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A Scalable Online System
Predicting Battery Degradation
A SpaceTime Insight White Paper
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 2
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................3
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4
What Do We Predict?...............................................................................................................5
Battery Basics ..........................................................................................................................6
Algorithm ..................................................................................................................................7
The Importance of Modeling Consumption and Temperature in Particular.......................8
Example Results.....................................................................................................................12
A Scalable Online System for
Predicting Battery Degradation
Zaid Tashman, Jason Lenderman, and Paul Hofmann
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 3
Executive Summary
Today’s modern, scalable technologies, affordable computing power, and advanced
analytics technologies – especially when combined with real-time visualization – enable
enterprise operations systems to become more predictive and prescriptive. Our
approach merges our artificial intelligence system with IoT data and broad data from
the enterprise, operations, and external sources to predict the time when a part or
machine will fail in any point of an event spectrum; past, present, or future. In practice,
our model has correctly predicted the capacity degradation in ninety-eight out of one
hundred batteries compared to actual field observations with hold out samples, saving
the customer millions of dollars by avoiding excess warranty accruals.
This unique, comprehensive approach can also prescriptively optimize a company’s operations by
efficiently and effectively addressing the predicted event and visualizing the insights for actionable
decision making.
This white paper’s use case demonstrates how to apply machine learning to predict battery capacity
for any type of battery, predict battery degradation, and relay insight into the degradation process
and remaining useful life at any point in the event spectrum for the life of the battery. This system of
predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics for optimal operations planning and scheduling
automation, and promotion of necessary human feedback, is extensible to other asset types in a
variety of industries. It provides bottom line improvements in terms of cost, labor, and effective use
of an organization’s resources.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 4
A prevalent part of our modern life, batteries
power a wide range of devices: from cell
phones and laptops, to our electric vehicles,
to our homes. In fact, batteries are essential
to enabling the wide range of renewable
distributed energy resources. For instance,
wind energy generation is extremely variable,
often producing the highest energy output
when demand is at a low point. Therefore,
energy storage coupled with wind farms can
increase the effectiveness of these solutions.
Energy storage comprised of batteries
requires a robust health monitoring and
prognostics system to ensure reliable,
secure, and efficient operations.
Our solution comprises an online scalable
prognostics battery system that estimates
the Time of Failure or Remaining Useful Life
(the “RUL”) and the failure time of equipment,
merging this insight with operations
intelligence. This will improve the reliability,
availability, and security of the storage
systems while reducing replacement and
maintenance costs. Appropriate
maintenance and planning decisions are
automatically optimized, scheduling the
necessary materials, parts, and human
resources before failure occurs. This is crucial
in such mission critical systems, where the cost
of failure is expensive and may lead to
cascading problems.
Our approach is prescriptive. It predicts the RUL,
then optimizes operations by providing the best
action to take that minimizes cost, maximizes
safety and reliability, and ensures that spare
parts are readily available with the right crew to
perform the required tasks, given the current
and future predictions. Having an accurate
prediction of the battery’s failure time is critical,
as the failure may lead to dangerous explosions
or chemical poisoning. Our goal is to provide an
insight to battery asset reliability while
maximizing storage fleet utilization and
minimizing warranty risk.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 5
By predicting the capacity degradation of a battery over time, we answer:
1. What is the current capacity of the battery?
2. What kind of degradation process is the battery experiencing?
3. When will the battery reach X% capacity limit? (Typically, a vendor
or battery operator guarantees Y years of a minimum X% battery
capacity, committing to replace the battery at no cost if the unit
fails to maintain capacity).
There are two types of factors that affect the performance of a lithium-
ion (Li-ion) battery. The first set of factors are external, related to the
treatment of the battery and the environment around it. When the
batteries are used by residential customers, the battery degradation
process is largely affected by how the customer treats the battery (the
consumption profile) and environment around it, such as the
temperature. Our experience has shown (described in figure 7) that it is
important to profile each user's consumption and their ambient
temperature to accurately model how the battery degrades in future
The second set of factors describes the variability in battery
performance due to variations from the typical aging processes evolving
over time within a battery. These can include the irreversibility of
What Do We Predict?
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 6
losses inside the battery as impedances in a
lumped parameter model:
The Li-ion battery degradation process is
nonlinear in nature. Typically, the degradation
rate speeds up rapidly at a later stage in the
battery life. This phenomenon, often referred
chemical processes, aging of the polymer
separator, etc. Variations due to aging are
typically caused in the manufacturing process.
