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FP in Java
               Project Lambda and beyond

by Mario Fusco
twitter: @mariofusco
Project Lambda – A Brief History
•   2006 – Gosling: "We will never have closures in Java"
•   2007 – 3 different proposals for closures in Java
•   2008 – Reinhold: "We will never have closures in Java"
•   2009 – Start of project Lambda (JSR 335)

    public boolean javaWillHaveClosure() {
        return currentYear % 2 == 1;
From Single Method Interfaces …
public interface Comparator<T> {              Functional
    int compare(T o1, T o2);
}                                             Interface
Collections.sort(strings, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
        return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2);

  Bulky syntax
  Confusion surrounding the meaning of names and this
  Inability to capture non-final local variables
  Inability to abstract over control flow
… To Lambda Expressions
Collections.sort(strings, (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2));

     Lambda expression are always converted to
         instance of a functional interface
Comparator<String> c = (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2);

                          Compiler figures out the types

    No need of changing the JVM to create a new
           type for lambda expressions
Anatomy of a lambda expression
 A lambda expression is like a method: it provides a list of formal parameters and a body

The formal parameters of
a lambda expression may
have either inferred or
                         s -> s.length()
declared types
                          (int x, int y) -> x + y

                          () -> 42                               Return is implicit and
                                                                 can be omitted
                          (x, y, z) -> {
                              if (x) {
                                  return y;                  A lambda body is either a
                              } else {                       single expression or a block
                                  return z;
Common JDK8 functional interfaces

Predicate     a property of the object passed as argument
Block      an action to be performed with the object passed as argument
Function      transform a T to a U
BiFunction      transform a (T, U) to a V
Supplier     provide an instance of a T (such as a factory)
UnaryOperator       a unary operator from T -> T
BinaryOperator       a binary operator from (T, T) -> T
Why Lambdas?
API designers can build more powerful, expressive APIs
More room for generalization
  o Pass behaviors to a method together with normal data
Libraries remain in control of computation
  o e.g. internal vs. external iteration
More opportunities for optimization
  o Laziness
  o Parallelism
  o Out-of-order execution
More regular and then more readable code
  o e.g. nested loops vs. pipelined (fluent) operations
Better composability and reusability
An Example: Sorting
Comparator<Person> byAge = new Comparator<Person>() {
    public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
        return p1.getAge() – p2.getAge();
                                                  Functional interface

                                               Lambda expression
Collections.sort(people, byAge);

Comparator<Person> byAge = (p1, p2) -> p1.getAge() – p2.getAge();

Collections.sort(people, (p1, p2) -> p1.getAge() – p2.getAge());
Can We Do Better?
Comparator<Person> byAge = Comparators.comparing(p -> p.getAge());

Comparator<Person> byAge = Comparators.comparing(Person::getAge);

                                                     Method reference
       Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge));

      Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge).reverse());

       Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge)
Extension methods
 interface Iterator<E> {
     boolean hasNext();
     E next();
     void remove();

      default void forEach(Block<? super E> block) {
          while (hasNext())

Add methods to existing interfaces without breaking the backward compatibility
Primary goal is API evolution, but useful as an inheritance mechanism on its own
Add multiple inheritance of behavior to the always existed multiple inheritance of
type, but no multiple inheritance of state
Extension methods
    interface Iterator<E> {
        boolean hasNext();
        E next();
default void remove(); { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

        default void forEach(Block<? super E> block) {
            while (hasNext())

  Add methods to existing interfaces without breaking the backward compatibility
  Primary goal is API evolution, but useful as an inheritance mechanism on its own
  Add multiple inheritance of behavior to the always existed multiple inheritance of
  type, but no multiple inheritance of state
  Can be used to declare “optional” methods
Internal VS External iteration
  for (Employee e : employees) {
      e.setSalary(e.getSalary() * 1.03);
                                            ̶ Inherently serial
                                             ̶ Client has to manage iteration
                                              ̶ Nested loops are poorly readable

    employees.forEach(e -> e.setSalary(e.getSalary() * 1.03));

