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FPGA 實戰教學 Part2
  Verilog 語法教學

    Lilian Chen

History of Verilog

  始於約 1984 年
  1) Gateway Design Automation Inc. 原始命名為 HiLo.
  1985~1987 年
  1) 首度出現 Verilog simulator
  1990 年
  1) Cadence Designed System 收購 Gatway Design
     Automatic Inc. 並與 Synopsys 合作營銷 Verilog
  1990 年
  1) Cadence 組織了 Open Verilog International(OVI), 並開
     放 Verilog 語言

History of Verilog

  1991 年
  1) 訂定 Verilog 語法文件
  1994 年
  1) IEEE1364 工作小組成立 , 並將 Verilog 建立標準
  1995 年 12 月
  1) Verilog 成為 IEEE 標準
  多年後 , 不斷更新的版本 , 修改了 , Verilog
  的許多問題 , 目前較新的版本被稱為
  Verilog 2001.


  Hardware Description Language (HDL).
  1) Microprocessor, memory, flip-flop…etc.
  語法類似於 C
  1) 易於學習

Design Flow


          High Level Design

          Low Level Design

              RTL Coding

        Functional Verification

           Logic Synthesis            Gate Level Simulation

          Place and Route


          Post Si Validation


       module add(a,b,ci,sum,co);
           input a,b,ci;
           output sum,co;
       // 註解在這裡

       module add(a,b,ci,sum,co);
          input a,b,ci;
          output sum,co;

White Space

 什麼是 White Space?
  1) 不被當做語法的字元
  2) 目的用於便利閱讀
 有哪些字元是 White Space
  1) 空白
  2) Tab
  3) 換行

Case Sensitivity

  1) Add add aDD adD  皆代表不同 item
  所有 Verilog keywords 都是小寫 , 若任一
  為大寫字母 , 則皆被視為非 keywords
  1) keyword
      case, endcase, module, endmodule, always, … etc
  1) Not keyword
      Case, Endcase, Module, endModule, Always … etc.


  舉凡 module, function, reg, wire 命名可用的字元有
   1)   a, b, c, …, z
   2)   A, B, C, …, Z
   3)   0, 1, 2, … 9
   4)   _, $
  命名最長可接受最多 1024 個字
   1)   386i  NG
   2)   i386  OK
  Escaped Identifiers
   1)   386i  OK
   2)    386i  NG

Integer Number
  1)   <size>’<radix><value>
  2)   <radix> 跟 <value> 不用管是大小寫
  1)   4 位元 10, 以 decimal 表示  4’d10 or 4’D10
  2)   10 位元 128, 以 hexadecimal 表示  10’h080 or 10’H080
  3)   10 位元 10, 以 hexadecimal 表示  10’h00a or 10’h00A
 當 <size> 比 <value> 大時
  1)   當 <value> 的最高位元為’ 1’ 或’ 0’ 時 , 左邊會填滿 ’ 0’
  2)   當 <value> 的最高位元為’ z’ 時 , 左邊會填滿’ z’
        ‘z’ or ‘Z’ 皆可
  1)   當 <value> 的最高位元為’ x’ 時 , 左邊會填滿’ x’
        ‘x’ or ‘X’ 皆可
 當 <value> 出現 ‘ ?’ 時 , 則視為 ‘ z’
                                             ‘X’ Stands for unknown
                                             ‘Z’ stands for high impedance
                                             ‘1’ for logic high or ‘1’
                                             ‘0’ for logic low or ‘0’

Integer Number 基數表示方式

Verilog 可接受的表示方式有 ( 以 4 位元 10
 為範例 )
 1) Decimal 十進制
 1) hexadecimal 十六進制
 1) octal 八進制
 1) binary 二進制

Integer Number 基數表示方式

 當位元數過多時 , _ 可以用來輔助 , 讓
 code 易於閱讀 ( 以 32 位元 10 為範例 )
 1) Decimal  十進制
 1) hexadecimal 十六進制
 1) octal 八進制
 1) Binary  二進制

Real Numbers

 Verilog supports real constants and variables
 Verilog converts real numbers to integers by rounding
 Real Numbers can not contain 'Z' and 'X'
 Real numbers may be specified in either decimal or scientific
 < value >.< value >
  1)   1.2  1.2
  2)   0.6  0.6
 < mantissa >E< exponent >
  1)   3.5E6  3500000
 Real numbers are rounded off to the nearest integer when
 assigning to an integer.

Signed and Unsigned Numbers

 Verilog 支援 signed 以及 unsigned 兩種類
 型的 numbers, 但有一定的限制
 類似於 C, 但沒有特定的資料型態
  1) ‘int’ or ‘unsigned int’
 在數字前沒有加 ‘ -’ 則代表正數
  1) unsigned: 32’hedad_beef
  2) signed: -14’h1234
 若將負數 assigned 至一個 integer numbers
 時 , 則會以 2 的補數格式填入

Signed and Unsigned Numbers

reg [31:0]a,b,c,d;

a[31:0] = 14’h1234;              a[31:0] = 32’h00001234
b[31:0] = -14’h1234;             b[31:0] = 32’hffffedcc
c[31:0] = 32’hdead_beef;         c[31:0] = 32’hdeadbeef
d[31:0] = -32h’dead_beef;        d[31:0] = 32’h21524111


 Verilog 語法皆以 module 為主體

                module 名稱   module 輸出 / 輸入埠名稱

    module add (a,b,ci,sum,co);
      input a,b,ci;  module 輸入宣告

      output sum,co;      module 輸出宣告

     註 : 雙向埠則為 inout

Module – Port Declaration

  1) input [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers;
  2) output [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers;
  3) inout [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers;
  1)   input clk;  一般不會寫成 input [0:0] clk;
  2)   input clk,reset;
  3)   input [15:0] data_in;
  4)   output [7:0]data_out;
  5)   inout [31:0]data_bidirection;


 不易讀的 Coding Style

    module add (a,b,ci,sum,co);
      input a,b,ci; output sum,co;
      wire sum,co; endmodule

 分號 “ ;” 代表一行程式的結束

 易於讀 Coding Style
                         module add (a,b,ci,sum,co);
                            input a,b,ci;
                            output sum,co;
                            wire sum,co;
 module add(             endmodule
   input a,
   input b,              module add (a,b,ci,sum,co);
   input ci,                input a;
   output sum,              input b;
   output co);              input ci;
                            output sum;
    wire sum;               output co;
    wire co;                wire sum;
 endmodule                  wire co;
Module Port Connected

  1) by Port Order ( C/C++ like)
      <module name> <module inst_name>
  1) by Name Order
      <module name> <module inst_name>

Module Port Connected by Port Order

module add(a,b,sum,co);   moduel top(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out);
  input a,b;                input a_in,b_in;
  output sum,co;            output sum_out,carry_out;
  wire sum,co;              wire sum_out,carry_out;
  assign sum = a^b;         add adder(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out);
  assign co = a&b;        endmodule
endmodule                                           module inst_name

                  a_in    a          sum       sum_out

                  b_in    b   add     co       carry_out
module name

Module Port Connected by Name Order

                              moduel top(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out);
module add(a,b,sum,co);         input a_in,b_in;
  input a,b;                    output sum_out,carry_out;
  output sum,co;                wire sum_out,carry_out
  wire sum,co;                  add adder(.a(a_in),
  assign sum = a^b;                         .b(b_in),
  assign co = a&b;                          .sum(sum_out),
endmodule                                   .co(carry_out));

                  a_in    a            sum        sum_out

                  b_in    b     add     co        carry_out


Module Port Connected by multi-module
                                            moduel top(a1_in,b1_in,
            adder1                                    sum2_out,carry2_out);
                                             input a1_in,b1_in;
a1_in   a          sum    sum1_out
                                             output sum1_out,carry1_out;
                                             input a2_in,b2_in;
b1_in   b   add      co   carry1_out         output sum2_out,carry2_out;
                                             wire sum1_out,carry1_out;
                                             wire sum2_out,carry2_out;
                                             add adder1(.a(a1_in),
a2_in   a          sum    sum2_out                      .b(b1_in),
b2_in   b            co   carry2_out                    .co(carry1_out));
                                             add adder2(.a(a2_in),
             top                                        .sum(sum2_out),

Module Port Connected by un-connected

moduel top(a1_in,b1_in,sum1_out,carry1_out,
 input a1_in,b1_in;
 output sum1_out,carry1_out;
 input a2_in,b2_in;
 output sum2_out,carry2_out;
 wire sum1_out,carry1_out;
 wire sum2_out,carry2_out;

 add adder1(.a(a1_in),.b(b1_in),.sum(sum1_out),.co(carry1_out));
 add adder2(.a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out);

Module Port Connected by value

moduel top(a1_in,b1_in,sum1_out,carry1_out,
 input a1_in,b1_in;
 output sum1_out,carry1_out;
 input a2_in,b2_in;
 output sum2_out,carry2_out;
 wire sum1_out,carry1_out;
 wire sum2_out,carry2_out;

 add adder1(.a(a1_in),.b(b1_in),.sum(sum1_out),.co(carry1_out));
 add adder2(.a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out);

Data type

 Verilog has two data types
  1) Nets
      Represent structural connections between components
  1) Registers
      Represent variables used to store data
 Explicitly declared
  1) With a declaration in your Verilog code.
 Implicitly declared
  1) with no declaration when used to connect structural
     building blocks in your code. Implicit declaration is
     always a net type "wire" and is one bit wide.

