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dengan Go-kit
Bandung, Februari 2020
Irfan Aris Nur Hakim
Software Engineer at HOOQ
Hari ini
• Sedikit tentang Microservices

• Sedikit tentang Bahasa Pemrograman Go

• Go-kit
! 5 Negara

☀ 100juta++ requests per hari

📽 20juta++ streaming minutes per hari

⚡ 50Gbps++ bandwidth saat puncak

🌻 50++ services
• Ditulis dalam bahasa pemgorgraman apa pun, dan
framework apa pun.

• Independen; kode, versi, deployment, scaled.

• Berinteraksi dengan microservices lainnya melalui interfaces
atau protokol lain yang terdefinisi - kontrak. 

• Mempunyai alamat/nama yang unik (URLs) untuk digunakan
dalam mengaksesnya.

• Tetap konsisten dan tersedia dimana terjadinya suatu
–Peter Bourgon
Microservices solve organizational problems


Microservices cause technical problems
• Dibutuhkan domain bisnis yang telah terdifinisi dengan baik
untuk menghasilkan API yang stabil.

• Tidak ada lagi shared-database.

• Testing yang menjadi sangat sulit.

• Pipeline - Memerlukan kultur dev/ops yang berjalan.

• Monitoring dan instrumentasi — tail -f? Nagios & New Relic?
Ha! Distributed tracing?

• Keamanan.
• Sangan mudah dipelajari, dikuasai, dan di-maintain.

• Kompilasi cepat.

• Native.

• Statically Typed.

• Koleksi Standard Library yang lengkap.

• Garbage collected.
• dll
Kenapa dibuat?
• Micro (go)

• Finagle (scala)

• Spring Boot (java)

• Tokio (rust)
Tinjauan Arsitektur
• Transport 

• Endpoint

• Service
Terdiri dari tiga komponen utama:
Tinjauan Arsitektur
Source code dependencies can only point inwards. In other
words, the source code of each circle can only access code
in an inner circle but never any code in an outer circle.
Request & Response
Transport ———— Endpoint ———— Service
Simple Svc
//	SimpleService	describes	a	service	that	adds	things	together.	
type	SimpleService	interface	{	
		Sum(a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	
		Concat(a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	
type	simpleService	struct{}	
func	(s	*simpleService)	Sum(a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	{	
		if	a	==	0	&&	b	==	0	{	
				return	0,	ErrTwoZeroes	
		if	(b	>	0	&&	a	>	(intMax-b))	||	(b	<	0	&&	a	<	(intMin-b))	{	
				return	0,	ErrIntOverflow	
		return	a	+	b,	nil	
func	(s	*simpleService)	Concat(a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	{	
		if	len(a)+len(b)	>	maxLen	{	
				return	"",	ErrMaxSizeExceeded	
		return	a	+	b,	nil	
Simple Svc
//	ServeHTTP	turns	simpleService	into	an	HTTP	handler	
func	(s	*simpleService)	ServeHTTP(w	http.ResponseWriter,	r	*http.Request)	{	
		switch	r.URL.Path[1:]	{	
		case	“sum":	
				keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("a"))	
				b,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("b"))	
				c,	err	:=	s.Sum(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	http.StatusInternalServerError)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	strconv.Itoa(c))	
		case	"concat":	
				keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a	:=	keys.Get("a")	
				b	:=	keys.Get("b")	
				c,	err	:=	s.Concat(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	http.StatusInternalServerError)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	c)	
Simple Svc
func	main()	{	
		ss	:=	&simpleService{}	
		http.ListenAndServe(":9090",	ss)	
func	(s	*simpleService)	ServeHTTP(w	http.ResponseWriter,	r	*http.Request)	{	
		switch	r.URL.Path[1:]	{	
		case	"sum":	
				keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("a"))	
				b,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("b"))	
				c,	err	:=	s.Sum(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						code	:=	http.StatusInternalServerError	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	code)	
						log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	code)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	strconv.Itoa(c))	
				log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	200)
case	"concat":	
				keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a	:=	keys.Get("a")	
				b	:=	keys.Get("b")	
				c,	err	:=	s.Concat(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						code	:=	http.StatusInternalServerError	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	code)	
						log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	code)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	c)	
				log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	200)	
func	main()	{	
		ss	:=	&simpleService{}	
		log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9090",	ss))	
var	dur	=	prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{	
				Namespace:	"simple_space",	
				Subsystem:	"simple_service",	
				Name:						"http_request_duration_seconds",	
				Help:						"Time	spent	serving	HTTP	requests.",	
},	[]string{"method",	"status_code"})
func	(s	*simpleService)	ServeHTTP(w	http.ResponseWriter,	r	*http.Request)	{	
		begin	:=	time.Now()	
		switch	r.URL.Path[1:]	{	
		case	"sum":	
			keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("a"))	
				b,	_	:=	strconv.Atoi(keys.Get("b"))	
				c,	err	:=	s.Sum(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						code	:=	http.StatusInternalServerError	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	code)	
						log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	code)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	strconv.Itoa(c))	
				log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	200)
case	"concat":	
			keys	:=	r.URL.Query()	
				a	:=	keys.Get("a")	
				b	:=	keys.Get("b")	
				c,	err	:=	s.Concat(a,	b)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						code	:=	http.StatusInternalServerError	
						http.Error(w,	err.Error(),	code)	
						log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	code)	
				fmt.Fprintf(w,	c)	
				log.Printf("%s:	%s	%s:	%d",	r.RemoteAddr,	r.Method,	r.URL.Path[1:],	200)	
Business logic masih bersih, tapi untuk handler tadi jadi “Mixed concern”
Tinjauan Arsitektur
Transport Layer
• Layer paling luar, untuk komunikasi/akses.

