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Ronny	Kohavi,	Distinguished	Engineer,	General	Manager,
Analysis	and	Experimentation,	Microsoft
Joint	work	with	Thomas	Crook,	Brian	Frasca, and	Roger	Longbotham,	A&E	Team
A/B	Testing	Pitfalls
Slides	at
Ronny	Kohavi 2
A/B	Tests	in	One	Slide
ØConcept	is	trivial
§Randomly	split	traffic	between	two	(or	more)	versions
oA	(Control)
oB	(Treatment)
§Collect	metrics	of	interest
ØA/B	test	is	the	simplest	controlled	experiment
§A/B/n	refers	to	multiple	treatments	(often	used	and	encouraged:	try	control	+	two	or	three	treatments)
§MVT	refers	to	multivariable	designs	(rarely	used	by	our	teams)
ØMust	run	statistical	tests	to	confirm	differences	are	not	due	to	chance
ØBest	scientific	way	to	prove	causality,	i.e.,	the	changes	in	metrics	are	caused	by	changes	
introduced	in	the	treatment(s)
ConversionXL Audience	Statistics
Ronny	Kohavi 3
20% 20%
None Few 12	(one	per	
15-30 Lots	and	lots
Experiments	per	year	run	by	attendees
based	on	pre-conference	survey	(N=118)
83%	of	attendees	ran	less	than	30	experiments	last	year.
Experimenters	at	Microsoft	use	our	ExP	platform	to	start	~30	experiments	per	day
Experimentation	at	Scale
ØI’ve	been	fortunate	to	work	at	an	organization	that	values	being	data-driven	(video)
ØWe	finish	about	~300	experiment	treatments	per	week,	mostly	on	Bing,	MSN,	but	also	on	
Office,	OneNote,	Xbox,	Cortana,	Skype,	Exchange,	OneDrive.
(These	are	“real”	useful	treatments,	not	3x10x10	MVT	=	300.)
ØEach	variant	is	exposed	to	between	100K	and	millions	of	users,	sometimes	tens	of	millions
ØAt	Bing,	90%	of	eligible	users	are	in	experiments	(10%	are	a	global	holdout	changed	once	a	year)
ØThere	is	no	single	Bing.			Since	a	user
is	exposed	to	over	15	concurrent
experiments,	they	get	one	of
5^15	=	30	billion	variants	
(debugging	takes	a	new	meaning).
ØUntil	2014,	the	system	was
limiting	usage	as	it	scaled.
Now	the	limits	come	from	
engineers’	ability	to	code	new	ideas
Ronny	Kohavi 4
Two	Valuable	Real	Experiments
ØWhat	is	a	valuable	experiment?
§Absolute	value	of	delta	between	expected	outcome	and	actual	outcome	is	large
§If	you	thought	something	is	going	to	win	and	it	wins,	you	have	not	learned	much
§If	you	thought	it	was	going	to	win	and	it	loses,	it’s	valuable	(learning)
§If	you	thought	it	was	“meh”	and	it	was	a	breakthrough,	it’s	HIGHLY	valuable
See for	some	examples	of	breakthroughs
ØExperiments	ran	at	Microsoft’s	Bing	with	millions	of	users	in	each
ØFor	each	experiment,	we	provide	the	OEC,	the	Overall	Evaluation	Criterion
ØCan	you	guess	the	winner	correctly?	Three	choices	are:
oA	wins		(the	difference	is	statistically	significant)
oFlat:	A	and	B	are	approximately	the	same	(no	stat	sig	diff)
oB	wins
Example	:	Bing	Ads	with	Site	Links
ØShould	Bing	add	“site	links”	to	ads,	which	allow	advertisers	to	offer	several	
destinations	on	ads?
ØOEC:	Revenue,	ads	constraint	to	same	vertical	pixels	on	avg
ØPro	adding:	richer	ads,	users	better	informed	where	they	land
ØCons:	Constraint	means	on	average	4	“A”	ads	vs.	3	“B”	ads
Variant	B	is	5msc	slower	(compute	+	higher	page	weight)
Ronny	Kohavi 6
• Raise	your	left	hand	if	you	think	A	Wins	(left)
• Raise	your	right	hand	if	you	think	B	Wins	(right)
• Don’t	raise	your	hand	if	they	are	the	about	the	same
Bing	Ads	with	Site	Links
ØIf	you	raised	your	left	hand,	you	were	wrong
ØIf	you	did	not	raise	a	hand,	you	were	wrong
ØSite	links	generate	incremental	revenue	on	the	order	of	tens	of	millions	of	dollars	
annually	for	Bing
ØThe	above	change	was	costly	to	implement.	We	made	two	small	changes	to	Bing,	which	
took	days	to	develop,	each	increased	annual	revenues	by	over	$100	million
Ronny	Kohavi 7
Example:	Underlining	Links
ØDoes	underlining	increase	or	decrease	clickthrough-rate?
Ronny	Kohavi 8
Example	4:	Underlining	Links
ØDoes	underlining	increase	or	decrease	clickthrough-rate?
