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A Study Of Construction Of
          Research Centre Using
        Green Building Technology

                         PROJECT ASSOCIATES
Ms . V. ARUNA            P.PRAMOD REDDY

  Green building is an outcome of a
design which focuses on the reduction
of overall impact of the built
environment on human health and the
natural environment by:
Human population per sq.Km of country
                                            Ye a r
Co u n t r y
                       1947                  2009                 2049
     India               121                  350                   581
     China                —                   132                   141
     U.S.A.               —                   34                    49

Actual open area shared by number of
people           Co v e r e d
                              Gr o u n d
                                         Pe r s ons
 St or e y                     a r e a                           l i v i ng
               Tot a l                              ope n
    of                         s q .f t .                       i n t ot a l
               hous e s                             a r e a
bui l di ng                                                     a p a r t me n
                                                   s q .f t .

     1            24            36,000              25,200            96

     5           120           180,000              25,200           480
Need for study
People are attracted towards
 a green building –
Oper at i onal     Savi ngs
Dayl i ght s &     Vi ews
A r Q
  i     ual i t y
A t ypi cal of f i ce bui l di ng w d
 r equi r e pur gi ng of f r esh ai r of
 about      15      cf m/per son  w ch
 pr ovi des a f r esh am ence i nsi de
 t he bui l di ng.
Need for study
According to the statistics
 proven, these conserve 40-50%
 of energy, 20-30% water
 compared to that of
 conventional buildings.
 The green buildings conserve:
  39 % of total energy use,
  12 % of total water
Research Methodology
Th e      s i t e       f o r     t h e       USP        C a mp u s        i n
Hy d e r a b a d                                             me a s u r e s
a p p r o x i ma t e l y              4    a c r e s .       Th e     s i t e
h a s       a c c e s s           r o a d s           a l o n g           t h e
So u t h , Ea s t         & We s t e r n .
Th e      s i t e       h a s     a       c o n t o u r        d r o p     o f
a r o u n d       8.0m f r o m E a s t                t o    We s t       a n d
t h e     t e r r a i n         i s       r o c k y      wi t h       r o c k
o u t c r o p s     o n t h e e a s t e r n p a r c e l                    o f
t h e s i t e .
Be i n g      a    r o c k y      l a n d      t h e        d e s i g n    i s
s u c h       t h a t           t h e       e x c a v a t i o n            i s
mi n i mi z e d t o a v o i d r o c k c u t t i n g .
Survey Drawing No: MP-SY-2001 version R0
Light Weight Concrete:
Autoclaved aerated concrete (A
 AC), also known as autoclaved
 cellular concrete (ACC) or
 autoclaved lightweight
 concrete (ALC) was invented in
 the mid- precast building
 material that simultaneously
 structure, insulation, and fire
  AAC’s excellent thermal efficiency makes a major
contribution to environmental protection by sharply
reducing the need for heating and cooling in buildings.
  AAC’s easy workability allows accurate cutting, which
minimizes the generation of solid waste during use. Unlike
other building materials, AAC can eliminate the need to be
used in combination with insulation products, which increase
the environmental impact and cost of construction.
AAC’s high resource efficiency gives it low
environmental impact in all phases of its life cycle,
from processing of raw materials to the disposal of
AAC waste.
AAC’s light weight also saves energy in transportation.
The fact that AAC is up to five times lighter than
concrete     leads   to    significant  reductions   in
CO2 emissions during transportation. In addition, many
AAC manufacturers apply the principle of producing as
near to their consumer markets as possible to reduce
the need for transportation.
Project Needs:
  As part of several discussions with USP the definition
  of the projects needs is described as follows.
The campus shall have:
 Laboratories –Analytical, Microbiology, Bio-
  Analytical & Synthetic Labs
 Support lab functions – Wash, stores, cold rooms, etc.
 Lab scientists workspaces
 Administration Offices
 Meeting rooms & training facility
 Cafeteria
 Library
 Utility infrastructure
 Parking
Applicable codes and References

