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Have you ever wondered what can we expect in 25 years from now?
What will we eat? Where will we live? How will we communicate? And
will we be able to cure death and literally live forever?
FUTUREMAKERS.TODAY is a 115-page, free publication that covers
interviews with internationally renowned experts – futurists,
philosophers, designers, scientists – who share
their vision of the world in the year 2039, spanning different aspects of
our life such as:
In this presentation you will find some important excerpts, the full
version of the publication is available for free at
Illustrations by: Ewelina Skowrońska
Janusz Kaniewski, designer;
the future of the city
Sheryl Connelly, futurist, Ford Motor Company;
the future of the cars
Marcin Popkiewicz, megatrend analyst;
the future of the energy
Andrew Brentano, co-founder, Tiny Farms;
the future of the food
Dr Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist;
the future of the human
Dr Max More, CEO Alcor Life Extension Foundation;
the future of health
Georges Nahon, CEO, Orange Silicon Valley;
the future of communication
Mike McNamara, CIO Tesco;
the future of retail
Colin Angle, CEO, co-founder, iRobot Corp.;
the future of housing
Ann Cairns, President of International
Markets, Mastercard Worldwide;
the future of money
Brian David Johnson, futurist, Intel;
the future of technology
Dr Max McKeown, best-selling author of The
Strategy Book,The Innovation Book;
the future of innovation
Janusz Kaniewski
the longtime designer of Pininfarina and Ferrari, the
author and co-author of many of today's cars. Advisor to
the President of Gdynia, the first and only non-architect
in SARP. In 2012, Janusz Kaniewski took second place in
the ranking of the most innovative entrepreneurs in
Poland, according to Forbes magazine. Due to his 25th
anniversary of creative work, in October 2013, Publisher
Bosz released the book: Janusz Kaniewski. Design.
„Once we decrease the number of cars in the city,
what’s also going to decrease is the need for wide
streets. Buildings will move closer to each other, all
transport will be carried out on the first floor,
hidden within buildings.
Streets will evolve into town squares, as there’s no
longer a need for long passageways for just a few
vehicles to maneuver through. Courtyards will
make a return. The ground floor will be reserved
for the everyday lives of the poor. The second floor
will be reserved for the wealthy people.”
„These so called intelligent solutions have a lot of
limitations, for old people especially. And society will
continue to grow older, so these intelligent systems will
become a barrier.”
„In this futuristic, automated world, about 20% of people will be needed, while the other 80% will be expendable.
Obviously, there won’t be a Holocaust, that would never be able to happen again. But something will have to be
done to channel their energy.”
„So these intelligent cities…
I’m far too big of a cynic not to notice that, sure,
on the one hand the idea is being sold as something
that increases comfort, but really it’s just more control.”
„A lot of things will be going
on behind our backs. It’s not
an apocalyptic vision:
we’re still going to have
warm water, we won’t starve
or shoot each other. We’re
just going
to obediently segregate our
trash and conform
to a lot of absurd rules.”
Sheryl Connelly
Ford’s global trends and futuring expert. She is the only
member of the automotive industry named to Fast
Company’s Top 100 Most Creative People in Business for
2013, and the first woman from the auto industry to
make the annual list.
„We should start thinking about multimodal
forms of mobility, so that we can actually
ensure that people do have the freedom to
move around.”
„When the vehicles in Henry Ford's day
changed, it opened the highways to mankind.
Autonomous driving vehicles will be different to the
extent that they will give us that time that many people
are sorely missing right now.”
„I don't believe that there will ever
be one universal power source
worldwide. If you listen to the
Chinese government, they've
already probably declared that they
see electric being their platform of
choice. But, if you compare that to
a place like Brazil, they've already
said biofuel is going to be a really
important platform for their future.”
Marcin Popkiewicz
a megatrend analyst, the chief editor of popular
websites devoted to economy and climate. The author of
a best-selling book "Świat na rozdrożu". The head of the
Polish division of ASPO (The Association for the Study of
Peak Oil and Gas).
„There’s no definitive amount of fossil fuels.
Simply speaking, there’s not of
a lot of good quality resources. Once we run
out of the good oil deposits, like the ones in
Texas, we’ll have to go for deposits located
deeper in the ground, in more difficult
geological conditions. We’ll have to go for
smaller deposits of a worse quality.”
