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Jeff	Knupp
Wharton	Web	Conference	2014
Author	of	“Writing	Idiomatic	Python”
Full-time	Python	developer	@	AppNexus
Blogger	at
Creator	of	the	“sandman”	Python	library
We're	going	to	use	Python	to	 	generate	a	REST
	And	we're	going	to	do	it	without	writing	a	single	line	of	code.
We'll	go	over	what	a	REST	API	is,	how	it	works,	and	why	it's
We'll	review	the	HTTP	protocol	and	how	the	web	works
We'll	see	a	lot	of	Python	code
Seven	letters.	Two	acronyms.	Buy	what	does	it	mean?
Programmatic	way	of	interacting	with	a	third-party	system.
Way	to	interact	with	APIs	over	HTTP	(the	communication
protocol	the	Internet	is	built	on).
"REST"	was	coined	by	Roy	Fielding	in	his	2000	doctoral
dissertation.	Includes	set	of	design	principles	and	best
practices	for	designing	systems	meant	to	be	"RESTful".
In	RESTful	systems,	application	state	is	manipulated	by	the
client	interacting	with	hyperlinks.	A	root	link	(e.g.
)	describes	what	actions	can	be
taken	by	listing	resources	and	state	as	hyperlinks.
HTTP	is	just	a	messaging	protocol.	Happens	to	be	the	one
the	Internet	is	based	on.
RESTful	systems	use	this	protocol	to	their	advantage	e.g.
caching	resources
To	understand	how	REST	APIs	work,	we	have	to	understand
how	the	web	works.
Everything	you	see	on	the	web	is	transferred	to	your
computer	using	HTTP.
What	happens	when	we	type	into
our	browser?
Let's	trace	the	lifecycle	of	a	browser's	request.
A	protocol	called	the	Domain	Name	Service	(DNS)	is	used	to
find	the	"real"	(IP)	address	of
The	browser	sends	a	GET	request	to	for	the
page	at	address	/	(the	home	or	"root"	page).
The	 	(a	program	used	to	service	HTTP	requests	to
	a	web	site)	receives	the	request,	finds	the	associated
HTML	file,	and	sends	it	as	an	HTTP	Response.
If	there	are	any	images,	videos,	or	scripts	that	the	HTML
makes	reference	to,	separate	HTTP	GET	requests	are	made
for	those	as	well.
Programs,	like	curl,	can	also	issue	HTTP	requests
curl	talks	to	the	webserver,	using	a	public	API	(via	HTTP)
A	REST	API	exposes	your	internal	system	to	the	outside
It's	also	a	fantastic	way	to	make	a	system	available	to	other,
internal	systems	within	an	organization.
Examples	of	popular	REST	APIs:
Google	(for	almost	all	services)
If	you're	a	SaaS	provider,	you	are	expected	to	have	a	REST
API	for	people	to	write	programs	to	interact	with	your
Four	core	concepts	are	fundamental	to	all	REST	services
(courtesy	Wikipedia)
When	using	HTTP,	this	is	done	using	a	URI.	Importantly,	a
resource	and	 	are	completely	orthogonal.
The	server	doesn't	return	database	results	but	rather	the
JSON	or	XML	or	HTML	representation	of	the	resource.
When	the	server	transmits	the	representation	of	the
resource	to	the	client,	it	includes	enough	information	for	the
client	to	know	how	to	modify	or	delete	the	resource.
Each	representation	returned	by	the	server	includes
information	on	how	to	process	the	message	(e.g.	using	MIME
Clients	are	 .	They	know	nothing	about	how	the	service
is	laid	out	to	begin	with.	They	discover	what	actions	they	can
take	from	the	root	link.	Following	a	link	gives	further	links,
defining	exactly	what	may	be	done	from	that	resource.
Clients	aren't	assumed	to	know	 	except	what
the	message	contains	and	what	the	server	already	told	them.
A	REST	API	allows	 	to	send	 	to
manipulate	 .
...So	we	need	to	write	a	server	capable	of	accepting	HTTP
requests,	acting	on	them,	and	returning	HTTP	responses.
Yep.	A	RESTful	API	Service	is	just	a	web	application	and,	as
such,	is	built	using	the	same	set	of	tools.	We'll	build	ours
using	Python,	Flask,	and	SQLAlchemy
Earlier	we	said	a	REST	API	allows	clients	to	manipulate
	via	HTTP.
