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Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in
Md Abu Sayem
Roll no: FH-017
Institute of Statistical Research and Training
University of Dhaka
March 13, 2015
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 1 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
1 Introduction
2 Literature review
3 Data sources and variables
4 Methodology
Economic model
Statistical Model
5 Analysis and Results
6 Conclusion
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 2 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
In recent years, Asian demography is changing quickly.
Young and elderly people require extra health care, prime-age
adults supply labour and savings.
Working age people taking few child, so there might be a
relation between age structure and GDP growth rate.
There is huge study to find relation between demography and
economy in Asia.
All study have found strong relationship.
Some geographical variable also affect the economical
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 3 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
To find the relation and pattern among demographic variables
and economic growth.
To show the differences in different regions in terms of
economic growth.
To find the effect of income on birth and death rate.
To obtain the causes of increase of life expectancy and
decrease of birth and death rate in different regions of Asia.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 4 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Literature Review
Hussin and Saidin(2012) has examined the impact of
economic variables such as foreign direct investment (FDI),
openness and gross capital formation to economic growth over
the period 1981- 2008 in ASEAN-4 countries. Using OLS
estimation, they found that openness has negative effect on
Alexandre et. al(2012) investigated if demographic change
plays a role in the dynamic of regional economic growth in
Brazil. They used pooled and fixed effect regression model to
show this relation. They found it significant.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 5 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Literature Review
Hussin and Saidin(2012) has examined the impact of
economic variables such as foreign direct investment (FDI),
openness and gross capital formation to economic growth over
the period 1981- 2008 in ASEAN-4 countries. Using OLS
estimation, they found that openness has negative effect on
Alexandre et. al(2012) investigated if demographic change
plays a role in the dynamic of regional economic growth in
Brazil. They used pooled and fixed effect regression model to
show this relation. They found it significant.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 5 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Literature review
Bloom and Finley(2008) examined the role of the
demographic transition in explaining cross-country differences
in economic growth, with a particular focus on East Asia.
They showed that with the working-age share beginning to
decline in many Asian countries, innovation and flexibility in
the labor market will have required for them to continue to
enjoy the high rates of economic growth.
Using cross-country analysis and employing a growth
regression for a panel of 78 countries, Bloom and Williamson
(1997) examined the effects of demographic transitions on
economic growth.They found working age people affect GDP
growth positively and total population growth affect
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 6 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Literature review
Bloom and Finley(2008) examined the role of the
demographic transition in explaining cross-country differences
in economic growth, with a particular focus on East Asia.
They showed that with the working-age share beginning to
decline in many Asian countries, innovation and flexibility in
the labor market will have required for them to continue to
enjoy the high rates of economic growth.
Using cross-country analysis and employing a growth
regression for a panel of 78 countries, Bloom and Williamson
(1997) examined the effects of demographic transitions on
economic growth.They found working age people affect GDP
growth positively and total population growth affect
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 6 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Data sources and variables
Table: Data Sources
Variable name Variable Description Source Summary
Growth GDP per capita Annual average change in the
log of real GDP per capita over
5 years
WDI 2012
Tropical location Fraction of tropical area PDX
Landlocked Landlocked country dummy Wikipedia
Population growth Annual average growth of the
total population over a 5 year
WDI 2012
log working-age popula-
tion to total population
ln(working-age popula-
WDI 2012
Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth WDI 2012
Population density People per square km. WDI 2012
Infant mortality Infant mortality rate WDI 2012
24 countries data has been used from 1971 to 2012.
Most of the data has been collected from World Bank(WDI
2012).Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 7 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Economic Model
This study has followed the economical model which was derived
by Bloom and Williamson(1997). The model is given as
Economical Model
gˆy = −λ1 ˆy + λ2 ln(L/P) + λ3βX + λ4gpopulation + (1)
gˆy = GDP growth rate
ˆy=log GDP per capita
L/P=Ratio of working age population to total population
gpopulation = the growth rate of population
λi s are the coefficients
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 8 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical Model
Two types of statistical model was used,
1 Fixed effect model
2 Random effect model
Fixed effect model
We assume that slope coefficients are constant but the intercept
varies over time;
Yit = α1 + α2D2i + α3D3i + · · · + β2X2it + β3X3it + · · · + uit
where X’s are the independent variable, Di is the dummy variables
and α, β, λ are the coefficients.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 9 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical Model
Two types of statistical model was used,
1 Fixed effect model
2 Random effect model
Fixed effect model
We assume that slope coefficients are constant but the intercept
varies over time;
Yit = α1 + α2D2i + α3D3i + · · · + β2X2it + β3X3it + · · · + uit
where X’s are the independent variable, Di is the dummy variables
and α, β, λ are the coefficients.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 9 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical model
Assumptions of fixed effect model
uit are independent.
