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of new sustainability leadership thinking
It has long been clear that if we are to tackle the major challenges facing 
humanity – whether it be access to healthcare, environmental degradation, 
poverty, food shortages, education or human rights abuses - business has a 
vital role to play. However, many companies are still struggling to reconcile 
the challenge of unceasing demands for growth and economic returns with 
the less tangible, but nevertheless real, opportunities presented by playing a 
positive role in society 
Yet a growing number of businesses are moving beyond the tactical responses 
to these issues – energy effi ciency, carbon reduction, codes of conduct – to form 
a more strategic view of how their businesses need to adapt. These are businesses 
that will not just be viable, but will thrive in the starkly different future that lies 
ahead of us. 
This is no easy task. But the rise of a number of potentially transformative 
approaches to business sustainability – Shared Value, Environmental Profi t & 
Loss, Circular Economy, Net Positive, Benefi t Corporations – offers solutions for 
moving away from ‘business as usual’ on a much broader scale than has been 
previously seen. 
So what is it about these particular approaches that has seen them become the 
new power behind some of the worlds most sustainable companies? 
Are these concepts genuinely transformative? Or are they just the latest ‘big ideas’ 
that will be shelved in times of trouble or replaced by shiny, new alternatives in 
the near future? 
Directions 2014 dives under the surface of these approaches and concepts for 
sustainable business to analyse what lies at their core, their strengths and 
weaknesses and their potential impacts. 
By bringing together insight from the academics behind the concepts, experiences 
from the companies pioneering them and the ambitions of the organisations 
trying to bring them into the mainstream, we hope to shed some light on the inner 
workings of these models and to help you explore which – or which combination 
– might be the right fi t for your business. 
Directions 2014 Team 
Founder & CEO 
Director, Consultancy and 
Senior Consultant 
Senior Designer 
Digital Design Director 
Account Manager 
Production Team Manager 
Manager of Print 
Production and Resources 
Business Development 
Marketing Executive 
Evolutionary Timeline..........................................................................................................................................................................................................2 
Edging towards a Tipping Point.........................................................................................................................................................................................4 
RIP: The End of Business As Usual...................................................................................................................................................................................6 
New Opportunities Seen 
in the Round.............................10 
Vision 2030...............................12 
China Looks to take a 
Leading Role.............................16 
Every company should have 
a ‘North Star’............................18 
35 EP&L 
Sustainability Leadership ....22 
One Year In; 
Many Years to Go ....................26 
A Quantum Leap Forward......30 
EP&L and the Triple 
Bottom Line...............................32 
Forging the link between 
economic and social value.....36 
CSR into CSV..............................40 
Our contributors............................................46 
About us..........................................................48 
Profi t with Purpose................44 
The question of how business can be more sustainable is not 
new; indeed, the thinking we’re reviewing in Directions 2014 
originated as early as the 1960s, with principles that hark 
back to the dawn of capitalism. 
Here, we explore how the concepts and models under review 
have evolved in parallel, some key moments in their 
development, and their adoption by fl agship brands. 
In their research report to 
the European Commission, 
‘The Potential for 
Substituting Manpower for 
Energy’, Walter Stahel and 
Genevieve Reday sketched 
the vision of an economy in 
loops (or circular economy). 
The concept of Creating 
Shared Value (CSV) is fi rst 
introduced in The Harvard 
Business Review 
Nestlé signs up to CSV 
Promoting a circular 
economy was identifi ed as 
national policy in China’s 
11th fi ve-year plan. 
General Electric launches 
1966 1982 2005 2006 2007 2008 
Certifi ed B Corp 
First B Corp 
certifi ed 
Policy efforts to support 
B Corps fi rst launched 
The report was published 
in the book ‘Jobs for 
Tomorrow: The Potential 
for Substituting Manpower 
for Energy’. 
The idea of circular material 
fl ows as a model for the 
economy was presented by 
Kenneth E Boulding in his 
paper ‘The Economics of the 
Coming Spaceship Earth’. 
The Ellen MacArthur 
Foundation is established. 
IKEA announce net 
positive intentions 
(not offi cially affi liated 
with the movement) 
Kingfi sher announce net 
positive intentions (not 
offi cially affi liated with 
the movement) 
The Ellen MacArthur 
Foundation and McKinsey 
release a report entitled 
‘Towards the Circular 
Economy: Economic and 
business rationale for an 
accelerated transition’ 
– the fi rst of its kind to 
consider the economic and 
business opportunity for 
the transition to a 
restorative, circular model. 
Offi cial Launch by PUMA 
UK Government uses 
the PUMA EP&L as a 
case study for 
sustainable business 
in a DEFRA white paper 
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 
the European Commission 
published a document 
entitled Manifesto for 
a Resource Effi cient 
Europe. This manifesto 
clearly stated that “In a 
world with growing 
pressures on resources 
and the environment, the 
EU has no choice but to go 
for the transition to a 
resource-effi cient and 
ultimately regenerative 
circular economy.” 
Some big-name brands 
sign up to the circular 
economy: IKEA, Cisco, 
Coca-Cola, Renault 
Unilever joins the movement 
Conceived by PUMA 
chairman Jochen Zeitz 
EP&L theory announced 
by PUMA 
Novo Nordisk becomes the 
fi rst big pharma company to 
publish an EP&L report. 
Shared Value concept 
further explained 
in The Harvard Business 
Kramer & Porter & FSG 
found the Shared Value 
Initiative – to enhance 
knowledge-sharing and 
best practice for CSV, 
BT announce net positive 
intentions (not offi cially 
affi liated with the 
Forum for the Future 
partners with WWF 
and The Climate Group to 
form Net Positive Group, 
which aids companies 
in accelerating their 
progress towards 
becoming Net Positive 
Forum for the Future, WWF, 
and The Climate Group 
publish a report (sponsored 
by BT) that captures the 
principles of what it means 
to take a Net Positive 
Maryland becomes fi rst 
U.S State to pass Benefi t 
Corporation legislation 
500 Companies have 
signed on as B Corps 
Patagonia becomes a 
certifi ed B Corp 
19 US states have passed 
Benefi t Corporation 
Nigel Salter asks: do these new schools 
of thought on sustainability provide 
business with the tools of transformation 
– or are they just more smoke and mirrors? 
There’s something different about this 
latest edition of our Directions report. 
All of this year’s inputs and contributions 
seem to confi rm that business and 
brands are now focused very much on 
the question of how to drive sustainable 
commercial success, rather than on 
whether or not this is an agenda that 
actually matters to them. 
It seems to me that, in their different 
ways, all of the ideas and methodologies 
– circular economy, Shared Value, EP&L, 
Net Positive and Benefi t Corporations – 
discussed here (there are others of course 
too, but we have highlighted the ones that 
we see as the most signifi cant) are proof 
that business is trying to integrate 
sustainability thinking more fully and 
make it more operational – clearly a good 
thing, regardless of the alignment or 
choice of one method over another. 
But what are the key factors at work here? 
There is simply no doubt in my mind – 
sustainability thinking has spent too long 
with its head in the clouds and not enough 
time homing in on the commercial 
realities. This is now changing. 
Business knows that there is a huge 
opportunity in the sustainability challenge. 
It is now trying to work out how to 
maximise this opportunity to achieve 
competitive advantage and ensure future 
viability and profi tability. These different 
methodologies and ideas give business 
leaders and managers some of the tools 
and processes needed to plot a path to the 
desired results. They may not be perfect 
yet, but they are at least valid attempts to 
move from management theory to real, 
Founder & CEO 
Salterbaxter MSLGROUP
on-the-ground transformation that 
delivers useful outcomes – social, 
environmental and commercial. 
And it is perhaps also down to the fact 
that these models are not perfect yet that 
they are acting slightly as totem poles 
around which there’s growing 
collaboration, innovation and momentum. 
The fact is that managers within business 
often need the legitimising effect of a 
credible school of thought in order to get 
adequate buy-in within their companies 
to spur on real change. 
We should not underestimate the important 
legitimising effect within business that’s 
come from the names of the Ellen 
MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey 
sitting comfortably alongside the circular 
economy movement and the Michael 
Porter/Harvard name being put squarely 
behind the concept of Shared Value. 
As well as the legitimising effect, the fact 
that these concepts are seen to be 
increasingly credible also provides another 
kind of much needed security. It offers 
cover for some of the failure that is going to 
be an inevitable and, indeed, essential part 
of the journey to fi nd workable solutions. 
As Kingfi sher confi rms, not all the 
innovation and new thinking will work and 
so it is essential to experiment within a 
framework that creates enough room for 
failure, as well as success, to be acceptable. 
Innovative thinking needs an umbrella! 
We should also not underestimate the 
massive role that communications and 
effective engagement have to play in 
driving change. 
As everyone knows, good stories really do 
help to get people on board and, to a 
degree, all of the models and ideas covered 
here have a storytelling role to play as well 
as doing the actual job of turning science 
into substance. The circular economy 
somehow wouldn’t be as memorable or as 
attractive if it was called The Regenerative 
Economy. Net Positive is a simple story to 
capture. The EP&L is a neat blend of 
sustainability and fi nance – written in a 
language business can understand. All of 
these methodologies enable business to 
explain itself better. 
And one step beyond just storytelling is 
actual engagement – where people are 
compelled to act and get more involved. 
As Robert Metzke from Philips explains, 
all businesses need an ambition – a 
‘North Star’ to strive for. Over and above 
just storytelling, these models provide the 
desired destination and a sense of 
purpose that gets organisations, teams, 
people and processes all properly and 
effectively lined up. 
These organisations themselves would 
undoubtedly prefer to emphasise the 
substance and science part of the 
argument. But in the practical, messy 
reality of business, there is no doubt these 
models also help with the important task 
of communicating new ways of thinking 
and getting people to engage with them. 
It was probably shortly after COP15 that 
business woke up to the reality that 
governments were not going to be the 
force for change needed to address the 
world’s sustainability challenge. 
Since then, business has taken on the 
responsibility much more by itself – or in 
sector or even multi-sector collaborations 
– to build the momentum needed. All of 
these models and processes could be said, 
at least partially or indirectly, to have been 
borne out of that lack of leadership from 
government – or at least from the sense 
that if business is to gain commercially 
from the agenda then it needs to apply its 
own rules and operate on its own terms. 
That’s not to say that government and 
other policymakers have failed to 
respond totally. 
The big focus on public-private 
partnerships we’ve seen in the last few 
years, particularly in developing markets, 
is evidence of a changing mindset – Guido 
Schmidt-Traub makes this point well in his 
article and underlines that, actually, the 
scale of the challenges we face means that 
public-private collaboration is essential. 
And the fact that the United Nations 
Sustainable Development goals (UN SDGs) 
appear to be a more relevant framework 
for business to engage with, and have been 
relatively well received by business, points 
to some positive potential. 
But we also have to be honest with 
ourselves. Despite all the talk of the last 
decade and the great theories, has that 
much really changed? 
Michael Porter made this point well in last 
year’s TED talk called ‘Why business can 
be good at solving social problems’. 
As he points out, business really has to 
roll its sleeves up now and apply the profi t 
motive to the societal challenge of 
This is partly because business is good at 
solving problems. But it’s also down to the 
simple fact that it controls the vast 
majority of the world’s resources, and 
most of the efforts and initiatives to date 
have operated at too small a level. 
The only way to truly address the issues 
is to operate at scale across the system. 
And only business has the model (profi t 
based) and the resources to deliver this 
effectively. Porter’s statistics underline 
the dilemma pretty dramatically – total 
global revenues by stakeholders split 
like this: Non-profi t organisations – 
$1.2 trillion; Governments – $3.1 trillion; 
Business – $20.1 trillion. 
These new models and schools of thought 
are all signifi cant attempts to square this 
circle and to apply commercial thinking to 
society’s key sustainability challenges – in 
a way that can be quickly scaled up. 
They may not provide the fi nal answers. 
But, taken together, they are starting to 
look like a tipping point.
We’ve come to the end of ‘business as 
usual’. Guido Schmidt-Traub argues 
that if we are to meet the scale of the 
environmental challenges that face us, 
and to have a chance of achieving the 
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, 
the models under review here are only 
the start: the private sector must play 
a central role in making a reality of 
sustainable development. Here he 
outlines the need to fundamentally 
change how business works, and the 
major transformations that need to 
take place. 
According to NASA fi gures, the frequency 
of extreme temperature events – events 
that should occur only once every 700 
years – has already risen 100-fold, even 
though the earth has warmed by “only” 
0.9°C. Warming by another 0.4–0.6°C is 
built into the system at today’s 
concentration of greenhouse gases, 
meaning that even if we were able to stop 
emitting greenhouse gases today, things 
would still get signifi cantly worse. 
But if we carry on along the road we are 
currently on, the earth will be 4–5°C 
warmer by the end of this century. 
This will put the climate system outside 
the stable range of the Holocene epoch 
that has enabled human civilization to 
fl ourish over the past 10,000 years. 
It’s clear that ‘business as usual’ simply 
does not offer a viable long-term 
perspective for economic growth. And yet 
rapid growth is still possible, but only if it 
becomes sustainable by respecting 
environmental boundaries at local, 
regional, and planetary levels. 
A drastic reduction of greenhouse gas 
emissions – from 5.2 tons of carbon 
dioxide per capita to 1.6 tons by 2050. 
This will require massive increases in 
energy effi ciency; low-carbon electricity 
generation; the electrifi cation of 
transport, heating and cooling in 
buildings; and the decarbonisation of 
industrial processes, such as cement, 
steel and chemical production. 
An increase in agricultural production by 
at least 50 per cent to serve the needs of 
a growing and increasingly prosperous 
global population. 
This need must be met using far fewer 
resources. Before 2030, the world needs 
to stop land degradation and net 
conversion of land to agricultural use, 
bring water use in line with sustainable 
supply, reduce excessive nutrient fl ows, 
and lower chemical pollution. 
Cities will require higher-density 
housing and land-use planning; 
resource-effi cient infrastructure and 
services; and drastically reduced 
pollution of air, water, and land. 
This urban transformation must occur 
soon. If not, countries will get locked into 
unsustainable infrastructure and land-use 
patterns that might have a lifetime of 
70–100 years. 
Industry must transform itself to 
respond to rapidly changing tastes and 
lower resource intensity and 
environmental pollution. 
This will require higher resource effi ciency 
in energy, water, and other material 
inputs; drastically lower levels of 
emissions and pollution; and innovative 
life-cycle management of all industrial 
products – particularly long-lived 
pollutants, such as plastics. With some 
four to fi ve billion people aspiring to 
middle-class lifestyles, this process of 
industrial transformation needs to 
happen at an unprecedented pace. 
Executive Director 
UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network 
Each of these four transformations marks 
a major departure from ‘business as 
usual’. The “circular economy”, “Net 
Positive”, “Shared Value”, and other 
emerging business strategies for 
sustainability are an important step 
towards launching the four 
Some businesses are already fi nding new 
opportunities in these transformations, 
but overall, governments and business 
have not begun to tackle these 
transformations seriously. 
So the question is: how can governments 
and business harness such innovation to 
drive transformations in energy, 
agriculture, cities and industry? 
The Sustainable Development Solutions 
Network (SDSN) – commissioned by UN 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to 
accelerate practical problem-solving for 
sustainable development – shows that 
each transformation requires long-term 
change in technologies, in business 
models, in regulation, and in consumer 
Achieving the transformations will require 
“directed technological change”, a 
process involving six steps: 
Just as business requires clear goals to 
succeed, the world needs to adopt long-term 
goals for sustainable development. 
Building on the success of the Millennium 
Development Goals (which set 
quantitative targets for reducing extreme 
poverty), governments are now debating a 
new set of Sustainable Development 
Goals for the period 2015–2030. 
Countries and businesses need to back-cast 
feasible trajectories to work out what 
needs to be done today to achieve long-term 
goals. These should be transparent 
and public to promote open debates with 
the active participation of business. 
Countries and businesses can set 
technology benchmarks, providing the 
long-term incentives that businesses 
need to innovate and to mobilise the 
ingenuity of their engineers. 
Benchmarks also provide a framework 
within which businesses and other 
innovators can develop long-term R&D 
roadmaps. We could do something similar 
for energy transition, with the 
International Energy Agency perhaps 
leading roadmapping processes for 
energy storage, solar power, wind power, 
carbon capture storage, electric vehicles, 
residential energy effi ciency, smart grids 
and fourth generation nuclear power. 
Prototyping of new technologies requires 
extensive public-private partnerships to 
ensure adequate public co-fi nancing, 
supportive regulation, and effective 
monitoring and evaluation. Unfortunately, 
public fi nancing and support for 
prototyping are widely inadequate. A vivid 
example is provided by lacklustre efforts 
to invest in large-scale demonstration 
projects for carbon capture and storage 
(CCS) even though all available pathways 
suggest that this technology is required to 
decarbonise energy in countries that rely 
heavily on coal, such as China and India. 
Public-private partnerships can roll out 
new technologies at the requisite scale. 
Such partnerships need to mobilise 
public and private fi nancing, ensure 
sound regulation, and promote 
technology diffusion. Business leadership 
will be required to think through how 
partnerships can be designed. 
The scale of the sustainable development 
challenges requires mass adoption of new 
technologies, but also of healthier 
lifestyles and resource-saving 
behaviours. Mass education will need to 
be promoted to raise awareness. 
Some worry that such directed 
technological change smacks of Gosplan-style 
central planning, but this is a 
profound misunderstanding of the 
challenges facing us, and the available 
All successful technology 
transformations have relied on strong and 
dynamic public-private partnerships 
around shared goals. 
Responsible businesses and their leaders 
who invest in such partnerships should 
and will be amply rewarded in terms of 
their bottom line, their brand, and their 
ability to attract the best available talent. 
The circular economy aims to 
move us towards an industrial 
economy that is restorative in 
nature. Moving from the current 
linear model – take, make, dispose 
– to a circular economy requires a 
fundamental rethink of how 
business operates, with emphasis 
placed on reducing the use of 
natural resources, designing-out 
waste and allowing valuable 
biological and technical materials 
to deliver value beyond the life of a 
single specifi c product or service. 
• The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was 
founded in 2010 with the aim of 
accelerating the adoption of the circular 
economy. This crystallised and unifi ed 
thinking dating back to the 1970s 
• The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and 
McKinsey & Company have 
collaborated in making the business 
case for the adoption of the circular 
economy with their reports, titled 
‘Towards the circular economy’ 
• In 2014, Project MainStream was 
announced: a collaboration between 
World Economic Forum, Ellen 
MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & 
Company to help businesses shift 
towards a circular economy and as a 
result save US$500 million in materials 
• Key players include Philips, IKEA, Cisco, 
Coca-Cola, Renault, H&M, The LEGO 
Group, and Unilever. 
we reached an infl ection point in 2002, 
when commodity prices started to rise 
sharply and we entered an era of 
increasing price volatility. 
