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Inguino-Scrotal Lumps
Marty Smith
Saturday 30th July 2010
Western Hospital
Inguino-Scrotal Lumps
 Why?
 Because they’re common.
 Because they’re really common.
 Because the anatomy is fun to quiz people
 Because they’re common.
Account for up to 20% of General surgical
 Inguinal
 Sebaceous
 Inguinal
 Saphenous Varix
 Femoral Artery aneurysm
 Psoas Abscess
 Undescended testes.
 Inguinal Hernia
 Femoral Hernia
 Scrotal
 Testicular tumor
 Epididymal cyst
 Spermatocoele
 Hydatid of Morgagni
 Varicocoele
 Hydrocoele
 Inguino-scrotal
 Lump
 When was it first noticed?
 How was it noticed?
 Precipitant activity
 Recent illnesses
 What symptoms are present?
 ?pain, functional impairment
 GI/GU disturbance.
 Systemic symptoms-fevers, night sweats etc.
 Is the lump changing?
 Does the lump come and go
 How or when?
 Lump
 Position, Shape and size
 Surface
 Skin
 Mass surface
 Temperature
 Tenderness
 Composition-Solid/Fluid/Gas
 Consistency
 Fluctuation/Fluid thrills/Resonance
 Translucency
 Pulsatility
 Reducibility/Cough impulse
 Relations to surrounding structures
 Regional Lymph nodes
 Both sides
 Hernia Tests
 Standing and lying
 ?Get above it
 Cough Impulse
 Reducibility and control
 Associated structures
 Pulses, testes, Lymph nodes.
 Special tests
 Transillumination
 Investigation
 Occasional use only
 Ultrasound/duplex
 For early hernia’s-not so reliable.
 Useful for testes/vascular assessment
 CT
 More for assessing deeper anatomy
 Herniagram
 Laparoscopy
 How Not to Kill people,
 Don’t miss tumors
 Exclude Malignancy
 Lymphadenopathy-Generalized, unexplained or persistent
 Discrete Scrotal Lumps or unexaminable testes
 Ultrasound and/or Refer
 No Part time Vascular Surgery
 Inguinal region
 Inguinal Canal
 Spermatic Cord
 Femoral Canal and Ring
 Scrotum/testes
 Inguinal region
 Includes
 Lower abdominal wall
 Femoral Triangle
 Sartorius/Add Longus/
Inguinal Lig
 Contains
 Femoral Pedicle
 Lymph Nodes
 Skin/fat/muscle
 Inguinal Canal
 An oblique series of
defects in the layers of
the abdominal wall.
 Site of Inguinal Herniae
 Transmits the Spermatic
cord/Round ligament.
 Round ligament
 Runs from Uterine
fundus via canal to
 Inguinal Canal
 Floor
 Inguinal Ligament and
Lacunar ligament
 Roof
 Arching fibres of Int Obl
& Trans abdominis and
Conjoint tendon
 Anterior Wall
 External Oblique
 Superficial Ring
 Post Wall
 Conjoint tendon medially,
Transversalis fascia
 Deep ring
 Femoral Canal
 Beneath the inguinal
 Iliacus muscle
 Femoral Nerve
 Femoral Sheath
 Femoral vessels
 Femoral Canal
 Femoral Canal
 Space for venous
 Lymphatics.
 Upper end defined by
femoral ring.
 Femoral Canal
 Beneath the inguinal
 Iliacus muscle
 Femoral Nerve
 Femoral Sheath
 Femoral vessels
 Femoral Canal
 Femoral Canal
 Space for venous
 Lymphatics.
 Upper end defined by
femoral ring.
•Femoral Ring
•Site of Femoral Herniae
 Eponyms
 Hesselbachs Triangle
 Lateral border of rectus
 Inguinal Ligament
 Inferior epigastric vessels
(med border of deep ring)
 Fruchauds Myopectineal
 Hesselbachs triangle
 Deep ring
 Femoral sheath/canal.
 Spermatic cord
 Pedicle of the testes
 Made up of 12 things
 Spermatic cord
 Pedicle of the testes
 Made up of 12 things You’re not getting
away with that!