„If we want to curb the temperature
increase under +2 degrees, which,
if exceeded, will bring forth very bad
things, it means that we need to keep
80% of fossil fuels under the ground.
That’s basically what the companies of
the energy industry account for as their
assets. Now go and tell these giants
that the 80% of what they’ve got has to
remain underground.
What are they going to do? Everything
that’s in their power to not make it
„A 6 degree increase is still possible to adapt to. Although, this means
a world with almost no ice. It’s a world in which the shoreline is 70
meters higher. There’s no Baltic Sea, only the Baltic Bay, because the
north part of Germany and Denmark are underwater. It’s a world of
different climate zones and deserts. People will have to move
to different places.”
„It’s been estimated that a temperature increase of 3 degrees will destabilize over 80% of methane
hydrates existing in the oceans. We are dealing with a bomb which we won’t be able to stop once it’s
„Every hour, the oceans absorb millions of tons of the CO₂ we emit. What happens when you add CO₂ to
water? The water becomes carbonated. That’s what we’re doing to the oceans: we’re saturating them with
surplus CO₂, so they become acidified. Their acidification grew by 30% in the last century. There’s already
places in the world where the ocean water is so acidic that it decomposes the shells of living animals.”
„For millions years, there wasn’t as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is now. Some find
consolation in the fact that high concentrations of CO₂ means that plants will have a better life. Well, we are
not plants, but if the people advocating a continued and unlimited burning of fossil fuels have it their way,
we will eventually become similar to plants, intellect-wise.”
Andrew Brentano
co-founder of Tiny Farms in California’s Silicon Valley,
food and technology enthusiast, his company has been
designed to feed a growing world.
„From an academic perspective, the idea of the laboratory meat is great. This is a technology that could in
the future synthesize sheets of steak out of some basic amino acids that you can get from anywhere. So, if
you had a colony on Mars or a spaceship, you could print out your dinner. However, the laboratory meat is
not really a feasible near-term solution.”
„With bugs we don't have
the risk of diseases
jumping the same way we
do with mammals, birds,
etc. The biological
makeup of an insect is so
different that the
pathogens that target
them don't translate well
to our biological systems.
So, you're not going to
get cricket flu developing
next to you just because
people are farming
„There was a study done recently where they compared
a bunch of insects, soy, eggs, milk, beef, chicken, and the
profiles were all similar. On average, the distribution of
amino acids in some of the insect species is similar to the
soy bean, and the overall protein level is similar to chicken
or beef. „
„It takes 10 kg of feed to make 1kg of beef, whereas from some
grasshoppers you get up to 9kg of edible mass
out of 10kg of feed. Therefore, you've got significantly smaller waste,
significantly greater conversion, and a correspondingly much smaller
water footprint.”
„In the near-term, most of
what we'll see are bugs as
basically high
protein additive into mostly
baked goods. It will be
a supplement used in ways
like soy and whey protein
are used in existing
products, e.g. energy bars,
to bump up their protein
content in a sustainable
„For a long time, SF has looked at the future of food and how we can get away from having to eat.
But, it turns out to be a very bad idea. The way humans have evolved and the way our societies and our
psychology has evolved shows that there's actually huge benefits to eating together in groups.”
„A lot of research that's being done now is focused on greenhouse technology which
would be suitable either in space or on a spacecraft. They're starting with traditional
crops like rice and wheat, which are not terribly efficient if you're just trying to get food
out of them, but it's what we have.”
Dr Michio Kaku
a renowned theoretical physicist, popularizer of science,
acclaimed as one of the 50 greatest living physicists in
the world; the co-founder of string field theory; the
author of three New York Times Best Sellers: Physics of
the Impossible, Physics of the Future and The Future of
the Mind.
„We’re at the point now where we can begin to upload
memories. This is very experimental, because in 2013 in
Los Angeles and at MIT, for the first time in history we
were able to upload a memory into a mouse, which
means that, in principle, it may be possible to upload
larger memories into the creature.”
„We will have brain 2.0.
Brain 2.0 means having
a backup copy of your brain.
