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aware is
critical to
getting what
you want.
                                                         What’s important to you?
                                                                Is your life on track?
                                                                     Are you fulfilled?
               If you haven’t taken the time to get clear on what’s most important
                   to you, you may be chasing after things that really don’t matter.
                                                                       Spend the time.
                                                                            Get focused.
                                                          Create the life you want.

                                                            It's About You with Dr. Debbie
Is about identifying your purpose or mission
                with what you are here to do, aligning
             your personal and professional goals with
       who you are, and what is most important to you.
                     Personal strategic planning is your
                               doorway to your future.
                   We all have our own unique mission.
         Your mission may be large or narrow in scope.
                              Maybe it’s to change the
            world,                    Maybe it’s to live
                                your life with integrity.
                          Maybe it’s to create beautiful
             things,              Maybe it’s to learn to
                                    appreciate yourself.

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
1.      Identify what’s important to you (core values).
       The first step is to clarify your values. Ask yourself, “What values and virtues do I
       most admire and wish to incorporate into my life?”

1.      Decide where you want to go (mission).
       The clearer you are about what you value and believe in, the happier and more
       effective you will be.

1.      Envision what it looks like when you get (vision).
2.      Identify any roadblocks in your way (critical issues).
3.      Identify the goals to breakthrough roadblocks.
4.      Create a plan to meet the goals.
5.      Establish check points; adjust the plan as needed.

     It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
1.        Make a list of your core values.
2.        Make your mission your priority.
3.        Create a picture of what your mission looks like
4.        Clearly state the qualities you will demonstrate.
5.        Make your decisions based on your values and the
          end results you want.
6.        Revisit your values and vision periodically.
7.        Live every day based on what you have decided to
          be the most important in your life.

     It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
The values you
                                                            choose, and the
                                                            order of priority
                                                           you place on your
                                                              choices, will
                                                            determine your
                                                           approach to your
                                                             life and work
 Values are your beliefs.
 Values are what make you tick.
 Core values represent core priorities.
 Values are a key component of strategic planning;
  they drive the intent and direction of the plan.
    Note: When you compromise your core values you become at odds
    with yourself and tend to behave in reactive ways that create
    stress and distress in your life…bad idea.

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                        5
1. List the three material items you value most in the world.

2. List the 3 beliefs or values that are most dear to you.
   (For example: your belief in honesty, God, democracy)

3. List the 3 relationships that you value the most.

  It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
   Take the nine items and                                9._________________
    prioritize them in terms of
    importance to you.                                     8. _________________
   If you were in a desperate,                            7. _________________
    perhaps dying situation, and had
    to give up two items each day                          6. _________________
    for four days, what would be the                       5. _________________
    first to go and what would be
    the last?                                              4. _________________
   Take the time to actually                              3. _________________
    prioritize your list and then
                                                           Last to be dropped from your life
    imagine eliminating two each
    day for four days: First to be                         2. _________________
    dropped from your life
                                                           1. _________________

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                                       7
  1. Use the list on the following page to help identify your top
     5 to 6 core values……things that are MOST important to you.
  2. This is a beginning list ….. feel free to add others .
  3. Whittle your list to 6.

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.            8
 Family             Friendship           Honesty
 Integrity          Forgiveness          Collaboration
 Flexibility        Tolerance            Result
 Caring             Understanding        Knowledge
 Advancement        Flexibility          Love
 Work               Being accountable    Making money
 Professionalism    Being the best       Financial Security
 Understanding      Constancy            Goodness
 Analysis           Recognition          Respect
 Communication      Sharing              Faith
 Inclusion          Supporting           Compassion
 Involvement        Helping Growth       Cheerfulness
 Listening          Integrity            Respect
 Innovation         Creativity           Having
 Education          Fun                  Being at peace
 God                Health               Doing
 Security           Wisdom               Success
 Adventure          Self-reliance        Service
 Authenticity       Humor                Spirituality
 Freedom            _______________      _______________
 _______________    _______________      _______________
 _______________    _______________      _______________

