handling and give this talk. So, if your project’s KPI is reducing development cost and deadline, then hope you can have new perspective from my talk.
  • 15. 2. Exception handling in Ruby Now let’s get started to learn what’s exception.
  • 16. “If code in one routine encounters an unexpected condition that it doesn’t know how to handle, it throws an exception, essentially throwing up its hands and yelling “I don’t know what to do about this — I sure hope somebody else knows how to handle it!.” – Steve McConnell, Code Complete Steve explain it at Code Complete book. He said that raise exception is just like yelling “I don’t know what to do about this — I sure hope somebody else knows how to handle it!.”
  • 17. “Raising an exception means stopping normal execution of the program and either dealing with the problem that’s been encountered or exiting the program completely.” – Devid A. Black, The Well-Grounded Rubyist David explains more straightforward at the well-grounded rubyist book. He said…
  • 18. 1. raise exception begin # do something raise 'An error has occured.' rescue => e puts 'I am rescued.' puts e.message puts e.backtrace.inspect end 1/5 Most modern programmings have exception handling, like java, c#, php, python and of course including ruby. well, except golang, but this’s another story. ! So, this is the basic exception handling syntax in Ruby, I think most of you already know it. The raise method will disrupt the flow and jump to rescue part.
  • 19. raise == fail begin # do something fail 'An error has occured.' rescue => e puts 'I am rescued.' puts e.message puts e.backtrace.inspect end One thing you possibly do not know is that fail method is the same as raise.
  • 20. “I almost always use the "fail" keyword. . . [T]he only time I use “raise” is when I am catching an exception and re-raising it, because here I’m not failing, but explicitly and purposefully raising an exception.” – Jim Weirich, Rake author there’s a interesting coding convention that jim weirich almost use fail method. He said that he only use raise method when he want to re-raise exception. So if you checkout rake source code, you can see the style. very interesting and subtle difference.
  • 21. “raise” method signature ! raise(exception_class_or_object, message, backtrace) Back to raise method. let’s take a closer look. This’s its method signature and it can accept three arguments actually.
  • 22. raise raise ! # is equivalent to: ! raise RuntimeError If you omit all arguments, then it’s equivalent to RuntimeError
  • 23. raise(string) raise 'An error has occured.' ! # is equivalent to : ! raise RuntimeError, "'An error has occured.' If you give it a string, then it’s equivalent to RuntimeError with a string parameter
  • 24. raise(exception, string) raise RuntimeError, 'An error has occured.' ! # is equivalent to : ! raise'An error has occured.') if you give it a exception class and string, it’s equivalent to new the exception class and passing the string parameter.
  • 25. backtrace (Array of string) raise RuntimeError, 'An error' ! # is equivalent to : ! raise RuntimeError, 'An error', caller(0) The third argument is backtrace, it’s just an array of string. The default is caller which returns the current call stack.
  • 26. global $! variable ! • $! • $ERROR_INFO • reset to nil if the exception is rescued raise method also setup a special global variable to keep the current active exception. It will be reset to nil after the exception is rescued.
  • 27. 2. rescue rescue SomeError => e # ... end 2/5 let’s take a look at rescue method. rescue is where we handle error. rescue keyword is followed by exceptional class, then a hash rocket and the variable name to which the matching exception will be assigned.
  • 28. Multiple class or module rescue SomeError, SomeOtherError => e # ... end rescue method supports multiple classes or modules
  • 29. stacking rescue order matters rescue SomeError => e # ... rescue SomeOtherError => e # ... end It also supports stacking multiple rescue. And order matters.
  • 30. rescue # ... end ! # is equivalent to: ! rescue StandardError # ... end If you omit exception class, default it will rescue StandardError, It doesn’t not include other Exception like NoMemoryError, LoadError, SyntaxError.
  • 31. Ruby Exception Hierarchy • Exception • NoMemoryError • LoadError • SyntaxError • StandardError -- default for rescue • ArgumentError • IOError • NoMethodError • …. Why not capture the base Exception by default? The exceptions outside of the StandardError hierarchy typically represent conditions that can't reasonably be handled by a generic catch-all rescue clause. For instance, the SyntaxError represent that programmer typo. So ruby requires that you be explicit when rescuing these and certain other types of exception.
  • 32. Avoid rescuing Exception class rescue Exception => e # ... end Here is one of infamous mistake that programmer try to rescue Exception class. This will make it rescue all exceptions including your typo. In most case this is bad for debug.
