thanakrit lersmethasakul business technology strategy management innovation technology management roadmapping scenario roadmap business intelligence cloud computing word คำคม idiom speech quip oration phrase epigram conference forecasting technique technology strategy journal life big data living industry nation country knowledge enterprise firms knowledge flows system national innovation system organization business strategy paas iaas champion champspace champ life framework organization behaviour culture human resources organizational cultures information technology finance data analytic index saas self improvement personality characteristic lifestyle modern trade business analysis branding life management ilp ila integrated life platform integrated life architecture roadmappee roadmapper roadmapware future uncertainty strategic planning scenario planning software defined everything sddc sds sdc software defined computing sdn sdx software defined data centers software defined networks software defined storage analytics it bi trading stock algorithmic trading investment quantitative finance doing business index ispim roadmaptechnology roadmap web application technology roadmapping trm mahidol cmmu communication creativity business performance process experiment serious play lego water metropolitan การประปา computer graphicimage processing team services customer why what crm customer relationship management how customer centric work-life balance human centric industrial revolution enterprise architecture mit company smartest company smart ranking technology review review top10 acquisition merger tata mckinsey staircases to growth mckinsey quarterly corporate strategy economic profit food public company thai president foods instant noodle mama strategist lan airlines harvard business review business model กองทุนรวม กองทุนรวมตลาดเงิ money market fund mutual fund thailand hong kong financial planning financial planner wealth management ifphk crown cork & seal aluminium can cruiser motorcycle harley davidson bike v-twin data warehouse hadoop mapreduce bigdata technology readiness levels technology readiness technology readiness assessment work framework happiness ar augment reality internet economics big mac foreign exchange big mac index global warming carbon credits readiness index land and houses lh corporate finance company culture pharmaceutical e-commerce ebay e-government export sugar restaurant project digital marketing true innovation awards kpi nist mk queueing analysis financial scg corporate managing technology emg biological signal biosignal neural network pattern recognition
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