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Splitting Approaches for
Context-Aware Recommendation:
An Empirical Study
Yong Zheng, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher
Center for Web Intelligence
DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Context-aware Splitting Approaches
Empirical Study & Evaluation Results
Discussions, Conclusions & Future work
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
Context-aware Recommender Systems
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Empirical Study & Evaluation Results
Discussions, Conclusions & Future work
Context-aware Splitting Approaches
Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems (RS)
Two-dimension rating space: Users × Items  Ratings
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
M1 M2 M3
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS)
Multi-dimensional space: Users × Items × Contexts  Ratings
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA5
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS)
Assumptions and Viewpoints in CARS:
 Users’preferences or decisions usually differ from contexts to contexts,
even towards the same item. E.g. buy a gift for someone.
 It’s better to infer user’s preferences by rating profiles within the same or
similar contexts. E.g. look at music others choose within same contexts
 Context is defined as “any information that can be used to characterize
the situation of an entity” by Dey, Anind K. (2001).However, the actual
contexts in CARS and the contextual effects are domain specific.
Movie domain: time, location, companion, mood, etc
Music domain: time, activity, mood, etc
Travel domain: season, weather, companion or trip type, etc
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA6
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS)
Example of CARS applications: Tour Plan Recommender
Yu, Chien-Chih and Chang, Hsiao-ping, "Towards Context-Aware Recommendation for Personalized
Mobile Travel Planning". International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications, 2012
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA7
Context-aware Recommender Systems
How to incorporate contexts into RS?
There are two methods to categorize those incorporations.
1).In terms of how contexts interacted with the RS algorithms
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA8
Context-aware Recommender Systems
How to incorporate contexts into RS?
There are two methods to categorize those incorporations.
2).In terms of whether new CARS algorithms required to be developed
It can be simply categorized into:
a).Transformation Algorithms
A transformation is required, then all traditional RS algorithms can
be applied to. Do NOT need to develop new CARS algorithms.
such as Dimensions as Virtual Items (DaVI) and context-aware
splitting approaches (CASA).
b).Adaptation Algorithms
CARS algorithms are required, traditional algs can be modified.
Such as context-aware matrix factorization (CAMF).
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA9
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
Context-aware Splitting Approaches
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Empirical Study & Evaluation Results
Discussions, Conclusions & Future work
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
In terms of the two categorizations (i.e. how to incorporate contexts into
recommender systems) above, CASA belongs to pre-filtering and
transformation algorithms.
There are three context-aware splitting approaches:
1). Item splitting by L. Baltrunas, F. Ricci, ACM RecSys, 2009
2). User splitting by A. Said et al, CARS@ACM RecSys, 2011
3). UI splitting by Y. Zheng et al, Decisions@ACM RecSys, 2013
User splitting and UI splitting are two approaches derived from
Item splitting, examined and evaluated by different authors.
According to feedbacks from researchers, CASA is one of most efficient
CARS algorithms, but there are no empirical study over them.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA11
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Item Splitting
The underlying idea is that the nature of an item, from the user's point of
view, may change in different contextual conditions, hence it may be
useful to consider it as two different items. (L. Baltrunas, F. Ricci,
RecSys'09) – In short, contexts are dependent with items.
Any dependent patterns involved in those ratings?
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
At Cinema At Home At Swimming Pool
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Item Splitting -- Example
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
User Item Location Rating
U1 M1 Pool 5
U2 M1 Pool 5
U3 M1 Pool 5
U1 M1 Home 2
U4 M1 Home 3
U2 M1 Home 2
High Rating
Low Rating
Significant difference?
Let’s split it !!!
M11: being seen at Pool
M12: being seen at Home
Same movie,
different IDs.
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Item Splitting
 Step 1. Choose a contextual condition to split each item; The selection
process is done by measuring significance of rating differences (such
as the two-sample t test);
 Step 2. Contexts are fused to items and removed from original
multidimensional matrix. We get a 2D rating matrix, then traditional
algorithms like CF, MF can be applied to;
How to select an appropriate contextual conditions for splitting?
a). Binary contextual condition
b). Impurity criteria and significance test
See example in the next.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA14
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Item Splitting – Binary Contextual Condition
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
User Item Loc Rating
U1 M1 Pool 5
U2 M1 Pool 5
U3 M1 Pool 5
U1 M1 Home 2
U4 M1 Home 3
U2 M1 Cinema 2
User Item Rating
U1 M11 5
U2 M11 5
U3 M11 5
U1 M12 2
U4 M12 3
U2 M12 2
If there is qualified split,
one item will be split to
two new ones.
