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ISSN 2414-0511
National University «Ostroh Academy» 
Institute of Global Strategies Management (Ostroh, Ukraine) 
Legal entity of public law – Sokhumi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) 
Educational institution – Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives 
(Gomel, Belarus) 
Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Slupsk, Poland) 
Global world 
Scientific anthology 
volume 3‐4 (III‐IV) 
Ostroh – Tbilisi – Gomel – Slupsk  
ISSN 2414-0511
Recommended for publication by decision of the Scientific Council of the National University «Ostroh Academy»
(protocol number 3 of 20 december 2018)
National University «Ostroh Academy» (Ostroh, Ukraine);
Legal entity of public law – Sokhumi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Slupsk, Poland).
Editorial Board:
Rudenko Olha, Doctor of Public Administration (Ostroh, Ukraine) – Chairman;
Drozd Roman, dr hab, prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland) – Co-Chair;
Misnikova Lyudmyla, PhD (Gomel, Belarus) – Co-Chair;
Pasichnik Igor, prof., Doctor of Psychology (Ostroh, Ukraine) – Co-Chair;
Takalandze Larisa, Doctor of Economics (Tbilisi, Georgia) – Co-Chair;
Akhalaia Shota, Doctor of Mathematics (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Chervyakova Olga, PhD in PublicAdministration (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Chikobava Merab, PhD in Biology (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Dubovytska Lenka, Ing. PhD. (Kosice, Slovakia);
Ivanov Valery, Doctor of Philology (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Ivanytska Olga, Doctor of Public Administration (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Gechbaia Badri, Doctor of Economics (Batumi, Georgia);
Kapshtyk Alexander, Doctor of Economics (Gomel, Belarus);
Khubua Georgyy, Doctor of Law (Munich, Germany);
Kraluik Peter, prof., Doctor of Philosophy (Ostroh, Ukraine);
Kuczabski Aleksander, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland);
Kuznetsova Tatyana, prof., Doctor of Social communication (Odessa, Ukraine);
Michalski Tomasz, dr hab., prof. (Słupsk, Poland);
Nelipa Dmytro, Doctor of Political Sciences (Kyiv, Ukraine);
Nugzar Todua, Doctor of Economics sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Osadowski Zbigniew, dr hab. inż., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland);
Papaskiri Zurab, Doctor of Historical sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Radchenko Oleksandr, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland);
Shablovsky Tatyana, PhD (Gomel, Belarus);
Shengelia Teimuraz, Doctor of Economics sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia);
Shevlyukov Alexander, Doctor of Economics (Gomel, Belarus);
Shturkhetskyy Serhiy, PhD in Public Administration (Ostroh,
Ukraine); Snytkova Natalia, PhD (Gomel, Belarus);
Sucharski Tadeusz, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland);
Sytsko Valentine, PhD (Gomel, Belarus);
Viter Dmytro, Doctor of Philosophy (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine).
Global world: scientific almanac. – Ostroh: Publisher The National University «Ostroh Academy»,
2018. – Vol. 3-4 (ІІI-IV). – 90 p.
ISSN 2414-0511
Scientific anthology highlights the results of scientific work with the major problems of society in the
context of globalization, the best European practices on topical issues of our time.
The publication is intended for employees of state agencies, local governments, enterprises and
organizations, NGOs, researchers and teachers, creative young people.
УДК 316.32
ББК 66.4
© National University «Ostroh Academy».
Institute of Global Strategies Management (Ostroh, Ukraine)
© Legal entity of public law – Sokhumi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia)
© Educational institution Belarusian Trade and Economic
University of Consumer Cooperatives (Gomel, Belarus)
© Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Slupsk, Poland)
ISSN 2414-0511
Інститут глобальних стратегій управління Національного університету «Острозька академія» 
(м. Острог, Україна) 
Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія) 
Заклад освіти «Білоруський торговельно‐економічний університет споживчої кооперації» 
(м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь) 
Поморська академія в Слупську (м. Слупськ, Польща) 
Global world 
Науковий альманах 
Том  3‐4 (III‐IV) 
ISSN 2414-0511
Рекомендовано до друку рішенням вченої ради Національного університету
«Острозька академія» (протокол № 3 від 20 грудня 2018 р.)
Інститут глобальних стратегій управління Національного університету «Острозька академія (м. Острог,
Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Заклад освіти«Білоруський торговельно-економічний університетспоживчої кооперації» (м. Гомель,Рес-
публіка Білорусь);
Поморська академія в Слупську (м. Слупськ, Польща).
Редакційна колегія:
Руденко Ольга, доктор наук із державного управління (м. Острог, Україна) – голова;
Дрозд Роман, dr hab. prof. nadzw. (Польща) – співголова;
Міснікова Людмила, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь) – співголова;
Пасічник Ігор, проф., доктор психологічних наук (м. Острог, Україна) – співголова;
Такаландзе Лариса, доктор економіки (м. Тбілісі, Грузія) – співголова;
Ахалая Шота, доктор математики (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Вітер Дмитро, доктор філософських наук (м. Дніпропетровськ, Україна);
Герчиньська Даніела, dr hab. prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща);
Гехбайя Бадрі, доктор економіки (м. Батумі, Грузія);
Дубовицка Ленка, Ing. PhD (м. Кошице, Словаччина);
Іваницька Ольга, доктор наук з державного управління (м. Київ, Україна);
Іванов Валерій, проф., доктор філологічних наук (м. Київ, Україна);
Капштик Олександр, доктор економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь);
Кралюк Петро, проф., доктор філософських наук (м. Острог, Україна);
Кузнецова Тетяна, проф., доктор наук із соціальних комунікацій (м. Одеса, Україна);
Кучабський Олександр, доктор наук з державного управління (м. Слупськ, Польща);
Михальський Томаш, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Слупськ, Польща);
Неліпа Дмитро, доктор політичних наук (м. Київ, Україна);
Нугзар Тодуа, доктор економічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Осабовски Збигней, dr hab. inż., prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща);
Папаскірі Зураб, доктор історичних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Радченко Олександр, dr. hab., prof. nadzw. (Слупськ,Польща);
Сицко Валентина, доктор технічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь);
Сниткова Наталія, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь);
Сухарскі Тадеуш, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща);
Хубуа Георгий, доктор юридичних наук (м. Мюнхен, Німеччина);
Червякова Ольга, кандидат наук із державного управління (м. Київ, Україна);
Чикобава Мераб, кандидат біологічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Шабловська Тетяна, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь);
Шевлюков Олександр, доктор економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь);
Шенгелія Теймураз, доктор економічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія);
Штурхецький Сергій, кандидат наук із державного управління (м. Острог, Україна).
Global world : науковий альманах. – Острог : Видавництво Національного університету «Ост-
розька академія», 2016. – Т. 2 (ІІ). – 190 с.
ISSN 2414-0511
У науковому альманасі висвітлено результати наукових робіт з основних проблем розвитку сус-
пільства в умовах глобалізації, кращі європейські практики з актуальних питань сучасності.
Видання розраховане на працівників органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядуван-
ня, підприємств та організацій, громадських організацій, наукових і науково-педагогічних кадрів,
творчу молодь.
УДК 316.32
ББК 66.4
© Національний університет «Острозька академія».
Інститут глобальних стратегій управління (м. Острог, Україна)
© Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний
університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія)
© Заклад освіти «Білоруський торговельно-економічний університет
споживчої кооперації» (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь)
© Поморська академія в Слупську(м. Слупськ, Польща)
ISSN 2414-0511
OBTAINED IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE).......................................................................................................................6
ON THE ISSUE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GEORGIA.........................................................................................29
THEORETIAL ASPECTS OF MARKETING AUDIT................................................................................................................39
«ОБОРОНА ЄДНОСТІ ЦЕРКОВНОЇ» Л. КРЕВЗИ).............................................................................................................42
GBUR Zoryana
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE FOR PROVIDING THE STATE ECONOMIC SECURITY ............................................................46
В СИСТЕМІ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СУСПІЛЬНОЇ СТАБІЛЬНОСТІ........................................................................................60
ISSUES OF COST ANALYSIS AT THE COMMERCIAL BANKS ..........................................................................................69
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
:20.07.2018 .
:24.11.2018 .
15.12.2018 .
DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-6-13
Kruashvili Irina. Functions of Word Building Constructions in the literary text
(On the material obtained in the German language). Global world :
. : - , 2017-2018, vol. 3-4. . 6–13.
It is already a long time, since interrelations of word building and text have been focused in the centre of attention
of the linguists. The scientists studied the textual specifics of WBCs, the relationships of the stylistical word building
with the text. Within the framework of the literary text, the word building processes occur most evidently and compre-
hensively, there are formed new WBCs, which denote objects, events, actions of qualities that are important for the
communication. Relevance of WBCs in the formation of the literary text is clearly revealed when we discuss, on one
hand, the process of WBC formation in the literary text and, on the other hand, the use and the functions of WBCs in the
literary text. Despite the fact that WBC formation mainly occurs according to the systemic models and rules, within the
framework of the literary text, it can be subordinated to the contextual regularities. Each new word is connected with
a certain text or communicative situation. The literary text represents an important pre-condition for the nascence of
contextual composites and derivatives, which so often occur in belles-lettres. Such composites and derivatives become
comprehensible only in the text, in a concrete situation. Their deciphering and their understanding is not connected
with great difficulties, as the semantic transparency of the constituents makes it easy to interpret the whole construction.
Sometimes the designation is created from word building elements upon this or that model, but neither the knowledge of
elements, nor the knowledge of the word building model are sufficient to perceive the given meaning. So there is formed a
new word, which is not yet registered in a dictionary and which is created by the author according to his original vision.
The process of the nascence of such occasional WBCs in the literary text occurs in a very interesting way. Accordingly,
there is found a great interest for the interpretation of their meanings. In the occasional WBCs there is clearly revealed
the author’s creativity and individuality. The article discusses these very functions of the WBCs and there is substanti-
ated the necessity of inclusion of the simplexes in the analysis of the text. WBCs carry mainly stylistic and textual func-
tions in the literary text. At the level of the text, the word building differences of this or that part of speech becomes
non-relevant. Here, all the WBCs have the same function: to shape out the author’s individual style, to determine the
register of the text as well as its belonging to an objective style, to realize the direct and remote coherence of the discrete
units of the text. Stylistic functions of WBCs are discussed in the article based on the analysis of micro-texts taken from
the works of T. Mann and S. Zweig. WBCs implement descriptive or evaluative functions in the literary text. The textual
function WBCs is shown by means of the analysis of S. Zweig’s story. The textual function is represented in the form of
a remote coherence.
Keywords: Word building construction, stylistic function, textual function, composites, derivatives.
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Sokhumi State University, Georgia
The research is devoted to the demonstration of a special role and importance of Word Building Construc-
tions (WBCs) for the literary text. Based on the analysis of various micro-texts taken from this genre, there are
described the functions of WBCs in the literary text. The units arerevealed that arenot listed in dictionaries and
that are used by writers with great mastership, in the correspondence with their own individual styles.
Keywords: Wordbuilding construction, stylistic function, textual function, composites, derivatives.
Introduction. The mutual relationships of word building and text are diverse and have many dimensions.
The literary text is the place of nascence of the new Word Buildings Constructions (WBCs), it serves as their
basis as well as one of their sources. WBCs, in their turn, make the literary text prettier, more attractive and
more expressive. It is certainly not easy to write beautifully. It would be naive to think that even for the great-
est masters of the literary art it was easy to achieve their creative summits. When a writer finds the best form
to express his/her idea, or finds the most suitable word, it enables him/her, according to his/her aim, to create
a new meaning, which might even not be registered in a dictionary. Such meanings are mostly born in the fic-
tion literature and they represent WBCs. In view of the build-up of the text, the relevance of WBCs is clearly
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
revealed, on one hand, during the description of the nascence of WBCs themselves in the literary text and, on
the other hand, during the indication of the use and functions of WBCs in the text. The article deals with these
very functions of WBCs in the literary text and there is substantiated the necessity of inclusion of simplexes
in the analysis of the text. WBCs carry mainly stylistic and textual functions in the literary text. Their stylistic
functions are discussed in the article based on the analysis of micro-texts taken from T. Mann’s and S. Zweig’s
works. WBCs undertake descriptive or evaluative function in the literary text. The textual function of WBCs
is shown by means of analysis of S. Zweig’s story. The textual function is represented in the form of remote
Relevance of the study. AWBC is directly linked with this or that part of speech and it gets assimilated ac-
diverse use with nominative, attributive, predicative, adverbial and other functions testifies the role of WBCs
besides the syntagma and simplex. They make a great contribution into the realization of general tendencies of
development of the modern German language, which, above all, is true for the sphere of syntax. The tendency
of condensation of the structures of a sentence causes the increase in the attributiveness of the members of the
sentence as well as the development of new word building models. In the literary text there are present such
WBCs that express multiple relationships between the objects and phenomena in a condensed way. They often
exchange complex syntactic composites. One of the actual problems of the linguistic Germanistics remains to
find out the essence of these lexical units and to describe their functions in the literary text. Topicalityof the
problem motivate the intense research of the issues connected with it. As another argument that this theme is
actual, there can serve the fact that many researchers pay attention to the functions of WBCs in the literary text.
Formulation of the problem. Text is the place and source of development of the word building processes.
There are fixed the productive and non-productive word building models, there are born new systemic con-
structions, which denote objects, phenomena, actions or features that are important for communication.Yet,the
nascence of new WBCs sometimes occurs through the bypass from the generalities of systemic word building,
which can be demonstrated by the fact that the constituents, which, at the first glance, were semantically non-
compatible, unite into constructions. Deciphering and understanding these constructs does not represent a great
difficulty, as the semantic transparency of the constituents make it easier to interpret the whole construction.At
the textual level, the word building differences of the parts of speech becomes non-relevant. Here, all the WBCs
are charged with the same function: to shape out the author’s individual style, to determine the text’s register
and belonging to an objective style, to realize the direct and remote coherence of discrete units of the text.
Analysis of research and development. The mutual connections of word building and text has turned in
the object of research of the scientists for a long time already. We can cite many papers, confirming that textual
aspects intensively penetrate into the research of the grammatical, lexicological and word building problems.
In the latest research, functions of WBCs in the text, their textual specifics, the relationship of the stylistic word
building to the text, come to the foreground. The word building tools belong to the special tools for formal and
semantic organization of the text. According to Fleischer/Barz, “Word building products, as units of the lexical
store, are the building material for texts” (Fleischer/Batz, 2012:26). Gataullin also discusses the word building
potential of a text. According to his assessment, a text is not only a medium, where WBCs function and realize
their denotative or connotative meanings; text is, at the same time, a medium, where new WBCs are formed
(Gataullin, 1990:241). Each new word is linked to a certain text or communicational situation. Text appears
to be an important pre-condition for the nascence of contextual composites and derivatives, which often occur
in belles-lettres and the use of which is sometimes even necessary. Wellmann correctly notices that “the word
building blooms in its prettiest form in the belletrist literature” (Wellmann, 2008:23).
Despite the fact that the formation of WBCs mostly occurs according to the systemic models and rules, with-
in the framework of the text, it can subordinate to other generalities, namely, we imply the importance of con-
text here. Such composites and derivatives become evident only in the text, in a concrete situation. Kubrákova
in such cases considers the importance of communicative situations (Kubrákova, 1982:10). The same idea is
sharedbyotherscientists, whoremarkthat the semantics of contextualwords mainly depends onthe contentsof
the context. Dressler points also to the fact that the importance of contextual constructions is determined by the
anaphoric and cataphoric relationships, so they turn into the “carriers of textual semantics,” ”crystallization of
principal set of themes” (Dressler, 1981:101). Luft (2007) and Elsen (2008) study the complex nouns in Science
Fiction and ‘Fantasy-Literatur.’ WBCs, as a rule of thumb, have three main functions in the text: referential,
stylistic and textual. The referential function implies that WBCs are understandable even without any context;
they denote or concretize objects and events (phenomena). The stylistic function is discussed in the cases when
there is no necessity for name designation, but a certain effect needs to be communicated to the reader. In the
textual function, Elsen distinguishes four aspects: From the formal point of view, WBCs substitute other words
in order to avoid repetitions or long phrases, consequently, this allows the sentence to be shortened. From the
point of view of the contents, WBCs condense information, they interpolate information or make its differen-
tiation, and finally this serves to a better understanding. From a thematic point of view, WBCs form the theme,
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
make combinations of several themes or serve as a leitmotif throughout the text. From the textual point of view,
WBCs serve to the construction of the text, they interconnect certain parts of the text, condense the text, bind it
as a whole entity (Elsen, 2011:87). Elsen is completely right when he notes that various functions do not occur
in an isolated form, but are set forth in the form of diverse combinations.
When we discuss the functions of WBCs in a literary text, we need to mention Purtseladze’s opinions
about this matter. Besides the texts pointed syntactically and morphologically, the scientist considers the texts
pointed by word building tools. There exist the pointed texts, in which the linguistic tools are emphasized and
this makes a certain impact on the text itself. In the texts pointed by means of word building tools, these very
unusual WBCs come forth to the foreground. Purtseladze notes: “interpretation of the texts pointed by word
building tools is quite difficult due to the fact that they are extremely individual, and necessitate to apply psy-
chological approach.” (Purtseladze, 2014:363). The attention of the scientist is attracted by Georg Trakl, “who,
according to his poetic vision, creates such oeuvres that their interpretation necessitates a special hermeneutical
approach in view of the peculiarities of the literary credo, the principles of which are practiced by the author”
(Purtseladze, 2014:363). Purtseladze analyses three unusual words from Trakl’s art: die Junglingin, die Frem-
dlingin, die Mönchin and concludes that ”the interpretation of these word building elements encounters greater
difficulties in a pointed text rather than in an ordinarytexts.”
