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Going crazy with  Node.js  and  CakePHP ,[object Object],[object Object],Mariano Iglesias @mgiglesias
Hello world! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Node.js... that's not CakePHP! ,[object Object],There are  different  solutions to different problems! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
What's the problem? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Threads vs events ,[object Object]
What is Node.js? ,[object Object],V8 JavaScript engine Evented I/O + =
V8 Engine ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Performance is king
Evented I/O ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],db. query (). select ( '*' ). from ( 'users' ). execute ( function () { fs. readFile ( 'settings.json' ,   function () { // ... }); });
Libuv == Node.exe http_simple (/bytes/1024) over 1-gbit network, with 700 concurrent connections: windows-0.5.4  : 3869 r/s windows-latest  : 4990 r/s linux-latest-legacy  : 5215 r/s linux-latest-uv  : 4970 r/s
More stuff ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Should I throw away CakePHP? ,[object Object],There are  different  solutions to different problems!
First node.js server var   http   =   require ( 'http' ); http. createServer ( function (req,   res) { res. writeHead ( 200 , { 'Content-type' :   'text/plain' }); res. end ( 'Hello world!' ); }). listen ( 1337 ); console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:1337' );
Understanding the event loop ,[object Object],[object Object],var   http   =   require ( 'http' ); http. createServer ( function (req,   res) { console. log ( 'New request' ); // Block for five seconds var   now   =  new   Date (). getTime (); while ( new   Date (). getTime () <   now   +   5000 ) ; // Response res. writeHead ( 200 , {  'Content-type' :   'text/plain'  }); res. end ( 'Hello world!' ); }). listen ( 1337 ); console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:1337' );
What about multiple cores? ,[object Object],:1337 :1338 :1339 The  OS  approach var  http   =   require ( 'http' ), cluster = ...; var  server = http. createServer ( function (req,   res) { res. writeHead ( 200 , {  'Content-type' :  'text/plain'  }); res. end ( 'Hello world!' ); }); cluster (server). listen ( 1337 );
Packaged modules $ curl | sh $ npm install db-mysql There are more than  3350  packages, and more than  14  are added each day
Packaged modules var   m   =   require ( './module' ); m. sum ( 1 ,   3 ,   function (err,   res) { if   (err) { return   console. log ( 'ERROR: '   +   err); } console. log ( 'RESULT IS: '   +   res); }); exports.sum   =   function (a,   b,   callback) { if   ( isNaN (a)   ||   isNaN (b)) { return   callback ( new   Error ( 'Invalid parameter' )); } callback ( null ,   a+b); };
Frameworks are everywhere ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
Multiple environments var   express   =   require ( 'express' ); var   app   =   express. createServer (); app. get ( '/' ,   function (req,   res) { res. send ( 'Hello world!' ); }); app. listen ( 3000 ); console. log ( 'Server listening in http://localhost:3000' ); app. configure ( function () { app. use (express. bodyParser ()); }); app. configure ( 'dev' ,   function () { app. use (express. logger ()); }); $ NODE_ENV=dev node app.js
Middleware function   getUser (req,   res,   next) { if   (! { return   next (); }   else if   (!users[]) { return   next ( new   Error ( 'Invalid user' )); } req.user   =   users[]; next (); } app. get ( '/users/:id?' ,   getUser,   function (req,   res,   next) { if   (!req.user) { return   next (); } res. send (req.user); });
View rendering ,[object Object],app. configure ( function () { app. set ( 'views' ,   __dirname   +   '/views' ); app. set ( 'view engine' ,   'jade' ); }); app. get ( '/users/:id?' ,   function (req,   res,   next) { if   (! { return   next (); } if   (!users[]) { return   next ( new   Error ( 'Invalid user' )); } res. send (users[]); }); app. get ( '/users' ,   function (req,   res) { res. render ( 'index' , {   layout:   false , locals: {   users:   users   } }); }); html body h1 Node.js ROCKS ul - each user, id in users li a(href='/users/#{id}') #{}
node-db ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
