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movement to matur ity of scientific management along
a number of dimensions
need to for malize management study and leader 's education
Backgr ound

scientific management became inter national interest
factor y management to gener al management

1881 : The Whar ton School of Finance and Economy at Univer sity of Pennsylvania - fir st
under gr aduate business school
1898 : business school at Univer sity of Chicago and Univer sity of Califor nia at Berkeley
1900 : Tuck School of Administr ation and Finance at Dar tmouth College - fir st gr aduate school
1908 : Har var d business school
1895 :John Richar dat Stanfor d Univer sity began lectur es on w or ks administration
application of scientific management in plant location
equipment policies

1904-1905 :Dex ter Kimball t Cor nell Univer sity's Sibley College of
Engineer ing , taughtthe economics of pr oduction

plant or ganization
coor dination and contr ol of pr oduction
labor compensation
distr ibution side of enterprise

r efused to publish Taylor 's
Prin ciples of Scien tific M anagement

1919 : r ecognized
industr ial engineeringas a legitimate subject for study
1920 : cr eated Management Division

1922 : lar gest division in ASME
gr aduate level : cour se in business management
hosted fir st scientific management confer ence in US
pr esident of Taylor Society
educator s should emphasize the philosophy of scientific management

1910 :Har low S. Per son Amos Tuck School at Dar mout h

focus on cr eative study of leader ship in industry
v iew
br ing social scientist into the study of management

education for scientific management

to take lar ger and objective view of industr ial evolution to chart
futur e cour se for r esear ch and pr actice

r elated industr ial psychology and scientific management
ex tensive bibliogr aphy of scientific management

1908-1917 :Clar ence Ber tr and Thompsonat Har vard

fur ther the scientific management in both academia and industry
editor -in-chiefAmerican M achin is t, In dus trial Engineering,
M an agemen t En gin eerin g, M an ufacturing Industries
management handbook
pr ovide a cor r ect inter pr etation of science in management
a science r ather than an ar t of management
the w eakness of Taylor 's appr oach : mechanism over looked the
dynamic possibilities of effective leader ship
systematic use of ex per ience
w ithAlex ander Hamilton Chur ch

ex ecutives' ex per ience & scientific studies
division of labor

Leon Pr att Alfor d (1877-1942)
pr oposed 3 pr inciples

economic contr ol of effor t

coor dination
conser vation
r emuner ation

pr omotion of per sonal effectiveness

per sonal r ewards
w or ker 's physical & mental health

Gantt's Biogr aphy
The Elimin ation of Was te in Industry
The Twelve Hour Shift
Safety an d Production
Lenny Mar tini - 29006014

intr oduced scientific management to Renault, Michelin

Henr i Le Chatelier (1850-1936)

Par t II The Scientific Management Er a- Ch. 11

application fell far shor t of the idea s
applied to Panhar d, Levassor , Peugeut

scientific management w as a r esponse to the gr ow th of or ganizations and the need to
ex amine and r efine or ganizational practices

Fr ench

application fell far shor t of the idea s

Char les de Fr enminville (1856-1936)

scientific management inspir ed other disciplines
education for management r esponsibilities w as beginning to shift fr om pr oduction shop
management tow ar d a br oader view that encompassed allied area

w ith Henr y Le Chatelier formConfer ence de l'Or ganisationFr ancaise in 1920
Summar y

mer ger Fayol's and Taylor 's follow ers toLe Comite de l'Or ganisation Fr ancaise
Henr y Fayol

for m Center of Administr ative Study in 1917

William H. Leffingw ieldto office management

fir st : Pr ague, 1924

Leonar d D. White public administr ation &
gover nmental office
Ar ch W. Shaw , Ralph Star r Butler , Louis D. H. Weld,
Paul T. Cher ington, Paul D. Conver s in mar keting

Br ussels, 1925
Rome, 1927

The impact of scientific management on other disciplines
Inter national Congr ess of Scientific Management

Henr y Hess, Walter Rautenstrauchin accounting w ith eak-even pointand
John H. Williams w ithflex ible budget

London, 1935
Washington, 1938

ear ly business fir ms w as typically family owned

postponed because of WW II

tex tile fir ms w ith a limited hier ar chy of author ity and r elied on personal supervision

Tw entieth Centur y Fundby Edw ar d A. Filene (1860-1939)