E(uit) ∼ N(0, σ2)
Slope coefficients are constant
Random effect model
The random effect model is;
Yit = β1 + β2X2it + β3X3it · · · + ωit (3)
ωit = i +uit
i = individual specefic error component
uit = combined time series and cross-section error component
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 10 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical model
Assumptions of fixed effect model
uit are independent.
E(uit) ∼ N(0, σ2)
Slope coefficients are constant
Random effect model
The random effect model is;
Yit = β1 + β2X2it + β3X3it · · · + ωit (3)
ωit = i +uit
i = individual specefic error component
uit = combined time series and cross-section error component
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 10 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical model
Assumptions for i and uit
i ∼ N(0, σ2
uit ∼ N(0, σ2
E( i , uit) = 0 E( i j ) = 0 i = j
E(uituis) = E(uitujt) = E(uitujs) = 0 (i = j; t = s).
Assumptions for ωit
E(ωit) = 0
var(ωit) = σ2
+ σ2
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 11 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Statistical model
Assumptions for i and uit
i ∼ N(0, σ2
uit ∼ N(0, σ2
E( i , uit) = 0 E( i j ) = 0 i = j
E(uituis) = E(uitujt) = E(uitujs) = 0 (i = j; t = s).
Assumptions for ωit
E(ωit) = 0
var(ωit) = σ2
+ σ2
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 11 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Analysis and Findings
Graphical representation: GDP growth in 1971 and 2012
-5 0 5 10 15 20
mean of gdp_growth
United Arab Emirates
Sri Lanka
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
North Korea
Hong Kong
Figure: GDP growth in 1971
-2 0 2 4 6 8
Mean of GDP growth
United Arab Emirates
Sri Lanka
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
North Korea
Hong Kong
Figure: GDP growth in 2012
Overall GDP growth of Asia has increased
GDP growth of Saudi Arabia and Iran has decreased
GDP growth of Bangladesh was negative in 1971, but it is now in positive.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 12 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Analysis and Results
Graphical representation: Realationship of fertility rate and life expectancy with GDP growth
40 50 60 70 80 90
Life expectency
Figure: Relation between GDP
per worker and Life expectancy
0 2 4 6 8
Total Fertility Rate
Log GDP vs Total fertility rate
Figure: Relation between GDP
per worker and Fertility rate
GDP growth per worker and Life expectancy is positively related
GDP growth per worker and fertility rate is negatively related
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 13 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Regression Results
GDP growth rate is independent variable
Table: Explaining cross country economic growth, 1971-2012
(1) (2) (3)
Independent variables OLS OLS OLS
log GDP per capita −.381∗∗∗
(-3.71) (-4.16) (-6.06)
Proportion land area in tropics .502 0.00498 1.242∗∗
(1.33 ) (0.01) (2.36)
Access to port(landlocked) −1.927∗∗
(-2.19) (−2.31) (-0.94)
Population growth rate −0.252∗∗
(2.42) (2.03)
Log ratio of working age to total population 5.061∗∗
Life expectancy -0.587
Infant mortality −0.0196∗
Eastern Asia 0.999∗
Southern Asia −2.112∗∗∗
South-eastern Asia -0.968
Constant 7.915∗∗∗
−5.577 10.446∗∗∗
(9.28 ) (-0.65) ( 8.82)
Wald χ2
AIC 6026.173 5653.57 5992.815
BIC 6045.731 5692.165 6031.916
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 14 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Regression Results
OLS-1 represents the relation between GDP growth per capita
and geographic variable. Which shows that the landlocked
country has a significant effect on GDP growth.
OLS-2 represents the relation between growth in GDP per
capita and geographic and demographic variables. Here, we
can see that Landlocked and among 4 demographic variables
three of them are significant. From demographic variables,
growth rate in total population has a negative effect on
growth in GDP per capita where ratio of working age
population to total population has a significant positive effect.
