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{   Diving into PHP's heart
{                               Hey !

●   Julien PAULI
      French guy author at Eyrolles
      Architect at Comuto

      PHP contributor/dev
         Not so much :(
      PHP Internals studying

    Some pictures on those slides haven't been translated
                     Before we start
    We'll talk about PHP and only PHP
    ●   No DB, no network

●   PHP is not the main bottleneck

●   PHP's performance are good
    ●   As soon as you understand what you write
●   PHP
       What we're gonna talk about

      Interpreted language (what's that?)
      Zend Engine
          Lexer, parser, compiler, executor, memory manager...
●   Performances
      Find the bottleneck
      parsing, I/Os, syscalls, error reporting ...
      Zend Memory Manager / Garbage Collector
●   « Do's and don'ts »
{   Cool challenge
    Let's go
{   PHP
          PHP kernel : Zend Engine
    ~65000 LOC
      10% total LOC (counting
      Zend Engine License

●   ZendE VM
●   ZendE Core
●   ZendE Tools
●   Thread-Safe
      TSRM Layer
{           Heart: main et ext/standard

●   62384 LOC
     files and streams
            Extensions : ext/xxx
    529778 LOC for ext/
●   "Extensions" and "Zend extensions"
      Statically or dynamically loaded
      Add features
      Consume resources (memory)
●   php -m ; php --re
●   Mandatory extensions (5.3) :
      core / date / ereg / pcre / reflection / SPL / standard
●   Other extensions :
{       ●   Computer program

        ●   C written, total is about 800,000 lines
        ●   Goal : define a language
                 higher level, interpreted
Interpreted language is a programming language in which programs are 'indirectly' executed ("interpreted") by
an interpreter program. This can be contrasted with a compiled language which is converted into machine code
and then 'directly' executed by the host CPU. Theoretically, any language may be compiled or interpreted, so
this designation is applied purely because of common implementation practice and not some essential property
of a language. Indeed, for some programming languages, there is little performance difference between an
interpretive- or compiled-based approach to their implementation.                              [Wikipedia]

        ●   Interpreted language :
                 less efficient than compiled language
                 but much more easier to handle
{   ●
                PHP from inside

        Virtual machine
          intermediate OPCode
          Mono Thread, Mono process
    ●   Automatic memory handling
          Memory Manager
          Garbage collector
●   Startup (mem alloc)


●   Compilation
      Lexing and parsing               zend_compile_file()

      Compiling (OP Code generation)
●   Execution                          zend_execute()

      OPCode interpretation
      Several VM exec modes
●   Shutdown (mem freeing)
      "Share nothing architecture"
●   Recognize characters

●   Turn characters to Tokens
       Lexer generator : Re2c
           Was Flex before 5.3

     int lex_scan(zval *zendlval TSRMLS_DC)
HNUM "0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+
LABEL [a-zA-Z_x7f-xff][a-zA-Z0-9_x7f-xff]*
NEWLINE ("r"|"n"|"rn")

  return T_INT_CAST;

 ●   re2c is used elsewhere for PHP :
         PDO (PS emulation)
         dates : strtotime(), serialize()/unserialize()
 ●   Generate zend_language_scanner.c :
  -cbdFt $(srcdir)/zend_language_scanner_defs.h
  -o $(srcdir)/zend_language_scanner.l
                              Hands on the lexer

     You can access lexer from PHP land :
         ext/tokenizer                            Line Token                            Text
                                                     1 OPEN_TAG                              <?php
    function display_data(array $data) {             2 WHITESPACE
       $buf = '';                                    3 FUNCTION                             function
       foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {                   3 WHITESPACE
          $buf .= sprintf("%s: %s n", $k, $v);      3 STRING                            display_data
       }                                             3 OPEN_BRACKET                              (
       return $buf;                                  3 ARRAY                             array
    }                                                3 WHITESPACE
                                                     3 VARIABLE                            $data
                                                     3 CLOSE_BRACKET                              )
                                                     3 WHITESPACE
                                                     4 OPEN_CURLY                              {
                                                     4 WHITESPACE
                                                  … … ...
{                          Parsing

●   "Understands" the tokens (rules)
      Defines the language syntax

●   Generate the parser : GNU/Bison (LALR)
      (Lemon to replace it ?)

●   For each token
      → Launch a compiler function
      → Go to next token (State machine)

●   Tied to lexical analyzer
    Used by PHP and ext/tokenizer ; zendparse()
     T_FOREACH '(' variable T_AS
         { zend_do_foreach_begin(&$1, &$2, &$3, &$4, 1 TSRMLS_CC); }
         foreach_variable foreach_optional_arg ')' { zend_do_foreach_cont(&$1, &$2, &$4,
&$6, &$7 TSRMLS_CC); }
         foreach_statement { zend_do_foreach_end(&$1, &$4 TSRMLS_CC); }

         variable     { zend_check_writable_variable(&$1); $$ = $1; }
     |   '&' variable { zend_check_writable_variable(&$2); $$ = $2; $$.u.EA.type |=

         /* empty */                     { $$.op_type = IS_UNUSED; }
     |   T_DOUBLE_ARROW foreach_variable { $$ = $2; }

●   Generate zend_language_parser.c :
             $(YACC) -p zend -v -d $(srcdir)/zend_language_parser.y
                     -o zend_language_parser.c
{   Wuups
●   Invoked by parser

●   Generate an OPCode array

●   OPCode = low level VM instruction
      Looks like asm
      Example : ADD (a,b) → c   ;   CONCAT(c,d) → e ; etc...