Daniel McCallum's or ganization chart

Rockefeller Foundation

pr omote impr oved management in Eur opean Industry

Emer son's militar y line-staff tr adition

ex change of r esear ch about better management

Taylor 's functional for emen
militar y fr amew or k of fix ing r esponsibility and author ity, clearly defining
duties and channels of communication, pr oviding for or der and discipline
success on industr y based on economy of effort

Par is, 1929
Amster dam, 1932

James O. McKinseyw ith budgeting s planning and contr olling aids

Inter national Management Institute (IMI)

Paul Devinantas dir ector in 1927
Lt. Colonel Lyndall Ur w ickas dir ector in 1927

Russel Robb (1909): compr omised old militar y style and new condition of industry

ceased in 1934 because of thr eat of w ar , economic depr ession

differ ent or ganizations for differ ent business

Ur w ick & Bech : Taylor ism w as not w ell r eceived
str ucture

Br itain
ear ly or ganizational theory

lines of author ity

Whitson : Br itain needed a new type of management
Hans Renold

implemented scientific management in his company

r esponsibility
division of labor



gener al pr inciples

Kar ol Admiecki (1866-1933)

har monogr am,n 1896

gr aphical device to simultaneously char ting several
complicated oper ations and enabling their
har monization
similar to PERT and netw ork

inter national scientific management movement

r ecor ds

use of scientific management to systematize industry



scientific management to achieve the socialist r evolution

espr it de cor ps


cooper ation

idea of w or ker "hero"

Alex ei Stakhanov

higher pr oductivity fr om w or kplace competition to speed up output

r etur n on investmentas or ganizational
per for mance measure

Walter N. Polakov (1879-1937)
Pier r e duPontas pr esident in 1902

separ ating the line and staff functioning
unifor m objectives and policies for company

Yukinor i Hoshino
Hamilton McFar landas gener al manager

Gantt Char t

the only successful technique accepted in USSR

tr anslated Taylor 's
Prin ciple of Scien tific M anagement
higher pr oductivity fr om w or kplace competition to speed up output


Yoichi Ueno (1883-1957)

decentr alization of author ity and
development in manager ial talent

On The Efficien cy paper in 1912

Sanji Muto at Kanebo

r efine concept of ROI to measur ement
for depar tmental level
R=Tx P

scientific management at DuPont and Gener al Motor
Donaldson Br own

decentr alized administr ations and operations
Alfr ed P. Sloan as successor

high w ages, high pr ofit, harmony

scientific management enter ed jour nals, education
system, pr actice of management

Scientific M anagement in
Theor y and Pr actice

DuPont char t system
founder of GM

Japan-style management is a pr oduct of th e
intr oduction of scientific management into Japan

William C. Dur ant

br ing Donaldson Br own to GM
centr alized contr ol and r eview

taught the Soviet how to plan and contr ol per for mance

industr ialization after Meiji Restoration in 1868

human factor and psychological test for
per sonnel selection in 1910

pr opagandizing and tr anslations by individuals
Gener al Motor

Emer ging Gener al Management

Pier r e pr esident

adaptation by individual countr ies to meet their own needs

stages in implementing scientific
management in other countries

The Study and Pr actice of Scientific Management

adjustment thr ough var ious committees, confer ences,
inter national or ganization
adjustment thr ough var ious committees, confer ences,
inter national or ganization

Multidivisional str ucture M for m
to deal w ith top management pr oblems,
integr ating other subjects

scientific management as inter national for ce in theor y and practice
Ar c W. Shaw began a cour se of business
policy at Har var d (1911-1912)


scientific management r evolution began in the US and
spr ead in other countries


differ ent political and economy str uctur es made it
difficult to apply scientific management


differ ent political and economy str uctur es made it
difficult to apply scientific management

pr epar ing r epor ts to be pr esented to
business leader s

Henr y P. Kendall (1878-1959)

business policy in Univer sity of Michigan
1925 : business policy become r equir e d
in accr edited schools of business

Plimpton Pr ess

implemented scientific management and its philosophy

advanced employment depar tment
Jane C. Williams

deter mination elemen fix ed the manufactur ing and
distr ibution policies of the firm

centr alized hir ing, disciplining, and discharging
r educing labor tur nover

administr ative element took the policy as
deter mined and gave it pr actical ex pr ession through
buying, manufactur ing and selling

ever y industr ial under taking consisted of 2 elements
James Mapes Dodge (1852-1915)

Link-Belt Company

policy for mulation

Wilfr ed Lew is pr esident of Tabor

analysis : consisting of cost accounting, time and motion
study, r outing, machine layout and planning
synthesis: combining w or ker s, functions,
machines, all activities effectively