Data type


 nets/registers                   nets/registers
                  nets                             nets



Data Types of Nets

Net Data Type       Function
wire, tri           Interconnecting wire
wor, trior          Wired output ‘OR’ together
wand, triand        Wired output ‘AND’ together
tri0, tri1          Net pull-down or pull-up when no
supply0, supply1    Net constant logic 0 or 1 (supply
trireg              Retains last value, when drive by

註 : 在這麼多的 Net Types 裡 , ‘wire’ 是常用到的 Data type

Data Types of Register

 Net Data        Function
 reg             Unsigned variable
 integer         Signed variable – 32 bits
 time            Unsigned integer – 64 bits
 real            Double precision floating point variable

註 : 在這麼多的 Register Types 裡 , ‘reg’ 是常用到的 Data type

Verilog Operators – arithmetic

Operators                   功能           Notes
+                           加法
-                           減法
*                           乘法
/                           除法           無法合成
%                           取餘數          無法合成

註 : 若 reg 的值有任一為 ‘ x’ 的話 , 則結果會是 ‘ x’

 Example: 4’b00x1 + 4’b001x = 4’b00xx

Verilog Operators - Relational

Operators 功能                     Notes
a<b       a 是否小於 b        判斷不包
                          括’ z’ 或’ x’
a>b          a 是否大於 b     判斷不包
                          括’ z’ 或’ x’
a <= b       a 是否小於等於 b 判斷不包
   條件成立 , 回覆 ‘ 1’         括’ z’ 或’ x’
a >= b ,‘ x’ 時 ,‘ 0’ ‘ x’
   條件失敗 回覆
   如果含有      a 是否大於等於 b 判斷不包
                          括’ z’ 或’ x’

Verilog Operators - Equality

Operators    功能        Notes
a === b      a 是否等於 b  判斷包括’ z’ 或’ x’
a !== b      a 是否不等於 b 判斷包括’ z’ 或’ x’
a == b       a 是否等於 b  判斷不包括’ z’ 或’ x’
a != b       a 是否不等於 b 判斷不包括’ z’ 或’ x’
   條件成立 , 回覆 ‘ 1’
   條件失敗 , 回覆 ‘ 0’

Verilog Operators – Logical

Operators    功能               Notes
!            Logical 反相
&&           Logical and
||           Logical or

Verilog Operators – Bit-wise

Operators   功能 Notes
~           反相 ~x = x
&           and 0 & x = 0
|           or    1|x=1
^           xor   0^x=1^x=x^x=x

^~ or ~^    xnor 0 ~^ x = 1 ^~ x = x ~^ x = x

Verilog Operators – Shift

Operations       功能          Notes
<<               左旋
>>               右旋

Verilog Operators – Concatenation
  1) {port1,port2,….,port3}
      reg [3:0]a;
      reg b;
      wire [10:0]c;

      c[10:0] = {a[3:0],4’b1101,b,2’b00};

      c[10:0] = {a[2:0],4’b1101,a[3],1’b1,b,1’b0};

Verilog Operators – Replication

   1) {n{m}}  replicate value m, n times

   1) {3{a}}  {a,a,a}
   2) {b,{3{c,d}}}  {b,c,d,c,d,c,d}

 註 : 藍色的 ‘ {}’ 是 Concatenation

Verilog Operators – Conditional

  1) <cond_expr> ? <true_expr> : <false_expr>;
  1) a = (c==b) ? d : 1’b1;
      當 c 等於 b 時 , a 等於 d, 否則 a 等於 ‘ 1’
  1) out = enable ? Data_out : 1’bz;
      當 enable 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , out 等於 Data_out, 否則 out
      等於 ‘ z’
  1) y = en1 ? dout1 :
         en2 ? dout2 : 1’bz;
      當 en1 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , y 等於 dout1, 當 en1 為 ‘ 0’ 且
      en2 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , y 等於 dout2, 否則 y 為 ‘ z’

註 : <enable ?> 這樣的寫法等同於 <(enable==1’b1)?>
Verilog Abstraction Levels

  1) Higher level of modeling where behavior of logic
     is modeled.
  1) Logic is modeled at register level
  1) Logic is modeled at both register level and gate

Procedural Blocks

    1) 只在一時間為零時執行 , 且只執行一次
    2) 通常應用在 simulation model

    1) 始終循環執行

注意 , 在 initial 以及 always 內被指定的 Data type 都會是 reg 的型態

Procedural Blocks

module initial_bad_style(clk,rst,en,dout);    module initial_good_style(clk,rst,en,dout);
 output clk,rst,en,dout;                       output clk,rst,en,dout;
 reg clk,rst;                                  reg clk,rst;
 wire en,dout;                                 reg en,dout;

 initial                                          initial
 begin                                            begin
   clk = 1’b0;                                      clk = 1’b0;
   rst = 1’b0;                                      rst = 1’b0;
   en = 1’b0;                                       en = 1’b0;
   dout = 1’b1;                                     dout = 1’b1;
 end                                              end

endmodule                                     endmodule

Procedural Blocks

module proc_good_style(clk,en,dout);    module proc_good_style(clk,en,dout);
 input clk, en                           input clk, en
 output dout;                            output dout;
 wire dout;                              reg dout;

 always @(posedge clk)                      always @(posedge clk)
 begin                                      begin
   if(en==1’b1)                               if(en==1’b1)
       dout = 1’b1;                               dout = 1’b1;
   else                                       else
       dout = 1’b0;                               dout = 1’b0;
 end                                        end

endmodule                               endmodule

Procedural assignment

 當程序的程式多於一個指令時 , 必須用下
  1) Sequential  begin – end
  2) Parallel  fork – join

Procedural assignment

module initial_fork(clk,rst,en,dout);                     module initial_begin(clk,rst,en,dout);
 output clk,rst,en,dout;                                   output clk,rst,en,dout;
 reg clk,rst, en,dout;                                     reg clk,rst, en,dout;

 initial                                                   initial
 begin                                                     begin
   #0 clk = 1’bz;                                            #0 clk = 1’bz;
       rst = 1’bz;                                               rst = 1’bz;
       en = 1’bz;         f1                                                         b1
                                                                 en = 1’bz;
       dout = 1’bz;                                              dout = 1’bz;
 fork                                                        #1 clk = 1’b0;          b2
   #1 clk = 1’b0;         f2                                 #10 rst = 1’b0;         b3
   #10 rst = 1’b0;        f3                                 #5 en = 1’b0;           b4
   #5 en = 1’b0;          f4                                 #3 dout = 1’b1;         b5
   #3 dout = 1’b1;        f5                               end
 end                                                      endmodule

  b1 b2                                               b3                        b4           b5
  f1 f2         f5        f4                    f3

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Blocking and Non-blocking

 Blocking  ‘=‘
  1) 在同一個程序裡 , 執行順序按照 code 的順序
 Non-blocking  ‘<=‘
  1) 在同一個程序裡 , 所有的 code 同時執行

Blocking and Non-blocking

        Blocking                       Non-Blocking
      reg a = 1’b1;                    reg a = 1’b1;
      reg b = 1’b0;                    reg b = 1’b0;

      always @(posedge clk)            always @(posedge clk)
      begin                            begin
        a = b;                           a <= b;
        b = a;                           b <= a;
      end                              end

  a                                a



if- else
     1)    <if>(< 判斷式 1>)                inital
           begin                         begin
             < 執行式 1>                       #0 < 判斷式 1> = false
           <else> <if>>(< 判斷式 2>)               < 判斷式 2> = false
           begin                            #1 < 判斷式 1> = true
             < 執行式 2>                           < 判斷式 2> = false
           end                              #1 < 判斷式 1> = false
           <else>                               < 判斷式 2> = true
           begin                            #1 < 判斷式 1> = true
             < 執行式 3>                           < 判斷式 2> = true
           end                           end