Goals and objectives of the article. The aim of the present article is to show the functions of WBCs and
the opportunities of their realization in a literary text. According to the main purpose, we have set as the con-
crete objectives of the research: making reviews of the special literature and substantiation of the topicality of
the problem; analysis of WBCs that are fetched from the samples of the fiction literature; cross-comparison of
substantive and adjective WBCs with the headwords of dictionaries of the German language and setting apart
those units that are not yet registered in the dictionaries; interpretation of substantive and adjective WBCs in
the literary prosaic texts, identification of their stylistic and textual functions; calculation of the statistic data of
WBCs and cross-comparison of the frequencies of their use.
The main material with substantiated scientific results. Stylistic functions of WBCs are realized within
the framework of the text and their investigation is included into the competency of the textual stylistics. This
branch of science states the correspondence of the functions of linguistic units and structures through the cross-
section of the interrelations of stylistics and textual linguistics. The style is a quality of the text and one of its
characteristic features.Thus, when discussingstyle, text is meant explicitly or implicitly. Hence,it is purposeful
to make description of the functions of WBCs in a literary text at the verge of stylistics and textual linguistics.
We shall not discuss here the problems of definition and modelling of the text, as well as the principles of con-
struction of the text; we can point to the works of Brinker (2010), Vater (2001), Peschel (2002), Halliday/Hasan
(1985) and Purtseladze (2014) for the readers interested in such problems. It would be wrong to bring forth
only WBCs during the analysis of the text as in this aspect it is possible to consider actualization of the textual
functions of this or that class of words, so it seems necessary to include simplexes into the analysis of the text.
Accordingly, we shall choose two directions of interpretation. On one hand, we shall deal with the functions
of WBCs, and on the other hand, the functions of WBCs and simplexes together. We choose the stylistic as-
pect for interpretations, as: 1. the style is a feature of the text, one of its important characteristics; 2. any word
building construction as a part of speech represents the class of words, which can not only give a stylistic tint
to separate components of the text but also to determine to register (stylistic strokes) of the whole text. The
style can be recognized by two main parameters, these are the stylistic tint (Stilfärbung, Stilkolorit) and stylistic
strokes (Stilzüge, Register). The first of them is characteristic for certain separate lexemes and grammatical
units. There exists the scale of stylistic colouring, which is registered in the dictionaries, e.g. ironical, elevated,
colloquial, rude, etc. What about the stylistic strokes, they represent the quality of the whole text. “The stylistic
strokes are such features of the text as immediacy, indelicacy (non-ceremoniousness), officiality, sharpness
(accuracy), logicalness, lapidarity, dynamicity, statics, emotionality, and so on” (Purtseladze, 2014:205). The
stylistic strokes can be determined by the excessive use of the stylistic tools. In such case, we could discuss the
nominal, verbal and adjective style. In such cases, the means of pointing of the texts is to show forth the stylistic
function of substantive, verbal and adjectival WBCs in the text. Our research shall focus onto the substantive
and adjectival WBCs as they occur in greater quantities in the fiction literature and their stylistic possibilities
greatly excess those of the verbal ones. We believe it is purposeful to postulate generally the fact, which kinds
of text usually abound with the WBCs. The fiction literature stands out by the greatest probabilities of the oc-
currence of WBCs as here they serve to the enrichment of the artistic images.
Words, including complex words, are charged with diverse functions in the text. A word has a greatest
strength of influence. Its role and importance is immense, if it is selected correctly and if it reaches the reader’s
heart naturally.Todecorate the idea beautifully, to bring forth its aesthetical virtues, is the lot of the elected only.
The brilliant examples can be picked in famous writers’ works, which are believed to be the chef-d’oeuvres of
linguistic beauty andartistic style. Elsen believes that “The very poetic expressive strength and aesthetic delight
is the cause of the use of many lexemes in literary texts” (Elsen, 2011:117). Many samples of substantive and
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
adjective word building is eccentric and paradoxical, yet, the writers, according to their original style and opin-
tuch (Bienek), leergesungener Opernstar (G. Hofmann), kirschschwarze Mittelmeeraugen (Grass), fremdlän-
dischschwarze Frau (Strittmatter), weißkäsebleicher Mond (Strittmatter), seiner aluminiumhellen Zahlkasse
(St. Zweig), mit der grauschmutzigen Marmorplatte (St. Zweig), manikürbesteckgroßes Kästchen (Fühmann).
These are unusual, occasional WBCs, which do not fit into the norms of the literary language. Their use shows
the natural relationship of a word-creator artist towards the German language that enables him, respectiveto
his/her aims, in the case of need, to create a new denomination, which might not be yet registered in a diction-
ary. There do not exist any ready-to-use aesthetic norms that would communicate the exact direction to the
writer. Everything depends on the individual style.
Analysis of many examples show that by means of adjectives (especially, complex adjectives) it is pos-
sible to communicate the most accurate nuances of this or that notion, be that a hard spiritual situation, timid
compassion or firm decision. The adjective WBCs make the language elaborate and attractive. They introduce
colouring, form, warmth, flavour into the text ((Reiners, 2009:135). It is even possible to revive dull objects
by means of WBCs, when the author is not contented by general designations, but looks for something special.
By means of expressive, voluminous adjectives, which show forth distinctive individual features, this effect
can be readily reached and the text becomes expressive (Reiners, 2009:136). This can be explained also by the
fact that, just like substantive composited, the adjective composites represent one of the means of compression
(Sommerfeldt, 1987:64).
A noun and an adjective can make a composite in combination with any parts of speech. Eichinger cor-
rectly emphasizes the inclination and the ability of the German language to produce infinitely long composites
(Eichinger, 2000:145). Elsen remarks that by means of composites it is possible to vary or to retain the theme
(Elsen, 2011:89).
As it is known, the primary function of an adjective is to design qualities and features of an object or a
phenomenon. This function is realized by an attributive at the level of syntax, and by an epithet, at the level of
stylistics. From the point of view of stylistics, an epithet represents something additional, which might be im-
portant for the understanding of the phrase, but not necessary. Let’s take a micro-text for the example: „Graue,
dünne und zerrissene Wolken flatterten eilig über den Himmel. Die trübe, zerwühlte See war weit und breit
mit Schaum bedeckt. Große, starke Wogen wälzten sich mit einer unerbittlichen und furchteinflößenden Ruhe
heran, neigten sich majestätisch, indem sie eine dunkelgrüne, metallblanke Rundung bildeten, und stürzten lär-
mend über den Sand.“ (Mann, 2017). This micro-text would be understandable even without the adjectives, yet,
it is undoubtable that they increase the accuracy of the idea; they make it more comprehensible and tangible.
Still, we must note here that several adjectives piled together create a lesser effect. The opinion that a great
writer with a good style can be recognized by his modest, moderate relationship with the epithets, is shared by
many famous researchers, such as Faulseit (1982:17), Reiners (2009:135) and Sommerfeldt (1986:164). The
latter emphasizes the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the use of adjectives. For instance, in characteristics
there often occur some qualitatively unnecessary, excessive and frequently repeated words; and quantitatively,
the text is overcharged with such non-necessary adjectives. Yet, we cannot a priori postulate that several epi-
thets piled together are always inappropriate.
Let’s now pass onto the interpretation of concrete text and demonstrate, what features are acquired by the
individual style of a writer with the use of an adjective epithet. Let’s take for analysis the samples of literary
prosaic texts from the creations of T. Mann and S. Zweig.
T. Mann is deservedly recognized as an unpaired grandmaster of the epithet. “Buddenbrooks” is the very
work that brought a great success to the author and made him won the name of a great writer. T. Mann’s style
is unique and exalted. He created a new, his own style of the intellectual narration, the so called style of criti-
cal exactitude. The writer can create embracing, utterly expressive lingual portraits, the analogue of which can
be hardly found anywhere in the world literature. He abundantly uses complex adjectives, by means of which
he takes the reader into the magic universe that he created. For this illustration, we cite here the following
microtext from “Buddenbrooks:“ „Der schneeweiße gewirkte Damast auf dem runden Tische war von einem
es hie und da wie Perlmutter schimmerte. Eine Teemaschine summte. In einem dünnsilbernen, flachen Brot-
korb, der die Gestalt eines großen, gezackten, leicht gerollten Blattes hatte, lagen Rundstücke und Schnitten
von Milchgebäck. Unter einer Kristallglocke türmten sich kleine, geriefelte Butterkugeln, unter einer anderen
waren verschiedene Arten von Käse, gelber, grünmarmorierter und weißer sichtbar.“ (Mann, 2017). This in a
descriptive text, accordingly, adjectives serve to show forth this or that detail of an object to be described. T.
Mann is not satisfied, characterizing the object with one attribute, he looks for more and more accurate epithets.
The writer seems not to be contented with the words already existing in the language and creates the new WBCs
himself. Let’s imagine, how poorer and drier would be the description, if it would not be enriched with the epi-
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
thets expressed in adjectives. * “Der ... ... Damast auf dem ... Tische war von einem ... Tischläufer durchzogen
und bedeckt mit ... (und so) ... Porzellan, daß es hie und da wie Perlmutter schimmerte. Eine Teemaschine sum-
mte. In einem ... ... Brotkorb, der die Gestalt eines ...............Blattes hatte, lagen Rundstücke und Schnitten von
Milchgebäck. Unter einer Kristallglocke türmten sich ... ... Butterkugeln, unter einer anderen waren Arten
von Käse ... ... (und) sichtbar.“ The 8-line micro-text from “Buddenbrooks” contains 17 attributive adjec-
tives.Among them: 6 simplexes (rund, flach, groß, klein, gelb, weiß), 2 determinative composites (schneeweiß,
dünnsilbern), 1 suffix derivative (durchsichtig), 5 participle adjectives (gewirkt, gezackt, gerollt, geriefelt, ver-
schieden), 3 non-lexicalised compounds (grüngestickt, goldgerändert,grünmarmoriert).
We believe that it is purposeful to define the term non-lexicalised compound (Bußmann, 2008:811) –
(Zusammenrückung). This represents the fusion of a syntactic syntagma into one word. At the same time, such
a structure still reveals the signs of syntactic syntagma and the elements of flexion are still preserved in it. It
is mostly represented in nouns: Waldesruhe, Vaterunser, Hohepriester, Dreikäsehoch. Among adjectives, the
non-lexicalised compound forms are represented in the form of such constructions, which were formed due to
the direct neighbourhood of a noun or an adjective with a participle construction: praxisbewährt(eMethode)
– in der Praxis bewährt(e Methode). A similar forms are schwerbeschädigt (schwer beschädigt), neugeboren,
tiefbewegt, heißgeliebt, halbverhungert and so on. A similar principle is used to build constructions with par-
ticiples, where an adverb, a pronoun or a numeral serves as the first direct constituent: minderbegabt, oben-
genannt, untenerwähnt, andersgeartet, selbstgebacken, etc. The process of the formation of these adjective
constructions goes on very dynamically. There was a tradition to write the non-lexical compounds together.
According to the new orthographic rules, there is felt the tendency to write one part of this forms apart, namely,
the words with participles, the first constituent part of which produces the forms of the degrees of comparison
or gets interpolated (Rechtschreibung, 2008:605), e.g. schlecht gelaunt, dünn besiedelt, ernst gemeint,unten
erwähnt, weit verbreitet, blank gebohnert, braun gebrannt, weich gekocht, etc. Though, parallel with the use
of them, there are used the forms where these words are written together. To the non-lexical compounds, we
assign such WBCs, too, in which, by the opinion of several scientists, we deal with verbal syntagmas, with the
explicit derivation implemented by means of -d suffix: gewinnbringend – Gewinn bringen + -d. The accurate
bordering between the composition and derivation is not possible in every concrete case. Yet, according to the
analysis of direct constituents, where the division is binary, and proceeding from the essence of the non-lexical
compoundsthemselves,itispurposefultoconsidersuchconstructions asnon-lexicalcompoundforms:Gewinn
+ bringend.Asimilar forms are energiesparend, schmerzlindernd, friedliebend. Non-lexical compound forms
represent the alternative constructions identical to syntactic syntagmas semantically. Thus, their word building
meanings essentially correspond to the syntactical-semantical relationships of alternative syntactical verbal
What about the substantive WBCs, they play an important role in the creation of the expressive strength of
the text. Just like the complex adjectives, they convey expressive features of the text. In the micro-text cited
above, there can be distinguished 8 simplexes (Damast, Tisch, Porzellan, Gestalt, Blatt, Schnitt, Art, Käse)
and 8 determinative composites (Tischläufer, Perlmutter, Teemaschine, Brotkorb, Rundstück, Milchgebäck,
Kristallglocke, Butterkugel). T.Mann masterly creates occasional substantive composites: Landschaftszimmer,
Intrigantenhaupt, Märzschnee, Frühstückszimmer. In his works, there occur occasional polymorpheme com-
posites, too, e.g. Seehundsschnauzbart.
S. Zweig, too, abundantly uses WBCs in his works. His novels carry a psychological character. In the
centre of narration, there stands a personality, an individual. Out of Zweig’s many novels analysed by us, we
shall present “Buchmendel.” There is a total of 640 attributive adjectives in the novel and they are masterly
used by the author to reach the subtle nuances of his heroes’ souls. Adjectives have here partially a descriptive
function, and partially they express emotions of the heroes or the author’s personal feelings.Simultaneously
with the simplex forms, there occur such complex and derivative adjectives as aluminiumhell, kaiserbärtig,
strenggläubig, schwarznägelig, schwarzflaumig, grauschmutzig, aschgrau, halbblind, hunderttausendstellig,
etc. Adjectives, especially complex adjectives increase the artistic value of the text; it becomes more attractive
and expressive. For comprehensibility, we shall give one example when the author describes his first meeting
withMendel: „. da starrte Mendel endlich auf, schob die ungefügestahlgeränderte Brille mechanischrasch die
Stirn empor, und unter den weggesträubten aschgrauen Brauen stachen uns zwei merkwürdige Augen entge-
gen, kleine, schwarze, wache Augen, flink, spitz und flippend wie eine Schlangenzunge.“ (Zweig, 2016). there
are 8 attributive adjectives in the example. Out of these, 3 simplexes (klein, schwarz, wach), 2 non-lexical com-
pounds (stahlgerändert, weggesträubt), 1 determinative composite (aschgrau), 1 quasi-composite (composite
withanaffixoid)(merkwürdig), 1 prefixderivative(ungefüge).The adjectivescarryanadditional,yetimportant
information. Wecan easily ensure this, if we omit the adjectives: „...da starrte Mendel endlich auf, schob die ...
... Brille (mechanisch rasch) die Stirn empor, und unter den ... ... Brauen stachen uns zwei Augen entgegen,
... ... ... Augen, (flink, spitz und flippend) wie eine Schlangenzunge.“ the sentence becomes dry and colourless;
there is lost information about the form of the glasses, the tint of the eyebrows and characteristic features of
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
the eyes. In the literary text, where the impressive narration of the story has an utter importance, such nuances
are relevant.
We shall cite one more micro-text from the novel: „Nein, er war nicht derselbe, nicht das Miraculum mundi
mehr, die magische Registratur aller Bücher: Alle, die ihn damals sahen, haben mir wehmütig das gleiche beri-
chtet. Irgend etwas schien rettungslos zerstört in seinem sonst stillen, nur wie schlafend lesenden Blick; etwas
war zertrümmert: Der grauenhafte Blutkomet mußte in seinem rasenden Lauf schmetternd hineingeschlagen
haben auch in den abseitigen, friedlichen, in diesen alkyonischen Stern seiner Bücherwelt. Seine Augen, jah-
rzehntenlang gewöhnt an die zarten, lautlosen, insektenfüßigen Lettern der Schrift, sie mußten Furchtbares ge-
sehen haben in jener stacheldrahtumspannten Menschenhürde, denn die Lider schatteten schwer über den einst
so flinken und ironisch funkelnden Pupillen, schläfrig und rotrandig dämmerten die vordem so lebhaften Blicke
unter der reparierten, mit dünnem Bindfaden mühsam zusammengebundenen Brille. Und furchtbarer noch: In
dem phantastischen Kunstbau seines Gedächtnisses muß irgendein Pfeiler eingestürzt und das ganze Gefüge
in Unordnung geraten sein; denn so zart ist ja unser Gehirn, dies aus subtilster Substanz gestaltete Schaltwerk,
dies feinmechanische Präzusionsinstrument unseresWissens zusammengestimmt, daß ein gestautes Äderchen,
ein erschütterter Nerv, eine ermüdete Zelle, daß ein solches verschobenes Molekül schon zureicht, um die her-
rlich umfassendste, die sphärische Harmonie in Verstimmung zu bringen.“ (Zweig, 2016).
In this 19-line text, there are used 29 attributive adjectives that fulfil the function of epithets. Without the
adjective WBCs the narration would be dull and monotonous. The author possesses a great art to enchant the
reader with the use of each masterly fitted adjective WBC, to make him/her interested and to keep this interest
keen until the very end. In the extract cited by us, the statistical analysis of adjectives gives the following pic-
ture: 5 simplexes (still, zart, flink, dünn, ganz), 11 suffix derivatives (magisch, grauenhaft, abseitig, friedlich,
alkyonisch, lautlos, lebhaft, phantastisch, subtil, feinmechanisch, sphärisch), 11 participle adjectives (lesend,
resend, funkelnd, repariert, zusammengebunden, gestaltet, gestaut, erschüttert, ermüdet, verschoben, umfas-
send), 1 non-lexical compound (stacheldrahtumspannt), 1 „fusion“ („Zusammenbildung“) (insektenfüßig).
