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Changing the World one Heart at a Time Copyright 2018 1
YOUR HEART Copyright 2018 2 Copyright 2018 3
Christopher Walker Copyright 2018 4
For many years people have asked me about Innerwealth, and how my life
morphed into it’s current form as a world leading authority and speaker on
human development. That process, I reply, has not been through the academic
nor conventional roads, not the easy way, that’s for sure. Over these 40 years,
I’ve worked with suicidal indigenous kids, drug addicted rock stars, broken
hearted parents and fear filled executives, from international billionaires to
Nepalese penniless children. Some of the most and some of the least famous
people on earth. But I’ve always treated people as equals, I’ve felt superior nor
inferior, because there is one single thing we all have in common, a human
heart. Not just the physical one, the spiritual one, with this engine room in the
body, we can do anything, survive, create, build, recover, help others and make
the world a better place for others too. Therefore, no work I do to express my
experience in mental strength would be complete without a clear engagement
of the heart. That is the subject of this short workbook. Copyright 2018 5
Christopher Walker Copyright 2018 6
The first balance in life
Is the balance between head and heart
Too much of one makes us weak and vulnerable
Too much of the other makes us hard and unknowable
Mental strength means to stay respectful of both
Head and Heart in Balance.
Why the Heart is a Vital Key to Mental Strength
1. It feels good and it’s hard to do good in life if you don’t feel good
2. It’s resilient and will turn things that are in the way to on the way
3. It always bounces back so it’s a great influence on your life
4. It’s attractive to those who want to love and respect you
5. It’s immune from trend, fashion and flattery so it’s a wise compass
6. It’s vital for health and vitality, it keeps you young and alive
7. It dreams, holds visions, commits to goals and is very patient
8. It makes a difference in the lives of others, changes them
9. It’s a great home for goodness, partner, family and friends
10. It’s the best friend you’ll ever have
11. It’s strong, truthful and reliable - can’t be manipulated or tricked
12. It loves life, wants the best for everyone, creates real success
13. It can’t be bought, so it’s the same in all areas of life
14. It’s yours, nothing else matters. Copyright 2018 7 Copyright 2018 8
Christopher Walker
LOVE Copyright 2018 9
People say put your heart into it; it means to become fully
invested. It means to throw the full weight of your humanity
behind something. There are no half hearted success
stories. We must be vigilant. Our heart must remain
invested. When the heart goes out of something we
automatically sabotage it. So, if we can invest ourselves in
maintaining the commitment of our heart we will
automatically achieve many of our dreams in life.
Your heart is the core of your deepest humanity. When we
have finished exploring intellect and attending ceremonies,
when we are exhausted trying to change the unchangeable,
then we come to rest in our heart. This is a beautiful reality,
the core of confidence, love, beauty and a healthy life. By
listening to your own heart, to your own particular gifts, it
enables you to focus on what you really love to do and to
express yourself without tension or reaction with certainty
about where you are going, why you are here, who you are
and why your journey to this moment in time has been
When we explore the term heart in common language we find
that 'heart' means the central or innermost part of something
such as the ‘heart of the city’, it also means the essential or
vital part of something such as "what is the heart of the
matter?" A person with a ‘lot of heart’ is someone who
appreciates life. To ‘lose heart’ means to be discouraged so
we see that the will of a person emanates from their heart. We
refer to the heart when we talk about generosity or sincerity as
well as consideration, understanding and helpfulness as when
we say, "He has a big heart." or "She is a dear heart." When a
person is cruel or mean or when someone shows no gratitude
for others we say, "His heart is closed or small or cold or that
he has no heart at all.”
If one spent their whole life doing nothing other than opening
their heart and developing the qualities of the heart, it is no
exaggeration to say that this effort alone would bring them to
the highest goal of human life. Because it is through the heart
that one finds their truth and within the heart that one finds
their True Nature. It is the human heart that can love without
condition. It is here that strength and conviction emanate.
Compassion and loving-kindness live in the heart and it is here
that one feels authentic. It is through the heart that we can find
the way to treat humanity while being true to ourselves.
There are no half hearted success stories Copyright 2018 10 Copyright 2018 11
Christopher Walker Copyright 2018 12
Christopher Walker
Working with Heart Mental Strength at Work
Presenteeism is a corporate nightmare costing organisations
at work far more than absenteeism and sick leave ever did
or will cost. Presenteeism – people turning up 50% - is the
real problem individuals face at work. Mental strength,
productivity, enjoyment, success, health, wellbeing are 100%
dependent on being present which is an automatic result of
an open heart. Can you keep your heart open in hell?
Where is this work taking you? Why are you here at work?