For example, excessive porosity of the polymer
separator hinders the ability of the pores to
close, which is vital to allow the separator to
shut down an overheated battery. Our model
can learn the variation in performance if there
are enough data from a large population of
In principle, these two types of factors are
statistically independent. The external factors,
captured by the user profile, and the variation in
performance pertinent to the battery
manufacturing process can be modeled
Battery Basics
A typical battery consists of a pair of electrodes
immersed in an electrolyte. The chemical driving
force across the cell is due to the difference in
the chemical potentials of its two electrodes. To
simplify this process, we model the various
Figure 1: Lumped Battery
Parameter Model
to as "rapid-fade," makes it challenging to
predict the capacity of the battery in the long
term, especially if the batteries of interest are
only a few years old, and none of them has yet
experienced this rapid increase in the
degradation rate. Our algorithms predict future
states, in this case capacity degradation,
including detection of rapid-fade even if it has
been observed only in a controlled lab
experiment but not in the field. In this case, our
approach combines data from the laboratory
experiment with the field data recorded from all
batteries to predict the battery capacity in the
long term. This approach of learning from the
lab data to predict the rapid fade in the field has
been promising, and we have been able to verify
it with customers. In addition, the proposed
approach continuously learns new behavior
from the live system, and once the rapid fade
starts to appear on some of the older batteries
in the field, the system will be able to detect it
and update the model accordingly.
The IR drop due to the electrolyte resistance
is denoted by RE, the activation polarization is
modeled as a resistive RCT and capacitive CDL,
and the concentration polarization effect is
modeled as RW. The value of these internal
parameters change with different aging and
fault processes, such as plate sulfation, pas-
sivation, and corrosion. Climate and ambient
temperatures also have a large effect on the
battery’s degradation process. In our ap-
proach of modeling the RUL we are interested
in the RE and RCT parameters, since both val-
ues correlate with the battery capacity C and
the degradation process over time.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 7
We apply a hidden Markov model (HMM) of
topic mixtures. This sophisticated machine
learning tool can capture a rich family of
probability distributions that more accurately
model real-world phenomena. Most other
mainstream approaches rely on overly
simplifying assumptions to make problem
solving tractable. These approaches typically
result in a single, stationary distribution for
analysis, albeit a well-formed one. Our approach
allows a sequence of possibly nonstationary
mixture models that blend many simple
distributions together to create a more complex
and highly realistic probability distribution
function. As presented in Figure 2, the result is a
powerful representation of time-series data,
whether for battery internal measurements or
other phenomena.
Machine learning occurs within a space of
hierarchically structured probability
distributions. In other words, our model reasons
about probability distributions of distributions, it
learns how to learn. This means that our
HMM approach is more advanced than most
contemporary methods in that it does not
require strict assumptions and categorizing
the events a priori. Rather, the hierarchical
HMM of topic mixtures can infer the relevant
events and categorical values while
observing and learning the time-series data.
This ability is a salient feature of our model with
distributions of distributions (probabilities of
probabilities) that discretizes the measurable
space of interest. Therein the natural hierarchies
and groupings (both logical and statistical) that
exist in most real-world data are fully leveraged.
Figure 2: Hidden Markov model with
topic mixtures
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 8
Figure 3: Capacity degradation and HMM of topic mixtures schematically
This means faster training and retraining that
can scale up very well to big datasets.
In the case of battery health, the important
questions boil down to whether the battery will
provide enough power during the current
discharge cycle, and what kind of degradation
process the battery is experiencing. This allows
insight to how many more discharge cycles the
battery can produce. This is captured by the
State of Charge (SOC) and the Remaining Useful
Life (RUL) (see Figure 3). Even though our
approach has the capability to model and
predict both SOC and RUL metrics, our model
focuses on the more long-term prediction, RUL.
This improves planning and optimization of the
entire battery fleet, maximizing asset utilization.
The Importance of Modeling Consumption and
Temperature in Particular
As mentioned in the introduction, there are two types of factors that affect the performance of
batteries: external factors that we call consumption profiles like temperature, SOC, and power,
and internal manufacturing-related factors.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 9
The temperature is one of the most important
factors that affect the degradation of the
battery. Temperature is known to have a
significant impact on the performance and cycle
lifetime of Li-ion batteries. The formation and
modification of the surface films on the
electrodes as well as structural changes in the
electrodes are found to be the main contributors
to the degradation rate increasing with
temperature. Typically, battery systems are
installed across multiple geographic regions
that experience different temperature
conditions. The effect of temperature on the
degradation can also be seen clearly in lab
experiments. Figure 4 shows the capacity
degradation of four batteries, cycled at the
same conditions except that two of them
were kept at 45°C and the other two were
kept at room temperature (25°C).
Let’s look at the power output of the battery
in watts. Power output depends, for example,
on the type of appliances used by the
Figure 5: Pair-wise distance measure between the consumption
patterns of 400 random Li-ion example batteries
customer. The consumption is a continuous
variable, and varies between cycles. To show
that there is a significant difference in
consumption patterns between different
batteries we calculated a pair-wise distance
measure between the batteries’ power-out
distributions. Figure 5 shows the pair-wise
distance between all and each consumption of
an example population in an Asian country. A
value of 1 indicates completely different usage
Figure 4: Capacity curves from lab samples
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 10
patterns, and a value of 0 indicates an identical
usage. Notice that the values along the diagonal
are exactly 0, which is a result of comparing a
battery usage with itself. This plot shows that
there are indeed differences in how customers
use their battery. Therefore, it is reasonable and
well-advised to model the consumption
including the different temperature distribution
over the geography of a country. We reasonably
assume that consumption is independent from
battery degradation, therefore we model it
Typically, we train a hierarchical mixture model
to learn the consumption profile (temperature
observations, customer usage, threshold
settings, etc.) and observe the battery capacity.
