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In this file every page 1&2 coloumns contains Boy name and 3 &4 coloumn contain Girl Names

BOY NAME           MEANING                     GIRL NAME       MEANING
NAME               MEANING                     Aaarti          worship
Aadi               first; most important       Aadit
Aafreen            encouragement               Aafreen         encouragement
Aalam              the whole world             Aahuk
Aalap              musical                     Aanu
Aandaleeb          bulbul (type of songbird)   Aapta
Aarman             desire                      Aashay
Aaron              high mountain               Abani           Earth
Aatish             dynamic person;
                   explosive                   Abha            beauty
Aayush             long life                   Abhaya
Aayushman          long life                   Abheesht
Abhay              son of Dharma               Abhilasha
Abheek             fearless                    Abirami
Abhijat            unconquerable               Aboil           name of a flower
Abhijay            unconquered                 Achala          constant
Abhijit            a constellation dear to
                   Hari                        Achit
Abhilash           desire                      Adarsh          ideal
Abhiman            pride                       Adela           noble
Abhimanyu          Arjuna's son                Adhira          lightning
Abhinav            novel                       Adimula
Abhirup            pleasing                    Adishree        exalted
Abhishek           anointing; bath for a god   Adisimha
Abhra              cloud                       Aditi           Earth
Achal              constant                    Adrienne        dark one
Achintya           a name of Lord Shiva;
                   unimaginable                Adrika          heavenly
Achyut             a name of Lord Vishnu;
                   imperishable                Adwithiya
Achyuta            a name of Lord Vishnu       Agneya
Adarsh             ideal                       Agrata          leadership
Adesh              command                     Agrima          leadership
Adhik              greater                                     wife of Rishi
                                                               Gautam; woman
                                                               who was saved by
                                               Ahalya          Lord Rama
Adil               just; sincere               Aiesha          woman
Adinath            Lord Vishnu; the first
                   lord                        Aishani         Goddess Durga
Adit               from the beginning          Aishwarya       wealth

Aditya        Lord of the Sun                      a famous Buddist
                                      Ajanta       cave
Adwaita                               Akhila       total
Adway         united                  Akriti
Aftaab        sun                     Akshaya      indestructible
Aftab         sun                     Akshita      seen
Agasti        name of a sage          Akuti        princess
Agastya       name of a sage          Alaka        girl with a lovely hair
Agha          preeminent                           a river in the
                                      Alaknanda    Himalayas
Agharna       moon                    Alana        light; offering
Aghat         destroyer of sin        Alena        light
Agniprava     bright as fire          Aletea       truth
Agrim         first; leader           Alka         girl with a lovely hair
Agriya        best; first             Almas        diamond
Ahsan         mercy                   Alpana       decorative design
Aijaz         favor                   Amala        the pure one
Aiman         fearless                Amarthya
Ainesh        sun's glory             Ambika       Goddess Parvati
Ajamil        a mythological king                  born from a lotus;
                                      Ambuja       Goddess Lakshmi
Ajatashatru   a name of Lord Vishnu   Amita        without limit
Ajay          unconquerable           Amla         the pure one
Ajit          invincible              Amodini      happy
Ajitabh       conqueror of the sky                 famous courtesan
                                                   who became a
                                      Amrapali     devotee of Buddha
Ajitesh       Lord Vishnu             Amrita       immortality
Ajmal         pious                                sweet smelling
                                      Amritkala    peach
Akaash        sky                     Amrusha      sudden
Akalmash      stainless               Anagha       without sin
Akash         sky                     Anahita      graceful
Akbar         powerful                Anala        fiery
Akeel                                 Anamika      ring finger
Akhadanand                            Anandamayi   filled with happiness
Akhand                                Anandi       jovial
Akhil         complete                Anandini     happy
Akhilanadan                           Ananya       without a second
Akhilesh      Lord of all             Anasooya     wife of Rishi Atri
Akmal         complete                Anasuya      wife of Rishi Atri
Akram         excellent                            the decorative end of
                                      Anchal       a sari
Akrodh                                             attractive women;
                                      Angana       suspicious woman
Akroor        kind                    Angarika     flame-colored flower

Akshan        eye                         Anika
Akshar        imperishable                Anindita    beautiful
Akshath       indestructible              Anisha      uninterrupted
Akshay        indestructible              Anita       grace
Akshit        permanent                   Anjali      offering
Akul          a name of Lord Shiva        Anjana      mother of Hanuman
Alam          the whole world                         person who lives in
                                          Anju        the heart
Alamgir       Lord of the whole world     Anjushree   dear to one's heart
Alarn                                     Anjushri    dear to one's heart
Alden         old friend                  Ankita
Aleem         knowledgeable                           generous with food;
                                          Annapurna   Goddess Parvati
Alhad         happiness                   Anshula     sunny
Ali           protected by God                        the second note in
                                                      Indian classical
                                          Antara      music
Alok          man with lovely hair        Anu         atom
Aloke         light                       Anumati     consent
Amal          bright; clean; pure         Anupama     without equal
Amalendu      unblemished moon            Anuradha    bright star
Amalesh       pure                        Anusha
Amar          forever                     Anushree
Amartya       immortal                    Anuva       knowledge
Ambarish      sky                         Anvita
Amber         sky                         Anwesha     quest
Ambuj         lotus                                   name of a learned
                                          Apala       woman of the past
Ameen         divine grace                Aparajita
Ameya         immeasurable                            name of a flower;
                                          Aparijita   undefeated
Amil          invaluable                  Aparna      Goddess Parvati
Amin          divine grace                Apoorva     unique
Amir          rich                        Apsara      heavenly maiden
Amish         honest                      Apurva      unique
Amit          endless                     Aradhana    worship
Amitabh                                   Arathi
Amitabha      limitless lustre; name of
              Lord Buddha                 Arati       worship
Amitav        limitless lustre; name of
              Lord Buddha                 Archa       worship
Amitava                                   Archan      worship
Amitbikram    limitless prowess           Archana     worship
Amitiyoti     limitless brightness        Archi
Amitrasudan   destroyer of enemies        Archit      worshipped
Amiya         delight; nectar             Arka        sun

Amlan        ever bright; unfading     Arkesh
Amlankusum   unfading flower           Arpana        surrendered
Ammar        the maker                 Arpita        dedicated
Amod         pleasure                  Arshia        heavenly
Amogh        a name of Lord Ganesh     Aruna         dawn
Amol         priceless                 Arunamshu
Amolak       priceless                 Arundhati     star
Amolik       priceless                 Aruni         dawn
Amrik        nectar                    Arunima       glow of dawn
Amrit        nectar                    Arya
Amulya       priceless                 Aryaka
Anadi        eternal                                 name of a raga (an
                                                     Indian musical
                                       Asavari       melody)
Anal         fire                      Aseema        without limit
Anamitra     sun                       Asgari        devotee
Anand        bliss                     Asha          hope
Ananda       happiness                 Ashima        without limit
Anang        name of Kamadeva          Ashis         benediction
Ananga       name of Kamadeva          Ashna         friend
Anant        infinite                  Ashoka        without grief
Ananta       infinite                  Ashrita
Anarghya     priceless                 Ashwini       star
Anay                                   Asita         the river Yamuna
Angad        ornament                                daughter of Prajapati
                                       Askini        Virat
Angada       son of Lakshmana          Aslesha       star
Angel        angel; messenger          Asmita        pride
Anil         the wind God              Atasi         blue flower
Animesh      attractive; open-eyed     Atmaja        daughter
Animish      attractive; open-eyed     Atreyi        name of a river
Anirudhh                               Avani         Earth
Anirudhha    free; grandson of Lord                  ancient Malwa;
             Krishna                   Avanti        Ujjain
Anirvan      undying                   Avantika      city of Ujjain
Anish        Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu                 person who has a
                                       Ayushmati     long life
Anjum        symbol                                  born in the first
                                       Babita        quarter of the day
Anjuman      symbol                    Bahula        star
Ankit        conquered                 Baidehi       Sita
Ankur        new life; sprout                        garland of Lord
                                       Baijayanthi   Vishnu
Ankush       an instrument used for
             guiding elephants;                      of the month
             check                     Baisakhi      Baishakh

Anmol         priceless                Baishali      an ancient city
Anniruddha    son of Pradyummna        Bakul         the name of a flower
Anoop         incomparable; the best   Bala          energy; force; power
Anshu         sun                      Balika        daughter
Anshul        radiant                  Ballari       creeper
Anshuman      sun                      Banamala      forests
Anshumat      luminous                 Banani        forests
Anthahkaran                            Bandana       prayer
Anthariksh                             Bandhula      charming
Anu           atom                     Banhi         fire
Anuj          younger brother          Banhishikha   flame
Anuja         younger brother          Banita        woman
Anunay        consolation;
              supplication             Bansari       flute
Anup          without comparison       Bansuri       flute
Anupam        without comparison       Banu
Anuraag       love                     Barsha        rain
Anurag        love                                   wife of the Lord of
                                       Baruna        the ocean
Anuttam       unsurpassed              Baruni        Goddess Durga
Anwar         devotee of God           Basabi        wife of Lord Indra
Apoorva       unique                   Basanti       of Spring
Apparajito    undefeated                             jasmine (type of
                                       Bela          flower)
Apurva        unique                                 jasmine (type of
                                       Beli          flower)
Arabinda      lotus                    Belicia       dedicated to God
Arav          peaceful                 Bhadra        gentle
Archan        worship                                raga (a type of
                                                     Indian musical
                                       Bhageshree    melody)
Archit        worshipped               Bhagirathi    Ganga
Ardhendu      half moon                              a name of the
                                       Bhagvati      Goddess Lakshmi
Arghya        offering to the Lord     Bhagwanti     fortunate
Arhant        destroyer of enemies     Bhagya        destiny; fate
Arindam       destroyer of enemies     Bhagyashree   fortunate
Arjit         earned                   Bhagyawati    fortunate
Arjun         one of the Pandavas                    raga (a type of
                                                     Indian musical
                                       Bhairavi      melody)
Arka          sun                      Bhakti        devotion; love
Arnav         ocean                    Bhama
Arnesh        Lord of the ocean        Bhamini       woman
Aroon         charioteer of the sun;
              dawn                     Bhanu         sun

Arshad      pious                     Bhanumati    luminous; radiant
Arte        noble                     Bhanupriya   loved by the sun
Arul                                  Bharati      Indian
Arun        charioteer of the sun;
            dawn                      Bhargavi     Goddess Parvati
Aruni       name of a devoted pupil   Bhavana      meditation; thinking
Arvind      lotus                     Bhavika      expression
Arvinda     lotus                     Bhavini      Goddess Parvati
Aryaman     sun                       Bhavna       meditation; thinking
Asao        essence                   Bhavya       splendor
Asav        essence                   Bhilangana   river
Aseem       without limit             Bhoomi       Earth
Asgar       devotee                   Bhoomika     Earth
Ashim       without limit             Bhumi        Earth
Ashis       benediction               Bimala       pure
Ashish      blessing                  Bina         a musical instrument
Ashit       the planet                             the wife of sage
                                      Binata       Kashyap
Ashok       without grief             Bindiya
Ashraf      without grief             Bindu        a drop
Ashu        fast                      Bindya       small dot
Ashutosh    Lord Shiva                Binita       humble
Ashwin      a Hindu month                          attractive; beautiful
                                      Binodini     Radha
Ashwini     star                      Bipasha      river
Asija       brother of Brihaspati;
            great sage                Bishakha     star
Asim        without limit             Bratati      creeper
Asit        the planet                             a name of Radha;
                                      Brinda       surrounded by many
Aslesh      embrace                   Brishti      rain
Asuman      Lord of vital breaths     Bulbul       a type of songbird
Asurari                               Bulbuli      a type of songbird
Asvathama   son of Drona              Calida       loving; warm
Asvin       (Nasatya and Dasra)
            Gods of medicine          Cauvery
Atal        immovable                 Cavery
Atanu                                              beauty; shade;
                                      Chaaya       shadow
Atharvan    knower of the Arthara
            vedas                     Chadna       love
Atma        soul                                   born in the month of
                                      Chaitali     Chaitra
Atmaja      son                       Chaitan      consciousness
Atmajyoti   light of Atma                          bird fascinated by
                                      Chakori      the moon

Atmananda     bliss of soul         Chameli         creeper with flowers
Atre                                Champa          flower
Atul          matchless             Champabati      the capital
Atulya        matchless             Champakali      bud of champa
Avadhesh      King Dasaratha        Chanchala       restless
Avanindra     Lord of the Earth     Chanda          moon
Avanish       Lord of the Earth     Chandana        parrot
Avatar        incarnation           Chandani        river
Avinash       indestructible        Chandanika      small
Avishkar                                            diminutive of
                                    Chandika        Chandana
Avkash        limitless space       Chandni         moonlit
Ayog          institution           Chandrabali     Krishna's girl-friend
Badal         cloud                 Chandrabhaga    river Chenab
Badri         Lord Vishnu           Chandrajyoti    moonlight
Badrinath     Lord Vishnu           Chandrakala     moonbeams
                                                    peacock (type of
Bahubali      a Jain Tirthakar      Chandrakin      bird)
Bahuleya      Lord Kartikeya        Chandraleksha   ray of the moon
              a name of Lord
Bajrang       Hanuman               Chandrani       wife of the moon
Balaaditya    young sun             Chandrika       moon
Balachandra   young moon            Chandrima       moon
Balagovind    baby Lord Krishna     Chandrin        made from gold
Balaji        like Lord Vishnu      Changuna        good woman
Balakrishna   baby Lord Krishna     Chapala         lighting; restless
Balamani      young jewel           Charita         good
Balaraj       strong                Charu           beautiful; charming
              the brother of Lord
Balaram       Krishna               Charulata       beautiful
Balavan       powerful              Charumati       beautiful
Balbir        strong                Charuprabha     beautiful
Baldev        strong                Charusheela     jewel
Balgopal      baby krishna          Charvi          beautiful woman
Balik                               Chatura         skillful
Balkrishna                          Chhabi          picture
Balram                              Chhavvi
Balvinder     strong                Chhaya          shadow
Balvindra     strong                Chimayi         blissful
Balwant       strong                Chintamani      philosopher's stone
Balwin        Bold Protector        Chintan         meditation
Banbihari     Lord Krishna          Chintana        meditation
Bandhu        friend                Chintanika      meditation
Bandhul       pleasing              Chiti           love
Bankebihari   Lord Krishna          Chitkala        knowledge
Bankim        curved                Chitra          picture

Bankimchandra   crescent moon              Chitralekha   artist
Bansi           flute                      Chitrali      series of pictures
                Lord Krishna; Lord
Bansilal        Vishnu; the first lord     Chitramala    series of pictures
                                                         one of Arjuna's
Baradwaj        star                       Chitrangada   wives
Barid           cloud                      Chitrangda
Baridbaran      color of the cloud         Chitrani      river
Barindra        ocean                      Chitrarekha   picture
Barun           Lord of the ocean          Chitrita      picturesque
Basanta         spring                     Chudaamani
Basistha        a sage                     Cora          maiden
Basudha         Earth                      Daivya        divine
                person with beautiful
Bhadraksh       eyes                       Daksa         perfect; talented
                                                         Earth; Sati; wife of
Bhagat                                     Daksha        Shiva
                person brought the river
Bhagirath       Ganga to the Earth         Dakshata      skill
Bhagwan                                    Dakshayani    Goddess Durga
Bhagwant        fortunate                  Damayanti     Nala's wife
Bhagyaraj       Lord of luck               Damini        Goddess Durga
Bhairav         Lord Shiva                 Damyanti
Bhajan          adoration                  Danita        God is my judge
Bhanu           sun                        Darpana       mirror
Bhanudas        a devotee of the sun       Darshana
Bhanuprasad     gift of sun                Daya          compassion
Bharadwaj       a mythical bird; a sage    Dayamayee     kind
                a name of Bhisma and
Bharat          Yudhisthira; India         Dayanita      tender
Bhargava        Lord Shiva                 Dayita        beloved
Bhargyaraj      Lord of luck               Deeba         silk
Bhaskar         sun                        Deena
Bhaskara        sun                        Deepa         light
Bhaumik         attached to the Earth      Deepabali     row of lamps
Bhavesh         Lord of the world          Deepali       row of lamps
Bhavya                                     Deepamala     row of lamps
Bhim                                       Deepanwita    lit by lamps
                person who has taken a
Bhishma         terrible vow               Deepaprabha   fully lighted
Bhiswajit                                  Deepashikha   flame
Bhooshan        decoration                 Deepika       small light
Bhooshit        decorated                  Deepta        shining
Bhrigu                                     Deepti        flame; lustre
Bhudev          Lord of the Earth          Deeptikana    a beam of light
Bhupen          king                       Deeptimoyee   lustrous