A binary contextual condition
for splitting:
“Pool” vs. “Non-Pool”
Why use a binary condition? To alleviate or avoid cold-start problems!
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
Item Splitting – Impurity Criteria
There could be several binary context conditions, for example, “Pool” vs
“Non-Pool”, “Home” vs “Non-Home”, “Weekend” vs “Non-Weekend”.
Impurity criteria and significance test are used to make the selection.
There are 4 impurity criteria for splitting by L. Baltrunas, et al, RecSys'09;
tmean (t-test), tprop (z-test), tchi (chi-square test), tIG (Information gain)
Take tmean for example, tmean, is defined using the two-sample t test and
computes how significantly different are the means of the rating in the
two rating subsets, when the split c (c is a context condition, e.g.
location = Pool) is used. The bigger the t value of the test is, the
more likely the difference of the means in the two partitions is
significant (at 95% confidence value). Choose the largest one!
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA16
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
User Splitting and UI Splitting
Similarly, the splitting approach can be applied to user too!
• User Splitting: is a similar one. Instead of splitting items, it may be
useful to consider one user as two different users, if user demonstrates
significantly different preferences across contexts. (A. Said et al.,
CARS@RecSys 2011) In short, contexts are dependent with users.
• UI Splitting: simply a combination of item splitting and user splitting –
both approaches are applied to create a new rating matrix – new users
and new items are created in the rating matrix. (Y. Zheng, et al,
Decisions@ACM RecSys 2013). In short, it fuses dependent contexts
to users and items simultaneously at the same time.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA17
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
An Example of Three CASA
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
After transformation:
Item Splitting: User + NewItem;
User Splitting: NewUser + Item;
UI Splitting: NewUser + NewItem;
UI Splitting fuses contexts to both
users and items, where it may
enlarge the contextual effects,
but it also increases sparsity. It is
hard to say whether UI splitting
will outperform the other two algs
or not. It varies from data to data.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
Empirical Study & Evaluation Results
Discussions, Conclusions & Future work
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Context-aware Splitting Approaches
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Experimental Goals
a> Comparison Among Three Splitting Approaches
Which one performs the best?
Which splitting criteria is the best appropriate one?
Any underlying patterns to indicate which one should be used?
b> Comparison Between CASA and other Contextual Algorithms
Which one performs the best?
How about CASA competing with other CARS algorithms?
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA20
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Data Sets
Contextual variables in the three survey data sets:
Food data: degree of hungriness in real and supposed situations;
Movie data: Location (home/cinema), Time (weekend/weekday), Companion (family, etc);
LDOS-CoMoDa: Location, Time, Companion, Weather, Emotions, Seasons, etc
We use a 5-fold cross validation for all data sets and examined algorithms.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA21
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Baseline Algorithms
We choose two other context-aware algorithms as the baselines:
1). Differential Context Modeling (DCM) by Y. Zheng, et al, 2012
There are two approaches falling into this category:
Differential Context Relaxation (DCR)
Differential Context Weighting (DCW)
Basic idea: Using rating profiles with same or similar contexts for rating predictions;
Take user-based collaborative filtering for example:
 Segment alg to various components;
 Apply context filter to each component;
 Filters could be different, and not necessary
to be the same.
 Filter could be realized by context relaxation
to find same contexts, or context weighting
to find similar contexts.
 Generally, DCW works better than DCR.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA22
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Baseline Algorithms
We choose two other context-aware algorithms as the baselines:
2). Context-aware Matrix Factorization (CAMF) by L. Baltrunas, et al, 2011
There are three approaches falling into this category: CAMF_C, CAMF_CI, CAMF_CU
CAMF_C: Assume contextual effect is associated with each contextual condition only.
CAMF_CI: Assume contextual effect is associated with item-context interactions.
CAMF_CU: Assume contextual effect is associated with user-context interactions.