„Zusammenbildung” is a composite-derivative form, which represents a word building construction made ac-
cording to the sample of derivation, but, as distinct from usual derivation, here the suffix is appended not to a
free morpheme, but only to the syntactic syntagma: diesjährig – dies Jahr + -ig; rotwangig – rote Wangen +
-ig; vielgliedrig – viele Glieder + -ig. Fleischer/Barz consider such WBCs as explicit derivatives and reject
the term “Zusammenbildung” (Fleischer/Barz, 2012:86). They substantiate this opinion by the argument that
syntagma, appended with a derivative suffix, is the basis of such WBCs. Despite this, it is still appropriate to
distinguish the adjective WBCs separately with the status of “Zusammenbildung”. We consider as explicit de-
rivatives such WBCs, the basis of which is not a syntagma, but a free morpheme.
S. Zweig abundantly uses substantive WBCs. Their analysis in the same micro-text gives the following
picture: 15 simplexes (Buch, Blick (2), Lauf, Stern, Auge, Letter, Schrift, Lid, Pupille, Brille, Wissen, Nerv,
Zelle, Molekül), 7 determinative composites (Blutkomet, Bücherwelt, Menschenhürde, Bindfaden, Kunstbau,
Verstimmung), 2 prefix derivatives (Unordnung, Gehirn), 1 combinational derivative (Gefüge). Zweig often
taining three and more direct constituents: Buchhandlungslehrling, Bücherweltall, Kirschholzkasse, and non-
lexicalised compounds: Sichwiederentzünden, Nochmehrwissenwollen, Armeleutestube.
While discussing textual functions of WBCs, we must mention that an adjective is not an independent mem-
ber of the sentence. It itself does not possess a deictic semantics and, correspondingly, can realize cataphoric or
anaphoric coherence only together with a noun. Yet,in the next example, an adjective WBC realizes coherence:
Abuyer enters the shop. She looks for a red blouse. The seller shows her different blouses: – Was für eine Bluse
möchten Sie? – Eine rote. – Diese rote ? – Nein, da, jene ziegelrote. Here, “brick-red” has a deictic function,
though it doesn’t possess itself the sema (from the Greek word that stands for signal, meaning) of pointing
to. This function is undertaken by the situation, indefinite article, adverb, interrogative and indicative pronouns.
In this micro-text, the adjective WBC realizes coherence with their assistance; that is why we can assert that it
has a textual function.
Quite often there are used the composites expressing comparison in order to realize coherence in the text.
The cases, when the second direct constituent is mentioned in the text earlier, and the composite later ‘adjusts’
it, occur most frequently: Sie kriegen ein ganz typisches gelbes Döschen, ... Jawohl gelb – man dürfte es wohl
Kodakgelb nennen (Bagley); Er erfindet ein Pulver, ein grünes Pulver, ein hoffnungsgrünes Pulver(Pümpel-
Mader/Gassner-Koch/Wellmann 1992:97).
Let’s discuss the textual functions of WBC’s again in S. Zweig’s novel “Buchmendel.” This story has 38
standard pages. The composition of the story is ordinary: there can be distinguished the pre-signal (title), 1st
micro-text (introduction), 2nd micro-text (the main part), 3rd micro-text (the conclusive part). The pre-signal is
represented in the form of a determinative composite. There are 29 paragraphs in the story, out of which several
are very long and have a large capacity in terms of the contents. For instance, there are paragraphs that occupy
© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
3 or 4 pages, as if the author wishes the reader to wander through the intertwined labyrinths of the heroes’
souls. In the story, there occurs the syntagma galizischer Büchertrödler, which consists of the adjective and
substantive WBCs. The adjective suffix derivative determines the substantive determinative composite in it.
This syntagma repeats in the text four times at various places with different variations and realizes the remote
coherence, thus binding the whole story into one monolithic structure. First, it occurs in the 5th paragraph,
where the author narrates in detains about Mendel, full of strange qualities, who was sitting and reading every
day from morning till the evening without any motion at the table in the corner of the room: “In diesem kleinen
galizischen Büchertrödler Jakob Mendel hatte ich zum erstenmal als junger Mensch das große Geheimnis
der restlosen Konzentration gesehen, das den Künstler macht wie den Gelehrten, den wahrhaft Weisen wie
den vollkommen Irrwitzigen, dieses tragische Glück und Unglück vollkommener Besessenheit.“ The second
time, it occurs in the 8th paragraph, when the author remembers his first meeting with Mendel 20 years ago.
The young man who came for a book he needed to Mendel, has been amazed and ravished by the phenomenal
memory of this man: „Ganz benommen starrte ich dieses bibliographische Phänomen an, eingespult in die
unansehnliche, sogar etwas schmierige Hülle eines galizischen kleinen Buchtrödlers, der, nachdem er mir etwa
achtzig Namen heruntergerasselt, scheinbar achtlos, aber innerlich wohlgefällig über seinen ausgespielten Tri-
umpf, sich die Brille mit einem vormals vielleicht weiß gewesenen Taschentuch putzte.“ For the third time, he
is mentioned in the same 8th paragraph again, where the author speaks of Mendel’s uniqueness. Mendel knew
more than a specialist in any sphere of the knowledge: „Eingesetzt in ein Seminar, an eine öffentliche Stelle,
hätte das Gehirn Tausende, Hunderttausende von Studenten und Gelehrten belehrt und erstaunt, fruchtbar für
die Wissenschaften, ein unvergleichlicher Gewinn für jene öffentlichen Schatzkammern, die wir Bibliotheken
nennen. Aber diese obere Welt war ihm, dem kleinen, ungebildeten galizischen Buchtrödler, der nicht viel
mehr als seine Talmudschule bewältigt, für ewig verschlossen;“And lastly, in the 24th paragraph, the syntagma
occurs again, where the author describes how senile Mendel, just returned from the concentration camp, inter-
rupted the work of the new owner of the café : „Bei dieser hastigen Verschönerung störte ihn natürlich sehr
dieser galizische Schmarotzer, der tagsüber von früh bis nachts allein einen Tisch besetzt hielt und dabei im
ganzen nur zwei Schalen Kaffee trank und fünf Brote verzehrte.“ The new owner chased Mendel away. Soon
he died from pneumonia. Here ends the main theme of the story, which is devoted to the love of the neighbour,
the true compassion and sharing of the sorrows. As we can see, this story is built upon the remote coherence.
Conclusions. As a conclusion, we can state that the essence of word building is revealed in the literary
text with the whole clarity. WBCs find the sharpest expression of their destination in the very fiction literature.
When discussing the word building at the level of the text, the functions of WBCs come to the foreground,
though the role of the simplexes is not also negligible. Analysis of the artistic prosaic texts shows that deter-
minative composites and suffix derivatives dominate in them; the second place is occupied by the non-lexical
compound forms. These are then followed by quasi-composites and prefix derivatives, and the last place is hold
by the combinatory derivatives. In the fiction literature, there occur abundantly the occasional WBCs, which do
not fit into the norms of the literary language, but which are often used by the writers, according to their own
original styles. WBCs possess descriptive or evaluative function in the literary text. They realize either contact
or remote coherence in the text.
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© Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511
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© Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
:20.07.2018 .
:24.11.2018 .
DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-14-28
Associate Professor,
Sokhumi State University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Scieces,
Tbilisi, Georgia
Dzidziguri Tsiala. On some modifications of the Leslie matrix model of population
dynamics. Global world : . : - , 2017-
2018, vol. 3-4. . 14–28.
In this paper we consider the classical and generalized population models of Leslie. The spectral properties of the
Leslie operator are described.
Matrix models of age- or/and stage-structured populations rest upon the Perron–Frobenius theorem for nonnegative
matrices, and the life cycle graph for individuals of a given biological species plays a major role in model construction
and analysis.
A modification of the Leslie model is introduced to the case of negative birth rates. A theorem on the ergodicity of the
regime of population reproduction is given.
A summary of classical results in the theory of matrix models for population dynamics is presented, and generaliza-
tions are proposed, which have been motivated by a need to account for an additional structure, i.e., to classify individu-
als not only by age, but also by an additional (discrete) characteristic: size, physiological status, stage of development,
A modification of the Leslie model is introduced to the case of negative birth rates. A theorem on the ergodicity of the
regime of population reproduction is given.
Classical matrix models of the dynamics of populations of a single biological species (Leslie, 1945, 1948) were
based on very rigid postulates about the of the main events in the life cycle of organisms (birth, maturation, reproduc-
tion, mortality) and the consistency of the corresponding demographic parameters over time. Historical successes in
applications of matrix formalism were mainly associated with populations of mammals with pronounced annual age
classes (Lowe, 1969, Watt, 1971, Usher, 1972).
Later found a generalization in population models with age and complementary structures (Csetenyi, Logofet, 1989;
Logofet, 1989, 1991; Caswell, 2001). The state of the population was described not by a vector, but by a rectangular
matrix. The projection matrix of the model then acquired a block structure, and analysis of its properties led to nontrivial
mathematical problems (Logofet, 1989, 1991).
Matrix models of population dynamics are initially linear, i.e. can provide an adequate description only on a (short)
stretch of unlimited population growth. The subsequent stages of development are usually reproduced in non-linear
models of the dynamics of interacting populations.
Matrix population models were also proposed by Levis in a short article in 1942 in the «Indian Journal of Statistics»,
covering the same topics as in Leslie’s 1945 article, but in a shorter form. Leslie became acquainted with this article
after his publication.
Although Leslie’s articles laid the foundation for the matrix approach, and Leslie worked in close cooperation with
the most prominent ecologists of the time, in essence the theory was not properly evaluated. Matrix models were not
mentioned in any book on the mathematical ecology of that time.
Model Leslie did not find practical application because of the extreme stiffness of her postulates: splitting the popu-
lation into age classes of the same length, equal to the time step of the model, is not always convenient and feasible.
Much more often individuals can be classified not by age, but by some other observable or measurable characteristics,
for example, by linear size or stage of development. Formalism that meets these conditions appeared 20 years afterthe
publication of Leslie’s model: Lefkovitch (1965) proposed using successive stages in the development of the organism
(of varying, generally speaking, duration) as the basis for classifying individuals.
Keywords: Discrete models, matrix models, Leslie matrix, Lefkovich matrix, modification, structures.
© Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
( )
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(Leslie, 1945,1948).
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(Leslie, 1945,1948)
( , , , )
, ,
(Lowe, 1969; Yatt, 1971; Usher, 1972).
) (Csetenyi, Logofet, 1989; Logofet,
1989, 1991; Caswell, 2001).
, .
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). ( ,
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(Lewis) 1942 “Indian
Journal of Statastics”- . ,
1945 , . ,
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, , , .
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Leslie- 20 .
(Lefkovitch, 1965)
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. ,
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( ) ,
( .
, , 1978; Hansen, 1986; Logofet, 1993). ,
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(Lefkovitch 1965; Hansen 1986).
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1. leslie P.H. On the use of matrices in certain population mathematics // Biometrka, 1945, v.33, p. 183 – 212.
2. leslie P.H. Some further notes on ihe use of matrices in population mathematics // Biometrka, 1948, v.33, p. 213
– 245.
3. MacArtur R. Graphycal analysis of ecological systems// Division of biology report Perinceton University. 1971.
4. Lefkovitch L.P. The study population growth in organisms grouped dy stages. Biometrics 21, 1965, p. 1-18.
5. Logofet D. O. Matrices and Grapls. –Boca Raton FL: CRC Press. 1993. 308 p.
6. Usher M.B. Developments in the Leslie matrix models // Mathematical Models in Ecology / J.N.R. Jeffres, ed. –
Oxford: Blackwell, 1972. – P. 29-60.
7. . ., . . : -
// . . 2002, . 14, 10, . 116-126.
8. . ., . . -
: , . 2017, . 13,
4, . 145–164.
9. . .
. , 2010, 71, 1, . 30–40.
10. . . . . . .: , 1978.
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
© Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511
:20.07.2018 .
:24.11.2018 .
15.12.2018 .
DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-29-33
Professor of Sokhumi State University
Takalandze Larisa. On the issue of strategic management of Georgia. Global
world : . : - , 2017-2018, vol. 3-4.
. 29–33.
The study concerns the issues of the social-economic development. It is underlined that one of the significant
objectives represents the scientifically reasoned united complex strategy and work out of the appropriate active
programmes. According to the authors not having predictability of a long-term future, goals and their achieve-
ment strategy provokes loss of the competitiveness as well as restricted resources irrational expenditure. In the
study is mentioned that Georgia is one of those countries which does have clear, pragmatic, well-considered
long-term strategy, which would be based on social, innovative and technological development prognoses and
the views of future.
The social-economic development authors intend to implement the innovative break-through strategy, in
which will be considered our country’scurrent condition, specifics, capacity of the resources, global processes,
the tendencies for the development of the technologies and the views of future.
Key words: Georgia, Strategy, Strategical development, Economics, Innovations.
The long-term political and economic crisis in Georgia creates unavoidable necessity to establish such
values and ideology that for the developed countries have been the major priorities for a long time. Moreover,
in the beginning of XXI century, the world enters the epoch of the stormy changes and because of this, usual
rhythm and dynamic of social life radically are being changed. The world becomes much more unpredictable
and requires a new scientific comprehension and from the State and the political achievements, it requires a
long-term strategy of the development.
For 70 years Georgia was a part of the Soviet Union, its dissolution were caused by the strategic mistakes as
well as by a wrong orientation. Later, the events developed in our country (political turbulences, ethno conflicts,
permanent economic reforms and experiments) represent the results of the country’s economic development
vector was not directed forwards, to the post-industrial society of XXI century, but it was moving backwards,
to the capital primary distribution, to the spontaneous games of the marketing forces and to the political dis-
The Results of Economic Reform in Georgia
Justice requires mentioning, that according to the reforms held during the last years the following positive
tendencies are observed:
– In country have been established rather high rates of the economic growth. Particularly, in 2002-2017
years the rate of the annual increase of the entire inner product averagely consisted of 7-8 % (except the periods
of the Georgian-Russian War and the Global Crisis);
– Is reached the eclectic power economy security. Were constructed new as well as rehabilitated old pipes
for the oil and gas, also were built new power plants. The export of electric power takes place into the neigh-
bouring countries. The gas depositories construction is projected,etc.;
– Continuous the economics liberation process. The number of taxes is reduced; the customs system is regu-
lated, the economic relations with the foreign countries are deepened,etc.;
– Were held the anticorruption measures, as a result, significantly was reduced the shadowed scales of eco-
nomics. The corruption was minimized in all fields;
– Annually increases the State and municipal budgets. Comparing the State budgets of the year of 2000 to
the year of 2016, you notice that it has increased 10, 5 times. Also, significantly was increased the volume of
the local budget in the section of all municipal and self-governing cities. In the framework of the State budget
was created the foundation for the projects implementing into theregions;
– Tourism,infrastructure and agriculture were determined as the priorities and began the State programmes
practical implementation from this point. An important break-through was observed in the infrastructural con-
structions (roads, bridges, tunnels, drinking eater infrastructure, well-built modern cities, etc.).
– The special economic zones (the system of “one window” principle) formation process is successful (Poti,
Batumi, Tbilisi, etc).
© Dzidziguri Tsiala ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
Despite of above-mentioned tendencies, in the country takes place:
– High level of unemployment; the activities held in order to reduce it are ineffective. The rate of unem-
ployment in countrywide in 2000 consisted of 10, 3% though in 2011 it was 15, 1%. The held employment
programmes turned out to be ineffective;
– The agriculture backwardness. Comparing to 2000 the product release in 2016 was 0, 2 %. Areas of
agriculture corps in 2000 consisted of 610, 8 thousand hectares, in 2016 it was reduced to 275, 3 hectares (2,
2 times); from 2000, the price increasing on the food became quite a tendency and during the last 5 years, it
almost doubled. Especially the price of the bread (almost by 100%);
– The high-speed growth of the entire State debt. Comparing to 2000 in 2016 it increased 2,6 times;
– The high level of a consumer’s price index (inflation) and in last period its growth tendency. In 2000 com-
paring to the previous year consumer’s prices average annual index was 4,0% and in 2010 comparing to the
previous year 7,1 %, in 2008 10,0%. In 2010 the annual inflation level reached 11, 2 %. In Georgia, in 2016 in
comparison to the U.S. the prices on business and meat were 35 % high, on eggs 25%, on bananas and chicken
meat 50 % high. The price of a “Big-Mac” in MacDonald’s of Georgia consists 83 % of American’s while the
average salary of the American is12%.
– The high price on the credits. In Georgia, the annual average rate on credit in 2017 was consisted of 19-
20%, meanwhile in the western countries it was not more than 6-7%; Moreover, in the structure of credits, most
of the space takes short-term consumer loans, and relatively little space takes long-term loans, and that limits
the country’s workable sector development;
– Negative balance of the export-import. In 2000 import outnumbered export 2, 1 times (negative balance
towards the foreign trade turnover 36, 1%) and in 2016 – 3, 3 times (negative balance – 53, 2%);
– Increase of the number of the population below the poverty line. In 2007 the number of poverty line below
population consisted 6, 4 % but in 2016 – it is 9, 2 (increased 143, 7 %);
– The deepening of the existed unevenness among the regional development level.In the regional section, the
level of unemployment is uneven; moreover, the official statistics does not reflect the real picture of unemploy-
ment (according to the experts’evaluation it is much higher).
Thus, in Georgia, most of the carried out governmental activities were ineffective. E.g., employment multi-
layered programmes, on whichlately were spent ratherhuge sums, however, the situation from this point practi-
cally has not changed.
Even today, there is no entire complex strategy and appropriate actual programme. Therefore, the part of
the reforms are hastily done, have groundless character and the results are ineffective. Not having the future
views and non-existence of economic development strategy based on the actual calculations created instability
countrywide, like in the municipal and regional fields.