Who are you at work (job relevance)? And are you bringing
your past forward with confidence. The power of thought is
so strong that if these questions are not answered with
absolute clarity and engaging enthusiasm, then sabotage
and exit is inevitable. Building the future must begin with
belief and the greatest source of such belief is from an open
heart, this is where resilient dreams are stored and held with
conviction and commitment.
What you appreciate grows. People become as you treat them.
If you continually find fault with yourself and others, then you
are not appreciating what you or others have got. What you
don’t appreciate, you lose. Nothing destroys a person or a
team more than negative expectations, criticism. Appreciation,
the automatic attitude that flows from an open heart, builds
business, clients, teams and wealth.
The person who is doing what they love and loving what they
do will be far more rewarded in life than those who are less
engaged and satisfied with their work. But it is not the work that
matters. One can have false or true expectations of work and if
they are true, then the heart is open but if they are false, there
would never be a “love for work” even if their was a job made
in heaven with a massive salary. Loving work means working
with an open heart with real expectations.
There are no half hearted success stories Copyright 2018 13
You want to make a hell of a profit and still go to heaven? Well, there’s one way I
know and that is with your heart wide open because then you will you find the right
balance. The mind, given its freedom, will cause emotional swings, unreliable and
unstable leadership, illness, trouble, negativity and bad news for self and other. You
are better than that. You can have goodness in all the seven areas of life, with your
heart open in hell. Copyright 2018 15
The saddest thing you will ever see is the loss of human potential
when people think that they think, but don’t.
Christopher Walker
A closed heart is filled with fear of the future and
therefore it holds on tightly to the past. It grasps at
history, it tries to control, dominate and is filled with itself
in a survival strategy even if, the source of the problem
has long passed. The habit of greed can become the
new “normal” but a closed heart can never be happy.
A closed heart will want to escape the reality of pollution,
humanity, war, city life, dirt and human reality and they
will close their eyes in transcendent dreams hoping to
arrive in a nirvana in which the realities of human life are
modified to their expectations and fantasies. This fake
spiritual substitute is easy to sell to a closed heart
because, unlike food, greed or sexuality it is legitemised
as “right” in a like minded community of similarly closed
When the heart closes, addictions to food and substances
rapidly emerge. Medications, alcohol and drugs become
habitual and the real source of the problem can be hidden
for a lifetime at great personal and community cost. Body
weight wellbeing and health are vital signs of an open
hearted person.
Food and Substance
A closed heart can find no centre, we call a person with a
closed heart a “lost soul” – without direction, seeking
instantaneous satisfaction, which is always temporary and
leads to an insatiable appetite for experiences that evaporate
as fast as they are consumed. Life becomes smaller, love.
Real love becomes harder to find.
Beware of thinking without heart.. When the heart is not included in mental strength people can do toxic things to others and for themselves
they will reach for substitutes. In our modern world substitutes are plentiful and growing exponentially. Substitutes are the commercial dream of
the marketers, self-help guru’s and food companies. there is a growing market for substitutes for children and youth, enabling parents to be
ignorant of their own shadows. We can be vigilant about quick fixes that seem innocent, but mask a closed heart at work and at home. A closed
heart can produce results, but at what cost to self and others? Copyright 2018 16 Copyright 2018 17
Christopher Walker
GOALS Copyright 2018 18
You have a purpose, a chief
aim for life. When you
perceive yourself fulfilling
this purpose you grow in
Have commitment to and
constancy of purpose. Be
unwavering. The secret of
fulfillment and success is
constancy of purpose.
Once a master purpose is
acknowledged, all further
secondary choices can be
more effectively made. If
your primary choice is based
on your loves, then all
further choices will follow.
Clarity and certainty is the
DISTRACTIONS Copyright 2018 20
WRITE YOUR LOVE LIST Copyright 2018 21
Ask Yourself: If you couldn’t fail what would you love to be, do, have in
each of the seven areas of life? If you can be truly honest with yourself, in
as much detail as possible with mental images, words and pictures, you will
know what is in your heart.
What you are trying to
achieve such as a best
time or a certain number
of sales, profit margin
and qualifying standards
for anything you set your
mind to. These are the
targets of the Process
This type of goal is the
normal goal business
people and sporting
people focus on. Such
as winning a race or
getting promoted.
These goals are not
usually in the direct
control of the individual.
Are those things professionals and
athletes need to focus on, such as
nutrition, thinking process, focus,
positive mindset. These goals are
under an individual’s control, link to
outcomes and performance and can be
measured in the SMART goal process.
