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Head in the Clouds: Testing
Config Management Camp 2020
Peter Souter
Sr. Technical Account Manager - HashiCorp
Who is this bloke?
Technical Account Manager at HashiCorp
Peter Souter
Based in...
London, UK
This is my 6th CfgMgmentCamp!
Been coming since 2014 (missed 2018 - 👶)
Worn a lot of hats in my time...
Developer, Consultant, Pre-Sales, TAM
Interested in...
Making people’s operational life easier and
more secure
What are we here to talk about?
Config Management Camp 2020
Treating the tooling that manages
your infrastructure with the same
way you would treat any other
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
“Why should we test our
infrastructure as code anyways?”
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
1. Easy to regenerate from scratch
2. Code review and collaboration
3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model
4. Auditing and policies
5. Iteratively improve over time
6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity
7. Testing
Qui bono?
Who benefits?
“The concern of velocity loss of added testing is very much
worthwhile in my experience. It’s why we have a known, stable
configuration and deployment codebase and can move on to more
relevant business problems. In their absence, I’ve without
exception had to firefight tooling, silent regressions, and human
error burning out teams and reducing confidence in automation
from across teams. Infrastructure as code without testing to me
is self-sabotage”
- Devon Kim, @djk29a, HashiConf 2019 Slack
Lets have
a brief history
And before we start,
let me give my
I’m not on the engineering team!
Nothing I say is gospel, nor can I
commit to any future roadmap
Configuration management tools install and
manage software on a machine that already
exists. Terraform is not a configuration
management tool, and it allows existing
tooling to focus on their strengths:
bootstrapping and initializing resources.
Config Management Camp 2020?
VM Lab
“How do we test the
Two types of people interested in
testing IaC and it’s interactions
with DA CLOUD: Producers and
A little background on
Unit Testing
The terraform seemed to
generate the environment
correctly last time I tried…
meh, ship it!
Let’s eat the cone from
the bottom...
Let's start with the
most simple “tests”...
Compiling/Type Checking
Chef: Ruby syntax check
$ ruby -c my_cookbook_file.rb
Syntax OK!
Terraform: validate
$ terraform validate
Error: Unsupported block type
on line 30, in resource "aws_instance" "foobar":
30: tags {
Blocks of type "tags" are not expected here. Did you mean to define argument "tags"?
If so, use the equals sign to assign it a value.
Ansible: --check
$ ansible-playbook apache.yml --check
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
did not find expected '-' indicator
Puppet: parser validate
$ puppet parser validate
Error: Could not parse for environment production:
Syntax error at 'owner' at /tmp/foo.pp:5:5
Terraform: tflint
$ tflint
1 issue(s) found:
Error: instance_type is not a valid value (aws_instance_invalid_type)
on line 28:
28: instance_type = "t9.micro"
Chef: foodcritic
$ foodcritic -C ./cookbooks/mysql
cookbooks/<cookbook Name>/attributes/server.rb
FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required
85| default['<Cookbook Name>']['conf_dir'] = "#{mysql['basedir']}"
Puppet: puppet-lint
$ puppet-lint /etc/puppet/modules
foo/manifests/bar.pp - ERROR: trailing whitespace found on line 1
apache/manifests/server.pp - WARNING: variable not enclosed in {} on line 56
Ansible: ansible-lint
$ ansible-lint geerlingguy.apache
[ANSIBLE0013] Use shell only when shell functionality is required
Task/Handler: Get installed version of Apache.
