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December 9, 2008

 Company Profile

 •     Wipr o Ltd – G lobal IT ser vices c omp any.

 •     Business ar ea of focus – Electr onic commer ce, B usi ness

       I nt elligenc e, CRM, SCM, EAI & I nfr astr uct ur e Management.

 •     Fir st S oft war e ser vices c ompany c er tified at S EI – CMM lev el 5.

 •     Fir st S oft war e S er vices C omp any t o b e C er tified ISO 14001.

 •     Wipr o faci lit y i n G ur gaon is LEED P latinum r at ed and K oc hi is
       LEED G old r at ed fr om US Gr een B ui ldi ng C ounci l.

 •     Going for war d all 17 New bui ldi ngs ar e b ei ng c onstr uct ed as p er Gold
       LEED specifi cati ons

December 9, 2008                    Wipro Ltd - Confidential                       2
- About

 • Ec oeye – Ec oacti on at Wipr o
        – Wipr o’s initiative tow ar ds Ecological Sustainability
        – “Eco Eye” signifies Wipr o’s endeavor to apply the lens of e co logica l
          sustainability to the w ay w e w ork
        – Con cer ted cor por ation-w ide initiative to tr ansfor m the w ay w e do business
          & engage all our stakeholder s
        – Going beyond com plian ce
        – Being r esponsible
        – Making Wipr o ecologica lly sustainable in ever y dimension
        – Pr oviding our customer s a diverse por tfolio of gr een solutions
          (Lighting, IT (products, servi ces & appli cations), Renewab le Energy, Cons ulting, etc.)

    Wipro w an ts to be a lea der in ecological sustain ability prac tices,
   in every dimen sion of th e organization , enh an cing th e partn ersh ip
       w ith all our s ta keh olders, in buildin g a sustain able futu re.

December 9, 2008                            Wipro Ltd - Confidential                                   3

                   - Themes

   1. Eco logica l                  Remode l oper ations (r educe, r ecycle & o ffset) to r each
      sur plus                      neutr ality / sur plus in the four identified ar eas (ener gy,
      or ganization                 w ater , w aste & biodiver sity)

   2. Business                      Build a por tfolio of investments that w ill open new
      investments                   oppor tunities of sustainable business

                                    Par tner with r egional, national & g loba l gr oups as par t
   3. Beyond Wipr o                 of lar ger sustainability initiatives in ener gy, w ater ,
                                    w aste & biodiver sity

   4. Tr anspar ent                 Establish a fr amew ork of sustainability-center ed
      r epor ting                   measur ing & r epor ting based on GR3 guidelin es

   5. Risk planning &               Assess risks to Wipr o arising fr om climate change &
      mitigation                    eco logica l degr adation; Publish the r isk-mitigation plan

December 9, 2008                            Wipro Ltd - Confidential                                   4
ISO 14001 Certification

                                                                        W e are also cer tified to
                                                       CERTIF ICAT ION                       INITI AL C ERTIF ICAT ION DA TE

                                                       ISO 9 0 0 1 :2 0 00 & TICKIT          Dec 2001

                                                       ISO 14001                             Dec 2000

                                                       CMM Lev e l 5                         Dec 1998

                                                       CMMi Lev el 5                         May 2002
                                                       CMMi Lev el5 V1.2                     Dec 2006

                                                       PCMM                                  Dec 2001

                                                       TL 9000                               Dec 2001

                                                       ISO27001                              BS7 7 9 9 - Oct 2 002
                                                       (BS 7 799: 2:2002 conv erted to
                                                       ISO27001 on Oct 2006)

                                                       IEE E SPA Awa rd                      May 2003

                                                       ITIL ce rtifica tio n                 BS15000(DNV) – Feb 20 0 4
                                                       (BS1 5000 conv erted to ISO20000)

                                                       ISO13485                              J ul 2 0 0 5

                                                       AS9 1 00                              June 2006

                                                       Automotive SPICE                      June 2006(IMPRONOVA)

 Internal Communication to Employees

 • Help Emp loy ees make a diff er ence at wor k & b ey ond

        – Make aw ar e & tr ain                                                                             Make
               üScreening of A l Gor e's doc um entar y-film 'An                                            Aware
                Inc onv enient T rut h' across locations
               üEmail a uto-signat ur e tag line “ Please don't
                print this e-mail unless y ou really need to”,                           Enable                         Motivate
                to spr ead awareness & induc e r educ tion in
                the c onsumption of print ing pa per
               üLev erage t he inf luence of ‘W om en of W ipro’
                as ‘Green Am bassadors’ t o spr ead ec ologic al
                awar eness within t heir c ircles of inf luenc e

                                                                                                                      ü Implem ente d
                                                                                                                      v Plan ned

               v Employ ee port al t o build aw ar eness &
                capability e.g. persona l c ar bon ca lcula tor
December 9, 2008                           Wipro Ltd - Confidential                                                         6
Internal Communication to Employees

• Help Emp loy ees make a diff er ence at wor k & b ey ond

    – Motivate                                                       Make
        v Enc ourag e ec o-fr iendly behavior                        Aware

    – Involve
        üPersonal E- waste c ollection drive                Enable               Motivate
         (Mobile handset s, PC s, etc. )
        üLoca l Ec oEy e Chapters t o pr ovide em ployees
         a platf orm for inv olv em ent
    – Enable
        v Wha t employees w ant to do,
         e.g. Ec o-initiat ives f or t he C ommunity
         thr ough Wipr o Car es

                                                                               ü Implem ente d
                                                                               v Plan ned

Internal Communication to Employees– Intranet
channel for Environment
Engage the Community( Community
  • Pr otect t he ecology i n t he sur r oundi ng c ommunity ar ea
        – Tr ansplantation of tr ees
               • 40 tr ees identified f or felling , t o widen r oads, in B angalor e,
                 hav e been tr ansplant ed t o a comm unity open space.
        – Mass Tr ee Plantation dr ive
               • 100 0 sa plings were planted on w or ld env ir onm ent day ( 20 07- 08)
        – Restor ation of Manikonda Lake (Hyder abad)
               • Attem pt is to r estor e t he surr ounding biodiversity.