Suddenly it became far harder to predict 
resource and energy prices with any 
certainty. This has potentially devastating 
effects for companies with high fi xed 
costs, which rely on achieving economies 
of scale to continue growing. Clearly, in 
this volatile context, making gradual 
effi ciency gains will not be enough to fuel 
that growth. Indeed the very notion of 
“business as usual” is put under the 
spotlight in this new environment and, 
with three billion new middle class 
consumers coming into the market by 
2050, just using a bit less and recycling a 
bit more material might not be enough to 
cut it. 
Moreover, a throughput economy relies on 
high volumes of goods and services being 
sold, and that calls for a healthy customer 
base. However, while productivity has 
been steadily increasing over the past 60 
years, wages have been largely stagnant 
since the 1970s. To counteract this and to 
keep the wheels of the economy turning, 
large amounts of credit were made 
available at low cost. But the era of cheap 
credit hit a roadblock with the fi nancial 
crisis of 2008, resulting in less disposable 
income for consumers. 
So, in two very fundamental ways, the 
‘rules of the game’ for our economy are 
changing, and business leaders, 
innovators, academics, students and 
scientists are looking for a way out – a 
new model which will allow us to redefi ne 
our notion of economic progress in the 
twenty-fi rst century. 
One option is the circular economy, a 
model that has been gaining traction 
around the world in recent years. Unlike 
the linear model – based on the idea of 
mine, make, sell, dispose – the circular 
model is regenerative by design. 
It relies primarily on optimising two 
distinct material fl ows, biological and 
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation 
Today’s linear economy – in which 
resources are extracted, made into 
products, sold and ultimately thrown 
away – is facing fundamental 
challenges. A new regenerative model 
– the circular economy – is taking 
root, offering huge opportunities to 
those progressive enough to make an 
early shift, says Ellen MacArthur. 
The economic model we have lived by for 
the best part of 200 years has served us 
well. In terms of cheap and accessible 
energy and materials, the linear model 
inherited from the Industrial Revolution 
has proved successful, fuelling 
unprecedented economic development 
throughout the twentieth century. And, 
boosted by new discoveries, increased 
effi ciency and new technologies, we’ve 
also felt the benefi ts of steadily declining 
commodity prices. 
But all that changed in the early years of 
the new century. As investment expert 
Jeremy Grantham fi rst observed, 
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, adapted from McDonough & 
Braungart (C2C Protocol) and Stahel (Performance Economy)
technical. Products and services in this 
model are designed to circulate 
effi ciently, with biological materials 
returning to the food and farming 
system, and technical materials being 
kept in production and put to new use, 
without loss of quality. A circular model 
generates new revenue streams, reveals 
overcapacity and puts assets to good 
use while ensuring that, as leading 
Performance Economy thinker Walter 
Stahel puts it: “The goods of today 
become the resources of tomorrow, at 
yesterday’s prices”. 
As well as the decline of cheap materials, 
energy and credit, there are other 
changes underway that are supporting 
the transition to a circular economy. 
A combination of factors – including 
reducing home sizes, less disposable 
income, the prevalence of the mobile web 
and smartphone capabilities – has led to 
the emergence of a “new consumer”, one 
who is less concerned about owning 
‘stuff’, and more interested in the services 
or power technology provides. 
We see evidence of this in a number of 
ways. Just look at the momentum growing 
behind the collaborative consumption 
movement or ‘sharing economy’, and the 
huge number of new businesses set up to 
exploit the idling capacity of a range of 
assets. Empty rooms can be booked 
through AirBnB, journeys through Lyft, 
and even musical instruments through 
Sparkplug. Clothing company Le Tote 
provides access to women’s fashion for a 
fl at monthly fee, in the same way people 
use Netfl ix or Spotify instead of owning 
physical DVDs or CDs. 
Technological advances are facilitating 
these business models – fi nding and 
booking the nearest communal car or bike 
has only been made convenient with the 
advent of smartphones and mobile 
networking. Product tagging and tracking 
and the the ability to analyse huge 
amounts of data through the ‘Internet of 
Things’ are also enabling manufacturers 
or service providers to keep an eye on 
their products – how much they’re being 
used, if they’re performing properly and 
when they’re about to go wrong. This 
makes product recovery feasible, and 
opens up valuable new customer service 
or aftermarket opportunities. 
Global trends are providing a fertile 
environment for a shift in the economy. 
And, in addition to offering an exciting new 
lens for innovation, increasing circularity 
could offer a signifi cant economic 
advantage too. 
In 2012, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation 
published the fi rst in a series of reports 
entitled ‘Towards the Circular Economy’. 
These reports have concluded that a 
circular economy would not only help 
decouple economic development from 
use and overuse of fi nite resources, but 
also represent new economic 
opportunities worth more than $1 trillion. 
As our fi rst report showed, circular 
processes could play straight to one of 
Europe’s greatest strengths – its high-value 
manufacturing sector, where up to 
$630 billion of net material savings can be 
achieved per year through improvements 
in design, business models, reverse 
cycles and improvements in education 
and policymaking. 
In a world of uncertainty, many are asking 
what the future economy will look like in 
the context of population growth and 
resource constraints. Our research and 
analysis tends to indicate that a circular 
economy framework could offer guiding 
principles for rethinking and redesigning 
the future. 
There are promising signs that a shift is 
taking place. But creating a new system, 
which rebuilds economic, social and 
natural capital, will require real ambition, 
a pioneering spirit and the willingness and 
ability to collaborate in new ways.
McKinsey & Company 
VISION 2030: 
The logic behind creating a circular 
rather than linear becoming increasingly companies, argue and Helga Vanthournout, McKinsey & Company. slow, with businesses needing to break lifetimes to reap industrial era. 
By 2030, up to three from the developing middle class, putting on natural resources. showing up in the commodity prices global economic output. even as global competition there is growing political pressure on business environmental and The “circular economy” address all these issues. 
This regenerative companies to create their dependence designing products use, disassembly, economy aims to just from manufacturing throughout the life their components. 
Knowledge Expert 
McKinsey & Company 
d ar economy is 
asingly clear to many 
ue Martin Stuchtey 
hournout, of 
mpany. But progress is 
esses and consumers 
k the habits of several 
the benefi ts of a new 
ee billion consumers 
ng world will enter the 
ing enormous pressure 
ces. This is already 
market: since 2009, 
have grown faster than 
utput. At the same time, 
mpetition intensifi es, 
olitical and public 
ess to improve its 
d social performance. 
omy” offers a way to 
economic model helps 
ate value while reducing 
on resources by 
s for multiple cycles of 
and re-use. The circular 
eradicate waste –not 
cturing processes, but 
e cycle of products and 
It is built on four principles: 
1. Creating business models to capture 
more value from a manufactured 
2. Designing products with multiple 
useful lives in mind 
3. Developing “reverse logistics” that keep 
the need for quality and cost effi ciency 
in balance 
4. Co-ordinating with players within and 
across supply chains to create scale 
and to identify higher-value uses. 
This approach contrasts sharply with the 
mind-set embedded in most of today’s 
industrial operations, where even the 
everyday terminology – value chain, 
supply chain, end user – describes a 
rigid linear approach. 
In the circular economy, the traditional 
linear model of manufacturing – take, 
make, and throw out – becomes a 
regenerative one that retains and 
restores material, energy, and labour 
inputs. Re-use, refurbishing or 
recycling, not disposal, is the new 
default option.
Renault leases batteries for electric cars, 
in large part to recover them more easily 
so they can be re-engineered or recycled 
for additional use. The French carmaker 
has a dedicated plant near Paris that 
remanufactures automotive engines, 
transmissions, injection pumps, and 
other components for resale. The plant’s 
operations use 80 per 
and almost 90 per cent 
compared with a comparable 
facility. The plant also 
operating margins. 
Global apparel retailer H&M encourages 
customers to bring in old clothes in 
exchange for discount vouchers. Most 
are dispatched to the global 
secondhand apparel market. The rest 
can be used as substitutes for virgin 
materials in other applications, such as 
cleaning cloths and textile yarns or to 
create damping and insulation materials 
for the auto or construction industries. 
When all other options are exhausted, 
the remaining textiles become fuel to 
produce electricity. 
Caterpillar anticipates remanufacturing 
needs when designing its products and 
then uses its dealer network and 
aftermarket service infrastructure to 
ensure that its components are returned 
at minimal cost. The Cat Reman business 
refurbishes and uses the parts in 
remanufacturing, with the resulting 
products sold on at a fraction of the price 
of new. The company moved 70,000 tons 
remanufactured products in 2010. 
results,” says Caterpillar, are 
productivity and lower costs”. 
remanufacturing op 
cent less energy, an 
less water, compare 
new production faci 
delivers higher oper 
of remanufa 
“The results 
Optimise resource effi ciency 
through system design of 
> Manufacturing 
> Retail sales channel 
> Supply chain 
Optimise resource effi ciency 
> Specifi cations 
> Material selection 
> Reduction of materials 
Optimise EoL treatment 
> Material selection 
> Component selection 
> Product modularity 
Optimise customer 
interaction through 
> New business models 
> Closer interaction 
with customer 
Optimise for effi ciency 
in use through 
> Material selection 
> Component selection 
> Technology/software usage 
Complement product w/ 
ancillary services 
that increase effi ciency 
Optimise collection 
infrastructure through 
increased collection rates 
> New business models 
> Value chain design & 
> Alignment of external 
infl uencers 
System Design 
Product Design 
Project MainStream is a collaboration 
led by the World Economic Forum, 
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and 
McKinsey & Company as knowledge 
partner. MainStream will accelerate 
the transition to the circular economy 
by taking CEO-led collaboration on 
carefully selected pressure points to a 
new level. This will unlock the 
stalemates that individual 
organisations cannot resolve, even 
when working with their own partners 
and supply chains. MainStream is now 
launching its fi rst three fl agship 
delivery projects – on plastic 
packaging (bringing together cities 
and large players in the consumer 
industries), paper eco-design 
(improving yields through better 
choice and use of inks and additives), 
and asset tracking (better end-of-use 
value recovery through knowledge 
of product whereabouts, ownership, 
and quality).
The circular economy benefi ts the 
environment, by reducing extraction 
and manufacturing emissions and 
moderating the consumption of natural 
resources. But for corporate leaders 
who need to satisfy investors and 
shareholders with tangible benefi ts, 
what does the circular economy have 
to offer? 
First, more effi cient energy and resource 
use translates directly into lower 
production and operational costs. On 
materials alone, McKinsey estimates that 
companies could save more than $1 trillion 
per year using circular economy principles. 
For example, P&G identifi es partners that 
can use its process waste and non-performing 
inventory. The strategy has 
created $1 billion in value over the last fi ve 
years and the consumer-goods giant has 
also achieved zero waste at 25 per cent of 
its manufacturing facilities. 
Second, the circular economy provides 
additional ways for companies to connect 
with their consumers and thus to build 
loyalty. Instead of selling a product, and 
not seeing the consumer until it is time to 
buy again, in the circular system there can 
be more (and more interesting) 
touchpoints. For instance, Philips is 
beginning to sell lighting as a service, 
not as a product. In some cities and 
institutions, customers pay for the light, 
and the fi rm does everything else, from 
installation to maintenance to recycling. 
It makes for a much stronger relationship 
than ringing up light bulbs at the cash 
register. Caterpillar’s programme allows 
it to make money on second-hand parts, 
so that it captures a bigger share of the 
total lifecycle. 
So that is the case, and it makes sense. 
But it has to be said that the circular 
economy is not exactly taking the 
business world by storm. 
Few companies have gone in this direction 
in a big way – and that is understandable, 
given the diffi culties of adapting business 
practices according to the four principles. 
Closing product and component loops is 
no easy task, despite attractive arbitrage 
opportunities. With dozens of 
components from dozens of suppliers 
(and even countries) embedded in a 
product, it can also be diffi cult to 
develop alternative supply chains. 
“A circular economy on a worldwide scale 
will require a lot of players to change 
simultaneously,” notes Philips CEO Frans 
van Houten, “and that’s a bit of a chicken-and- 
egg problem”. 
Moreover, the power of inertia should 
never be underestimated. Many aspects 
of business-as-usual refl ect decisions 
made long ago. The “take-make-and 
throw out” model of production has been 
familiar since the earliest days of the 
Industrial Revolution and companies have 
spent 150 years optimising their 
production, logistics, and marketing 
operations around it. 
Consumers have their own hard-to-break 
habits. For instance, most people 
evaluate the expense of products only at 
the point of sale, though that does not 
always make sense. The Ellen MacArthur 
Foundation has estimated that leasing 
high-end home washing machines would 
lower the cost of use for consumers by a 
third over fi ve years. Manufacturers 
would also earn more by leasing their 
fl eets of machines multiple times before 
refurbishment. But who thinks about 
renting a washing machine? 
Just because something is diffi cult, 
though, does not mean that it cannot, 
or should not, be done. Clearly, the era 
of low and falling resource costs is 
over. At the same time, the idea of 
sustainability is spreading. 
In the past, respondents most often cited 
cost cutting or reputation management 
as reasons for pursuing sustainability 
initiatives. That is changing. In a recent 
McKinsey survey, 43 per cent said their 
companies were trying to align 
sustainability with their overall business 
goals, mission, or values, up from 
21 per cent in 2010. Almost half of CEOs 
(49 per cent) said they considered 
sustainability a top-three priority, 
up from 34 per cent in 2010. 
As sustainability rises in signifi cance, 
capturing its full value grows more 
challenging. To do so, the four principles 
need to be ever more integrated into the 
core business, and this is not easy. There 
are, however, proven approaches and 
techniques. The larger point is that 
moving toward a circular economy can 
help forward-looking companies innovate 
and fi nd new paths to growth, while also 
laying the foundations for a new industrial 
era that benefi ts companies, economies, 
and the environment alike.
Assistant Dean, Peking University HSBC Business School 
Executive Chairman 
Ecological Development Union International 
With growing environmental and 
technological challenges, China has 
very clear reasons to search for a new 
model of economic development. But 
it’s not just about achieving the 
‘Chinese Dream’ in a new, more 
sustainable way, says Haifeng Huang 
of Peking University. China wants to be 
part of a global transition. 
The Industrial Revolution brought huge 
benefi ts to society, benefi ts that were felt 
throughout the twentieth century. But 
today the picture has changed. 
With many countries facing a growing 
income gap and wrestling with serious 
environmental problems, it is becoming 
increasingly clear that – as the Club of 
Rome’s book The Limits to Growth argues 
– our previous approach to economic 
development now has the power to 
destroy human life. We need to fi nd a new 
way to secure growth. 
It is in this context that the idea 
of a circular economy has emerged, 
and gained serious consideration 
across the world as a creative way 
to balance economic, environmental 
and social sustainability. 
Not surprisingly, the circular economy is 
being looked at carefully in China where 
industrialisation, urbanisation and 
modernisation are still in their early stages, 
and where it’s an increasingly tough task to 
strike a balance between stimulating 
growth, improving people’s livelihoods and 
protecting the environment. 
The government’s own strategic goals for 
2020 indicate why a shift to a circular 
economy holds so much appeal. 
Within that time, the Chinese economy is 
expected to reach RMB35–36 trillion, GDP 
per capita has been forecast to exceed 
RMB250,000, and the population is 
expected to grow to 1.4 billion, with 55 per 
cent of people living in cities and towns. 
However, in these forecasts, traditionally 
polluting industries still make up a large 
part of China’s industrial output. 
Clearly, if the country continues its 
traditional approach to economic 
development, the environment and 
society will not be able to bear the burden. 
And there are dangers for Chinese 
industry too, if things do not shift. Chinese 
enterprises lack advanced technology 
and market competitiveness, and as a 
result are about an eighth as effi cient as 
those in Japan and a fi fth as effi cient as 
their US competitors. If energy prices 
continue to rise sharply, or if global 
environmental regulation gets tighter, 
China, the so-called ‘factory of the world’, 
will face a series of signifi cant problems. 
To stimulate a healthier economy and 
tackle the growing logjam of 
environmental constraints, China is 
paying increasing attention to a circular 
economy and sustainable development to 
fi nd a new way to pursue the “Chinese 
Dream.” It is something you see at every 
level, from government to businesses, 
to individual consumers. 
First, the government is focusing more on 
the quality of economic development 
rather than, as in the past, its speed. The 
emphasis on economic development is 
also being transferred away from the 
heavy manufacturing industry, and more 
to the soft service industry. 
A high-effi ciency, low-emission energy 
system is being built, and the 
development of renewable energy 
sources, including hydropower, biomass, 
solar energy, geothermal, and ocean 
energy, are being sped up. Enterprises 
are also focusing on improving labour 
standards and testing new approaches 
to management. 
For the individual, lifestyle and 
consumption patterns are also changing. 
Environmental issues have become an 
increasingly important concern for 
informed consumers. For them, products 
labelled ‘circular’ have a growing appeal. 
In the past, a number of stumbling blocks 
have stood in the way of progress, and 
two of them relate to China’s relations 
with the rest of the world. 
Take technology transfer, for example. 
America has the world’s leading 
technology for controlling sulphur 
dioxide emissions. However, because of 
tariff barriers, US fi rms can only export 
the second best technology, not the best 
and most effi cient, to countries like 
China. The circumstance is the same 
when China brings its own products to 
international markets. 
Foreign investment in China is obviously 
welcome, but it can have negative 
impacts too. Investing in exporting old-fashioned 
products and processes to 
China and concentrating investment in 
environmentally unfriendly industries like 
textiles, chemicals, and electronic 
manufacturing, has played a big part in 
creating China’s current environmental 
and pollution problems. 
This has been an issue in the past but, 
thankfully, the dialogue between China 
and the rest of the world is changing. 
Nowadays, it tends to focus much more 
on green issues and on the circular 
economy. You can understand why. Mr. 
MA Jun, the chief economist of the 
Central Bank’s research bureau, predicts 
that China will have the demand for a 
staggering RMB2 trillion of green 
investment a year in the future. 
In July 2014, China staged its Eco Forum 
Global Conference with the theme of 
“Joining Hands, Leveraging Reforms to 
Bring Forth a New Era of Eco-civilization.” 
As China’s Prime Minister, LI Keqiang, 
stated, “Protecting the environment and 
stimulating green development requires 
the cooperation of the whole world”. 
Embracing a circular economy is a good 
way to promote mutual trust and 
business benefi ts between China and 
other countries. 
China has made its position clear. It is 
ready to play a big role in developing a 
circular economy – not only at home, 
but across the world. 
Specifi cally, the government is trying to stimulate 
green and circular development in nine ways: 
Establishing a ‘green bank’, using green bonds 
as the major fi nancing mechanism 
Completing the fi scal interest rate mechanism 
to encourage green debt 
Banks and rating agencies are introducing more 
indices on environmental risk and building up a 
green credit system 
An environmental measurement system, based 
on natural capital liabilities, is being created 
A pilot mandatory green insurance plan has 
been launched 
Listed companies are being encouraged to disclose 
important environmental information 
A network of green investors is being established 
A carbon trading market is being developed 
Consumers are getting much better information 
to help them choose green products. 
