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Behind the Scenes of KnetMiner:
Towards Standardised and Interoperable
Knowledge Graphs
Harpenden, 3/6/2018

Marco Brandizi <>
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KnetMiner-inspired Artwork

by Hugo Dalton (
Behind the scenes of KnetMiner
Putting it on a Bigger Picture
Putting it on a Bigger Picture
<name>Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 1</name>
A protein is comprised of one or more Polypeptides
and potentially other molecules.
<description>response to salt stress</description>
Is XML/OXL Enough?
A Brief History of Data Models/Formats
The Semantic Web Approach: RDF
The Semantic Web Approach: RDF
URI Resolution
@prefix bkr: <> .
@prefix bk: <> .
@prefix bka: <> .
bkr:TOB1 a bk:Protein ;
bk:participates_in <> ;
bk:prefName "TOB1";
bk:published_in bkr:23236473.

The Turtle Syntax:
Data store
Schema store
Data store
Schema store
Sharing Identifiers via URIs
Data store
Schema store
Mapping Data for Interoperability
Our Data Model: The BioKNO Ontology
a bk:Path ; # a subclass of bk:Concept
bk:evidence bkev:IMPD ; # Imported from database, a predefined resource type.
bk:prefName "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation".
bkr:TOB1 a bk:Protein ;
dc:identifier bkr:TOB1_acc ;
bk:prefName "TOB1 HUMAN";

# A simplified link, hiding the BioPax chain:
# pathwayComponent -> BioChemicalReaction|Complex -> Protein
bk:participates_in wp:id1;

bk:is_annotated_by obo:GO_0030014. # Same URI as the OBO Gene Ontology Term.
# Structured accession, allow for linking of identifier and context.
bkr:TOB1_acc a bk:Accession ;
dcterms:identifier "TOB1";
# instance of bk:DataSource. Another predefined entity.
bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB.
BioKNO: Biological Entities
# For practical reasons, we always expect that the straight
# triple is always asserted, with the
# reified version optionally added to it.
bkr:TOB1 bk:published_in bkr:20068231.
bkr:citation_TOB1_15489334 a bk:Relation ;
# the same properties that are used for regular relations
bk:relTypeRef bk:published_in;
bk:relFrom bkr:TOB1 ;
bk:relTo bkr:15489334 ;
# An attribute
bka:score 0.95 ;

# Both attributes and object properties can be linked to a
# reified relation.
bk:evidence bkev:TextMining.
Attributes in Reified Relations
Talking to the Rest of The World
BioKNO External Ontologies Mapping Type
bk:Concept skos:Concept Subclass

(ie, mapping to RDF reified
bk:Path, bk:Participant, bk:Interaction, bk:Transport,
bk:Protein, bk:Gene
Classes with same names in BioPAX and SIO Equivalent Class
Relation Ontology (RO) properties with same names

biopax:participant (as sub-property)
Equivalent property
biopax:product (as sub-property)
RO properties with same names
Equivalent property
RO properties with same names Equivalent property
bk:part_of, bk:has_part
bk:occurs_in, bk:co_occurs_with
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)/RO properties with same
Equivalent property
bk:Publication schema:CreativeWork Subclass
bka:title (also known as AbstractHeader)
How to Serve and Query RDF?
Typical RDF (and Data) Architecture
How to Use it, Concretely?
Playground: SPARQL Browsers
How to Use it, Concretely?
Playground: SPARQL Browsers
How to Use it, Concretely?
Playground: SPARQL Browsers
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
String service = "http://localhost:3030/ds/query";
String sparql =
"PREFIX bk: <>n" + 