Can be
Cannot be
Controlled Copyright 2018 22
Write in Detail How Your Goals Would Look As
If You Were There Achieving Them Now… Copyright 2018 23
Writing acts as the first step in translating intangible ideas into tangible reality.
Writing acts as a commitment. A short pencil is better than a long memory in bringing
ideas into form. Writing crystallizes your enlightening thought flashes so as to make
them perceivable and achievable. There is a magic to writing. This is why writing your
list of loves is so powerful. Review and if necessary rewrite your love list often.
Update this list. Add details as they become clear. Inspired writing is the best. It
requires little editing and when read it births inspired actions. Be sure when writing
your lists of loves, that you include reasonable space and time frames for their
manifestations. Being as specific as you can in time and space helps your mind and
body take more powerful actions with greater ease. Use S.M.A.R.T For Goals.
POSITIVE MINDSET Copyright 2018 24
A POSITIVE MINDSET Copyright 2018 25
If you wish to succeed in any undertaking whatsoever, it is vital that you
concentrate upon that which you intend to do. You will move in the direction
of your dominant thought. Since thought is always emphasizing something, it is
wise to concentrate on your flowers, not your weeds. Your flowers are those
inspiring ideas and thoughts you would love to bring into reality. Your weeds
are the tangential thoughts or lower priority obstacles. When you focus on the
positive and your mind is attuned to your Soul For Goal, the only ideas that
flash into your mind are those of flowers. Gratefulness sharpens concentration.
3 Different types of Self-Talk
It’s how you talk yourself into or out of
everything you do. To be effective it is
wise to be aware of the two sides to
everything but focus on the bright
side – always, Secondly, encourage
yourself by talking to yourself in the
third person “You” – eg; You are right
on track”
Motivational Self
A detail-oriented, ever watchful coach in
your head who keeps telling you what to
do. It’s that judge scrutinising your every
movement. Effective Instructional self-talk
is focused on the specifics of technique, of
the mechanics of how to do things
properly. ” Just focus and think about
what’s happening around you.”
Instructional Self
This is when you say “Well done” after
getting though a particular difficulty or
a strong effort as a way of
congratulating yourself. It’s not just
praise for praise sake - reward self-talk
actually helps build your self-
confidence, makes your mindset more
positive, strengthens your will and
motivation goes up.
Reward Self
Reward Copyright 2018 26
FOCUS Copyright 2018 27 Copyright 2018 28
When you are present, your mind becomes clear and focused on what you
love. What you think and thank about, you bring about! Think and thank
about what you would love daily!
Create A Dream Board, Read it Morning,
Noon and Night – Sleep on It …..
Write Your LUCKY FKR LIST ….. Copyright 2018 29
When you feel lucky you are seeing just how blessed you are in life
FOCUS = INSPIRED Copyright 2018 30
You must know
where you are going
and why
You must be satisfied
with the past and take
pride in it
You must want
something badly
enough to hurt for it
You must love
something or someone
You must be
with routines
You must
an advantage
You must be
very very
You must be
very very
You must
trust something
bigger than you
You must
your time
You must be
Very very
You’ll need
Loads of
Isolate and drown out the negative
Shutting what down? Truth is what we
shut down when we compartmentalise.
Say you’re swimming and not feeling
great, compartmentalise means to focus
on something else, to isolate the
“negative” from the “positive” and be in a
bubble. Self talk has three options for this
purpose: 1. Motivational – pep talk, 2.
Technical (technique and process) 3.
Reward (celebrating the Now).
Whichever is going bad, find the other
and isolate the negative by focusing on
the positive. It works, temporarily and we
can suffer the after effects willingly, post
event. Copyright 2018 31
Focus is achieved by compartmentalisation. It works to isolate one goal
and one vision to create a one dimensional impression of life. We can
use compartmentalisation to isolate ourselves from the other six areas of
life so that we can focus on one thing for an event or presentation. But
we cannot compartmentalise continuously or it will lead to an
imbalanced and one sided impression of our life.
Balance means balanced in all seven areas of life, not just one area
compartmentalised from the others. Problems solved in one area of life
will cause change in other areas of life and possibly throw them out of
balance. We must see ourselves as total human beings, not
compartments. Compartmentalisation works for events and special
moments of focus. Copyright 2018 32 Copyright 2018 33
Compartmentalised Copyright 2018 34
Goals drive you, encourage
you, motivate you. “SMART”
goals create the power,
physical and mental to do
what you do, well.
Pain represents growth. It
triggers you to Review and
Improve: Get better: Pain is
a measure of your effort, it’s
a good thing as long as it
stimulates you to improve.