[ANSIBLE0011] All tasks should be named
Task/Handler: include_vars apache-22.yml
Ok, so now lets get deeper:
Unit Tests
Acceptance tests make sure that
you're building the right thing
Unit tests make sure that you're
building the thing right
A unit tests is for the logic you have
written, not to test the language
Don’t just write
tautological unit tests,
test the edge cases
Producers and consumers
have different intents for
Puppet -
context 'repo enabled' do
context 'on CentOS' do
let(:facts) do
:operatingsystem => 'CentOS',
let(:params) {{ 'manage_repo' => true }}
it { contain_class('fish::Repo::Centos')}
it do contain_yumrepo('shells_fish_release_2').with(
:descr => 'Fish shell - 2.x release series (CentOS_7)',
:baseurl => '',
:enabled => '1',
:gpgcheck => '1',
:gpgkey => "",
Chef -
context 'amazonlinux' do
cached(:chef_run) { 'amazon', version: '2018.03').converge(described_recipe) }
it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-main]' do
expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-main')
it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-main-debuginfo]' do
expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-main-debuginfo')
it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-nosrc]' do
expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-nosrc')
Unit testing for Terraform:
Nothing official yet...
The Future…
Core Unit Testing?
Possibly… but we have a big backlog!
In the meantime, some
possible contenders...
▪ Self-contained binary
▪ Gherkin style features
▪ Behaviour-Driven Development
▪ Parses HCL for running its checks
▪ Provides its own Terraform specific
clarity example
$ clarity single_instance.feature
Feature: Single Instance in AWS
Scenario: Creation of a single AWS micro instance # single_instance.feature:3
Given Terraform # terraform.go:76 -> *Match
And a " aws_instance" of type " resource" # terraform.go:242 -> *Match
Then attribute " instance_type" equals "t1.micro" # terraform.go:351 -> *Match
And it occurs exactly 1 times # terraform.go:489 -> *Match
1 scenarios ( 1 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)
▪ Python CLI application
▪ Gherkin style features
▪ Behaviour-Driven Development
▪ Parses plan outputs for it’s checks
▪ Provides its own Terraform specific
terraform-compliance example
$ terraform-compliance -p plan.out -f terraform_compliance/
terraform-compliance v1.0.51 initiated
Scenario Outline: Ensure that specific tags are defined
Given I have resource that supports tags defined
When it contains tags
Then it must contain <tags>
And its value must match the "<value>" regex
| tags | value |
| Name | .+ |
1 features (1 passed)
1 scenarios (1 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)
Run 1570975178 finished within a moment
▪ Written as Python
▪ Standard unit testing
▪ Parses HCL for it’s checks
▪ Provides it’s own Terraform
specific matchers
terraform_validate example
$ python3 test/*.py
+ terraform_validate
FAIL: test_tags (__main__.TestResources)
Checks resources for required tags.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test/", line 27, in test_tags
line 207, in should_have_properties
raise AssertionError("n".join(sorted(errors)))
AssertionError: [ aws_instance.foobar.tags] should have property: 'Date'
Ran 1 test in 0.031s
FAILED (failures=1)
Fast to run
Easy to write
No environment or
credentials required
Doesn’t test actual outcome
IaC Unit
Ok, now the hard part:
Integration and Acceptance
People use
them interchangeably...
Acceptance tests are an external client that encompasses
enough information on how to drive the system under test (SUT)
in order to bring it to the point of asserting something.
Integration tests on the other hand, are used for testing the
internals of the system and are geared towards validating
contracts between modules of code.
Either way:
How can we test against
“DA CLOUD”, something we don’t
directly control?
Approach 1:
Mock the API’s with fixtures
The purpose of test fixtures
is to provide a fixed baseline
upon which tests can reliably
and repeatedly execute.
These are often
pretty close to unit tests...
ACME Provider (Lets Encrypt)
▪ We don’t want to fire
requests at a real ACME
CA provider
▪ Instead use a fixture
▪ Golang httptest
ACME Provider - Fixture mocking example
ACME Provider - Fixture mocking example
No dependency on cloud
Quick to run
Can be a lot of work to
maintain fixtures
Won’t test drift or changes in
actual cloud
Approach 2:
Simulated Cloud
With the rise of Serverless/Lamba
frameworks, devs needed
something local to test against and
people started making Cloud
DynamoDB Local
GCP Emulator
▪ “Cloud in a box”
▪ Can run in Docker
▪ Provides real working
versions of AWS APIs
No dependency on cloud
More debugging and “real
life” experience than a
mocked service
Won’t exist for every service
Relies on simulated service
to keep in line with real
Still not _really_ testing an
actual Cloud service
Approach 3:
Don’t mock anything, do it for real!