• Mendukung beberapa protokol komunikasi, diantaranya
HTTP, gRPC, AMQP, Thirft, NATS, dll.

• Satu microservices bisa dipasang beberapa jenis
• Decoder/Encoder
• Kirim data ke layer selanjutnya —> Endpoint Layer
//	NewHTTPHandler	returns	an	HTTP	handler	that	makes	a	set	of	endpoints	
//	available	on	predefined	paths.	
func	NewHTTPHandler(endpoints	addendpoint.Set,	otTracer	stdopentracing.Tracer,	zipkinTracer	*stdzipkin.Tracer,	logger	
log.Logger)	http.Handler	{	
	 options	:=	[]httptransport.ServerOption{	
	 m	:=	http.NewServeMux()	
	 m.Handle("/sum",	httptransport.NewServer(	
	 	 append(options,	httptransport.ServerBefore(opentracing.HTTPToContext(otTracer,	"Sum",	logger)))...,	
	 m.Handle("/concat",	httptransport.NewServer(	
	 	 append(options,	httptransport.ServerBefore(opentracing.HTTPToContext(otTracer,	"Concat",	logger)))...,	
	 return	m	
//	decodeHTTPSumRequest	is	a	transport/http.DecodeRequestFunc	that	decodes	a	
//	JSON-encoded	sum	request	from	the	HTTP	request	body.	Primarily	useful	in	a	
//	server.	
func	decodeHTTPSumRequest(_	context.Context,	r	*http.Request)	(interface{},	error)	{	
		var	req	addendpoint.SumRequest	
		err	:=	json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req)	
		return	req,	err	
//	encodeHTTPGenericResponse	is	a	transport/http.EncodeResponseFunc	that	encodes	
//	the	response	as	JSON	to	the	response	writer.	Primarily	useful	in	a	server.	
func	encodeHTTPGenericResponse(ctx	context.Context,	w	http.ResponseWriter,	response	interface{})	error	{	
		if	f,	ok	:=	response.(endpoint.Failer);	ok	&&	f.Failed()	!=	nil	{	
				errorEncoder(ctx,	f.Failed(),	w)	
				return	nil	
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type",	"application/json;	charset=utf-8")	
		return	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(response)	
//	NewGRPCServer	makes	a	set	of	endpoints	available	as	a	gRPC	AddServer.	
func	NewGRPCServer(endpoints	addendpoint.Set,	otTracer	stdopentracing.Tracer,	zipkinTracer	*stdzipkin.Tracer,	logger	
log.Logger)	pb.AddServer	{	
	 options	:=	[]grpctransport.ServerOption{	
	 return	&grpcServer{	
	 	 sum:	grpctransport.NewServer(	
	 	 	 append(options,	grpctransport.ServerBefore(opentracing.GRPCToContext(otTracer,	"Sum",	logger)))...,	
	 	 concat:	grpctransport.NewServer(	
	 	 	 append(options,	grpctransport.ServerBefore(opentracing.GRPCToContext(otTracer,	"Concat",	logger)))...,	
Endpoint Layer
• Seperti handler pada sebuah controller.
• Terima interface{} sbg Request, kembalikan interface{}