  • Pr ovide r elief to di saster (Tsunami) aff ect ed ar eas
        – Coastal Tr ee Plantation by employees at tsunami affe cted -
          Pushpavanam Village , Nagapatinam Distr ict, Tamil Nadu, India . (O ct 2, 2005)
               – A unique corpor at e-c ommunity j oint initiative
               – To emphasiz e the im portanc e of having a coastal t ree belt to mitig at e the dam ag e
                 from cyclones & floods.
               – 2,54, 46 4 tr ee sapling s planted along a 2 km v illage coastline to a dept h of 1 00 mts
        – Reclamation of Salinate d agr icultur al Land
               • For 1 00. 25 acr es land af fec ted by sea w at er dur ing t he tsunami.
 December 9, 2008                            Wipro Ltd - Confidential                                                                    9

  Monitoring & Reporting System
1)Tot al v olume of wat er
wit hdr awn by sour ce
contr ibutes to an understanding                                    Water Withdrawal by source in m3/year
of the over all sca le of potential                                     28042, 2%
impacts and r isks associated                   251415, 20%
                                                                                                        400124, 32%
w ith the Wipr o’s w ater use. We
take all measur es and w ater                                                                                            Ground Wat er
consumption is monitor ed for                                                                                            Municipal Water Supply
every use.                                                                                                               Private Purc hase

Water is w ithdr aw n fr om the                                                                                          Indus trial As sociation

follow ing sour ces.                                      584745, 46%
•Gr ound w ater
                                                               Total Water Wit hdrawal by source is12,64, 326 m3/ year
•Municipal w ater supplies
•Pr ivate Pur chase
•Industr ial Association

         For Moni tor ing pur pose water met er s ar e i nst alled t o c aptur e t he
                         Water c onsumpti on on d ay- day basis
Monitoring & Reporting System

 2) In- house RO p lant- Fi nal Wat er fr om out let of R O p lant i s t est ed by
   appr oved labor at or y for the quality chec k
 3) Bot t led W at er - Batc h-wi se wat er analy sis r epor t is collec ted fr om
 4) C ommon S ewage Tr eat ment P lant: B efor e dischar ging the sewage i nto
   the pub li c sewer t he d omestic sewage is test ed for var ious
   par ameter s, it i s disc har ged only if the p ar amet er s ar e well wit hin the
   li mits.
 5) Sewage Tr eatment P lant: Bef or e disc har ging t he tr eat ed wat er final
   collecti on t ank wat er is t est ed for var ious p ar amet er s. It is c hecked
   whet her the par ameter s ar e well wi thi n t he li mits for healthy r unni ng
   of p lant & also for usage of t he tr eat ed wat er for Gar deni ng & Flushi ng

 Monitoring & Reporting System
 • Ev er y mont h wat er consumpti on is r evi ewed i n Location r evi ew
   meeti ng.
 • Dai ly Rep or t cov er s Wat er Rec eiv ed, W ater C onsumpti on, STP tr eated

W ater Meter connected to the follow ing source s

  1. Bor ewell Raw W at er supp ly
  2. Municip al R aw Wat er supp ly
  3. Toi let Flushi ng Wat er
  4. AC C ond enser water make up
  5. Irr igation pump at t er r ace
  6. STP Tr eat ed Wat er

                                                                  Daily Report Sep-
Innovative Project-1 RO Plant Efficiency

Plant efficien cy and w ater conservation:

The cap acit y of the RO pl ant s are 150LPH (Liters per hour ) an d
before this i niti ative, out p ut of plant s w ere varying betw een 30 to
40LPH. Th umb rule for the RO plan t w ater generation i s 1:1 ratio
that is on e liter of w ater w asted for the regeneration of 1 li ter of
w ater. Before this project t he plant use to take 4 to 5 litre of w ater
to g enerate one liter w ater. There w ere more custo mer call s on the
non avai lab ilit y of the drinking w ater as t he pl ant effi ciency w as
dow n and during peek hours w aters are arranged in the bottle s to th e
w ater cooler .

RO(Reverse Osmo si s) Pl ant effi ciency im proved drasticall y and
savings ach ieved in w ater rejection from RO Pl ant. Dow ntime of the
plant redu ced and avail abili ty of the pl ant though out. RO Plant i s
used to treat t he w ater for drinking purpose using the reverse
Osmo sis con cept.

