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The Evolution of Async
Programming on .NET Platform
          ZhaoJie @ SNDA
             Nov, 2010
About Me
•       /        / Jeffrey Zhao /

• Blog:
• Twitter: @jeffz_cn
• F#, Scala, JavaScript, Python, .NET, mono...
• Java (as the language) hater
• Why & How
• .NET 1.0
• .NET 2.0 / C# 2.0
• .NET 3.0 / F#
• .NET 4.0 / Reactive Framework
• Future / C# vNext

   Because the essence of
      Cloud, Web, Mobile
is asynchronous computations

 By providing powerful language
features / programming model /
.NET 1.0
Two Raw Async Models

• Begin/End
• Event-based
• Both are callback-based
 •   Which is just “asynchronous” means
Begin/End Async Model
delegate AsyncCallback(IAsyncResult);

interface IAsyncResult {
    object AsyncState { get; }
    WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
    bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
    bool IsCompleted { get; }

void BeginXxx(arg1, arg2, ..., AsyncCallback, state);

TResult EndXxx(IAsyncResult);
Let’s write a “Transfer”
 method in 4 different
public static void Transfer(string url, Stream streamOut) {
    var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
    using (var response = request.GetResponse()) {
        var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream();

        var size = 1024;
        var buffer = new byte[size];
        while (true) {
            var lengthRead = streamIn.Read(buffer, 0, size);
            if (lengthRead <= 0) break;
            streamOut.Write(buffer, 0, lengthRead);
IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
    // keep context and BeginGetResponse

void EndGetResponse(...) {
    // get streamIn and BeginRead

void EndRead(...) {
    // data read, completed or BeginWrite

void EndWrite(...) {
    // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse

    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead

    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse
    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead

    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse
    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead
    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse
    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead
    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse
    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead
    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite
5                  4

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
1   IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
        // keep context and BeginGetResponse
    void EndGetResponse(...) {
        // get streamIn and BeginRead
    void EndRead(...) {
        // data read, completed or BeginWrite      6
5                  4

    void EndWrite(...) {
        // data wrote, BeginRead
Robust & Sync
public void Transfer(string url, Stream streamOut) {
    try {
        var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
        using (var response = request.GetResponse()) {
            var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream();

            var size = 1024;
            var buffer = new byte[size];
            while (true) {
                var lengthRead = streamIn.Read(buffer, 0, size);
                if (lengthRead <= 0) break;
                streamIn.Write(buffer, 0, lengthRead);
    } catch {
        // ...
Robust & Async
IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) {
    try { ... } catch { ... }

void EndGetResponse(...) {
    try { ... } catch { ... }

void EndRead(...) {
    try { ... } catch { ... }

void EndWrite(...) {
    try { ... } catch { ... }
Event-based Async Model
class XxxCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs {
    Exception Error { get; }
    TResult Result { get; }

class Worker {
    event EventHandler<XxxCompletedArgs> XxxCompleted;
    void XxxAsync(arg1, arg2, ...);
Code Locality is Broken

• Used to expressing algorithms linearly
• Async requires logical division of algorithms
  •   No if / using / while / for ...

• Very difficult to
  •   Combine multiple asynchronous operations
  •   Deal with exceptions and cancellation
.NET 2.0 / C# 2.0
“yield” for Iterators
  IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {

      yield return 0;
      yield return 1;
      yield return 2;

“yield” for Iterators
             IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {
                 yield return 0;
                 yield return 1;
                 yield return 2;

“yield” for Iterators
             IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {
                 yield return 0;
                 yield return 1;
                 yield return 2;

“yield” for Iterators
             IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {
                 yield return 0;
                 yield return 1;
                 yield return 2;

“yield” for Iterators
             IEnumerable<int> Numbers() {
                 yield return 0;
                 yield return 1;
                 yield return 2;
Async with “yield”
IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) {
    var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
    request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null);
    yield return 1;

    using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) {
        var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        while (true) {
            streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null);
            yield return 1;

            int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult());
            if (lengthRead <= 0) break;
            streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null);
            yield return 1;

Async with “yield”
    IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) {
        var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
        request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null);
        yield return 1;

            using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) {
                var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                while (true) {
                    streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null);
“yield” after       yield return 1;
firing async
                  int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult());
                  if (lengthRead <= 0) break;
                  streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null);
                  yield return 1;

