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디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래

최윤섭, PhD
출간 기념 저자 강연회
“It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. 

It's technology married with liberal arts.”
The Convergence of IT, BT and Medicine
최윤섭 지음
컴퓨터공학, 생명과학, 의학의 융합을 통해 디지
털 헬스케어 분야의 혁신을 창출하고 사회적 가
치를 만드는 것을 화두로 삼고 있는 융합생명과학자, 미래의료학자,
기업가, 엔젤투자가, 에반젤리스트이다. 국내 디지털 헬스케어 분야
의 대표적인 전문가로, 활발한 연구, 저술 및 강연 등을 통해 국내에
이 분야를 처음 소개한 장본인이다.
포항공과대학교에서 컴퓨터공학과 생명과학을 복수전공하였으며
동 대학원 시스템생명공학부에서 전산생물학으로 이학박사 학위를
취득하였다. 스탠퍼드대학교 방문연구원, 서울의대 암연구소 연구
조교수, KT 종합기술원 컨버전스연구소 팀장, 서울대병원 의생명연
구원 연구조교수 등을 거쳤다. 『사이언스』를 비롯한 세계적인 과학
저널에 10여 편의 논문을 발표했다.
국내 최초로 디지털 헬스케어를 본격적으로 연구하는 연구소인 ‘최
윤섭 디지털 헬스케어 연구소’를 설립하여 소장을 맡고 있다. 또한
국내 유일의 헬스케어 스타트업 전문 엑셀러레이터 ‘디지털 헬스케
어 파트너스’의 공동 창업자 및 대표 파트너로 혁신적인 헬스케어
스타트업을 의료 전문가들과 함께 발굴, 투자, 육성하고 있다. 성균
관대학교 디지털헬스학과 초빙교수로도 재직 중이다.
뷰노, 직토, 3billion, 서지컬마인드, 닥터다이어리, VRAD, 메디히어,
소울링, 메디히어, 모바일닥터 등의 헬스케어 스타트업에 투자하고
자문을 맡아 한국에서도 헬스케어 혁신을 만들어내기 위해 노력하
고 있다. 국내 최초의 디지털 헬스케어 전문 블로그 『최윤섭의 헬스
케어 이노베이션』에 활발하게 집필하고 있으며, 『매일경제』에 칼럼
을 연재하고 있다. 저서로 『헬스케어 이노베이션: 이미 시작된 미래』
와 『그렇게 나는 스스로 기업이 되었다』가 있다.
의료 인공지능은 보수적인 의료 시스템을 재편할 혁신을 일으키고 있다. 의료 인공지능의 빠른 발전과
광범위한 영향은 전문화, 세분화되며 발전해 온 현대 의료 전문가들이 이해하기가 어려우며, 어디서부
터 공부해야 할지도 막연하다. 이런 상황에서 의료 인공지능의 개념과 적용, 그리고 의사와의 관계를 쉽
게 풀어내는 이 책은 좋은 길라잡이가 될 것이다. 특히 미래의 주역이 될 의학도와 젊은 의료인에게 유용
한 소개서이다.
━ 서준범, 서울아산병원 영상의학과 교수, 의료영상인공지능사업단장
인공지능이 의료의 패러다임을 크게 바꿀 것이라는 것에 동의하지 않는 사람은 거의 없다. 하지만 인공
지능이 처리해야 할 의료의 난제는 많으며 그 해결 방안도 천차만별이다. 흔히 생각하는 만병통치약 같
은 의료 인공지능은 존재하지 않는다. 이 책은 다양한 의료 인공지능의 개발, 활용 및 가능성을 균형 있
게 분석하고 있다. 인공지능을 도입하려는 의료인, 생소한 의료 영역에 도전할 인공지능 연구자 모두에
게 일독을 권한다.
━ 정지훈, 경희사이버대 미디어커뮤니케이션학과 선임강의교수, 의사
서울의대 기초의학교육을 책임지고 있는 교수의 입장에서, 산업화 이후 변하지 않은 현재의 의학 교육
으로는 격변하는 인공지능 시대에 의대생을 대비시키지 못한다는 한계를 절실히 느낀다. 저와 함께 의
대 인공지능 교육을 개척하고 있는 최윤섭 소장의 전문적 분석과 미래 지향적 안목이 담긴 책이다. 인공
지능이라는 미래를 대비할 의대생과 교수, 그리고 의대 진학을 고민하는 학생과 학부모에게 추천한다.
━ 최형진, 서울대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 교수, 내과 전문의
최근 의료 인공지능의 도입에 대해서 극단적인 시각과 태도가 공존하고 있다. 이 책은 다양한 사례와 깊
은 통찰을 통해 의료 인공지능의 현황과 미래에 대해 균형적인 시각을 제공하여, 인공지능이 의료에 본
격적으로 도입되기 위한 토론의 장을 마련한다. 의료 인공지능이 일상화된 10년 후 돌아보았을 때, 이 책
이 그런 시대를 이끄는 길라잡이 역할을 하였음을 확인할 수 있기를 기대한다.
━ 정규환, 뷰노 CTO
의료 인공지능은 다른 분야 인공지능보다 더 본질적인 이해가 필요하다. 단순히 인간의 일을 대신하는
수준을 넘어 의학의 패러다임을 데이터 기반으로 변화시키기 때문이다. 따라서 인공지능을 균형있게 이
해하고, 어떻게 의사와 환자에게 도움을 줄 수 있을지 깊은 고민이 필요하다. 세계적으로 일어나고 있는
이러한 노력의 결과물을 집대성한 이 책이 반가운 이유다.
━ 백승욱, 루닛 대표
의료 인공지능의 최신 동향뿐만 아니라, 의의와 한계, 전망, 그리고 다양한 생각거리까지 주는 책이다.
논쟁이 되는 여러 이슈에 대해서도 저자는 자신의 시각을 명확한 근거에 기반하여 설득력 있게 제시하
고 있다. 개인적으로는 이 책을 대학원 수업 교재로 활용하려 한다.
━ 신수용, 성균관대학교 디지털헬스학과 교수
값 20,000원
ISBN 979-11-86269-99-2
미래의료학자 최윤섭 박사가 제시하는
의료 인공지능의 현재와 미래
의료 딥러닝과 IBM 왓슨의 현주소
인공지능은 의사를 대체하는가
값 20,000원
ISBN 979-11-86269-99-2
소울링, 메디히어, 모바일닥터 등의 헬스케어 스타트업에 투자하고
자문을 맡아 한국에서도 헬스케어 혁신을 만들어내기 위해 노력하
고 있다. 국내 최초의 디지털 헬스케어 전문 블로그 『최윤섭의 헬스
케어 이노베이션』에 활발하게 집필하고 있으며, 『매일경제』에 칼럼
을 연재하고 있다. 저서로 『헬스케어 이노베이션: 이미 시작된 미래』
와 『그렇게 나는 스스로 기업이 되었다』가 있다.
(2014) (2018) (2020)
•1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다.

•2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가.

•3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제.

•4. 미래로 가는 길
•1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다.

•2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가.

•3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제.

•4. 미래로 가는 길
의료가 맞이하는 피할 수 없는 쓰나미
기하급수적 발전
“체스판의 쌀알 한 톨로 시작해서…”
기하급수적 발전
기하급수적 발전
•기술의 발전은 우리의 생각보다 훨씬 빠르다.

•그리고 그 속도는 계속 기하급수적으로 증가한다.
•현재에 기반한 아무리 과감한 예측도, 

•결과적으로는 매우 보수적인 것일 수 있다.
•2018년에는 $8.1B 가 투자되며 역대 최대 규모를 또 한 번 갱신 (전년 대비 42.% 증가)

•총 368개의 딜 (전년 359 대비 소폭 증가): 개별 딜의 규모가 커졌음

•전체 딜의 절반이 seed 혹은 series A 투자였음

•‘초기 기업들이 역대 최고로 큰 규모의 투자를’, ‘역대 가장 자주’ 받고 있음
•2018년에는 $8.1B 가 투자되며 역대 최대 규모를 또 한 번 갱신 (전년 대비 42.% 증가)

•2019년은 역대 두 번째로 큰 투자가 집행될 것으로 예상 (2018년에는 못 미치지만, 2017년 보다는 큼)

•총 투자 건 수, 건당 투자 규모 역시 2018년에 조금 못 미치는 정도
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Deal Count
Funding surpassed 2017 numbers by almost $3B, making 2018 the fourth consecutive increase in capital investment and
largest since we began tracking digital health funding in 2010. Deal volume decreased from Q3 to Q4, but deal sizes spiked,
with $3B invested in Q4 alone. Average deal size in 2018 was $21M, a $6M increase from 2017.
Source: StartUp Health Insights | Note: Report based on public data through 12/31/18 on seed (incl. accelerator), venture, corporate venture, and private equity funding only. © 2019 StartUp Health LLC
•글로벌 투자 추이를 보더라도, 2018년 역대 최대 규모: $14.6B

•2015년 이후 4년 연속 증가 중
$1.96B $1B
$12B Valuation
38 healthcare unicorns valued at $90.7B
Global VC-backed digital health companies with a private market valuation of $1B+ (7/26/19)
$1B Valuation
$1B $1B
$2B Valuation
$5.5B Valuation
$1.1B $3.5B
CB Insights, Global Healthcare Reports 2019 2Q
•전 세계적으로 38개의 디지털 헬스케어 유니콘 스타트업 (=기업가치 $1B 이상) 이 있으나, 

•국내에는 하나도 없음
Life Science & Health
Enterprise & Data
Life Science & Health
Data & AI
2014 2015
Investment of GoogleVentures in 2014-2015
Firm 2017 YTD Deals Stage
Early Mid Late
1 7
1 7
2 6
2 6
3 5
3 5
3 5
3 5
We are seeing huge strides in new investors pouring money into the digital health market, however all the top 10 investors of
2017 year to date are either maintaining or increasing their investment activity.
Source: StartUp Health Insights | Note: Report based on public data on seed, venture, corporate venture and private equity funding only. © 2017 StartUp Health LLC
•Google Ventures와 Khosla Ventures가 각각 7개로 공동 1위, 

•GE Ventures와 Accel Partners가 6건으로 공동 2위를 기록

•GV 가 투자한 기업

•virtual fitness membership network를 만드는 뉴욕의 ClassPass

•Remote clinical trial 회사인 Science 37

•Digital specialty prescribing platform ZappRx 등에 투자.

•Khosla Ventures 가 투자한 기업

•single-molecule 검사 장비를 만드는 TwoPoreGuys

•Mabu라는 AI-powered patient engagement robot 을 만드는 Catalia Health에 투자.
•최근 3년 동안 Merck, J&J, GSK 등의 제약사들의 디지털 헬스케어 분야 투자 급증

•2015-2016년 총 22건의 deal (=2010-2014년의 5년간 투자 건수와 동일)

•Merck 가 가장 활발: 2009년부터 Global Health Innovation Fund 를 통해 24건 투자 ($5-7M)

•GSK 의 경우 2014년부터 6건 (via VC arm, SR One): including Propeller Health
표 2
우리나라는 디지털 헬스케어 산업이 성장하기 좋은 여건을 갖추고 있다. 첫째, 높은 수준의 의료기술
력을 보유하고 있다. 2018년 OECD 통계에 따르면, 최근 5년간(2010~2014년) 국내 주요 암 환자
글로벌 디지털 헬스케어 누적투자액 TOP 100
글로벌 헬스케어 스타트업 중 대부분이 한국에서는 불법
스타트업 코리아, ‘디지털 헬스케어’, 아산나눔재단 등, 2018
넓은 의미의 건강 관리에는 해당되지만, 