Results Before Initiative
                                                                                                                                                                          Pressur e
                                                                                                                                          Waste water before               before
                                                                                                                                        replacing the Motor and          Replacing
                      SI         Tower     TDS IN LET            TD S OUTLET                       Water Out Put befor e                     spares(lts/Hr)              the Motor

                      1        TO WER 9    450 ppm                   4 8ppm                                        90                               40 0                 4k g/cm2

                      2        TOWER 10    455 ppm                   4 5ppm                                        72                               45 0                 2k g/cm2
                      3        TOWER 11    440 ppm                   7 3ppm                                        30                               54 0                 2k g/cm2
                      4        TOWER 14    460 ppm                   3 6ppm                                        90                               36 0                 4k g/cm2
                      5        TOWER 15    450 ppm                   3 5ppm                                        110                              35 0                 4k g/cm2
                      6        TOWER 12    460 ppm                   4 0ppm                                        90                               36 0                 3k g/cm2

                                                                                  W as te W ate r Re j e c ti on

                      60 0
                                                                                       5 40

                      50 0                              4 50

                                  4 00
                      40 0                                                                                               36 0                35 0                 3 60
    Water In Liters

                      30 0

                      20 0

                      10 0


                                TOWE R 9           T OWE R 1 0                     TO WER 1 1                      TOWE R 14              TOWE R 15           T OWE R 1 2

                                                                 Wa ste wat er b efo re re pla ci ng the Mo to r an d spa res(lts/Hr)
Results After Initiative

                                                                                    TDS Output After           Water Output After Rel acing the             Waste water a fter replacing            Pressure after
 SI          Tower                                 TDS INLET          TD OU
                                                                        S TLET     Relacing the Motor                        Motor (L tr)                   the Motor and spares(lts )
                                                                                                                                                                                    /Hr          Repl acing the M oto r

 1    TOWER 9                                      450ppm               48ppm            40ppm                                   134                                     180                              7kg/cm2

 2    TOWER 10                                     455ppm               45ppm            37ppm                                   145                                     155                              7kg/cm2
 3    TOWER 11                                     440ppm               73ppm            30ppm                                   144                                     144                         6.8kg/cm2
 4    TOWER 14                                     460ppm               36ppm            36ppm                                   144                                     360                              4kg/cm2
 5    TOWER 15                                     450ppm               35ppm            35ppm                                   110                                     350                              4kg/cm2
 6    TOWER 12                                     460ppm               40ppm            30ppm                                   144                                     144                         6.5kg/cm2

                                                                                                   W ast e W ater R e j ec tion Af ter

                                           40 0
                                                                                                                                            3 60
                                                                                                                                                                       35 0
                                           35 0

                                           30 0
                         Water In Liters

                                           25 0

                                           20 0                18 0
                                                                                                               144                                                                                 1 44
                                           15 0

                                           10 0



                                                         TO WER 9                TOWER 10                  TOW E R 1 1                  TOWER 14                   T OW ER 1 5                   TOWER 12

                                                                                            Wa ste wa ter af ter re placi ng th e Mo tor an d sp ares( lts/ Hr)


                                                                                                              W aste W ater Rejection


                                    500                                           450
                                    400                                                                                                            360     360                   350       350                   360
       Water In Liters


                                    200                                                  155                               144                                                                                            144



                                                        TOW ER 9                  TOW ER 10                      TOW ER 11                         TOW ER 14                     TOW ER 15                      TO WER 12

                                                        Waste water before replac ing the Motor and spar es(lts /Hr )                         Wast e water after replac ing the Motor and spar es(lts /Hr )
Benefits & Sustainability

Improved efficiency /Water conservation:
•Efficiency of the pla nt is improved fro m 47% TO 97 %.
•Reduction in waste water rejection. (Approx 300 Kilo liters of
water saved per month)
•Reduction of the pla nt do wntime and break down ca lls .
•Stopped procuring the bottle water.
•Reductions in carbon foot print beca use improved efficiency and
reduction of water consumption.

                            Jun-08   Jul-08   Aug-08   Sep-08   Oct-08   Nov-08   Dec-08   Jan-09   Feb-09   Mar-09

  Sediment Filter

  Activated Carbon Filter


 Project 2: Rain Water Harvesting @ Wipro

   • W ipro is one of the F irst
     compan ies to st art Rain w at er
     harvesting (RW H)

   • W e have implemente d RW H
     project at 6 location s across India.

   • W ater harvested i s being u sed for
     cooling tow ers, Rest room
     Flushi ng, Land scaping and ground

   • W e have Harvested tot al of 8522
     Kl of Rain w at er for the ye ar
Water- Rain Water harvesting Facility- Reuse &
Underground collection sump s h ave been set up of tot al capacity of
3743 Kl across W ipro
                             Rain gauges are u sed to measure the rainf all

Use of H arvested Rainw ater
The h arvested r ain w ater i s used for
Cooling Tow ers, w ashing of ute nsil s and
hand s i n cafeteri a, flushing in restrooms
and for lan dscapi ng. The amount of w at er
utilized for each of these p urposes i s al so

  RWH @ Wipro Campus

   • Rain w ater from the roof tops
     are guided through dow n take
     pipes to 2 un der ground sumps
     and surface w ater is guided to
     the other sump through storm
     w ater drain.

   • Roof top w ater is used for
     cooling tow er application and
     rest room flush.

   • Surface w ater i s u sed for
     Gardening and ground charging.

   • Ground ch arging pits are create d
     next to under ground su mps to
     divert the over flow w ater.
Specific Water Consumption

                            Water Consumption/person                      Specific water consumption

                    50                                         0.25                                      0.22
                    48                                          0.2

                    46      45                                 0.15     0.108
                    44                                 43       0.1
                    42                                         0.05
                    40                                           0
                         2005-2006   2006-2007     2007-2008          2005-2006      2006-2007         2007-2008

       Water Conservation-Measures

         • Pre-valves Inst all ation
         • Installat ion of Auto sen sors for Urinal s & W ash Basin s
         • Adjustment of W at er Pressure b y Co ntrol knobs
         • Installat ion of he alt h fau cet s
         • Monitoring w ater leakage on dai ly b asis.
         • Installat ion of meters to moni tor the w ater usage w herever feasible
         • Insertion of 1ltr. Bot tle in side the Flush tank
         •          Automati c level se nsors fixed in M ain t ank & STP w ater tank
         •          Monitoring daily con sumptio n of fresh w ater and STP w ater
         •          W ater level controllers in over head tanks.
         •          Use of sprinklers for w atering the garden / lan dscaped area.
Water- Conserve

• Sew age treatment pl ant at all cam pus location s.
• Use of treat ed w ater for gardening / land scaping and toilet fl ushing.
• Use of sprinklers for w atering the garden / lan dscaped area.
• Implement ation of Rain w ater harvesti ng. Collectio n cap acit y
  equivalent to 45 days requ irement.
• Reuse of rain w ater after treatment for garden.
• Use of dish w ashing machi nes to cle an u tensils at Kit chen.
• Di splay of signage's (Posters for aw areness)
• Provision of drip irrigation syste m for land scape w atering

 Water- Recycle & Reuse

 • All Major W ipro campuse s h as Sew age Treatm ent pl ant s as p art of
   the basi c infrastructure.

