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                             The Neo4j Election
                               Data @GDG SF

        Andreas Kollegger          Peter Neubauer   Michael Hunger
        @akollegger                @peterneubauer   @mesirii

Saturday, September 29, 12


Saturday, September 29, 12

                             Follow the Data
        FEC Campaign Data
        Andreas Kollegger        Peter Neubauer   Michael Hunger
        @akollegger              @peterneubauer   @mesirii

Saturday, September 29, 12


Saturday, September 29, 12
Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?

                             2.What's a graph database?


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?

                             2.What's a graph database?

                        2.FEC Campaign Data


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?

                             2.What's a graph database?

                        2.FEC Campaign Data

                             1.Data Model


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?

                             2.What's a graph database?

                        2.FEC Campaign Data

                             1.Data Model

                             2.Import Strategy


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan
                        1.Graph Database Primer

                             1.Why graphs?

                             2.What's a graph database?

                        2.FEC Campaign Data

                             1.Data Model

                             2.Import Strategy


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                        4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                        4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                        5. Upload existing data to the graph


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                        4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                        5. Upload existing data to the graph

                        6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                        4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                        5. Upload existing data to the graph

                        6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku

                        7. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet 


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                        1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex

                        2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                        3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                        4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                        5. Upload existing data to the graph

                        6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku

                        7. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet 

                        8. Build a small bar chart from a Cypher query


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Graph Database


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Why graphs, why now?

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                          ⚽         IQ  H 6         7
                           >G     KM
Saturday, September 29, 12
Why graphs, why now?

                        1.Big Data is the trend

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                          ⚽         IQ     H         7
                           > G    KM
Saturday, September 29, 12
Why graphs, why now?

                        1.Big Data is the trend
                        2.NOSQL is the answer

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          & ⛽        : D !2$% A ⛵0 , #
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             ;" WI 5A 3B N = . 8 1 H
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               ⚽ C D Y M Q I     H                 7
             +     > G    K
Saturday, September 29, 12
Why graphs, why now?

                        1.Big Data is the trend
                        2.NOSQL is the answer
                        3.Large in volume, and in
                                P ' L 97 N W
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Saturday, September 29, 12
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  Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
A Graph?


Saturday, September 29, 12
A Graph?
                             Yes, a graph


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...

        ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...

        ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
        ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...

        ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
        ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph
                 •remember linked lists, trees?


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...

        ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
        ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph
                 •remember linked lists, trees?
                 •graphs are the general-purpose data structure


Saturday, September 29, 12
A graph database...

        ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
        ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph
                 •remember linked lists, trees?
                 •graphs are the general-purpose data structure
        ๏ “A relational database may tell you
                    the average age of everyone in the USA,
              but a graph database will tell you
                who is most likely to buy you a beer.”


Saturday, September 29, 12
A Graph Database


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational



Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational

                             foo   bar


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational

                             foo   foo_bar   bar


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational

                             foo   foo_bar   bar


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational

                             foo   foo_bar   bar


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational

                             foo   foo_bar   bar


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12
You know relational
       now consider relationships...


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
We're talking about a
       Property Graph


Saturday, September 29, 12
We're talking about a
       Property Graph



Saturday, September 29, 12
We're talking about a
       Property Graph




Saturday, September 29, 12
We're talking about a
       Property Graph
                                                                    Em                                       Joh
                                                                         il                                      a   n
                                                          knows                                     knows
                                             Alli                                         Tob                                    Lar

                                                    son                                       ias           knows                   s
                                                                  And                                       And                  knows
                                             knows                      rea                                       rés
                                                                                  knows             knows                knows
                                             Pet                                          Miic
                                                                                          Mc                knows                 Ian
                                                er                knows                        a
                                                          knows                   knows
                                                                   De                                       Mic
                                                                      lia                                      h   ael


                                     Properties (each a key+value)

                               + Indexes (for easy look-ups)

Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
And, but, so how do you
          query this "graph" database?


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - a graph query language
        ๏ a pattern-matching query language
        ๏ declarative grammar with clauses (like SQL)
        ๏ aggregation, ordering, limits
        ๏ create, read, update, delete


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - a graph query language
        ๏ a pattern-matching query language
        ๏ declarative grammar with clauses (like SQL)
        ๏ aggregation, ordering, limits
        ๏ create, read, update, delete

                   // get node 1, traverse 2 steps away
                   start a=node(1) match (a)--()--(c) return c

                   // create a node with a 'name' property
                   CREATE (me {name: 'Andreas'}) return me

       ๏ more on this later...

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                             () --> ()


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                             A   B


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                              A      B

                             (A) --> (B)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                             A   B


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                              A      B

                             (A) -- (B)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                             A           B


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                              A           B

                             A -[:LOVES]-> B


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                     A       B        C


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax

                     A       B        C

                   A --> B --> C


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


                             B       C


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


                             B       C

                  A --> B --> C, A --> C


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - pattern matching syntax


                             B       C

                  A --> B --> C, A --> C
                   A --> B --> C <-- A

Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - common clauses


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher - common clauses
                   // get node 1, traverse 2 steps away
                   START a=node(1) MATCH (a)--()--(c) RETURN c

                   // get node from an index, return it
                   START a=node:people(name='Andreas')
                   RETURN a

                   // get node from an index, match, filter
                   // with where, then return results
                   START a=node:people(name='Andreas')
                   MATCH (a)-[r]-(b) WHERE b.last='Sparrow'
                   RETURN r,b


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data

           yeah, this is the good stuff..

Saturday, September 29, 12
and now, it's time for

        FEC Campaign Data

           yeah, this is the good stuff..

Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data
             ๏In 1975, Congress created the Federal Election
                         Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the
                         Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) – The statute
                         that governs the financing of federal elections.

             ๏The duties of the FEC, which is an independent
                         regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data
             ๏Detailed files about...
                      •      Candidates       Committee                              Candidate

                      • Committees
                      • Individual Contributions          Individual Contributions

             ๏10 years of data
             ๏Updated every Sunday


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data - Committees
                      • one record for each committee registered with the
                          Federal Election Commission.

                                             Committee - cm12.txt
                                       CMTE_ID: String
                                       CMTE_NM: String
                                       TRES_NM: String
                                       CMTE_ST1: String
                                       CMTE_ST2: String
                                       CMTE_CITY: String
                                       CMTE_ST: String
                                       CMTE_ZIP: String
                                       CMTE_DSGN: String
                                       CMTE_TP: String
                                       CMTE_PTY_AFFILIATION: String
                                       CMTE_FILING_FREQ: String
                                       ORG_TP: String
                                       CONNECTED_ORG_NM: String
                                       CAND_ID: String


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data
                      • one record for each candidateappeared on a ballot
                          registered with the FEC or
                                                      who has either

                             list prepared by a state elections office.

                                                  Candidate - cn12.txt
                                            CAND_ID: String
                                            CAND_NAME: String
                                            CAND_PTY_AFFILIATION: String
                                            CAND_ELECTION_YR: String
                                            CAND_OFFICE_ST: String
                                            CAND_OFFICE: String
                                            CAND_OFFICE_DISTRICT: String
                                            CAND_ICI: String
                                            CAND_STATUS: String
                                            CAND_PCC: String
                                            CAND_ST1: String
                                            CAND_ST2: String
                                            CAND_CITY: String
                                            CAND_ST: String
                                            CAND_ZIP: String


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data
             ๏Individual Contributions
                      • each contribution from an individual to least $200.
                          committee if the contribution was at
                                                                a federal

                                        Individual Contrib - itcont.txt
                                        CMTE_ID: String
                                        AMNDT_IND: String
                                        RPT_TP: String
                                        TRANSACTION_PGI: String
                                        IMAGE_NUM: String
                                        TRANSACTION_TP: String
                                        ENTITY_TP: String
                                        NAME: String
                                        CITY: String
                                        STATE: String
                                        ZIP_CODE: String
                                        EMPLOYER: String
                                        OCCUPATION: String
                                        TRANSACTION_DT: String
                                        TRANSACTION_AMT: Double
                                        OTHER_ID: String
                                        TRAN_ID: String
                                        FILE_NUM: Integer
                                        MEMO_CD: String
                                        MEMO_TEXT: String
                                        SUB_ID: Integer


Saturday, September 29, 12
FEC Campaign Data - Extra Records
             ๏Candidate to Committee Linkage
                      •      registered candidate to committee linkage

             ๏Transactions between Committees
                      • inter-committee contribution or independent
                          expenditure during the two-year election cycle

             ๏Contribution to Candidate
                      • contribution or independent expenditure from
                          committee to candidate during the two-year
                              election cycle                             29

Saturday, September 29, 12
Import Strategy


Saturday, September 29, 12
Raw Data Import

                             Committee                                       Candidate

                                               Candidate to Committee

                                             Inter Committee Contributions

                                               Candidate Contributions

                                                Individual Contributions


Saturday, September 29, 12
Raw Data Import

                             Committee                                                        Candidate
                                         CMTE_ID                                    CAND_ID

                                                      Candidate to Committee
                                                   CMTE_ID             CAND_ID

                                                    Inter Committee Contributions

                                                       Candidate Contributions

                                                      Individual Contributions


Saturday, September 29, 12
Connected Data Import


Saturday, September 29, 12
Connected Data Import

                             Committee                      CAND_ID                             Candidate

                                          CMTE_ID     Candidate to Committee         CAND_ID

                                                    Inter Committee Contributions

                                                                          (from)                     CAND_ID

                                                      Candidate Contributions

                                CMTE_ID                                                             (from)
                                  (to)                 Individual Contributions


Saturday, September 29, 12
Connected Data Import

                             Committee                      CAND_ID                             Candidate

                                          CMTE_ID     Candidate to Committee         CAND_ID

                                                    Inter Committee Contributions

                                                                          (from)                     CAND_ID

                                                      Candidate Contributions

                                CMTE_ID                                                             (from)
                                  (to)                 Individual Contributions


Saturday, September 29, 12
Related Data Import


Saturday, September 29, 12
Related Data Import

                                  Committee                       CAMPAIGNS_FOR                  Candidate






                                                                 Individual Contributions



Saturday, September 29, 12
Related Data Import

                                  Committee                       CAMPAIGNS_FOR                             Candidate


                                          Committee            INTER_COMMITTEE_CONTRIBUTION              Candidate



                                                                             Individual Contributions

                                                                 Individual Contributions



Saturday, September 29, 12
Dave Fauth's Approach


Saturday, September 29, 12
Advanced Import - Dave Fauth
        ๏ includes SuperPAC data
        ๏ custom transform, then import
        ๏ model then looks like this...

                                             Committee      SUPPORTS   Candidate

                             Contributions   Contribution



Saturday, September 29, 12
Advanced Import - Dave Fauth
        ๏ Extract and Transform
                 • Stored files on S3
                 • Used MortarData to run Hadoop jobs to prepare data
        ๏ Load
                 • Used Neo4J BatchInserter to load
                 • Thanks to Michael Hunger (@mesirii)
                 • Loaded 2M+ nodes in <5 minutes


Saturday, September 29, 12
Advanced Import - Dave Fauth

                                                         Java BatchInsert

                             Download   Use S3
                             data       Storage
                                               Process with

                                                     Created Neo4J


Saturday, September 29, 12
Wanna learn more?