  Regulations by ICICI Knowledge
  Hyderabad Metropolitan
 Development Authority
  National Building Code –for
 circulation standards, toilet
 design except fire and in case it
 is stringent
  Pollution Control Board
Structural Design Codes:
IS1893 :2002 for Seismic protection
IS 456:2000 – for Plain & Reinforced concrete
IS 875:1987 Part 1 – Code of practice for design loads for building &
structure- dead loads
IS 875:1987 Part 2 – Code of practice for design loads for building
& structure imposed loads
IS 875:1987 Part 3 – Code of practice for design loads for building
& structure- wind loads
IS 800: Code of practice for General construction in Structural
IS 1893:1984: Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structure
SP16:1980 – Design aids reinforced Concrete to IS:456-1978
IS 1904 Indian Standard Code of practice for design & construction
of foundations in Soil: General Requirements
IS 2950 Indian Standard Code of practice for design & construction
of raft foundation (Part – 1)
IS 2974 Code of practice for design & construction of machine
SP 34 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement & detailing
IRC 57 - Design of Rigid pavements.
IS 1786:1985 – Code of practice for reinforcing Steel
IS: 8112-1989- Ordinary Portland Cement
Safety is one of the prime aspects for the design
and functioning of this facility. The safety aspects
covered in this section are related to the design
aspects for this facility.

 All access ways –vertical or horizontal shall be
disabled friendly –use of ramps, elevators, grab
bars etc.
 All labs shall have minimum 2 exits to cater to
escape routes.
 Fire escape staircases have been provided at
strategic locations for a max. Travel distance of
45m (as per NBC).
 Safety shower & eye washes are provided at
strategic locations.
 All exit corridors shall not have any
obstructions & the clear widths shall be
maintained Panic bars shall be provided at fire
Safety and Security system
 All access control doors shall be deactivated in
case of fire which shall be connected to the Fire
panel. Smoke and heat detectors shall be
provided in all spaces and connected to the fire
 The PA system shall be activated in case of fire
and announcement shall be made to make the
users aware of an emergency situation.
 CCTV system is being proposed to monitor the
site periphery. The cameras shall be placed at
strategic locations on the compound wall.
Cameras are also proposed in entry/exit points
and in the buildings.
Laboratory design
 Ventilated reagent storages are
proposed for storing of reagents to
ensure that the solvent vapours are
extracted out of the lab.
 All volatile and flammable chemicals
shall be handled inside the fume hood.
 All Laboratory equipment shall have
emergency shutdown procedures that are
posted on equipment or near to the
 All Laboratory scientists must know the
location and proper use of all
Laboratory safety equipment, including
first aid kit(s), eyewash, fire
  General building design
   Step 1: Plan the approximate layout of the building
   Step 2: Calculate dead and snow load
   Step 3: Design steel roof decks
   Step 4: Select OWSJ’s (Open Web Steel Joist)
   Step 5: Design beam
   Step 6: Design column
   Step 7: Design steel column bore plates
   Step 8: Design footing
   Step 9: Create engineering drawing
   Step 10: Final check and submission.
Design Philosophy and Approach
for the Structural Design
      The basic aim of structural design of the buildings
 is to ensure the achievement of satisfactory behavior
 during the intended design life. With appropriate
 degree of safety they should sustain all the loads
 coming during construction and use. Adequate
 durability and fire resistance are other major factors
 governing the design.

 Proposed Structures are planned and designed, so that
 they are not unreasonably Susceptible to effects of
 accident wherein damage to small area of failure of
 single element may lead to collapse of major portions
 of the structure.
  The design properties of materials and the design
  loads comply with design codes specified in later part
  of this report and would typically include:

i. Deflection Criteria:
Deflection due to vertical loading:
  Final deflection below level of supports should not be
  greater than l/250 where l is the span of the member
  or the length of the cantilever. Deflection after
  installation of elements such as cladding and
  partitions not greater than l/500 or 20mm whichever
  is lesser.