     執行時 , 一律由第一個判斷式開始

< 執行式 3>      < 執行式 1>     < 執行式 2>        < 執行式 1>       < 執行式 1>

 0               1             2                3                  4


  1) <case>(< 判斷子 >)
      < 條件 1> : begin < 執行式 1> end
      < 條件 2> : begin < 執行式 2> end
      <default> : begin < 執行式 n> end

case                                      initial
                                            #0 b[3:0] = 4’b0000;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0001;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0010;
        case(b[3:0])                        #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0011;
          4’b0000: begin <s1> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0100;
          4’b0001: begin <s2> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0101;
          4’b0010: begin <s3> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0110;
          4’b0100: begin <s4> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0111;
          4’b1000: begin <s5> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1000;
          4’b1110: begin <s6> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1001;
          default: begin <sn> end           #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1010;
        endcase                             #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1011;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1100;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1101;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1110;
                                            #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1111;
s1 s2 s3 sn s4 sn sn sn s5 sn sn sn sn sn s6 sn sn sn sn sn

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casez casex

  1) <casez/casex>(< 判斷子 >)
      < 條件 1> : begin < 執行式 1> end
      < 條件 2> : begin < 執行式 2> end
      <default> : begin < 執行式 n> end
 casez : ‘z’ as don’t care
 casex : ‘z’ and ‘x’ as don’t care

Dealy controls

  1) #<time>< 執行式 >;

  1) #0 reset = 1’b0;
  2) #15 reset = 1’b1;

Edge sensitive event control

  1) @(<posedge/negedge> <signal>)
       < 執行式 >
  2) @(<posedge/negedge> <signal> or
       < 執行式 >

Edge sensitive event control
                                                          #0 clk <= 1’b0;
module add(clk,rst,a,b,sum,co);                           forever #1 clk <= ~ clk;
 input clk,rst,a,b;                     initial
                                        begin           end
 output sum,co;
 reg sum,co;                              #0 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b0,1’b1,1’b1};
                                          #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b0};
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)     #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b0};
 begin                                    #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b1};
                                          #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b1};
       sum <= 1’b0;
       co <= 1’b0;
    else              co
    begin              a
       sum <= a ^ b;   b
       co <= a & b;
 end                  clk
                          0   1     2   3   4     5    6    7    8    9
Level sensitive event control

  1) @(<signal>)
       < 執行式 >
  2) @(<signal> or <signal>)
       < 執行式 >

Level sensitive event control

 module add(clk,rst,a,b,sum,co);             initial
  input clk,rst,a,b;
  output sum,co;
  reg sum,co;
                                               #0 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b0,1’b1,1’b1};
                                               #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b0};
  always @(a or b or rst)                      #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b0};
  begin                                        #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b1};
     if(rst==1’b0)                             #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b1};
     begin                                   end
        sum <= 1’b0;
        co <= 1’b0;
     end                 sum
     begin                co
        sum <= a ^ b;      a
        co <= a & b;
     end                   b
  end                     rst
                                0   1   2    3   4     5    6    7    8    9
Tri-State buffer

module tri_buff(in,out,en);                          initial
 input in,en;                                        begin
 output out;                                           #0 {in,en} <= {1’b0,1’b0};
 wire out;                                             #1 {in,en} <= {1’b0,1’b1};
                                                       #1 {in,en} <= {1’b1,1’b0};
 assign out = (en==1’b1) ? in : 1’bz;                  #1 {in,en} <= {1’b1,1’b1};


                                    0   1   2    3     4    5

 task 是用在所有的編程語言,一般被稱為程序或子程序。
 Include 在 module 內, task 可以被調用多次,減少了代碼重複。
 可以有任意數量的輸入 / 輸出。
 可使用 posedge, negedge, # delay
 呼叫 task 時的變數傳輸順序即是 , 在 task 中宣告輸出入的順序。
 在 task 中可再次呼叫其它的 task, function
 task <task_name>;
   input <input_port>;
   output <output_port>;
     < 執行式 >;


module task_calling (temp_a, temp_b, temp_c, temp_d); initial
 input [7:0] temp_a, temp_c;                           begin
 output [7:0] temp_b, temp_d;                             #0 temp_a[7:0] <= 8'd0;
 reg [7:0] temp_b, temp_d;                                  temp_c[7:0] <= 8'd0;
 always @ (temp_a)                                        begin
 begin                                                      #1 temp_a[7:0] <= temp_a[7:0] + 8'd1;
   convert (temp_a, temp_b);                                  temp_c[7:0] <= temp_c[7:0];
 end                                                        #1 temp_a[7:0] <= temp_a[7:0];
                                                              temp_c[7:0] <= temp_c[7:0] + 8'd1;
 always @ (temp_c)                                        end
 begin                                                 end
  convert (temp_c, temp_d);
 end                                          temp_a 8’d0          8’d1           8’d2        8’d3
 task convert;
                                              temp_b 8’d32         8’d33        8’d34      8’d35
   input [7:0] temp_in;
   output [7:0] temp_out;
   begin                                      temp_c       8’d0            8’d1          8’d2
     temp_out = (9/5) *( temp_in + 32);
   end                                        temp_d       8’d32          8’d33          8’d34
                                                       0    1       2       3       4     5

 一個 Verilog HDL 語言的功能是一樣的
 task ,只有非常小的差異。
  1) 可以有任意數量的輸入,但只有一個輸出。
  2) 不能使用 posedge, negedge, # delay 。
  3) 在 function 內只能再次呼叫 function, 但不
     能呼叫 task 。

Function                                              module pattern(a,b,c,d);
                                                         output a,b,c,d;
                                                         wire a,b,c,d;
                                                         reg [3:0]cnt;

                                                         assign a = cnt[0];
                                                         assign b = cnt[1];
                                                         assign c = cnt[2];
module function_calling(a,b,c,d,e,out1,out2);            assign d = cnt[3];
 input a, b, c, d, e;                                    assign e = cnt[0];
 output out1,out2;
 wire out1,out2;                                         initial
                                                           #0 cnt[3:0] <= 4'd0;
 assign out1 = (myfunction (a,b)) ? e : 1'bz;              forever #1 cnt[3:0] <= cnt[3:0] + 4'd1;
 assign out2 = (myfunction (c,d)) ? e : 1'bz;            end
 function myfunction;
   input a, b, c, d;
   begin                    b
     myfunction = a^b;    out1
 endfunction                e



                                 0 1   2   3   4 5   6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Simulation - $dispaly, $strobe, $monitor
  這三個 command 語法相同 , 用於 simulation 時顯示文字訊息
  $display 以及 $strobe 每次執行時顯示一次
  $monitor 則是用於參數有改變就顯示一次
  語法很像 C/C++.
  1)   %d (decimal), %h (hexadecimal), %b (binary), %c (character), %s (string),
       %t (time), %m (hierarchy level). %5d, %5b etc.
  1)   $display ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... );
  2)   $strobe ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... );
  3)   $monitor ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... );
  4)   $displayb (as above but defaults to binary..);
  5)   $strobeh (as above but defaults to hex..);
  6)   $monitoro (as above but defaults to octal..);

Simulation - $time, $stime, $realtime

  These return the current simulation time as a
  64-bit integer, a 32-bit integer, and a real
  number, respectively

Simulation - $reset, $stop, $finish

  $reset resets the simulation back to time 0;
  $stop halts the simulator and puts it in
  interactive mode where the user can enter
  commands; $finish exits the simulator back to
  the operating system.

Simulation - $scope, $showscope

 $scope(hierarchy_name) sets the current
 hierarchical scope to hierarchy_name.
 $showscopes(n) lists all modules, tasks and
 block names in (and below, if n is set to 1) the
 current scope.

Simulation - $random

 $random generates a random integer every
 time it is called. If the sequence is to be
 repeatable, the first time one invokes random
 giving it a numerical argument (a seed).
 Otherwise the seed is derived from the
 computer clock.