Bhupendra     king of kings              Devahuti     daughter of Manu
Bhuvan                                   Devak        divine
              Lord of the world; Lord                 mother of Lord
Bhuvanesh     Vishnu                     Devaki       Krishna
Bibek         conscience                 Devangana    heavenly maiden
              raga (a type of Indian
Bibhas        musical melody)            Devasree     divine beauty
Bibhavasu     fire; sun                  Devi         Goddess
Bijal                                    Devika       minor Goddess
              conquering; victor;                     daughter of
Bijay         victory                    Devyani      Shukraacharya
Bikram        prowess                    Dhanashree   beauty
                                                      raga (a type of
                                                      Indian musical
Bilva         sacred leaf                Dhanashri    melody)
Bimal         pure                       Dhanishta    star
Bipin         forest                     Dhanya       great
Biswanath                                Dhara        Earth
              person who does not                     mystical verse
Bitasok       mourn                      Dharani      recited to ease pain
Bodhan        kindling                   Dharitri     Earth
Boudhayan     the name of a sage         Dhatri       Goddess Parvati
              creator of the universe;
Brahma        evolution; growth          Dhriti       patience
Brahmabrata   ascetic                    Dhuti
              dedicated to Lord
Brahmadutt    Brahma                     Dhvani       sound
Bramha                                   Diksha       initiation
Bratindra     devoted to right deeds     Dilber       lover
Brijesh                                  Dilshad      happy
Brijmohan     Lord Krishna               Dipali       row of lights
Buddhadeva    Gautama Buddha             Dipika       small lamp
Budhil        learned                    Dipti        brightness
              the Zodiac sign of Aries   Disha        direction
                                                      wife of the sage
Chaitanya     a name of Lord Krishna     Diti         Kashyap
              bird fascinated by the
Chakor        moon                       Divya        brilliant; heavenly
Chakrapani    Lord Vishnu                Diya         light
Chakshu       eye                        Dory         golden-haired
Chaman        garden                     Doyel        songbrid
                                                      wife of the
Chamanlal     garden                     Draupadi     Pandavas
Champak       flower                     Drishti      sight
                                                      a form of the Devi;
Chanchal      restless                   Dristi       sight

Chand            moon                      Dulari       dear
Chandak          moon                      Durba        sacred grass
Chandan          sandalwood                Durga        the Goddess
Chander          moon                      Durva        sacred grass
Chandra          moon                      Dwipavati    river
Chandrabhan      moon                      Eha          desirous
Chandrachur      Lord Shiva                Ekakitaa     loneliness
Chandrahas       bow of Lord Shiva         Ekansha      undivided
Chandrak         peacock feather           Ekaparana    wife of Himalaya
Chandrakanta     moon                      Ekata        unity
Chandrakishore   moon                      Ekavali      single-string
Chandrakumar     moon                      Ekavira      the bravest
Chandramohan     beautiful like the moon   Ekta
Chandran         moon                      Ektaa        unity
Chandranath      moon                      Ela          cardamom tree
Chandraraj       moonbeam                  Elena        bright one
Chandrasekhara   a name of Lord Shiva      Eleni        light; torch
                                                        the zodiac sign of
Chapal           quick                     Ena          Capricorn
Charan           feet                      Enakshi      doe-eyed
Chaturbhuj                                 Erekhsha     shining
                 Lord Brahma; person
Chaturmukha      with four faces           Esha         pleasure
Chetan           conscience; soul          Eshana       search
Chetana          intelligence              Eshita       person who desires
                 charioteer of Lord                     Arjun; born in Falgun
Chhandak         Buddha                    Falguni      (a Hindu month)
                 person with a heart as
Chidambar        big as the sky            Fanibhusan   Lord Shiva
                                                        the cosmic serpent
Chidananda       Lord Shiva                Fanindra     Shesh
                                                        the cosmic serpent
Chinmay          blissful                  Fanish       Shesh
                                                        Lord of serpents;
Chinmayananda    blissful                  Fanishwar    Vasuki
                                                        like an elephant's
Chintamani       philosopher's stone       Gajagamini   walk; majestic
Chintan          perception; thought       Gajra        garland of flowers
Chirag           a lamp                    Gandhali     fragrance; perfumed
Chiranjeev       lifelong                  Ganga        sacred river of India
Chirantan        immortal                  Gangika      river Ganga
Chirayu          immortal                  Gangotri     sacred river of India
Chitrabhanu      fire                      Gargi        an ancient scholar
Chitraksh        beautiful eyed            Gatita       river
Chitral          of variegated color       Gauhar       pearl
Chitramukha      having a beautiful face   Gaura        fair woman

Chitrarath     sun                       Gauri
Chitrasen      a king of Gandharvas      Gaurika     young girl
                                                     river Godavari; wife a
Chitta         knowledge                 Gautami     sage Gautam
Chittaranjan   happiness of inner mind   Gayatri     mother of the Vedas
Chittaswarup   the supreme spirit        Geena       silvery
                                                     music; sacred Hindu
Chittesh       Lord of the soul          Geeta       book
Cholan         a South Indian dynasty    Geetha
               jewel adorned by the
Chudamani      Gods                      Geeti       song
Dabeet         warrior                   Geetika     poem
Dagan          corn; grain               Gillian     sweetheart; youth
                                                     born from a
                                                     mountain; Goddess
Dahana                                   Girija      Parvati
Daman          person who controls       Gita
Damian         tamer                     Gitanjali   offering of songs
Damodar        Lord Ganapati             Gitika
Damon          blue sky                  Godavari    sacred river of India
Darpan         mirror                    Gomati      name of a river
Darshan        religious text            Gool        flower
Daruka                                   Gopa        Gautama's wife
                                                     a cowherd; cowherd
Dasharath      the father of Lord Rama   Gopi        woman
Dasharathi     Lord Rama                 Gopika      a name of Radha
Dattatreya     a God; son of Atri        Gorochana   Goddess Parvati
                                                     devotee of Lord
David          beloved                   Govindi     Krishna
Debashis       benediction of God        Greeshma    Summer
Deenabandhu    friend of the poor        Gulab       rose
Deep           that which illuminates    Gunjana     buzzing of a bee
Deepak         small lamp                Gunwanti    virtuous
                                                     raga (a type of
                                                     Indian musical
Deepan         lighting up               Gurjari     melody)
Deepankar      Lord of light             Gyanada     Goddess Sarasvati
                                                     Goddess Parvati;
Deependu       bright moon               Haimavati   Lord Shiva's wife
Deepesh        Lord of light             Hanima      wave
Deepit         lighted                   Hansa       swan
Deeptanshu     sun                       Hansika     small swan
Deeptendu      bright moon               Hansini     swan
Deeptiman      lustrous                  Harhsa
                                                     born in the season of
Deeptimoy      lustrous                  Harimanti   Hemanta

Dev           God; king                   Harinakshi   doe-eyed
Dev Kumar     son of Gods                 Harini
                                                       consort of Lord
                                                       Vishnu; Goddess
Deva          deity                       Haripriya    Lakshmi
Devabrata     a name of Bhisma            Harita       green
                                                       delight; happiness;
                                                       one of the three sons
Devadas       follower of God             Harsha       of Dharma
Devajyoti     brightness of the Lord      Harshada     giver of happiness
Devak         divine                      Harshini     happy
                                                       person who gives
Devandra                                  Harshita     happiness
Devarsi       sage of the Devas           Hasina       beautiful
Devashish     blessings of God            Hasita       happy
Devdutta      king                        Hasumati     happy
                                                       flower; flowering
Devendra      God of Gods                 Heather      health
Devesh        Lord Shiva                  Hedy         sweet or pleasant
Deveshwar     Lord Shiva                  Heena
Devkumar      son of Gods                 Heera        diamond
Devnarayan    king                        Helli        light
Devnath       king of Gods                Hema         gold
Dhakshesh     Lord Shiva                  Hemali       golden
Dhananjay     Arjuna                      Hemangi      golden-bodied
Dhanesh       Lord of wealth              Hemangini
Dhanraj       Lord Kuber                  Hemanti      early Winter
Dhansukh      happy; wealthy              Hemavati     golden Parvati
Dhanvant      wealthy                     Hemlata      golden creeper
              Shesh the cosmic
Dharanidhar   serpent                     Hena         flower
Dharma                                    Hetal        friendly
              person who serves his
Dharmadas     religion                    Hima         snow; Winter
                                                       a name of the
              person who takes                         Goddess Parvati;
Dharmanand    pleasure in his religion    Himani       snow
Dharmavira                                Hina         fragrance
                                                       raga (a type of
                                                       Indian musical
Dharmendra    God of religion             Hindola      melody)
                                                       a name of the
                                                       Goddess Lakshmi;
Dharmendu     light of religion           Hira         diamond
Dharmpal      protector of his religion   Hiral        lustrous
Dharmveer     religious                   Hiranmayi    golden

Dharuna      ascetic; wise man        Hirkani     small diamond
             son of Lord Vishnu and
Dhatri       the Goddess Lakshmi      Hiya        heart
             attractive; dazzling
Dhavala      white                    Hoor
Dhawal       white                    Husna       beautiful
Dheeman      intelligent              Iccha       wish
Dheemant     intelligent; wise        Iha         Earth
Dheer        gentle                   Ihina       enthusiasm
Dheerendra   God of courage           Ikshu       sugar cane
                                                  Earth; mother;
Dhiraj       emperor                  Ila         priestess
Dhiraja      born from tolerance      Ina         mother
Dhritiman    patient                  Inayat      kindness
Dhritman                              Indira      Goddess Lakshmi
Dhruba                                Indra       God of the sky
Dhruv        eternal; fixed; star     Indrani     wife of Lord Indra
             the Pole Star;                       daughter of King
Dhruva       unshakeable              Indrasena   Nala
                                                  the name of a sacred
Dhwani       sound                    Indrayani   river
Dhyanesh     meditative               Indu        bright drop
Diego        the supplanter           Induja      narmada river
             a name of Lord Shiva;
Digambar     sky clad                 Induleksh   moon
Dilawar      courageous               Indumati    full moon
             ancestor of Lord Rama;
Dilip        king                     Insiyah     woman
Dinanath     protector                Ipsa        desire
Dinar        gold coin                Ipsita      desired; wanted
Dindayal     kind to the poor         Ira         Earth; muse
Dinesh       Lord of the day          Iravati     the river Ravi
Dinkar       the sun                  Isha        person who protects
Dipak        small lamp               Ishana      rich
                                                  a name of the
                                                  Goddess Durga;
Divakar      sun                      Ishani      gifted by God
Divyanga     divine body              Ishika      paint brush
Divyendu     moon                     Ishita      desired
Divyesh                               Ishrat      affection
             a king; father of                    the best among the
Drupad       Draupadi                 Ishvari     divine
Duff         dark faced               Ishwari     Goddess
Dulal        beloved one              Jabeen      forehead
                                                  mother of the
Duncan       brown warrior            Jagadamba   universe

Duranjaya    heroic son                  Jagrati
Durjaya      difficult to conquer        Jagriti         vigilance
Durmada                                  Jahanara        queen of the world
             a king from the epic
Dushyanta    Mahabharata                 Jaheel          lake
Dustin       courageous warrior          Jahnavi
Dvimidha                                 Jaishree        honor of victory
Dwaipayan    the sage Vyasa              Jaisudha        nectar of victory
Dwijaraj     king of Brahmins; moon      Jaiwanti        victory
Dwijendra    king of Brahmins; moon      Jalabala        river
Dwijesh      river                       Jalaja          lotus
Dylan        son of the waves            Jamini          night
Eashan       Lord Shiva                  Jamuna          holy river
Ebhanan      Ganpati                     Janaki          a name of Sita
             person who worships a
Ekabhakta    single god                  Janhavi         river Ganga
Ekachakra    son of Kashyapa             Jannat          heaven
Ekachit      with one mind               Jasmine         flower; sweet
             renowned for his                            mother of Lord
Ekalavya     devotion to his guru        Jasoda          Krishna
                                                         mother of Lord
Ekambar      sky                         Jasodhara       Buddha
Ekanath      king                        Jaya            victory
                                                         the Goddess of
Ekatan       attractive                  Jayalakshmi     victory
                                                         victorious Goddess
Ekatma       one soul                    Jayalalita      Durga
Eknath       poet; saint                 Jayamala        garland of victory
Ekram        honor                       Jayani          a sakti of Ganesha
                                                         raga (a type of
             belonging to Iran; helper                   Indian musical
Erach        of the Aryans               Jayanthashree   melody)
Erman        friend; God                 Jayanti         victorious at the end
                                                         Goddess Durga;
Ervar        befitting a hero            Jayantika       Goddess Parvati
             a name of Lord Vishnu;
Esa          desirable                   Jayashree       Goddess of victory
Eshwar       Lord Shiva                  Jayasri         Goddess of victory
Eswar        God                         Jayati          victorious
             Arjun; born in Falgun (a
Falguni      Hindu month)                Jayita          victories
Fanibhusan   Lord Shiva                  Jeet            victory
             the cosmic serpent
Fanindra     Shesh                       Jeeval          filled with life
             the cosmic serpent
Fanish       Shesh                       Jeevankala      art of life

Fanishwar      Lord of serpents; Vasuki   Jeevanlata    creeper of life
                                                        raga (a type of
                                                        Indian musical
Gafur          invincible                 Jetashri      melody)
Gagan          sky                        Jhanavi       Ganga
Gajanand       Lord Ganesh                Jharna        stream
Gajendra       elephant king              Jhilmil       sparkling
Ganapati       Lord Ganesh                Jhinuk        oyster
Gandharva      heavenly musician          Jigya         curiosity
Gandhik        fragant                    Joella        Lord is willing
Ganesh         elephant God               Joline        He will increase
Gangadhar      a name of Lord Shiva       Joshita       pleased
Gangesh        Lord Shiva                 Jowaki        a firefly
Gangeya        of the Ganga               Juana
Gangol                                    Juanita       God is gracious
Garonman       house of heavenly song     Juhi          flower
Garuda         king of birds              Jui           flower
Gaurang                                   Juily         flower
                                                        brilliant; light of the
Gaurav         dignity; glory             Jyoti         sun
Gaurinath      Lord Shiva                 Jyotibala     splendor
Gautam         the wisest                 Jyotika       flame; light
Geet           Song                       Jyotirmoyee   lustrous
Ghaibi         heavenly; hidden           Jyotishmati   lustrous
Ghalib         excellent                  Jyotsna       moonlight
Ghanashyam     Lord Krishna               Kadambari     Goddess
                                                        coming from the
Giri           mountain                   Kadambari:    kadamba tree
Giridari       Lord Krishna               Kadambini     clouds
Giridhar       Lord Krishna               Kaishori      Goddess Parvati
Girik          Lord Shiva                 Kajal         eyeliner
Girilal        Lord Shiva                 Kajjali       kohl
Girindra       Lord Shiva                 Kakali        chirping of birds
Giriraj        Lord of the mountains      Kala          art
Girish         Lord of the mountains      Kalanidhi     treasure of art
Gokarna                                   Kalavati      filled with qualities
               a place where Lord                       flower bud; Goddess
Gokul          Krishna was brought up     Kali          Parvati
Gopal          Lord Krishna               Kalika        flower bud
Gopesh         Lord Krishna               Kalindi       the river Yamuna
                                                        gurgling of water;
Gopichand      name of a king             Kallol        large waves
Gorakh         cowherd                    Kalpana       imagination
Gourishankar   Mount Everest              Kalpita       the imagined
Govind                                    Kalyani       benefit
Govinda        master of the mountain     Kamakshi      a Devi

