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Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Natuvion	Webcast	Nr.	1		– EU-GDPR	Fields	of Action
Natuvion	GmbH	– 07.2017
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
Since 2014,	NATUVION	supports customers with our experience and	expertise in	
Founded in	2014	as an	owner-managed	consulting	company	
specializing	in	utilities,	transformation	and	security
Office	locations:	Walldorf,	Berlin,	München,	Vienna(AT),	
Company	size:	>	55 Employees
Expertise	of consultants:	>	75	%	SAP	certified &	Ø	12	years Utilities	and	
SAP	Gold	Partner	
SAP	Recognized Expertise	in	Utilities	
SAP	Landscape Transformation
Long-term	partner of the largest energy suppliers in	Germany
Services	/	Skills
§ Strategic IT-Management
§ IT	Consulting	for Utilities	Industry
§ SAP	Transformation	&	Data	Services
§ SAP	Security	&	Data	Privacy	/	Protection
§ Business	Intelligence /	Analytics	
Natuvion Gruppe
In-depth experience in		
implementation of DS-GVO	/	GDPR	
Strategic	partnership with SAP	Data	
Protection and	Privacy	
Development	Teams	
Areas– ILM	/	IRF	/	Consent
Close	&	long-term	partnership	with	
IT	/	data	protection	law	experts
Complete	understanding	of	the	
processes	and	requirements	from	a	
business,	IT	and	data	privacy	
Own	certified	solutions	specifically	
for	consistent	data	erasure,	
information	and	anonymization
Designated	data	protection	and	
privacy	expertise	(solutions)
Designated Transformation	
Success Factors
Conception	&	introduction	of	
anonymization	(IS-U	/	CRM)
Group-wide roll-out	of	a	system	
anonymization (CRM	/	IS-U	/	
Selective data deletion (IS-U	/	
Deletion	concept of DS-GVO	/	
GDPR	(SAP	System	landscape)
IT	and	process concept
conformity of affected persons
rights according to DS-GVO	/	
GDPR	(Information	and	
System	and	data
decommissioning with SAP	ILM
Concept and implementation
information (SAP	IRF)
Relevant	References
Natuvion	– Your specialist for the implementation and	requirements of the GDPR	/	DS-GVO
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
Natuvion	Webcasts	
Overview of the webcast series „Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy"
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy5
1	hr.
The	webcast series „Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy	in	SAP“	offers an	outstanding overview of the actions and	
implementation possibilities in	accordance to the EU-GDPR	/	EU-DSGVO.	
EU-DSGVO/	GDPR	Onboarding
Legal	overview	and	basic	structuring	of	the	fields	of	
action	(1	hour)
45	min.
Deletion	of Existing Historical	Data
Consistent	deletion	of	mass	data	in	SAP	system	
landscapes	(30	minutes)
45	min.
Simple	Locking and	Deletion
Overview and	experiences with the introduction of
SAP	Information	Lifecycle	Management	(30	minutes)	
45	min.
Anonymization /	Pseudonymization
Background,	challenges	and	implementation	of	a	
DSGVO	/	GDPR	compliant	anonymization
30	min.
Data	Reporting	/	Transparency
DSGVO	/	GDPR	compliant	data	transfer	from	
conception	to	implementation	- SAP	IRF
45	min.
Consent /	Approval
DSGVO	/	GDPR	complient approval concept and	
introduction – SAP	CONSENT
45	Min.
Privacy	Impact	Assessment
Wie	können	PIAs	praktisch	umgesetzt	und	gelebt	
Natuvion	Webcasts	
Overview	of	the	webcast	series	„Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy"
Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy6
1	hr.
The	webcast	series	„Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy	in	SAP“	offers	an	outstanding	overview	of	the	actions	and	
implementation	possibilities	in	accordance	to	the	EU-GDPR	/	EU-DSGVO.	
EU-DSGVO/	GDPR	Onboarding
Legal	overview	and	basic	structuring	of	the	fields	of	
action	(1	hour)
45	min.
Deletion	of	Existing	Historical	Data
Consistent	deletion	of	mass	data	in	SAP	system	
landscapes	(30	minutes)
45	min.
Simple	Locking	and	Deletion
Overview	and	experiences	with	the	introduction	of	
SAP	Information	Lifecycle	Management	(30	minutes)	
45	min.
Anonymization	/	Pseudonymization
Background,	challenges	and	implementation	of	a	
DSGVO	/	GDPR	compliant	anonymization
30	min.
