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ARIA Landmarks in practice
ARIA and HTML5 Landmarks – v 0.1
Domenico Monaco –
Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0
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• WAI-ARIA è una specifica, cioè una raccolta di indicazioni, prodotta dal W3C, che
definisce una serie di attributi HTML addizionali che possono essere applicati agli
elementi per fornire maggior valore semantico e migliorare l'accessibilità
dovunque sia necessario.
• Ci sono tre caratteristiche principali definite nella raccolta:
• Ruoli
• Proprietà
• Stati
• Gli attributi WAI-ARIA è che non influiscono sulla pagina, eccetto che sulle
informazioni fornite dalla API di accessibilità del browser (dalla quale i lettori di
schermo prendono le informazioni). WAI-ARIA non cambia la struttura della
pagina, il DOM o altro, anche se i suoi attributi possono essere utili per
selezionare gli elementi in CSS.
2ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
WAI ARIA compatibilità
• Supporto dei browser in generale è molto buono. Al momento della stesura di
questo articolo, il sito riporta un livello globale di supporto di WAI-
ARIA nei vari browser di circa l'88%.
• Il supporto di ARIA nei lettori di schermo non è al momento a un livello
comparabile, ma i lettori di schermo più popolari stanno facendo grandi sforzi per
migliorare la compatibilità con WAI-ARIA. Puoi farti un'idea del livello di supporto
leggendo l'articolo (in inglese) Compatibilità dei lettori di schermo con WAI-ARIA .
3ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Quando usare WAI-ARIA
• WAI-ARIA è utile:
• Indicatori/riferimenti: gli attributi role possono funzionare come descrizioni che fanno riferimento a elementi HTML5 replicandone il valore semantico (per esempio <nav>),
oppure possono andare oltre HTML5, e funzionare come indicatori che descrivono differenti aree funzionali, per esempio search, tabgroup, tab, listbox, ecc.
• Aggiornamento dinamico del contenuto: i lettori di schermo in generale hanno difficoltà a indicare quando il contenuto subisce cambiamenti; con ARIA possiamo usare aria-
live per indicare agli utenti che usano lettori di schermo quando un' area del contenuto viene aggiornata, per esempio tramite XMLHttpRequest, o DOM APIs .
• Migliorare l'accessibilità da tastiera: ci sono elementi HTML che hanno accessibilità da tastiera nativa; quando però invece di usare tali elementi se ne usano altri che li "simulano"
in combinazione con JavaScript, l'accessibilità da tastiera e la qualità di lettura dei lettori di schermo ne risentono. In questi casi possiamo usare WAI-ARIA per dare focus a tali
elementi (usando tabindex).
• Accessibilità dei controlli non semantici: quando si usano una serie di <div> annidati in combinazione con CSS e JavaScript per creare una funzionalità IU particolarmente
complessa, oppure quando un controllo nativo viene notevolmente modificato tramite JavaScript, l'accessibilità può risultare danneggiata. Gli utenti che usano lettori di schermo
troveranno difficile capire come funzionano tali elementi se non ci sono indicazioni semantiche che lo spieghino. In situazioni come queste la tecnologia ARIA può aiutare a fornire
le indicazioni necessarie tramite una combinazione di ruoli come button, listbox, o tabgroup, e proprietà come aria-required o aria-posinset.
• Ricorda: dovresti ricorrere a WAI-ARIA solo quando è necessario! Idealmente, dovresti usare sempre funzionalità HTML native per fornire le indicazioni semantiche necessarie ai
lettori di schermo per interpretare correttamente il contesto. A volte però ciò non è possibile, forse perchè non hai pieno controllo sul codice, o perchè stai creando qualcosa di
particolarmente complesso, che non puoi implementare con un elemento HTML standard. In tali casi, WAI-ARIA può essere un utile strumento di miglioramento dell'accessibilità.
• Use ARIA only when necessary. Start from accessibilities rules of native HTML.
• No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA
• Incorrect ARIA misrepresents visual experiences, with potentially devastating effects on their corresponding non-visual experiences.
4ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
General Principles
• Landmarks provide a powerful way to identify the organization and
structure of a web page. The structural information conveyed visually to
users should be represented programmatically in the markup using
landmark roles. The use of landmarks roles support keyboard navigation to
the structure of a web page for screen reader users, and can be used as
targets for author supplied "skip links" and browser extensions for
enhanced keyboard navigation.
• This section is intended to assist designers, developers and quality
assurance staff in defining and understanding the importance of logical,
usable, and accessible layout for assistive technologies using HTML
sectioning elements and ARIA landmark roles.
• Due to the complexity of today's web content, if using landmarks, all
perceivable content should reside in a semantically meaningful landmark in
order that content is not missed by the user.
5ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Step 1: Identify the logical structure
• Break the page into perceivable areas called "areas".
• Typically, designers indicate areas visually using alignment and
spacing of content.
• Regions can be further defined into logical sub-areas as needed.