Async with “yield”
    IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) {
        var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
        request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null);
        yield return 1;

            using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) {
                var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                while (true) {
                    streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null);
“yield” after       yield return 1;
firing async
                  int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult());
                  if (lengthRead <= 0) break;
                  streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null);
                  yield return 1;

                  streamOut.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult());           continue when
              }                                                         async operations
         }                                                                 completed
“yield return” for Async

• Coming with new programming patterns
• Keep code locality
  •   Good parts: support if / using / while / for ...
  •   But not perfect: cannot use try...catch

• The primitives for Fibers - lightweight
  computation units
.NET 3.0 / F#
• Language by Don Syme, MS Research
• Strongly statically typed language
• Functional language with OO ability
• For industry and education
 •   Open source (Apache 2.0)
 •   Cross-platform supported by Microsoft
Concurrency Challenges

• Shared State - Immutability
• Code Locality - async { ... }
• I/O Parallelism - async { ... }
• Scaling to Multi-Machine - Agents with
  async { ... }
What’s async { ... }
... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see
a particular concurrency model put into C#
because there're many different concurrency
model ... it's more about finding things are
common to to all kinds of concurrency ...

                              - Anders Hejlsberg
Async Workflow
async { 	
    let! res = <async work>
Async Workflow
async { 	
    let! res = <async work>
Async Workflow
async { 	
    let! res = <async work>
        an HTTP Response
            an UI Event
         a Timer Callback
        a Query Response
     a Web Servcie Response
      a Disk I/O Completion
         an Agent Message
Async in F#
let transferAsync (url: string) (streamOut: Stream) = async {

    let request = WebRequest.Create(url)
    use! response = request.AsyncGetResponse()
    let streamIn = response.GetResponseStream()

    let rec transferDataAsync (buffer: byte[]) = async {
        let! lengthRead = streamIn.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
        if lengthRead > 0 then
            do! streamOut.AsyncWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead)
            do! transferDataAsync buffer

    do! transferDataAsync (Array.zeroCreate 1024)
Async in F#
let transferAsync (url: string) (streamOut: Stream) = async {

    let request = WebRequest.Create(url)
    use! response = request.AsyncGetResponse()
    let streamIn = response.GetResponseStream()

    let rec transferDataAsync (buffer: byte[]) = async {
        let! lengthRead = streamIn.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
        if lengthRead > 0 then
            do! streamOut.AsyncWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead)
            do! transferDataAsync buffer
                                                      simply generate from
    do! transferDataAsync (Array.zeroCreate 1024)      Begin/End methods
How async { ... } Works
   async {
       let! img = AsyncRead "http://..."
       printfn "loaded!"
       do! AsyncWrite img @"c:..."
       printfn "saved!" }
How async { ... } Works
       async {
           let! img = AsyncRead "http://..."
           printfn "loaded!"
           do! AsyncWrite img @"c:..."
           printfn "saved!" }

async.Delay(fun ->
	 async.Bind(AsyncRead "http://...", (fun img ->
	 	 printfn "loaded!"
	 	 async.Bind(AsyncWrite img @"c:...", (fun () ->
	 	 	 printfn "saved!"
F# Async Workflow
• Library, not a language feature
  •   Based on Computation Expressions in F#

• Support all kinds of language constructions
  •   Error handling: try...catch
  •   Loop: while / for (like “foreach” in C#)
  •   Others: if / use (like “using” in C#), etc.

• Easy to
  •   Combine multiple asynchronous operations
  •   Deal with exceptions and cancellation
F# Resources

Programming F#     Expert F# 2.0     Real World FP
.NET 4.0 / Reactive
Reactive Framework

 Fundamentally change the way you
   think about coordinating and
  orchestrating asynchronous and
     event-based programming

By showing that asynchronous and
 event-base computations are just
      push-based collections
Interactive                 Reactive

Enumerable Collections
 interface IEnumerable<out T> {
     IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();

 interface IEnumerator<out T> {
     bool MoveNext();
     T Current { get; }
Observable Collections
interface IObservable<out T> {
    IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> o)

interface IObserver<in T> {
    void OnCompleted();
    void OnNext(T item);
    void OnError(Exception ex);
IEnumerable & IEnumerator are prototypical
interfaces for interactive collections and
interactive programs.