 3 Arteries
 3 Nerves
 3 Important structures
 3 Coverings
 3 Arteries
 Testicular
 Artery to the Vas Deferens
 Cremasteric
 3 Nerves
 Sympathetic branches
 Ilio-inguinal (on cord)
 Genital Br of Genito-femoral
 3 Important structures
 Vas Deferens
 Pampiniform Plexus
 Processus Vaginalis
 3 Coverings
 External Spermatic Fascia
 Cremasteric Muscle
 Internal Spermatic Fascia
 Spermatic cord
 Only truly forms at
the superficial ring.
 Passes through the
superficial ring
 above and medial to
the pubic tubercle.
 Descends through
S/C fat into the
 Testes
 Suspended on spermatic cord,
 Enveloped within Tunica
 Drain via epididymis to Vas
 Made up of
 Germinal elements-Seminiferous
 Non-Germinal elements-Stroma,
Leydig cells
 Inguinal
 Sebaceous
 Inguinal
 Saphenous Varix
 Femoral Artery aneurysm
 Psoas Abscess
 Undescended testes
 Inguinal Hernia
 Femoral Hernia
 Scrotal
 Testicular tumor
 Epididymal cyst
 Spermatocoele
 Hydatid of Morgagni
 Varicocoele
 Hydrocoele
 Inguino-scrotal
Skin stuff
 Sebaceous cysts
 Retention cysts of sebaceous glands
 Fixed to skin-dimple if squeezed
 Can become infected-abscess.
 Incise and drain
 Management
 excise when non-inflammed.
Skin stuff
 Lipomas
 Benign Fatty lumps
 Clinically
 fixed (skin and fat)
 soft lumps,
 usually longstanding and
 Management
 excise surgically
Inguinal Lymphadenopathy
 Causes
 Primary Lymphatic disease-Lymphoma
 Secondary Lymphadenopathy
 Malignant disease
 Benign
 Physiological reaction to inflammatory
 Management
 Exclude Inflammatory causes
 Examine, Observe, Antibiotics etc.
 Exclude obvious malignancy
 Biopsy-FNA/Open
Saphenous Varix
 Prominent Varicosity of Upper Long
Saphenous Vein.
 Typical Patient
 Middle aged and older
 F>M
 Usual Risk Factors
 Pregnancy, Pelvic Mass
 Clinically
 Dragging lump over upper thigh, disappears when lying
 Cough impulse +
 Thrill down vein when percussing.
 Management-surgical ligation.
Femoral Artery Aneurysm.
 True aneurysms
 Pulsatile lump in groin
 Associated with other aneurysmal
 Mx-Vascular surgical repair if >2-3cm
 False aneurysm
 Secondary to puncture
 Dx on duplex
 Mx-Call a vascular surgeon-
thrombose or repair.
Psoas Abscess
 Abscess within Psoas fascia that tracks
to groin and presents as a lump.
 Associated with Retroperitoneal
 Post Surgical eg. Nephrectomy
 Colonic
 Pancreatitis
 Spinal TB
 Management
 Drain and treat underlying cause
Undescended Testes
 Rare in adults
 Usually Dx and treated as children
 In adults usually present as infertility
 Alt painless lump in Inguinal canal
 Prone to infertility and testicular cancer.
 Managemant
 Refer to Urologist.
Scrotal Lumps
 Assessment
 Hx/Ex as previous
 If not obvious Hernia/Varicocoele/ Hydrocoele and
normal testes Ultrasound
 Lump origin
 Solid vs cystic etc.
 If still in doubt-Call a Urologist.
 Surgical exploration
Scrotal Lumps
 Solid lumps.
 Testicular origin
 mostly malignant
 Paratesticular origin
 mostly benign
 Cystadenoma, Adenomatoid tumor (epididymis)
 Inflammatory pseudotumor
 Cystic lumps
 Usually benign
 Epididymal cyst,
 Spermatocoele,
 Hydatid of Morgagni
Testicular Lumps
 Testicular tumors
 Usually painless lumps in 2nd to 4th decades
 Germinal-95%
 Seminoma/Embryonal Cell/ChorioCa/Teratoma
 Non-Germinal
 Stromal-Leydig Cell Tumor; Gonadoblastoma
 Management
 Call a Urologist
 Usually multimodal Therapy
 Collections of fluid in Tunica Vaginalis
 Typically >40yrs except infantile.
