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Nearly one fourth of the adult population
of the United States, have hypertension.
There is a strong interaction between HTN and the other
cardiovascular risk factors, and the risk attributable to
HTN for CAD is much greater in people who have other
additional risk factors
Hypertension should be seen as part of CAD risk
We should not view HTN as an
isolated issue but as part of
a complex interplay of risk
factors, and we should be
more aggressive in HTN
control in the presence
of other risk factors
Calculating a 10-year risk for coronary heart disease using Framingham point scores.
Clive Rosendorff et al. Circulation. 2007;115:2761-2788
Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
50% to 60%
lower risk of
stroke death
10-mm Hg lower SBP
(5-mm Hg lower DBP)
40% to 50%
lower risk of
CAD death
Why do we treat hypertension? That is because hypertension is a
leading cause of cardiovascular disease – heart attack and stroke – the
world’s biggest killer.
Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
On March 31, 2015, the AHA, the ACC, and the ASH issued a new scientific statement
entitled “Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.”
What is the history of the new recommendations?
What is the relationship between age and CAD?
What target BP goals are recommended in the new guideline?
What pharmacotherapies do the new guidelines recommend?
What do the guidelines recommend, beyond
How do you think clinicians should apply the new guidelines
in clinical practice?
New scientific statement on
“Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with
Coronary Heart Disease.”
JNC 8 does not address the
optimal treatment
of hypertension in patients
coronary artery disease
What is the history of the new recommendations?
JNC 8 : Too Little Too Late
JNC 8 : Simple but not complete
The 2007 statement was broader and included primary prevention.
The 2015 statement serves as an update
& exclusively to HTN in patients with established CAD
A Welcome Guideline Update
What is the relationship between age and CAD?
Hypertension is a major risk factor for CAD and
stroke in individuals of all ages and its prevalence is
directly proportional to the age of the population.
 Before age 50 , DBP is
the major predictor of
CAD risk, while SBP is a
more important risk
factor after age 60
What target BP goals are recommended in the
new guideline?
BP Goals
The <140/90-mm Hg BP target is reasonable for the
secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in
patients with hypertension and CAD
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
BP Goals
< 140/90
A lower target BP (<130/80 mm Hg) may be appropriate
in some individuals with CAD, previous MI, stroke or
transient ischemic attack, or CAD risk equivalents (carotid
artery disease, PAD, abdominal aortic aneurysm)
(Class IIb; Level of Evidence B).
BP Goals
< 130/80
A lower BP target ( < 130/80 mmHg )
Key points and rationale behind the lower BP target
There is a continuous increase in CV risk
with increasing BP levels
CV risk may be more related to SBP levels
in older patients and DBP levels in
younger patients
J-curve phenomenon controversy
Is there a J-Curve ?
The danger of lowering DBP below a certain level
Diastolic Blood Pressure
J-curve inflection point
0 60
Relaxing blood pressure goals
≥ 60 years >80 years
 In patients with an elevated DBP and CAD with evidence of
myocardial ischemia, the BP should be lowered slowly, and
caution is advised in inducing decreases in DBP to <60 mm Hg in
any patient with diabetes mellitus or who is >60 years of age.
 In older hypertensive individuals with wide pulse pressures ,
lowering SBP may cause very low DBP values (<60 mm Hg). This
should alert the clinician to assess carefully any untoward signs or
symptoms, especially those resulting from myocardial ischemia
(Class IIa;Level of Evidence C).