CAMF is a kind of contextual modeling approach, where context-aware splitting
approaches are contextual pre-filtering approaches. Both of them take advantage of the
dependency between contexts and users or items.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA23
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA)
They are pre-filtering approaches. Any traditional recommendation algorithms can be applied
to, after the original multi-dimensional rating matrix was transformed to a 2D rating matrix.
We evaluate three CASA based on the configuration as follows:
1). Evaluated by different traditional RS algorithms
User-based Collaborative Filtering (UBCF), Item-based Collaborative Filtering (IBCF)
Traditional Matrix Factorization techniques (MF) without taking contexts into consideration
Implemented and evaluated by open-source Toolkit MyMediaLite v3.07
CF algorithms were tuned up by varying # of neighbors;
MF algorithms were examined by varying # of factors and training iterations;
2). Evaluated by different impurity criteria in splitting processes
tmean (t-test), tprop (z-test), tchi (chi-square test), tIG (Information gain)
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA24
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Evaluation Metrics
We choose three metrics: RMSE, Precision, ROC.
RMSE is used to evaluate the accuracy of predicted ratings. Prediction error, is the most
popular and common used metric in CARS area, since context-aware data are usually sparse
and few users rated a same item for several times.
ROC = a visualization between recall and FPR by varying # of N in Top-N recommendations.
= x axis is FPT, y axis is Recall
In measuring Precision and ROC, we use a rating threshold to judge “relevance”.
For Movie data, the threshold is set as 7, and it is set as 3 for the other two data sets.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA25
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Evaluation Metrics
Traditional way to measure Precision and ROC:
1).We have training and testing set;
2).Train a model based on the training set and evaluate it on the testing set;
3).In the testing set, aggregate rating profiles by <user, a list of items he/she rated>;
4).For evaluation purpose, provide a list of ranked Top-N items to each user;
5).And examine the hit ratio between the Top-N list and the list of items rated in the testing;
However, in CARS, contexts should be taken into account; CPrecision and CROC curve
1).We have training and testing set;
2).Train a model based on the training set and evaluate it on the testing set;
3).In the testing set, aggregate rating profiles by <user, a list of items he/she rated, contexts>;
4).For evaluation purpose, provide a list of ranked Top-N items to each <user, contexts>;
5).And examine the hit ratio between the Top-N list and the list of items rated in the testing;
NOTICE: <user, a list of items he/she rated, contexts>; the list is pretty short and even just
one item, because users seldom rated items for several times within different contexts.
Thus the value of CPrecision and CROC will be much smaller than traditional ones.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA26
Empirical Study and Evaluations
Evaluation Challenge in CASA (Optional Part)
RMSE can be directly evaluated based on the transformed rating matrix in CASA
It is because the number of rating profiles in data is NOT changed.
CPrecision and CROC cannot be directly evaluated on the transformed rating matrix
1). # of users and # of items could be DIFFERENT
2). It is not comparable to other CARS algorithms
Solution: We only use transformed matrix to predict ratings, but evaluate IR metrics on
the original multi-dimensional rating matrix.
User Item Loc Rating
U1 M1 Pool 5
U2 M1 Pool 5
U3 M1 Pool 5
U1 M1 Home 2
U4 M1 Home 3
U2 M1 Cinema 2
User Item Rating
U1 M11 5
U2 M11 5
U3 M11 5
U1 M12 2
U4 M12 3
U2 M12 2
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA27
Experimental Results
Experimental Results (in RMSE)
Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches (in RMSE)
Q: Which one performs the best? The best impurity criteria?
A: UI Splitting using MF as the recommendation algorithm. MF works better than CFs.
The best choice varies from data to data. No consistent patterns.
Q: Any other patterns?
A: For Movie data, item splitting is better than user splitting; But user splitting is better
than item splitting for the other two ones, where they have emotional or feeling
contextual variables, we assume those contexts are more dependent with users.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA28
Experimental Results
Experimental Results (in RMSE)
Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms (in terms of RMSE)
Q: Which one performs the best? The best impurity criteria?
A: UI Splitting using MF as the recommendation algorithm in terms of RMSE.
Q: Any other patterns?
A: If item splitting is better than user splitting, CAMF_CI is better than CAMF_CU;
If user splitting is better than item splitting, then CAMF_CU is better than CAMF_CI;
It is because both of them take advantage of context-dependency patterns!!