Robert Metzke tells Jim Peacock why and how Philips 
has embraced circular economy thinking as its 
strategic guiding light. Short-term pressures might 
stop other companies following suit, but there is a 
real danger they will cease to exist if they fail to 
adapt to a more sustainable model. 
JP: How did circular economy thinking 
come into being at Philips? 
RM: It emerged as part of our EcoVision5 
programme. We understood from life-cycle 
analysis that the impact of our 
products and services on society and the 
environment is orders of magnitude 
bigger than the impact that we have 
within our own factories. 
When you think about sustainable 
development in a nutshell, it is really 
about providing more people with better 
opportunities, whilst meeting the 
boundary conditions for environmental 
sustainability. We just have this one 
planet for all the nine billion people that 
will be living here in 2050. If you zoom in a 
bit and try to understand some key drivers 
behind this, you very quickly get to 
econometrics that measure quality of life. 
As a leading company in health and 
wellbeing, Philips can make a signifi cant 
contribution in the fi eld of access to 
health care. But on the environmental 
axis, the biggest two components are 
energy use and material resources. 
Now, energy use is something Philips has 
been addressing for decades, pioneering 
in the fi eld of energy effi cient lighting, for 
instance – leading the LED revolution. But 
trying to understand the importance of 
closed material loops was the next logical 
step for Philips – it was the missing piece 
needing to be put in place. 
And that is what we sought to address 
with EcoVision5, by doubling the amount 
of recycled materials in our products and 
doubling the amount of recycled products 
themselves. Formulating that into a 
specifi c programme around the circular 
economy is just the next logical step – as 
well as asking: how can this help us to 
drive business, reinvent our business 
models, and make it attractive for our 
customers and suppliers to support and 
participate in it? 
Senior Director of Group 
Strategy and Alliances, Philips 
Director, Consultancy and Communications 
Salterbaxter MSLGROUP
JP: What did you do to bring the rest of 
the business on board? Was it a pure 
business case argument? Or was it 
about connecting it to improving the 
lives of three billion people? 
RM: It was a bit of both. We started with 
the megatrends and the strategy piece to 
understand what is relevant to us. We 
were in discussion with our supply chain 
experts to understand resource security 
for example. The interesting thing is that 
everything points in the same direction 
and leads to the same conclusion. 
The other discussion was: what really 
has the biggest impact on people in the 
world, on our customers? That was linked 
to our vision to improve the lives of three 
billion people, so we had to dig into what 
ways we can have an infl uence on 
improving lives. 
And of course we were looking into new 
business opportunities. The early works 
published by the Ellen MacArthur 
Foundation and McKinsey really helped 
to kick-start our thinking; we just put it 
on the agenda for internal meetings – to 
discuss what it all means for Philips. 
We tried to quantify it, using individuals 
from various markets to translate the 
thinking for the regions, to make the 
overall business case for a change in 
thinking for Philips. 
JP: What’s been behind the recent rise to 
prominence of the circular economy? 
RM: One factor is the ‘perfect vortex’ in 
terms of societal interest. There is a huge 
societal interest in environmental issues, 
and the debate about climate has 
broadened signifi cantly. Also the 
perception of what to expect from whom 
has shifted: should we wait for 
government to defi ne new rules of the 
game? What is the role of companies? 
What can you expect from good 
corporate citizens? 
This thinking is changing. 
Part of it is becoming mainstream 
thinking amongst strategists and 
economists. On all sides it is coming out 
of the niche. 
JP: So what role have Ellen MacArthur 
and McKinsey played in driving this into 
the line of fi re for business? 
RM: I would not underestimate the role 
they’ve played. It has been stunning and 
successful. The trends are there, the 
insights are there, but they created a 
platform to exchange thinking around it 
and to bundle the forces, and that was 
very useful. 
Ellen MacArthur has determination and 
an all-encompassing vision that enables 
people to join and to build on it. But the 
partnership with McKinsey – translating 
the thinking into language specifi cally 
understandable for business – was 
hugely important too. 
JP: What are the barriers to its adoption? 
RM: I don’t think it can be stopped. 
Companies that don’t get it will put 
themselves at a signifi cant strategic 
disadvantage and may eventually cease 
to exist. So eventually it will spread, and 
the question perhaps is whether there 
are accelerators that will help us to get 
through this transition more quickly and 
without the huge supply disruptions 
that might happen if we run out of 
precious materials. 
JP: Is short-termism a threat? 
RM: There is enough distraction in the 
short term to duck the issues for a while 
and not do the right thing; everybody 
knows this. 
But it will catch up. Investors are 
becoming more interested in the role of a 
good sustainability strategy on driving 
shareholder value. They are increasingly 
learning what the impact is on stock 
markets. This will enable them to ask the 
right questions at shareholder meetings 
to trigger action in businesses that have 
not yet engaged. 
The rest comes back to execution. Every 
company should have a ‘north star’ – 
where you want to go, who you want to 
be in 5, 10, 20 years. And then you have 
to back-cast it and make it part of your 
strategic planning cycle, and eventually 
it can be broken down into very 
operational stuff that can be managed 
quarter to quarter. 
JP: What would be your advice for 
organisations looking to adopt circular 
economy thinking? 
RM: I would urge them to think about what 
their company is all about: where they 
really can make a difference and what 
they want to achieve. Then explore the link 
between this and circular economies. If 
you can link it to your core strategies, to 
your reason for being, then you tap into 
the intrinsic motivation of your people. 
You make it strategically relevant, and it 
creates a lot of energy and direction. 
5, 10, 20 YEARS.”
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Net Positive asserts that the 
ambition of many businesses to ‘do 
less harm’ is simply not enough to 
effectively tackle the social, 
environmental and economic 
challenges we face. Companies 
therefore have a duty to go beyond 
‘zero harm’ and deliver a ‘Net 
Positive’ impact to society that 
leaves the world better off than 
they found it. 
• The Net Positive Group, made up of 
Forum for the Future, WWF, and The 
Climate Group, was established in 
2013 to crystallise the net positive 
intentions announced by several 
fl agship brands 
• Key players include IKEA, Kingfi sher, 
SKF, Capgemini, Coca-Cola 
Enterprises, The Crown Estate and BT.
Zoe Le Grand invites you to imagine 
what your business would look like if 
the net effect of its existence were 
positive – in the widest sense. More and 
more businesses are taking this “Net 
Positive” approach, but the window of 
opportunity to create a more equal and 
sustainable future is closing. 
Imagine a world where businesses exist 
for three main purposes: to deliver social 
value to customers and society, to restore 
the natural environment and to deliver 
healthy profi ts to their shareholders. 
It’s a world where businesses replant and 
replenish the land, use their buildings to 
generate clean and green energy and help 
their customers to do the same. A world 
where they provide fulfi lling, well-paid 
jobs and apprenticeships, and help 
communities to gain skills. And one where 
they work with their clients and supply 
chain partners on amazing new 
innovations which not only make people’s 
lives easier, without damaging 
the environment, but also provide 
their shareholders with healthy, 
long-term returns. 
Some sustainability leaders have called 
this approach: “Net Positive”. It’s a step 
change beyond more conventional 
approaches to sustainability and for 
those companies slogging their way 
towards targets that start with a zero – 
zero carbon, zero waste – becoming Net 
Positive can sound like a tall order. 
Principal Sustainability Advisor 
Forum for the Future 
If you’re Kingfi sher and you’re reliant on a 
product like timber to make 40 per cent 
of your products, you need to be sure 
that the supply of timber doesn’t run out. 
So you don’t just need to reduce the 
trees you cut down, you need to actively 
plant more. 
Ikea have chosen to focus on greening 
their own, and their customers’, energy 
supplies. By selling more effi cient 
electrical products and even solar 
panels, they can expand market share 
whilst reducing carbon emissions for 
them and their customers. 
Being Net Positive goes beyond 
mitigating risk and making incremental 
improvements. It encourages companies 
to get innovative with their products 
and services and enter new partnerships 
and markets. 
So what does Net Positive really mean? 
Why should your business adopt this 
approach? Where should you start? 
The foundations that businesses rely 
upon – raw materials, supply chains and a 
supportive civil society – are being 
eroded. To survive in the long term, 
businesses need to work harder to shore 
up those foundations. 
Aiming to minimise harm or to have zero 
impact won’t be enough. Businesses 
need to reach further, become active 
contributors to the environment and 
society, and move from just minimising 
the harm they do towards a position 
where the “net” effect of their existence 
is “positive”. 
Many companies may feel they make 
enough of a contribution to society 
through their tax contributions and the 
jobs they provide. But being Net Positive 
means taking this even further and in 
doing so securing benefi ts for both 
society and the business itself. 
Together with The Climate Group and WWF, we brought together 
an exciting new partnership of businesses keen to make this a reality 
– the Net Positive group. The group includes Ikea, Kingfi sher, SKF, Capgemini, 
Coca-Cola Enterprises, The Crown Estate and BT. Together we’ve identifi ed a set 
of key principles that characterise a Net Positive approach and provide a simple 
framework to help develop a new strategy or test an existing one. The full list is 
in the Net Positive Group report – but here are a few of the main ones: 
The fi rst step is to look right along the 
value chain and fi nd out where your 
biggest material impacts are, including 
the areas which have the biggest impact 
on your business, and those that your 
business has the biggest infl uence over. 
BT, for example, realised it could reduce 
the amount of carbon emissions created 
by its customers. By innovating products, 
such as home hubs, and delivering 
tele-conferencing and other services 
to reduce customer travel, BT managed 
to cut carbon while growing its business. 
Good news all round. 
Becoming Net Positive brings signifi cant 
measurement challenges. How do you 
demonstrate that your contribution is 
really additive? No company can measure 
everything down to the nearest decimal 
point. So it’s critical to be clear about 
where you draw your boundaries and 
report in a transparent, consistent and 
authentic way. If you have to make trade-offs, 
be clear about where and why. The 
Net Positive group will be working this 
year to make measurement of Net 
Positive impacts easier. Watch this space! 
Becoming Net Positive requires 
companies to think bigger and to enter 
into new partnerships and networks to 
create wider positive impacts than would 
be achievable alone. For instance, The 
Crown Estate is working with farming 
tenants to investigate new and improved 
methods of food production. 
A Net Positive impact can’t be achieved 
by business as usual. Indeed, for some, 
it challenges their very business model. 
Kingfi sher is trying to move beyond the 
“selling more stuff to more people” 
model by experimenting with small-scale, 
rental models that provide access 
to all the tools customers need for a job 
without having to buy new products. It 
also provides online tutorials to improve 
customers’ skills.
A Net Positive approach challenges 
business to work in new ways. For 
instance, the only way Coca-Cola 
Enterprises could recycle more packaging 
than it uses was to establish JV 
businesses in France and the UK to 
transform the PET recycling 
infrastructure for the benefi t of the wider 
community. Where communities will be 
affected, work with them to create a 
positive impact for you and for them. 
The regulatory landscape may not be 
designed to support the level of 
innovation that a Net Positive approach 
requires. You will need to work with 
policymakers and lobby for change. 
Some things can’t be replaced. A new 
pine forest won’t make up for the 
destruction of ancient woodlands. Net 
Positive results in one area will never 
compensate for irreplaceable natural 
losses, or ill treatment of individuals 
and communities, somewhere else. 
Proving you’ve got this balance right can 
be tricky – and that’s why the Net 
Positive group will be looking at this in 
more detail this year. 
Some cynics believe that being Net 
Positive in some areas could make up for 
bad practice elsewhere. Don’t use it as a 
smoke screen. Being Net Positive means 
that you also demonstrate a good level of 
corporate responsibility across the 
board, in line with internationally 
recognised guidelines. 
More and more companies are making 
Net Positive commitments. 
Manufacturers such as SKF are 
committing to going “Beyond Zero”. Velvet 
toilet tissue has promised to “put more 
trees in the world”. And it’s not just the 
private sector; public organisations are 
stepping up as well. Greater Manchester 
Fire and Rescue service, for instance, has 
committed to being carbon positive by 
focusing on preventing fi res as well as 
putting them out. It is also using fi re 
stations to generate clean, green energy, 
reducing carbon and saving taxpayers’ 
money too. 
But our window of opportunity to create a 
more equal and sustainable future is 
closing. It’s time for businesses to make a 
positive contribution to the environment 
and society as well as to the bottom line. 
It won’t be easy, and there may be some 
mistakes made along the way, but if you 
want your business to survive for the long 
term the time to act is now. 
Net Positive Group members
Guest Lecturer at the University of Cambridge Institute 
for Sustainable Leadership (CISL) and 
Non-Executive Director at Newform Energy 
Jae Mather looks at one company’s 
experience of putting a Net Positive 
approach at the heart of its business 
strategy. Kingfi sher is not only 
prepared to experiment boldly, he says, 
but also to learn from the mistakes that 
inevitably come with being a pioneer. 
For many years, zero carbon – having no 
impact on the environment – has been the 
goal of forward thinking organisations. 
But, in reality, zero isn’t enough for those 
companies that are right out in front in 
terms of sustainability. Increasingly they 
see the need not only to tackle their own 
impacts, but also impacts that would, in 
the past, have been seen as outside their 
direct control. 
Kingfi sher – whose interests include 
B&Q, Castorama, BricoDépôt, Screwfi x 
and Koctas – falls into this more ambitious 
category. It has embraced Net Positive so 
that a restorative approach to operating 
sits at the centre of how it does business. 
> Have a positive impact on 
people and communities 
> Be restorative to the environment 
> Become carbon positive 
> Waste nothing 
> Create wealth and grow 
This transition – from business as it was 
to business as it will be – will lead to large-scale 
transformations across most areas 
of the business, from redesigning its stores 
and buildings to changing the products 
and services it offers to customers. 
But why embark on such a journey? 
It comes from a powerful realisation 
that global macro trends are all leading 
to an increasingly challenging business 
environment for a company of its kind, 
where pressure on natural resources, and 
the impact of growing populations and 
climate change all mean that continuing 
with a strategy of “business as usual” is, 
simply, not viable. 
In order to maintain growth and reduce 
businesses exposure to resource 
limitations and increasing price volatility 
in global supply chains, Kingfi sher has 
decided it needs to completely re-evaluate 
and re-design its existing business model. 
Simply put, it has transformed a basic 
business strategy into a much broader 
sustainability strategy. 
Take timber, for example. It was identifi ed 
that timber is used in up to 40 per cent of 
its products. Expected price rises of up to 
75 per cent and supply shortages of up to 
30 per cent are anticipated by as early as 
2020. With global forest cover steadily 
reducing year on year, it became readily 
apparent that this reliance on timber is 
unsustainable, not only for Kingfi sher itself 
but also for the global community. So it has 
decided that, to protect timber resources, it 
needs to go far beyond just replacing what 
it uses to becoming a Net Positive producer 
of timber. 
The lofty aim is that a Net Positive 
threshold is achieved by 2021. This 
will be hugely challenging and equally 
rewarding and an example of the kind 
of champion leadership that is so very 
needed in our world. 
The fi rst year’s 2013/14 Net Positive Report 
begins with a quote from group CEO, Sir Ian 
Cheshire: “What we’ve learnt in our fi rst 
year is that our challenge is the right one, 
but that business ‘unusual’ isn’t easy”. 
What I like the most about Kingfi sher’s Net 
Positive model is that it recognises that 
mistakes will be made; there will be failures 
– and that this is OK. 
In fact, not only is failure OK, it is to be 
embraced and welcomed. We have for 
many years been used to living within 
social, educational, business and political 
systems built on the idea that failure is 
something that should be avoided at all 
costs. In reality, taking risks and being brave 
enough to fail is an essential part of 
learning, growing and evolving. 
The Chinese character for “threat” is a 
combination of the characters for “danger” 
and “opportunity”. Net Positive embraces 
this type of thinking. 
There will be many climate change 
billionaires in the world in the years 
to come. 
Those business leaders who understand 
the need to embrace circular business 
models and Net Positive thinking will 
reduce exposure to the risks that lie ahead. 
But they will also build a valuable 
new business model – one offering 
huge material, reputational and 
fi nancial benefi ts. 
TO GO... 
Here’s how the timber strategy fi ts 
alongside the company’s other Net 
Positive goals, in terms of overall vision, 
aspiration and concrete targets: 
To achieve a global net reforestation 
To create more forest than is used 
2020 target 
To achieve 100 per cent 
responsibly sourced timber 
and paper in all operations 
All homes are zero carbon or net 
generators of energy 
Every store and customer’s home 
is zero carbon or generates more 
energy than it consumes 
2020 targets 
To achieve energy savings of 37TWh for 
customers and 45 per cent reduction 
in energy intensity of own properties 
Creating and using products 
wastes nothing 
Every product will enable a 
more sustainable and ultimately 
Net Positive lifestyle 
2020 target 
To achieve 1,000 products with 
closed-loop credentials 
Businesses help people to help 
each other 
Every store and location supports 
projects that build local communities 
or equip people with skills 
2020 target 
To achieve 4,000 community projects 
completed by internal people that 
deliver “Better Homes, Better Lives” 
Environmental profi t & loss 
(EP&L) accounting puts a 
fi nancial value on the 
environmental impacts across 
the entirety of a company’s value 
chain. This approach not only 
gives complex environmental 
metrics greater resonance by 
translating them into the core 
language of business – fi nance – 
but also provides a measure that 
enables companies to better assess 
and manage risks and 
• Introduced by Jochen Zeitz, then-CEO 
of PUMA, in 2009 
• PUMA conducted fi rst ever EP&L 
assessment in 2011 
• Novo Nordisk became the fi rst 
pharmaceutical company in the world 
to conduct an EP&L account in 2014 
• Kering has committed to rolling out the 
EP&L assessment across its brands 
(including Gucci, Stella McCartney, 
Yves Saint Laurent, and Volcom) by 2015.
It takes both hard work and a 
pioneering spirit to become known as 
one of the greenest companies in the 
world1. Here, Michael Beutler, Director 
of Operations in Kering’s Sustainability 
Department, talks to Annie Lancaster 
about how the company’s commitment 
to rolling out an Environmental 
Profi t and Loss assessment across 
their brands is paving the way for a 
standardised measurement tool that 
benefi ts everyone. 
AL: How would you sum up the EP&L 
in simple terms? 
MB: It’s a way to understand your 
environmental footprint going all the way 
back to the raw material level, and putting 
a value on it so you can understand the 
differences between what resources you 
use, and what kind of impact that has on 
AL: Tell me about how the EP&L came 
into being. 
MB: The initial concept – from then CEO of 
PUMA, Jochen Zeitz – was created by 
Kering and PUMA in 2010 and the fi rst-ever 
EP&L was published in 2011. 