                                                         beautiful; born of
Gudakesha       the archer Arjuna           Kamala       from a lotus
                                                         person whose eyes
                                                         are as beautiful as
Gul                                         Kamalakshi   lotuses
Gulfam                                      Kamalika     lotus
Gulzar          gardener                    Kamalini     lotus
Gulzarilal      name of Lord Krishna        Kamalkali    the bud of a lotus
Gumwant         virtuous                    Kamana       desire
                                                         a name of Lord
                                                         Shiva; Lord of
Gunjan          buzzing of a bee            Kamesh       desire
Gunnar          army; battle                Kamini       attractive woman
Gupil           a secret                    Kamna        desire
Gurdeep         light of the teacher        Kana         an atom
Gurpreet        love of the teacher         Kanak        gold
Guru            teacher                     Kanaka       gold
Gyan            knowledge                   Kanakabati   fairy-tale
Gyandev         Lord of knowledge           Kanaklata    golden creeper
                God of wind; son of
Hanuman         Vayu                        Kanakpriya   lover of gold
                the monkey God of
Hanumant        Ramayana                    Kanan        forest; garden
Hardik          heartfelt                   Kananbala    forest nymph
Harekrishna     Lord Krishha                Kanav        a great Rishi
Harendra        Lord Shiva                  Kanchan      heavenly Apsara
                                                         a heavenly Apsara;
Haresh          Lord Krishna                Kanchana     gold
                a ray of light; fire; the
Hari            Zodiac sign of Leo          Kanchi       waistband
Haridas         servant of Lord Krishna     Kanika       atom
Harigopal       Lord Krishna                Kankana      bracelet
Harihar         Lord Vishnu                 Kanta        beautiful
                Lord Vishnu and Lord
Hariharan       Shiva conjoined             Kanti        lustre
Harikrishna                                 Kanya
                                                         name of the
Harinarayan     Lord Vishnu                 Kapila       heavenly cow
Hariom          Lord Vishnu                 Kapotakshi   eyes like a pigeon's
Hariprasad      blessed by Lord Krishna     Karabi       flower
Hariram         Lord Rama                   Kari         feminine; strong
Harish                                      Karishma     miracle
Harishankar     Lord Shiva                  Karuna       compassion; mercy
                charitable; king of Surya
Harishchandra   dynasty                     Karunamayi   merciful
Haritbaran      green                       Kashi        the holy city;

Harjeet         victorious             Kashmira      from Kashmir
Harkrishna      Lord Krishna           Kasturi       scented with musk
Harmendra       moon                   Katina        pure
Haroon          hope                   Katyayani     Goddess Parvati
Harsh           happiness              Kaumudi       moonlight
                                                     mother of Lord
Harshad         happiness              Kausalya      Rama
Harshavardhan   creator of happiness   Kaushalya     cleverness; skills
Harshil         happiness              Kaustubha     heavenly jewel
                                                     a holy Indian river;
Harshit         happiness              Kaveri        filled with water
                person who gives
Harshita        happiness              Kavita        poem
Hashmat         glory; happy           Kavya         poem
Hasit           happy                  Keely         graceful
Heer            diamond                Kelsy         fountain; spring
Hem             gold                   Kesari        lion; saffron
Hemadri         the Himalayas          Keshi
Hemal                                  Keshika
Hemamdar        golden creeper         Keshini
Hemanga         golden-bodied          Ketaki        golden
Hemant          gold                   Ketana        home
Hemanta         early Winter           Ketika
Hemendu         golden moon            Keya          flower
Heramba         Lord Ganesh            Khyati        fame
Himachal        the Himalayas          Kimaya        divine
Himadri         the Himalayas          Kiran         dust; ray of light
Himaghna        sun                    Kiranmala     garland of light
Himanshu        a name of Chandra      Kirtana       praise
                                                     a form of the Devi;
Himmat          courage                Kirti         fame
Himnish         Lord Shiva             Kishori       young
Hiranmay        golden                 Kitu
Hiranya         gold                   Kokila        cuckoo
Hirendra        Lord of diamonds       Komal         soft; tender
Hiten                                  Komala        delicate
Hitendra        well-wisher            Koyel         cuckoo
                                                     the sky and the
Hitesh                                 Krandasi      Earth
Hriday          heart                  Kranti        revolution
                beloved; Lord of the
Hridaynath      heart                  Kripa         mercy
Hridya          sweetheart             Krishnaa      Draupadi
Hrishikesh      Lord Vishnu            Krishnakali   flower
Hulas           happiness              Kriti         work of art

                                                      a constellation of
Iham          expected                 Kritika        stars
Ihit          honor; prize             Krittika       the Plaids
                                                      a form of the Devi;
Indivar       blue lotus               Kshama         patience
Indrajeet     conqueror                Kshanika       momentary
Indrajit                               Kshitija       horizon
                                                      day before the full
Indrakanta    Lord Indra               Kuhu           moon
Indraneel     sapphire                 Kuhuk
Indranil      sapphire                 Kumari         unmarried
Indravadan                             Kumkum         vermilion
Indresan                               Kumud          lotus
Indubhushan   moon                     Kumudini       lotus
Induhasan     like the moon            Kundan         pure
Indukanta     like the moon            Kundanika      flower; golden girl
Indulal       moon's lustre            Kunjalata      forest creeper
Indusekhar                             Kunjana        forest girl
Indushekhar   like the moon            Kuntal         hair
                                                      woman with
Intekhab      chosen                   Kuntala        luxurious hair
                                                      mother of the
Ira           descendants              Kunti          Pandavas
Iravan        son of Arjuna            Kurangi        deer
Irshaad       signal                   Kusum          flower
Isar          eminent; Lord Shiva      Kusumanjali    flower offering
Ishaan        king                     Kusumavati     flowering
Ishan         Lord Vishnu              Kusumlata      flowering creeper
Ishrat        affection                Labangalata    flowering creeper
              a name of Lord Shiva;
Ishwar        God; the supreme being   Laboni         grace
Jag           the universe             Lajja          modesty
                                                      a plant; modest
Jagadbandu    Lord Krishna             Lajjawati      woman
Jagadip       lamp of the universe     Lajwanti       a plant
Jagadish      Lord of the universe     Lajwati        modest
Jagan         the world                Laksha         white rose
                                                      daughter; person
              spread over the                         with auspicious signs
Jaganmay      universe                 Lakshana       on her
                                                      consort of Lord
Jagannath     Lord Vishnu              Lakshmi        Vishnu; Goddess
Jagat         the world                Lakshmishree   fortunate
Jagdeep       lamp of the world        Lalan          nurturing

Jagdeesh     Lord of the universe      Lalana         beautiful woman
Jagdish                                Lalima         redness
                                                      consort of Lord
                                                      Shiva; form of the
                                                      Goddess Parvati;
Jagjeevan    worldly life              Lalita         Goddess
                                                      consort of Lord
                                                      Shiva; form of the
                                                      Goddess Parvati;
Jagjit       conqueror of the world    Lalitha        Goddess
Jahan        the world                 Lalitya        charm; loveliness
Jai          conqueror                 Lamiyah        lustrous
Jaichand     victory by the moon       Lana           float
Jaidayal     victory by kindness       Lata           creeper
Jaideep                                Latangi        creeper
Jaidev       victory of God            Latika         small creeper
Jaigopal     victory of Lord Krishna   Lavanya        beautiful
                                                      consort of Lord
Jaikrishna   victory of Lord krishna   Laxmi          Vishnu; Goddess
Jaimini      an ancient philosopher    Lea            weary
Jainarayan   victory                   Leela          charming
Jaipal       Lord Brahma               Leelamayee     playful
                                                      Goddess Durga;
Jairaj       Lord of victory           Leelavati      playful
Jaisal       famous folk               Leelu          form of sugar
Jaishankar   victory of Lord Shiva     Leena          devoted
Jaison       son of victory            Lehar          wave
                                                      crescent moon;
Jaisukh      joy of winning            Lekha          lightning; line
Jaiwant      victory                   Lipi           script
Jalendu      moon in the water         Lipika         short letter
Jamil        attractive                Lochan         eye
Janak        Buddha; father            Lolaksi        a sakti of Ganesha
Janamejay    Lord Vishnu               Lopa           wife of sage
                                                      wife of sage
Janardan     Lord Vishnu               Lopamudra      Agastya
Japa         chanting                  Lubna          storax tree
Japendra     Lord Shiva                Luluah         pearl
                                                      date flower;
                                                      intoxicating drink;
Japesh       Lord Shiva                Madhavi        sweet
Jasbeer      victorious hero           Madhu          honey
Jashan       celebration               Madhuchhanda
                                                      person who showers
Jasjit                                 Madhuksara     honey
Jaspal       Lord Krishna              Madhulata      sweet creeper

Jaswant          famous                    Madhulekha    beautiful
Jatan            nurturing                 Madhulika     honey
Jatin            pertaining to saint       Madhumalati   flowering creeper
Jawahar          jewel                     Madhumati     filled with honey
Jay                                        Madhumita     filled with honey
Jayant           a Rudra; victorious       Madhunisha    pleasant night
Jayanta          victorious in the end     Madhur        sweet
Jayanti                                    Madhura       melodious
Jayasimha                                  Madhuri       sweetness
Jeemutbahan      filled with life          Madhurima     sweetness
Jeevan           life                      Madhushri     Spring
                                                         woman with
Jhoomer          ornament                  Madirakshi    intoxicating eyes
Jignesh          curiosity to research     Mahabala      strength
Jihan            the world                 Mahadevi      Goddess Parvati
                 one of the names of the
Jimuta           sun God                   Mahagauri     Goddess Durga
Jishnu           Arjuna                    Mahajabeen    beautiful
Jitendra         conqueror                 Mahak         fragrance
                 one of the names of the
Jivana           sun God                   Mahalakshmi   Goddess Lakshmi
Jivitesh         God                       Mahamaya      Goddess Durga
Joginder         Lord Shiva                Mahasweta     Goddess Sarasvati
Jogindra         Lord Shiva                Mahati        great
Jograj           Lord Krishna              Mahi          Earth
Jugnu            a firefly                 Mahijuba      hostess
Jusal            pari                      Mahika        Earth
Jyotichandra     splendor                  Mahima        greatness
Jyotiprakash     splendor of the flame     Mahua         flower
Jyotiranjan      happy flame               Mahubala      sweet girl
Jyotirdhar       holder of the flame       Maina         bird
Jyotirmoy        lustrous                  Maithili      a name of Sita
                                                         disciple of sage
jewel            Jayanta; Lord Vishnu      Maitreya      Parasara
                                                         learned woman of
Kailas           abode of Lord Shiva       Maitreyi      the past
                 abode of Lord Shiva; a
                 mountain in the
Kailash          Himalayan range           Maitri        friendship
Kailashchandra   Lord Shiva                Maitryi
Kailashnath      Lord Shiva                Makshi        honeybee
Kalash           sacred pot                Mala          necklace
                 devotee of the Goddess                  early evening
Kalicharan       Kali                      Malashree     melody
Kalidas          musician; poet            Malati        small fragrant flower

                devotee of the Goddess
Kalimohan       Kali                     Malavika       of Malva
                devotee of the Goddess
Kalipada        Kali                     Malaya         creeper
                devotee of the Goddess
Kaliranjan      Kali                     Malika         jasmine
Kalpanath                                Malina         dark
                                                        a name of the
Kalyan          welfare                  Malini         Goddess Parvati
Kamadev         God of love              Mallika        jasmine
Kamal           lotus flower             Malti          small fragrant flower
Kamalakar       Lord Vishnu              Mamata         affection
                                                        mother's love for
                                                        child; wife of sage
Kamalapati      Lord Vishnu              Mamta          Asija
Kamalnayan      lotus-eyed               Manali         bird
Kamil           perfect                  Manasi         spiritual adoration
                raga (a type of Indian
Kamod           musical melody)          Manavi
Kamraj                                   Manda          river
                                                        branch of the Ganga
Kanad           ancient                  Mandakini      river; the Milky Way
Kanak           Gold                     Mandakranta    a Sanskrit meter
                                                        garland of heavenly
Kanan           garden                   Mandarmalika   flowers
Kanchan         heavenly Apsara          Mandira        venerated
Kanhaiya        Lord Krishna             Mangala        auspicious
                                                        lamp made of
Kanhaiyalal     Lord Krishna             Manideepa      precious stones
                                                        person whose hair is
Kanishka        name of a king           Manikuntala    like gems
Kannan                                   Manimala       string of pearls
Kantilal        lustrous                 Manimekhala    girdle of gems
Kantimoy        lustrous                 Manisha        intellect
Kanu            Lord Krishna             Manjari        blossom; spring
Kanvar          young prince             Manjira        ankle-bells
Kanwal          lotus                    Manjistha      extremely
Kanwaljeet      lotus                    Manju          sweet
Kanwalkishore   Lord Krishna; lotus      Manjubala      sweet girl
Kapil           name of a wise man       Manjula        sweet
Kapish          Lord Hanuman             Manjulika      sweet girl
Karan           son of Arjun             Manjusha       treasure chest
Kareem          kind                     Manjushri      sweet lustre
Karna           the firstborn of Kunti   Manjyot        light of the mind
Kartar          master                   Manmayi        jealous; Sri Radha

                giver of courage and
Kartik          happiness                 Manorama     beautiful
                Skanda; son of Lord
                Shiva and the Goddess
Kartikeya       Parvati; Subramanyam      Mansi
Karunakar       merciful                  Manushi
Karunamay       filled with light         Marcia       martial one
Karunashankar   merciful                  Margarite    pearl
Kashinath       Lord Shiva                Marichi      name of a star
Kashiprasad     blessed by Lord Shiva     Marisa       mother of Daksa
                                                       devotee to Lord
Kashyap         name of a sage            Markandeya   Shiva
Kausar          lake of paradise          Maruti       Lord Hanuman
Kaushal         perfect                   Matangi      a Devi
                hermit who lived in the
                palace of Yudhisthira;
                person who knows of
Kaushik         hidden treasure           Maushmi      monsoon wind
                gem worn by Lord
Kaustav         Vishnu                    Maya         illusion; magic
                                                       peacock (type of
Kaustubh        jewel of Lord Vishnu      Mayura       bird)
                                                       peahen (type of
Kavi            poet                      Mayuri       bird)
                                                       a form of the Devi;
Kaviraj         doctor                    Medha        intelligence
                raga (a type of Indian
Kedar           musical melody)           Medini       Earth
Kedarnath       Lord Shiva                Meena        gem
                                                       fish-eyed; woman
Kenen                                     Meenakshi    with beautiful eyes
Keshav          a name of Lord Krishna    Meera        saint
                                                       cloud; raga (a type of
                                                       Indian musical
Ketan           banner; home              Megha        melody)
Kevalkishore    absolute                  Meghamala    clouds
Kevalkumar      absolute                  Meghana      thunder
Keyur                                     Mehal        cloud
Khadim          servant of God            Meher        benevolence
Khajit          Lord Buddha               Mehrunissa   benevolent
Khemchand       welfare                   Mehul        rain
Khemprakash     welfare                   Mekhala      girdle
Khursheed       sunshine                  Melanie      dark
Khushal         perfect                   Melba        slender; soft
Kinshuk         flower                    Melosa       gentle; sweet
Kiran           dust; ray of light        Mena         mother of Menaka