• Setiap endpoint ini mengekspos service terhadap dunia
luar melalui Transport.
//	MakeSumEndpoint	constructs	a	Sum	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeSumEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(SumRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Sum(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	SumResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeConcatEndpoint	constructs	a	Concat	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeConcatEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(ConcatRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Concat(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	ConcatResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeSumEndpoint	constructs	a	Sum	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeSumEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(SumRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Sum(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	SumResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeConcatEndpoint	constructs	a	Concat	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeConcatEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(ConcatRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Concat(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	ConcatResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeSumEndpoint	constructs	a	Sum	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeSumEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(SumRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Sum(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	SumResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeConcatEndpoint	constructs	a	Concat	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeConcatEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(ConcatRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Concat(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	ConcatResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeSumEndpoint	constructs	a	Sum	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeSumEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(SumRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Sum(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	SumResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
//	MakeConcatEndpoint	constructs	a	Concat	endpoint	wrapping	the	service.	
func	MakeConcatEndpoint(s	addservice.Service)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
		return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
				req	:=	request.(ConcatRequest)	
				v,	err	:=	s.Concat(ctx,	req.A,	req.B)	
				return	ConcatResponse{V:	v,	Err:	err},	nil	
Service Layer
• Bagian dimana business logic diimplementasi.

• Biasanya dimodelkan dengan interface, dimana
implementasi konkretnya berisi business logic.

• Tidak ada knowledge terhadap layer sebelumnya,
misalnya HTTP Headers (Transport Layer).
//	Service	describes	a	service	that	adds	things	together.	
type	Service	interface	{	
	 Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	
	 Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	
type	basicService	struct{}	
func	(s	basicService)	Sum(_	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	{	
	 if	a	==	0	&&	b	==	0	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrTwoZeroes	
	 if	(b	>	0	&&	a	>	(intMax-b))	||	(b	<	0	&&	a	<	(intMin-b))	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrIntOverflow	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Concat	implements	Service.	
func	(s	basicService)	Concat(_	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	{	
	 if	len(a)+len(b)	>	maxLen	{	
	 	 return	"",	ErrMaxSizeExceeded	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Service	describes	a	service	that	adds	things	together.	
type	Service	interface	{	
	 Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	
	 Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	
type	basicService	struct{}	
func	(s	basicService)	Sum(_	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	{	
	 if	a	==	0	&&	b	==	0	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrTwoZeroes	
	 if	(b	>	0	&&	a	>	(intMax-b))	||	(b	<	0	&&	a	<	(intMin-b))	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrIntOverflow	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Concat	implements	Service.	
func	(s	basicService)	Concat(_	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	{	
	 if	len(a)+len(b)	>	maxLen	{	
	 	 return	"",	ErrMaxSizeExceeded	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Service	describes	a	service	that	adds	things	together.	
type	Service	interface	{	
	 Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	
	 Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	
type	basicService	struct{}	
func	(s	basicService)	Sum(_	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	{	
	 if	a	==	0	&&	b	==	0	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrTwoZeroes	
	 if	(b	>	0	&&	a	>	(intMax-b))	||	(b	<	0	&&	a	<	(intMin-b))	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrIntOverflow	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Concat	implements	Service.	
func	(s	basicService)	Concat(_	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	{	
	 if	len(a)+len(b)	>	maxLen	{	
	 	 return	"",	ErrMaxSizeExceeded	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Service	describes	a	service	that	adds	things	together.	
type	Service	interface	{	
	 Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	
	 Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	
type	basicService	struct{}	
func	(s	basicService)	Sum(_	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(int,	error)	{	
	 if	a	==	0	&&	b	==	0	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrTwoZeroes	
	 if	(b	>	0	&&	a	>	(intMax-b))	||	(b	<	0	&&	a	<	(intMin-b))	{	
	 	 return	0,	ErrIntOverflow	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
//	Concat	implements	Service.	
func	(s	basicService)	Concat(_	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(string,	error)	{	
	 if	len(a)+len(b)	>	maxLen	{	
	 	 return	"",	ErrMaxSizeExceeded	
	 return	a	+	b,	nil	
• Bentuk konkret dari konsep separation of concern dengan
menggunakan decorator pattern.