And our leadership took that initial 
analysis and decided to turn it into an 
integral part of how we work with all our 
brands on sustainability: how we 
understand our supply chain, our 
processes, our suppliers, and the impacts 
of all our activities. 
AL: Was it challenging to get the buy-in 
needed across Kering’s stakeholders 
to start the process? 
MB: Once François-Henri Pinault decided 
we were going to do an EP&L, there wasn’t 
any pushback from the individual brands. 
It makes sense. 
But the level of engagement we’ve had 
across the business has been fantastic. 
AL: And why do you think engagement 
was so good? 
MB: Firstly, there’s a lot of business value 
in mapping and understanding the 
supply chain. 
Secondly, from a sustainability 
standpoint, I think everyone saw that 
the EP&L represented the next frontier – 
a quantum leap forwards. In the sense 
that traditional environmental reporting 
is one dimensional, an EP&L is a three-dimensional 
AL: Presumably it comes with a 
corresponding leap in the amount of 
effort or work that goes into conducting 
something like this. 
MB: In the beginning, when we were 
mapping processes and categorising 
inventory and our suppliers, yes. 
But we’ve completed EP&L reports for 
about 73 per cent of the Group thus far, 
and in the process we’re becoming more 
and more effi cient. 
It has taken a lot of dedication to 
streamline the process – across the 
business but particularly from our 
sustainability team – but our level of 
effort per EP&L now is probably one-tenth 
of what it was when we fi rst started. 
AL: The EP&L is primarily a 
measurement tool; the obvious question 
it throws up is, having understood your 
environmental footprints, what next? 
MB: We take the results and we work with 
our brands to identify opportunities to 
reduce them. We also have a roadmap of 
projects that align into our 2015 targets, 
and they all link up – we can calculate the 
savings each would generate from an 
EP&L perspective. So it helps us to 
evaluate where we can have the 
maximum impact. 
AL: Have there already been benefi ts 
from its implementation? 
MB: Yes defi nitely. We’ve created many 
initiatives – both public and internal – 
that are driven by reducing the impacts 
we’ve discovered through the EP&L, for 
example metal-free tanning, or sourcing 
strategies for some of our key materials. 
It’s not just environmental sustainability – 
it’s also about long-term viability. In terms 
of supply chain security, the EP&L tells us 
where we can fi nd sources that are more 
reliable for our business to plan around. 
Social issues also come to the fore, 
such as local livelihoods. On sourcing 
particularly, we’ve defi nitely identifi ed 
issues that we can scale into really 
signifi cant impacts in the long run. 
AL: As you mention, it’s not only about 
the environmental impact. Is a Social 
Profi t and Loss on the cards for Kering? 
MB: We’re doing something far more 
extensive than any other company with 
the EP&L – in terms of methodology, 
depth of analysis, and across all of our 
business units. 
Sustainability Operations Director 
Senior Consultant 
Salterbaxter MSLGROUP 
1 Newsweek, 06/05/2014
So while there’s a lot of value in 
something like the SP&L, having 
pioneered the EP&L it’s incumbent on us 
to see it through, so it’s not just an 
innovative new methodology, but also an 
effective tool that is understood across 
the board in terms of its importance from 
a business standpoint. 
AL: So to what extent would you call 
the EP&L a sustainability tool, vs. 
a strategic business tool? 
MB: It’s really both. Every business that 
makes something is depleting natural 
capital. If you don’t understand how you’re 
using natural capital – what the risks are, 
the stress points, and the potential for 
doing it more effi ciently and in a way that 
is less impactful – there’s a whole aspect 
of your business risk that you just don’t 
understand. And that means your future 
viability and your future strategy can’t be 
well informed. 
AL: You’re very much a pioneer of this 
tool; have you seen a lot of interest from 
other organisations wanting to run 
EP&Ls of their own? 
MB: There’s been a lot of interest. That’s 
why we’re working to make a more 
standardised EP&L that is comparative 
across companies and industries. A 
fi nancial statement is a fi nancial 
statement, but right now in sustainability 
reporting, even EP&Ls may not be 
comparable across companies. So it’s 
very important for us that we collaborate 
with other businesses in the hope that it 
becomes standardised. 
We’re not working on the EP&L for 
competitive advantage for us; in the long 
run it’s to benefi t everyone. 
AL: By its nature, an EP&L is about 
increased transparency and could 
potentially expose you to critical voices. 
Have you felt that? 
MB: There are risks to transparency. 
Some companies believe that an EP&L 
account could open them up to criticism 
from their shareholders or even to 
But on the fl ip side, if you’re not 
transparent, you’re not meeting your 
fi duciary duty. 
We’ve had nothing but enthusiasm as a 
result of the EP&L, but of course 
different industries have different 
perspectives and issues to wrestle with, 
that might make the level of exposure 
associated with conducting an EP&L 
publicly feel less comfortable. 
AL: Do you think the concept of an 
EP&L arose as a result of something 
specifi c within Kering, or could it have 
happened anywhere? 
MB: It could have happened anywhere. 
We happened to have a leader, fi rst in 
Jochen Zeitz who had the vision and came 
up with the concept, and then with 
François-Henri Pinault who saw how it 
could be taken to the next level. So we 
had the leadership. I think someone 
would have done it eventually, but like 
anything new and innovative someone 
had to do it initially. 
AL: Where do you see the EP&L going in 
the next 10 or 20 years? 
MB: I hope to see it standardized; scaled 
across our industry and other industries; 
and standing next to fi nancial reporting 
as a deeper understanding of a 
company’s risk and opportunities. 
If their sourcing and supply chain isn’t 
healthy – then the company isn’t healthy. 
So it could go in two directions. As an 
internal tool, much like management 
accounting; or externally, integrated 
into fi nancial performance as a broader 
indicator of a company’s health.
Vice President, Corporate 
Novo Nordisk 
AL: Tell me about how the EP&L fi ts 
within Novo Nordisk’s broader 
SS: For more than 25 years our approach 
to sustainability has been built on the 
philosophy of the Triple Bottom Line. 
This gives us a 360° lens on how we 
make decisions: we consider the 
potential implications for the 
environment and for society, as well 
as the fi nancial dimension. 
This way we are able to make more 
balanced choices; by recognising their 
implications, we can take action to 
mitigate any potentially negative impacts. 
On the social side, it is possible for 
companies to have a net positive 
contribution. In the case of Novo Nordisk, 
we benefi t patients through the products 
that we provide; we can develop the skills 
of our employees so we have a positive 
social dimension there. If we were to do a 
social P&L it would most likely be a 
positive one. 
But on the environmental side there is a 
cost. We need to understand that cost, 
and recognise that if you consider the 
externalities, some of these costs are not 
currently priced adequately. 
The link to the EP&L is clear. By default 
any company using resources to 
produce its materials has a negative 
environmental footprint. So how can 
we reduce that negative footprint? 
That is what we’re trying to answer 
with the EP&L. 
AL: And what have you learned through 
this approach? 
SS: Inspired by Puma’s activities, the 
Danish Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) wanted to look into whether it would 
be possible to do an EP&L for a company 
such as Novo Nordisk. 
So we agreed to be a pilot, working both 
with the EPA and Trucost. Over several 
years we’ve been reporting on our 
environmental performance, but we 
wanted to go further – to take a value 
chain approach. So we looked into our 
supply chain, going several steps deeper 
than our standard reporting. 
What we learned when we added it all up 
was that of the total cost of our 
environmental impact, about 87 per cent, 
is generated through our supply chain. 
Only the remaining 13 per cent happens 
within the company’s own operations. 
AL: Having understood that the majority 
of environmental impacts are happening 
outside of your direct control, what 
steps are you now taking to mitigate 
your impact? 
SS: This is where it ties in with our ongoing 
sustainability initiatives. For over a 
decade we’ve been managing our 
supply chain on the basis of responsible 
sourcing – asking our suppliers to meet 
certain standards and requirements. 
Now we’re seeking to understand what 
kinds of suppliers generate the biggest 
environmental impacts, and what we 
can do about it. 
We are working with our suppliers to help 
them be more sustainable. We’ve found 
that our suppliers are keen – they see the 
benefi t. And it translates into a better 
fi nancial bottom line because it can be 
tied to energy savings, or conversion to 
renewable energy, or smarter processes 
in so many ways. 
AL: As the fi rst pharmaceutical 
company in the world to run an EP&L 
account, have you experienced 
challenges in being the front runner? 
SS: I think any innovation initiative such as 
this will have challenges. 
One we’ve faced is a practical one – how 
do you fi nd the data for a robust analysis? 
As a science-led company we are 
generally quite data-driven in our 
approach, and the fact that we’ve been 
Novo Nordisk has been called the ‘world’s most sustainable 
corporation’1. Here, Susanne Stormer – Vice President, Corporate 
Sustainability – describes to Annie Lancaster how measuring the 
company’s EP&L is just one strand of a corporate philosophy that 
balances economic, social, and environmental perspectives. 
1 Corporate Knights, 2012 
Senior Consultant 
Salterbaxter MSLGROUP 
working with data reporting on our 
environmental and social performance for 
many years has facilitated that process, 
but clearly Trucost needed to go into lots 
of what you might call ‘sensitive data’ – 
for instance data relating to fi nancial 
interactions with suppliers – so it requires 
a large degree of trust in your partners. 
Another challenge, having understood the 
data, is what are you going to do about it. 
If you’re just going to say ‘oh, that’s 
interesting…’ it’s a pointless exercise. 
A third challenge is how to translate 
the impact into a value in a monetary 
sense. We don’t have a currency for these 
things; the closest we get is with carbon, 
because there is a price on carbon. When 
it comes to something like water – how do 
you put a real cost on the availability of 
fresh water? 
AL: Given these challenges, was it 
diffi cult to convince the whole company 
that an EP&L assessment was the right 
road to go down? 
SS: When reaching out internally in order 
to compile the data needed, we were 
aware that we were asking people to lot of extra work on top of their already 
busy schedules. When you are persuading 
people to go out of their way to dig out 
data, they have to appreciate the 
reasoning behind it. 
Here, again, we benefi ted from the fact 
that we have been working with 
responsible sourcing and data analysis 
for many years. As a result of our Triple 
Bottom Line philosophy, there is an 
understanding within the company of importance and value of sustainability. 
Nevertheless, you need to be able to 
rely on good working relationships, 
not just with external partners but 
with colleagues. 
A lesson we’ve learned is that while you 
can push your way through an 
organisation to get the information or 
results you want, if you are unable to 
convince internal partners that it is 
meaningful and value-creating for them, 
you’ll have a very hard time. 
AL: Having gone through that process, 
do you feel the EP&L assessment has 
generated real value? 
SS: It certainly reveals perspectives that 
we previously may not have thought 
about. For years we’ve been working at 
reducing our environmental impact, so we 
have a pretty good idea about how that 
impact is split out amongst our own 
operations. But looking at carbon 
emissions as an example, we began by 
focusing on the emissions generated from 
production, which was the immediate 
largest impact, and then worked our way 
into managing emissions from 
transportation of products and people. 
Now we can see that production, and 
indeed the direct impacts of our activities, 
is actually only a small contributor to total 
carbon emissions – with the majority 
coming from other parts of the supply 
chain. That kind of information is a real 
eye-opener, and facilitates conversations 
AL: The EP&L remains a somewhat 
‘niche’ measurement & reporting tool at 
current; do you think we will see a 
broader uptake in the future? 
SS: The expectation is defi nitely growing 
for companies to be accountable for their 
performance throughout their value 
chain. In that regard the EP&L is most 
likely the best method. But then again, 
it’s only one dimension – looking at 
environmental performance. 
What would be more benefi cial 
would be to be able to also look at the 
social and economic dimension of a 
company’s contribution. 
AL: And that ties into some of the other 
approaches we’re looking at in 
Directions – such as Net Positive. 
SS: Novo Nordisk hasn’t made a formal 
commitment to being Net Positive the 
way some other companies have, but 
that is exactly what we are trying to 
achieve with the Triple Bottom Line: 
our impact should be a net positive one. 
If it weren’t, the world would be better 
off if we weren’t here. 
By implication I would say that every 
company should be able to say its 
contribution to global society is a net 
positive one. Otherwise we are in 
big trouble! 
do a 
about what we can do across all the 
functions of the business – from offi ces 
all the way through to the selection of 
materials or processes. It becomes a 
much richer and more nuanced 
discussion than it would be were you 
just looking at your impact from a 
‘helicopter’ perspective. 
At the heart of the shared value concept is the idea that the future success 
and competitiveness of businesses is directly linked to health of the 
communities within which they operate. By working to tackle the big 
issues faced by society, whether economic, environmental or social, 
companies will generate economic value through new innovations, 
access to new markets and by creating business models that foster 
long-term sustainable growth. 
• Concept fi rst introduced by Mark Kramer and Michael Porter in The Harvard 
Business Review in 2006 
• The Shared Value Initiative – seeking to enhance knowledge-sharing and 
Shared Value best practice – founded in 2012 by Kramer & Porter and FSG 
• Key players include Nestlé, General Electric, Walmart and Dow AgroSciences.
Managing Director 
Marc Pfi tzer charts the emergence of 
Shared Value as a driving force for 
innovation and growth in companies 
determined to create both social and 
economic value. Like other new 
approaches to sustainability, it is 
fi lling in huge gaps left by earlier 
experiments with philanthropy and 
CSR – but is still in its infancy and its 
potential is vast. 
For well over a decade, we’ve searched 
systematically for practices that lead to 
extraordinary social impact. Our journey 
with Shared Value started with the same 
idea: what were companies doing that 
truly changed the world? 1 
Back then, the emphasis was on 
mitigating the negatives. We loved the 
principles, but questioned the results. 
‘Tick box CSR’ had pushed companies into 
a multitude of efforts in areas of concern 
to all. But were emission reductions, 
water saving efforts, or human rights 
standards truly making a difference to 
climate change, water basins or working 
Meanwhile, some truly impressive 
outcomes did begin to stare us in the face. 
India’s Jain Irrigation wasn’t trying to save 
water in manufacturing; it was growing 
the world’s largest drip irrigation 
business. Toyota didn’t focus on factory 
emissions, but led the way in developing 
clean mobility solutions. 
Here were truly world-changing 
developments, promising a thousand 
times more potential. Unmet needs were 
the target for product innovation, profi ts 
enabled reinvestment and – once again 
– impact was scaled up. 
But it all started with investigating other, 
ultimately disappointing approaches. Our 
deep dive into corporate philanthropy in 
2002, for instance, left us unimpressed. 
Guided by notions of moral obligations, 
investments were diluted. We saw many 
heartfelt projects which had little impact. 
There were exceptions, of course. Cisco, 
with its Network Academies, was on its 
way to training four million young people 
in ICT around the world because it 
powered the global adoption of its 
technologies. Nestlé’s vast agricultural 
development programmes similarly 
enabled it to localise and expand its dairy 
or coffee businesses. Social constraints 
to growth were the target, changing 
conditions unlocked new business 
prospects, impact was increased in scale. 
Then we turned to the sustainability and 
CSR movements. 
1 See : “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review Dec 2002; “Strategy & Society; “The Link 
Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review, Dec 2006; “Creating Shared 
Value: How to Reinvent Capitalism and Unleash a Wave of Innovation and Growth” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review, Jan 2011. 
Shared Value gives the competitive leader 
a language for adopting purpose-based 
strategies, as well as concrete guidance 
on how to turn on the social innovation 
engine in their companies.4 
Shared Value is positive – it moves the 
rationale for investing in society from a 
licence to a reason to operate. Purpose is 
immensely powerful: it channels 
resources to the right kind of ideas and 
partners, and it puts fi re in the 
organisation and in people’s hearts. 
Shared Value is bringing the best talent 
back into business or into partnership 
with business. 
And it is comprehensive: based in the 
interdependence between business and 
society, it acknowledges remaining areas 
of trade-off while opening the possibility 
for breaking these through innovation. 
A measure of its comprehensiveness is its 
consistency with the related movements 
featured in this report. The EP&L and 
SP&L movements focus on trade-offs and 
seek to apply a price to externalities. 
Companies internalising such 
environmental and social costs will fi nd a 
way to innovate out of them, and that will 
create Shared Value. 
Shared Value had crystallised. Companies 
that changed the world found ways to 
create social and economic value 
simultaneously. By 2011, we were no 
longer looking at marginal initiatives but 
‘Shared Value companies,’ who defi ned 
their purpose around social progress, 
powered by strong economics. 
We sharpened our understanding of the 
linkage between society and business, 
and helped codify how Shared Value is 
created (through products, value chain 
reconfi guration, and investments in the 
enabling environment). We understood 
the enormous potential here: solving 
social problems profi tably meant 
solutions would not be limited by scarce 
public or non-profi t budgets. 
Yet we also grasped that profi ts are not all 
equal. Those that advance society create 
the conditions for future growth. Profi t is 
not the problem, but the nature of profi t 
matters immensely. 
Shared Value practices are spreading 
throughout the world in name or form. 
A million viewers have followed Michael 
Porter’s TED talk, thousands of corporate 
and cross-sector members have joined 
the Shared Value Initiative, hundreds of 
companies contribute to the annual 
Shared Value summit, dozens of fi rms 
(some trained by us) in every continent are 
consulting on Shared Value across the 
world: why? 
Well, because many now understand 
that simply managing the footprint is 
not enough. 
Shared Value does sit on the shoulders of 
the sustainability and CSR giants, and the 
mitigation work is far from over. But it is 
not suffi cient. 
For two decades now, a multitude of 
companies has scored high on CSR 
ratings. And yet simultaneously, trust in 
business has crashed and a Living Planet 
Index has worsened year-on-year. 
Where Shared Value is different is in the 
fact that it gives the moral leader a new 
set of tools so that their best work on 
footprint management is just the 
foundation of a whole new world of impact 
and value creation. 
Another reality is that our social defi cits 
are hurting companies. Mining companies 
have seen a ten-fold increase in 
community confl icts in the last decade, 
and over two-thirds of the discount 
applied to gold mining companies by 
investors today, for example, is due to 
political and social risks.2 
Globally, companies face another 
paradox. They can’t access well-trained 
vocational staff, while massive youth 
unemployment threatens stability in 
key markets. Shared Value gives the 
cost conscious leader guidance for 
driving both resource and labour 
productivity in the value chain. And it 
gives the risk averse a business case 
for mobilising kindred spirits, both 
internally and externally, to address 
local development needs. 
And Shared Value opens the fi eld to 
immense market opportunities, 
represented by the billions who lack 
access to proper nutrition, housing, 
sanitation, health, energy – you name it. 
Our recent work in fi nancial services 
uncovered 2.5 billion “unbanked” people, 
$2.1 trillion in unmet credit needs for 
SMEs, and a $3–10 trillion future market 
opportunity in impact investing.3 
The reality is, Shared Value represents the 
most signifi cant opportunity for 
innovation and growth in business today, 
as demonstrated by GE in environmental 
and health technologies, Nestlé or Dow in 
nutrition, Veolia or Kemira in water 
treatment, and Intel or Pearson in 
education technology and content. 