 • Treated w ater i s u sed for Gardening and Restroom flu shing.

 • Use of recycled treated w ater w ould save about 5 0% of fresh w at er
   consu mption.
Recycled Domestic Sewage

• All W ipro major
  locatio ns have STP. An y                                       Recycled Domestic sewage quantit y in KL
  new W ipro campus i s
  provided w ith an STP.                                700000                            624379
  As W ipro is add ing                                  600000
  locatio ns the no. of STP                             500000

                                       Quantity in KL
  plants are al so                                      400000
  increasing.                                                     271400                                Recycled Quantit y
                                                                 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008

  Water- Reuse & Recharge

                            Rain Water Harvested & Recharged in KL

    Quantity in KL




                            Re charged to ground                           Reused within the facility
Water- Reuse & Recharge

• Harvested rain w ater is u sed for cool ing tow er ,Rest room flush and
  gardening thus saving the u sage of fresh w ater

• Ground w ater recharge through rain w ater harvesting improves the
  w ater table co ndition s, soil moi sture co ndition s

• By rai n w ater harvesting w e are ab le to offset 15d ays of o ur fresh
  w ater consump tion

Water-Consumption, Reuse & Recycle Pattern

                       Con sumptio n Reuse & recycle pattern

                                     8552, 0.45%

   624378.52, 32.91%

                                                                 1264326.93, 66.64%

   Water consumption in KL       Recycled water in KL   Rain Water Harvested in KL
National Benchmark

                                           National benchmark on Water consumption in KL/day

 70                                                   65
 50                                                                                               43
                                            National Benchmark                        Wipro Consum ption

India Water P ortal
Link : http:// dia waterpo q/kb/? Vie w= entry&E ntryID=2 64

IT Biz Benchmark

                                     Financial Year                       FY 0 7-08       FY 0 7-08
                                     Compa ny Name                        Infosys         Wipro - IT biz
                                     Per Capita F resh
                                     Water Cons umptio n i n m3           3.28            1.45
                                     Head count                           79,000          7235 0

                                                                  IT Biz Benchmark

      Per capita consumption in m3

                                                        Infosys                       Wipro - IT biz
Other Environmental Initiatives
Energy Conse rvat ion Measu res
• Replac em ent of copper ballast w it h elect ronic ballast
• Pr ovided t he t hermost at contr oller for w at er cooler s and replac ed 36W PL wit h 18 and
  11 W C FL in W /s
• and R est rooms
• Ambiator Inst allat ion
• Replac em ent of Old U PS sy st ems and opt imiz ing the load
• Matr ix Ener gy S av ers f or all split & pac kag e A /C units
• VFDs for c hiller pum ps
• Arresting t he duct leak ag es at t he mast er serv er r oom s f or t he bett er ut ilization of A/C
• Replac em ent of Ener gy ineff icient A C's
• Occ upanc y Lig ht ing sensors provided at W ork st ations
• The set point s of return air t emper at ur e f ix ed at 24 º c instead of pr ev ious set point of
  23 º c.
• TPM implem entation in Ut ility Block s ha s result ed in energy savings Insta llation of sun
  contr ol films a s
• energ y sav ing initiative
• Solar Panel w it h L ED lig hts f or Skyw alk
• Resiz ing of t he Pum ps & Post life cy cle analy sis of chiller pum ps
• Pr ovision of Tim er s f or Lighting at Caf et er ia for optim um utiliza tion a nd to r educ e
• illum ination during non peak hours
• Life cyc le analysis of STP-R ecirc ulation Pum ps
• Installation of LED ’s for C ommon ar ea lig hting
• Pr oviding of Tim er s f or Workstation AHU's

Utilization of Waste for Energy
Bio Gas Plant
Biogas Plant Cap acit y                   150 0 kg/da y of left ov er food, veg etable cuttings and fruit pe els, other
                                          bio - degradable m att er and 1 2 cu m / day of organic sludge from exis ting

Are a R equired For                       20 m x 15 m appro x.
Biogas Plant

Biogas P roduced                          Approx 1 60 - 18 0 cum / da y which is equal to
                                          Approx 1 20 - 12 5 com me rci al (19 kg) LPG cylinde rs / month which ar e
                                          directly p roportional to solid waste load ed.
                                          Approx 2 88 kWh/day ( 1 2 kW pe ak )

Bio-Manur e Gene rat ed                   450 00 lit / ye ar of good organic m anur e will be available. About 15 00 0 lit
                                          to be re moved onc e ev er y 4 month s