ØOEC:	Clickthrough	Rate	on	search	engine	result	page	(SERP)	for	a	query
Ronny	Kohavi 9
A	(with	underlines) B	(no	underlines)
• Raise	your	left	hand	if	you	think	A	Wins	(left,	with	underlines)
• Raise	your	right	hand	if	you	think	B	Wins	(right,	without	underlines)
• Don’t	raise	your	hand	if	they	are	the	about	the	same
ØIf	you	raised	your	right	hand,	you	were	wrong
ØIf	you	did	not	raise	a	hand,	you	were	wrong
ØUnderlines	improve	clickthrough-rate	for	both	algorithmic	results	and	ads	(so	more	
revenue)	and	improve	time	to	successful	click
ØModern	web	designs	do	away	with	underlines,	and	most	sites	have	adopted	this	design,	
despite	data	showing	that	users	click	less	and	take	more	time	to	click
ØFor	search	engines	(Google,	Bing	Yahoo),	this	is	a	very	questionable	industry	direction
Ronny	Kohavi 10
Pitfall	1:	Misinterpreting	P-values
ØNHST	=	Null	Hypothesis	Statistical	Testing,	the	“standard”	model	commonly	used
ØP-value	<=	0.05	is	the	“standard”	for	rejecting	the	Null	hypothesis
ØP-value	is	often	mis-interpreted.		
Here	are	some	incorrect	statements	from	Steve	Goodman’s	A	Dirty	Dozen
1. If	P	=	.05,	the	null	hypothesis	has	only	a	5%	chance	of	being	true
2. A	non-significant	difference	(e.g.,	P	>.05)	means	there	is	no	difference	between	groups
3. P	=	.05	means	that	we	have	observed	data	that	would	occur	only	5%	of	the	time	under	the	null	hypothesis
4. P	=	.05	means	that	if	you	reject	the	null	hyp,	the	probability	of	a	type	I	error	(false	positive)	is	only	5%
ØThe	problem	is	that	p-value	gives	us	Prob (X	>=	x	|	H_0),	whereas	what	we	want	is
Prob (H_0	|	X	=	x)
Ronny	Kohavi 11
Pitfall	2:	Expecting	Breakthroughs
Ø Breakthroughs	are	rare	after	initial	optimizations.
§At	Bing	(well	optimized),	80%	of	ideas	fail	to	show	value
§At	other	products	across	Microsoft,	about	2/3	of	ideas	fail
ØTake	Sessions/User,	a	key	metric	at	Bing.
Historically,	it	improves	0.02%	of	the	time:	that’s	one	in	5,000	treatments	we	try!
ØMost	of	the	time,	we	invoke	Twyman’s	law	(	
ØNote	relationship	to	prior	pitfall
§With	standard	p-value	computations,	5%	of	experiments	will	show	stat-sig	movement	to	Sessions/User	
when	there	is	no	real	movement	(i.e.,	if	the	Null	Hypothesis	is	true),	half	of	those	positive	
§99.6%	of	the	time,	a	stat-sig	movement	with	p-value	=	0.05	will	be	a	false	positive
Ronny	Kohavi 12
Any	figure	that	looks	interesting	or	different	is	usually	wrong
Pitfall	3:	Not	Checking	for	SRM
ØSRM	=	Sample	Ratio	Mismatch
ØIf	you	run	an	experiment	with	equal	percentages	assigned	to	Control/Treatment	(A/B),	
you	should	have	approximately	the	same	number	of	users	in	each
ØReal	example	from	an	experiment	alert	I	received	this	week:
§Control:	821,588	users,	Treatment:	815,482	users
§Ratio:	50.2%	(should	have	been	50%)
§Should	I	be	worried?
§The	p-value	is	1.8e-6,	so	the	probability	of	this	split	(or	more	extreme)	happening	by	chance	is	less	than	1	
in	500,000
§Note	that	the	above	statement	is	not	a	violation	of	the	pitfall	#1	because	by	the	experiment	design,	there	
should	be	an	equal	number	of	users	in	control/treatment,	so	we	want	the	conditional	probability
P(actual	split=50.2%	|	designed	split=50%)
Ronny	Kohavi 13
Pitfall	4:	Wrong	Success	Metric	(OEC)
ØOffice	Online	tested	new	design	for	homepage
ØObjective:	increase	sales	of	Office	products
ØOverall	Evaluation	Criterion	(OEC)	was	clicks	to	the	Buy	Button	[shown	in	red	boxes]
Which	one	was	better?
Pitfall:	Wrong	OEC
ØTreatment	had	a	drop	in	the	OEC	(clicks	on	buy)	of	64%!
ØNot	having	the	price	shown	in	the	Control	lead	more	people	to	click	to	determine	the	price
ØLesson:	measure	what	you	really	need	to	measure:	actual	sales
(it	is	more	difficult	at	times)
ØLesson	2:	Focus	on	long-term	customer	lifetime	value
ØPeep	in	keynote	here	said	(he	was	OK	with	me	mentioning	this):
§What’s	the	goal?		More	money	right	now
§Common	pitfall:	You	want	to	optimize	long-termmoney.		NOT	right	now.