In principle, if you die,
your backup copy will still be there,
so in some weird sense,
this will be a form of immortality.”
„The next century, we want to hook up brain 2.0 with an avatar, that is a superhuman with strong muscles and
perfect features, so that the brain controls a body which is perfect. The brain, in principle, is immortal, because it’s
just nothing but computer code, transistors and wires.”
„When we have brain 2.0, it’ll be a neural network.
That is, pathways will be reinforced. If it plays the
violin over and over again, you’ll become a great
Dr. Max More
a strategic futurist and an internationally recognized
advocate of the effective and ethical use of technology
for life extension and cryopreservation; CEO of Alcor Life
Extension Foundation. Author of the Proactionary
Principle and the philosophy of Extropy and
„Being declared legally dead or clinically dead by today's
doctors does not mean you're truly dead.
It just means they don't know how to help you today.”
„Maybe in the future, rather than trying to fix the body you have, we can just regenerate or replace the
whole thing. You can't do that with the brain, because there's no good having a new brain, that's not you
„For a neuropatient to come back properly,
there's a number of possible scenarios.
One is that we will simply use the genetic
structure of the. With more advanced
technology, we should be able to program
your body to grow itself. Or, on a very simple
level, we can just clone the body.
So, you can just take a tissue sample, grow a
body without the brain, and then transplant
the brain into it.”
„If you think of the body as a biological machine, then it
doesn't violate any laws of physics to say we will be
able to control the aging process. At some point, we
will figure out how to reverse the aging process, how to
stop it, how to increase the pace of repair processes so
that they happen faster than the decay processes. We'll
learn how to remove Alzheimer's disease. We'll learn
how to remove the cross-links in the arteries that cause
chronic problems.”
„I think it's pretty clear that we'll really understand our genome, we'll have
much better tools for intervening, we may be implanting artificial
chromosomes that could give you additional functions that you can turn on
and off, as you choose. So, eventually, we really will take over the direction of
our evolution.”
Georges Nahon
CEO of Orange Silicon Valley (OSV) in San Francisco.
Founder and the President of the Orange Institute and
furthermore, he spearheaded the conception and
development of Orange’s award-winning first
accelerator: Orange Fab. Co-author of the book The
Second Life of Network.
„The world of data, the super powerful algorithms and analyses can very precisely define who we
are, anticipate what we will want or like to do. This is going to play an important role.
When the networks become more powerful than they are today, this will be sent to us almost
like it’s a brain-to-brain communication.”
„Voice will always play an important role in the future, but I don’t think it will be the core of
communication. What people will do instead, is focus on high productivity or have a high satisfaction
„Today the experience is not at the level with video
communication as it is for voice. When it gets to that
point, which is very quickly, less than two years, it will
be absolutely perfect. Then, people will find it normal to
make a video call when they need to make a video call.”
„We’ll get to a point when so many
objects that we wear on ourselves will be
communicating. We will have mobile
communication embedded by design. It
has to be wireless, of course, and it has to
be able to communicate with remote
It could be Wi-Fi, or a new form of Wi-Fi
– maybe there won’t be Wi-Fi anymore.
Maybe Wi-Fi will be a blend or a fusion of
Wi-Fi with another type of 6G, going
beyond 5G, which will be everywhere.”
Mike McNamara
Chief Information Officer in Tesco, responsible
for all technology across the group. Member of the
Strategic Advisory Board to the Sustainable
Consumption Institute (SCI) at the University of
Manchester, and is Chairman of GS1 Global,
a not-for-profit association dedicated to the
development of standards which improve the efficiency
and visibility of supply and demand chains globally.
„I think our stores will be predominantly fresh foods in the future.
I also think there'll be a lot more prepared food in them
– again because of the way things are going,
we eat a lot more prepared foods
these days than we used to.”
Ann Cairns
President of International Markets for MasterCard
Worldwide. Cairns checks out operations in Asia, South
America and Europe, all the regions outside the US
which now account for 60% of the payments group’s
revenues. She oversees 6,000 people in 210 countries.
„In the future, we're going to see happening is
that every device will become a commerce device.