BP Goals DBP to <60
In Patients With CAD and Stable Angina
In Patients With ACS
In HF of Ischemic Origin
What pharmacotherapies do the new guidelines
The A,B,C,D drug classes
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
Patients with hypertension and chronic stable
angina treated with a regimen that
(a) β-blocker in patients with a history of prior MI
(b) An ACE inhibitor or ARB if there is prior MI , LV
systolic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, or CKD;
(c) A thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic
(Class I ; Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
The combination of a β-blocker, an ACE inhibitor
or ARB, and a thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic
considered in the absence of a
prior MI, LV systolic dysfunction, diabetes
mellitus, or proteinuric CKD
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
If β-blockers are contraindicated or
produce intolerable side effects,
a nondihydropyridine CCB (such as
diltiazem or verapamil) may be
substituted, but not if there is LV
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). Non-DHP
Diltiazem and
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
If either the angina or the HTN remains
uncontrolled,a DHP CCB can be added to the
basic regimen of β-blocker, ACEi,and thiazide or
thiazide-like diuretic.
The combination of a β-blocker and either of the
Non-DHP CCBs (diltiazem or verapamil) should be
used with caution in patients with symptomatic
CAD and HTN because of the increased risk of
significant bradyarrhythmias and HF
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). DHP
Diltiazem and
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
 For patients with stable angina, the BP target is
<140/90 mm Hg.
(Class I; Level of Evidence A).
 However, a lower target BP (<130/80 mm Hg) may
be considered in some individuals with CAD, with
previous stroke or transient ischemic attack, or with
CAD risk equivalents (carotid artery disease, PAD,
abdominal aortic aneurysm)
(Class IIb; Level of Evidence B).
< 140/90
< 130/80
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With CAD and Stable Angina
There are no special contraindications in
hypertensive patients for the use of antiplatelet or
anticoagulant drugs, except that in patients with
uncontrolled severe hypertension who are taking
antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, the BP should be
lowered without delay to reduce the risk of
hemorrhagic stroke
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence C).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
*If there is no contraindication to the use of
β-B, in patients with ACS, the initial therapy of
HTN include a β1-selective β-B without
ISA (metoprolol or bisoprolol).β-Blocker therapy
should typically be initiated orally within 24 h of
presentation (Class I;Level of Evidence A).
*For patients with severe HTN or ongoing
ischemia, an IV β-B (esmolol) can be considered
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
*For hemodynamically unstable patients or
when decompensated HF exists,the initiation of
β-B therapy should be delayed until stabilization
has been achieved (Class I; Level of Evidence A).
ends in OLOL
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
*In patients with ACS and hypertension,
nitrates should be considered to lower BP or
to relieve ongoing ischemia or pulmonary
congestion (Class I;Level of Evidence C).
*SL or IV nitroglycerin is preferred for initial
therapy and can be transitioned later to a
longer-acting preparation if indicated.
*Nitrates should be avoided in patients with
suspected RV infarction and in those with
hemodynamic instability.
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
*If there is a contraindication to the use of a β-
blocker or intolerable side effects, then a Non-
DHP CCB such as verapamil or diltiazem may be
substituted for patients with ongoing ischemia,
provided that LV dysfunction or HF is not present.
*If the angina or hypertension is not controlled
on a β-blocker alone, a longer-acting DHP CCB
may be added after optimal use of an ACEI
(Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
An ACE inhibitor (Class I; Level of Evidence A) or
an ARB (Class I; Level of Evidence B) should be
added if the patient has an anterior MI, if
hypertension persists, if the patient has
evidence of LV dysfunction or HF, or if the
patient has diabetes mellitus.
For lower risk ACS patients with preserved LV EF
and no diabetes mellitus, ACE inhibitors can be
considered a first-line agent for BP control (Class
IIa;Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
 Aldosterone antagonists are indicated for
patients who are already receiving β-
blockers and ACEI after MI and have LV
dysfunction and either HF or diabetes
 Serum potassium levels must be
monitored. These agents should be avoided
in patients with elevated serum creatinine
levels (≥2.5 mg/dL in men, ≥2.0 mg/dL in
women)or elevated potassium levels (≥5.0
mEq/L) (Class I;Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
 Loop diuretics are preferred over thiazide and
thiazide-type diuretics for patients with ACS who
have HF (NYHA class III or IV) or for patients
with CKD and an eGFR <30 mL/min.