Proc es s Wate r R equired                Approx 1 50 0 – 1 80 0 lit per da y

Elect ricity con sum ed                   25 kWh / day
Manpower Requir ed for Oper ation and 3 se mi – s killed person s for food wast e loading daily, gener al cle anliness
  Maintenan ce                        and mainten anc e. One skilled t echnician is requir ed on call basis and for
                                      super vision.
Awards and Accolades
 • ISO 14001 cer tification in 2000 – W ipro is India’s fir st So ftw ar e &
   Serv ices Company to get this cer tificatio n.
 • Sr ishti’s “G oo d Gr een Gov ernance” Aw ar d in the Serv ices sector for
   2006 & 2007
 • CII’s “National Energ y M anagem ent” A w ar d for the mo st energy
   efficient facility aw ar d for 2006, 2007 & 2008.
 • CII’s SHE per form ance A w ard
 • CONCERN India Fo undatio n Aw ar d - ‘Helping Peo ple Help Them selv es’
 • TERI’s Cor por ate Env ir onmental A w ard for 2007
 • G o lden Peaco ck A w ard 2008 - Runner up
 • Show award by M ysor e Horticulture Society, Lalbhag , Bangalore 2007
 • 1st Pr ize for Ornam ental G arden 2008 by M ysor e Hor ticulture Society
 • Fir st pr ize for Sum mer /W inter g arden co mpletio n by Hor ticultur e
   so ciety o f India aw ar ded to KDC 2007 & 2008
 • Cer tificate o f A ssessm ent fr om UVDB for Safety, Health, Env iro nm ent
   & Quality pr actices

                   We have not inherited the earth from our
                                 fore fathers,
                    we have simply borrowed it from our

                                Save the Earth

                       Thank you for your time
December 9, 2008                 Wipro Ltd - Confidential                        34