  • 33. rescue => error # ... end # is equivalent to: ! rescue StandardError => error # ... end You can also omit the exceptional class, the default is StandardError too.
  • 34. support * splatted active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb suppress(IOError, SystemCallError) do open("NONEXISTENT_FILE") end ! puts 'This code gets executed.' Rescue supports star splatted. For example, Rails has a suppress method, it will suppress exception you specify. In the case, it will ignore IOError and SystemCallError.
  • 35. support * splatted (cont.) active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb ! def suppress(*exception_classes) yield rescue *exception_classes # nothing to do end Here is the rails source code, you can see it use star after rescue keyword.
  • 36. Like case, it’s support === begin raise "Timeout while reading from socket" rescue errors_with_message(/socket/) puts "Ignoring socket error" end Last trick about rescue is triple equal sign. It like “case” except it requies Class or Module. For example, we can customise a errors_with_message method that only rescue exception with “socket” message.
  • 37. def errors_with_message(pattern) m = m.singleton_class.instance_eval do define_method(:===) do |e| pattern === e.message end end m end And here is our customerized method. It create a temporary module with a triple equal sign method that using regular expression.
  • 38. arbitrary block predicate begin raise "Timeout while reading from socket" rescue errors_matching{|e| e.message =~ /socket/} puts "Ignoring socket error" end In fact, we can make it more general. We can pass a arbitrary block predication. The errors_matching method passing a block to check if it should rescue or not.
  • 39. def errors_matching(&block) m = m.singleton_class.instance_eval do define_method(:===, &block) end m end Here is the method implementation.
  • 40. “In practice, the rescue clause should be a short sequence of simple instructions designed to bring the object back to a stable state and to either retry the operation or terminate with failure.” – Bertrand Meyer, Object Oriented Software Construction So, what’s the “rescue”purpose after all? Bertrand said at Object-Oriented software construction…
  • 41. 3. ensure begin # do something raise 'An error has occured.' rescue => e puts 'I am rescued.' ensure puts 'This code gets executed always.' end 3/5 ensure part will always be executed, whether an exception is raised or not. They are useful for cleaning up resources.
  • 42. 4. retry be careful “giving up” condition tries = 0 begin tries += 1 puts "Trying #{tries}..." raise "Didn't work" rescue retry if tries < 3 puts "I give up" end 4/5 Next is retry keyword. Ruby is one of the few languages that offers a retry feature. retry gives us the ability to deal with an exception by restarting from the last begin block. ! The most important thing about retry is that you should define a “giving up” condition. Otherwise it may become an infinite retry loop. And One of the most simple “giving up” solution is a counter. In this example we give it a counter three. After three time tries it will give up.
  • 43. 5. else begin yield rescue puts "Only on error" else puts "Only on success" ensure puts "Always executed" end 5/5 else keyword is the opposite of rescue; where the rescue clause is only hit when an exception is raised, else is only hit when no exception is raised.
  • 44. Recap • raise • rescue • ensure • retry • else let’s recap what we learn. We learn five Ruby syntax about exception handling. They are raise, rescue, ensure, retry and else.
  • 45. 3. Caveat and Guideline (15min) Next, let’s checkout some caveat and guideline.
  • 46. 1. Is the situation truly unexpected? 1/6 First important question is. is the situation truly unexpected? should we use exception or not?
  • 47. “ask yourself, 'Will this code still run if I remove all the exception handlers?" If the answer is "no", then maybe exceptions are being used in non-exceptional circumstances.” – Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, The Pragmatic Programmer The answer is it depends! In The pragmatic programmer book. Dave and Andy ask “Will this code still run if I remove all the exception handlers?” For example, imagine that we’re going to open a file, if the file should have been there, then using exception to make sure is good. But if you have no idea whether the file should exist or not, then it’s not exceptional situation if you can’t find it.
  • 48. User Input error? User input error is a classic example that we can expect user will make mistake. We can 100% predict it will happened during normal operation. our user is either fool or evil.
  • 49. This is bad def create @user = params[:user]! redirect_to user_path(@user) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved flash[:notice] = 'Unable to create user' render :action => :new end Take a concrete rails example. Since we can “expect” invalid input, so we should NOT be handling it via exceptions because exceptions should only be used for unexpected situations.
  • 50. def create @user = params[:user] if redirect_to user_path(@user) else flash[:notice] = 'Unable to create user' render :action => :new end end So rather then using exception, we should use normal if else control flow. This will make our code more readable. Exceptions should only be used for unexpected situations
  • 51. Record not found? Another classic example is record not found. If you can “expect” that record can be not found, then you should not use “exception” for not found situation.