Pretty	much.	If	you're	system	is	built	using	ORM	models,	your
resources	are	almost	certainly	going	to	be	your	models.
Web	frameworks	reduce	the	boilerplate	required	to	create	a
web	application	by	providing:
	of	HTTP	requests	to	handler	functions	or	classes
Example:	/foo	=>	def	process_foo()
	of	HTTP	responses	to	inject	dynamic	data	in
pre-defined	structure
Example:	<h1>Hello	{{	user_name	}}</h1>
The	more	time	you	spend	building	REST	APIs	with	web
frameworks,	the	more	you'll	notice	the	subtle	(and	at	times,
glaring)	impedance	mismatch.
URLs	as	 	to	processing	functions;	REST	APIs	treat
URLs	as	the	address	of	a	resource	or	collection
HTML	templating,	while	REST	APIs	rarely.	JSON-related
functionality	feels	bolted-on.
Imagine	we're	Twitter	weeks	after	launch.	Ashton	Kutcher
seems	to	be	able	to	use	our	service,	but	what	about	
That's	right,	we'll	need	to	create	an	API.	Being	an	internet
company,	we'll	build	a	REST	API	service.	For	now,	we'll	focus
on	two	resources:
All	resources	must	be	identified	by	a	unique	address	at	which
they	can	be	reached,	their	URI.	This	requires	each	resource
contain	a	unique	ID,	usually	a	monotonically	increasing
integer	or	UUID	(like	a	primary	key	in	a	database	table).
Our	pattern	for	building	URLs	will	be
Here	we	define	our	resources	is	a	file	called
class	User(db.Model,	SerializableModel):
				__tablename__	=	'user'
				id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	primary_key=True)
				username	=	db.Column(db.String)
class	Tweet(db.Model,	SerializableModel):
				__tablename__	=	'tweet'
				id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	primary_key=True)
				content	=	db.Column(db.String)
				posted_at	=	db.Column(db.DateTime)
				user_id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	db.ForeignKey(''))
				user	=	db.relationship(User)
class	SerializableModel(object):
				"""A	SQLAlchemy	model	mixin	class	that	can	serialize	itself	as	JSON."""
				def	to_dict(self):
								"""Return	dict	representation	of	class	by	iterating	over	database
								value	=	{}
								for	column	in	self.__table__.columns:
												attribute	=	getattr(self,
												if	isinstance(attribute,	datetime.datetime):
																attribute	=	str(attribute)
												value[]	=	attribute
								return	value
Here's	the	code	that	handles	retrieving	a	single	tweet	and
returning	it	as	JSON:
from	models	import	Tweet,	User
@app.route('/tweets/<int:tweet_id>',	methods=['GET'])
def	get_tweet(tweet_id):
				tweet	=	Tweet.query.get(tweet_id)
				if	tweet	is	None:
								response	=	jsonify({'result':	'error'})
								response.status_code	=	404
								return	response
								return	jsonify({'tweet':	tweet.to_dict()})
Let's	curl	our	new	API	(preloaded	with	a	single	tweet	and
$	curl	localhost:5000/tweets/1
		"tweet":	{
				"content":	"This	is	awesome",
				"id":	1,
				"posted_at":	"2014-07-05	12:00:00",
				"user_id":	1
@app.route('/tweets/',	methods=['POST'])
def	create_tweet():
				"""Create	a	new	tweet	object	based	on	the	JSON	data	sent
				in	the	request."""
				if	not	all(('content',	'posted_at',	'user_id'	in	request.json)):
								response	=	jsonify({'result':	'ERROR'})
								response.status_code	=	400		#	HTTP	400:	BAD	REQUEST
								return	response
								tweet	=	Tweet(
																request.json['posted_at'],	'%Y-%m-%d	%H:%M:%S'),
								return	jsonify(tweet.to_dict())
In	REST	APIs,	a	group	of	resources	is	called	a	 .	REST
APIs	are	heavily	built	on	the	notion	of	resources	and
collections.	In	our	case,	the	 	of	tweets	is	a	list	of	all
tweets	in	the	system.
The	tweet	collection	is	accessed	by	the	following	URL
(according	to	our	rules,	described	earlier):	/tweets.