디지털 기술이 적용되지 않고, 전문 의료 영역도 아닌 것

예) 운동, 영양, 수면
디지털 헬스케어
건강 관리 중에 디지털 기술이 사용되는 것

예) 사물인터넷, 인공지능, 3D 프린터, VR/AR
모바일 헬스케어
디지털 헬스케어 중 

모바일 기술이 사용되는 것

예) 스마트폰, 사물인터넷, SNS
개인 유전정보분석
암유전체, 질병위험도, 

보인자, 약물 민감도
웰니스, 조상 분석
질병 예방, 치료, 처방, 관리 

등 전문 의료 영역
원격 환자 모니터링
전화, 화상, 판독
명상 앱
ADHD 치료 게임

디지털 치료제
중독 치료 앱
헬스케어 관련 분야 구성도
Digital medicine, on its way to being just plain medicine
npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:20175 ; doi:10.1038/
There are already nearly 30,000 peer-reviewed English-language
scientific journals, producing an estimated 2.5 million articles a year.1
So why another, and why one focused specifically on digital
To answer that question, we need to begin by defining what
“digital medicine” means: using digital tools to upgrade the
practice of medicine to one that is high-definition and far more
individualized. It encompasses our ability to digitize human beings
using biosensors that track our complex physiologic systems, but
also the means to process the vast data generated via algorithms,
cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. It has the potential to
democratize medicine, with smartphones as the hub, enabling
each individual to generate their own real world data and being
far more engaged with their health. Add to this new imaging
tools, mobile device laboratory capabilities, end-to-end digital
clinical trials, telemedicine, and one can see there is a remarkable
array of transformative technology which lays the groundwork for
a new form of healthcare.
As is obvious by its definition, the far-reaching scope of digital
medicine straddles many and widely varied expertise. Computer
scientists, healthcare providers, engineers, behavioral scientists,
ethicists, clinical researchers, and epidemiologists are just some of
the backgrounds necessary to move the field forward. But to truly
accelerate the development of digital medicine solutions in health
requires the collaborative and thoughtful interaction between
individuals from several, if not most of these specialties. That is the
primary goal of npj Digital Medicine: to serve as a cross-cutting
resource for everyone interested in this area, fostering collabora-
tions and accelerating its advancement.
Current systems of healthcare face multiple insurmountable
challenges. Patients are not receiving the kind of care they want
and need, caregivers are dissatisfied with their role, and in most
countries, especially the United States, the cost of care is
unsustainable. We are confident that the development of new
systems of care that take full advantage of the many capabilities
that digital innovations bring can address all of these major issues.
Researchers too, can take advantage of these leading-edge
technologies as they enable clinical research to break free of the
confines of the academic medical center and be brought into the
real world of participants’ lives. The continuous capture of multiple
interconnected streams of data will allow for a much deeper
refinement of our understanding and definition of most pheno-
types, with the discovery of novel signals in these enormous data
sets made possible only through the use of machine learning.
Our enthusiasm for the future of digital medicine is tempered by
the recognition that presently too much of the publicized work in
this field is characterized by irrational exuberance and excessive
hype. Many technologies have yet to be formally studied in a
clinical setting, and for those that have, too many began and
ended with an under-powered pilot program. In addition, there are
more than a few examples of digital “snake oil” with substantial
uptake prior to their eventual discrediting.2
Both of these practices
are barriers to advancing the field of digital medicine.
Our vision for npj Digital Medicine is to provide a reliable,
evidence-based forum for all clinicians, researchers, and even
patients, curious about how digital technologies can transform
every aspect of health management and care. Being open source,
as all medical research should be, allows for the broadest possible
dissemination, which we will strongly encourage, including
through advocating for the publication of preprints
And finally, quite paradoxically, we hope that npj Digital
Medicine is so successful that in the coming years there will no
longer be a need for this journal, or any journal specifically
focused on digital medicine. Because if we are able to meet our
primary goal of accelerating the advancement of digital medicine,
then soon, we will just be calling it medicine. And there are
already several excellent journals for that.
Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Center for Advancing
Translational Sciences grant UL1TR001114 and a grant from the Qualcomm Foundation.
Competing interests:The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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Change history:The original version of this Article had an incorrect Article number
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Steven R. Steinhubl1
and Eric J. Topol1
Scripps Translational Science Institute, 3344 North Torrey Pines
Court, Suite 300, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
Correspondence: Steven R. Steinhubl ( or
Eric J. Topol (
1. Ware, M. & Mabe, M. The STM report: an overview of scientific and scholarly journal
publishing 2015 [updated March].
2. Plante, T. B., Urrea, B. & MacFarlane, Z. T. et al. Validation of the instant blood
pressure smartphone App. JAMA Intern. Med. 176, 700–702 (2016).
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
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adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
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© The Author(s) 2018
Received: 19 October 2017 Accepted: 25 October 2017
Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute
디지털 의료의 미래는?

일상적인 의료가 되는 것
What is most important factor in digital medicine?
“Data! Data! Data!” he cried.“I can’t
make bricks without clay!”
- Sherlock Holmes,“The Adventure of the Copper Beeches”
새로운 데이터가

새로운 방식으로

새로운 주체에 의해

측정, 저장, 통합, 분석된다.
데이터의 종류

데이터의 질적/양적 측면
웨어러블 기기


유전 정보 분석



디지털 헬스케어의 3단계
•Step 1. 데이터의 측정

•Step 2. 데이터의 통합

•Step 3. 데이터의 분석
•1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다.

•2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가.

•3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제.

•4. 미래로 가는 길
Digital Healthcare Industry Landscape
Data Measurement Data Integration Data Interpretation Treatment
Smartphone Gadget/Apps
Artificial Intelligence
2nd Opinion
Wearables / IoT
(ver. 3)
EMR/EHR 3D Printer
Data Platform
On Demand (O2O)
Digital Healthcare Institute
Diretor, Yoon Sup Choi, Ph.D.
Data Measurement Data Integration Data Interpretation Treatment
Smartphone Gadget/Apps
Artificial Intelligence
2nd Opinion
On Demand (O2O)
Wearables / IoT
Digital Healthcare Institute
Diretor, Yoon Sup Choi, Ph.D.
EMR/EHR 3D Printer
Data Platform
Digital Healthcare Industry Landscape (ver. 3)
Step 1. 데이터의 측정
데이터 소스 (1) 스마트폰
검이경 더마토스코프 안과질환 피부암
기생충 호흡기 심전도 수면
식단 활동량 발열 생리/임신
CellScope’s iPhone-enabled otoscope
First Derm
한국에서는 불법한국에서는 불법
SpiroSmart: spirometer using iPhone
AliveCor Heart Monitor (Kardia)
2015년 2017년
30분-1시간 정도 일상적인 코골이가 있음

이걸 어떻게 믿나?
녹음을 해줌. 

PGS와의 analytical validity의 증명?
녹음을 해줌. 

PGS와의 analytical validity의 증명?
데이터 소스 (2) 웨어러블
Nat Biotech 2015
250 sensors to monitor the “health” of the GE turbines
Fig 1. What can consumer wearables do? Heart rate can be measured with an oximeter built into a ring [3], muscle activity with an electromyographi
sensor embedded into clothing [4], stress with an electodermal sensor incorporated into a wristband [5], and physical activity or sleep patterns via an
accelerometer in a watch [6,7]. In addition, a female’s most fertile period can be identified with detailed body temperature tracking [8], while levels of me
attention can be monitored with a small number of non-gelled electroencephalogram (EEG) electrodes [9]. Levels of social interaction (also known to a
PLOS Medicine 2016
Hype or Hope?
Source: Gartner
Apple Watch
데이터 소스 (3) 유전정보
가타카 (1997)
가타카 (1997)
2003 Human Genome Project 13 years (676 weeks) $2,700,000,000
2007 Dr. CraigVenter’s genome 4 years (208 weeks) $100,000,000
2008 Dr. James Watson’s genome 4 months (16 weeks) $1,000,000
2009 (Nature Biotechnology) 4 weeks $48,000
2013 1-2 weeks ~$5,000
The $1000 Genome is Already Here!
•2017년 1월 NovaSeq 5000, 6000 발표

•몇년 내로 $100로 WES 를 실현하겠다고 공언

•2일에 60명의 WES 가능 (한 명당 한 시간 이하)
Customer growth of 23andMe
데이터 소스 (4) 디지털 표현형
스마트폰은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
Digital Phenotype:
Your smartphone knows if you are depressed
J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jul 15;17(7):e175.
The correlation analysis between the features and the PHQ-9 scores revealed that 6 of the 10
features were significantly correlated to the scores:
• strong correlation: circadian movement, normalized entropy, location variance
• correlation: phone usage features, usage duration and usage frequency
Mindstrong Health
• 스마트폰 사용 패턴을 바탕으로 

• 인지능력, 우울증, 조현병, 양극성 장애, PTSD 등을 측정

• 미국 국립정신건강연구소 소장인 Tomas Insel 이 공동 설립

• 아마존의 제프 베조스 투자
Digital biomarkers of cognitive function
Paul Dagum1
To identify digital biomarkers associated with cognitive function, we analyzed human–computer interaction from 7 days of
smartphone use in 27 subjects (ages 18–34) who received a gold standard neuropsychological assessment. For several
neuropsychological constructs (working memory, memory, executive function, language, and intelligence), we found a family of
digital biomarkers that predicted test scores with high correlations (p < 10−4
). These preliminary results suggest that passive
measures from smartphone use could be a continuous ecological surrogate for laboratory-based neuropsychological assessment.
npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:10 ; doi:10.1038/s41746-018-0018-4
By comparison to the functional metrics available in other
disciplines, conventional measures of neuropsychiatric disorders
have several challenges. First, they are obtrusive, requiring a
subject to break from their normal routine, dedicating time and
often travel. Second, they are not ecological and require subjects
to perform a task outside of the context of everyday behavior.
Third, they are episodic and provide sparse snapshots of a patient
only at the time of the assessment. Lastly, they are poorly scalable,
taxing limited resources including space and trained staff.
In seeking objective and ecological measures of cognition, we
attempted to develop a method to measure memory and
executive function not in the laboratory but in the moment,
day-to-day. We used human–computer interaction on smart-
phones to identify digital biomarkers that were correlated with
neuropsychological performance.
In 2014, 27 participants (ages 27.1 ± 4.4 years, education
14.1 ± 2.3 years, M:F 8:19) volunteered for neuropsychological
assessment and a test of the smartphone app. Smartphone
human–computer interaction data from the 7 days following
the neuropsychological assessment showed a range of correla-
tions with the cognitive scores. Table 1 shows the correlation
between each neurocognitive test and the cross-validated
predictions of the supervised kernel PCA constructed from
the biomarkers for that test. Figure 1 shows each participant
test score and the digital biomarker prediction for (a) digits
backward, (b) symbol digit modality, (c) animal fluency,
(d) Wechsler Memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical
memory (delayed free recall), (e) brief visuospatial memory test
(delayed free recall), and (f) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-
4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design. Construct validity of the
predictions was determined using pattern matching that
computed a correlation of 0.87 with p < 10−59
between the
covariance matrix of the predictions and the covariance matrix
of the tests.
Table 1. Fourteen neurocognitive assessments covering five cognitive
domains and dexterity were performed by a neuropsychologist.
Shown are the group mean and standard deviation, range of score,
and the correlation between each test and the cross-validated
prediction constructed from the digital biomarkers for that test
Cognitive predictions
Mean (SD) Range R (predicted),
Working memory
Digits forward 10.9 (2.7) 7–15 0.71 ± 0.10, 10−4
Digits backward 8.3 (2.7) 4–14 0.75 ± 0.08, 10−5
Executive function
Trail A 23.0 (7.6) 12–39 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4
Trail B 53.3 (13.1) 37–88 0.82 ± 0.06, 10−6
Symbol digit modality 55.8 (7.7) 43–67 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4
Animal fluency 22.5 (3.8) 15–30 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4
FAS phonemic fluency 42 (7.1) 27–52 0.63 ± 0.12, 10−3
Grooved pegboard test
(dominant hand)
62.7 (6.7) 51–75 0.73 ± 0.09, 10−4
California verbal learning test
(delayed free recall)
14.1 (1.9) 9–16 0.62 ± 0.12, 10−3
WMS-III logical memory
(delayed free recall)
29.4 (6.2) 18–42 0.81 ± 0.07, 10−6
Brief visuospatial memory test
(delayed free recall)
10.2 (1.8) 5–12 0.77 ± 0.08, 10−5
Intelligence scale
WAIS-IV block design 46.1(12.8) 12–61 0.83 ± 0.06, 10−6
WAIS-IV matrix reasoning 22.1(3.3) 12–26 0.80 ± 0.07, 10−6
WAIS-IV vocabulary 40.6(4.0) 31–50 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4
Received: 5 October 2017 Revised: 3 February 2018 Accepted: 7 February 2018
Mindstrong Health, 248 Homer Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
Correspondence: Paul Dagum (
Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute
• 총 45가지 스마트폰 사용 패턴: 타이핑, 스크롤, 화면 터치

