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What’s	New?	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	Overview	
Stefan	Kolmar	
VP	Field	Engineering	EMEA&APAC
What	Makes	Neo4j	Different?	
Store and retrieve data Aggregate and filter data Connections in data
Real	time	storage	&	retrieval	 Real-Time	Connected	Insights	
Long	running	queries	
Aggregation	&	filtering		
“Our	Neo4j	solution	is	literally	thousands	of	times	faster	
than	the	prior	MySQL	solution,	with	queries	that	require	
10-100	times	less	code”	
Volker	Pacher,	Senior	Developer	
Up	to	
Max	#	
What	Makes	Neo4j	Different?	
Index-Free	Adjacency	
Connectedness and Size of Data Set!
Relational and
Other NoSQL
0 to 2 hops
0 to 3 degrees
Thousands of connections
Tens to hundreds of hops
Thousands of degrees
Billions of connections
“Minutes to
What	Makes	Neo4j	Different	:	
“Minutes	to	Milliseconds”	Real-Time	Query	Performance
ACID	Consistency	 Non	‘Graph-ACID’	DBMSs	
Maintains	Integrity	Over	Time	
Guaranteed	Graph	Consistency	
Becomes	Corrupt	Over	Time	
Not	‘Good	Enough’	for	Graphs	
What	Is	Different	In	Neo4j?	
ACID	Graph	Writes	:	A	Requirement	for	Graph	Transactions
What	Is	Different	In	Neo4j?	
Cypher	Query	Language	
MATCH (boss)-[:MANAGES*0..3]->(sub),
WHERE = “John Doe”
RETURN AS Subordinate, 

count(report) AS Total
Less	time	writing	queries	
•  More	time	understanding	the	answers	
•  Leaving	time	to	ask	the	next	question	
Less	time	debugging	queries:		
•  More	time	writing	the	next	piece	of	code	
•  Improved	quality	of	overall	code	base	
Code	that’s	easier	to	read:	
•  Faster	ramp-up	for	new	project	members	
•  Improved	maintainability	&	troubleshooting
Neo4j	Graph	Advantage:	Foundational	Components	
Index-Free	Adjacency	
In	memory	and	on	flash/disk	
ACID	Foundation	
Required	for	safe	writes	
Full-Stack	Clustering	
Causal	consistency	
Language,	Drivers,	Tooling		
Developer	Experience,		
Graph	Efficiency,	Type	Safety	
Graph	Engine	
Cost-Based	Optimizer,	Graph	
Statistics,	Cypher	Runtime	
Hardware	Optimizations	
For	next-gen	infrastructure
Neo4j	Enterprise	Maturity	&	Robustness	
Neo4j	Security	Foundation	 Multi-Clustering	Support	for	
Global	Internet	Apps	
Rolling	Upgrades	
Schema	Constraints	 Concurrent/Transactional	Write	
Auto	Cache	Reheating	
For	Restarts,	Restores	and	Cluster	
Neo4j	3.4	now	supports	
rolling	upgrades	
3.4 3.5
Upgrade	older	instances	while	keeping	other	
members	stable	and	without	requiring	a	
restart	of	the	environment	
DBMS	Market	Evolution:	Connections	as	Imperative	
Column	Family	 Document	
Data	Storage	&	Retrieval																						
for	all	new	use	cases	
Relational	 Key-Value	
Data	Storage	&	Retrieval																					
for	specific	use	cases	
Connected	Data																									
for	specific	use	cases	
Connected	Data																	
for	all	new	use	cases	
Neo4j:	Enabling	the	Connected	Enterprise	
Consumers	of	Connected	Data	
AI & Graph Analytics
•  Sentiment analysis
•  Customer
•  Machine learning
•  Cognitive computing
•  Community detection
Transactional Graphs
•  Fraud detection
•  Real-time recommendations
•  Network and IT operations
•  Knowledge Graphs
•  Master Data Management
Discovery & Visualization
•  Fraud detection
•  Network and IT operations
•  Product information
•  Risk and portfolio analysis
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Neo4j	Graph	Platform
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	in	2019
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Multi-Cluster	routing	built	into	Bolt	drivers	
Seabolt	&	Go	Driver	
-	Other	v1.7	Supported	Drivers:	Java,	JavaScript,	Python,	.NET	
-	Community	Drivers:	Perl,	PhP,	Ruby,	Erlang,	R,	Haskell,	Clojure,	JDBC	and	many	others	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	in	2019
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Multi-Cluster	routing	built	into	Bolt	drivers	
Seabolt	&	Go	Driver	
-	Other	v1.7	Supported	Drivers:	Java,	JavaScript,	Python,	.NET	
-	Community	Drivers:	Perl,	PhP,	Ruby,	Erlang,	R,	Haskell,	Clojure,	JDBC	and	many	others	 Neo4j	Bloom	
-	New	graph	illustration	
			and	communication	
			tool	for	non-technical	
-	Explore	and	edit	graph	
-	Search-based	
-	Create	storyboards	
-	Foundation	for	graph	
		data	discovery	
-	Integrated	with	graph	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	in	2019