Tabor Manufactur ing

assisted Taylor in installation
Hor ace King Hathaw ay (1878-1944) gener al manager

2 fundamental instr uments

advocated car eful planning befor e installation
w or ker and super visor education of Taylor system

Alex ander Hamilton Chur ch

manager s analyzed to find better w ays and then
coor dinated (synthesized) activities

time and motion study
bonuses for per for mance and attendance

business policy and philosophy

planning depar tment

Richar d A. Feiss

management should be concer ned w ith total efficiency of the firm

or thopedic chair s & tables

scientific management in industr ial pr actice

design : pr oduct and pr oduction planning

r educed fatigue and incr eased efficiency

Clothcr aft Company

equipment : choosing and installing the pr oper machinery
contr ol: specified duties and initiated and coor dinated work

link-belt conveyor
later became assembly-line oper ations

moder n management ter minology

Gilson headed

5 or ganic functions in a manufactur ing enterprise

headed the Employment and Ser vice Depar tment

compar ison: measur ing and compar ing the r esult attained
w ith the standar ds of per for mance

Mar y Bar nett Gilson

oper ation: tr ansfor med the r aw mater ials into desired product

employment testing and selection
pr oper placement

Taylor philosophy in mental r evolution

pr omotions for w omen to super visory positions

a body of manager s could develop common motives, common ends, commo n
cr eed, and common fund of know ledge

Magnus Alex ander
Gener al Electr ic

basic pr emise : ser vice to the community

Joseph Willits

combination of efficiency values of scientific managemen t
w ith the ethics of ser vice to the community w as the
r esponsibility of each manager
policies, conditions, and methods of industr y shall
conduce to communal w ell-being
the highest mor al sanction of the community as a w hole in
applying social justice to industr ial pr actice

studied the cost of tur nover

offer ed impr oved selection, placement, tr aining
pr actices, and w age incentives for employee r etention
employment stabilization

Oliver Sheldon

incr ease in stability of payr oll w as one of many benefits
of scientific management in pr actice

3 pr inciples for manager

impr oved pr oduction planning
employee selection, placement, and tr aining
r educing w aste
r educe labor tur nover

r aising the gener al ethical standar ds and conception of social justice
management must maintain industr y on an economic basis
and consider both human and technical efficiency

w hat ?

investigation by the US Commission on Industr ial Relations,
Rober t Fr ankling Hox ie as chief investigator

w ho ?

Rober t G. Valentine, an investigator and consultant,
r epr esent management's viewpoint
John P. Fr ey r epr esenting labor

w hen ?
how ?

Januar i -Apr il 1915
pur pose : investigate all systems of shop management
30 shops employing scientific management and 5 shops not employing
pr actice violated the theor y of scientific management
concept of functional for emen found few adher ents in pr actice
no pr ogr ess w as being made w ith r espect to the
scientific selection of w or kers
instr uction and tr aining of w or ker s pr actice fell far short of theory
tr aining pr actices in scientific management shops were
gener ally better than those w ho didn't

the r eport

use of time-study and task setting based o n
management's desires
incentives schemes came under close scr utiny
no pur e adoption of the Taylor , Gantt, or Emer son plans
r econcile the opposing view s of unions and Taylor
r egar ding industr ial democracy

The Hox ie r eport

industr ial democr acy could come only thr ough the
pr ocess of collective bar gaining
blamed management for seeking shor tcuts to efficiency
faulted Taylor for tr ying to gener alize his machine
shops ex per ience to all types and sizes of industries
scientific management w as the essence of industr ial democracy
har mony and mutually of inter est betw een labor and management
Taylor 's ar gument

individuals w er e stimulated and r ew ar ded on the basis of effort
discipline fell under scientifically der ived law s
pr otests w er e to be handled by r eliance upon scientific
inquir y and mutual r esolution

scientific management monopolized know ledge and
pow er in the hands of management
Union view s

denying w or ker voice in setting w or k standards and
deter mining w age rates
mutual suspicion among w orkers
mutual suspicion among w orkers
br illiant but pr ejudiced
shor t time

comments on Hox ie r eport

never visited the factor y ar ea itself
heavily skew ed tow ar d or ganized labor's position
the effect as a w hole w ill be to multiply misconceptions
and misunder standing r egar ds to the scientific
management pr actice
172 applications of scientific management in 80 types of or ganizations

C. Ber tr and Thompson

most of the objects w er e successfu l
failur es by consulting engineer s and the per sonality of the managements