The circular economy and Net Positive 
movements are providing guidance on 
achieving resource productivity (value 
chain reconfi guration) and the B Corp 
movement is giving an institutional 
framework to a purpose-driven company. 
Our focus has been on illustrating the 
management practices that advance 
both social and business conditions. And 
in many ways, Shared Value is still in its 
infancy. The big frontier is measurement. 
We have described how companies, 
which systematically measure the link 
between achieving new social outcomes 
and business returns, unlock further 
value creation – but these practices are 
just emerging.5 
Measurement validates purpose, and 
opens the door for authentic cross-sector 
collaboration. Measurement provides the 
foundation for a new discourse between 
government and business, not anchored 
in traditional wealth extraction through 
taxation, but in incentives to drive social 
outcomes in ways that decrease cost to 
the public sector. 
And importantly, as shown by leading 
practitioners, measurement will guide 
investors to fulfi l their social purpose 
in allocating resources to ventures 
that outperform the market through 
their extraordinary contribution to 
social progress. 
2 See “Spinning Gold: The Financial Returns to 
External Stakeholder Engagement” by Witold 
J. Henisz, 2011 
3 See “Banking on Shared Value” by Bockstette, 
Smith, Pfi tzer et al. FSG, 2014 
4 See“Innovating for Shared Value” by Marc Pfi tzer 
et al in Harvard Business Review, Sept 2013. 
5 See “Measuring Shared Value” by Porter, Hills & 
Pfi tzer, 2013 
Directions 2014: New Sustainability Thinking
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Directions 2014: New Sustainability Thinking

  • 3. DIRECTIONS 14: GETTING UNDER THE SURFACE It has long been clear that if we are to tackle the major challenges facing humanity – whether it be access to healthcare, environmental degradation, poverty, food shortages, education or human rights abuses - business has a vital role to play. However, many companies are still struggling to reconcile the challenge of unceasing demands for growth and economic returns with the less tangible, but nevertheless real, opportunities presented by playing a positive role in society Yet a growing number of businesses are moving beyond the tactical responses to these issues – energy effi ciency, carbon reduction, codes of conduct – to form a more strategic view of how their businesses need to adapt. These are businesses that will not just be viable, but will thrive in the starkly different future that lies ahead of us. This is no easy task. But the rise of a number of potentially transformative approaches to business sustainability – Shared Value, Environmental Profi t & Loss, Circular Economy, Net Positive, Benefi t Corporations – offers solutions for moving away from ‘business as usual’ on a much broader scale than has been previously seen. So what is it about these particular approaches that has seen them become the new power behind some of the worlds most sustainable companies? Are these concepts genuinely transformative? Or are they just the latest ‘big ideas’ that will be shelved in times of trouble or replaced by shiny, new alternatives in the near future? Directions 2014 dives under the surface of these approaches and concepts for sustainable business to analyse what lies at their core, their strengths and weaknesses and their potential impacts. By bringing together insight from the academics behind the concepts, experiences from the companies pioneering them and the ambitions of the organisations trying to bring them into the mainstream, we hope to shed some light on the inner workings of these models and to help you explore which – or which combination – might be the right fi t for your business. Directions 2014 Team NIGEL SALTER Founder & CEO JIM PEACOCK Director, Consultancy and Communications ANNIE LANCASTER Senior Consultant TOM LOVE Senior Designer ARIAN OLDROYD Digital Design Director ELLEN ALM Account Manager LOUISE MOYNA Production Team Manager GARY McCALL Manager of Print Production and Resources JEFF SUTTON Business Development Director KIM FORSBERG Marketing Executive DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP
  • 4. CONTENTS Evolutionary Timeline..........................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Edging towards a Tipping Point.........................................................................................................................................................................................4 RIP: The End of Business As Usual...................................................................................................................................................................................6 SUSTAINABILITY THINKING: THE CONCEPTS UNDER REVIEW 1CIRCULAR ECONOMY New Opportunities Seen in the Round.............................10 Vision 2030...............................12 China Looks to take a Leading Role.............................16 Every company should have a ‘North Star’............................18 35 EP&L 4 SHARED VALUE NET POSITIVE 2The Next Frontier of Sustainability Leadership ....22 One Year In; Many Years to Go ....................26 A Quantum Leap Forward......30 EP&L and the Triple Bottom Line...............................32 Forging the link between economic and social value.....36 CSR into CSV..............................40 Our contributors............................................46 About us..........................................................48 B CORP Profi t with Purpose................44 1
  • 5. DIRECTIONS 2013 SALTERBAXTER The question of how business can be more sustainable is not new; indeed, the thinking we’re reviewing in Directions 2014 originated as early as the 1960s, with principles that hark back to the dawn of capitalism. Here, we explore how the concepts and models under review have evolved in parallel, some key moments in their development, and their adoption by fl agship brands. 2 2014 MSLGROUP 1976 In their research report to the European Commission, ‘The Potential for Substituting Manpower for Energy’, Walter Stahel and Genevieve Reday sketched the vision of an economy in loops (or circular economy). 2006 The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV) is fi rst introduced in The Harvard Business Review 2006 Nestlé signs up to CSV 2006 Promoting a circular economy was identifi ed as national policy in China’s 11th fi ve-year plan. 2005 General Electric launches ‘Ecomagination’ 1966 1982 2005 2006 2007 2008 2006 Certifi ed B Corp Founded 2007 First B Corp certifi ed 2008 Policy efforts to support B Corps fi rst launched EVOLUTIONARY TIMELINE 1982 The report was published in the book ‘Jobs for Tomorrow: The Potential for Substituting Manpower for Energy’. 1966 The idea of circular material fl ows as a model for the economy was presented by Kenneth E Boulding in his paper ‘The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth’. CIRCULAR ECONOMY SHARED VALUE
  • 6. 3 2010 The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is established. 2012 IKEA announce net positive intentions (not offi cially affi liated with the movement) 2012 Kingfi sher announce net positive intentions (not offi cially affi liated with the movement) 2012 The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey release a report entitled ‘Towards the Circular Economy: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition’ – the fi rst of its kind to consider the economic and business opportunity for the transition to a restorative, circular model. 2011 Offi cial Launch by PUMA 2011 UK Government uses the PUMA EP&L as a case study for sustainable business in a DEFRA white paper 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012 the European Commission published a document entitled Manifesto for a Resource Effi cient Europe. This manifesto clearly stated that “In a world with growing pressures on resources and the environment, the EU has no choice but to go for the transition to a resource-effi cient and ultimately regenerative circular economy.” 2013 Some big-name brands sign up to the circular economy: IKEA, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Renault 2014 Unilever joins the movement 2009 Conceived by PUMA chairman Jochen Zeitz 2011 EP&L theory announced by PUMA 2014 Novo Nordisk becomes the fi rst big pharma company to publish an EP&L report. 2011 Shared Value concept further explained in The Harvard Business Review 2012 Kramer & Porter & FSG found the Shared Value Initiative – to enhance knowledge-sharing and best practice for CSV, globally. 2013 BT announce net positive intentions (not offi cially affi liated with the movement) 2013 Forum for the Future partners with WWF and The Climate Group to form Net Positive Group, which aids companies in accelerating their progress towards becoming Net Positive 2014 Forum for the Future, WWF, and The Climate Group publish a report (sponsored by BT) that captures the principles of what it means to take a Net Positive approach 2010 Maryland becomes fi rst U.S State to pass Benefi t Corporation legislation 2011 500 Companies have signed on as B Corps 2012 Patagonia becomes a certifi ed B Corp 2013 19 US states have passed Benefi t Corporation legislation B CORP EP&L NET POSITIVE
  • 7. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP 4 Nigel Salter asks: do these new schools of thought on sustainability provide business with the tools of transformation – or are they just more smoke and mirrors? There’s something different about this latest edition of our Directions report. All of this year’s inputs and contributions seem to confi rm that business and brands are now focused very much on the question of how to drive sustainable commercial success, rather than on whether or not this is an agenda that actually matters to them. It seems to me that, in their different ways, all of the ideas and methodologies – circular economy, Shared Value, EP&L, Net Positive and Benefi t Corporations – discussed here (there are others of course too, but we have highlighted the ones that we see as the most signifi cant) are proof that business is trying to integrate sustainability thinking more fully and make it more operational – clearly a good thing, regardless of the alignment or choice of one method over another. But what are the key factors at work here? THE NEED FOR PRACTICALITY There is simply no doubt in my mind – sustainability thinking has spent too long with its head in the clouds and not enough time homing in on the commercial realities. This is now changing. Business knows that there is a huge opportunity in the sustainability challenge. It is now trying to work out how to maximise this opportunity to achieve competitive advantage and ensure future viability and profi tability. These different methodologies and ideas give business leaders and managers some of the tools and processes needed to plot a path to the desired results. They may not be perfect yet, but they are at least valid attempts to move from management theory to real, NIGEL N SALTER F Founder & CEO Sa Salterbaxter MSLGROUP
  • 8. 5 on-the-ground transformation that delivers useful outcomes – social, environmental and commercial. LEGITIMISING THE TRANSFORMATION And it is perhaps also down to the fact that these models are not perfect yet that they are acting slightly as totem poles around which there’s growing collaboration, innovation and momentum. The fact is that managers within business often need the legitimising effect of a credible school of thought in order to get adequate buy-in within their companies to spur on real change. We should not underestimate the important legitimising effect within business that’s come from the names of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey sitting comfortably alongside the circular economy movement and the Michael Porter/Harvard name being put squarely behind the concept of Shared Value. As well as the legitimising effect, the fact that these concepts are seen to be increasingly credible also provides another kind of much needed security. It offers cover for some of the failure that is going to be an inevitable and, indeed, essential part of the journey to fi nd workable solutions. As Kingfi sher confi rms, not all the innovation and new thinking will work and so it is essential to experiment within a framework that creates enough room for failure, as well as success, to be acceptable. Innovative thinking needs an umbrella! COMMUNICATING TO BUILD CRITICAL MASS We should also not underestimate the massive role that communications and effective engagement have to play in driving change. As everyone knows, good stories really do help to get people on board and, to a degree, all of the models and ideas covered here have a storytelling role to play as well as doing the actual job of turning science into substance. The circular economy somehow wouldn’t be as memorable or as attractive if it was called The Regenerative Economy. Net Positive is a simple story to capture. The EP&L is a neat blend of sustainability and fi nance – written in a language business can understand. All of these methodologies enable business to explain itself better. And one step beyond just storytelling is actual engagement – where people are compelled to act and get more involved. As Robert Metzke from Philips explains, all businesses need an ambition – a ‘North Star’ to strive for. Over and above just storytelling, these models provide the desired destination and a sense of purpose that gets organisations, teams, people and processes all properly and effectively lined up. These organisations themselves would undoubtedly prefer to emphasise the substance and science part of the argument. But in the practical, messy reality of business, there is no doubt these models also help with the important task of communicating new ways of thinking and getting people to engage with them. BUSINESS FILLING THE GOVERNMENT VOID It was probably shortly after COP15 that business woke up to the reality that governments were not going to be the force for change needed to address the world’s sustainability challenge. Since then, business has taken on the responsibility much more by itself – or in sector or even multi-sector collaborations – to build the momentum needed. All of these models and processes could be said, at least partially or indirectly, to have been borne out of that lack of leadership from government – or at least from the sense that if business is to gain commercially from the agenda then it needs to apply its own rules and operate on its own terms. That’s not to say that government and other policymakers have failed to respond totally. The big focus on public-private partnerships we’ve seen in the last few years, particularly in developing markets, is evidence of a changing mindset – Guido Schmidt-Traub makes this point well in his article and underlines that, actually, the scale of the challenges we face means that public-private collaboration is essential. And the fact that the United Nations Sustainable Development goals (UN SDGs) appear to be a more relevant framework for business to engage with, and have been relatively well received by business, points to some positive potential. THE NEED FOR SCALE But we also have to be honest with ourselves. Despite all the talk of the last decade and the great theories, has that much really changed? Michael Porter made this point well in last year’s TED talk called ‘Why business can be good at solving social problems’. As he points out, business really has to roll its sleeves up now and apply the profi t motive to the societal challenge of sustainability. This is partly because business is good at solving problems. But it’s also down to the simple fact that it controls the vast majority of the world’s resources, and most of the efforts and initiatives to date have operated at too small a level. The only way to truly address the issues is to operate at scale across the system. And only business has the model (profi t based) and the resources to deliver this effectively. Porter’s statistics underline the dilemma pretty dramatically – total global revenues by stakeholders split like this: Non-profi t organisations – $1.2 trillion; Governments – $3.1 trillion; Business – $20.1 trillion. These new models and schools of thought are all signifi cant attempts to square this circle and to apply commercial thinking to society’s key sustainability challenges – in a way that can be quickly scaled up. They may not provide the fi nal answers. But, taken together, they are starting to look like a tipping point.
  • 9. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP We’ve come to the end of ‘business as usual’. Guido Schmidt-Traub argues that if we are to meet the scale of the environmental challenges that face us, and to have a chance of achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the models under review here are only the start: the private sector must play a central role in making a reality of sustainable development. Here he outlines the need to fundamentally change how business works, and the major transformations that need to take place. According to NASA fi gures, the frequency of extreme temperature events – events that should occur only once every 700 years – has already risen 100-fold, even though the earth has warmed by “only” 0.9°C. Warming by another 0.4–0.6°C is built into the system at today’s concentration of greenhouse gases, meaning that even if we were able to stop emitting greenhouse gases today, things would still get signifi cantly worse. But if we carry on along the road we are currently on, the earth will be 4–5°C warmer by the end of this century. This will put the climate system outside the stable range of the Holocene epoch that has enabled human civilization to fl ourish over the past 10,000 years. It’s clear that ‘business as usual’ simply does not offer a viable long-term perspective for economic growth. And yet rapid growth is still possible, but only if it becomes sustainable by respecting environmental boundaries at local, regional, and planetary levels. FOUR MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STAND OUT FOR BUSINESS. 01. EMISSIONS A drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions – from 5.2 tons of carbon dioxide per capita to 1.6 tons by 2050. This will require massive increases in energy effi ciency; low-carbon electricity generation; the electrifi cation of transport, heating and cooling in buildings; and the decarbonisation of industrial processes, such as cement, steel and chemical production. 02. AGRICULTURE An increase in agricultural production by at least 50 per cent to serve the needs of a growing and increasingly prosperous global population. This need must be met using far fewer resources. Before 2030, the world needs to stop land degradation and net conversion of land to agricultural use, bring water use in line with sustainable supply, reduce excessive nutrient fl ows, and lower chemical pollution. 03. SUSTAINABLE CITIES Cities will require higher-density housing and land-use planning; resource-effi cient infrastructure and services; and drastically reduced pollution of air, water, and land. This urban transformation must occur soon. If not, countries will get locked into unsustainable infrastructure and land-use patterns that might have a lifetime of 70–100 years. 04. PRODUCTION Industry must transform itself to respond to rapidly changing tastes and lower resource intensity and environmental pollution. This will require higher resource effi ciency in energy, water, and other material inputs; drastically lower levels of emissions and pollution; and innovative life-cycle management of all industrial products – particularly long-lived pollutants, such as plastics. With some four to fi ve billion people aspiring to middle-class lifestyles, this process of industrial transformation needs to happen at an unprecedented pace. GUIDO SCHMIDT-TRAUB Executive Director UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network RIP: THE END OF ‘BUSINESS AS USUAL’ “IT’S CLEAR THAT ‘BUSINESS AS USUAL’ SIMPLY DOES NOT OFFER A VIABLE LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH.” 6
  • 10. 7 SOME PROGRESS – BUT A LACK OF SERIOUS ACTION Each of these four transformations marks a major departure from ‘business as usual’. The “circular economy”, “Net Positive”, “Shared Value”, and other emerging business strategies for sustainability are an important step towards launching the four transformations. Some businesses are already fi nding new opportunities in these transformations, but overall, governments and business have not begun to tackle these transformations seriously. So the question is: how can governments and business harness such innovation to drive transformations in energy, agriculture, cities and industry? DIRECTED CHANGE The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – commissioned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to accelerate practical problem-solving for sustainable development – shows that each transformation requires long-term change in technologies, in business models, in regulation, and in consumer behaviour. Achieving the transformations will require “directed technological change”, a process involving six steps: 01. GOAL SETTING Just as business requires clear goals to succeed, the world needs to adopt long-term goals for sustainable development. Building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (which set quantitative targets for reducing extreme poverty), governments are now debating a new set of Sustainable Development Goals for the period 2015–2030. 02. BACK-CASTING AND NATIONAL PATHWAYS Countries and businesses need to back-cast feasible trajectories to work out what needs to be done today to achieve long-term goals. These should be transparent and public to promote open debates with the active participation of business. 03. TECHNOLOGY BENCHMARKS AND R&D ROADMAPS Countries and businesses can set technology benchmarks, providing the long-term incentives that businesses need to innovate and to mobilise the ingenuity of their engineers. Benchmarks also provide a framework within which businesses and other innovators can develop long-term R&D roadmaps. We could do something similar for energy transition, with the International Energy Agency perhaps leading roadmapping processes for energy storage, solar power, wind power, carbon capture storage, electric vehicles, residential energy effi ciency, smart grids and fourth generation nuclear power. 04. PROTOTYPING Prototyping of new technologies requires extensive public-private partnerships to ensure adequate public co-fi nancing, supportive regulation, and effective monitoring and evaluation. Unfortunately, public fi nancing and support for prototyping are widely inadequate. A vivid example is provided by lacklustre efforts to invest in large-scale demonstration projects for carbon capture and storage (CCS) even though all available pathways suggest that this technology is required to decarbonise energy in countries that rely heavily on coal, such as China and India. 05. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS FOR SCALING UP Public-private partnerships can roll out new technologies at the requisite scale. Such partnerships need to mobilise public and private fi nancing, ensure sound regulation, and promote technology diffusion. Business leadership will be required to think through how partnerships can be designed. 06. BEHAVIOUR CHANGE The scale of the sustainable development challenges requires mass adoption of new technologies, but also of healthier lifestyles and resource-saving behaviours. Mass education will need to be promoted to raise awareness. DYNAMIC PARTNERSHIPS Some worry that such directed technological change smacks of Gosplan-style central planning, but this is a profound misunderstanding of the challenges facing us, and the available responses. All successful technology transformations have relied on strong and dynamic public-private partnerships around shared goals. Responsible businesses and their leaders who invest in such partnerships should and will be amply rewarded in terms of their bottom line, their brand, and their ability to attract the best available talent. “RESPONSIBLE BUSINESSES… WILL BE AMPLY REWARDED IN TERMS OF THEIR BOTTOM LINE, THEIR BRAND, AND THEIR ABILITY TO ATTRACT TALENT.”