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA29
Experimental Results
Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC)
Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches
In CPrecision, UI splitting > Item splitting > User Splitting;
In ROC Curve, UI splitting > User splitting > Item Splitting;
Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms
In CPrecision, UI splitting > CAMF_CI > CAMF_CU > DCW > DCR;
In ROC Curve, UI splitting > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI > DCW > DCR;
UI Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for LDOS-CoMoDa;
Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern in EACH METRIC;
In RMSE, context is more dependent with user;
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA30
Experimental Results
Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC)
Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches
In CPrecision, Item splitting > UI splitting > User splitting;
In ROC Curve, same patter as above;
Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms
In CPrecision, Item splitting > UI splitting > CAMF_CI > CAMF_CU > DCW;
In ROC Curve, Item splitting > UI splitting > CAMF_CI > DCW > CAMF_CU;
Item Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for Movie data;
Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern in EACH METRIC;
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA31
Experimental Results
Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC)
Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches
In CPrecision, UI splitting > User splitting > Item Splitting;
In ROC Curve, same pattern as above;
Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms
In CPrecision, UI splitting > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI > DCR > DCW;
In ROC Curve, DCR > UI splitting > DCW > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI
Overall, UI Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for Food Data;
Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern;
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA32
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA
Context-aware Splitting Approaches
Empirical Study & Evaluation Results
Discussions, Conclusions & Future work
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
Context-aware Recommender Systems
Conclusions & Future Work
Which one performs the best?
Generally speaking, UI splitting is the best;
In Movie data, UI splitting is the best on RMSE, but item splitting is the best on IR metrics;
If context is not that dependent with users, merging effects by UI splitting may decrease the
joint effect on recommendations.
Any patterns or guidelines to choose which context-aware algorithms?
In terms of choices between item splitting & user splitting, and CAMF_CI & CAMF_CU, it
totally depends on which one contexts are more dependent to, user or item?
Whether UI splitting performs the best depends on three factors:
1). The dependency between contexts and users and items;
2). The sparsity after rating matrix transformation – cold-start problems in CASA;
3). The performance difference between user splitting and item splitting. If one of them
performs bad, it is not guaranteed that the joint effect UI splitting will perform better;
Future work:
1).how to judge contexts are more dependent with users or items?
Any numeric metrics to validate it? PS: Impurity values? no consistent patterns.
2). How to alleviate the cold-start problems in UI splitting.
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA34
Item Splitting
1) L. Baltrunas, and F. Ricci. "Context-based splitting of item ratings in collaborative filtering." ACM RecSys, 2009.
2) L. Baltrunas, and F. Ricci. "Experimental evaluation of context-dependent collaborative filtering using item splitting." User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction (2013): 1-28.
User Splitting
1) L. Batrunas and X. Amatriain."Towards Time-Dependent Recommendation Based on Implicit Feedback." CARS@RecSys, 2009
2) A. Said, E. Luca, S. Albayrak. "Inferring contextual user profiles—improving recommender performance.“ CARS@RecSys, 2011
UI Splitting
1) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "The Role of Emotions in Context-aware Recommendation". Decisons@RecSys, 2013
2) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher, “Splitting Approaches for Context-Aware Recommendation: An Empirical Study”, ACM SAC, 2014
Context-aware Matrix Factorization
1) L. Baltrunas, B. Ludwig, F. Ricci. "Matrix factorization techniques for context aware recommendation." ACM RecSys 2011.
Differential Context Modeling
1) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Differential Context Relaxation for Context-aware Travel Recommendation". EC-WEB, 2012
2) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Optimal Feature Selection for Context-Aware Recommendation using Differential Relaxation".
CARS@RecSys, 2012
3) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Recommendation with Differential Context Weighting". In UMAP, 2013
Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA35
ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014

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[SAC2014]Splitting Approaches for Context-Aware Recommendation: An Empirical Study

  • 1. Splitting Approaches for Context-Aware Recommendation: An Empirical Study Yong Zheng, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014
  • 2. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA Contents Context-aware Recommender Systems Context-aware Splitting Approaches Empirical Study & Evaluation Results Discussions, Conclusions & Future work ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014 2
  • 3. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA Contents Context-aware Recommender Systems ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014 Empirical Study & Evaluation Results Discussions, Conclusions & Future work Context-aware Splitting Approaches 3
  • 4. Recommender Systems Recommender Systems (RS) Two-dimension rating space: Users × Items  Ratings Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA M1 M2 M3 U1 U2 U3 U4 4 ?