• An example of a sub-area is a portlet in a portal application.
6ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Step 2: Assign landmark roles to each area
• Assign landmark roles based on the type of content in the area.
• banner, main, complementary and contentinfo landmarks should be
top level landmarks.
• Landmark roles can be nested to identify parent/child relationships of
the information being presented.
7ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Step 3: Label each area
• If a specific landmark role is used more than once on a web page, it
should have a unique label.
• If an area begins with a heading element (e.g. h1-h6), it can be used
as the label for the area using aria-labelledby attribute.
• If an area does not have a heading element, provide a label using
the aria-label attribute.
• Avoid using the landmark role as part of the label. For example, a
navigation landmark with a label "Site Navigation" will be announced
by a screen reader as "Site Navigation Navigation". The label should
simply be "Site".
8ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
ARIA Landmarks Example
Visually outline the landmarks and/or headings on
the page using the following buttons
• HTML Sectioning Elements
• It is important to understand that many HTML sectioning
(e.g. main, nav, aside ...) elements by default define ARIA landmarks.
If HTML sectioning elements are used without understanding the
associated landmark structure, assistive technology users will most
likely be confused and less efficient in accessing content and
interacting with web pages.
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09/05/20 ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco 10
HTML Element Default Landmark Role
aside complementary
footer contentinfo when in context of the body element. The footer element is not a contentinfo landmark
when it is a descendant of the following HTML sectioning elements:
form form when it has an accessible name using aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attributes
header banner when in context of the body element. The header element is not a banner landmark when it is a
descendant of the following HTML sectioning elements:
main main
nav navigation
section region when it has an accessible name using aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attribute
11ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
• Banner
• Complementary
• Contentinfo
• Form
• Main
• Navigation
• Region
• Search
09/05/20 ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco 12
Banner Landmark
• A banner landmark identifies site-
oriented content at the beginning of
each page within a website. Site-
oriented content typically includes
things such as the logo or identity of
the site sponsor, and site-specific
search tool. A banner usually appears
at the top of the page and typically
spans the full width.
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: banner landmark.
• Design Patterns
• Each page may have
one banner landmark.
• The banner landmark should be a top-
level landmark.
• When a page contains
nested document and/or application r
oles (e.g. typically through the use
of iframe and frame elements),
each document or application role
may have one banner landmark.
• If a page includes more than
one banner landmark, each should
have a unique label. = ?
13ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
The HTML header element defines
a banner landmark when its context is
the body element
• The HTML header element is not
considered a banner landmark
when it is descendant of any of
following elements:
• article
• aside
• main
• nav
• section
• HTML Example
• <header>
<h1>website information<h1>
.... banner content....
14ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
A role="banner" attribute is used to define
a banner landmark
• ARIA Example
• <div role="banner">
<h1>page title identifying website<h1>
.... banner content....
15ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Complementary Landmark
• A complementary landmark is a
supporting section of the
document, designed to be
complementary to the main
content at a similar level in the
DOM hierarchy, but remains
meaningful when separated from
the main content.
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: complementary land
• Design Patterns
• complementary landmarks should
be top level landmarks (e.g. not
contained within any other
• If the complementary content is
not related to the main content, a
more general role should be
assigned (e.g. region).
• If a page includes more than
one complementary landmark,
each should have a unique label.
16ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Use the HTML aside element to define
a complementary landmark.
• HTML Example: One Complementary Landmark on Page
• When only one complementary landmark on a page, a label is
• <aside>
<h2>Title for complementary area<h2>
.... complementary content area ....
• HTML Example: Multiple Complementary Landmarks
• When there is more than one complementary landmark on a
page, each should have a unique label.
• <aside aria-labelledby="comp1">
<h2 id="comp1">Title for complementary area 1</h2>
... complementary content area 1 ...
<aside aria-labelledby="comp2">
<h2 id="comp2">Title for complementary area 2</h2>
... complementary content area 2 ...
17ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
A role="complementary" attribute is used
to define a complementary landmark.
• ARIA Example: One Complementary Landmark on Page
• When only one complementary landmark exists on a page, a
label is optional.
• <div role="complementary">
<h2>Title for complementary area<h2>
.... complementary content area ....
• ARIA Example: Multiple Complementary Landmarks
• When there is more than one complementary landmark on a
page, each should have a unique label.
• <div role="complementary" aria-labelledby="comp1">
<h2 id="comp1">Title for complementary area 1</h2>
... complementary content area 1 ...
<div role="complementary" aria-labelledby="comp2">
<h2 id="comp2">Title for complementary area 2</h2>
... complementary content area 2 ...
18ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Contentinfo Landmark
• A contentinfo landmark is a way to
identify common information at the
bottom of each page within a website,
typically called the "footer" of the
page, including information such as
copyrights and links to privacy and
accessibility statements.
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: contentinfo landmark.
• Design Patterns
• Each page may have
one contentinfo landmark.