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Multi-Cluster	routing	built	into	Bolt	drivers	
Seabolt	&	Go	Driver	
-	Other	v1.7	Supported	Drivers:	Java,	JavaScript,	Python,	.NET	
-	Community	Drivers:	Perl,	PhP,	Ruby,	Erlang,	R,	Haskell,	Clojure,	JDBC	and	many	others	 Neo4j	Bloom	
-	New	graph	illustration	
			and	communication	
			tool	for	non-technical	
-	Explore	and	edit	graph	
-	Search-based	
-	Create	storyboards	
-	Foundation	for	graph	
		data	discovery	
-	Integrated	with	graph	
Graph	Data	Science	
High	speed	graph	algorithms		
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	in	2019
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Multi-Cluster	routing	built	into	Bolt	drivers	
Seabolt	&	Go	Driver	
-	Other	v1.7	Supported	Drivers:	Java,	JavaScript,	Python,	.NET	
-	Community	Drivers:	Perl,	PhP,	Ruby,	Erlang,	R,	Haskell,	Clojure,	JDBC	and	many	others	 Neo4j	Bloom	
-	New	graph	illustration	
			and	communication	
			tool	for	non-technical	
-	Explore	and	edit	graph	
-	Search-based	
-	Create	storyboards	
-	Foundation	for	graph	
		data	discovery	
-	Integrated	with	graph	
Graph	Data	Science	
High	speed	graph	algorithms		
Neo4j	Database	3.4	&	3.5	
-	70%	faster	Cypher	
-	Native	GraphB+Tree	Indexes		
			(up	to	5x	faster	writes)	
-	Full-text	search	
-	Index-Backed	Optimisation	
-	100B+	bulk	importer	
-	Date/Time	data	type	
-	3-D	Geospatial	search	
-	Secure,	Horizontal	Multi-Clustering		
-	Property	Blacklisting	
-	Causal	Cluster	with	Raft	v2	Protocol	
-	Hostname	verification,	Intra-cluster	discovery	encryption	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	in	2019
Neo4j	Graph	Platform:	Where	We	Are	Today	
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Improved	Admin	Experience
-	Rolling	upgrades	
-	Brute	force	attack	prevention	
-	Fast,	resumable	backups	
-	Cache	Warming	on	startup	
-	Improved	diagnostics	
Multi-Cluster	routing	built	into	Bolt	drivers	
Seabolt	&	Go	Driver	
-	Other	v1.7	Supported	Drivers:	Java,	JavaScript,	Python,	.NET	
-	Community	Drivers:	Perl,	PhP,	Ruby,	Erlang,	R,	Haskell,	Clojure,	JDBC	and	many	others	
Spark	community	has	voted	to	
include	Cypher	in	Spark	3.0	
Neo4j	Bloom	
-	New	graph	illustration	
			and	communication	
			tool	for	non-technical	
-	Explore	and	edit	graph	
-	Search-based	
-	Create	storyboards	
-	Foundation	for	graph	
		data	discovery	
-	Integrated	with	graph	
Graph	Data	Science	
High	speed	graph	algorithms		
Neo4j	Database	3.4	&	3.5	
-	70%	faster	Cypher	
-	Native	GraphB+Tree	Indexes		
			(up	to	5x	faster	writes)	
-	Full-text	search	
-	Index-Backed	Optimisation	
-	100B+	bulk	importer	
-	Date/Time	data	type	
-	3-D	Geospatial	search	
-	Secure,	Horizontal	Multi-Clustering		
-	Property	Blacklisting	
-	Causal	Cluster	with	Raft	v2	Protocol	
-	Hostname	verification,	Intra-cluster	discovery	encryption
Graph Visualization Options for Neo4j
Neo4j Bloom
Provided by Neo4j
Exclusively optimized for Neo4j
Deploys easily in Neo4j Desktop
Focused on graph exploration thru
a code-free UI
Near natural language search
Currently caters to data analysts
and graph SMEs
Currently for individual or small
team use
Viz Toolkits
3rd party e.g. vis.js, d3.js, Keylines
Some offer data hooks into Neo4j,
others may require custom
Offer robust APIs for flexible control
of the viz output
Cater to developers who will create
a custom solution, usually with
limited interactivity
Departmental, enterprise or public
BI Tools
3rd party e.g. Tableau, Qlik
Not optimized for graph data, may
require a special connector
UI for dashboard and report
creation with many kinds of viz, in
addition to graph viz
Cater to business users and data
Departmental, cross- department
or enterprise use
Graph Viz Solutions
3rd party e.g. Linkurious, Tom
Have to support multiple graph
models and sources
Feature UI for exploration or
APIs for customizing output and
Solutions may cater to business
users, analysts or developers
Small team, departmental or
cross-department use
Little technical expertise Most technically involved
Exploration focused Publishing / Consumption focused
Smaller deployments Larger deployments
Business view of the graph
Departmental views • Hiding PII • Styling
GPU Accelerated Visualization
High performance
physics & rendering
Direct graph interactions
Select, expand, dismiss, find paths
Node + Relationship details
Browse from neighbor to neighbor