Referring to the document issued in 2010, “Strategic ‘Ten-paragraphed plan’ for Modernization andEm-
ployment (2011-2015) of Government of Georgia” of the Programme of the Economic Development of Geor-
gia, which intends creation of more and high-played job places, social condition amelioration for the citizens,
especially health and welfare systems improvement, we have someremarks:
– The “plan” is excessively optimistic and does not come out from the established, real retrospective speci-
fications of the country. There is not critically estimated the established retrospective specifications in the eco-
nomic development field of the last years, the existed positive and negative sides and there is not opened and
evaluated main reason factors and their causing reasons.
– The “plan” is far from nowadays crisis-ridden processes taking place in the world’s economics and is
oriented on the automatic regime of economics development of the country. Considering that Georgia achieved
economic benefit when in many countries economics almost was destroyed is wrong. The truth is, that during
the Global Crisis the economics of Georgia was less damaged, as in 2008 received a 4, 5 billion finance support
from the international community as well as with the help of foreign countries and international institutes were
organised and held many different technical and humanitarian projects. This kind of support in the future is less
possible coming out from the crisis-ridden processes taking place in the global economics. Moreover, the acute
finance crisis in Europe definitely will be reflected on finance sector of Georgia as banking sector of Georgia is
tightly linked to the foreign capital;
– The “plan” is not considering new risks and challenges that can come across in the future because of the
existed social, political and economic situation. Planned parliamentary and presidential elections, like other
countries in Georgia will cause unproductive and propagandistic costs growth consequently, it will cause eco-
nomic activity reduction. It is possible, that other non-economic type risks will emerge, which is often followed
the political balance alternation (I personally witnessed when new parliamentary majority refused the construc-
tion of a new city of “Lazika” in the western Georgia, though this represented the major priority of the ‘Ten-
paragraphed Plan’ of the project);
© Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
– The “plan” does not consider the inertial nature of the economic development and the focus is on the weak,
unreasoned and excessively exaggerated results of the final figures. Moreover, if we use widely acknowledged
method of analogy in the scientific studies, clearly emerges the high risks of the intended goals achievement in
short period;
– In the “plan” is not obvious the intended goals implementation exogenic and endogenic finance sources,
and the terms of the given projects provide us with the ground for doubt for the practical realization. Probably,
by this is stipulated the renovation of the “plan” in every 6 months, this fact of course reduces and belittle given
document’s programme quality and its trustworthiness.
The same can be said about “The State Strategy on regional Development of Georgia 2010-2017” published
in 2010. The necessity of its transformation and cardinal alternation is already in the agenda (It is confirmed by
the government officials).
Thus, for the country, it is very important to work out the long-term views and the economic development
strategy based on the actual calculations.
We consider that, in any case, a strategic document drawn up in the separate field will not be effective, be-
fore the long-term social-economic strategy of the entire country is not worked out. Above-mentioned strategy
should be based on the future views, on the technological order prediction and on the prevision theory[1]
. It is
interesting, how can the reform of the system of education being developed, when there is no information about
the country’s long-term orientations. The training of the employees is known to be rather a long-term process.
Therefore, it should be known beforehand which and how many specialists are needed for the country after the
age of 15-25 in order to start process of their training intime.
The entire and complex macroeconomic strategy of the economic and social development of thecountry,
based on the field and regional strategies, should outrun the development of the separate fields of economics as
well as the regional strategies creation. Without exaggeration, it can be said that nowadays, the development
of the scientifically reasoned, entire complex strategy of the country and work out of the appropriate working
programmes is one of the crucial issues. Independently and separately drawn up the field and regional strategies
will be constantly in the regime of the turbulences and changes until it is not based on the entire and complex
social-economic strategy of the economics and social development of the country. Economics represents the
system of the systemic, multifaceted and causal connections, wherein even a single change of any indicator
entirely changes the economic system. Consequently, it is advisable to create the firm ground for the econom-
ics, in the other words, to work out the country’s entire and complex development strategy and then the whole
construction, in different words the systems of the fields, the inter-fields (clusters, techno parks, out sorting
networks, holdings, alliances, free zones etc.) and regional development strategies. This kind of approach ef-
fectiveness is stipulated by the indicator system, accumulated into the entire global macroeconomic strategy of
the country, which do not exist in the field-regional strategies. The conversation is on such parameters, which
regulation, planning and orientation are in the competence of the central government and the field and regions
are not able to influence them. For instance, inflation processes budgetary-tax policy, fiscal credit and monetary
policy, etc.Any local (in our case field and regional) strategy is not able to ignore the country’s macroeconomic
development long-term orientation and political views.
Naturally,without taking into the consideration above mentioned, the local strategies represent only passive,
informative, publicistic character and in short, time suffers amortization. Adding the fact that in the world, on
the modern level the technological order changes takes place rapidly as well as the economic transformations,
in the agenda becomes actual the necessity of the appropriate correction in any strategy and inevitability of the
Georgia, as a player of the world’s economic game (at this point, unilateral) cannot be exception. She is
obliged to follow the modern demands of the economic globalization and turn to her benefit the world’s eco-
nomic integration vector founder.
The second important issue, which is in the agenda of the long-term strategic view creation, represents the
determination of the priorities.
It should be mentioned, that until the late in Georgia was not the profitable environment for the long-term
priorities formation. As a result, the country had only one urgent economic priority, which meant the final re-
solve of the power economy problems. In any list of the economic priorities, always and everywhere, power
economy is on the top and naturally, it is logical, as without the power securing the realization of the other pri-
orities is impossible. Justly should be said, that at this level, in Georgia, the top priority from the priorities – the
problem of power economy is overcome, the power economy secure is reached. Onwards the door to the other
priorities is open (in case of the willingness of thegovernment).
Latest period, the focus of the priorities represents such fields and spheres as infrastructural complex, tour-
ism andagriculture. However,thesystem ofeconomicpriorities practicalrealizationrequires appropriate meth-
odological and organizational as well as strategic securing.
© Dzidziguri Tsiala ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
The matter is that from above mentioned three priorities none of them has improved, in the classic form
written long-term strategy of development. As we have already defined, non-existence of the long-term future,
objectives and their strategy prediction cause the lost of competition and focusing as well as the irrational ex-
penditure of the restricted resources.
For the last 15-20 years, the government policy in Georgia is mostly concentrated on themacroeconomic
level. Unquestionably, in economics the macroeconomic stability represents the firm ground for the success.
However the traditional set of instruments used by the government is very limited and do not give opportunity
to reach the main objective – the economic competitiveness and accordingly the increase of the population’s
If the focus of the government moves from the macroeconomics towards microeconomics and if in the
country are defined territories like necessary attributes for developing the economic centres and clusters, then
the administrative role in the process of strategy work out will increase significantly, moreover, after the set
in motion of the new law on the self-governing. The same can be said about the government on account of the
State level strategic policy implementation.
The globalization of economics for Georgia caused to put in the agenda principally new projects imple-
mentation. Particularly, using geographical position of the country in order to develop the worldwide trade and
create much more effective transporting and communicative infrastructure. The last ones are rather expensive
projects and require intensive work. The interest towards these kinds of projects can be sparkled only after the
high-level international agreements are signed. The projects realization is impossible without the political will-
ingness of the governments of the world’s leading countries. However, in case of success for suchinitiatives
the reword is high – actual attraction of huge investments, their “natural” flow instead of fruitless and infantile
wait. Moreover, the realization of this project creates unique opportunity for the organization of the economic
infrastructure of Georgia, as well as, inclusion of the human and manufacture resources, including scientific-
technological potency, Georgia will become active part of the world’s informative and transporting space.
This opportunity should be used. The State’s strategic policy level will not be formed itself by the forces
influencing the world’s market, its creation is our goal and coming out form the country’s interests, we are
obliged to shape them.
Thus, the social-economic strategy for regions and countries is quite multi-plan and multi-level objective.
Its resolve is unbelievable without government’s clear consideration of the requirements. Administrative re-
form, geopolitical agreements and appropriative transformations in the economics should become undividable
part of it. Simultaneously, its global character should not become a reason for postponing – “later”- of the strat-
egy work out. The strategy work out is quite specific, technological and completely “reachable” objective for
those, who understand its idea and the necessity of itsresolve.
As it concerns the stabile economic situation creation in Georgia, here the major hindering fact is non-
competitive environment, as it is testified into the materials of the Davos Economic Forum. Wherein, the given
value ranking of Georgia is following:
• The right to property on 120 place;
• Intellectual property protection on 124 place;
• Protection of minority stakeholder’s interests on 125 place;
• Availability to Research and training services on 130 place;
• The Intensity of local competition on 123 place;
• Efficiency of anti-monopoly policy on 138 place [12].
tors, which gives us an opportunity to draw importantconclusions.
Thus, Georgia is the one of the countries, which does not have a clear, pragmatic, well-considered long-term
strategy, which would be based on the prognoses of the social, innovative and technologic development and
future views. Besides, the defined long-term policy would be a very significant instrument, in case of change
of the political elite, population would received heritage of the guaranteed and foreseen stabile scenario of the
State’s policy.
Therefore, today, our scientists, public figures, politicians and the leaders of the business circles are facing
the country’s development long-term strategy creation historic objective (and responsibility) of the first part of
this century, also it is clearly distinguished the innovative and break-through contour of this strategy. Referring
to the last one, it must be mentioned, that nowadays in Georgia starting positions for the innovating develop-
ment can be evaluated as rather unenviable and disadvantageous. Because of the neoliberal market “reforms”
and long-term politic-economic and technological crisis scientific-educational and innovating activity sharply
went down, was destroyed scientific-technological potential and main foundations became dramaticallyold.
Intentionally were destroyed institutes of the scientific academy and their buildings were sold. In addition,
reduced staff was united to the higher educational institutes. Because of this “reform”, number of skilled sci-
© Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
entists was left unemployed. Without any functions and institutions, scientific infrastructure and personnel
Georgian National Academy of Sciences became usual meeting place for the academicians.
Not having a long-term innovating strategy, the ignorance form the State the innovations support, equalizing
taxation system, the real inobservance of the intellectual property and incompatibility to the analogue systems
of the other countries and indifference of the usage local inventories influenced and caused economics degrada-
tion. Additionally, the inobservance of the market and dumping prices on the imported goods which caused the
loss competitiveness of the reprocessing industry, its banish form the inner and outer markets, the deepening
of the economics for the structure of the raw-materials, orientation on the import and creating barriers for the
like silk manufacture, light industry, tea and cannery manufacture, machine-tool construction, shipbuilding,
rural mechanical engineering etc. From the mechanical engineering is left only one plant of the aircraft con-
struction. In the all over the world, on the background of demand growth on the metallurgical products, here,
in Georgia intentionally was destroyed Rustavi Metallurgical Factory. The factory was destroyed consciously
in order to not to be competitive for the metallurgical industry in the neighbouring countries. Finally, this kind
of policy puts in very disadvantageous conditions local manufacturer- innovators and inventors provokes the
further technological backwardness and loss of the Georgia’s economics competitiveness during the world’s
current scientific–technological revolution conditions.
Overcoming of the above-mentioned negative tendencies and moving forwards on the country’s innovative
development is possible only by the help of the strategic innovative break-through simultaneously it will be
needy to implement the selective scientific-technological and innovative policies by the narrow direction of the
strategically priorities, the active support from the State of the basic innovations and creation of the desirable
innovative climate.
Thus, a long-term strategy of the development of Georgia should be aimed:
– Towards the innovative potential recovery, modernization and development as it was destroyed during the
– Towardsthe correction of the reforms and effective innovative techniques formation, which harmoniously
will fulfil the active support of innovative update from the State of the main capital with the business capability;
– In the framework of the national innovative system created technologies and product advance, their popu-
larization on the foreign markets and towards the replacing of import production by them.
The innovative break-through strategy should work as a ground for the yet to be formed national innovative
system, which mission is on the ground of the selected priorities to provide country with the new innovative
level, in order to become an axis for the perspective social-economic and scientific-technological policy,as well
as to be a major active orienteer for the legislative, executive government and for the business.
Above-mentioned positive changes cannot be accomplished without alternation of the political elite as well
as a without work out of a long-term social-economic development strategy and its consecutive implementa-
tion, which main direction should be a long-term innovative break-through strategy.
1. Baratashvili, E., Dzidzikashvili, N., Nadareishvili, N., Abralava, T.; Regional Strategies – The Deposit of the
Country’s Development. Magazine: “SaqarTvelos Ekonomika” 2008, N 3. pp. 63-66.
2. Baratashvili, E., Takalandze, L., Business Competitiveness and Administration. 2010
3. Baratashvili, E., Takalandze, L., Management and Administration, 2nd revised edition. 2011.
4. , . . . . . .: 1997. . 20-21.
5. The State Strategy on Regional Development of Georgia 2010-2017 (in Georgian)
6. , , . ,: . . – .: « » 2005. . 608
7. .: . 2- . .: 2002. .27.28.
8. , ., , . . – .: 1982. . 145.
9. , ., , ., , . / . . : - « », 2000.
. 303.
10. , . . XXI . .: 2004.
11. «Russia 2050: Strategy of Innovative Break-Through».
12. The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, Published by: the World Economic Forum.
13. World development indicators 2012.
© Madonna Gelashvili ISSN 2414-0511
Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018
:20.07.2018 .
:24.11.2018 .
15.12.2018 .
DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-34-38
Gelashvili Madonna. Conception of “Green Economy” as sustainable development
new vector. Global world : . : - , 2017-
2018, vol. 3-4. . 34–38.
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor at Sokhumi State University, Direction – Economics, Deputy Dean of
SSU, Faculty of Economics and Business
The green economy is closely linked to the concept of sustainable development. Global challenges such as climate
change and the current global economic crisis, revealed a new way of perceiving the need for economic development,
which will be beneficial for everyone. According to this opinion sustainable development, or balanced progress in
economic, social and environmental fields at the same time, – is becoming increasingly important. New opportunities
for economic growth, which was created by these new environments, made the base of the green economy concept. This
concept implies such a profitable business, which at the same time will facilitate the environmentalchallenges.
Keywords: Green Economy, sustainable development, national economy, the strategy, reforms.
Sustainable development is the system of the development of the society which taking into account the
economic development of the society and interests of environmental protection provides with the well-being of
the human, increase of the quality of life and right of future generations to use with reversible quantitative and
quality changes with maximally protected natural resources andenvironment.
The sustainable development means such kind of form of economic growth, which provides the well-being
of the society with short, medium and, which is most important long term time. It is based on the principle ac-
cording to which the demands of today should be satisfied so that it shouldn’t make any danger for the future
generations.Thesustainable development means creation ofthe terms for the long-termeconomic development
taking into account maximal issued of the environmental protection. With sustainable development is in tight
connection the conception of “Green Economy”, which was implemented in the frame of the plan of strategic
development of the country. The conception of “Green” economy – is new vector of sustainable development.
In particular “Green” is economy which not only will rise the well-being of humans and approves the social
justice, but also decreases the human risks and deficit of ecological resources. Georgia recognizes the environ-
mental protection, as integral part of human rights. Exactly for this issue the government of Georgia set up as
most important priority environmental protection and issues of the management of natural resources. Use of
biological resources with such way and speed which will not cause decrease of the biological diversity and will
maintain taking into account needs of the future generations.
Perspective of “Green Economy” development in Georgia
“Green economy” concept is quite broad, and also relatively new for the world of different regions. Deter-
mination and understanding of thecontext can be different.
Despite of many definitions, the general definition of the green economy means that greening of the econo-
my can become mechanism of a sustainable development and of a poverty.
The terms and definitions of “Green economy” is related at least to two sorts: terms related to the process
( “economy planting “,” green growth “), and terms related to the results of the (“Green economy”).Environ-
ment Program of United Nations defines the green economy in social and environmental agenda like this: “The
result of green economy is improved human well-being and social equity, which significantly reduces risks of
environmental and ecological scarcities “. More economic approach is in the UNEP document,which mentions
that immediate future of the green economy can provide a natural andFinancial capital in a more effective and
efficient manner. While these definitions are derives from two different perspectives, anyway it still indicates to
the same question – the man-madeInefficient activities are global threats, such as climate change – it is neces-
sary to implement the changes.
The Organization of United Nations, the Economic and Social Commission of theAsia-Pacific Union deter-
mines the “Green Growth” as “Economic progress, which promotes environmentally sustainable, carbon low
content and socially inclusive development “.