ii. Response to wind loads:
Limiting the deflection to h/500 under design
  conditions and the storey drift to 0.04 *Storey height
iii. Cracking of concrete:
   Design surface crack width due to applied loads or
thermal or shrinkage effects not greater than 0.3 mm

   iv. Vibrations:
    By avoidance of discomfort or alarm to occupants,
structural damage or interference with proper functioning

   v. Durability:
    Durability is achieved by integration of all aspects of
design material and construction technology. The
environmental effect to which the concrete or steel is
exposed is taken into account during the design by
providing adequate cover to reinforcement and use of
protective coatings to structural steel works.
The nominal cover provided to
reinforcement would be:
   Foundation and retaining walls   50mm

   Column                           40mm

   Beams                            25mm

   Slabs                            20mm

   Stair case waist slab            20mm

   Walls above ground               25mm

   Parapets and Balustrade          25mm
vi. Fatigue:
  Cyclical or repetitive loadings such as crane movement etc. shall be
  catered for in the design of the relevant elements of the structure.

   vii. Fire Resistance:
  The design of structural elements is to be based on fire resistance levels
  to satisfy BIS (IS 456:2000) requirements as advised.

Material Properties:
  Concrete of design strength of 30 MPa will generally be used for
  structural concrete works.
  Columns strength would be enhanced to M35 in special cases as
  determined by the Oncoming loads onto the building.

Reinforcing steel used in the design shall primarily be:
  High Yield Twisted Steel bars Fe 415 with a characteristic
  strength of 415 N/mm².
  Welded Mesh reinforcement with a characteristic strength of
  485 N/mm².
  Mild steel reinforcement with a characteristic strength of 250
Loading Criteria
Dead and Super Imposed Dead loads:
 Concrete: 25 KN/cum
 Steel: 78.5 KN/cum
 Screed: 25KN/cum or 1.5 KN/m² for floor
 Brick Masonry: 2.2 KN/m height for 115
 mm thickness 4.4 KN/m height for 230
 mm thickness
 Block Masonry: 3.8 KN/m height for 200
 mm thickness 1.9 KN/m height for100 mm
 Partitions and Ceilings for office
Wind loads:
 The design wind speed for Hyderabad is 44 m/s
 with following reduction factors for
 determining the design wind pressure
Imposed loads:
 The following design imposed loads will be
 used for this building:
 Office: 4.0 KN/m²
 Dining, Cafeteria: 3.0 KN/m²
 HVAC, Plant rooms: 5.0 KN/m²
 Switch gear room: 7.5 KN/m²
 Store: 2.5 KN/m² per meter height of storage
 Laboratories: 5.0 KN/m²
 Staircases: 4.0 KN/m²
Balustrade Loading:
Balustrades are to be designed as follows:
 All other handrails, balustrades and the
 like, including parapets and railings to all
 roofs, shall be designed to resist a static
 load of 0.75 kN/m acting inward, outward or
 downward, or the appropriate wind
 load, whichever produces the most adverse
 Balustrades, which may be called upon to
 restrain crowds or people under panic
 conditions, are to be designed for a load of
 3 kN/m.
Geo technical Conditions:
Beam and Slab Option:
 Reinforced Concrete framed structure
 with 600 x 750 mm RC Columns with
 Shallow beams 600 mm deep x 750 mm wide
 are provided to support 200/225/250 mm
 thick slabs along larger span and 450 x
 600 mm beam along shorter span. The
 floor panels are typically 12.55 x 8m in
 most of the cases. This conventional
 system of construction is ideally suited
 for a low rise development where there
 is adequate headroom available.
 However the beam depths are kept to
 least possible dimension to maximize the
 head room but still satisfy the
 serviceability and strength criteria set
Design Criteria and Description:
   Site Location: Hyderabad, India.
   Geographic location: 17.86 deg N Latitude
   Altitude: 1787 feet above sea level.