Simulation - $dumpfile, $dumpvar, $dumpon,
$dumpoff, $dumpall
  These can dump variable changes to a simulation viewer like Debussy. The
  dump files are capable of dumping all the variables in a simulation. This is
  convenient for debugging, but can be very slow
   1)   $dumpfile("filename.vcd")
   2)   $dumpvar dumps all variables in the design.
   3)   $dumpvar(1, top) dumps all the variables in module top and below, but not
        modules instantiated in top.
   4)   $dumpvar(2, top) dumps all the variables in module top and 1 level below.
   5)   $dumpvar(n, top) dumps all the variables in module top and n-1 levels
   6)   $dumpvar(0, top) dumps all the variables in module top and all level below.
   7)   $dumpon initiates the dump.
   8)   $dumpoff stop dumping.

Simulation - $fopen, $fdisplay, $fstrobe $fmonitor and
  These commands write more selectively to files.
  $fopen opens an output file and gives the open file a handle for use by the other commands.
  $fclose closes the file and lets other programs access it.
  $fdisplay and $fwrite write formatted data to a file whenever they are executed. They are the
  same except $fdisplay inserts a new line after every execution and $write does not.
  $strobe also writes to a file when executed, but it waits until all other operations in the time
  step are complete before writing. Thus initial #1 a=1; b=0; $fstrobe(hand1, a,b); b=1; will
  write write 1 1 for a and b.
  $monitor writes to a file whenever any of its arguments changes.
   1)     handle1=$fopen("filenam1.suffix")
   2)     handle2=$fopen("filenam2.suffix")
   3)     $fstrobe(handle1, format, variable list) //strobe data into filenam1.suffix
   4)     $fdisplay(handle2, format, variable list) //write data into filenam2.suffix
   5)     $fwrite(handle2, format, variable list) //write data into filenam2.suffix all on one line. Put in the
          format string where a new line is desired

Parameterized Modules

 Parameter 是 verilog 提供給 module 修改
 design 的參數設定
 必須提供 default value, 透過 defparam 來
 重新設定 default value. 重新設定 default
 value 的動作稱作 parameter overriding.

Parameterized Modules
module defparam_example(a,b,ci,sum1,sum2,co1,co2);               module my_adder(a,b,ci,sum,co);
 input a,b,ci;                                                   parameter citakeCare = 1;
 output sum1,sum2,co1,co2;                                        input a,b,ci;
                                                                  output sum,co;
 defparam half_adder.citakeCare = 0;                              wire sum,co,ci_t;
 defparam full_adder.citakeCare = 1;                              assign ci_t = (citakeCare==0) ? 1'b0 : ci;
                                                                  assign sum = a ^ b ^ ci_t;
 my_adder half_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum1),.co(co1));    assign co = ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b000) ? 1'b0 :
 my_adder full_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum2),.co(co2));           ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b001) ? 1'b0 :
                                                                         ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b010) ? 1'b0 :
endmodule                                                                ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b100) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;








                     0 1   2   3   4 5    6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Parameterized Modules

module defparam_example(a,b,ci,sum1,sum2,co1,co2);
 input a,b,ci;
 output sum1,sum2,co1,co2;

 my_adder #(. citakeCare (0)) half_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum1),.co(co1));
 my_adder #(. citakeCare (1)) full_adder (.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum2),.co(co2));


Finite State Machine (FSM)

 One-Hot FSM
 Binary (Highly Encoded) FSM
FSM Block Diagram
Binary FSM
One-Hot FSM
Two Always Black FSM Style(Good Style) 1/2

module fsm(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn);          !rstn                  !req
 output state;
 input delay,done,req,clk,rstn;
                                                              state = 0
 reg state;
                                                  !req                      req         !done
 parameter [1:0] __idle = 2'b00,
          __busy = 2'b01,
          __wait = 2'b10,                     __free                         __busy
          __free = 2'b11;                    state = 0                      state = 1
 reg [1:0]fsmC,fsmN;
                                                 !delay                    done&&delay
always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
  begin                                                        __wait
    if(!rstn) fsmC[1:0] <= __idle;                            state = 1
    else      fsmC[1:0] <= fsmN[1:0];
                     sequential state register                 delay
Two Always Black FSM Style(Good Style) 2/2

always @(fsmC or delay or done or req)
                                                              !rstn                !req
    fsmN[1:0] = 2’bxx;
    state = 1’b0;
    case(fsmC[1:0])                                                    __idle
      __idle: begin
              if(req)     fsmN[1:0] = __busy;
                                                                      state = 0
              else        fsmN[1:0] = __idle;
                                                            !req                    req         !done
      __busy: begin
              if(!done)    fsmN[1:0] = __busy;                           req
              else if(delay) fsmN[1:0] = __wait;
              else        fsmN[1:0] = __free;
              state = 1'b1;
                                                       __free                        __busy
            end                                       state = 0                     state = 1
      __wait: begin                                                 done&&!delay
              if(delay)    fsmN[1:0] = __wait;
              else        fsmN[1:0] = __free;
              state = 1'b1;
            end                                           !delay                   done&&delay
      __free: begin
              if(req)     fsmN[1:0] = __busy;                          __wait
              else        fsmN[1:0] = __idle;
            end                                                       state = 1
                               combinational next-state
endmodule                     combinational output logic
Important Coding Style Notes

 通常 Verilog 是用“ parameters” 來定義 state
 宣告一個 current state 以及一個 next state
 在 sequential always block 的通常使用 nonblocking 的
 coding 法
 在 combinational always block 裡則是用 blocking 的
 coding 法
 next state 是在 combinational always block 裡做處理 ,
 在最開始時會給一個 default-X
 Default output 是在 “ case” 之前給定值 , 然後才在要改
 變輸出的那個 case 時改變 output
 在 combinational always block 判斷時是使用 “ if”, “else-
 if” 或者 “ else” 來判斷輸換狀態 .
One Always Block FSM Style (avoid!!)
 module fsm_1(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn);
   output state;
   input delay,done,req,clk,rstn;
   parameter [1:0] __idle = 2'd0,
               __busy = 2'd1,
               __wait = 2'd2,
               __free = 2'd3;
                                                      !rstn                  !req
   reg state;
   reg [1:0]fsm;
   always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
     if(!rstn) begin
        fsm[1:0] <= __idle;
        state <= 1'b0;                                          state = 0
     else begin
        fsm[1:0] <= 2'bx;
        state <= 1'b0;                               !req                     req         !done
          __idle : if(req) begin
                      fsm[1:0] <= __busy;
                      state <= 1'b1;
                else fsm[1:0] <= __idle;
          __busy: if(!done) begin                __free                        __busy
                      fsm[1:0] <= __busy;
                      state <= 1'b1;            state = 0                     state = 1
                else if(delay) begin
                      fsm[1:0] <= __wait;
                      state <= 1'b1;
            else        fsm[1:0] <= __free;
          __wait: if(delay) begin
                      fsm[1:0] <= __wait;          !delay                    done&&delay
                      state <= 1'b1;

            else        fsm[1:0] <= __free;
          __free: if(req) begin
                      fsm[1:0] <= __busy;
                      state <= 1'b1;
                                                                state = 1
            else        fsm[1:0] <= __idle;
 endmodule                                                       delay
One-hot FSM (Good Style) 1/2

module fsm_onehot(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn);         !rstn                  !req
 output state;
 input delay,done,req,clk,rstn;
 parameter [3:0] __idle = 0,   Index not State Encoding             state = 0
                 __busy = 1,
                 __wait = 2,
                                                         !req                     req         !done
                 __free = 3;
 reg [3:0]fsmC,fsmN;
 reg state;                                          __free                        __busy
                                                    state = 0                     state = 1
 always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)                            done&&!delay
   if(!rstn) begin
         fsmC[3:0] <= 4'd0;                            !delay                    done&&delay
         fsmC[__idle] <= 1'b1;
   end                                                               __wait
   else fsmC[3:0] <= fsmN[3:0];
                                                                    state = 1

One-hot FSM (Good Style) 2/2

always @(fsmC or delay or done or req) begin
   fsmN[3:0] = 4'd0;
   state = 1'b0;                                             !rstn                  !req
      fsmC[__idle]: begin                                               __idle
                 if(req)     fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1;
                 else        fsmN[__idle] = 1'b1;
                                                                       state = 0
      fsmC[__busy]: begin                                   !req                     req         !done
                 if(!done)    fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1;
                 else if(delay) fsmN[__wait] = 1'b1;                     req
                 else        fsmN[__free] = 1'b1;
                 state = 1'b1;
              end                                       __free                        __busy
      fsmC[__wait]: begin                              state = 0                     state = 1
                 if(delay)    fsmN[__wait] = 1'b1;                   done&&!delay
                 else        fsmN[__free] = 1'b1;
                 state = 1'b1;
      fsmC[__free]: begin                                 !delay                    done&&delay
                 if(req)     fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1;
                 else        fsmN[__idle] = 1'b1;                       __wait
   end                                                                 state = 1