                             ๏Come hear Dave Fauth
                               present at...


Saturday, September 29, 12
                             Your Turn


Saturday, September 29, 12
From scratch
        ๏ git clone
        ๏ cd FEC_GRAPH
        ๏ ant initialize
                 • (need Apache ant? install from
        ๏ ant
                 • ant will build the importers and create a script
        ๏ ./bin/fec2graph --force --importer=RELATED
        ๏ ant neo4j-start
                 • will download and unpack neo4j, then start it

Saturday, September 29, 12
Investigate with Neo4j's Web UI

        ๏open http://localhost:7474
        ๏Dashboard - overview of data records
        ๏Data browser - examine data records, with
                    visualization options
        ๏Console - query the database using Cypher


Saturday, September 29, 12
Querying FEC with Cypher
        ๏ For Cypher documentation
        ๏ FEC Data Definitions
        ๏ Ready for a challenge?


Saturday, September 29, 12   43

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges
             // All presidential candidates for 2012

             // Top 10 Presidential candidates according to number of
               campaign committees

             // find President Barack Obama

             // lookup Obama by his candidate ID

             // find Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

             // lookup Romney by his candidate ID

             // find the shortest path of funding between Obama and Romney

             // 10 top individual contributions to Obama

             // 10 top individual contributions to Romney


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges

             // All presidential candidates for 2012
             start candidate=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*')
             where candidate.CAND_OFFICE='P' AND
             return candidate.CAND_NAME;

             // Top 10 Presidential candidates according to
             // number of campaign committees
             start candidate=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*')
             match candidate<-[r:SUPPORTS]-(campaign)
             where candidate.CAND_OFFICE='P' AND
             return candidate.CAND_NAME, COUNT(campaign) as count
             ORDER BY count desc LIMIT 10;

             // find President Barack Obama
             start obama=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*')
             WHERE obama.CAND_NAME =~ '.*OBAMA.*'
             return obama.CAND_NAME, obama.CAND_ID;


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges
             // lookup Obama by his candidate ID
             start obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') return obama;

             // find Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney
             start romney=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*')
             WHERE romney.CAND_NAME =~ '.*ROMNEY.*'
             return romney.CAND_NAME, romney.CAND_ID;

             // lookup Romney by his candidate ID
             start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353')
             return romney;

             // find the shortest path of funding between Obama and Romney
             start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353'),
               obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') MATCH
               p=shortestPath(romney-[*..10]-obama) return p;


Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Cypher Challenges
             // 10 top individual contributions to Obama
             start obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') match obama<-
               (contribution) return contribution.NAME,
               contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT order by
               contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT desc limit 10;

             // 10 top individual contributions to Romney
             start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353') match
               (contribution) return contribution.NAME,
               contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT order by
               contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT desc limit 10;


Saturday, September 29, 12
Customize the Data Importer
        ๏Java-savvy and feeling brave?
        ๏make a copy of
                 • CODE/fecGraph/src/importer/fec/
        ๏add your class to
                 • CODE/fecGraph/src/importer/
        ๏read docs about batch insertion

                 • extract States and Zip Codes into "location index"
                 • extract individual contributors from contribution list         47

Saturday, September 29, 12


Saturday, September 29, 12

                             Let's have some Fun!


Saturday, September 29, 12

                             Neo4j                   Google

                                     REST              Cypher




Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2                 #neo4j

                              Neo4j                   Google

                                      REST              Cypher




Saturday, September 29, 12

Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                     3. Add a Neo4j addon (
                          instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                     3. Add a Neo4j addon (
                          instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                     4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https://


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                     3. Add a Neo4j addon (
                          instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                     4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https://

                     5. Upload the data from


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                     3. Add a Neo4j addon (
                          instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                     4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https://

                     5. Upload the data from

                     6. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet , http://


Saturday, September 29, 12
Follow the Plan - Part 2
                     1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem

                     2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create)

                     3. Add a Neo4j addon (
                          instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j)

                     4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https://

                     5. Upload the data from

                     6. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet , http://

                     7. Build a small bar chart from a Cypher query


Saturday, September 29, 12   51

Saturday, September 29, 12
Heroku Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Heroku Challenges
             //Point the Database Instance to FEC

             // Build a Google Data table endpoint



Saturday, September 29, 12
The Heroku Neo4j proxy App


Saturday, September 29, 12
The Heroku Neo4j proxy App

             > gem install heroku
             > git add github
             > heroku apps:create <app-name>
             > heroku addons:add neo4j
             > //add the project files
             > git add *; git commit -m"neo4j demo"
             > git push heroku master


Saturday, September 29, 12
The Google Spreadsheet Cypher driver

          key=0AsSBFHSo5OaPdGhzT1RTbDVaR0R3NW5iNUFpejVuSHc#gid=0   53

Saturday, September 29, 12
The Google Spreadsheet Cypher driver

             function cypherUrlREST(payload, url, user, pwd) {
               var auth = Utilities.base64Encode(user+":"+pwd);
               var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
                 "payload": payload,
                 "contentType": "application/json",
                   "Authorization":"Basic "+auth,
                 return response.getContentText();

          key=0AsSBFHSo5OaPdGhzT1RTbDVaR0R3NW5iNUFpejVuSHc#gid=0   53

Saturday, September 29, 12   54

Saturday, September 29, 12
Google Challenges


Saturday, September 29, 12
Google Challenges
             // Build a cypher parser in GoogleAppsScript

             // Build a Cypher query Google Widget

             // Visualize Cypher Results with Google Data Table

             // Geographic data viz


Saturday, September 29, 12
The heatmap from Cypher to Google


Saturday, September 29, 12
Wanna learn more?