"n" +
"n" +
"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid ?title ?year ?pub n" +
"{n" +
" ?prot a bk:Protein;n" +
" bk:prefName 'TOB1'.n" +
" n" +
" ?pubRel a bk:Relation;n" +
" bk:relFrom ?prot;n" +
" bk:relTo ?pub;n" +
" bka:Score ?score.n" +
" n" +
" FILTER ( ?score > 0.90 )n" +
" n" +
" ?pub n" +
" bka:PMID ?pmid ;n" +
" bka:YEAR ?dyear;n" +
" bka:abstractHeader ?titlen" +
"n" +
" BIND ( xsd:int ( ?dyear ) AS ?year )n" +
"}n" +
"LIMIT 1000";
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
String service = "http://localhost:3030/ds/query";
String sparql =
"PREFIX bk: <>n" + 

"n" +
"n" +
"SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid ?title ?year ?pub n" +
"{n" +
" ?prot a bk:Protein;n" +
" bk:prefName 'TOB1'.n" +
" n" +
" ?pubRel a bk:Relation;n" +
" bk:relFrom ?prot;n" +
" bk:relTo ?pub;n" +
" bka:Score ?score.n" +
" n" +
" FILTER ( ?score > 0.90 )n" +
" n" +
" ?pub n" +
" bka:PMID ?pmid ;n" +
" bka:YEAR ?dyear;n" +
" bka:abstractHeader ?titlen" +
"n" +
" BIND ( xsd:int ( ?dyear ) AS ?year )n" +
"}n" +
"LIMIT 1000";
Query query = QueryFactory.create ( sparql );
QueryEngineHTTP qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.createServiceRequest(
service, query
ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ;
results.forEachRemaining ( (QuerySolution soln ) ->
Resource pubNode = soln.getResource ( "pub" );
String uri = pubNode.getURI ();
Literal titleNode = soln.getLiteral ( "title" );
String title = titleNode.getString ();
String titleLang = titleNode.getLanguage ();
Literal yearNode = soln.getLiteral ( "year" );
int year = yearNode.getInt ();
System.out.format (
"Publication ID: <%s>, title: %s (in %s), year: %dn",
uri, title, titleLang, year
?path a bk:Path;
bk:prefName ?pathName;
bk:evidence bkev:IMPD.
?bkProt a bk:Protein;
dc:identifier ?bkProtAccUri;
bk:prefName ?protName;
bk:participates_in ?path.
?bkProtAccUri a bk:Accession;
dcterms:identifier ?protName;
bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB.
SPARQL for Extraction, Loading, Transformation
(The Simpler-than-Ondex Way)
?path a bp:Pathway;
bp:displayName ?pathName;
bp:pathwayComponent ?comp.
?comp a bp:BiochemicalReaction;
bp:left|bp:right ?protein.
?react a bp:Complex;
bp:component ?protein.
?protein a bp:Protein;
bp:displayName ?protName.
BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( bkr: ), STR ( ?protName ) ) ) AS ?bkProt )
BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( ?bkProt ), "_acc" ) ) AS ?bkProtAccUri )
?path a bk:Path;
bk:prefName ?pathName;
bk:evidence bkev:IMPD.
?bkProt a bk:Protein;
dc:identifier ?bkProtAccUri;
bk:prefName ?protName;
bk:participates_in ?path.
?bkProtAccUri a bk:Accession;
dcterms:identifier ?protName;
bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB.
SPARQL for Extraction, Loading, Transformation
(The Simpler-than-Ondex Way)
?path a bp:Pathway;
bp:displayName ?pathName;
bp:pathwayComponent ?comp.
?comp a bp:BiochemicalReaction;
bp:left|bp:right ?protein.
?react a bp:Complex;
bp:component ?protein.
?protein a bp:Protein;
bp:displayName ?protName.
BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( bkr: ), STR ( ?protName ) ) ) AS ?bkProt )
BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( ?bkProt ), "_acc" ) ) AS ?bkProtAccUri )
• TARQL: Using SPARQL to RDF-Convert Tabular CSV Files
• RDF/XML can be transformed via XSL
• We have done it for bio-specific ontology definitions in Ondex
• Programmatic conversions
• Using RDF frameworks, eg, Jena, RDF4J (former Sesame), rdflib for
• See also java2rdf (
• We have used it for the Ondex->RDF converter
• TARQL: Using SPARQL to RDF-Convert Tabular CSV Files
• RDF/XML can be transformed via XSL
• We have done it for bio-specific ontology definitions in Ondex
• Programmatic conversions
• Using RDF frameworks, eg, Jena, RDF4J (former Sesame), rdflib for
• See also java2rdf (
• We have used it for the Ondex->RDF converter
The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture
Artificial	Intelligence	(AI)
The Bigger Picture
Artificial	Intelligence	(AI)
The Bigger Picture: Linked Open Data
Artificial	Intelligence	(AI)
In the Life Sciences
Another Graph Database World
Another Graph Database World
The Cypher Query/DML Language