The thing that's going to be very disruptive in the
future – unattended machines actually being able to
process transactions and deliver, whether it's a vending
machine or a washing machine or a parking machine,
our lives are going to change dramatically
because of that.”©
„If you think about governments, it's in their interest to
promote a cashless economy. All of our studies show
that the cost of cash just to reconcile it and move it
around is somewhere between 0.5%-1.5% of the GDP of
any country, which is by any measure a lot of money.”
„For convenience, you might actually just be wearing
something that authenticates you.”
Colin Angle
CEO and Co-Founder of iRobot Corporation.
One of the world’s leading authorities on mobile robots.
Angle is a roboticist who invented the Roomba, the
device that vacuums floor. Angle’s leadership and vision
for the future of robots have been recognized with
numerous professional awards.
„A robot that would serve as a central point of communication with other robots throughout a smart home.
Before you leave your house in the morning, you could tell this one robot that you wanted your floors
vacuumed and washed, wanted your pets fed and whatever else you wanted accomplished that day. Then,
while you are at work, this robot would designate these tasks to other robots throughout the home. When
you return home at night, your house will be clean, all robots will be back in their place and this one robot
could perhaps get you something to drink.”
„The consumer robotics market is
one that will continue to grow
significantly over the next two
decades. It is in its early stages right
now. There have been great strides
in the last few years of people
accepting robots in their homes.”
„The challenge associated with
our aging society is a topic
which iRobot has been carefully
watching for the past few years.
The aging population is growing
to a point where we will not have
enough caregivers in the world
to take care of everyone.
Therefore, it is important
that we find ways in which people
can lead more independent lives,
at home, for longer periods of time.”
Brian David Johnson
futurist at Intel Corporation; one of the pioneers in areas
such as artificial intelligence, robotics and TV reinventor,
the author of Humanity in the Machine: What Comes
After Greed?, Science Fiction Prototyping: Designing the
Future with Science Fiction and 21st Century Robot:
The Dr. Simon Egerton Stories
„As we approach to 2030, the size of meaningful computation, the size of a chip that goes into our
devices, begins to approach zero. That essentially means we can turn anything into a computer.”
„We'll be living inside large computers, large systems that are intelligent. Once you're living
inside a computer, you can actually program and optimize it for different things. We could
optimize our cities for efficiency, and when it comes to sustainability, we should do that.
We can also optimize them for productivity. But the thing that gets me really excited and
makes me really look forward to the future is that we can also optimize cities to be funny and
to care for the people that we love.”
„Technology is not a demonic force trying to do bad things
to people. However, if we are having this conversation
about the good and bad sides of technology and we're not
taking responsibility for that,
then we are creating machines that can be seen as evil.”
„As I look even further out to 2030
and beyond, I'm looking at the
intersection between biology, digital
technology and inorganic chemistry.
It's the coming together of these
worlds: digital technology, biology and
„We've started to see the digital world move into the biological world and then move
back. We can move across the lines that we didn't really move across before. From
a pragmatic standpoint, that little bacteria became a hard drive. You didn't have to power
it. That radically changes how we think about computers, biology and even sustainability,
all the way down to what a hard drive looks like.”
Natalia Hatalska
blogger, trendwatcher
A graduate of the University of Gdansk and Poznan University of Economics. As
a scholar of the prestigious Joseph Conrad Scholarship program also studied at the
London Business School, UK. In 2005–2009 head of communication department in
Wirtualna Polska (second biggest portal in Poland). Previously, PR Manager at NIVEA
Poland and Young Digital Planet. Currently working with the media house Universal
McCann as Chief Inspiration Officer. Originator of award-winning campaigns based
on non-traditional communication methods. Member of Creative Communication
Cluster. Member of the Board of Experts ThinkTank Polska. Vice President of Polish
Association of Bloggers and Vloggers. Columnist at Sukces magazine.
Author of blog about non-traditional advertising recognized as
one of the most influential blogs in Poland.
Awarded by Geek Girls Carrots with Silver Carrot for being a role model
for women working in the field of new technologies.
Want to read more?
Download free 115-pages FutureMakers.Today e-book here:

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Happy New Year 2039! What our world will look like 25 years from now.