Outdoor Design Conditions:
 Based on the past experience with several
 projects in Hyderabad and ISHRAE
 Climatologically and Solar Data, the
 outdoor design conditions shall be
 considered as:

 Summer        106 ºF (41.1 ºC) DB   78 ºF (25.6
 ºC) WB
 Monsoon        85 ºF (29.4 ºC) DB   81 ºF (27.2
 ºC) WB
Design description:
The block shall be basically
 divided into following areas.
 The reception lobby & Visitors
 The laboratories
 Lab Office spaces
 Administration facility
 Supporting activities like
 Library, training
 centre, Cafeteria
Design Elements:
Block B1-Main Lab/Admin Block
Block B2-Solvent/Chemical Storage
Block B3-Utility block
Block     B4-Distribution Block

                             Machinery controller

  Fire extinguisher
Terrace Rainwater collection and disposal:
 The terrace rainwater is taken out by
 using rigid PVC pipes rated for 4
 kg/cm²pressure and connected to the
 proposed storm water drain available
 near the building.

Storm water recharge & disposal:
 Storm Water from the proposed USP
 campus is routed through RC Hume
 pipes & catch basins located on the
 periphery of the building & finally
 connecting to the external drain, it is
 also used to recharge the bore wells
 using recharge pits / percolation pits
 located at strategic points in the
A leading-edge system
for designing,
operating and
certifying the world’s
greenest buildings.

LEED Categories:
 Under the LEED certification program green building
 design focuses on five main categories:

 Sustainable Sites
 Water Efficiency
 Energy and Atmosphere
 Materials and Resources
 Indoor Environmental Quality

 Usage of ACC blocks in place of ordinary clay blocks.
 Usage of fly ash upto 30% replacement of cement in
  all the structural works.
 Storm water tanks used for the fire water and other
  PHE usages.
 Rain water harvesting pits are provided.
 Usage of sewage treatment water for harvesting and
  toilet flush.
 Roof top plantation.
•50% of street lights are on solar system.
•Solar system, photo voltaic system for the corridor lighting.

•Usage of R134A for refrigerant in place of R22.
•Heat recovery wheels are placed in the system to reduce the
•TES (Thermal Energy Storage) tanks were installed to decrease
the usage of energy.
•Hot water from return was used for usage of hot water supply in
toilets and kitchen etc.

   The building is facing South direction.
   80% of facade area for the glazing is on North and South
   Staircases were present on East and West directions.
    Lifts are used only for PHE’s only (G+2) and utility
    purpose only.

   Usage of LED lighting as compared to CFL.
   Usage of sensors in all the cabins for lighting system.
   Monitoring of all the systems on BMS (Building
    Management Systems).
   2-storm water storage of 30,000 litres each are arranged
    for the storage of rain water. They can be used as storage
    tanks and bares the water of about 3 day’s storage.
   Sewage and treatment tanks (STT) - Reusing of sewage
    water after treatment for harvesting (Gardening).
   Fly ash is used in R.C.C works and P.C.C (Buildings and C.C
    roads). In this, cement is replaced by 30% of fly ash.
   A.C.C blocks are replaced in place of clay blocks.
   Thermal cooling system over terrace (A.C.C blocks over
    roof) to decrease heat losses.
   Solar lighting system for street lights and internal
   Separate waste storage for recyclable waste material
    (papers, plywood, glass, cardboard etc.,).
   Sensors for electrical lighting/HVAC system in meeting
    rooms and corridors/library.
   Orientation of building (Main elevation) - openings with
    glass windows for South and North direction and closed
    walls for East and West directions. And glass used is of
    0.38 k.
  The green buildings gives the facility a campus feels, and creates an
environment of creative thoughts and interaction which will help in
exchange of ideas. The design shall also be energy efficient.
  From the design point of view, the design specifications are to be
thoroughly satisfied, since no compromise can be made regarding the
stability of the structure.
  Quality control plays a vital role in the construction of the structure.
The quality control department in the site is of major importance.
Appropriate precautionary measures are to be taken to avoid the use of
inefficient material.
  The fire fighting system which can efficiently control the hazardous
effects of sudden fires and which minimizes the loss is importance in
this structure.
Safety and security plays a major role, because huge equipment man
power get involved while constructing these kind of huge structures.
  Therefore, proper formulation of rules and regulations regarding
safety is mandatory.
  The green building experiences in India have been exciting and
challenging as well. Since its introduction in 2001, the LEED rating has
emerged as a very useful tool in designing a green building. Now there is
an imminent need for service providers, who would be required in large
numbers, not in hundreds but thousands, as the movement is heading to
reach greater heights.
       The green building movement is here to stay for the benefit of
individuals, society and the country at large.