// chain of paths, node selection via property (exploits indices)

MATCH (prot:Protein) - [csby:consumed_by] -> (:Reaction) -
[:part_of] -> (pway:Path{ title: ‘apoptosis’ })

// further conditions, not always so performant

WHERE =~ ‘(?i)^DNA.+’

// Usual projection and post-selection operators

RETURN, pway

// Relations can have properties

ORDER BY csby.pvalue

LIMIT 1000
// Single-path (or same-direction branching) easy to write

MATCH (prot:Protein) - [:produced_by|consumed_by] -> (:Reaction) 

- [:part_of*1..3] -> (pway:Path)

RETURN ID(prot), ID(pway) LIMIT 1000

// Very compact forms available, depending on the data

MATCH (prot:Protein) - (pway:Path) RETURN pway
Cypher as Semantic Motif Language
Cypher as Semantic Motif Language
The rdf2neo Tool
The rdf2neo Tool
The rdf2neo Tool
The rdf2neo Tool
?label rdfs:subClassOf* bk:Concept.
?iri a ?label.
SELECT ?label
?iri a ?label.
?label rdfs:subClassOf* bk:Concept.
# it's always instance of concept
BIND ( bk:Concept AS ?label )
BIND ( ?iri AS ?iri )
} SELECT ?name ?value
?iri ?name ?value.
VALUES ( ?name ) {
?iri ?name ?value.
?name rdfs:subPropertyOf* bk:attribute.
The rdf2neo Tool
How to Use it, Concretely?
Playground: The Neo4j Browser
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: The Neo4j Drivers (for Java in this case)
How to Use it, Concretely?
Programmatically: The Neo4j Drivers (for Java in this case)
AuthToken auth = AuthTokens.basic ( "neo4j", "test" );
try (
Driver neodb = GraphDatabase.driver ( "bolt://", auth );
Session session = neodb.session ();
String cypher =
"MATCH (prot:Protein{ prefName:'TOB1' }) - [r:published_in] -> (pub)n" +
"WHERE toFloat ( r.Score ) > 0.9n" +
"RETURN pub.PMID, pub.AbstractHeader, pub.YEARn" +
"LIMIT 30";
Statement stmt = new Statement ( cypher );
StatementResult rs = ( stmt );
rs.forEachRemaining ( rec -> {
String pmid = rec.get ( "pub.PMID" ).asString ();
String title = rec.get ( "pub.AbstractHeader" ).asString ();
String year = rec.get ( "pub.YEAR" ).asString ();
System.out.format (
"PMID: %s, Title: "%s", year: %sn",
pmid, title, year
Triple Stores vs Prop Graphs
Neo4j, Cypher DBs, Graph DBs Semantic Web/Triple Stores
Data xchg format
- No official one, just Cypher, 

Support for GraphML, RDF

+/- Focus on backing applications

+ Focus on data sharing standards

Data model
+ Relations with properties

- Metadata/schemas/ontologies management
- Relations cannot have properties (reification

+ Metadata/schemas/ontologies as first citizen
and standardised OWL
Performance + complex graph traversals + Comparable in most cases
Query Language
+ Cypher is easier (eg, compact, implicit elems)?

