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done right. 
Without race conditions ..ions on 
..ns ditions. 
by Piotr Pelczar (Athlan)
About me 
Piotr Pelczar 
Freelancer for 8yrs 
PHP, Node.js, Java/Groovy 
Zend Certified Engineer 
IPIJ, Startups
Stay in touch
Asynchronous actions are actions executed in a non-blocking 
scheme, allowing the main program flow to continue processing.
How software lives in 
Operating systems are process based 
Each process has assigned processor, registers, memory
How software lives in 
Process paralelism using threads (thread pools) 
Switching processor over processes/threads causes context 
1. context switching = wasting time
Sync programming 
In trivial, sequential approach 
Each operation is executed sequentially: 
O(t) > O(t+1) 
if O(t) stucks, O(t+1) waits...
Sync programming
This is cool, software flow is predictible 
But not in high throughput I/O 
I/O costs because of waiting time...
High throughput I/O 
High throughput I/O doesn't mean: 
Memory operations 
Fast single-thread computing
High throughput I/O 
High throughput I/O means: 
HTTP requests 
Database connections 
Queue system dispatching 
HDD operations
2. Avoid I/O blocking
2. Avoid I/O blocking
Single-threaded, event loop 
Imagine a man, who has a task: 
Walk around 
When bucket is full of water, just pour another bucket 
Go to next bucket
There is no sequences 
In async programming, results appears in no sequences 
operation1(); // will output "operation1 finished." 
operation2(); // will output "operation2 finished." 
operation3(); // will output "operation3 finished."
There is no sequences 
operation1() would be 
var amqp = require("amqp") 
var eventbus = amqp.createConnection(); 
console.log("AMQP connecting..."); 
eventbus.on("ready", function() { 
console.log("AMQP connected..."); 
There is no sequences 
operation2() would be 
var redis = require("redis") 
var conn = redis.createClient(port, host, options); 
console.log("Redis connecting..."); 
conn.auth(pass, function(err) { 
console.log("Redis failed..."); 
console.log("Redis connected..."); 
There is no sequences 
operation3() would be 
var mongojs = require("mongojs"); 
console.log("Mongo connecting..."); 
var conn = mongojs.connect(connectionString); // blocking operation 
console.log("Mongo connected..."); 
There is no sequences 
AMQP connecting... // operation1() 
AMQP connected... // operation1() 
Redis connecting... // operation2() 
Redis failed... // operation2() 
Mongo connecting... // operation3(), blocking 
Mongo connected... // operation3()
There is no sequences 
There is no sequences 
The result: 
AMQP connecting... // operation1() 
Redis connecting... // operation2() 
Mongo connecting... // operation3(), blocking 
Mongo connected... // operation3() 
Redis failed... // operation2() 
AMQP connected... // operation1()
There is no sequences
So... what functions 
You can perform future tasks in function, so what will be 
value123 will be returned, 
function my_function() { 
return "value123"; 
just after blocking code, without waiting for non-blocking.
Assume: Functions does 
NOT returns values 
The function block is executed immedietally from top to bottom. 
You cannot rely to return value, because it is useless.
Callback is the reference to function. 
var callbackFunction = function(result) { 
console.log("Result: %s", result) 
When operation is done, the callback function is executed. 
callbackFunction("test1") // "Result: test1" will be printed out
If callbackFunction is a variable (value = reference), 
so can be passed it via function argument. 
var callbackFunction = function() { ... } 
function someOtherFunction(callback) { 
callback(); // execute function from argument 
Functions can be defined as anonymous (closures) 
function someOtherFunction(callback) { 
var arg1 = "test"; 
callback(arg1); // execute function from argument 
someOtherFunction(function(arg1) { 
console.log('done... %s', arg1); 
Callbacks can be nested 
Nesting callbacks makes code unreadeable: 
var amqp = require('amqp'); 
var connection = amqp.createConnection(); 
connection.on('ready', function() {"ex1", function(exchange) { 
connection.queue('queue1', function(q) { 
q.bind(exchange, 'r1'); 
q.subscribe(function(json, headers, info, m) { 
console.log("msg: " + JSON.stringify(json)); 
Callbacks can be nested 
Nesting callbacks makes code unreadeable: 
var amqp = require('amqp'); 
var connection = amqp.createConnection(); 
connection.on('ready', function() {"ex1", function(exchange) { 
connection.queue('queue1', function(q) { 
q.bind(exchange, 'r1'); 
q.subscribe(function(json, headers, info, m) { 
console.log("msg: " + JSON.stringify(json)); 
table.update(select, data, function() { 
table.find(select, function(err, rows) { 
// inserted rows... 