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Construction Of Research Centre Using Green Building Technology

  • 1. A Study Of Construction Of Research Centre Using Green Building Technology PROJECT ASSOCIATES PROJECT GUIDE MANIDEEP.MARGAM Ms . V. ARUNA P.PRAMOD REDDY A.LAKSHMI NARAYANA
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Green building is an outcome of a design which focuses on the reduction of overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by:
  • 4. Human population per sq.Km of country area Ye a r Co u n t r y 1947 2009 2049 India 121 350 581 China — 132 141 U.S.A. — 34 49 Actual open area shared by number of people Co v e r e d Gr o u n d Pe r s ons St or e y a r e a l i v i ng Tot a l ope n of s q .f t . i n t ot a l hous e s a r e a bui l di ng a p a r t me n s q .f t . t 1 24 36,000 25,200 96 5 120 180,000 25,200 480
  • 5. Need for study People are attracted towards a green building – Oper at i onal Savi ngs Dayl i ght s & Vi ews A r Q i ual i t y A t ypi cal of f i ce bui l di ng w d oul r equi r e pur gi ng of f r esh ai r of about 15 cf m/per son w ch hi pr ovi des a f r esh am ence i nsi de bi t he bui l di ng.
  • 6. Need for study According to the statistics proven, these conserve 40-50% of energy, 20-30% water compared to that of conventional buildings.  The green buildings conserve: 39 % of total energy use, 12 % of total water consumption,
  • 7. Research Methodology SITE DATA Th e s i t e f o r t h e USP C a mp u s i n Hy d e r a b a d me a s u r e s a p p r o x i ma t e l y 4 a c r e s . Th e s i t e h a s a c c e s s r o a d s a l o n g t h e So u t h , Ea s t & We s t e r n . Th e s i t e h a s a c o n t o u r d r o p o f a r o u n d 8.0m f r o m E a s t t o We s t a n d t h e t e r r a i n i s r o c k y wi t h r o c k o u t c r o p s o n t h e e a s t e r n p a r c e l o f t h e s i t e . Be i n g a r o c k y l a n d t h e d e s i g n i s s u c h t h a t t h e e x c a v a t i o n i s mi n i mi z e d t o a v o i d r o c k c u t t i n g .
  • 8. Survey Drawing No: MP-SY-2001 version R0
  • 9. NEW ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCT IN MARKET Light Weight Concrete: Autoclaved aerated concrete (A AC), also known as autoclaved cellular concrete (ACC) or autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC) was invented in the mid- precast building material that simultaneously provides structure, insulation, and fire
  • 10. Advantages: AAC’s excellent thermal efficiency makes a major contribution to environmental protection by sharply reducing the need for heating and cooling in buildings. AAC’s easy workability allows accurate cutting, which minimizes the generation of solid waste during use. Unlike other building materials, AAC can eliminate the need to be used in combination with insulation products, which increase the environmental impact and cost of construction.
  • 11. AAC’s high resource efficiency gives it low environmental impact in all phases of its life cycle, from processing of raw materials to the disposal of AAC waste. AAC’s light weight also saves energy in transportation. The fact that AAC is up to five times lighter than concrete leads to significant reductions in CO2 emissions during transportation. In addition, many AAC manufacturers apply the principle of producing as near to their consumer markets as possible to reduce the need for transportation.
  • 12. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Project Needs: As part of several discussions with USP the definition of the projects needs is described as follows. The campus shall have:  Laboratories –Analytical, Microbiology, Bio- Analytical & Synthetic Labs  Support lab functions – Wash, stores, cold rooms, etc.  Lab scientists workspaces  Administration Offices  Meeting rooms & training facility  Cafeteria  Library  Utility infrastructure  Parking
  • 13. Applicable codes and References Architectural/Interiors: Regulations by ICICI Knowledge Park Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority National Building Code –for circulation standards, toilet design except fire and in case it is stringent Pollution Control Board