@app.route('/tweets',	methods=['GET'])
def	get_tweet_collection():
				"""Return	all	tweets	as	JSON."""
				all_tweets	=	[]
				for	tweet	in	Tweet.query.all():
												'content':	tweet.content,
												'posted_at':	tweet.posted_at,
												'posted_by':	tweet.user.username})
All	the	code	thus	far	has	been	pretty	much	boilerplate.	Every
REST	API	you	write	in	Flask	(modulo	business	logic)	will	look
identical.	How	can	we	use	that	to	our	advantage?
We	have	self-driving	cars	and	delivery	drones,	why	can't	we
build	REST	APIs	automatically?
This	allows	one	to	work	at	a	higher	level	of	abstraction.	Solve
the	problem	once	in	a	general	way	and	let	code	generation
solve	each	individual	instance	of	the	problem.
Part	of
Third	party	Flask	extension	written	by	the	dashing	Jeff
Knupp.	Define	your	models.	Hit	a	button.	BAM!	RESTful	API
service	that	 .
(The	name	will	make	more	sense	in	a	few	minutes)
Generalizes	REST	resource	handling	into	notion	of	a	
(e.g.	the	"Tweet	Service"	handles	all	tweet-related	actions).
class	Service(MethodView):
				"""Base	class	for	all	resources."""
				__model__	=	None
				__db__	=	None
				def	get(self,	resource_id=None):
								"""Return	response	to	HTTP	GET	request."""
								if	resource_id	is	None:
												return	self._all_resources()
												resource	=	self._resource(resource_id)
												if	not	resource:
																raise	NotFoundException
												return	jsonify(resource.to_dict())
def	_all_resources(self):
				"""Return	all	resources	of	this	type	as	a	JSON	list."""
				if	not	'page'	in	request.args:
								resources	=	self.__db__.session.query(self.__model__).all()
								resources	=	self.__model__.query.paginate(
				return	jsonify(
								{'resources':	[resource.to_dict()	for	resource	in	resources]})
Here's	how	POST	works.	Notice	the	verify_fields	decorator
and	use	of	**request.json	magic...
def	post(self):
				"""Return	response	to	HTTP	POST	request."""
				resource	=	self.__model__.query.filter_by(
				if	resource:
								return	self._no_content_response()
				instance	=	self.__model__(**request.json)
				return	self._created_response(instance.to_dict())
We	have	our	models	defined.	How	do	we	take	advantage	of
the	generic	Service	class	and	create	services	from	our
def	register(self,	cls_list):
				"""Register	a	class	to	be	given	a	REST	API."""
				for	cls	in	cls_list:
								serializable_model	=	type(cls.__name__	+	'Serializable',
												(cls,	SerializableModel),	{})
								new_endpoint	=	type(cls.__name__	+	'Endpoint',
												(Service,),	{'__model__':	serializable_model,	'__db__':	self.db})
								view_func	=	new_endpoint.as_view(
												'/'	+	new_endpoint.__model__.__tablename__,
												view_func=view_func,	methods=[
In	Python,	type	with	one	argument	returns	a	variable's	type.
With	three	arguments,	
serializable_model	=	type(
				cls.__name__	+	'Serializable',
				(cls,	SerializableModel),
new_endpoint	=	type(cls.__name__	+	'Endpoint',	(Service,),
				{'__model__':	serializable_model,
								'__db__':	self.db})
Let's	play	pretend	again.	Now	we're	a	IaaS	company	that	lets
users	build	private	clouds.	We'll	focus	on	two	resources:
cloud	and	machine
class	Cloud(db.Model):
				__tablename__	=	'cloud'
				id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	primary_key=True)
				name	=	db.Column(db.String,	nullable=False)
				description	=	db.Column(db.String,	nullable=False)
class	Machine(db.Model):
				__tablename__	=	'machine'
				id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	primary_key=True)
				hostname	=	db.Column(db.String)
				operating_system	=	db.Column(db.String)
				description	=	db.Column(db.String)
				cloud_id	=	db.Column(db.Integer,	db.ForeignKey(''))
				cloud	=	db.relationship('Cloud')
				is_running	=	db.Column(db.Boolean,	default=False)
from	flask	import	Flask
from	flask.ext.sandboy	import	Sandboy
from	models	import	Machine,	Cloud,	db
app	=	Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']	=	'sqlite:///db.sqlite3'
with	app.app_context():
sandboy	=	Sandboy(app,	db,	[Machine,	Cloud])
In	cases	where	we're	building	a	REST	API	from	scratch,	this	is
pretty	easy.	But	what	if:
We	have	an	existing	database
We	want	to	create	a	RESTful	API	for	it
It	has	200	tables
Only	downside	of	Flask-Sandboy	is	you	have	to	define	your
model	classes	explicitly.	If	you	have	a	lot	of	models,	this
would	be	tedious.