PREFERRED VALUES                                                     ACTUAL VALUES
                                                                      Now order how you usually live
 Prioritize your identified values in                                these values from most important
      how you want to live them.                                            to least important.
1.      _______________________                                 1.     _______________________
2.      _______________________                                 2.     _______________________
3.      _______________________                                 3.     _______________________
4.      _______________________                                 4.     _______________________
5.      _______________________                                 5.     _______________________
6.      _______________________                                 6.     _______________________

It’s not unusual to find you’re not living your values in your preferred manner.
Sometimes your core values don’t even make it to your actual list. When this happens
your decisions tend to get made based on circumstances and social pressures and you
end up feeling frustrated and bad. Getting clear on your values reinforces and solidifies
how you choose to spend your time…right here, right now. Your time isn’t replaceable.
There are NO re-do’s on yesterday. Work on living your life based on what is most
important to you…it eliminates bad decisions and creates an internal knowing that your
life is on purpose….now what could be better than that?

     It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                                           10
What is my life about?
                                                           What do I stand for?
                                                           What action am I
                                                           taking to live what my
                                                           life is about and what I
                                                           stand for?

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
 Now that you know what is important (your core
  values), it’s time to take a closer look at what you
  want to do in your life….What is your purpose?
 Okay, so it sounds daunting…
     •   It won’t be.
     •   This is important.
     •   This is About You, your life and how you decide to live it…
         What is more important than that?
    With some thoughtful introspection and a few
     exercises you will be on your way.

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.
 A personal mission statement defines who you are
  and how you will live.
 It is your written down reason for being.
 Your personal mission statement is intended to
  guide you in your day-to-day actions and
 It keeps you on track, particularly when you
  experience life’s highs and lows.

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   13
1st                                                        2nd
    What you wish to                                          Who you want to be.
accomplish and contribute.                                 The character strengths and
                                                           qualities you wish to develop.

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                        14
1. In each column pick the words you relate to most or feel a strong attraction to. If there are
    other words not listed that you really love add them to the list.
2. From that list ultimate select only the 3-4 words that excite you or/and you a sense of connection.

Accomplish    Compliment     Engage         Give           Manifest       Pursue           Speak
Acquire       Compose        Engineer       Grant          Master         Realize          Stand
Adopt         Conceive       Enhance        Heal           Mature         Receive          Summon
Advance       Confirm        Enlighten      Hold           Measure        Reclaim          Support
Affect        Connect        Enlist         Honor          Mediate        Refine           Surrender
Affirm        Consider       Enliven        Host           Model          Reflect          Sustain
Alleviate     Contact        Entertain      Humor          Mold           Reform           Take
Appreciate    Continue       Enthuse        Help           Motivate       Regard           Tap
Associate     Counsel        Establish      Identify       Move           Relate           Team
Ascend        Create         Evaluate       Impact         Negotiate      Relax            Touch
Be            Decide         Excite         Implement      Nurture        Release          Trade
Believe       Defend         Explore        Improve        Open           Rely             Translate
Bestow        Delight        Extend         Improvise      Organize       Remember         Travel
Brighten      Deliver        Express        Inspire        Participate    Renew            Understand
Build         Demonstrate    Facilitate     Integrate      Pass           Resonate         Use
Cause         Design         Fashion        Involve        Perform        Respect          Utilize
Call          Devise         Faith          Keep           Persuade       Restore          Unite
Choose        Direct         Finance        Know           Play           Return           Validate
Claim         Discover       Forgive        Labor          Possess        Revise           Value
Collect       Discuss        Foster         Launch         Practice       Sacrifice        Verbalize
Combine       Distribute     Further        Laugh          Praise         Safeguard        Volunteer
Command       Dream          Friendship     Lead           Prepare        Satisfy          Work
Communicate   Drive          Fun            Light          Present        Save             Worship
Compel        Educate        Family         Live           Produce        Serve            Write
Compete       Elect          Gather         Love           Progress       Share
Correct       Embrace        Generate       Make           Promise        Shape
              Encourage                                    Provide        Share
                                                           Prosper                    15
       Putting pen to paper makes all the difference in
        validating your purpose and makes it real.
       Incorporate your values and reflect how you
        want to live your life.
       Your mission is not what you do as much as
        who you are while you are doing it.
       Simplicity has the greatest impact.
       Create an easy-to-remember sentence.