Kiranmay         filled with light         Menaka        heavenly damsel
Kirit            crown; tiara              Mina          gem
                                                         an incarnation of the
Kirtikumar       famous                    Minakshi      Goddess Parvati
Kishore          youth                     Minal         gem
Kishorekumar     young                     Minati        prayer
                                                         boundary; limit;
Knud             kind                      Mira          ocean
Kripa            has a twin sister Kripi   Mirium        wished for child
Kripal           merciful                  Mita          friend
Krishanu         fire                      Mitali        friendship
Krishna          Lord Krishna              Mohana        beauty
Krishnachandra   Lord Krishna              Mohini        most beautiful
Krishnadeva      Lord Krishna              Mohisha       intellect
Krishnakanta     Lord Krishna              Monisha       Lord Krishna
Krishnakumar     Lord Kirshna              Mridula       soft
Krishnala        Lord Krishna              Mriganayani   doe-eyed
Krishnamurari    Lord Krishna              Mrinal        lotus
Krishnamurthy    Lord Krishna              Mrinali       lotus
Krishnaroop      dark                      Mrinalini     lotus
Krishnendu       Lord Krishna              Mrinmayi      of Earth
Kshaunish        king                      Mudra         expression
Kuber            God of wealth             Mudrika       ring
                                                         beautiful; innocent;
Kuberchand       God of wealth             Mugdha        young
Kularanjan       star of family            Mukta         pearl
                                                         freedom from life
Kulbhushan       ornament of family        Mukti         and death
Kuldeep          light of family           Mukul         soul
Kulvir                                     Muniya        name of a bird
Kumar            prince                    Muskaan       smile
Kunal            lotus                     Mythili       a name of Sita
                                                         dancer; suggestive
Kundan           pure                      Nachni        look
Kundanlal        golden                    Nadia         hope
Kunja            grove of trees            Nadira        pinnacle
Kunjabihari      Lord Krishna              Nagina        jewel
Kusagra          a king                    Naina         eyes
Kush             son of Lord Rama          Naini         relating to eyes
                                                         pupil (the part of the
Kushal           skill                     Nainika       eye)
                                                         coming from the
Kushan                                     Nairita       Southwest
Kusumakar        spring                    Najma         star
Lagan            appropriate time          Nalini        mother of the Vedas
Lakshman         brother of Lord Rama      Namita        devotee

Lakshmibanta   fortunate                  Namrata      humility; modesty
Lakshmidhar    Lord Vishnu                Nanda        a sakti of Ganesha
Lakshmigopal   Lord Vishnu                Nandana      daughter
Lakshmikanta   Lord Vishnu                Nandini      delightful
Lakshya        aim                        Nandita      happy
Lalit          beautiful                  Naomi
Lalitkishore   beautiful                  Narayani     Goddess Lakshmi
Lalitkumar     beautiful                  Nargis       flower
Lalitmohan     beautiful                  Narmada      mother of the Vedas
Lamar          near to the ocean          Narois       flower
Lambodar       Lord Ganesh                Nartan       dance
Lankesh        Ravana                     Naseen       cool breeze
Latafat        elegance                   Natun        new
               delicate; mysterious;
Latif          subtle                     Nauka        boat
Latifah        elegance                   Navaneeta    butter
Lav            son of Lord Rama           Naveena      new
Liyaqat        elegance; worthiness       Nayana       eye
Lochan         the eye                    Nayantara    iris
Lohitaksha     Lord Vishnu                Neeharika
               light of the world; Lord
Lokapradip     Brahma                     Neela        blue
               Lord Brahma; Lord of
Lokesh         the world                  Neelabja     blue lotus
Loknath        Lord Vishnu                Neelakshi    blue-eyed
Lokranjan      Lord Vishnu                Neelam       sapphire
Luv            son of Rama                Neelanjana   blue
Madan          love; passion              Neelkamal    blue lotus
Madangopal     Lord Krishna               Neena
Madhav         Lord Krishna               Neepa        name of a flower
                                                       Goddess Lakshmi;
Madhavdas      servant of Lord Krishna    Neeraja      lotus
Madhu          honey; nectar              Neerja       lotus flower
Madhuk         honeybee                   Neeta        upright
Madhukanta     moon                       Neeti        good behavior
Madhukar       honeybee                   Neha         yearning
Madhup         honeybee                   Nehal        attractive; rainy
Madhur         sweet                      Netra        eye
Madhusudan     Lord Krishna               Netravati    beautiful-eyed
Madhusudhana   Lord Krishna               Nidhi        mother of the Vedas
Magan          engrossed                  Nidi         shine upon
Magesh                                    Nidra        a form of the Devi
Mahabahu       Arjuna                     Niharika     nebula
Mahabala       strength                   Nikhita      Earth
Mahadev        Lord Shiva                 Nila         blue
Mahaniya       worthy of honor            Nilasha      blueness

              a Jain prophet;
Mahavir       courageous one             Nilaya       home
Mahavira      son of Priyavrata          Nileen       surrendered
Mahendra      Lord Vishnu                Nilima       blue
                                                      perpetuator of the
Maher         adept                      Nilini       Kuru race
              one of the names of
Mahesh        Lord Shiva                 Niloufer
Maheshwar     Lord Shiva                 Nima         the mother of Kabir
Mahin         Earth                      Nimeesha     split second
Mahindra      a king                     Nimmi
Mahipal       king                       Nina         ornamented
Mahish        king                       Nira
Mahtab        moon                       Niradhara
              peak on the Himalayas
              (from a Hindu epic
Mainak        poem)                      Niral
                                                      Goddess Durga;
                                                      name of a river; the
              disciple of sage                        night of the full
Maitreya      Parasara                   Niranjana    moon
Malay         mountain                   Nirguna
              raga (a type of Indian
Malkauns      musical melody)            Nirmala      mother of the Vedas
Manas         mind                       Nirmayi      without blemish
Manasi        spiritual adoration        Nirupa       mother of the Vedas
Manav         man                        Nirupama     mother of the Vedas
Manavendra    king                       Nisha        night
Mandar        heavenly tree              Nishadee     night
Mandeep       light of the mind          Nishithini   night
Mandhatri     prince                     Nishtha      devotion
Mangal        auspicious                 Nita
Mangesh       a form of Lord Shiva       Niti
Mani          gem                        Nitu
Manibhushan   supreme gem                Nitya        Goddess Parvati
Manik         ruby                       Nityapriya   ever pleasing
Manindra      Lord of the mind           Niva         sun
Manish        a profound thinker; wise   Nivedita     dedicated to God
Manishankar   Lord Shiva                 Nivritti
Manjeet       conqueror of the mind      Niyati       fate
Manmatha                                 Noopur       anklet
Manmohan      pleasing                   Nusrat       help
              that which steals the
Manohar       heart                      Nutan        new
              a name of Kama; born
Manoj         from the mind              Ojal         vision

Manoranjan   pleasing                     Ojaswini       lustrous
Mansukh      pleasing                     Olena          light
Manu         intelligent; wise            Padma          lotus
Mardav       softness                     Padmaja        born from a lotus
Markandeya   wise man                     Padmakali      lotus bud
Martanda     sun                          Padmal         lotus
Marut        the wind                     Padmalaya      lake of lotuses
Maruti       Lord Hanuman                 Padmalochana   lotus-eyed
             advisor to Devi Lalita;                     person with lotus-
Matanga      sage                         Padmaloshni    shaped eyes
Mayank       moon                         Padmavati      Goddess Lakshmi
Mayanka      moon                         Padmini        lotus
Mayur        peacock (type of bird)       Pakhi          bird
Megh         cloud                        Pakshi         bird
             cloud; raga (a type of
Megha        Indian musical melody)       Pallavi        bloom
Meghashyam   Lord Krishna                 Pallavini      with new leaves
Mehdi        flower                       Paloma         dove
Mehul        a derivative of Mukul        Palomi
Michael      like the Lord                Panchali       Draupadi's name
Mihir        sun                          Pankaja        lotus
Milan        meeting; union               Panna          emerald
Milap        union                        Paola
Milind       bee                          Parama         the best
Milun        union                        Parameshwari   Goddess Durga
Mirza        a prince                     Paramita       wisdom
Misal        example                      Pari           fairy
             father of Sita; Janak; the
Mithilesh    king of Mithila              Paridhi        realm
Mithun       Gemini                       Parmila
Mitra        friend; sun                  Parnal         leafy
Mitul        measured; moderate           Parnashri      leafy beauty
Mohajit      attractive                   Parni          leafy
Mohak        attractive                   Parnik         creeper
Mohal        attractive                   Parnika        auspicious Apsara
             a name of Lord Shiva;
Mohan        charming                     Parnita        auspicious Apsara
Mohit        attracted                    Parthivi       Sita
Mohita       attracted                    Parul          name of a flower
                                                         festival; full moon;
Mohnish      Lord Krishna                 Parvani        special day
Mohul        attractive                   Parvati        river
Morse        son of the dark one          Parveen        star
                                                         raga (a type of
                                                         Indian musical
Moti         pearl                        Patmanjari     melody)

                                                             a name from ancient
Motilal          pearl                      Patralekha       epics
                                                             Eastern and Western
Moulik           valuable                   Pauravi          horizons
Mriganka         moon                       Pavani           mother of the Vedas
Mrigankamouli    Lord Shiva                 Pavi             lightning
Mrigankasekhar   Lord Shiva                 Payal            anklet
Mrigendra        lion                       Payoja           lotus
                                                             full moon day in the
Mrigesh          lion                       Phalguni         month of Falgun
Mrityunjai       victorious in death        Phiroza          turquoise
Mrityunjay       Lord Shiva                 Phoolan          flower
                                                             as delicate as a
Mubarak          congratulations            Phoolwati        flower
Mudita           happy                      Phutika
Mujeeb           name of God                Pia              beloved
                 a demon in the form of a
                 boar; a name of Lord
                 Shiva; given because he
Mukesh           killed " Muka"             Piki             cuckoo
Muktananda       liberated                  Pingala          Goddess Lakshmi
Mukul            soul                       Pival            tree
Mukund           a name of Lord Krishna     Pivari           wife of Sukha
Mukunda          Lord Krishna               Piyali           tree
Mukut            crown                      Pooja            prayer
Mulkraj          king                       Poonam           full moon
Muni             sage                       Poorbi           eastern
Murad            prowess                    Poorvi
Murali           flute                      Poushali         of the month Poush
Muralidhar       Lord Krishna               Prabha           light; radiance
Muralimanohar    Lord Krishna               Prabhati         of the morning
Murari           Lord Krishna               Prachi           East
Murarilal        Lord Krishna               Pradeepta        glowing
Murgesh                                     Pradnya          knowledge
Murthy                                      Pragati          progress
Musheer          advice                     Pragna           knowledge
Naayantara       star of our eyes           Pragya           wisdom
Nabarun          morning sun                Pragyaparamita   wise
Nabendu          new moon                   Pragyawati       a wise woman
Nabhi            focus; the best            Prakruti         nature
Nachik           short form of Nachiketa    Prama            knowledge of truth
                 fire; name of an ancient
Nachiket         sage                       Pramada          woman
                 an ancient wise man;                        one of Arjuna's
Nachiketa        fire                       Pramila          wives
Nadir            pinnacle                   Pramiti          knowledge of truth

Nagendra                               Pranati         prayer
Nagesh                                 Prapti          gain
Nahusha      a mythological king       Prarthana       prayer
             a mythological forest;
Naimish      momentary; transient      Prashansa
Nairit       Southwest                 Prashanti       peace
             a hero from the
             Mahabharata who was
             king of Nishadha; King
Naishadh     Nala                      Prateeksha      long wait
Nakshatra    star                      Prathysha       early morning
             name of one of the
Nakul        Pandavas                  Pratibha        keen intellect
Nalin        lotus                     Pratima         idol
Nalinaksha   lotus-eyed                Pratishtha      preeminence
Naman        salutation                Pratyusha       dawn
Namdev       poet; saint               Preeti          love
Nand         happy                     Prem            love
Nanda                                  Prema           love
Nandan       pleasing                  Premala         loving
             Lord Shiva; the bull of
Nandi        Lord Shiva                Premila
             delightful; follower of
Nandin       Lord Shiva                Prerana         inspiration
Naotau       new                       Prerita         to inspire
Narahari     Lord Vishnu               Preyasi         beloved
             an incarnation of Lord
Narasimha    Vishnu                    Prisha
             an incarnation of Lord
Narayan      Vishnu                    Prita           beloved one
                                                       the mother of the
Narayana     Lord Vishnu               Pritha          Pandavas
                                                       renowned wife of
                                                       Pulastya and Sukha;
Narendra     God of men                Priti           satisfaction
Naresh       king                      Pritika         beloved one
Narotham                               Pritikana       atom of love
Narsi        poet; saint               Pritilata       creeper of love
Nartana      makes others dance        Privrata        son of Satarupa
Natesh       king                      Priya           beloved one; darling
Nathan       solid pillar              Priyadarshini   lovely
Natraj                                 Priyal          beloved
Natwar       Lord Krishna              Priyam          beloved
Naval        wonder                    Priyamvada      sweet spoken
Navaneet     butter                    Priyanka        beloved one
Naved        justice; reward           Priyasha        beloved one

Naveen       new                       Puja           prayer
Navin        new; young                Pujita         worshipped
                                                      wife of the sage
Navrang      beautiful                 Puloma         Bhrigu
Nayan        leader                    Punam          full moon
Neel         blue                      Punarnava      star
Neeladri     the Nilgiris              Pundari
Neelambar    blue sky                  Punita         holy; sacred
Neelanjan    blue                      Purandhri      mother of the Vedas
Neelesh      Lord Krishna; moon        Purna          abundant; complete
Neelkanta    Lord Shiva                Purnima        mother of the Vedas
Neelmadhav   Lord Jagannath            Purva          elder
Neelmani     sapphire                  Purvaja        older sister
Neelotpal    blue lotus                Pushpa         blossom; flower
Neeraf       river                     Pushpanjali    offering of flowers
                                                      decorated with
Neeraj       lotus; pearl              Pushpita       flowers
                                                      a form of the Devi;
                                                      nourishment; wife of
Nibodh       knowledge                 Pusti          Ganapati
Nigam        treasure                  Putul          doll
                                                      full moon in the
                                                      Sravan month;
Nihal        gratified                 Raakhi         symbol of protection
Nihar        dew; mist                 Rabia          famous; godly
Niket        home                      Rachana        creation
Nikhat       fragrance                 Rachita        created
Nikhil       complete; entire; whole   Rachna
                                                      full moon in the
                                                      month of Vaisakha;
Nikhilesh    Lord of all               Radha          lightning
                                                      a form of the Devi;
                                                      fifth Sakti; wife of
Nikunja      grove of trees            Radhika        Krishna
                                                      color; filled with
Nilay        home                      Ragamaya       passion; music
Nilesh       a name of Lord Krishna    Ragini         melody
Nimai        Chaitanya                 Rajalakshmi    Goddess Lakshmi
Nimish       spilt second              Rajani         dark one; night
Ninad        gentle murmur; sound      Rajanigandha   flower
Nipun        expert                    Rajata         sovereignty
Nirad        cloud                     Rajdulari      dear princess
Niraj        lotus flower              Rajeshvari     princess
Nirajit      illuminated               Rajeshwari     Goddess Parvati
Niramay      without blemish           Rajhans        swan
Niramitra    son of pandava            Raji           shining

                Goddess Durga; name
                of a river; night of the full
Niranjan        moon                            Rajkumari     princess
Nirav           silent                          Rajnandhini   princess
Nirbhay         fearless                        Rajshri       sage-like king
Nirijhar        waterful                        Rajvi         queen
Nirmal          pure                            Raka          full moon
Nirmalya        pure                            Rakhi
Nirmeet         created                         Raksha        protector
                                                              enchanting; son of
Nirmit          created                         Rama          Dasaratha
Nirmohi         unattached                      Ramani        woman
Nirupam         without comparison              Ramanika      attractive
Nirvaan         ultimate bliss                  Rambha        heavenly dancer
Nirvan          liberation                      Ramita        pleasing
Nisarg          nature                          Ramona        mighty protector
Nischal         calm                            Ramya         enjoyable
                seventh note in the
Nishad          octave                          Rangana       flower
Nishanath       moon                            Rangita       charming; colored
Nishant         end of the night                Rani          queen
Nishesh         entire                          Ranita        tinkling
Nishikanta      moon                            Ranjana       satisfaction
Nishita         night                           Ranjini       pleasing
Nishith         night                           Ranjita       adorned
Nishok          happy                           Rashi         collection
                                                              rays of the morning
Nissim          without bounds                  Rashmi        sun
Nitesh                                          Rashmika      ray of light
                knowledgeable about                           interested in all good
Nitin           the law                         Rasika        things
Nitish          master of the right path        Rasna         the tongue
Nitya-Sundara   good-looking                    Rati          a Devi
Nityagopal      constant                        Ratna         jewel; wealth
                always happy; Lord
Nityananda      Krishna                         Ratnabala     jewelled
Nripa           king                            Ratnabali     string of pearls
Nripesh         king of kings                   Ratnajyouti   lustrous jewel
Ogan            wave                            Ratnalekha    splendor of jewels
Ojas            energy; virility                Ratnali       jewelled
                creation; the essence of
Om              life                            Ratnamala     string of pearls
Omar            an era                          Ratnangi      jewel-bodied
Omarjeet                                        Ratnaprabha   lustrous jewel