OLS-3 shows the geographic and regional effect on GDP
growth per capita. From results we see that proportion land
area in tropics has a positive effect. Eastern Asia and
southern Asia has a significant effect on change in GDP
growth pattern relative to western Asia.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 15 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Effect of income on life expectancy
Regressions results: Life Expectancy is independent variable
Table: The effect of income on life expectancy
(1) (2) (3)
Independent variables OLS(Fixed effect) OLS OLS
log GDP per worker −0.0038 0.0527∗∗∗
) (26.87) (16.89)
Dummy 1981-1990 0.052∗∗∗
) (7.82) (9.95)
Dummy 1991-2000 0.094∗∗∗
) (13.13) (16.76)
Dummy 2001-2010 −0.073∗∗∗
) (17.46) (22.19)
Eastern Asia 0.0517∗∗∗
Southern Asia −0.069∗∗∗
South-eastern Asia 0.011∗
Western Asia 0
Constant 4.233∗∗∗
) (194.89) (170.91)
Wald χ2
AIC -3411.483 -2139.016 -2402.877
BIC -3387.405 -2114.938 -2364.352
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 16 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
The effect of income on life expectancy
1 The period 1971–1980 was taken as base period.
2 There is no effect of income on life expectancy in OLS-1
(Fixed effect). Life expectancy increased in period 1981–1990
and 1991–2000 but decreased in 2001–2010 relative to base
3 Log GDP per worker has a significant positive effect on life
expectancy in OLS-2. This regression also shows that life
expectancy has significantly increased in all period.
4 OLS-3 represents the effect of income on life expectancy for
different periods and different regions. It also shows the
significant positive effect of income on life expectancy.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 17 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Relationship between fertility and income
Regressions results: Log fertility is independent variable
Table: The effect of income on fertility rate, 1971-2012
(1) (2) (3)
Independent variables OLS(Fixed effect) OLS OLS
Constant 1.712∗∗∗
) (22.87) (25.22)
log GDP per worker −0.02 −0.095∗∗∗
) (-8.71) (-13.85)
Dummy 1981-1990 −0.231∗∗∗
) (-4.79)
Dummy 1991-2000 −0.475∗∗∗
) (-9.92)
Dummy 2001-2010 −0.706 −0.613∗∗∗
) (15.27)
Eastern Asia −0.881∗∗∗
Southern Asia −0.369∗∗∗
South-eastern Asia −0.479∗∗∗
Western Asia 0
Wald χ2
AIC -849.5339 -490.999 730.0886
BIC -824.995 1016.071 754.1613
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 18 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Relationship between fertility and income
Regressions results: Interpretation
1 The above table explains the effect of income on fertility
taking log fertility as dependent variable.
2 Column–2(OLS-1) shows the fixed effect relation between
fertility and income per head and four different periods. Here
log GDP per worker is not significant and period 2001–2010 is
also not. But period 1981–1990 and 1991–2000 has a negitive
effect on fertility. Which means fertility has decreased in these
periods relative to period 1971–1980.
3 Column–3 (OLS-2) shows the random effect relation between
log fertility and income for different periods. This declares
that income has a significant negative effect on fertility.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 19 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Bloom et. al.(1999) showed that western Asia has achieved
Huge change in GDP growth using the data up to 1990.
GDP growth in western Asia has decreased, but increased in
other area.
Land area in tropics affected GDP growth negative in previous
1990, but in this study it has found positive.
Increase in total population growth showed a negative
relationship with GDP per capita growth.
Increase in working age population growth have a positive
effect on GDP growth.
Southern Asia is still poorer than other regions.