  • 5. Context-aware Recommender Systems Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS) Multi-dimensional space: Users × Items × Contexts  Ratings Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA5
  • 6. Context-aware Recommender Systems Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS) Assumptions and Viewpoints in CARS:  Users’preferences or decisions usually differ from contexts to contexts, even towards the same item. E.g. buy a gift for someone.  It’s better to infer user’s preferences by rating profiles within the same or similar contexts. E.g. look at music others choose within same contexts  Context is defined as “any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity” by Dey, Anind K. (2001).However, the actual contexts in CARS and the contextual effects are domain specific. Movie domain: time, location, companion, mood, etc Music domain: time, activity, mood, etc Travel domain: season, weather, companion or trip type, etc Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA6
  • 7. Context-aware Recommender Systems Context-aware Recommender Systems (CARS) Example of CARS applications: Tour Plan Recommender Yu, Chien-Chih and Chang, Hsiao-ping, "Towards Context-Aware Recommendation for Personalized Mobile Travel Planning". International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications, 2012 Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA7
  • 8. Context-aware Recommender Systems How to incorporate contexts into RS? There are two methods to categorize those incorporations. 1).In terms of how contexts interacted with the RS algorithms Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA8
  • 9. Context-aware Recommender Systems How to incorporate contexts into RS? There are two methods to categorize those incorporations. 2).In terms of whether new CARS algorithms required to be developed It can be simply categorized into: a).Transformation Algorithms A transformation is required, then all traditional RS algorithms can be applied to. Do NOT need to develop new CARS algorithms. such as Dimensions as Virtual Items (DaVI) and context-aware splitting approaches (CASA). b).Adaptation Algorithms CARS algorithms are required, traditional algs can be modified. Such as context-aware matrix factorization (CAMF). Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA9
  • 10. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA Contents Context-aware Splitting Approaches ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014 Context-aware Recommender Systems Empirical Study & Evaluation Results Discussions, Conclusions & Future work 10
  • 11. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) In terms of the two categorizations (i.e. how to incorporate contexts into recommender systems) above, CASA belongs to pre-filtering and transformation algorithms. There are three context-aware splitting approaches: 1). Item splitting by L. Baltrunas, F. Ricci, ACM RecSys, 2009 2). User splitting by A. Said et al, CARS@ACM RecSys, 2011 3). UI splitting by Y. Zheng et al, Decisions@ACM RecSys, 2013 User splitting and UI splitting are two approaches derived from Item splitting, examined and evaluated by different authors. According to feedbacks from researchers, CASA is one of most efficient CARS algorithms, but there are no empirical study over them. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA11
  • 12. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Item Splitting The underlying idea is that the nature of an item, from the user's point of view, may change in different contextual conditions, hence it may be useful to consider it as two different items. (L. Baltrunas, F. Ricci, RecSys'09) – In short, contexts are dependent with items. Any dependent patterns involved in those ratings? Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA At Cinema At Home At Swimming Pool 12
  • 13. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Item Splitting -- Example Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA User Item Location Rating U1 M1 Pool 5 U2 M1 Pool 5 U3 M1 Pool 5 U1 M1 Home 2 U4 M1 Home 3 U2 M1 Home 2 High Rating Low Rating Significant difference? Let’s split it !!! M11: being seen at Pool M12: being seen at Home M1 Same movie, different IDs. 13
  • 14. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Item Splitting  Step 1. Choose a contextual condition to split each item; The selection process is done by measuring significance of rating differences (such as the two-sample t test);  Step 2. Contexts are fused to items and removed from original multidimensional matrix. We get a 2D rating matrix, then traditional algorithms like CF, MF can be applied to; How to select an appropriate contextual conditions for splitting? a). Binary contextual condition b). Impurity criteria and significance test See example in the next. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA14