                                                 go & !jmp
                 S9      !jmp                        S1
        !jmp                    y=0
                y=1                                 y=0
                                      go & jmp
S8                        jmp                                             S2
                 jmp                                      jmp
y=0                                                                       y=0

 !jmp                                                                           jmp

S7                                                                        S3
y=0                                                          jmp          y=1
      !jmp       S6                                  S4            !jmp
                y=0      !jmp                       y=0
Compiler Directives

 `nounconnected_drive / `unconnected_drive


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Verilog 語法教學

  • 1. FPGA 實戰教學 Part2 Verilog 語法教學 Lilian Chen 1
  • 2. History of Verilog 始於約 1984 年 1) Gateway Design Automation Inc. 原始命名為 HiLo. 在當時並非為標準語言 1985~1987 年 1) 首度出現 Verilog simulator 1990 年 1) Cadence Designed System 收購 Gatway Design Automatic Inc. 並與 Synopsys 合作營銷 Verilog 1990 年 1) Cadence 組織了 Open Verilog International(OVI), 並開 放 Verilog 語言 2
  • 3. History of Verilog 1991 年 1) 訂定 Verilog 語法文件 1994 年 1) IEEE1364 工作小組成立 , 並將 Verilog 建立標準 1995 年 12 月 1) Verilog 成為 IEEE 標準 多年後 , 不斷更新的版本 , 修改了 , Verilog 的許多問題 , 目前較新的版本被稱為 Verilog 2001. 3
  • 4. Introduction Hardware Description Language (HDL). 是一種用來描述數位設計的語言 1) Microprocessor, memory, flip-flop…etc. 語法類似於 C 1) 易於學習 4
  • 5. Design Flow Specification High Level Design Low Level Design RTL Coding Functional Verification Logic Synthesis Gate Level Simulation Place and Route Fabrication Post Si Validation 5
  • 6. 註解 單行註解 module add(a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; output sum,co; // 註解在這裡 endmodule 多行註解 module add(a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; output sum,co; /* 註解在這裡 */ endmodule 6
  • 7. White Space 什麼是 White Space? 1) 不被當做語法的字元 2) 目的用於便利閱讀 有哪些字元是 White Space 1) 空白 2) Tab 3) 換行 7
  • 8. Case Sensitivity 命名大小寫不同 1) Add add aDD adD  皆代表不同 item 所有 Verilog keywords 都是小寫 , 若任一 為大寫字母 , 則皆被視為非 keywords 1) keyword case, endcase, module, endmodule, always, … etc 1) Not keyword Case, Endcase, Module, endModule, Always … etc. 8
  • 9. Identifiers 舉凡 module, function, reg, wire 命名可用的字元有 1) a, b, c, …, z 2) A, B, C, …, Z 3) 0, 1, 2, … 9 4) _, $ 命名最長可接受最多 1024 個字 不可以數字為命名的起始 1) 386i  NG 2) i386  OK Escaped Identifiers 1) 386i  OK 2) 386i  NG 9
  • 10. Integer Number 語法 1) <size>’<radix><value> 2) <radix> 跟 <value> 不用管是大小寫 example 1) 4 位元 10, 以 decimal 表示  4’d10 or 4’D10 2) 10 位元 128, 以 hexadecimal 表示  10’h080 or 10’H080 3) 10 位元 10, 以 hexadecimal 表示  10’h00a or 10’h00A 當 <size> 比 <value> 大時 1) 當 <value> 的最高位元為’ 1’ 或’ 0’ 時 , 左邊會填滿 ’ 0’ 2) 當 <value> 的最高位元為’ z’ 時 , 左邊會填滿’ z’ ‘z’ or ‘Z’ 皆可 1) 當 <value> 的最高位元為’ x’ 時 , 左邊會填滿’ x’ ‘x’ or ‘X’ 皆可 當 <value> 出現 ‘ ?’ 時 , 則視為 ‘ z’ ‘X’ Stands for unknown ‘Z’ stands for high impedance ‘1’ for logic high or ‘1’ ‘0’ for logic low or ‘0’ 10
  • 11. Integer Number 基數表示方式 Verilog 可接受的表示方式有 ( 以 4 位元 10 為範例 ) 1) Decimal 十進制 4’d10 1) hexadecimal 十六進制 4’ha 1) octal 八進制 4’o12 1) binary 二進制 4’b1010 11
  • 12. Integer Number 基數表示方式 當位元數過多時 , _ 可以用來輔助 , 讓 code 易於閱讀 ( 以 32 位元 10 為範例 ) 1) Decimal  十進制 32’d10 1) hexadecimal 十六進制 32’h0000_000a 1) octal 八進制 32’o000_0000_0012 1) Binary  二進制 32’b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1010 12
  • 13. Real Numbers Verilog supports real constants and variables Verilog converts real numbers to integers by rounding Real Numbers can not contain 'Z' and 'X' Real numbers may be specified in either decimal or scientific notation < value >.< value > 1) 1.2  1.2 2) 0.6  0.6 < mantissa >E< exponent > 1) 3.5E6  3500000 Real numbers are rounded off to the nearest integer when assigning to an integer. 13
  • 14. Signed and Unsigned Numbers Verilog 支援 signed 以及 unsigned 兩種類 型的 numbers, 但有一定的限制 類似於 C, 但沒有特定的資料型態 1) ‘int’ or ‘unsigned int’ 在數字前沒有加 ‘ -’ 則代表正數 1) unsigned: 32’hedad_beef 2) signed: -14’h1234 若將負數 assigned 至一個 integer numbers 時 , 則會以 2 的補數格式填入 14
  • 15. Signed and Unsigned Numbers reg [31:0]a,b,c,d; a[31:0] = 14’h1234; a[31:0] = 32’h00001234 b[31:0] = -14’h1234; b[31:0] = 32’hffffedcc c[31:0] = 32’hdead_beef; c[31:0] = 32’hdeadbeef d[31:0] = -32h’dead_beef; d[31:0] = 32’h21524111 15
  • 16. Module Verilog 語法皆以 module 為主體 module 名稱 module 輸出 / 輸入埠名稱 module add (a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; module 輸入宣告 output sum,co; module 輸出宣告 endmodule 註 : 雙向埠則為 inout 16
  • 17. Module – Port Declaration 語法 1) input [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers; 2) output [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers; 3) inout [range_val:range_var] list of identifiers; Example 1) input clk;  一般不會寫成 input [0:0] clk; 2) input clk,reset; 3) input [15:0] data_in; 4) output [7:0]data_out; 5) inout [31:0]data_bidirection; 17
  • 18. Module 不易讀的 Coding Style module add (a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; output sum,co; wire sum,co; endmodule 分號 “ ;” 代表一行程式的結束 18
  • 19. Module 易於讀 Coding Style module add (a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; output sum,co; wire sum,co; module add( endmodule input a, input b, module add (a,b,ci,sum,co); input ci, input a; output sum, input b; output co); input ci; output sum; wire sum; output co; wire co; wire sum; endmodule wire co; endmodule 19
  • 20. Module Port Connected 語法 1) by Port Order ( C/C++ like) <module name> <module inst_name> (<port1>,<port2>,….,<portn>); 1) by Name Order <module name> <module inst_name> (.<port1_name>(<port1>), .<port2_name>(<port2>), …., .<portn_name>(<portn>)); 20
  • 21. Module Port Connected by Port Order module add(a,b,sum,co); moduel top(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out); input a,b; input a_in,b_in; output sum,co; output sum_out,carry_out; wire sum,co; wire sum_out,carry_out; assign sum = a^b; add adder(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out); assign co = a&b; endmodule endmodule module inst_name adder a_in a sum sum_out b_in b add co carry_out module name top 21
  • 22. Module Port Connected by Name Order moduel top(a_in,b_in,sum_out,carry_out); module add(a,b,sum,co); input a_in,b_in; input a,b; output sum_out,carry_out; output sum,co; wire sum_out,carry_out wire sum,co; add adder(.a(a_in), assign sum = a^b; .b(b_in), assign co = a&b; .sum(sum_out), endmodule .co(carry_out)); endmodule adder a_in a sum sum_out b_in b add co carry_out top 22
  • 23. Module Port Connected by multi-module moduel top(a1_in,b1_in, sum1_out,carry1_out, a2_in,b2_in, adder1 sum2_out,carry2_out); input a1_in,b1_in; a1_in a sum sum1_out output sum1_out,carry1_out; input a2_in,b2_in; b1_in b add co carry1_out output sum2_out,carry2_out; wire sum1_out,carry1_out; wire sum2_out,carry2_out; adder2 add adder1(.a(a1_in), a2_in a sum sum2_out .b(b1_in), .sum(sum1_out), b2_in b co carry2_out .co(carry1_out)); add add adder2(.a(a2_in), .b(b2_in), top .sum(sum2_out), .co(carry2_out)); endmodule 23
