science ecology cell reproduction mixture soil ecosystem energy decomposers ovary ovule asexual prokaryotic prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes levels of biological organization solutions properties of matter mass properties matter scientific method experimentation laboratory lab technology science and technology introduction to science water currents aquatic organisms water water systems water pollution benthos oceans underground water system acid rain hydrosphere cleavage ductility metamorphic rocks fracture lava mohs properties of minerals malleability sedimentary minerals igneous lithosphere magma scale mantle locating longitude crust layers of the earth core location coordinates equator earth prime meridian latitude light transverse sound light waves sound waves waves longitudinal wave inertia laws of motion momentum action impulse acceleration interaction reaction conduction power plants convection sources of energy component method vector pythagorean mathematical method graphical method fluid pressure scalars pressure air pressure vectors nuclear friction electric weight law of universal gravitation force magnetic gravity magnetism physics electricity noncontact contact conserving conserving soil and forests forests ecological succession succession nitrogen cycle carbon cycle nutrient cycles nutrient water cycle major ecosystems and resources in the philippines philippines resources consumers food chain food food web producers competition predation ecological relationships mutualism symbiosis commensalism parasitism heterotrophs autotrophs non-living living abiotic biotic ecosytem community population environment biosphere animals sexual tapeworm earthworm frog bird cotyledon germination seed embryo fruit self cross fertilization plant pollination microspore microgametogenesis plants stamen flower megagametogenesis pistil calyx receptacle megaspore propagation cutting budding vegetative grafting fission fungi microorganisms virus protozoan bacteria membrane nucleus parts parts of the cell animal cell organelles plant cell cell wall eukaryotes prokaryotes eukaryotic modern cell theory theory cell theory life organization biology biological organization characteristics of life types of microscopes history of microscopes microscopes neutralization bases acids salts groups periodic table periods nonmetals metals metalloids element pure substance compound elements substance colloid suspension colloids suspensions concentrated diluted solvent saturated solute unsaturated chemical physical change physical chemical change intensive extensive problem solving volume density dependent independent variable controls controlled experiment variable independent variables the scientific method experimental variables control field experiment natural experiment dependent variable experiment method scientific conclusion hypothesis observation lab safety signs lab safety laboratory apparatus laboratory equipment lab apparatus lab equipment laboratory tools careers in science careers scientist attitudes of scientist attitude good scientist scientists values of a good scientist values applied science pure science branches of science knowledge
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