                     Not only a syntactic change!
+ Library is in control   opportunity for internal optimizations as parallelization,
                          lazy evaluation, out-of-order execution
+ More what, less how better readability
+ Fluent (pipelined) operations better readability
+ Client can pass behaviors into the API as data
              possibility to abstract and generalize over behavior
                                                   more powerful, expressive APIs
Streams - Efficiency with laziness
         .filter(e -> e.getIncome() > 50000)
         .map(e -> e.getName())

   Represents a stream of values
   Not a data structure: doesn't store values
   Source can be Collection, array, generating function, I/O ....
   Encourages a pipelined ( "fluent" ) usage style
   Operations are divided between intermediate and terminal
   Lazy in nature: only terminal operations actually trigger a computation
Streams - Efficiency with laziness
         .filter(e -> e.getIncome() > 50000)
         .map(e -> e.getName())

   Represents a stream of values
   Not a data structure: doesn't store values
   Source can be Collection, array, generating function, I/O ....
   Encourages a pipelined ( "fluent" ) usage style
   Operations are divided between intermediate and terminal
   Lazy in nature: only terminal operations actually trigger a computation
   Also available a parallel stream (using the Fork/Join framework)
So we have lambdas in Java …

   … now what?
The OOP/FP dualism - OOP
public class Bird { }

public class Cat {
    private Bird catch;
    private boolean full;

    public void capture(Bird bird) {
        catch = bird;
                                       The story

    public void eat() {
        full = true;
        catch = null;

Cat cat = new Cat();
Bird bird = new Bird();

The OOP/FP dualism - FP
public class Bird { }

public class Cat {
    public CatWithCatch capture(Bird bird) { return new CatWithCatch(bird); }

public class CatWithCatch {                                  Immutability
    private final Bird catch;
    public CatWithCatch(Bird bird) { catch = bird; }
    public FullCat eat() { return new FullCat(); }             Emphasis on verbs
                                                                instead of names
public class FullCat { }

BiFunction<Cat, Bird, FullCat> story =
        ((BiFunction<Cat, Bird, CatWithCatch>)Cat::capture)

FullCat fullCat = story.apply( new Cat(), new Bird() );

        No need to test internal state: correctness enforced by the compiler
Better Logging with Lambdas
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("The answer is " + answer);
                           Invokes answer.toString() and does the Strings
                           concatenation even when not necessary

Can we delay the String creation and execute it only when
strictly necessary without (explicitly) using an if?

log.debug(()-> "The answer is " + answer);

public void debug(Callable<String> lambda) {
    if (isDebugEnabled()) {
Side-effect isolation                     Reusability
class Player {
    String name;   public void declareWinner(Player p) {
    int score;         System.out.println( + " wins!");
}                  }
                   public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) {
                       if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1)
                       else declareWinner(p2);
Side-effect isolation                     Reusability
class Player {
    String name;   public void declareWinner(Player p) {
    int score;         System.out.println( + " wins!");
}                  }
                   public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) {
                       if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1)
                       else declareWinner(p2);
                                                 computational logic
public Player maxScore(Player p1, Player p2) {    from side effects
    return p1.score > p2.score ? p1 : p2;
public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) {
    declareWinner(maxScore(p1, p2));
Side-effect isolation                     Reusability
class Player {
    String name;   public void declareWinner(Player p) {
    int score;         System.out.println( + " wins!");
}                  }
                   public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) {
                       if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1)
                       else declareWinner(p2);
                                                 computational logic
public Player maxScore(Player p1, Player p2) {    from side effects
    return p1.score > p2.score ? p1 : p2;
public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) {
    declareWinner(maxScore(p1, p2));

               reuse maxScore as a BinaryOperator
          to compute the winner among a list of players
Using Streams
public boolean isPrimeImperative(int number) {
    if (number < 2) {
        return false;
    for (int i = 2; i < (int) Math.sqrt(number) + 1; i++) {
        if ( number % i == 0 ) {
           return false;
    return true;

public boolean isPrimeFunctional(int number) {
    return number > 1 &&
        Streams.intRange(2, (int) Math.sqrt(number) + 1)
               .noneMatch(divisor -> number % divisor == 0);
Working with infinite Streams
         take 25 (map (^2) [1..])