●   The compiling stage is very heavy
      Lots of checks
      Adresses resolutions
{   Let's see an example

           print 'foo';
{                    Example

                         print 'foo';


    <ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"print" {
      return T_PRINT;


    T_PRINT expr { zend_do_print(&$$, &$2 TSRMLS_CC); }
{                             Example

         T_PRINT expr { zend_do_print(&$$, &$2 TSRMLS_CC); }


    void zend_do_print(znode *result, const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
        zend_op *opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC);

        opline->result.op_type = IS_TMP_VAR;
        opline->result.u.var = get_temporary_variable(CG(active_op_array));
        opline->opcode = ZEND_PRINT;
        opline->op1 = *arg;
        *result = opline->result;
{                       What is OPCode ?

                                               line # opcode
                                              Compiled variables: !0 = $data, !1 = $buf, !2 = $k, !3 = $v
                                                                                            result operands
●   ext/bytekit-cli                            -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               3 0 EXT_NOP
●   ext/vld                                         1 RECV
                                               5 2 EXT_STMT
                                                                                           !0     1, f(0)

                                                    3 ASSIGN                                       !1, ''
                                               6 4 EXT_STMT
function display_data(array $data) {                5 FE_RESET                                 $1      !0, ->18
   $buf = '';                                       6 FE_FETCH                                 $2, ~4 $1, ->18
   foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {                      7 ASSIGN                                       !3, $2
      $buf .= sprintf("%s: %s n", $k, $v);         8 ASSIGN                                       !2, ~4
   }                                           7 9 EXT_STMT
   return $buf;                                     10 EXT_FCALL_BEGIN
                                                    11 SEND_VAL                                       '%s: %s n', 1
                                                    12 SEND_VAR                                        !2, 2
                                                    13 SEND_VAR                                        !3, 3
                                                    14 DO_FCALL                                 $6       'sprintf'
                                                    15 EXT_FCALL_END
                                                    16 ASSIGN_CONCAT                                         !1, $6
                                               8 17 JMP                                          ->6
                                                    18 SWITCH_FREE                                         $1
                                               9 19 EXT_STMT
                                                    20 RETURN                                        !1
                                              10 21 EXT_STMT
                                                    22 RETURN                                        null
●   Executes OPCode


      Hardest part in ZendEngine
      "The" Virtual Machine              zend_compile_file()
●   zend_vm_execute.h
●   zend_vm_skel.h

●   For each OPCode
      Call a handler
      Zend vm handlers
      Several dispatch modes available
{                      Example (continued)

                               <?php                        ZEND_PRINT
                               print 'foo';

      zend_op *opline = EX(opline);

    Z_LVAL(EX_T(opline->result.u.var).tmp_var) = 1;
    Z_TYPE(EX_T(opline->result.u.var).tmp_var) = IS_LONG;


      zend_op *opline = EX(opline);
      zval z_copy;
      zval *z = &opline->op1.u.constant;
      zend_print_variable(z); // Some kind of printf()
{   Still here ?
{   Performances
             PHP Performances
    Work on subjects we've seen :
      Compile (Lexing + parsing + compiling)
●   Work on global subjects :
      Memory manager, syscalls & IO
      functions complexity (Big O)
      All that gets repeated (loops)
●   Examples doing that :
      HipHop for PHP
      zend optimizer ; APC …
                    OPCode Cache
    OPCode = PHP syntax
    that just got compiled,
    ready to execute through
    the VM

●   Compiling time versus
    Exec time ?

●   OPCode Caching
      stores OPCode
      somewhere (shmem) to
      prevent parsing next time
{   Concrete example


    function foo()
        $data = file('/etc/fstab');
        return $data;

    for($i=0; $i<=$argv[1]; $i++) {
         $a = foo();
         $a[] = range(0, $i);
         $result[] = $a;

{          Compile / Exec
    function foo()
        $data = file('/etc/fstab');
        return $data;

    for($i=0; $i<=$argv[1]; $i++) {
         $a = foo();
         $a[] = range(0, $i);
         $result[] = $a;

             Preventing Compilation
    Use an OPCode cache, and tune it !
      APC / Xcache / Eaccelerator / ZendOptimizer
●   Compiling can take really long when there is many
    source code lines to parse
      Frameworks anyone ?
      autoload ?
               exec performances
    Find the slow parts : profiling

●   Then optimize your functions
●   But what about PHP functions ? PHP structures like
    loops, array/object accesses ?
         file() seems slow ?
         Same for PDO::__construct() ?
              Low level analysis
    PHP functions are C code
      Valgrind&callgrind, gprof, zoom, ...
●   C functions use syscalls (Kernel services)
      Strace / ltrace / time / iostat-iotop / perf
●   C functions use memory access
      Memory access are slow (pagefaults)
      Valgrind [memcheck | massif | exp-dhat ]
{            Behind PHP's functions

●   IOs , syscalls, mem access / mem copy
      buffer cache / realpath cache
      DNS lookups
      HTTP calls (DOM DTD , etc...)
      MySQL API calls
      FooBarBaz API calls
                           ltrace : Oops !

                                                    = 0x02c3c050
memset(0x02c3c050, '000', 1024)                  = 0x02c3c050
malloc(72)                                       = 0x02c3c460
malloc(240)                                        = 0x02c3c4b0
memcpy(0x02c3c4b0, "001l^034377177", 240)     = 0x02c3c4b0
tolower('f')                                    = 'f'
tolower('u')                                    = 'u'
tolower('n')                                    = 'n'
tolower('c')                                    = 'c'
tolower('_')                                    = '_'
tolower('n')                                    = 'n'
tolower('u')                                    = 'u'
tolower('m')                                     = 'm'
tolower('_')                                    = '_'
tolower('a')                                    = 'a'
tolower('r')                                    = 'r'
tolower('g')                                    = 'g'
tolower('s')                                    = 's'
memcpy(0x7f2805b800b0, "func_num_args", 14)     = 0x7f2805b800b0
{               Example : '@' 's cost