...I	don't	do	tedious
We	have	private	companies	building	rocket	ships	and	electric
cars.	Why	can't	we	have	a	tool	that	you	point	at	an	existing
database	and	hit	a	button,	then,	BLAM!	RESTful	API	service.
	 ,	a	library	by	teen	heartthrob	Jeff	Knupp,	creates	a
RESTful	API	service	for	 	with	
Here's	how	you	run	sandman	against	a	mysql	database:
$	sandmanctl	mysql+mysqlconnector://localhost/Chinook
	*	Running	on
	*	Restarting	with	reloader
$	curl	-v	localhost:8080/artists?Name=AC/DC
HTTP/1.0	200	OK
Content-Type:	application/json
Date:	Sun,	06	Jul	2014	15:55:21	GMT
ETag:	"cea5dfbb05362bd56c14d0701cedb5a7"
Link:	</artists/1>;	rel="self"
				"ArtistId":	1,
				"Name":	"AC/DC",
				"links":	[
												"rel":	"self",
												"uri":	"/artists/1"
				"self":	"/artists/1"
ETag	set	correctly,	allowing	for	caching	responses
Link	Header	set	to	let	clients	discover	links	to	other
Search	enabled	by	sending	in	an	attribute	name	and	value
Wildcard	searching	supported
We	can	curl	/	and	get	a	list	of	all	available	services	and	their
URLs.	We	can	hit	/<resource>/meta	to	get	meta-info	about	the
Example	(the	"artist"	service):
$	curl	-v	localhost:8080/artists/meta
HTTP/1.0	200	OK
Content-Length:	80
Content-Type:	application/json
Date:	Sun,	06	Jul	2014	16:04:25	GMT
ETag:	"872ea9f2c6635aa3775dc45aa6bc4975"
Server:	Werkzeug/0.9.6	Python/2.7.6
				"Artist":	{
								"ArtistId":	"integer(11)",
								"Name":	"varchar(120)"
And	now	for	a	(probably	broken)	live-demo!
"Real"	REST	APIs	enable	clients	to	use	the	API	using	only	the
information	returned	from	HTTP	requests.	sandman	tries	to
be	as	"RESTful"	as	possible	without	requiring	any	code	from
the	user.
Would	be	nice	to	be	able	to	visualize	your	data	in	addition	to
interacting	with	it	via	REST	API.
1.	 Code	generation
2.	 Database	introspection
3.	 Lots	of	magic
sandman	came	first.	Has	been	number	one	Python	project
on	GitHub	multiple	times	and	is	downloaded	25,000	times	a
month.	Flask-Sandboy	is	sandman's	little	brother...
The	fact	that	the	end	result	is	a	REST	API	is	not	especially
More	important	are	the	concepts	underpinning	sandman
and	Flask-Sandboy
Work	at	higher	level	of	abstraction
Solve	a	problem	once	in	a	generic	manner
Reduces	errors,	improves	performance
In	general:	
Speaking	of	automation,	here's	how	my	book	is	"built"...
sandman	=	Flask	+	SQLAlchemy	+	Lots	of	Glue
Requires	you	know	the	capabilities	of	your	tools
Part	of	the	UNIX	Philosophy
The	best	programming	advice	I	ever	got	was	to	"be	lazy"
Sandman	exists	because	I	was	too	lazy	to	write	boilerplate
ORM	code	for	an	existing	database
Flask-Sandboy	exists	because	I	was	too	lazy	to	write	the
same	API	services	over	and	over
Being	lazy	forces	you	to	learn	your	tools	and	make	heavy
use	of	them
Contact	me	at:
@jeffknupp	on	Twitter
	on	the	tubes

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