  • 12. The circular economy aims to move us towards an industrial economy that is restorative in nature. Moving from the current linear model – take, make, dispose – to a circular economy requires a fundamental rethink of how business operates, with emphasis placed on reducing the use of natural resources, designing-out waste and allowing valuable biological and technical materials to deliver value beyond the life of a single specifi c product or service. KEY FACTS • The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was founded in 2010 with the aim of accelerating the adoption of the circular economy. This crystallised and unifi ed thinking dating back to the 1970s • The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company have collaborated in making the business case for the adoption of the circular economy with their reports, titled ‘Towards the circular economy’ • In 2014, Project MainStream was announced: a collaboration between World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company to help businesses shift towards a circular economy and as a result save US$500 million in materials • Key players include Philips, IKEA, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Renault, H&M, The LEGO Group, and Unilever. 9 OPTIMISING THE VALUE OF BUSINESS
  • 13. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP NEW OPPORTUNITIES SEEN IN THE ROUND ELLEN MACARTHUR FOUNDATION CIRCULAR ECONOMY MODEL 10 we reached an infl ection point in 2002, when commodity prices started to rise sharply and we entered an era of increasing price volatility. Suddenly it became far harder to predict resource and energy prices with any certainty. This has potentially devastating effects for companies with high fi xed costs, which rely on achieving economies of scale to continue growing. Clearly, in this volatile context, making gradual effi ciency gains will not be enough to fuel that growth. Indeed the very notion of “business as usual” is put under the spotlight in this new environment and, with three billion new middle class consumers coming into the market by 2050, just using a bit less and recycling a bit more material might not be enough to cut it. Moreover, a throughput economy relies on high volumes of goods and services being sold, and that calls for a healthy customer base. However, while productivity has been steadily increasing over the past 60 years, wages have been largely stagnant since the 1970s. To counteract this and to keep the wheels of the economy turning, large amounts of credit were made available at low cost. But the era of cheap credit hit a roadblock with the fi nancial crisis of 2008, resulting in less disposable income for consumers. THE RULES HAVE CHANGED So, in two very fundamental ways, the ‘rules of the game’ for our economy are changing, and business leaders, innovators, academics, students and scientists are looking for a way out – a new model which will allow us to redefi ne our notion of economic progress in the twenty-fi rst century. One option is the circular economy, a model that has been gaining traction around the world in recent years. Unlike the linear model – based on the idea of mine, make, sell, dispose – the circular model is regenerative by design. It relies primarily on optimising two distinct material fl ows, biological and ELLEN MACARTHUR Founder The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – is facing fundamental challenges. A new regenerative model – the circular economy – is taking root, offering huge opportunities to those progressive enough to make an early shift, says Ellen MacArthur. The economic model we have lived by for the best part of 200 years has served us well. In terms of cheap and accessible energy and materials, the linear model inherited from the Industrial Revolution has proved successful, fuelling unprecedented economic development throughout the twentieth century. And, boosted by new discoveries, increased effi ciency and new technologies, we’ve also felt the benefi ts of steadily declining commodity prices. But all that changed in the early years of the new century. As investment expert Jeremy Grantham fi rst observed, MINING/MATERIALS MANUFACTURING TECHNICAL NUTRIENTS RECYCLE REFURBISH/ REMANUFACTURE REUSE/ REDISTRIBUTE PARTS MANUFACTURER PRODUCT MANUFACTURER SERVICE PROVIDER MAINTENANCE COLLECTION COLLECTION BIOLOGICAL NUTRIENTS FARMING/COLLECTION BIOCHEMICAL FEEDSTOCK RESTORATION BIOGAS ANAEROBIC DIGESTION/ COMPOSTING BIOSPHERE EXTRACTION OF BIOCHEMICAL FEEDSTOCK Ellen MacArthur Foundation, adapted from McDonough & Braungart (C2C Protocol) and Stahel (Performance Economy)
  • 14. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY 11 technical. Products and services in this model are designed to circulate effi ciently, with biological materials returning to the food and farming system, and technical materials being kept in production and put to new use, without loss of quality. A circular model generates new revenue streams, reveals overcapacity and puts assets to good use while ensuring that, as leading Performance Economy thinker Walter Stahel puts it: “The goods of today become the resources of tomorrow, at yesterday’s prices”. GROWING MOMENTUM As well as the decline of cheap materials, energy and credit, there are other changes underway that are supporting the transition to a circular economy. A combination of factors – including reducing home sizes, less disposable income, the prevalence of the mobile web and smartphone capabilities – has led to the emergence of a “new consumer”, one who is less concerned about owning ‘stuff’, and more interested in the services or power technology provides. We see evidence of this in a number of ways. Just look at the momentum growing behind the collaborative consumption movement or ‘sharing economy’, and the huge number of new businesses set up to exploit the idling capacity of a range of assets. Empty rooms can be booked through AirBnB, journeys through Lyft, and even musical instruments through Sparkplug. Clothing company Le Tote provides access to women’s fashion for a fl at monthly fee, in the same way people use Netfl ix or Spotify instead of owning physical DVDs or CDs. Technological advances are facilitating these business models – fi nding and booking the nearest communal car or bike has only been made convenient with the advent of smartphones and mobile networking. Product tagging and tracking and the the ability to analyse huge amounts of data through the ‘Internet of Things’ are also enabling manufacturers “THE GOODS OF TODAY BECOME THE RESOURCES OF TOMORROW, AT YESTERDAY’S PRICES.” or service providers to keep an eye on their products – how much they’re being used, if they’re performing properly and when they’re about to go wrong. This makes product recovery feasible, and opens up valuable new customer service or aftermarket opportunities. Global trends are providing a fertile environment for a shift in the economy. And, in addition to offering an exciting new lens for innovation, increasing circularity could offer a signifi cant economic advantage too. In 2012, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation published the fi rst in a series of reports entitled ‘Towards the Circular Economy’. These reports have concluded that a circular economy would not only help decouple economic development from use and overuse of fi nite resources, but also represent new economic opportunities worth more than $1 trillion. As our fi rst report showed, circular processes could play straight to one of Europe’s greatest strengths – its high-value manufacturing sector, where up to $630 billion of net material savings can be achieved per year through improvements in design, business models, reverse cycles and improvements in education and policymaking. In a world of uncertainty, many are asking what the future economy will look like in the context of population growth and resource constraints. Our research and analysis tends to indicate that a circular economy framework could offer guiding principles for rethinking and redesigning the future. There are promising signs that a shift is taking place. But creating a new system, which rebuilds economic, social and natural capital, will require real ambition, a pioneering spirit and the willingness and ability to collaborate in new ways.
  • 15. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP MARTIN STUCHTEY Director McKinsey & Company VISION 2030: The logic behind creating a circular rather than linear becoming increasingly companies, argue and Helga Vanthournout, McKinsey & Company. slow, with businesses needing to break lifetimes to reap industrial era. By 2030, up to three from the developing middle class, putting on natural resources. showing up in the commodity prices global economic output. even as global competition there is growing political pressure on business environmental and The “circular economy” address all these issues. This regenerative companies to create their dependence designing products use, disassembly, economy aims to just from manufacturing throughout the life their components. HELGA VANTHOURNOUT Knowledge Expert McKinsey & Company 12 d ar economy is asingly clear to many ue Martin Stuchtey hournout, of mpany. But progress is esses and consumers k the habits of several the benefi ts of a new ee billion consumers ng world will enter the ing enormous pressure ces. This is already market: since 2009, have grown faster than utput. At the same time, mpetition intensifi es, olitical and public ess to improve its d social performance. omy” offers a way to ssues. economic model helps ate value while reducing on resources by s for multiple cycles of and re-use. The circular eradicate waste –not cturing processes, but e cycle of products and . It is built on four principles: 1. Creating business models to capture more value from a manufactured product 2. Designing products with multiple useful lives in mind 3. Developing “reverse logistics” that keep the need for quality and cost effi ciency in balance 4. Co-ordinating with players within and across supply chains to create scale and to identify higher-value uses. This approach contrasts sharply with the mind-set embedded in most of today’s industrial operations, where even the everyday terminology – value chain, supply chain, end user – describes a rigid linear approach. In the circular economy, the traditional linear model of manufacturing – take, make, and throw out – becomes a regenerative one that retains and restores material, energy, and labour inputs. Re-use, refurbishing or recycling, not disposal, is the new default option.
  • 16. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF HOW THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY CAN WORK: RENAULT Renault leases batteries for electric cars, in large part to recover them more easily so they can be re-engineered or recycled for additional use. The French carmaker has a dedicated plant near Paris that remanufactures automotive engines, transmissions, injection pumps, and other components for resale. The plant’s operations use 80 per and almost 90 per cent compared with a comparable facility. The plant also operating margins. “JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING IS DIFFICULT, THOUGH, DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT CANNOT, OR SHOULD NOT, BE DONE.” H&M Global apparel retailer H&M encourages customers to bring in old clothes in exchange for discount vouchers. Most are dispatched to the global secondhand apparel market. The rest can be used as substitutes for virgin materials in other applications, such as cleaning cloths and textile yarns or to create damping and insulation materials for the auto or construction industries. When all other options are exhausted, the remaining textiles become fuel to produce electricity. CATERPILLAR Caterpillar anticipates remanufacturing needs when designing its products and then uses its dealer network and aftermarket service infrastructure to ensure that its components are returned at minimal cost. The Cat Reman business refurbishes and uses the parts in remanufacturing, with the resulting products sold on at a fraction of the price of new. The company moved 70,000 tons remanufactured products in 2010. results,” says Caterpillar, are productivity and lower costs”. RENAULT ELECTRIC CAR BATTERY LEASING SCHEME CATERPILLAR REMAN ENGINE PARTS H&M LONG LIVE FASHION 13 remanufacturing op cent less energy, an less water, compare new production faci delivers higher oper S of remanufa “The results “maximum CATERPILL
  • 17. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP VALUE CREATION AND CAPTURE CAN BE MAXIMISED BY ADDRESSING PRODUCT AND SYSTEM DESIGN SIMULTANEOUSLY Optimise resource effi ciency through system design of > Manufacturing > Retail sales channel > Supply chain Optimise resource effi ciency through > Specifi cations > Material selection > Reduction of materials 14 DESIGN CHOICES CREATE USE Optimise EoL treatment > Material selection > Component selection > Product modularity Optimise customer interaction through > New business models > Closer interaction with customer Optimise for effi ciency in use through > Material selection > Component selection > Technology/software usage Complement product w/ ancillary services that increase effi ciency Optimise collection infrastructure through increased collection rates > New business models > Value chain design & incentives > Alignment of external infl uencers System Design Product Design RETURN PROJECT MAINSTREAM Project MainStream is a collaboration led by the World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company as knowledge partner. MainStream will accelerate the transition to the circular economy by taking CEO-led collaboration on carefully selected pressure points to a new level. This will unlock the stalemates that individual organisations cannot resolve, even when working with their own partners and supply chains. MainStream is now launching its fi rst three fl agship delivery projects – on plastic packaging (bringing together cities and large players in the consumer industries), paper eco-design (improving yields through better choice and use of inks and additives), and asset tracking (better end-of-use value recovery through knowledge of product whereabouts, ownership, and quality).
  • 18. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY “COMPANIES COULD SAVE MORE THAN $1 TRILLION PER YEAR USING CIRCULAR ECONOMY PRINCIPLES.” 15 The circular economy benefi ts the environment, by reducing extraction and manufacturing emissions and moderating the consumption of natural resources. But for corporate leaders who need to satisfy investors and shareholders with tangible benefi ts, what does the circular economy have to offer? First, more effi cient energy and resource use translates directly into lower production and operational costs. On materials alone, McKinsey estimates that companies could save more than $1 trillion per year using circular economy principles. For example, P&G identifi es partners that can use its process waste and non-performing inventory. The strategy has created $1 billion in value over the last fi ve years and the consumer-goods giant has also achieved zero waste at 25 per cent of its manufacturing facilities. “ IT HAS TO BE SAID THAT THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY IS NOT EXACTLY TAKING THE BUSINESS WORLD BY STORM.” Second, the circular economy provides additional ways for companies to connect with their consumers and thus to build loyalty. Instead of selling a product, and not seeing the consumer until it is time to buy again, in the circular system there can be more (and more interesting) touchpoints. For instance, Philips is beginning to sell lighting as a service, not as a product. In some cities and institutions, customers pay for the light, and the fi rm does everything else, from installation to maintenance to recycling. It makes for a much stronger relationship than ringing up light bulbs at the cash register. Caterpillar’s programme allows it to make money on second-hand parts, so that it captures a bigger share of the total lifecycle. So that is the case, and it makes sense. But it has to be said that the circular economy is not exactly taking the business world by storm. Few companies have gone in this direction in a big way – and that is understandable, given the diffi culties of adapting business practices according to the four principles. Closing product and component loops is no easy task, despite attractive arbitrage opportunities. With dozens of components from dozens of suppliers (and even countries) embedded in a product, it can also be diffi cult to develop alternative supply chains. “A circular economy on a worldwide scale will require a lot of players to change simultaneously,” notes Philips CEO Frans van Houten, “and that’s a bit of a chicken-and- egg problem”. Moreover, the power of inertia should never be underestimated. Many aspects of business-as-usual refl ect decisions made long ago. The “take-make-and throw out” model of production has been familiar since the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution and companies have spent 150 years optimising their production, logistics, and marketing operations around it. Consumers have their own hard-to-break habits. For instance, most people evaluate the expense of products only at the point of sale, though that does not always make sense. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has estimated that leasing high-end home washing machines would lower the cost of use for consumers by a third over fi ve years. Manufacturers would also earn more by leasing their fl eets of machines multiple times before refurbishment. But who thinks about renting a washing machine? Just because something is diffi cult, though, does not mean that it cannot, or should not, be done. Clearly, the era of low and falling resource costs is over. At the same time, the idea of sustainability is spreading. In the past, respondents most often cited cost cutting or reputation management as reasons for pursuing sustainability initiatives. That is changing. In a recent McKinsey survey, 43 per cent said their companies were trying to align sustainability with their overall business goals, mission, or values, up from 21 per cent in 2010. Almost half of CEOs (49 per cent) said they considered sustainability a top-three priority, up from 34 per cent in 2010. As sustainability rises in signifi cance, capturing its full value grows more challenging. To do so, the four principles need to be ever more integrated into the core business, and this is not easy. There are, however, proven approaches and techniques. The larger point is that moving toward a circular economy can help forward-looking companies innovate and fi nd new paths to growth, while also laying the foundations for a new industrial era that benefi ts companies, economies, and the environment alike.