 Classes
 Congenital-communicating
 Reactive-tumor/trauma/infection
 Idiopathic.
 Clinically
 Usually dragging scrotal mass,
 Can get above them, fluctuant, transilluminate well
 Must exclude malignancy
 Clinically normal testes or ultrasound
 Treatment
 Aspirate-tend to recur
 Surgery-Jaboulet procedure.
 Dilatation of the Pampiniform Plexus
 Usually affects 20 to 50 yo’s
 L>R
 due to venous anatomy.
 Acute varicocoele-exclude RP infiltration
 May cause infertility
 Painless lump
 Bag of worms
 Cough impulse +ve
 May reduce on lying down
 Treatment
 Ligation at deep ring or excision.
Other Scrotal Lumps
 Epididymal cyst
 Cyst arising from epididymis
 Spermatocoele
 Sperm filled cyst arising from the testes.
 Hydatid of Morgagni
 Small mobile cyst from top of testes
 Embryological remnant of Mullerian duct.
 Subject to torsion
 Management
 Exclude testicular Mass-Ultrasound
 Surgery if large/symptomatic.
Inguinal herniae
 Hernia Numbers
 25% of males (2% F) will develop a groin hernia
 65% Indirect Inguinal herniae
 55% on the right
 31% Direct Inguinal Herniae
 Although represent 80% of bilateral herniae
 4% Femoral Herniae
 More common in women 20 % of all groin herniae c/w 2%
 Causes
 Congenital
 Chronic Stress to area
 Metabolic-Collagen-vasc Ds, Smoking
Hernia types
 Inguinal
 Direct
 Indirect
 Pantaloon
 Femoral
 Also
 Sliding herniae
Sliding Hernia
 A Hernia in which the peritoneal wall that forms
part of the sac has an organ naturally adherent
to it.
 Eg. If an extraperitoneal organ (usually Bladder
or colon) slides out with its adherent peritoneum
through the hernia defect the organ itself
becomes part of the wall of the sac.
 Must look out for this at the time of surgery
because the organ is easily injured upon
opening the sac.
 Can be direct or indirect.
Sliding hernia
Non sliding hernia
Inguinal herniae
 Clinically
 Groin pain/discomfort
 Dragging, worse during the day
 Lump
 Asymmetry-inguino-scrotal swelling
 GI/GU obstruction
 Incarceration/Irreducibility
Hernia examination
Direct vs indirect
 Direct
 Diffuse bulge
 Rarely into scrotum
 Controlled only at superficial ring
 Indirect
 Usually more defined
 May extend into scrotum
 Herniation/reduction more prominent
 Controlled at deep ring.
Femoral vs inguinal
 Inguinal
 Lie in/above groin crease
 Appear above and medial to pubic tubercle.
 Extend into scrotum
 Femoral
 Lie below crease
 Appear below and lateral to tubercle
 Extend into thigh
Hernia Complications
 Incarceration
 Strangulation
 Risk-Indirect and Femoral>>>Direct
 Surgical emergency
 Call the surgeon-don’t try and reduce.
 Herniated Viscera is entrapped and infarcted.
 Acute, tender, painful lump +/- SBO
 Richters Hernia
 Reduction en-masse
 Progressive growth=Natural Hx of herniae.
Hernia Management
 Fix it!
 Eliminates pain
 Eliminates Lump
 Avoids hernia growth
 Avoids risk of strangulation
Esp in indirect hernia
 Straightforward surgery.
Inguinal Operations
 Previous
 Bassini, McVay, Shouldice
Forget them
 Now
 Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair.
 Laproscopic repair.
Hernia operations
 Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair.
Developed in NY at the Lichtenstein Hernia
Originally done as OP procedure under LA
 Involves
Dissecting Inguinal canal and mobilising cord
Inverting/removing hernia sac
Reinforcing posterior inguinal wall with prolene
Open Hernia Repair
Hernia operations
 Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair.