• The contentinfo landmark should be a
top-level landmark.
• When a page contains
nested document and/or application r
oles (e.g. typically through the use
of iframe and frame elements),
each document or application role
may have one contentinfo landmark.
• If a page includes more than
one contentinfo landmark, each
should have a unique label.
19ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
The HTML footer element defines
a contentinfo landmark when its context is
the body element.
• The HTML footer element is not
a contentinfo landmark when it
is descendant of any of following
• article
• aside
• main
• nav
• section
• HTML Example
• <footer>
<h2>Contact, Policies and
.... contentinfo area content ....
20ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
A role="contentinfo" attribute is used to
define a contentinfo landmark.
• ARIA Example
• <div role="contentinfo">
<h2>Contact, Policies and Legal<h2>
.... contentinfo area content ....
21ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Form Landmark
• A form landmark identifies a region that contains a
collection of items and objects that, as a whole,
combine to create a form when no other named
landmark is appropriate (e.g. main or search).
• ARIA 1.1 Specification: form landmark
• Design Patterns
• Use the search landmark instead of
the form landmark when the form is used for
search functionality.
• A form landmark should have a label to help users
understand the purpose of the form.
• A label for the form landmark should be identified
using aria-labelledby to visible heading element
(e.g. an h1-h6 element).
• If a page includes more than one form landmark,
each should have a unique label.
• Whenever possible, controls contained in
a form landmark in an HTML document should use
native host semantics:
• button
• input
• select
• textarea
22ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
If a form element has an accessible name it is
considered form landmark.
• HTML Form Landmark
• Assume the following
two forms (e.g. add
contact and add
organization) can be
submitted from the
same web page.
Source Code
<form aria-labelledby="contact">
<legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend>
... form controls add contact ...
<form aria-labelledby="organization">
<legend id="organization">Add Organization
... form controls add organization ...
23ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
The role="form" attribute defines a form
• HTML Form
Landmark Example
• Assume the
following two forms
(e.g. add contact
and add
organization) can be
submitted from the
same web page.
<div role="form" aria-labelledby="contact">
<legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend>
... form controls add contact ...
<div role="form" aria-labelledby="organization">
<legend id="organization">Add Organization
... form controls add organization ...
24ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Main Landmark
• A main landmark identifies the primary or dominant content
of the page
• main is unique for page and not contains repeatable
ARIA 1.1 Specification: main landmark
• Design Patterns
• One visible main landmark per page.
• A document must not have more than one main element that
does not have the hidden attribute specified.
• The main landmark should be a top-level landmark.
• When a page contains
nested document and/or application roles (e.g. typically
through the use of iframe and frame elements),
each document or application role may have
one main landmark.
• If a page includes more than one main landmark, each should
have a unique label.
• It should not contain any content that is repeated across
documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright
information, site logos, and search forms.
• <main> element must NOT be a descendant of an <article>,
<aside>, <footer>, <header>, or <nav> element.
• main can contains multiple ie. article
25ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Use the HTML main element to define
a main landmark
• HTML Example: One Main Landmark
• When only one main landmark on a page, a label is optional.
• <main>
<h1>title for main content<h1>
.... main content area ....
• HTML Example: Multiple Main Landmarks
• When there is more than one main landmark on a page, each
should have a unique label.
• <main aria-labelledby="title1">
<h1 id="title1">title for main content area 1<h1>
.... main content area 1 ....
<main aria-labelledby="title2” hidden>
<h1 id="title2">title for main content area 2<h1>
.... main content area 2 ....
26ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
The role="form" attribute defines a form
• HTML Form
Landmark Example
• Assume the
following two forms
(e.g. add contact and
add organization)
can be
submitted from the
same web page.
<div role="form" aria-labelledby="contact">
<legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend>
... form controls add contact ...
<div role="form" aria-labelledby="organization">
<legend id="organization">Add Organization
... form controls add organization ...
27ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Navigation Landmark
• Navigation landmarks provide a
way to identify groups (e.g. lists)
of links that are intended to be
used for website or page content
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: navigation landma
• Design Patterns
• If a page includes more than
one navigation landmark, each
should have a unique label.
• If a navigation landmark has an
identical set of links as
another navigation landmark on
the page, use the same label for
each navigation landmark.
28ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Use the HTML nav element to define
a navigation landmark
• HTML Example: One Navigation Landmark
• When only one navigation landmark on a page, a label is optional.
• <nav>
<h2>title for navigation area<h2>
<li><a href="page1.html">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="page2.html">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="page3.html">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="page4.html">Link 4</a></li>
• HTML Example: More Than One Navigation Landmark Example
• When there is more than one navigation landmark on a page, each should have a
unique label.