●   '@', for error suppression

●   OPCodes :
●   strace -c
                 Strace : syscall traces
                               % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
                               ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0        31           read
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0       201            write
●   time                         -nan 0.000000
                                 -nan 0.000000
                                                                                   36 open
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0        20        15 stat
●   /proc/{pid}/status           -nan 0.000000
                                 -nan 0.000000
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0         8        3 lseek
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0        57           mmap
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0        23           mprotect
●   syscall = context switch     -nan 0.000000                  0        16        15 access
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0         2          socket
●   syscalls about I/O :         -nan 0.000000
                                 -nan 0.000000
                                                                                   2 connect
                                  -nan 0.000000                  0         4          time
      iotop -p                   -nan 0.000000                  0         3        1 futex
                                 -nan 0.000000                  0         1          set_tid_address
      vmstat                     -nan 0.000000
                               … … ...
                                                                0         1          set_robust_list

                               ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
      Kernel uses a buffer     100.00 0.000000                           562         74 total
{                                       "perf" tool

●   Powerful and great tool
    ●   Little bit complex to handle
         > perf stat php fooscript.php 10

         Performance counter stats for 'php ../fooscript.php 10':

               18,409965 task-clock                 #     0,769 CPUs utilized
                 1 150 context-switches             #    0,062 M/sec
                    0 CPU-migrations                #    0,000 M/sec
                 2 683 page-faults                  #    0,146 M/sec
              44 278 835 cycles                     #    2,405 GHz                 [80,35%]
              26 211 096 stalled-cycles-frontend    #    59,20% frontend cycles idle [80,27%]
              22 097 571 stalled-cycles-backend     #   49,91% backend cycles idle [57,04%]
              47 509 944 instructions               #    1,07 insns per cycle
                                                    #     0,55 stalled cycles per insn [86,76%]
              8 437 590 branches                    #   458,316 M/sec
               203 537 branch-misses                #    2,41% of all branches        [92,68%]

             0,023935557 seconds time elapsed
        Virtual Machine is expensive

    C is way faster than PHP
      Dont code in PHP what PHP already does
      Code critical parts in C
        Perhaps an existing ext can do the job ? PECL ?
●   Compile PHP by yourself
      GCC, ICC, LLVM … know your compiler
      ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Options via Evolutionary
                > CFLAGS="-march=native -O4" ./configure && make

      Use an up-to-date PHP version
{   Keep PHP up to date

     ●   zend/micro-bench
    Memory consumption
                Zend Memory Manager

    ZendMM : dynamic allocator
      Handles the process heap (malloc() / mmap())
      Prevents MMU faulting (cost) with large allocations
      Used by PHP source, but not everywhere
      Heap fragments
        Large blocks
        Small blocks
      Bloc caching
                     Tuner ZendMM
    ZendMM allocates the heap with segments
      Seg size is configurable
      Default 256Kb, good results for main cases
●   Each segment is divided in blocs for real data
            Evaluate the consumption
    memory_get_usage() size of all blocs
●   memory_get_usage(true) size of all segments
●   Not fully accurate
      Not all code uses ZendMM
                                                      cat /proc/13399/status
      /proc/{pid}/status                              Name: php
                                                      State:     S (sleeping)
      pmap tool                                       VmPeak: 154440 kB
                                                      VmSize: 133700 kB
                                                      VmLck:          0 kB
      Take care of shared libs                        VmPin:          0 kB
                                                      VmHWM: 30432 kB
                     php> echo memory_get_usage();    VmRSS: 10304 kB
                     625272                           VmData: 4316 kB
                     php> echo memory_get_usage(1);   VmStk:        136 kB
                     786432                           VmExe:        9876 kB
                                                      VmLib:       13408 kB
                                                      VmPTE:        276 kB
                                                      VmSwap:         0 kB
●   Compile a mini-PHP
                      Make PHP lighter

                       > ./configure --disable-all

●   Disable extensions you dont use
      Each ext has 2 startup hooks
        One triggered at PHP process startup (MINIT)
        One triggered for each request to PHP (RINIT)
      MINIT hook allocates global memory
        Never freed (until the end of the process)
        If you dont use the ext : that's a full waste
                     exts. allocate memory
    Example for ext/mbstring RINIT
         int n;
         enum mbfl_no_encoding *list=NULL, *entry;
         zend_function *func, *orig;
         const struct mb_overload_def *p;
         n = 0;
         if (MBSTRG(detect_order_list)) {
                list = MBSTRG(detect_order_list);
                n = MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size);
         entry = (enum mbfl_no_encoding *)safe_emalloc(n, sizeof(int), 0);

      /* override original function. */
           if (MBSTRG(func_overload)){
                 p = &(mb_ovld[0]);

               while (p->type > 0) {
                    if ((MBSTRG(func_overload) & p->type) == p->type &&
                          zend_hash_find(EG(function_table), p->save_func,
                              strlen(p->save_func)+1, (void **)&orig) != SUCCESS) {

{                      Memory in PHP

●   Free your ressources yourself

●   Free your "big" variables
      More on that later
         Reference counting / copy on write
      Don't overuse references, at least until you really know
      what they are and how they work

●   Compute a variable memory consumption
         A try, not very accurate actually :-p
              PHP vars and memory
    Copy On Write

     $a = "foo";
     $b = $a;
     $c = $b;
     $b = "bar";
●   References
                PHP vars and memory

      Disable COW !