 For patients with persistent hypertension not
controlled with a β-blocker, an ACEI, and an
aldosterone antagonist, a thiazide or thiazide-
type diuretic may be added in selected
patients for BP control
(Class I; Level of Evidence B).
TDs vs LDs ?
Management of Hypertension in Patients
With ACS
 The target BP is <140/90 mm Hg in patients with
ACS who are hemodynamically stable
(Class IIa;Level of Evidence C).
 A BP target of <130/80 mm Hg at the time of
hospital discharge is a reasonable option
(Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).
 The BP should be lowered slowly, and caution is
advised to avoid decreases in DBP to <60 mm Hg
because this may reduce coronary perfusion and
worsen ischemia.
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
The treatment of hypertension in
patients with HF should include
management of risk factors such as
dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus,
smoking , and dietary sodium and a
closely monitored exercise program
(Class I; Level of Evidence C).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
 Drugs that have been shown to improve
outcomes for patients with HF with
reduced ejection fraction generally also
lower BP.
 Patients should be treated with ACE
inhibitors (or ARBs), β-blockers
(carvedilol,metoprolol, bisoprolol, or
nebivolol), and aldosterone receptor
(Class I; Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
• Thiazide or thiazide-type diuretics should be
used for BP control and to reverse volume
overload and associated symptoms.
• In patients with severe HF (NYHA class III and
IV) or those with severe renal impairment
(eGFR <30 mL/min), loop diuretics should be
used for volume control, but they are less
effective than thiazide or thiazide-type
diuretics in lowering BP.
• Diuretics should be used together with an ACE
inhibitor or ARB and a β-blocker
(Class I; Level of Evidence C).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
Studies have shown equivalence of benefit of ACEIs
and the ARBs candesartan or valsartan
in HF with reduced ejection fraction.
Either class of agents is effective in lowering BP
(Class I; Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
The aldosterone receptor antagonists spironolactone
and eplerenone have been shown to be beneficial in
HF and should be included in the regimen if there is
HF (NYHA class II–IV) with reduced ejection fraction (<40%).
One or the other may be substituted for a thiazide diuretic
in patients requiring a potassium sparing agent.
• If an aldosterone receptor antagonist
is administered with an ACEI or an ARB or
in the presence of renal insufficiency, serum
Potassium should be monitored frequently.
***These drugs should not be used, however, if the
serum creatinine level is ≥2.5 mg/dL in men or ≥2.0
mg/dL in women or if the serum potassium level is ≥5.0
• Spironolactone or eplerenone may be used with a
thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic, particularly in patients
with resistant hypertension
(Class I; Level of Evidence A).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
Hydralazine plus isosorbide dinitrate should be
added to the regimen of diuretic, ACEI or ARB,and
β-blocker in African American patients with NYHA
class III or IV HF with reduced ejection fraction
(Class I; Level of Evidence A).
Others may benefit similarly, but this has not yet
been tested.
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
In patients who have hypertension and HF with
preserved ejection fraction, the recommendations are
to control
systolic and diastolic hypertension
(Class I; Level of Evidence A),
ventricular rate in the presence of AF
(Class I; Level of Evidence C), and
pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema
(Class I; Level of Evidence C).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
Use of β-adrenergic blocking agents, ACEIs,
ARBs, or CCBs in patients with HF with preserved
ejection fraction and hypertension may be effective
to minimize symptoms of HF
(Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
*In IHD, the principles of therapy for acute
hypertension with pulmonary edema are
similar to those for STEMI and NSTEMI, as
described above
(Class I;Level of Evidence A).
*If the patient is hemodynamically
unstable, the initiation of these therapies
should be delayed until stabilization of HF
has been achieved.
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
*Drugs to avoid in patients with HTN and
HFrEF are Non-DHP CCBs (such as verapamil
and diltiazem),clonidine, moxonidine, and
hydralazine without a nitrate
(Class III Harm; Level of Evidence B).