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   16
   In all situations I will choose to create harmony by acting with
    patience, understanding and thought before I speak.
   To work and play where my integrity cannot be compromised and
    my actions reflect my appreciation for life.
   To live my life with intention by listening, learning, laughing and
    loving the world around me.
   To be honest, cheerful, and forthright, living my life with integrity
    and treating others with dignity and respect.
   To inspire, connect, and touch other people in a meaningful way
    that makes a difference.
   To think in ways that serve me and those around me with
    cheerfulness, honesty, respect and humility.

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   17
It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   18
Your vision
  gives you
direction and
motivation to
keep you on
                “ Your vision is the promise of
                 what you one day shall be.”
                                           James Allen

What it is                  What it does                   Key Components               Vision Killers
It keeps you going and       Promotes laser like                Positive and inspiring.   Tradition: I have
moves you forward            focus.                                                       always done it that
when you are                                                    Incorporates your         way,
distraught or facing         Encourages and builds              beliefs and mission.
discouraging odds.           confidence.                                                  Fear of ridicule
                                                                Describe what you
Breaks you out limited       Builds trust through               want to see in the        Complacency
thinking.                    ownership and                      future
                             involvement.                                                 Short term thinking
Identifies your
direction and purpose.       Keeps you going when                                         Living in tomorrow
                             your mission seems                                           instead of seeing it.
Alerts those involved        heavy.
or affected to needed                                                                     Trying and not
change..                     Keeps you from being                                         intending.
                             caught in the past and
                             seeing beyond the

     It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                                        20
Kick start your vision

In Your Primary

In your family?

In your work or

 It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.         21
It is Monday 9 a.m.                                        It is now Sunday, 6 pomp
     morning, three years from
                                                                  Where are you?
   Where are you?

                                                                  What are you doing?
   What are you doing?

                                                                  Who are you seeing?
   Who are you seeing?

                                                                  What are you wearing
   What are you wearing

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                             22
 Reality Check                                                                    Reality you…what is
                                                                                  It’s about
                                                                                        your legacy?
You are now a very old person, walking                        You are about to die. What did you
   with a child, who asks you: "What                             accomplish before you left?
   are you most proud of in your life?"

   It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                                23
Think about your vision,
                        hopes & dreams
                         coming true…
Personal              Come on, let loose!




     We are talking about your life
     here. Don’t quite on yourself
       now. Trust the process!

The difference between where you
are……your current status, and
where you want to be……your vision is
what you do, the specific steps that take
you there …Your Action Plan.

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   26
 What do   you want that you don’t have…
  what is it you want to achieve?
 What do you want to preserve that you already
 What don’t you have that you don’t want in your
  life…What do you want to avoid?
 What do you have now that you don’t want…
  What do you want to eliminate?
                                                             Use these questions to
                                                             help clarify your goals.
                                                             Once you get the hang
                                                                of it, it’s easy 

  It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.          27
 Once you  have defined your mission, vision, and
  core values you are ready to look more closely at
  what you have to work with and what can get in
  the way of you achieving what it is you want.

 The StrengthsWeakness Opportunity Threat analysis
  collects information to answer questions about
  the present and future factors that could affect
  your results.

  It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   28
Sample MISSION Statement:
  To inspire, connect, and touch lives, making a difference through my words, actions and drive.

  What do you have to work? What might get in the way of achieving what you want?
      Personal                       Personal                         Potential                    Potential
      Strengths                     Weaknesses                      Opportunities              Threats (obstacles)

Creative                     Impulsive                     Marketing myself                 Lack of marketing
Fun & Funny                  Hyper focused or no           Create an interactive web site   skills
Quick wit                    focus                         Radio host
Knowledgeable                                              Book , articles                  Inadequate tech skills
Loving                       Self isolating                On line resources
Generous                     Impatient                     Coaching                         Identifying saleable
Intuitive                                                  Seminars                         product or sponsors
Spontaneous                  Resistant to                  Radio guest
Direct                       learning tech things          Internet and social networking
Goal oriented                                              Health care organizations           As you review the
Confident                                                  Community agencies                  example note the
Passionate                                                 Presentations to schools            correlations between
Time is my own                                                                                 areas. You can see
                                                                                               where the roadblocks
                                                           Income                              and connections are
                                                                                               which give you the
                                                                                               ability to define goal
                                                                                               areas you need to
                                                                                               breakthrough to get
                                                                                               you to your mission.