The Thompson and Nelson studies

29 installations made by Taylor 's closest follow ers
Daniel Nelson

differ ential piece-r ate and the functional for emen as
the least applications
str ong positive cor r elation betw een scientific
management and industr ial efficiency

11- Scientific Management in Theory and Practice - Lenny 29006014.mmap - 16/10/2006 -

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Scientific Management in Theory and Practice

  • 1. movement to matur ity of scientific management along a number of dimensions need to for malize management study and leader 's education Backgr ound scientific management became inter national interest factor y management to gener al management 1881 : The Whar ton School of Finance and Economy at Univer sity of Pennsylvania - fir st under gr aduate business school 1898 : business school at Univer sity of Chicago and Univer sity of Califor nia at Berkeley 1900 : Tuck School of Administr ation and Finance at Dar tmouth College - fir st gr aduate school 1908 : Har var d business school 1895 :John Richar dat Stanfor d Univer sity began lectur es on w or ks administration application of scientific management in plant location equipment policies 1904-1905 :Dex ter Kimball t Cor nell Univer sity's Sibley College of a Engineer ing , taughtthe economics of pr oduction plant or ganization coor dination and contr ol of pr oduction labor compensation distr ibution side of enterprise r efused to publish Taylor 's Prin ciples of Scien tific M anagement ASME 1919 : r ecognized industr ial engineeringas a legitimate subject for study 1920 : cr eated Management Division 1922 : lar gest division in ASME gr aduate level : cour se in business management hosted fir st scientific management confer ence in US pr esident of Taylor Society educator s should emphasize the philosophy of scientific management 1910 :Har low S. Per son Amos Tuck School at Dar mout h at focus on cr eative study of leader ship in industry v iew br ing social scientist into the study of management education for scientific management to take lar ger and objective view of industr ial evolution to chart futur e cour se for r esear ch and pr actice r elated industr ial psychology and scientific management ex tensive bibliogr aphy of scientific management 1908-1917 :Clar ence Ber tr and Thompsonat Har vard fur ther the scientific management in both academia and industry editor -in-chiefAmerican M achin is t, In dus trial Engineering, M an agemen t En gin eerin g, M an ufacturing Industries management handbook pr ovide a cor r ect inter pr etation of science in management a science r ather than an ar t of management the w eakness of Taylor 's appr oach : mechanism over looked the dynamic possibilities of effective leader ship systematic use of ex per ience w ithAlex ander Hamilton Chur ch ex ecutives' ex per ience & scientific studies division of labor Leon Pr att Alfor d (1877-1942) pr oposed 3 pr inciples economic contr ol of effor t coor dination conser vation r emuner ation pr omotion of per sonal effectiveness per sonal r ewards w or ker 's physical & mental health Gantt's Biogr aphy The Elimin ation of Was te in Industry The Twelve Hour Shift Safety an d Production Lenny Mar tini - 29006014 intr oduced scientific management to Renault, Michelin Henr i Le Chatelier (1850-1936) Par t II The Scientific Management Er a- Ch. 11 application fell far shor t of the idea s applied to Panhar d, Levassor , Peugeut scientific management w as a r esponse to the gr ow th of or ganizations and the need to ex amine and r efine or ganizational practices Fr ench application fell far shor t of the idea s Char les de Fr enminville (1856-1936) scientific management inspir ed other disciplines education for management r esponsibilities w as beginning to shift fr om pr oduction shop management tow ar d a br oader view that encompassed allied area w ith Henr y Le Chatelier formConfer ence de l'Or ganisationFr ancaise in 1920 Summar y mer ger Fayol's and Taylor 's follow ers toLe Comite de l'Or ganisation Fr ancaise Henr y Fayol for m Center of Administr ative Study in 1917 William H. Leffingw ieldto office management fir st : Pr ague, 1924 Leonar d D. White public administr ation & to gover nmental office Ar ch W. Shaw , Ralph Star r Butler , Louis D. H. Weld, Paul T. Cher ington, Paul D. Conver s in mar keting e Br ussels, 1925 Rome, 1927 The impact of scientific management on other disciplines Inter national Congr ess of Scientific Management Henr y Hess, Walter Rautenstrauchin accounting w ith eak-even pointand br John H. Williams w ithflex ible budget London, 1935 Washington, 1938 ear ly business fir ms w as typically family owned postponed because of WW II tex tile fir ms w ith a limited hier ar chy of author ity and r elied on personal supervision Tw entieth Centur y Fundby Edw ar d A. Filene (1860-1939) Daniel McCallum's or ganization chart Rockefeller Foundation pr omote impr oved management in Eur opean Industry Emer son's militar y line-staff tr adition ex change of r esear ch about better management Taylor 's functional