Pull-request acceptance tests for Azure Provider
Full Suite example for Azure Provider:
Full Suite example for Azure Provider:
From a producer point of view,
you’re testing the tool
As a consumer, you probably want
an integration test of your real full
stack of pieces
you care
about state
▪ Full acceptance framework for
▪ Developed by Gruntworks
▪ Used to test large module
▪ Written in Golang
▪ Helper methods for validating
At Gruntwork we test dozens of modules with terratest. We have
hooks to CircleCI to run tests on each commit. For us, the ROI is
huge - we've caught many regressions & problems thanks to
the tests.
It can definitely result in long test times. In some of our larger
repos, test can take 45-60 minutes. What I normally do is
add/update a test, run just that test locally to make sure it's
working, then let the full suite run in CircleCI.
- Ben Whaley, Gruntworks, HashiConf 2020 Slack
terratest example
$ go test -v test/terraform_basic_example_test.go
=== RUN TestTerraformAWSInstanceType
=== PAUSE TestTerraformAWSInstanceType
=== CONT TestTerraformAWSInstanceType
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:10+01:00 retry.go:72: terraform [init -upgrade=false]
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:10+01:00 command.go:87: Running command terraform with args
[init -upgrade=false]
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:21+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Creating...
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:31+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Still
creating... [10s elapsed]
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:41+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Still
creating... [20s elapsed]
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Creation
complete after 21s [id=i-08d65b4371c14fc4e]
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158:
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: Apply complete! Resources: 1
added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158:
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: Outputs:
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158:
TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: instance_type = t1.micro
ok command-line-arguments 84.607s
Can be Costly
Can interfere with real
End-to-end testing
Interacts with real APIs
Closest to the real thing
Beyond conventional
Not going to go too deeply
into this...
Is it working beyond our
test suite?
For more information...
From Cfgmgmtcamp 2019
Every organisation has policies
Naming conventions, tagging, price
guides, cost centres and limits, legal
requirements and regulations etc.
Generally under the umbrella of
If we can reflect
we get the same
benefits we get from
HashiCorp Sentinel
“An embeddable policy as code
framework to enable fine-grained,
logic-based policy decisions that can
be extended to source external
information to make decisions.”
Sentinel example for Terraform
import "tfplan"
main = rule {
all tfplan.resources.aws_security_group as _, instances {
all instances as _, sg {
all sg.applied.egress as egress {
egress.cidr_blocks not contains ""
What have we learnt?
The benefits of testing IaC
Regardless of what tool you’re using, Infrastructure-as-code without testing
is “self-sabotage”
Unit Testing for IaC
Allowing quick feedback loops and TDD
Acceptance and Integration testing for IaC
Allowing you assurance that your IaC final state reflects what you expect
Beyond conventional testing
Using observability to check things are running ok after deployment...
The benefits of Policy-as-code
How reflecting organisational governance as PoC can speed up deployment
Thank You

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Head in the Clouds: Testing Infra as Code - Config Management 2020

  • 1. Copyright © 2020 HashiCorp Head in the Clouds: Testing Infrastructure-as-Code Config Management Camp 2020 Peter Souter Sr. Technical Account Manager - HashiCorp
  • 2. Introductions Who is this bloke? Technical Account Manager at HashiCorp Peter Souter Based in... London, UK This is my 6th CfgMgmentCamp! Been coming since 2014 (missed 2018 - 👶) Worn a lot of hats in my time... Developer, Consultant, Pre-Sales, TAM Interested in... Making people’s operational life easier and more secure DEVOPS ALL THE THINGS
  • 3. What are we here to talk about?
  • 6. Treating the tooling that manages your infrastructure with the same way you would treat any other code.