Omja           born from cosmic unity      Ratnapriya   lover of jewels
Omkar          beginning of life           Raviprabha   light of the sun
Omprakash      light of God                Rea          poppy
Omrao          king                        Reena
Omswaroop      manifestation of divinity   Rekha        straight line
Oren           ash tree                    Rena         peace
Umrao          king                        Renu         dust; sand
                                                        the mother of
                                                        Parasurma; the sixth
                                                        incarnation of Lord
Paavan         purifier                    Renuka       Vishnu
Padman         lotus                       Resham       silk
Padmanabha     Lord Vishnu                 Reshma       made of silk
               a name of Lord Vishnu;
Padmanabhan    lotus navelled              Reshmi       made of silk
Padmapati      Lord Vishnu                 Reva         star
               Goddess of wealth;
Padmashri      seated in a lotus           Revati       wife of Balarama
Palak          eyelash                     Riddhi       Siddhi will follow
Palash                                     Riju         innocent
Palashkusum    the flower of Palash        Rijuta       innocence
Palashranjan   beautiful like a Palash     Rima
Pallab         new leaves                  Rina         dissolved; melted
Panchanan      Lord Shiva                  Rishika      saintly
Pandhari       Lord Vithobha               Rita
Panduranga     Lord Vithobha               Riti         memory
Pandya         a South Indian dynasty      Ritika       stream
Panini         the great scholar           Ritu         season
Pankaj         lotus flower                Riya         singer
Pannalal       emerald                     Rohini       sandalwood tree
Parag          pollen                      Roma         Goddess Lakshmi
Parakram       strength                    Roshni       light
Param          the best                    Rubaina      bright
                                                        bright; brilliant;
Paramananda    happiest                    Rucha        radiant
Paramartha     great entity                Ruchi        beauty; lustre
Paramesh       Lord Shiva                  Ruchira      desirable
Paramhansa     supreme soul                Rudrani      wife of Lord Shiva
               Lord of the ocean;
Paranjay       Varun                       Rudrapriya   Goddess Durga
Parantap       hero                        Ruhi         soul
Parantapa      Arjuna; conqueror           Rukma        golden
                                                        consort of Lord
Paras                                      Rukmini      Krishna
Parashar       an ancient                  Ruksana      brilliant
Parashuram     sixth incarnation of Lord   Ruma         wife of Sugriva

Parasmani                                  Rupa        beautiful
Paravasu        name of a sage             Rupali      beautiful
Paresh          supreme lord               Rupashi     beautiful
Parijat         heavenly flower            Rupashri    beautiful
Parikshit       name of an ancient king    Sabita
Parimal         fragrance                  Sachi       wife of Indra
Paritosh        delight                    Sadaf       pearl
Parkash         light                      Sadgati     liberation
Parmameshwar    almightly lord             Sadguna     good virtues
Parmesh                                    Sadhan      fulfulment
Parnab                                     Sadhana     worship
Parnad          a Brahmin in the epics     Sadhika     achiever
Partha          son of the Earth           Sadhvi      virtuous woman
Parthapratim    like Arjuna                Sadiqua     kindly
Parvatinandan   Lord Ganesh                Saeeda      priestly
Parvesh         Lord of celebration        Safia       chaste
                                                       born in the ocean;
Pasupati        Lord Shiva                 Sagarika    wave
Patakin         holder of a banner         Saguna      with good qualities
                                                       raga (a type of
                famous Yoga                            Indian musical
Patanjali       philosopher                Sahana      melody)
Pathik          traveller                  Saheli      friend
Pathin          traveller                  Sahiba      the lady
Patralika       new leaves                 Sahila      guide
Pavak           fire                       Sai         flower
Pavan           breeze                     Sajala      clouds
Pavani          holy; pure                 Sajili      decorated
Pavitra         pure                       Sajni       beloved
Payas           water                      Sakhi       friend
Payod           cloud                      Sakina      friend
Peeyush         nectar                     Sakti
Perumal                                    Sakuntala
                Arjun; born in Falgun (a
Phalguni        Hindu month)               Salena      moon
Phanindra       Sesh; the divine snake     Salila      water
Phenil          foamy                      Salima      happy
Pilar           fountain base; pillar      Salma       peace
Pinaki          Lord Krishna               Samata      equality
Pinakin         bow-shaped                 Sameena     happy
Pitambar        Lord Vishnu                Samhita
                                                       offering for the
Piyush          nectar                     Samidha     sacred fire
Poojan          worship                    Samiksha    overview
Poojit          worshipped                 Samit       collected

Poorna          complete              Samita       collected
Poornachandra   full moon             Sampada      wealthy
Prabal          coral                 Sampatti     wealth
Prabhakar       cause of lustre       Sampriti     attachement
Prabhas         lustrous              Sana         praise; prayer
Prabhat         morning               Sananda      happy
Prabhav         effect                Sanchali     movement
Prabhu                                Sanchaya     collection
Prabodh         consolation           Sanchita     collection
Prabuddha       awakened              Sandhaya     collection
Prachetas       energy                Sandhya      sunset; twilight
Prachur         abundant              Sangita      musical
Pradeep         light                 Saniya       moment
Pradosh         dusk                  Sanjana      gentle
Pradyot         lustre                Sanjivani    immortality
Pradyumna                             Sanjna       wife of the sun
                                                   wife of King
Pradyun         radiant               Sanjukta     Prithviraj
Praful          blooming              Sanjula      beautiful
Prafulla        blooming              Sanjushree   beautiful
Pragun          honest; straight      Sankul
Prahlad         happiness             Sannidhi     nearness
Prajesh         Lord Brahma           Sanskriti    culture
Prajin          kind                  Santawana    consolation
Prajit          kind                  Santayani    of the evening
Prakash         light                 Sanvali      dusky
Prakat          manifested            Sanwari      dusky
Prakriti        nature                Sanyakta     joined; united
Pralay          Himalayas             Sanyogita
Pramath                               Sanyukta
Pramod          happiness             Saparna      leafy
Pramsu          scholar               Sapna        dream
Pran            life                  Sarada       Goddess
Pranav          romance               Sarakshi     good sight
Pranay          love                  Sarala       honest; straight
Pranit          modest                Sarama       wife of Bibhisan
Pranjal         simple                Saranya      surrendered
Pranjivan       life                  Sarasi       lake
Pransukh        happiness of life     Sarasvati    Goddess of learning
Prasad          blessing              Saraswati    Goddess of learning
Prasanna        clear; happy; pure    Saravati
Prasata         father of Draupad     Sarayu       a holy river
Prasenjit       a king in the epics   Sarbani      Goddess Durga
Prasham         peace                 Sarika       thrush
Prashant        calm; quiet           Sarit        river
Prashanta       calm                  Sarita
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Baby names