       It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                                  29
Time line
1.      Create a high end interactive web site with full range of content                               to meet
        (information, quizzes, self help, blog, u-tube, radio links) with                               and/or
        weekly updates and face book post.                                                              check

2.       Create an on line marketing campaign that drives people to
        web site and internet radio show where stats reflect 10 to15%                                   keep you
        increase each month.                                                                            on track

3.      Secure 2 to 4 speaking engagements with honorariums and 2 to                                    Keep your
        4 paying clients for coaching.                                                                  mission
                                                                Once goals are identified its time to   and plan in
                                                                   develop the actions steps to         a visible
                                                                 achieve them. Review SWOT for          place.
                                                                potential helpers, brain storm, get
                                                                      the momentum going!

     It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                             30
The action steps include the activities, goals, and timeframes required to achieve your mission.
The goals are the checkpoints along the way: they must have target dates for completion.
The action steps are what it takes to meet the goals which will take you to toward your mission.

   Goal: Develop a time management plan which sets aside meaningful time for
   myself, my family and those things I value most.

   Actions:                                                            Example
   1. Purchase and read a book on time-management.
   2. Establish priories regarding my daily use of time.
   3. Explore potential of time management evening class.
   4. Post my set of priorities in a prominent place and put copy in my daily planner.
   5. Establish a contract with myself that I will devote at 15-30 minutes every day to
      my long-term priorities before I do other activities.
   6. Talk with spouse about creating specific family time.

   Time line: 30 days.
   *Note: You will use specific calendar dates.

  It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                          31
 To   keep you on course checkpoints must be
    present along the way; this is the purpose of
    the target dates.

    Adjust the plan as needed
 Are         you where you anticipated being?
   If not, why not, and what do you need to do

    It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.   32
Review your core values.
                                            Review your mission statement.
                                                 Consider your swot analysis.
                                       Decide on your breakthrough goals.
           Determine the actions you need to take and the timelines.
                                                 Review your plan frequently.
                           Check off or modify goals/ actions as needed.
    Continue to use the process to move you toward your life vision!

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                33
Personal Strengths                 Personal                  Potential       Potential
                                  Weaknesses               Opportunities   Threats (Risks)
                                                                                                    My Core Values


                                                                                             It’s your turn.
                                                                                             Take your time.
                                                                                             Consider asking
                                                                                             people you
                                                                                             respect for

It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.                        34
Goal(s)                                             Action steps                                       Expected
What do I need to accomplish         What do I need to do to meet the goal, the specific steps I must take            Date
    to get what I want?                                and when I will get them done.                             to meet goal
Refer to slides 30-31 for examples

                                                                                                                                 “Your life is
                                                                                                                                   by your
                                                                                                                                   by your
                                                                                                                                   goals. ”


It’s About You
Variety Channel



www.ThinkTheThought                                              Something to do.                                                        Something to hope for.
                                                                Something to love.
     Copy & paste
                                                                                   Walt Whitman
    in web browser

                        It's About You with Dr. Debbie www.