• 스페이스바 누른 후, 다음 문자 타이핑하는 행동

• 백스페이스를 누른 후, 그 다음 백스페이스

• 주소록에서 사람을 찾는 행동 양식

• 스마트폰 사용 패턴과 인지 능력의 상관 관계 

• 20-30대 피험자 27명

• Working Memory, Language, Dexterity etc
Digital biomarkers of cognitive function
Paul Dagum1
To identify digital biomarkers associated with cognitive function, we analyzed human–computer interaction from 7 days of
smartphone use in 27 subjects (ages 18–34) who received a gold standard neuropsychological assessment. For several
neuropsychological constructs (working memory, memory, executive function, language, and intelligence), we found a family of
digital biomarkers that predicted test scores with high correlations (p < 10−4
). These preliminary results suggest that passive
measures from smartphone use could be a continuous ecological surrogate for laboratory-based neuropsychological assessment.
npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:10 ; doi:10.1038/s41746-018-0018-4
By comparison to the functional metrics available in other
disciplines, conventional measures of neuropsychiatric disorders
have several challenges. First, they are obtrusive, requiring a
subject to break from their normal routine, dedicating time and
often travel. Second, they are not ecological and require subjects
to perform a task outside of the context of everyday behavior.
Third, they are episodic and provide sparse snapshots of a patient
only at the time of the assessment. Lastly, they are poorly scalable,
taxing limited resources including space and trained staff.
In seeking objective and ecological measures of cognition, we
attempted to develop a method to measure memory and
executive function not in the laboratory but in the moment,
day-to-day. We used human–computer interaction on smart-
phones to identify digital biomarkers that were correlated with
neuropsychological performance.
In 2014, 27 participants (ages 27.1 ± 4.4 years, education
14.1 ± 2.3 years, M:F 8:19) volunteered for neuropsychological
assessment and a test of the smartphone app. Smartphone
human–computer interaction data from the 7 days following
the neuropsychological assessment showed a range of correla-
tions with the cognitive scores. Table 1 shows the correlation
between each neurocognitive test and the cross-validated
predictions of the supervised kernel PCA constructed from
the biomarkers for that test. Figure 1 shows each participant
test score and the digital biomarker prediction for (a) digits
backward, (b) symbol digit modality, (c) animal fluency,
(d) Wechsler Memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical
memory (delayed free recall), (e) brief visuospatial memory test
(delayed free recall), and (f) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-
4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design. Construct validity of the
predictions was determined using pattern matching that
computed a correlation of 0.87 with p < 10−59
between the
covariance matrix of the predictions and the covariance matrix
of the tests.
Table 1. Fourteen neurocognitive assessments covering five cognitive
domains and dexterity were performed by a neuropsychologist.
Shown are the group mean and standard deviation, range of score,
and the correlation between each test and the cross-validated
prediction constructed from the digital biomarkers for that test
Cognitive predictions
Mean (SD) Range R (predicted),
Working memory
Digits forward 10.9 (2.7) 7–15 0.71 ± 0.10, 10−4
Digits backward 8.3 (2.7) 4–14 0.75 ± 0.08, 10−5
Executive function
Trail A 23.0 (7.6) 12–39 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4
Trail B 53.3 (13.1) 37–88 0.82 ± 0.06, 10−6
Symbol digit modality 55.8 (7.7) 43–67 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4
Animal fluency 22.5 (3.8) 15–30 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4
FAS phonemic fluency 42 (7.1) 27–52 0.63 ± 0.12, 10−3
Grooved pegboard test
(dominant hand)
62.7 (6.7) 51–75 0.73 ± 0.09, 10−4
California verbal learning test
(delayed free recall)
14.1 (1.9) 9–16 0.62 ± 0.12, 10−3
WMS-III logical memory
(delayed free recall)
29.4 (6.2) 18–42 0.81 ± 0.07, 10−6
Brief visuospatial memory test
(delayed free recall)
10.2 (1.8) 5–12 0.77 ± 0.08, 10−5
Intelligence scale
WAIS-IV block design 46.1(12.8) 12–61 0.83 ± 0.06, 10−6
WAIS-IV matrix reasoning 22.1(3.3) 12–26 0.80 ± 0.07, 10−6
WAIS-IV vocabulary 40.6(4.0) 31–50 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4
Received: 5 October 2017 Revised: 3 February 2018 Accepted: 7 February 2018
Mindstrong Health, 248 Homer Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
Correspondence: Paul Dagum (
Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute
Fig. 1 A blue square represents a participant test Z-score normed to the 27 participant scores and a red circle represents the digital biomarker
prediction Z-score normed to the 27 predictions. Test scores and predictions shown are a digits backward, b symbol digit modality, c animal
fluency, d Wechsler memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical memory (delayed free recall), e brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free
recall), and f Wechsler adult intelligence scale-4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design
Digital biomarkers of cognitive function
P Dagum
• 스마트폰 사용 패턴과 인지 능력의 높은 상관 관계

• 파란색: 표준 인지 능력 테스트 결과

• 붉은색: 마인드 스트롱의 스마트폰 사용 패턴
the manifestations of disease by providing a
more comprehensive and nuanced view of the
experience of illness. Through the lens of the
digital phenotype, an individual’s interaction
The digital phenotype
Sachin H Jain, Brian W Powers, Jared B Hawkins & John S Brownstein
In the coming years, patient phenotypes captured to enhance health and wellness will extend to human interactions with
digital technology.
In 1982, the evolutionary biologist Richard
Dawkins introduced the concept of the
“extended phenotype”1, the idea that pheno-
types should not be limited just to biological
processes, such as protein biosynthesis or tissue
growth, but extended to include all effects that
a gene has on its environment inside or outside
stressed that many delineations of phenotypes
are arbitrary. Animals and humans can modify
their environments, and these modifications
genome and, thus, part of their extended phe-
notype. In the animal kingdom, he cites damn
extended phenotype1.
embedded in human lives, we think there is an
important extension of Dawkins’s theory—the
notion of a ‘digital phenotype’. Can aspects of
Can one’s clinical data be linked and analyzed
together with online activity and behavior data
to create a unified, nuanced view of human dis-
phenotype. Although several disparate studies
have touched on this notion, the framework for
medicine has yet to be described. We attempt to
define digital phenotype and further describe
the opportunities and challenges in incorporat-
ing these data into healthcare.
Jan. 2013
July 2013 Jan. 2014 July 2014
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
User 6
User 7
Figure 1 Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals. Density distributions
(probability density functions) are shown for seven individual users over a two-year period. Density on
the y axis highlights periods of relative activity for each user. A representative tweet from each user is
shown as an example.
ers, Jared B Hawkins & John S Brownstein
phenotypes captured to enhance health and wellness will extend to human interactions with
st Richard
pt of the
hat pheno-
sis or tissue
effects that
or outside
can modify
ended phe-
cites damn
there is an
aspects of
Jan. 2013
July 2013 Jan. 2014 July 2014
User 1
User 2
User 3
User 4
User 5
User 6
User 7
Figure 1 Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals. Density distributions
(probability density functions) are shown for seven individual users over a two-year period. Density on
Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals.
Nat. Biotech. 2015
트위터는 당신이 불면증이 있는지 알고 있다.
Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016)
higher Hue (bluer)
lower Saturation (grayer)
lower Brightness (darker)
Rao (MVR) (24) .  
Both All­data and Pre­diagnosis models were decisively superior to a null model
. All­data predictors were significant with 99% probability.57.5;(KAll  = 1 K 49.8)  Pre = 1  7
Pre­diagnosis and All­data confidence levels were largely identical, with two exceptions: 
Pre­diagnosis Brightness decreased to 90% confidence, and Pre­diagnosis posting frequency 
dropped to 30% confidence, suggesting a null predictive value in the latter case.  
Increased hue, along with decreased brightness and saturation, predicted depression. This 
means that photos posted by depressed individuals tended to be bluer, darker, and grayer (see 
Fig. 2). The more comments Instagram posts received, the more likely they were posted by 
depressed participants, but the opposite was true for likes received. In the All­data model, higher 
posting frequency was also associated with depression. Depressed participants were more likely 
to post photos with faces, but had a lower average face count per photograph than healthy 
participants. Finally, depressed participants were less likely to apply Instagram filters to their 
posted photos.  
Fig. 2. Magnitude and direction of regression coefficients in All­data (N=24,713) and Pre­diagnosis (N=18,513) 
models. X­axis values represent the adjustment in odds of an observation belonging to depressed individuals, per 
Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016)
Fig. 1. Comparison of HSV values. Right photograph has higher Hue (bluer), lower Saturation (grayer), and lower 
Brightness (darker) than left photograph. Instagram photos posted by depressed individuals had HSV values 
shifted towards those in the right photograph, compared with photos posted by healthy individuals. 
Units of observation 
In determining the best time span for this analysis, we encountered a difficult question: 
When and for how long does depression occur? A diagnosis of depression does not indicate the 
persistence of a depressive state for every moment of every day, and to conduct analysis using an 
individual’s entire posting history as a single unit of observation is therefore rather specious. At 
the other extreme, to take each individual photograph as units of observation runs the risk of 
being too granular. DeChoudhury et al. (5) looked at all of a given user’s posts in a single day, 
and aggregated those data into per­person, per­day units of observation. We adopted this 
precedent of “user­days” as a unit of analysis .  5
Statistical framework 
We used Bayesian logistic regression with uninformative priors to determine the strength 
of individual predictors. Two separate models were trained. The All­data model used all 
collected data to address Hypothesis 1. The Pre­diagnosis model used all data collected from 
higher Hue (bluer)
lower Saturation (grayer)
lower Brightness (darker)
인스타그램은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016)
. In particular, depressedχ2 07.84, p .17e 64;( All  = 9   = 9 − 1 13.80, p .87e 44)χ2Pre  = 8   = 2 − 1  
participants were less likely than healthy participants to use any filters at all. When depressed 
participants did employ filters, they most disproportionately favored the “Inkwell” filter, which 
converts color photographs to black­and­white images. Conversely, healthy participants most 
disproportionately favored the Valencia filter, which lightens the tint of photos. Examples of 
filtered photographs are provided in SI Appendix VIII.  
Fig. 3. Instagram filter usage among depressed and healthy participants. Bars indicate difference between observed 
and expected usage frequencies, based on a Chi­squared analysis of independence. Blue bars indicate 
disproportionate use of a filter by depressed compared to healthy participants, orange bars indicate the reverse. 
인스타그램은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
Step1. 데이터의 측정

•웨어러블 디바이스

•개인 유전 정보 분석

•디지털 표현형
환자 유래의 의료 데이터 (PGHD)
Step 2. 데이터의 통합
Sci Transl Med 2015
Google Fit
Samsung SAMI
Epic MyChart Epic EHR
Dexcom CGM
EH Hospit
Apple Watch
Hospital B
Hospital C
Hospital A
Hospital A Hospital B
Hospital C
Hospital B
Hospital C
Hospital A
•2018년 1월 출시 당시, 존스홉킨스, UC샌디에고 등 12개의 병원에 연동

•2019년 2월, 출시 1년 만에 200개 이상의 병원에 연동

•VA와도 연동된다고 밝힘 (with 9 million veterans)

•2008년 구글 헬스는 3년 동안 12개 병원에 연동에 그쳤음

•2019년 6월, 모든 병원이 등록 가능하도록 확대
Step 3. 데이터의 분석
Data Overload
How to Analyze and Interpret the Big Data?
Two ways to get insights from the big data
• ‘명시적’으로, ‘전면적’으로 ‘금지’된 곳은 한국 밖에 없는 듯

• 해외에서는 새로운 서비스의 상당수가 원격의료 기능 포함 

• 글로벌 100대 헬스케어 서비스 중 39개가 원격의료 포함

• 다른 모델과 결합하여 갈수록 새로운 모델이 만들어지는 중

• 스마트폰, 웨어러블, IoT, 인공지능, 챗봇 등과 결합
원격 의료
원격 진료
원격 환자 모니터링
화상 진료
전화 진료
2차 소견
용어 정리
온디맨드 처방
원격 수술
•원격 진료: 화상 진료

•원격 진료: 2차 소견

•원격 진료: 애플리케이션

•원격 환자 모니터링
원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
•원격 진료: 화상 진료

•원격 진료: 2차 소견

•원격 진료: 애플리케이션

•원격 환자 모니터링
원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
Average Time to Appointment (Familiy Medicine)
New York
Washington DC
San Diego
0 30 60 90 120
29.3 days
8 days
12 days
13 days
17 days
17 days
21 days
26 days
26 days
27 days
27 days
27 days
28 days
39 days
42 days
109 days
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Revenue ($m) Visits (k) Members (m)
Growth of Teladoc
코로나 바이러스 사태와 Teladoc의 주가
- 11 -
붙임5 전화상담․처방 및 대리처방 한시적 허용방안
1. 전화상담․처방 한시적 허용방안
2020년 2월 22일 

복지부 보도자료
- 11 -
붙임5 전화상담․처방 및 대리처방 한시적 허용방안
1. 전화상담․처방 한시적 허용방안
2020년 2월 22일 

복지부 보도자료
메디히어 앱 다운로드 :

의사용 가입 주소 :
메디히어 앱 다운로드 :

의사용 가입 주소 :
•원격 진료: 화상 진료

•원격 진료: 2차 소견

•원격 진료: 애플리케이션

•원격 환자 모니터링
원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
Epic MyChart Epic EHR
Dexcom CGM
EHR Hospital
Apple Watch
transfer from Share2 to HealthKit as mandated by Dexcom receiver
Food and Drug Administration device classification. Once the glucose
values reach HealthKit, they are passively shared with the Epic
MyChart app ( The MyChart
patient portal is a component of the Epic EHR and uses the same data-
base, and the CGM values populate a standard glucose flowsheet in
the patient’s chart. This connection is initially established when a pro-
vider places an order in a patient’s electronic chart, resulting in a re-
quest to the patient within the MyChart app. Once the patient or
patient proxy (parent) accepts this connection request on the mobile
device, a communication bridge is established between HealthKit and
MyChart enabling population of CGM data as frequently as every 5
Participation required confirmation of Bluetooth pairing of the CGM re-
ceiver to a mobile device, updating the mobile device with the most recent
version of the operating system, Dexcom Share2 app, Epic MyChart app,
and confirming or establishing a username and password for all accounts,
including a parent’s/adolescent’s Epic MyChart account. Setup time aver-
aged 45–60 minutes in addition to the scheduled clinic visit. During this
time, there was specific verbal and written notification to the patients/par-
ents that the diabetes healthcare team would not be actively monitoring
or have real-time access to CGM data, which was out of scope for this pi-
lot. The patients/parents were advised that they should continue to contact
the diabetes care team by established means for any urgent questions/
concerns. Additionally, patients/parents were advised to maintain updates
Figure 1: Overview of the CGM data communication bridge architecture.
Kumar R B, et al. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2016;0:1–6. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocv206, Brief Communication
•Apple HealthKit, Dexcom CGM기기를 통해 지속적으로 혈당을 모니터링한 데이터를 EHR과 통합