PAINPERFORM Copyright 2018 35
What you do day to day
links to what you want to
year to year, then you will
reward yourself daily and
only you can reward
yourself through the 3 levels
of self talk and create a
positive, winning mindset.
Performance is power, pain
and reward – hour by hour.
Link what you do to what
you love. Balanced Success
Review and Improve – Continuous Improvement
Your spiritual heart is
beyond the limits of the self.
Want what you haven’t got
Your desires keep you the
self, expanding, growing,
building, they keep you alive.
Inspired - 100% Satisfied
Lost momentum, lost
ambition, lost desire, lost
appetite we are afraid of
VisionInspiration Copyright 2018 36
You are powerful beyond yourself. There is more to your greatness
than you know and you will only find it through pain. Struggle digs you
into you, draws you closer to your heart and soul. Only your mind
wants to give up because your mind might mistakenly see the one side
of something, the pain or the hardship, but there is another side you
can show your mind. If you trust your heart you will not be trapped in
your mind seeing the dark when there is the other. If you trust your
heart you will know that you are fine, you are where you are meant to
be, you will know, that you know that you know that your dreams will
come through to you as long as you have mental strength that includes
your heart.
Any achievement requires the mental strength to overcome getting side-tracked.
To give up because it is too hard means our goals were not big enough.
Nothing destroys mental strength and success faster than the lack of enjoyment that comes as
a result of not knowing, not thinking about, what makes the world go round.
False expectations come when we think that we think but don’t think. Like saying emotions
are real, then they disrupt the mind, corrupt the spirit and distract us from what might have
been a good way.
There is order in the chaos we call life. Challenges are not challenges, they are contradictions
between our expectations and reality. There is a way to work with challenges that makes us
happier and more open hearted. Believe that in every challenge there is a magic. Copyright 2018 38
It is amazing to find out that an upper in one area of life will always be
balanced by a downer in another area of life. One must accept this and
therefore the need for prioritisation of time and effort. All seven areas
require equal importance, but not equal time and effort.
It is most important in life to say “this is my highest priority” – which
area of your life is your highest priority. It doesn’t suggest that all the
other areas are not important, but, you can’t serve many masters,
therefore you must serve only one, your highest priority.
It is no shadow of doubt that to know yourself is to know your values.
For example: you would probably protect and provide for your family but
this does not always means staying at home guarding. It might means
making money, which is really, in this case, the highest priority. Copyright 2018 39
REVIEW AND IMPROVE Copyright 2018 40
Cut yourself space to grow in the
real world, live and grow, evolve
and learn, self-respect, self-
esteem, self-love, internal dialogue
Review and Improve
Your love of life is expressed
through your goals, this is your
heart in action
Your Goals
What you appreciate grows. Your
body believes what you tell it.
Encourage and support yourself,
see the bright side, build power.
Your Positive Attitude
What you think about you bring
about - Directs your energy, builds
resilience, strength, vitality,
presence, vibe
Your Focus
You’ll sabotage anything that
doesn’t link to your purpose
Your Heart
Vision, Inspiration, Purpose
Everyone has goals, some big, some small, but
the person who commits to their goals, is on fire
with passion and commitment, their heart is
engaged and all success comes from 100%
commitment from the heart. One big burning goal
stands above all else, and all else is linked to it.
This is the fire of the soul in action.
Napoleon Hill, “What you ca conceive and
believe, you can achieve” Hill observed that what
all successful people shared, whether they were
in business, politics or athletics was a single
minded, unwavering belief in their ability to
accomplish their goals. They could picture their
success so clearly that the future became the
present. Their sense of confidence was so
strong that failure never occurred to them, or if it
did, they shut it out with every fiber of their being
believing that they were capable.
Studies show that our mind does not know
the difference between reality and imagined
futures so a single thought, whether true or
false, impacts you and because your mind
believes it and rewards you by reinforcing the
belief. Positive means see both sides but
concentrate on winning, achieving your goal
no matter what the reality.
All human problems stem from our inability to
sit quietly in a room alone. Pascal wrote this
when speaking about the inability to focus our
mind on a single burning ambition, to hold a
single thought like satisfaction or love or
gratitude. This is the key to action that
counts, we must focus in a world hell bent on
delivering distractions. Copyright 2018 42
Chris’ Daily Checklist for the Month Copyright 2018 43
BE INSPIRED Copyright 2018 44

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Chris Walker - Mental Strength Corporate Training Program Overview

  • 1. Changing the World one Heart at a Time Copyright 2018 1
  • 3. Copyright 2018 3 YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK Christopher Walker
  • 4. Copyright 2018 4 For many years people have asked me about Innerwealth, and how my life morphed into it’s current form as a world leading authority and speaker on human development. That process, I reply, has not been through the academic nor conventional roads, not the easy way, that’s for sure. Over these 40 years, I’ve worked with suicidal indigenous kids, drug addicted rock stars, broken hearted parents and fear filled executives, from international billionaires to Nepalese penniless children. Some of the most and some of the least famous people on earth. But I’ve always treated people as equals, I’ve felt superior nor inferior, because there is one single thing we all have in common, a human heart. Not just the physical one, the spiritual one, with this engine room in the body, we can do anything, survive, create, build, recover, help others and make the world a better place for others too. Therefore, no work I do to express my experience in mental strength would be complete without a clear engagement of the heart. That is the subject of this short workbook.