       $a = "string";
       $b = &$a;
       $c = $b;
             PHP vars and memory
    Function calls

     function foo($var)
        $var = "bar";
        return $var;

     $a = "foobaz";
     $b = foo($a);
        Garbage collector (ZendGC)
    GC = PHP vars (zval)
      Nothing to do with Zend Memory Manager
●   Frees vars not used any more but still in memory
      circular references, OO

●   PHP.ini zend.enable_gc = 1
●   or gc_enable() / gc_disable()
●   Activated by default
{   Example of a mem leak

       class Foo { }
       class Bar { }

       $f = new Foo;
       $b = new Bar;

       $f->b = $b;
       $b->f = $f;


       echo gc_collect_cycles(); // 2
                How does GC work ?
    When zval buffer gets full
      call gc_collect_cycles()
         frees some zval, eventually (garbage)
      GC_ROOT_BUFFER_MAX_ENTRIES = 10000 by default

●   GC consummes resources
      memory (320K) + CPU cycles
      At each zval manipulation (so : every time)

    Do's and don'ts
{   ●
        Dont use references everywhere, thinking you
        optimize : you will fail

    ●   Cool :
$a['b']['c'] = array();                                       $ref =& $a['b']['c'];

for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $a['b']['c'][$i] = $i; }         for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $ref[$i] = $i; }

    ●   Not cool :
                          function foo(&$data) {
                             $len = strlen($data); /* Zval copy */
                             /* … */
●   == convert type, not ===
                               == versus ===

       is_identical_function() VS compare_function()
●   Conversions are not always light :
                     zendi_smart_strcmp(result, op1, op2);
                     return SUCCESS;

    ZEND_API void zendi_smart_strcmp(zval *result, zval *s1, zval *s2) /* {{{ */
       int ret1, ret2;
       long lval1, lval2;
       double dval1, dval2;

        if ((ret1=is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(s1), Z_STRLEN_P(s1), &lval1, &dval1, 0)) &&
               (ret2=is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(s2), Z_STRLEN_P(s2), &lval2, &dval2, 0))) {
{                                Function call

●   WTF ?? Can you tell why we get this result ?

         const MAX_IT = 1000;              const MAX_IT = 1000;

         $time = microtime(1);             $time = microtime(1);
         $str = "string";                  $str = "string";

         for($i=0; $i<=MAX_IT; $i++) {     for($i=0; $i<=MAX_IT; $i++) {
            strlen($str) == 2;                isset($str[3]);
         }                                 }

         echo microtime(1)-$time . "n";   echo microtime(1)-$time . "n";

         0.00090789794921875               0.00034594535827637
               A function call in the engine

         Checks we can make the call :
 else if (UNEXPECTED(zend_hash_quick_find(EG(function_table), Z_STRVAL_P(fname),
 Z_STRLEN_P(fname)+1, Z_HASH_P(fname), (void **) &EX(function_state).function)==FAILURE)) {
           zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to undefined function %s()", fname->value.str.val);

if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & (ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT|ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED)) != 0)) {
         if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)) {
               zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Cannot call abstract method %s::%s()", fbc->common.scope-
>name, fbc->common.function_name);

         if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0)) {
               zend_error(E_DEPRECATED, "Function %s%s%s() is deprecated",

    if (fbc->common.scope &&
           !(fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) {
                zend_error(E_STRICT, "Non-static method %s::%s() should not be called statically", fbc-
>common.scope->name, fbc->common.function_name);
{           A function call in the engine

●   … to prepare the argument stack and the function
    context :
zend_arg_types_stack_3_pop(&EG(arg_types_stack), &EX(called_scope), &EX(current_object), &EX(fbc));
    EX(function_state).arguments = zend_vm_stack_push_args(opline->extended_value TSRMLS_CC);

            EX(original_return_value) = EG(return_value_ptr_ptr);
                      EG(active_symbol_table) = NULL;
                      EG(active_op_array) = &fbc->op_array;
                      EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = NULL;
                      if (RETURN_VALUE_USED(opline)) {
                            temp_variable *ret = &EX_T(opline->result.var);

                       ret->var.ptr = NULL;
                       EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = &ret->var.ptr;
                       ret->var.ptr_ptr = &ret->var.ptr;
                       ret->var.fcall_returned_reference = (fbc->common.fn_flags
            & ZEND_ACC_RETURN_REFERENCE) != 0;
{  ●
                isset() is not a function call
       isset has its own parser rule :
           T_ISSET '(' isset_variables ')' { $$ = $3; }
     |     T_EMPTY '(' variable ')' { zend_do_isset_or_isempty(ZEND_ISEMPTY, &$$, &$3 TSRMLS_CC); }

   ●   Leading to the VM handler
           And it does a simple compare : that's light
                0 < offset < str_lenght
} else if ((*container)->type == IS_STRING && !prop_dim) { /* string offsets */
             if (Z_TYPE_P(offset) == IS_LONG) {
                   if (opline->extended_value & ZEND_ISSET) {
                         if (offset->value.lval >= 0 && offset->value.lval < Z_STRLEN_PP(container)) {
                               result = 1;
{   Conclusion
●   PHP is built onto an OS

      What if PHP waits for a DB ?
      What if PHP waits for the network ?
      What if the OS has not been tuned ?

●   Mainly, if PHP waits, dont blame PHP, it's not its fault
      Example of blocking syscalls :
         open(), accept(), close(), poll() …
         ioctl(), fcntl(), select(), read(), write(), send()...
      Dont micro optimise the syntax

    " vs ' vs Heredoc ?