- Expressivity issues (unions)

- No standard QL (but efforts in progress, eg,
- SPARQL is Harder? (URIs, namespaces,

+ SPARQL More expressive
+/- (TinkerPop is open, Neo4j isn’t)

+ Commercial support

+ More alive and up-to date (e.g., support for
Hadoop, nice Neo4j browser, easy installation)
+ Natively open, many open implementations

- Instability and many short-lived prototypes

- Advancements seems to be slowing down

+ Some nice open and commercial browser

big data
+/- Commercial support to clustering/clouds for

+ Open support in TinkerPop
+ Load Balancing/Cluster solutions, Commercial
Cloud support (eg GraphDB)

+ SPARQL Over TinkerPop (via SAIL inteface)
Supporting Web APIs via JSON
"type": "Protein",
"id": "TOB1",
"prefName": "TOB1 Human",
"type": "Pathway",
"id": "id1",
"evidence": "IMPD",
"prefName": "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation"
"is_annotated_by": "GO_0030014"
• Designed to be compatible with browser, i.e., Javascript
• Language of choice for web APIs, web browser consuming, dynamic
web interfaces (i.e., AJAX)
• Conceptually similar to XML (trees, nested structures)
• Often used in a lightweight way, without much schema constraints
Supporting Web APIs via JSON
"type": "Protein",
"id": "TOB1",
"prefName": "TOB1 Human",
"type": "Pathway",
"id": "id1",
"evidence": "IMPD",
"prefName": "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation"
"is_annotated_by": "GO_0030014"
• Designed to be compatible with browser, i.e., Javascript
• Language of choice for web APIs, web browser consuming, dynamic
web interfaces (i.e., AJAX)
• Conceptually similar to XML (trees, nested structures)
• Often used in a lightweight way, without much schema constraints
Bridging to RDF: JSON-LD
"@id": "bkr:TOB1",
"@type": "bk:Protein",
"prefName": "TOB1 Human",
"dcterms:identifier": "TOB1",
"is_annotated_by": "obo:GO_0030014",
"participates_in": {
"@id": "",
"@type": "bk:Pathway",
"evidence": "bkev:IMPD",

“Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation"
"@context": {
"bk": "",
"bka": "",
"bkds": "",
"bkev": "",
"bkr": "",
"dcterms": "",
"obo": "",
"xsd": "",
"@vocab": "",
"dcterms:identifier": { "@type": "xsd:string" },
"evidence": { "@type": “@id" }
JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
Take-Home Messages
• From small data integration farm to sharing with the rest of the world => FAIR Principles
• Semantic Web has pros and cons
• Still useful for data model and schema governance, identifiers, complex models (namely,
• Alternative data sharing approaches, PG in particular
• More alive area, can be simpler (blends into existing industrial software better)
• LOD/FAIR principles not addressed much
• Integrating the two is useful
• APIs are a useful alternative/complementary approach
• LOD/FAIR principles to be addressed as well
• In our radar:
• complete the work, publishing SPARQL, Neo4j access, APIs
• Integrating similar projects in the agrifood field (e.g. BrAPI, DFW)
• Contribute to standardisation efforts like Bioschemas
Behind the Scenes of KnetMiner: Towards Standardised and Interoperable Knowledge Graphs