  • 5. Copyright 2018 5 PUT YOUR HEART INTO IT AND YOU WILL BE INCREDIBLE Christopher Walker
  • 6. Copyright 2018 6 The first balance in life Is the balance between head and heart Too much of one makes us weak and vulnerable Too much of the other makes us hard and unknowable Mental strength means to stay respectful of both Head and Heart in Balance.
  • 7. Why the Heart is a Vital Key to Mental Strength 1. It feels good and it’s hard to do good in life if you don’t feel good 2. It’s resilient and will turn things that are in the way to on the way 3. It always bounces back so it’s a great influence on your life 4. It’s attractive to those who want to love and respect you 5. It’s immune from trend, fashion and flattery so it’s a wise compass 6. It’s vital for health and vitality, it keeps you young and alive 7. It dreams, holds visions, commits to goals and is very patient 8. It makes a difference in the lives of others, changes them 9. It’s a great home for goodness, partner, family and friends 10. It’s the best friend you’ll ever have 11. It’s strong, truthful and reliable - can’t be manipulated or tricked 12. It loves life, wants the best for everyone, creates real success 13. It can’t be bought, so it’s the same in all areas of life 14. It’s yours, nothing else matters. Copyright 2018 7
  • 8. Copyright 2018 8 NOBODY HAS A HEART AS AMAZING AS YOURS Christopher Walker
  • 10. HOW TO INCLUDE YOUR HEART IN YOUR MENTAL STRENGTH TRAINING People say put your heart into it; it means to become fully invested. It means to throw the full weight of your humanity behind something. There are no half hearted success stories. We must be vigilant. Our heart must remain invested. When the heart goes out of something we automatically sabotage it. So, if we can invest ourselves in maintaining the commitment of our heart we will automatically achieve many of our dreams in life. PRESENCE Your heart is the core of your deepest humanity. When we have finished exploring intellect and attending ceremonies, when we are exhausted trying to change the unchangeable, then we come to rest in our heart. This is a beautiful reality, the core of confidence, love, beauty and a healthy life. By listening to your own heart, to your own particular gifts, it enables you to focus on what you really love to do and to express yourself without tension or reaction with certainty about where you are going, why you are here, who you are and why your journey to this moment in time has been flawless. CERTAINTY When we explore the term heart in common language we find that 'heart' means the central or innermost part of something such as the ‘heart of the city’, it also means the essential or vital part of something such as "what is the heart of the matter?" A person with a ‘lot of heart’ is someone who appreciates life. To ‘lose heart’ means to be discouraged so we see that the will of a person emanates from their heart. We refer to the heart when we talk about generosity or sincerity as well as consideration, understanding and helpfulness as when we say, "He has a big heart." or "She is a dear heart." When a person is cruel or mean or when someone shows no gratitude for others we say, "His heart is closed or small or cold or that he has no heart at all.” GRATITUDE If one spent their whole life doing nothing other than opening their heart and developing the qualities of the heart, it is no exaggeration to say that this effort alone would bring them to the highest goal of human life. Because it is through the heart that one finds their truth and within the heart that one finds their True Nature. It is the human heart that can love without condition. It is here that strength and conviction emanate. Compassion and loving-kindness live in the heart and it is here that one feels authentic. It is through the heart that we can find the way to treat humanity while being true to ourselves. LOVE There are no half hearted success stories Copyright 2018 10
  • 12. Copyright 2018 12 WORKING WITH YOUR HEART IS TRULY YOUR GIFT Christopher Walker
  • 13. Working with Heart Mental Strength at Work Presenteeism is a corporate nightmare costing organisations at work far more than absenteeism and sick leave ever did or will cost. Presenteeism – people turning up 50% - is the real problem individuals face at work. Mental strength, productivity, enjoyment, success, health, wellbeing are 100% dependent on being present which is an automatic result of an open heart. Can you keep your heart open in hell? PRESENCE Where is this work taking you? Why are you here at work? Who are you at work (job relevance)? And are you bringing your past forward with confidence. The power of thought is so strong that if these questions are not answered with absolute clarity and engaging enthusiasm, then sabotage and exit is inevitable. Building the future must begin with