  • 7. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 8. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 9. “Why should we test our infrastructure as code anyways?”
  • 10. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 11. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 12. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 13. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 14. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 15. 1. Easy to regenerate from scratch 2. Code review and collaboration 3. Easier to conceptualise as a code model 4. Auditing and policies 5. Iteratively improve over time 6. Modularise, reuse and hide complexity 7. Testing Qui bono? Who benefits?
  • 16. “The concern of velocity loss of added testing is very much worthwhile in my experience. It’s why we have a known, stable configuration and deployment codebase and can move on to more relevant business problems. In their absence, I’ve without exception had to firefight tooling, silent regressions, and human error burning out teams and reducing confidence in automation from across teams. Infrastructure as code without testing to me is self-sabotage” - Devon Kim, @djk29a, HashiConf 2019 Slack
  • 17. Lets have a brief history lesson...
  • 18. And before we start, let me give my caveats...
  • 19. I’m not on the engineering team! Nothing I say is gospel, nor can I commit to any future roadmap
  • 20. Configuration management tools install and manage software on a machine that already exists. Terraform is not a configuration management tool, and it allows existing tooling to focus on their strengths: bootstrapping and initializing resources. -
  • 21. Config Management Camp 2020? Infra
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 26.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. ?
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. “How do we test the cloud?”
  • 34. Two types of people interested in testing IaC and it’s interactions with DA CLOUD: Producers and Consumers
  • 35. A little background on testing...
  • 38.
  • 39. The terraform seemed to generate the environment correctly last time I tried… meh, ship it!
  • 40. Let’s eat the cone from the bottom...
  • 41.
  • 42. Let's start with the most simple “tests”...
  • 44. TERMINAL Chef: Ruby syntax check $ ruby -c my_cookbook_file.rb Syntax OK! TERMINAL
  • 45. TERMINAL Terraform: validate $ terraform validate Error: Unsupported block type on line 30, in resource "aws_instance" "foobar": 30: tags { Blocks of type "tags" are not expected here. Did you mean to define argument "tags"? If so, use the equals sign to assign it a value. TERMINAL
  • 46. TERMINAL Ansible: --check $ ansible-playbook apache.yml --check ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML. did not find expected '-' indicator TERMINAL
  • 47. TERMINAL Puppet: parser validate $ puppet parser validate Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at 'owner' at /tmp/foo.pp:5:5 TERMINAL
  • 49. Terraform: tflint TERMINAL $ tflint 1 issue(s) found: Error: instance_type is not a valid value (aws_instance_invalid_type) on line 28: 28: instance_type = "t9.micro"
  • 50. Chef: foodcritic TERMINAL $ foodcritic -C ./cookbooks/mysql cookbooks/<cookbook Name>/attributes/server.rb FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required 85| default['<Cookbook Name>']['conf_dir'] = "#{mysql['basedir']}"
  • 51. Puppet: puppet-lint TERMINAL $ puppet-lint /etc/puppet/modules foo/manifests/bar.pp - ERROR: trailing whitespace found on line 1 apache/manifests/server.pp - WARNING: variable not enclosed in {} on line 56
  • 52. Ansible: ansible-lint TERMINAL $ ansible-lint geerlingguy.apache [ANSIBLE0013] Use shell only when shell functionality is required /Users/chouseknecht/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks/main.yml:19 Task/Handler: Get installed version of Apache. [ANSIBLE0011] All tasks should be named /Users/chouseknecht/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks/main.yml:29 Task/Handler: include_vars apache-22.yml
  • 53. Ok, so now lets get deeper: Unit Tests
  • 54. Acceptance tests make sure that you're building the right thing Unit tests make sure that you're building the thing right
  • 55.