  • 24. Module Port Connected by un-connected moduel top(a1_in,b1_in,sum1_out,carry1_out, a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out); input a1_in,b1_in; output sum1_out,carry1_out; input a2_in,b2_in; output sum2_out,carry2_out; wire sum1_out,carry1_out; wire sum2_out,carry2_out; add adder1(.a(a1_in),.b(b1_in),.sum(sum1_out),.co(carry1_out)); add adder2(.a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out); endmodule 24
  • 25. Module Port Connected by value moduel top(a1_in,b1_in,sum1_out,carry1_out, a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out); input a1_in,b1_in; output sum1_out,carry1_out; input a2_in,b2_in; output sum2_out,carry2_out; wire sum1_out,carry1_out; wire sum2_out,carry2_out; add adder1(.a(a1_in),.b(b1_in),.sum(sum1_out),.co(carry1_out)); 1’b1 add adder2(.a2_in,b2_in,sum2_out,carry2_out); 1’b1 endmodule 25
  • 26. Data type Verilog has two data types 1) Nets Represent structural connections between components 1) Registers Represent variables used to store data Explicitly declared 1) With a declaration in your Verilog code. Implicitly declared 1) with no declaration when used to connect structural building blocks in your code. Implicit declaration is always a net type "wire" and is one bit wide. 26
  • 27. Data type module nets/registers nets/registers nets nets nets nets 27
  • 28. Data Types of Nets Net Data Type Function wire, tri Interconnecting wire wor, trior Wired output ‘OR’ together wand, triand Wired output ‘AND’ together tri0, tri1 Net pull-down or pull-up when no driving supply0, supply1 Net constant logic 0 or 1 (supply strength) trireg Retains last value, when drive by z(tristate) 註 : 在這麼多的 Net Types 裡 , ‘wire’ 是常用到的 Data type 28
  • 29. Data Types of Register Net Data Function Type reg Unsigned variable integer Signed variable – 32 bits time Unsigned integer – 64 bits real Double precision floating point variable 註 : 在這麼多的 Register Types 裡 , ‘reg’ 是常用到的 Data type 29
  • 30. Verilog Operators – arithmetic Operators 功能 Notes + 加法 - 減法 * 乘法 / 除法 無法合成 % 取餘數 無法合成 註 : 若 reg 的值有任一為 ‘ x’ 的話 , 則結果會是 ‘ x’ Example: 4’b00x1 + 4’b001x = 4’b00xx 30
  • 31. Verilog Operators - Relational Operators 功能 Notes a<b a 是否小於 b 判斷不包 括’ z’ 或’ x’ a>b a 是否大於 b 判斷不包 括’ z’ 或’ x’ a <= b a 是否小於等於 b 判斷不包 條件成立 , 回覆 ‘ 1’ 括’ z’ 或’ x’ a >= b ,‘ x’ 時 ,‘ 0’ ‘ x’ 條件失敗 回覆 如果含有 a 是否大於等於 b 判斷不包 回覆 括’ z’ 或’ x’ 31
  • 32. Verilog Operators - Equality Operators 功能 Notes a === b a 是否等於 b 判斷包括’ z’ 或’ x’ a !== b a 是否不等於 b 判斷包括’ z’ 或’ x’ a == b a 是否等於 b 判斷不包括’ z’ 或’ x’ a != b a 是否不等於 b 判斷不包括’ z’ 或’ x’ 條件成立 , 回覆 ‘ 1’ 條件失敗 , 回覆 ‘ 0’ 32
  • 33. Verilog Operators – Logical Operators 功能 Notes ! Logical 反相 && Logical and || Logical or 33
  • 34. Verilog Operators – Bit-wise Operators 功能 Notes ~ 反相 ~x = x & and 0 & x = 0 1&x=x&x=x | or 1|x=1 0|x=x|x=x ^ xor 0^x=1^x=x^x=x ^~ or ~^ xnor 0 ~^ x = 1 ^~ x = x ~^ x = x 34
  • 35. Verilog Operators – Shift Operations 功能 Notes << 左旋 >> 右旋 35
  • 36. Verilog Operators – Concatenation 語法 1) {port1,port2,….,port3} 用於將不同的信號組合在一起 reg [3:0]a; reg b; wire [10:0]c; c[10:0] = {a[3:0],4’b1101,b,2’b00}; c[10:0] = {a[2:0],4’b1101,a[3],1’b1,b,1’b0}; 36
  • 37. Verilog Operators – Replication 語法 1) {n{m}}  replicate value m, n times Example 1) {3{a}}  {a,a,a} 2) {b,{3{c,d}}}  {b,c,d,c,d,c,d} 註 : 藍色的 ‘ {}’ 是 Concatenation 37
  • 38. Verilog Operators – Conditional 語法 1) <cond_expr> ? <true_expr> : <false_expr>; Example 1) a = (c==b) ? d : 1’b1; 當 c 等於 b 時 , a 等於 d, 否則 a 等於 ‘ 1’ 1) out = enable ? Data_out : 1’bz; 當 enable 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , out 等於 Data_out, 否則 out 等於 ‘ z’ 1) y = en1 ? dout1 : en2 ? dout2 : 1’bz; 當 en1 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , y 等於 dout1, 當 en1 為 ‘ 0’ 且 en2 為 ‘ 1’ 時 , y 等於 dout2, 否則 y 為 ‘ z’ 註 : <enable ?> 這樣的寫法等同於 <(enable==1’b1)?> 38
  • 39. Verilog Abstraction Levels Behavioral 1) Higher level of modeling where behavior of logic is modeled. RTL 1) Logic is modeled at register level Structural 1) Logic is modeled at both register level and gate level 39
  • 40. Procedural Blocks initial 1) 只在一時間為零時執行 , 且只執行一次 2) 通常應用在 simulation model always 1) 始終循環執行 注意 , 在 initial 以及 always 內被指定的 Data type 都會是 reg 的型態 40
  • 41. Procedural Blocks module initial_bad_style(clk,rst,en,dout); module initial_good_style(clk,rst,en,dout); output clk,rst,en,dout; output clk,rst,en,dout; reg clk,rst; reg clk,rst; wire en,dout; reg en,dout; initial initial begin begin clk = 1’b0; clk = 1’b0; rst = 1’b0; rst = 1’b0; en = 1’b0; en = 1’b0; dout = 1’b1; dout = 1’b1; end end endmodule endmodule 41
  • 42. Procedural Blocks module proc_good_style(clk,en,dout); module proc_good_style(clk,en,dout); input clk, en input clk, en output dout; output dout; wire dout; reg dout; always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk) begin begin if(en==1’b1) if(en==1’b1) dout = 1’b1; dout = 1’b1; else else dout = 1’b0; dout = 1’b0; end end endmodule endmodule 42
  • 43. Procedural assignment 當程序的程式多於一個指令時 , 必須用下 列兩種將多個指令給包起來 1) Sequential  begin – end 2) Parallel  fork – join 43
  • 44. Procedural assignment module initial_fork(clk,rst,en,dout); module initial_begin(clk,rst,en,dout); output clk,rst,en,dout; output clk,rst,en,dout; reg clk,rst, en,dout; reg clk,rst, en,dout; initial initial begin begin #0 clk = 1’bz; #0 clk = 1’bz; rst = 1’bz; rst = 1’bz; en = 1’bz; f1 b1 en = 1’bz; dout = 1’bz; dout = 1’bz; fork #1 clk = 1’b0; b2 #1 clk = 1’b0; f2 #10 rst = 1’b0; b3 #10 rst = 1’b0; f3 #5 en = 1’b0; b4 #5 en = 1’b0; f4 #3 dout = 1’b1; b5 #3 dout = 1’b1; f5 end join end endmodule endmodule b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 f1 f2 f5 f4 f3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 44
  • 45. Blocking and Non-blocking Blocking  ‘=‘ 1) 在同一個程序裡 , 執行順序按照 code 的順序 Non-blocking  ‘<=‘ 1) 在同一個程序裡 , 所有的 code 同時執行 45
  • 46. Blocking and Non-blocking Blocking Non-Blocking reg a = 1’b1; reg a = 1’b1; reg b = 1’b0; reg b = 1’b0; always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk) begin begin a = b; a <= b; b = a; b <= a; end end a a b b 46
  • 47. if- else 語法 1) <if>(< 判斷式 1>) inital begin begin < 執行式 1> #0 < 判斷式 1> = false end <else> <if>>(< 判斷式 2>) < 判斷式 2> = false begin #1 < 判斷式 1> = true < 執行式 2> < 判斷式 2> = false end #1 < 判斷式 1> = false <else> < 判斷式 2> = true begin #1 < 判斷式 1> = true < 執行式 3> < 判斷式 2> = true end end 執行時 , 一律由第一個判斷式開始 < 執行式 3> < 執行式 1> < 執行式 2> < 執行式 1> < 執行式 1> 0 1 2 3 4 47
  • 48. case 語法 1) <case>(< 判斷子 >) < 條件 1> : begin < 執行式 1> end < 條件 2> : begin < 執行式 2> end ….. <default> : begin < 執行式 n> end <endcase> 48