This model will essentially describe the
dependencies between the observations'
sequence from the battery and the degradation
Hierarchical mixture models are sophisticated
models in machine learning that can capture a
rich family of probability distributions that
accurately model large, complex, real-world
data. The model blends many simple
distributions together to create a more
complex and highly-realistic probability
distribution function. As a result, we capture
a rich family of probability distributions that
accurately model the dependence between
the battery’s daily observations and
degradation. In addition, we are able to
profile each battery based on observations of
its consumption and achieve a more
accurate capacity prediction.
With profiling, we can learn archetypes or
topics that are combined with so-called
hierarchical mixtures – i.e. distributions of
distributions. These topic mixtures describe the
battery consumption pattern of customers and
help make a more accurate prediction of battery
capacity degradation. Each battery/customer
will have their unique profile, which changes as
we gather more data from the battery over time.
Generally, such a profile converges to a stable
mixture of archetypes. The stable mixture
allows estimation of the battery behavior, and
thus, its degradation. In Figure 6 we show an
example of a battery where the profile and its
entropy converge in less than a year of
observations and remain stable for the
Figure 6: Example of convergence of a battery profile and its entropy in less than a year
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 11
Figure 7: Profiling influence on the prediction. Each line shade represents the predicted capacity curve computed using different amounts of historical data.
Thicker lines use more historical data, whereas lightly shaded lines use fewer historical data.
remaining life of the battery. In this example, we
clearly see the typical reduction in entropy – the
measure of uncertainty – after about 600 cycles.
To further demonstrate the power of profiling, we
show in Figure 7 how the prediction of the future
capacity changes as the profile of the battery is
learned with higher accuracy due to more observed
data. Notice how the prediction changes at
October 2015. From that point on, the model has
enough information - using data from day 1 until
October 2015 - to accurately predict the future
capacity. Online learning is a unique feature of our
approach, which enables the model to improve the
prediction in a continuous fashion.
In addition to the capacity predictions, the
generative model allows us to explore the
dependencies between battery observations and
degradation. This is another advantage of using a
generative model, as opposed to a black-box
approach. For example, we found surprising
anomalies between the customer minimum
capacity threshold setting and the expected
Battery Capacity Prediction
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 12
Example Results
As mentioned, battery degradation is highly
nonlinear. One often observes rapid-fade since
the degradation process changes at a later
stage of battery life. Lithium deposits form on
electrodes during each cycle, but some
deposits do not completely dissolve. The more
a battery is used, the more permanent deposits
build and the less capacity is left. This causes
rapid-fade degradation. It is important for the
model to capture the two degradation patterns,
normal and rapid-fade.
Hidden Markov models provide a very powerful
tool that allows us to learn the complex
sequential dependencies between all the
observations mentioned before. We will not go
into the technical details of our modified and
constrained hidden Markov model
implementation as that is outside the scope of
this report. However, we can distinguish the
exponential degradation of batteries from the
rapid-fade in the field, even if we observed
degradation below the fifty-percent mark only
from lab data.
Figure 8 shows a typical example of
randomly chosen batteries. As more data is
fed into the model, the prediction updates,
taking into account all the information
available up to the time of the prediction.
Also, the belief about the current state of the
battery and the future behavior of the battery
will become clearer. For example, young
batteries will most likely have high uncertainty in
state belief in the first few cycles.
As more evidence becomes available, the
uncertainty lessens, giving a more accurate
prediction of the capacity. This is a unique
feature of our Bayesian reasoning approach,
which not only provides an estimate of the
mean predicted capacity in the future, but that
Figure 8: Example of results from our learned models for some randomly chosen batteries.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 13
Figure 9: Architecture and
data flow for dynamic hier-
archical Bayesian networks
to predict the degradation
of battery capacity.
Figure 10: Change in predicted
capacity as more and more
data is revealed.
mean capacity is accompanied with an
uncertainty value (i.e. variance) that is very
important in making decisions about these
batteries. Two batteries can have the same
predicted capacity, but the difference in variance
could provide a second level of insight that
makes the decision making process more
insightful and data-driven. Note that this does
not hold for the typical deep learning
approaches. Figure 9 shows the architecture
with two tiers of the Bayesian model. It learns
the model from historical data and updates it or,
in other words, it reasons by calculating the
Bayesian posterior in real time from the
streaming online data.