  • 57. A unit tests is for the logic you have written, not to test the language
  • 58. Don’t just write tautological unit tests, test the edge cases
  • 59. Producers and consumers have different intents for unit-tests
  • 60. Puppet - TERMINAL context 'repo enabled' do context 'on CentOS' do let(:facts) do { :operatingsystem => 'CentOS', } end let(:params) {{ 'manage_repo' => true }} it { contain_class('fish::Repo::Centos')} it do contain_yumrepo('shells_fish_release_2').with( :descr => 'Fish shell - 2.x release series (CentOS_7)', :baseurl => '', :enabled => '1', :gpgcheck => '1', :gpgkey => "", ) end end
  • 61. Chef - TERMINAL context 'amazonlinux' do cached(:chef_run) { 'amazon', version: '2018.03').converge(described_recipe) } it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-main]' do expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-main') end it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-main-debuginfo]' do expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-main-debuginfo') end it 'creates yum_repository[amzn-nosrc]' do expect(chef_run).to create_yum_repository('amzn-nosrc') end end
  • 62. Unit testing for Terraform: Nothing official yet...
  • 63. The Future… Core Unit Testing?
  • 64. Possibly… but we have a big backlog!
  • 65. In the meantime, some possible contenders...
  • 66. clarity ▪ Self-contained binary ▪ Gherkin style features ▪ Behaviour-Driven Development ▪ Parses HCL for running its checks ▪ Provides its own Terraform specific matchers
  • 67. clarity example TERMINAL $ clarity single_instance.feature Feature: Single Instance in AWS Scenario: Creation of a single AWS micro instance # single_instance.feature:3 Given Terraform # terraform.go:76 -> *Match And a " aws_instance" of type " resource" # terraform.go:242 -> *Match Then attribute " instance_type" equals "t1.micro" # terraform.go:351 -> *Match And it occurs exactly 1 times # terraform.go:489 -> *Match 1 scenarios ( 1 passed) 4 steps (4 passed) 1.613589ms
  • 68. terraform-compliance ▪ Python CLI application ▪ Gherkin style features ▪ Behaviour-Driven Development ▪ Parses plan outputs for it’s checks ▪ Provides its own Terraform specific matchers
  • 69. terraform-compliance example TERMINAL $ terraform-compliance -p plan.out -f terraform_compliance/ terraform-compliance v1.0.51 initiated Scenario Outline: Ensure that specific tags are defined Given I have resource that supports tags defined When it contains tags Then it must contain <tags> And its value must match the "<value>" regex Examples: | tags | value | | Name | .+ | 1 features (1 passed) 1 scenarios (1 passed) 4 steps (4 passed) Run 1570975178 finished within a moment
  • 70. terraform_validate ▪ Written as Python ▪ Standard unit testing ▪ Parses HCL for it’s checks ▪ Provides it’s own Terraform specific matchers
  • 71. terraform_validate example TERMINAL $ python3 test/*.py + terraform_validate ====================================================================== FAIL: test_tags (__main__.TestResources) Checks resources for required tags. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "test/", line 27, in test_tags should_have_properties(required_tags) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/terraform_validate/", line 207, in should_have_properties raise AssertionError("n".join(sorted(errors))) AssertionError: [ aws_instance.foobar.tags] should have property: 'Date' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.031s FAILED (failures=1)
  • 72. Pros Fast to run Easy to write No environment or credentials required Cons Doesn’t test actual outcome IaC Unit Testing
  • 73. Ok, now the hard part: Integration and Acceptance
  • 75. Acceptance tests are an external client that encompasses enough information on how to drive the system under test (SUT) in order to bring it to the point of asserting something. Integration tests on the other hand, are used for testing the internals of the system and are geared towards validating contracts between modules of code.
  • 77. Either way: How can we test against “DA CLOUD”, something we don’t directly control?
  • 78. Approach 1: Mock the API’s with fixtures
  • 79. The purpose of test fixtures is to provide a fixed baseline upon which tests can reliably and repeatedly execute.
  • 80. These are often pretty close to unit tests...