●   Trace, analyze, find the bottleneck, know where to code

●   Do not Over-engineer , Do not Over-Design
●   Do not micro-optimize

●   Optimize loops, you'll get great results
           Is PHP the right tool ?
    batch processing
●   Multiple FS or DB access
●   PHP can show weaknesses in some cases
●   C
        Parallel programming (fork(), phtread_create())
        Very good memory control
        lowlevel access - syscalls access - ASM embeding
●   Java
        multi OS
        Parallel programming
{                       Thanks !
      French written technical PHP internals article
      "Good" french, gets translated very cleanlly

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Quick tour of PHP from inside

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  • 2. { Hey ! ● Julien PAULI French guy author at Eyrolles Architect at Comuto PHP contributor/dev Not so much :( PHP Internals studying Some pictures on those slides haven't been translated (french)
  • 3. { ● Before we start We'll talk about PHP and only PHP ● No DB, no network ● PHP is not the main bottleneck ● PHP's performance are good ● As soon as you understand what you write
  • 4. { ● PHP What we're gonna talk about Interpreted language (what's that?) Zend Engine Lexer, parser, compiler, executor, memory manager... ● Performances Find the bottleneck parsing, I/Os, syscalls, error reporting ... Zend Memory Manager / Garbage Collector ● « Do's and don'ts »
  • 5. { Cool challenge
  • 6. { Let's go
  • 7. { PHP
  • 8. { ● PHP kernel : Zend Engine ~65000 LOC 10% total LOC (counting extensions) Zend Engine License ● ZendE VM ● ZendE Core ● ZendE Tools ● Thread-Safe TSRM Layer
  • 9. { Heart: main et ext/standard ● 62384 LOC str_ array_ files and streams ...
  • 10. { ● Extensions : ext/xxx 529778 LOC for ext/ ● "Extensions" and "Zend extensions" Statically or dynamically loaded Add features Consume resources (memory) ● php -m ; php --re ● Mandatory extensions (5.3) : core / date / ereg / pcre / reflection / SPL / standard ● Other extensions :
  • 11. { ● Computer program PHP ● C written, total is about 800,000 lines ● Goal : define a language higher level, interpreted Interpreted language is a programming language in which programs are 'indirectly' executed ("interpreted") by an interpreter program. This can be contrasted with a compiled language which is converted into machine code and then 'directly' executed by the host CPU. Theoretically, any language may be compiled or interpreted, so this designation is applied purely because of common implementation practice and not some essential property of a language. Indeed, for some programming languages, there is little performance difference between an interpretive- or compiled-based approach to their implementation. [Wikipedia] ● Interpreted language : less efficient than compiled language but much more easier to handle
  • 12. { ● PHP from inside Virtual machine Compiler/Executor intermediate OPCode Mono Thread, Mono process ● Automatic memory handling Memory Manager Garbage collector
  • 13. { ● Startup (mem alloc) Steps Startup ● Compilation Lexing and parsing zend_compile_file() Compiling (OP Code generation) ● Execution zend_execute() OPCode interpretation Several VM exec modes Shutdown ● Shutdown (mem freeing) "Share nothing architecture"
  • 14. { ● Recognize characters Lexing ● Turn characters to Tokens Lexer generator : Re2c Was Flex before 5.3 ● highlight_file() highlight_string() compile_file() compile_string()
  • 15. {● zend_language_scanner.l int lex_scan(zval *zendlval TSRMLS_DC) /*!re2c HNUM "0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ LABEL [a-zA-Z_x7f-xff][a-zA-Z0-9_x7f-xff]* TABS_AND_SPACES [ t]* NEWLINE ("r"|"n"|"rn") <ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"("{TABS_AND_SPACES}("int"|"integer"){TABS_AND_SPACES}")" { return T_INT_CAST; } ● re2c is used elsewhere for PHP : PDO (PS emulation) dates : strtotime(), serialize()/unserialize() ● Generate zend_language_scanner.c : $(RE2C) $(RE2C_FLAGS) --case-inverted -cbdFt $(srcdir)/zend_language_scanner_defs.h -o $(srcdir)/zend_language_scanner.l
  • 16. { ● Hands on the lexer You can access lexer from PHP land : ext/tokenizer Line Token Text --------------------------------------------------------- 1 OPEN_TAG <?php function display_data(array $data) { 2 WHITESPACE $buf = ''; 3 FUNCTION function foreach ($data as $k=>$v) { 3 WHITESPACE $buf .= sprintf("%s: %s n", $k, $v); 3 STRING display_data } 3 OPEN_BRACKET ( return $buf; 3 ARRAY array } 3 WHITESPACE 3 VARIABLE $data 3 CLOSE_BRACKET ) 3 WHITESPACE 4 OPEN_CURLY { 4 WHITESPACE … … ...
  • 17. { Parsing ● "Understands" the tokens (rules) Defines the language syntax ● Generate the parser : GNU/Bison (LALR) (Lemon to replace it ?) ● For each token → Launch a compiler function → Go to next token (State machine) ● Tied to lexical analyzer