for emen militar y fr amew or k of fix ing r esponsibility and author ity, clearly defining duties and channels of communication, pr oviding for or der and discipline success on industr y based on economy of effort Par is, 1929 Amster dam, 1932 James O. McKinseyw ith budgeting s planning and contr olling aids Inter national Management Institute (IMI) Paul Devinantas dir ector in 1927 Lt. Colonel Lyndall Ur w ickas dir ector in 1927 Russel Robb (1909): compr omised old militar y style and new condition of industry ceased in 1934 because of thr eat of w ar , economic depr ession differ ent or ganizations for differ ent business Ur w ick & Bech : Taylor ism w as not w ell r eceived str ucture Br itain ear ly or ganizational theory lines of author ity Whitson : Br itain needed a new type of management Hans Renold implemented scientific management in his company r esponsibility division of labor system Poland discipline gener al pr inciples Kar ol Admiecki (1866-1933) har monogr am,n 1896 i gr aphical device to simultaneously char ting several complicated oper ations and enabling their har monization similar to PERT and netw ork inter national scientific management movement accounting r ecor ds use of scientific management to systematize industry Lenin statistics scientific management to achieve the socialist r evolution espr it de cor ps Soviet Union cooper ation idea of w or ker "hero" Alex ei Stakhanov higher pr oductivity fr om w or kplace competition to speed up output team-play r etur n on investmentas or ganizational per for mance measure Walter N. Polakov (1879-1937) Pier r e duPontas pr esident in 1902 separ ating the line and staff functioning unifor m objectives and policies for company Yukinor i Hoshino Hamilton McFar landas gener al manager Gantt Char t the only successful technique accepted in USSR tr anslated Taylor 's Prin ciple of Scien tific M anagement higher pr oductivity fr om w or kplace competition to speed up output DuPont Yoichi Ueno (1883-1957) decentr alization of author ity and development in manager ial talent On The Efficien cy paper in 1912 , Japan Sanji Muto at Kanebo r efine concept of ROI to measur ement for depar tmental level R=Tx P scientific management at DuPont and Gener al Motor Donaldson Br own decentr alized administr ations and operations Alfr ed P. Sloan as successor high w ages, high pr ofit, harmony scientific management enter ed jour nals, education system, pr actice of management Scientific M anagement in Theor y and Pr actice DuPont char t system founder of GM Japan-style management is a pr oduct of th e intr oduction of scientific management into Japan William C. Dur ant br ing Donaldson Br own to GM centr alized contr ol and r eview taught the Soviet how to plan and contr ol per for mance industr ialization after Meiji Restoration in 1868 human factor and psychological test for per sonnel selection in 1910 pr opagandizing and tr anslations by individuals Gener al Motor Emer ging Gener al Management Pier r e pr esident as adaptation by individual countr ies to meet their own needs stages in implementing scientific management in other countries The Study and Pr actice of Scientific Management adjustment thr ough var ious committees, confer ences, inter national or ganization adjustment thr ough var ious committees, confer ences, inter national or ganization Multidivisional str ucture M for m ( ) to deal w ith top management pr oblems, integr ating other subjects scientific management as inter national for ce in theor y and practice Ar c W. Shaw began a cour se of business policy at Har var d (1911-1912) discussion analysis scientific management r evolution began in the US and spr ead in other countries purpose differ ent political and economy str uctur es made it difficult to apply scientific management methods differ ent political and economy str uctur es made it difficult to apply scientific management pr epar ing r epor ts to be pr esented to business leader s Henr y P. Kendall (1878-1959) business policy in Univer sity of Michigan 1925 : business policy become r equir e d in accr edited schools of business Plimpton Pr ess implemented scientific management and its philosophy advanced employment depar tment Jane C. Williams deter mination elemen fix ed the manufactur ing and t, distr ibution policies of the firm centr alized hir ing, disciplining, and discharging r educing labor tur nover administr ative element took the policy as , deter mined and gave it pr actical ex pr ession through buying, manufactur ing and selling ever y industr ial under taking consisted of 2 elements James Mapes Dodge (1852-1915) Link-Belt Company policy for mulation Wilfr ed Lew is pr esident of Tabor , implementation analysis : consisting of cost accounting, time and motion study, r outing, machine layout and planning synthesis: combining w or ker s, functions, machines, all activities effectively Tabor Manufactur ing assisted Taylor in installation Hor ace King Hathaw ay (1878-1944) gener al manager , 2 fundamental instr uments advocated car eful planning befor e installation w or ker and super