fluid mechanics hydraulics duet prof. dr. atıl bulu open channel flow aec building information modeling stanford university bim glenn katz aec industry theory of elasticity and plasticity dimensional analysis open channel hydraulics web.itu.edu.tr bnbc 2015 bnbc 1993 bnbc 2006 bimtopia.com bimtopia.com discoverability score equivalent force method base shear method influence lines of beams response spectrum analysis calculation of wind load müller-breslau’s principle influence lines of plate girders and trusses maximum ‘shear force’ due to wheel loads maximum ‘support reaction’ due to wheel loads wave force using morison’s equation seismic vibration and structural response structural stability and determinacy space truss virtual work analysis of multi-storied structures by portal met analysis of multi-storied structures by cantilever flexibility method portal method approximate lateral load analysis by portal method approximate analysis of bridge portal and mill ben joint displacements and forces problems on stiffness method for beams/frames displacement differential equation part 2 strain-displacement equations and membrane forces general membrane theory membrane theory of shells of revolution theory of elasticity and plasticity (equations she stress bcs fem in plane elasticity- constant strain triangle biharmonic equation strain-displacement equations hooke’s law principal stresses saint-venant compatibility equations theory of stress strain tensor principal directions plane strain vs. plane stress airy stress function plane strain polynomial solution of 2-d problem plane stress work and energy strain energy ritz method principle of minimum potential energy principle of superposition displacement formulation boundary conditions mathematical methods for solutions elasticity problem formulation elasticity and plasticity introduction to theory of elasticity and plasticit theory of elasticity euler’s equations velocity potential functions continuity equation two-dimensional ideal flow the flow net stream function ground water flow sudden enlargement in a pipe system stagnation tube free liquid jet euler’s equation of motion momentum correction factor pressure exerted on a plate by a free jet the power of a stream of fluid torricelli’s theorem mechanical energy of a flowing fluid application of the impulse-momentum equation venturimeter applications of bernoulli’s equation kinetic energy correction factor the work-energy equation impulse-momentum equation: conservation of momentu hydraulic jump in an open channel flow flow over a weir stationary and moving vanes: the impulse turbine bernoulli’s equation kinematics of fluids fundamentals of fluid mechanics hydroelectric power plants hydroelectric power two-dimensional flow two dimensional two-dimensional flow of the real fluids fluid mechanic pipe flow local energy local energy (head) losses model theory specific energy gradually-varied gradually varied flow aashto slab bridge asd method for maintain covering bnbc covering bundled bar minimum covering
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