  • 52. begin user = User.find(params[:id) user.do_this rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound # ??? end This is bad One good way to deal with record not found problem is using null object. So rather raising exception when record not found, you can just return a null object
  • 53. Use Null object user = User.find_by_id(params[:id) || user.do_this Like this, you can design a NullUser object. This will make our code more simple.
  • 54. Replace Exception with Test def execute(command) command.prepare rescue nil command.execute end ! # => ! def execute(command) command.prepare if command.respond_to? :prepare command.execute end Here is another example about exception abuse, it’s from refactoring book. ! You’re raising an exception on a condition the caller could have checked first. This exception is unnecessary because you can just check it.
  • 55. “Exceptions should be used for exceptional behaviour. They should not acts as substitute for conditional tests. If you can reasonably expect the caller to check the condition before calling the operation, you should provide a test, and the caller should use it.” – Martin Folwer, Refactoring Martin in refactoring book said that “exception should not acts as substitute for conditional tests.”
  • 56. Spare Handler? begin # main implementation rescue # alternative solution end Spare handler mean you provide alternative implementation inside rescue part. ! This is bad smell. you just make rescue part more complex.
  • 57. begin user = User.find(params[:id) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound user = ensure user.do_this end This is bad We can use the same null object example. In fact, the null object is just the alternative solution when record not found. So in the example exception handling is totally unnecessary.
  • 58. user = User.find_by_id(params[:id) || ! user.do_this We can just check it at normal implementation without exception handling.
  • 59. 2. raise during raise begin raise "Error A" # this will be thrown rescue raise "Error B" end 2/6 The second big issue about exception handling is raising during raise. In this code example, the original exception Error A is thrown away by Error B. We lost Error A information. This is a real problem if you’re not intent to do this. It will make debug harder because we can’t trace Error A.
  • 60. Wrapped exception ! begin begin raise "Error A" rescue => error raise MyError, "Error B" end rescue => e puts "Current failure: #{e.inspect}" puts "Original failure: #{e.original.inspect}" end I’m not saying we should not raise during raise always. Because sometimes we want to convert low-level exception to high-level exception. It can reduce implementation dependency and easier to understand for the high-level client. So how to fix this? the solution is we wrap it to keep original exception. In this example, we raise Error B during exception Error A. and we define our exception class called MyError.
  • 61. Wrapped exception (cont.) class MyError < StandardError attr_reader :original def initialize(msg, original=$!) super(msg) @original = original; set_backtrace original.backtrace end end Here is MyError implementation. We keep original exception here.
  • 62. Example: Rails uses the technique a lot • ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper • ActionControllerError::BadRequest, ParseError,SessionRestoreError • ActionView Template::Error In fact, Rails use the technique a lot too. Like ExceptionWrapper and ActionControllerError, and Template::Error !
  • 63. 3. raise during ensure begin raise "Error A" ensure raise "Error B” puts "Never execute" end 3/6 Next issue is similar but worse, it’s possible raise exception during ensure part. Not only it will overwrite original Error, but also it will leave its cleanup unperformed. Remember that we know this “ensure” mission is to cleanup resource, so if it raises exception during ensure part, then it’s possible that there’re resources leaking and this’s hard to debug. ! So please avoid raise exception during ensure, try to make ensure part very simple.
  • 64. begin raise "Error" ensure file1.close # if there's an error file2.close end Let’s take a more concrete example. if file1.close raise error. then files2 will not close. This causes resource leaking. ! So try to confine your ensure clauses to safe and simple operations.
  • 65. a more complex example begin r1 = r2 = rescue => e raise "run error: #{e.message}" ensure r2.close r1.close end Combine above issues, I give you a challenge here. Suppose we have two resource r1 and r2 objects. we run it and there’s ensure part which will close resource.
  • 66. class Resource attr_accessor :id ! def initialize(id) = id end ! def run puts "run #{}" raise "run error: #{}" end ! def close puts "close #{}" raise "close error: #{}" end end Here is a resource implementation will make it have errors.
  • 67. begin r1 = r2 = # raise exception!!! rescue => e raise "run error: #{e.message}" ensure r2.close # raise exception!!! r1.close # never execute! end bascially, It will make successfully failed r2.close failed ! So, we can deduce that r1 will not close sadly. !