Data	Reporting	/	Transparency	
DSGVO	/	GDPR	compliant	data	transfer	from	
conception	to	implementation	- SAP	IRF
45	min.
Consent	/	Approval
DSGVO	/	GDPR	compliant	approval	concept	and	
introduction	– SAP	CONSENT
45	Min.
Privacy	Impact	Assessment
How	can	DPIAs	be	implemented	and	managed?
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy8
Data	protection	involves	measures	for	protecting	individuals	during	the	processing	of	their	data.	
Data	protection	and	privacy	laws	forbid	the	dissemination	of	this	information.
In		privacy	context,	it	isn't	protection	of data,	but	protection	from
A	basic	right	to	data	privacy,	derived	from	the	catch-all	basic	right	to	
the	protection	of	personality	(general	right	of	privacy)	in	connection	
with	the	guarantee	of	human	dignity.
The	German	Constitutional	Court	has	coined	the	phrase	"right	to	
informational	self-determination".	
What	is	data	protection	anyway?
Name	&	
Address IP	address
Biometric	data*
Iris	scan*
Membership	of	
labour	organisation*
Username	&	
Smart	meter	
The	Data	Protection	Act	protects	persons	against	unauthorized	use	or	transmission	of	
their	personal	data.
9 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Responsible	parties:
any	person	or	body	that	collects	data	for	itself,	processes	such	data,	uses	such	data,	or	commissions	others	to	do	so
Data	subject:
natural	persons	protected	by	the	BDSG	(for	personal	data)
Personal	data:
any	information	relating	to	an	identified	or	identifiable	natural	person	("data	subject"),	such	as:	name,	address,	e-
mail	address,	date	of	birth,	bank	details
of	a	natural	person	– that	is,	no	information	about	legal	persons
There	is	no	personal	connection	in	anonymised	data.
Principles	of	the	protection	of	personal	data:
10 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Data	Protection Risks and Impact
Consequences and risks in	case of	non-compliance with GDPR
Data	Protection	Risks	&	Impacts
1. Violation	of	Notification	Requirement	
Through	ignorance	when	existing	data	protection	breakdowns.	Fine	risk	increases	as	
more	rules	are	violated.
2. Administrative	Fines
Under	current	BDSG,	certain	violations	can	be	fined	with	up	to	50	k€,	more	severe	
violations	up	to	300	k€.
An	"incident"	can	be	both	an	actual	data	leak,	but	a	justified	complaint	is	already	
sufficient	with	the	competent	supervisory	authority.
3. Imprisonment
Up	to	2	years	imprisonment	for	data	protection	offenses.
4. Damage	Claims
In	case	of	a	data	breach,	damage	claims	from	data	subjects	can	easily	approach	
significant	levels	and	claims	could	possibly	be	enforced	in	the	personal	assets	of	the	
managing	directors	by	“piercing	the	corporate	veil”.
5. Failure	of	the	Insurance
If	the	manager	has	not	complied	with	the	statutory	provisions,	an	existing	insurance	
will	refuse	to	pay.
6. Damaged	Reputation
Could	result	from	a	data	breach	affecting	customers,	suppliers,	employees.		
7. Communication	of	Personal	Data	Breaches
If	data	is	transferred	into	the	wrong	hands,	the	data	controller	must	warn	the	
affected	data	subjects	immediately	in	writing.	If	this	would	involve	disproportionate	
effort,	there	shall	instead	be	public	communication.
Potential	Negative	Impact
Risk	Assessment	
It	is	assumed	that	fines	will	rise	proportionately	
to	the	increase	of	the	maximum	fines	in	GDPR	
compared	to	current	BDSG.
Pressure	to	create	data	protection	conformity	persistently	increases	in	the	context	of	the	
new	Data	Protection	Act.
11 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
§ Fines	range	from	EUR	50.000	to	300.000	per	
violation	(violations	can	be	cumulated)
§ Deletion	of	personal	data	acquired	and	processed	
for	a	particular	purpose	must	be	deleted	as	soon	
as	the	knowledge	of	this	data	is	no	longer	required	
for	that	purpose.
§ Information:	The	responsible	body	must	provide	
the	person	concerned,	on	request	and	free	of	
charge,	with	information	on	all	stored	data	with	
reference	to	persons,	recipients	and	the	purpose	
of	the	storage.
• (changed)	Fines	range	up	to	the	higher	of	20	M€	or	4%	of	total	
worldwide	annual	turnover	of	affected	companies.