belief and the greatest source of such belief is from an open heart, this is where resilient dreams are stored and held with conviction and commitment. CERTAINTY What you appreciate grows. People become as you treat them. If you continually find fault with yourself and others, then you are not appreciating what you or others have got. What you don’t appreciate, you lose. Nothing destroys a person or a team more than negative expectations, criticism. Appreciation, the automatic attitude that flows from an open heart, builds business, clients, teams and wealth. GRATITUDE The person who is doing what they love and loving what they do will be far more rewarded in life than those who are less engaged and satisfied with their work. But it is not the work that matters. One can have false or true expectations of work and if they are true, then the heart is open but if they are false, there would never be a “love for work” even if their was a job made in heaven with a massive salary. Loving work means working with an open heart with real expectations. LOVE There are no half hearted success stories Copyright 2018 13
  • 14. HOW TO KEEP YOUR HEART OPEN IN HELL Copyright 2018 14 You want to make a hell of a profit and still go to heaven? Well, there’s one way I know and that is with your heart wide open because then you will you find the right balance. The mind, given its freedom, will cause emotional swings, unreliable and unstable leadership, illness, trouble, negativity and bad news for self and other. You are better than that. You can have goodness in all the seven areas of life, with your heart open in hell.
  • 15. Copyright 2018 15 The saddest thing you will ever see is the loss of human potential when people think that they think, but don’t. Christopher Walker
  • 16. PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT THEY THINK A closed heart is filled with fear of the future and therefore it holds on tightly to the past. It grasps at history, it tries to control, dominate and is filled with itself in a survival strategy even if, the source of the problem has long passed. The habit of greed can become the new “normal” but a closed heart can never be happy. Greed A closed heart will want to escape the reality of pollution, humanity, war, city life, dirt and human reality and they will close their eyes in transcendent dreams hoping to arrive in a nirvana in which the realities of human life are modified to their expectations and fantasies. This fake spiritual substitute is easy to sell to a closed heart because, unlike food, greed or sexuality it is legitemised as “right” in a like minded community of similarly closed hearts. Spirituality When the heart closes, addictions to food and substances rapidly emerge. Medications, alcohol and drugs become habitual and the real source of the problem can be hidden for a lifetime at great personal and community cost. Body weight wellbeing and health are vital signs of an open hearted person. Food and Substance A closed heart can find no centre, we call a person with a closed heart a “lost soul” – without direction, seeking instantaneous satisfaction, which is always temporary and leads to an insatiable appetite for experiences that evaporate as fast as they are consumed. Life becomes smaller, love. Real love becomes harder to find. Sexuality Beware of thinking without heart.. When the heart is not included in mental strength people can do toxic things to others and for themselves they will reach for substitutes. In our modern world substitutes are plentiful and growing exponentially. Substitutes are the commercial dream of the marketers, self-help guru’s and food companies. there is a growing market for substitutes for children and youth, enabling parents to be ignorant of their own shadows. We can be vigilant about quick fixes that seem innocent, but mask a closed heart at work and at home. A closed heart can produce results, but at what cost to self and others? Copyright 2018 16
  • 19. V.I.P VISION, INSPIRATION AND PURPOSE PURPOSE You have a purpose, a chief aim for life. When you perceive yourself fulfilling this purpose you grow in self-worth INSPIRATION Have commitment to and constancy of purpose. Be unwavering. The secret of fulfillment and success is constancy of purpose. VISION Once a master purpose is acknowledged, all further secondary choices can be more effectively made. If your primary choice is based on your loves, then all further choices will follow. Clarity and certainty is the result. PURPOSE INSPIRATIONVISION Copyright 2018 19
  • 21. WRITE YOUR LOVE LIST Copyright 2018 21 Ask Yourself: If you couldn’t fail what would you love to be, do, have in each of the seven areas of life? If you can be truly honest with yourself, in as much detail as possible with mental images, words and pictures, you will know what is in your heart.