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Wipro Limited, Bangalore

  • 1. December 9, 2008 Company Profile • Wipr o Ltd – G lobal IT ser vices c omp any. • Business ar ea of focus – Electr onic commer ce, B usi ness I nt elligenc e, CRM, SCM, EAI & I nfr astr uct ur e Management. • Fir st S oft war e ser vices c ompany c er tified at S EI – CMM lev el 5. • Fir st S oft war e S er vices C omp any t o b e C er tified ISO 14001. • Wipr o faci lit y i n G ur gaon is LEED P latinum r at ed and K oc hi is LEED G old r at ed fr om US Gr een B ui ldi ng C ounci l. • Going for war d all 17 New bui ldi ngs ar e b ei ng c onstr uct ed as p er Gold LEED specifi cati ons December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 2
  • 2. - About • Ec oeye – Ec oacti on at Wipr o – Wipr o’s initiative tow ar ds Ecological Sustainability – “Eco Eye” signifies Wipr o’s endeavor to apply the lens of e co logica l sustainability to the w ay w e w ork – Con cer ted cor por ation-w ide initiative to tr ansfor m the w ay w e do business & engage all our stakeholder s – Going beyond com plian ce – Being r esponsible – Making Wipr o ecologica lly sustainable in ever y dimension – Pr oviding our customer s a diverse por tfolio of gr een solutions (Lighting, IT (products, servi ces & appli cations), Renewab le Energy, Cons ulting, etc.) Wipro w an ts to be a lea der in ecological sustain ability prac tices, in every dimen sion of th e organization , enh an cing th e partn ersh ip w ith all our s ta keh olders, in buildin g a sustain able futu re. December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 3 - Themes 1. Eco logica l Remode l oper ations (r educe, r ecycle & o ffset) to r each sur plus neutr ality / sur plus in the four identified ar eas (ener gy, or ganization w ater , w aste & biodiver sity) 2. Business Build a por tfolio of investments that w ill open new investments oppor tunities of sustainable business Par tner with r egional, national & g loba l gr oups as par t 3. Beyond Wipr o of lar ger sustainability initiatives in ener gy, w ater , w aste & biodiver sity 4. Tr anspar ent Establish a fr amew ork of sustainability-center ed r epor ting measur ing & r epor ting based on GR3 guidelin es 5. Risk planning & Assess risks to Wipr o arising fr om climate change & mitigation eco logica l degr adation; Publish the r isk-mitigation plan December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 4
  • 3. ISO 14001 Certification W e are also cer tified to CERTIF ICAT ION INITI AL C ERTIF ICAT ION DA TE ISO 9 0 0 1 :2 0 00 & TICKIT Dec 2001 ISO 14001 Dec 2000 CMM Lev e l 5 Dec 1998 CMMi Lev el 5 May 2002 CMMi Lev el5 V1.2 Dec 2006 PCMM Dec 2001 TL 9000 Dec 2001 ISO27001 BS7 7 9 9 - Oct 2 002 (BS 7 799: 2:2002 conv erted to ISO27001 on Oct 2006) IEE E SPA Awa rd May 2003 ITIL ce rtifica tio n BS15000(DNV) – Feb 20 0 4 (BS1 5000 conv erted to ISO20000) ISO13485 J ul 2 0 0 5 AS9 1 00 June 2006 Automotive SPICE June 2006(IMPRONOVA) Internal Communication to Employees • Help Emp loy ees make a diff er ence at wor k & b ey ond – Make aw ar e & tr ain Make üScreening of A l Gor e's doc um entar y-film 'An Aware Inc onv enient T rut h' across locations üEmail a uto-signat ur e tag line “ Please don't print this e-mail unless y ou really need to”, Enable Motivate to spr ead awareness & induc e r educ tion in the c onsumption of print ing pa per üLev erage t he inf luence of ‘W om en of W ipro’ Involve as ‘Green Am bassadors’ t o spr ead ec ologic al awar eness within t heir c ircles of inf luenc e ü Implem ente d v Plan ned v Employ ee port al t o build aw ar eness & capability e.g. persona l c ar bon ca lcula tor December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 6
  • 4. Internal Communication to Employees • Help Emp loy ees make a diff er ence at wor k & b ey ond – Motivate Make v Enc ourag e ec o-fr iendly behavior Aware – Involve üPersonal E- waste c ollection drive Enable Motivate (Mobile handset s, PC s, etc. ) üLoca l Ec oEy e Chapters t o pr ovide em ployees a platf orm for inv olv em ent Involve – Enable v Wha t employees w ant to do, e.g. Ec o-initiat ives f or t he C ommunity thr ough Wipr o Car es ü Implem ente d v Plan ned Internal Communication to Employees– Intranet channel for Environment
  • 5. Engage the Community( Community Involvement) • Pr otect t he ecology i n t he sur r oundi ng c ommunity ar ea – Tr ansplantation of tr ees • 40 tr ees identified f or felling , t o widen r oads, in B angalor e, hav e been tr ansplant ed t o a comm unity open space. – Mass Tr ee Plantation dr ive • 100 0 sa plings were planted on w or ld env ir onm ent day ( 20 07- 08) – Restor ation of Manikonda Lake (Hyder abad) • Attem pt is to r estor e t he surr ounding biodiversity. • Pr ovide r elief to di saster (Tsunami) aff ect ed ar eas – Coastal Tr ee Plantation by employees at tsunami affe cted - Pushpavanam Village , Nagapatinam Distr ict, Tamil Nadu, India . (O ct 2, 2005) – A unique corpor at e-c ommunity j oint initiative – To emphasiz e the im portanc e of having a coastal t ree belt to mitig at e the dam ag e from cyclones & floods. – 2,54, 46 4 tr ee sapling s planted along a 2 km v illage coastline to a dept h of 1 00 mts – Reclamation of Salinate d agr icultur al Land • For 1 00. 25 acr es land af fec ted by sea w at er dur ing t he tsunami. December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 9 Monitoring & Reporting System 1)Tot al v olume of wat er wit hdr awn by sour ce contr ibutes to an understanding Water Withdrawal by source in m3/year of the over all sca le of potential 28042, 2% impacts and r isks associated 251415, 20% 400124, 32% w ith the Wipr o’s w ater use. We take all measur es and w ater Ground Wat er consumption is monitor ed for Municipal Water Supply every use. Private Purc hase Water is w ithdr aw n fr om the Indus trial As sociation follow ing sour ces. 584745, 46% •Gr ound w ater Total Water Wit hdrawal by source is12,64, 326 m3/ year •Municipal w ater supplies •Pr ivate Pur chase •Industr ial Association For Moni tor ing pur pose water met er s ar e i nst alled t o c aptur e t he Water c onsumpti on on d ay- day basis