In Figure 10 we demonstrate the improvement
of the prediction over time when more data is
revealed. For the selected battery, the capacity
over the next eight years or so is calculated
every cycle, each time with one extra day of
information. For instance, on day 1 the capacity
is predicted over the next eight years without
any historical data. This is shown in the 3D plot
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 14
Figure 11: Predicted capacity and pertinent 95% confidence interval (above) and probability of failure f(t) (below)
in Figure 10 by the degradation curve aligned
with "1" on the axis labeled "Day of Prediction".
One can see that during the initial iterations, the
predicted capacity curves change slightly from
one cycle to another as the uncertainty in the
belief of the state is higher. However, moving
along the "Day of Prediction" axis, more data is
fed into the model, adding more confidence in
the belief of the battery state given the evidence
so far, and the predicted capacity curve
becomes more stable. That is, the information
or the data fed into the model is consistent with
the belief about the battery state, therefore the
uncertainty goes down, achieving a more
accurate prediction. It is important to note that
this example is related to this specific battery,
and that each battery can have very different
uncertainty in the predicted capacity values.
We conclude with an example of a typical failure
analysis, answering the question, “How many
batteries will fail?” To answer this question, we
will define the failure event to be reaching a
capacity of fifty percent. We are interested in the
probability distribution of the time of this event,
for each battery. Fifty percent is an arbitrary
value that could be changed to a different
value, such as to define when a warranty
policy can be invoked. The terms “event” and
“failure” are used interchangeably in this
Suppose that the failure times of the battery,
Time, is a random variable, and the function
that describes the likelihood of observing
Time at time t relative to all other failure
times is known as the probability density
function (pdf), or f(t). The cumulative
distribution function (cdf), F(t), describes the
probability of observing Time less than or equal
to some time t, or p(t ≥ Time):
For each battery, we can estimate the probability
of failure f(t) using the predicted mean capacity
at each time step; the lower curve in Figure 11.
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 15
Figure 12: The probability of failure f(t) and the aggregated failure count for the sample batteries
The upper curve of figure 11 shows the variance associated with this prediction at the 95%
confidence interval.
We can now calculate the expected failure count, i.e., number of batteries that are expected to fail
on each day, by aggregating the probability of failure over all the batteries. The expected failure
count for the sample batteries is shown in figure 12.
“As more evidence becomes
available, the uncertainty lessens,
giving a more accurate prediction of
the capacity. This is a unique feature
of our Bayesian reasoning approach,
which not only provides an estimate
of the mean predicted capacity in the
future, but that mean capacity is
accompanied with an uncertainty
value (i.e. variance) that is very
important in making decisions about
these batteries. Two batteries can
have the same predicted capacity,
but the difference in variance could
provide a second level of insight that
makes the decision making process
more insightful and data-driven.
Note that this does not hold for the
typical deep learning approaches.”
© 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 16
Modeling Li-ion battery capacity is complex and
requires advanced modeling techniques. We use
our machine learning approach of hidden Mar-
kov models of topic mixtures to learn the com-
plex dependencies between customer consump-
tion and battery degradation patterns, resulting
in an accurate prediction of the battery capacity.
In typical examples we achieve about 2% predic-
tion accuracy (that is, 98% of our predictions are
correct) compared to actual observations in the
field with hold out samples. This has saved one
customer many millions of dollars. Our software
ameliorates the customer’s existing practice of
accruing money for warranty claims long before
the batteries are likely to cross below the war-
ranted capacity threshold.
We believe our solution to predicting rapid-fade
is unique, and it lays a solid foundation for fur-
ther industrial-grade battery prediction. In this
paper we only scratched the surface of what
can be done in modeling this system of predic-
tion, combined with prescriptive analytics for
optimal operations planning, scheduling au-
tomation, and financial risk mitigation based
on the battery failure predictions.
To summarize, our model offers significant
Learns Continuously: As demonstrated, our
model learns continuously from new obser-
vations, updating the model with the newest
evidence, then recomputing the predictions,
achieving more accurate prediction results.
Predicts Assets Individually: Our model
treats each battery in the population distinct-
ly. Each battery encounters unique condi-
tions, producing a distinct and unique profile
which is then used in predicting the future
behavior of the battery.
Eliminates Uncertainty: Our model gives us a
confidence interval of the prediction in a
mathematically proper way. Understanding
the uncertainty in the prediction is extremely
important for making better data-driven deci-
sions. In addition, our ability to estimate the
expected failure count is a unique feature in
our model. This is particularly important for fi-
nancial calculations, such as warranty and ac-
Enables Transfer Learning: Our approach does
not make any specific assumptions about the
make and model of these batteries. Therefore,
the same analytical model can be retrained on a
different set of batteries from different manu-
facturers or of different sizes, assuming similar
data is available. This holds true for similar pre-
dictive models of other assets types in a multi-
vendor, industrial asset fleet.