Global World 2018
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Global World 2018

  • 2. ISSN 2414-0511   Recommended for publication by decision of the Scientific Council of the National University «Ostroh Academy» (protocol number 3 of 20 december 2018) Founders: National University «Ostroh Academy» (Ostroh, Ukraine); Legal entity of public law – Sokhumi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia); Educationalinstitution–BelarusianTradeandEconomicUniversityofConsumerCooperatives(Gomel,Belarus); Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Slupsk, Poland). Editorial Board: Rudenko Olha, Doctor of Public Administration (Ostroh, Ukraine) – Chairman; Drozd Roman, dr hab, prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland) – Co-Chair; Misnikova Lyudmyla, PhD (Gomel, Belarus) – Co-Chair; Pasichnik Igor, prof., Doctor of Psychology (Ostroh, Ukraine) – Co-Chair; Takalandze Larisa, Doctor of Economics (Tbilisi, Georgia) – Co-Chair; Akhalaia Shota, Doctor of Mathematics (Tbilisi, Georgia); Chervyakova Olga, PhD in PublicAdministration (Kyiv, Ukraine); Chikobava Merab, PhD in Biology (Tbilisi, Georgia); Dubovytska Lenka, Ing. PhD. (Kosice, Slovakia); Ivanov Valery, Doctor of Philology (Kyiv, Ukraine); Ivanytska Olga, Doctor of Public Administration (Kyiv, Ukraine); Gechbaia Badri, Doctor of Economics (Batumi, Georgia); Kapshtyk Alexander, Doctor of Economics (Gomel, Belarus); Khubua Georgyy, Doctor of Law (Munich, Germany); Kraluik Peter, prof., Doctor of Philosophy (Ostroh, Ukraine); Kuczabski Aleksander, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland); Kuznetsova Tatyana, prof., Doctor of Social communication (Odessa, Ukraine); Michalski Tomasz, dr hab., prof. (Słupsk, Poland); Nelipa Dmytro, Doctor of Political Sciences (Kyiv, Ukraine); Nugzar Todua, Doctor of Economics sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia); Osadowski Zbigniew, dr hab. inż., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland); Papaskiri Zurab, Doctor of Historical sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia); Radchenko Oleksandr, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland); Shablovsky Tatyana, PhD (Gomel, Belarus); Shengelia Teimuraz, Doctor of Economics sciences (Tbilisi, Georgia); Shevlyukov Alexander, Doctor of Economics (Gomel, Belarus); Shturkhetskyy Serhiy, PhD in Public Administration (Ostroh, Ukraine); Snytkova Natalia, PhD (Gomel, Belarus); Sucharski Tadeusz, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Słupsk, Poland); Sytsko Valentine, PhD (Gomel, Belarus); Viter Dmytro, Doctor of Philosophy (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine). Global world: scientific almanac. – Ostroh: Publisher The National University «Ostroh Academy», 2018. – Vol. 3-4 (ІІI-IV). – 90 p. ISSN 2414-0511 Scientific anthology highlights the results of scientific work with the major problems of society in the context of globalization, the best European practices on topical issues of our time. The publication is intended for employees of state agencies, local governments, enterprises and organizations, NGOs, researchers and teachers, creative young people. УДК 316.32 ББК 66.4 © National University «Ostroh Academy». Institute of Global Strategies Management (Ostroh, Ukraine) © Legal entity of public law – Sokhumi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia) © Educational institution Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives (Gomel, Belarus) © Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Slupsk, Poland)
  • 3. ISSN 2414-0511 Інститут глобальних стратегій управління Національного університету «Острозька академія»  (м. Острог, Україна)    Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія)    Заклад освіти «Білоруський торговельно‐економічний університет споживчої кооперації»  (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь)    Поморська академія в Слупську (м. Слупськ, Польща)                  Global world  Науковий альманах    Том  3‐4 (III‐IV)        Острог‐Тбілісі‐Гомель‐Слупськ   2017‐2018     
  • 4. ISSN 2414-0511 Рекомендовано до друку рішенням вченої ради Національного університету «Острозька академія» (протокол № 3 від 20 грудня 2018 р.) Засновники: Інститут глобальних стратегій управління Національного університету «Острозька академія (м. Острог, Україна); Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Заклад освіти«Білоруський торговельно-економічний університетспоживчої кооперації» (м. Гомель,Рес- публіка Білорусь); Поморська академія в Слупську (м. Слупськ, Польща). Редакційна колегія: Руденко Ольга, доктор наук із державного управління (м. Острог, Україна) – голова; Дрозд Роман, dr hab. prof. nadzw. (Польща) – співголова; Міснікова Людмила, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь) – співголова; Пасічник Ігор, проф., доктор психологічних наук (м. Острог, Україна) – співголова; Такаландзе Лариса, доктор економіки (м. Тбілісі, Грузія) – співголова; Ахалая Шота, доктор математики (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Вітер Дмитро, доктор філософських наук (м. Дніпропетровськ, Україна); Герчиньська Даніела, dr hab. prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща); Гехбайя Бадрі, доктор економіки (м. Батумі, Грузія); Дубовицка Ленка, Ing. PhD (м. Кошице, Словаччина); Іваницька Ольга, доктор наук з державного управління (м. Київ, Україна); Іванов Валерій, проф., доктор філологічних наук (м. Київ, Україна); Капштик Олександр, доктор економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь); Кралюк Петро, проф., доктор філософських наук (м. Острог, Україна); Кузнецова Тетяна, проф., доктор наук із соціальних комунікацій (м. Одеса, Україна); Кучабський Олександр, доктор наук з державного управління (м. Слупськ, Польща); Михальський Томаш, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (Слупськ, Польща); Неліпа Дмитро, доктор політичних наук (м. Київ, Україна); Нугзар Тодуа, доктор економічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Осабовски Збигней, dr hab. inż., prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща); Папаскірі Зураб, доктор історичних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Радченко Олександр, dr. hab., prof. nadzw. (Слупськ,Польща); Сицко Валентина, доктор технічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь); Сниткова Наталія, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь); Сухарскі Тадеуш, dr hab., prof. nadzw. (м. Слупськ, Польща); Хубуа Георгий, доктор юридичних наук (м. Мюнхен, Німеччина); Червякова Ольга, кандидат наук із державного управління (м. Київ, Україна); Чикобава Мераб, кандидат біологічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Шабловська Тетяна, кандидат економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь); Шевлюков Олександр, доктор економічних наук (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь); Шенгелія Теймураз, доктор економічних наук (м. Тбілісі, Грузія); Штурхецький Сергій, кандидат наук із державного управління (м. Острог, Україна). Global world : науковий альманах. – Острог : Видавництво Національного університету «Ост- розька академія», 2016. – Т. 2 (ІІ). – 190 с. ISSN 2414-0511 У науковому альманасі висвітлено результати наукових робіт з основних проблем розвитку сус- пільства в умовах глобалізації, кращі європейські практики з актуальних питань сучасності. Видання розраховане на працівників органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядуван- ня, підприємств та організацій, громадських організацій, наукових і науково-педагогічних кадрів, творчу молодь. УДК 316.32 ББК 66.4 © Національний університет «Острозька академія». Інститут глобальних стратегій управління (м. Острог, Україна) © Юридична особа публічного права – Сухумський державний університет (м. Тбілісі, Грузія) © Заклад освіти «Білоруський торговельно-економічний університет споживчої кооперації» (м. Гомель, Республіка Білорусь) © Поморська академія в Слупську(м. Слупськ, Польща)
  • 5. ISSN 2414-0511 ЗМІСТ  KRUASHVILI Irina FUNCTIONS OF WORD BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE LITERARY TEXT (ON THE MATERIAL OBTAINED IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE).......................................................................................................................6 DZIDZIGURI Tsiala ON SOME MODIFICATIONS OF THE LESLIE MATRIX MODEL OF POPULATION DYNAMICS ..................................14 TAKALANDZE Larisa ON THE ISSUE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GEORGIA.........................................................................................29 GELASHVILI Madonna CONCEPTION OF «GREEN ECONOMY» AS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT NEW VECTOR .....................................34 KETSBAIA Nino THEORETIAL ASPECTS OF MARKETING AUDIT................................................................................................................39 ПАРФЕНЮК Наталія ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ДРУКОВАНИХ ТЕКСТІВ ПОЛЕМІКИ УНІАТІВ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ТВОРІВ «УНІЯ» П. СКАРГИ, «ЛИСТ ДО КНЯЗЯ КОСТЯНТИНА ОСТРОЗЬКОГО ВІД 3 ЧЕРВНЯ 1598 РОКУ» ТА «ВІДПОВІДЬ КЛІРИКУ ОСТРОЗЬКОМУ» І. ПОТІЯ, «ТРЕНОС» М. СМОТРИЦЬКОГО, «ОБОРОНА ЄДНОСТІ ЦЕРКОВНОЇ» Л. КРЕВЗИ).............................................................................................................42 GBUR Zoryana FOREIGN EXPERIENCE FOR PROVIDING THE STATE ECONOMIC SECURITY ............................................................46 КОНІЩЕВА Наталія ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ ДОЦІЛЬНОСТІ УТОЧНЕННЯ ПОНЯТТЯ «ПРОГРЕСИВНИЙ СОЦІАЛЬНИЙ РОЗВИТОК» .......51 МЕДИНСЬКА Ганна МОДЕРНІЗАЦІЯ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ РОЗВИТКОМ ГУМАНІТАРНОЇ СФЕРИ В СИСТЕМІ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ СУСПІЛЬНОЇ СТАБІЛЬНОСТІ........................................................................................60 KHUBUA Marine ISSUES OF COST ANALYSIS AT THE COMMERCIAL BANKS ..........................................................................................69
  • 6. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 6 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 :20.07.2018 . :24.11.2018 . 15.12.2018 . e-mail: DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-6-13 KRUASHVILI Irina Kruashvili Irina. Functions of Word Building Constructions in the literary text (On the material obtained in the German language). Global world : . : - , 2017-2018, vol. 3-4. . 6–13. FUNCTIONSOFWORD BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS INTHELITERARYTEXT (ON THE MATERIAL OBTAINED IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE) It is already a long time, since interrelations of word building and text have been focused in the centre of attention of the linguists. The scientists studied the textual specifics of WBCs, the relationships of the stylistical word building with the text. Within the framework of the literary text, the word building processes occur most evidently and compre- hensively, there are formed new WBCs, which denote objects, events, actions of qualities that are important for the communication. Relevance of WBCs in the formation of the literary text is clearly revealed when we discuss, on one hand, the process of WBC formation in the literary text and, on the other hand, the use and the functions of WBCs in the literary text. Despite the fact that WBC formation mainly occurs according to the systemic models and rules, within the framework of the literary text, it can be subordinated to the contextual regularities. Each new word is connected with a certain text or communicative situation. The literary text represents an important pre-condition for the nascence of contextual composites and derivatives, which so often occur in belles-lettres. Such composites and derivatives become comprehensible only in the text, in a concrete situation. Their deciphering and their understanding is not connected with great difficulties, as the semantic transparency of the constituents makes it easy to interpret the whole construction. Sometimes the designation is created from word building elements upon this or that model, but neither the knowledge of elements, nor the knowledge of the word building model are sufficient to perceive the given meaning. So there is formed a new word, which is not yet registered in a dictionary and which is created by the author according to his original vision. The process of the nascence of such occasional WBCs in the literary text occurs in a very interesting way. Accordingly, there is found a great interest for the interpretation of their meanings. In the occasional WBCs there is clearly revealed the author’s creativity and individuality. The article discusses these very functions of the WBCs and there is substanti- ated the necessity of inclusion of the simplexes in the analysis of the text. WBCs carry mainly stylistic and textual func- tions in the literary text. At the level of the text, the word building differences of this or that part of speech becomes non-relevant. Here, all the WBCs have the same function: to shape out the author’s individual style, to determine the register of the text as well as its belonging to an objective style, to realize the direct and remote coherence of the discrete units of the text. Stylistic functions of WBCs are discussed in the article based on the analysis of micro-texts taken from the works of T. Mann and S. Zweig. WBCs implement descriptive or evaluative functions in the literary text. The textual function WBCs is shown by means of the analysis of S. Zweig’s story. The textual function is represented in the form of a remote coherence. Keywords: Word building construction, stylistic function, textual function, composites, derivatives. KRUASHVILI, Irina Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Sokhumi State University, Georgia FUNCTIONSOFWORD BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS INTHELITERARYTEXT (ON THE MATERIAL OBTAINED IN THE GERMAN LANGUSGE) The research is devoted to the demonstration of a special role and importance of Word Building Construc- tions (WBCs) for the literary text. Based on the analysis of various micro-texts taken from this genre, there are described the functions of WBCs in the literary text. The units arerevealed that arenot listed in dictionaries and that are used by writers with great mastership, in the correspondence with their own individual styles. Keywords: Wordbuilding construction, stylistic function, textual function, composites, derivatives. Introduction. The mutual relationships of word building and text are diverse and have many dimensions. The literary text is the place of nascence of the new Word Buildings Constructions (WBCs), it serves as their basis as well as one of their sources. WBCs, in their turn, make the literary text prettier, more attractive and more expressive. It is certainly not easy to write beautifully. It would be naive to think that even for the great- est masters of the literary art it was easy to achieve their creative summits. When a writer finds the best form to express his/her idea, or finds the most suitable word, it enables him/her, according to his/her aim, to create a new meaning, which might even not be registered in a dictionary. Such meanings are mostly born in the fic- tion literature and they represent WBCs. In view of the build-up of the text, the relevance of WBCs is clearly
  • 7. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 7 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 revealed, on one hand, during the description of the nascence of WBCs themselves in the literary text and, on the other hand, during the indication of the use and functions of WBCs in the text. The article deals with these very functions of WBCs in the literary text and there is substantiated the necessity of inclusion of simplexes in the analysis of the text. WBCs carry mainly stylistic and textual functions in the literary text. Their stylistic functions are discussed in the article based on the analysis of micro-texts taken from T. Mann’s and S. Zweig’s works. WBCs undertake descriptive or evaluative function in the literary text. The textual function of WBCs is shown by means of analysis of S. Zweig’s story. The textual function is represented in the form of remote coherence. Relevance of the study. AWBC is directly linked with this or that part of speech and it gets assimilated ac- cordingtotheirformalandsemanticparameters.WBCsoccupyanimportantplaceinthefictionliterature.Their diverse use with nominative, attributive, predicative, adverbial and other functions testifies the role of WBCs besides the syntagma and simplex. They make a great contribution into the realization of general tendencies of development of the modern German language, which, above all, is true for the sphere of syntax. The tendency of condensation of the structures of a sentence causes the increase in the attributiveness of the members of the sentence as well as the development of new word building models. In the literary text there are present such WBCs that express multiple relationships between the objects and phenomena in a condensed way. They often exchange complex syntactic composites. One of the actual problems of the linguistic Germanistics remains to find out the essence of these lexical units and to describe their functions in the literary text. Topicalityof the problem motivate the intense research of the issues connected with it. As another argument that this theme is actual, there can serve the fact that many researchers pay attention to the functions of WBCs in the literary text. Formulation of the problem. Text is the place and source of development of the word building processes. There are fixed the productive and non-productive word building models, there are born new systemic con- structions, which denote objects, phenomena, actions or features that are important for communication.Yet,the nascence of new WBCs sometimes occurs through the bypass from the generalities of systemic word building, which can be demonstrated by the fact that the constituents, which, at the first glance, were semantically non- compatible, unite into constructions. Deciphering and understanding these constructs does not represent a great difficulty, as the semantic transparency of the constituents make it easier to interpret the whole construction.At the textual level, the word building differences of the parts of speech becomes non-relevant. Here, all the WBCs are charged with the same function: to shape out the author’s individual style, to determine the text’s register and belonging to an objective style, to realize the direct and remote coherence of discrete units of the text. Analysis of research and development. The mutual connections of word building and text has turned in the object of research of the scientists for a long time already. We can cite many papers, confirming that textual aspects intensively penetrate into the research of the grammatical, lexicological and word building problems. In the latest research, functions of WBCs in the text, their textual specifics, the relationship of the stylistic word building to the text, come to the foreground. The word building tools belong to the special tools for formal and semantic organization of the text. According to Fleischer/Barz, “Word building products, as units of the lexical store, are the building material for texts” (Fleischer/Batz, 2012:26). Gataullin also discusses the word building potential of a text. According to his assessment, a text is not only a medium, where WBCs function and realize their denotative or connotative meanings; text is, at the same time, a medium, where new WBCs are formed (Gataullin, 1990:241). Each new word is linked to a certain text or communicational situation. Text appears to be an important pre-condition for the nascence of contextual composites and derivatives, which often occur in belles-lettres and the use of which is sometimes even necessary. Wellmann correctly notices that “the word building blooms in its prettiest form in the belletrist literature” (Wellmann, 2008:23). Despite the fact that the formation of WBCs mostly occurs according to the systemic models and rules, with- in the framework of the text, it can subordinate to other generalities, namely, we imply the importance of con- text here. Such composites and derivatives become evident only in the text, in a concrete situation. Kubrákova in such cases considers the importance of communicative situations (Kubrákova, 1982:10). The same idea is sharedbyotherscientists, whoremarkthat the semantics of contextualwords mainly depends onthe contentsof the context. Dressler points also to the fact that the importance of contextual constructions is determined by the anaphoric and cataphoric relationships, so they turn into the “carriers of textual semantics,” ”crystallization of principal set of themes” (Dressler, 1981:101). Luft (2007) and Elsen (2008) study the complex nouns in Science Fiction and ‘Fantasy-Literatur.’ WBCs, as a rule of thumb, have three main functions in the text: referential, stylistic and textual. The referential function implies that WBCs are understandable even without any context; they denote or concretize objects and events (phenomena). The stylistic function is discussed in the cases when there is no necessity for name designation, but a certain effect needs to be communicated to the reader. In the textual function, Elsen distinguishes four aspects: From the formal point of view, WBCs substitute other words in order to avoid repetitions or long phrases, consequently, this allows the sentence to be shortened. From the point of view of the contents, WBCs condense information, they interpolate information or make its differen- tiation, and finally this serves to a better understanding. From a thematic point of view, WBCs form the theme,