• (new)	Right	to	data	portability	(Art.	20	GDPR)	
• (neu)	Privacy	by Design	and by Default	(Art.	25	GDPR)
• (changed)	‘Right	to	be	forgotten’	(Art.	17	GDPR)	far	exceeds	the	
current	right	to	deletion.
• (changed)	Obligations	regarding	transparency	and	disclosure	(Art.	
12	– 15	GDPR)	extend	the	current	right	to	disclosure	(e.g. ).
• (new)	Data	Protection	Impact	Assessment	(Art.	35	GDPR)	
§ Data	Protection by	May	2016	(Summary) § Data	Protection by	May	2018	(Summary)
A	data protection act for all	member states (small local derogations allowed)
All	data from organizations that EU	citizens can access are affected.
GDPR	is based on	the current guidelines (1995)	but	is more focused on	
the following areas:	
- Transparency for affected individuals
- Rights	of the affected individuals
- Ensuring „Privacy-by-Design"	
- Ability	to	demonstrate	compliance
The	pressure	to	act	and	create	data	protection	conformity	persistently	increases	in	the	
context	of	the	new	Basic	Data	Protection	Act	(DS-GVO	/	GDPR).
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
General	Data	Protection Regulation
A	General	Summary
20	Mil.	EUR	
or 4%
about Privacy	Poicy
Uniform	Rights	for EU	
Right	to be forgotten
&	Children
General	Data	Protection Regulation
Effective	and	frightening	fines	(Text	Article	83	(1)	GDPR)
Concerns	both	from	intent	and	negligence	also	from	managers,	data	protection	
officers	and	other	persons	involved	in	false	decisions	regarding	data	protection	
(up	to	20	Million	EUR)	
Fines	for	businesses	up	to	20	million	EUR	or	4%	of	the	global sales	last	year	
à These	fines are then considered antitrust penalties
Reversing	the	burden	of	proof	to	the	detriment	of	data	processing	companies:	
Not	only	to	ensure	but	to	provide	proof
Significantly	increase	the	need	for	systematic	solutions,	which	allow	for	a	
comprehensive	documentation	of	measures	
Violations	will	have	even	more	serious	monetary	consequences	for	companies.
What does it actually mean?
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
20	Mil.	EUR	
or 4%
about Privacy	Poicy
Uniform	Rights	for EU	
Right	to be forgotten
&	Children
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
15 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Important Steps/	Fields	of Action	for the Preparation and	Implementation	of the
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights	Concerned
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
11.	International
Important Steps/	Fields	of Action	for the Preparation and	Implementation	of the
16 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
IT	Relevant
In	Scope
IT	Relevant
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights	Concerned
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
11.	International
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights	Concerned
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
11.	International
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
Important Steps/	Fields	of	Action	for the Preparation and Implementation	
of	the EU-GDPR	/	EU-DS-GVO:
17 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
The	right to
be informed
The	right to object
The	right of	access
The	right to restrict
The	right to
The	right to data
The	right to erasure
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
11.	International
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy18
The	use	of	personal	data	in	energy	management	systems	leads	to	four	concrete	fields	of	
action	(extract).
Uses	of	personal	data	in	energy	management	IT	systems:
Fields	of Action
Comprehensive	real	data	in	
project	/	test	and	training	
Historical	data	in	productive	
Extensive	database	of	process	
SAP	Test,	Training and/or project
systems are built on a complete copy of
the production system.
The access to data is possible at any
time fully and partially depending on
the authorization.
After the processing of data, contracts
or service contracts, customer data is
passed on to new service providers.
The historical data remains current and
in the respective production systems.
Processes for acquisition and contract
processing generate data. The use of
this data is legitimate for the respective
After the process has been completed,
the data is still available without
Test	and	project system only
with anonymous data
Personal	data after	expiration of legitimation to be deleted
Anonymization	training	and	
testing	system	
Delete	historical data
Lock	and	implement
continuous data managment
Customer	requests	to	provide	
Requests	for	information	about	the	
affected	persons	concerning	the	
storage	and	processing	of	their	
personal	data.	
Information is currently available as a
manual process and information can
only be provided with high effort and
usually not in the legally prescribed
Structured,	IT-supported	
2 3 Request	for	information	
about	personal	data	
The	use	of	personal	data	in	IT	processing	systems	leads	to	concrete	fields	of	action.	
Historical	data	in	productive	
After the processing of data, contracts
or service contracts, customer data is
passed on to new service providers.
The historical data remains current
and in the respective production
Extensive	database	of	
process	execution
Processes for acquisition and contract
processing generate data. The use of
this data is legitimate for the
respective purpose.