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  • 5. <concept> <id>1</id> <pid>Q75WV3</pid> <description/> <elementOf> <idRef>UNIPROTKB-SwissProt</idRef> </elementOf> <ofType> <idRef>Protein</idRef> </ofType> <evidences> <evidence> <idRef>IMPD</idRef> </evidence> </evidences> <conames> <concept_name> <name>Probable trehalose-phosphate phosphatase 1</name> <isPreferred>true</isPreferred> </concept_name> … <cc> <id>Protein</id> <fullname>Protein</fullname> <description> A protein is comprised of one or more Polypeptides and potentially other molecules. </description> <specialisationOf> <idRef>MolCmplx</idRef> </specialisationOf> </cc> <relation> <fromConcept>1</fromConcept> <toConcept>3</toConcept> <ofType> <idRef>participates_in</idRef> </ofType> <evidences> <evidence> <idRef>ECO:0000316</idRef> </evidence> </evidences> <relgds/> </relation> <concept> <id>3</id> <pid>GO:0009651</pid> <description>response to salt stress</description> <ofType><idRef>BioProc</idRef></ofType> <coaccessions> <concept_accession> <accession>GO:0009651</accession> <elementOf><idRef>GO</idRef></elementOf> <ambiguous>false</ambiguous> </concept_accession> </coaccessions> </concept> Is XML/OXL Enough?
  • 6. A Brief History of Data Models/Formats
  • 7. The Semantic Web Approach: RDF
  • 8. The Semantic Web Approach: RDF
  • 9. URI Resolution @prefix bkr: <> . @prefix bk: <> . @prefix bka: <> . bkr:TOB1 a bk:Protein ; bk:participates_in <> ; bk:prefName "TOB1"; bk:published_in bkr:23236473.
 The Turtle Syntax:
  • 13. Sharing Identifiers via URIs Data store Schema store Wikipathways
  • 14. Mapping Data for Interoperability
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Our Data Model: The BioKNO Ontology
  • 18. wp:id1 a bk:Path ; # a subclass of bk:Concept bk:evidence bkev:IMPD ; # Imported from database, a predefined resource type. bk:prefName "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation". bkr:TOB1 a bk:Protein ; dc:identifier bkr:TOB1_acc ; bk:prefName "TOB1 HUMAN";
 # A simplified link, hiding the BioPax chain: # pathwayComponent -> BioChemicalReaction|Complex -> Protein bk:participates_in wp:id1; 
 bk:is_annotated_by obo:GO_0030014. # Same URI as the OBO Gene Ontology Term. # Structured accession, allow for linking of identifier and context. bkr:TOB1_acc a bk:Accession ; dcterms:identifier "TOB1"; # instance of bk:DataSource. Another predefined entity. bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB. BioKNO: Biological Entities
  • 19. # For practical reasons, we always expect that the straight # triple is always asserted, with the # reified version optionally added to it. bkr:TOB1 bk:published_in bkr:20068231. bkr:citation_TOB1_15489334 a bk:Relation ; # the same properties that are used for regular relations bk:relTypeRef bk:published_in; bk:relFrom bkr:TOB1 ; bk:relTo bkr:15489334 ; # An attribute bka:score 0.95 ;
 # Both attributes and object properties can be linked to a # reified relation. bk:evidence bkev:TextMining. Attributes in Reified Relations
  • 20. Talking to the Rest of The World BioKNO External Ontologies Mapping Type bk:Concept skos:Concept Subclass bk:Relation bk:relFrom bk:relTypeRef bk:relTo rdf:Statement
 rdf:subject rdf:predicate rdf:object Subclass Subproperties (ie, mapping to RDF reified statements) bk:Path, bk:Participant, bk:Interaction, bk:Transport, bk:Protein, bk:Gene Classes with same names in BioPAX and SIO Equivalent Class bk:participates_in bk:has_participant Relation Ontology (RO) properties with same names