•당뇨환자의 혈당관리를 향상시켰다는 연구결과

•Stanford Children’s Health와 Stanford 의대에서 10명 type 1 당뇨 소아환자 대상으로 수행 (288 readings /day)

•EHR 기반 데이터분석과 시각화는 데이터 리뷰 및 환자커뮤니케이션을 향상

•환자가 내원하여 진료하는 기존 방식에 비해 실시간 혈당변화에 환자가 대응
JAMIA 2016
Remote Patients Monitoring
via Dexcom-HealthKit-Epic-Stanford
의료계 일각에서는 원격 환자 모니터링의 합법화를 요구하기도
의료계 일각에서는 원격 환자 모니터링의 합법화를 요구하기도
미국에서는 원격의료의 

퀄리티 컨트롤이 잘 되고 있나?
미국의 원격 진료는 얼마나 정확한가?
Variation in Quality of Urgent Health Care
Provided During Commercial Virtual Visits
Adam J. Schoenfeld, MD; Jason M. Davies, MD, PhD; Ben J. Marafino, BS; Mitzi Dean, MS, MHA;
Colette DeJong, BA; Naomi S. Bardach, MD, MAS; Dhruv S. Kazi, MD, MS; W. John Boscardin, PhD;
Grace A. Lin, MD, MAS; Reena Duseja, MD; Y. John Mei, AB; Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH; R. Adams Dudley, MD, MBA
IMPORTANCE Commercial virtual visits are an increasingly popular model of health care for
the management of common acute illnesses. In commercial virtual visits, patients access a
website to be connected synchronously—via videoconference, telephone, or webchat—to a
physician with whom they have no prior relationship. To date, whether the care delivered
through those websites is similar or quality varies among the sites has not been assessed.
OBJECTIVE To assess the variation in the quality of urgent health care among virtual visit
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This audit study used 67 trained standardized patients
who presented to commercial virtual visit companies with the following 6 common acute
illnesses: ankle pain, streptococcal pharyngitis, viral pharyngitis, acute rhinosinusitis, low
back pain, and recurrent female urinary tract infection. The 8 commercial virtual visit
websites with the highest web traffic were selected for audit, for a total of 599 visits. Data
were collected from May 1, 2013, to July 30, 2014, and analyzed from July 1, 2014, to
September 1, 2015.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Completeness of histories and physical examinations, the
correct diagnosis (vs an incorrect or no diagnosis), and adherence to guidelines of key
management decisions.
RESULTS Sixty-seven standardized patients completed 599 commercial virtual visits during
the study period. Histories and physical examinations were complete in 417 visits (69.6%;
95% CI, 67.7%-71.6%); diagnoses were correctly named in 458 visits (76.5%; 95% CI,
72.9%-79.9%), and key management decisions were adherent to guidelines in 325 visits
(54.3%; 95% CI, 50.2%-58.3%). Rates of guideline-adherent care ranged from 206 visits
(34.4%) to 396 visits (66.1%) across the 8 websites. Variation across websites was
significantly greater for viral pharyngitis and acute rhinosinusitis (adjusted rates, 12.8% to
82.1%) than for streptococcal pharyngitis and low back pain (adjusted rates, 74.6% to 96.5%)
or ankle pain and recurrent urinary tract infection (adjusted rates, 3.4% to 40.4%). No
statistically significant variation in guideline adherence by mode of communication
(videoconference vs telephone vs webchat) was found.
Invited Commentary
page 643
Supplemental content at
Original Investigation
단순히 규제/허용의 이슈에서 더 나아가,

‘어떤 방식으로 허용’하고, 

‘어떻게 질 관리를 할 것인가’도 중요
미국의 원격 진료는 얼마나 정확한가?
Choice, Transparency, Coordination, and Quality Among
Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine Websites
and Apps Treating Skin Disease
Jack S. Resneck Jr, MD; Michael Abrouk; Meredith Steuer, MMS; Andrew Tam; Adam Yen; Ivy Lee, MD;
Carrie L. Kovarik, MD; Karen E. Edison, MD
IMPORTANCE Evidence supports use of teleconsultation for improving patient access to
dermatology. However, little is known about the quality of rapidly expanding
direct-to-consumer (DTC) telemedicine websites and smartphone apps diagnosing and
treating skin disease.
OBJECTIVE To assess the performance of DTC teledermatology services.
DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS Simulated patients submitted a series of structured dermatologic
cases with photographs, including neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious conditions, using
regional and national DTC telemedicine websites and smartphone apps offering services to
California residents.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Choice of clinician, transparency of credentials, clinician
location, demographic and medical data requested, diagnoses given, treatments
recommended or prescribed, adverse effects discussed, care coordination.
RESULTS We received responses for 62 clinical encounters from 16 DTC telemedicine
websites from February 4 to March 11, 2016. None asked for identification or raised concerns
about pseudonym use or falsified photographs. During most encounters (42 [68%]), patients
were assigned a clinician without any choice. Only 16 (26%) disclosed information about
clinician licensure, and some used internationally based physicians without California
licenses. Few collected the name of an existing primary care physician (14 [23%]) or offered
to send records (6 [10%]). A diagnosis or likely diagnosis was proffered in 48 encounters
(77%). Prescription medications were ordered in 31 of 48 diagnosed cases (65%), and
relevant adverse effects or pregnancy risks were disclosed in a minority (10 of 31 [32%] and
6 of 14 [43%], respectively). Websites made several correct diagnoses in clinical scenarios
where photographs alone were adequate, but when basic additional history elements (eg,
fever, hypertrichosis, oligomenorrhea) were important, they regularly failed to ask simple
relevant questions and diagnostic performance was poor. Major diagnoses were repeatedly
missed, including secondary syphilis, eczema herpeticum, gram-negative folliculitis, and
polycystic ovarian syndrome. Regardless of the diagnoses given, treatments prescribed were
sometimes at odds with existing guidelines.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Telemedicine has potential to expand access to high-value
health care. Our findings, however, raise concerns about the quality of skin disease diagnosis
Editor's Note
Author Affiliations: Department of
Dermatology, and Philip R. Lee
Institute for Health Policy Studies,
University of California, San Francisco
School of Medicine, San Francisco
(Resneck); University of California,
San Francisco School of Medicine,
Original Investigation
단순히 규제/허용의 이슈에서 더 나아가,

‘어떤 방식으로 허용’하고, 

‘어떻게 질 관리를 할 것인가’도 중요
원격의료로 오진의 가능성이 높다면?
Is It Time for a New Medical Specialty?
The Medical Virtualist
vanced. Diagnoses and treatments have become more
complex, so the need for formal training for specialty
comeclear.Therearecurrently860 000physicianswith
active certifications through the American Board of
Medical Specialties and 34 000 through the American
Osteopathic Association.1
Drivers of Specialty Expansion
Specialty development has been driven by advances in
technology and expansion of knowledge in care deliv-
ery. Physician-led teams leverage technology and new
cipline, which gains a momentum of its own with adop-
tion. For instance, critical care was not a unique spe-
cialty until 30 years ago. The refinement in ventilator
thesia, and surgical advancements drove the develop-
ment of the specialty and certification, with subse-
The development of laparoscopic and robotic surgical
cialty and subspecialty categories including colon and
rectal surgery, general surgical oncology, interven-
tional radiology, and electrophysiology.
specialties include hospitalists, laborists, and extensiv-
ists, to name a few. These clinical areas do not yet have
formal training programs or certification but are specific
formance that might be likely recognized in the future.
Telemedicine and Medical Care
Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services
remotely by the use of various telecommunications
modalities. The expansion of web-based services, use
of videoconferencing in daily communication, and
social media coupled with the demand for convenience
by consumers of health care are all factors driving
exponential growth in telehealth.2
According to one estimate, the global telehealth
market is projected to increase at an annual com-
pounded rate of 30% between 2017 and 2022, achiev-
ket surveys show that more than 70% of consumers
reassured of the quality of the care and the appropriate
provide health care to some traditionally underserved
and rural areas across the United States and increased
shortages of primary care and specialty physicians are
anticipated in those areas.4
A New Specialty
Digital advances within health care and patients acting
more like consumers have resulted in more physicians
and other clinicians delivering virtual care in almost ev-
ery medical discipline. Second-opinion services, emer-
gency department express care, virtual intensive care
units (ICUs), telestroke with mobile stroke units, tele-
psychiatry, and remote services for postacute care are
some examples.
In the traditional physician office, answering ser-
email communication. The advent of
telehealth has resulted in incremental
growth of video face-to-face communi-
cation with patients by mobile phone,
tablet, or other computer devices.2,3,5
In larger enterprises or commercial ven-
tures, the scale is sufficient to “make
or buy” centralized telehealth command centers to
ing international.
Early telehealth focused on minor ailments such as
nificantly managing more complex chronic disease.
mote monitoring, and simultaneous family engage-
ment is changing the perception and reality of virtual
health care. Commercialization is well under way with
numerous start-ups and more established companies.
These services are provided by the companies alone or
in collaboration with physician groups.
The Medical Virtualist
We propose the concept of a new specialty represent-
scribe physicians who will spend the majority or all of
their time caring for patients using a virtual medium. A
professional consensus will be needed on a set of core
competencies to be further developed over time.
Medical virtualists could be involved in
a substantial proportion of health care
delivery for the next generation.
Michael Nochomovitz,
New York Presbyterian,
New York, New York.
Rahul Sharma, MD,
New York Presbyterian,
Weill Cornell Medicine,
New York, New York.
Author: Michael
Nochomovitz, MD,
Physician Services
Division, New York
525 E 68th St,
PO Box 182,
New York, NY 10021
Opinion (Reprinted) JAMA Published online November 27, 2017 E1
© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Downloaded From: on 11/29/2017
JAMA: 원격의료에 맞는 전문의를 육성하면 되지 않는가?

•새로운 전공: 원격의료 전문의

•or 새로운 세부 전공: 원격 내과 전문의 / 원격 정신과 전문의
더 근본적인 이슈는?
•의료 전달 체계
•의약품 배송
•신뢰, 신뢰, 신뢰
•+ 환자들은 어떻게 생각할까?
더 근본적인 이슈는?
No choice but to bring AI into the medicine
Martin Duggan,“IBM Watson Health - Integrated Care & the Evolution to Cognitive Computing”
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
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[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
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[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
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[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
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[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래
[365mc] 디지털 헬스케어: 의료의 미래