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 20 / 21
Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion
Thank You
Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 21 / 21

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Demographic change and economic transition in asia

  • 1. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia Md Abu Sayem Roll no: FH-017 Institute of Statistical Research and Training University of Dhaka March 13, 2015 Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 1 / 21
  • 2. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Outline 1 Introduction Background Objectives 2 Literature review 3 Data sources and variables 4 Methodology Economic model Statistical Model 5 Analysis and Results 6 Conclusion Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 2 / 21
  • 3. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Background In recent years, Asian demography is changing quickly. Young and elderly people require extra health care, prime-age adults supply labour and savings. Working age people taking few child, so there might be a relation between age structure and GDP growth rate. There is huge study to find relation between demography and economy in Asia. All study have found strong relationship. Some geographical variable also affect the economical condition. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 3 / 21
  • 4. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Objectives To find the relation and pattern among demographic variables and economic growth. To show the differences in different regions in terms of economic growth. To find the effect of income on birth and death rate. To obtain the causes of increase of life expectancy and decrease of birth and death rate in different regions of Asia. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 4 / 21
  • 5. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Literature Review Hussin and Saidin(2012) has examined the impact of economic variables such as foreign direct investment (FDI), openness and gross capital formation to economic growth over the period 1981- 2008 in ASEAN-4 countries. Using OLS estimation, they found that openness has negative effect on GDP. Alexandre et. al(2012) investigated if demographic change plays a role in the dynamic of regional economic growth in Brazil. They used pooled and fixed effect regression model to show this relation. They found it significant. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 5 / 21
  • 6. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Literature Review Hussin and Saidin(2012) has examined the impact of economic variables such as foreign direct investment (FDI), openness and gross capital formation to economic growth over the period 1981- 2008 in ASEAN-4 countries. Using OLS estimation, they found that openness has negative effect on GDP. Alexandre et. al(2012) investigated if demographic change plays a role in the dynamic of regional economic growth in Brazil. They used pooled and fixed effect regression model to show this relation. They found it significant. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 5 / 21
  • 7. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Literature review Bloom and Finley(2008) examined the role of the demographic transition in explaining cross-country differences in economic growth, with a particular focus on East Asia. They showed that with the working-age share beginning to decline in many Asian countries, innovation and flexibility in the labor market will have required for them to continue to enjoy the high rates of economic growth. Using cross-country analysis and employing a growth regression for a panel of 78 countries, Bloom and Williamson (1997) examined the effects of demographic transitions on economic growth.They found working age people affect GDP growth positively and total population growth affect negatively. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 6 / 21
  • 8. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Literature review Bloom and Finley(2008) examined the role of the demographic transition in explaining cross-country differences in economic growth, with a particular focus on East Asia. They showed that with the working-age share beginning to decline in many Asian countries, innovation and flexibility in the labor market will have required for them to continue to enjoy the high rates of economic growth. Using cross-country analysis and employing a growth regression for a panel of 78 countries, Bloom and Williamson (1997) examined the effects of demographic transitions on economic growth.They found working age people affect GDP growth positively and total population growth affect negatively. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 6 / 21
  • 9. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Data sources and variables Table: Data Sources Variable name Variable Description Source Summary Growth GDP per capita Annual average change in the log of real GDP per capita over 5 years WDI 2012 Tropical location Fraction of tropical area PDX Landlocked Landlocked country dummy Wikipedia Population growth Annual average growth of the total population over a 5 year period WDI 2012 log working-age popula- tion to total population ln(working-age popula- tion/population) WDI 2012 Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth WDI 2012 Population density People per square km. WDI 2012 Infant mortality Infant mortality rate WDI 2012 24 countries data has been used from 1971 to 2012. Most of the data has been collected from World Bank(WDI 2012).Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 7 / 21