  • 2. Have you ever wondered what can we expect in 25 years from now? What will we eat? Where will we live? How will we communicate? And will we be able to cure death and literally live forever? FUTUREMAKERS.TODAY is a 115-page, free publication that covers interviews with internationally renowned experts – futurists, philosophers, designers, scientists – who share their vision of the world in the year 2039, spanning different aspects of our life such as: CITY | CARS | ENERGY | FOOD | HEALTH | COMMUNICATION | RETAIL | MONEY | HOUSING In this presentation you will find some important excerpts, the full version of the publication is available for free at Illustrations by: Ewelina Skowrońska BACKGROUND
  • 3. EXPERTS Janusz Kaniewski, designer; the future of the city Sheryl Connelly, futurist, Ford Motor Company; the future of the cars Marcin Popkiewicz, megatrend analyst; the future of the energy Andrew Brentano, co-founder, Tiny Farms; the future of the food Dr Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist; the future of the human Dr Max More, CEO Alcor Life Extension Foundation; the future of health Georges Nahon, CEO, Orange Silicon Valley; the future of communication Mike McNamara, CIO Tesco; the future of retail Colin Angle, CEO, co-founder, iRobot Corp.; the future of housing Ann Cairns, President of International Markets, Mastercard Worldwide; the future of money Brian David Johnson, futurist, Intel; the future of technology Dr Max McKeown, best-selling author of The Strategy Book,The Innovation Book; the future of innovation
  • 5. Janusz Kaniewski the longtime designer of Pininfarina and Ferrari, the author and co-author of many of today's cars. Advisor to the President of Gdynia, the first and only non-architect in SARP. In 2012, Janusz Kaniewski took second place in the ranking of the most innovative entrepreneurs in Poland, according to Forbes magazine. Due to his 25th anniversary of creative work, in October 2013, Publisher Bosz released the book: Janusz Kaniewski. Design.
  • 6. „Once we decrease the number of cars in the city, what’s also going to decrease is the need for wide streets. Buildings will move closer to each other, all transport will be carried out on the first floor, hidden within buildings. Streets will evolve into town squares, as there’s no longer a need for long passageways for just a few vehicles to maneuver through. Courtyards will make a return. The ground floor will be reserved for the everyday lives of the poor. The second floor will be reserved for the wealthy people.” ©
  • 7. „These so called intelligent solutions have a lot of limitations, for old people especially. And society will continue to grow older, so these intelligent systems will become a barrier.” ©
  • 8. „In this futuristic, automated world, about 20% of people will be needed, while the other 80% will be expendable. Obviously, there won’t be a Holocaust, that would never be able to happen again. But something will have to be done to channel their energy.” ©
  • 9. „So these intelligent cities… I’m far too big of a cynic not to notice that, sure, on the one hand the idea is being sold as something that increases comfort, but really it’s just more control.” ©
  • 10. „A lot of things will be going on behind our backs. It’s not an apocalyptic vision: we’re still going to have warm water, we won’t starve or shoot each other. We’re just going to obediently segregate our trash and conform to a lot of absurd rules.” ©
  • 12. Sheryl Connelly Ford’s global trends and futuring expert. She is the only member of the automotive industry named to Fast Company’s Top 100 Most Creative People in Business for 2013, and the first woman from the auto industry to make the annual list.
  • 13. „We should start thinking about multimodal forms of mobility, so that we can actually ensure that people do have the freedom to move around.” ©
  • 14. „When the vehicles in Henry Ford's day changed, it opened the highways to mankind. Autonomous driving vehicles will be different to the extent that they will give us that time that many people are sorely missing right now.” ©
  • 15. „I don't believe that there will ever be one universal power source worldwide. If you listen to the Chinese government, they've already probably declared that they see electric being their platform of choice. But, if you compare that to a place like Brazil, they've already said biofuel is going to be a really important platform for their future.” ©
  • 17. Marcin Popkiewicz a megatrend analyst, the chief editor of popular websites devoted to economy and climate. The author of a best-selling book "Świat na rozdrożu". The head of the Polish division of ASPO (The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas).