  • 8. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 8 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 make combinations of several themes or serve as a leitmotif throughout the text. From the textual point of view, WBCs serve to the construction of the text, they interconnect certain parts of the text, condense the text, bind it as a whole entity (Elsen, 2011:87). Elsen is completely right when he notes that various functions do not occur in an isolated form, but are set forth in the form of diverse combinations. When we discuss the functions of WBCs in a literary text, we need to mention Purtseladze’s opinions about this matter. Besides the texts pointed syntactically and morphologically, the scientist considers the texts pointed by word building tools. There exist the pointed texts, in which the linguistic tools are emphasized and this makes a certain impact on the text itself. In the texts pointed by means of word building tools, these very unusual WBCs come forth to the foreground. Purtseladze notes: “interpretation of the texts pointed by word building tools is quite difficult due to the fact that they are extremely individual, and necessitate to apply psy- chological approach.” (Purtseladze, 2014:363). The attention of the scientist is attracted by Georg Trakl, “who, according to his poetic vision, creates such oeuvres that their interpretation necessitates a special hermeneutical approach in view of the peculiarities of the literary credo, the principles of which are practiced by the author” (Purtseladze, 2014:363). Purtseladze analyses three unusual words from Trakl’s art: die Junglingin, die Frem- dlingin, die Mönchin and concludes that ”the interpretation of these word building elements encounters greater difficulties in a pointed text rather than in an ordinarytexts.” Goals and objectives of the article. The aim of the present article is to show the functions of WBCs and the opportunities of their realization in a literary text. According to the main purpose, we have set as the con- crete objectives of the research: making reviews of the special literature and substantiation of the topicality of the problem; analysis of WBCs that are fetched from the samples of the fiction literature; cross-comparison of substantive and adjective WBCs with the headwords of dictionaries of the German language and setting apart those units that are not yet registered in the dictionaries; interpretation of substantive and adjective WBCs in the literary prosaic texts, identification of their stylistic and textual functions; calculation of the statistic data of WBCs and cross-comparison of the frequencies of their use. The main material with substantiated scientific results. Stylistic functions of WBCs are realized within the framework of the text and their investigation is included into the competency of the textual stylistics. This branch of science states the correspondence of the functions of linguistic units and structures through the cross- section of the interrelations of stylistics and textual linguistics. The style is a quality of the text and one of its characteristic features.Thus, when discussingstyle, text is meant explicitly or implicitly. Hence,it is purposeful to make description of the functions of WBCs in a literary text at the verge of stylistics and textual linguistics. We shall not discuss here the problems of definition and modelling of the text, as well as the principles of con- struction of the text; we can point to the works of Brinker (2010), Vater (2001), Peschel (2002), Halliday/Hasan (1985) and Purtseladze (2014) for the readers interested in such problems. It would be wrong to bring forth only WBCs during the analysis of the text as in this aspect it is possible to consider actualization of the textual functions of this or that class of words, so it seems necessary to include simplexes into the analysis of the text. Accordingly, we shall choose two directions of interpretation. On one hand, we shall deal with the functions of WBCs, and on the other hand, the functions of WBCs and simplexes together. We choose the stylistic as- pect for interpretations, as: 1. the style is a feature of the text, one of its important characteristics; 2. any word building construction as a part of speech represents the class of words, which can not only give a stylistic tint to separate components of the text but also to determine to register (stylistic strokes) of the whole text. The style can be recognized by two main parameters, these are the stylistic tint (Stilfärbung, Stilkolorit) and stylistic strokes (Stilzüge, Register). The first of them is characteristic for certain separate lexemes and grammatical units. There exists the scale of stylistic colouring, which is registered in the dictionaries, e.g. ironical, elevated, colloquial, rude, etc. What about the stylistic strokes, they represent the quality of the whole text. “The stylistic strokes are such features of the text as immediacy, indelicacy (non-ceremoniousness), officiality, sharpness (accuracy), logicalness, lapidarity, dynamicity, statics, emotionality, and so on” (Purtseladze, 2014:205). The stylistic strokes can be determined by the excessive use of the stylistic tools. In such case, we could discuss the nominal, verbal and adjective style. In such cases, the means of pointing of the texts is to show forth the stylistic function of substantive, verbal and adjectival WBCs in the text. Our research shall focus onto the substantive and adjectival WBCs as they occur in greater quantities in the fiction literature and their stylistic possibilities greatly excess those of the verbal ones. We believe it is purposeful to postulate generally the fact, which kinds of text usually abound with the WBCs. The fiction literature stands out by the greatest probabilities of the oc- currence of WBCs as here they serve to the enrichment of the artistic images. Words, including complex words, are charged with diverse functions in the text. A word has a greatest strength of influence. Its role and importance is immense, if it is selected correctly and if it reaches the reader’s heart naturally.Todecorate the idea beautifully, to bring forth its aesthetical virtues, is the lot of the elected only. The brilliant examples can be picked in famous writers’ works, which are believed to be the chef-d’oeuvres of linguistic beauty andartistic style. Elsen believes that “The very poetic expressive strength and aesthetic delight is the cause of the use of many lexemes in literary texts” (Elsen, 2011:117). Many samples of substantive and
  • 9. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 9 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 adjective word building is eccentric and paradoxical, yet, the writers, according to their original style and opin- ions,oftenusethem:Verständnismensch(Kellermann),Höllenmaul(Kellermann),Wunderladen(Kellermann), porzellanglattesGesicht(Kellermann),schmutzigweißeNarzissen(Bienek),einemparfümgetränktenTaschen- tuch (Bienek), leergesungener Opernstar (G. Hofmann), kirschschwarze Mittelmeeraugen (Grass), fremdlän- dischschwarze Frau (Strittmatter), weißkäsebleicher Mond (Strittmatter), seiner aluminiumhellen Zahlkasse (St. Zweig), mit der grauschmutzigen Marmorplatte (St. Zweig), manikürbesteckgroßes Kästchen (Fühmann). These are unusual, occasional WBCs, which do not fit into the norms of the literary language. Their use shows the natural relationship of a word-creator artist towards the German language that enables him, respectiveto his/her aims, in the case of need, to create a new denomination, which might not be yet registered in a diction- ary. There do not exist any ready-to-use aesthetic norms that would communicate the exact direction to the writer. Everything depends on the individual style. Analysis of many examples show that by means of adjectives (especially, complex adjectives) it is pos- sible to communicate the most accurate nuances of this or that notion, be that a hard spiritual situation, timid compassion or firm decision. The adjective WBCs make the language elaborate and attractive. They introduce colouring, form, warmth, flavour into the text ((Reiners, 2009:135). It is even possible to revive dull objects by means of WBCs, when the author is not contented by general designations, but looks for something special. By means of expressive, voluminous adjectives, which show forth distinctive individual features, this effect can be readily reached and the text becomes expressive (Reiners, 2009:136). This can be explained also by the fact that, just like substantive composited, the adjective composites represent one of the means of compression (Sommerfeldt, 1987:64). A noun and an adjective can make a composite in combination with any parts of speech. Eichinger cor- rectly emphasizes the inclination and the ability of the German language to produce infinitely long composites (Eichinger, 2000:145). Elsen remarks that by means of composites it is possible to vary or to retain the theme (Elsen, 2011:89). As it is known, the primary function of an adjective is to design qualities and features of an object or a phenomenon. This function is realized by an attributive at the level of syntax, and by an epithet, at the level of stylistics. From the point of view of stylistics, an epithet represents something additional, which might be im- portant for the understanding of the phrase, but not necessary. Let’s take a micro-text for the example: „Graue, dünne und zerrissene Wolken flatterten eilig über den Himmel. Die trübe, zerwühlte See war weit und breit mit Schaum bedeckt. Große, starke Wogen wälzten sich mit einer unerbittlichen und furchteinflößenden Ruhe heran, neigten sich majestätisch, indem sie eine dunkelgrüne, metallblanke Rundung bildeten, und stürzten lär- mend über den Sand.“ (Mann, 2017). This micro-text would be understandable even without the adjectives, yet, it is undoubtable that they increase the accuracy of the idea; they make it more comprehensible and tangible. Still, we must note here that several adjectives piled together create a lesser effect. The opinion that a great writer with a good style can be recognized by his modest, moderate relationship with the epithets, is shared by many famous researchers, such as Faulseit (1982:17), Reiners (2009:135) and Sommerfeldt (1986:164). The latter emphasizes the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the use of adjectives. For instance, in characteristics there often occur some qualitatively unnecessary, excessive and frequently repeated words; and quantitatively, the text is overcharged with such non-necessary adjectives. Yet, we cannot a priori postulate that several epi- thets piled together are always inappropriate. Let’s now pass onto the interpretation of concrete text and demonstrate, what features are acquired by the individual style of a writer with the use of an adjective epithet. Let’s take for analysis the samples of literary prosaic texts from the creations of T. Mann and S. Zweig. T. Mann is deservedly recognized as an unpaired grandmaster of the epithet. “Buddenbrooks” is the very work that brought a great success to the author and made him won the name of a great writer. T. Mann’s style is unique and exalted. He created a new, his own style of the intellectual narration, the so called style of criti- cal exactitude. The writer can create embracing, utterly expressive lingual portraits, the analogue of which can be hardly found anywhere in the world literature. He abundantly uses complex adjectives, by means of which he takes the reader into the magic universe that he created. For this illustration, we cite here the following microtext from “Buddenbrooks:“ „Der schneeweiße gewirkte Damast auf dem runden Tische war von einem grüngesticktenTischläuferdurchzogenundbedecktmitgoldgerändertemundsodurchsichtigemPorzellan,daß es hie und da wie Perlmutter schimmerte. Eine Teemaschine summte. In einem dünnsilbernen, flachen Brot- korb, der die Gestalt eines großen, gezackten, leicht gerollten Blattes hatte, lagen Rundstücke und Schnitten von Milchgebäck. Unter einer Kristallglocke türmten sich kleine, geriefelte Butterkugeln, unter einer anderen waren verschiedene Arten von Käse, gelber, grünmarmorierter und weißer sichtbar.“ (Mann, 2017). This in a descriptive text, accordingly, adjectives serve to show forth this or that detail of an object to be described. T. Mann is not satisfied, characterizing the object with one attribute, he looks for more and more accurate epithets. The writer seems not to be contented with the words already existing in the language and creates the new WBCs himself. Let’s imagine, how poorer and drier would be the description, if it would not be enriched with the epi-
  • 10. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 10 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 thets expressed in adjectives. * “Der ... ... Damast auf dem ... Tische war von einem ... Tischläufer durchzogen und bedeckt mit ... (und so) ... Porzellan, daß es hie und da wie Perlmutter schimmerte. Eine Teemaschine sum- mte. In einem ... ... Brotkorb, der die Gestalt eines ...............Blattes hatte, lagen Rundstücke und Schnitten von Milchgebäck. Unter einer Kristallglocke türmten sich ... ... Butterkugeln, unter einer anderen waren Arten von Käse ... ... (und) sichtbar.“ The 8-line micro-text from “Buddenbrooks” contains 17 attributive adjec- tives.Among them: 6 simplexes (rund, flach, groß, klein, gelb, weiß), 2 determinative composites (schneeweiß, dünnsilbern), 1 suffix derivative (durchsichtig), 5 participle adjectives (gewirkt, gezackt, gerollt, geriefelt, ver- schieden), 3 non-lexicalised compounds (grüngestickt, goldgerändert,grünmarmoriert). We believe that it is purposeful to define the term non-lexicalised compound (Bußmann, 2008:811) – (Zusammenrückung). This represents the fusion of a syntactic syntagma into one word. At the same time, such a structure still reveals the signs of syntactic syntagma and the elements of flexion are still preserved in it. It is mostly represented in nouns: Waldesruhe, Vaterunser, Hohepriester, Dreikäsehoch. Among adjectives, the non-lexicalised compound forms are represented in the form of such constructions, which were formed due to the direct neighbourhood of a noun or an adjective with a participle construction: praxisbewährt(eMethode) – in der Praxis bewährt(e Methode). A similar forms are schwerbeschädigt (schwer beschädigt), neugeboren, tiefbewegt, heißgeliebt, halbverhungert and so on. A similar principle is used to build constructions with par- ticiples, where an adverb, a pronoun or a numeral serves as the first direct constituent: minderbegabt, oben- genannt, untenerwähnt, andersgeartet, selbstgebacken, etc. The process of the formation of these adjective constructions goes on very dynamically. There was a tradition to write the non-lexical compounds together. According to the new orthographic rules, there is felt the tendency to write one part of this forms apart, namely, the words with participles, the first constituent part of which produces the forms of the degrees of comparison or gets interpolated (Rechtschreibung, 2008:605), e.g. schlecht gelaunt, dünn besiedelt, ernst gemeint,unten erwähnt, weit verbreitet, blank gebohnert, braun gebrannt, weich gekocht, etc. Though, parallel with the use of them, there are used the forms where these words are written together. To the non-lexical compounds, we assign such WBCs, too, in which, by the opinion of several scientists, we deal with verbal syntagmas, with the explicit derivation implemented by means of -d suffix: gewinnbringend – Gewinn bringen + -d. The accurate bordering between the composition and derivation is not possible in every concrete case. Yet, according to the analysis of direct constituents, where the division is binary, and proceeding from the essence of the non-lexical compoundsthemselves,itispurposefultoconsidersuchconstructions asnon-lexicalcompoundforms:Gewinn + bringend.Asimilar forms are energiesparend, schmerzlindernd, friedliebend. Non-lexical compound forms represent the alternative constructions identical to syntactic syntagmas semantically. Thus, their word building meanings essentially correspond to the syntactical-semantical relationships of alternative syntactical verbal constructions. What about the substantive WBCs, they play an important role in the creation of the expressive strength of the text. Just like the complex adjectives, they convey expressive features of the text. In the micro-text cited above, there can be distinguished 8 simplexes (Damast, Tisch, Porzellan, Gestalt, Blatt, Schnitt, Art, Käse) and 8 determinative composites (Tischläufer, Perlmutter, Teemaschine, Brotkorb, Rundstück, Milchgebäck, Kristallglocke, Butterkugel). T.Mann masterly creates occasional substantive composites: Landschaftszimmer, Intrigantenhaupt, Märzschnee, Frühstückszimmer. In his works, there occur occasional polymorpheme com- posites, too, e.g. Seehundsschnauzbart. S. Zweig, too, abundantly uses WBCs in his works. His novels carry a psychological character. In the centre of narration, there stands a personality, an individual. Out of Zweig’s many novels analysed by us, we shall present “Buchmendel.” There is a total of 640 attributive adjectives in the novel and they are masterly used by the author to reach the subtle nuances of his heroes’ souls. Adjectives have here partially a descriptive function, and partially they express emotions of the heroes or the author’s personal feelings.Simultaneously with the simplex forms, there occur such complex and derivative adjectives as aluminiumhell, kaiserbärtig, strenggläubig, schwarznägelig, schwarzflaumig, grauschmutzig, aschgrau, halbblind, hunderttausendstellig, etc. Adjectives, especially complex adjectives increase the artistic value of the text; it becomes more attractive and expressive. For comprehensibility, we shall give one example when the author describes his first meeting withMendel: „. da starrte Mendel endlich auf, schob die ungefügestahlgeränderte Brille mechanischrasch die Stirn empor, und unter den weggesträubten aschgrauen Brauen stachen uns zwei merkwürdige Augen entge- gen, kleine, schwarze, wache Augen, flink, spitz und flippend wie eine Schlangenzunge.“ (Zweig, 2016). there are 8 attributive adjectives in the example. Out of these, 3 simplexes (klein, schwarz, wach), 2 non-lexical com- pounds (stahlgerändert, weggesträubt), 1 determinative composite (aschgrau), 1 quasi-composite (composite withanaffixoid)(merkwürdig), 1 prefixderivative(ungefüge).The adjectivescarryanadditional,yetimportant information. Wecan easily ensure this, if we omit the adjectives: „...da starrte Mendel endlich auf, schob die ... ... Brille (mechanisch rasch) die Stirn empor, und unter den ... ... Brauen stachen uns zwei Augen entgegen, ... ... ... Augen, (flink, spitz und flippend) wie eine Schlangenzunge.“ the sentence becomes dry and colourless; there is lost information about the form of the glasses, the tint of the eyebrows and characteristic features of