  • 18. { ● zend_language_parser.y Used by PHP and ext/tokenizer ; zendparse() unticked_statement: T_FOREACH '(' variable T_AS { zend_do_foreach_begin(&$1, &$2, &$3, &$4, 1 TSRMLS_CC); } foreach_variable foreach_optional_arg ')' { zend_do_foreach_cont(&$1, &$2, &$4, &$6, &$7 TSRMLS_CC); } foreach_statement { zend_do_foreach_end(&$1, &$4 TSRMLS_CC); } ; foreach_variable: variable { zend_check_writable_variable(&$1); $$ = $1; } | '&' variable { zend_check_writable_variable(&$2); $$ = $2; $$.u.EA.type |= ZEND_PARSED_REFERENCE_VARIABLE; } ; foreach_optional_arg: /* empty */ { $$.op_type = IS_UNUSED; } | T_DOUBLE_ARROW foreach_variable { $$ = $2; } ; ● Generate zend_language_parser.c : $(YACC) -p zend -v -d $(srcdir)/zend_language_parser.y -o zend_language_parser.c
  • 19. { Wuups
  • 20. { ● Invoked by parser Compiler ● Generate an OPCode array ● OPCode = low level VM instruction Looks like asm Example : ADD (a,b) → c ; CONCAT(c,d) → e ; etc... ● The compiling stage is very heavy Lots of checks Adresses resolutions
  • 21. { Let's see an example <?php print 'foo';
  • 22. { Example <?php print 'foo'; lexing <ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"print" { return T_PRINT; } parsing T_PRINT expr { zend_do_print(&$$, &$2 TSRMLS_CC); }
  • 23. { Example T_PRINT expr { zend_do_print(&$$, &$2 TSRMLS_CC); } compiling void zend_do_print(znode *result, const znode *arg TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { zend_op *opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC); opline->result.op_type = IS_TMP_VAR; opline->result.u.var = get_temporary_variable(CG(active_op_array)); opline->opcode = ZEND_PRINT; opline->op1 = *arg; SET_UNUSED(opline->op2); *result = opline->result; }
  • 24. { What is OPCode ? Function: line # opcode display_data Compiled variables: !0 = $data, !1 = $buf, !2 = $k, !3 = $v result operands ● ext/bytekit-cli ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 0 EXT_NOP ● ext/vld 1 RECV 5 2 EXT_STMT !0 1, f(0) 3 ASSIGN !1, '' 6 4 EXT_STMT function display_data(array $data) { 5 FE_RESET $1 !0, ->18 $buf = ''; 6 FE_FETCH $2, ~4 $1, ->18 foreach ($data as $k=>$v) { 7 ASSIGN !3, $2 $buf .= sprintf("%s: %s n", $k, $v); 8 ASSIGN !2, ~4 } 7 9 EXT_STMT return $buf; 10 EXT_FCALL_BEGIN 11 SEND_VAL '%s: %s n', 1 } 12 SEND_VAR !2, 2 13 SEND_VAR !3, 3 14 DO_FCALL $6 'sprintf' 15 EXT_FCALL_END 16 ASSIGN_CONCAT !1, $6 8 17 JMP ->6 18 SWITCH_FREE $1 9 19 EXT_STMT 20 RETURN !1 10 21 EXT_STMT 22 RETURN null
  • 25. { ● Executes OPCode Execution Startup Hardest part in ZendEngine "The" Virtual Machine zend_compile_file() ● zend_vm_execute.h ● zend_vm_skel.h zend_execute() ● For each OPCode Shutdown Call a handler Zend vm handlers Several dispatch modes available
  • 26. { Example (continued) <?php ZEND_PRINT print 'foo'; static int ZEND_FASTCALL ZEND_PRINT_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS) { zend_op *opline = EX(opline); Z_LVAL(EX_T(opline->result.u.var).tmp_var) = 1; Z_TYPE(EX_T(opline->result.u.var).tmp_var) = IS_LONG; return ZEND_ECHO_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS_PASSTHRU); } static int ZEND_FASTCALL ZEND_ECHO_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER(ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS) { zend_op *opline = EX(opline); zval z_copy; zval *z = &opline->op1.u.constant; zend_print_variable(z); // Some kind of printf() ZEND_VM_NEXT_OPCODE(); }
  • 27. { Still here ?
  • 28. { Performances
  • 29. { ● PHP Performances Work on subjects we've seen : Compile (Lexing + parsing + compiling) Execute ● Work on global subjects : Memory manager, syscalls & IO functions complexity (Big O) All that gets repeated (loops) ● Examples doing that : HipHop for PHP ext/bcompiler zend optimizer ; APC …
  • 30. { ● OPCode Cache OPCode = PHP syntax that just got compiled, ready to execute through the VM ● Compiling time versus Exec time ? ● OPCode Caching stores OPCode somewhere (shmem) to prevent parsing next time
  • 31. { Concrete example <?php function foo() { $data = file('/etc/fstab'); sort($data); return $data; } for($i=0; $i<=$argv[1]; $i++) { $a = foo(); $a[] = range(0, $i); $result[] = $a; } var_dump($result);
  • 32. { Compile / Exec function foo() { $data = file('/etc/fstab'); sort($data); return $data; } for($i=0; $i<=$argv[1]; $i++) { $a = foo(); $a[] = range(0, $i); $result[] = $a; } var_dump($result);
  • 33. { ● Preventing Compilation Use an OPCode cache, and tune it ! APC / Xcache / Eaccelerator / ZendOptimizer ● Compiling can take really long when there is many source code lines to parse Frameworks anyone ? autoload ?
  • 34. { ● exec performances Find the slow parts : profiling Xdebug XHPROF microtime() ● Then optimize your functions ● But what about PHP functions ? PHP structures like loops, array/object accesses ? file() seems slow ? Same for PDO::__construct() ?
  • 35. { ● Low level analysis PHP functions are C code Valgrind&callgrind, gprof, zoom, ... ● C functions use syscalls (Kernel services) Strace / ltrace / time / iostat-iotop / perf ● C functions use memory access Memory access are slow (pagefaults) Valgrind [memcheck | massif | exp-dhat ]
  • 36. { Behind PHP's functions ● IOs , syscalls, mem access / mem copy buffer cache / realpath cache DNS lookups HTTP calls (DOM DTD , etc...) MySQL API calls FooBarBaz API calls
  • 37. { malloc(1024) ltrace : Oops ! = 0x02c3c050 memset(0x02c3c050, '000', 1024) = 0x02c3c050 malloc(72) = 0x02c3c460 malloc(240) = 0x02c3c4b0 memcpy(0x02c3c4b0, "001l^034377177", 240) = 0x02c3c4b0 tolower('f') = 'f' tolower('u') = 'u' tolower('n') = 'n' tolower('c') = 'c' tolower('_') = '_' tolower('n') = 'n' tolower('u') = 'u' tolower('m') = 'm' tolower('_') = '_' tolower('a') = 'a' tolower('r') = 'r' tolower('g') = 'g' tolower('s') = 's' memcpy(0x7f2805b800b0, "func_num_args", 14) = 0x7f2805b800b0