  • 81. ACME Provider (Lets Encrypt) ▪ We don’t want to fire requests at a real ACME CA provider ▪ Instead use a fixture ▪ Golang httptest
  • 82. ACME Provider - Fixture mocking example
  • 83. ACME Provider - Fixture mocking example
  • 84. Pros No dependency on cloud Quick to run Cons Can be a lot of work to maintain fixtures Won’t test drift or changes in actual cloud Fixture Mocking
  • 86. With the rise of Serverless/Lamba frameworks, devs needed something local to test against and people started making Cloud Simulators
  • 88. Localstack ▪ “Cloud in a box” ▪ Can run in Docker ▪ Provides real working versions of AWS APIs
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. Pros No dependency on cloud More debugging and “real life” experience than a mocked service Cons Won’t exist for every service Relies on simulated service to keep in line with real cloud Still not _really_ testing an actual Cloud service Fixture Mocking
  • 98. Approach 3: Don’t mock anything, do it for real!
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103. Pull-request acceptance tests for Azure Provider
  • 104. Full Suite example for Azure Provider:
  • 105. Full Suite example for Azure Provider:
  • 106.
  • 107. From a producer point of view, you’re testing the tool
  • 108. As a consumer, you probably want an integration test of your real full stack of pieces
  • 110. terratest ▪ Full acceptance framework for Terraform ▪ Developed by Gruntworks ▪ Used to test large module deployments ▪ Written in Golang ▪ Helper methods for validating state
  • 111. At Gruntwork we test dozens of modules with terratest. We have hooks to CircleCI to run tests on each commit. For us, the ROI is huge - we've caught many regressions & problems thanks to the tests. It can definitely result in long test times. In some of our larger repos, test can take 45-60 minutes. What I normally do is add/update a test, run just that test locally to make sure it's working, then let the full suite run in CircleCI. - Ben Whaley, Gruntworks, HashiConf 2020 Slack
  • 112. terratest example TERMINAL $ go test -v test/terraform_basic_example_test.go === RUN TestTerraformAWSInstanceType === PAUSE TestTerraformAWSInstanceType === CONT TestTerraformAWSInstanceType TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:10+01:00 retry.go:72: terraform [init -upgrade=false] TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:10+01:00 command.go:87: Running command terraform with args [init -upgrade=false] TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:21+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Creating... TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:31+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Still creating... [10s elapsed] TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:41+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Still creating... [20s elapsed] TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: aws_instance.foobar: Creation complete after 21s [id=i-08d65b4371c14fc4e] TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: Outputs: TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: TestTerraformAWSInstanceType 2020-10-13T16:09:43+01:00 command.go:158: instance_type = t1.micro ok command-line-arguments 84.607s
  • 113. Cons Slower Can be Costly Can interfere with real infrastructure Pros End-to-end testing Interacts with real APIs Closest to the real thing Acceptance and Integration Testing
  • 116. Not going to go too deeply into this...
  • 117.
  • 118. Is it working beyond our test suite?
  • 122. Every organisation has policies Naming conventions, tagging, price guides, cost centres and limits, legal requirements and regulations etc. Generally under the umbrella of Governance
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  • 124. If we can reflect Policies-as-code we get the same benefits we get from Infrastructure-as-code
  • 125. HashiCorp Sentinel “An embeddable policy as code framework to enable fine-grained, logic-based policy decisions that can be extended to source external information to make decisions.”
  • 126. TERMINAL Sentinel example for Terraform CODE EDITOR import "tfplan" main = rule { all tfplan.resources.aws_security_group as _, instances { all instances as _, sg { all sg.applied.egress as egress { egress.cidr_blocks not contains "" } }
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  • 132. What have we learnt?
  • 133. The benefits of testing IaC Regardless of what tool you’re using, Infrastructure-as-code without testing is “self-sabotage”
  • 134. Unit Testing for IaC Allowing quick feedback loops and TDD
  • 135. Acceptance and Integration testing for IaC Allowing you assurance that your IaC final state reflects what you expect
  • 136. Beyond conventional testing Using observability to check things are running ok after deployment...
  • 137. The benefits of Policy-as-code How reflecting organisational governance as PoC can speed up deployment