         (take 25 (squares-of (integers)))

         Stream.from(1).map(_ ^ 2).take(25).toArray

Stream<Integer> integers = Streams.iterate(1, i -> i + 1);
int[] result = -> i ^ 2).limit(25).toArray();
Null references? No, Thanks
Errors source NPE is by far the most common exception in Java
Bloatware source Worsen readability by making necessary to fill our
code with null checks
Meaningless Don't have any semantic meaning and in particular are the
wrong way to model the absence of a value in a statically typed language
Breaks Java philosophy Java always hides pointers to developers, except
in one case: the null pointer
A hole in the type system Null has the bottom type, meaning that it can
be assigned to any reference type: this is a problem because, when
propagated to another part of the system, you have no idea what that null
was initially supposed to be

  Tony Hoare, who invented the null reference in 1965 while working on
   an object oriented language called ALGOL W, called its invention his
                “billion dollar mistake”
Options: the functional alternative
public abstract class Option<A> implements Iterable<A> {
    private Option() { }

    public   abstract   <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper);
    public   abstract   <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper);
    public   abstract   Option<A> filter(Predicate<A> predicate);
    public   abstract   A getOrElse(A def);
    public   abstract   boolean isDefined();

    public static <A> Some<A> some(A value) {
        if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        return new Some<A>(value);

    public static <A> None<A> none() { return None.NONE; }

    public static <A> Option<A> option(A value) {
        return value == null ? none() : some(value);

    public static final class None<A> extends Option<A> { ... }
    public static final class Some<A> extends Option<A> { ... }
public static final class Some<A> extends Option<A> {
    private final A value;
    private Some(A value) { this.value = value; }

    public <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper) {
        return some( mapper.apply(value) );

    public <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper) {
        return (Option<B>) mapper.apply(value);

    public Option<A> filter(Predicate<? super A> predicate) {
        return predicate.test(value)) ? this : None.NONE;

    public A getOrElse(A def) { return value; }
    public boolean isDefined() { return false; }
public static final class None<A> extends Option<A> {

    public static final None NONE = new None();

    private None() { }

    public <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper) { return NONE; }

    public <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper) {
        return NONE;

    public Option<A> filter(Predicate<A> predicate) { return NONE; }

    public A getOrElse(A def) { return def; }

    public boolean isDefined() { return false; }
Example: if the value associated with a given key
    is a String representing a positive integer returns
      that integer, but returns zero in all other case
public void testReturnPositiveIntegersOrZero() {
    Map<String, String> param = new HashMap<String, String>();
    param.put("a", "5");
    param.put("b", "true");
    param.put("c", "-3");

     // the value of   the key "a" is a String representing a
     // positive int   so return it
     assertEquals(5,   readPositiveIntParam(param, "a"));
     // returns zero   since the value of the key "b" is not an int
     assertEquals(0,   readPositiveIntParam(param, "b"));
     // returns zero   since the value of the key "c" is a negative int
     assertEquals(0,   readPositiveIntParam(param, "c"));
     // returns zero   since there is no key "d" in the map
     assertEquals(0,   readPositiveIntParam(param, "d"));
Null vs. Option
int readPositiveIntParam(Map<String, String> params, String name) {
    String value = params.get(name);
    if (value == null) return 0;
    int i = 0;
    try {
        i = Integer.parseInt(value);
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
     return i < 0 ? 0 : i;

int readPositiveIntParam(Map<String, String> params, String name) {
    return asOption(params.get(name))
           .flatMap(s -> {
                    try { return some(Integer.parseInt(s)); }
                    catch (NumberFormatException e) { return none(); }
           .filter(i -> i > 0)
Exceptions? Yes, but …
Often abused, especially for flow control
Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability
Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is
Exceptions? Yes, but …
Often abused, especially for flow control
Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability
Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is

          the functional alternative
The functional way of returning a value which can actually be one of two
values: the error/exception (Left) or the correct value (Right)

      Validation<Exception, Value>
Exceptions? Yes, but …
Often abused, especially for flow control
Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability
Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is

          the functional alternative
The functional way of returning a value which can actually be one of two
values: the error/exception (Left) or the correct value (Right)
Composable: can accumulate multiple errors

 Validation<List<Exception>, Value>
   Validation<Exception, Value>
public class SalaryCalculator {
    // B = basic + 20%
    public double plusAllowance(double d) { return d * 1.2; }