node-db var  mysql   =   require ( 'db-mysql' ); new   mysql. Database ({ hostname:   'localhost' , user:   'root' , password:   'password' , database:   'db' }). connect ( function (err) { if   (err) { return   console. log ( 'CONNECT error: ' ,   err); } this . query (). select ([ 'id' ,   'email' ]). from ( 'users' ). where ( 'approved = ? AND role IN ?' , [ true , [   'user' ,   'admin'   ] ]). execute ( function (err,   rows,   cols) { if   (err) { return   console. log ( 'QUERY error: ' ,   err); } console. log (rows,   cols); }); });
Let's get to work
Sample application ,[object Object],[object Object]
Why are we doing this? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],$ siege -d1 -r10 -c25
Sample application CREATE TABLE `users`( `id` char(36) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `password` text NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`) ); CREATE TABLE `messages` (  `id` char(36) NOT NULL, `from_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL, `to_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `from_user_id` (`from_user_id`), KEY `to_user_id` (`to_user_id`), CONSTRAINT `messages_from_user` FOREIGN KEY (`from_user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `messages_to_user` FOREIGN KEY (`to_user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) );
Sample application ,[object Object],[ { &quot;Message&quot;: { &quot;id&quot;:&quot;4e4d8cf1-15e0-4b87-a3fc-62aa4c2971a2&quot;, &quot;message&quot;:&quot;Hello Mariano!&quot; }, &quot;FromUser&quot;: { &quot;id&quot;:&quot;4e4c2996-f964-4192-a084-19dc4c2971a2&quot;, &quot;name&quot;:&quot;Jane Doe&quot; }, &quot;ToUser&quot;: {&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Mariano Iglesias&quot;} }, { &quot;Message&quot;: { &quot;id&quot;:&quot;4e4d8cf5-9534-49b9-8cba-62bf4c2971a2&quot;, &quot;message&quot;:&quot;How are you?&quot; }, &quot;FromUser&quot;: { &quot;id&quot;:&quot;4e4c2996-f964-4192-a084-19dc4c2971a2&quot;, &quot;name&quot;:&quot;Jane Doe&quot; }, &quot;ToUser&quot;: {&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Mariano Iglesias&quot;} } ]
CakePHP code class   MessagesController   extends   AppController   { public function   incoming ( $userId ) { $since   = ! empty ( $this ->request->query[ 'since' ])   ?   urldecode ( $this ->request->query[ 'since' ]) :   null; if   ( empty ( $since )   ||   ! preg_match ( '/^{4}-{2}-{2} {2}:{2}:{2}$/' ,   $since ) ) { $since   =   '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ; } $messages   = ... $this ->autoRender   =   false; $this ->response-> type ( 'json' ); $this ->response-> body ( json_encode ( $messages )); $this ->response-> send (); $this -> _stop (); } }
CakePHP code $messages   =   $this ->Message-> find ( 'all' ,   array ( 'fields'   =>   array ( '' , 'Message.message' , '' , '' , '' ), 'joins'   =>   array ( array ( 'type'   =>   'INNER' , 'table'   =>   'users' , 'alias'   =>   'FromUser' , 'conditions'   =>   array ( ' = Message.from_user_id' ) ), array ( 'type'   =>   'INNER' , 'table'   =>   'users' , 'alias'   =>   'ToUser' , 'conditions'   =>   array ( ' = Message.to_user_id' ) ), ), 'conditions'   =>   array ( 'Message.to_user_id'   =>   $userId , 'Message.created >='   =>   $since ), 'order'   =>   array ( 'Message.created'   =>   'asc' ), 'recursive'   => - 1 ));
Node.js code: express var   express   =   require ( 'express' ), mysql   =   require ( 'db-mysql' ), port   =   1337 ; var   app   =   express. createServer (); app. get ( '/messages/incoming/:id' ,   function (req,   res){ var   r   = ... var   userId   =; if   (!userId) { return   r ( new   Error ( 'No user ID provided' )); } var   since   =   req.query.since ? req.query.since   :   false ; if   (!since ||   !/^{ 4 }-{ 2 }-{ 2 }   { 2 }:{ 2 }:{ 2 }$/. test (since)) { since   =   '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ; } new   mysql. Database (...). connect ( function (err) { if   (err) {   return   r (err); } ... }); }); app. listen (port); console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:'   +   port);
Node.js code: express ,[object Object],[object Object],var   r   =   function (err,   data) { if   (err) { console. log ( 'ERROR: '   +   err); res. writeHead ( 503 ); return   res. end (); } res.charset   =   'UTF-8' ; res. contentType ( 'application/json' ); res. header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ,   '*' ); res. send (data); };