After the process has been completed,
the data is still available without
Customer	requests	to	provide	
Requests	for	information	about	the	
affected	persons	concerning	the	
storage	and	processing	of	their	
personal	data.	
Information	must	be	provided	in	a	
structured,	electronic	form	with	the	
following	specifics;	the	place,	the	
reason	and	the	recipient	as	well	as	
the	duration	of	the	storage	/	deletion	
Comprehensive	real	data	in	
project	/	test	and	training	
SAP	Test,	Training and/or project
systems are built on-a complete copy
of the production system.
The access to data is possible at any
time extensively and partially
depending on the authorization.
û (1)	To	be	implemented
û (2)	To	be	implemented
û (3)	To	be	implemented
Company	codes in	system
with verified legitimation
ChangeInterested Persons Inactive
aabout.	120	p.a.
Access	– dark	figure
Data	surveys	with	legitimation	to	be	
(Current year)	
Right	of	access	by	the	data	
subject	(§ 15	GDPR)
*		Number	of	inquiries	across	all	service	providers	currently
can	not	be	determined
*	Change	=	Rejected	bills	of	exchange	and	storage	of	data
û (3)	To	be	implemented
1 2 3 4
Real	data in	secondary system
(Access	restricted	/	restricted	access	/	data	
475.000	Customers
Extensive Limited Anonym.
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
The	use	of	personal	data	in	the	IT	settlement	systems	leads	to	concrete	fields	of	action.	
(deletion	of	the	action	field)
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Historical	Data	in	Productive System
„Be	Forgotten“
Art. 5 Abs. (1) e)
Identification of the data subject shall only be possible for as
long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.
Art. 17
The person concerned has the right to require the person
responsible to immediately delete any personal data relating to
him. The responsible person is obliged to immediately delete
personal data
• Fulfillment of purpose
• Revocation of consent
• Opposition to processing
• Unlawful processing (including children)
All	relevant	data	must	be	deleted	from	the	productive	system.	A	
pure	"closure"	of	the	data	is	not	sufficient.
Right	to Delete
Transfer	of data at	service provider charge
BuKrs Designation
0400 Business	1
0600 Business	2
0800 Business	3
0800 Business	3
Full	historical	data	transfer	to	
new	service	providers
Archive	System
Output	Control
Contract-/	Postal	Control
Customer	Self	Services
ELKO	Processing
(Classic	/	HR)
Management	of	interests	&	
Data	Exchange
Credit Check
Data	Processing	in	Major	IT	Systems	
(Insurance	/	Energy	/	Banking	/	Telecommunications…)
The	use	of	personal	data	in	the	IT	settlement	systems	leads	to	concrete	fields	of	action.	
(data	management	fields	of	action)
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Process-oriented Deletion	of Data
The	relevant	data	must	be	deleted	from	the	productive	system	
after	completion	of	the	event	or	after	expiry	of	the	deadline.
Standard	Process of Contract Management
Prospect	management,	acquire process	&	credit	check
Contract	management	of	an	ongoing	business	relationship
(billing,	receivables	management,	claims	management,...)
Contract end	/	final	settlement
Contract initiation
(initiation	cancellation	/	change	of	tenant	/	contract	change)
A	=	Archive	System
P	=	Output/Print
The	use	of	personal	data	in	the	IT	settlement	systems	leads	to	concrete	fields	of	
action.	(anonymization	of	the	field	of	action)
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Comprehensive	real	data	in	project,	test	and	training	systems
"[..] Software and IT procedures are to be checked with
systematically developed case constellations (test data,
no personal data) according to a test plan, from which
the desired result emerges.
Mass tests can, if necessary, be carried out with
anonymized original data after approval and
specifications of the competent authority.
The approval of the responsible authority for the
anonymization of original data and all test results must
be documented in a revision-proof manner.
IT	Baseline	Protection	Catalogs
13. EL on 2013, M 2.509):
In	SAP	test- or project systems,	no personal	data may	be	held.	All	test	
procedures	must	be	carried	out	with	anonymous	data.
Sample	of SAP	System	Landscape
The	use	of	personal	data	in	the	IT	settlement	systems	leads	to	concrete	fields	of	action	
(field	of	action	information	and	portability).