  • 1. 1 In this file every page 1&2 coloumns contains Boy name and 3 &4 coloumn contain Girl Names BOY NAME MEANING GIRL NAME MEANING NAME MEANING Aaarti worship Aadi first; most important Aadit Aafreen encouragement Aafreen encouragement Aalam the whole world Aahuk Aalap musical Aanu Aandaleeb bulbul (type of songbird) Aapta Aarman desire Aashay Aaron high mountain Abani Earth Aatish dynamic person; explosive Abha beauty Aayush long life Abhaya Aayushman long life Abheesht Abhay son of Dharma Abhilasha Abheek fearless Abirami Abhijat unconquerable Aboil name of a flower Abhijay unconquered Achala constant Abhijit a constellation dear to Hari Achit Abhilash desire Adarsh ideal Abhiman pride Adela noble Abhimanyu Arjuna's son Adhira lightning Abhinav novel Adimula Abhirup pleasing Adishree exalted Abhishek anointing; bath for a god Adisimha Abhra cloud Aditi Earth Achal constant Adrienne dark one Achintya a name of Lord Shiva; unimaginable Adrika heavenly Achyut a name of Lord Vishnu; imperishable Adwithiya Achyuta a name of Lord Vishnu Agneya Adarsh ideal Agrata leadership Adesh command Agrima leadership Adhik greater wife of Rishi Gautam; woman who was saved by Ahalya Lord Rama Adil just; sincere Aiesha woman Adinath Lord Vishnu; the first lord Aishani Goddess Durga Adit from the beginning Aishwarya wealth
  • 2. 2 Aditya Lord of the Sun a famous Buddist Ajanta cave Adwaita Akhila total Adway united Akriti Aftaab sun Akshaya indestructible Aftab sun Akshita seen Agasti name of a sage Akuti princess Agastya name of a sage Alaka girl with a lovely hair Agha preeminent a river in the Alaknanda Himalayas Agharna moon Alana light; offering Aghat destroyer of sin Alena light Agniprava bright as fire Aletea truth Agrim first; leader Alka girl with a lovely hair Agriya best; first Almas diamond Ahsan mercy Alpana decorative design Aijaz favor Amala the pure one Aiman fearless Amarthya Ainesh sun's glory Ambika Goddess Parvati Ajamil a mythological king born from a lotus; Ambuja Goddess Lakshmi Ajatashatru a name of Lord Vishnu Amita without limit Ajay unconquerable Amla the pure one Ajit invincible Amodini happy Ajitabh conqueror of the sky famous courtesan who became a Amrapali devotee of Buddha Ajitesh Lord Vishnu Amrita immortality Ajmal pious sweet smelling Amritkala peach Akaash sky Amrusha sudden Akalmash stainless Anagha without sin Akash sky Anahita graceful Akbar powerful Anala fiery Akeel Anamika ring finger Akhadanand Anandamayi filled with happiness Akhand Anandi jovial Akhil complete Anandini happy Akhilanadan Ananya without a second Akhilesh Lord of all Anasooya wife of Rishi Atri Akmal complete Anasuya wife of Rishi Atri Akram excellent the decorative end of Anchal a sari Akrodh attractive women; Angana suspicious woman Akroor kind Angarika flame-colored flower
  • 3. 3 Akshan eye Anika Akshar imperishable Anindita beautiful Akshath indestructible Anisha uninterrupted Akshay indestructible Anita grace Akshit permanent Anjali offering Akul a name of Lord Shiva Anjana mother of Hanuman Alam the whole world person who lives in Anju the heart Alamgir Lord of the whole world Anjushree dear to one's heart Alarn Anjushri dear to one's heart Alden old friend Ankita Aleem knowledgeable generous with food; Annapurna Goddess Parvati Alhad happiness Anshula sunny Ali protected by God the second note in Indian classical Antara music Alok man with lovely hair Anu atom Aloke light Anumati consent Amal bright; clean; pure Anupama without equal Amalendu unblemished moon Anuradha bright star Amalesh pure Anusha Amar forever Anushree Amartya immortal Anuva knowledge Ambarish sky Anvita Amber sky Anwesha quest Ambuj lotus name of a learned Apala woman of the past Ameen divine grace Aparajita Ameya immeasurable name of a flower; Aparijita undefeated Amil invaluable Aparna Goddess Parvati Amin divine grace Apoorva unique Amir rich Apsara heavenly maiden Amish honest Apurva unique Amit endless Aradhana worship Amitabh Arathi Amitabha limitless lustre; name of Lord Buddha Arati worship Amitav limitless lustre; name of Lord Buddha Archa worship Amitava Archan worship Amitbikram limitless prowess Archana worship Amitiyoti limitless brightness Archi Amitrasudan destroyer of enemies Archit worshipped Amiya delight; nectar Arka sun
  • 4. 4 Amlan ever bright; unfading Arkesh Amlankusum unfading flower Arpana surrendered Ammar the maker Arpita dedicated Amod pleasure Arshia heavenly Amogh a name of Lord Ganesh Aruna dawn Amol priceless Arunamshu Amolak priceless Arundhati star Amolik priceless Aruni dawn Amrik nectar Arunima glow of dawn Amrit nectar Arya Amulya priceless Aryaka Anadi eternal name of a raga (an Indian musical Asavari melody) Anal fire Aseema without limit Anamitra sun Asgari devotee Anand bliss Asha hope Ananda happiness Ashima without limit Anang name of Kamadeva Ashis benediction Ananga name of Kamadeva Ashna friend Anant infinite Ashoka without grief Ananta infinite Ashrita Anarghya priceless Ashwini star Anay Asita the river Yamuna Angad ornament daughter of Prajapati Askini Virat Angada son of Lakshmana Aslesha star Angel angel; messenger Asmita pride Anil the wind God Atasi blue flower Animesh attractive; open-eyed Atmaja daughter Animish attractive; open-eyed Atreyi name of a river Anirudhh Avani Earth Anirudhha free; grandson of Lord ancient Malwa; Krishna Avanti Ujjain Anirvan undying Avantika city of Ujjain Anish Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu person who has a Ayushmati long life Anjum symbol born in the first Babita quarter of the day Anjuman symbol Bahula star Ankit conquered Baidehi Sita Ankur new life; sprout garland of Lord Baijayanthi Vishnu Ankush an instrument used for guiding elephants; of the month check Baisakhi Baishakh
  • 5. 5 Anmol priceless Baishali an ancient city Anniruddha son of Pradyummna Bakul the name of a flower Anoop incomparable; the best Bala energy; force; power Anshu sun Balika daughter Anshul radiant Ballari creeper Anshuman sun Banamala forests Anshumat luminous Banani forests Anthahkaran Bandana prayer Anthariksh Bandhula charming Anu atom Banhi fire Anuj younger brother Banhishikha flame Anuja younger brother Banita woman Anunay consolation; supplication Bansari flute Anup without comparison Bansuri flute Anupam without comparison Banu Anuraag love Barsha rain Anurag love wife of the Lord of Baruna the ocean Anuttam unsurpassed Baruni Goddess Durga Anwar devotee of God Basabi wife of Lord Indra Apoorva unique Basanti of Spring Apparajito undefeated jasmine (type of Bela flower) Apurva unique jasmine (type of Beli flower) Arabinda lotus Belicia dedicated to God Arav peaceful Bhadra gentle Archan worship raga (a type of Indian musical Bhageshree melody) Archit worshipped Bhagirathi Ganga Ardhendu half moon a name of the Bhagvati Goddess Lakshmi Arghya offering to the Lord Bhagwanti fortunate Arhant destroyer of enemies Bhagya destiny; fate Arindam destroyer of enemies Bhagyashree fortunate Arjit earned Bhagyawati fortunate Arjun one of the Pandavas raga (a type of Indian musical Bhairavi melody) Arka sun Bhakti devotion; love Arnav ocean Bhama Arnesh Lord of the ocean Bhamini woman Aroon charioteer of the sun; dawn Bhanu sun
  • 6. 6 Arshad pious Bhanumati luminous; radiant Arte noble Bhanupriya loved by the sun Arul Bharati Indian Arun charioteer of the sun; dawn Bhargavi Goddess Parvati Aruni name of a devoted pupil Bhavana meditation; thinking Arvind lotus Bhavika expression Arvinda lotus Bhavini Goddess Parvati Aryaman sun Bhavna meditation; thinking Asao essence Bhavya splendor Asav essence Bhilangana river Aseem without limit Bhoomi Earth Asgar devotee Bhoomika Earth Ashim without limit Bhumi Earth Ashis benediction Bimala pure Ashish blessing Bina a musical instrument Ashit the planet the wife of sage Binata Kashyap Ashok without grief Bindiya Ashraf without grief Bindu a drop Ashu fast Bindya small dot Ashutosh Lord Shiva Binita humble Ashwin a Hindu month attractive; beautiful Binodini Radha Ashwini star Bipasha river Asija brother of Brihaspati; great sage Bishakha star Asim without limit Bratati creeper Asit the planet a name of Radha; Brinda surrounded by many Aslesh embrace Brishti rain Asuman Lord of vital breaths Bulbul a type of songbird Asurari Bulbuli a type of songbird Asvathama son of Drona Calida loving; warm Asvin (Nasatya and Dasra) Gods of medicine Cauvery Atal immovable Cavery Atanu beauty; shade; Chaaya shadow Atharvan knower of the Arthara vedas Chadna love Atma soul born in the month of Chaitali Chaitra Atmaja son Chaitan consciousness Atmajyoti light of Atma bird fascinated by Chakori the moon
  • 7. 7 Atmananda bliss of soul Chameli creeper with flowers Atre Champa flower Atul matchless Champabati the capital Atulya matchless Champakali bud of champa Avadhesh King Dasaratha Chanchala restless Avanindra Lord of the Earth Chanda moon Avanish Lord of the Earth Chandana parrot Avatar incarnation Chandani river Avinash indestructible Chandanika small Avishkar diminutive of Chandika Chandana Avkash limitless space Chandni moonlit Ayog institution Chandrabali Krishna's girl-friend Badal cloud Chandrabhaga river Chenab Badri Lord Vishnu Chandrajyoti moonlight Badrinath Lord Vishnu Chandrakala moonbeams peacock (type of Bahubali a Jain Tirthakar Chandrakin bird) Bahuleya Lord Kartikeya Chandraleksha ray of the moon a name of Lord Bajrang Hanuman Chandrani wife of the moon Balaaditya young sun Chandrika moon Balachandra young moon Chandrima moon Balagovind baby Lord Krishna Chandrin made from gold Balaji like Lord Vishnu Changuna good woman Balakrishna baby Lord Krishna Chapala lighting; restless Balamani young jewel Charita good Balaraj strong Charu beautiful; charming the brother of Lord Balaram Krishna Charulata beautiful Balavan powerful Charumati beautiful Balbir strong Charuprabha beautiful Baldev strong Charusheela jewel Balgopal baby krishna Charvi beautiful woman Balik Chatura skillful Balkrishna Chhabi picture Balram Chhavvi Balvinder strong Chhaya shadow Balvindra strong Chimayi blissful Balwant strong Chintamani philosopher's stone Balwin Bold Protector Chintan meditation Banbihari Lord Krishna Chintana meditation Bandhu friend Chintanika meditation Bandhul pleasing Chiti love Bankebihari Lord Krishna Chitkala knowledge Bankim curved Chitra picture
  • 8. 8 Bankimchandra crescent moon Chitralekha artist Bansi flute Chitrali series of pictures Lord Krishna; Lord Bansilal Vishnu; the first lord Chitramala series of pictures one of Arjuna's Baradwaj star Chitrangada wives Barid cloud Chitrangda Baridbaran color of the cloud Chitrani river Barindra ocean Chitrarekha picture Barun Lord of the ocean Chitrita picturesque Basanta spring Chudaamani Basistha a sage Cora maiden Basudha Earth Daivya divine person with beautiful Bhadraksh eyes Daksa perfect; talented Earth; Sati; wife of Bhagat Daksha Shiva person brought the river Bhagirath Ganga to the Earth Dakshata skill Bhagwan Dakshayani Goddess Durga Bhagwant fortunate Damayanti Nala's wife Bhagyaraj Lord of luck Damini Goddess Durga Bhairav Lord Shiva Damyanti Bhajan adoration Danita God is my judge Bhanu sun Darpana mirror Bhanudas a devotee of the sun Darshana Bhanuprasad gift of sun Daya compassion Bharadwaj a mythical bird; a sage Dayamayee kind a name of Bhisma and Bharat Yudhisthira; India Dayanita tender Bhargava Lord Shiva Dayita beloved Bhargyaraj Lord of luck Deeba silk Bhaskar sun Deena Bhaskara sun Deepa light Bhaumik attached to the Earth Deepabali row of lamps Bhavesh Lord of the world Deepali row of lamps Bhavya Deepamala row of lamps Bhim Deepanwita lit by lamps person who has taken a Bhishma terrible vow Deepaprabha fully lighted Bhiswajit Deepashikha flame Bhooshan decoration Deepika small light Bhooshit decorated Deepta shining Bhrigu Deepti flame; lustre Bhudev Lord of the Earth Deeptikana a beam of light Bhupen king Deeptimoyee lustrous
  • 9. 9 Bhupendra king of kings Devahuti daughter of Manu Bhuvan Devak divine Lord of the world; Lord mother of Lord Bhuvanesh Vishnu Devaki Krishna Bibek conscience Devangana heavenly maiden raga (a type of Indian Bibhas musical melody) Devasree divine beauty Bibhavasu fire; sun Devi Goddess Bijal Devika minor Goddess conquering; victor; daughter of Bijay victory Devyani Shukraacharya Bikram prowess Dhanashree beauty raga (a type of Indian musical Bilva sacred leaf Dhanashri melody) Bimal pure Dhanishta star Bipin forest Dhanya great Biswanath Dhara Earth person who does not mystical verse Bitasok mourn Dharani recited to ease pain Bodhan kindling Dharitri Earth Boudhayan the name of a sage Dhatri Goddess Parvati creator of the universe; Brahma evolution; growth Dhriti patience Brahmabrata ascetic Dhuti dedicated to Lord Brahmadutt Brahma Dhvani sound Bramha Diksha initiation Bratindra devoted to right deeds Dilber lover Brijesh Dilshad happy Brijmohan Lord Krishna Dipali row of lights Buddhadeva Gautama Buddha Dipika small lamp Budhil learned Dipti brightness the Zodiac sign of Aries Disha direction wife of the sage Chaitanya a name of Lord Krishna Diti Kashyap bird fascinated by the Chakor moon Divya brilliant; heavenly Chakrapani Lord Vishnu Diya light Chakshu eye Dory golden-haired Chaman garden Doyel songbrid wife of the Chamanlal garden Draupadi Pandavas Champak flower Drishti sight a form of the Devi; Chanchal restless Dristi sight
  • 10. 10 Chand moon Dulari dear Chandak moon Durba sacred grass Chandan sandalwood Durga the Goddess Chander moon Durva sacred grass Chandra moon Dwipavati river Chandrabhan moon Eha desirous Chandrachur Lord Shiva Ekakitaa loneliness Chandrahas bow of Lord Shiva Ekansha undivided Chandrak peacock feather Ekaparana wife of Himalaya Chandrakanta moon Ekata unity Chandrakishore moon Ekavali single-string Chandrakumar moon Ekavira the bravest Chandramohan beautiful like the moon Ekta Chandran moon Ektaa unity Chandranath moon Ela cardamom tree Chandraraj moonbeam Elena bright one Chandrasekhara a name of Lord Shiva Eleni light; torch the zodiac sign of Chapal quick Ena Capricorn Charan feet Enakshi doe-eyed Chaturbhuj Erekhsha shining Lord Brahma; person Chaturmukha with four faces Esha pleasure Chetan conscience; soul Eshana search Chetana intelligence Eshita person who desires charioteer of Lord Arjun; born in Falgun Chhandak Buddha Falguni (a Hindu month) person with a heart as Chidambar big as the sky Fanibhusan Lord Shiva the cosmic serpent Chidananda Lord Shiva Fanindra Shesh the cosmic serpent Chinmay blissful Fanish Shesh Lord of serpents; Chinmayananda blissful Fanishwar Vasuki like an elephant's Chintamani philosopher's stone Gajagamini walk; majestic Chintan perception; thought Gajra garland of flowers Chirag a lamp Gandhali fragrance; perfumed Chiranjeev lifelong Ganga sacred river of India Chirantan immortal Gangika river Ganga Chirayu immortal Gangotri sacred river of India Chitrabhanu fire Gargi an ancient scholar Chitraksh beautiful eyed Gatita river Chitral of variegated color Gauhar pearl Chitramukha having a beautiful face Gaura fair woman
  • 11. 11 Chitrarath sun Gauri Chitrasen a king of Gandharvas Gaurika young girl river Godavari; wife a Chitta knowledge Gautami sage Gautam Chittaranjan happiness of inner mind Gayatri mother of the Vedas Chittaswarup the supreme spirit Geena silvery music; sacred Hindu Chittesh Lord of the soul Geeta book Cholan a South Indian dynasty Geetha jewel adorned by the Chudamani Gods Geeti song Dabeet warrior Geetika poem Dagan corn; grain Gillian sweetheart; youth born from a mountain; Goddess Dahana Girija Parvati Daman person who controls Gita Damian tamer Gitanjali offering of songs Damodar Lord Ganapati Gitika Damon blue sky Godavari sacred river of India Darpan mirror Gomati name of a river Darshan religious text Gool flower Daruka Gopa Gautama's wife a cowherd; cowherd Dasharath the father of Lord Rama Gopi woman Dasharathi Lord Rama Gopika a name of Radha Dattatreya a God; son of Atri Gorochana Goddess Parvati devotee of Lord David beloved Govindi Krishna Debashis benediction of God Greeshma Summer Deenabandhu friend of the poor Gulab rose Deep that which illuminates Gunjana buzzing of a bee Deepak small lamp Gunwanti virtuous raga (a type of Indian musical Deepan lighting up Gurjari melody) Deepankar Lord of light Gyanada Goddess Sarasvati Goddess Parvati; Deependu bright moon Haimavati Lord Shiva's wife Deepesh Lord of light Hanima wave Deepit lighted Hansa swan Deeptanshu sun Hansika small swan Deeptendu bright moon Hansini swan Deeptiman lustrous Harhsa born in the season of Deeptimoy lustrous Harimanti Hemanta