 Results
All can be done under LA
Widely adopted
Recurrence rate 1-2%-Lichtenstein
Hernia Operations
 Laparoscopic
 Trans abdominal Pre-peritoneal Patch
 Totally Extraperitoneal Pre-peritoneal Patch
 Both place a Mesh patch over the hernial
defect inside the abdominal muscle layer,
outside the peritoneum.
Lap Hernia Repair
Hernia Operations
 Lap repairs
 Multiple RCT’s C/W open repair.
 Results equivalent for
 Recurrence rate (? Better)
 LoS
 Better for
 Post -op pain
 Return to work
 ?Chronic Groin pain
 Worse for
 OP time
 Cost
 Tend to be reserved for Recurrent or Bilateral
Hernia Operations
 Complications
 Infection ~1.5%
 Incl Mesh infection
 Bleeding~1%
 Hernia recurrence
 Varies with technique, should be <2%
 Nerve injury/Chronic groin discomfort 5-10%
 Ischaemic orchitis/atrophy ~1-2%
 Urinary retention 1-10%
Femoral Herniae
 3 ways
 High Approach
 McEvedy-via the abdomen
 Best for difficult or strangulated Herniae
 Middle
 Lothieson-via the Inguinal canal
 Used occasionally for indeterminate herniae.
 Low
 Lockwood-via the upper thigh/groin
 Best for small hernia and elective repairs
 Remember the anatomy
 Lumps can arise from any tissue.
 Understand the Hernia anatomy and the
clinical management is easy
 Don’t kill anyone
Don’t miss Malignancy-Ing LN and scrotal
 Fix the hernias

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Inguino scrotal swelling neo

  • 1. Inguino-Scrotal Lumps Marty Smith Saturday 30th July 2010 Western Hospital
  • 2. Inguino-Scrotal Lumps  Why?  Because they’re common.  Because they’re really common.  Because the anatomy is fun to quiz people on.  Because they’re common. Account for up to 20% of General surgical referrals.
  • 3. Pathologies  Inguinal  Sebaceous Cysts/Lipoma’s  Inguinal Lymphadenopathy  Saphenous Varix  Femoral Artery aneurysm  Psoas Abscess  Undescended testes.  Inguinal Hernia  Femoral Hernia  Scrotal  Testicular tumor  Epididymal cyst  Spermatocoele  Hydatid of Morgagni  Varicocoele  Hydrocoele  Inguino-scrotal Hernia
  • 4. Assessment-History  Lump  When was it first noticed?  How was it noticed?  Precipitant activity  Recent illnesses  What symptoms are present?  ?pain, functional impairment  GI/GU disturbance.  Systemic symptoms-fevers, night sweats etc.  Is the lump changing?  Does the lump come and go  How or when?
  • 5. Assessment-Exam  Lump  Position, Shape and size  Surface  Skin  Mass surface  Temperature  Tenderness  Composition-Solid/Fluid/Gas  Consistency  Fluctuation/Fluid thrills/Resonance  Translucency  Pulsatility  Reducibility/Cough impulse  Relations to surrounding structures  Regional Lymph nodes
  • 6. Assessment-Exam  Both sides  Hernia Tests  Standing and lying  ?Get above it  Cough Impulse  Reducibility and control  Associated structures  Pulses, testes, Lymph nodes.  Special tests  Transillumination
  • 7. Assessment  Investigation  Occasional use only  Ultrasound/duplex  For early hernia’s-not so reliable.  Useful for testes/vascular assessment  CT  More for assessing deeper anatomy  Herniagram  Laparoscopy
  • 8. Assessment  How Not to Kill people,  Don’t miss tumors  Exclude Malignancy  Lymphadenopathy-Generalized, unexplained or persistent  BIOPSY!  Discrete Scrotal Lumps or unexaminable testes  Ultrasound and/or Refer  No Part time Vascular Surgery
  • 9. Anatomy  Inguinal region  Inguinal Canal  Spermatic Cord  Femoral Canal and Ring  Scrotum/testes
  • 10. Anatomy  Inguinal region  Includes  Lower abdominal wall  Femoral Triangle  Sartorius/Add Longus/ Inguinal Lig  Contains  Femoral Pedicle  Lymph Nodes  Skin/fat/muscle
  • 11. Anatomy  Inguinal Canal  An oblique series of defects in the layers of the abdominal wall.  Site of Inguinal Herniae  Transmits the Spermatic cord/Round ligament.  Round ligament  Runs from Uterine fundus via canal to Labia.