  • 14. Structural Design Codes: IS1893 :2002 for Seismic protection IS 456:2000 – for Plain & Reinforced concrete IS 875:1987 Part 1 – Code of practice for design loads for building & structure- dead loads IS 875:1987 Part 2 – Code of practice for design loads for building & structure imposed loads IS 875:1987 Part 3 – Code of practice for design loads for building & structure- wind loads IS 800: Code of practice for General construction in Structural steel IS 1893:1984: Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structure SP16:1980 – Design aids reinforced Concrete to IS:456-1978 IS 1904 Indian Standard Code of practice for design & construction of foundations in Soil: General Requirements IS 2950 Indian Standard Code of practice for design & construction of raft foundation (Part – 1) IS 2974 Code of practice for design & construction of machine foundation. SP 34 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement & detailing IRC 57 - Design of Rigid pavements. IS 1786:1985 – Code of practice for reinforcing Steel IS: 8112-1989- Ordinary Portland Cement
  • 15. Safety: Safety is one of the prime aspects for the design and functioning of this facility. The safety aspects covered in this section are related to the design aspects for this facility. Architecture: All access ways –vertical or horizontal shall be disabled friendly –use of ramps, elevators, grab bars etc. All labs shall have minimum 2 exits to cater to escape routes. Fire escape staircases have been provided at strategic locations for a max. Travel distance of 45m (as per NBC). Safety shower & eye washes are provided at strategic locations. All exit corridors shall not have any obstructions & the clear widths shall be maintained Panic bars shall be provided at fire
  • 16. Safety and Security system All access control doors shall be deactivated in case of fire which shall be connected to the Fire panel. Smoke and heat detectors shall be provided in all spaces and connected to the fire panel. The PA system shall be activated in case of fire and announcement shall be made to make the users aware of an emergency situation. CCTV system is being proposed to monitor the site periphery. The cameras shall be placed at strategic locations on the compound wall. Cameras are also proposed in entry/exit points and in the buildings.
  • 17. Laboratory design Ventilated reagent storages are proposed for storing of reagents to ensure that the solvent vapours are extracted out of the lab. All volatile and flammable chemicals shall be handled inside the fume hood. All Laboratory equipment shall have emergency shutdown procedures that are posted on equipment or near to the equipment. All Laboratory scientists must know the location and proper use of all Laboratory safety equipment, including first aid kit(s), eyewash, fire
  • 18.
  • 19. STRUCTURAL,INTERIORS AND ARCHITECTURAL General building design procedure: Step 1: Plan the approximate layout of the building Step 2: Calculate dead and snow load Step 3: Design steel roof decks Step 4: Select OWSJ’s (Open Web Steel Joist) Step 5: Design beam Step 6: Design column Step 7: Design steel column bore plates Step 8: Design footing Step 9: Create engineering drawing Step 10: Final check and submission.
  • 20.
  • 21. Design Philosophy and Approach for the Structural Design The basic aim of structural design of the buildings is to ensure the achievement of satisfactory behavior during the intended design life. With appropriate degree of safety they should sustain all the loads coming during construction and use. Adequate durability and fire resistance are other major factors governing the design. Robustness: Proposed Structures are planned and designed, so that they are not unreasonably Susceptible to effects of accident wherein damage to small area of failure of single element may lead to collapse of major portions of the structure.
  • 22. Serviceability: The design properties of materials and the design loads comply with design codes specified in later part of this report and would typically include: i. Deflection Criteria: Deflection due to vertical loading: Final deflection below level of supports should not be greater than l/250 where l is the span of the member or the length of the cantilever. Deflection after installation of elements such as cladding and partitions not greater than l/500 or 20mm whichever is lesser. ii. Response to wind loads: Limiting the deflection to h/500 under design conditions and the storey drift to 0.04 *Storey height