  • 18. „There’s no definitive amount of fossil fuels. Simply speaking, there’s not of a lot of good quality resources. Once we run out of the good oil deposits, like the ones in Texas, we’ll have to go for deposits located deeper in the ground, in more difficult geological conditions. We’ll have to go for smaller deposits of a worse quality.” ©
  • 19. „If we want to curb the temperature increase under +2 degrees, which, if exceeded, will bring forth very bad things, it means that we need to keep 80% of fossil fuels under the ground. That’s basically what the companies of the energy industry account for as their assets. Now go and tell these giants that the 80% of what they’ve got has to remain underground. What are they going to do? Everything that’s in their power to not make it happen.” ©
  • 20. „A 6 degree increase is still possible to adapt to. Although, this means a world with almost no ice. It’s a world in which the shoreline is 70 meters higher. There’s no Baltic Sea, only the Baltic Bay, because the north part of Germany and Denmark are underwater. It’s a world of different climate zones and deserts. People will have to move to different places.” ©
  • 21. „It’s been estimated that a temperature increase of 3 degrees will destabilize over 80% of methane hydrates existing in the oceans. We are dealing with a bomb which we won’t be able to stop once it’s ignited.” ©
  • 22. „Every hour, the oceans absorb millions of tons of the CO₂ we emit. What happens when you add CO₂ to water? The water becomes carbonated. That’s what we’re doing to the oceans: we’re saturating them with surplus CO₂, so they become acidified. Their acidification grew by 30% in the last century. There’s already places in the world where the ocean water is so acidic that it decomposes the shells of living animals.” ©
  • 23. „For millions years, there wasn’t as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is now. Some find consolation in the fact that high concentrations of CO₂ means that plants will have a better life. Well, we are not plants, but if the people advocating a continued and unlimited burning of fossil fuels have it their way, we will eventually become similar to plants, intellect-wise.” ©
  • 25. Andrew Brentano co-founder of Tiny Farms in California’s Silicon Valley, food and technology enthusiast, his company has been designed to feed a growing world.
  • 26. „From an academic perspective, the idea of the laboratory meat is great. This is a technology that could in the future synthesize sheets of steak out of some basic amino acids that you can get from anywhere. So, if you had a colony on Mars or a spaceship, you could print out your dinner. However, the laboratory meat is not really a feasible near-term solution.” ©
  • 27. „With bugs we don't have the risk of diseases jumping the same way we do with mammals, birds, etc. The biological makeup of an insect is so different that the pathogens that target them don't translate well to our biological systems. So, you're not going to get cricket flu developing next to you just because people are farming crickets.” ©
  • 28. „There was a study done recently where they compared a bunch of insects, soy, eggs, milk, beef, chicken, and the profiles were all similar. On average, the distribution of amino acids in some of the insect species is similar to the soy bean, and the overall protein level is similar to chicken or beef. „ ©
  • 29. „It takes 10 kg of feed to make 1kg of beef, whereas from some grasshoppers you get up to 9kg of edible mass out of 10kg of feed. Therefore, you've got significantly smaller waste, significantly greater conversion, and a correspondingly much smaller water footprint.” ©
  • 30. „In the near-term, most of what we'll see are bugs as basically high protein additive into mostly baked goods. It will be a supplement used in ways like soy and whey protein are used in existing products, e.g. energy bars, to bump up their protein content in a sustainable way.” ©
  • 31. „For a long time, SF has looked at the future of food and how we can get away from having to eat. But, it turns out to be a very bad idea. The way humans have evolved and the way our societies and our psychology has evolved shows that there's actually huge benefits to eating together in groups.” ©
  • 32. „A lot of research that's being done now is focused on greenhouse technology which would be suitable either in space or on a spacecraft. They're starting with traditional crops like rice and wheat, which are not terribly efficient if you're just trying to get food out of them, but it's what we have.” ©
  • 34. Dr Michio Kaku a renowned theoretical physicist, popularizer of science, acclaimed as one of the 50 greatest living physicists in the world; the co-founder of string field theory; the author of three New York Times Best Sellers: Physics of the Impossible, Physics of the Future and The Future of the Mind.
  • 35. © „We’re at the point now where we can begin to upload memories. This is very experimental, because in 2013 in Los Angeles and at MIT, for the first time in history we were able to upload a memory into a mouse, which means that, in principle, it may be possible to upload larger memories into the creature.”