  • 68. Result lost original r1 exception and fail to close r2 run 1 run 2 close 1 double_raise.rb:15:in `close': close error: 1 (RuntimeError) Here is the output result. We not only lost original r1 exception, but also fail to close r2. How we fix this? the basic idea is to implement a wrapping class and try to stack all exceptions. I left the challenge to you.
  • 69. 4. Exception is your method interface too • For library, either you document your exception, or you should consider no-raise library API • return values (error code) • provide fallback callback 4/6 I think all of you have the experience that exception is one of the most common source of surprise and frustration with 3rd-party library. because you can’t sure what’s kind of exceptions may be raised when I call these library. In java , they try to solve this issue via checked and unchecked exceptions, but it seems not very successful. so unfortunately, there’s no perfect way to solve. What we can do it provide documentation, or you can consider no-raise library API. No-raise library API means it either return error code or provide fallback callback. We will check this later.
  • 70. 5. Exception classification module MyLibrary class Error < StandardError end end 5/6 Every library codebase should provide their error exception a namespace. This provides client code something to match on when calling into the library.
  • 71. exception hierarchy example • StandardError • ActionControllerError • BadRequest • RoutingError • ActionController::UrlGenerationError • MethodNotAllowed • NotImplemented • … so client code can choose rescue parent class or child class easily. Here is ActionController Error from Rails.
  • 72. smart exception adding more information class MyError < StandardError attr_accessor :code ! def initialize(code) self.code = code end end ! begin raise rescue => e puts "Error code: #{e.code}" end Another simple way is we can make our exception more smart via adding more information. In this example, we add an code attributes into our error class.
  • 73. 6. Readable exceptional code begin try_something rescue begin try_something_else rescue # ... end end end 6/6 Last advise is that we should keep our exceptional code readable and isolated. One single failure handling section leads to cleaner ruby code. ! We can refactor this nested exception handling via extracting method.
  • 74. Extract it! def foo try_something rescue bar end ! def bar try_something_else # ... rescue # ... end It will become like this. We can omit begin keyword too. Quite simple and easy to read.
  • 75. Recap • Use exception when you need • Wrap exception when re-raising • Avoid raising during ensure • Exception is your method interface too • Classify your exceptions • Readable exceptional code Recap what we learn:
  • 76. 4. Failure handling strategy (30min) OK, let’s see some failure handling strategies.
  • 77. 1. Exception Safety • no guarantee • The weak guarantee (no-leak): If an exception is raised, the object will be left in a consistent state. • The strong guarantee (a.k.a. commit-or-rollback, all-or-nothing): If an exception is raised, the object will be rolled back to its beginning state. • The nothrow guarantee (failure transparency): No exceptions will be raised from the method. If an exception is raised during the execution of the method it will be handled internally. 1/12 First, there’s a concept we need to learn. how we call a “exception handling” is safe or not? “Exception Safety” definition comes from C++ standard library. If you never notice your method is exception safe or not, and your methods are no guarantee mostly, then no wonder your code will crash because you don’t know. The weak guarantee is no leaking, the strong guarantee is commit-or-rollback The nothrow guarantee is no exceptions will be raised.
  • 78. 2. Operational errors v.s. programmer errors 2/12 Another great perspective is what’s kind of errors we can handle? we can divide them into two kinds: operational and programmer errors.
  • 79. Operational errors • failed to connect to server • failed to resolve hostname • request timeout • server returned a 500 response • socket hang-up • system is out of memory Operational errors represent run-time problems experienced by correctly-written programs. These are not bugs in the program. For example, failed to connect to server, timeout, out of memory
  • 80. Programmer errors like typo Programmer errors are bugs in the program. These are things that can always be fixed by changing the code.
  • 81. We can handle operational errors • Restore and Cleanup Resource • Handle it directly • Propagate • Retry • Crash • Log it we have many way to handle operational errors.
  • 82. But we can not handle programmer errors But we can not handle programmer errors. There's nothing you can do town. By definition, the code that was supposed to do something was broken, so you can't fix the problem with more code.
  • 83. 3. Robust levels • Robustness: the ability of a system to resist change without adapting its initial stable configuration. • There’re four robust levels 3/12 Third concept you should know is robust levels. There’re four rebuts levels which can be your non-functional requirement.
  • 84. Level 0: Undefined • Service: Failing implicitly or explicitly • State: Unknown or incorrect • Lifetime: Terminated or continued Level 0 is undefined, which means you do nothing. everything is unknown or incorrect when something goes wrong.