 biopax:participant (as sub-property) Equivalent property bk:produces bk:produced_by bk:consumes bk:consumed_by biopax:product (as sub-property) RO properties with same names Equivalent property bk:regulates bk:positively_regulates bk:negatively_regulates RO properties with same names Equivalent property bk:is_a bk:part_of, bk:has_part bk:occurs_in, bk:co_occurs_with skos:broader Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)/RO properties with same names Equivalent property bk:Publication schema:CreativeWork Subclass bka:abstract bka:title (also known as AbstractHeader) bka:authors dcterms:description dcterms:title dc:creator Sub-property
  • 21.
  • 22. How to Serve and Query RDF?
  • 23. Typical RDF (and Data) Architecture
  • 24. How to Use it, Concretely? Playground: SPARQL Browsers
  • 25. How to Use it, Concretely? Playground: SPARQL Browsers
  • 26. How to Use it, Concretely? Playground: SPARQL Browsers
  • 27. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
  • 28. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case)
  • 29. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case) String service = "http://localhost:3030/ds/query"; String sparql = "PREFIX bk: <>n" + 
 … "n" + "n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid ?title ?year ?pub n" + "{n" + " ?prot a bk:Protein;n" + " bk:prefName 'TOB1'.n" + " n" + " ?pubRel a bk:Relation;n" + " bk:relFrom ?prot;n" + " bk:relTo ?pub;n" + " bka:Score ?score.n" + " n" + " FILTER ( ?score > 0.90 )n" + " n" + " ?pub n" + " bka:PMID ?pmid ;n" + " bka:YEAR ?dyear;n" + " bka:abstractHeader ?titlen" + "n" + " BIND ( xsd:int ( ?dyear ) AS ?year )n" + "}n" + "LIMIT 1000";
  • 30. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: RDF Frameworks (Jena in this case) String service = "http://localhost:3030/ds/query"; String sparql = "PREFIX bk: <>n" + 
 … "n" + "n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?pmid ?title ?year ?pub n" + "{n" + " ?prot a bk:Protein;n" + " bk:prefName 'TOB1'.n" + " n" + " ?pubRel a bk:Relation;n" + " bk:relFrom ?prot;n" + " bk:relTo ?pub;n" + " bka:Score ?score.n" + " n" + " FILTER ( ?score > 0.90 )n" + " n" + " ?pub n" + " bka:PMID ?pmid ;n" + " bka:YEAR ?dyear;n" + " bka:abstractHeader ?titlen" + "n" + " BIND ( xsd:int ( ?dyear ) AS ?year )n" + "}n" + "LIMIT 1000"; Query query = QueryFactory.create ( sparql ); QueryEngineHTTP qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.createServiceRequest( service, query ); ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect() ; results.forEachRemaining ( (QuerySolution soln ) -> { Resource pubNode = soln.getResource ( "pub" ); String uri = pubNode.getURI (); Literal titleNode = soln.getLiteral ( "title" ); String title = titleNode.getString (); String titleLang = titleNode.getLanguage (); Literal yearNode = soln.getLiteral ( "year" ); int year = yearNode.getInt (); System.out.format ( "Publication ID: <%s>, title: %s (in %s), year: %dn", uri, title, titleLang, year ); });
  • 31. CONSTRUCT { ?path a bk:Path; bk:prefName ?pathName; bk:evidence bkev:IMPD. ?bkProt a bk:Protein; dc:identifier ?bkProtAccUri; bk:prefName ?protName; bk:participates_in ?path. ?bkProtAccUri a bk:Accession; dcterms:identifier ?protName; bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB. } SPARQL for Extraction, Loading, Transformation (The Simpler-than-Ondex Way) WHERE { ?path a bp:Pathway; bp:displayName ?pathName; bp:pathwayComponent ?comp. { ?comp a bp:BiochemicalReaction; bp:left|bp:right ?protein. } UNION { ?react a bp:Complex; bp:component ?protein. } ?protein a bp:Protein; bp:displayName ?protName. BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( bkr: ), STR ( ?protName ) ) ) AS ?bkProt ) BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( ?bkProt ), "_acc" ) ) AS ?bkProtAccUri ) }