  • 36. „We will have brain 2.0. Brain 2.0 means having a backup copy of your brain. In principle, if you die, your backup copy will still be there, so in some weird sense, this will be a form of immortality.” ©
  • 37. „The next century, we want to hook up brain 2.0 with an avatar, that is a superhuman with strong muscles and perfect features, so that the brain controls a body which is perfect. The brain, in principle, is immortal, because it’s just nothing but computer code, transistors and wires.” ©
  • 38. „When we have brain 2.0, it’ll be a neural network. That is, pathways will be reinforced. If it plays the violin over and over again, you’ll become a great violinist.” ©
  • 40. Dr. Max More a strategic futurist and an internationally recognized advocate of the effective and ethical use of technology for life extension and cryopreservation; CEO of Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Author of the Proactionary Principle and the philosophy of Extropy and Transhumanism.
  • 41. „Being declared legally dead or clinically dead by today's doctors does not mean you're truly dead. It just means they don't know how to help you today.” ©
  • 42. „Maybe in the future, rather than trying to fix the body you have, we can just regenerate or replace the whole thing. You can't do that with the brain, because there's no good having a new brain, that's not you anymore.” ©
  • 43. „For a neuropatient to come back properly, there's a number of possible scenarios. One is that we will simply use the genetic structure of the. With more advanced technology, we should be able to program your body to grow itself. Or, on a very simple level, we can just clone the body. So, you can just take a tissue sample, grow a body without the brain, and then transplant the brain into it.” ©
  • 44. „If you think of the body as a biological machine, then it doesn't violate any laws of physics to say we will be able to control the aging process. At some point, we will figure out how to reverse the aging process, how to stop it, how to increase the pace of repair processes so that they happen faster than the decay processes. We'll learn how to remove Alzheimer's disease. We'll learn how to remove the cross-links in the arteries that cause chronic problems.” ©
  • 45. „I think it's pretty clear that we'll really understand our genome, we'll have much better tools for intervening, we may be implanting artificial chromosomes that could give you additional functions that you can turn on and off, as you choose. So, eventually, we really will take over the direction of our evolution.” ©
  • 47. Georges Nahon CEO of Orange Silicon Valley (OSV) in San Francisco. Founder and the President of the Orange Institute and furthermore, he spearheaded the conception and development of Orange’s award-winning first accelerator: Orange Fab. Co-author of the book The Second Life of Network.
  • 48. „The world of data, the super powerful algorithms and analyses can very precisely define who we are, anticipate what we will want or like to do. This is going to play an important role. When the networks become more powerful than they are today, this will be sent to us almost like it’s a brain-to-brain communication.” ©
  • 49. „Voice will always play an important role in the future, but I don’t think it will be the core of communication. What people will do instead, is focus on high productivity or have a high satisfaction experience.” ©
  • 50. „Today the experience is not at the level with video communication as it is for voice. When it gets to that point, which is very quickly, less than two years, it will be absolutely perfect. Then, people will find it normal to make a video call when they need to make a video call.” ©
  • 51. „We’ll get to a point when so many objects that we wear on ourselves will be communicating. We will have mobile communication embedded by design. It has to be wireless, of course, and it has to be able to communicate with remote places. It could be Wi-Fi, or a new form of Wi-Fi – maybe there won’t be Wi-Fi anymore. Maybe Wi-Fi will be a blend or a fusion of Wi-Fi with another type of 6G, going beyond 5G, which will be everywhere.” ©
  • 53. Mike McNamara Chief Information Officer in Tesco, responsible for all technology across the group. Member of the Strategic Advisory Board to the Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) at the University of Manchester, and is Chairman of GS1 Global, a not-for-profit association dedicated to the development of standards which improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally.
  • 54. „I think our stores will be predominantly fresh foods in the future. I also think there'll be a lot more prepared food in them – again because of the way things are going, we eat a lot more prepared foods these days than we used to.” ©
  • 56. Ann Cairns President of International Markets for MasterCard Worldwide. Cairns checks out operations in Asia, South America and Europe, all the regions outside the US which now account for 60% of the payments group’s revenues. She oversees 6,000 people in 210 countries.