Node.js code: node-db db. query (). select ({ 'Message_id' :   '' ,   'Message_message' :   'Message.message' ,   'FromUser_id' :   '' , 'FromUser_name' :   '' ,   'ToUser_name' :   '' }). from ({ 'Message' :   'messages' }). join ({ type:   'INNER' , table:   'users' , alias:   'FromUser' , conditions:   ' = Message.from_user_id' }). join ({ type:   'INNER' , table:   'users' , alias:   'ToUser' , conditions:   ' = Message.to_user_id' }). where ( 'Message.to_user_id = ?' , [   userId   ]). and ( 'Message.created >= ?' , [   since   ]). order ({ 'Message.created' :   'asc' }). execute ( function (err,   rows) { ... });
Node.js code: node-db function (err,   rows) { db. disconnect (); if   (err) { return   r (err); } for   ( var   i= 0 ,   limiti=rows.length;   i   <   limiti;   i++) { var   row   = {}; for   ( var   key   in   rows [i] ) { var   p   =   key. indexOf ( '_' ), model   =   key. substring ( 0 ,   p), field   =   key. substring (p+ 1 ); if   (!row [model] ) { row [model]   = {}; } row [model][field]   =   rows [i][key] ; } rows [i]   =   row; } r ( null ,   rows); }
Long polling ,[object Object],[object Object],function   fetch () { $. ajax ({ url: ..., async:   true , cache:   false , timeout:   60   *   1000 , success:   function (data) { ... setTimeout ( fetch (),   1000 ); }, error: ... }); }
Bonus tracks
#1 Pooling connections
Pooling connections ,[object Object],var   mysql   =   require ( 'db-mysql' ), generic_pool   =   require ( 'generic-pool' ); var   pool   =   generic_pool. Pool ({ name:   'mysql' , max:   30 , create:   function (callback) { new   mysql. Database ({ ... }). connect ( function (err) { callback (err,   this ); }); }, destroy:   function (db) { db. disconnect (); } }); pool. acquire ( function (err,   db) { if   (err) { return   r (err); } ... pool. release (db); });
#2 Clustering express
Clustering express ,[object Object],var   cluster   =   require ( 'cluster' ), port   =   1337 ; cluster ( 'app' ). on ( 'start' ,   function () { console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:'   +   port); }). on ( 'worker' ,   function (worker) { console. log ( 'Worker #'   +   +   ' started' ); }). listen (port); var   express   =   require ( 'express' ), generic_pool   =   require ( 'generic-pool' ); var   pool   =   generic_pool. Pool ({ ... }); module.exports   =   express. createServer (); module.exports. get ( '/messages/incoming/:id' ,   function (req,   res) { pool. acquire ( function (err,   db) { ... }); });
Clustering express
#3 Dealing with parallel tasks
Dealing with parallel tasks ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
Dealing with parallel tasks var   async   =   require ( 'async' ); async. waterfall ([ function (callback) { callback ( null ,   4 ); }, function (id,   callback) { callback ( null , { id:   id, name:   'Jane Doe' }); }, function (user,   callback) { console. log ( 'USER: ' ,   user); callback ( null ); } ]); $ node app.js USER:  { id: 4, name: 'Jane Doe' }
#4 Unit testing
Unit testing ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
Unit testing var  nodeunit =  require (' nodeunit' ); exports[ 'group1' ] =   nodeunit. testCase ({ setUp:   function (cb) { cb (); }, tearDown:   function (cb) { cb (); }, test1:   function (test) { test. equals ( 1 + 1 ,   2 ); test. done (); }, test2:   function (test) { test. expect ( 1 ); ( function () { test. equals ( 'a' ,   'a' ); })(); test. done (); } }); $ nodeunit tests.js nodeunit.js ✔  group1 – test1 ✔  group1 – test2
Thanks! ,[object Object],@mgiglesias

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Going crazy with Node.JS and CakePHP

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Libuv == Node.exe http_simple (/bytes/1024) over 1-gbit network, with 700 concurrent connections: windows-0.5.4 : 3869 r/s windows-latest : 4990 r/s linux-latest-legacy : 5215 r/s linux-latest-uv : 4970 r/s
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. First node.js server var http = require ( 'http' ); http. createServer ( function (req, res) { res. writeHead ( 200 , { 'Content-type' : 'text/plain' }); res. end ( 'Hello world!' ); }). listen ( 1337 ); console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:1337' );
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Packaged modules $ curl | sh $ npm install db-mysql There are more than 3350 packages, and more than 14 are added each day
  • 16. Packaged modules var m = require ( './module' ); m. sum ( 1 , 3 , function (err, res) { if (err) { return console. log ( 'ERROR: ' + err); } console. log ( 'RESULT IS: ' + res); }); exports.sum = function (a, b, callback) { if ( isNaN (a) || isNaN (b)) { return callback ( new Error ( 'Invalid parameter' )); } callback ( null , a+b); };
  • 17.