• <nav aria-labelledby="nav1">
<h2 id="nav1">title for navigation 1<h2>
<li><a href="page11.html">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="page12.html">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="page13.html">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="page14.html">Link 4</a></li>
<nav aria-labelledby="nav2">
<h2 id="nav2">title for navigation 2<h2>
<li><a href="page21.html">Link 5</a></li>
<li><a href="page22.html">Link 6</a></li>
<li><a href="page23.html">Link 7</a></li>
<li><a href="page24.html">Link 8</a></li>
29ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
A role="navigation" attribute is used to
define a navigation landmark.
• ARIA Example: One Navigation Landmark
• When only one navigation landmark on a page, a label is optional.
• <div role="navigation">
<h2>title for navigation area<h2>
<li><a href="page1.html">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="page2.html">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="page3.html">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="page4.html">Link 4</a></li>
• ARIA Example: More Than One Navigation Landmark
• When there is more than one navigation landmark on a page, each should have a
unique label.
• <div role="navigation" aria-labelledby="nav1">
<h2 id="nav1">title for navigation area 1<h2>
<li><a href="page11.html">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="page12.html">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="page13.html">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="page14.html">Link 4</a></li>
<div role="navigation" aria-labelledby="nav2">
<h2 id="nav2">title for navigation area 2<h2>
<li><a href="page21.html">Link 5</a></li>
<li><a href="page22.html">Link 6</a></li>
<li><a href="page23.html">Link 7</a></li>
<li><a href="page24.html">Link 8</a></li>
30ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Region Landmark
• A region landmark is a perceivable
section containing content that is
relevant to a specific, author-
specified purpose and sufficiently
important that users will likely
want to be able to navigate to the
section easily and to have it listed
in a summary of the page.
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: region landmark
• Design Patterns
• A region landmark must have a
• If a page includes more than
one region landmark, each should
have a unique label.
• The region landmark can be used
identify content that named
landmarks do not appropriately
31ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Use the HTML section element to define
a region landmark
• HTML Example: Using section[aria-labelledby] attribute
• Defines a label for each region using existing content on the
• <main>
<h1>title for main content area<h1>
<section aria-labelledby="region1">
<h2 id="region1">title for region area 1</h2>
... content for region area 1 ...
<section aria-labelledby="region2">>
<h2 id="region2">title for region area 2</h2>
... content for region area 2 ...
• HTML Example: Using section[aria-label] attribute
• Defines a label for each region using attribute value that is
only visible to assistive technologies.
• <main>
<h1>title for main content<h1>
<section aria-label="title for region area 1">
<h2>title for region area 1</h2>
... content for region area 1 ...
<section aria-label="title for region area 2">
<h2>title for region area 2</h2>
... content for region area 2 ...
HTML Example: Using section[title] attribute
Defines a label for each region using attribute value
that maybe available as a tooltip on some
<h1>title for main content<h1>
<section title="title for region area 1">
<h2>title for region area 1</h2>
...content for region area 1...
<section title="title for region area 2">>
<h2>title for region area 2</h2>
...content for region area 2...
32ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
A role="region" attribute is used to define
a region landmark.
• ARIA Example: Using section[aria-labelledby] attribute
• <div role="main">
<h1>title for main content area<h1>
<div role="region" aria-labelledby="region1">
<h2 id="region1">title for region area 1</h2>
... content for region area 1 ...
<div role="region" aria-labelledby="region2">
<h2 id="region2">title for region area 2</h2>
... content for region area 2 ...
33ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Search Landmark
• A search landmark contains a
collection of items and objects
that, as a whole, combine to
create search functionality to
content on the website.
• ARIA 1.1
Specification: search landmark
• Design Patterns
• Use the search landmark instead
of the form landmark when the
form is used for search
• If a page includes more than
one search landmark, each
should have a unique label.
34ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
There is no HTML
element that defines
a search landmark.
A role="search" attribute is used to define
a search landmark.