*α- blockers such as doxazosin should be
used only if other drugs for the management of
HTN and HF are inadequate to achieve BP control
at maximum tolerated doses.
*NSAIDs should also be used with caution in this
group, given their effects on BP, volume status,
and renal function (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
 The target BP is <140/90 mm Hg, but consideration
can be given to lowering the BP even further, to
<130/80 mm Hg.
 In patients with an elevated DBP
who have CAD and HF with evidence of myocardial
ischemia, the BP should be lowered slowly.
In older hypertensive individuals with wide pulse
pressures , lowering SBP may cause very low DBP values
(<60 mm Hg). This should alert the clinician to assess
carefully any untoward signs or symptoms, especially
those caused by myocardial ischemia and worsening
HF (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B).
Octogenarians should be checked for orthostatic changes
with standing,and an SBP <130 mm Hg and a DBP <65 mm
Hg should be avoided.
Management of Hypertension in HF
of Ischemic Origin
What do the guidelines recommend, beyond
They recommend sodium restriction, exercise
training, smoking cessation, and reduction of
risk factors such as dyslipidemia, diabetes
mellitus, and obesity.
How do you think clinicians should apply the
new guidelines in clinical practice?
Guidelines are not inflexible rules.
For example, the question of
whether target BP should be
<140/90mmHg or <130/80mmHg
depends on the clinical assessment
of the clinician and a discussion
with the patient.
Treating Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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Treating Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

  • 1.
  • 2. Nearly one fourth of the adult population of the United States, have hypertension.
  • 3. There is a strong interaction between HTN and the other cardiovascular risk factors, and the risk attributable to HTN for CAD is much greater in people who have other additional risk factors Hypertension should be seen as part of CAD risk We should not view HTN as an isolated issue but as part of a complex interplay of risk factors, and we should be more aggressive in HTN control in the presence of other risk factors
  • 4. Calculating a 10-year risk for coronary heart disease using Framingham point scores. Clive Rosendorff et al. Circulation. 2007;115:2761-2788 Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. 50% to 60% lower risk of stroke death 10-mm Hg lower SBP (5-mm Hg lower DBP) 40% to 50% lower risk of CAD death Why do we treat hypertension? That is because hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease – heart attack and stroke – the world’s biggest killer.
  • 8. WHAT SAY NEW GUIDELINES ? Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
  • 9. On March 31, 2015, the AHA, the ACC, and the ASH issued a new scientific statement entitled “Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.”
  • 10. What is the history of the new recommendations? What is the relationship between age and CAD? What target BP goals are recommended in the new guideline? What pharmacotherapies do the new guidelines recommend? What do the guidelines recommend, beyond pharmacotherapy? How do you think clinicians should apply the new guidelines in clinical practice? New scientific statement on “Treatment of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease.”
  • 11. JNC 8 does not address the optimal treatment of hypertension in patients coronary artery disease What is the history of the new recommendations? JNC 8 : Too Little Too Late JNC 8 : Simple but not complete
  • 12. The 2007 statement was broader and included primary prevention. The 2015 statement serves as an update & exclusively to HTN in patients with established CAD A Welcome Guideline Update
  • 13. What is the relationship between age and CAD? Hypertension is a major risk factor for CAD and stroke in individuals of all ages and its prevalence is directly proportional to the age of the population.  Before age 50 , DBP is the major predictor of CAD risk, while SBP is a more important risk factor after age 60 DBP SBP
  • 14. What target BP goals are recommended in the new guideline?