  • 11. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 11 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 the eyes. In the literary text, where the impressive narration of the story has an utter importance, such nuances are relevant. We shall cite one more micro-text from the novel: „Nein, er war nicht derselbe, nicht das Miraculum mundi mehr, die magische Registratur aller Bücher: Alle, die ihn damals sahen, haben mir wehmütig das gleiche beri- chtet. Irgend etwas schien rettungslos zerstört in seinem sonst stillen, nur wie schlafend lesenden Blick; etwas war zertrümmert: Der grauenhafte Blutkomet mußte in seinem rasenden Lauf schmetternd hineingeschlagen haben auch in den abseitigen, friedlichen, in diesen alkyonischen Stern seiner Bücherwelt. Seine Augen, jah- rzehntenlang gewöhnt an die zarten, lautlosen, insektenfüßigen Lettern der Schrift, sie mußten Furchtbares ge- sehen haben in jener stacheldrahtumspannten Menschenhürde, denn die Lider schatteten schwer über den einst so flinken und ironisch funkelnden Pupillen, schläfrig und rotrandig dämmerten die vordem so lebhaften Blicke unter der reparierten, mit dünnem Bindfaden mühsam zusammengebundenen Brille. Und furchtbarer noch: In dem phantastischen Kunstbau seines Gedächtnisses muß irgendein Pfeiler eingestürzt und das ganze Gefüge in Unordnung geraten sein; denn so zart ist ja unser Gehirn, dies aus subtilster Substanz gestaltete Schaltwerk, dies feinmechanische Präzusionsinstrument unseresWissens zusammengestimmt, daß ein gestautes Äderchen, ein erschütterter Nerv, eine ermüdete Zelle, daß ein solches verschobenes Molekül schon zureicht, um die her- rlich umfassendste, die sphärische Harmonie in Verstimmung zu bringen.“ (Zweig, 2016). In this 19-line text, there are used 29 attributive adjectives that fulfil the function of epithets. Without the adjective WBCs the narration would be dull and monotonous. The author possesses a great art to enchant the reader with the use of each masterly fitted adjective WBC, to make him/her interested and to keep this interest keen until the very end. In the extract cited by us, the statistical analysis of adjectives gives the following pic- ture: 5 simplexes (still, zart, flink, dünn, ganz), 11 suffix derivatives (magisch, grauenhaft, abseitig, friedlich, alkyonisch, lautlos, lebhaft, phantastisch, subtil, feinmechanisch, sphärisch), 11 participle adjectives (lesend, resend, funkelnd, repariert, zusammengebunden, gestaltet, gestaut, erschüttert, ermüdet, verschoben, umfas- send), 1 non-lexical compound (stacheldrahtumspannt), 1 „fusion“ („Zusammenbildung“) (insektenfüßig). „Zusammenbildung” is a composite-derivative form, which represents a word building construction made ac- cording to the sample of derivation, but, as distinct from usual derivation, here the suffix is appended not to a free morpheme, but only to the syntactic syntagma: diesjährig – dies Jahr + -ig; rotwangig – rote Wangen + -ig; vielgliedrig – viele Glieder + -ig. Fleischer/Barz consider such WBCs as explicit derivatives and reject the term “Zusammenbildung” (Fleischer/Barz, 2012:86). They substantiate this opinion by the argument that syntagma, appended with a derivative suffix, is the basis of such WBCs. Despite this, it is still appropriate to distinguish the adjective WBCs separately with the status of “Zusammenbildung”. We consider as explicit de- rivatives such WBCs, the basis of which is not a syntagma, but a free morpheme. S. Zweig abundantly uses substantive WBCs. Their analysis in the same micro-text gives the following picture: 15 simplexes (Buch, Blick (2), Lauf, Stern, Auge, Letter, Schrift, Lid, Pupille, Brille, Wissen, Nerv, Zelle, Molekül), 7 determinative composites (Blutkomet, Bücherwelt, Menschenhürde, Bindfaden, Kunstbau, Schaltwerk,Präzisionsinstrument),6suffixderivatives(Registratur,Gedächtnis,Pfeiler,Äderchen,Harmonie, Verstimmung), 2 prefix derivatives (Unordnung, Gehirn), 1 combinational derivative (Gefüge). Zweig often usesoccasionalcomposites,e.g.Bücher-Saurier,Buchgehirn,Dauertraum,amongstthem,thecompositescon- taining three and more direct constituents: Buchhandlungslehrling, Bücherweltall, Kirschholzkasse, and non- lexicalised compounds: Sichwiederentzünden, Nochmehrwissenwollen, Armeleutestube. While discussing textual functions of WBCs, we must mention that an adjective is not an independent mem- ber of the sentence. It itself does not possess a deictic semantics and, correspondingly, can realize cataphoric or anaphoric coherence only together with a noun. Yet,in the next example, an adjective WBC realizes coherence: Abuyer enters the shop. She looks for a red blouse. The seller shows her different blouses: – Was für eine Bluse möchten Sie? – Eine rote. – Diese rote ? – Nein, da, jene ziegelrote. Here, “brick-red” has a deictic function, though it doesn’t possess itself the sema (from the Greek word that stands for signal, meaning) of pointing to. This function is undertaken by the situation, indefinite article, adverb, interrogative and indicative pronouns. In this micro-text, the adjective WBC realizes coherence with their assistance; that is why we can assert that it has a textual function. Quite often there are used the composites expressing comparison in order to realize coherence in the text. The cases, when the second direct constituent is mentioned in the text earlier, and the composite later ‘adjusts’ it, occur most frequently: Sie kriegen ein ganz typisches gelbes Döschen, ... Jawohl gelb – man dürfte es wohl Kodakgelb nennen (Bagley); Er erfindet ein Pulver, ein grünes Pulver, ein hoffnungsgrünes Pulver(Pümpel- Mader/Gassner-Koch/Wellmann 1992:97). Let’s discuss the textual functions of WBC’s again in S. Zweig’s novel “Buchmendel.” This story has 38 standard pages. The composition of the story is ordinary: there can be distinguished the pre-signal (title), 1st micro-text (introduction), 2nd micro-text (the main part), 3rd micro-text (the conclusive part). The pre-signal is represented in the form of a determinative composite. There are 29 paragraphs in the story, out of which several are very long and have a large capacity in terms of the contents. For instance, there are paragraphs that occupy
  • 12. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 12 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 3 or 4 pages, as if the author wishes the reader to wander through the intertwined labyrinths of the heroes’ souls. In the story, there occurs the syntagma galizischer Büchertrödler, which consists of the adjective and substantive WBCs. The adjective suffix derivative determines the substantive determinative composite in it. This syntagma repeats in the text four times at various places with different variations and realizes the remote coherence, thus binding the whole story into one monolithic structure. First, it occurs in the 5th paragraph, where the author narrates in detains about Mendel, full of strange qualities, who was sitting and reading every day from morning till the evening without any motion at the table in the corner of the room: “In diesem kleinen galizischen Büchertrödler Jakob Mendel hatte ich zum erstenmal als junger Mensch das große Geheimnis der restlosen Konzentration gesehen, das den Künstler macht wie den Gelehrten, den wahrhaft Weisen wie den vollkommen Irrwitzigen, dieses tragische Glück und Unglück vollkommener Besessenheit.“ The second time, it occurs in the 8th paragraph, when the author remembers his first meeting with Mendel 20 years ago. The young man who came for a book he needed to Mendel, has been amazed and ravished by the phenomenal memory of this man: „Ganz benommen starrte ich dieses bibliographische Phänomen an, eingespult in die unansehnliche, sogar etwas schmierige Hülle eines galizischen kleinen Buchtrödlers, der, nachdem er mir etwa achtzig Namen heruntergerasselt, scheinbar achtlos, aber innerlich wohlgefällig über seinen ausgespielten Tri- umpf, sich die Brille mit einem vormals vielleicht weiß gewesenen Taschentuch putzte.“ For the third time, he is mentioned in the same 8th paragraph again, where the author speaks of Mendel’s uniqueness. Mendel knew more than a specialist in any sphere of the knowledge: „Eingesetzt in ein Seminar, an eine öffentliche Stelle, hätte das Gehirn Tausende, Hunderttausende von Studenten und Gelehrten belehrt und erstaunt, fruchtbar für die Wissenschaften, ein unvergleichlicher Gewinn für jene öffentlichen Schatzkammern, die wir Bibliotheken nennen. Aber diese obere Welt war ihm, dem kleinen, ungebildeten galizischen Buchtrödler, der nicht viel mehr als seine Talmudschule bewältigt, für ewig verschlossen;“And lastly, in the 24th paragraph, the syntagma occurs again, where the author describes how senile Mendel, just returned from the concentration camp, inter- rupted the work of the new owner of the café : „Bei dieser hastigen Verschönerung störte ihn natürlich sehr dieser galizische Schmarotzer, der tagsüber von früh bis nachts allein einen Tisch besetzt hielt und dabei im ganzen nur zwei Schalen Kaffee trank und fünf Brote verzehrte.“ The new owner chased Mendel away. Soon he died from pneumonia. Here ends the main theme of the story, which is devoted to the love of the neighbour, the true compassion and sharing of the sorrows. As we can see, this story is built upon the remote coherence. Conclusions. As a conclusion, we can state that the essence of word building is revealed in the literary text with the whole clarity. WBCs find the sharpest expression of their destination in the very fiction literature. When discussing the word building at the level of the text, the functions of WBCs come to the foreground, though the role of the simplexes is not also negligible. Analysis of the artistic prosaic texts shows that deter- minative composites and suffix derivatives dominate in them; the second place is occupied by the non-lexical compound forms. These are then followed by quasi-composites and prefix derivatives, and the last place is hold by the combinatory derivatives. In the fiction literature, there occur abundantly the occasional WBCs, which do not fit into the norms of the literary language, but which are often used by the writers, according to their own original styles. WBCs possess descriptive or evaluative function in the literary text. They realize either contact or remote coherence in the text. References: 1. Brinker, K. Linguistische Textanalyse. 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  • 13. © Irina Kruashvili ISSN 2414-0511 13 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 15. Purtseladze, V.Text as a written Manifestation of linguistic activity. [Text als schriftliche Manifestation der sprachlichen Tätigkeit]. Tbilissi 2014. (In Georgian). 16. Rechtschreibung. Deutsch. Neues Grosses Wörterbuch. Köln 2008. 17. Reiners, L. Stilfibel. Der sichere Weg zum guten Deutsch. München 2009. 18. Sommerfeldt, K. E. Das Adjektiv als Stilmittel. In: Sprachpflege 11/1986. – P.162-164. 19. Sommerfeldt, K. E. (1987): Adjektivische Komposita – ein Mittel der Verdichtung. In: Sprachpflege 5/1987. – P. 64-68. 20. Vater, H. Einführung in die Textlinguistik. Stuttgart 2001. 21. Wellmann, H. Die Wortbildung. In: U. Fix, H. Poethe & M. Schröder (Hrsg.): Wort-Bildung und Wort-Schatz. I. Barz zum 65. Geburtstag: Bibliographie, Forschung, Biographisches. Leipzig 2008. – P. 17-28. Sources 1. Mann, T. Buddenbrooks: Verfall einer Familie. Berlin 2017. 2. Zweig, S. Buchmendel & Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Zwei Novellen. Ulm 2016.
  • 14. © Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511 14 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 :20.07.2018 . :24.11.2018 . 15.12.2018 E-m.ail: DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-14-28 DZIDZIGURI Tsiala, Associate Professor, Sokhumi State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Scieces, Tbilisi, Georgia Dzidziguri Tsiala. On some modifications of the Leslie matrix model of population dynamics. Global world : . : - , 2017- 2018, vol. 3-4. . 14–28. ON SOME MODIFICATIONS OF THE LESLIE MATRIX MODEL OF POPULATION DYNAMICS In this paper we consider the classical and generalized population models of Leslie. The spectral properties of the Leslie operator are described. Matrix models of age- or/and stage-structured populations rest upon the Perron–Frobenius theorem for nonnegative matrices, and the life cycle graph for individuals of a given biological species plays a major role in model construction and analysis. A modification of the Leslie model is introduced to the case of negative birth rates. A theorem on the ergodicity of the regime of population reproduction is given. A summary of classical results in the theory of matrix models for population dynamics is presented, and generaliza- tions are proposed, which have been motivated by a need to account for an additional structure, i.e., to classify individu- als not only by age, but also by an additional (discrete) characteristic: size, physiological status, stage of development, etc. A modification of the Leslie model is introduced to the case of negative birth rates. A theorem on the ergodicity of the regime of population reproduction is given. Classical matrix models of the dynamics of populations of a single biological species (Leslie, 1945, 1948) were based on very rigid postulates about the of the main events in the life cycle of organisms (birth, maturation, reproduc- tion, mortality) and the consistency of the corresponding demographic parameters over time. Historical successes in applications of matrix formalism were mainly associated with populations of mammals with pronounced annual age classes (Lowe, 1969, Watt, 1971, Usher, 1972). Later found a generalization in population models with age and complementary structures (Csetenyi, Logofet, 1989; Logofet, 1989, 1991; Caswell, 2001). The state of the population was described not by a vector, but by a rectangular matrix. The projection matrix of the model then acquired a block structure, and analysis of its properties led to nontrivial mathematical problems (Logofet, 1989, 1991). Matrix models of population dynamics are initially linear, i.e. can provide an adequate description only on a (short) stretch of unlimited population growth. The subsequent stages of development are usually reproduced in non-linear models of the dynamics of interacting populations. Matrix population models were also proposed by Levis in a short article in 1942 in the «Indian Journal of Statistics», covering the same topics as in Leslie’s 1945 article, but in a shorter form. Leslie became acquainted with this article after his publication. Although Leslie’s articles laid the foundation for the matrix approach, and Leslie worked in close cooperation with the most prominent ecologists of the time, in essence the theory was not properly evaluated. Matrix models were not mentioned in any book on the mathematical ecology of that time. Model Leslie did not find practical application because of the extreme stiffness of her postulates: splitting the popu- lation into age classes of the same length, equal to the time step of the model, is not always convenient and feasible. Much more often individuals can be classified not by age, but by some other observable or measurable characteristics, for example, by linear size or stage of development. Formalism that meets these conditions appeared 20 years afterthe publication of Leslie’s model: Lefkovitch (1965) proposed using successive stages in the development of the organism (of varying, generally speaking, duration) as the basis for classifying individuals. Keywords: Discrete models, matrix models, Leslie matrix, Lefkovich matrix, modification, structures.
  • 15. © Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511 15 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 , , , . , ( ) . . , , , , , . , (Leslie, 1945,1948). , , .
  • 16. © Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511 16 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 (Leslie, 1945,1948) ( , , , ) . , , , (Lowe, 1969; Yatt, 1971; Usher, 1972). ( ) (Csetenyi, Logofet, 1989; Logofet, 1989, 1991; Caswell, 2001). , . . , , ( ). ( , ) . , (Svirezhev, 1987). (Lewis) 1942 “Indian Journal of Statastics”- . , 1945 , . ,
  • 17. © Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511 17 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 . , , . . , , , . , , , , . , , Leslie- 20 . (Lefkovitch, 1965) ( ) , . , , . ( ) , . ( . , , 1978; Hansen, 1986; Logofet, 1993). , ,
  • 18. 18 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 © Tsiala Dzidziguri ISSN 2414-0511 . . , . . , . , (Lefkovitch 1965; Hansen 1986). , . , ( ) , : (1) – . ; - :
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  • 29. 29 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 © Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511 :20.07.2018 . :24.11.2018 . 15.12.2018 . e-mail: DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-29-33 TAKALANDZE Larisa, Professor of Sokhumi State University Takalandze Larisa. On the issue of strategic management of Georgia. Global world : . : - , 2017-2018, vol. 3-4. . 29–33. ON THE ISSUE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF GEORGIA The study concerns the issues of the social-economic development. It is underlined that one of the significant objectives represents the scientifically reasoned united complex strategy and work out of the appropriate active programmes. According to the authors not having predictability of a long-term future, goals and their achieve- ment strategy provokes loss of the competitiveness as well as restricted resources irrational expenditure. In the study is mentioned that Georgia is one of those countries which does have clear, pragmatic, well-considered long-term strategy, which would be based on social, innovative and technological development prognoses and the views of future. The social-economic development authors intend to implement the innovative break-through strategy, in which will be considered our country’scurrent condition, specifics, capacity of the resources, global processes, the tendencies for the development of the technologies and the views of future. Key words: Georgia, Strategy, Strategical development, Economics, Innovations. Introduction The long-term political and economic crisis in Georgia creates unavoidable necessity to establish such values and ideology that for the developed countries have been the major priorities for a long time. Moreover, in the beginning of XXI century, the world enters the epoch of the stormy changes and because of this, usual rhythm and dynamic of social life radically are being changed. The world becomes much more unpredictable and requires a new scientific comprehension and from the State and the political achievements, it requires a long-term strategy of the development. For 70 years Georgia was a part of the Soviet Union, its dissolution were caused by the strategic mistakes as well as by a wrong orientation. Later, the events developed in our country (political turbulences, ethno conflicts, permanent economic reforms and experiments) represent the results of the country’s economic development vector was not directed forwards, to the post-industrial society of XXI century, but it was moving backwards, to the capital primary distribution, to the spontaneous games of the marketing forces and to the political dis- sipation. The Results of Economic Reform in Georgia Justice requires mentioning, that according to the reforms held during the last years the following positive tendencies are observed: – In country have been established rather high rates of the economic growth. Particularly, in 2002-2017 years the rate of the annual increase of the entire inner product averagely consisted of 7-8 % (except the periods of the Georgian-Russian War and the Global Crisis); – Is reached the eclectic power economy security. Were constructed new as well as rehabilitated old pipes for the oil and gas, also were built new power plants. The export of electric power takes place into the neigh- bouring countries. The gas depositories construction is projected,etc.; – Continuous the economics liberation process. The number of taxes is reduced; the customs system is regu- lated, the economic relations with the foreign countries are deepened,etc.; – Were held the anticorruption measures, as a result, significantly was reduced the shadowed scales of eco- nomics. The corruption was minimized in all fields; – Annually increases the State and municipal budgets. Comparing the State budgets of the year of 2000 to the year of 2016, you notice that it has increased 10, 5 times. Also, significantly was increased the volume of the local budget in the section of all municipal and self-governing cities. In the framework of the State budget was created the foundation for the projects implementing into theregions; – Tourism,infrastructure and agriculture were determined as the priorities and began the State programmes practical implementation from this point. An important break-through was observed in the infrastructural con- structions (roads, bridges, tunnels, drinking eater infrastructure, well-built modern cities, etc.). – The special economic zones (the system of “one window” principle) formation process is successful (Poti, Batumi, Tbilisi, etc).