    // C = B + 10%
    public double plusBonus(double d) { return d * 1.1; }

    // D = C - 30%
    public double plusTax(double d) { return d * 0.7; }

    // E = D - 10%
    public double plusSurcharge(double d) { return d * 0.9; }

    public double calculate(double basic, boolean... bs) {
        double salary = basic;
        if (bs[0]) salary = plusAllowance(salary);
        if (bs[1]) salary = plusBonus(salary);
        if (bs[2]) salary = plusTax(salary);
        if (bs[3]) salary = plusSurcharge(salary);
        return salary;
Endomorphisms & Monoids
    interface Endomorphism<A> extends Function<A, A> { }

    interface Monoid<A> {
        A append(A a1, A a2);
        A zero();

interface EndoMonoid<A> extends Monoid<Endomorphism<A>> {
    default Endomorphism<A> append(Endomorphism<A> a1, Endomorphism<A> a2) {
        return (A a) -> a2.apply(a1.apply(a));

      default Endomorphism<A> zero() {
          return a -> a;
public class FluentEndoMonoid<A> implements EndoMonoid<A> {
    private final Endomorphism<A> endo;

    public FluentEndoMonoid(Endomorphism<A> endo) { this.endo = endo; }
    public FluentEndoMonoid(Endomorphism<A> endo, boolean b) {
        this.endo = b ? endo : zero();

    public FluentEndoMonoid<A> add(Endomorphism<A> other) {
        return new FluentEndoMonoid<A>(append(endo, other));
    public FluentEndoMonoid<A> add(Endomorphism<A> other, boolean b) {
        return add(b ? other : zero());

    public Endomorphism<A> get() { return endo; }

    public static <A> FluentEndoMonoid<A> endo(Endomorphism<A> f, boolean b) {
        return new FluentEndoMonoid<A>(f, b);
Functional SalaryCalculator

public class SalaryCalculator {

    public double calculate(double basic, boolean... bs) {
        return endo((Endomorphism<Double>) this::plusAllowance, bs[0])
                .add(this::plusBonus, bs[1])
                .add(this::plusTax, bs[2])
                .add(this::plusSurcharge, bs[3])
The bottom line

Java is getting functional

Thanks … Questions?

Q                                                 A
Mario Fusco                
Red Hat – Senior Software Engineer     twitter: @mariofusco

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FP in Java - Project Lambda and beyond