Raising	prices	gets	you	short-term	money,	but	long-term	abandonment
ØComing	up	with	a	good	OEC	using	short-term	metrics	is	REALLY	hard
Example:	OEC	for	Search
ØKDD	2012 Paper:	Trustworthy	Online	Controlled	Experiments:	
Five	Puzzling	Outcomes	Explained
ØSearch	engines	(Bing,	Google)	are	evaluated	on	query	share	(distinct	queries)	and	
revenue	as	long-term	goals
§A	ranking	bug	in	an	experiment	resulted	in	very	poor	search	results
§Degraded	(algorithmic)	search	results	cause	users	to	search	more	to	complete	
their	task,	and	ads	appear	more	relevant
§Distinct	queries	went	up	over	10%,	and	revenue	went	up	over	30%
ØThis	problem	is	now	in	the	book	data	science	interviews	exposed
ØWhat	metrics	should	be	in	the	OEC	for	a	search	engine?
Ronny	Kohavi 16
Puzzle	Explained
ØAnalyzing	queries	per	month,	we	have
where	a	session	begins	with	a	query	and	ends	with	30-minutes	of	inactivity.	
(Ideally,	we	would	look	at	tasks,	not	sessions).
ØKey	observation:	we	want	users	to	find	answers	and	complete	tasks	quickly,	
so	queries/session	should	be	smaller
ØIn	a	controlled	experiment,	the	variants	get	(approximately)	the	same	
number	of	users	by	design,	so	the	last	term	is	about	equal
ØThe	OEC	should	therefore	include	the	middle	term:	sessions/user
Ronny	Kohavi 17
Bad	OEC	Example
ØYour	data	scientists	makes	an	observation:
2%	of	queries	end	up	with	“No	results.”		
ØManager:	must	reduce.
Assigns	a	team	to	minimize	“no	results”	metric
ØMetric	improves,	but	results	for	query
brochure	paper
are	crap	(or	in	this	case,	paper	to	clean	crap)
ØSometimes	it	*is*	better	to	show	“No	Results.”
Real	example	from	my	Amazon	Prime	now	search	3/26/2016
Ronny	Kohavi 18
Pitfall	5:	Combining	Data	when	Treatment	Percent	
Varies	with	time
ØSimplified	example:	1,000,000	users	per	day
ØFor	each	individual	day	the	Treatment	is	much	better
ØHowever,	cumulative	result	for	Treatment	is	worse (Simpson’s	paradox)
Conversion	Rate	
for	two	days
Friday Saturday
C/T	split:	99/1 C/T	split:	50/50
=	2.02%
=	1.00%
=	1.68%
990,000 500,000 1,490,000
=	2.30%
=	1.20%
=	1.22%
10,000 500,000 510,000
Pitfall	6:	Get	the	Stats	Right
ØTwo	very	good	books	on	A/B	testing	(A/B	Testing	from	Optimizely	founders	
Dan	Siroker and	Peter	Koomen;	and	You	Should	Test	That	by	WiderFunnel’s
CEO	Chris	Goward)	get	the	stats	wrong	(see	Amazon	reviews).
ØOptimizely	recently	updated	their	stats	in	the	product	to	correct	for	this
ØBest	techniques	to	find	issues:	run	A/A	tests
§Like	an	A/B	test,	but	both	variants	are	exactly	the	same
§Are	users	split	according	to	the	planned	percentages?
§Is	the	data	collected	matching	the	system	of	record?
§Are	the	results	showing	non-significant	results	95%	of	the	time?
Ronny	Kohavi 20
More	Pitfalls
ØSee	KDD	paper:	Seven	Pitfalls	to	Avoid	when	Running	Controlled	Experiments	on	the	Web	
ØIncorrectly	computing	confidence	intervals	for	percent	change	
ØUsing	standard	statistical	formulas	for	computations	of	variance	and	power
ØNeglecting	to	filter	robots/bots
Lucrative	business,	as	shown	in	photo	I	took		->
ØInstrumentation	issues
Ronny	Kohavi 21
ØHiPPO	=	Highest	Paid	Person’s	Opinion
ØWe	made	thousands	toy	HiPPOs	and	handed	them
at	Microsoft	to	help	change	the	culture
ØGrab	one	here	at	ConversionXL
ØChange	the	culture	at	your	company
ØFact:	Hippos	kill	more	humans	than	any	other (non-human)	mammal
ØListen	to	the	customers	and	don’t	let	the	HiPPO	kill	good	ideas
Ronny	Kohavi 22
Ronny	Kohavi 23
Getting	numbers	is	easy;	
getting	numbers	you	can	trust	is	hard
Slides	at
See for	papers.
Plane	reading	booklets	with	selected	papers	available	outside	room
Remember	this

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