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Personal Strategic Planning

  • 1. Becoming aware is critical to getting what you want. What’s important to you? Is your life on track? Are you fulfilled? If you haven’t taken the time to get clear on what’s most important to you, you may be chasing after things that really don’t matter. Spend the time. Get focused. Create the life you want. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 1
  • 2. Is about identifying your purpose or mission with what you are here to do, aligning your personal and professional goals with who you are, and what is most important to you. Personal strategic planning is your doorway to your future. We all have our own unique mission. Your mission may be large or narrow in scope. Maybe it’s to change the world, Maybe it’s to live your life with integrity. Maybe it’s to create beautiful things, Maybe it’s to learn to appreciate yourself. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 2
  • 3. 1. Identify what’s important to you (core values). The first step is to clarify your values. Ask yourself, “What values and virtues do I most admire and wish to incorporate into my life?” 1. Decide where you want to go (mission). The clearer you are about what you value and believe in, the happier and more effective you will be. 1. Envision what it looks like when you get (vision). 2. Identify any roadblocks in your way (critical issues). 3. Identify the goals to breakthrough roadblocks. 4. Create a plan to meet the goals. 5. Establish check points; adjust the plan as needed. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 3
  • 4. 1. Make a list of your core values. 2. Make your mission your priority. 3. Create a picture of what your mission looks like completed. 4. Clearly state the qualities you will demonstrate. 5. Make your decisions based on your values and the end results you want. 6. Revisit your values and vision periodically. 7. Live every day based on what you have decided to be the most important in your life. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 4
  • 5. The values you choose, and the order of priority you place on your choices, will determine your approach to your life and work  Values are your beliefs.  Values are what make you tick.  Core values represent core priorities.  Values are a key component of strategic planning; they drive the intent and direction of the plan. Note: When you compromise your core values you become at odds with yourself and tend to behave in reactive ways that create stress and distress in your life…bad idea. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 5
  • 6. 1. List the three material items you value most in the world. A. B. C. 2. List the 3 beliefs or values that are most dear to you. (For example: your belief in honesty, God, democracy) A. B. C. 3. List the 3 relationships that you value the most. A. B. C. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 6
  • 7. Number  Take the nine items and 9._________________ prioritize them in terms of importance to you. 8. _________________  If you were in a desperate, 7. _________________ perhaps dying situation, and had to give up two items each day 6. _________________ for four days, what would be the 5. _________________ first to go and what would be the last? 4. _________________  Take the time to actually 3. _________________ prioritize your list and then Last to be dropped from your life imagine eliminating two each day for four days: First to be 2. _________________ dropped from your life 1. _________________ It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 7
  • 8. INSTRUCTION 1. Use the list on the following page to help identify your top 5 to 6 core values……things that are MOST important to you. 2. This is a beginning list ….. feel free to add others . 3. Whittle your list to 6. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 8
  • 9.  Family  Friendship  Honesty  Integrity  Forgiveness  Collaboration  Flexibility  Tolerance  Result  Caring  Understanding  Knowledge  Advancement  Flexibility  Love  Work  Being accountable  Making money  Professionalism  Being the best  Financial Security  Understanding  Constancy  Goodness  Analysis  Recognition  Respect  Communication  Sharing  Faith  Inclusion  Supporting  Compassion  Involvement  Helping Growth  Cheerfulness  Listening  Integrity  Respect  Innovation  Creativity  Having  Education  Fun  Being at peace  God  Health  Doing  Security  Wisdom  Success  Adventure  Self-reliance  Service  Authenticity  Humor  Spirituality  Freedom  _______________  _______________  _______________  _______________  _______________  _______________  _______________  _______________ 9
  • 10. PREFERRED VALUES ACTUAL VALUES Now order how you usually live Prioritize your identified values in these values from most important how you want to live them. to least important. 1. _______________________ 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 6. _______________________ It’s not unusual to find you’re not living your values in your preferred manner. Sometimes your core values don’t even make it to your actual list. When this happens your decisions tend to get made based on circumstances and social pressures and you end up feeling frustrated and bad. Getting clear on your values reinforces and solidifies how you choose to spend your time…right here, right now. Your time isn’t replaceable. There are NO re-do’s on yesterday. Work on living your life based on what is most important to you…it eliminates bad decisions and creates an internal knowing that your life is on purpose….now what could be better than that? It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 10