Asynchronous control flows 
Promise design pattern 
Libraries that manages callbacks references
Promise design pattern 
1. Client fires function that will return result in the future 
in the future, so it is a promise 
2. Function returns promise object immedietaly 
before non-blocking operations 
3. Client registers callbacks 
4. Callbacks will be fired in the future, when task is done 
var resultPromise = loader.loadData(sourceFile) 
resultPromise(function success(data) { 
// this function will be called while operation will succeed 
}, function error(err) { 
// on fail 
Promise design pattern 
1. Create deferred object 
2. Return def.promise 
3. Call resolve() or reject() 
var loadData = function(sourceFile) { 
var def = deferred() 
, proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) 
var commandProcessBuff = null 
, commandProcessBuffError = null; 
proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { commandProcessBuff += data }) 
proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { commandProcessBuffError += data }) 
proc.on('close', function (code) { 
if(null !== commandProcessBuffError) 
return def.promise 
Promise design pattern
Async Node.js library 
Provides control flows like: 
Sequences (series) 
Waterfalls (sequences with parameters passing) 
Parallel (with limit) 
Some/every conditions 
Async Node.js library 
Async Node.js library 
function(callback) { 
// operation1 
function(callback) { 
// operation2 
function(callback) { 
// operation3 
], function() { 
console.log('all operations done') 
Async Node.js library 
function(callback) { 
// operation1 
function(callback) { 
// operation2 
function(callback) { 
// operation3 
], function() { 
console.log('all operations done') 
Async Node.js library 
Parallel limit
Async Node.js library 
Parallel limit 
var tasks = [ 
function(callback) { 
// operation1 
function(callback) { 
// operation2 
// ... 
async.parallelLimit(tasks, 2, function() { 
console.log('all operations done') 
Async Node.js library 
function(callback) { 
// operation1 
callback(null, arg1, arg2) 
function(arg1, arg2, callback) { 
// operation2 
callback(null, foo, bar) 
function(foo, bar, callback) { 
// operation3 
], function() { 
console.log('all operations done') 
Async Node.js library 
function(done) { 
// operation1 
done(null, arg1, arg2) 
function() { 
return pages < limit 
], function() { 
programming traps 
Dealing with callbacks may be tricky. Keep your code clean.
Unnamed callbacks 
Keep your code clean, don't name callback function callback 
function doSomething(callback) { 
return callback; 
Unnamed callbacks 
function doSomething(callback) { 
doAnotherThing(function(callback2) { 
doYetAnotherThing(function(callback3) { 
return callback(); 
Unnamed callbacks 
Instead of this, name your callbacks 
function doSomething(done) { 
doAnotherThing(function(doneFetchingFromApi) { 
doYetAnotherThing(function(doneWritingToDatabase) { 
return done(); 
Double callbacks 
function doSomething(done) { 
doAnotherThing(function (err) { 
if (err) done(err); 
done(null, result); 
Callback is fired twice!
Double callbacks 
Fix: Always prepend callback execution with return statement. 
function doSomething(done) { 
doAnotherThing(function (err) { 
if (err) 
return done(err); 
return done(null, result); 
Normally, return ends function execution, why do not keep this 
rule while async.
Double callbacks 
Double callbacks are very hard to debug. 