  • 10. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Economic Model This study has followed the economical model which was derived by Bloom and Williamson(1997). The model is given as Economical Model gˆy = −λ1 ˆy + λ2 ln(L/P) + λ3βX + λ4gpopulation + (1) Where gˆy = GDP growth rate ˆy=log GDP per capita L/P=Ratio of working age population to total population gpopulation = the growth rate of population λi s are the coefficients Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 8 / 21
  • 11. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical Model Two types of statistical model was used, 1 Fixed effect model 2 Random effect model Fixed effect model We assume that slope coefficients are constant but the intercept varies over time; Yit = α1 + α2D2i + α3D3i + · · · + β2X2it + β3X3it + · · · + uit (2) where X’s are the independent variable, Di is the dummy variables and α, β, λ are the coefficients. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 9 / 21
  • 12. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical Model Two types of statistical model was used, 1 Fixed effect model 2 Random effect model Fixed effect model We assume that slope coefficients are constant but the intercept varies over time; Yit = α1 + α2D2i + α3D3i + · · · + β2X2it + β3X3it + · · · + uit (2) where X’s are the independent variable, Di is the dummy variables and α, β, λ are the coefficients. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 9 / 21
  • 13. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical model Assumptions of fixed effect model uit are independent. E(uit) ∼ N(0, σ2) Slope coefficients are constant Random effect model The random effect model is; Yit = β1 + β2X2it + β3X3it · · · + ωit (3) Where ωit = i +uit i = individual specefic error component uit = combined time series and cross-section error component (4) Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 10 / 21
  • 14. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical model Assumptions of fixed effect model uit are independent. E(uit) ∼ N(0, σ2) Slope coefficients are constant Random effect model The random effect model is; Yit = β1 + β2X2it + β3X3it · · · + ωit (3) Where ωit = i +uit i = individual specefic error component uit = combined time series and cross-section error component (4) Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 10 / 21
  • 15. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical model Assumptions for i and uit i ∼ N(0, σ2 ) uit ∼ N(0, σ2 ) E( i , uit) = 0 E( i j ) = 0 i = j E(uituis) = E(uitujt) = E(uitujs) = 0 (i = j; t = s). Assumptions for ωit E(ωit) = 0 var(ωit) = σ2 + σ2 u Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 11 / 21
  • 16. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Statistical model Assumptions for i and uit i ∼ N(0, σ2 ) uit ∼ N(0, σ2 ) E( i , uit) = 0 E( i j ) = 0 i = j E(uituis) = E(uitujt) = E(uitujs) = 0 (i = j; t = s). Assumptions for ωit E(ωit) = 0 var(ωit) = σ2 + σ2 u Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 11 / 21
  • 17. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Analysis and Findings Graphical representation: GDP growth in 1971 and 2012 -5 0 5 10 15 20 mean of gdp_growth United Arab Emirates Thailand Syria Sri Lanka South Korea Singapore Saudi Arabia Philippines Pakistan Oman North Korea Nepal Malaysia Kuwait Jordan Japan Israel Iran Indonesia India Hong Kong China Brunei Bangladesh Figure: GDP growth in 1971 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Mean of GDP growth United Arab Emirates Thailand Syria Sri Lanka South Korea Singapore Saudi Arabia Philippines Pakistan Oman North Korea Nepal Malaysia Kuwait Jordan Japan Israel Iran Indonesia India Hong Kong China Brunei Bangladesh Figure: GDP growth in 2012 Overall GDP growth of Asia has increased GDP growth of Saudi Arabia and Iran has decreased GDP growth of Bangladesh was negative in 1971, but it is now in positive. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 12 / 21
  • 18. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Analysis and Results Graphical representation: Realationship of fertility rate and life expectancy with GDP growth 68101214 LogGDPperworker 40 50 60 70 80 90 Life expectency Figure: Relation between GDP per worker and Life expectancy 68101214 LogGDPperworker 0 2 4 6 8 Total Fertility Rate Log GDP vs Total fertility rate Figure: Relation between GDP per worker and Fertility rate GDP growth per worker and Life expectancy is positively related GDP growth per worker and fertility rate is negatively related Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 13 / 21
  • 19. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Regression Results GDP growth rate is independent variable Table: Explaining cross country economic growth, 1971-2012 (1) (2) (3) Independent variables OLS OLS OLS log GDP per capita −.381∗∗∗ −0.759∗∗∗ −0.749∗∗∗ (-3.71) (-4.16) (-6.06) Proportion land area in tropics .502 0.00498 1.242∗∗ (1.33 ) (0.01) (2.36) Access to port(landlocked) −1.927∗∗ −2.11∗∗ -0.840 (-2.19) (−2.31) (-0.94) Population growth rate −0.252∗∗ 0.220∗∗ (2.42) (2.03) Log ratio of working age to total population 5.061∗∗ (2.39) Life expectancy -0.587 (-0.95) Infant mortality −0.0196∗ (-1.76) Eastern Asia 0.999∗ (1.76) Southern Asia −2.112∗∗∗ (-3.50) South-eastern Asia -0.968 (-1.51) Constant 7.915∗∗∗ −5.577 10.446∗∗∗ (9.28 ) (-0.65) ( 8.82) Wald χ2 17.79∗∗∗ 29.11∗∗∗ 49.86∗∗∗ AIC 6026.173 5653.57 5992.815 BIC 6045.731 5692.165 6031.916 Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 14 / 21