  • 15. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Item Splitting – Binary Contextual Condition Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA User Item Loc Rating U1 M1 Pool 5 U2 M1 Pool 5 U3 M1 Pool 5 U1 M1 Home 2 U4 M1 Home 3 U2 M1 Cinema 2 User Item Rating U1 M11 5 U2 M11 5 U3 M11 5 U1 M12 2 U4 M12 3 U2 M12 2 Transformation If there is qualified split, one item will be split to two new ones. A binary contextual condition for splitting: “Pool” vs. “Non-Pool” Why use a binary condition? To alleviate or avoid cold-start problems! 15
  • 16. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) Item Splitting – Impurity Criteria There could be several binary context conditions, for example, “Pool” vs “Non-Pool”, “Home” vs “Non-Home”, “Weekend” vs “Non-Weekend”. Impurity criteria and significance test are used to make the selection. There are 4 impurity criteria for splitting by L. Baltrunas, et al, RecSys'09; tmean (t-test), tprop (z-test), tchi (chi-square test), tIG (Information gain) Take tmean for example, tmean, is defined using the two-sample t test and computes how significantly different are the means of the rating in the two rating subsets, when the split c (c is a context condition, e.g. location = Pool) is used. The bigger the t value of the test is, the more likely the difference of the means in the two partitions is significant (at 95% confidence value). Choose the largest one! Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA16
  • 17. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) User Splitting and UI Splitting Similarly, the splitting approach can be applied to user too! • User Splitting: is a similar one. Instead of splitting items, it may be useful to consider one user as two different users, if user demonstrates significantly different preferences across contexts. (A. Said et al., CARS@RecSys 2011) In short, contexts are dependent with users. • UI Splitting: simply a combination of item splitting and user splitting – both approaches are applied to create a new rating matrix – new users and new items are created in the rating matrix. (Y. Zheng, et al, Decisions@ACM RecSys 2013). In short, it fuses dependent contexts to users and items simultaneously at the same time. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA17
  • 18. Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) An Example of Three CASA Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA After transformation: Item Splitting: User + NewItem; User Splitting: NewUser + Item; UI Splitting: NewUser + NewItem; UI Splitting fuses contexts to both users and items, where it may enlarge the contextual effects, but it also increases sparsity. It is hard to say whether UI splitting will outperform the other two algs or not. It varies from data to data. 18
  • 19. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA Contents Empirical Study & Evaluation Results Discussions, Conclusions & Future work ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014 Context-aware Splitting Approaches Context-aware Recommender Systems 19
  • 20. Empirical Study and Evaluations Experimental Goals a> Comparison Among Three Splitting Approaches Which one performs the best? Which splitting criteria is the best appropriate one? Any underlying patterns to indicate which one should be used? b> Comparison Between CASA and other Contextual Algorithms Which one performs the best? How about CASA competing with other CARS algorithms? Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA20
  • 21. Empirical Study and Evaluations Data Sets Contextual variables in the three survey data sets: Food data: degree of hungriness in real and supposed situations; Movie data: Location (home/cinema), Time (weekend/weekday), Companion (family, etc); LDOS-CoMoDa: Location, Time, Companion, Weather, Emotions, Seasons, etc We use a 5-fold cross validation for all data sets and examined algorithms. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA21
  • 22. Empirical Study and Evaluations Baseline Algorithms We choose two other context-aware algorithms as the baselines: 1). Differential Context Modeling (DCM) by Y. Zheng, et al, 2012 There are two approaches falling into this category: Differential Context Relaxation (DCR) Differential Context Weighting (DCW) Basic idea: Using rating profiles with same or similar contexts for rating predictions; Take user-based collaborative filtering for example:  Segment alg to various components;  Apply context filter to each component;  Filters could be different, and not necessary to be the same.  Filter could be realized by context relaxation to find same contexts, or context weighting to find similar contexts.  Generally, DCW works better than DCR. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA22
  • 23. Empirical Study and Evaluations Baseline Algorithms We choose two other context-aware algorithms as the baselines: 2). Context-aware Matrix Factorization (CAMF) by L. Baltrunas, et al, 2011 There are three approaches falling into this category: CAMF_C, CAMF_CI, CAMF_CU CAMF_C: Assume contextual effect is associated with each contextual condition only. CAMF_CI: Assume contextual effect is associated with item-context interactions. CAMF_CU: Assume contextual effect is associated with user-context interactions. CAMF is a kind of contextual modeling approach, where context-aware splitting approaches are contextual pre-filtering approaches. Both of them take advantage of the dependency between contexts and users or items. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA23