  • 57. „In the future, we're going to see happening is that every device will become a commerce device. The thing that's going to be very disruptive in the future – unattended machines actually being able to process transactions and deliver, whether it's a vending machine or a washing machine or a parking machine, our lives are going to change dramatically because of that.”©
  • 58. „If you think about governments, it's in their interest to promote a cashless economy. All of our studies show that the cost of cash just to reconcile it and move it around is somewhere between 0.5%-1.5% of the GDP of any country, which is by any measure a lot of money.” ©
  • 59. „For convenience, you might actually just be wearing something that authenticates you.” ©
  • 61. Colin Angle CEO and Co-Founder of iRobot Corporation. One of the world’s leading authorities on mobile robots. Angle is a roboticist who invented the Roomba, the device that vacuums floor. Angle’s leadership and vision for the future of robots have been recognized with numerous professional awards.
  • 62. © „A robot that would serve as a central point of communication with other robots throughout a smart home. Before you leave your house in the morning, you could tell this one robot that you wanted your floors vacuumed and washed, wanted your pets fed and whatever else you wanted accomplished that day. Then, while you are at work, this robot would designate these tasks to other robots throughout the home. When you return home at night, your house will be clean, all robots will be back in their place and this one robot could perhaps get you something to drink.”
  • 63. „The consumer robotics market is one that will continue to grow significantly over the next two decades. It is in its early stages right now. There have been great strides in the last few years of people accepting robots in their homes.” ©
  • 64. „The challenge associated with our aging society is a topic which iRobot has been carefully watching for the past few years. The aging population is growing to a point where we will not have enough caregivers in the world to take care of everyone. Therefore, it is important that we find ways in which people can lead more independent lives, at home, for longer periods of time.” ©
  • 66. Brian David Johnson futurist at Intel Corporation; one of the pioneers in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics and TV reinventor, the author of Humanity in the Machine: What Comes After Greed?, Science Fiction Prototyping: Designing the Future with Science Fiction and 21st Century Robot: The Dr. Simon Egerton Stories
  • 67. „As we approach to 2030, the size of meaningful computation, the size of a chip that goes into our devices, begins to approach zero. That essentially means we can turn anything into a computer.” ©
  • 68. „We'll be living inside large computers, large systems that are intelligent. Once you're living inside a computer, you can actually program and optimize it for different things. We could optimize our cities for efficiency, and when it comes to sustainability, we should do that. We can also optimize them for productivity. But the thing that gets me really excited and makes me really look forward to the future is that we can also optimize cities to be funny and to care for the people that we love.” ©
  • 69. „Technology is not a demonic force trying to do bad things to people. However, if we are having this conversation about the good and bad sides of technology and we're not taking responsibility for that, then we are creating machines that can be seen as evil.” ©
  • 70. „As I look even further out to 2030 and beyond, I'm looking at the intersection between biology, digital technology and inorganic chemistry. It's the coming together of these worlds: digital technology, biology and chemistry.” ©
  • 71. © „We've started to see the digital world move into the biological world and then move back. We can move across the lines that we didn't really move across before. From a pragmatic standpoint, that little bacteria became a hard drive. You didn't have to power it. That radically changes how we think about computers, biology and even sustainability, all the way down to what a hard drive looks like.”
  • 72. Natalia Hatalska blogger, trendwatcher A graduate of the University of Gdansk and Poznan University of Economics. As a scholar of the prestigious Joseph Conrad Scholarship program also studied at the London Business School, UK. In 2005–2009 head of communication department in Wirtualna Polska (second biggest portal in Poland). Previously, PR Manager at NIVEA Poland and Young Digital Planet. Currently working with the media house Universal McCann as Chief Inspiration Officer. Originator of award-winning campaigns based on non-traditional communication methods. Member of Creative Communication Cluster. Member of the Board of Experts ThinkTank Polska. Vice President of Polish Association of Bloggers and Vloggers. Columnist at Sukces magazine. Author of blog about non-traditional advertising recognized as one of the most influential blogs in Poland. Awarded by Geek Girls Carrots with Silver Carrot for being a role model for women working in the field of new technologies. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • 73. e: Want to read more? Download free 115-pages FutureMakers.Today e-book here: @hatalskacom