<form role="search">
<input type="search" aria-label="search text" size="20">
<input type="submit" value="Search">
36ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
Resources & Reference
• Read More
• ARIA11: Using ARIA landmarks to identify
regions of a page (WCAG 2.0 Technique)
• ARIA20: Using the region role to identify a
region of the page (WCAG 2.0 Technique)
• WAI-finding with ARIA Landmark Roles (A List
• Using WAI-ARIA Landmarks – 2013 (Paciello
• HTML 5 and ARIA Landmarks (Deque
• Basic screen reader commands for
accessibility testing (Paciello Group)
• Screen Reader User Survey #6 Results:
Landmarks/Regions (WebAIM)
• Tools
• Landmarks Browser Extension
• Accessibility Bookmarklets: Landmark
• The Visual ARIA Bookmarklet
• SkipTo, version 2.0 (PayPal)
• AInspector Sidebar for Firefox (Landmark Rule
• Functional Accessibility Evaluator
2.0 (Landmark Rule Category)
37ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
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ARIA Landmarks in practice

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ARIA Landmarks in practice guide

  • 1. ARIA Landmarks in practice ARIA and HTML5 Landmarks – v 0.1 Domenico Monaco – Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 [Commons Deed] [Legal Code]
  • 2. Cos’è WAI ARIA • WAI-ARIA è una specifica, cioè una raccolta di indicazioni, prodotta dal W3C, che definisce una serie di attributi HTML addizionali che possono essere applicati agli elementi per fornire maggior valore semantico e migliorare l'accessibilità dovunque sia necessario. • Ci sono tre caratteristiche principali definite nella raccolta: • Ruoli • Proprietà • Stati • Gli attributi WAI-ARIA è che non influiscono sulla pagina, eccetto che sulle informazioni fornite dalla API di accessibilità del browser (dalla quale i lettori di schermo prendono le informazioni). WAI-ARIA non cambia la struttura della pagina, il DOM o altro, anche se i suoi attributi possono essere utili per selezionare gli elementi in CSS. 2ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 3. WAI ARIA compatibilità • Supporto dei browser in generale è molto buono. Al momento della stesura di questo articolo, il sito riporta un livello globale di supporto di WAI- ARIA nei vari browser di circa l'88%. • Il supporto di ARIA nei lettori di schermo non è al momento a un livello comparabile, ma i lettori di schermo più popolari stanno facendo grandi sforzi per migliorare la compatibilità con WAI-ARIA. Puoi farti un'idea del livello di supporto leggendo l'articolo (in inglese) Compatibilità dei lettori di schermo con WAI-ARIA . • • 3ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 4. Quando usare WAI-ARIA • WAI-ARIA è utile: • Indicatori/riferimenti: gli attributi role possono funzionare come descrizioni che fanno riferimento a elementi HTML5 replicandone il valore semantico (per esempio <nav>), oppure possono andare oltre HTML5, e funzionare come indicatori che descrivono differenti aree funzionali, per esempio search, tabgroup, tab, listbox, ecc. • Aggiornamento dinamico del contenuto: i lettori di schermo in generale hanno difficoltà a indicare quando il contenuto subisce cambiamenti; con ARIA possiamo usare aria- live per indicare agli utenti che usano lettori di schermo quando un' area del contenuto viene aggiornata, per esempio tramite XMLHttpRequest, o DOM APIs . • Migliorare l'accessibilità da tastiera: ci sono elementi HTML che hanno accessibilità da tastiera nativa; quando però invece di usare tali elementi se ne usano altri che li "simulano" in combinazione con JavaScript, l'accessibilità da tastiera e la qualità di lettura dei lettori di schermo ne risentono. In questi casi possiamo usare WAI-ARIA per dare focus a tali elementi (usando tabindex). • Accessibilità dei controlli non semantici: quando si usano una serie di <div> annidati in combinazione con CSS e JavaScript per creare una funzionalità IU particolarmente complessa, oppure quando un controllo nativo viene notevolmente modificato tramite JavaScript, l'accessibilità può risultare danneggiata. Gli utenti che usano lettori di schermo troveranno difficile capire come funzionano tali elementi se non ci sono indicazioni semantiche che lo spieghino. In situazioni come queste la tecnologia ARIA può aiutare a fornire le indicazioni necessarie tramite una combinazione di ruoli come button, listbox, o tabgroup, e proprietà come aria-required o aria-posinset. • Ricorda: dovresti ricorrere a WAI-ARIA solo quando è necessario! Idealmente, dovresti usare sempre funzionalità HTML native per fornire le indicazioni semantiche necessarie ai lettori di schermo per interpretare correttamente il contesto. A volte però ciò non è possibile, forse perchè non hai pieno controllo sul codice, o perchè stai creando qualcosa di particolarmente complesso, che non puoi implementare con un elemento HTML standard. In tali casi, WAI-ARIA può essere un utile strumento di miglioramento dell'accessibilità. • Use ARIA only when necessary. Start from accessibilities rules of native HTML. • No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA • Incorrect ARIA misrepresents visual experiences, with potentially devastating effects on their corresponding non-visual experiences. 4ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 5. ARIA General Principles • Landmarks provide a powerful way to identify the organization and structure of a web page. The structural information conveyed visually to users should be represented programmatically in the markup using landmark roles. The use of landmarks roles support keyboard navigation to the structure of a web page for screen reader users, and can be used as targets for author supplied "skip links" and browser extensions for enhanced keyboard navigation. • This section is intended to assist designers, developers and quality assurance staff in defining and understanding the importance of logical, usable, and accessible layout for assistive technologies using HTML sectioning elements and ARIA landmark roles. • Due to the complexity of today's web content, if using landmarks, all perceivable content should reside in a semantically meaningful landmark in order that content is not missed by the user. 5ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 6. Step 1: Identify the logical structure • Break the page into perceivable areas called "areas". • Typically, designers indicate areas visually using alignment and spacing of content. • Regions can be further defined into logical sub-areas as needed. • An example of a sub-area is a portlet in a portal application. 6ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 7. Step 2: Assign landmark roles to each area • Assign landmark roles based on the type of content in the area. • banner, main, complementary and contentinfo landmarks should be top level landmarks. • Landmark roles can be nested to identify parent/child relationships of the information being presented. 7ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 8. Step 3: Label each area • If a specific landmark role is used more than once on a web page, it should have a unique label. • If an area begins with a heading element (e.g. h1-h6), it can be used as the label for the area using aria-labelledby attribute. • If an area does not have a heading element, provide a label using the aria-label attribute. • Avoid using the landmark role as part of the label. For example, a navigation landmark with a label "Site Navigation" will be announced by a screen reader as "Site Navigation Navigation". The label should simply be "Site". 8ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 9. ARIA Landmarks Example Visually outline the landmarks and/or headings on the page using the following buttons • practices/examples/landmarks/HTML5.html • HTML Sectioning Elements • It is important to understand that many HTML sectioning (e.g. main, nav, aside ...) elements by default define ARIA landmarks. If HTML sectioning elements are used without understanding the associated landmark structure, assistive technology users will most likely be confused and less efficient in accessing content and interacting with web pages. 9ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 10. 09/05/20 ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco 10 HTML Element Default Landmark Role aside complementary footer contentinfo when in context of the body element. The footer element is not a contentinfo landmark when it is a descendant of the following HTML sectioning elements: article aside main nav section form form when it has an accessible name using aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attributes header banner when in context of the body element. The header element is not a banner landmark when it is a descendant of the following HTML sectioning elements: article aside main nav section main main nav navigation section region when it has an accessible name using aria-labelledby, aria-label or title attribute
  • 11. 11ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 12. WAI ARIA/ HTML5 Landmarks • Banner • Complementary • Contentinfo • Form • Main • Navigation • Region • Search 09/05/20 ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco 12
  • 13. Banner Landmark • A banner landmark identifies site- oriented content at the beginning of each page within a website. Site- oriented content typically includes things such as the logo or identity of the site sponsor, and site-specific search tool. A banner usually appears at the top of the page and typically spans the full width. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: banner landmark. • Design Patterns • Each page may have one banner landmark. • The banner landmark should be a top- level landmark. • When a page contains nested document and/or application r oles (e.g. typically through the use of iframe and frame elements), each document or application role may have one banner landmark. • If a page includes more than one banner landmark, each should have a unique label. = ? 13ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 14. The HTML header element defines a banner landmark when its context is the body element • The HTML header element is not considered a banner landmark when it is descendant of any of following elements: • article • aside • main • nav • section • HTML Example • <header> <h1>website information<h1> .... banner content.... </header> 14ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 15. A role="banner" attribute is used to define a banner landmark • ARIA Example • <div role="banner"> <h1>page title identifying website<h1> .... banner content.... </div> 15ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 16. Complementary Landmark • A complementary landmark is a supporting section of the document, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy, but remains meaningful when separated from the main content. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: complementary land mark • Design Patterns • complementary landmarks should be top level landmarks (e.g. not contained within any other landmarks). • If the complementary content is not related to the main content, a more general role should be assigned (e.g. region). • If a page includes more than one complementary landmark, each should have a unique label. 16ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 17. Use the HTML aside element to define a complementary landmark. • HTML Example: One Complementary Landmark on Page • When only one complementary landmark on a page, a label is optional. • <aside> <h2>Title for complementary area<h2> .... complementary content area .... </aside> • HTML Example: Multiple Complementary Landmarks • When there is more than one complementary landmark on a page, each should have a unique label. • <aside aria-labelledby="comp1"> <h2 id="comp1">Title for complementary area 1</h2> ... complementary content area 1 ... </aside> <aside aria-labelledby="comp2"> <h2 id="comp2">Title for complementary area 2</h2> ... complementary content area 2 ... </aside> 17ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 18. A role="complementary" attribute is used to define a complementary landmark. • ARIA Example: One Complementary Landmark on Page • When only one complementary landmark exists on a page, a label is optional. • <div role="complementary"> <h2>Title for complementary area<h2> .... complementary content area .... </div> • ARIA Example: Multiple Complementary Landmarks • When there is more than one complementary landmark on a page, each should have a unique label. • <div role="complementary" aria-labelledby="comp1"> <h2 id="comp1">Title for complementary area 1</h2> ... complementary content area 1 ... </div> <div role="complementary" aria-labelledby="comp2"> <h2 id="comp2">Title for complementary area 2</h2> ... complementary content area 2 ... </div> 18ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 19. Contentinfo Landmark • A contentinfo landmark is a way to identify common information at the bottom of each page within a website, typically called the "footer" of the page, including information such as copyrights and links to privacy and accessibility statements. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: contentinfo landmark. • Design Patterns • Each page may have one contentinfo landmark. • The contentinfo landmark should be a top-level landmark. • When a page contains nested document and/or application r oles (e.g. typically through the use of iframe and frame elements), each document or application role may have one contentinfo landmark. • If a page includes more than one contentinfo landmark, each should have a unique label. 19ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 20. The HTML footer element defines a contentinfo landmark when its context is the body element. • The HTML footer element is not considered a contentinfo landmark when it is descendant of any of following elements: • article • aside • main • nav • section • HTML Example • <footer> <h2>Contact, Policies and Legal<h2> .... contentinfo area content .... </footer> 20ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 21. A role="contentinfo" attribute is used to define a contentinfo landmark. • ARIA Example • <div role="contentinfo"> <h2>Contact, Policies and Legal<h2> .... contentinfo area content .... </div> 21ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 22. Form Landmark • A form landmark identifies a region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a form when no other named landmark is appropriate (e.g. main or search). • ARIA 1.1 Specification: form landmark • • Design Patterns • Use the search landmark instead of the form landmark when the form is used for search functionality. • A form landmark should have a label to help users understand the purpose of the form. • A label for the form landmark should be identified using aria-labelledby to visible heading element (e.g. an h1-h6 element). • If a page includes more than one form landmark, each should have a unique label. • Whenever possible, controls contained in a form landmark in an HTML document should use native host semantics: • button • input • select • textarea 22ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 23. If a form element has an accessible name it is considered form landmark. • HTML Form Landmark Example • Assume the following two forms (e.g. add contact and add organization) can be independently submitted from the same web page. Source Code <form aria-labelledby="contact"> <fieldset> <legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend> ... form controls add contact ... </fieldset> </form> ............... <form aria-labelledby="organization"> <fieldset> <legend id="organization">Add Organization </legend> ... form controls add organization ... </fieldset> </form> 23ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 24. The role="form" attribute defines a form landmark • HTML Form Landmark Example • Assume the following two forms (e.g. add contact and add organization) can be independently submitted from the same web page. <div role="form" aria-labelledby="contact"> <fieldset> <legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend> ... form controls add contact ... </fieldset> </div> ............... <div role="form" aria-labelledby="organization"> <fieldset> <legend id="organization">Add Organization </legend> ... form controls add organization ... </fieldset> </div> 24ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 25. Main Landmark • A main landmark identifies the primary or dominant content of the page • main is unique for page and not contains repeatable elements. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: main landmark • • Design Patterns • One visible main landmark per page. • A document must not have more than one main element that does not have the hidden attribute specified. • The main landmark should be a top-level landmark. • When a page contains nested document and/or application roles (e.g. typically through the use of iframe and frame elements), each document or application role may have one main landmark. • If a page includes more than one main landmark, each should have a unique label. • It should not contain any content that is repeated across documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms. • <main> element must NOT be a descendant of an <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, or <nav> element. • main can contains multiple ie. article 25ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 26. Use the HTML main element to define a main landmark • HTML Example: One Main Landmark • When only one main landmark on a page, a label is optional. • <main> <h1>title for main content<h1> .... main content area .... </main> • HTML Example: Multiple Main Landmarks • When there is more than one main landmark on a page, each should have a unique label. • <main aria-labelledby="title1"> <h1 id="title1">title for main content area 1<h1> .... main content area 1 .... </main> .... <main aria-labelledby="title2” hidden> <h1 id="title2">title for main content area 2<h1> .... main content area 2 .... </main> 26ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 27. The role="form" attribute defines a form landmark • HTML Form Landmark Example • Assume the following two forms (e.g. add contact and add organization) can be independently submitted from the same web page. <div role="form" aria-labelledby="contact"> <fieldset> <legend id="contact">Add Contact </legend> ... form controls add contact ... </fieldset> </div> ............... <div role="form" aria-labelledby="organization"> <fieldset> <legend id="organization">Add Organization </legend> ... form controls add organization ... </fieldset> </div> 27ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 28. Navigation Landmark • Navigation landmarks provide a way to identify groups (e.g. lists) of links that are intended to be used for website or page content navigation. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: navigation landma rk • • Design Patterns • If a page includes more than one navigation landmark, each should have a unique label. • If a navigation landmark has an identical set of links as another navigation landmark on the page, use the same label for each navigation landmark. 28ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 29. Use the HTML nav element to define a navigation landmark • HTML Example: One Navigation Landmark • When only one navigation landmark on a page, a label is optional. • <nav> <h2>title for navigation area<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page1.html">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="page2.html">Link 2</a></li> <li><a href="page3.html">Link 3</a></li> <li><a href="page4.html">Link 4</a></li> ..... </ul> </nav> • HTML Example: More Than One Navigation Landmark Example • When there is more than one navigation landmark on a page, each should have a unique label. • <nav aria-labelledby="nav1"> <h2 id="nav1">title for navigation 1<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page11.html">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="page12.html">Link 2</a></li> <li><a href="page13.html">Link 3</a></li> <li><a href="page14.html">Link 4</a></li> ..... </ul> </nav> .... <nav aria-labelledby="nav2"> <h2 id="nav2">title for navigation 2<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page21.html">Link 5</a></li> <li><a href="page22.html">Link 6</a></li> <li><a href="page23.html">Link 7</a></li> <li><a href="page24.html">Link 8</a></li> ..... </ul> </nav> 29ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 30. A role="navigation" attribute is used to define a navigation landmark. • ARIA Example: One Navigation Landmark • When only one navigation landmark on a page, a label is optional. • <div role="navigation"> <h2>title for navigation area<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page1.html">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="page2.html">Link 2</a></li> <li><a href="page3.html">Link 3</a></li> <li><a href="page4.html">Link 4</a></li> ..... </ul> </div> • • ARIA Example: More Than One Navigation Landmark • When there is more than one navigation landmark on a page, each should have a unique label. • <div role="navigation" aria-labelledby="nav1"> <h2 id="nav1">title for navigation area 1<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page11.html">Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="page12.html">Link 2</a></li> <li><a href="page13.html">Link 3</a></li> <li><a href="page14.html">Link 4</a></li> ..... </ul> </div> .... <div role="navigation" aria-labelledby="nav2"> <h2 id="nav2">title for navigation area 2<h2> <ul> <li><a href="page21.html">Link 5</a></li> <li><a href="page22.html">Link 6</a></li> <li><a href="page23.html">Link 7</a></li> <li><a href="page24.html">Link 8</a></li> ..... </ul> </div> 30ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 31. Region Landmark • A region landmark is a perceivable section containing content that is relevant to a specific, author- specified purpose and sufficiently important that users will likely want to be able to navigate to the section easily and to have it listed in a summary of the page. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: region landmark • • Design Patterns • A region landmark must have a label. • If a page includes more than one region landmark, each should have a unique label. • The region landmark can be used identify content that named landmarks do not appropriately describe. 31ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 32. Use the HTML section element to define a region landmark • HTML Example: Using section[aria-labelledby] attribute • Defines a label for each region using existing content on the page. • <main> <h1>title for main content area<h1> <section aria-labelledby="region1"> <h2 id="region1">title for region area 1</h2> ... content for region area 1 ... </section> <section aria-labelledby="region2">> <h2 id="region2">title for region area 2</h2> ... content for region area 2 ... </section> </main> • HTML Example: Using section[aria-label] attribute • Defines a label for each region using attribute value that is only visible to assistive technologies. • <main> <h1>title for main content<h1> <section aria-label="title for region area 1"> <h2>title for region area 1</h2> ... content for region area 1 ... </section> <section aria-label="title for region area 2"> <h2>title for region area 2</h2> ... content for region area 2 ... </section> </main> HTML Example: Using section[title] attribute Defines a label for each region using attribute value that maybe available as a tooltip on some browsers. <main> <h1>title for main content<h1> <section title="title for region area 1"> <h2>title for region area 1</h2> ...content for region area 1... </section> <section title="title for region area 2">> <h2>title for region area 2</h2> ...content for region area 2... </section> </main> 32ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 33. A role="region" attribute is used to define a region landmark. • ARIA Example: Using section[aria-labelledby] attribute • <div role="main"> <h1>title for main content area<h1> <div role="region" aria-labelledby="region1"> <h2 id="region1">title for region area 1</h2> ... content for region area 1 ... </div> <div role="region" aria-labelledby="region2"> <h2 id="region2">title for region area 2</h2> ... content for region area 2 ... </div> </main> 33ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 34. Search Landmark • A search landmark contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create search functionality to content on the website. • ARIA 1.1 Specification: search landmark • Design Patterns • Use the search landmark instead of the form landmark when the form is used for search functionality. • If a page includes more than one search landmark, each should have a unique label. 34ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 35. There is no HTML element that defines a search landmark. 35
  • 36. A role="search" attribute is used to define a search landmark. <form role="search"> <input type="search" aria-label="search text" size="20"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> 36ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 37. Resources & Reference • Read More • ARIA11: Using ARIA landmarks to identify regions of a page (WCAG 2.0 Technique) • ARIA20: Using the region role to identify a region of the page (WCAG 2.0 Technique) • WAI-finding with ARIA Landmark Roles (A List Apart) • Using WAI-ARIA Landmarks – 2013 (Paciello Group) • HTML 5 and ARIA Landmarks (Deque University) • Basic screen reader commands for accessibility testing (Paciello Group) • Screen Reader User Survey #6 Results: Landmarks/Regions (WebAIM) • Tools • Landmarks Browser Extension • Accessibility Bookmarklets: Landmark Bookmarklet • The Visual ARIA Bookmarklet • SkipTo, version 2.0 (PayPal) • AInspector Sidebar for Firefox (Landmark Rule Category) • Functional Accessibility Evaluator 2.0 (Landmark Rule Category) 37ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco09/05/20
  • 38. 09/05/20 ARIA Landmarks in practice - Domenico Monaco 38 • • • e/1/ • • content.html#hierarchically-correct-main-element • •
  • 39. ARIA Landmarks in practice