  • 85. Level 1: Error-reporting (Failing fast) • Service: Failing explicitly • State: Unknown or incorrect • Lifetime: Terminated or continued • How-achieved: • Propagating all unhandled exceptions, and • Catching and reporting them in the main program Level 1 is error reporting, or we call it failing fast. All unhanded exceptions will be caught and reported.
  • 86. Anti-pattern: Dummy handler (eating exceptions) begin #... rescue => e nil end Here is a anti-pattern that rescue errors but doesn’t report or propagate. It hides the problem and make debug harder.
  • 87. Level 2: State-recovery (weakly tolerant) • Service: Failing explicitly • State: Correct • Lifetime: Continued • How-achieved: • Backward recovery • Cleanup Level 2 is state recovery, or we call it “weakly tolerant” your system state will be correct after error. we can achieve this via backward recovery and cleanup resource. Basically it means restore original status.
  • 88. require 'open-uri' page = "titles" file_name = "#{page}.html" web_page = open("{page}") output =, "w") begin while line = web_page.gets output.puts line end output.close rescue => e STDERR.puts "Failed to download #{page}" output.close File.delete(file_name) raise end We already talk about cleanup, let’s emphasise backward recovery. Here is another concrete example from programming ruby book. It fetches a webpage and save it as file. The critical part in rescue is it will do backward recovery, that is delete the file if there’s exception.
  • 89. Level 3: Behavior-recovery (strongly tolerant) • Service: Delivered • State: Correct • Lifetime: Continued • How-achieved: • retry, and/or • design diversity, data diversity, and functional diversity Level 3 is behavior-recovery, or we call it “strongly tolerant” Your service will be still available. To achieve this, you have to implement retry and/or design alternative solutions. Retry primary implementation may work for some temporary errors, like network problem. But more often you have to implement alternative solution for possible operational errors. ! In fact, in this morning Zero downtime payment platforms talk, Prem just give a great talk about how they design a failure tolerant system.
  • 90. Improve exception handling incrementally • Level 0 is bad • it’s better we require all method has Level 1 • Level 2 for critical operation. e.g storage/database operation • Level 3 for critical feature or customer requires. it means cost * 2 because we must have two solution everywhere. What we can learn from these robust levels? We can define our system robust level from beginning. We know Level 0 is bad, and it’s better we requires every method is Level 1. For critical operation like storage or database operations, we can make it be Level 2. Finally, for very critical feature or customer requires, we can achieve Level 3. But Level 3 means you will double your development cost at least because we must implement two solution for the critical feature.
  • 91. 4. Use timeout for any external call begin Timeout::timeout(3) do #... end rescue Timeout::Error => e # ... end 4/12 Strictly, timeout is not about handling exception. It’s an exception you should raise when you have external call. it can help your software more robust. Usually HTTP library already implement some timeout, but please keep in mind that you have it. For example, if you implement your RPC call via AMQP like RabbitMQ, then you have to implement your timeout yourself.
  • 92. 5. retry with circuit breaker 5/12 We mentioned retry with simple counter. Here is another elegant trick about retry: circuit breaker ! The basic idea is wrapping a protected function call in a circuit breaker object which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error. More details implementation you can checkout martin fowler's blog.
  • 93. 6. bulkheads for external service and process begin SomeExternalService.do_request rescue Exception => e logger.error "Error from External Service" logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.join("n") end 6/12 bulkheads is a strategy that keep a failure in one part of the system from destroying everything. Basically it stops the exception propagating. it can help your software more robust, especially for distributed system.
  • 94. ! 7. Failure reporting • A central log server • Email • exception_notification gem • 3-party exception-reporting service • Airbrake, Sentry New Relic…etc 7/12 Reporting exceptions to some central location is a common sense now. Besides building your own central log server, you can also use email or any 3-party service like airbrake.
  • 95. 8. Exception collection class Item def process #... [true, result] rescue => e [false, result] end end ! collections.each do |item| results << item.process end 8/12 exception collection is a very useful strategy when you bulk processing data. If you have thousands of data want to be processed, then fail fast is not good for this scenario. For example: running tests, provision…etc We will want to get a report at the end telling you what parts succeeded and what parts failed.
  • 96. 9. caller-supplied fallback strategy h.fetch(:optional){ "default value" } h.fetch(:required){ raise "Required not found" } ! arr.fetch(999){ "default value" } arr.detect( lambda{ "default value" }) { |x| x == "target" } 9/12 caller-supplied fallback strategy is a useful trick when you design your library API. If library itself doesn’t have enough information to decide how to handle exception, then client code can inject a failure policy into the process. Ruby standard API use this trick too, for example, fetch and detect. What’s happened when key doesn’t exist? we can inject a block to return default value.
