social collaboration enterprise 20 stigmergy web 20 teampark method platform bpi sogeti organization enterprise20 heterarchy crowdsourcing communication api holocracy social media innovation web20 domain modelling restful software development rest disruption bitcoin cryptocurrency bureacracy communities strategy social platform crowds patrick savalle business process improvement methodology social software emergent behaviour social design bottom-up bureaucracy infographic data modelling introduction interface graphql soap data modeling bpm design patterns how to rest api enterprise architecture business modeling rest api software http protocol interface technology future innovation blockchain singularity platform-economy 3d-printing artificial-intelligence technology future bitcoin cryptocurrencies innovation maatschappij werk economie toekomst payments riple mastercoin litecoin internet of things decentralisation internet protocol banking internet money web-design design sustainable organisation stigmergie 20 kennismanagement organisatiekunde kenniseconomie communicatie het nieuwe werken samenwerking de intelligente organisatie holocratie mintzberg savalle roadmap community paradigm inspiration
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