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Right	to	information	of	personal	data	from	those	affected
Extract	of	the	risks	/	challenges	of	new	transparency	obligations	starting in	2018	
EU-DSGVO	Art.	12	Abs.	3	(Frist)	/	EU-DSGVO	Art.	13/14/15	(Umfang)
Organization or
Single	Person
Example EVU(current)
Ø	41	Tage
Future:	information	on	collected	personal	data
Average	working	time	(day)
for	Information	Request	§ 34	BDSG
KW26 KW13KW03KW46KW36
19 19
Privacy policy statement must include memory / erased data fine kit for
supervisory	authorities,	associations, competitors & affected persons
Lack	of	implementation	of	a	declared	status	quo
Purpose	of	breach	of	conformity:	high	(personal)	risk	of	liability
Individual	/	org.	requests	information	/	requests	data	transmission
Within	one	month,	information	and	/	or	transmission	must	be	provided
Supervisory authority / court meets ad-hoc order for implementation.
Immediate implementation of data protection conditions and requirements
In the case of a delay, non-conformity or incorrect answer Public Disputes /
Announcement, Monetary and Sustainable impact and Reputation damage
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy16
Next	steps	have	to	be	planned	in	phases	to	target	a	short-term	implementation	of	higher	
data	privacy	rights	of	personal	data	in	the	respective	systems.
High-level	Roadmap	for	Next	Steps
Phase	I Phase	II Phase	III Phase	IV
Establish	general	process
Establish	general	process
Implementation	of	IT-based	
provisioning	of	information
Deletion	of	data	from	general		
Approach	certification
Deletion	of	historical	data
Establish	organizational	process	flow
Classification	of	data	from	general	
Adhoc	anonymization
Deletion	concept	of	historical	data
Concept	how	to	provide	information
Deletion	concept	of	process	data
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
Solutions	in	the	Implementation	of	the	GDPR	in	SAP	System	Landscapes	
26 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights	Concerned
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
11.	International
Solutions	in	the	implementation	of	the	GDPR	in	SAP	system	landscapes	(excerpt)
Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Solutions	for	implementation	per	field	of	action
Fields	of Action
Comprehensive	real	data	in	
project	/	test	and	training	systems
Historical	data	in	productive	
Extensive	database	of	process	
Test- and	project system only with
anonymous data
Anonymization	training	and	
testing	system	
Delete	historical data
Lock	and	Implement
continuous data managment.
Customer	requests	to	provide	
Request	for	information	about	
personal	data	
Natuvion	DCS
(Data	selection and data deletion)		
(Data	locking and	data deletion)		
Natuvion	TDA
(Pseudonymization of systems and	data)
Natuvion	EDA
(Test	data generation and duplication)
(Pseudonymization of systems and	data)
Natuvion	DDI
(Data	information and	search)
(Data	information and	search)	
SAP	LT	2.0
(Data	selection and	data deletion)		
SAP	Archiving
(Data	selection and	data deletion)		
SAP	ILM	Decommissioning
(System	replacement)		
Personal	data after	expiration of legitimation to be deleted
Conformal	use	of	approval	&	
Conformal	use	of	approval	&	
SAP	Consent
(Collection	&	processing	of	consent)
Structured,	IT-supported	processing
Services	within	the	framework	of	the	preparation,	planning,	
implementation	and	monitoring	of	the	EU-DGPR
28 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
1.	Awareness
2.	Amount of Data
3.	Privacy	Statement
4.	Rights	Concerned
5.	List	of Procedures
6.	Consent
7.	Children
8.	Data	Privacy	
9.	PIA	
and	DPbyD
10.	Data	
Protection Officer
11.	International
Services	im	Rahmen	der	Vorbereitung,	Planung,	Umsetzung	und	
Überwachung	der	EU-GDPR	
29 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
During a one-day workshop, experts from Natuvion GmbH and an expert on data protection will examine and analyze
the data protection law situation within your company's SAP system landscape. In addition, we work together with you
to develop a well-founded approach that will help you meet the most stringent legal requirements.
Webcast	Series	Data	Security	and	Data	Privacy
Data	Security	and	Privacy	Policy
Overview of Fields	of Action	
Overview of Solutions	&	Services	
Natuvion GmbH
Altrottstraße 31 | 69190 Walldorf
Fon +49 6227 73-1400
Fax +49 6227 73-1410
We	look	forward	to	your	questions	and	concerns!	
Patric Dahse
Fon: +49 151 171 357 02
18 Data	Security	and Data	Privacy
Visit us on	our website!
Data	Protection &	Privacy
Patric	Dahse
Managing	Director
Natuvion	GmbH
Altrottstr.	31
69190	Walldorf
T	+49	(0)	6227.73	-1400
F	+49	(0)	6227.73	-1410
Areas	of expertise:
§ Data	Protection &	Privacy	
§ SAP	Transformation

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