  • 6. Monitoring & Reporting System 2) In- house RO p lant- Fi nal Wat er fr om out let of R O p lant i s t est ed by appr oved labor at or y for the quality chec k 3) Bot t led W at er - Batc h-wi se wat er analy sis r epor t is collec ted fr om vendor 4) C ommon S ewage Tr eat ment P lant: B efor e dischar ging the sewage i nto the pub li c sewer t he d omestic sewage is test ed for var ious par ameter s, it i s disc har ged only if the p ar amet er s ar e well wit hin the li mits. 5) Sewage Tr eatment P lant: Bef or e disc har ging t he tr eat ed wat er final collecti on t ank wat er is t est ed for var ious p ar amet er s. It is c hecked whet her the par ameter s ar e well wi thi n t he li mits for healthy r unni ng of p lant & also for usage of t he tr eat ed wat er for Gar deni ng & Flushi ng Monitoring & Reporting System • Ev er y mont h wat er consumpti on is r evi ewed i n Location r evi ew meeti ng. • Dai ly Rep or t cov er s Wat er Rec eiv ed, W ater C onsumpti on, STP tr eated Water W ater Meter connected to the follow ing source s 1. Bor ewell Raw W at er supp ly 2. Municip al R aw Wat er supp ly 3. Toi let Flushi ng Wat er 4. AC C ond enser water make up 5. Irr igation pump at t er r ace 6. STP Tr eat ed Wat er Daily Report Sep- 2008.xls
  • 7. Innovative Project-1 RO Plant Efficiency Plant efficien cy and w ater conservation: The cap acit y of the RO pl ant s are 150LPH (Liters per hour ) an d before this i niti ative, out p ut of plant s w ere varying betw een 30 to 40LPH. Th umb rule for the RO plan t w ater generation i s 1:1 ratio that is on e liter of w ater w asted for the regeneration of 1 li ter of w ater. Before this project t he plant use to take 4 to 5 litre of w ater to g enerate one liter w ater. There w ere more custo mer call s on the non avai lab ilit y of the drinking w ater as t he pl ant effi ciency w as dow n and during peek hours w aters are arranged in the bottle s to th e w ater cooler . RO(Reverse Osmo si s) Pl ant effi ciency im proved drasticall y and savings ach ieved in w ater rejection from RO Pl ant. Dow ntime of the plant redu ced and avail abili ty of the pl ant though out. RO Plant i s used to treat t he w ater for drinking purpose using the reverse Osmo sis con cept. Results Before Initiative Pressur e Waste water before before replacing the Motor and Replacing SI Tower TDS IN LET TD S OUTLET Water Out Put befor e spares(lts/Hr) the Motor 1 TO WER 9 450 ppm 4 8ppm 90 40 0 4k g/cm2 2 TOWER 10 455 ppm 4 5ppm 72 45 0 2k g/cm2 3 TOWER 11 440 ppm 7 3ppm 30 54 0 2k g/cm2 4 TOWER 14 460 ppm 3 6ppm 90 36 0 4k g/cm2 5 TOWER 15 450 ppm 3 5ppm 110 35 0 4k g/cm2 6 TOWER 12 460 ppm 4 0ppm 90 36 0 3k g/cm2 W as te W ate r Re j e c ti on 60 0 5 40 50 0 4 50 4 00 40 0 36 0 35 0 3 60 Water In Liters 30 0 20 0 10 0 0 TOWE R 9 T OWE R 1 0 TO WER 1 1 TOWE R 14 TOWE R 15 T OWE R 1 2 Wa ste wat er b efo re re pla ci ng the Mo to r an d spa res(lts/Hr)
  • 8. Results After Initiative TDS Output After Water Output After Rel acing the Waste water a fter replacing Pressure after SI Tower TDS INLET TD OU S TLET Relacing the Motor Motor (L tr) the Motor and spares(lts ) /Hr Repl acing the M oto r 1 TOWER 9 450ppm 48ppm 40ppm 134 180 7kg/cm2 2 TOWER 10 455ppm 45ppm 37ppm 145 155 7kg/cm2 3 TOWER 11 440ppm 73ppm 30ppm 144 144 6.8kg/cm2 4 TOWER 14 460ppm 36ppm 36ppm 144 360 4kg/cm2 5 TOWER 15 450ppm 35ppm 35ppm 110 350 4kg/cm2 6 TOWER 12 460ppm 40ppm 30ppm 144 144 6.5kg/cm2 W ast e W ater R e j ec tion Af ter 40 0 3 60 35 0 35 0 30 0 Water In Liters 25 0 20 0 18 0 155 144 1 44 15 0 10 0 50 0 TO WER 9 TOWER 10 TOW E R 1 1 TOWER 14 T OW ER 1 5 TOWER 12 Wa ste wa ter af ter re placi ng th e Mo tor an d sp ares( lts/ Hr) Summary W aste W ater Rejection 600 540 500 450 400 400 360 360 350 350 360 Water In Liters 300 180 200 155 144 144 100 0 TOW ER 9 TOW ER 10 TOW ER 11 TOW ER 14 TOW ER 15 TO WER 12 Waste water before replac ing the Motor and spar es(lts /Hr ) Wast e water after replac ing the Motor and spar es(lts /Hr )
  • 9. Benefits & Sustainability Improved efficiency /Water conservation: •Efficiency of the pla nt is improved fro m 47% TO 97 %. •Reduction in waste water rejection. (Approx 300 Kilo liters of water saved per month) •Reduction of the pla nt do wntime and break down ca lls . •Stopped procuring the bottle water. •Reductions in carbon foot print beca use improved efficiency and reduction of water consumption. Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Sediment Filter Activated Carbon Filter Membranes Project 2: Rain Water Harvesting @ Wipro • W ipro is one of the F irst compan ies to st art Rain w at er harvesting (RW H) • W e have implemente d RW H project at 6 location s across India. • W ater harvested i s being u sed for cooling tow ers, Rest room Flushi ng, Land scaping and ground charging. • W e have Harvested tot al of 8522 Kl of Rain w at er for the ye ar 2007-08
  • 10. Water- Rain Water harvesting Facility- Reuse & recharge Underground collection sump s h ave been set up of tot al capacity of 3743 Kl across W ipro Monitoring Rain gauges are u sed to measure the rainf all received. Use of H arvested Rainw ater The h arvested r ain w ater i s used for Cooling Tow ers, w ashing of ute nsil s and hand s i n cafeteri a, flushing in restrooms and for lan dscapi ng. The amount of w at er utilized for each of these p urposes i s al so monitored. RWH @ Wipro Campus • Rain w ater from the roof tops are guided through dow n take pipes to 2 un der ground sumps and surface w ater is guided to the other sump through storm w ater drain. • Roof top w ater is used for cooling tow er application and rest room flush. • Surface w ater i s u sed for Gardening and ground charging. • Ground ch arging pits are create d next to under ground su mps to divert the over flow w ater.
  • 11. Specific Water Consumption Water Consumption/person Specific water consumption 50 0.25 0.22 48 48 0.2 0.152 Litres/person/day 46 45 0.15 0.108 44 43 0.1 42 0.05 40 0 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Water Conservation-Measures • Pre-valves Inst all ation • Installat ion of Auto sen sors for Urinal s & W ash Basin s • Adjustment of W at er Pressure b y Co ntrol knobs • Installat ion of he alt h fau cet s • Monitoring w ater leakage on dai ly b asis. • Installat ion of meters to moni tor the w ater usage w herever feasible • Insertion of 1ltr. Bot tle in side the Flush tank • Automati c level se nsors fixed in M ain t ank & STP w ater tank • Monitoring daily con sumptio n of fresh w ater and STP w ater • W ater level controllers in over head tanks. • Use of sprinklers for w atering the garden / lan dscaped area.