  • 18. Multiple environments var express = require ( 'express' ); var app = express. createServer (); app. get ( '/' , function (req, res) { res. send ( 'Hello world!' ); }); app. listen ( 3000 ); console. log ( 'Server listening in http://localhost:3000' ); app. configure ( function () { app. use (express. bodyParser ()); }); app. configure ( 'dev' , function () { app. use (express. logger ()); }); $ NODE_ENV=dev node app.js
  • 19. Middleware function getUser (req, res, next) { if (! { return next (); } else if (!users[]) { return next ( new Error ( 'Invalid user' )); } req.user = users[]; next (); } app. get ( '/users/:id?' , getUser, function (req, res, next) { if (!req.user) { return next (); } res. send (req.user); });
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. node-db var mysql = require ( 'db-mysql' ); new mysql. Database ({ hostname: 'localhost' , user: 'root' , password: 'password' , database: 'db' }). connect ( function (err) { if (err) { return console. log ( 'CONNECT error: ' , err); } this . query (). select ([ 'id' , 'email' ]). from ( 'users' ). where ( 'approved = ? AND role IN ?' , [ true , [ 'user' , 'admin' ] ]). execute ( function (err, rows, cols) { if (err) { return console. log ( 'QUERY error: ' , err); } console. log (rows, cols); }); });
  • 23. Let's get to work
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. Sample application CREATE TABLE `users`( `id` char(36) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `password` text NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`) ); CREATE TABLE `messages` ( `id` char(36) NOT NULL, `from_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL, `to_user_id` char(36) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `from_user_id` (`from_user_id`), KEY `to_user_id` (`to_user_id`), CONSTRAINT `messages_from_user` FOREIGN KEY (`from_user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `messages_to_user` FOREIGN KEY (`to_user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) );
  • 27.
  • 28. CakePHP code class MessagesController extends AppController { public function incoming ( $userId ) { $since = ! empty ( $this ->request->query[ 'since' ]) ? urldecode ( $this ->request->query[ 'since' ]) : null; if ( empty ( $since ) || ! preg_match ( '/^{4}-{2}-{2} {2}:{2}:{2}$/' , $since ) ) { $since = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ; } $messages = ... $this ->autoRender = false; $this ->response-> type ( 'json' ); $this ->response-> body ( json_encode ( $messages )); $this ->response-> send (); $this -> _stop (); } }
  • 29. CakePHP code $messages = $this ->Message-> find ( 'all' , array ( 'fields' => array ( '' , 'Message.message' , '' , '' , '' ), 'joins' => array ( array ( 'type' => 'INNER' , 'table' => 'users' , 'alias' => 'FromUser' , 'conditions' => array ( ' = Message.from_user_id' ) ), array ( 'type' => 'INNER' , 'table' => 'users' , 'alias' => 'ToUser' , 'conditions' => array ( ' = Message.to_user_id' ) ), ), 'conditions' => array ( 'Message.to_user_id' => $userId , 'Message.created >=' => $since ), 'order' => array ( 'Message.created' => 'asc' ), 'recursive' => - 1 ));
  • 30. Node.js code: express var express = require ( 'express' ), mysql = require ( 'db-mysql' ), port = 1337 ; var app = express. createServer (); app. get ( '/messages/incoming/:id' , function (req, res){ var r = ... var userId =; if (!userId) { return r ( new Error ( 'No user ID provided' )); } var since = req.query.since ? req.query.since : false ; if (!since || !/^{ 4 }-{ 2 }-{ 2 } { 2 }:{ 2 }:{ 2 }$/. test (since)) { since = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ; } new mysql. Database (...). connect ( function (err) { if (err) { return r (err); } ... }); }); app. listen (port); console. log ( 'Server running at http://localhost:' + port);
  • 31.