  • 12. Anatomy  Inguinal Canal  Floor  Inguinal Ligament and Lacunar ligament  Roof  Arching fibres of Int Obl & Trans abdominis and Conjoint tendon  Anterior Wall  External Oblique aponeurosis  Superficial Ring  Post Wall  Conjoint tendon medially, Transversalis fascia laterally  Deep ring
  • 13. Anatomy  Femoral Canal  Beneath the inguinal ligament  Iliacus muscle  Femoral Nerve  Femoral Sheath containing…  Femoral vessels  Femoral Canal  Femoral Canal  Space for venous expansion  Lymphatics.  Upper end defined by femoral ring.
  • 14. Anatomy  Femoral Canal  Beneath the inguinal ligament  Iliacus muscle  Femoral Nerve  Femoral Sheath containing…  Femoral vessels  Femoral Canal  Femoral Canal  Space for venous expansion  Lymphatics.  Upper end defined by femoral ring. •Femoral Ring •Site of Femoral Herniae
  • 15. Anatomy  Eponyms  Hesselbachs Triangle  Lateral border of rectus muscle  Inguinal Ligament  Inferior epigastric vessels (med border of deep ring)  Fruchauds Myopectineal Orofice  Hesselbachs triangle  Deep ring  Femoral sheath/canal.
  • 16. Anatomy  Spermatic cord  Pedicle of the testes  Made up of 12 things
  • 17. Anatomy  Spermatic cord  Pedicle of the testes  Made up of 12 things You’re not getting away with that!
  • 18. Anatomy  3 Arteries  3 Nerves  3 Important structures  3 Coverings
  • 19. Anatomy  3 Arteries  Testicular  Artery to the Vas Deferens  Cremasteric  3 Nerves  Sympathetic branches  Ilio-inguinal (on cord)  Genital Br of Genito-femoral nerve.  3 Important structures  Vas Deferens  Pampiniform Plexus  Processus Vaginalis  3 Coverings  External Spermatic Fascia  Cremasteric Muscle  Internal Spermatic Fascia
  • 20. Anatomy  Spermatic cord  Only truly forms at the superficial ring.  Passes through the superficial ring  above and medial to the pubic tubercle.  Descends through S/C fat into the scrotum.
  • 21. Anatomy  Testes  Suspended on spermatic cord,  Enveloped within Tunica vaginalis  Drain via epididymis to Vas Deferens  Made up of  Germinal elements-Seminiferous tubules  Non-Germinal elements-Stroma, Leydig cells
  • 22. Pathologies  Inguinal  Sebaceous Cysts/Lipoma’s  Inguinal Lymphadenopathy  Saphenous Varix  Femoral Artery aneurysm  Psoas Abscess  Undescended testes  Inguinal Hernia  Femoral Hernia  Scrotal  Testicular tumor  Epididymal cyst  Spermatocoele  Hydatid of Morgagni  Varicocoele  Hydrocoele  Inguino-scrotal Hernia
  • 23. Skin stuff  Sebaceous cysts  Retention cysts of sebaceous glands  Fixed to skin-dimple if squeezed  Can become infected-abscess.  Incise and drain  Management  excise when non-inflammed.