The callback wrapper can be written and execute it only once. 
setTimeout(function() { 
}, 200) 
setTimeout(function() { 
}, 500)
Double callbacks 
var CallbackOnce = function(callback) { 
this.isFired = false 
this.callback = callback 
CallbackOnce.prototype.create = function() { 
var delegate = this 
return function() { 
delegate.isFired = true 
delegate.callback.apply(null, arguments) 
Double callbacks 
obj1 = new CallbackOnce(done) 
// decorate callback 
safeDone = obj1.create() // safeDone() is proxy function that passes arguments 
setTimeout(function() { 
safeDone('a') // safe now... 
}, 200) 
setTimeout(function() { 
safeDone('b') // safe now... 
}, 500)
Unexpected callbacks 
Never fire callback until task is done. 
function doSomething(done) { 
doAnotherThing(function () { 
if (condition) { 
var result = null 
// prepare result... 
return done(result); 
return done(null); 
The ending return will be fired even if condition pass.
Unexpected callbacks 
Never fire callback until task is done. 
function doSomething(done) { 
doAnotherThing(function () { 
if (condition) { 
var result = null 
// prepare result... 
return done(result); 
else { 
return done(null); 
Unexpected callbacks 
Never use callback in try clause! 
function (callback) { 
another_function(function (err, some_data) { 
if (err) 
return callback(err); 
try { 
callback(null, JSON.parse(some_data)); // error here 
} catch(err) { 
callback(new Error(some_data + ' is not a valid JSON')); 
If callback throws an exception, then it is executed exactly twice!
Unexpected callbacks 
Never use callback in try clause! 
function (callback) { 
another_function(function (err, some_data) { 
if (err) 
return callback(err); 
try { 
var parsed = JSON.parse(some_data) 
} catch(err) { 
return callback(new Error(some_data + ' is not a valid JSON')); 
callback(null, parsed); 
Unexpected callbacks 
Never use callback in try clause!
Take care of events 
Read docs carefully. Really. 
function doSomething(done) { 
var proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) 
var procBuff = ''; 
proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { 
procBuff += data; 
// WAT?! 
proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { 
done(new Error("An error occured: " + data)) 
proc.on('close', function (code) { 
done(null, procBuff); 
Take care of events 
Read docs carefully. Really. 
function doSomething(done) { 
var proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) 
var procBuff = ''; 
var procBuffError = ''; 
proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { 
procBuff += data; 
proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { 
proc += data; 
proc.on('close', function (code) { 
if(code !== 0) { 
return done(new Error("An error occured: " + procBuffError)); 
else { 
return done(null, procBuff) 
Unreadable and logs 
Keep in mind, that asynchronous logs will interweave 
There are not sequenced 
Or there will be same log strings
Unexpected callbacks 
Asynchronous logs will interweave
Unreadable and logs 
Logs without use context are useless... 
function getResults(keyword, done) { 
http.request(url, function(response) { 
console.log('Fetching from API') 
response.on('error', function(err) { 
console.log('API error') 
Unreadable and logs 
function getResults(keyword, done) { 
var logContext = { keyword: keyword } 
http.request(url, function(response) { 
console.log(logContext, 'Fetching from API') 
response.on('error', function(err) { 
console.log(logContext, 'API error') 
Unreadable and logs 
Centralize your logs - use logstash 
And make them searcheable - Elasticsearch + Kibana
Too many opened 
While running parallel in order to satisfy first-better algorithm, 
others should be aborted
Too many opened 
Provide cancellation API: 
var events = require('events') 
function getResults(keyword) { 
var def = deferred() 
var eventbus = new events.EventEmitter() 
var req = http.request(url, function(response) { 
var err = null 
, content = null 
res.on('data', function(chunk) { 
content += chunk; 
response.on('close', function() { 
return def.reject(err) 
return def.resolve(content) 
response.on('error', function(err) { 
err += err 
Too many opened 
Provide cancellation API: 
var response = getResults('test') 
response.result(function success() { 
// ... 
}, function error() { 
// ... 
// if we need'abort')
Everything runs in parallel except your code. 
When currently code is running, (not waiting for I/O descriptors) 
whole event loop is blocked.
by Piotr Pelczar
by Piotr Pelczar

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Asynchronous Programming Done Right Without Race Conditions

  • 1. Asynchronous programming done right. Without race conditions ..ions on ..ns ditions. by Piotr Pelczar (Athlan)
  • 2.