  • 22. 3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF GOALS PERFORMANCE GOALS What you are trying to achieve such as a best time or a certain number of sales, profit margin and qualifying standards for anything you set your mind to. These are the targets of the Process Goals. OUTCOME GOALS This type of goal is the normal goal business people and sporting people focus on. Such as winning a race or getting promoted. These goals are not usually in the direct control of the individual. PROCESS GOALS Are those things professionals and athletes need to focus on, such as nutrition, thinking process, focus, positive mindset. These goals are under an individual’s control, link to outcomes and performance and can be measured in the SMART goal process. Can be Controlled Cannot be Controlled Copyright 2018 22
  • 23. Write in Detail How Your Goals Would Look As If You Were There Achieving Them Now… Copyright 2018 23 Writing acts as the first step in translating intangible ideas into tangible reality. Writing acts as a commitment. A short pencil is better than a long memory in bringing ideas into form. Writing crystallizes your enlightening thought flashes so as to make them perceivable and achievable. There is a magic to writing. This is why writing your list of loves is so powerful. Review and if necessary rewrite your love list often. Update this list. Add details as they become clear. Inspired writing is the best. It requires little editing and when read it births inspired actions. Be sure when writing your lists of loves, that you include reasonable space and time frames for their manifestations. Being as specific as you can in time and space helps your mind and body take more powerful actions with greater ease. Use S.M.A.R.T For Goals.
  • 25. A POSITIVE MINDSET Copyright 2018 25 If you wish to succeed in any undertaking whatsoever, it is vital that you concentrate upon that which you intend to do. You will move in the direction of your dominant thought. Since thought is always emphasizing something, it is wise to concentrate on your flowers, not your weeds. Your flowers are those inspiring ideas and thoughts you would love to bring into reality. Your weeds are the tangential thoughts or lower priority obstacles. When you focus on the positive and your mind is attuned to your Soul For Goal, the only ideas that flash into your mind are those of flowers. Gratefulness sharpens concentration.
  • 26. POSITIVE MINDSET 3 Different types of Self-Talk It’s how you talk yourself into or out of everything you do. To be effective it is wise to be aware of the two sides to everything but focus on the bright side – always, Secondly, encourage yourself by talking to yourself in the third person “You” – eg; You are right on track” Motivational Self Talk Motivational A detail-oriented, ever watchful coach in your head who keeps telling you what to do. It’s that judge scrutinising your every movement. Effective Instructional self-talk is focused on the specifics of technique, of the mechanics of how to do things properly. ” Just focus and think about what’s happening around you.” Instructional Self Talk Instructional This is when you say “Well done” after getting though a particular difficulty or a strong effort as a way of congratulating yourself. It’s not just praise for praise sake - reward self-talk actually helps build your self- confidence, makes your mindset more positive, strengthens your will and motivation goes up. Reward Self Talk Reward Copyright 2018 26
  • 28. Copyright 2018 28 When you are present, your mind becomes clear and focused on what you love. What you think and thank about, you bring about! Think and thank about what you would love daily! Create A Dream Board, Read it Morning, Noon and Night – Sleep on It …..
  • 29. Write Your LUCKY FKR LIST ….. Copyright 2018 29 When you feel lucky you are seeing just how blessed you are in life
  • 30. FOCUS = INSPIRED Copyright 2018 30 You must know where you are going and why You must be satisfied with the past and take pride in it You must want something badly enough to hurt for it You must love something or someone allot. You must be obsessed with routines You must want an advantage You must be very very adaptable You must be very very patient You must trust something bigger than you You must prioritise your time You must be Very very Committed You’ll need Loads of Enthusiasm
  • 31. HOW TO FOCUS Isolate and drown out the negative Shutting what down? Truth is what we shut down when we compartmentalise. Say you’re swimming and not feeling great, compartmentalise means to focus on something else, to isolate the “negative” from the “positive” and be in a bubble. Self talk has three options for this purpose: 1. Motivational – pep talk, 2. Technical (technique and process) 3. Reward (celebrating the Now). Whichever is going bad, find the other and isolate the negative by focusing on the positive. It works, temporarily and we can suffer the after effects willingly, post event. Copyright 2018 31
  • 32. Focus is achieved by compartmentalisation. It works to isolate one goal and one vision to create a one dimensional impression of life. We can use compartmentalisation to isolate ourselves from the other six areas of life so that we can focus on one thing for an event or presentation. But we cannot compartmentalise continuously or it will lead to an imbalanced and one sided impression of our life. Balance means balanced in all seven areas of life, not just one area compartmentalised from the others. Problems solved in one area of life will cause change in other areas of life and possibly throw them out of balance. We must see ourselves as total human beings, not compartments. Compartmentalisation works for events and special moments of focus. Copyright 2018 32
  • 33. Copyright 2018 33 Spiritual Mental Social Career Health Financial Relationship Compartmentalised Compartmentalised