Saturday, September 29, 12

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2012 09 GDG San Francisco Hackday at Parisoma

  • 1. #neo4j The Neo4j Election Data @GDG SF Andreas Kollegger Peter Neubauer Michael Hunger @akollegger @peterneubauer @mesirii 1 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 2. #neo4j 1 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 3. #neo4j Follow the Data FEC Campaign Data Andreas Kollegger Peter Neubauer Michael Hunger @akollegger @peterneubauer @mesirii 2 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 4. #neo4j 2 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 7. Follow the Plan 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 8. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 9. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 10. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 2.What's a graph database? 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 11. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 2.What's a graph database? 2.FEC Campaign Data 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 12. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 2.What's a graph database? 2.FEC Campaign Data 1.Data Model 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 13. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 2.What's a graph database? 2.FEC Campaign Data 1.Data Model 2.Import Strategy 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 14. Follow the Plan 1.Graph Database Primer 1.Why graphs? 2.What's a graph database? 2.FEC Campaign Data 1.Data Model 2.Import Strategy 3.Queries 4 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 16. Follow the Plan - Part 2 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 17. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 18. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 19. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 20. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 21. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 5. Upload existing data to the graph 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 22. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 5. Upload existing data to the graph 6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 23. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 5. Upload existing data to the graph 6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku 7. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet  5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 24. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Intro to Google Apps Script by Alex 2. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 3. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 4. Add a Neo4j addon instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 5. Upload existing data to the graph 6. Create a custom Ruby proxy app on Heroku 7. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet  8. Build a small bar chart from a Cypher query 5 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 26. Graph Database Primer 6 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 28. Why graphs, why now? D $ ; * , ☕⛵ ) ⛽. 7 4B N % 8 1 = +O ' @ 5% < J - ☕ 9: ( ⚾ ! ? E F$ P 2 ✈ 3 * - ), L C ( ⚽ IQ H 6 7 >G KM Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 29. Why graphs, why now? 1.Big Data is the trend 8 /! ⛽C & :D A ⛵0 , # G 7 <7 J$ O " ⚾ ! T⚽ % + 3 X. E C M S D@ A; B * 9N ✈ P 10 4 # Q K D 5 Y EI @ ⛽ , 4 J4 Z &R "☕> G % 5 3+9 =% 8 @F ? $ +7 ; [W . $ B L⚾. ⛵ * ,< ⛵ U )☕ ⛽ XO F> 5 $=1 H = BN' ☕✈ ! 1⚽ P - ☕ 8 2⚾: LE H % < J /9 V ( ? F? ( ] ✈ 3 * - ), ; : C O *6 ⚽ IQ H 7 > G KM Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 30. Why graphs, why now? 1.Big Data is the trend 2.NOSQL is the answer P ' L 97 N W Y T 5 K 0 S @! ; Q 8 /B . ⛽C& & ⛽ : D !2$% A ⛵0 , # ? G # O- 3⛵ ! T⚽ C " ⚾ X 7$ 7JR+ O J %< ! 3 8 [ * X. E ⚾] " N , ⚽9 C > S D@ A; B D 1 P9 O > E M 10 4 # M UJ I + D 7 ✈ #: Q K & WA ⛽ ✈ R34 S 5 Y EI @ ' , 5 $ 4 < R T ⛵☕> G Z 9 K %. " @F ? X $ 4& J ⛽[) % 0 7 XOL⚾ - =☕ ;" WI 5A 3B N = . 8 1 H H V * ⛵ ☕. U L + $ B5 + ⛽ N ⛵ U 9 = , > B$1 ✈ G☕ , < M P Z ☕ - ☕ ⚾8 2⚾:[FE H % < J P '<: ! F / ]8 V; % FQ ⚽ ? ✈ 4 H Z GV ), 2L E? *6 ⚽ 1 F ✈ 3 ( ( - ] ; : CO ? * @ ⚽ C D Y M Q I H 7 + > G K Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 31. Why graphs, why now? 1.Big Data is the trend 2.NOSQL is the answer 3.Large in volume, and in P ' L 97 N W Y P ' L 97 N W Y T5K 0 S @ . ; T 5 K 0 S @! ; ⛽ . & Q & B & ⛽ Q 8 /B O-G⛵ ⛽ C # !2R C : D !2$% A " # ⛵X 3 0, ? # O- 3⛵ ! T⚽ ? 8 " J 3%$[ ! > X 7$ 7JR+ 1 ] X⚾ A;⚽9 E J % < M DJO C⚾ , 8 9 [ C >✈S * 7✈ O > . ⚾] " N , ⚽9 ! U M IR D@ + E B WA D 1 P + O >E # : 0 4 S M UJ I 1 3 45 T' 7 S D X I@ WA " # & ✈ Q K , 4 J & Y EG T ⛽ $ +7 < Z= ⛵R UG # :R34 5 $ 54HZV ☕"' I >0 L < $K% . ⛽ ⛵☕ FN? [ : - X ;" WI 5A 3B 9 K %.8 1⚾P [ % 0 L + N ⚾. H V * ⛵ )☕. U ⛽ G☕ , < M PU& N XO ☕ = L B- ☕ 1@ A ]8 ; MH F , < BQ ⛽ ⛵ [F> 4 Q J ';✈ 5 $= GV 1 F / 98 V, ⚽F ? < ✈ ( : F Z ☕ - ☕ ⚾8 2⚾: $ E H % 1⚽ P @ < %B Z ! ?H 2? E ✈ 4 H Z GV ]] 2L + *6 D Y F ✈ 3( - ), ; : C O ⚽ ⚽ * @Y IQ E ? H C + >C D K M G 7 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 32. P L0 7 N W T 5 K Q S @ . ; L9 Y W & ⛽ BP ' 07 N 9 Y O- 3⛵ !2 ? K T5 S @B ;. 7 N W P ' L 97 N " # Y X 8 WJ %$ & R 9 Y Q ⛽C7 ' L >⛵ N W !2 ? 01 [ ! S @ B ; T 5 KDJ ⚾] @ . , ⚽# O- 3 X . P> 0 9 Q !2 ? ⛽ M UQ IS Why graphs, why now? 7 + O 58 Q WA @ $[ !R C BS T K ; E J S %. 9 " B⚽ > & R C - 3⛵ O XJ # :R34 5& ⛽ J ⚾] T ' , ; E > ✈ !I ?M U <I K 7 ! O ? 