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UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity
Yoshifumi Kawai - @neuecc
Self Introduction
CTO/Director at Grani, Inc
Grani is top social game developer in Japan
C# 5.0 + .NET Framework 4.5 + ASP.NET MVC 5
Microsoft MVP for Visual C#
Web (JPN)
Twitter @neuecc (JPN)
linq.js - LINQ to Objects for JavaScript
Async in Unity
Coroutine is not good practice for asynchronous operation
Async in Unity
Network operation is awaitable by yield return
Good by callback hell!
It’s good! good?
I have never thought it is good.
IEnumerator OnMouseDown()
var www = new WWW("");
yield return www; // await
Problem of yield
can’t return result
can’t handle exception
IEnumerator GetGoogle()
var www = new WWW("");
yield return www;
// can’t return www.text
IEnumerator OnMouseDown()
// this code is compiler error
// yield can’t surround with try-catch
yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle());
It cause operation can’t separate.
We have to write on one IEnumerator.
Or Callback
IEnumerator GetGoogle(Action<string> onCompleted, Action<Exception> onError)
var www = new WWW("");
yield return www;
if (!www.error) onError(new Exception(www.error));
else onCompleted(www.text);
IEnumerator OnMouseDown()
string result;
Exception error;
yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle(x => result = x, x => error = x));
string result2;
Exception error2;
yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle(x => result2 = x, x => error2 = x));
Welcome to the callback hell!
(We can await by yield but terrible yet)
async Task<string> RunAsync()
var v = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("");
var v2 = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("");
return v + v2;
catch (Exception ex)
If so C# 5.0(async/await)
yield(await) can receive return value
We can handle exception by try-catch
Async method can return result
Unity 5.0
Will be released on 2014 fall
But Mono runtime is not renewed
C# is still old(3.0)
async has not come.
IL2CPP - The future of scripting in Unity
It’s future.
Reactive Programming
About Reactive Programming
Recently attracted architecture style
The Rective Manifesto
Reactive Streams
Principles of Reactive Programming
Martin Odersky(Creator of Scala)
Eric Meijer(Creator of Reactive Extensions)
Roland Kuhn(Akka Tech Lead)
Gartner’s Hype Cycle
2013 Application Architecture/Application Development
On the Rise - Reactive Programming
Reactive Extensions
Reactive Programming on .NET
Project of Microsoft, OSS
LINQ to events, asynchronous and more.
Port to other languages
RxJava(by Netflix) 2070 Stars
RxJS(by Microsoft) 1021 Stars
UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity
Why UniRx?
Official Rx is great impl but too heavy, can’t work old C#
and can’t avoid iOS AOT trap.
RxUnity is re-implementation of RxNet for Unity
and several Unity specified utilities(Scheduler, ObservableWWW, etc)
Available Now
GitHub -
On Unity AssetStore(FREE)
Curing Your Asynchronous
Programming Blues
Rx saves your life & codes
UnityAsync with Rx
// x completed then go y and completed z, async flow by LINQ Query Expression
var query = from x in ObservableWWW.Get("")
from y in ObservableWWW.Get(x)
from z in ObservableWWW.Get(y)
select new { x, y, z };
// Subscribe = “finally callback“(can avoid nested callback)
query.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x), ex => Debug.LogException(ex));
// or convert to Coroutine and await(ToCoroutine is yieldable!)
yield return StartCoroutine(query.Do(x => Debug.Log(x)).ToCoroutine());
etc, etc....