  • 12. 12 Dev God; king Harinakshi doe-eyed Dev Kumar son of Gods Harini consort of Lord Vishnu; Goddess Deva deity Haripriya Lakshmi Devabrata a name of Bhisma Harita green delight; happiness; one of the three sons Devadas follower of God Harsha of Dharma Devajyoti brightness of the Lord Harshada giver of happiness Devak divine Harshini happy person who gives Devandra Harshita happiness Devarsi sage of the Devas Hasina beautiful Devashish blessings of God Hasita happy Devdutta king Hasumati happy flower; flowering Devendra God of Gods Heather health Devesh Lord Shiva Hedy sweet or pleasant Deveshwar Lord Shiva Heena Devkumar son of Gods Heera diamond Devnarayan king Helli light Devnath king of Gods Hema gold Dhakshesh Lord Shiva Hemali golden Dhananjay Arjuna Hemangi golden-bodied Dhanesh Lord of wealth Hemangini Dhanraj Lord Kuber Hemanti early Winter Dhansukh happy; wealthy Hemavati golden Parvati Dhanvant wealthy Hemlata golden creeper Shesh the cosmic Dharanidhar serpent Hena flower Dharma Hetal friendly person who serves his Dharmadas religion Hima snow; Winter a name of the person who takes Goddess Parvati; Dharmanand pleasure in his religion Himani snow Dharmavira Hina fragrance raga (a type of Indian musical Dharmendra God of religion Hindola melody) a name of the Goddess Lakshmi; Dharmendu light of religion Hira diamond Dharmpal protector of his religion Hiral lustrous Dharmveer religious Hiranmayi golden
  • 13. 13 Dharuna ascetic; wise man Hirkani small diamond son of Lord Vishnu and Dhatri the Goddess Lakshmi Hiya heart attractive; dazzling Dhavala white Hoor Dhawal white Husna beautiful Dheeman intelligent Iccha wish Dheemant intelligent; wise Iha Earth Dheer gentle Ihina enthusiasm Dheerendra God of courage Ikshu sugar cane Earth; mother; Dhiraj emperor Ila priestess Dhiraja born from tolerance Ina mother Dhritiman patient Inayat kindness Dhritman Indira Goddess Lakshmi Dhruba Indra God of the sky Dhruv eternal; fixed; star Indrani wife of Lord Indra the Pole Star; daughter of King Dhruva unshakeable Indrasena Nala the name of a sacred Dhwani sound Indrayani river Dhyanesh meditative Indu bright drop Diego the supplanter Induja narmada river a name of Lord Shiva; Digambar sky clad Induleksh moon Dilawar courageous Indumati full moon ancestor of Lord Rama; Dilip king Insiyah woman Dinanath protector Ipsa desire Dinar gold coin Ipsita desired; wanted Dindayal kind to the poor Ira Earth; muse Dinesh Lord of the day Iravati the river Ravi Dinkar the sun Isha person who protects Dipak small lamp Ishana rich a name of the Goddess Durga; Divakar sun Ishani gifted by God Divyanga divine body Ishika paint brush Divyendu moon Ishita desired Divyesh Ishrat affection a king; father of the best among the Drupad Draupadi Ishvari divine Duff dark faced Ishwari Goddess Dulal beloved one Jabeen forehead mother of the Duncan brown warrior Jagadamba universe
  • 14. 14 Duranjaya heroic son Jagrati Durjaya difficult to conquer Jagriti vigilance Durmada Jahanara queen of the world a king from the epic Dushyanta Mahabharata Jaheel lake Dustin courageous warrior Jahnavi Dvimidha Jaishree honor of victory Dwaipayan the sage Vyasa Jaisudha nectar of victory Dwijaraj king of Brahmins; moon Jaiwanti victory Dwijendra king of Brahmins; moon Jalabala river Dwijesh river Jalaja lotus Dylan son of the waves Jamini night Eashan Lord Shiva Jamuna holy river Ebhanan Ganpati Janaki a name of Sita person who worships a Ekabhakta single god Janhavi river Ganga Ekachakra son of Kashyapa Jannat heaven Ekachit with one mind Jasmine flower; sweet renowned for his mother of Lord Ekalavya devotion to his guru Jasoda Krishna mother of Lord Ekambar sky Jasodhara Buddha Ekanath king Jaya victory the Goddess of Ekatan attractive Jayalakshmi victory victorious Goddess Ekatma one soul Jayalalita Durga Eknath poet; saint Jayamala garland of victory Ekram honor Jayani a sakti of Ganesha raga (a type of belonging to Iran; helper Indian musical Erach of the Aryans Jayanthashree melody) Erman friend; God Jayanti victorious at the end Goddess Durga; Ervar befitting a hero Jayantika Goddess Parvati a name of Lord Vishnu; Esa desirable Jayashree Goddess of victory Eshwar Lord Shiva Jayasri Goddess of victory Eswar God Jayati victorious Arjun; born in Falgun (a Falguni Hindu month) Jayita victories Fanibhusan Lord Shiva Jeet victory the cosmic serpent Fanindra Shesh Jeeval filled with life the cosmic serpent Fanish Shesh Jeevankala art of life
  • 15. 15 Fanishwar Lord of serpents; Vasuki Jeevanlata creeper of life raga (a type of Indian musical Gafur invincible Jetashri melody) Gagan sky Jhanavi Ganga Gajanand Lord Ganesh Jharna stream Gajendra elephant king Jhilmil sparkling Ganapati Lord Ganesh Jhinuk oyster Gandharva heavenly musician Jigya curiosity Gandhik fragant Joella Lord is willing Ganesh elephant God Joline He will increase Gangadhar a name of Lord Shiva Joshita pleased Gangesh Lord Shiva Jowaki a firefly Gangeya of the Ganga Juana Gangol Juanita God is gracious Garonman house of heavenly song Juhi flower Garuda king of birds Jui flower Gaurang Juily flower brilliant; light of the Gaurav dignity; glory Jyoti sun Gaurinath Lord Shiva Jyotibala splendor Gautam the wisest Jyotika flame; light Geet Song Jyotirmoyee lustrous Ghaibi heavenly; hidden Jyotishmati lustrous Ghalib excellent Jyotsna moonlight Ghanashyam Lord Krishna Kadambari Goddess coming from the Giri mountain Kadambari: kadamba tree Giridari Lord Krishna Kadambini clouds Giridhar Lord Krishna Kaishori Goddess Parvati Girik Lord Shiva Kajal eyeliner Girilal Lord Shiva Kajjali kohl Girindra Lord Shiva Kakali chirping of birds Giriraj Lord of the mountains Kala art Girish Lord of the mountains Kalanidhi treasure of art Gokarna Kalavati filled with qualities a place where Lord flower bud; Goddess Gokul Krishna was brought up Kali Parvati Gopal Lord Krishna Kalika flower bud Gopesh Lord Krishna Kalindi the river Yamuna gurgling of water; Gopichand name of a king Kallol large waves Gorakh cowherd Kalpana imagination Gourishankar Mount Everest Kalpita the imagined Govind Kalyani benefit Govinda master of the mountain Kamakshi a Devi
  • 16. 16 beautiful; born of Gudakesha the archer Arjuna Kamala from a lotus person whose eyes are as beautiful as Gul Kamalakshi lotuses Gulfam Kamalika lotus Gulzar gardener Kamalini lotus Gulzarilal name of Lord Krishna Kamalkali the bud of a lotus Gumwant virtuous Kamana desire a name of Lord Shiva; Lord of Gunjan buzzing of a bee Kamesh desire Gunnar army; battle Kamini attractive woman Gupil a secret Kamna desire Gurdeep light of the teacher Kana an atom Gurpreet love of the teacher Kanak gold Guru teacher Kanaka gold Gyan knowledge Kanakabati fairy-tale Gyandev Lord of knowledge Kanaklata golden creeper God of wind; son of Hanuman Vayu Kanakpriya lover of gold the monkey God of Hanumant Ramayana Kanan forest; garden Hardik heartfelt Kananbala forest nymph Harekrishna Lord Krishha Kanav a great Rishi Harendra Lord Shiva Kanchan heavenly Apsara a heavenly Apsara; Haresh Lord Krishna Kanchana gold a ray of light; fire; the Hari Zodiac sign of Leo Kanchi waistband Haridas servant of Lord Krishna Kanika atom Harigopal Lord Krishna Kankana bracelet Harihar Lord Vishnu Kanta beautiful Lord Vishnu and Lord Hariharan Shiva conjoined Kanti lustre Harikrishna Kanya name of the Harinarayan Lord Vishnu Kapila heavenly cow Hariom Lord Vishnu Kapotakshi eyes like a pigeon's Hariprasad blessed by Lord Krishna Karabi flower Hariram Lord Rama Kari feminine; strong Harish Karishma miracle Harishankar Lord Shiva Karuna compassion; mercy charitable; king of Surya Harishchandra dynasty Karunamayi merciful Haritbaran green Kashi the holy city;
  • 17. 17 Varanasi Harjeet victorious Kashmira from Kashmir Harkrishna Lord Krishna Kasturi scented with musk Harmendra moon Katina pure Haroon hope Katyayani Goddess Parvati Harsh happiness Kaumudi moonlight mother of Lord Harshad happiness Kausalya Rama Harshavardhan creator of happiness Kaushalya cleverness; skills Harshil happiness Kaustubha heavenly jewel a holy Indian river; Harshit happiness Kaveri filled with water person who gives Harshita happiness Kavita poem Hashmat glory; happy Kavya poem Hasit happy Keely graceful Heer diamond Kelsy fountain; spring Hem gold Kesari lion; saffron Hemadri the Himalayas Keshi Hemal Keshika Hemamdar golden creeper Keshini Hemanga golden-bodied Ketaki golden Hemant gold Ketana home Hemanta early Winter Ketika Hemendu golden moon Keya flower Heramba Lord Ganesh Khyati fame Himachal the Himalayas Kimaya divine Himadri the Himalayas Kiran dust; ray of light Himaghna sun Kiranmala garland of light Himanshu a name of Chandra Kirtana praise a form of the Devi; Himmat courage Kirti fame Himnish Lord Shiva Kishori young Hiranmay golden Kitu Hiranya gold Kokila cuckoo Hirendra Lord of diamonds Komal soft; tender Hiten Komala delicate Hitendra well-wisher Koyel cuckoo the sky and the Hitesh Krandasi Earth Hriday heart Kranti revolution beloved; Lord of the Hridaynath heart Kripa mercy Hridya sweetheart Krishnaa Draupadi Hrishikesh Lord Vishnu Krishnakali flower Hulas happiness Kriti work of art
  • 18. 18 a constellation of Iham expected Kritika stars Ihit honor; prize Krittika the Plaids a form of the Devi; forgiveness; Indivar blue lotus Kshama patience Indrajeet conqueror Kshanika momentary Indrajit Kshitija horizon day before the full Indrakanta Lord Indra Kuhu moon Indraneel sapphire Kuhuk Indranil sapphire Kumari unmarried Indravadan Kumkum vermilion Indresan Kumud lotus Indubhushan moon Kumudini lotus Induhasan like the moon Kundan pure Indukanta like the moon Kundanika flower; golden girl Indulal moon's lustre Kunjalata forest creeper Indusekhar Kunjana forest girl Indushekhar like the moon Kuntal hair woman with Intekhab chosen Kuntala luxurious hair mother of the Ira descendants Kunti Pandavas Iravan son of Arjuna Kurangi deer Irshaad signal Kusum flower Isar eminent; Lord Shiva Kusumanjali flower offering Ishaan king Kusumavati flowering Ishan Lord Vishnu Kusumlata flowering creeper Ishrat affection Labangalata flowering creeper a name of Lord Shiva; Ishwar God; the supreme being Laboni grace Jag the universe Lajja modesty a plant; modest Jagadbandu Lord Krishna Lajjawati woman Jagadip lamp of the universe Lajwanti a plant Jagadish Lord of the universe Lajwati modest Jagan the world Laksha white rose Duryodhana's daughter; person spread over the with auspicious signs Jaganmay universe Lakshana on her consort of Lord Jagannath Lord Vishnu Lakshmi Vishnu; Goddess Jagat the world Lakshmishree fortunate Jagdeep lamp of the world Lalan nurturing
  • 19. 19 Jagdeesh Lord of the universe Lalana beautiful woman Jagdish Lalima redness consort of Lord Shiva; form of the Goddess Parvati; Jagjeevan worldly life Lalita Goddess consort of Lord Shiva; form of the Goddess Parvati; Jagjit conqueror of the world Lalitha Goddess Jahan the world Lalitya charm; loveliness Jai conqueror Lamiyah lustrous Jaichand victory by the moon Lana float Jaidayal victory by kindness Lata creeper Jaideep Latangi creeper Jaidev victory of God Latika small creeper Jaigopal victory of Lord Krishna Lavanya beautiful consort of Lord Jaikrishna victory of Lord krishna Laxmi Vishnu; Goddess Jaimini an ancient philosopher Lea weary Jainarayan victory Leela charming Jaipal Lord Brahma Leelamayee playful Goddess Durga; Jairaj Lord of victory Leelavati playful Jaisal famous folk Leelu form of sugar Jaishankar victory of Lord Shiva Leena devoted Jaison son of victory Lehar wave crescent moon; Jaisukh joy of winning Lekha lightning; line Jaiwant victory Lipi script Jalendu moon in the water Lipika short letter Jamil attractive Lochan eye Janak Buddha; father Lolaksi a sakti of Ganesha Janamejay Lord Vishnu Lopa wife of sage wife of sage Janardan Lord Vishnu Lopamudra Agastya Japa chanting Lubna storax tree Japendra Lord Shiva Luluah pearl date flower; intoxicating drink; Japesh Lord Shiva Madhavi sweet Jasbeer victorious hero Madhu honey Jashan celebration Madhuchhanda person who showers Jasjit Madhuksara honey Jaspal Lord Krishna Madhulata sweet creeper
  • 20. 20 Jaswant famous Madhulekha beautiful Jatan nurturing Madhulika honey Jatin pertaining to saint Madhumalati flowering creeper Jawahar jewel Madhumati filled with honey Jay Madhumita filled with honey Jayant a Rudra; victorious Madhunisha pleasant night Jayanta victorious in the end Madhur sweet charming; Jayanti Madhura melodious Jayasimha Madhuri sweetness Jeemutbahan filled with life Madhurima sweetness Jeevan life Madhushri Spring woman with Jhoomer ornament Madirakshi intoxicating eyes Jignesh curiosity to research Mahabala strength Jihan the world Mahadevi Goddess Parvati one of the names of the Jimuta sun God Mahagauri Goddess Durga Jishnu Arjuna Mahajabeen beautiful Jitendra conqueror Mahak fragrance one of the names of the Jivana sun God Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi Jivitesh God Mahamaya Goddess Durga Joginder Lord Shiva Mahasweta Goddess Sarasvati Jogindra Lord Shiva Mahati great Jograj Lord Krishna Mahi Earth Jugnu a firefly Mahijuba hostess Jusal pari Mahika Earth Jyotichandra splendor Mahima greatness Jyotiprakash splendor of the flame Mahua flower Jyotiranjan happy flame Mahubala sweet girl Jyotirdhar holder of the flame Maina bird Jyotirmoy lustrous Maithili a name of Sita disciple of sage jewel Jayanta; Lord Vishnu Maitreya Parasara learned woman of Kailas abode of Lord Shiva Maitreyi the past abode of Lord Shiva; a mountain in the Kailash Himalayan range Maitri friendship Kailashchandra Lord Shiva Maitryi Kailashnath Lord Shiva Makshi honeybee Kalash sacred pot Mala necklace devotee of the Goddess early evening Kalicharan Kali Malashree melody Kalidas musician; poet Malati small fragrant flower
  • 21. 21 devotee of the Goddess Kalimohan Kali Malavika of Malva devotee of the Goddess Kalipada Kali Malaya creeper devotee of the Goddess Kaliranjan Kali Malika jasmine Kalpanath Malina dark a name of the Kalyan welfare Malini Goddess Parvati Kamadev God of love Mallika jasmine Kamal lotus flower Malti small fragrant flower Kamalakar Lord Vishnu Mamata affection mother's love for child; wife of sage Kamalapati Lord Vishnu Mamta Asija Kamalnayan lotus-eyed Manali bird Kamil perfect Manasi spiritual adoration raga (a type of Indian Kamod musical melody) Manavi Kamraj Manda river branch of the Ganga Kanad ancient Mandakini river; the Milky Way Kanak Gold Mandakranta a Sanskrit meter garland of heavenly Kanan garden Mandarmalika flowers melodious; Kanchan heavenly Apsara Mandira venerated Kanhaiya Lord Krishna Mangala auspicious lamp made of Kanhaiyalal Lord Krishna Manideepa precious stones person whose hair is Kanishka name of a king Manikuntala like gems Kannan Manimala string of pearls Kantilal lustrous Manimekhala girdle of gems Kantimoy lustrous Manisha intellect Kanu Lord Krishna Manjari blossom; spring Kanvar young prince Manjira ankle-bells Kanwal lotus Manjistha extremely Kanwaljeet lotus Manju sweet Kanwalkishore Lord Krishna; lotus Manjubala sweet girl Kapil name of a wise man Manjula sweet Kapish Lord Hanuman Manjulika sweet girl Karan son of Arjun Manjusha treasure chest Kareem kind Manjushri sweet lustre Karna the firstborn of Kunti Manjyot light of the mind Kartar master Manmayi jealous; Sri Radha
  • 22. 22 giver of courage and Kartik happiness Manorama beautiful Skanda; son of Lord Shiva and the Goddess Kartikeya Parvati; Subramanyam Mansi Karunakar merciful Manushi Karunamay filled with light Marcia martial one Karunashankar merciful Margarite pearl Kashinath Lord Shiva Marichi name of a star Kashiprasad blessed by Lord Shiva Marisa mother of Daksa devotee to Lord Kashyap name of a sage Markandeya Shiva Kausar lake of paradise Maruti Lord Hanuman Kaushal perfect Matangi a Devi hermit who lived in the palace of Yudhisthira; person who knows of Kaushik hidden treasure Maushmi monsoon wind gem worn by Lord Kaustav Vishnu Maya illusion; magic peacock (type of Kaustubh jewel of Lord Vishnu Mayura bird) peahen (type of Kavi poet Mayuri bird) a form of the Devi; Kaviraj doctor Medha intelligence raga (a type of Indian Kedar musical melody) Medini Earth Kedarnath Lord Shiva Meena gem fish-eyed; woman Kenen Meenakshi with beautiful eyes Keshav a name of Lord Krishna Meera saint cloud; raga (a type of Indian musical Ketan banner; home Megha melody) Kevalkishore absolute Meghamala clouds Kevalkumar absolute Meghana thunder Keyur Mehal cloud Khadim servant of God Meher benevolence Khajit Lord Buddha Mehrunissa benevolent Khemchand welfare Mehul rain Khemprakash welfare Mekhala girdle Khursheed sunshine Melanie dark Khushal perfect Melba slender; soft Kinshuk flower Melosa gentle; sweet Kiran dust; ray of light Mena mother of Menaka