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인공지능은 의료를 어떻게 혁신하는가 (2019년 3월)
인공지능은 의료를 어떻게 혁신하는가 (2019년 3월)인공지능은 의료를 어떻게 혁신하는가 (2019년 3월)
인공지능은 의료를 어떻게 혁신하는가 (2019년 3월)Yoon Sup Choi
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인공지능은 의료를 어떻게 혁신하는가 (2019년 3월)
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  • 2. “It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. 
 It's technology married with liberal arts.”
  • 3. The Convergence of IT, BT and Medicine
  • 4.
  • 5. 최윤섭 지음 의료인공지능 표지디자인•최승협 컴퓨터공학, 생명과학, 의학의 융합을 통해 디지 털 헬스케어 분야의 혁신을 창출하고 사회적 가 치를 만드는 것을 화두로 삼고 있는 융합생명과학자, 미래의료학자, 기업가, 엔젤투자가, 에반젤리스트이다. 국내 디지털 헬스케어 분야 의 대표적인 전문가로, 활발한 연구, 저술 및 강연 등을 통해 국내에 이 분야를 처음 소개한 장본인이다. 포항공과대학교에서 컴퓨터공학과 생명과학을 복수전공하였으며 동 대학원 시스템생명공학부에서 전산생물학으로 이학박사 학위를 취득하였다. 스탠퍼드대학교 방문연구원, 서울의대 암연구소 연구 조교수, KT 종합기술원 컨버전스연구소 팀장, 서울대병원 의생명연 구원 연구조교수 등을 거쳤다. 『사이언스』를 비롯한 세계적인 과학 저널에 10여 편의 논문을 발표했다. 국내 최초로 디지털 헬스케어를 본격적으로 연구하는 연구소인 ‘최 윤섭 디지털 헬스케어 연구소’를 설립하여 소장을 맡고 있다. 또한 국내 유일의 헬스케어 스타트업 전문 엑셀러레이터 ‘디지털 헬스케 어 파트너스’의 공동 창업자 및 대표 파트너로 혁신적인 헬스케어 스타트업을 의료 전문가들과 함께 발굴, 투자, 육성하고 있다. 성균 관대학교 디지털헬스학과 초빙교수로도 재직 중이다. 뷰노, 직토, 3billion, 서지컬마인드, 닥터다이어리, VRAD, 메디히어, 소울링, 메디히어, 모바일닥터 등의 헬스케어 스타트업에 투자하고 자문을 맡아 한국에서도 헬스케어 혁신을 만들어내기 위해 노력하 고 있다. 국내 최초의 디지털 헬스케어 전문 블로그 『최윤섭의 헬스 케어 이노베이션』에 활발하게 집필하고 있으며, 『매일경제』에 칼럼 을 연재하고 있다. 저서로 『헬스케어 이노베이션: 이미 시작된 미래』 와 『그렇게 나는 스스로 기업이 되었다』가 있다. •블로그_ •페이스북_ •이메일_ 최윤섭 의료 인공지능은 보수적인 의료 시스템을 재편할 혁신을 일으키고 있다. 의료 인공지능의 빠른 발전과 광범위한 영향은 전문화, 세분화되며 발전해 온 현대 의료 전문가들이 이해하기가 어려우며, 어디서부 터 공부해야 할지도 막연하다. 이런 상황에서 의료 인공지능의 개념과 적용, 그리고 의사와의 관계를 쉽 게 풀어내는 이 책은 좋은 길라잡이가 될 것이다. 특히 미래의 주역이 될 의학도와 젊은 의료인에게 유용 한 소개서이다. ━ 서준범, 서울아산병원 영상의학과 교수, 의료영상인공지능사업단장 인공지능이 의료의 패러다임을 크게 바꿀 것이라는 것에 동의하지 않는 사람은 거의 없다. 하지만 인공 지능이 처리해야 할 의료의 난제는 많으며 그 해결 방안도 천차만별이다. 흔히 생각하는 만병통치약 같 은 의료 인공지능은 존재하지 않는다. 이 책은 다양한 의료 인공지능의 개발, 활용 및 가능성을 균형 있 게 분석하고 있다. 인공지능을 도입하려는 의료인, 생소한 의료 영역에 도전할 인공지능 연구자 모두에 게 일독을 권한다. ━ 정지훈, 경희사이버대 미디어커뮤니케이션학과 선임강의교수, 의사 서울의대 기초의학교육을 책임지고 있는 교수의 입장에서, 산업화 이후 변하지 않은 현재의 의학 교육 으로는 격변하는 인공지능 시대에 의대생을 대비시키지 못한다는 한계를 절실히 느낀다. 저와 함께 의 대 인공지능 교육을 개척하고 있는 최윤섭 소장의 전문적 분석과 미래 지향적 안목이 담긴 책이다. 인공 지능이라는 미래를 대비할 의대생과 교수, 그리고 의대 진학을 고민하는 학생과 학부모에게 추천한다. ━ 최형진, 서울대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 교수, 내과 전문의 최근 의료 인공지능의 도입에 대해서 극단적인 시각과 태도가 공존하고 있다. 이 책은 다양한 사례와 깊 은 통찰을 통해 의료 인공지능의 현황과 미래에 대해 균형적인 시각을 제공하여, 인공지능이 의료에 본 격적으로 도입되기 위한 토론의 장을 마련한다. 의료 인공지능이 일상화된 10년 후 돌아보았을 때, 이 책 이 그런 시대를 이끄는 길라잡이 역할을 하였음을 확인할 수 있기를 기대한다. ━ 정규환, 뷰노 CTO 의료 인공지능은 다른 분야 인공지능보다 더 본질적인 이해가 필요하다. 단순히 인간의 일을 대신하는 수준을 넘어 의학의 패러다임을 데이터 기반으로 변화시키기 때문이다. 따라서 인공지능을 균형있게 이 해하고, 어떻게 의사와 환자에게 도움을 줄 수 있을지 깊은 고민이 필요하다. 세계적으로 일어나고 있는 이러한 노력의 결과물을 집대성한 이 책이 반가운 이유다. ━ 백승욱, 루닛 대표 의료 인공지능의 최신 동향뿐만 아니라, 의의와 한계, 전망, 그리고 다양한 생각거리까지 주는 책이다. 논쟁이 되는 여러 이슈에 대해서도 저자는 자신의 시각을 명확한 근거에 기반하여 설득력 있게 제시하 고 있다. 개인적으로는 이 책을 대학원 수업 교재로 활용하려 한다. ━ 신수용, 성균관대학교 디지털헬스학과 교수 최윤섭지음 의료인공지능 값 20,000원 ISBN 979-11-86269-99-2 미래의료학자 최윤섭 박사가 제시하는 의료 인공지능의 현재와 미래 의료 딥러닝과 IBM 왓슨의 현주소 인공지능은 의사를 대체하는가 값 20,000원 ISBN 979-11-86269-99-2 소울링, 메디히어, 모바일닥터 등의 헬스케어 스타트업에 투자하고 자문을 맡아 한국에서도 헬스케어 혁신을 만들어내기 위해 노력하 고 있다. 국내 최초의 디지털 헬스케어 전문 블로그 『최윤섭의 헬스 케어 이노베이션』에 활발하게 집필하고 있으며, 『매일경제』에 칼럼 을 연재하고 있다. 저서로 『헬스케어 이노베이션: 이미 시작된 미래』 와 『그렇게 나는 스스로 기업이 되었다』가 있다. •블로그_ •페이스북_ •이메일_ (2014) (2018) (2020)
  • 6. •1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다. •2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가. •3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제. •4. 미래로 가는 길
  • 7. •1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다. •2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가. •3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제. •4. 미래로 가는 길
  • 8.
  • 9. 의료가 맞이하는 피할 수 없는 쓰나미
  • 10. 기하급수적 발전 “체스판의 쌀알 한 톨로 시작해서…”
  • 12. 기하급수적 발전 •기술의 발전은 우리의 생각보다 훨씬 빠르다. •그리고 그 속도는 계속 기하급수적으로 증가한다.
  • 13. •현재에 기반한 아무리 과감한 예측도, •결과적으로는 매우 보수적인 것일 수 있다.
  • 14. •2018년에는 $8.1B 가 투자되며 역대 최대 규모를 또 한 번 갱신 (전년 대비 42.% 증가) •총 368개의 딜 (전년 359 대비 소폭 증가): 개별 딜의 규모가 커졌음 •전체 딜의 절반이 seed 혹은 series A 투자였음 •‘초기 기업들이 역대 최고로 큰 규모의 투자를’, ‘역대 가장 자주’ 받고 있음
  • 15. •2018년에는 $8.1B 가 투자되며 역대 최대 규모를 또 한 번 갱신 (전년 대비 42.% 증가) •2019년은 역대 두 번째로 큰 투자가 집행될 것으로 예상 (2018년에는 못 미치지만, 2017년 보다는 큼) •총 투자 건 수, 건당 투자 규모 역시 2018년에 조금 못 미치는 정도
  • 16. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 153 283 476 647 608 568 684 851 765 FUNDING SNAPSHOT: YEAR OVER YEAR 5 Deal Count $1.4B $1.7B $1.7B $627M $603M$459M $8.2B $6.2B $7.1B $2.9B $2.3B$2.0B $1.2B $11.7B $2.3B Funding surpassed 2017 numbers by almost $3B, making 2018 the fourth consecutive increase in capital investment and largest since we began tracking digital health funding in 2010. Deal volume decreased from Q3 to Q4, but deal sizes spiked, with $3B invested in Q4 alone. Average deal size in 2018 was $21M, a $6M increase from 2017. $3.0B $14.6B DEALS & FUNDING INVESTORS SEGMENT DETAIL Source: StartUp Health Insights | Note: Report based on public data through 12/31/18 on seed (incl. accelerator), venture, corporate venture, and private equity funding only. © 2019 StartUp Health LLC •글로벌 투자 추이를 보더라도, 2018년 역대 최대 규모: $14.6B •2015년 이후 4년 연속 증가 중
  • 17. 27 Switzerland EUROPE $3.2B $1.96B $1B $3.5B NORTH AMERICA $12B Valuation $1.8B $3.1B$3.2B $1B $1B 38 healthcare unicorns valued at $90.7B Global VC-backed digital health companies with a private market valuation of $1B+ (7/26/19) UNITED KINGDOM $1.5B MIDDLE EAST $1B Valuation ISRAEL $7B $1B$1.2B $1B $1.65B $1.8B $1.25B $2.8B $1B $1B $2B Valuation $1.5B UNITED STATES GERMANY $1.7B $2.5B CHINA ASIA $3B $5.5B Valuation $5B $2.4B $2.4B France $1.1B $3.5B $1.6B $1B $1B $1B $1B CB Insights, Global Healthcare Reports 2019 2Q •전 세계적으로 38개의 디지털 헬스케어 유니콘 스타트업 (=기업가치 $1B 이상) 이 있으나, •국내에는 하나도 없음
  • 19. 5% 8% 24% 27% 36% Life Science & Health Mobile Enterprise & Data Consumer Commerce 9% 13% 23% 24% 31% Life Science & Health Consumer Enterprise Data & AI Others 2014 2015 Investment of GoogleVentures in 2014-2015
  • 20. Firm 2017 YTD Deals Stage Early Mid Late 1 7 1 7 2 6 2 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 THE TOP INVESTORS OF 2017 YTD We are seeing huge strides in new investors pouring money into the digital health market, however all the top 10 investors of 2017 year to date are either maintaining or increasing their investment activity. Source: StartUp Health Insights | Note: Report based on public data on seed, venture, corporate venture and private equity funding only. © 2017 StartUp Health LLC DEALS & FUNDING GEOGRAPHY INVESTORSMOONSHOTS 20 •Google Ventures와 Khosla Ventures가 각각 7개로 공동 1위, •GE Ventures와 Accel Partners가 6건으로 공동 2위를 기록
 •GV 가 투자한 기업 •virtual fitness membership network를 만드는 뉴욕의 ClassPass •Remote clinical trial 회사인 Science 37 •Digital specialty prescribing platform ZappRx 등에 투자.
 •Khosla Ventures 가 투자한 기업 •single-molecule 검사 장비를 만드는 TwoPoreGuys •Mabu라는 AI-powered patient engagement robot 을 만드는 Catalia Health에 투자.
  • 21. •최근 3년 동안 Merck, J&J, GSK 등의 제약사들의 디지털 헬스케어 분야 투자 급증 •2015-2016년 총 22건의 deal (=2010-2014년의 5년간 투자 건수와 동일) •Merck 가 가장 활발: 2009년부터 Global Health Innovation Fund 를 통해 24건 투자 ($5-7M) •GSK 의 경우 2014년부터 6건 (via VC arm, SR One): including Propeller Health
  • 22. 표 2 우리나라는 디지털 헬스케어 산업이 성장하기 좋은 여건을 갖추고 있다. 첫째, 높은 수준의 의료기술 력을 보유하고 있다. 2018년 OECD 통계에 따르면, 최근 5년간(2010~2014년) 국내 주요 암 환자 글로벌 디지털 헬스케어 누적투자액 TOP 100 글로벌 헬스케어 스타트업 중 대부분이 한국에서는 불법 스타트업 코리아, ‘디지털 헬스케어’, 아산나눔재단 등, 2018
  • 23. 헬스케어 넓은 의미의 건강 관리에는 해당되지만, 디지털 기술이 적용되지 않고, 전문 의료 영역도 아닌 것 예) 운동, 영양, 수면 디지털 헬스케어 건강 관리 중에 디지털 기술이 사용되는 것 예) 사물인터넷, 인공지능, 3D 프린터, VR/AR 모바일 헬스케어 디지털 헬스케어 중 모바일 기술이 사용되는 것 예) 스마트폰, 사물인터넷, SNS 개인 유전정보분석 암유전체, 질병위험도, 보인자, 약물 민감도 웰니스, 조상 분석 의료 질병 예방, 치료, 처방, 관리 등 전문 의료 영역 원격의료 원격 환자 모니터링 원격진료 전화, 화상, 판독 명상 앱 ADHD 치료 게임 PTSD 치료 VR 디지털 치료제 중독 치료 앱 헬스케어 관련 분야 구성도
  • 24. EDITORIAL OPEN Digital medicine, on its way to being just plain medicine npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:20175 ; doi:10.1038/ s41746-017-0005-1 There are already nearly 30,000 peer-reviewed English-language scientific journals, producing an estimated 2.5 million articles a year.1 So why another, and why one focused specifically on digital medicine? To answer that question, we need to begin by defining what “digital medicine” means: using digital tools to upgrade the practice of medicine to one that is high-definition and far more individualized. It encompasses our ability to digitize human beings using biosensors that track our complex physiologic systems, but also the means to process the vast data generated via algorithms, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. It has the potential to democratize medicine, with smartphones as the hub, enabling each individual to generate their own real world data and being far more engaged with their health. Add to this new imaging tools, mobile device laboratory capabilities, end-to-end digital clinical trials, telemedicine, and one can see there is a remarkable array of transformative technology which lays the groundwork for a new form of healthcare. As is obvious by its definition, the far-reaching scope of digital medicine straddles many and widely varied expertise. Computer scientists, healthcare providers, engineers, behavioral scientists, ethicists, clinical researchers, and epidemiologists are just some of the backgrounds necessary to move the field forward. But to truly accelerate the development of digital medicine solutions in health requires the collaborative and thoughtful interaction between individuals from several, if not most of these specialties. That is the primary goal of npj Digital Medicine: to serve as a cross-cutting resource for everyone interested in this area, fostering collabora- tions and accelerating its advancement. Current systems of healthcare face multiple insurmountable challenges. Patients are not receiving the kind of care they want and need, caregivers are dissatisfied with their role, and in most countries, especially the United States, the cost of care is unsustainable. We are confident that the development of new systems of care that take full advantage of the many capabilities that digital innovations bring can address all of these major issues. Researchers too, can take advantage of these leading-edge technologies as they enable clinical research to break free of the confines of the academic medical center and be brought into the real world of participants’ lives. The continuous capture of multiple interconnected streams of data will allow for a much deeper refinement of our understanding and definition of most pheno- types, with the discovery of novel signals in these enormous data sets made possible only through the use of machine learning. Our enthusiasm for the future of digital medicine is tempered by the recognition that presently too much of the publicized work in this field is characterized by irrational exuberance and excessive hype. Many technologies have yet to be formally studied in a clinical setting, and for those that have, too many began and ended with an under-powered pilot program. In addition, there are more than a few examples of digital “snake oil” with substantial uptake prior to their eventual discrediting.2 Both of these practices are barriers to advancing the field of digital medicine. Our vision for npj Digital Medicine is to provide a reliable, evidence-based forum for all clinicians, researchers, and even patients, curious about how digital technologies can transform every aspect of health management and care. Being open source, as all medical research should be, allows for the broadest possible dissemination, which we will strongly encourage, including through advocating for the publication of preprints And finally, quite paradoxically, we hope that npj Digital Medicine is so successful that in the coming years there will no longer be a need for this journal, or any journal specifically focused on digital medicine. Because if we are able to meet our primary goal of accelerating the advancement of digital medicine, then soon, we will just be calling it medicine. And there are already several excellent journals for that. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences grant UL1TR001114 and a grant from the Qualcomm Foundation. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Competing interests:The authors declare no competing financial interests. Publisher's note:Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Change history:The original version of this Article had an incorrect Article number of 5 and an incorrect Publication year of 2017. These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. Steven R. Steinhubl1 and Eric J. Topol1 1 Scripps Translational Science Institute, 3344 North Torrey Pines Court, Suite 300, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA Correspondence: Steven R. Steinhubl ( or Eric J. Topol ( REFERENCES 1. Ware, M. & Mabe, M. The STM report: an overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing 2015 [updated March]. (2015). 2. Plante, T. B., Urrea, B. & MacFarlane, Z. T. et al. Validation of the instant blood pressure smartphone App. JAMA Intern. Med. 176, 700–702 (2016). Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/. © The Author(s) 2018 Received: 19 October 2017 Accepted: 25 October 2017 Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute 디지털 의료의 미래는? 일상적인 의료가 되는 것