// Parallel run A and B
var query = Observable.Zip(
(google, bing) => new { google, bing });
// Retry on error
var cancel = ObservableWWW.Get("http://hogehgoe")
.OnErrorRetry((Exception ex) => Debug.LogException(ex),
retryCount: 3, delay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
// Cancel is call Dispose of subscribed value
// etc, etc, Rx has over 100 operators(methods) for method chain
// you can control all execution flow of sync and async
ObservableWWW is included in
RxUnity, it is wrapped WWW, all
method return IObservable
Orchestrate MultiThreading
and LINQ to MonoBehaviour Message Events
UniRx solves MultiThreading problems
// heavy work start on other thread(or specified scheduler)
var heavyMethod1 = Observable.Start(() =>
return 1;
var heavyMethod2 = Observable.Start(() =>
return 2;
// Parallel work and concatenate by Zip
heavyMethod1.Zip(heavyMethod2, (x, y) => new { x, y })
.ObserveOnMainThread() // return to MainThread
.Subscribe(x =>
// you can access GameObject
(GameObject.Find("myGuiText")).guiText.text = x.ToString();
join other thread
is return to MainThread
and after flow can access
easily cancel(call Dispose
of subscribed value) etc,
many methods supports
multi thread programming
AsyncA AsyncB
SelectMany – linear join
Zip – parallel join
AsyncA AsyncB
AsyncA().SelectMany(a => AsyncB(a))
.Zip(AsyncC(), (b, c) => new { b, c });
SelectMany + Zip – Compose Sample
var asyncQuery = from a in AsyncA()
from b in AsyncB(a)
from c in AsyncC(a, b)
select new { a, b, c };
multiplex from(SelectMany)
AsyncA AsyncB AsyncC Result
Extra Gems
Extra methods only for Unity
// Observable.EveryUpdate/FixedUpdate
// produce value on every frame
.Subscribe(_ => Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString()));
// ObservableMonoBehaviour
public class Hoge : ObservableMonoBehaviour
public override void Awake()
// All MessageEvent are IObservable<T>
var query = this.OnMouseDownAsObservable()
.SelectMany(_ => this.OnMouseDragAsObservable())
// prepare container
public class LogCallback
public string Condition;
public string StackTrace;
public UnityEngine.LogType LogType;
public static class LogHelper
static Subject<LogCallback> subject;
public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable()
if (subject == null)
subject = new Subject<LogCallback>();
// publish to subject in callback
UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) =>
subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = ty
return subject.AsObservable();
Convert Unity Callback to IObservable<T>
// prepare container
public class LogCallback
public string Condition;
public string StackTrace;
public UnityEngine.LogType LogType;
public static class LogHelper
static Subject<LogCallback> subject;
public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable()
if (subject == null)
subject = new Subject<LogCallback>();
// publish to subject in callback
UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) =>
subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = ty
return subject.AsObservable();
Convert Unity Callback to IObservable<T>
// It’s separatable, composable, etc.
.Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Warning)
.Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Error)
IEnumerator for Async is bad
and C# 5.0(async/await) hasn’t come
Then UniRx
Why Rx, not Task?
Task is poor function without await
And for MultiThreading, Event Operation, any more
Available Now FREE
GitHub -
AssetStore –

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UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity(EN)

  • 1. UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity Yoshifumi Kawai - @neuecc
  • 2. Self Introduction @Work CTO/Director at Grani, Inc Grani is top social game developer in Japan C# 5.0 + .NET Framework 4.5 + ASP.NET MVC 5 @Private Microsoft MVP for Visual C# Web (JPN) Twitter @neuecc (JPN) linq.js - LINQ to Objects for JavaScript
  • 3. Async in Unity Coroutine is not good practice for asynchronous operation
  • 4. Async in Unity Network operation is awaitable by yield return Good by callback hell! It’s good! good? I have never thought it is good. IEnumerator OnMouseDown() { var www = new WWW(""); yield return www; // await Debug.Log(www.text); }
  • 5. Problem of yield can’t return result can’t handle exception IEnumerator GetGoogle() { var www = new WWW(""); yield return www; // can’t return www.text } IEnumerator OnMouseDown() { // this code is compiler error // yield can’t surround with try-catch try { yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle()); } catch { } } It cause operation can’t separate. We have to write on one IEnumerator.
  • 6. Or Callback IEnumerator GetGoogle(Action<string> onCompleted, Action<Exception> onError) { var www = new WWW(""); yield return www; if (!www.error) onError(new Exception(www.error)); else onCompleted(www.text); } IEnumerator OnMouseDown() { string result; Exception error; yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle(x => result = x, x => error = x)); string result2; Exception error2; yield return StartCoroutine(GetGoogle(x => result2 = x, x => error2 = x)); } Welcome to the callback hell! (We can await by yield but terrible yet)
  • 7. async Task<string> RunAsync() { try { var v = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(""); var v2 = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(""); return v + v2; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); throw; } } If so C# 5.0(async/await) yield(await) can receive return value We can handle exception by try-catch Async method can return result
  • 8. Unity 5.0 Will be released on 2014 fall But Mono runtime is not renewed C# is still old(3.0) async has not come. IL2CPP - The future of scripting in Unity unity/ It’s future.