  • 23. 23 Kiranmay filled with light Menaka heavenly damsel Kirit crown; tiara Mina gem an incarnation of the Kirtikumar famous Minakshi Goddess Parvati Kishore youth Minal gem Kishorekumar young Minati prayer boundary; limit; Knud kind Mira ocean Kripa has a twin sister Kripi Mirium wished for child Kripal merciful Mita friend Krishanu fire Mitali friendship Krishna Lord Krishna Mohana beauty Krishnachandra Lord Krishna Mohini most beautiful Krishnadeva Lord Krishna Mohisha intellect Krishnakanta Lord Krishna Monisha Lord Krishna Krishnakumar Lord Kirshna Mridula soft Krishnala Lord Krishna Mriganayani doe-eyed Krishnamurari Lord Krishna Mrinal lotus Krishnamurthy Lord Krishna Mrinali lotus Krishnaroop dark Mrinalini lotus Krishnendu Lord Krishna Mrinmayi of Earth Kshaunish king Mudra expression Kuber God of wealth Mudrika ring beautiful; innocent; Kuberchand God of wealth Mugdha young Kularanjan star of family Mukta pearl freedom from life Kulbhushan ornament of family Mukti and death Kuldeep light of family Mukul soul Kulvir Muniya name of a bird Kumar prince Muskaan smile Kunal lotus Mythili a name of Sita dancer; suggestive Kundan pure Nachni look Kundanlal golden Nadia hope Kunja grove of trees Nadira pinnacle Kunjabihari Lord Krishna Nagina jewel Kusagra a king Naina eyes Kush son of Lord Rama Naini relating to eyes pupil (the part of the Kushal skill Nainika eye) coming from the Kushan Nairita Southwest Kusumakar spring Najma star Lagan appropriate time Nalini mother of the Vedas Lakshman brother of Lord Rama Namita devotee
  • 24. 24 Lakshmibanta fortunate Namrata humility; modesty Lakshmidhar Lord Vishnu Nanda a sakti of Ganesha Lakshmigopal Lord Vishnu Nandana daughter Lakshmikanta Lord Vishnu Nandini delightful Lakshya aim Nandita happy Lalit beautiful Naomi Lalitkishore beautiful Narayani Goddess Lakshmi Lalitkumar beautiful Nargis flower Lalitmohan beautiful Narmada mother of the Vedas Lamar near to the ocean Narois flower Lambodar Lord Ganesh Nartan dance Lankesh Ravana Naseen cool breeze Latafat elegance Natun new delicate; mysterious; Latif subtle Nauka boat Latifah elegance Navaneeta butter Lav son of Lord Rama Naveena new Liyaqat elegance; worthiness Nayana eye Lochan the eye Nayantara iris Lohitaksha Lord Vishnu Neeharika light of the world; Lord Lokapradip Brahma Neela blue Lord Brahma; Lord of Lokesh the world Neelabja blue lotus Loknath Lord Vishnu Neelakshi blue-eyed Lokranjan Lord Vishnu Neelam sapphire Luv son of Rama Neelanjana blue Madan love; passion Neelkamal blue lotus Madangopal Lord Krishna Neena Madhav Lord Krishna Neepa name of a flower Goddess Lakshmi; Madhavdas servant of Lord Krishna Neeraja lotus Madhu honey; nectar Neerja lotus flower Madhuk honeybee Neeta upright Madhukanta moon Neeti good behavior Madhukar honeybee Neha yearning Madhup honeybee Nehal attractive; rainy Madhur sweet Netra eye Madhusudan Lord Krishna Netravati beautiful-eyed Madhusudhana Lord Krishna Nidhi mother of the Vedas Magan engrossed Nidi shine upon Magesh Nidra a form of the Devi Mahabahu Arjuna Niharika nebula Mahabala strength Nikhita Earth Mahadev Lord Shiva Nila blue Mahaniya worthy of honor Nilasha blueness
  • 25. 25 a Jain prophet; Mahavir courageous one Nilaya home Mahavira son of Priyavrata Nileen surrendered Mahendra Lord Vishnu Nilima blue perpetuator of the Maher adept Nilini Kuru race one of the names of Mahesh Lord Shiva Niloufer Maheshwar Lord Shiva Nima the mother of Kabir Mahin Earth Nimeesha split second Mahindra a king Nimmi Mahipal king Nina ornamented Mahish king Nira Mahtab moon Niradhara peak on the Himalayas (from a Hindu epic Mainak poem) Niral Goddess Durga; name of a river; the disciple of sage night of the full Maitreya Parasara Niranjana moon Malay mountain Nirguna raga (a type of Indian Malkauns musical melody) Nirmala mother of the Vedas Manas mind Nirmayi without blemish Manasi spiritual adoration Nirupa mother of the Vedas Manav man Nirupama mother of the Vedas Manavendra king Nisha night Mandar heavenly tree Nishadee night Mandeep light of the mind Nishithini night Mandhatri prince Nishtha devotion Mangal auspicious Nita Mangesh a form of Lord Shiva Niti Mani gem Nitu Manibhushan supreme gem Nitya Goddess Parvati Manik ruby Nityapriya ever pleasing Manindra Lord of the mind Niva sun Manish a profound thinker; wise Nivedita dedicated to God Manishankar Lord Shiva Nivritti Manjeet conqueror of the mind Niyati fate Manmatha Noopur anklet Manmohan pleasing Nusrat help that which steals the Manohar heart Nutan new a name of Kama; born Manoj from the mind Ojal vision
  • 26. 26 Manoranjan pleasing Ojaswini lustrous Mansukh pleasing Olena light Manu intelligent; wise Padma lotus Mardav softness Padmaja born from a lotus Markandeya wise man Padmakali lotus bud Martanda sun Padmal lotus Marut the wind Padmalaya lake of lotuses Maruti Lord Hanuman Padmalochana lotus-eyed advisor to Devi Lalita; person with lotus- Matanga sage Padmaloshni shaped eyes Mayank moon Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi Mayanka moon Padmini lotus Mayur peacock (type of bird) Pakhi bird Megh cloud Pakshi bird cloud; raga (a type of Megha Indian musical melody) Pallavi bloom Meghashyam Lord Krishna Pallavini with new leaves Mehdi flower Paloma dove Mehul a derivative of Mukul Palomi Michael like the Lord Panchali Draupadi's name Mihir sun Pankaja lotus Milan meeting; union Panna emerald Milap union Paola Milind bee Parama the best Milun union Parameshwari Goddess Durga Mirza a prince Paramita wisdom Misal example Pari fairy father of Sita; Janak; the Mithilesh king of Mithila Paridhi realm Mithun Gemini Parmila Mitra friend; sun Parnal leafy Mitul measured; moderate Parnashri leafy beauty Mohajit attractive Parni leafy Mohak attractive Parnik creeper Mohal attractive Parnika auspicious Apsara a name of Lord Shiva; Mohan charming Parnita auspicious Apsara Mohit attracted Parthivi Sita Mohita attracted Parul name of a flower festival; full moon; Mohnish Lord Krishna Parvani special day Mohul attractive Parvati river Morse son of the dark one Parveen star raga (a type of Indian musical Moti pearl Patmanjari melody)
  • 27. 27 a name from ancient Motilal pearl Patralekha epics Eastern and Western Moulik valuable Pauravi horizons Mriganka moon Pavani mother of the Vedas Mrigankamouli Lord Shiva Pavi lightning Mrigankasekhar Lord Shiva Payal anklet Mrigendra lion Payoja lotus full moon day in the Mrigesh lion Phalguni month of Falgun Mrityunjai victorious in death Phiroza turquoise Mrityunjay Lord Shiva Phoolan flower as delicate as a Mubarak congratulations Phoolwati flower Mudita happy Phutika Mujeeb name of God Pia beloved a demon in the form of a boar; a name of Lord Shiva; given because he Mukesh killed " Muka" Piki cuckoo Muktananda liberated Pingala Goddess Lakshmi Mukul soul Pival tree Mukund a name of Lord Krishna Pivari wife of Sukha Mukunda Lord Krishna Piyali tree Mukut crown Pooja prayer Mulkraj king Poonam full moon Muni sage Poorbi eastern Murad prowess Poorvi Murali flute Poushali of the month Poush Muralidhar Lord Krishna Prabha light; radiance Muralimanohar Lord Krishna Prabhati of the morning Murari Lord Krishna Prachi East Murarilal Lord Krishna Pradeepta glowing Murgesh Pradnya knowledge Murthy Pragati progress Musheer advice Pragna knowledge Naayantara star of our eyes Pragya wisdom Nabarun morning sun Pragyaparamita wise Nabendu new moon Pragyawati a wise woman Nabhi focus; the best Prakruti nature Nachik short form of Nachiketa Prama knowledge of truth fire; name of an ancient Nachiket sage Pramada woman an ancient wise man; one of Arjuna's Nachiketa fire Pramila wives Nadir pinnacle Pramiti knowledge of truth
  • 28. 28 Nagendra Pranati prayer Nagesh Prapti gain Nahusha a mythological king Prarthana prayer a mythological forest; Naimish momentary; transient Prashansa Nairit Southwest Prashanti peace a hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha; King Naishadh Nala Prateeksha long wait Nakshatra star Prathysha early morning name of one of the Nakul Pandavas Pratibha keen intellect Nalin lotus Pratima idol Nalinaksha lotus-eyed Pratishtha preeminence Naman salutation Pratyusha dawn Namdev poet; saint Preeti love Nand happy Prem love Nanda Prema love Nandan pleasing Premala loving Lord Shiva; the bull of Nandi Lord Shiva Premila delightful; follower of Nandin Lord Shiva Prerana inspiration Naotau new Prerita to inspire Narahari Lord Vishnu Preyasi beloved an incarnation of Lord Narasimha Vishnu Prisha an incarnation of Lord Narayan Vishnu Prita beloved one the mother of the Narayana Lord Vishnu Pritha Pandavas renowned wife of Pulastya and Sukha; Narendra God of men Priti satisfaction Naresh king Pritika beloved one Narotham Pritikana atom of love Narsi poet; saint Pritilata creeper of love Nartana makes others dance Privrata son of Satarupa Natesh king Priya beloved one; darling Nathan solid pillar Priyadarshini lovely Natraj Priyal beloved Natwar Lord Krishna Priyam beloved Naval wonder Priyamvada sweet spoken Navaneet butter Priyanka beloved one Naved justice; reward Priyasha beloved one
  • 29. 29 Naveen new Puja prayer Navin new; young Pujita worshipped wife of the sage Navrang beautiful Puloma Bhrigu Nayan leader Punam full moon Neel blue Punarnava star Neeladri the Nilgiris Pundari Neelambar blue sky Punita holy; sacred Neelanjan blue Purandhri mother of the Vedas Neelesh Lord Krishna; moon Purna abundant; complete Neelkanta Lord Shiva Purnima mother of the Vedas Neelmadhav Lord Jagannath Purva elder Neelmani sapphire Purvaja older sister Neelotpal blue lotus Pushpa blossom; flower Neeraf river Pushpanjali offering of flowers decorated with Neeraj lotus; pearl Pushpita flowers a form of the Devi; nourishment; wife of Nibodh knowledge Pusti Ganapati Nigam treasure Putul doll full moon in the Sravan month; Nihal gratified Raakhi symbol of protection Nihar dew; mist Rabia famous; godly Niket home Rachana creation Nikhat fragrance Rachita created Nikhil complete; entire; whole Rachna full moon in the month of Vaisakha; Nikhilesh Lord of all Radha lightning a form of the Devi; fifth Sakti; wife of Nikunja grove of trees Radhika Krishna color; filled with Nilay home Ragamaya passion; music Nilesh a name of Lord Krishna Ragini melody Nimai Chaitanya Rajalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi Nimish spilt second Rajani dark one; night Ninad gentle murmur; sound Rajanigandha flower Nipun expert Rajata sovereignty Nirad cloud Rajdulari dear princess Niraj lotus flower Rajeshvari princess Nirajit illuminated Rajeshwari Goddess Parvati Niramay without blemish Rajhans swan Niramitra son of pandava Raji shining
  • 30. 30 Sahadeva Goddess Durga; name of a river; night of the full Niranjan moon Rajkumari princess Nirav silent Rajnandhini princess Nirbhay fearless Rajshri sage-like king Nirijhar waterful Rajvi queen Nirmal pure Raka full moon Nirmalya pure Rakhi Nirmeet created Raksha protector enchanting; son of Nirmit created Rama Dasaratha Nirmohi unattached Ramani woman Nirupam without comparison Ramanika attractive Nirvaan ultimate bliss Rambha heavenly dancer Nirvan liberation Ramita pleasing Nisarg nature Ramona mighty protector enchanting; Nischal calm Ramya enjoyable seventh note in the Nishad octave Rangana flower Nishanath moon Rangita charming; colored Nishant end of the night Rani queen Nishesh entire Ranita tinkling Nishikanta moon Ranjana satisfaction Nishita night Ranjini pleasing Nishith night Ranjita adorned Nishok happy Rashi collection rays of the morning Nissim without bounds Rashmi sun Nitesh Rashmika ray of light knowledgeable about interested in all good Nitin the law Rasika things Nitish master of the right path Rasna the tongue Nitya-Sundara good-looking Rati a Devi Nityagopal constant Ratna jewel; wealth always happy; Lord Nityananda Krishna Ratnabala jewelled Nripa king Ratnabali string of pearls Nripesh king of kings Ratnajyouti lustrous jewel Ogan wave Ratnalekha splendor of jewels Ojas energy; virility Ratnali jewelled creation; the essence of Om life Ratnamala string of pearls Omar an era Ratnangi jewel-bodied Omarjeet Ratnaprabha lustrous jewel
  • 31. 31 Omja born from cosmic unity Ratnapriya lover of jewels Omkar beginning of life Raviprabha light of the sun Omprakash light of God Rea poppy Omrao king Reena Omswaroop manifestation of divinity Rekha straight line Oren ash tree Rena peace Umrao king Renu dust; sand the mother of Parasurma; the sixth incarnation of Lord Paavan purifier Renuka Vishnu Padman lotus Resham silk Padmanabha Lord Vishnu Reshma made of silk a name of Lord Vishnu; Padmanabhan lotus navelled Reshmi made of silk Padmapati Lord Vishnu Reva star Goddess of wealth; Padmashri seated in a lotus Revati wife of Balarama Palak eyelash Riddhi Siddhi will follow Palash Riju innocent Palashkusum the flower of Palash Rijuta innocence Palashranjan beautiful like a Palash Rima Pallab new leaves Rina dissolved; melted Panchanan Lord Shiva Rishika saintly Pandhari Lord Vithobha Rita Panduranga Lord Vithobha Riti memory Pandya a South Indian dynasty Ritika stream Panini the great scholar Ritu season Pankaj lotus flower Riya singer Pannalal emerald Rohini sandalwood tree Parag pollen Roma Goddess Lakshmi Parakram strength Roshni light Param the best Rubaina bright bright; brilliant; Paramananda happiest Rucha radiant Paramartha great entity Ruchi beauty; lustre Paramesh Lord Shiva Ruchira desirable Paramhansa supreme soul Rudrani wife of Lord Shiva Lord of the ocean; Paranjay Varun Rudrapriya Goddess Durga Parantap hero Ruhi soul Parantapa Arjuna; conqueror Rukma golden consort of Lord Paras Rukmini Krishna Parashar an ancient Ruksana brilliant Parashuram sixth incarnation of Lord Ruma wife of Sugriva
  • 32. 32 Vishnu Parasmani Rupa beautiful Paravasu name of a sage Rupali beautiful Paresh supreme lord Rupashi beautiful Parijat heavenly flower Rupashri beautiful Parikshit name of an ancient king Sabita Parimal fragrance Sachi wife of Indra Paritosh delight Sadaf pearl Parkash light Sadgati liberation Parmameshwar almightly lord Sadguna good virtues Parmesh Sadhan fulfulment Parnab Sadhana worship Parnad a Brahmin in the epics Sadhika achiever Partha son of the Earth Sadhvi virtuous woman Parthapratim like Arjuna Sadiqua kindly Parvatinandan Lord Ganesh Saeeda priestly Parvesh Lord of celebration Safia chaste born in the ocean; Pasupati Lord Shiva Sagarika wave Patakin holder of a banner Saguna with good qualities raga (a type of famous Yoga Indian musical Patanjali philosopher Sahana melody) Pathik traveller Saheli friend Pathin traveller Sahiba the lady Patralika new leaves Sahila guide Pavak fire Sai flower Pavan breeze Sajala clouds Pavani holy; pure Sajili decorated Pavitra pure Sajni beloved Payas water Sakhi friend Payod cloud Sakina friend Peeyush nectar Sakti Perumal Sakuntala Arjun; born in Falgun (a Phalguni Hindu month) Salena moon Phanindra Sesh; the divine snake Salila water Phenil foamy Salima happy Pilar fountain base; pillar Salma peace Pinaki Lord Krishna Samata equality Pinakin bow-shaped Sameena happy Pitambar Lord Vishnu Samhita offering for the Piyush nectar Samidha sacred fire Poojan worship Samiksha overview Poojit worshipped Samit collected
  • 33. 33 Poorna complete Samita collected Poornachandra full moon Sampada wealthy Prabal coral Sampatti wealth Prabhakar cause of lustre Sampriti attachement Prabhas lustrous Sana praise; prayer Prabhat morning Sananda happy Prabhav effect Sanchali movement Prabhu Sanchaya collection Prabodh consolation Sanchita collection Prabuddha awakened Sandhaya collection Prachetas energy Sandhya sunset; twilight Prachur abundant Sangita musical Pradeep light Saniya moment Pradosh dusk Sanjana gentle Pradyot lustre Sanjivani immortality Pradyumna Sanjna wife of the sun wife of King Pradyun radiant Sanjukta Prithviraj Praful blooming Sanjula beautiful Prafulla blooming Sanjushree beautiful Pragun honest; straight Sankul Prahlad happiness Sannidhi nearness Prajesh Lord Brahma Sanskriti culture Prajin kind Santawana consolation Prajit kind Santayani of the evening Prakash light Sanvali dusky Prakat manifested Sanwari dusky Prakriti nature Sanyakta joined; united Pralay Himalayas Sanyogita Pramath Sanyukta Pramod happiness Saparna leafy Pramsu scholar Sapna dream Pran life Sarada Goddess Pranav romance Sarakshi good sight Pranay love Sarala honest; straight Pranit modest Sarama wife of Bibhisan Pranjal simple Saranya surrendered Pranjivan life Sarasi lake Pransukh happiness of life Sarasvati Goddess of learning Prasad blessing Saraswati Goddess of learning Prasanna clear; happy; pure Saravati Prasata father of Draupad Sarayu a holy river Prasenjit a king in the epics Sarbani Goddess Durga Prasham peace Sarika thrush Prashant calm; quiet Sarit river Prashanta calm Sarita