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Indian Standard for
Drinking Water- Specification
(Second Revision)
IS 10500: 2012
Technical terms
• BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)
• Desirable limits
• Permissible limit
• Hazen Units
Organoleptic and physical parameters
Colour, Hazen Units
IS 10500-2012 Acceptable: 5 Hz., Permissible: 15 Hz
Risks or effects Visible tint, acceptance decreases
Sources Suspended material, soil runoff,
presence of tannins and lignins,
minerals like iron, copper, manganese,
and organic wastes
Treatment Filtration, Distillation, Reverse Osmosis,
IS 10500: 2012 Agreeable
Risks or Effects Rotten egg, musty, chemical smell
Sources Chlorine, hydrogen sulphide,
presence of iron, manganese,
chlorides, sulphates, aluminium,
copper, contamination due to
sewage and organic matter,
methane gas
Treatment Activated carbon, Air stripping,
Oxidation, Filtration, Distillation, Ion
IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 6.5-8.5, Permissible: No
Risks or effects Low pH – corrosion leading to metallic
High pH – bitter/soda taste, leads to
Sources Natural
Treatment Increase pH by soda ash Decrease pH with
white vinegar / citric acid
Total dissolved solids, mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 500 mg/l
Permissible: 2000 mg/l
Risks or effects Hardness, scaly deposits, sediments, cloudy
coloured water, salty or bitter taste,
corrosion of pipes and fittings
Sources Salts, heavy metals and organic compounds
found in agricultural and urban runoff,
wastewater from households, industries,
sewage from urban and rural areas,
hazardous wastes from landfills
Treatment Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, deionization by
Ion Exchange
Turbidity NTU Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable unit: 1 NTU
Permissible limit: 5 NTU
Risks or effects Cloudiness or haziness
Sources High sediment deposition due to
pollution and industrial activities like
construction, mining, quarrying,
agriculture, due to presence of organic
matter such as phytoplankton
Treatment Settling or filtration processes using
sand filtration, settling tanks, and
Substances undesirable in excessive amounts
Aluminium (as Al),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.03 mg/l
Permissible limit: 0.2 mg/l
Risks or effects High risk associated with dialysis
Sources Rock and soil leaching
Treatment Portable Cation Exchange***
Distillation, Reverse Osmosis
Ammonia (as total
ammonia-N), mg/l,
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.5 mg/l
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects None proposed for human, but toxic for
aquatic life
Sources Disinfection with chloramines, wastes,
fertilisers and natural processes
Treatment Ion Exchange with zeolite
Sodium alumino silicate zeolites
Barium (as Ba), mg/l,
IS 10500:2012 Acceptable limits: 0.7 mg/l
Permissible limits: No relaxation
Risks or effects Difficulties in breathing, increased blood
pressure, changes in heart rhythm, stomach
irritation, brain swelling, muscle weakness, and
damage to the liver, kidney, heart, and spleen.
Source Mineral deposits
Disposal of drilling wastes
Smelting of copper
Motor vehicle parts manufacturing
Point-of-Entry (POE)
Point-of-Use (POU)
Cation Exchange
Reverse Osmosis
Iron (as Fe), mg/l,
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.3 mg/l
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects Brackish color, rusty sediment, bitter
or metallic taste, brown-green stains,
iron bacteria, discoloration of
Sources Leaching of cast iron pipes in water
distribution systems
Treatment Oxidizing Filter, Green-sand Mechanical
Manganese (as Mn),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.1 mg/l
Permissible limit: 0.3 mg/l
Risks or effects Can stain laundry and fixtures at 0.2 mg/l,
cause discolouration and leave an
unpleasant taste to water. May affect brain
development in infants and young children
Sources Landfills, deposits in rock and soil
Treatment Ion Exchange, Chlorination, Oxidising filters
Green-sand mechanical filters
Sulphate (as SO4), mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 200 mg/l
Permissible limit: 400 mg/l
Risks or effects Bitter, medicinal taste, scaly deposits,
corrosive, laxative effects, "rotten-
egg" odour from hydrogen sulphide
gas formation
Sources Urban and rural sewage, industrial
wastes, bye-product of coal mining,
natural deposits or salts
Treatment Ion Exchange , Distillation , Reverse
Nitrate (as NO3), mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 45 mg/l