  • 1. FP in Java Project Lambda and beyond by Mario Fusco twitter: @mariofusco
  • 2. Project Lambda – A Brief History • 2006 – Gosling: "We will never have closures in Java" • 2007 – 3 different proposals for closures in Java • 2008 – Reinhold: "We will never have closures in Java" • 2009 – Start of project Lambda (JSR 335) public boolean javaWillHaveClosure() { return currentYear % 2 == 1; }
  • 3. From Single Method Interfaces … public interface Comparator<T> { Functional int compare(T o1, T o2); } Interface Collections.sort(strings, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); } }); Bulky syntax Confusion surrounding the meaning of names and this Inability to capture non-final local variables Inability to abstract over control flow
  • 4. … To Lambda Expressions Collections.sort(strings, (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2)); Lambda expression are always converted to instance of a functional interface Comparator<String> c = (s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); Compiler figures out the types No need of changing the JVM to create a new type for lambda expressions
  • 5. Anatomy of a lambda expression A lambda expression is like a method: it provides a list of formal parameters and a body The formal parameters of a lambda expression may have either inferred or s -> s.length() declared types (int x, int y) -> x + y () -> 42 Return is implicit and can be omitted (x, y, z) -> { if (x) { return y; A lambda body is either a } else { single expression or a block return z; } }
  • 6. Common JDK8 functional interfaces Predicate a property of the object passed as argument Block an action to be performed with the object passed as argument Function transform a T to a U BiFunction transform a (T, U) to a V Supplier provide an instance of a T (such as a factory) UnaryOperator a unary operator from T -> T BinaryOperator a binary operator from (T, T) -> T
  • 7. Why Lambdas? API designers can build more powerful, expressive APIs More room for generalization o Pass behaviors to a method together with normal data Libraries remain in control of computation o e.g. internal vs. external iteration More opportunities for optimization o Laziness o Parallelism o Out-of-order execution More regular and then more readable code o e.g. nested loops vs. pipelined (fluent) operations Better composability and reusability
  • 8. An Example: Sorting Comparator<Person> byAge = new Comparator<Person>() { public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return p1.getAge() – p2.getAge(); Functional interface } }; Lambda expression Collections.sort(people, byAge); Comparator<Person> byAge = (p1, p2) -> p1.getAge() – p2.getAge(); Collections.sort(people, (p1, p2) -> p1.getAge() – p2.getAge());
  • 9. Can We Do Better? Comparator<Person> byAge = Comparators.comparing(p -> p.getAge()); Comparator<Person> byAge = Comparators.comparing(Person::getAge); Method reference Readability Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge)); Reusability Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge).reverse()); Composability Collections.sort(people, comparing(Person::getAge) .compose(comparing(Person::getName)));
  • 10. Extension methods interface Iterator<E> { boolean hasNext(); E next(); void remove(); default void forEach(Block<? super E> block) { while (hasNext()) block.accept(next()); } } Add methods to existing interfaces without breaking the backward compatibility Primary goal is API evolution, but useful as an inheritance mechanism on its own Add multiple inheritance of behavior to the always existed multiple inheritance of type, but no multiple inheritance of state
  • 11. Extension methods interface Iterator<E> { boolean hasNext(); E next(); default void remove(); { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } remove() default void forEach(Block<? super E> block) { while (hasNext()) block.accept(next()); } } Add methods to existing interfaces without breaking the backward compatibility Primary goal is API evolution, but useful as an inheritance mechanism on its own Add multiple inheritance of behavior to the always existed multiple inheritance of type, but no multiple inheritance of state Can be used to declare “optional” methods
  • 12. Internal VS External iteration for (Employee e : employees) { e.setSalary(e.getSalary() * 1.03); } ̶ Inherently serial ̶ Client has to manage iteration ̶ Nested loops are poorly readable employees.forEach(e -> e.setSalary(e.getSalary() * 1.03)); Not only a syntactic change! + Library is in control opportunity for internal optimizations as parallelization, lazy evaluation, out-of-order execution + More what, less how better readability + Fluent (pipelined) operations better readability + Client can pass behaviors into the API as data possibility to abstract and generalize over behavior more powerful, expressive APIs
  • 13. Streams - Efficiency with laziness .filter(e -> e.getIncome() > 50000) .map(e -> e.getName()) .forEach(System.out::println); Represents a stream of values Not a data structure: doesn't store values Source can be Collection, array, generating function, I/O .... Encourages a pipelined ( "fluent" ) usage style Operations are divided between intermediate and terminal Lazy in nature: only terminal operations actually trigger a computation