  • 20. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Regression Results Interpretation OLS-1 represents the relation between GDP growth per capita and geographic variable. Which shows that the landlocked country has a significant effect on GDP growth. OLS-2 represents the relation between growth in GDP per capita and geographic and demographic variables. Here, we can see that Landlocked and among 4 demographic variables three of them are significant. From demographic variables, growth rate in total population has a negative effect on growth in GDP per capita where ratio of working age population to total population has a significant positive effect. OLS-3 shows the geographic and regional effect on GDP growth per capita. From results we see that proportion land area in tropics has a positive effect. Eastern Asia and southern Asia has a significant effect on change in GDP growth pattern relative to western Asia. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 15 / 21
  • 21. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Effect of income on life expectancy Regressions results: Life Expectancy is independent variable Table: The effect of income on life expectancy (1) (2) (3) Independent variables OLS(Fixed effect) OLS OLS log GDP per worker −0.0038 0.0527∗∗∗ 0.0359∗∗∗ (0.75[1] ) (26.87) (16.89) Dummy 1981-1990 0.052∗∗∗ 0.0562∗∗∗ 0.062∗∗∗ (14.12[1] ) (7.82) (9.95) Dummy 1991-2000 0.094∗∗∗ 0.094∗∗∗ 0.104∗∗∗ (23.63[1] ) (13.13) (16.76) Dummy 2001-2010 −0.073∗∗∗ 0.126∗∗∗ 0.139∗∗∗ (19.1[1] ) (17.46) (22.19) Eastern Asia 0.0517∗∗∗ (8.22) Southern Asia −0.069∗∗∗ (-9.44) South-eastern Asia 0.011∗ (1.72) Western Asia 0 (omitted) Constant 4.233∗∗∗ 3.639∗∗∗ 3.796∗∗∗ (88.42[1] ) (194.89) (170.91) Wald χ2 1363.9∗∗∗ 2147.58∗∗∗ AIC -3411.483 -2139.016 -2402.877 BIC -3387.405 -2114.938 -2364.352 Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 16 / 21
  • 22. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion The effect of income on life expectancy Interpretation 1 The period 1971–1980 was taken as base period. 2 There is no effect of income on life expectancy in OLS-1 (Fixed effect). Life expectancy increased in period 1981–1990 and 1991–2000 but decreased in 2001–2010 relative to base year. 3 Log GDP per worker has a significant positive effect on life expectancy in OLS-2. This regression also shows that life expectancy has significantly increased in all period. 4 OLS-3 represents the effect of income on life expectancy for different periods and different regions. It also shows the significant positive effect of income on life expectancy. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 17 / 21
  • 23. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Relationship between fertility and income Regressions results: Log fertility is independent variable Table: The effect of income on fertility rate, 1971-2012 (1) (2) (3) Independent variables OLS(Fixed effect) OLS OLS Constant 1.712∗∗∗ 2.379∗∗∗ 3.107∗∗∗ (9.0[1] ) (22.87) (25.22) log GDP per worker −0.02 −0.095∗∗∗ −0.159∗∗∗ (0.98[1] ) (-8.71) (-13.85) Dummy 1981-1990 −0.231∗∗∗ −0.188∗∗∗ (14.82[1] ) (-4.79) Dummy 1991-2000 −0.475∗∗∗ −0.396∗∗∗ (27.59[1] ) (-9.92) Dummy 2001-2010 −0.706 −0.613∗∗∗ (36.47[1] ) (15.27) Eastern Asia −0.881∗∗∗ (-25.05) Southern Asia −0.369∗∗∗ (-9.04) South-eastern Asia −0.479∗∗∗ (-14.00) Western Asia 0 (omitted) Wald χ2 425.28∗∗∗ 870.37∗∗∗ AIC -849.5339 -490.999 730.0886 BIC -824.995 1016.071 754.1613 Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 18 / 21
  • 24. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Relationship between fertility and income Regressions results: Interpretation 1 The above table explains the effect of income on fertility taking log fertility as dependent variable. 2 Column–2(OLS-1) shows the fixed effect relation between fertility and income per head and four different periods. Here log GDP per worker is not significant and period 2001–2010 is also not. But period 1981–1990 and 1991–2000 has a negitive effect on fertility. Which means fertility has decreased in these periods relative to period 1971–1980. 3 Column–3 (OLS-2) shows the random effect relation between log fertility and income for different periods. This declares that income has a significant negative effect on fertility. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 19 / 21
  • 25. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Conclusion Bloom et. al.(1999) showed that western Asia has achieved Huge change in GDP growth using the data up to 1990. GDP growth in western Asia has decreased, but increased in other area. Land area in tropics affected GDP growth negative in previous 1990, but in this study it has found positive. Increase in total population growth showed a negative relationship with GDP per capita growth. Increase in working age population growth have a positive effect on GDP growth. Southern Asia is still poorer than other regions. Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 20 / 21
  • 26. Introduction Literature review Data sources and variables Methodology Analysis and Results Conclusion Thank You Md Abu Sayem March 13, 2015 Demographic Change And Economic Transitions in Asia 21 / 21