  • 32. Node.js code: node-db db. query (). select ({ 'Message_id' : '' , 'Message_message' : 'Message.message' , 'FromUser_id' : '' , 'FromUser_name' : '' , 'ToUser_name' : '' }). from ({ 'Message' : 'messages' }). join ({ type: 'INNER' , table: 'users' , alias: 'FromUser' , conditions: ' = Message.from_user_id' }). join ({ type: 'INNER' , table: 'users' , alias: 'ToUser' , conditions: ' = Message.to_user_id' }). where ( 'Message.to_user_id = ?' , [ userId ]). and ( 'Message.created >= ?' , [ since ]). order ({ 'Message.created' : 'asc' }). execute ( function (err, rows) { ... });
  • 33. Node.js code: node-db function (err, rows) { db. disconnect (); if (err) { return r (err); } for ( var i= 0 , limiti=rows.length; i < limiti; i++) { var row = {}; for ( var key in rows [i] ) { var p = key. indexOf ( '_' ), model = key. substring ( 0 , p), field = key. substring (p+ 1 ); if (!row [model] ) { row [model] = {}; } row [model][field] = rows [i][key] ; } rows [i] = row; } r ( null , rows); }
  • 34.
  • 37.
  • 39.
  • 41. #3 Dealing with parallel tasks
  • 42.
  • 43. Dealing with parallel tasks var async = require ( 'async' ); async. waterfall ([ function (callback) { callback ( null , 4 ); }, function (id, callback) { callback ( null , { id: id, name: 'Jane Doe' }); }, function (user, callback) { console. log ( 'USER: ' , user); callback ( null ); } ]); $ node app.js USER: { id: 4, name: 'Jane Doe' }
  • 45.
  • 46. Unit testing var nodeunit = require (' nodeunit' ); exports[ 'group1' ] = nodeunit. testCase ({ setUp: function (cb) { cb (); }, tearDown: function (cb) { cb (); }, test1: function (test) { test. equals ( 1 + 1 , 2 ); test. done (); }, test2: function (test) { test. expect ( 1 ); ( function () { test. equals ( 'a' , 'a' ); })(); test. done (); } }); $ nodeunit tests.js nodeunit.js ✔ group1 – test1 ✔ group1 – test2
  • 48.

Editor's Notes

  1. ** NORMALLY DOING: It&apos;s waiting. You get a request, query the DB, and wait for results. You write to a file, and wait for it to be written. You encode a video, and wait for it to complete. ** CACHING: File caching, Memcached ** WORKERS: Use robot plugin, or Gearman, or ActiveMQ / RabbitMQ ** FASTER DB: NoSQL (MongoDB, CouchDB)
  2. You can&apos;t simply spawn a new process or thread for each connection NGINX is event based, so memory usage is low APACHE spawns a thread per request (or process depending on configuration) THREADS spend a lot of time being blocked waiting for I/O operations EVENTS are better when more time is spent waiting on external resources
  3. ** V8: Without DOM parts
  4. ** PROPERTIES: Object properties can be changed at runtime in JS: property dictionaries Instance variables have fixed offsetts set by compiler. V8 creates hidden classes, one for each property added and class transitions show changes to object properties (only first time) ** MACHINE CODE: when first executed JS is compiled into machine code, no intermediate byte code ** GARBAGE: when running GC, program stops. Each GC cycle only process part of the heap.