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects Methemoglobinemia or blue baby disease
in infants
Sources Human sewage and livestock manure,
fertilisers, erosion of natural deposits
Treatment Anion exchange, Nitrate ‘Sélective’ Anion
Exchange Resins, Distillation,
Chloride (as Cl),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 250 mg/l
Permissible limit: 1000 mg/l
Risks or effects High blood pressure, salty taste,
corroded pipes, fixtures and
appliances, blackening and pitting of
stainless steel
Sources Fertilisers, Industrial wastes, Minerals
in soil, seawater
Treatment Reverse Osmosis , Distillation,
Activated Carbon
Fluoride (as F),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 1.0 mg/l
Permissible limit: 1.5 mg/l
Risks or effects Brownish discoloration of teeth, bone
damage, skeletal damage
Sources Contamination due to industrial
Geological or natural
Treatment Activated Alumina, Distillation,
Reverse Osmosis, Anion Exchange
Total arsenic (as As), mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.01 mg/l
Permissible limit: 0. 05 mg/l
Risks or effects Skin problems, endocrine disruptor,
carcinogenic, affects cardiovascular
and nervous system
Sources Leaching from natural deposits,
pesticides, industrial deposits, coal
mining, improper waste disposal
Treatment Activated Alumina Filtration, Reverse
Osmosis, Distillation, Chemical
Precipitation, Anion exchange, lime
softening, Manganese greensand
Total chromium (as Cr),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects Nausea, gastrointestinal distress,
stomach and skin ulcers, allergic
reactions, kidney and liver damage,
reproductive problems, lung and nasal
Sources Septic systems, industrial discharge,
mining sites, geological
Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis,
Distillation, Activated carbon
Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l,
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.003
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects Short term –nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
muscle cramps, sensory disturbances, liver
injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure.
Long term –kidney, liver, bone and blood
Sources Corrosion of galvanised pipes, from natural
deposits, discharge from metal refineries,
runoff from waste batteries and paints
Treatment Coagulation/Filtration, Ion Exchange, Lime
softening, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
Copper (as Cu), mg/l, Max
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05
Permissible limit: 1.5
Risks or effects Acute copper poisoning causing nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal
Severe cases can lead to anaemia and liver
and kidney damage
Sources Leaching from copper water pipes and tubing,
copper salts used for algae control in
reservoirs, industrial and mining discharges,
erosion from natural sources
Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
Cyanide (as CN ), mg/l,
IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05 mg/l
Permissible limit: No relaxation
Risks or effects Thyroid, nervous system damage,
can cause Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Sources Fertilisers, electronics, steel,
plastics and mining industries
Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis,
Lead (as Pb), mg/l, Max
IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 0.01 mg/l
Permissible: No relaxation
Risks or effects Poisonous, can affect central nervous system and
red blood cells, interferes with kidney and
neurological functions, leads to hearing loss, blood
disorders, hypertension, death at high levels.
Children more vulnerable than adults
Sources Household plumbing systems, discarded batteries,
paints, leaded gasoline, natural deposits
Treatment Ion Exchange, Activated Carbon , Reverse
Osmosis, Distillation
Mercury (as Hg),
mg/l, Max
IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 0.001 mg/l
Permissible: No relaxation
Risks or effects Damage to brain, kidney, developing foetus,
death at high levels
Sources Fungicides, batteries, sewage, metal
refining operations, mining, electrical
equipment, chloralkali plant, erosion from
natural sources
Treatment Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
Zinc (as Zn), mg/l,
IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 5 mg/l
Permissible: 15 mg/l
Risks or effects Metallic taste, toxic, can be poisonous in
large doses, can lead to copper deficiency
Sources Leaching of galvanized pipes and fittings,
paints, dyes, natural deposits
Treatment Ion Exchange Water Softeners, Reverse