  • 19. PROFESSOR HAIFENG HUANG Assistant Dean, Peking University HSBC Business School Executive Chairman Ecological Development Union International With growing environmental and technological challenges, China has very clear reasons to search for a new model of economic development. But it’s not just about achieving the ‘Chinese Dream’ in a new, more sustainable way, says Haifeng Huang of Peking University. China wants to be part of a global transition. The Industrial Revolution brought huge benefi ts to society, benefi ts that were felt throughout the twentieth century. But today the picture has changed. With many countries facing a growing income gap and wrestling with serious environmental problems, it is becoming increasingly clear that – as the Club of Rome’s book The Limits to Growth argues – our previous approach to economic development now has the power to destroy human life. We need to fi nd a new way to secure growth. It is in this context that the idea of a circular economy has emerged, and gained serious consideration across the world as a creative way to balance economic, environmental and social sustainability. CHINA’S CIRCULAR ECONOMY – IT’S TIME TO CHANGE Not surprisingly, the circular economy is being looked at carefully in China where industrialisation, urbanisation and modernisation are still in their early stages, and where it’s an increasingly tough task to 16 strike a balance between stimulating growth, improving people’s livelihoods and protecting the environment. The government’s own strategic goals for 2020 indicate why a shift to a circular economy holds so much appeal. Within that time, the Chinese economy is expected to reach RMB35–36 trillion, GDP per capita has been forecast to exceed RMB250,000, and the population is expected to grow to 1.4 billion, with 55 per cent of people living in cities and towns. However, in these forecasts, traditionally polluting industries still make up a large part of China’s industrial output. Clearly, if the country continues its traditional approach to economic development, the environment and society will not be able to bear the burden. And there are dangers for Chinese industry too, if things do not shift. Chinese enterprises lack advanced technology and market competitiveness, and as a result are about an eighth as effi cient as those in Japan and a fi fth as effi cient as their US competitors. If energy prices continue to rise sharply, or if global environmental regulation gets tighter, China, the so-called ‘factory of the world’, will face a series of signifi cant problems. PROGRESS AT EVERY LEVEL To stimulate a healthier economy and tackle the growing logjam of environmental constraints, China is paying increasing attention to a circular economy and sustainable development to fi nd a new way to pursue the “Chinese Dream.” It is something you see at every level, from government to businesses, to individual consumers. First, the government is focusing more on the quality of economic development rather than, as in the past, its speed. The emphasis on economic development is also being transferred away from the heavy manufacturing industry, and more to the soft service industry. A high-effi ciency, low-emission energy system is being built, and the development of renewable energy sources, including hydropower, biomass, solar energy, geothermal, and ocean energy, are being sped up. Enterprises are also focusing on improving labour standards and testing new approaches to management. For the individual, lifestyle and consumption patterns are also changing. Environmental issues have become an increasingly important concern for informed consumers. For them, products labelled ‘circular’ have a growing appeal. A NEW KIND OF DIALOGUE In the past, a number of stumbling blocks have stood in the way of progress, and two of them relate to China’s relations with the rest of the world. Take technology transfer, for example. America has the world’s leading CHINA LOOKS TO TAKE THE LEADING ROLE “CLEARLY, IF THE COUNTRY CONTINUES ITS TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, THE ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BEAR THE BURDEN.” DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP
  • 20. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY 17 technology for controlling sulphur dioxide emissions. However, because of tariff barriers, US fi rms can only export the second best technology, not the best and most effi cient, to countries like China. The circumstance is the same when China brings its own products to international markets. Foreign investment in China is obviously welcome, but it can have negative impacts too. Investing in exporting old-fashioned products and processes to China and concentrating investment in environmentally unfriendly industries like textiles, chemicals, and electronic manufacturing, has played a big part in creating China’s current environmental and pollution problems. This has been an issue in the past but, thankfully, the dialogue between China and the rest of the world is changing. Nowadays, it tends to focus much more on green issues and on the circular economy. You can understand why. Mr. MA Jun, the chief economist of the Central Bank’s research bureau, predicts that China will have the demand for a staggering RMB2 trillion of green investment a year in the future. WHAT CAN CHINA BRING TO THE WORLD? In July 2014, China staged its Eco Forum Global Conference with the theme of “Joining Hands, Leveraging Reforms to Bring Forth a New Era of Eco-civilization.” As China’s Prime Minister, LI Keqiang, stated, “Protecting the environment and stimulating green development requires the cooperation of the whole world”. Embracing a circular economy is a good way to promote mutual trust and business benefi ts between China and other countries. China has made its position clear. It is ready to play a big role in developing a circular economy – not only at home, but across the world. PUBLIC POLICY IN CHINA IS ALSO DEVELOPING RAPIDLY TO REFLECT THESE NEW ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL REALITIES. Specifi cally, the government is trying to stimulate green and circular development in nine ways: Establishing a ‘green bank’, using green bonds as the major fi nancing mechanism Completing the fi scal interest rate mechanism to encourage green debt Banks and rating agencies are introducing more indices on environmental risk and building up a green credit system An environmental measurement system, based on natural capital liabilities, is being created A pilot mandatory green insurance plan has been launched Listed companies are being encouraged to disclose important environmental information A network of green investors is being established A carbon trading market is being developed Consumers are getting much better information to help them choose green products. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MADE IN CHINA
  • 21. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP EVERY COMPANY SHOULD HAVE A ‘NORTH STAR’ Robert Metzke tells Jim Peacock why and how Philips has embraced circular economy thinking as its strategic guiding light. Short-term pressures might stop other companies following suit, but there is a real danger they will cease to exist if they fail to adapt to a more sustainable model. 18 JP: How did circular economy thinking come into being at Philips? RM: It emerged as part of our EcoVision5 programme. We understood from life-cycle analysis that the impact of our products and services on society and the environment is orders of magnitude bigger than the impact that we have within our own factories. When you think about sustainable development in a nutshell, it is really about providing more people with better opportunities, whilst meeting the boundary conditions for environmental sustainability. We just have this one planet for all the nine billion people that will be living here in 2050. If you zoom in a bit and try to understand some key drivers behind this, you very quickly get to econometrics that measure quality of life. As a leading company in health and wellbeing, Philips can make a signifi cant contribution in the fi eld of access to health care. But on the environmental axis, the biggest two components are energy use and material resources. Now, energy use is something Philips has been addressing for decades, pioneering in the fi eld of energy effi cient lighting, for instance – leading the LED revolution. But trying to understand the importance of closed material loops was the next logical step for Philips – it was the missing piece needing to be put in place. And that is what we sought to address with EcoVision5, by doubling the amount of recycled materials in our products and doubling the amount of recycled products themselves. Formulating that into a specifi c programme around the circular economy is just the next logical step – as well as asking: how can this help us to drive business, reinvent our business models, and make it attractive for our customers and suppliers to support and participate in it? ROBERT METZKE Senior Director of Group Strategy and Alliances, Philips JIM PEACOCK Director, Consultancy and Communications Salterbaxter MSLGROUP
  • 22. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY 19 JP: What did you do to bring the rest of the business on board? Was it a pure business case argument? Or was it about connecting it to improving the lives of three billion people? RM: It was a bit of both. We started with the megatrends and the strategy piece to understand what is relevant to us. We were in discussion with our supply chain experts to understand resource security for example. The interesting thing is that everything points in the same direction and leads to the same conclusion. The other discussion was: what really has the biggest impact on people in the world, on our customers? That was linked to our vision to improve the lives of three billion people, so we had to dig into what ways we can have an infl uence on improving lives. And of course we were looking into new business opportunities. The early works published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey really helped to kick-start our thinking; we just put it on the agenda for internal meetings – to discuss what it all means for Philips. We tried to quantify it, using individuals from various markets to translate the thinking for the regions, to make the overall business case for a change in thinking for Philips. JP: What’s been behind the recent rise to prominence of the circular economy? RM: One factor is the ‘perfect vortex’ in terms of societal interest. There is a huge societal interest in environmental issues, and the debate about climate has broadened signifi cantly. Also the perception of what to expect from whom has shifted: should we wait for government to defi ne new rules of the game? What is the role of companies? What can you expect from good corporate citizens? This thinking is changing. Part of it is becoming mainstream thinking amongst strategists and economists. On all sides it is coming out of the niche. JP: So what role have Ellen MacArthur and McKinsey played in driving this into the line of fi re for business? RM: I would not underestimate the role they’ve played. It has been stunning and successful. The trends are there, the insights are there, but they created a platform to exchange thinking around it and to bundle the forces, and that was very useful. Ellen MacArthur has determination and an all-encompassing vision that enables people to join and to build on it. But the partnership with McKinsey – translating the thinking into language specifi cally understandable for business – was hugely important too. JP: What are the barriers to its adoption? RM: I don’t think it can be stopped. Companies that don’t get it will put themselves at a signifi cant strategic disadvantage and may eventually cease to exist. So eventually it will spread, and the question perhaps is whether there are accelerators that will help us to get through this transition more quickly and without the huge supply disruptions that might happen if we run out of precious materials. JP: Is short-termism a threat? RM: There is enough distraction in the short term to duck the issues for a while and not do the right thing; everybody knows this. But it will catch up. Investors are becoming more interested in the role of a good sustainability strategy on driving shareholder value. They are increasingly learning what the impact is on stock markets. This will enable them to ask the right questions at shareholder meetings to trigger action in businesses that have not yet engaged. The rest comes back to execution. Every company should have a ‘north star’ – where you want to go, who you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years. And then you have to back-cast it and make it part of your strategic planning cycle, and eventually it can be broken down into very operational stuff that can be managed quarter to quarter. JP: What would be your advice for organisations looking to adopt circular economy thinking? RM: I would urge them to think about what their company is all about: where they really can make a difference and what they want to achieve. Then explore the link between this and circular economies. If you can link it to your core strategies, to your reason for being, then you tap into the intrinsic motivation of your people. You make it strategically relevant, and it creates a lot of energy and direction. “I DON’T THINK IT CAN BE STOPPED. COMPANIES THAT DON’T GET IT WILL PUT THEMSELVES AT A SIGNIFICANT STRATEGIC DISADVANTAGE AND MAY EVENTUALLY CEASE TO EXIST.” “EVERY COMPANY SHOULD HAVE A ‘NORTH STAR’ – WHERE YOU WANT TO GO, WHO YOU WANT TO BE IN 5, 10, 20 YEARS.”
  • 23. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP KY 120 mA 170 NET POSITIVE 10.00 Tilt: 0.0 2.0s 17:21:10:09 v:74 1:90 20
  • 24. 21 FROM ZERO IMPACT TO POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION Net Positive asserts that the ambition of many businesses to ‘do less harm’ is simply not enough to effectively tackle the social, environmental and economic challenges we face. Companies therefore have a duty to go beyond ‘zero harm’ and deliver a ‘Net Positive’ impact to society that leaves the world better off than they found it. KEY FACTS • The Net Positive Group, made up of Forum for the Future, WWF, and The Climate Group, was established in 2013 to crystallise the net positive intentions announced by several fl agship brands • Key players include IKEA, Kingfi sher, SKF, Capgemini, Coca-Cola Enterprises, The Crown Estate and BT.
  • 25. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP Zoe Le Grand invites you to imagine what your business would look like if the net effect of its existence were positive – in the widest sense. More and more businesses are taking this “Net Positive” approach, but the window of opportunity to create a more equal and sustainable future is closing. 22 Imagine a world where businesses exist for three main purposes: to deliver social value to customers and society, to restore the natural environment and to deliver healthy profi ts to their shareholders. It’s a world where businesses replant and replenish the land, use their buildings to generate clean and green energy and help their customers to do the same. A world where they provide fulfi lling, well-paid jobs and apprenticeships, and help communities to gain skills. And one where they work with their clients and supply chain partners on amazing new innovations which not only make people’s lives easier, without damaging the environment, but also provide their shareholders with healthy, long-term returns. Some sustainability leaders have called this approach: “Net Positive”. It’s a step change beyond more conventional approaches to sustainability and for those companies slogging their way towards targets that start with a zero – zero carbon, zero waste – becoming Net Positive can sound like a tall order. ZOE LE GRAND Principal Sustainability Advisor Forum for the Future THE NEXT FRONTIER OF SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP
  • 26. 23 If you’re Kingfi sher and you’re reliant on a product like timber to make 40 per cent of your products, you need to be sure that the supply of timber doesn’t run out. So you don’t just need to reduce the trees you cut down, you need to actively plant more. Ikea have chosen to focus on greening their own, and their customers’, energy supplies. By selling more effi cient electrical products and even solar panels, they can expand market share whilst reducing carbon emissions for them and their customers. Being Net Positive goes beyond mitigating risk and making incremental improvements. It encourages companies to get innovative with their products and services and enter new partnerships and markets. So what does Net Positive really mean? Why should your business adopt this approach? Where should you start? REASONS TO REACH FURTHER The foundations that businesses rely upon – raw materials, supply chains and a supportive civil society – are being eroded. To survive in the long term, businesses need to work harder to shore up those foundations. Aiming to minimise harm or to have zero impact won’t be enough. Businesses need to reach further, become active contributors to the environment and society, and move from just minimising the harm they do towards a position where the “net” effect of their existence is “positive”. Many companies may feel they make enough of a contribution to society through their tax contributions and the jobs they provide. But being Net Positive means taking this even further and in doing so securing benefi ts for both society and the business itself. “IF YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS TO SURVIVE FOR THE LONG TERM THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW.” NET POSITIVE
  • 27. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP THAT’S GREAT, BUT WHERE SHOULD I START? Together with The Climate Group and WWF, we brought together an exciting new partnership of businesses keen to make this a reality – the Net Positive group. The group includes Ikea, Kingfi sher, SKF, Capgemini, Coca-Cola Enterprises, The Crown Estate and BT. Together we’ve identifi ed a set of key principles that characterise a Net Positive approach and provide a simple framework to help develop a new strategy or test an existing one. The full list is in the Net Positive Group report – but here are a few of the main ones: 01. FOCUS ON THE AREAS THAT MATTER MOST The fi rst step is to look right along the value chain and fi nd out where your biggest material impacts are, including the areas which have the biggest impact on your business, and those that your business has the biggest infl uence over. BT, for example, realised it could reduce the amount of carbon emissions created by its customers. By innovating products, such as home hubs, and delivering tele-conferencing and other services to reduce customer travel, BT managed to cut carbon while growing its business. Good news all round. 24 02. SHOW WHERE YOUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS ARE Becoming Net Positive brings signifi cant measurement challenges. How do you demonstrate that your contribution is really additive? No company can measure everything down to the nearest decimal point. So it’s critical to be clear about where you draw your boundaries and report in a transparent, consistent and authentic way. If you have to make trade-offs, be clear about where and why. The Net Positive group will be working this year to make measurement of Net Positive impacts easier. Watch this space! 03. INNOVATE ACROSS THE VALUE CHAIN AND BEYOND Becoming Net Positive requires companies to think bigger and to enter into new partnerships and networks to create wider positive impacts than would be achievable alone. For instance, The Crown Estate is working with farming tenants to investigate new and improved methods of food production. 04. CHALLENGE BUSINESS-AS-USUAL A Net Positive impact can’t be achieved by business as usual. Indeed, for some, it challenges their very business model. Kingfi sher is trying to move beyond the “selling more stuff to more people” model by experimenting with small-scale, rental models that provide access to all the tools customers need for a job without having to buy new products. It also provides online tutorials to improve customers’ skills.
  • 28. 25 05. WORK WITH OTHERS TO INCREASE YOUR IMPACT A Net Positive approach challenges business to work in new ways. For instance, the only way Coca-Cola Enterprises could recycle more packaging than it uses was to establish JV businesses in France and the UK to transform the PET recycling infrastructure for the benefi t of the wider community. Where communities will be affected, work with them to create a positive impact for you and for them. 06. BREAK DOWN BARRIERS The regulatory landscape may not be designed to support the level of innovation that a Net Positive approach requires. You will need to work with policymakers and lobby for change. 07. DO THE RIGHT THING Some things can’t be replaced. A new pine forest won’t make up for the destruction of ancient woodlands. Net Positive results in one area will never compensate for irreplaceable natural losses, or ill treatment of individuals and communities, somewhere else. Proving you’ve got this balance right can be tricky – and that’s why the Net Positive group will be looking at this in more detail this year. Some cynics believe that being Net Positive in some areas could make up for bad practice elsewhere. Don’t use it as a smoke screen. Being Net Positive means that you also demonstrate a good level of corporate responsibility across the board, in line with internationally recognised guidelines. THE WINDOW IS CLOSING – ACT NOW More and more companies are making Net Positive commitments. Manufacturers such as SKF are committing to going “Beyond Zero”. Velvet toilet tissue has promised to “put more trees in the world”. And it’s not just the private sector; public organisations are stepping up as well. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue service, for instance, has committed to being carbon positive by focusing on preventing fi res as well as putting them out. It is also using fi re stations to generate clean, green energy, reducing carbon and saving taxpayers’ money too. But our window of opportunity to create a more equal and sustainable future is closing. It’s time for businesses to make a positive contribution to the environment and society as well as to the bottom line. It won’t be easy, and there may be some mistakes made along the way, but if you want your business to survive for the long term the time to act is now. NET POSITIVE Net Positive Group members
  • 29. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP JAE MATHER Guest Lecturer at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership (CISL) and Non-Executive Director at Newform Energy Jae Mather looks at one company’s experience of putting a Net Positive approach at the heart of its business strategy. Kingfi sher is not only prepared to experiment boldly, he says, but also to learn from the mistakes that inevitably come with being a pioneer. For many years, zero carbon – having no impact on the environment – has been the goal of forward thinking organisations. But, in reality, zero isn’t enough for those companies that are right out in front in terms of sustainability. Increasingly they see the need not only to tackle their own impacts, but also impacts that would, in the past, have been seen as outside their direct control. Kingfi sher – whose interests include B&Q, Castorama, BricoDépôt, Screwfi x and Koctas – falls into this more ambitious category. It has embraced Net Positive so that a restorative approach to operating sits at the centre of how it does business. THROUGH ITS NET POSITIVE APPROACH, KINGFISHER AIMS TO: > Have a positive impact on people and communities > Be restorative to the environment > Become carbon positive > Waste nothing > Create wealth and grow 26 This transition – from business as it was to business as it will be – will lead to large-scale transformations across most areas of the business, from redesigning its stores and buildings to changing the products and services it offers to customers. But why embark on such a journey? It comes from a powerful realisation that global macro trends are all leading to an increasingly challenging business environment for a company of its kind, where pressure on natural resources, and the impact of growing populations and climate change all mean that continuing with a strategy of “business as usual” is, simply, not viable. In order to maintain growth and reduce businesses exposure to resource limitations and increasing price volatility in global supply chains, Kingfi sher has decided it needs to completely re-evaluate and re-design its existing business model. Simply put, it has transformed a basic business strategy into a much broader sustainability strategy. Take timber, for example. It was identifi ed that timber is used in up to 40 per cent of its products. Expected price rises of up to 75 per cent and supply shortages of up to 30 per cent are anticipated by as early as 2020. With global forest cover steadily reducing year on year, it became readily apparent that this reliance on timber is unsustainable, not only for Kingfi sher itself but also for the global community. So it has decided that, to protect timber resources, it needs to go far beyond just replacing what it uses to becoming a Net Positive producer of timber. The lofty aim is that a Net Positive threshold is achieved by 2021. This will be hugely challenging and equally rewarding and an example of the kind of champion leadership that is so very needed in our world. The fi rst year’s 2013/14 Net Positive Report begins with a quote from group CEO, Sir Ian Cheshire: “What we’ve learnt in our fi rst year is that our challenge is the right one, but that business ‘unusual’ isn’t easy”. What I like the most about Kingfi sher’s Net Positive model is that it recognises that mistakes will be made; there will be failures – and that this is OK. In fact, not only is failure OK, it is to be embraced and welcomed. We have for many years been used to living within social, educational, business and political systems built on the idea that failure is something that should be avoided at all costs. In reality, taking risks and being brave enough to fail is an essential part of learning, growing and evolving. The Chinese character for “threat” is a combination of the characters for “danger” and “opportunity”. Net Positive embraces this type of thinking. There will be many climate change billionaires in the world in the years to come. Those business leaders who understand the need to embrace circular business models and Net Positive thinking will reduce exposure to the risks that lie ahead. But they will also build a valuable new business model – one offering huge material, reputational and fi nancial benefi ts. ONE YEAR IN; MANY YEARS TO GO... “IN REALITY, ZERO ISN’T ENOUGH FOR THOSE COMPANIES THAT ARE RIGHT OUT IN FRONT IN TERMS OF SUSTAINABILITY.”
  • 30. 27 Here’s how the timber strategy fi ts alongside the company’s other Net Positive goals, in terms of overall vision, aspiration and concrete targets: BECOMING NET POSITIVE COMMUNITIES Vision To achieve a global net reforestation Aspiration To create more forest than is used 2020 target To achieve 100 per cent responsibly sourced timber and paper in all operations Vision All homes are zero carbon or net generators of energy Aspiration Every store and customer’s home is zero carbon or generates more energy than it consumes 2020 targets To achieve energy savings of 37TWh for customers and 45 per cent reduction in energy intensity of own properties Vision Creating and using products wastes nothing Aspiration Every product will enable a more sustainable and ultimately Net Positive lifestyle 2020 target To achieve 1,000 products with closed-loop credentials Vision Businesses help people to help each other Aspiration Every store and location supports projects that build local communities or equip people with skills 2020 target To achieve 4,000 community projects completed by internal people that deliver “Better Homes, Better Lives” TIMBER INNOVATION ENERGY NET POSITIVE
  • 32. 29 WHAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE? Environmental profi t & loss (EP&L) accounting puts a fi nancial value on the environmental impacts across the entirety of a company’s value chain. This approach not only gives complex environmental metrics greater resonance by translating them into the core language of business – fi nance – but also provides a measure that enables companies to better assess and manage risks and opportunities. KEY FACTS • Introduced by Jochen Zeitz, then-CEO of PUMA, in 2009 • PUMA conducted fi rst ever EP&L assessment in 2011 • Novo Nordisk became the fi rst pharmaceutical company in the world to conduct an EP&L account in 2014 • Kering has committed to rolling out the EP&L assessment across its brands (including Gucci, Stella McCartney, Yves Saint Laurent, and Volcom) by 2015.