  • 10. About Reactive Programming Recently attracted architecture style The Rective Manifesto Reactive Streams Principles of Reactive Programming Martin Odersky(Creator of Scala) Eric Meijer(Creator of Reactive Extensions) Roland Kuhn(Akka Tech Lead)
  • 11. Gartner’s Hype Cycle 2013 Application Architecture/Application Development On the Rise - Reactive Programming
  • 12. Reactive Extensions Reactive Programming on .NET Project of Microsoft, OSS LINQ to events, asynchronous and more. Port to other languages RxJava(by Netflix) 2070 Stars RxJS(by Microsoft) 1021 Stars
  • 13. UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity Why UniRx? Official Rx is great impl but too heavy, can’t work old C# and can’t avoid iOS AOT trap. RxUnity is re-implementation of RxNet for Unity and several Unity specified utilities(Scheduler, ObservableWWW, etc) Available Now GitHub - On Unity AssetStore(FREE) unity/7tT
  • 14. Curing Your Asynchronous Programming Blues Rx saves your life & codes
  • 15. UnityAsync with Rx // x completed then go y and completed z, async flow by LINQ Query Expression var query = from x in ObservableWWW.Get("") from y in ObservableWWW.Get(x) from z in ObservableWWW.Get(y) select new { x, y, z }; // Subscribe = “finally callback“(can avoid nested callback) query.Subscribe(x => Debug.Log(x), ex => Debug.LogException(ex)); // or convert to Coroutine and await(ToCoroutine is yieldable!) yield return StartCoroutine(query.Do(x => Debug.Log(x)).ToCoroutine());
  • 16. etc, etc.... // Parallel run A and B var query = Observable.Zip( ObservableWWW.Get(""), ObservableWWW.Get(""), (google, bing) => new { google, bing }); // Retry on error var cancel = ObservableWWW.Get("http://hogehgoe") .OnErrorRetry((Exception ex) => Debug.LogException(ex), retryCount: 3, delay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .Subscribe(Debug.Log); // Cancel is call Dispose of subscribed value cancel.Dispose(); // etc, etc, Rx has over 100 operators(methods) for method chain // you can control all execution flow of sync and async ObservableWWW is included in RxUnity, it is wrapped WWW, all method return IObservable
  • 17. Orchestrate MultiThreading and LINQ to MonoBehaviour Message Events
  • 18. UniRx solves MultiThreading problems // heavy work start on other thread(or specified scheduler) var heavyMethod1 = Observable.Start(() => { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); return 1; }); var heavyMethod2 = Observable.Start(() => { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); return 2; }); // Parallel work and concatenate by Zip heavyMethod1.Zip(heavyMethod2, (x, y) => new { x, y }) .ObserveOnMainThread() // return to MainThread .Subscribe(x => { // you can access GameObject (GameObject.Find("myGuiText")).guiText.text = x.ToString(); }); join other thread ObserveOnMainThread is return to MainThread and after flow can access GameObject easily cancel(call Dispose of subscribed value) etc, many methods supports multi thread programming
  • 19. AsyncA AsyncB SelectMany – linear join AsyncA Zip – parallel join AsyncB Result
  • 20. AsyncA AsyncB AsyncC Result AsyncA().SelectMany(a => AsyncB(a)) .Zip(AsyncC(), (b, c) => new { b, c }); SelectMany + Zip – Compose Sample
  • 21. var asyncQuery = from a in AsyncA() from b in AsyncB(a) from c in AsyncC(a, b) select new { a, b, c }; multiplex from(SelectMany) AsyncA AsyncB AsyncC Result
  • 23. Extra methods only for Unity // Observable.EveryUpdate/FixedUpdate // produce value on every frame Observable.EveryUpdate() .Subscribe(_ => Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString())); // ObservableMonoBehaviour public class Hoge : ObservableMonoBehaviour { public override void Awake() { // All MessageEvent are IObservable<T> var query = this.OnMouseDownAsObservable() .SelectMany(_ => this.OnMouseDragAsObservable()) .TakeUntil(this.OnMouseUpAsObservable()); } }
  • 24. Unity用の各支援メソッド // prepare container public class LogCallback { public string Condition; public string StackTrace; public UnityEngine.LogType LogType; } public static class LogHelper { static Subject<LogCallback> subject; public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable() { if (subject == null) { subject = new Subject<LogCallback>(); // publish to subject in callback UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) => { subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = ty }); } return subject.AsObservable(); } } Convert Unity Callback to IObservable<T>
  • 25. Unity用の各支援メソッド // prepare container public class LogCallback { public string Condition; public string StackTrace; public UnityEngine.LogType LogType; } public static class LogHelper { static Subject<LogCallback> subject; public static IObservable<LogCallback> LogCallbackAsObservable() { if (subject == null) { subject = new Subject<LogCallback>(); // publish to subject in callback UnityEngine.Application.RegisterLogCallback((condition, stackTrace, type) => { subject.OnNext(new LogCallback { Condition = condition, StackTrace = stackTrace, LogType = ty }); } return subject.AsObservable(); } } Convert Unity Callback to IObservable<T> // It’s separatable, composable, etc. LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable() .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Warning) .Subscribe(); LogHelper.LogCallbackAsObservable() .Where(x => x.LogType == LogType.Error) .Subscribe();
  • 27. Conclusion IEnumerator for Async is bad and C# 5.0(async/await) hasn’t come Then UniRx Why Rx, not Task? Task is poor function without await And for MultiThreading, Event Operation, any more Available Now FREE GitHub - AssetStore – extensions-for-unity/7tT