  • 14. Streams - Efficiency with laziness parallel() .filter(e -> e.getIncome() > 50000) .map(e -> e.getName()) .forEach(System.out::println); Represents a stream of values Not a data structure: doesn't store values Source can be Collection, array, generating function, I/O .... Encourages a pipelined ( "fluent" ) usage style Operations are divided between intermediate and terminal Lazy in nature: only terminal operations actually trigger a computation Also available a parallel stream (using the Fork/Join framework)
  • 15. So we have lambdas in Java … … now what?
  • 16. The OOP/FP dualism - OOP public class Bird { } public class Cat { private Bird catch; private boolean full; public void capture(Bird bird) { catch = bird; The story } public void eat() { full = true; catch = null; } } Cat cat = new Cat(); Bird bird = new Bird(); cat.capture(bird);;
  • 17. The OOP/FP dualism - FP public class Bird { } public class Cat { public CatWithCatch capture(Bird bird) { return new CatWithCatch(bird); } } public class CatWithCatch { Immutability private final Bird catch; public CatWithCatch(Bird bird) { catch = bird; } public FullCat eat() { return new FullCat(); } Emphasis on verbs } instead of names public class FullCat { } BiFunction<Cat, Bird, FullCat> story = ((BiFunction<Cat, Bird, CatWithCatch>)Cat::capture) .compose(CatWithCatch::eat); FullCat fullCat = story.apply( new Cat(), new Bird() ); No need to test internal state: correctness enforced by the compiler
  • 18. Better Logging with Lambdas if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The answer is " + answer); } Invokes answer.toString() and does the Strings concatenation even when not necessary Can we delay the String creation and execute it only when strictly necessary without (explicitly) using an if? log.debug(()-> "The answer is " + answer); public void debug(Callable<String> lambda) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debug(; } }
  • 19. Side-effect isolation Reusability class Player { String name; public void declareWinner(Player p) { int score; System.out.println( + " wins!"); } } public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) { if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1) else declareWinner(p2); }
  • 20. Side-effect isolation Reusability class Player { String name; public void declareWinner(Player p) { int score; System.out.println( + " wins!"); } } public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) { if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1) else declareWinner(p2); } Separate computational logic public Player maxScore(Player p1, Player p2) { from side effects return p1.score > p2.score ? p1 : p2; } public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) { declareWinner(maxScore(p1, p2)); }
  • 21. Side-effect isolation Reusability class Player { String name; public void declareWinner(Player p) { int score; System.out.println( + " wins!"); } } public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) { if (p1.score > p2.score) declareWinner(p1) else declareWinner(p2); } Separate computational logic public Player maxScore(Player p1, Player p2) { from side effects return p1.score > p2.score ? p1 : p2; } public void winner(Player p1, Player p2) { declareWinner(maxScore(p1, p2)); } declareWinner( reuse maxScore as a BinaryOperator to compute the winner among a list of players
  • 22. Using Streams public boolean isPrimeImperative(int number) { if (number < 2) { return false; } for (int i = 2; i < (int) Math.sqrt(number) + 1; i++) { if ( number % i == 0 ) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isPrimeFunctional(int number) { return number > 1 && Streams.intRange(2, (int) Math.sqrt(number) + 1) .noneMatch(divisor -> number % divisor == 0); }
  • 23. Working with infinite Streams take 25 (map (^2) [1..]) (take 25 (squares-of (integers))) Stream.from(1).map(_ ^ 2).take(25).toArray Stream<Integer> integers = Streams.iterate(1, i -> i + 1); int[] result = -> i ^ 2).limit(25).toArray();
  • 24. Null references? No, Thanks Errors source NPE is by far the most common exception in Java Bloatware source Worsen readability by making necessary to fill our code with null checks Meaningless Don't have any semantic meaning and in particular are the wrong way to model the absence of a value in a statically typed language Breaks Java philosophy Java always hides pointers to developers, except in one case: the null pointer A hole in the type system Null has the bottom type, meaning that it can be assigned to any reference type: this is a problem because, when propagated to another part of the system, you have no idea what that null was initially supposed to be Tony Hoare, who invented the null reference in 1965 while working on an object oriented language called ALGOL W, called its invention his “billion dollar mistake”
  • 25. Options: the functional alternative public abstract class Option<A> implements Iterable<A> { private Option() { } public abstract <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper); public abstract <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper); public abstract Option<A> filter(Predicate<A> predicate); public abstract A getOrElse(A def); public abstract boolean isDefined(); public static <A> Some<A> some(A value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException(); return new Some<A>(value); } public static <A> None<A> none() { return None.NONE; } public static <A> Option<A> option(A value) { return value == null ? none() : some(value); } public static final class None<A> extends Option<A> { ... } public static final class Some<A> extends Option<A> { ... } }