Osmosis, Distillation
Total coliform
IS 10500-2012 Nil/100ml
Risks or effects Gastrointestinal tract infections
Sources Contaminated animal waste, sewage
contaminated with faecal matter,
household wastewater, polluted storm
water and agricultural runoffs Naturally
Treatment Chlorination, Ultraviolet light, Distillation,
E coliform
IS 10500-2012 Nil/100ml
Risks or effects Gastrointestinal tract infections
Sources Contaminated animal waste, sewage
contaminated with faecal matter,
household wastewater, polluted storm
water and agricultural runoffs, Naturally
Treatment Chlorination, Ultraviolet light, Distillation,
Parameter BIS Guideline
value (maximum
General and health effect
Total dissolved
2000 mg/l Undesirable taste, gastro intestinal problems,
corrosion or incrustation
pH 6.5-8.5 Affects mucous membrane, bitter taste, affects
aquatic life
Alkalinity 600
Hardness 600 Poor lathering with soap, deterioration of the quality
of clothes, scale forming, can lead to skin irritation,
affects the quality of food
Health effects of chemical parameters
value (maximum
Calcium 200 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of the quality of clothes,
incrustation in pipes, scale formation
Magnesium 100 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of clothes
Iron 0.3 mg/l Poor taste, colour and turbidity, stains clothes, iron
bacteria can cause slime, chronic iron overload could lead
to haemochromatosis
Manganese 0.3 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of clothes
Aluminium 0.2 mg/l High risk associated with dialysis patients
Copper 1.5 mg/l Anaemia, digestive disturbances, liver and kidney damage,
gastrointestinal irritation,
Can cause bitter or metallic taste and blue-green stains on
plumbing fixtures
Zinc 15 mg/l Metallic taste, toxic and can be poisonous in large doses,
can lead to copper deficiency
Parameter BIS Guideline
General and health effect
Ammonia 0.5 mg/l None proposed for human, but toxic for aquatic life
Nitrite 45mg/l Forms nitrosoamines which are carcinogenic, can
cause toxicity
Nitrate Can cause Blue baby disease
Sulphate 400mg/l Taste affected, can have a laxative effect, may
cause gastrointestinal irritation
Chloride 1000 mg/l Can lead to high blood pressure
Fluoride 1.5mg/l Dental and skeletal fluorosis
Parameter BIS Guideline value
General and health effect
Arsenic 0.05 mg/l Skin problems, endocrine disruptor,
carcinogenic, affects cardiovascular and
nervous system
Mercury 0.001 mg/l Damage to brain, kidney, developing foetus, leads
to death at high levels
Cadmium 0.003 mg/l Short term – nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
muscle cramps, sensory disturbances, liver
injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure.
Long term –kidney, liver, bone and blood damage.
Lead 0.01 mg/l Reduces mental capacity (mental retardation),
interferes with kidney and neurological functions,
leads to hearing loss, blood disorders,
hypertension, death at high levels
Parameter BIS guideline
value (Maximum
General and health
Chromium 0.05 mg/l Nausea, gastrointestinal
distress, stomach ulcers,
skin ulcers, allergic
reactions, kidney and liver
damage, reproductive
problems, lung and nasal
Detergent Undesirable foaming
Pesticide residue limits
Parameter Limit General and health effects
Alachlor 20 µg/l Skin or eye irritation in short term. Long term
exposure can damage the liver, kidneys, eyes and
Atrazine 2 µg/l Carcinigenic and endocrine disruptor
Aldrin/Dieldrin 0.03 µg/l Dizziness, vomiting, irritability in short term,
Convulsions and kidney damage in the long term
Alpha HCH 0.01 µg/l Blood disorders, dizziness, headaches, changes in
the levels of sex hormones
Beta HCH 0.04 µg/l Blood disorders, dizziness, headaches, changes in
the levels of sex hormones
Butachlor 125 µg/l Severe neurological and cardiovascular impacts on
Parameter Limit General and health effects
DDT 1 µg/l Vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and
seizures. Carcinogenic
Endosulfan (alpha,
beta and sulphate)
0.4 µg/l Neurotoxic, haemotoxic, genotoxic,
nephrotoxic and carcinogenic. Linked to
congenital physical disorders, mental
disabilities and deaths in farm workers
Malathion 190 µg/l Exposure can lead to skin and eye
irritation, cramps, nausea, diarrhoea,
excessive sweating, seizures and even
Parameter Limit General and health effects
Chlorpyriphos 30 µg/l Vomiting, abdominal and muscle cramps,
muscle twitching, tremors and
weakness, and loss of coordination
Methyl parathion 0.3 µg/l Neurotoxic
Phorate 2 µg/l Nausea, dizziness, confusion, respiratory
paralysis and death.