  • 16. 1. The <140/90-mm Hg BP target is reasonable for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension and CAD (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). BP Goals < 140/90
  • 17. 2. A lower target BP (<130/80 mm Hg) may be appropriate in some individuals with CAD, previous MI, stroke or transient ischemic attack, or CAD risk equivalents (carotid artery disease, PAD, abdominal aortic aneurysm) (Class IIb; Level of Evidence B). BP Goals < 130/80
  • 18. A lower BP target ( < 130/80 mmHg ) Key points and rationale behind the lower BP target There is a continuous increase in CV risk with increasing BP levels CV risk may be more related to SBP levels in older patients and DBP levels in younger patients J-curve phenomenon controversy
  • 19. Is there a J-Curve ? The danger of lowering DBP below a certain level Diastolic Blood Pressure CV Risk J-curve inflection point 0 60
  • 20. Relaxing blood pressure goals <150/90mmHg JNC 8 New AHA/ACA/ASH statement ≥ 60 years >80 years
  • 21. 3.  In patients with an elevated DBP and CAD with evidence of myocardial ischemia, the BP should be lowered slowly, and caution is advised in inducing decreases in DBP to <60 mm Hg in any patient with diabetes mellitus or who is >60 years of age.  In older hypertensive individuals with wide pulse pressures , lowering SBP may cause very low DBP values (<60 mm Hg). This should alert the clinician to assess carefully any untoward signs or symptoms, especially those resulting from myocardial ischemia (Class IIa;Level of Evidence C). BP Goals DBP to <60
  • 22. In Patients With CAD and Stable Angina In Patients With ACS In HF of Ischemic Origin What pharmacotherapies do the new guidelines recommend?
  • 23. The A,B,C,D drug classes Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Angiotensin receptor blockers Beta-blockers Calcium channel blockers Diuretics Aldosterone Antagonists
  • 24. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina
  • 25. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina Patients with hypertension and chronic stable angina treated with a regimen that includes: (a) β-blocker in patients with a history of prior MI (b) An ACE inhibitor or ARB if there is prior MI , LV systolic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, or CKD; and (c) A thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic (Class I ; Level of Evidence A). B A D 1. TDs
  • 26. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina The combination of a β-blocker, an ACE inhibitor or ARB, and a thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic considered in the absence of a prior MI, LV systolic dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, or proteinuric CKD (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). B A D 2. TDs
  • 27. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina If β-blockers are contraindicated or produce intolerable side effects, a nondihydropyridine CCB (such as diltiazem or verapamil) may be substituted, but not if there is LV dysfunction (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). Non-DHP Diltiazem and Verapamil C B 3.
  • 28. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina If either the angina or the HTN remains uncontrolled,a DHP CCB can be added to the basic regimen of β-blocker, ACEi,and thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic. The combination of a β-blocker and either of the Non-DHP CCBs (diltiazem or verapamil) should be used with caution in patients with symptomatic CAD and HTN because of the increased risk of significant bradyarrhythmias and HF (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). DHP Amlodipine B A D C B Non-DHP Diltiazem and Verapamil C 4. TDs
  • 29. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina  For patients with stable angina, the BP target is <140/90 mm Hg. (Class I; Level of Evidence A).  However, a lower target BP (<130/80 mm Hg) may be considered in some individuals with CAD, with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack, or with CAD risk equivalents (carotid artery disease, PAD, abdominal aortic aneurysm) (Class IIb; Level of Evidence B). 5. < 140/90 < 130/80
  • 30. Management of Hypertension in Patients With CAD and Stable Angina There are no special contraindications in hypertensive patients for the use of antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, except that in patients with uncontrolled severe hypertension who are taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, the BP should be lowered without delay to reduce the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (Class IIa; Level of Evidence C). 6.