  • 3. About me Piotr Pelczar Freelancer for 8yrs PHP, Node.js, Java/Groovy Zend Certified Engineer IPIJ, Startups
  • 4. Stay in touch
  • 5. Asynchronous programming Asynchronous actions are actions executed in a non-blocking scheme, allowing the main program flow to continue processing.
  • 6. How software lives in hardware? Operating systems are process based Each process has assigned processor, registers, memory
  • 7. How software lives in hardware? Process paralelism using threads (thread pools) Switching processor over processes/threads causes context switching
  • 8. 1. context switching = wasting time
  • 9. Sync programming In trivial, sequential approach Each operation is executed sequentially: O(t) > O(t+1) if O(t) stucks, O(t+1) waits...
  • 11. This is cool, software flow is predictible But not in high throughput I/O I/O costs because of waiting time...
  • 12. High throughput I/O High throughput I/O doesn't mean: Memory operations Fast single-thread computing
  • 13. High throughput I/O High throughput I/O means: HTTP requests Database connections Queue system dispatching HDD operations
  • 14. 2. Avoid I/O blocking
  • 15. 2. Avoid I/O blocking
  • 16. Single-threaded, event loop model Imagine a man, who has a task: Walk around When bucket is full of water, just pour another bucket Go to next bucket
  • 17. There is no sequences In async programming, results appears in no sequences operation1(); // will output "operation1 finished." operation2(); // will output "operation2 finished." operation3(); // will output "operation3 finished."
  • 18. There is no sequences operation1() would be var amqp = require("amqp") var eventbus = amqp.createConnection(); console.log("AMQP connecting..."); eventbus.on("ready", function() { console.log("AMQP connected..."); callback(); return; });
  • 19. There is no sequences operation2() would be var redis = require("redis") var conn = redis.createClient(port, host, options); console.log("Redis connecting..."); conn.auth(pass, function(err) { if(err) console.log("Redis failed..."); else console.log("Redis connected..."); callback(); return; });
  • 20. There is no sequences operation3() would be var mongojs = require("mongojs"); console.log("Mongo connecting..."); var conn = mongojs.connect(connectionString); // blocking operation console.log("Mongo connected..."); callback(); return;
  • 21. There is no sequences Expectations? AMQP connecting... // operation1() AMQP connected... // operation1() Redis connecting... // operation2() Redis failed... // operation2() Mongo connecting... // operation3(), blocking Mongo connected... // operation3()
  • 22. There is no sequences Expectations?
  • 23. There is no sequences The result: AMQP connecting... // operation1() Redis connecting... // operation2() Mongo connecting... // operation3(), blocking Mongo connected... // operation3() Redis failed... // operation2() AMQP connected... // operation1()
  • 24. There is no sequences
  • 25. So... what functions returns? You can perform future tasks in function, so what will be returned? value123 will be returned, function my_function() { operation1(); operation2(); operation3(); return "value123"; } just after blocking code, without waiting for non-blocking.
  • 26. Assume: Functions does NOT returns values The function block is executed immedietally from top to bottom. You cannot rely to return value, because it is useless.