1850 Gateway Dr., Suite 125
San Mateo, CA 94404 USA
About SpaceTime Insight
SpaceTime Insight enables organizations in asset-intensive industries to
generate more value from their people, processes, and assets. Our award-
winning analytics and industrial internet of things applications optimize
operations in motion, in context and in real time. Teams at some of the
largest organizations in the world, including transportation and energy firms
and some of the world’s largest utilities, use SpaceTime Insight software to
power mission-critical systems. SpaceTime is headquartered in San Mateo,
CA with offices in Canada, UK, India, and Japan.

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Prediction of Battery Degradation Using Hidden Markov Model

  • 1. A Scalable Online System Predicting Battery Degradation A SpaceTime Insight White Paper
  • 2. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................................3 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................4 What Do We Predict?...............................................................................................................5 Battery Basics ..........................................................................................................................6 Algorithm ..................................................................................................................................7 The Importance of Modeling Consumption and Temperature in Particular.......................8 Example Results.....................................................................................................................12 Conclusions............................................................................................................................16 A Scalable Online System for Predicting Battery Degradation Zaid Tashman, Jason Lenderman, and Paul Hofmann
  • 3. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 3 Executive Summary Today’s modern, scalable technologies, affordable computing power, and advanced analytics technologies – especially when combined with real-time visualization – enable enterprise operations systems to become more predictive and prescriptive. Our approach merges our artificial intelligence system with IoT data and broad data from the enterprise, operations, and external sources to predict the time when a part or machine will fail in any point of an event spectrum; past, present, or future. In practice, our model has correctly predicted the capacity degradation in ninety-eight out of one hundred batteries compared to actual field observations with hold out samples, saving the customer millions of dollars by avoiding excess warranty accruals. This unique, comprehensive approach can also prescriptively optimize a company’s operations by efficiently and effectively addressing the predicted event and visualizing the insights for actionable decision making. This white paper’s use case demonstrates how to apply machine learning to predict battery capacity for any type of battery, predict battery degradation, and relay insight into the degradation process and remaining useful life at any point in the event spectrum for the life of the battery. This system of predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics for optimal operations planning and scheduling automation, and promotion of necessary human feedback, is extensible to other asset types in a variety of industries. It provides bottom line improvements in terms of cost, labor, and effective use of an organization’s resources.
  • 4. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 4 A prevalent part of our modern life, batteries power a wide range of devices: from cell phones and laptops, to our electric vehicles, to our homes. In fact, batteries are essential to enabling the wide range of renewable distributed energy resources. For instance, wind energy generation is extremely variable, often producing the highest energy output when demand is at a low point. Therefore, energy storage coupled with wind farms can increase the effectiveness of these solutions. Energy storage comprised of batteries requires a robust health monitoring and prognostics system to ensure reliable, secure, and efficient operations. Our solution comprises an online scalable prognostics battery system that estimates the Time of Failure or Remaining Useful Life (the “RUL”) and the failure time of equipment, merging this insight with operations intelligence. This will improve the reliability, availability, and security of the storage systems while reducing replacement and maintenance costs. Appropriate maintenance and planning decisions are automatically optimized, scheduling the necessary materials, parts, and human resources before failure occurs. This is crucial in such mission critical systems, where the cost of failure is expensive and may lead to cascading problems. Our approach is prescriptive. It predicts the RUL, then optimizes operations by providing the best action to take that minimizes cost, maximizes safety and reliability, and ensures that spare parts are readily available with the right crew to perform the required tasks, given the current and future predictions. Having an accurate prediction of the battery’s failure time is critical, as the failure may lead to dangerous explosions or chemical poisoning. Our goal is to provide an insight to battery asset reliability while maximizing storage fleet utilization and minimizing warranty risk. Introduction
  • 5. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 5 By predicting the capacity degradation of a battery over time, we answer: 1. What is the current capacity of the battery? 2. What kind of degradation process is the battery experiencing? 3. When will the battery reach X% capacity limit? (Typically, a vendor or battery operator guarantees Y years of a minimum X% battery capacity, committing to replace the battery at no cost if the unit fails to maintain capacity). There are two types of factors that affect the performance of a lithium- ion (Li-ion) battery. The first set of factors are external, related to the treatment of the battery and the environment around it. When the batteries are used by residential customers, the battery degradation process is largely affected by how the customer treats the battery (the consumption profile) and environment around it, such as the temperature. Our experience has shown (described in figure 7) that it is important to profile each user's consumption and their ambient temperature to accurately model how the battery degrades in future cycles. The second set of factors describes the variability in battery performance due to variations from the typical aging processes evolving over time within a battery. These can include the irreversibility of What Do We Predict?