  • 49. case initial begin #0 b[3:0] = 4’b0000; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0001; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0010; case(b[3:0]) #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0011; 4’b0000: begin <s1> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0100; 4’b0001: begin <s2> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0101; 4’b0010: begin <s3> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0110; 4’b0100: begin <s4> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b0111; 4’b1000: begin <s5> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1000; 4’b1110: begin <s6> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1001; default: begin <sn> end #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1010; endcase #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1011; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1100; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1101; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1110; #1 b[3:0] = 4’b1111; end s1 s2 s3 sn s4 sn sn sn s5 sn sn sn sn sn s6 sn sn sn sn sn 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 49
  • 50. casez casex 語法 1) <casez/casex>(< 判斷子 >) < 條件 1> : begin < 執行式 1> end < 條件 2> : begin < 執行式 2> end ….. <default> : begin < 執行式 n> end <endcase> casez : ‘z’ as don’t care casex : ‘z’ and ‘x’ as don’t care 50
  • 51. Dealy controls 語法 1) #<time>< 執行式 >; Example 1) #0 reset = 1’b0; 2) #15 reset = 1’b1; 51
  • 52. Edge sensitive event control 語法 1) @(<posedge/negedge> <signal>) begin < 執行式 > end 2) @(<posedge/negedge> <signal> or <posedge/negedge><signal>) begin < 執行式 > end 52
  • 53. Edge sensitive event control initial begin #0 clk <= 1’b0; module add(clk,rst,a,b,sum,co); forever #1 clk <= ~ clk; input clk,rst,a,b; initial begin end output sum,co; reg sum,co; #0 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b0,1’b1,1’b1}; #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b0}; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b0}; begin #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b1}; if(rst==1’b0) #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b1}; begin sum <= 1’b0; end co <= 1’b0; sum end else co begin a sum <= a ^ b; b co <= a & b; rst end end clk endmodule 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 53
  • 54. Level sensitive event control 語法 1) @(<signal>) begin < 執行式 > end 2) @(<signal> or <signal>) begin < 執行式 > end 54
  • 55. Level sensitive event control module add(clk,rst,a,b,sum,co); initial input clk,rst,a,b; begin output sum,co; reg sum,co; #0 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b0,1’b1,1’b1}; #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b0}; always @(a or b or rst) #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b0}; begin #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b0,1’b1}; if(rst==1’b0) #2 {rst,a,b} <= {1’b1,1’b1,1’b1}; begin end sum <= 1’b0; co <= 1’b0; end sum else begin co sum <= a ^ b; a co <= a & b; end b end rst endmodule 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55
  • 56. Tri-State buffer module tri_buff(in,out,en); initial input in,en; begin output out; #0 {in,en} <= {1’b0,1’b0}; wire out; #1 {in,en} <= {1’b0,1’b1}; #1 {in,en} <= {1’b1,1’b0}; assign out = (en==1’b1) ? in : 1’bz; #1 {in,en} <= {1’b1,1’b1}; end endmodule in en out 0 1 2 3 4 5 56
  • 57. Task task 是用在所有的編程語言,一般被稱為程序或子程序。 Include 在 module 內, task 可以被調用多次,減少了代碼重複。 可以有任意數量的輸入 / 輸出。 可使用 posedge, negedge, # delay 呼叫 task 時的變數傳輸順序即是 , 在 task 中宣告輸出入的順序。 在 task 中可再次呼叫其它的 task, function 語法 task <task_name>; input <input_port>; output <output_port>; begin < 執行式 >; end endtask 57
  • 58. Task module task_calling (temp_a, temp_b, temp_c, temp_d); initial input [7:0] temp_a, temp_c; begin output [7:0] temp_b, temp_d; #0 temp_a[7:0] <= 8'd0; reg [7:0] temp_b, temp_d; temp_c[7:0] <= 8'd0; forever always @ (temp_a) begin begin #1 temp_a[7:0] <= temp_a[7:0] + 8'd1; convert (temp_a, temp_b); temp_c[7:0] <= temp_c[7:0]; end #1 temp_a[7:0] <= temp_a[7:0]; temp_c[7:0] <= temp_c[7:0] + 8'd1; always @ (temp_c) end begin end convert (temp_c, temp_d); end temp_a 8’d0 8’d1 8’d2 8’d3 task convert; temp_b 8’d32 8’d33 8’d34 8’d35 input [7:0] temp_in; output [7:0] temp_out; begin temp_c 8’d0 8’d1 8’d2 temp_out = (9/5) *( temp_in + 32); end temp_d 8’d32 8’d33 8’d34 endtask 0 1 2 3 4 5 endmodule 58
  • 59. Function 一個 Verilog HDL 語言的功能是一樣的 task ,只有非常小的差異。 1) 可以有任意數量的輸入,但只有一個輸出。 2) 不能使用 posedge, negedge, # delay 。 3) 在 function 內只能再次呼叫 function, 但不 能呼叫 task 。 59
  • 60. Function module pattern(a,b,c,d); output a,b,c,d; wire a,b,c,d; reg [3:0]cnt; assign a = cnt[0]; assign b = cnt[1]; assign c = cnt[2]; module function_calling(a,b,c,d,e,out1,out2); assign d = cnt[3]; input a, b, c, d, e; assign e = cnt[0]; output out1,out2; wire out1,out2; initial begin #0 cnt[3:0] <= 4'd0; assign out1 = (myfunction (a,b)) ? e : 1'bz; forever #1 cnt[3:0] <= cnt[3:0] + 4'd1; assign out2 = (myfunction (c,d)) ? e : 1'bz; end endmodule function myfunction; a input a, b, c, d; begin b myfunction = a^b; out1 end endfunction e c endmodule d out2 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  • 61. Simulation - $dispaly, $strobe, $monitor 這三個 command 語法相同 , 用於 simulation 時顯示文字訊息 $display 以及 $strobe 每次執行時顯示一次 $monitor 則是用於參數有改變就顯示一次 語法很像 C/C++. 1) %d (decimal), %h (hexadecimal), %b (binary), %c (character), %s (string), %t (time), %m (hierarchy level). %5d, %5b etc. 語法 1) $display ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... ); 2) $strobe ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... ); 3) $monitor ("format_string", par_1, par_2, ... ); 4) $displayb (as above but defaults to binary..); 5) $strobeh (as above but defaults to hex..); 6) $monitoro (as above but defaults to octal..); 61
  • 62. Simulation - $time, $stime, $realtime These return the current simulation time as a 64-bit integer, a 32-bit integer, and a real number, respectively 62
  • 63. Simulation - $reset, $stop, $finish $reset resets the simulation back to time 0; $stop halts the simulator and puts it in interactive mode where the user can enter commands; $finish exits the simulator back to the operating system. 63
  • 64. Simulation - $scope, $showscope $scope(hierarchy_name) sets the current hierarchical scope to hierarchy_name. $showscopes(n) lists all modules, tasks and block names in (and below, if n is set to 1) the current scope. 64
  • 65. Simulation - $random $random generates a random integer every time it is called. If the sequence is to be repeatable, the first time one invokes random giving it a numerical argument (a seed). Otherwise the seed is derived from the computer clock. 65
  • 66. Simulation - $dumpfile, $dumpvar, $dumpon, $dumpoff, $dumpall These can dump variable changes to a simulation viewer like Debussy. The dump files are capable of dumping all the variables in a simulation. This is convenient for debugging, but can be very slow 語法 1) $dumpfile("filename.vcd") 2) $dumpvar dumps all variables in the design. 3) $dumpvar(1, top) dumps all the variables in module top and below, but not modules instantiated in top. 4) $dumpvar(2, top) dumps all the variables in module top and 1 level below. 5) $dumpvar(n, top) dumps all the variables in module top and n-1 levels below. 6) $dumpvar(0, top) dumps all the variables in module top and all level below. 7) $dumpon initiates the dump. 8) $dumpoff stop dumping. 66