  • 31. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS
  • 32. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS *If there is no contraindication to the use of β-B, in patients with ACS, the initial therapy of HTN include a β1-selective β-B without ISA (metoprolol or bisoprolol).β-Blocker therapy should typically be initiated orally within 24 h of presentation (Class I;Level of Evidence A). *For patients with severe HTN or ongoing ischemia, an IV β-B (esmolol) can be considered (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). *For hemodynamically unstable patients or when decompensated HF exists,the initiation of β-B therapy should be delayed until stabilization has been achieved (Class I; Level of Evidence A). 1. ends in OLOL β-B
  • 33. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS *In patients with ACS and hypertension, nitrates should be considered to lower BP or to relieve ongoing ischemia or pulmonary congestion (Class I;Level of Evidence C). *SL or IV nitroglycerin is preferred for initial therapy and can be transitioned later to a longer-acting preparation if indicated. *Nitrates should be avoided in patients with suspected RV infarction and in those with hemodynamic instability. 2.
  • 34. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS *If there is a contraindication to the use of a β- blocker or intolerable side effects, then a Non- DHP CCB such as verapamil or diltiazem may be substituted for patients with ongoing ischemia, provided that LV dysfunction or HF is not present. *If the angina or hypertension is not controlled on a β-blocker alone, a longer-acting DHP CCB may be added after optimal use of an ACEI (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). 3. Non-DHP Diltiazem or Verapamil DHP Amlodipine B A C B C
  • 35. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS An ACE inhibitor (Class I; Level of Evidence A) or an ARB (Class I; Level of Evidence B) should be added if the patient has an anterior MI, if hypertension persists, if the patient has evidence of LV dysfunction or HF, or if the patient has diabetes mellitus. For lower risk ACS patients with preserved LV EF and no diabetes mellitus, ACE inhibitors can be considered a first-line agent for BP control (Class IIa;Level of Evidence A). 4. A A
  • 36. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS  Aldosterone antagonists are indicated for patients who are already receiving β- blockers and ACEI after MI and have LV dysfunction and either HF or diabetes mellitus.  Serum potassium levels must be monitored. These agents should be avoided in patients with elevated serum creatinine levels (≥2.5 mg/dL in men, ≥2.0 mg/dL in women)or elevated potassium levels (≥5.0 mEq/L) (Class I;Level of Evidence A). 5. Aldosterone Antagonists Spironolactone Eplerenone
  • 37. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS  Loop diuretics are preferred over thiazide and thiazide-type diuretics for patients with ACS who have HF (NYHA class III or IV) or for patients with CKD and an eGFR <30 mL/min.  For patients with persistent hypertension not controlled with a β-blocker, an ACEI, and an aldosterone antagonist, a thiazide or thiazide- type diuretic may be added in selected patients for BP control (Class I; Level of Evidence B). 6. AB HF / CKD Uncontrolled TDs vs LDs ?
  • 38. Management of Hypertension in Patients With ACS  The target BP is <140/90 mm Hg in patients with ACS who are hemodynamically stable (Class IIa;Level of Evidence C).  A BP target of <130/80 mm Hg at the time of hospital discharge is a reasonable option (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C).  The BP should be lowered slowly, and caution is advised to avoid decreases in DBP to <60 mm Hg because this may reduce coronary perfusion and worsen ischemia. 7.
  • 39. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin
  • 40. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin The treatment of hypertension in patients with HF should include management of risk factors such as dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus, smoking , and dietary sodium and a closely monitored exercise program (Class I; Level of Evidence C). 1.