• Membungkus endpoint atau services untuk menambah
fungsionalitas yang generik, misal logging, rate limiting
atau distributed tracing.
• Ada 2 tipe, Endpoint Middleware & Endpoint Service.
Endpoint Middleware
func	InstrumentingMiddleware(duration	metrics.Histogram)	endpoint.Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	endpoint.Endpoint)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
				return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
						defer	func(begin	time.Time)	{	
								duration.With("success",	fmt.Sprint(err	==	nil)).Observe(time.Since(begin).Seconds())	
						return	next(ctx,	request)	
func	InstrumentingMiddleware(duration	metrics.Histogram)	endpoint.Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	endpoint.Endpoint)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
				return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
						defer	func(begin	time.Time)	{	
								duration.With("success",	fmt.Sprint(err	==	nil)).Observe(time.Since(begin).Seconds())	
						return	next(ctx,	request)	
Endpoint Middleware
func	InstrumentingMiddleware(duration	metrics.Histogram)	endpoint.Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	endpoint.Endpoint)	endpoint.Endpoint	{	
				return	func(ctx	context.Context,	request	interface{})	(response	interface{},	err	error)	{	
						defer	func(begin	time.Time)	{	
								duration.With("success",	fmt.Sprint(err	==	nil)).Observe(time.Since(begin).Seconds())	
						return	next(ctx,	request)	
Endpoint Middleware
//	Middleware	describes	a	service	(as	opposed	to	endpoint)	middleware.	
type	Middleware	func(Service)	Service	
//	LoggingMiddleware	takes	a	logger	as	a	dependency	
//	and	returns	a	service	Middleware.	
func	LoggingMiddleware(logger	log.Logger)	Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	Service)	Service	{	
				return	loggingMiddleware{logger,	next}	
type	loggingMiddleware	struct	{	
		logger	log.Logger	
		next			Service	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(v	int,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Sum",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(v	string,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Concat",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
//	Middleware	describes	a	service	(as	opposed	to	endpoint)	middleware.	
type	Middleware	func(Service)	Service	
//	LoggingMiddleware	takes	a	logger	as	a	dependency	
//	and	returns	a	service	Middleware.	
func	LoggingMiddleware(logger	log.Logger)	Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	Service)	Service	{	
				return	loggingMiddleware{logger,	next}	
type	loggingMiddleware	struct	{	
		logger	log.Logger	
		next			Service	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(v	int,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Sum",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(v	string,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Concat",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
//	Middleware	describes	a	service	(as	opposed	to	endpoint)	middleware.	
type	Middleware	func(Service)	Service	
//	LoggingMiddleware	takes	a	logger	as	a	dependency	
//	and	returns	a	service	Middleware.	
func	LoggingMiddleware(logger	log.Logger)	Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	Service)	Service	{	
				return	loggingMiddleware{logger,	next}	
type	loggingMiddleware	struct	{	
		logger	log.Logger	
		next			Service	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(v	int,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Sum",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(v	string,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Concat",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