  • 38. { Example : '@' 's cost ● '@', for error suppression ● OPCodes : ZEND_BEGIN_SILENCE ZEND_END_SILENCE
  • 39. { ● strace -c Strace : syscall traces % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- -nan 0.000000 0 31 read -nan 0.000000 0 201 write ● time -nan 0.000000 -nan 0.000000 0 0 64 31 36 open close -nan 0.000000 0 20 15 stat ● /proc/{pid}/status -nan 0.000000 -nan 0.000000 0 0 38 15 fstat lstat -nan 0.000000 0 8 3 lseek -nan 0.000000 0 57 mmap -nan 0.000000 0 23 mprotect ● syscall = context switch -nan 0.000000 0 16 15 access -nan 0.000000 0 2 socket ● syscalls about I/O : -nan 0.000000 -nan 0.000000 0 0 2 1 2 connect execve -nan 0.000000 0 4 time iotop -p -nan 0.000000 0 3 1 futex -nan 0.000000 0 1 set_tid_address vmstat -nan 0.000000 … … ... 0 1 set_robust_list ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- Kernel uses a buffer 100.00 0.000000 562 74 total cache
  • 40. { "perf" tool ● Powerful and great tool ● Little bit complex to handle > perf stat php fooscript.php 10 Performance counter stats for 'php ../fooscript.php 10': 18,409965 task-clock # 0,769 CPUs utilized 1 150 context-switches # 0,062 M/sec 0 CPU-migrations # 0,000 M/sec 2 683 page-faults # 0,146 M/sec 44 278 835 cycles # 2,405 GHz [80,35%] 26 211 096 stalled-cycles-frontend # 59,20% frontend cycles idle [80,27%] 22 097 571 stalled-cycles-backend # 49,91% backend cycles idle [57,04%] 47 509 944 instructions # 1,07 insns per cycle # 0,55 stalled cycles per insn [86,76%] 8 437 590 branches # 458,316 M/sec 203 537 branch-misses # 2,41% of all branches [92,68%] 0,023935557 seconds time elapsed
  • 41. { ● Virtual Machine is expensive C is way faster than PHP Dont code in PHP what PHP already does Code critical parts in C Perhaps an existing ext can do the job ? PECL ? ● Compile PHP by yourself GCC, ICC, LLVM … know your compiler ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Options via Evolutionary Algorithm) > CFLAGS="-march=native -O4" ./configure && make Use an up-to-date PHP version
  • 42. { Keep PHP up to date ● zend/micro-bench
  • 43. { Memory consumption
  • 44. { ● Zend Memory Manager ZendMM : dynamic allocator Handles the process heap (malloc() / mmap()) Prevents MMU faulting (cost) with large allocations Used by PHP source, but not everywhere Tunable zend_alloc.c/h Heap fragments Large blocks Small blocks Bloc caching zvals
  • 45. { ● Tuner ZendMM ZendMM allocates the heap with segments Seg size is configurable Default 256Kb, good results for main cases ● Each segment is divided in blocs for real data
  • 46. { ● Evaluate the consumption memory_get_usage() size of all blocs ● memory_get_usage(true) size of all segments ● Not fully accurate Not all code uses ZendMM cat /proc/13399/status /proc/{pid}/status Name: php State: S (sleeping) pmap tool VmPeak: 154440 kB VmSize: 133700 kB VmLck: 0 kB Take care of shared libs VmPin: 0 kB VmHWM: 30432 kB php> echo memory_get_usage(); VmRSS: 10304 kB 625272 VmData: 4316 kB php> echo memory_get_usage(1); VmStk: 136 kB 786432 VmExe: 9876 kB VmLib: 13408 kB VmPTE: 276 kB VmSwap: 0 kB
  • 47. { ● Compile a mini-PHP Make PHP lighter > ./configure --disable-all ● Disable extensions you dont use Each ext has 2 startup hooks One triggered at PHP process startup (MINIT) One triggered for each request to PHP (RINIT) MINIT hook allocates global memory Never freed (until the end of the process) If you dont use the ext : that's a full waste
  • 48. { ● exts. allocate memory Example for ext/mbstring RINIT PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) { int n; enum mbfl_no_encoding *list=NULL, *entry; zend_function *func, *orig; const struct mb_overload_def *p; n = 0; if (MBSTRG(detect_order_list)) { list = MBSTRG(detect_order_list); n = MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size); } entry = (enum mbfl_no_encoding *)safe_emalloc(n, sizeof(int), 0); /* override original function. */ if (MBSTRG(func_overload)){ p = &(mb_ovld[0]); while (p->type > 0) { if ((MBSTRG(func_overload) & p->type) == p->type && zend_hash_find(EG(function_table), p->save_func, strlen(p->save_func)+1, (void **)&orig) != SUCCESS) { ...
  • 49. { Memory in PHP ● Free your ressources yourself ● Free your "big" variables More on that later Reference counting / copy on write Don't overuse references, at least until you really know what they are and how they work ● Compute a variable memory consumption comuto_get_var_memory_usage() A try, not very accurate actually :-p
  • 50. { ● PHP vars and memory Copy On Write $a = "foo"; $b = $a; $c = $b; $b = "bar"; unset($a);
  • 51. { ● References PHP vars and memory Disable COW ! $a = "string"; $b = &$a; $c = $b;
  • 52. { ● PHP vars and memory Function calls function foo($var) { $var = "bar"; return $var; } $a = "foobaz"; $b = foo($a);
  • 53. { ● Garbage collector (ZendGC) GC = PHP vars (zval) Nothing to do with Zend Memory Manager ● Frees vars not used any more but still in memory circular references, OO ● PHP.ini zend.enable_gc = 1 ● or gc_enable() / gc_disable() ● Activated by default