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Indian standard for drinking water as per bis specifications (is 10500 2012)

  • 1. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS WATER QUALITY Indian Standard for Drinking Water- Specification (Second Revision) IS 10500: 2012
  • 2. Technical terms • BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) • Desirable limits • Permissible limit • PPM • NTU • Hazen Units
  • 3. Organoleptic and physical parameters Colour, Hazen Units IS 10500-2012 Acceptable: 5 Hz., Permissible: 15 Hz Risks or effects Visible tint, acceptance decreases Sources Suspended material, soil runoff, presence of tannins and lignins, minerals like iron, copper, manganese, and organic wastes Treatment Filtration, Distillation, Reverse Osmosis, Ozonisation
  • 4. Odour IS 10500: 2012 Agreeable Risks or Effects Rotten egg, musty, chemical smell Sources Chlorine, hydrogen sulphide, presence of iron, manganese, chlorides, sulphates, aluminium, copper, contamination due to sewage and organic matter, methane gas Treatment Activated carbon, Air stripping, Oxidation, Filtration, Distillation, Ion Exchange
  • 5. pH IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 6.5-8.5, Permissible: No relaxation Risks or effects Low pH – corrosion leading to metallic taste High pH – bitter/soda taste, leads to deposits Sources Natural Treatment Increase pH by soda ash Decrease pH with white vinegar / citric acid
  • 6. Total dissolved solids, mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 500 mg/l Permissible: 2000 mg/l Risks or effects Hardness, scaly deposits, sediments, cloudy coloured water, salty or bitter taste, corrosion of pipes and fittings Sources Salts, heavy metals and organic compounds found in agricultural and urban runoff, wastewater from households, industries, sewage from urban and rural areas, hazardous wastes from landfills Treatment Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, deionization by Ion Exchange
  • 7. Turbidity NTU Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable unit: 1 NTU Permissible limit: 5 NTU Risks or effects Cloudiness or haziness Sources High sediment deposition due to pollution and industrial activities like construction, mining, quarrying, agriculture, due to presence of organic matter such as phytoplankton Treatment Settling or filtration processes using sand filtration, settling tanks, and clarifiers.
  • 8. Substances undesirable in excessive amounts Aluminium (as Al), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.03 mg/l Permissible limit: 0.2 mg/l Risks or effects High risk associated with dialysis patients Sources Rock and soil leaching Treatment Portable Cation Exchange*** Distillation, Reverse Osmosis
  • 9. Ammonia (as total ammonia-N), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.5 mg/l Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects None proposed for human, but toxic for aquatic life Sources Disinfection with chloramines, wastes, fertilisers and natural processes Treatment Ion Exchange with zeolite Sodium alumino silicate zeolites Distillation
  • 10. Barium (as Ba), mg/l, Max IS 10500:2012 Acceptable limits: 0.7 mg/l Permissible limits: No relaxation Risks or effects Difficulties in breathing, increased blood pressure, changes in heart rhythm, stomach irritation, brain swelling, muscle weakness, and damage to the liver, kidney, heart, and spleen. Source Mineral deposits Disposal of drilling wastes Smelting of copper Motor vehicle parts manufacturing Treatment Point-of-Entry (POE) Point-of-Use (POU) Cation Exchange Reverse Osmosis Distillation
  • 11. Iron (as Fe), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.3 mg/l Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects Brackish color, rusty sediment, bitter or metallic taste, brown-green stains, iron bacteria, discoloration of beverages Sources Leaching of cast iron pipes in water distribution systems Natural Treatment Oxidizing Filter, Green-sand Mechanical Filter
  • 12. Manganese (as Mn), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.1 mg/l Permissible limit: 0.3 mg/l Risks or effects Can stain laundry and fixtures at 0.2 mg/l, cause discolouration and leave an unpleasant taste to water. May affect brain development in infants and young children Sources Landfills, deposits in rock and soil Treatment Ion Exchange, Chlorination, Oxidising filters Green-sand mechanical filters
  • 13. Sulphate (as SO4), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 200 mg/l Permissible limit: 400 mg/l Risks or effects Bitter, medicinal taste, scaly deposits, corrosive, laxative effects, "rotten- egg" odour from hydrogen sulphide gas formation Sources Urban and rural sewage, industrial wastes, bye-product of coal mining, natural deposits or salts Treatment Ion Exchange , Distillation , Reverse Osmosis