  5. ** LIBEIO: by Marc Lehmann. Can be used with any event library, or in POLLING mode. Relies only on POSIX threads. Uses threads internally, and used by Node.JS for file/network access, integrated in node to LIBEV ** LIBEV: also by Marc Lehmann. asynchronous notification of file descriptor changes through ev_io() ** ReadFile(): lots of JS code, on top of, which is a wrapper around C++ Open(), which uses libeio
  6. Node on Windows is not loosing significant performance compared to Linux
  7. ** BUFFER: Outside of V8 heap. Conversion to JS through encoding (binary, utf8, ascii, etc.) ** C-ARES: gethostbyname(), custom DNS queries ** CHILD_PROCESSES: fork() is in JS land, special case of spawn(), with IPC messaging capabilities ** CRYPTO: create hashes, ciphers with different algorithms, signs with private keys, and verify signatures ** HTTP_PARSER: NO allocation, NO buffer ** TIMER: setTimeout() is one time, setInterval() is repeated
  8. ** SINGLE THREAD: Since node runs in a single thread, anything blocking that thread blocks node from processing other requests ** YOUR code: if your code uses I/O, that I/O is NON blocking ** I/O calls are the point at which Node.js switches between different requests. So Node.js expects requests to be done very fast. Intensive CPU should be done in another process
  9. Since Node.JS runs in a single process, its bound to a single CPU ** OS approach: the kernel load balances connections across processes ** CLUSTER: uses several workers (in different CPUs), we will cover this later
  10. ** PACKAGES can be installed locally or globally
  11. ** COMMONJS: defines JS APIs for any purpose, such as server side JS. Amongst the things it defines, are modules ** The EXPORTS object is created by the module system. If you want your module to be a class, assign the export object to MODULE.EXPORTS
  12. ** ENVIRONMENTS: Can specify different middleware for each environment, and change settings ** MIDDLEWARE: for manipulating all requests, or for specific routes ** ROUTING: Including support for HTTP methods ** VIEW RENDERING: with different template engines, and including partials (sort of like CakePHP elements) ** SESSION SUPPORT: part of Connect, can be configured even with Redis
  13. ** MIDDLEWARES: order is important. ** BodyParser() allows the parsing of forms (including JSON posted data as part of body) ** Other middlewares include: cookieParser(), session()
  14. With route middleware, it&apos;s easy to add authentication
  15. ** JADE is one of the view engines available: $ npm install jade
  16. ** CakePHP APP: including the use Auth with Form authentication ** JSON endpoint first in CakePHP, then in Node.js An alternative to the JSON endpoint is to use WEB SOCKETS, which offers a bi-directional communication channel over TCP. Its API is still being standarized by the W3C. The Node.JS module SOCKET.IO has great support for web sockets, and its client code works on almost every browser
  17. ** SIEGE: 25 concurrent users, 10 repetitions, 1 random secs delay ** NODE.JS: Using EXPRESS
  18. ** Even if you don&apos;t add CONSTRAINTS, always REMEMBER to add a KEY for each field that is to be used as foreign keys
  19. ** writeHead(statusCode, headersObject) ** ACCESS CONTROL: a wildcard, or an URI ** res.send(): automatically converts object to JSON string
  20. ** We are now doing a whole bunch of HTTP requests, which is not optimal, we need to reduce them to the bare minimum ** LONG polling: when a response is obtained, we schedule a new request ** CODE: when error, ALSO schedule a new request
  21. ** Allows prioritization in the queue ** Can handle idle timeouts (time a resource can go unused before it is destroyed)
  22. ** CLUSTER: can be extended via plugins. Spawns one worker per CPU. Handles signals and different types of shutdown. Can resucitate workers.
  23. ** COLLECTIONS: forEach, map, filter, and others ** SERIES(): runs in order, stops if one fails (error first arg). Calls final callback once they are all done (or ERRORED), with an array of all arguments sent to each task ** PARALLEL(): similar to SERIES(), does not stop on error ** WATERFALL(): like SERIES(), but each task pass its result as an argument to the next task
  24. ** EXPORT: create a module and define the test groups as elements of the module ** EXPECT(): specify how many assertions are expected to run in a test ** DONE(): ALL TESTS should call this. Marks the test as done