  • 23. iii. Cracking of concrete: Design surface crack width due to applied loads or thermal or shrinkage effects not greater than 0.3 mm iv. Vibrations: By avoidance of discomfort or alarm to occupants, structural damage or interference with proper functioning v. Durability: Durability is achieved by integration of all aspects of design material and construction technology. The environmental effect to which the concrete or steel is exposed is taken into account during the design by providing adequate cover to reinforcement and use of protective coatings to structural steel works.
  • 24. The nominal cover provided to reinforcement would be: STRUCTURAL ELEMENT COVER Foundation and retaining walls 50mm Column 40mm Beams 25mm Slabs 20mm Stair case waist slab 20mm Walls above ground 25mm Parapets and Balustrade 25mm
  • 25. vi. Fatigue: Cyclical or repetitive loadings such as crane movement etc. shall be catered for in the design of the relevant elements of the structure. vii. Fire Resistance: The design of structural elements is to be based on fire resistance levels to satisfy BIS (IS 456:2000) requirements as advised. Material Properties: Concrete of design strength of 30 MPa will generally be used for structural concrete works. Columns strength would be enhanced to M35 in special cases as determined by the Oncoming loads onto the building. Reinforcing steel used in the design shall primarily be: High Yield Twisted Steel bars Fe 415 with a characteristic strength of 415 N/mm². Welded Mesh reinforcement with a characteristic strength of 485 N/mm². Mild steel reinforcement with a characteristic strength of 250 N/mm².
  • 26. Loading Criteria Dead and Super Imposed Dead loads: Concrete: 25 KN/cum Steel: 78.5 KN/cum Screed: 25KN/cum or 1.5 KN/m² for floor finishes Brick Masonry: 2.2 KN/m height for 115 mm thickness 4.4 KN/m height for 230 mm thickness Block Masonry: 3.8 KN/m height for 200 mm thickness 1.9 KN/m height for100 mm thickness Partitions and Ceilings for office
  • 27. Wind loads: The design wind speed for Hyderabad is 44 m/s with following reduction factors for determining the design wind pressure (dynamic). Imposed loads: The following design imposed loads will be used for this building: Office: 4.0 KN/m² Dining, Cafeteria: 3.0 KN/m² HVAC, Plant rooms: 5.0 KN/m² Switch gear room: 7.5 KN/m² Store: 2.5 KN/m² per meter height of storage Laboratories: 5.0 KN/m² Staircases: 4.0 KN/m²
  • 28. Balustrade Loading: Balustrades are to be designed as follows: All other handrails, balustrades and the like, including parapets and railings to all roofs, shall be designed to resist a static load of 0.75 kN/m acting inward, outward or downward, or the appropriate wind load, whichever produces the most adverse effects. Balustrades, which may be called upon to restrain crowds or people under panic conditions, are to be designed for a load of 3 kN/m. Geo technical Conditions:
  • 29. Beam and Slab Option: Reinforced Concrete framed structure with 600 x 750 mm RC Columns with Shallow beams 600 mm deep x 750 mm wide are provided to support 200/225/250 mm thick slabs along larger span and 450 x 600 mm beam along shorter span. The floor panels are typically 12.55 x 8m in most of the cases. This conventional system of construction is ideally suited for a low rise development where there is adequate headroom available. However the beam depths are kept to least possible dimension to maximize the head room but still satisfy the serviceability and strength criteria set
  • 30. Design Criteria and Description: Site Location: Hyderabad, India. Geographic location: 17.86 deg N Latitude Altitude: 1787 feet above sea level. Outdoor Design Conditions: Based on the past experience with several projects in Hyderabad and ISHRAE Climatologically and Solar Data, the outdoor design conditions shall be considered as: Summer 106 ºF (41.1 ºC) DB 78 ºF (25.6 ºC) WB Monsoon 85 ºF (29.4 ºC) DB 81 ºF (27.2 ºC) WB
  • 31. Interiors Design description: The block shall be basically divided into following areas. The reception lobby & Visitors area The laboratories Lab Office spaces Administration facility Supporting activities like Library, training centre, Cafeteria
  • 34. Block B4-Distribution Block Machinery controller Fire extinguisher machinery
  • 36. Terrace Rainwater collection and disposal: The terrace rainwater is taken out by using rigid PVC pipes rated for 4 kg/cm²pressure and connected to the proposed storm water drain available near the building. Storm water recharge & disposal: Storm Water from the proposed USP campus is routed through RC Hume pipes & catch basins located on the periphery of the building & finally connecting to the external drain, it is also used to recharge the bore wells using recharge pits / percolation pits located at strategic points in the