IObservable & IObserver are prototypical
interfaces for observable collections and
reactive, asynchronous & event-based programs.
LINQ to Observable

        If you are writing
    LINQ or declarative code
   in an interactive program...
LINQ to Observable

         If you are writing
     LINQ or declarative code
    in an interactive program...

  You already know how to use it!
... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see
a particular concurrency model put into C#
because there're many different concurrency
model ... it's more about finding things are
common to to all kinds of concurrency ...

                              - Anders Hejlsberg
... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see
a particular concurrency model put into C#
because there're many different concurrency
model ... it's more about finding things are
common to to all kinds of concurrency ...

                              - Anders Hejlsberg
Move by WASD
// filter the KeyPress events when playing
var keyPress = GetKeyPress().Where(_ => isPlaying);

// filter the events to move left
var moveLeft = from ev in keyPress
               where ev.EventArgs.KeyChar == 'a'
               where ball.Left > 0
               select ev;
moveLeft.Subscribe(_ => ball.Left -= 5);

// filter the events to move top
var moveTop = from ev in keyPress
              where ev.EventArgs.KeyChar == 'w'
              where ball.Top > 0
              select ev;
moveTop.Subscribe(_ => ball.Top -= 5);
Mouse Drag and Draw
var mouseMove = GetMouseMove();
var mouseDiff = mouseMove.Zip(mouseMove.Skip(1),
    (prev, curr) => new
        PrevPos = new Point(
            prev.EventArgs.X, prev.EventArgs.Y),
        CurrPos = new Point(
            curr.EventArgs.X, curr.EventArgs.Y)

var mouseDrag = from _ in GetMouseDown()
                from diff in mouseDiff.TakeUntil(GetMouseUp())
                select diff;

mouseDrag.Subscribe(d => DrawLine(d.PrevPos, d.CurrPos));
Everything in Web is
• User actions
• AJAX requests
• Animations
• ...
Rx in JavaScript
• A full featured port for JavaScript
  •   Easy-to-use conversions from existing DOM,
      XmlHttpRequest, etc
  •   In a download size of less than 7kb (gzipped)

• Bindings for various libraries / frameworks
  •   jQuery
  •   MooTools
  •   Dojo
  •   ...
Drag and Draw in JS
var target = $("#paintPad");
var mouseMove = target.toObservable("mousemove");
var mouseDiff = mouseMove.Zip(mouseMove.Skip(1),
    function(prev, curr) {
        return {
            prevPos: { x: prev.clientX, y: prev.clientY },
            currPos: { x: curr.clientX, y: curr.clientY }

var mouseDown = target.toObservable("mousedown");
var mouseUp = target.toObservable("mouseup");
var mouseDrag = mouseDown.SelectMany(function() {

    function(d) { drawLine(d.prevPos, d.currPos); });
Wikipedia Lookup
var textBox = $("#searchInput");
var searcher = textBox
    .Select(function(_) { return textBox.val(); })
    .Select(function(term) { return queryWikipedia(term); })

    function(data) {
        var results = $("#results");
        $.each(data, function(_, value) {
    function(error) { $("#error").html(error); });
Time Flies like an Arrow
var container = $("#container");
var mouseMove = container.toObservable("mousemove");

for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
    (function(i) {
        var ele = $("<span/>").text(text.charAt(i));
        ele.css({position: "absolute"}).appendTo(container);

        mouseMove.Delay(i * 100).Subscribe(function (ev) {
                left: ev.clientX + i * 20 + 15 + "px",
                top: ev.clientY + "px"

Benefits of Rx
• Easy to composite and coordinate async

• Express the algorithm in functional ways
  •   Helper method: For / While / If / Try / Switch...

• Easy to be unit tested
• ...
Rx & Language Features
• Features in C# that Rx uses
 •   Extension method
 •   Lambda expression & closure
 •   Type inference
 •   LINQ query expression

• Rx has been implemented in ...
 •   C# & VB
 •   JavaScript
 •   F#
• Rx can be easily ported to various languages
  •   Scala
  •   Ruby
  •   Python
  •   modern languages with basic functional features

• Almost impossible to implement Rx in Java
  •   Cannot extend a type without breaking code
  •   Missing enough functional features
Rx Resources
• Matthew Podwysocki

• Reactive Framework on MSDN DevLabs

• Tomáš Petříček

• F# Async Workflow
 •   Elegant, simple, easy to use
 •   Can only be used at server-side (WebSharper come to