visor education of Taylor system Alex ander Hamilton Chur ch manager s analyzed to find better w ays and then coor dinated (synthesized) activities time and motion study bonuses for per for mance and attendance business policy and philosophy planning depar tment Richar d A. Feiss management should be concer ned w ith total efficiency of the firm or thopedic chair s & tables scientific management in industr ial pr actice design : pr oduct and pr oduction planning r educed fatigue and incr eased efficiency Clothcr aft Company equipment : choosing and installing the pr oper machinery contr ol: specified duties and initiated and coor dinated work link-belt conveyor later became assembly-line oper ations moder n management ter minology Gilson headed 5 or ganic functions in a manufactur ing enterprise headed the Employment and Ser vice Depar tment compar ison: measur ing and compar ing the r esult attained w ith the standar ds of per for mance Mar y Bar nett Gilson oper ation: tr ansfor med the r aw mater ials into desired product employment testing and selection pr oper placement Taylor philosophy in mental r evolution pr omotions for w omen to super visory positions a body of manager s could develop common motives, common ends, commo n cr eed, and common fund of know ledge Magnus Alex ander Gener al Electr ic basic pr emise : ser vice to the community Joseph Willits combination of efficiency values of scientific managemen t w ith the ethics of ser vice to the community w as the r esponsibility of each manager policies, conditions, and methods of industr y shall conduce to communal w ell-being the highest mor al sanction of the community as a w hole in applying social justice to industr ial pr actice studied the cost of tur nover offer ed impr oved selection, placement, tr aining pr actices, and w age incentives for employee r etention employment stabilization Oliver Sheldon incr ease in stability of payr oll w as one of many benefits of scientific management in pr actice 3 pr inciples for manager impr oved pr oduction planning employee selection, placement, and tr aining r educing w aste r educe labor tur nover r aising the gener al ethical standar ds and conception of social justice management must maintain industr y on an economic basis and consider both human and technical efficiency w hat ? investigation by the US Commission on Industr ial Relations, Rober t Fr ankling Hox ie as chief investigator w ho ? Rober t G. Valentine, an investigator and consultant, r epr esent management's viewpoint John P. Fr ey r epr esenting labor w hen ? why how ? Januar i -Apr il 1915 pur pose : investigate all systems of shop management 30 shops employing scientific management and 5 shops not employing pr actice violated the theor y of scientific management concept of functional for emen found few adher ents in pr actice no pr ogr ess w as being made w ith r espect to the scientific selection of w or kers instr uction and tr aining of w or ker s pr actice fell far short of theory tr aining pr actices in scientific management shops were gener ally better than those w ho didn't the r eport use of time-study and task setting based o n management's desires incentives schemes came under close scr utiny no pur e adoption of the Taylor , Gantt, or Emer son plans r econcile the opposing view s of unions and Taylor r egar ding industr ial democracy The Hox ie r eport industr ial democr acy could come only thr ough the pr ocess of collective bar gaining blamed management for seeking shor tcuts to efficiency faulted Taylor for tr ying to gener alize his machine shops ex per ience to all types and sizes of industries scientific management w as the essence of industr ial democracy har mony and mutually of inter est betw een labor and management Taylor 's ar gument individuals w er e stimulated and r ew ar ded on the basis of effort discipline fell under scientifically der ived law s pr otests w er e to be handled by r eliance upon scientific inquir y and mutual r esolution scientific management monopolized know ledge and pow er in the hands of management Union view s denying w or ker voice in setting w or k standards and deter mining w age rates mutual suspicion among w orkers mutual suspicion among w orkers br illiant but pr ejudiced shor t time comments on Hox ie r eport never visited the factor y ar ea itself heavily skew ed tow ar d or ganized labor's position the effect as a w hole w ill be to multiply misconceptions and misunder standing r egar ds to the scientific management pr actice 172 applications of scientific management in 80 types of or ganizations C. Ber tr and Thompson most of the objects w er e successfu l failur es by consulting engineer s and the per sonality of the managements The Thompson and Nelson studies 29 installations made by Taylor 's closest follow ers Daniel Nelson differ ential piece-r ate and the functional for emen as the least applications str ong positive cor r elation betw een scientific management and industr ial efficiency 11- Scientific Management in Theory and Practice - Lenny 29006014.mmap - 16/10/2006 -