  • 37. A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the world’s greenest buildings.
  • 38. LEED STANDS FOR LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN LEED Categories: Under the LEED certification program green building design focuses on five main categories:  Sustainable Sites  Water Efficiency  Energy and Atmosphere  Materials and Resources  Indoor Environmental Quality
  • 39.
  • 40. COMPARISON BETWEEN GREEN BUILDING AND ORDINARY BUILDING AND ITS ADVANTAGES CIVIL WORKS:  Usage of ACC blocks in place of ordinary clay blocks.  Usage of fly ash upto 30% replacement of cement in all the structural works.  Storm water tanks used for the fire water and other PHE usages.  Rain water harvesting pits are provided.  Usage of sewage treatment water for harvesting and toilet flush.  Roof top plantation.
  • 41. SOLAR SYSTEM: •50% of street lights are on solar system. •Solar system, photo voltaic system for the corridor lighting. HVAC: •Usage of R134A for refrigerant in place of R22. •Heat recovery wheels are placed in the system to reduce the power. •TES (Thermal Energy Storage) tanks were installed to decrease the usage of energy. •Hot water from return was used for usage of hot water supply in toilets and kitchen etc. ORIENTATION OF BUILDING:  The building is facing South direction.  80% of facade area for the glazing is on North and South directions.  Staircases were present on East and West directions.
  • 42. LIFTS: Lifts are used only for PHE’s only (G+2) and utility purpose only. LIGHTING:  Usage of LED lighting as compared to CFL.  Usage of sensors in all the cabins for lighting system.  Monitoring of all the systems on BMS (Building Management Systems).
  • 43. ADVANTAGES:  2-storm water storage of 30,000 litres each are arranged for the storage of rain water. They can be used as storage tanks and bares the water of about 3 day’s storage.  Sewage and treatment tanks (STT) - Reusing of sewage water after treatment for harvesting (Gardening).  Fly ash is used in R.C.C works and P.C.C (Buildings and C.C roads). In this, cement is replaced by 30% of fly ash.  A.C.C blocks are replaced in place of clay blocks.  Thermal cooling system over terrace (A.C.C blocks over roof) to decrease heat losses.  Solar lighting system for street lights and internal lightings.  Separate waste storage for recyclable waste material (papers, plywood, glass, cardboard etc.,).  Sensors for electrical lighting/HVAC system in meeting rooms and corridors/library.  Orientation of building (Main elevation) - openings with glass windows for South and North direction and closed walls for East and West directions. And glass used is of 0.38 k.
  • 44. CONCLUSION The green buildings gives the facility a campus feels, and creates an environment of creative thoughts and interaction which will help in exchange of ideas. The design shall also be energy efficient. From the design point of view, the design specifications are to be thoroughly satisfied, since no compromise can be made regarding the stability of the structure. Quality control plays a vital role in the construction of the structure. The quality control department in the site is of major importance. Appropriate precautionary measures are to be taken to avoid the use of inefficient material. The fire fighting system which can efficiently control the hazardous effects of sudden fires and which minimizes the loss is importance in this structure.
  • 45. Safety and security plays a major role, because huge equipment man power get involved while constructing these kind of huge structures. Therefore, proper formulation of rules and regulations regarding safety is mandatory. The green building experiences in India have been exciting and challenging as well. Since its introduction in 2001, the LEED rating has emerged as a very useful tool in designing a green building. Now there is an imminent need for service providers, who would be required in large numbers, not in hundreds but thousands, as the movement is heading to reach greater heights. The green building movement is here to stay for the benefit of individuals, society and the country at large.