• Reactive Framework
 •   Can be used at both server-side and client-side.
 •   New async model brings learning cost.
Out of Topic

Can we programming like F# in JavaScript?
Jscex & Jscex.Async

• Computation Expressions and Async
  Workflow implemented in JavaScript


var drawClockAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async",
    function(interval) {
        while (true) {
            drawClock(new Date());

var moveAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async",
    function(e, start, end, duration) {
        for (var t = 0; t < duration; t += 50) {
   = start.x + (end.x - start.x) * t / duration;
   = start.y + (end.y - start.y) * t / duration;

 = end.x;
 = end.y;

var moveSquareAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async", function(e) {
     $await(moveAsync(e, {x:100, y:100}, {x:400, y:100}, 1000));
     $await(moveAsync(e, {x:400, y:100}, {x:400, y:400}, 1000));
     $await(moveAsync(e, {x:400, y:400}, {x:100, y:400}, 1000));
     $await(moveAsync(e, {x:100, y:400}, {x:100, y:100}, 1000));
C# vNext

async Task<XElement> GetRssAsync(string url) {
    var client = new WebClient();
    var task = client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
    var text = await task;
    var xml = XElement.Parse(text);
    return xml;
Task<XElement> GetRssAsync(string url) {
    var $builder = AsyncMethodBuilder<XElement>.Create();
    var $state = 0;
    TaskAwaiter<string> $a1;
    Action $resume = delegate {
        try {
            if ($state == 1) goto L1;
            var client = new WebClient();
            var task = client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url);
            $state = 1;
            $a1 = task.GetAwaiter();
            if ($a1.BeginAwait($resume)) return;
        L1: var text = $a1.EndAwait();
            var xml = XElement.Parse(text);
        catch (Exception $ex) { $builder.SetException($ex); }
    return $builder.Task;

• Async Programming is difficult
• New programming language / feature /
  library / model can help
Q &A

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The Evolution of Async-Programming on .NET Platform (TUP, Full)