  • 32. CONSTRUCT { ?path a bk:Path; bk:prefName ?pathName; bk:evidence bkev:IMPD. ?bkProt a bk:Protein; dc:identifier ?bkProtAccUri; bk:prefName ?protName; bk:participates_in ?path. ?bkProtAccUri a bk:Accession; dcterms:identifier ?protName; bk:dataSource bkds:UNIPROTKB. } SPARQL for Extraction, Loading, Transformation (The Simpler-than-Ondex Way) WHERE { ?path a bp:Pathway; bp:displayName ?pathName; bp:pathwayComponent ?comp. { ?comp a bp:BiochemicalReaction; bp:left|bp:right ?protein. } UNION { ?react a bp:Complex; bp:component ?protein. } ?protein a bp:Protein; bp:displayName ?protName. BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( bkr: ), STR ( ?protName ) ) ) AS ?bkProt ) BIND ( IRI ( CONCAT ( STR ( ?bkProt ), "_acc" ) ) AS ?bkProtAccUri ) }
  • 33. SPARQL/RDF for ELT • TARQL: Using SPARQL to RDF-Convert Tabular CSV Files • RDF/XML can be transformed via XSL • We have done it for bio-specific ontology definitions in Ondex • Programmatic conversions • Using RDF frameworks, eg, Jena, RDF4J (former Sesame), rdflib for Python • See also java2rdf ( • We have used it for the Ondex->RDF converter
  • 34. SPARQL/RDF for ELT • TARQL: Using SPARQL to RDF-Convert Tabular CSV Files • RDF/XML can be transformed via XSL • We have done it for bio-specific ontology definitions in Ondex • Programmatic conversions • Using RDF frameworks, eg, Jena, RDF4J (former Sesame), rdflib for Python • See also java2rdf ( • We have used it for the Ondex->RDF converter
  • 39. The Bigger Picture: Linked Open Data Artificial Intelligence (AI) 8
  • 40. In the Life Sciences
  • 43. The Cypher Query/DML Language Proteins->Reactions->Pathways:
 // chain of paths, node selection via property (exploits indices)
 MATCH (prot:Protein) - [csby:consumed_by] -> (:Reaction) - [:part_of] -> (pway:Path{ title: ‘apoptosis’ })
 // further conditions, not always so performant
 WHERE =~ ‘(?i)^DNA.+’
 // Usual projection and post-selection operators
 RETURN, pway
 // Relations can have properties
 ORDER BY csby.pvalue
 LIMIT 1000 Proteins->Reactions->Pathways: // Single-path (or same-direction branching) easy to write
 MATCH (prot:Protein) - [:produced_by|consumed_by] -> (:Reaction) 
 - [:part_of*1..3] -> (pway:Path)
 RETURN ID(prot), ID(pway) LIMIT 1000
 // Very compact forms available, depending on the data
 MATCH (prot:Protein) - (pway:Path) RETURN pway
  • 44. Cypher as Semantic Motif Language
  • 45. Cypher as Semantic Motif Language
  • 49. The rdf2neo Tool SELECT ?iri { ?label rdfs:subClassOf* bk:Concept. ?iri a ?label. } SELECT ?label { { ?iri a ?label. ?label rdfs:subClassOf* bk:Concept. } UNION { # it's always instance of concept BIND ( bk:Concept AS ?label ) BIND ( ?iri AS ?iri ) } } SELECT ?name ?value { { ?iri ?name ?value. VALUES ( ?name ) { (dcterms:identifier) (dcterms:description) (rdfs:comment) (bk:prefName) (bk:altName) } } UNION { ?iri ?name ?value. ?name rdfs:subPropertyOf* bk:attribute. } }
  • 51. How to Use it, Concretely? Playground: The Neo4j Browser
  • 52. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: The Neo4j Drivers (for Java in this case)
  • 53. How to Use it, Concretely? Programmatically: The Neo4j Drivers (for Java in this case) AuthToken auth = AuthTokens.basic ( "neo4j", "test" ); try ( Driver neodb = GraphDatabase.driver ( "bolt://", auth ); Session session = neodb.session (); ) { String cypher = "MATCH (prot:Protein{ prefName:'TOB1' }) - [r:published_in] -> (pub)n" + "WHERE toFloat ( r.Score ) > 0.9n" + "RETURN pub.PMID, pub.AbstractHeader, pub.YEARn" + "ORDER BY pub.YEAR DESCn" + "LIMIT 30"; Statement stmt = new Statement ( cypher ); StatementResult rs = ( stmt ); rs.forEachRemaining ( rec -> { String pmid = rec.get ( "pub.PMID" ).asString (); String title = rec.get ( "pub.AbstractHeader" ).asString (); String year = rec.get ( "pub.YEAR" ).asString (); System.out.format ( "PMID: %s, Title: "%s", year: %sn", pmid, title, year ); }); }
  • 54. Triple Stores vs Prop Graphs Neo4j, Cypher DBs, Graph DBs Semantic Web/Triple Stores Data xchg format - No official one, just Cypher, 
 Support for GraphML, RDF