2RU LD 1 %$[ ! # 8 H"V ☕" ⚽9 X G %$⛽ 0O C AN ✈$ % . S ⛵ [ ! #& - 3⛵:R34 + 2R C - WA , + O M UJ W ⚾] , F >X #"< I [U L < K T ' > E >1 A Z ☕ ⚽9 M P8]8 [J %$5 & X: BQ , 1E H⚾V ; , ⚽9 ! > ⚾ . ✈ 4 H > GV 1 AG☕" E 0 E N S D I 5U LL < # :. ' ⚽ 1.Big Data is the trend F Z DJ W] 2 ⛵ R3 7 S 9 9 Y ✈T ' 4 + O M U @IR ☕7 + 1⚾P D Y ⛽ M A Z' ? S O > ]8 [A % B Q F W< ;$ ,: - P& 0[ K - 0N 7: " A H ,G ⛵ &' N P A 0[ < YNT ✈ 4 5 ' ✈ X $ N W I 50 LL XC # :.34 H Z GV9 Y 2. E + K - ⚽F W I P& L < K T ' M P K8 ; % ⛽ Q M U FT V @ . ⚾ 5 ] Q Z ☕B ;⚾P < 7: " H $ %⛽ S ☕ B 1 F 5 K8 ; G☕⛵ Q+M A V , @B . U @Y 0 LC0[ :%W N D7 N - ? T < G⛽ @ V E 2 ✈ !2 Z GV ] Q Z F F ? ⚽4 H ? ⛽ 1F 5 ] Q $ S ☕ B ;⚾P K8 ; @B Q T ,< S . 8 3 Y' 9 Y & O-D⛵ C PJ L + R C C 3⛵ X %$7 N # " W 2.NOSQL is the answer O-D X 9 ⚾] T , ⚽9 ! > ⚾ NJ %$[ ! # E @Y 2 ✈ !2 Z G⛽ @ ? ⚽4 H ? V & R C C D⛵ O- 3 Y 2 E ; B ? !2 ? 1 0 [> 5 K Q S E B1; 8 @ J WA Y L ' 8 + . W " 7 , ⚽9 P > X %$ J RC J I 7+ O M U . ] 7+ O5T D I@ 0 > E 1 A " , ⚽9 ! > ⚾] [ # :R34 ⛵ ✈& ⛽ S !# :.34 S K M UJ W ' 7 + O > E ; ✈T ' S Q ? BR D I WA G# 8 ⛽ ⛵ O-I 5 & 3 XNJ 2R C <? - 0 L H $!2 ⛽ V ☕" ⚾ M" A %$[V % " U X : 3.Large in volume, and in K ! I 5 & ⛽ & ✈T 34 S [ < ☕⛵ Q F , ⚽9R! > $%M J P , CG B 8 ;E [ < K - U L X # :. R 0 ⛵3 -[ # % " I 50 L < K T XA HOV N & N 1⚾ ☕4 1 ] 7 + O Z ☕ E⚽ 1⚾P M UJ I GV ✈D HZ F ] > F " ]8 8; $ G☕⛵ Q YU < ⚾ ZP : ⛽ , ' 9M P B A : - [< % $ , ✈ YS W 9 > E 4 WAGV ⚽ # :R34 @9 2 ✈ > H Z+ 7 ]9 2D ☕F L0 7 N W8 ; ? ⚽F O , ' ' I JU ME 1⚾ 1 Y✈ 4 F W NI 5 & ' P K TS Y9 AL @Y ✈ ? ⚽ K Z GV @ . 2 L0 7 T 5 H W ] E X + . " C' 0N Y < + - P43R: # N 7 D UL .CD S @Y ;? H V ☕⛵ P S' 0 K 5N W % 5 I K ⛽ G B@ MQ.T K < :& A [< N BQ @B Q L0 7 T $ L U T 5 "Q & ⛽ +. ; C D B ? SX ;☕ ,.A Z F T 5⚾P :8 @! ;F⛽ ⛽☕#Z -!⛵ J F 1 K- ] ⛽ ; 0 M $[ & &⚾ ? ⚽4 H Z GV% < /? P 1 ⛵0 ☕C ⛵⛽G& H V 3 O !2 ✈2! ⛵Y, 8 S-O 8 Q B Q 3D2B # O- 3⛵ F ✈ 8 ; E 2R C %$[ !R C X "? & ⛽ ED ? 8 ] $%8 Z " ⚽ %$ ! , ⚽9 C R + % CX :2 !# ? G A HX, # ] J@ O- 3⛵ " ⚾ Y⚽ V ⚾G M UJ ⚾9 7 + O > E > A [$ J 7 ! T@ CO " 4 3 1[ ! 9⚽ 2R JD ⚽ # > E >8 , " X ]$ JD D J I X⚾ A;IR3 > 1 7J MC S % <9UC + 1 ] + , O > E SWA I[ M U * . EB 4 ✈ @ +# : W O S 9N R ⚽ ⚾] 7 , ✈ > + !D 7 D 1 5 43 : # E # A H # M UJ I P + O 7 S D X I@ >✈ 10DX S M :R34 ✈ I 50 L < K T 45 G☕" < KU . ⛽ ⛵ & T' [ : - N . K < # N R34 K 5 V Y E W"' I Z & ? "☕ X L 0 I ⛽ G HZV T ⛽ >0 L ✈U Q & & "☕ V A G A M, 5+ 4 < RG☕⛵ ⛵ M F F [ ⚾ % ]8 ; % B N U☕ MP F A $ , ,X : ⛵J : [ 8 ;"⚾ I 5N 3 = Z= . $ $7 % 0☕ + N ⚾. H $ 4 & Z 9 K %⛽ 8 @P $ V B Q 2< E 1: - ; V * P W . U L XOL B - < F ⛽U ⛽ 1M 4 G VG< P , Z⚾ A ☕4 $1☕ ✈ ] H ; H ] ☕⛵ )☕⛵ F ✈ B $✈ 5 =1 H⚽48 Z< @ [ [F % B < J1⚾ '; > F Q GV F , :⚽ F Z ✈ + 2 C D Y , E H% ⚽ P ! G E ? ? Z @F ☕ H8 ⚽98 V L 2 F 2⚾: ☕4 ✈1 / ]] < E - ? Y D C Z GV ), 2 : + ? *6 D Y ✈ ( H @ ? ( + ⚽ H ⚽3 * - Y ; ? CO C @ I H + >C D K M Q G 7 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 35. A Graph? 8 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 36. A Graph? Yes, a graph 8 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 37. A graph database... 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 38. A graph database... ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 39. A graph database... ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 40. A graph database... ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph •remember linked lists, trees? 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 41. A graph database... ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph •remember linked lists, trees? •graphs are the general-purpose data structure 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 42. A graph database... ๏ no: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork ๏ yes: for storing data that is structured as a graph •remember linked lists, trees? •graphs are the general-purpose data structure ๏ “A relational database may tell you the average age of everyone in the USA, but a graph database will tell you who is most likely to buy you a beer.” 9 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 43. A Graph Database 10 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 45. You know relational 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 46. You know relational 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 47. You know relational foo 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 48. You know relational foo bar 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 49. You know relational foo foo_bar bar 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 50. You know relational foo foo_bar bar 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 51. You know relational foo foo_bar bar 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 52. You know relational foo foo_bar bar 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 53. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 54. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 55. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 56. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 57. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 58. You know relational now consider relationships... 11 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 61. We're talking about a Property Graph 12 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 62. We're talking about a Property Graph Nodes 12 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 63. We're talking about a Property Graph Nodes Relationships 12 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 64. We're talking about a Property Graph Em Joh il a n knows knows Alli Tob Lar Nodes son ias knows s knows And And knows knows rea rés s knows knows knows Pet Miic Mc knows Ian er knows a a knows knows De Mic lia h ael Relationships Properties (each a key+value) + Indexes (for easy look-ups) 12 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 67. And, but, so how do you query this "graph" database? 