  • 14. Nitrate (as NO3), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 45 mg/l Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects Methemoglobinemia or blue baby disease in infants Sources Human sewage and livestock manure, fertilisers, erosion of natural deposits Treatment Anion exchange, Nitrate ‘Sélective’ Anion Exchange Resins, Distillation, Electrodialysis
  • 15. Chloride (as Cl), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 250 mg/l Permissible limit: 1000 mg/l Risks or effects High blood pressure, salty taste, corroded pipes, fixtures and appliances, blackening and pitting of stainless steel Sources Fertilisers, Industrial wastes, Minerals in soil, seawater Treatment Reverse Osmosis , Distillation, Activated Carbon
  • 16. Fluoride (as F), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 1.0 mg/l Permissible limit: 1.5 mg/l Risks or effects Brownish discoloration of teeth, bone damage, skeletal damage Sources Contamination due to industrial wastes. Geological or natural Treatment Activated Alumina, Distillation, Reverse Osmosis, Anion Exchange
  • 17. Total arsenic (as As), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.01 mg/l Permissible limit: 0. 05 mg/l Risks or effects Skin problems, endocrine disruptor, carcinogenic, affects cardiovascular and nervous system Sources Leaching from natural deposits, pesticides, industrial deposits, coal mining, improper waste disposal Treatment Activated Alumina Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, Chemical Precipitation, Anion exchange, lime softening, Manganese greensand
  • 18. Total chromium (as Cr), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05 Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects Nausea, gastrointestinal distress, stomach and skin ulcers, allergic reactions, kidney and liver damage, reproductive problems, lung and nasal cancer Sources Septic systems, industrial discharge, mining sites, geological Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, Activated carbon
  • 19. Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.003 Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects Short term –nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle cramps, sensory disturbances, liver injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure. Long term –kidney, liver, bone and blood damage Sources Corrosion of galvanised pipes, from natural deposits, discharge from metal refineries, runoff from waste batteries and paints Treatment Coagulation/Filtration, Ion Exchange, Lime softening, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
  • 20. Copper (as Cu), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05 Permissible limit: 1.5 Risks or effects Acute copper poisoning causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal irritation. Severe cases can lead to anaemia and liver and kidney damage Sources Leaching from copper water pipes and tubing, copper salts used for algae control in reservoirs, industrial and mining discharges, erosion from natural sources Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
  • 21. Cyanide (as CN ), mg/l, Max IS 10500: 2012 Acceptable limit: 0.05 mg/l Permissible limit: No relaxation Risks or effects Thyroid, nervous system damage, can cause Vitamin B 12 deficiency Sources Fertilisers, electronics, steel, plastics and mining industries Treatment Ion Exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Chlorination
  • 22. Lead (as Pb), mg/l, Max IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 0.01 mg/l Permissible: No relaxation Risks or effects Poisonous, can affect central nervous system and red blood cells, interferes with kidney and neurological functions, leads to hearing loss, blood disorders, hypertension, death at high levels. Children more vulnerable than adults Sources Household plumbing systems, discarded batteries, paints, leaded gasoline, natural deposits Treatment Ion Exchange, Activated Carbon , Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
  • 23. Mercury (as Hg), mg/l, Max IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 0.001 mg/l Permissible: No relaxation Risks or effects Damage to brain, kidney, developing foetus, death at high levels Sources Fungicides, batteries, sewage, metal refining operations, mining, electrical equipment, chloralkali plant, erosion from natural sources Treatment Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
  • 24. Zinc (as Zn), mg/l, Max IS 10500-2012 Acceptable limit: 5 mg/l Permissible: 15 mg/l Risks or effects Metallic taste, toxic, can be poisonous in large doses, can lead to copper deficiency Sources Leaching of galvanized pipes and fittings, paints, dyes, natural deposits Treatment Ion Exchange Water Softeners, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation
  • 25. Total coliform bacteria IS 10500-2012 Nil/100ml Risks or effects Gastrointestinal tract infections Sources Contaminated animal waste, sewage contaminated with faecal matter, household wastewater, polluted storm water and agricultural runoffs Naturally occurring Treatment Chlorination, Ultraviolet light, Distillation, Ozonation
  • 26. E coliform bacteria IS 10500-2012 Nil/100ml Risks or effects Gastrointestinal tract infections Sources Contaminated animal waste, sewage contaminated with faecal matter, household wastewater, polluted storm water and agricultural runoffs, Naturally occurring Treatment Chlorination, Ultraviolet light, Distillation, Ozonation,
  • 27. Parameter BIS Guideline value (maximum allowable) General and health effect Total dissolved solids 2000 mg/l Undesirable taste, gastro intestinal problems, corrosion or incrustation pH 6.5-8.5 Affects mucous membrane, bitter taste, affects aquatic life Alkalinity 600 Hardness 600 Poor lathering with soap, deterioration of the quality of clothes, scale forming, can lead to skin irritation, affects the quality of food Health effects of chemical parameters
  • 28. value (maximum allowable) Calcium 200 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of the quality of clothes, incrustation in pipes, scale formation Magnesium 100 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of clothes Iron 0.3 mg/l Poor taste, colour and turbidity, stains clothes, iron bacteria can cause slime, chronic iron overload could lead to haemochromatosis Manganese 0.3 mg/l Poor lathering and deterioration of clothes Aluminium 0.2 mg/l High risk associated with dialysis patients Copper 1.5 mg/l Anaemia, digestive disturbances, liver and kidney damage, gastrointestinal irritation, Can cause bitter or metallic taste and blue-green stains on plumbing fixtures Zinc 15 mg/l Metallic taste, toxic and can be poisonous in large doses, can lead to copper deficiency
  • 29. Parameter BIS Guideline value (maximum allowable) General and health effect Ammonia 0.5 mg/l None proposed for human, but toxic for aquatic life Nitrite 45mg/l Forms nitrosoamines which are carcinogenic, can cause toxicity Nitrate Can cause Blue baby disease (methemoglobineamia) Sulphate 400mg/l Taste affected, can have a laxative effect, may cause gastrointestinal irritation Chloride 1000 mg/l Can lead to high blood pressure Fluoride 1.5mg/l Dental and skeletal fluorosis
  • 30. Parameter BIS Guideline value (maximum allowable) General and health effect Arsenic 0.05 mg/l Skin problems, endocrine disruptor, carcinogenic, affects cardiovascular and nervous system Mercury 0.001 mg/l Damage to brain, kidney, developing foetus, leads to death at high levels Cadmium 0.003 mg/l Short term – nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, muscle cramps, sensory disturbances, liver injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure. Long term –kidney, liver, bone and blood damage. Lead 0.01 mg/l Reduces mental capacity (mental retardation), interferes with kidney and neurological functions, leads to hearing loss, blood disorders, hypertension, death at high levels
  • 31. Parameter BIS guideline value (Maximum allowable) General and health effects Chromium 0.05 mg/l Nausea, gastrointestinal distress, stomach ulcers, skin ulcers, allergic reactions, kidney and liver damage, reproductive problems, lung and nasal cancer Detergent Undesirable foaming
  • 32. Pesticide residue limits Parameter Limit General and health effects Alachlor 20 µg/l Skin or eye irritation in short term. Long term exposure can damage the liver, kidneys, eyes and spleen Atrazine 2 µg/l Carcinigenic and endocrine disruptor Aldrin/Dieldrin 0.03 µg/l Dizziness, vomiting, irritability in short term, Convulsions and kidney damage in the long term Alpha HCH 0.01 µg/l Blood disorders, dizziness, headaches, changes in the levels of sex hormones Beta HCH 0.04 µg/l Blood disorders, dizziness, headaches, changes in the levels of sex hormones Butachlor 125 µg/l Severe neurological and cardiovascular impacts on ingestion
  • 33. Parameter Limit General and health effects DDT 1 µg/l Vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and seizures. Carcinogenic Endosulfan (alpha, beta and sulphate) 0.4 µg/l Neurotoxic, haemotoxic, genotoxic, nephrotoxic and carcinogenic. Linked to congenital physical disorders, mental disabilities and deaths in farm workers Malathion 190 µg/l Exposure can lead to skin and eye irritation, cramps, nausea, diarrhoea, excessive sweating, seizures and even death.
  • 34. Parameter Limit General and health effects Chlorpyriphos 30 µg/l Vomiting, abdominal and muscle cramps, muscle twitching, tremors and weakness, and loss of coordination Methyl parathion 0.3 µg/l Neurotoxic Phorate 2 µg/l Nausea, dizziness, confusion, respiratory paralysis and death.