  • 54. { Example of a mem leak class Foo { } class Bar { } $f = new Foo; $b = new Bar; $f->b = $b; $b->f = $f; unset($f); unset($b); echo gc_collect_cycles(); // 2
  • 55. { ● How does GC work ? When zval buffer gets full call gc_collect_cycles() frees some zval, eventually (garbage) GC_ROOT_BUFFER_MAX_ENTRIES = 10000 by default ● GC consummes resources memory (320K) + CPU cycles At each zval manipulation (so : every time) ●
  • 56. { Do's and don'ts
  • 57. { ● References Dont use references everywhere, thinking you optimize : you will fail ● Cool : $a['b']['c'] = array(); $ref =& $a['b']['c']; for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $a['b']['c'][$i] = $i; } for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $ref[$i] = $i; } ● Not cool : function foo(&$data) { $len = strlen($data); /* Zval copy */ /* … */ }
  • 58. { ● == convert type, not === == versus === is_identical_function() VS compare_function() ● Conversions are not always light : case TYPE_PAIR(IS_STRING, IS_STRING): zendi_smart_strcmp(result, op1, op2); return SUCCESS; ZEND_API void zendi_smart_strcmp(zval *result, zval *s1, zval *s2) /* {{{ */ { int ret1, ret2; long lval1, lval2; double dval1, dval2; if ((ret1=is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(s1), Z_STRLEN_P(s1), &lval1, &dval1, 0)) && (ret2=is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(s2), Z_STRLEN_P(s2), &lval2, &dval2, 0))) {
  • 59. { Function call ● WTF ?? Can you tell why we get this result ? const MAX_IT = 1000; const MAX_IT = 1000; $time = microtime(1); $time = microtime(1); $str = "string"; $str = "string"; for($i=0; $i<=MAX_IT; $i++) { for($i=0; $i<=MAX_IT; $i++) { strlen($str) == 2; isset($str[3]); } } echo microtime(1)-$time . "n"; echo microtime(1)-$time . "n"; 0.00090789794921875 0.00034594535827637
  • 60. { ● A function call in the engine OPCode ZEND_DO_FCALL Checks we can make the call : else if (UNEXPECTED(zend_hash_quick_find(EG(function_table), Z_STRVAL_P(fname), Z_STRLEN_P(fname)+1, Z_HASH_P(fname), (void **) &EX(function_state).function)==FAILURE)) { SAVE_OPLINE(); zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Call to undefined function %s()", fname->value.str.val); } if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & (ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT|ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED)) != 0)) { if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Cannot call abstract method %s::%s()", fbc->common.scope- >name, fbc->common.function_name); if (UNEXPECTED((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0)) { zend_error(E_DEPRECATED, "Function %s%s%s() is deprecated", if (fbc->common.scope && !(fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) { zend_error(E_STRICT, "Non-static method %s::%s() should not be called statically", fbc- >common.scope->name, fbc->common.function_name);
  • 61. { A function call in the engine ● … to prepare the argument stack and the function context : zend_arg_types_stack_3_pop(&EG(arg_types_stack), &EX(called_scope), &EX(current_object), &EX(fbc)); EX(function_state).arguments = zend_vm_stack_push_args(opline->extended_value TSRMLS_CC); EX(original_return_value) = EG(return_value_ptr_ptr); EG(active_symbol_table) = NULL; EG(active_op_array) = &fbc->op_array; EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = NULL; if (RETURN_VALUE_USED(opline)) { temp_variable *ret = &EX_T(opline->result.var); ret->var.ptr = NULL; EG(return_value_ptr_ptr) = &ret->var.ptr; ret->var.ptr_ptr = &ret->var.ptr; ret->var.fcall_returned_reference = (fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_RETURN_REFERENCE) != 0; }
  • 62. { ● isset() is not a function call isset has its own parser rule : internal_functions_in_yacc: T_ISSET '(' isset_variables ')' { $$ = $3; } | T_EMPTY '(' variable ')' { zend_do_isset_or_isempty(ZEND_ISEMPTY, &$$, &$3 TSRMLS_CC); } ● Leading to the VM handler zend_isset_isempty_dim_prop_obj_handler And it does a simple compare : that's light 0 < offset < str_lenght } else if ((*container)->type == IS_STRING && !prop_dim) { /* string offsets */ if (Z_TYPE_P(offset) == IS_LONG) { if (opline->extended_value & ZEND_ISSET) { if (offset->value.lval >= 0 && offset->value.lval < Z_STRLEN_PP(container)) { result = 1; }
  • 63. { Conclusion
  • 64. { ● PHP is built onto an OS Remember What if PHP waits for a DB ? What if PHP waits for the network ? What if the OS has not been tuned ? ● Mainly, if PHP waits, dont blame PHP, it's not its fault Example of blocking syscalls : open(), accept(), close(), poll() … ioctl(), fcntl(), select(), read(), write(), send()...
  • 65. { ● Dont micro optimise the syntax " vs ' vs Heredoc ? ● Trace, analyze, find the bottleneck, know where to code ● Do not Over-engineer , Do not Over-Design ● Do not micro-optimize ● Optimize loops, you'll get great results
  • 66. { ● Is PHP the right tool ? batch processing ● Multiple FS or DB access ● PHP can show weaknesses in some cases ● C Parallel programming (fork(), phtread_create()) Very good memory control lowlevel access - syscalls access - ASM embeding ● Java multi OS Parallel programming
  • 67. { Thanks ! @julienpauli French written technical PHP internals article "Good" french, gets translated very cleanlly