13 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 69. Cypher - a graph query language ๏ a pattern-matching query language ๏ declarative grammar with clauses (like SQL) ๏ aggregation, ordering, limits ๏ create, read, update, delete 14 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 70. Cypher - a graph query language ๏ a pattern-matching query language ๏ declarative grammar with clauses (like SQL) ๏ aggregation, ordering, limits ๏ create, read, update, delete // get node 1, traverse 2 steps away start a=node(1) match (a)--()--(c) return c // create a node with a 'name' property CREATE (me {name: 'Andreas'}) return me ๏ more on this later... 14 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 71. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 72. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 73. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 74. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 75. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 76. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 77. Cypher - pattern matching 15 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 78. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 16 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 79. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 16 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 80. Cypher - pattern matching syntax () --> () 16 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 81. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 17 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 82. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B 17 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 83. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B (A) --> (B) 17 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 84. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 18 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 85. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B 18 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 86. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B (A) -- (B) 18 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 87. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 19 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 88. Cypher - pattern matching syntax LOVES A B 19 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 89. Cypher - pattern matching syntax LOVES A B A -[:LOVES]-> B 19 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 90. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 20 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 91. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B C 20 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 92. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B C A --> B --> C 20 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 93. Cypher - pattern matching syntax 21 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 94. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B C 21 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 95. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B C A --> B --> C, A --> C 21 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 96. Cypher - pattern matching syntax A B C A --> B --> C, A --> C A --> B --> C <-- A 21 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 98. Cypher - common clauses 22 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 99. Cypher - common clauses // get node 1, traverse 2 steps away START a=node(1) MATCH (a)--()--(c) RETURN c // get node from an index, return it START a=node:people(name='Andreas') RETURN a // get node from an index, match, filter // with where, then return results START a=node:people(name='Andreas') MATCH (a)-[r]-(b) WHERE b.last='Sparrow' RETURN r,b 22 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 100. FEC Campaign Data 23 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 101. FEC Campaign Data yeah, this is the good stuff.. 23 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 102. and now, it's time for FEC Campaign Data yeah, this is the good stuff.. 23 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 103. FEC Campaign Data ๏In 1975, Congress created the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) – The statute that governs the financing of federal elections. ๏The duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance information 24 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 104. FEC Campaign Data ๏Detailed files about... • Candidates Committee Candidate • Committees • Individual Contributions Individual Contributions ๏10 years of data ๏Updated every Sunday 25 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 105. FEC Campaign Data - Committees ๏Committees • one record for each committee registered with the Federal Election Commission. Committee - cm12.txt CMTE_ID: String CMTE_NM: String TRES_NM: String CMTE_ST1: String CMTE_ST2: String CMTE_CITY: String CMTE_ST: String CMTE_ZIP: String CMTE_DSGN: String CMTE_TP: String CMTE_PTY_AFFILIATION: String CMTE_FILING_FREQ: String ORG_TP: String CONNECTED_ORG_NM: String CAND_ID: String 26 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 106. FEC Campaign Data ๏Candidates • one record for each candidateappeared on a ballot registered with the FEC or who has either list prepared by a state elections office. Candidate - cn12.txt CAND_ID: String CAND_NAME: String CAND_PTY_AFFILIATION: String CAND_ELECTION_YR: String CAND_OFFICE_ST: String CAND_OFFICE: String CAND_OFFICE_DISTRICT: String CAND_ICI: String CAND_STATUS: String CAND_PCC: String CAND_ST1: String CAND_ST2: String CAND_CITY: String CAND_ST: String CAND_ZIP: String 27 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 107. FEC Campaign Data ๏Individual Contributions • each contribution from an individual to least $200. committee if the contribution was at a federal Individual Contrib - itcont.txt CMTE_ID: String AMNDT_IND: String RPT_TP: String TRANSACTION_PGI: String IMAGE_NUM: String TRANSACTION_TP: String ENTITY_TP: String NAME: String CITY: String STATE: String ZIP_CODE: String EMPLOYER: String OCCUPATION: String TRANSACTION_DT: String TRANSACTION_AMT: Double OTHER_ID: String TRAN_ID: String FILE_NUM: Integer MEMO_CD: String MEMO_TEXT: String SUB_ID: Integer 28 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 108. FEC Campaign Data - Extra Records ๏Candidate to Committee Linkage • registered candidate to committee linkage ๏Transactions between Committees • inter-committee contribution or independent expenditure during the two-year election cycle ๏Contribution to Candidate • contribution or independent expenditure from committee to candidate during the two-year election cycle 29 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 109. Import Strategy 30 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 110. Raw Data Import Committee Candidate Candidate to Committee Inter Committee Contributions Candidate Contributions Individual Contributions 31 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 111. Raw Data Import Committee Candidate CMTE_ID CAND_ID Candidate to Committee CMTE_ID CAND_ID Inter Committee Contributions CMTE_ID Candidate Contributions CAND_ID Individual Contributions CMTE_ID 31 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 112. Connected Data Import 32 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 113. Connected Data Import Committee CAND_ID Candidate CMTE_ID Candidate to Committee CAND_ID OTHER_ID:CAND_ID (from) CMTE_ID Inter Committee Contributions OTHER_ID:CMTE_ID (from) CAND_ID CMTE_ID Candidate Contributions OTHER_ID:CAND_ID CMTE_ID (from) (to) Individual Contributions OTHER_ID:CMTE_ID (from) 32 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 114. Connected Data Import Committee CAND_ID Candidate CMTE_ID Candidate to Committee CAND_ID OTHER_ID:CAND_ID (from) CMTE_ID Inter Committee Contributions OTHER_ID:CMTE_ID (from) CAND_ID CMTE_ID Candidate Contributions OTHER_ID:CAND_ID CMTE_ID (from) (to) Individual Contributions OTHER_ID:CMTE_ID (from) 32 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 115. Related Data Import 33 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 117. Related Data Import Committee CAMPAIGNS_FOR Candidate SUPPORTS Committee INTER_COMMITTEE_CONTRIBUTION Candidate INTER_COMMITTEE_CONTRIBUTION CANDIDATE_CONTRIBUTION Individual Contributions INDIVIDUAL_CONTRIBUTION EARMARKED_BY Individual Contributions EARMARKED_BY 33 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 118. Dave Fauth's Approach 34 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 119. Advanced Import - Dave Fauth ๏ includes SuperPAC data ๏ custom transform, then import ๏ model then looks like this... Expenditures Committee SUPPORTS Candidate FUNDS superPac Contributions Contribution GIVES Individual 35 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 120. Advanced Import - Dave Fauth ๏ Extract and Transform • Stored files on S3 • Used MortarData to run Hadoop jobs to prepare data (@MortarData) ๏ Load • Used Neo4J BatchInserter to load • Thanks to Michael Hunger (@mesirii) • Loaded 2M+ nodes in <5 minutes 36 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 121. Advanced Import - Dave Fauth Java BatchInsert Download Use S3 data Storage Process with Hadoop/Pig Created Neo4J DB 37 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 122. Wanna learn more? ๏Come hear Dave Fauth present at... 38 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 123. Next... Your Turn 39 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 124. From scratch ๏ git clone ๏ cd FEC_GRAPH ๏ ant initialize • (need Apache ant? install from ๏ ant • ant will build the importers and create a script ๏ ./bin/fec2graph --force --importer=RELATED ๏ ant neo4j-start • will download and unpack neo4j, then start it 40 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 125. Investigate with Neo4j's Web UI ๏open http://localhost:7474 ๏Dashboard - overview of data records ๏Data browser - examine data records, with visualization options ๏Console - query the database using Cypher 41 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 126. Querying FEC with Cypher ๏ For Cypher documentation • ๏ FEC Data Definitions • ๏ Ready for a challenge? 42 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 127. 43 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 128. Cypher Challenges 43 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 129. Cypher Challenges // All presidential candidates for 2012 // Top 10 Presidential candidates according to number of campaign committees // find President Barack Obama // lookup Obama by his candidate ID // find Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney // lookup Romney by his candidate ID // find the shortest path of funding between Obama and Romney // 10 top individual contributions to Obama // 10 top individual contributions to Romney 43 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 131. Cypher Challenges 44 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 132. Cypher Challenges // All presidential candidates for 2012 start candidate=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*') where candidate.CAND_OFFICE='P' AND candidate.CAND_ELECTION_YR='2012' return candidate.CAND_NAME; // Top 10 Presidential candidates according to // number of campaign committees start candidate=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*') match candidate<-[r:SUPPORTS]-(campaign) where candidate.CAND_OFFICE='P' AND candidate.CAND_ELECTION_YR='2012' return candidate.CAND_NAME, COUNT(campaign) as count ORDER BY count desc LIMIT 10; // find President Barack Obama start obama=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*') WHERE obama.CAND_NAME =~ '.*OBAMA.