  • 11. What is my life about? What do I stand for? What action am I taking to live what my life is about and what I stand for? It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 11
  • 12.  Now that you know what is important (your core values), it’s time to take a closer look at what you want to do in your life….What is your purpose?  Okay, so it sounds daunting… • It won’t be. • This is important. • This is About You, your life and how you decide to live it… What is more important than that?  With some thoughtful introspection and a few exercises you will be on your way. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 12
  • 13.  A personal mission statement defines who you are and how you will live.  It is your written down reason for being.  Your personal mission statement is intended to guide you in your day-to-day actions and decisions.  It keeps you on track, particularly when you experience life’s highs and lows. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 13
  • 14. 1st 2nd What you wish to Who you want to be. accomplish and contribute. The character strengths and qualities you wish to develop. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 14
  • 15. 1. In each column pick the words you relate to most or feel a strong attraction to. If there are other words not listed that you really love add them to the list. 2. From that list ultimate select only the 3-4 words that excite you or/and you a sense of connection. Accomplish Compliment Engage Give Manifest Pursue Speak Acquire Compose Engineer Grant Master Realize Stand Adopt Conceive Enhance Heal Mature Receive Summon Advance Confirm Enlighten Hold Measure Reclaim Support Affect Connect Enlist Honor Mediate Refine Surrender Affirm Consider Enliven Host Model Reflect Sustain Alleviate Contact Entertain Humor Mold Reform Take Appreciate Continue Enthuse Help Motivate Regard Tap Associate Counsel Establish Identify Move Relate Team Ascend Create Evaluate Impact Negotiate Relax Touch Be Decide Excite Implement Nurture Release Trade Believe Defend Explore Improve Open Rely Translate Bestow Delight Extend Improvise Organize Remember Travel Brighten Deliver Express Inspire Participate Renew Understand Build Demonstrate Facilitate Integrate Pass Resonate Use Cause Design Fashion Involve Perform Respect Utilize Call Devise Faith Keep Persuade Restore Unite Choose Direct Finance Know Play Return Validate Claim Discover Forgive Labor Possess Revise Value Collect Discuss Foster Launch Practice Sacrifice Verbalize Combine Distribute Further Laugh Praise Safeguard Volunteer Command Dream Friendship Lead Prepare Satisfy Work Communicate Drive Fun Light Present Save Worship Compel Educate Family Live Produce Serve Write Compete Elect Gather Love Progress Share Correct Embrace Generate Make Promise Shape Encourage Provide Share Prosper 15
  • 16. Putting pen to paper makes all the difference in validating your purpose and makes it real.  Incorporate your values and reflect how you want to live your life.  Your mission is not what you do as much as who you are while you are doing it.  Simplicity has the greatest impact.  Create an easy-to-remember sentence. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 16
  • 17. In all situations I will choose to create harmony by acting with patience, understanding and thought before I speak.  To work and play where my integrity cannot be compromised and my actions reflect my appreciation for life.  To live my life with intention by listening, learning, laughing and loving the world around me.  To be honest, cheerful, and forthright, living my life with integrity and treating others with dignity and respect.  To inspire, connect, and touch other people in a meaningful way that makes a difference.  To think in ways that serve me and those around me with cheerfulness, honesty, respect and humility. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 17
  • 18. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 18
  • 19. Your vision gives you direction and motivation to keep you on track. “ Your vision is the promise of what you one day shall be.” James Allen 19
  • 20. What it is What it does Key Components Vision Killers It keeps you going and Promotes laser like Positive and inspiring. Tradition: I have moves you forward focus. always done it that when you are Incorporates your way, distraught or facing Encourages and builds beliefs and mission. discouraging odds. confidence. Fear of ridicule Describe what you Breaks you out limited Builds trust through want to see in the Complacency thinking. ownership and future involvement. Short term thinking Identifies your direction and purpose. Keeps you going when Living in tomorrow your mission seems instead of seeing it. Alerts those involved heavy. or affected to needed Trying and not change.. Keeps you from being intending. caught in the past and seeing beyond the present. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 20
  • 21. Kick start your vision In Your Primary Relationships? In your family? In your work or school? It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 21
  • 22. It is Monday 9 a.m. It is now Sunday, 6 pomp morning, three years from now  Where are you?  Where are you?  What are you doing?  What are you doing?  Who are you seeing?  Who are you seeing?  What are you wearing  What are you wearing It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 22
  • 23. IMAGINE YOUR FUTURE Reality Check Reality you…what is It’s about Check your legacy? You are now a very old person, walking You are about to die. What did you with a child, who asks you: "What accomplish before you left? are you most proud of in your life?" It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 23
  • 24. Think about your vision, hopes & dreams coming true… Personal Come on, let loose! Professional 24