  • 1. The Evolution of Async Programming on .NET Platform ZhaoJie @ SNDA Nov, 2010
  • 2. About Me • / / Jeffrey Zhao / • • Blog: • Twitter: @jeffz_cn • F#, Scala, JavaScript, Python, .NET, mono... • Java (as the language) hater
  • 3. Agenda • Why & How • .NET 1.0 • .NET 2.0 / C# 2.0 • .NET 3.0 / F# • .NET 4.0 / Reactive Framework • Future / C# vNext
  • 4. Why? Because the essence of Cloud, Web, Mobile is asynchronous computations
  • 5. How? By providing powerful language features / programming model / libraries
  • 7. Two Raw Async Models • Begin/End • Event-based • Both are callback-based • Which is just “asynchronous” means
  • 8. Begin/End Async Model delegate AsyncCallback(IAsyncResult); interface IAsyncResult { object AsyncState { get; } WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; } bool CompletedSynchronously { get; } bool IsCompleted { get; } } void BeginXxx(arg1, arg2, ..., AsyncCallback, state); TResult EndXxx(IAsyncResult);
  • 9. Let’s write a “Transfer” method in 4 different ways
  • 10. Sync public static void Transfer(string url, Stream streamOut) { var request = WebRequest.Create(url); using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream(); var size = 1024; var buffer = new byte[size]; while (true) { var lengthRead = streamIn.Read(buffer, 0, size); if (lengthRead <= 0) break; streamOut.Write(buffer, 0, lengthRead); } } }
  • 11. Async IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 12. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 13. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } 2 void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 14. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } 2 void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } 3 void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 15. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } 2 void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } 3 void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } 4 void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 16. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } 2 void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } 3 void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite } 5 4 void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 17. Async 1 IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { // keep context and BeginGetResponse } 2 void EndGetResponse(...) { // get streamIn and BeginRead } 3 void EndRead(...) { // data read, completed or BeginWrite 6 } 5 4 void EndWrite(...) { // data wrote, BeginRead }
  • 18. Robust & Sync public void Transfer(string url, Stream streamOut) { try { var request = WebRequest.Create(url); using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream(); var size = 1024; var buffer = new byte[size]; while (true) { var lengthRead = streamIn.Read(buffer, 0, size); if (lengthRead <= 0) break; streamIn.Write(buffer, 0, lengthRead); } } } catch { // ... } }
  • 19. Robust & Async IAsyncResult BeginTransfer(url, streamOut, ..., callback) { try { ... } catch { ... } } void EndGetResponse(...) { try { ... } catch { ... } } void EndRead(...) { try { ... } catch { ... } } void EndWrite(...) { try { ... } catch { ... } }
  • 20. Event-based Async Model class XxxCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs { Exception Error { get; } TResult Result { get; } } class Worker { event EventHandler<XxxCompletedArgs> XxxCompleted; void XxxAsync(arg1, arg2, ...); }
  • 21.
  • 22. Code Locality is Broken • Used to expressing algorithms linearly • Async requires logical division of algorithms • No if / using / while / for ... • Very difficult to • Combine multiple asynchronous operations • Deal with exceptions and cancellation
  • 23. .NET 2.0 / C# 2.0
  • 24. “yield” for Iterators IEnumerable<int> Numbers() { yield return 0; yield return 1; yield return 2; }
  • 25. “yield” for Iterators IEnumerable<int> Numbers() { MoveNext() yield return 0; yield return 1; yield return 2; }
  • 26. “yield” for Iterators IEnumerable<int> Numbers() { MoveNext() yield return 0; MoveNext() yield return 1; yield return 2; }
  • 27. “yield” for Iterators IEnumerable<int> Numbers() { MoveNext() yield return 0; MoveNext() yield return 1; MoveNext() yield return 2; }
  • 28. “yield” for Iterators IEnumerable<int> Numbers() { MoveNext() yield return 0; MoveNext() yield return 1; MoveNext() yield return 2; MoveNext() }
  • 29. Async with “yield” IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) { var request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null); yield return 1; using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) { var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null); yield return 1; int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); if (lengthRead <= 0) break; streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null); yield return 1; streamOut.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } } }
  • 30. Async with “yield” IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) { var request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null); yield return 1; using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) { var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null); “yield” after yield return 1; firing async operations int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); if (lengthRead <= 0) break; streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null); yield return 1; streamOut.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); } } }