  • 24. Skin stuff  Lipomas  Benign Fatty lumps  Clinically  fixed (skin and fat)  soft lumps,  usually longstanding and asymptomatic.  Management  excise surgically
  • 25. Inguinal Lymphadenopathy  Causes  Primary Lymphatic disease-Lymphoma  Secondary Lymphadenopathy  Malignant disease  Benign  Physiological reaction to inflammatory state  Management  Exclude Inflammatory causes  Examine, Observe, Antibiotics etc.  Exclude obvious malignancy  Biopsy-FNA/Open
  • 26. Saphenous Varix  Prominent Varicosity of Upper Long Saphenous Vein.  Typical Patient  Middle aged and older  F>M  Usual Risk Factors  Pregnancy, Pelvic Mass  Clinically  Dragging lump over upper thigh, disappears when lying  Cough impulse +  Thrill down vein when percussing.  Management-surgical ligation.
  • 27. Femoral Artery Aneurysm.  True aneurysms  Pulsatile lump in groin  Associated with other aneurysmal disease  Mx-Vascular surgical repair if >2-3cm  False aneurysm  Secondary to puncture  Dx on duplex  Mx-Call a vascular surgeon- thrombose or repair.
  • 28. Psoas Abscess  Abscess within Psoas fascia that tracks to groin and presents as a lump.  Associated with Retroperitoneal infection/inflammation  Post Surgical eg. Nephrectomy  Colonic  Pancreatitis  Spinal TB  Management  Drain and treat underlying cause
  • 29. Undescended Testes  Rare in adults  Usually Dx and treated as children  In adults usually present as infertility  Alt painless lump in Inguinal canal  Prone to infertility and testicular cancer.  Managemant  Refer to Urologist.
  • 30. Scrotal Lumps  Assessment  Hx/Ex as previous  If not obvious Hernia/Varicocoele/ Hydrocoele and normal testes Ultrasound  Lump origin  Solid vs cystic etc.  If still in doubt-Call a Urologist.  Surgical exploration
  • 31. Scrotal Lumps  Solid lumps.  Testicular origin  mostly malignant  Paratesticular origin  mostly benign  Cystadenoma, Adenomatoid tumor (epididymis)  Inflammatory pseudotumor  Cystic lumps  Usually benign  Epididymal cyst,  Spermatocoele,  Hydatid of Morgagni
  • 32. Testicular Lumps  Testicular tumors  Usually painless lumps in 2nd to 4th decades  Germinal-95%  Seminoma/Embryonal Cell/ChorioCa/Teratoma  Non-Germinal  Stromal-Leydig Cell Tumor; Gonadoblastoma  Management  Call a Urologist  Usually multimodal Therapy
  • 33. Hydrocoele  Collections of fluid in Tunica Vaginalis  Typically >40yrs except infantile.  Classes  Congenital-communicating  Reactive-tumor/trauma/infection  Idiopathic.  Clinically  Usually dragging scrotal mass,  Can get above them, fluctuant, transilluminate well  Must exclude malignancy  Clinically normal testes or ultrasound  Treatment  Aspirate-tend to recur  Surgery-Jaboulet procedure.
  • 35. Varicocoele  Dilatation of the Pampiniform Plexus  Usually affects 20 to 50 yo’s  L>R  due to venous anatomy.  Acute varicocoele-exclude RP infiltration  May cause infertility  Painless lump  Bag of worms  Cough impulse +ve  May reduce on lying down  Treatment  Ligation at deep ring or excision.
  • 36. Other Scrotal Lumps  Epididymal cyst  Cyst arising from epididymis  Spermatocoele  Sperm filled cyst arising from the testes.  Hydatid of Morgagni  Small mobile cyst from top of testes  Embryological remnant of Mullerian duct.  Subject to torsion  Management  Exclude testicular Mass-Ultrasound  Surgery if large/symptomatic.