  • 27. Callbacks Callback is the reference to function. var callbackFunction = function(result) { console.log("Result: %s", result) } When operation is done, the callback function is executed. callbackFunction("test1") // "Result: test1" will be printed out
  • 28. Callbacks If callbackFunction is a variable (value = reference), so can be passed it via function argument. var callbackFunction = function() { ... } someOtherFunction(callbackFunction); function someOtherFunction(callback) { callback(); // execute function from argument }
  • 29. Callbacks Functions can be defined as anonymous (closures) function someOtherFunction(callback) { var arg1 = "test"; callback(arg1); // execute function from argument } someOtherFunction(function(arg1) { console.log('done... %s', arg1); })
  • 30. Callbacks can be nested Nesting callbacks makes code unreadeable: var amqp = require('amqp'); var connection = amqp.createConnection(); connection.on('ready', function() {"ex1", function(exchange) { connection.queue('queue1', function(q) { q.bind(exchange, 'r1'); q.subscribe(function(json, headers, info, m) { console.log("msg: " + JSON.stringify(json)); }); }); }); });
  • 31. Callbacks can be nested Nesting callbacks makes code unreadeable: var amqp = require('amqp'); var connection = amqp.createConnection(); connection.on('ready', function() {"ex1", function(exchange) { connection.queue('queue1', function(q) { q.bind(exchange, 'r1'); q.subscribe(function(json, headers, info, m) { console.log("msg: " + JSON.stringify(json)); table.update(select, data, function() { table.find(select, function(err, rows) { // inserted rows... } }); }); }); }); });
  • 32. Asynchronous control flows Promise design pattern Libraries that manages callbacks references
  • 33. Promise design pattern 1. Client fires function that will return result in the future in the future, so it is a promise 2. Function returns promise object immedietaly before non-blocking operations 3. Client registers callbacks 4. Callbacks will be fired in the future, when task is done var resultPromise = loader.loadData(sourceFile) resultPromise(function success(data) { // this function will be called while operation will succeed }, function error(err) { // on fail })
  • 34. Promise design pattern 1. Create deferred object 2. Return def.promise 3. Call resolve() or reject() var loadData = function(sourceFile) { var def = deferred() , proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) var commandProcessBuff = null , commandProcessBuffError = null; proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { commandProcessBuff += data }) proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { commandProcessBuffError += data }) proc.on('close', function (code) { if(null !== commandProcessBuffError) def.reject(commandProcessBuffError) else def.resolve(commandProcessBuff) }) return def.promise }
  • 36. Async Node.js library Provides control flows like: Sequences (series) Waterfalls (sequences with parameters passing) Parallel (with limit) Some/every conditions While/until Queue
  • 38. Async Node.js library Series async.series([ function(callback) { // operation1 }, function(callback) { // operation2 }, function(callback) { // operation3 } ], function() { console.log('all operations done') })
  • 39. Async Node.js library Parallel async.parallel([ function(callback) { // operation1 }, function(callback) { // operation2 }, function(callback) { // operation3 } ], function() { console.log('all operations done') })
  • 40. Async Node.js library Parallel limit
  • 41. Async Node.js library Parallel limit var tasks = [ function(callback) { // operation1 }, function(callback) { // operation2 }, // ... ] async.parallelLimit(tasks, 2, function() { console.log('all operations done') })
  • 42. Async Node.js library Waterfall async.waterfall([ function(callback) { // operation1 callback(null, arg1, arg2) }, function(arg1, arg2, callback) { // operation2 callback(null, foo, bar) }, function(foo, bar, callback) { // operation3 } ], function() { console.log('all operations done') })
  • 43. Async Node.js library Whilst async.doWhilst( function(done) { // operation1 done(null, arg1, arg2) }, function() { return pages < limit } ], function() { console.log('done') })
  • 44. Asynchronous programming traps Dealing with callbacks may be tricky. Keep your code clean.
  • 45. Unnamed callbacks Keep your code clean, don't name callback function callback function doSomething(callback) { return callback; }
  • 46. Unnamed callbacks function doSomething(callback) { doAnotherThing(function(callback2) { doYetAnotherThing(function(callback3) { return callback(); }) }) }
  • 47. Unnamed callbacks Instead of this, name your callbacks function doSomething(done) { doAnotherThing(function(doneFetchingFromApi) { doYetAnotherThing(function(doneWritingToDatabase) { return done(); }) }) }
  • 48. Double callbacks function doSomething(done) { doAnotherThing(function (err) { if (err) done(err); done(null, result); }); } Callback is fired twice!
  • 49. Double callbacks Fix: Always prepend callback execution with return statement. function doSomething(done) { doAnotherThing(function (err) { if (err) return done(err); return done(null, result); }); } Normally, return ends function execution, why do not keep this rule while async.
