taste smell hearing vision assessment intermodal perception touch object perception depth perception pattern perception face perception visual accomodation visual acuity childhood infancy perceptual sensory speech and language occupational therapy dysfuntions vestibular proprioception sensory integration writing for grants editorials book chapters and articles bibliography thesis and dissertations monographs review article research notes and reports articles in journals foetal programming barker's hypothesis iugr-factors diet physiological changes international models theories influencing curriculum development role of teachers role of parents evaluation learning styles and gender purpose definition of pedagogy definition of curriculum memory thinking attention infromation processing theory industry appreciation recognition friendship mental health educational provisions pdd-nos asperger's syndrome autism autism spectrum disorder attention deficit hyperactive disorder comorbidity learning disability raven's progressive matrices wisc weschler intelligence scale for children binet- kamath test intelligence cognition trafficked hiv/aids orphans migrants slum street refugee vulnerable children tlm for motor and speech development
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