  • 33. A QUANTUM LEAP FORWARD IN VALUING IMPACTS It takes both hard work and a pioneering spirit to become known as one of the greenest companies in the world1. Here, Michael Beutler, Director of Operations in Kering’s Sustainability Department, talks to Annie Lancaster about how the company’s commitment to rolling out an Environmental Profi t and Loss assessment across their brands is paving the way for a standardised measurement tool that benefi ts everyone. AL: How would you sum up the EP&L in simple terms? MB: It’s a way to understand your environmental footprint going all the way back to the raw material level, and putting a value on it so you can understand the differences between what resources you use, and what kind of impact that has on society. AL: Tell me about how the EP&L came into being. MB: The initial concept – from then CEO of PUMA, Jochen Zeitz – was created by Kering and PUMA in 2010 and the fi rst-ever 30 EP&L was published in 2011. And our leadership took that initial analysis and decided to turn it into an integral part of how we work with all our brands on sustainability: how we understand our supply chain, our processes, our suppliers, and the impacts of all our activities. AL: Was it challenging to get the buy-in needed across Kering’s stakeholders to start the process? MB: Once François-Henri Pinault decided we were going to do an EP&L, there wasn’t any pushback from the individual brands. It makes sense. But the level of engagement we’ve had across the business has been fantastic. AL: And why do you think engagement was so good? MB: Firstly, there’s a lot of business value in mapping and understanding the supply chain. Secondly, from a sustainability standpoint, I think everyone saw that the EP&L represented the next frontier – a quantum leap forwards. In the sense that traditional environmental reporting is one dimensional, an EP&L is a three-dimensional view. AL: Presumably it comes with a corresponding leap in the amount of effort or work that goes into conducting something like this. MB: In the beginning, when we were mapping processes and categorising inventory and our suppliers, yes. But we’ve completed EP&L reports for about 73 per cent of the Group thus far, and in the process we’re becoming more and more effi cient. It has taken a lot of dedication to streamline the process – across the business but particularly from our sustainability team – but our level of effort per EP&L now is probably one-tenth of what it was when we fi rst started. AL: The EP&L is primarily a measurement tool; the obvious question it throws up is, having understood your environmental footprints, what next? MB: We take the results and we work with our brands to identify opportunities to reduce them. We also have a roadmap of projects that align into our 2015 targets, and they all link up – we can calculate the savings each would generate from an EP&L perspective. So it helps us to evaluate where we can have the maximum impact. AL: Have there already been benefi ts from its implementation? MB: Yes defi nitely. We’ve created many initiatives – both public and internal – that are driven by reducing the impacts we’ve discovered through the EP&L, for example metal-free tanning, or sourcing strategies for some of our key materials. It’s not just environmental sustainability – it’s also about long-term viability. In terms of supply chain security, the EP&L tells us where we can fi nd sources that are more reliable for our business to plan around. Social issues also come to the fore, such as local livelihoods. On sourcing particularly, we’ve defi nitely identifi ed issues that we can scale into really signifi cant impacts in the long run. AL: As you mention, it’s not only about the environmental impact. Is a Social Profi t and Loss on the cards for Kering? MB: We’re doing something far more extensive than any other company with the EP&L – in terms of methodology, depth of analysis, and across all of our business units. MICHAEL BEUTLER Sustainability Operations Director Kering A ANNIE LANCASTER Senior Consultant Salterbaxter MSLGROUP SS DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP 1 Newsweek, 06/05/2014
  • 34. EP&L 31 So while there’s a lot of value in something like the SP&L, having pioneered the EP&L it’s incumbent on us to see it through, so it’s not just an innovative new methodology, but also an effective tool that is understood across the board in terms of its importance from a business standpoint. AL: So to what extent would you call the EP&L a sustainability tool, vs. a strategic business tool? MB: It’s really both. Every business that makes something is depleting natural capital. If you don’t understand how you’re using natural capital – what the risks are, the stress points, and the potential for doing it more effi ciently and in a way that is less impactful – there’s a whole aspect of your business risk that you just don’t understand. And that means your future viability and your future strategy can’t be well informed. AL: You’re very much a pioneer of this tool; have you seen a lot of interest from other organisations wanting to run EP&Ls of their own? MB: There’s been a lot of interest. That’s why we’re working to make a more standardised EP&L that is comparative across companies and industries. A fi nancial statement is a fi nancial statement, but right now in sustainability reporting, even EP&Ls may not be “IF THEIR SOURCING AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISN’T HEALTHY – THEN THE COMPANY ISN’T HEALTHY.” comparable across companies. So it’s very important for us that we collaborate with other businesses in the hope that it becomes standardised. We’re not working on the EP&L for competitive advantage for us; in the long run it’s to benefi t everyone. AL: By its nature, an EP&L is about increased transparency and could potentially expose you to critical voices. Have you felt that? MB: There are risks to transparency. Some companies believe that an EP&L account could open them up to criticism from their shareholders or even to litigation. But on the fl ip side, if you’re not transparent, you’re not meeting your fi duciary duty. We’ve had nothing but enthusiasm as a result of the EP&L, but of course different industries have different perspectives and issues to wrestle with, that might make the level of exposure associated with conducting an EP&L publicly feel less comfortable. AL: Do you think the concept of an EP&L arose as a result of something specifi c within Kering, or could it have happened anywhere? MB: It could have happened anywhere. We happened to have a leader, fi rst in Jochen Zeitz who had the vision and came up with the concept, and then with François-Henri Pinault who saw how it could be taken to the next level. So we had the leadership. I think someone would have done it eventually, but like anything new and innovative someone had to do it initially. AL: Where do you see the EP&L going in the next 10 or 20 years? MB: I hope to see it standardized; scaled across our industry and other industries; and standing next to fi nancial reporting as a deeper understanding of a company’s risk and opportunities. If their sourcing and supply chain isn’t healthy – then the company isn’t healthy. So it could go in two directions. As an internal tool, much like management accounting; or externally, integrated into fi nancial performance as a broader indicator of a company’s health.
  • 35. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP SUSANNE STORMER Vice President, Corporate Sustainability Novo Nordisk ENVIRONMENTAL PROFIT AND LOSS AND THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE AL: Tell me about how the EP&L fi ts within Novo Nordisk’s broader philosophy. SS: For more than 25 years our approach to sustainability has been built on the philosophy of the Triple Bottom Line. This gives us a 360° lens on how we make decisions: we consider the potential implications for the environment and for society, as well as the fi nancial dimension. This way we are able to make more balanced choices; by recognising their implications, we can take action to mitigate any potentially negative impacts. On the social side, it is possible for companies to have a net positive contribution. In the case of Novo Nordisk, we benefi t patients through the products that we provide; we can develop the skills of our employees so we have a positive social dimension there. If we were to do a social P&L it would most likely be a positive one. But on the environmental side there is a cost. We need to understand that cost, and recognise that if you consider the externalities, some of these costs are not currently priced adequately. 32 The link to the EP&L is clear. By default any company using resources to produce its materials has a negative environmental footprint. So how can we reduce that negative footprint? That is what we’re trying to answer with the EP&L. AL: And what have you learned through this approach? SS: Inspired by Puma’s activities, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wanted to look into whether it would be possible to do an EP&L for a company such as Novo Nordisk. So we agreed to be a pilot, working both with the EPA and Trucost. Over several years we’ve been reporting on our environmental performance, but we wanted to go further – to take a value chain approach. So we looked into our supply chain, going several steps deeper than our standard reporting. What we learned when we added it all up was that of the total cost of our environmental impact, about 87 per cent, is generated through our supply chain. Only the remaining 13 per cent happens within the company’s own operations. AL: Having understood that the majority of environmental impacts are happening outside of your direct control, what steps are you now taking to mitigate your impact? SS: This is where it ties in with our ongoing sustainability initiatives. For over a decade we’ve been managing our supply chain on the basis of responsible sourcing – asking our suppliers to meet certain standards and requirements. Now we’re seeking to understand what kinds of suppliers generate the biggest environmental impacts, and what we can do about it. We are working with our suppliers to help them be more sustainable. We’ve found that our suppliers are keen – they see the benefi t. And it translates into a better fi nancial bottom line because it can be tied to energy savings, or conversion to renewable energy, or smarter processes in so many ways. AL: As the fi rst pharmaceutical company in the world to run an EP&L account, have you experienced challenges in being the front runner? SS: I think any innovation initiative such as this will have challenges. One we’ve faced is a practical one – how do you fi nd the data for a robust analysis? As a science-led company we are generally quite data-driven in our approach, and the fact that we’ve been Novo Nordisk has been called the ‘world’s most sustainable corporation’1. Here, Susanne Stormer – Vice President, Corporate Sustainability – describes to Annie Lancaster how measuring the company’s EP&L is just one strand of a corporate philosophy that balances economic, social, and environmental perspectives. 1 Corporate Knights, 2012 ANNIE LANCASTER Senior Consultant Salterbaxter MSLGROUP SALTE
  • 36. working with data reporting on our environmental and social performance for many years has facilitated that process, but clearly Trucost needed to go into lots of what you might call ‘sensitive data’ – for instance data relating to fi nancial interactions with suppliers – so it requires a large degree of trust in your partners. Another challenge, having understood the data, is what are you going to do about it. If you’re just going to say ‘oh, that’s interesting…’ it’s a pointless exercise. “BY DEFAULT ANY COMPANY USING RESOURCES HAS A NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT. SO HOW CAN WE REDUCE THAT FOOTPRINT?” A third challenge is how to translate the impact into a value in a monetary sense. We don’t have a currency for these things; the closest we get is with carbon, because there is a price on carbon. When it comes to something like water – how do you put a real cost on the availability of fresh water? AL: Given these challenges, was it diffi cult to convince the whole company that an EP&L assessment was the right road to go down? SS: When reaching out internally in order to compile the data needed, we were aware that we were asking people to lot of extra work on top of their already busy schedules. When you are persuading people to go out of their way to dig out data, they have to appreciate the reasoning behind it. Here, again, we benefi ted from the fact that we have been working with responsible sourcing and data analysis for many years. As a result of our Triple Bottom Line philosophy, there is an understanding within the company of importance and value of sustainability. Nevertheless, you need to be able to rely on good working relationships, not just with external partners but with colleagues. A lesson we’ve learned is that while you can push your way through an organisation to get the information or results you want, if you are unable to convince internal partners that it is meaningful and value-creating for them, you’ll have a very hard time. AL: Having gone through that process, do you feel the EP&L assessment has generated real value? SS: It certainly reveals perspectives that we previously may not have thought about. For years we’ve been working at reducing our environmental impact, so we have a pretty good idea about how that impact is split out amongst our own operations. But looking at carbon emissions as an example, we began by focusing on the emissions generated from production, which was the immediate largest impact, and then worked our way into managing emissions from transportation of products and people. Now we can see that production, and indeed the direct impacts of our activities, is actually only a small contributor to total carbon emissions – with the majority coming from other parts of the supply chain. That kind of information is a real eye-opener, and facilitates conversations AL: The EP&L remains a somewhat ‘niche’ measurement & reporting tool at current; do you think we will see a broader uptake in the future? SS: The expectation is defi nitely growing for companies to be accountable for their performance throughout their value chain. In that regard the EP&L is most likely the best method. But then again, it’s only one dimension – looking at environmental performance. What would be more benefi cial would be to be able to also look at the social and economic dimension of a company’s contribution. AL: And that ties into some of the other approaches we’re looking at in Directions – such as Net Positive. SS: Novo Nordisk hasn’t made a formal commitment to being Net Positive the way some other companies have, but that is exactly what we are trying to achieve with the Triple Bottom Line: our impact should be a net positive one. If it weren’t, the world would be better off if we weren’t here. By implication I would say that every company should be able to say its contribution to global society is a net positive one. Otherwise we are in big trouble! 33 ght der do a y ading t ct is e the y. about what we can do across all the functions of the business – from offi ces all the way through to the selection of materials or processes. It becomes a much richer and more nuanced discussion than it would be were you just looking at your impact from a ‘helicopter’ perspective. EP&L
  • 38. HEALTHYSOCIETY, SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS 35 At the heart of the shared value concept is the idea that the future success and competitiveness of businesses is directly linked to health of the communities within which they operate. By working to tackle the big issues faced by society, whether economic, environmental or social, companies will generate economic value through new innovations, access to new markets and by creating business models that foster long-term sustainable growth. KEY FACTS • Concept fi rst introduced by Mark Kramer and Michael Porter in The Harvard Business Review in 2006 • The Shared Value Initiative – seeking to enhance knowledge-sharing and Shared Value best practice – founded in 2012 by Kramer & Porter and FSG • Key players include Nestlé, General Electric, Walmart and Dow AgroSciences.
  • 40. Marc Pfi tzer charts the emergence of Shared Value as a driving force for innovation and growth in companies determined to create both social and economic value. Like other new approaches to sustainability, it is fi lling in huge gaps left by earlier experiments with philanthropy and CSR – but is still in its infancy and its potential is vast. For well over a decade, we’ve searched systematically for practices that lead to extraordinary social impact. Our journey with Shared Value started with the same idea: what were companies doing that truly changed the world? 1 SHARED VALUE MITIGATION Back then, the emphasis was on mitigating the negatives. We loved the principles, but questioned the results. ‘Tick box CSR’ had pushed companies into a multitude of efforts in areas of concern to all. But were emission reductions, water saving efforts, or human rights standards truly making a difference to climate change, water basins or working conditions? Meanwhile, some truly impressive outcomes did begin to stare us in the face. India’s Jain Irrigation wasn’t trying to save water in manufacturing; it was growing the world’s largest drip irrigation business. Toyota didn’t focus on factory emissions, but led the way in developing clean mobility solutions. Here were truly world-changing developments, promising a thousand times more potential. Unmet needs were the target for product innovation, profi ts enabled reinvestment and – once again – impact was scaled up. But it all started with investigating other, ultimately disappointing approaches. Our deep dive into corporate philanthropy in 2002, for instance, left us unimpressed. Guided by notions of moral obligations, investments were diluted. We saw many heartfelt projects which had little impact. There were exceptions, of course. Cisco, with its Network Academies, was on its way to training four million young people in ICT around the world because it powered the global adoption of its technologies. Nestlé’s vast agricultural development programmes similarly enabled it to localise and expand its dairy or coffee businesses. Social constraints to growth were the target, changing conditions unlocked new business prospects, impact was increased in scale. Then we turned to the sustainability and CSR movements. “WE ALSO GRASPED THAT PROFITS ARE NOT ALL EQUAL. THOSE THAT ADVANCE SOCIETY CREATE THE CONDITIONS FOR FUTURE GROWTH. PROFIT IS NOT THE PROBLEM, BUT THE NATURE OF PROFIT MATTERS IMMENSELY.” 1 See : “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanthropy” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review Dec 2002; “Strategy & Society; “The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review, Dec 2006; “Creating Shared Value: How to Reinvent Capitalism and Unleash a Wave of Innovation and Growth” by Michael Porter & Mark Kramer in Harvard Business Review, Jan 2011. 37
  • 41. “SHARED VALUE REPRESENTS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT OPPORTUNITY FOR INNOVATION AND GROWTH IN BUSINESS TODAY.” Shared Value gives the competitive leader a language for adopting purpose-based strategies, as well as concrete guidance on how to turn on the social innovation engine in their companies.4 POSITIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE Shared Value is positive – it moves the rationale for investing in society from a licence to a reason to operate. Purpose is immensely powerful: it channels resources to the right kind of ideas and partners, and it puts fi re in the organisation and in people’s hearts. Shared Value is bringing the best talent back into business or into partnership with business. And it is comprehensive: based in the interdependence between business and society, it acknowledges remaining areas of trade-off while opening the possibility for breaking these through innovation. A measure of its comprehensiveness is its consistency with the related movements featured in this report. The EP&L and SP&L movements focus on trade-offs and seek to apply a price to externalities. Companies internalising such environmental and social costs will fi nd a way to innovate out of them, and that will create Shared Value. CREATING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC VALUE Shared Value had crystallised. Companies that changed the world found ways to create social and economic value simultaneously. By 2011, we were no longer looking at marginal initiatives but ‘Shared Value companies,’ who defi ned their purpose around social progress, powered by strong economics. We sharpened our understanding of the linkage between society and business, and helped codify how Shared Value is created (through products, value chain reconfi guration, and investments in the enabling environment). We understood the enormous potential here: solving social problems profi tably meant solutions would not be limited by scarce public or non-profi t budgets. Yet we also grasped that profi ts are not all equal. Those that advance society create the conditions for future growth. Profi t is not the problem, but the nature of profi t matters immensely. Shared Value practices are spreading throughout the world in name or form. A million viewers have followed Michael Porter’s TED talk, thousands of corporate and cross-sector members have joined the Shared Value Initiative, hundreds of companies contribute to the annual Shared Value summit, dozens of fi rms (some trained by us) in every continent are consulting on Shared Value across the world: why? Well, because many now understand that simply managing the footprint is not enough. Shared Value does sit on the shoulders of the sustainability and CSR giants, and the mitigation work is far from over. But it is not suffi cient. For two decades now, a multitude of companies has scored high on CSR ratings. And yet simultaneously, trust in business has crashed and a Living Planet Index has worsened year-on-year. Where Shared Value is different is in the fact that it gives the moral leader a new set of tools so that their best work on footprint management is just the foundation of a whole new world of impact and value creation. Another reality is that our social defi cits are hurting companies. Mining companies have seen a ten-fold increase in community confl icts in the last decade, and over two-thirds of the discount applied to gold mining companies by investors today, for example, is due to political and social risks.2 Globally, companies face another paradox. They can’t access well-trained vocational staff, while massive youth unemployment threatens stability in key markets. Shared Value gives the cost conscious leader guidance for driving both resource and labour productivity in the value chain. And it gives the risk averse a business case for mobilising kindred spirits, both internally and externally, to address local development needs. And Shared Value opens the fi eld to immense market opportunities, represented by the billions who lack access to proper nutrition, housing, sanitation, health, energy – you name it. Our recent work in fi nancial services uncovered 2.5 billion “unbanked” people, $2.1 trillion in unmet credit needs for SMEs, and a $3–10 trillion future market opportunity in impact investing.3 The reality is, Shared Value represents the most signifi cant opportunity for innovation and growth in business today, as demonstrated by GE in environmental and health technologies, Nestlé or Dow in nutrition, Veolia or Kemira in water treatment, and Intel or Pearson in education technology and content. DIRECTIONS 2014 SALTERBAXTER MSLGROUP 38
  • 42. The circular economy and Net Positive movements are providing guidance on achieving resource productivity (value chain reconfi guration) and the B Corp movement is giving an institutional framework to a purpose-driven company. MEASUREMENT Our focus has been on illustrating the management practices that advance both social and business conditions. And in many ways, Shared Value is still in its infancy. The big frontier is measurement. We have described how companies, which systematically measure the link between achieving new social outcomes and business returns, unlock further value creation – but these practices are just emerging.5 Measurement validates purpose, and opens the door for authentic cross-sector collaboration. Measurement provides the foundation for a new discourse between government and business, not anchored in traditional wealth extraction through taxation, but in incentives to drive social outcomes in ways that decrease cost to the public sector. And importantly, as shown by leading practitioners, measurement will guide investors to fulfi l their social purpose in allocating resources to ventures that outperform the market through their extraordinary contribution to social progress. 2 See “Spinning Gold: The Financial Returns to External Stakeholder Engagement” by Witold J. Henisz, 2011 3 See “Banking on Shared Value” by Bockstette, Smith, Pfi tzer et al. FSG, 2014 4 See“Innovating for Shared Value” by Marc Pfi tzer et al in Harvard Business Review, Sept 2013. 5 See “Measuring Shared Value” by Porter, Hills & Pfi tzer, 2013 SHARED VALUE 39