  • 25. What is most important factor in digital medicine?
  • 26. “Data! Data! Data!” he cried.“I can’t make bricks without clay!” - Sherlock Holmes,“The Adventure of the Copper Beeches”
  • 27.
  • 28. 새로운 데이터가 새로운 방식으로 새로운 주체에 의해 측정, 저장, 통합, 분석된다. 데이터의 종류 데이터의 질적/양적 측면 웨어러블 기기 스마트폰 유전 정보 분석 인공지능 SNS 사용자/환자 대중
  • 29. 디지털 헬스케어의 3단계 •Step 1. 데이터의 측정 •Step 2. 데이터의 통합 •Step 3. 데이터의 분석
  • 30. •1. 디지털 헬스케어가 온다. •2. 디지털 헬스케어는 어떻게 구현되는가. •3. 디지털 헬스케어의 새로운 물결과 숙제. •4. 미래로 가는 길
  • 31. Digital Healthcare Industry Landscape Data Measurement Data Integration Data Interpretation Treatment Smartphone Gadget/Apps DNA Artificial Intelligence 2nd Opinion Wearables / IoT (ver. 3) EMR/EHR 3D Printer Counseling Data Platform Accelerator/early-VC Telemedicine Device On Demand (O2O) VR Digital Healthcare Institute Diretor, Yoon Sup Choi, Ph.D.
  • 32. Data Measurement Data Integration Data Interpretation Treatment Smartphone Gadget/Apps DNA Artificial Intelligence 2nd Opinion Device On Demand (O2O) Wearables / IoT Digital Healthcare Institute Diretor, Yoon Sup Choi, Ph.D. EMR/EHR 3D Printer Counseling Data Platform Accelerator/early-VC VR Telemedicine Digital Healthcare Industry Landscape (ver. 3)
  • 34. 데이터 소스 (1) 스마트폰
  • 35. 검이경 더마토스코프 안과질환 피부암 기생충 호흡기 심전도 수면 식단 활동량 발열 생리/임신
  • 38.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 44.
  • 45. 30분-1시간 정도 일상적인 코골이가 있음 이걸 어떻게 믿나?
  • 46. 녹음을 해줌. PGS와의 analytical validity의 증명?
  • 47. 녹음을 해줌. PGS와의 analytical validity의 증명?
  • 48. 데이터 소스 (2) 웨어러블
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 53. Fig 1. What can consumer wearables do? Heart rate can be measured with an oximeter built into a ring [3], muscle activity with an electromyographi sensor embedded into clothing [4], stress with an electodermal sensor incorporated into a wristband [5], and physical activity or sleep patterns via an accelerometer in a watch [6,7]. In addition, a female’s most fertile period can be identified with detailed body temperature tracking [8], while levels of me attention can be monitored with a small number of non-gelled electroencephalogram (EEG) electrodes [9]. Levels of social interaction (also known to a PLOS Medicine 2016
  • 56.
  • 58. 데이터 소스 (3) 유전정보
  • 61. 2003 Human Genome Project 13 years (676 weeks) $2,700,000,000 2007 Dr. CraigVenter’s genome 4 years (208 weeks) $100,000,000 2008 Dr. James Watson’s genome 4 months (16 weeks) $1,000,000 2009 (Nature Biotechnology) 4 weeks $48,000 2013 1-2 weeks ~$5,000
  • 62. The $1000 Genome is Already Here!
  • 63. •2017년 1월 NovaSeq 5000, 6000 발표 •몇년 내로 $100로 WES 를 실현하겠다고 공언 •2일에 60명의 WES 가능 (한 명당 한 시간 이하)
  • 64.
  • 66. 데이터 소스 (4) 디지털 표현형
  • 67. 스마트폰은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
  • 68. Digital Phenotype: Your smartphone knows if you are depressed J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jul 15;17(7):e175. The correlation analysis between the features and the PHQ-9 scores revealed that 6 of the 10 features were significantly correlated to the scores: • strong correlation: circadian movement, normalized entropy, location variance • correlation: phone usage features, usage duration and usage frequency
  • 69. Mindstrong Health • 스마트폰 사용 패턴을 바탕으로 • 인지능력, 우울증, 조현병, 양극성 장애, PTSD 등을 측정 • 미국 국립정신건강연구소 소장인 Tomas Insel 이 공동 설립 • 아마존의 제프 베조스 투자
  • 70. BRIEF COMMUNICATION OPEN Digital biomarkers of cognitive function Paul Dagum1 To identify digital biomarkers associated with cognitive function, we analyzed human–computer interaction from 7 days of smartphone use in 27 subjects (ages 18–34) who received a gold standard neuropsychological assessment. For several neuropsychological constructs (working memory, memory, executive function, language, and intelligence), we found a family of digital biomarkers that predicted test scores with high correlations (p < 10−4 ). These preliminary results suggest that passive measures from smartphone use could be a continuous ecological surrogate for laboratory-based neuropsychological assessment. npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:10 ; doi:10.1038/s41746-018-0018-4 INTRODUCTION By comparison to the functional metrics available in other disciplines, conventional measures of neuropsychiatric disorders have several challenges. First, they are obtrusive, requiring a subject to break from their normal routine, dedicating time and often travel. Second, they are not ecological and require subjects to perform a task outside of the context of everyday behavior. Third, they are episodic and provide sparse snapshots of a patient only at the time of the assessment. Lastly, they are poorly scalable, taxing limited resources including space and trained staff. In seeking objective and ecological measures of cognition, we attempted to develop a method to measure memory and executive function not in the laboratory but in the moment, day-to-day. We used human–computer interaction on smart- phones to identify digital biomarkers that were correlated with neuropsychological performance. RESULTS In 2014, 27 participants (ages 27.1 ± 4.4 years, education 14.1 ± 2.3 years, M:F 8:19) volunteered for neuropsychological assessment and a test of the smartphone app. Smartphone human–computer interaction data from the 7 days following the neuropsychological assessment showed a range of correla- tions with the cognitive scores. Table 1 shows the correlation between each neurocognitive test and the cross-validated predictions of the supervised kernel PCA constructed from the biomarkers for that test. Figure 1 shows each participant test score and the digital biomarker prediction for (a) digits backward, (b) symbol digit modality, (c) animal fluency, (d) Wechsler Memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical memory (delayed free recall), (e) brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free recall), and (f) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- 4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design. Construct validity of the predictions was determined using pattern matching that computed a correlation of 0.87 with p < 10−59 between the covariance matrix of the predictions and the covariance matrix of the tests. Table 1. Fourteen neurocognitive assessments covering five cognitive domains and dexterity were performed by a neuropsychologist. Shown are the group mean and standard deviation, range of score, and the correlation between each test and the cross-validated prediction constructed from the digital biomarkers for that test Cognitive predictions Mean (SD) Range R (predicted), p-value Working memory Digits forward 10.9 (2.7) 7–15 0.71 ± 0.10, 10−4 Digits backward 8.3 (2.7) 4–14 0.75 ± 0.08, 10−5 Executive function Trail A 23.0 (7.6) 12–39 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4 Trail B 53.3 (13.1) 37–88 0.82 ± 0.06, 10−6 Symbol digit modality 55.8 (7.7) 43–67 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4 Language Animal fluency 22.5 (3.8) 15–30 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4 FAS phonemic fluency 42 (7.1) 27–52 0.63 ± 0.12, 10−3 Dexterity Grooved pegboard test (dominant hand) 62.7 (6.7) 51–75 0.73 ± 0.09, 10−4 Memory California verbal learning test (delayed free recall) 14.1 (1.9) 9–16 0.62 ± 0.12, 10−3 WMS-III logical memory (delayed free recall) 29.4 (6.2) 18–42 0.81 ± 0.07, 10−6 Brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free recall) 10.2 (1.8) 5–12 0.77 ± 0.08, 10−5 Intelligence scale WAIS-IV block design 46.1(12.8) 12–61 0.83 ± 0.06, 10−6 WAIS-IV matrix reasoning 22.1(3.3) 12–26 0.80 ± 0.07, 10−6 WAIS-IV vocabulary 40.6(4.0) 31–50 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4 Received: 5 October 2017 Revised: 3 February 2018 Accepted: 7 February 2018 1 Mindstrong Health, 248 Homer Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA Correspondence: Paul Dagum ( Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute • 총 45가지 스마트폰 사용 패턴: 타이핑, 스크롤, 화면 터치 • 스페이스바 누른 후, 다음 문자 타이핑하는 행동 • 백스페이스를 누른 후, 그 다음 백스페이스 • 주소록에서 사람을 찾는 행동 양식
 • 스마트폰 사용 패턴과 인지 능력의 상관 관계 • 20-30대 피험자 27명 • Working Memory, Language, Dexterity etc
  • 71. BRIEF COMMUNICATION OPEN Digital biomarkers of cognitive function Paul Dagum1 To identify digital biomarkers associated with cognitive function, we analyzed human–computer interaction from 7 days of smartphone use in 27 subjects (ages 18–34) who received a gold standard neuropsychological assessment. For several neuropsychological constructs (working memory, memory, executive function, language, and intelligence), we found a family of digital biomarkers that predicted test scores with high correlations (p < 10−4 ). These preliminary results suggest that passive measures from smartphone use could be a continuous ecological surrogate for laboratory-based neuropsychological assessment. npj Digital Medicine (2018)1:10 ; doi:10.1038/s41746-018-0018-4 INTRODUCTION By comparison to the functional metrics available in other disciplines, conventional measures of neuropsychiatric disorders have several challenges. First, they are obtrusive, requiring a subject to break from their normal routine, dedicating time and often travel. Second, they are not ecological and require subjects to perform a task outside of the context of everyday behavior. Third, they are episodic and provide sparse snapshots of a patient only at the time of the assessment. Lastly, they are poorly scalable, taxing limited resources including space and trained staff. In seeking objective and ecological measures of cognition, we attempted to develop a method to measure memory and executive function not in the laboratory but in the moment, day-to-day. We used human–computer interaction on smart- phones to identify digital biomarkers that were correlated with neuropsychological performance. RESULTS In 2014, 27 participants (ages 27.1 ± 4.4 years, education 14.1 ± 2.3 years, M:F 8:19) volunteered for neuropsychological assessment and a test of the smartphone app. Smartphone human–computer interaction data from the 7 days following the neuropsychological assessment showed a range of correla- tions with the cognitive scores. Table 1 shows the correlation between each neurocognitive test and the cross-validated predictions of the supervised kernel PCA constructed from the biomarkers for that test. Figure 1 shows each participant test score and the digital biomarker prediction for (a) digits backward, (b) symbol digit modality, (c) animal fluency, (d) Wechsler Memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical memory (delayed free recall), (e) brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free recall), and (f) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- 4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design. Construct validity of the predictions was determined using pattern matching that computed a correlation of 0.87 with p < 10−59 between the covariance matrix of the predictions and the covariance matrix of the tests. Table 1. Fourteen neurocognitive assessments covering five cognitive domains and dexterity were performed by a neuropsychologist. Shown are the group mean and standard deviation, range of score, and the correlation between each test and the cross-validated prediction constructed from the digital biomarkers for that test Cognitive predictions Mean (SD) Range R (predicted), p-value Working memory Digits forward 10.9 (2.7) 7–15 0.71 ± 0.10, 10−4 Digits backward 8.3 (2.7) 4–14 0.75 ± 0.08, 10−5 Executive function Trail A 23.0 (7.6) 12–39 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4 Trail B 53.3 (13.1) 37–88 0.82 ± 0.06, 10−6 Symbol digit modality 55.8 (7.7) 43–67 0.70 ± 0.10, 10−4 Language Animal fluency 22.5 (3.8) 15–30 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4 FAS phonemic fluency 42 (7.1) 27–52 0.63 ± 0.12, 10−3 Dexterity Grooved pegboard test (dominant hand) 62.7 (6.7) 51–75 0.73 ± 0.09, 10−4 Memory California verbal learning test (delayed free recall) 14.1 (1.9) 9–16 0.62 ± 0.12, 10−3 WMS-III logical memory (delayed free recall) 29.4 (6.2) 18–42 0.81 ± 0.07, 10−6 Brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free recall) 10.2 (1.8) 5–12 0.77 ± 0.08, 10−5 Intelligence scale WAIS-IV block design 46.1(12.8) 12–61 0.83 ± 0.06, 10−6 WAIS-IV matrix reasoning 22.1(3.3) 12–26 0.80 ± 0.07, 10−6 WAIS-IV vocabulary 40.6(4.0) 31–50 0.67 ± 0.11, 10−4 Received: 5 October 2017 Revised: 3 February 2018 Accepted: 7 February 2018 1 Mindstrong Health, 248 Homer Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA Correspondence: Paul Dagum ( Published in partnership with the Scripps Translational Science Institute Fig. 1 A blue square represents a participant test Z-score normed to the 27 participant scores and a red circle represents the digital biomarker prediction Z-score normed to the 27 predictions. Test scores and predictions shown are a digits backward, b symbol digit modality, c animal fluency, d Wechsler memory Scale-3rd Edition (WMS-III) logical memory (delayed free recall), e brief visuospatial memory test (delayed free recall), and f Wechsler adult intelligence scale-4th Edition (WAIS-IV) block design Digital biomarkers of cognitive function P Dagum 2 1234567890():,; • 스마트폰 사용 패턴과 인지 능력의 높은 상관 관계 • 파란색: 표준 인지 능력 테스트 결과 • 붉은색: 마인드 스트롱의 스마트폰 사용 패턴