//	Middleware	describes	a	service	(as	opposed	to	endpoint)	middleware.	
type	Middleware	func(Service)	Service	
//	LoggingMiddleware	takes	a	logger	as	a	dependency	
//	and	returns	a	service	Middleware.	
func	LoggingMiddleware(logger	log.Logger)	Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	Service)	Service	{	
				return	loggingMiddleware{logger,	next}	
type	loggingMiddleware	struct	{	
		logger	log.Logger	
		next			Service	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(v	int,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Sum",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(v	string,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Concat",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
//	Middleware	describes	a	service	(as	opposed	to	endpoint)	middleware.	
type	Middleware	func(Service)	Service	
//	LoggingMiddleware	takes	a	logger	as	a	dependency	
//	and	returns	a	service	Middleware.	
func	LoggingMiddleware(logger	log.Logger)	Middleware	{	
		return	func(next	Service)	Service	{	
				return	loggingMiddleware{logger,	next}	
type	loggingMiddleware	struct	{	
		logger	log.Logger	
		next			Service	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Sum(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	int)	(v	int,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Sum",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
func	(mw	loggingMiddleware)	Concat(ctx	context.Context,	a,	b	string)	(v	string,	err	error)	{	
		defer	func()	{	
				mw.logger.Log("method",	"Concat",	"a",	a,	"b",	b,	"v",	v,	"err",	err)	
		return,	a,	b)	
		//	Build	the	layers	of	the	service	"onion"	from	the	inside	out.	First,	the	
		//	business	logic	service;	then,	the	set	of	endpoints	that	wrap	the	service;	
		//	and	finally,	a	series	of	concrete	transport	adapters.	The	adapters,	like	
		//	the	HTTP	handler	or	the	gRPC	server,	are	the	bridge	between	Go	kit	and	
		//	the	interfaces	that	the	transports	expect.	Note	that	we're	not	binding	
		//	them	to	ports	or	anything	yet;	we'll	do	that	next.	
		var	(	
				service								=	addservice.New(logger,	ints,	chars)	
				endpoints						=	addendpoint.New(service,	logger,	duration,	tracer,	zipkinTracer)	
				httpHandler				=	addtransport.NewHTTPHandler(endpoints,	tracer,	zipkinTracer,	logger)	
				grpcServer					=	addtransport.NewGRPCServer(endpoints,	tracer,	zipkinTracer,	logger)	
		var	g	group.Group	
				//	The	HTTP	listener	mounts	the	Go	kit	HTTP	handler	we	created.	
				httpListener,	err	:=	net.Listen("tcp",	*httpAddr)	
				if	err	!=	nil	{	
						logger.Log("transport",	"HTTP",	"during",	"Listen",	"err",	err)	
				g.Add(func()	error	{	
						logger.Log("transport",	"HTTP",	"addr",	*httpAddr)	
						return	http.Serve(httpListener,	httpHandler)	
				},	func(error)	{	
		logger.Log("exit",	g.Run())
Sejauh ini…
• Cenderung susah dipahami diawal.

• Verbose.

• Sangat gampang ketika ada perubahan requirement.

• Banyak dukungan library.

• Pakai apa yang kita butuhkan.
• Implementasi core business logic di service layer, dengan
mendefinisikan interface plus dengan implementasi konkretnya.

• Buat service middleware, disini biasanya utk beberapa fungsi
tambahan, seperti analytics atau logging - intinya yang dibutuhkan
oleh domain business. 

• Untuk middleware yang agnostik terhadap domain business, misal
circuit breaker, rate limiter, dll bisa dibuat di endpoint middleware.
• Buat Transport Layer dengan semua decoder/encoder-nya.

• Satukan mereka ❤ di Endpoint Layer.



Terima kasih!

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