  • 24. Empirical Study and Evaluations Context-aware Splitting Approaches (CASA) They are pre-filtering approaches. Any traditional recommendation algorithms can be applied to, after the original multi-dimensional rating matrix was transformed to a 2D rating matrix. We evaluate three CASA based on the configuration as follows: 1). Evaluated by different traditional RS algorithms User-based Collaborative Filtering (UBCF), Item-based Collaborative Filtering (IBCF) Traditional Matrix Factorization techniques (MF) without taking contexts into consideration Implemented and evaluated by open-source Toolkit MyMediaLite v3.07 CF algorithms were tuned up by varying # of neighbors; MF algorithms were examined by varying # of factors and training iterations; 2). Evaluated by different impurity criteria in splitting processes tmean (t-test), tprop (z-test), tchi (chi-square test), tIG (Information gain) Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA24
  • 25. Empirical Study and Evaluations Evaluation Metrics We choose three metrics: RMSE, Precision, ROC. RMSE is used to evaluate the accuracy of predicted ratings. Prediction error, is the most popular and common used metric in CARS area, since context-aware data are usually sparse and few users rated a same item for several times. ROC = a visualization between recall and FPR by varying # of N in Top-N recommendations. = x axis is FPT, y axis is Recall In measuring Precision and ROC, we use a rating threshold to judge “relevance”. For Movie data, the threshold is set as 7, and it is set as 3 for the other two data sets. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA25
  • 26. Empirical Study and Evaluations Evaluation Metrics Traditional way to measure Precision and ROC: 1).We have training and testing set; 2).Train a model based on the training set and evaluate it on the testing set; 3).In the testing set, aggregate rating profiles by <user, a list of items he/she rated>; 4).For evaluation purpose, provide a list of ranked Top-N items to each user; 5).And examine the hit ratio between the Top-N list and the list of items rated in the testing; However, in CARS, contexts should be taken into account; CPrecision and CROC curve 1).We have training and testing set; 2).Train a model based on the training set and evaluate it on the testing set; 3).In the testing set, aggregate rating profiles by <user, a list of items he/she rated, contexts>; 4).For evaluation purpose, provide a list of ranked Top-N items to each <user, contexts>; 5).And examine the hit ratio between the Top-N list and the list of items rated in the testing; NOTICE: <user, a list of items he/she rated, contexts>; the list is pretty short and even just one item, because users seldom rated items for several times within different contexts. Thus the value of CPrecision and CROC will be much smaller than traditional ones. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA26
  • 27. Empirical Study and Evaluations Evaluation Challenge in CASA (Optional Part) RMSE can be directly evaluated based on the transformed rating matrix in CASA It is because the number of rating profiles in data is NOT changed. CPrecision and CROC cannot be directly evaluated on the transformed rating matrix 1). # of users and # of items could be DIFFERENT 2). It is not comparable to other CARS algorithms Solution: We only use transformed matrix to predict ratings, but evaluate IR metrics on the original multi-dimensional rating matrix. User Item Loc Rating U1 M1 Pool 5 U2 M1 Pool 5 U3 M1 Pool 5 U1 M1 Home 2 U4 M1 Home 3 U2 M1 Cinema 2 User Item Rating U1 M11 5 U2 M11 5 U3 M11 5 U1 M12 2 U4 M12 3 U2 M12 2 Transformation Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA27
  • 28. Experimental Results Experimental Results (in RMSE) Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches (in RMSE) Q: Which one performs the best? The best impurity criteria? A: UI Splitting using MF as the recommendation algorithm. MF works better than CFs. The best choice varies from data to data. No consistent patterns. Q: Any other patterns? A: For Movie data, item splitting is better than user splitting; But user splitting is better than item splitting for the other two ones, where they have emotional or feeling contextual variables, we assume those contexts are more dependent with users. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA28
  • 29. Experimental Results Experimental Results (in RMSE) Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms (in terms of RMSE) Q: Which one performs the best? The best impurity criteria? A: UI Splitting using MF as the recommendation algorithm in terms of RMSE. Q: Any other patterns? A: If item splitting is better than user splitting, CAMF_CI is better than CAMF_CU; If user splitting is better than item splitting, then CAMF_CU is better than CAMF_CI; It is because both of them take advantage of context-dependency patterns!! Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA29