  • 72. the manifestations of disease by providing a more comprehensive and nuanced view of the experience of illness. Through the lens of the digital phenotype, an individual’s interaction The digital phenotype Sachin H Jain, Brian W Powers, Jared B Hawkins & John S Brownstein In the coming years, patient phenotypes captured to enhance health and wellness will extend to human interactions with digital technology. In 1982, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins introduced the concept of the “extended phenotype”1, the idea that pheno- types should not be limited just to biological processes, such as protein biosynthesis or tissue growth, but extended to include all effects that a gene has on its environment inside or outside ofthebodyoftheindividualorganism.Dawkins stressed that many delineations of phenotypes are arbitrary. Animals and humans can modify their environments, and these modifications andassociatedbehaviorsareexpressionsofone’s genome and, thus, part of their extended phe- notype. In the animal kingdom, he cites damn buildingbybeaversasanexampleofthebeaver’s extended phenotype1. Aspersonaltechnologybecomesincreasingly embedded in human lives, we think there is an important extension of Dawkins’s theory—the notion of a ‘digital phenotype’. Can aspects of ourinterfacewithtechnologybesomehowdiag- nosticand/orprognosticforcertainconditions? Can one’s clinical data be linked and analyzed together with online activity and behavior data to create a unified, nuanced view of human dis- ease?Here,wedescribetheconceptofthedigital phenotype. Although several disparate studies have touched on this notion, the framework for medicine has yet to be described. We attempt to define digital phenotype and further describe the opportunities and challenges in incorporat- ing these data into healthcare. Jan. 2013 0.000 0.002 0.004 Density 0.006 July 2013 Jan. 2014 July 2014 User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5 User 6 User 7 Date Figure 1 Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals. Density distributions (probability density functions) are shown for seven individual users over a two-year period. Density on the y axis highlights periods of relative activity for each user. A representative tweet from each user is shown as an example. npg©2015NatureAmerica,Inc.Allrightsreserved.
  • 73. ers, Jared B Hawkins & John S Brownstein phenotypes captured to enhance health and wellness will extend to human interactions with st Richard pt of the hat pheno- biological sis or tissue effects that or outside m.Dawkins phenotypes can modify difications onsofone’s ended phe- cites damn hebeaver’s ncreasingly there is an heory—the aspects of ehowdiag- Jan. 2013 0.000 0.002 0.004 Density 0.006 July 2013 Jan. 2014 July 2014 User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5 User 6 User 7 Date Figure 1 Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals. Density distributions (probability density functions) are shown for seven individual users over a two-year period. Density on Timeline of insomnia-related tweets from representative individuals. Nat. Biotech. 2015 트위터는 당신이 불면증이 있는지 알고 있다.
  • 74. Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016) higher Hue (bluer) lower Saturation (grayer) lower Brightness (darker)
  • 75. Rao (MVR) (24) .     Results  Both All­data and Pre­diagnosis models were decisively superior to a null model . All­data predictors were significant with 99% probability.57.5;(KAll  = 1 K 49.8)  Pre = 1  7 Pre­diagnosis and All­data confidence levels were largely identical, with two exceptions:  Pre­diagnosis Brightness decreased to 90% confidence, and Pre­diagnosis posting frequency  dropped to 30% confidence, suggesting a null predictive value in the latter case.   Increased hue, along with decreased brightness and saturation, predicted depression. This  means that photos posted by depressed individuals tended to be bluer, darker, and grayer (see  Fig. 2). The more comments Instagram posts received, the more likely they were posted by  depressed participants, but the opposite was true for likes received. In the All­data model, higher  posting frequency was also associated with depression. Depressed participants were more likely  to post photos with faces, but had a lower average face count per photograph than healthy  participants. Finally, depressed participants were less likely to apply Instagram filters to their  posted photos.     Fig. 2. Magnitude and direction of regression coefficients in All­data (N=24,713) and Pre­diagnosis (N=18,513)  models. X­axis values represent the adjustment in odds of an observation belonging to depressed individuals, per  Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016)     Fig. 1. Comparison of HSV values. Right photograph has higher Hue (bluer), lower Saturation (grayer), and lower  Brightness (darker) than left photograph. Instagram photos posted by depressed individuals had HSV values  shifted towards those in the right photograph, compared with photos posted by healthy individuals.    Units of observation  In determining the best time span for this analysis, we encountered a difficult question:  When and for how long does depression occur? A diagnosis of depression does not indicate the  persistence of a depressive state for every moment of every day, and to conduct analysis using an  individual’s entire posting history as a single unit of observation is therefore rather specious. At  the other extreme, to take each individual photograph as units of observation runs the risk of  being too granular. DeChoudhury et al. (5) looked at all of a given user’s posts in a single day,  and aggregated those data into per­person, per­day units of observation. We adopted this  precedent of “user­days” as a unit of analysis .  5   Statistical framework  We used Bayesian logistic regression with uninformative priors to determine the strength  of individual predictors. Two separate models were trained. The All­data model used all  collected data to address Hypothesis 1. The Pre­diagnosis model used all data collected from  higher Hue (bluer) lower Saturation (grayer) lower Brightness (darker) 인스타그램은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
  • 76. Reece & Danforth, “Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression” (2016) . In particular, depressedχ2 07.84, p .17e 64;( All  = 9   = 9 − 1 13.80, p .87e 44)χ2Pre  = 8   = 2 − 1   participants were less likely than healthy participants to use any filters at all. When depressed  participants did employ filters, they most disproportionately favored the “Inkwell” filter, which  converts color photographs to black­and­white images. Conversely, healthy participants most  disproportionately favored the Valencia filter, which lightens the tint of photos. Examples of  filtered photographs are provided in SI Appendix VIII.     Fig. 3. Instagram filter usage among depressed and healthy participants. Bars indicate difference between observed  and expected usage frequencies, based on a Chi­squared analysis of independence. Blue bars indicate  disproportionate use of a filter by depressed compared to healthy participants, orange bars indicate the reverse.  인스타그램은 당신이 우울한지 알고 있다.
  • 77. Step1. 데이터의 측정 •스마트폰 •웨어러블 디바이스 •개인 유전 정보 분석 •디지털 표현형 환자 유래의 의료 데이터 (PGHD)
  • 79.
  • 81.
  • 84. Epic MyChart Epic EHR Dexcom CGM Patients/User Devices EH Hospit Whitings + Apple Watch Apps HealthKit
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 88. Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C interoperability
  • 90. •2018년 1월 출시 당시, 존스홉킨스, UC샌디에고 등 12개의 병원에 연동 •2019년 2월, 출시 1년 만에 200개 이상의 병원에 연동 •VA와도 연동된다고 밝힘 (with 9 million veterans) •2008년 구글 헬스는 3년 동안 12개 병원에 연동에 그쳤음 •2019년 6월, 모든 병원이 등록 가능하도록 확대
  • 92.
  • 94. How to Analyze and Interpret the Big Data?
  • 95. and/or Two ways to get insights from the big data
  • 96. 원격의료 • ‘명시적’으로, ‘전면적’으로 ‘금지’된 곳은 한국 밖에 없는 듯 • 해외에서는 새로운 서비스의 상당수가 원격의료 기능 포함 • 글로벌 100대 헬스케어 서비스 중 39개가 원격의료 포함 • 다른 모델과 결합하여 갈수록 새로운 모델이 만들어지는 중 • 스마트폰, 웨어러블, IoT, 인공지능, 챗봇 등과 결합
  • 97. 원격 의료 원격 진료 원격 환자 모니터링 화상 진료 전화 진료 2차 소견 용어 정리 온디맨드 처방 원격 수술
  • 98. •원격 진료: 화상 진료 •원격 진료: 2차 소견 •원격 진료: 애플리케이션 •원격 환자 모니터링 원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
  • 99. •원격 진료: 화상 진료 •원격 진료: 2차 소견 •원격 진료: 애플리케이션 •원격 환자 모니터링 원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
  • 101.
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  • 104. Average Time to Appointment (Familiy Medicine) Boston LA Portland Miami Atlanta Denver Detroit New York Seattle Houston Philadelphia Washington DC San Diego Dallas Minneapolis Total 0 30 60 90 120 20.3 10 8 24 30 9 17 8 24 14 14 9 7 8 59 63 19.5 10 5 7 14 21 19 23 26 16 16 24 12 13 20 66 29.3 days 8 days 12 days 13 days 17 days 17 days 21 days 26 days 26 days 27 days 27 days 27 days 28 days 39 days 42 days 109 days 2017 2014 2009
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  • 108. 0 125 250 375 500 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 417.9 233.3 123 77.4 44 20 0 550 1100 1650 2200 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2,036 1,461 952 575 299 127 0 6 12 18 24 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 22.8 19.6 17.5 11.5 8.1 6.2 Revenue ($m) Visits (k) Members (m) Growth of Teladoc
  • 110. - 11 - 붙임5 전화상담․처방 및 대리처방 한시적 허용방안 1. 전화상담․처방 한시적 허용방안 2020년 2월 22일 복지부 보도자료
  • 111. - 11 - 붙임5 전화상담․처방 및 대리처방 한시적 허용방안 1. 전화상담․처방 한시적 허용방안 2020년 2월 22일 복지부 보도자료
  • 112. 메디히어 앱 다운로드 : 의사용 가입 주소 :
  • 113. 메디히어 앱 다운로드 : 의사용 가입 주소 :
  • 114. •원격 진료: 화상 진료 •원격 진료: 2차 소견 •원격 진료: 애플리케이션 •원격 환자 모니터링 원격 의료에도 종류가 많다.
  • 115. Epic MyChart Epic EHR Dexcom CGM Patients/User Devices EHR Hospital Whitings + Apple Watch Apps HealthKit
  • 116. transfer from Share2 to HealthKit as mandated by Dexcom receiver Food and Drug Administration device classification. Once the glucose values reach HealthKit, they are passively shared with the Epic MyChart app ( The MyChart patient portal is a component of the Epic EHR and uses the same data- base, and the CGM values populate a standard glucose flowsheet in the patient’s chart. This connection is initially established when a pro- vider places an order in a patient’s electronic chart, resulting in a re- quest to the patient within the MyChart app. Once the patient or patient proxy (parent) accepts this connection request on the mobile device, a communication bridge is established between HealthKit and MyChart enabling population of CGM data as frequently as every 5 Participation required confirmation of Bluetooth pairing of the CGM re- ceiver to a mobile device, updating the mobile device with the most recent version of the operating system, Dexcom Share2 app, Epic MyChart app, and confirming or establishing a username and password for all accounts, including a parent’s/adolescent’s Epic MyChart account. Setup time aver- aged 45–60 minutes in addition to the scheduled clinic visit. During this time, there was specific verbal and written notification to the patients/par- ents that the diabetes healthcare team would not be actively monitoring or have real-time access to CGM data, which was out of scope for this pi- lot. The patients/parents were advised that they should continue to contact the diabetes care team by established means for any urgent questions/ concerns. Additionally, patients/parents were advised to maintain updates Figure 1: Overview of the CGM data communication bridge architecture. BRIEFCOMMUNICATION Kumar R B, et al. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2016;0:1–6. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocv206, Brief Communication byguestonApril7,2016 •Apple HealthKit, Dexcom CGM기기를 통해 지속적으로 혈당을 모니터링한 데이터를 EHR과 통합 •당뇨환자의 혈당관리를 향상시켰다는 연구결과 •Stanford Children’s Health와 Stanford 의대에서 10명 type 1 당뇨 소아환자 대상으로 수행 (288 readings /day) •EHR 기반 데이터분석과 시각화는 데이터 리뷰 및 환자커뮤니케이션을 향상 •환자가 내원하여 진료하는 기존 방식에 비해 실시간 혈당변화에 환자가 대응 JAMIA 2016 Remote Patients Monitoring via Dexcom-HealthKit-Epic-Stanford