  • 31. Async with “yield” IEnumerator<int> Transfer(AsyncEnumerator ae, string url, Stream streamOut) { var request = WebRequest.Create(url); request.BeginGetResponse(ae.End(), null); yield return 1; using (var response = request.EndGetResponse(ae.DequeueAsyncResult())) { var streamIn = response.GetResponseStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { streamIn.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, ae.End(), null); “yield” after yield return 1; firing async operations int lengthRead = streamIn.EndRead(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); if (lengthRead <= 0) break; streamOut.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead, ae.End(), null); yield return 1; streamOut.EndWrite(ae.DequeueAsyncResult()); continue when } async operations } completed }
  • 32. “yield return” for Async • Coming with new programming patterns • Keep code locality • Good parts: support if / using / while / for ... • But not perfect: cannot use try...catch • The primitives for Fibers - lightweight computation units
  • 34. F# • Language by Don Syme, MS Research • Strongly statically typed language • Functional language with OO ability • For industry and education • Open source (Apache 2.0) • Cross-platform supported by Microsoft
  • 35. Concurrency Challenges • Shared State - Immutability • Code Locality - async { ... } • I/O Parallelism - async { ... } • Scaling to Multi-Machine - Agents with async { ... }
  • 36. What’s async { ... } ... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see a particular concurrency model put into C# because there're many different concurrency model ... it's more about finding things are common to to all kinds of concurrency ... - Anders Hejlsberg
  • 37. Async Workflow async {   let! res = <async work> ... }
  • 38. Async Workflow React! async {   let! res = <async work> ... }
  • 39. Async Workflow React! async {   let! res = <async work> ... } an HTTP Response an UI Event a Timer Callback a Query Response a Web Servcie Response a Disk I/O Completion an Agent Message
  • 40. Async in F# let transferAsync (url: string) (streamOut: Stream) = async { let request = WebRequest.Create(url) use! response = request.AsyncGetResponse() let streamIn = response.GetResponseStream() let rec transferDataAsync (buffer: byte[]) = async { let! lengthRead = streamIn.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) if lengthRead > 0 then do! streamOut.AsyncWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead) do! transferDataAsync buffer } do! transferDataAsync (Array.zeroCreate 1024) }
  • 41. Async in F# let transferAsync (url: string) (streamOut: Stream) = async { let request = WebRequest.Create(url) use! response = request.AsyncGetResponse() AsyncGetResponse let streamIn = response.GetResponseStream() let rec transferDataAsync (buffer: byte[]) = async { let! lengthRead = streamIn.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) AsyncRead if lengthRead > 0 then do! streamOut.AsyncWrite(buffer, 0, lengthRead) AsyncWrite do! transferDataAsync buffer } simply generate from do! transferDataAsync (Array.zeroCreate 1024) Begin/End methods }
  • 42. How async { ... } Works async { let! img = AsyncRead "http://..." printfn "loaded!" do! AsyncWrite img @"c:..." printfn "saved!" }
  • 43. How async { ... } Works async { let! img = AsyncRead "http://..." printfn "loaded!" do! AsyncWrite img @"c:..." printfn "saved!" } = async.Delay(fun -> async.Bind(AsyncRead "http://...", (fun img -> printfn "loaded!" async.Bind(AsyncWrite img @"c:...", (fun () -> printfn "saved!" async.Return())))))
  • 44. F# Async Workflow • Library, not a language feature • Based on Computation Expressions in F# • Support all kinds of language constructions • Error handling: try...catch • Loop: while / for (like “foreach” in C#) • Others: if / use (like “using” in C#), etc. • Easy to • Combine multiple asynchronous operations • Deal with exceptions and cancellation
  • 45. F# Resources Programming F# Expert F# 2.0 Real World FP
  • 46. .NET 4.0 / Reactive Framework
  • 47. Reactive Framework Fundamentally change the way you think about coordinating and orchestrating asynchronous and event-based programming
  • 48. How By showing that asynchronous and event-base computations are just push-based collections
  • 49. Interactive Reactive Environment Program
  • 50. Enumerable Collections interface IEnumerable<out T> { IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(); } interface IEnumerator<out T> { bool MoveNext(); T Current { get; } }
  • 52. Observable Collections interface IObservable<out T> { IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> o) } interface IObserver<in T> { void OnCompleted(); void OnNext(T item); void OnError(Exception ex); }
  • 53. IEnumerable & IEnumerator are prototypical interfaces for interactive collections and interactive programs. IObservable & IObserver are prototypical interfaces for observable collections and reactive, asynchronous & event-based programs.
  • 54. LINQ to Observable If you are writing LINQ or declarative code in an interactive program...
  • 55. LINQ to Observable If you are writing LINQ or declarative code in an interactive program... You already know how to use it!
  • 56. Again ... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see a particular concurrency model put into C# because there're many different concurrency model ... it's more about finding things are common to to all kinds of concurrency ... - Anders Hejlsberg
  • 57. Again ... the principle we go by is, don't expect to see a particular concurrency model put into C# because there're many different concurrency model ... it's more about finding things are common to to all kinds of concurrency ... - Anders Hejlsberg