  • 41. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin  Drugs that have been shown to improve outcomes for patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction generally also lower BP.  Patients should be treated with ACE inhibitors (or ARBs), β-blockers (carvedilol,metoprolol, bisoprolol, or nebivolol), and aldosterone receptor antagonists (Class I; Level of Evidence A). 2. HFrEF B A Aldosterone Antagonists
  • 42. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin • Thiazide or thiazide-type diuretics should be used for BP control and to reverse volume overload and associated symptoms. • In patients with severe HF (NYHA class III and IV) or those with severe renal impairment (eGFR <30 mL/min), loop diuretics should be used for volume control, but they are less effective than thiazide or thiazide-type diuretics in lowering BP. • Diuretics should be used together with an ACE inhibitor or ARB and a β-blocker (Class I; Level of Evidence C). 3. B TDs vs LDs A D
  • 43. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin Studies have shown equivalence of benefit of ACEIs and the ARBs candesartan or valsartan in HF with reduced ejection fraction. Either class of agents is effective in lowering BP (Class I; Level of Evidence A). 4. ACEIs ARBs HFrEF
  • 44. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin The aldosterone receptor antagonists spironolactone and eplerenone have been shown to be beneficial in HF and should be included in the regimen if there is HF (NYHA class II–IV) with reduced ejection fraction (<40%). One or the other may be substituted for a thiazide diuretic in patients requiring a potassium sparing agent. 5. HFrEF Aldosterone Antagonists
  • 45. • If an aldosterone receptor antagonist is administered with an ACEI or an ARB or in the presence of renal insufficiency, serum Potassium should be monitored frequently. ***These drugs should not be used, however, if the serum creatinine level is ≥2.5 mg/dL in men or ≥2.0 mg/dL in women or if the serum potassium level is ≥5.0 mEq/L. • Spironolactone or eplerenone may be used with a thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic, particularly in patients with resistant hypertension (Class I; Level of Evidence A). Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin 5. A
  • 46. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin Hydralazine plus isosorbide dinitrate should be added to the regimen of diuretic, ACEI or ARB,and β-blocker in African American patients with NYHA class III or IV HF with reduced ejection fraction (Class I; Level of Evidence A). Others may benefit similarly, but this has not yet been tested. 6. HFrEF A B D
  • 47. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin In patients who have hypertension and HF with preserved ejection fraction, the recommendations are to control systolic and diastolic hypertension (Class I; Level of Evidence A), ventricular rate in the presence of AF (Class I; Level of Evidence C), and pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema (Class I; Level of Evidence C). 7. HFpEF
  • 48. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin Use of β-adrenergic blocking agents, ACEIs, ARBs, or CCBs in patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction and hypertension may be effective to minimize symptoms of HF (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C). 8. HFpEF A B C
  • 49. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin *In IHD, the principles of therapy for acute hypertension with pulmonary edema are similar to those for STEMI and NSTEMI, as described above (Class I;Level of Evidence A). *If the patient is hemodynamically unstable, the initiation of these therapies should be delayed until stabilization of HF has been achieved. 9. B A
  • 50. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin *Drugs to avoid in patients with HTN and HFrEF are Non-DHP CCBs (such as verapamil and diltiazem),clonidine, moxonidine, and hydralazine without a nitrate (Class III Harm; Level of Evidence B). *α- blockers such as doxazosin should be used only if other drugs for the management of HTN and HF are inadequate to achieve BP control at maximum tolerated doses. *NSAIDs should also be used with caution in this group, given their effects on BP, volume status, and renal function (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). 10. HFrEF
  • 51. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin  The target BP is <140/90 mm Hg, but consideration can be given to lowering the BP even further, to <130/80 mm Hg.  In patients with an elevated DBP who have CAD and HF with evidence of myocardial ischemia, the BP should be lowered slowly. 11.
  • 52. In older hypertensive individuals with wide pulse pressures , lowering SBP may cause very low DBP values (<60 mm Hg). This should alert the clinician to assess carefully any untoward signs or symptoms, especially those caused by myocardial ischemia and worsening HF (Class IIa; Level of Evidence B). Octogenarians should be checked for orthostatic changes with standing,and an SBP <130 mm Hg and a DBP <65 mm Hg should be avoided. Management of Hypertension in HF of Ischemic Origin 11.
  • 53. What do the guidelines recommend, beyond pharmacotherapy? They recommend sodium restriction, exercise training, smoking cessation, and reduction of risk factors such as dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.
  • 54. How do you think clinicians should apply the new guidelines in clinical practice? Guidelines are not inflexible rules. For example, the question of whether target BP should be <140/90mmHg or <130/80mmHg depends on the clinical assessment of the clinician and a discussion with the patient.