  • 117. 의료계 일각에서는 원격 환자 모니터링의 합법화를 요구하기도
  • 118. 의료계 일각에서는 원격 환자 모니터링의 합법화를 요구하기도
  • 119. 미국에서는 원격의료의 퀄리티 컨트롤이 잘 되고 있나?
  • 120. 미국의 원격 진료는 얼마나 정확한가? Variation in Quality of Urgent Health Care Provided During Commercial Virtual Visits Adam J. Schoenfeld, MD; Jason M. Davies, MD, PhD; Ben J. Marafino, BS; Mitzi Dean, MS, MHA; Colette DeJong, BA; Naomi S. Bardach, MD, MAS; Dhruv S. Kazi, MD, MS; W. John Boscardin, PhD; Grace A. Lin, MD, MAS; Reena Duseja, MD; Y. John Mei, AB; Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH; R. Adams Dudley, MD, MBA IMPORTANCE Commercial virtual visits are an increasingly popular model of health care for the management of common acute illnesses. In commercial virtual visits, patients access a website to be connected synchronously—via videoconference, telephone, or webchat—to a physician with whom they have no prior relationship. To date, whether the care delivered through those websites is similar or quality varies among the sites has not been assessed. OBJECTIVE To assess the variation in the quality of urgent health care among virtual visit companies. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This audit study used 67 trained standardized patients who presented to commercial virtual visit companies with the following 6 common acute illnesses: ankle pain, streptococcal pharyngitis, viral pharyngitis, acute rhinosinusitis, low back pain, and recurrent female urinary tract infection. The 8 commercial virtual visit websites with the highest web traffic were selected for audit, for a total of 599 visits. Data were collected from May 1, 2013, to July 30, 2014, and analyzed from July 1, 2014, to September 1, 2015. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Completeness of histories and physical examinations, the correct diagnosis (vs an incorrect or no diagnosis), and adherence to guidelines of key management decisions. RESULTS Sixty-seven standardized patients completed 599 commercial virtual visits during the study period. Histories and physical examinations were complete in 417 visits (69.6%; 95% CI, 67.7%-71.6%); diagnoses were correctly named in 458 visits (76.5%; 95% CI, 72.9%-79.9%), and key management decisions were adherent to guidelines in 325 visits (54.3%; 95% CI, 50.2%-58.3%). Rates of guideline-adherent care ranged from 206 visits (34.4%) to 396 visits (66.1%) across the 8 websites. Variation across websites was significantly greater for viral pharyngitis and acute rhinosinusitis (adjusted rates, 12.8% to 82.1%) than for streptococcal pharyngitis and low back pain (adjusted rates, 74.6% to 96.5%) or ankle pain and recurrent urinary tract infection (adjusted rates, 3.4% to 40.4%). No statistically significant variation in guideline adherence by mode of communication (videoconference vs telephone vs webchat) was found. Invited Commentary page 643 Supplemental content at Research Original Investigation 단순히 규제/허용의 이슈에서 더 나아가, ‘어떤 방식으로 허용’하고, ‘어떻게 질 관리를 할 것인가’도 중요
  • 121. 미국의 원격 진료는 얼마나 정확한가? Choice, Transparency, Coordination, and Quality Among Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine Websites and Apps Treating Skin Disease Jack S. Resneck Jr, MD; Michael Abrouk; Meredith Steuer, MMS; Andrew Tam; Adam Yen; Ivy Lee, MD; Carrie L. Kovarik, MD; Karen E. Edison, MD IMPORTANCE Evidence supports use of teleconsultation for improving patient access to dermatology. However, little is known about the quality of rapidly expanding direct-to-consumer (DTC) telemedicine websites and smartphone apps diagnosing and treating skin disease. OBJECTIVE To assess the performance of DTC teledermatology services. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS Simulated patients submitted a series of structured dermatologic cases with photographs, including neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious conditions, using regional and national DTC telemedicine websites and smartphone apps offering services to California residents. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Choice of clinician, transparency of credentials, clinician location, demographic and medical data requested, diagnoses given, treatments recommended or prescribed, adverse effects discussed, care coordination. RESULTS We received responses for 62 clinical encounters from 16 DTC telemedicine websites from February 4 to March 11, 2016. None asked for identification or raised concerns about pseudonym use or falsified photographs. During most encounters (42 [68%]), patients were assigned a clinician without any choice. Only 16 (26%) disclosed information about clinician licensure, and some used internationally based physicians without California licenses. Few collected the name of an existing primary care physician (14 [23%]) or offered to send records (6 [10%]). A diagnosis or likely diagnosis was proffered in 48 encounters (77%). Prescription medications were ordered in 31 of 48 diagnosed cases (65%), and relevant adverse effects or pregnancy risks were disclosed in a minority (10 of 31 [32%] and 6 of 14 [43%], respectively). Websites made several correct diagnoses in clinical scenarios where photographs alone were adequate, but when basic additional history elements (eg, fever, hypertrichosis, oligomenorrhea) were important, they regularly failed to ask simple relevant questions and diagnostic performance was poor. Major diagnoses were repeatedly missed, including secondary syphilis, eczema herpeticum, gram-negative folliculitis, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Regardless of the diagnoses given, treatments prescribed were sometimes at odds with existing guidelines. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Telemedicine has potential to expand access to high-value health care. Our findings, however, raise concerns about the quality of skin disease diagnosis Editor's Note Author Affiliations: Department of Dermatology, and Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, San Francisco (Resneck); University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, Research Original Investigation 단순히 규제/허용의 이슈에서 더 나아가, ‘어떤 방식으로 허용’하고, ‘어떻게 질 관리를 할 것인가’도 중요
  • 123. Is It Time for a New Medical Specialty? The Medical Virtualist Medicinehasseenaproliferationofspecialtiesoverthe last50years,asscientificdiscoveryandcaredeliveryad- vanced. Diagnoses and treatments have become more complex, so the need for formal training for specialty competenceincognitiveandsurgicaldisciplineshasbe- comeclear.Therearecurrently860 000physicianswith active certifications through the American Board of Medical Specialties and 34 000 through the American Osteopathic Association.1 Drivers of Specialty Expansion Specialty development has been driven by advances in technology and expansion of knowledge in care deliv- ery. Physician-led teams leverage technology and new knowledgeintoastructuredapproachforamedicaldis- cipline, which gains a momentum of its own with adop- tion. For instance, critical care was not a unique spe- cialty until 30 years ago. The refinement in ventilator techniques,cardiacmonitoringandintervention,anes- thesia, and surgical advancements drove the develop- ment of the specialty and certification, with subse- quentsubspecialization(eg,neurologicalintensivecare). The development of laparoscopic and robotic surgical equipment,withadvancedimaging,spawnednewspe- cialty and subspecialty categories including colon and rectal surgery, general surgical oncology, interven- tional radiology, and electrophysiology. Innonproceduralareas,uniquecertificationwases- tablishedforgeriatricsandpalliativecare.Additionalnew specialties include hospitalists, laborists, and extensiv- ists, to name a few. These clinical areas do not yet have formal training programs or certification but are specific disciplineswithcorecompetenciesandmeasuresofper- formance that might be likely recognized in the future. Telemedicine and Medical Care Telemedicine is the delivery of health care services remotely by the use of various telecommunications modalities. The expansion of web-based services, use of videoconferencing in daily communication, and social media coupled with the demand for convenience by consumers of health care are all factors driving exponential growth in telehealth.2 According to one estimate, the global telehealth market is projected to increase at an annual com- pounded rate of 30% between 2017 and 2022, achiev- inganestimatedvalueof$12.1billiion.2 Somerecentmar- ket surveys show that more than 70% of consumers wouldconsideravirtualhealthcareservice.3 Aprepon- deranceofhigherincomeandprivatelyinsuredconsum- ersindicateapreferencefortelehealth,particularlywhen reassured of the quality of the care and the appropriate scopeofthevirtualvisit.3 Telemedicineisbeingusedto provide health care to some traditionally underserved and rural areas across the United States and increased shortages of primary care and specialty physicians are anticipated in those areas.4 A New Specialty Digital advances within health care and patients acting more like consumers have resulted in more physicians and other clinicians delivering virtual care in almost ev- ery medical discipline. Second-opinion services, emer- gency department express care, virtual intensive care units (ICUs), telestroke with mobile stroke units, tele- psychiatry, and remote services for postacute care are some examples. In the traditional physician office, answering ser- vicesandweb-basedportalsfocusedontelephoneand email communication. The advent of telehealth has resulted in incremental growth of video face-to-face communi- cation with patients by mobile phone, tablet, or other computer devices.2,3,5 In larger enterprises or commercial ven- tures, the scale is sufficient to “make or buy” centralized telehealth command centers to servicefunctionsacrossbroadgeographicareasinclud- ing international. Early telehealth focused on minor ailments such as coughs,colds,andrashes,butnowtelehealthisbeingused inbroaderapplications,suchascommunicatingimaging andlaboratoryresults,changingmedication,andmostsig- nificantly managing more complex chronic disease. Thecoordinationofvirtualcarewithhomevisits,re- mote monitoring, and simultaneous family engage- ment is changing the perception and reality of virtual health care. Commercialization is well under way with numerous start-ups and more established companies. These services are provided by the companies alone or in collaboration with physician groups. The Medical Virtualist We propose the concept of a new specialty represent- ingthemedicalvirtualist.Thistermcouldbeusedtode- scribe physicians who will spend the majority or all of their time caring for patients using a virtual medium. A professional consensus will be needed on a set of core competencies to be further developed over time. VIEWPOINT Medical virtualists could be involved in a substantial proportion of health care delivery for the next generation. Michael Nochomovitz, MD New York Presbyterian, New York, New York. Rahul Sharma, MD, MBA New York Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York. Corresponding Author: Michael Nochomovitz, MD, Physician Services Division, New York Presbyterian, 525 E 68th St, PO Box 182, New York, NY 10021 (mnochomovitz Opinion (Reprinted) JAMA Published online November 27, 2017 E1 © 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 11/29/2017 JAMA: 원격의료에 맞는 전문의를 육성하면 되지 않는가? •새로운 전공: 원격의료 전문의 •or 새로운 세부 전공: 원격 내과 전문의 / 원격 정신과 전문의
  • 125. •의료 전달 체계 •수가 •의약품 배송 •신뢰, 신뢰, 신뢰 •+ 환자들은 어떻게 생각할까? 더 근본적인 이슈는?
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  • 127. No choice but to bring AI into the medicine
  • 128. Martin Duggan,“IBM Watson Health - Integrated Care & the Evolution to Cognitive Computing”