*' return obama.CAND_NAME, obama.CAND_ID; 44 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 134. Cypher Challenges 45 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 135. Cypher Challenges // lookup Obama by his candidate ID start obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') return obama; // find Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney start romney=node:candidates('CAND_ID:*') WHERE romney.CAND_NAME =~ '.*ROMNEY.*' return romney.CAND_NAME, romney.CAND_ID; // lookup Romney by his candidate ID start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353') return romney; // find the shortest path of funding between Obama and Romney start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353'), obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') MATCH p=shortestPath(romney-[*..10]-obama) return p; 45 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 137. Cypher Challenges 46 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 138. Cypher Challenges // 10 top individual contributions to Obama start obama=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003338') match obama<- [:SUPPORTS]-(campaign)<-[:INDIVIDUAL_CONTRIBUTION]- (contribution) return contribution.NAME, contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT order by contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT desc limit 10; // 10 top individual contributions to Romney start romney=node:candidates(CAND_ID='P80003353') match romney<-[:SUPPORTS]-(campaign)<-[:INDIVIDUAL_CONTRIBUTION]- (contribution) return contribution.NAME, contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT order by contribution.TRANSACTION_AMT desc limit 10; 46 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 139. Customize the Data Importer ๏Java-savvy and feeling brave? ๏make a copy of • CODE/fecGraph/src/importer/fec/ ๏add your class to • CODE/fecGraph/src/importer/ ๏read docs about batch insertion • ๏Ideas: • extract States and Zip Codes into "location index" • extract individual contributors from contribution list 47 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 140. #neo4j 48 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 141. #neo4j Let's have some Fun! :) 48 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 142. #neo4j Neo4j Google REST Cypher Ruby Heroku 49 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 143. Follow the Plan - Part 2 #neo4j Neo4j Google REST Cypher Ruby Heroku 49 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 145. Follow the Plan - Part 2 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 146. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 147. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 148. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 3. Add a Neo4j addon ( instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 149. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 3. Add a Neo4j addon ( instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https:// 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 150. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 3. Add a Neo4j addon ( instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https:// 5. Upload the data from 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 151. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 3. Add a Neo4j addon ( instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https:// 5. Upload the data from 6. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet , http:// 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 152. Follow the Plan - Part 2 1. Register at Heroku and install the heroku gem 2. Create and install a Heroku app (heroku apps:create) 3. Add a Neo4j addon ( instance to it (heroku addons:add neo4j) 4. Create a custom Ruby app (code below, GitHub) https:// 5. Upload the data from 6. Connect to the app using a Google Spreadsheet , http:// 7. Build a small bar chart from a Cypher query 50 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 153. 51 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 154. Heroku Challenges 51 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 155. Heroku Challenges //Point the Database Instance to FEC data // Build a Google Data table endpoint // php_example 51 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 156. The Heroku Neo4j proxy App 52 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 157. The Heroku Neo4j proxy App > gem install heroku > git add github proxy.git > heroku apps:create <app-name> > heroku addons:add neo4j > //add the project files > git add *; git commit -m"neo4j demo" > git push heroku master 52 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 158. The Google Spreadsheet Cypher driver key=0AsSBFHSo5OaPdGhzT1RTbDVaR0R3NW5iNUFpejVuSHc#gid=0 53 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 159. The Google Spreadsheet Cypher driver function cypherUrlREST(payload, url, user, pwd) { var auth = Utilities.base64Encode(user+":"+pwd); var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch( url, {"method":"POST", "payload": payload, "contentType": "application/json", "headers":{ "Authorization":"Basic "+auth, "accept":"application/json", } }); return response.getContentText(); } key=0AsSBFHSo5OaPdGhzT1RTbDVaR0R3NW5iNUFpejVuSHc#gid=0 53 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 160. 54 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 161. Google Challenges 54 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 162. Google Challenges // Build a cypher parser in GoogleAppsScript // Build a Cypher query Google Widget // Visualize Cypher Results with Google Data Table // Geographic data viz 54 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 163. The heatmap from Cypher to Google 55 Saturday, September 29, 12
  • 164. Wanna learn more? 56 Saturday, September 29, 12