  • 50. Double callbacks Double callbacks are very hard to debug. The callback wrapper can be written and execute it only once. setTimeout(function() { done('a') }, 200) setTimeout(function() { done('b') }, 500)
  • 51. Double callbacks var CallbackOnce = function(callback) { this.isFired = false this.callback = callback } CallbackOnce.prototype.create = function() { var delegate = this return function() { if(delegate.isFired) return delegate.isFired = true delegate.callback.apply(null, arguments) } }
  • 52. Double callbacks obj1 = new CallbackOnce(done) // decorate callback safeDone = obj1.create() // safeDone() is proxy function that passes arguments setTimeout(function() { safeDone('a') // safe now... }, 200) setTimeout(function() { safeDone('b') // safe now... }, 500)
  • 53. Unexpected callbacks Never fire callback until task is done. function doSomething(done) { doAnotherThing(function () { if (condition) { var result = null // prepare result... return done(result); } return done(null); }); } The ending return will be fired even if condition pass.
  • 54. Unexpected callbacks Never fire callback until task is done. function doSomething(done) { doAnotherThing(function () { if (condition) { var result = null // prepare result... return done(result); } else { return done(null); } }); }
  • 55. Unexpected callbacks Never use callback in try clause! function (callback) { another_function(function (err, some_data) { if (err) return callback(err); try { callback(null, JSON.parse(some_data)); // error here } catch(err) { callback(new Error(some_data + ' is not a valid JSON')); } }); } If callback throws an exception, then it is executed exactly twice!
  • 56. Unexpected callbacks Never use callback in try clause! function (callback) { another_function(function (err, some_data) { if (err) return callback(err); try { var parsed = JSON.parse(some_data) } catch(err) { return callback(new Error(some_data + ' is not a valid JSON')); } callback(null, parsed); }); }
  • 57. Unexpected callbacks Never use callback in try clause!
  • 58. Take care of events Read docs carefully. Really. function doSomething(done) { var proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) var procBuff = ''; proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { procBuff += data; }); // WAT?! proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { done(new Error("An error occured: " + data)) }); proc.on('close', function (code) { done(null, procBuff); } }
  • 59. Take care of events Read docs carefully. Really. function doSomething(done) { var proc = process.spawn('java', ['-jar', 'loadData.jar', sourceFile]) var procBuff = ''; var procBuffError = ''; proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) { procBuff += data; }); proc.stderr.on('data', function (data) { proc += data; }); proc.on('close', function (code) { if(code !== 0) { return done(new Error("An error occured: " + procBuffError)); } else { return done(null, procBuff) } } }
  • 60. Unreadable and logs Keep in mind, that asynchronous logs will interweave There are not sequenced Or there will be same log strings
  • 61. Unexpected callbacks Asynchronous logs will interweave
  • 62. Unreadable and logs Logs without use context are useless... function getResults(keyword, done) { http.request(url, function(response) { console.log('Fetching from API') response.on('error', function(err) { console.log('API error') }) }); }
  • 63. Unreadable and logs function getResults(keyword, done) { var logContext = { keyword: keyword } http.request(url, function(response) { console.log(logContext, 'Fetching from API') response.on('error', function(err) { console.log(logContext, 'API error') }) }); }
  • 64. Unreadable and logs Centralize your logs - use logstash And make them searcheable - Elasticsearch + Kibana
  • 65. Too many opened background-tasks While running parallel in order to satisfy first-better algorithm, others should be aborted
  • 66. Too many opened background-tasks Provide cancellation API: var events = require('events') function getResults(keyword) { var def = deferred() var eventbus = new events.EventEmitter() var req = http.request(url, function(response) { var err = null , content = null res.on('data', function(chunk) { content += chunk; }); response.on('close', function() { if(err) return def.reject(err) else return def.resolve(content) }) response.on('error', function(err) { err += err }) });
  • 67. Too many opened background-tasks Provide cancellation API: var response = getResults('test') response.result(function success() { // ... }, function error() { // ... }) // if we need'abort')
  • 68. Everything runs in parallel except your code. When currently code is running, (not waiting for I/O descriptors) whole event loop is blocked.
  • 69. THE END by Piotr Pelczar
  • 70. Q&A by Piotr Pelczar