  • 30. Experimental Results Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC) Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches In CPrecision, UI splitting > Item splitting > User Splitting; In ROC Curve, UI splitting > User splitting > Item Splitting; Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms In CPrecision, UI splitting > CAMF_CI > CAMF_CU > DCW > DCR; In ROC Curve, UI splitting > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI > DCW > DCR; Patterns: UI Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for LDOS-CoMoDa; Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern in EACH METRIC; In RMSE, context is more dependent with user; Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA30
  • 31. Experimental Results Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC) Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches In CPrecision, Item splitting > UI splitting > User splitting; In ROC Curve, same patter as above; Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms In CPrecision, Item splitting > UI splitting > CAMF_CI > CAMF_CU > DCW; In ROC Curve, Item splitting > UI splitting > CAMF_CI > DCW > CAMF_CU; Patterns: Item Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for Movie data; Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern in EACH METRIC; Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA31
  • 32. Experimental Results Experimental Results (CPrecision & CROC) Goal-1: Comparisons among the three context-aware splitting approaches In CPrecision, UI splitting > User splitting > Item Splitting; In ROC Curve, same pattern as above; Goal-2: Comparisons with other CARS algorithms In CPrecision, UI splitting > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI > DCR > DCW; In ROC Curve, DCR > UI splitting > DCW > CAMF_CU > CAMF_CI Patterns: Overall, UI Splitting is the best in RMSE and IR metrics for Food Data; Consistent findings in context-dependency pattern; Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA32
  • 33. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA Contents Context-aware Splitting Approaches Empirical Study & Evaluation Results Discussions, Conclusions & Future work ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014 Context-aware Recommender Systems 33
  • 34. Conclusions Conclusions & Future Work Which one performs the best? Generally speaking, UI splitting is the best; In Movie data, UI splitting is the best on RMSE, but item splitting is the best on IR metrics; If context is not that dependent with users, merging effects by UI splitting may decrease the joint effect on recommendations. Any patterns or guidelines to choose which context-aware algorithms? In terms of choices between item splitting & user splitting, and CAMF_CI & CAMF_CU, it totally depends on which one contexts are more dependent to, user or item? Whether UI splitting performs the best depends on three factors: 1). The dependency between contexts and users and items; 2). The sparsity after rating matrix transformation – cold-start problems in CASA; 3). The performance difference between user splitting and item splitting. If one of them performs bad, it is not guaranteed that the joint effect UI splitting will perform better; Future work: 1).how to judge contexts are more dependent with users or items? Any numeric metrics to validate it? PS: Impurity values? no consistent patterns. 2). How to alleviate the cold-start problems in UI splitting. Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA34
  • 35. Conclusions References Item Splitting 1) L. Baltrunas, and F. Ricci. "Context-based splitting of item ratings in collaborative filtering." ACM RecSys, 2009. 2) L. Baltrunas, and F. Ricci. "Experimental evaluation of context-dependent collaborative filtering using item splitting." User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (2013): 1-28. User Splitting 1) L. Batrunas and X. Amatriain."Towards Time-Dependent Recommendation Based on Implicit Feedback." CARS@RecSys, 2009 2) A. Said, E. Luca, S. Albayrak. "Inferring contextual user profiles—improving recommender performance.“ CARS@RecSys, 2011 UI Splitting 1) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "The Role of Emotions in Context-aware Recommendation". Decisons@RecSys, 2013 2) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher, “Splitting Approaches for Context-Aware Recommendation: An Empirical Study”, ACM SAC, 2014 Context-aware Matrix Factorization 1) L. Baltrunas, B. Ludwig, F. Ricci. "Matrix factorization techniques for context aware recommendation." ACM RecSys 2011. Differential Context Modeling 1) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Differential Context Relaxation for Context-aware Travel Recommendation". EC-WEB, 2012 2) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Optimal Feature Selection for Context-Aware Recommendation using Differential Relaxation". CARS@RecSys, 2012 3) Y. Zheng, R. Burke, B. Mobasher. "Recommendation with Differential Context Weighting". In UMAP, 2013 Center for Web Intelligence DePaul University, Chicago, IL USA35
  • 36. ACM SIGAPP the 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, South Korea, March 26, 2014