  • 97. “In most cases, the caller should determine how to handle an error, not the callee.” – Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, The Practice of Programming In the practice of programming book, brain said: …. so you can delegate the decision to the caller in some way.
  • 98. def do_something(failure_policy=method(:raise)) #... rescue => e end ! do_something{ |e| puts e.message } Here is a general implementation, we pass a failure_policy block into it.
  • 99. 10. Avoid unexpected termination • rescue all exceptions at the outermost call stacks. • Rails does a great job here • developer will see all exceptions at development mode. • end user will not see exceptions at production mode 10/12 This strategy is saying you should rescue all exceptions at the outermost call stacks, so end-user will see a nice termination. I think rails does great jobs here. It provides detailed backtraces at development mode. And it provides error page to end user at production mode.
  • 100. 11. Error code v.s. exception • error code problems • it mixes normal code and exception handling • programmer can ignore error code easily 11/12 Error code is the traditional way to deal with error. In most case it’s anti-pattern, because it mixes normal code and exception handing. ! And more importantly, programmer can easily ignore error code.
  • 101. Error code problem prepare_something # return error code trigger_someaction # still run For example, if the prepare_something fails and return an error code. and programer ignore them, then trigger some action will still perform.
  • 102. Replace Error Code with Exception (from Refactoring) def withdraw(amount) return -1 if amount > @balance @balance -= amount 0 end ! # => ! def withdraw(amount) raise if amount > @balance @balance -= amount end In refactoring book, there’s even a refactor called replace error code with exception.
  • 103. Why does Go not have exceptions? • We believe that coupling exceptions to a control structure, as in the try-catch-finally idiom, results in convoluted code. It also tends to encourage programmers to label too many ordinary errors, such as failing to open a file, as exceptional. Go takes a different approach. For plain error handling, Go's multi-value returns make it easy to report an error without overloading the return value. A canonical error type, coupled with Go's other features, makes error handling pleasant but quite different from that in other languages. But there’s counterview too. it’s golang. golang doesn’t have exception. in its FAQ, it said that they believe error code is better.
  • 104. “It's really hard to write good exception-based code since you have to check every single line of code (indeed, every sub-expression) and think about what exceptions it might raise and how your code will react to it.” – Raymond Chen one of exception opponent also points out the shortcoming of exception, that every piece of code can raise exception.
  • 105. When use error code? ! • In low-level code which you must know the behavior in every possible situation • error codes may be better • Otherwise we have to know every exception that can be thrown by every line in the method to know what it will do So, any suggestion when to use error code instead of exception? one answer I found one answer at stackoverflow is relevant. He recommends using error code for lower-level code which you must know the behaviour of in every possible situation. Otherwise we have to know every exception that can be raised by every line in the method to know what it will do.
  • 106. 12. throw/catch flow def halt(*response) #.... throw :halt, response end def invoke res = catch(:halt) { yield } #... end 12/12 Sometimes if you really want the kind of GOTO feature, then ruby provides throw/catch syntax. So we can distinguish it’s not exception handling. This example comes from sinatra. I can’t find Rails source code use it.
  • 107. Recap ! • exception safety • operational errors v.s. programmer errors • robust levels Let’s recap what we learn. we learn how to decide a method is exception safe or not. we learn there’re operational errors and programmer errors. we learn robust levels and we can improve our exception handling incrementally.
  • 108. Recap (cont.) • use timeout • retry with circuit breaker pattern • bulkheads • failure reporting • exception collection • caller-supplied fallback strategy • avoid unexpected termination • error code • throw/catch we learn we should use timeout for external call. and learn some strategies like retry with circuit breaker, bulkheads, failure reporting, exception collection, caller-supplied fallback strategy and avoid unexpected termination. we also learn when to use error code and throw/catch flow. ! That's all I have to share with you today.
  • 109. Thanks for your listening Thanks for your listening.
  • 110. QUESTIONS! begin thanks! raise if question? rescue puts "Please ask @ihower at twitter" ensure follow(@ihower).get_slides applause! end I don’t expect Q&A time, the time should already run out. please tweet me if you have question, or catch me at teatime. Thanks again.
  • 111. Reference • 例外處理設計的逆襲 • Exceptional Ruby • Release it! • Programming Ruby • The Well-Grounded Rubyist, 2nd • Refactoring • The Pragmatic Programmer • Code Complete 2 • • • •