  • 6. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 6 losses inside the battery as impedances in a lumped parameter model: The Li-ion battery degradation process is nonlinear in nature. Typically, the degradation rate speeds up rapidly at a later stage in the battery life. This phenomenon, often referred chemical processes, aging of the polymer separator, etc. Variations due to aging are typically caused in the manufacturing process. For example, excessive porosity of the polymer separator hinders the ability of the pores to close, which is vital to allow the separator to shut down an overheated battery. Our model can learn the variation in performance if there are enough data from a large population of batteries. In principle, these two types of factors are statistically independent. The external factors, captured by the user profile, and the variation in performance pertinent to the battery manufacturing process can be modeled independently. Battery Basics A typical battery consists of a pair of electrodes immersed in an electrolyte. The chemical driving force across the cell is due to the difference in the chemical potentials of its two electrodes. To simplify this process, we model the various Figure 1: Lumped Battery Parameter Model to as "rapid-fade," makes it challenging to predict the capacity of the battery in the long term, especially if the batteries of interest are only a few years old, and none of them has yet experienced this rapid increase in the degradation rate. Our algorithms predict future states, in this case capacity degradation, including detection of rapid-fade even if it has been observed only in a controlled lab experiment but not in the field. In this case, our approach combines data from the laboratory experiment with the field data recorded from all batteries to predict the battery capacity in the long term. This approach of learning from the lab data to predict the rapid fade in the field has been promising, and we have been able to verify it with customers. In addition, the proposed approach continuously learns new behavior from the live system, and once the rapid fade starts to appear on some of the older batteries in the field, the system will be able to detect it and update the model accordingly. The IR drop due to the electrolyte resistance is denoted by RE, the activation polarization is modeled as a resistive RCT and capacitive CDL, and the concentration polarization effect is modeled as RW. The value of these internal parameters change with different aging and fault processes, such as plate sulfation, pas- sivation, and corrosion. Climate and ambient temperatures also have a large effect on the battery’s degradation process. In our ap- proach of modeling the RUL we are interested in the RE and RCT parameters, since both val- ues correlate with the battery capacity C and the degradation process over time.
  • 7. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 7 Algorithm We apply a hidden Markov model (HMM) of topic mixtures. This sophisticated machine learning tool can capture a rich family of probability distributions that more accurately model real-world phenomena. Most other mainstream approaches rely on overly simplifying assumptions to make problem solving tractable. These approaches typically result in a single, stationary distribution for analysis, albeit a well-formed one. Our approach allows a sequence of possibly nonstationary mixture models that blend many simple distributions together to create a more complex and highly realistic probability distribution function. As presented in Figure 2, the result is a powerful representation of time-series data, whether for battery internal measurements or other phenomena. Machine learning occurs within a space of hierarchically structured probability distributions. In other words, our model reasons about probability distributions of distributions, it learns how to learn. This means that our HMM approach is more advanced than most contemporary methods in that it does not require strict assumptions and categorizing the events a priori. Rather, the hierarchical HMM of topic mixtures can infer the relevant events and categorical values while observing and learning the time-series data. This ability is a salient feature of our model with distributions of distributions (probabilities of probabilities) that discretizes the measurable space of interest. Therein the natural hierarchies and groupings (both logical and statistical) that exist in most real-world data are fully leveraged. Figure 2: Hidden Markov model with topic mixtures
  • 8. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 8 Figure 3: Capacity degradation and HMM of topic mixtures schematically This means faster training and retraining that can scale up very well to big datasets. In the case of battery health, the important questions boil down to whether the battery will provide enough power during the current discharge cycle, and what kind of degradation process the battery is experiencing. This allows insight to how many more discharge cycles the battery can produce. This is captured by the State of Charge (SOC) and the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) (see Figure 3). Even though our approach has the capability to model and predict both SOC and RUL metrics, our model focuses on the more long-term prediction, RUL. This improves planning and optimization of the entire battery fleet, maximizing asset utilization. The Importance of Modeling Consumption and Temperature in Particular As mentioned in the introduction, there are two types of factors that affect the performance of batteries: external factors that we call consumption profiles like temperature, SOC, and power, and internal manufacturing-related factors.