  • 30. © Dzidziguri Tsiala ISSN 2414-0511 30 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 Despite of above-mentioned tendencies, in the country takes place: – High level of unemployment; the activities held in order to reduce it are ineffective. The rate of unem- ployment in countrywide in 2000 consisted of 10, 3% though in 2011 it was 15, 1%. The held employment programmes turned out to be ineffective; – The agriculture backwardness. Comparing to 2000 the product release in 2016 was 0, 2 %. Areas of agriculture corps in 2000 consisted of 610, 8 thousand hectares, in 2016 it was reduced to 275, 3 hectares (2, 2 times); from 2000, the price increasing on the food became quite a tendency and during the last 5 years, it almost doubled. Especially the price of the bread (almost by 100%); – The high-speed growth of the entire State debt. Comparing to 2000 in 2016 it increased 2,6 times; – The high level of a consumer’s price index (inflation) and in last period its growth tendency. In 2000 com- paring to the previous year consumer’s prices average annual index was 4,0% and in 2010 comparing to the previous year 7,1 %, in 2008 10,0%. In 2010 the annual inflation level reached 11, 2 %. In Georgia, in 2016 in comparison to the U.S. the prices on business and meat were 35 % high, on eggs 25%, on bananas and chicken meat 50 % high. The price of a “Big-Mac” in MacDonald’s of Georgia consists 83 % of American’s while the average salary of the American is12%. – The high price on the credits. In Georgia, the annual average rate on credit in 2017 was consisted of 19- 20%, meanwhile in the western countries it was not more than 6-7%; Moreover, in the structure of credits, most of the space takes short-term consumer loans, and relatively little space takes long-term loans, and that limits the country’s workable sector development; – Negative balance of the export-import. In 2000 import outnumbered export 2, 1 times (negative balance towards the foreign trade turnover 36, 1%) and in 2016 – 3, 3 times (negative balance – 53, 2%); – Increase of the number of the population below the poverty line. In 2007 the number of poverty line below population consisted 6, 4 % but in 2016 – it is 9, 2 (increased 143, 7 %); – The deepening of the existed unevenness among the regional development level.In the regional section, the level of unemployment is uneven; moreover, the official statistics does not reflect the real picture of unemploy- ment (according to the experts’evaluation it is much higher). Results Thus, in Georgia, most of the carried out governmental activities were ineffective. E.g., employment multi- layered programmes, on whichlately were spent ratherhuge sums, however, the situation from this point practi- cally has not changed. Even today, there is no entire complex strategy and appropriate actual programme. Therefore, the part of the reforms are hastily done, have groundless character and the results are ineffective. Not having the future views and non-existence of economic development strategy based on the actual calculations created instability countrywide, like in the municipal and regional fields. Referring to the document issued in 2010, “Strategic ‘Ten-paragraphed plan’ for Modernization andEm- ployment (2011-2015) of Government of Georgia” of the Programme of the Economic Development of Geor- gia, which intends creation of more and high-played job places, social condition amelioration for the citizens, especially health and welfare systems improvement, we have someremarks: – The “plan” is excessively optimistic and does not come out from the established, real retrospective speci- fications of the country. There is not critically estimated the established retrospective specifications in the eco- nomic development field of the last years, the existed positive and negative sides and there is not opened and evaluated main reason factors and their causing reasons. – The “plan” is far from nowadays crisis-ridden processes taking place in the world’s economics and is oriented on the automatic regime of economics development of the country. Considering that Georgia achieved economic benefit when in many countries economics almost was destroyed is wrong. The truth is, that during the Global Crisis the economics of Georgia was less damaged, as in 2008 received a 4, 5 billion finance support from the international community as well as with the help of foreign countries and international institutes were organised and held many different technical and humanitarian projects. This kind of support in the future is less possible coming out from the crisis-ridden processes taking place in the global economics. Moreover, the acute finance crisis in Europe definitely will be reflected on finance sector of Georgia as banking sector of Georgia is tightly linked to the foreign capital; – The “plan” is not considering new risks and challenges that can come across in the future because of the existed social, political and economic situation. Planned parliamentary and presidential elections, like other countries in Georgia will cause unproductive and propagandistic costs growth consequently, it will cause eco- nomic activity reduction. It is possible, that other non-economic type risks will emerge, which is often followed the political balance alternation (I personally witnessed when new parliamentary majority refused the construc- tion of a new city of “Lazika” in the western Georgia, though this represented the major priority of the ‘Ten- paragraphed Plan’ of the project);
  • 31. © Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511 31 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 – The “plan” does not consider the inertial nature of the economic development and the focus is on the weak, unreasoned and excessively exaggerated results of the final figures. Moreover, if we use widely acknowledged method of analogy in the scientific studies, clearly emerges the high risks of the intended goals achievement in short period; – In the “plan” is not obvious the intended goals implementation exogenic and endogenic finance sources, and the terms of the given projects provide us with the ground for doubt for the practical realization. Probably, by this is stipulated the renovation of the “plan” in every 6 months, this fact of course reduces and belittle given document’s programme quality and its trustworthiness. The same can be said about “The State Strategy on regional Development of Georgia 2010-2017” published in 2010. The necessity of its transformation and cardinal alternation is already in the agenda (It is confirmed by the government officials). Thus, for the country, it is very important to work out the long-term views and the economic development strategy based on the actual calculations. We consider that, in any case, a strategic document drawn up in the separate field will not be effective, be- fore the long-term social-economic strategy of the entire country is not worked out. Above-mentioned strategy should be based on the future views, on the technological order prediction and on the prevision theory[1] . It is interesting, how can the reform of the system of education being developed, when there is no information about the country’s long-term orientations. The training of the employees is known to be rather a long-term process. Therefore, it should be known beforehand which and how many specialists are needed for the country after the age of 15-25 in order to start process of their training intime. The entire and complex macroeconomic strategy of the economic and social development of thecountry, based on the field and regional strategies, should outrun the development of the separate fields of economics as well as the regional strategies creation. Without exaggeration, it can be said that nowadays, the development of the scientifically reasoned, entire complex strategy of the country and work out of the appropriate working programmes is one of the crucial issues. Independently and separately drawn up the field and regional strategies will be constantly in the regime of the turbulences and changes until it is not based on the entire and complex social-economic strategy of the economics and social development of the country. Economics represents the system of the systemic, multifaceted and causal connections, wherein even a single change of any indicator entirely changes the economic system. Consequently, it is advisable to create the firm ground for the econom- ics, in the other words, to work out the country’s entire and complex development strategy and then the whole construction, in different words the systems of the fields, the inter-fields (clusters, techno parks, out sorting networks, holdings, alliances, free zones etc.) and regional development strategies. This kind of approach ef- fectiveness is stipulated by the indicator system, accumulated into the entire global macroeconomic strategy of the country, which do not exist in the field-regional strategies. The conversation is on such parameters, which regulation, planning and orientation are in the competence of the central government and the field and regions are not able to influence them. For instance, inflation processes budgetary-tax policy, fiscal credit and monetary policy, etc.Any local (in our case field and regional) strategy is not able to ignore the country’s macroeconomic development long-term orientation and political views. Naturally,without taking into the consideration above mentioned, the local strategies represent only passive, informative, publicistic character and in short, time suffers amortization. Adding the fact that in the world, on the modern level the technological order changes takes place rapidly as well as the economic transformations, in the agenda becomes actual the necessity of the appropriate correction in any strategy and inevitability of the changes. Georgia, as a player of the world’s economic game (at this point, unilateral) cannot be exception. She is obliged to follow the modern demands of the economic globalization and turn to her benefit the world’s eco- nomic integration vector founder. The second important issue, which is in the agenda of the long-term strategic view creation, represents the determination of the priorities. It should be mentioned, that until the late in Georgia was not the profitable environment for the long-term priorities formation. As a result, the country had only one urgent economic priority, which meant the final re- solve of the power economy problems. In any list of the economic priorities, always and everywhere, power economy is on the top and naturally, it is logical, as without the power securing the realization of the other pri- orities is impossible. Justly should be said, that at this level, in Georgia, the top priority from the priorities – the problem of power economy is overcome, the power economy secure is reached. Onwards the door to the other priorities is open (in case of the willingness of thegovernment). Latest period, the focus of the priorities represents such fields and spheres as infrastructural complex, tour- ism andagriculture. However,thesystem ofeconomicpriorities practicalrealizationrequires appropriate meth- odological and organizational as well as strategic securing.
  • 32. © Dzidziguri Tsiala ISSN 2414-0511 32 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 The matter is that from above mentioned three priorities none of them has improved, in the classic form written long-term strategy of development. As we have already defined, non-existence of the long-term future, objectives and their strategy prediction cause the lost of competition and focusing as well as the irrational ex- penditure of the restricted resources. For the last 15-20 years, the government policy in Georgia is mostly concentrated on themacroeconomic level. Unquestionably, in economics the macroeconomic stability represents the firm ground for the success. However the traditional set of instruments used by the government is very limited and do not give opportunity to reach the main objective – the economic competitiveness and accordingly the increase of the population’s welfare. If the focus of the government moves from the macroeconomics towards microeconomics and if in the country are defined territories like necessary attributes for developing the economic centres and clusters, then the administrative role in the process of strategy work out will increase significantly, moreover, after the set in motion of the new law on the self-governing. The same can be said about the government on account of the State level strategic policy implementation. The globalization of economics for Georgia caused to put in the agenda principally new projects imple- mentation. Particularly, using geographical position of the country in order to develop the worldwide trade and create much more effective transporting and communicative infrastructure. The last ones are rather expensive projects and require intensive work. The interest towards these kinds of projects can be sparkled only after the high-level international agreements are signed. The projects realization is impossible without the political will- ingness of the governments of the world’s leading countries. However, in case of success for suchinitiatives the reword is high – actual attraction of huge investments, their “natural” flow instead of fruitless and infantile wait. Moreover, the realization of this project creates unique opportunity for the organization of the economic infrastructure of Georgia, as well as, inclusion of the human and manufacture resources, including scientific- technological potency, Georgia will become active part of the world’s informative and transporting space. This opportunity should be used. The State’s strategic policy level will not be formed itself by the forces influencing the world’s market, its creation is our goal and coming out form the country’s interests, we are obliged to shape them. Thus, the social-economic strategy for regions and countries is quite multi-plan and multi-level objective. Its resolve is unbelievable without government’s clear consideration of the requirements. Administrative re- form, geopolitical agreements and appropriative transformations in the economics should become undividable part of it. Simultaneously, its global character should not become a reason for postponing – “later”- of the strat- egy work out. The strategy work out is quite specific, technological and completely “reachable” objective for those, who understand its idea and the necessity of itsresolve. As it concerns the stabile economic situation creation in Georgia, here the major hindering fact is non- competitive environment, as it is testified into the materials of the Davos Economic Forum. Wherein, the given value ranking of Georgia is following: • The right to property on 120 place; • Intellectual property protection on 124 place; • Protection of minority stakeholder’s interests on 125 place; • Availability to Research and training services on 130 place; • The Intensity of local competition on 123 place; • Efficiency of anti-monopoly policy on 138 place [12]. Furthermore,besidestheabove-mentionedindicators,Georgiaissignificantlymuchbehindbymanyindica- tors, which gives us an opportunity to draw importantconclusions. Thus, Georgia is the one of the countries, which does not have a clear, pragmatic, well-considered long-term strategy, which would be based on the prognoses of the social, innovative and technologic development and future views. Besides, the defined long-term policy would be a very significant instrument, in case of change of the political elite, population would received heritage of the guaranteed and foreseen stabile scenario of the State’s policy. Therefore, today, our scientists, public figures, politicians and the leaders of the business circles are facing the country’s development long-term strategy creation historic objective (and responsibility) of the first part of this century, also it is clearly distinguished the innovative and break-through contour of this strategy. Referring to the last one, it must be mentioned, that nowadays in Georgia starting positions for the innovating develop- ment can be evaluated as rather unenviable and disadvantageous. Because of the neoliberal market “reforms” and long-term politic-economic and technological crisis scientific-educational and innovating activity sharply went down, was destroyed scientific-technological potential and main foundations became dramaticallyold. Intentionally were destroyed institutes of the scientific academy and their buildings were sold. In addition, reduced staff was united to the higher educational institutes. Because of this “reform”, number of skilled sci-
  • 33. © Larisa Takalandze ISSN 2414-0511 33 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 entists was left unemployed. Without any functions and institutions, scientific infrastructure and personnel Georgian National Academy of Sciences became usual meeting place for the academicians. Not having a long-term innovating strategy, the ignorance form the State the innovations support, equalizing taxation system, the real inobservance of the intellectual property and incompatibility to the analogue systems of the other countries and indifference of the usage local inventories influenced and caused economics degrada- tion. Additionally, the inobservance of the market and dumping prices on the imported goods which caused the loss competitiveness of the reprocessing industry, its banish form the inner and outer markets, the deepening of the economics for the structure of the raw-materials, orientation on the import and creating barriers for the exportinggoods.Becauseoftheabove-mentionedpolicyweredestroyedsuchsuccessfulcompetitivenessfields like silk manufacture, light industry, tea and cannery manufacture, machine-tool construction, shipbuilding, rural mechanical engineering etc. From the mechanical engineering is left only one plant of the aircraft con- struction. In the all over the world, on the background of demand growth on the metallurgical products, here, in Georgia intentionally was destroyed Rustavi Metallurgical Factory. The factory was destroyed consciously in order to not to be competitive for the metallurgical industry in the neighbouring countries. Finally, this kind of policy puts in very disadvantageous conditions local manufacturer- innovators and inventors provokes the further technological backwardness and loss of the Georgia’s economics competitiveness during the world’s current scientific–technological revolution conditions. Overcoming of the above-mentioned negative tendencies and moving forwards on the country’s innovative development is possible only by the help of the strategic innovative break-through simultaneously it will be needy to implement the selective scientific-technological and innovative policies by the narrow direction of the strategically priorities, the active support from the State of the basic innovations and creation of the desirable innovative climate. Conclusion Thus, a long-term strategy of the development of Georgia should be aimed: – Towards the innovative potential recovery, modernization and development as it was destroyed during the crisis; – Towardsthe correction of the reforms and effective innovative techniques formation, which harmoniously will fulfil the active support of innovative update from the State of the main capital with the business capability; – In the framework of the national innovative system created technologies and product advance, their popu- larization on the foreign markets and towards the replacing of import production by them. The innovative break-through strategy should work as a ground for the yet to be formed national innovative system, which mission is on the ground of the selected priorities to provide country with the new innovative level, in order to become an axis for the perspective social-economic and scientific-technological policy,as well as to be a major active orienteer for the legislative, executive government and for the business. Above-mentioned positive changes cannot be accomplished without alternation of the political elite as well as a without work out of a long-term social-economic development strategy and its consecutive implementa- tion, which main direction should be a long-term innovative break-through strategy. References: 1. Baratashvili, E., Dzidzikashvili, N., Nadareishvili, N., Abralava, T.; Regional Strategies – The Deposit of the Country’s Development. Magazine: “SaqarTvelos Ekonomika” 2008, N 3. pp. 63-66. 2. Baratashvili, E., Takalandze, L., Business Competitiveness and Administration. 2010 3. Baratashvili, E., Takalandze, L., Management and Administration, 2nd revised edition. 2011. 4. , . . . . . .: 1997. . 20-21. 5. The State Strategy on Regional Development of Georgia 2010-2017 (in Georgian) 6. , , . ,: . . – .: « » 2005. . 608 7. .: . 2- . .: 2002. .27.28. 8. , ., , . . – .: 1982. . 145. 9. , ., , ., , . / . . : - « », 2000. . 303. 10. , . . XXI . .: 2004. 11. «Russia 2050: Strategy of Innovative Break-Through». 12. The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, Published by: the World Economic Forum. 13. World development indicators 2012.
  • 34. © Madonna Gelashvili ISSN 2414-0511 34 Global world : . Vol. 3-4, 2017-2018 :20.07.2018 . :24.11.2018 . 15.12.2018 . e-mail: DOI: 10.25264/2414-0511-2017-2018-3-4-34-38 GELASHVILI Madonna, Gelashvili Madonna. Conception of “Green Economy” as sustainable development new vector. Global world : . : - , 2017- 2018, vol. 3-4. . 34–38. Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor at Sokhumi State University, Direction – Economics, Deputy Dean of SSU, Faculty of Economics and Business CONCEPTION OF “GREEN ECONOMY” AS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT NEW VECTOR The green economy is closely linked to the concept of sustainable development. Global challenges such as climate change and the current global economic crisis, revealed a new way of perceiving the need for economic development, which will be beneficial for everyone. According to this opinion sustainable development, or balanced progress in economic, social and environmental fields at the same time, – is becoming increasingly important. New opportunities for economic growth, which was created by these new environments, made the base of the green economy concept. This concept implies such a profitable business, which at the same time will facilitate the environmentalchallenges. Keywords: Green Economy, sustainable development, national economy, the strategy, reforms. Introduction Sustainable development is the system of the development of the society which taking into account the economic development of the society and interests of environmental protection provides with the well-being of the human, increase of the quality of life and right of future generations to use with reversible quantitative and quality changes with maximally protected natural resources andenvironment. The sustainable development means such kind of form of economic growth, which provides the well-being of the society with short, medium and, which is most important long term time. It is based on the principle ac- cording to which the demands of today should be satisfied so that it shouldn’t make any danger for the future generations.Thesustainable development means creation ofthe terms for the long-termeconomic development taking into account maximal issued of the environmental protection. With sustainable development is in tight connection the conception of “Green Economy”, which was implemented in the frame of the plan of strategic development of the country. The conception of “Green” economy – is new vector of sustainable development. In particular “Green” is economy which not only will rise the well-being of humans and approves the social justice, but also decreases the human risks and deficit of ecological resources. Georgia recognizes the environ- mental protection, as integral part of human rights. Exactly for this issue the government of Georgia set up as most important priority environmental protection and issues of the management of natural resources. Use of biological resources with such way and speed which will not cause decrease of the biological diversity and will maintain taking into account needs of the future generations. Perspective of “Green Economy” development in Georgia “Green economy” concept is quite broad, and also relatively new for the world of different regions. Deter- mination and understanding of thecontext can be different. Despite of many definitions, the general definition of the green economy means that greening of the econo- my can become mechanism of a sustainable development and of a poverty. The terms and definitions of “Green economy” is related at least to two sorts: terms related to the process ( “economy planting “,” green growth “), and terms related to the results of the (“Green economy”).Environ- ment Program of United Nations defines the green economy in social and environmental agenda like this: “The result of green economy is improved human well-being and social equity, which significantly reduces risks of environmental and ecological scarcities “. More economic approach is in the UNEP document,which mentions that immediate future of the green economy can provide a natural andFinancial capital in a more effective and efficient manner. While these definitions are derives from two different perspectives, anyway it still indicates to the same question – the man-madeInefficient activities are global threats, such as climate change – it is neces- sary to implement the changes. The Organization of United Nations, the Economic and Social Commission of theAsia-Pacific Union deter- mines the “Green Growth” as “Economic progress, which promotes environmentally sustainable, carbon low content and socially inclusive development “.