  • 26. Some public static final class Some<A> extends Option<A> { private final A value; private Some(A value) { this.value = value; } public <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper) { return some( mapper.apply(value) ); } public <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper) { return (Option<B>) mapper.apply(value); } public Option<A> filter(Predicate<? super A> predicate) { return predicate.test(value)) ? this : None.NONE; } public A getOrElse(A def) { return value; } public boolean isDefined() { return false; } }
  • 27. None public static final class None<A> extends Option<A> { public static final None NONE = new None(); private None() { } public <B> Option<B> map(Function<A, B> mapper) { return NONE; } public <B> Option<B> flatMap(Function<A, Option<B>> mapper) { return NONE; } public Option<A> filter(Predicate<A> predicate) { return NONE; } public A getOrElse(A def) { return def; } public boolean isDefined() { return false; } }
  • 28. Example: if the value associated with a given key is a String representing a positive integer returns that integer, but returns zero in all other case @Test public void testReturnPositiveIntegersOrZero() { Map<String, String> param = new HashMap<String, String>(); param.put("a", "5"); param.put("b", "true"); param.put("c", "-3"); // the value of the key "a" is a String representing a // positive int so return it assertEquals(5, readPositiveIntParam(param, "a")); // returns zero since the value of the key "b" is not an int assertEquals(0, readPositiveIntParam(param, "b")); // returns zero since the value of the key "c" is a negative int assertEquals(0, readPositiveIntParam(param, "c")); // returns zero since there is no key "d" in the map assertEquals(0, readPositiveIntParam(param, "d")); }
  • 29. Null vs. Option int readPositiveIntParam(Map<String, String> params, String name) { String value = params.get(name); if (value == null) return 0; int i = 0; try { i = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return i < 0 ? 0 : i; } int readPositiveIntParam(Map<String, String> params, String name) { return asOption(params.get(name)) .flatMap(s -> { try { return some(Integer.parseInt(s)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return none(); } }) .filter(i -> i > 0) .getOrElse(0); }
  • 30. Exceptions? Yes, but … Often abused, especially for flow control Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is reported In the end just a GLORIFIED MULTILEVEL GOTO
  • 31. Exceptions? Yes, but … Often abused, especially for flow control Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is reported In the end just a GLORIFIED MULTILEVEL GOTO Either/Validation: the functional alternative The functional way of returning a value which can actually be one of two values: the error/exception (Left) or the correct value (Right) Validation<Exception, Value>
  • 32. Exceptions? Yes, but … Often abused, especially for flow control Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is reported In the end just a GLORIFIED MULTILEVEL GOTO Either/Validation: the functional alternative The functional way of returning a value which can actually be one of two values: the error/exception (Left) or the correct value (Right) Composable: can accumulate multiple errors Validation<List<Exception>, Value> Validation<Exception, Value>
  • 33. SalaryCalculator public class SalaryCalculator { // B = basic + 20% public double plusAllowance(double d) { return d * 1.2; } // C = B + 10% public double plusBonus(double d) { return d * 1.1; } // D = C - 30% public double plusTax(double d) { return d * 0.7; } // E = D - 10% public double plusSurcharge(double d) { return d * 0.9; } public double calculate(double basic, boolean... bs) { double salary = basic; if (bs[0]) salary = plusAllowance(salary); if (bs[1]) salary = plusBonus(salary); if (bs[2]) salary = plusTax(salary); if (bs[3]) salary = plusSurcharge(salary); return salary; } }
  • 34. Endomorphisms & Monoids interface Endomorphism<A> extends Function<A, A> { } interface Monoid<A> { A append(A a1, A a2); A zero(); } interface EndoMonoid<A> extends Monoid<Endomorphism<A>> { @Override default Endomorphism<A> append(Endomorphism<A> a1, Endomorphism<A> a2) { return (A a) -> a2.apply(a1.apply(a)); } @Override default Endomorphism<A> zero() { return a -> a; } }
  • 35. FluentEndoMonoid public class FluentEndoMonoid<A> implements EndoMonoid<A> { private final Endomorphism<A> endo; public FluentEndoMonoid(Endomorphism<A> endo) { this.endo = endo; } public FluentEndoMonoid(Endomorphism<A> endo, boolean b) { this.endo = b ? endo : zero(); } public FluentEndoMonoid<A> add(Endomorphism<A> other) { return new FluentEndoMonoid<A>(append(endo, other)); } public FluentEndoMonoid<A> add(Endomorphism<A> other, boolean b) { return add(b ? other : zero()); } public Endomorphism<A> get() { return endo; } public static <A> FluentEndoMonoid<A> endo(Endomorphism<A> f, boolean b) { return new FluentEndoMonoid<A>(f, b); } }
  • 36. Functional SalaryCalculator public class SalaryCalculator { public double calculate(double basic, boolean... bs) { return endo((Endomorphism<Double>) this::plusAllowance, bs[0]) .add(this::plusBonus, bs[1]) .add(this::plusTax, bs[2]) .add(this::plusSurcharge, bs[3]) .get() .apply(basic); } }
  • 37. The bottom line Java is getting functional EMBRACE IT!
  • 39. Thanks … Questions? Q A Mario Fusco Red Hat – Senior Software Engineer twitter: @mariofusco