  • 9. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 9 The temperature is one of the most important factors that affect the degradation of the battery. Temperature is known to have a significant impact on the performance and cycle lifetime of Li-ion batteries. The formation and modification of the surface films on the electrodes as well as structural changes in the electrodes are found to be the main contributors to the degradation rate increasing with temperature. Typically, battery systems are installed across multiple geographic regions that experience different temperature conditions. The effect of temperature on the degradation can also be seen clearly in lab experiments. Figure 4 shows the capacity degradation of four batteries, cycled at the same conditions except that two of them were kept at 45°C and the other two were kept at room temperature (25°C). Let’s look at the power output of the battery in watts. Power output depends, for example, on the type of appliances used by the Figure 5: Pair-wise distance measure between the consumption patterns of 400 random Li-ion example batteries customer. The consumption is a continuous variable, and varies between cycles. To show that there is a significant difference in consumption patterns between different batteries we calculated a pair-wise distance measure between the batteries’ power-out distributions. Figure 5 shows the pair-wise distance between all and each consumption of an example population in an Asian country. A value of 1 indicates completely different usage Figure 4: Capacity curves from lab samples capacity cycle
  • 10. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 10 patterns, and a value of 0 indicates an identical usage. Notice that the values along the diagonal are exactly 0, which is a result of comparing a battery usage with itself. This plot shows that there are indeed differences in how customers use their battery. Therefore, it is reasonable and well-advised to model the consumption including the different temperature distribution over the geography of a country. We reasonably assume that consumption is independent from battery degradation, therefore we model it separately. Typically, we train a hierarchical mixture model to learn the consumption profile (temperature observations, customer usage, threshold settings, etc.) and observe the battery capacity. This model will essentially describe the dependencies between the observations' sequence from the battery and the degradation rate. Hierarchical mixture models are sophisticated models in machine learning that can capture a rich family of probability distributions that accurately model large, complex, real-world data. The model blends many simple distributions together to create a more complex and highly-realistic probability distribution function. As a result, we capture a rich family of probability distributions that accurately model the dependence between the battery’s daily observations and degradation. In addition, we are able to profile each battery based on observations of its consumption and achieve a more accurate capacity prediction. With profiling, we can learn archetypes or topics that are combined with so-called hierarchical mixtures – i.e. distributions of distributions. These topic mixtures describe the battery consumption pattern of customers and help make a more accurate prediction of battery capacity degradation. Each battery/customer will have their unique profile, which changes as we gather more data from the battery over time. Generally, such a profile converges to a stable mixture of archetypes. The stable mixture allows estimation of the battery behavior, and thus, its degradation. In Figure 6 we show an example of a battery where the profile and its entropy converge in less than a year of observations and remain stable for the Figure 6: Example of convergence of a battery profile and its entropy in less than a year
  • 11. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 11 Figure 7: Profiling influence on the prediction. Each line shade represents the predicted capacity curve computed using different amounts of historical data. Thicker lines use more historical data, whereas lightly shaded lines use fewer historical data. remaining life of the battery. In this example, we clearly see the typical reduction in entropy – the measure of uncertainty – after about 600 cycles. To further demonstrate the power of profiling, we show in Figure 7 how the prediction of the future capacity changes as the profile of the battery is learned with higher accuracy due to more observed data. Notice how the prediction changes at October 2015. From that point on, the model has enough information - using data from day 1 until October 2015 - to accurately predict the future capacity. Online learning is a unique feature of our approach, which enables the model to improve the prediction in a continuous fashion. In addition to the capacity predictions, the generative model allows us to explore the dependencies between battery observations and degradation. This is another advantage of using a generative model, as opposed to a black-box approach. For example, we found surprising anomalies between the customer minimum capacity threshold setting and the expected degradation. Battery Capacity Prediction
  • 12. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 12 Example Results As mentioned, battery degradation is highly nonlinear. One often observes rapid-fade since the degradation process changes at a later stage of battery life. Lithium deposits form on electrodes during each cycle, but some deposits do not completely dissolve. The more a battery is used, the more permanent deposits build and the less capacity is left. This causes rapid-fade degradation. It is important for the model to capture the two degradation patterns, normal and rapid-fade. Hidden Markov models provide a very powerful tool that allows us to learn the complex sequential dependencies between all the observations mentioned before. We will not go into the technical details of our modified and constrained hidden Markov model implementation as that is outside the scope of this report. However, we can distinguish the exponential degradation of batteries from the rapid-fade in the field, even if we observed degradation below the fifty-percent mark only from lab data. Figure 8 shows a typical example of randomly chosen batteries. As more data is fed into the model, the prediction updates, taking into account all the information available up to the time of the prediction. Also, the belief about the current state of the battery and the future behavior of the battery will become clearer. For example, young batteries will most likely have high uncertainty in state belief in the first few cycles. As more evidence becomes available, the uncertainty lessens, giving a more accurate prediction of the capacity. This is a unique feature of our Bayesian reasoning approach, which not only provides an estimate of the mean predicted capacity in the future, but that Figure 8: Example of results from our learned models for some randomly chosen batteries.