  • 58. Move by WASD // filter the KeyPress events when playing var keyPress = GetKeyPress().Where(_ => isPlaying); // filter the events to move left var moveLeft = from ev in keyPress where ev.EventArgs.KeyChar == 'a' where ball.Left > 0 select ev; moveLeft.Subscribe(_ => ball.Left -= 5); // filter the events to move top var moveTop = from ev in keyPress where ev.EventArgs.KeyChar == 'w' where ball.Top > 0 select ev; moveTop.Subscribe(_ => ball.Top -= 5);
  • 59. Mouse Drag and Draw var mouseMove = GetMouseMove(); var mouseDiff = mouseMove.Zip(mouseMove.Skip(1), (prev, curr) => new { PrevPos = new Point( prev.EventArgs.X, prev.EventArgs.Y), CurrPos = new Point( curr.EventArgs.X, curr.EventArgs.Y) }); var mouseDrag = from _ in GetMouseDown() from diff in mouseDiff.TakeUntil(GetMouseUp()) select diff; mouseDrag.Subscribe(d => DrawLine(d.PrevPos, d.CurrPos));
  • 60. Everything in Web is Asynchronous • User actions • AJAX requests • Animations • ...
  • 61. Rx in JavaScript • A full featured port for JavaScript • Easy-to-use conversions from existing DOM, XmlHttpRequest, etc • In a download size of less than 7kb (gzipped) • Bindings for various libraries / frameworks • jQuery • MooTools • Dojo • ...
  • 62. Drag and Draw in JS var target = $("#paintPad"); var mouseMove = target.toObservable("mousemove"); var mouseDiff = mouseMove.Zip(mouseMove.Skip(1), function(prev, curr) { return { prevPos: { x: prev.clientX, y: prev.clientY }, currPos: { x: curr.clientX, y: curr.clientY } }; }); var mouseDown = target.toObservable("mousedown"); var mouseUp = target.toObservable("mouseup"); var mouseDrag = mouseDown.SelectMany(function() { mouseDiff.TakeUntil(mouseUp); }); mouseDrag.Subscribe( function(d) { drawLine(d.prevPos, d.currPos); });
  • 63. Wikipedia Lookup var textBox = $("#searchInput"); var searcher = textBox .toObservable("keyup") .Throttle(500) .Select(function(_) { return textBox.val(); }) .Select(function(term) { return queryWikipedia(term); }) .Switch(); searcher.Subscribe( function(data) { var results = $("#results"); results.empty(); $.each(data, function(_, value) { results.append($("<li/>").text(value)); }); }, function(error) { $("#error").html(error); });
  • 64. Time Flies like an Arrow var container = $("#container"); var mouseMove = container.toObservable("mousemove"); for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { (function(i) { var ele = $("<span/>").text(text.charAt(i)); ele.css({position: "absolute"}).appendTo(container); mouseMove.Delay(i * 100).Subscribe(function (ev) { ele.css({ left: ev.clientX + i * 20 + 15 + "px", top: ev.clientY + "px" }); }); })(i);
  • 65. Benefits of Rx • Easy to composite and coordinate async operations • Express the algorithm in functional ways • Helper method: For / While / If / Try / Switch... • Easy to be unit tested • ...
  • 66. Rx & Language Features • Features in C# that Rx uses • Extension method • Lambda expression & closure • Type inference • LINQ query expression • Rx has been implemented in ... • C# & VB • JavaScript • F#
  • 67. Portability • Rx can be easily ported to various languages • Scala • Ruby • Python • modern languages with basic functional features • Almost impossible to implement Rx in Java • Cannot extend a type without breaking code • Missing enough functional features
  • 68. Rx Resources • Matthew Podwysocki • • Reactive Framework on MSDN DevLabs • ee794896.aspx • Tomáš Petříček •
  • 69. Comparison • F# Async Workflow • Elegant, simple, easy to use • Can only be used at server-side (WebSharper come to rescure?) • Reactive Framework • Can be used at both server-side and client-side. • New async model brings learning cost.
  • 70. Out of Topic Can we programming like F# in JavaScript?
  • 71. Jscex & Jscex.Async • Computation Expressions and Async Workflow implemented in JavaScript •
  • 72. Clock var drawClockAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async", function(interval) { while (true) { drawClock(new Date()); $await(Jscex.Async.sleep(interval)); } } )); Jscex.Async.start(drawClockAsync(1000));
  • 73. Animation var moveAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async", function(e, start, end, duration) { for (var t = 0; t < duration; t += 50) { = start.x + (end.x - start.x) * t / duration; = start.y + (end.y - start.y) * t / duration; $await(Jscex.Async.sleep(50)); } = end.x; = end.y; } )); var moveSquareAsync = eval(Jscex.compile("$async", function(e) { $await(moveAsync(e, {x:100, y:100}, {x:400, y:100}, 1000)); $await(moveAsync(e, {x:400, y:100}, {x:400, y:400}, 1000)); $await(moveAsync(e, {x:400, y:400}, {x:100, y:400}, 1000)); $await(moveAsync(e, {x:100, y:400}, {x:100, y:100}, 1000)); }));
  • 75. Source async Task<XElement> GetRssAsync(string url) { var client = new WebClient(); var task = client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url); var text = await task; var xml = XElement.Parse(text); return xml; }
  • 76. Compiled Task<XElement> GetRssAsync(string url) { var $builder = AsyncMethodBuilder<XElement>.Create(); var $state = 0; TaskAwaiter<string> $a1; Action $resume = delegate { try { if ($state == 1) goto L1; var client = new WebClient(); var task = client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(url); $state = 1; $a1 = task.GetAwaiter(); if ($a1.BeginAwait($resume)) return; L1: var text = $a1.EndAwait(); var xml = XElement.Parse(text); $builder.SetResult(xml); } catch (Exception $ex) { $builder.SetException($ex); } }; $resume(); return $builder.Task; }
  • 77. Conclusion • Async Programming is difficult • New programming language / feature / library / model can help
  • 78. Q &A