  • 34. Copyright 2018 34 REVIEW AND IMPROVE
  • 35. REVIEW AND IMPROVE POWER Goals drive you, encourage you, motivate you. “SMART” goals create the power, physical and mental to do what you do, well. PAIN Pain represents growth. It triggers you to Review and Improve: Get better: Pain is a measure of your effort, it’s a good thing as long as it stimulates you to improve. PERFORMANCE POWER PAINPERFORM Copyright 2018 35 What you do day to day links to what you want to year to year, then you will reward yourself daily and only you can reward yourself through the 3 levels of self talk and create a positive, winning mindset. Performance is power, pain and reward – hour by hour. Link what you do to what you love. Balanced Success
  • 36. Review and Improve – Continuous Improvement Purpose Your spiritual heart is beyond the limits of the self. Want what you haven’t got Your desires keep you the self, expanding, growing, building, they keep you alive. Inspired - 100% Satisfied Lost momentum, lost ambition, lost desire, lost appetite we are afraid of love. Purpose VisionInspiration Copyright 2018 36
  • 37. You are powerful beyond yourself. There is more to your greatness than you know and you will only find it through pain. Struggle digs you into you, draws you closer to your heart and soul. Only your mind wants to give up because your mind might mistakenly see the one side of something, the pain or the hardship, but there is another side you can show your mind. If you trust your heart you will not be trapped in your mind seeing the dark when there is the other. If you trust your heart you will know that you are fine, you are where you are meant to be, you will know, that you know that you know that your dreams will come through to you as long as you have mental strength that includes your heart. REVIEW AND IMPROVE: DON’T RUN Copyright 2018 37
  • 38. Any achievement requires the mental strength to overcome getting side-tracked. To give up because it is too hard means our goals were not big enough. Nothing destroys mental strength and success faster than the lack of enjoyment that comes as a result of not knowing, not thinking about, what makes the world go round. False expectations come when we think that we think but don’t think. Like saying emotions are real, then they disrupt the mind, corrupt the spirit and distract us from what might have been a good way. There is order in the chaos we call life. Challenges are not challenges, they are contradictions between our expectations and reality. There is a way to work with challenges that makes us happier and more open hearted. Believe that in every challenge there is a magic. Copyright 2018 38 REVIEW AND IMPROVE
  • 39. It is amazing to find out that an upper in one area of life will always be balanced by a downer in another area of life. One must accept this and therefore the need for prioritisation of time and effort. All seven areas require equal importance, but not equal time and effort. It is most important in life to say “this is my highest priority” – which area of your life is your highest priority. It doesn’t suggest that all the other areas are not important, but, you can’t serve many masters, therefore you must serve only one, your highest priority. It is no shadow of doubt that to know yourself is to know your values. For example: you would probably protect and provide for your family but this does not always means staying at home guarding. It might means making money, which is really, in this case, the highest priority. Copyright 2018 39 REVIEW AND IMPROVE
  • 41. MENTAL STRENGTH SUMMARY Cut yourself space to grow in the real world, live and grow, evolve and learn, self-respect, self- esteem, self-love, internal dialogue Review and Improve Your love of life is expressed through your goals, this is your heart in action Your Goals What you appreciate grows. Your body believes what you tell it. Encourage and support yourself, see the bright side, build power. Your Positive Attitude What you think about you bring about - Directs your energy, builds resilience, strength, vitality, presence, vibe Your Focus You’ll sabotage anything that doesn’t link to your purpose Your Heart TOTAL HUMAN AWARENESS Copyright 2018 41
  • 42. MORE ABOUT MENTAL STRENGTH Vision, Inspiration, Purpose V.I.P Everyone has goals, some big, some small, but the person who commits to their goals, is on fire with passion and commitment, their heart is engaged and all success comes from 100% commitment from the heart. One big burning goal stands above all else, and all else is linked to it. This is the fire of the soul in action. Napoleon Hill, “What you ca conceive and believe, you can achieve” Hill observed that what all successful people shared, whether they were in business, politics or athletics was a single minded, unwavering belief in their ability to accomplish their goals. They could picture their success so clearly that the future became the present. Their sense of confidence was so strong that failure never occurred to them, or if it did, they shut it out with every fiber of their being believing that they were capable. Studies show that our mind does not know the difference between reality and imagined futures so a single thought, whether true or false, impacts you and because your mind believes it and rewards you by reinforcing the belief. Positive means see both sides but concentrate on winning, achieving your goal no matter what the reality. All human problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room alone. Pascal wrote this when speaking about the inability to focus our mind on a single burning ambition, to hold a single thought like satisfaction or love or gratitude. This is the key to action that counts, we must focus in a world hell bent on delivering distractions. Copyright 2018 42
  • 43. Chris’ Daily Checklist for the Month Copyright 2018 43