Create, Connect, Update
Code-free graph changes
Near-natural Language Search
Full-text search • Graph patterns
• Custom Search Phrases
Neo4j Bloom
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
A Journey through Neo4j 3.X
3.0	 3.1	 3.2	 3.3	 3.4	 3.5	
N/A	 -	Causal	Clustering	
-	Multi-datacenter	support	
-	Tiered	replicas	
-	Least-connected	load	balancing	
-	ID	re-use	
-	Multi-clustering	
-	Improved	large	Txn	
Cypher	&	
-	User-Defined	
-	Increased	
		relationship	type	
-	Native	Label	index	
-	Node	Keys	
-	Composite	Indexes	
-	Depth	query	in	
		DISTINCT	function	
-	Compiled	runtime	
-	Faster	and	less	memory	
			intensive	runtime	
-	Native	Numeric	schema	
-	Local	locks	for	schema	
-	Datetime	data	types	
-	Spatial	data	types	
-	70%	faster	Cypher	
		reads	(average)	
-	Native	String	schema	
-	Full-text	search	
-	Index-based	ORDER	BY	
-	Native	index	for	all	data		types	
-	Improved	large	Txn		handling	
-	Native	users	and	
-	LDAP	integration	
-	Kerberos	
		authentication	plugin	
-	Intra-cluster	encryption	 -	Property	blacklisting	 -	SNI	/	Hostname	verification	
-	Cluster	discovery	service	
-	Bolt	(binary)	
		w/	Java,	JS,		
		.NET,	Python	
-	APOC	v.1	
-	Bolt+routing	
-	Schema	viewer	
		within	Browser	
-	Faster	Neo4j	Browser	UI	 -	Offline	bulk	import	
		performance	improvements	
-	Neo4j	Desktop	
-	Graph	Algorithms	v.1	
-	Go	Driver	
-	New	Graph	Algorithms	
-	Official	
-	View	and	manage		
		running	queries	
-	Execution	guard	for	
		long	running	queries	
-	Detailed	query	metrics		
-	Official	RPM	packages	
-	IPv6	Support	
-	Dynamic	config	settings	
-	Off-heap	page	cache	metadata	
-	Rolling	Upgrades	 -	Improved	online	backup	
		performance	(in	CC)
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
Causal Cluster
Replica	Servers	
Query,	View	
Core	Servers	
Synced	Cluster	
Async	Replication	
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
Causal Cluster - Multi-Data Center
Machine Learning
and Analytics
Where AI and ML fit in
Development	&	
Data	Integration
Discovery	&	VisualizationDrivers	&	APIs
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
Differences between ML and Analytics
Machine learning:
•  Determine domain parameters
•  Historical-based discoveries
•  Learn and improve without explicit
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
Graph analytics:
•  Uses inherent graph structures
•  Uncover real-world networks
through their connections
•  Forecast complex network
behavior and identify action
Differences between ML and Analytics
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
Today challenges with Machine Learning:
•  Doesn’t take multiple relationship hops into account
•  Takes time to iteratively train a model
•  Computational inefficiency of connecting data
Benefits of Mixing Graph Analytics with ML
Graphs bring:
•  Context to machine learning
•  Feature filtration
•  Connected feature extraction
Confidential - Neo4j, Inc.
•  Support for many languages
(Python, .Net, Java, Go, JavaScript, R,
•  Different data integration options
•  Triggers, event-driven architecture
•  User-defined functions and procedures
Working with your Machine Learning algorithms and Neo4j
Neo4j	Graph	Algorithm	Library	
Finds	the	optimal	path	
or	evaluates	route	
availability	and	quality	
&	Search	
Determines	the	
importance	of	distinct	
nodes	in	the	network	
Evaluates	how	a	group	
is	clustered	or	
Neo4j	Graph	Algorithm	Library	
-	Parallel	Breadth	First	Search	&	
-	Shortest	Path	
-	Single-Source	Shortest	Path	
-	All	Pairs	Shortest	Path	
-	Minimum	Spanning	Tree	
-	A*	Shortest	Path	
-	Yen’s	K	Shortest	Path	
-	K-Spanning	Tree	(MST)	
-	Degree	Centrality	
-	Closeness	Centrality	
-	Betweenness	Centrality	
-	PageRank	
-	Wasserman	&	Faust	Closeness	
-	Harmonic	Closeness	Centrality	
-	Dangalchev	Closeness	Centrality	
-	Approx.	Betweenness	Centrality	
-	Personalise	PageRank	
-	Triangle	Count	
-	Clustering	Coefficients	
-	Strongly	Connected	
-	Label	Propagation	
-	Louvian	Modularity	
-	Louvian	(Multi-step)	
-	Balanced	Triad	(identification)	
-	Connected	Components	(Union	
-	Euclidean	Distance	
-	Cosine	Similarity	
-	Jaccard	Similarity	
-	Random	Walk	
-	One	Hot	Encoding
Thank	You!	
What’s	New?	
Neo4j	Graph	Platform	Overview	
Stefan	Kolmar	
VP	Field	Engineering	EMEA&APAC

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