  • 25. The more detail the better.. Reads like a bestseller! We are talking about your life here. Don’t quite on yourself now. Trust the process! 25
  • 26. The difference between where you are……your current status, and where you want to be……your vision is what you do, the specific steps that take you there …Your Action Plan. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 26
  • 27.  What do you want that you don’t have… what is it you want to achieve?  What do you want to preserve that you already have…?  What don’t you have that you don’t want in your life…What do you want to avoid?  What do you have now that you don’t want… What do you want to eliminate? Use these questions to help clarify your goals. Once you get the hang of it, it’s easy  It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 27
  • 28.  Once you have defined your mission, vision, and core values you are ready to look more closely at what you have to work with and what can get in the way of you achieving what it is you want.  The StrengthsWeakness Opportunity Threat analysis collects information to answer questions about the present and future factors that could affect your results. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 28
  • 29. Sample MISSION Statement: To inspire, connect, and touch lives, making a difference through my words, actions and drive. Sample SWOT ANALYSIS What do you have to work? What might get in the way of achieving what you want? Personal Personal Potential Potential Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (obstacles) Creative Impulsive Marketing myself Lack of marketing Fun & Funny Hyper focused or no Create an interactive web site skills Quick wit focus Radio host Knowledgeable Book , articles Inadequate tech skills Loving Self isolating On line resources Generous Impatient Coaching Identifying saleable Intuitive Seminars product or sponsors Spontaneous Resistant to Radio guest Direct learning tech things Internet and social networking Positive/optimistic Goal oriented Health care organizations As you review the Confident Community agencies example note the Passionate Presentations to schools correlations between Time is my own areas. You can see where the roadblocks Income and connections are which give you the ability to define goal areas you need to breakthrough to get you to your mission. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 29
  • 30. Time line required 1. Create a high end interactive web site with full range of content to meet goals (information, quizzes, self help, blog, u-tube, radio links) with and/or weekly updates and face book post. check progress. 2. Create an on line marketing campaign that drives people to Timelines web site and internet radio show where stats reflect 10 to15% keep you increase each month. on track and motivated. 3. Secure 2 to 4 speaking engagements with honorariums and 2 to Keep your 4 paying clients for coaching. mission Once goals are identified its time to and plan in develop the actions steps to a visible achieve them. Review SWOT for place. potential helpers, brain storm, get the momentum going! It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 30
  • 31. The action steps include the activities, goals, and timeframes required to achieve your mission. The goals are the checkpoints along the way: they must have target dates for completion. The action steps are what it takes to meet the goals which will take you to toward your mission. Goal: Develop a time management plan which sets aside meaningful time for myself, my family and those things I value most. Actions: Example 1. Purchase and read a book on time-management. 2. Establish priories regarding my daily use of time. 3. Explore potential of time management evening class. 4. Post my set of priorities in a prominent place and put copy in my daily planner. 5. Establish a contract with myself that I will devote at 15-30 minutes every day to my long-term priorities before I do other activities. 6. Talk with spouse about creating specific family time. Time line: 30 days. *Note: You will use specific calendar dates. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 31
  • 32.  To keep you on course checkpoints must be present along the way; this is the purpose of the target dates. Adjust the plan as needed  Are you where you anticipated being?  If not, why not, and what do you need to do differently? It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 32
  • 33. Review your core values. Review your mission statement. Consider your swot analysis. Decide on your breakthrough goals. Determine the actions you need to take and the timelines. Review your plan frequently. Check off or modify goals/ actions as needed. Continue to use the process to move you toward your life vision! It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 33
  • 34. Personal Strengths Personal Potential Potential Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (Risks) My Core Values ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ It’s your turn. Take your time. Consider asking people you respect for input.. It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 34
  • 35. Goal(s) Action steps Expected What do I need to accomplish What do I need to do to meet the goal, the specific steps I must take Date to get what I want? and when I will get them done. to meet goal Refer to slides 30-31 for examples “Your life is controlled by your thoughts. Your thoughts are controlled by your goals. ” Earl Nightingale 35
  • 36. It’s About You Variety Channel http://www.voiceameri about-you http://www.facebook.c om/ItsAboutYouDrDeb bie www.ThinkTheThought Something to do. Something to hope for. Something to love. Copy & paste Walt Whitman in web browser It's About You with Dr. Debbie www. 36