  • 38. Inguinal herniae  Hernia Numbers  25% of males (2% F) will develop a groin hernia  65% Indirect Inguinal herniae  55% on the right  31% Direct Inguinal Herniae  Although represent 80% of bilateral herniae  4% Femoral Herniae  More common in women 20 % of all groin herniae c/w 2% male.  Causes  Congenital  Chronic Stress to area  Metabolic-Collagen-vasc Ds, Smoking
  • 39. Hernia types  Inguinal  Direct  Indirect  Pantaloon  Femoral  Also  Sliding herniae
  • 40. Sliding Hernia  A Hernia in which the peritoneal wall that forms part of the sac has an organ naturally adherent to it.  Eg. If an extraperitoneal organ (usually Bladder or colon) slides out with its adherent peritoneum through the hernia defect the organ itself becomes part of the wall of the sac.  Must look out for this at the time of surgery because the organ is easily injured upon opening the sac.  Can be direct or indirect. Sliding hernia Non sliding hernia
  • 41. Inguinal herniae  Clinically  Groin pain/discomfort  Dragging, worse during the day  Lump  Asymmetry-inguino-scrotal swelling  GI/GU obstruction  Incarceration/Irreducibility
  • 43. Direct vs indirect  Direct  Diffuse bulge  Rarely into scrotum  Controlled only at superficial ring  Indirect  Usually more defined  May extend into scrotum  Herniation/reduction more prominent  Controlled at deep ring.
  • 44. Femoral vs inguinal  Inguinal  Lie in/above groin crease  Appear above and medial to pubic tubercle.  Extend into scrotum  Femoral  Lie below crease  Appear below and lateral to tubercle  Extend into thigh
  • 45. Hernia Complications  Incarceration  Strangulation  Risk-Indirect and Femoral>>>Direct  Surgical emergency  Call the surgeon-don’t try and reduce.  Herniated Viscera is entrapped and infarcted.  Acute, tender, painful lump +/- SBO  Richters Hernia  Reduction en-masse  Progressive growth=Natural Hx of herniae.
  • 46. Hernia Management  Fix it!  Eliminates pain  Eliminates Lump  Avoids hernia growth  Avoids risk of strangulation Esp in indirect hernia  Straightforward surgery.
  • 47. Inguinal Operations  Previous  Bassini, McVay, Shouldice Forget them  Now  Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair.  Laproscopic repair.
  • 48. Hernia operations  Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair. Developed in NY at the Lichtenstein Hernia clinic Originally done as OP procedure under LA  Involves Dissecting Inguinal canal and mobilising cord Inverting/removing hernia sac Reinforcing posterior inguinal wall with prolene mesh.
  • 50. Hernia operations  Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair.  Results All can be done under LA Widely adopted Recurrence rate 1-2%-Lichtenstein
  • 51. Hernia Operations  Laparoscopic TAPP  Trans abdominal Pre-peritoneal Patch TEPP  Totally Extraperitoneal Pre-peritoneal Patch  Both place a Mesh patch over the hernial defect inside the abdominal muscle layer, outside the peritoneum.
  • 53. Hernia Operations  Lap repairs  Multiple RCT’s C/W open repair.  Results equivalent for  Recurrence rate (? Better)  LoS  Better for  Post -op pain  Return to work  ?Chronic Groin pain  Worse for  OP time  Cost  Tend to be reserved for Recurrent or Bilateral repairs.
  • 54. Hernia Operations  Complications  Infection ~1.5%  Incl Mesh infection  Bleeding~1%  Hernia recurrence  Varies with technique, should be <2%  Nerve injury/Chronic groin discomfort 5-10%  Ischaemic orchitis/atrophy ~1-2%  Urinary retention 1-10%
  • 55. Femoral Herniae  3 ways  High Approach  McEvedy-via the abdomen  Best for difficult or strangulated Herniae  Middle  Lothieson-via the Inguinal canal  Used occasionally for indeterminate herniae.  Low  Lockwood-via the upper thigh/groin  Best for small hernia and elective repairs
  • 56. Summary  Remember the anatomy  Lumps can arise from any tissue.  Understand the Hernia anatomy and the clinical management is easy  Don’t kill anyone Don’t miss Malignancy-Ing LN and scrotal lumps.  Fix the hernias

Editor's Notes

  1. Seb Cysts Lipoma-Malig risk v low. Rec rate 1-2%
  2. Seb Cysts Lipoma-Malig risk v low. Rec rate 1-2%
  3. Common-prevalence-15% gen, 40% infertile males.
  4. Variable clinical presentation including U/S for groin pain Congenital the major cause-patent processus
  5. Variable clinical presentation including U/S for groin pain
  6. There is a Scottish RCT that supports this in Asx patients although the result has been disputed by a US study in Min Sx men.