  • 12. Water- Conserve • Sew age treatment pl ant at all cam pus location s. • Use of treat ed w ater for gardening / land scaping and toilet fl ushing. • Use of sprinklers for w atering the garden / lan dscaped area. • Implement ation of Rain w ater harvesti ng. Collectio n cap acit y equivalent to 45 days requ irement. • Reuse of rain w ater after treatment for garden. • Use of dish w ashing machi nes to cle an u tensils at Kit chen. • Di splay of signage's (Posters for aw areness) • Provision of drip irrigation syste m for land scape w atering Water- Recycle & Reuse • All Major W ipro campuse s h as Sew age Treatm ent pl ant s as p art of the basi c infrastructure. • Treated w ater i s u sed for Gardening and Restroom flu shing. • Use of recycled treated w ater w ould save about 5 0% of fresh w at er consu mption.
  • 13. Recycled Domestic Sewage • All W ipro major locatio ns have STP. An y Recycled Domestic sewage quantit y in KL new W ipro campus i s provided w ith an STP. 700000 624379 As W ipro is add ing 600000 locatio ns the no. of STP 500000 454817 Quantity in KL plants are al so 400000 increasing. 271400 Recycled Quantit y 300000 200000 100000 0 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Year Water- Reuse & Recharge Rain Water Harvested & Recharged in KL 4500 4429 4400 Quantity in KL 4300 4200 4093 4100 4000 3900 Re charged to ground Reused within the facility
  • 14. Water- Reuse & Recharge • Harvested rain w ater is u sed for cool ing tow er ,Rest room flush and gardening thus saving the u sage of fresh w ater • Ground w ater recharge through rain w ater harvesting improves the w ater table co ndition s, soil moi sture co ndition s • By rai n w ater harvesting w e are ab le to offset 15d ays of o ur fresh w ater consump tion Water-Consumption, Reuse & Recycle Pattern Con sumptio n Reuse & recycle pattern 8552, 0.45% 624378.52, 32.91% 1264326.93, 66.64% Water consumption in KL Recycled water in KL Rain Water Harvested in KL
  • 15. National Benchmark National benchmark on Water consumption in KL/day 70 65 60 50 43 40 30 20 10 0 National Benchmark Wipro Consum ption India Water P ortal Link : http:// dia waterpo q/kb/? Vie w= entry&E ntryID=2 64 IT Biz Benchmark Financial Year FY 0 7-08 FY 0 7-08 Compa ny Name Infosys Wipro - IT biz Per Capita F resh Water Cons umptio n i n m3 3.28 1.45 Head count 79,000 7235 0 IT Biz Benchmark 3.28 Per capita consumption in m3 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.45 1.5 1 0.5 0 Infosys Wipro - IT biz
  • 16. Other Environmental Initiatives Energy Conse rvat ion Measu res • Replac em ent of copper ballast w it h elect ronic ballast • Pr ovided t he t hermost at contr oller for w at er cooler s and replac ed 36W PL wit h 18 and 11 W C FL in W /s • and R est rooms • Ambiator Inst allat ion • Replac em ent of Old U PS sy st ems and opt imiz ing the load • Matr ix Ener gy S av ers f or all split & pac kag e A /C units • VFDs for c hiller pum ps • Arresting t he duct leak ag es at t he mast er serv er r oom s f or t he bett er ut ilization of A/C • Replac em ent of Ener gy ineff icient A C's • Occ upanc y Lig ht ing sensors provided at W ork st ations • The set point s of return air t emper at ur e f ix ed at 24 º c instead of pr ev ious set point of 23 º c. • TPM implem entation in Ut ility Block s ha s result ed in energy savings Insta llation of sun contr ol films a s • energ y sav ing initiative • Solar Panel w it h L ED lig hts f or Skyw alk • Resiz ing of t he Pum ps & Post life cy cle analy sis of chiller pum ps • Pr ovision of Tim er s f or Lighting at Caf et er ia for optim um utiliza tion a nd to r educ e unnecessary • illum ination during non peak hours • Life cyc le analysis of STP-R ecirc ulation Pum ps • Installation of LED ’s for C ommon ar ea lig hting • Pr oviding of Tim er s f or Workstation AHU's Utilization of Waste for Energy Bio Gas Plant Biogas Plant Cap acit y 150 0 kg/da y of left ov er food, veg etable cuttings and fruit pe els, other bio - degradable m att er and 1 2 cu m / day of organic sludge from exis ting STP. Are a R equired For 20 m x 15 m appro x. Biogas Plant Biogas P roduced Approx 1 60 - 18 0 cum / da y which is equal to Approx 1 20 - 12 5 com me rci al (19 kg) LPG cylinde rs / month which ar e directly p roportional to solid waste load ed. OR Approx 2 88 kWh/day ( 1 2 kW pe ak ) Bio-Manur e Gene rat ed 450 00 lit / ye ar of good organic m anur e will be available. About 15 00 0 lit to be re moved onc e ev er y 4 month s Proc es s Wate r R equired Approx 1 50 0 – 1 80 0 lit per da y Elect ricity con sum ed 25 kWh / day Manpower Requir ed for Oper ation and 3 se mi – s killed person s for food wast e loading daily, gener al cle anliness Maintenan ce and mainten anc e. One skilled t echnician is requir ed on call basis and for super vision.
  • 17. Awards and Accolades • ISO 14001 cer tification in 2000 – W ipro is India’s fir st So ftw ar e & Serv ices Company to get this cer tificatio n. • Sr ishti’s “G oo d Gr een Gov ernance” Aw ar d in the Serv ices sector for 2006 & 2007 • CII’s “National Energ y M anagem ent” A w ar d for the mo st energy efficient facility aw ar d for 2006, 2007 & 2008. • CII’s SHE per form ance A w ard • CONCERN India Fo undatio n Aw ar d - ‘Helping Peo ple Help Them selv es’ • TERI’s Cor por ate Env ir onmental A w ard for 2007 • G o lden Peaco ck A w ard 2008 - Runner up • Show award by M ysor e Horticulture Society, Lalbhag , Bangalore 2007 • 1st Pr ize for Ornam ental G arden 2008 by M ysor e Hor ticulture Society • Fir st pr ize for Sum mer /W inter g arden co mpletio n by Hor ticultur e so ciety o f India aw ar ded to KDC 2007 & 2008 • Cer tificate o f A ssessm ent fr om UVDB for Safety, Health, Env iro nm ent & Quality pr actices We have not inherited the earth from our fore fathers, we have simply borrowed it from our children Save the Earth Thank you for your time December 9, 2008 Wipro Ltd - Confidential 34