 +/- Focus on backing applications + Focus on data sharing standards Data model + Relations with properties - Metadata/schemas/ontologies management - Relations cannot have properties (reification required) + Metadata/schemas/ontologies as first citizen and standardised OWL Performance + complex graph traversals + Comparable in most cases Query Language + Cypher is easier (eg, compact, implicit elems)?
 - Expressivity issues (unions) - No standard QL (but efforts in progress, eg, OpenCypher) - SPARQL is Harder? (URIs, namespaces, verbosity)
 + SPARQL More expressive Standardisation, openness +/- (TinkerPop is open, Neo4j isn’t) + Commercial support + More alive and up-to date (e.g., support for Hadoop, nice Neo4j browser, easy installation) + Natively open, many open implementations - Instability and many short-lived prototypes - Advancements seems to be slowing down + Some nice open and commercial browser (LODEStar, Scalability,
 big data +/- Commercial support to clustering/clouds for Neo4j
 + Open support in TinkerPop + Load Balancing/Cluster solutions, Commercial Cloud support (eg GraphDB)
 + SPARQL Over TinkerPop (via SAIL inteface)
  • 55. Supporting Web APIs via JSON { "type": "Protein", "id": "TOB1", "prefName": "TOB1 Human", "participates_in": { "type": "Pathway", "id": "id1", "evidence": "IMPD", "prefName": "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation" }, "is_annotated_by": "GO_0030014" } • Designed to be compatible with browser, i.e., Javascript • Language of choice for web APIs, web browser consuming, dynamic web interfaces (i.e., AJAX) • Conceptually similar to XML (trees, nested structures) • Often used in a lightweight way, without much schema constraints
  • 56. Supporting Web APIs via JSON { "type": "Protein", "id": "TOB1", "prefName": "TOB1 Human", "participates_in": { "type": "Pathway", "id": "id1", "evidence": "IMPD", "prefName": "Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation" }, "is_annotated_by": "GO_0030014" } • Designed to be compatible with browser, i.e., Javascript • Language of choice for web APIs, web browser consuming, dynamic web interfaces (i.e., AJAX) • Conceptually similar to XML (trees, nested structures) • Often used in a lightweight way, without much schema constraints
  • 57. Bridging to RDF: JSON-LD … "@id": "bkr:TOB1", "@type": "bk:Protein", "prefName": "TOB1 Human", "dcterms:identifier": "TOB1", "is_annotated_by": "obo:GO_0030014", "participates_in": { "@id": "", "@type": "bk:Pathway", "evidence": "bkev:IMPD", "prefName":
 “Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) Signalling and Regulation" } } { "@context": { "bk": "", "bka": "", "bkds": "", "bkev": "", "bkr": "", "dcterms": "", "obo": "", "xsd": "", "@vocab": "", "dcterms:identifier": { "@type": "xsd:string" }, "evidence": { "@type": “@id" } }, …
  • 58. JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
  • 59. JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
  • 60. JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
  • 61. JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
  • 62. JSON Schemas Babylon (and Our Focus)
  • 63. Take-Home Messages • From small data integration farm to sharing with the rest of the world => FAIR Principles • Semantic Web has pros and cons • Still useful for data model and schema governance, identifiers, complex models (namely, ontologies) • Alternative data sharing approaches, PG in particular • More alive area, can be simpler (blends into existing industrial software better) • LOD/FAIR principles not addressed much • Integrating the two is useful • APIs are a useful alternative/complementary approach • LOD/FAIR principles to be addressed as well • In our radar: • complete the work, publishing SPARQL, Neo4j access, APIs • Integrating similar projects in the agrifood field (e.g. BrAPI, DFW) • Contribute to standardisation efforts like Bioschemas