  • 13. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 13 Figure 9: Architecture and data flow for dynamic hier- archical Bayesian networks to predict the degradation of battery capacity. Figure 10: Change in predicted capacity as more and more data is revealed. mean capacity is accompanied with an uncertainty value (i.e. variance) that is very important in making decisions about these batteries. Two batteries can have the same predicted capacity, but the difference in variance could provide a second level of insight that makes the decision making process more insightful and data-driven. Note that this does not hold for the typical deep learning approaches. Figure 9 shows the architecture with two tiers of the Bayesian model. It learns the model from historical data and updates it or, in other words, it reasons by calculating the Bayesian posterior in real time from the streaming online data. In Figure 10 we demonstrate the improvement of the prediction over time when more data is revealed. For the selected battery, the capacity over the next eight years or so is calculated every cycle, each time with one extra day of information. For instance, on day 1 the capacity is predicted over the next eight years without any historical data. This is shown in the 3D plot
  • 14. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 14 Figure 11: Predicted capacity and pertinent 95% confidence interval (above) and probability of failure f(t) (below) in Figure 10 by the degradation curve aligned with "1" on the axis labeled "Day of Prediction". One can see that during the initial iterations, the predicted capacity curves change slightly from one cycle to another as the uncertainty in the belief of the state is higher. However, moving along the "Day of Prediction" axis, more data is fed into the model, adding more confidence in the belief of the battery state given the evidence so far, and the predicted capacity curve becomes more stable. That is, the information or the data fed into the model is consistent with the belief about the battery state, therefore the uncertainty goes down, achieving a more accurate prediction. It is important to note that this example is related to this specific battery, and that each battery can have very different uncertainty in the predicted capacity values. We conclude with an example of a typical failure analysis, answering the question, “How many batteries will fail?” To answer this question, we will define the failure event to be reaching a capacity of fifty percent. We are interested in the probability distribution of the time of this event, for each battery. Fifty percent is an arbitrary value that could be changed to a different value, such as to define when a warranty policy can be invoked. The terms “event” and “failure” are used interchangeably in this section. Suppose that the failure times of the battery, Time, is a random variable, and the function that describes the likelihood of observing Time at time t relative to all other failure times is known as the probability density function (pdf), or f(t). The cumulative distribution function (cdf), F(t), describes the probability of observing Time less than or equal to some time t, or p(t ≥ Time): For each battery, we can estimate the probability of failure f(t) using the predicted mean capacity at each time step; the lower curve in Figure 11.
  • 15. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 15 Figure 12: The probability of failure f(t) and the aggregated failure count for the sample batteries The upper curve of figure 11 shows the variance associated with this prediction at the 95% confidence interval. We can now calculate the expected failure count, i.e., number of batteries that are expected to fail on each day, by aggregating the probability of failure over all the batteries. The expected failure count for the sample batteries is shown in figure 12. “As more evidence becomes available, the uncertainty lessens, giving a more accurate prediction of the capacity. This is a unique feature of our Bayesian reasoning approach, which not only provides an estimate of the mean predicted capacity in the future, but that mean capacity is accompanied with an uncertainty value (i.e. variance) that is very important in making decisions about these batteries. Two batteries can have the same predicted capacity, but the difference in variance could provide a second level of insight that makes the decision making process more insightful and data-driven. Note that this does not hold for the typical deep learning approaches.”
  • 16. © 2017 Space Time Insight, Inc. 16 Conclusions Modeling Li-ion battery capacity is complex and requires advanced modeling techniques. We use our machine learning approach of hidden Mar- kov models of topic mixtures to learn the com- plex dependencies between customer consump- tion and battery degradation patterns, resulting in an accurate prediction of the battery capacity. In typical examples we achieve about 2% predic- tion accuracy (that is, 98% of our predictions are correct) compared to actual observations in the field with hold out samples. This has saved one customer many millions of dollars. Our software ameliorates the customer’s existing practice of accruing money for warranty claims long before the batteries are likely to cross below the war- ranted capacity threshold. We believe our solution to predicting rapid-fade is unique, and it lays a solid foundation for fur- ther industrial-grade battery prediction. In this paper we only scratched the surface of what can be done in modeling this system of predic- tion, combined with prescriptive analytics for optimal operations planning, scheduling au- tomation, and financial risk mitigation based on the battery failure predictions. To summarize, our model offers significant benefits: Learns Continuously: As demonstrated, our model learns continuously from new obser- vations, updating the model with the newest evidence, then recomputing the predictions, achieving more accurate prediction results. Predicts Assets Individually: Our model treats each battery in the population distinct- ly. Each battery encounters unique condi- tions, producing a distinct and unique profile which is then used in predicting the future behavior of the battery. Eliminates Uncertainty: Our model gives us a confidence interval of the prediction in a mathematically proper way. Understanding the uncertainty in the prediction is extremely important for making better data-driven deci- sions. In addition, our ability to estimate the expected failure count is a unique feature in our model. This is particularly important for fi- nancial calculations, such as warranty and ac- cruals. Enables Transfer Learning: Our approach does not make any specific assumptions about the make and model of these batteries. Therefore, the same analytical model can be retrained on a different set of batteries from different manu- facturers or of different sizes, assuming similar data is available. This holds true for similar pre- dictive models of other assets types in a multi- vendor, industrial asset fleet.
  • 17. 1850 Gateway Dr., Suite 125 San Mateo, CA 94404 USA 650.513.8550 @spacetimeinsght About SpaceTime Insight SpaceTime Insight enables organizations in asset-intensive industries to generate more value from their people, processes, and assets. Our award- winning analytics and industrial internet of things applications optimize operations in motion, in context and in real time. Teams at some of the largest organizations in the world, including transportation and energy firms and some of the world’s largest utilities, use SpaceTime Insight software to power mission-critical systems. SpaceTime is headquartered in San Mateo, CA with offices in Canada, UK, India, and Japan.