  • 67. Simulation - $fopen, $fdisplay, $fstrobe $fmonitor and $fwrite These commands write more selectively to files. $fopen opens an output file and gives the open file a handle for use by the other commands. $fclose closes the file and lets other programs access it. $fdisplay and $fwrite write formatted data to a file whenever they are executed. They are the same except $fdisplay inserts a new line after every execution and $write does not. $strobe also writes to a file when executed, but it waits until all other operations in the time step are complete before writing. Thus initial #1 a=1; b=0; $fstrobe(hand1, a,b); b=1; will write write 1 1 for a and b. $monitor writes to a file whenever any of its arguments changes. 語法 1) handle1=$fopen("filenam1.suffix") 2) handle2=$fopen("filenam2.suffix") 3) $fstrobe(handle1, format, variable list) //strobe data into filenam1.suffix 4) $fdisplay(handle2, format, variable list) //write data into filenam2.suffix 5) $fwrite(handle2, format, variable list) //write data into filenam2.suffix all on one line. Put in the format string where a new line is desired 67
  • 68. Parameterized Modules Parameter 是 verilog 提供給 module 修改 design 的參數設定 必須提供 default value, 透過 defparam 來 重新設定 default value. 重新設定 default value 的動作稱作 parameter overriding. 68
  • 69. Parameterized Modules module defparam_example(a,b,ci,sum1,sum2,co1,co2); module my_adder(a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci; parameter citakeCare = 1; output sum1,sum2,co1,co2; input a,b,ci; output sum,co; defparam half_adder.citakeCare = 0; wire sum,co,ci_t; defparam full_adder.citakeCare = 1; assign ci_t = (citakeCare==0) ? 1'b0 : ci; assign sum = a ^ b ^ ci_t; my_adder half_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum1),.co(co1)); assign co = ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b000) ? 1'b0 : my_adder full_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum2),.co(co2)); ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b001) ? 1'b0 : ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b010) ? 1'b0 : endmodule ({a,b,ci_t}==3'b100) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; endmodule sum1 co1 a b ci sum2 co2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 69
  • 70. Parameterized Modules module defparam_example(a,b,ci,sum1,sum2,co1,co2); input a,b,ci; output sum1,sum2,co1,co2; my_adder #(. citakeCare (0)) half_adder(.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum1),.co(co1)); my_adder #(. citakeCare (1)) full_adder (.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.sum(sum2),.co(co2)); endmodule 70
  • 71. Finite State Machine (FSM) One-Hot FSM Binary (Highly Encoded) FSM
  • 75. Two Always Black FSM Style(Good Style) 1/2 module fsm(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn); !rstn !req output state; __idle input delay,done,req,clk,rstn; state = 0 reg state; !req req !done parameter [1:0] __idle = 2'b00, req __busy = 2'b01, __wait = 2'b10, __free __busy __free = 2'b11; state = 0 state = 1 done&&!delay reg [1:0]fsmC,fsmN; !delay done&&delay always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin __wait if(!rstn) fsmC[1:0] <= __idle; state = 1 else fsmC[1:0] <= fsmN[1:0]; end sequential state register delay
  • 76. Two Always Black FSM Style(Good Style) 2/2 always @(fsmC or delay or done or req) begin !rstn !req fsmN[1:0] = 2’bxx; state = 1’b0; case(fsmC[1:0]) __idle __idle: begin if(req) fsmN[1:0] = __busy; state = 0 else fsmN[1:0] = __idle; end !req req !done __busy: begin if(!done) fsmN[1:0] = __busy; req else if(delay) fsmN[1:0] = __wait; else fsmN[1:0] = __free; state = 1'b1; __free __busy end state = 0 state = 1 __wait: begin done&&!delay if(delay) fsmN[1:0] = __wait; else fsmN[1:0] = __free; state = 1'b1; end !delay done&&delay __free: begin if(req) fsmN[1:0] = __busy; __wait else fsmN[1:0] = __idle; end state = 1 endcase end combinational next-state endmodule combinational output logic delay
  • 77. Important Coding Style Notes 通常 Verilog 是用“ parameters” 來定義 state encodings. 宣告一個 current state 以及一個 next state 在 sequential always block 的通常使用 nonblocking 的 coding 法 在 combinational always block 裡則是用 blocking 的 coding 法 next state 是在 combinational always block 裡做處理 , 在最開始時會給一個 default-X Default output 是在 “ case” 之前給定值 , 然後才在要改 變輸出的那個 case 時改變 output 在 combinational always block 判斷時是使用 “ if”, “else- if” 或者 “ else” 來判斷輸換狀態 .
  • 78. One Always Block FSM Style (avoid!!) module fsm_1(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn); output state; input delay,done,req,clk,rstn; parameter [1:0] __idle = 2'd0, __busy = 2'd1, __wait = 2'd2, __free = 2'd3; !rstn !req reg state; reg [1:0]fsm; always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) if(!rstn) begin fsm[1:0] <= __idle; __idle end state <= 1'b0; state = 0 else begin fsm[1:0] <= 2'bx; state <= 1'b0; !req req !done case(fsm[1:0]) __idle : if(req) begin fsm[1:0] <= __busy; state <= 1'b1; req end else fsm[1:0] <= __idle; __busy: if(!done) begin __free __busy fsm[1:0] <= __busy; state <= 1'b1; state = 0 state = 1 end else if(delay) begin done&&!delay fsm[1:0] <= __wait; state <= 1'b1; end else fsm[1:0] <= __free; __wait: if(delay) begin fsm[1:0] <= __wait; !delay done&&delay state <= 1'b1; __wait end else fsm[1:0] <= __free; __free: if(req) begin fsm[1:0] <= __busy; state <= 1'b1; state = 1 end else fsm[1:0] <= __idle; endcase end end endmodule delay
  • 79. One-hot FSM (Good Style) 1/2 module fsm_onehot(state,delay,done,req,clk,rstn); !rstn !req output state; input delay,done,req,clk,rstn; __idle parameter [3:0] __idle = 0, Index not State Encoding state = 0 __busy = 1, __wait = 2, !req req !done __free = 3; req reg [3:0]fsmC,fsmN; reg state; __free __busy state = 0 state = 1 always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn) done&&!delay begin if(!rstn) begin fsmC[3:0] <= 4'd0; !delay done&&delay fsmC[__idle] <= 1'b1; end __wait else fsmC[3:0] <= fsmN[3:0]; state = 1 end delay
  • 80. One-hot FSM (Good Style) 2/2 always @(fsmC or delay or done or req) begin fsmN[3:0] = 4'd0; state = 1'b0; !rstn !req case(1'b1) fsmC[__idle]: begin __idle if(req) fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1; else fsmN[__idle] = 1'b1; state = 0 end fsmC[__busy]: begin !req req !done if(!done) fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1; else if(delay) fsmN[__wait] = 1'b1; req else fsmN[__free] = 1'b1; state = 1'b1; end __free __busy fsmC[__wait]: begin state = 0 state = 1 if(delay) fsmN[__wait] = 1'b1; done&&!delay else fsmN[__free] = 1'b1; state = 1'b1; end fsmC[__free]: begin !delay done&&delay if(req) fsmN[__busy] = 1'b1; else fsmN[__idle] = 1'b1; __wait end end state = 1 end endmodule delay
  • 81. 練習 !rstn !go go & !jmp S0 S9 !jmp S1 !jmp !jmp y=0 y=1 y=0 go & jmp S8 jmp S2 jmp jmp y=0 y=0 !jmp jmp S7 S3 jmp y=0 jmp y=1 jmp jmp !jmp S6 S4 !jmp S5 y=0 !jmp y=0 !jmp y=0
  • 82. Compiler Directives `include `define `undef `ifdef `timescale `resetall `defaultnettype `nounconnected_drive / `unconnected_drive 82