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This project is not simply about a public or built space, it is not
even about 134-146 Curtain Road, it is about learning, as a
designer, the system of movement, passage and meaning that
is governed by architectural form. This project is a process of
learning and communicating information to the designer, the
architect and the reader.

This project is about taking one space, and learning all its uses,
functions and forms in parallel to the users and visitors that
move in and around it.

This project is work-in-progress, it has no ending.

introduction                                architecture/local area mapping
                                            area mapping 01 [road names]
questions                                   area mapping 02 [tube stations]
basics                                      area mapping 03 [bus stops]
device/floor                                area mapping 04 [one way system]
device/floor/company                        bus route listings
lift-floors frequency
                                            frequency of deliveries
                                            total deliveries/entrance/device

architecture/engaged_movement_third         movement/users_visitors
floor mapping 01 [basement]                 frequency of visitors
floor mapping 02 [ground floor]             total visitors/entrance/device
floor mapping 03 [first floor]
floor mapping 04 [second floor]
floor mapping 05 [third floor]
floor mapping 05 [fourth floor]             sketches
charting space
charting movement
charting architecture                       continued process
rendered perspectives 01 [wireframe+flat]
rendered perspectives 02 [all floors]
rendering/routes of movement
rendering still frame animation

This book is about information, lines, dots, text and fields of data.   understanding not necessarily for every designer, but for me,
There is no colour, no expensive printing finishes, no overload of      both as an individual and a designer. There in lies its generic
graphical layering, and no conclusive answers. Most importantly,        application, not by proclaiming the ‘right’ way to approach
this book is work in progress, it represents a process, a mapping       designing for an architectural or public space, but an
of experience, understanding and knowledge of one subject, one          alternative means to realise space.
area, one space in particular, in short, i have focused my MA
project on a public and built space called Curtain House, 134-146       There is no specific product, nor is it overlayed with
Curtain Road, London EC2a 3AR.                                          unnecessary graphical elements, there are no conclusive
                                                                        answers as to how designers should be creating a ‘generic’
As a process this book is not governed or determined by                 signage/information systems for any public or architectural
conclusive answers, what it does seek to establish is a route, a        space. It is my belief that all space is unique, it has many uses
process, a method of working within architectural space. A              and users, and should therefore be treated as one space rather
method that explores the nature, language and most importantly,         than trying to make all applications generic, we should strive
the usage of a space by its occupants, because only then as             for unique systems of envisioned information by studying each
designers can we hope to communicate a system of design that            space individually. Only then may we as designers be more
not only supports the architectural space, but reflects the nature      easily accepted in to the discipline of architecture.
of the space.

In order to achieve this I have set about establishing as many
details about the building as I could, so that i may comprehend
the building through my eyes as a designer. The process has
inevitably become the actual project; to visualise information.
What you will read, view and interpret from this book is simply
various systems of analysis and data concerning the building its
occupants, deliveries, visitors, localised area and so on.

This book is more of a tool, a guideline to enable an

Curtain House consists of four upper floors, a ground floor, and a   By learning about these areas you may be able to understand
basement. It has one lift that can carry a maximum of six people,    whether these areas communicate well together as one space,
a stair well that runs from the basement to the top floor. Each      or whether there could be improvement; whether the
floor differs in engaged space, movement space, and third space.     importance of the movement space could be shifted to the third
There are different variants in the amount of people that work       space, to enable better communication, both physiologically
and move through each floor and office space, and it is these        and informatively?
variables that need to be recorded, and understood, in order to
comprehend how each space is used.

Engaged space, consists of space that is permanently inhabited
by occupants of the building, within the office/studio space.
Movement space, is concerned with the areas that allow passage
in and around the building, such as the lift and stair wells.
Recording these spaces allows us to record what area may
denote movement, and to what extent the frequency of that
movement exists in specific parts of building.
Third space, is actually concerned with ‘non-space’. A space that
exists as a direct parallel to the movement space, and yet adds
nothing new to the experience of the movement. Such as
corridors, hallways, doors, landings, intermediate landings, and
so on. These areas, although important to the right of passage,
add nothing, they are merely corridors of passage to allow the
user to move from point A to B.
rendered perspectives 01 [wireframe+flat]

The floor and area plans are a crucial part of any public or built
space, and although I have re-drawn the floor plans of Curtain
House in this book to establish areas within the building that
determine engaged, movement and third space, they act simply
as the beginning of my interpretation of this space.

In the following section I have created my own 3-dimensional
renders of the building, including just the company names, lifts
and stairs (where indicated), and studio spaces. These help
determine where everything sits next to each other, establishes a
language for the building, and enables you the reader to look at
the building in another perspective, not necessarily an
architectural one, but one from the eye of a designer who is
understanding the space. Admittedly it is presented to you on a
mere flatland of static paper, but it is an alternative approach and
technic to present the floor plans with a visual representation of
space and form on a page.

Creating and rendering my own Curtain House has helped me
confirm where companies sit above one another, it has allowed
me the freedom to move in and around the space (on screen), but
all the same it is the allusion of movement that is important in
order to visualise the building. Even though I know the building,
the important point is that you the reader probably does not, but
you might understand it a little better by viewing the next section.
continued process 1

There is nothing special about Curtain House, 134-146 Curtain            There is a lot more that I would like to have established within
Road, it is not a spectacular construction of architecture, it does      my research for this book, elements that I think would add
not make any statements, but there is room for improving the             clarity to its context. Mapping the movements of occupants
interior of the building, this is the problem that I identified. Since   within their particular spaces, and the building throughout a
this project began the actual reception has been refurbished, and        one week period would be of interest to this project. I think it
repositioned by the front door, sitting opposite this new reception,     would be important to narrow it down to the individual users of
instead of mirrors, is a white washed wall. There are new doors,         the building, record their every movement, so that I may
the lifts’ interior is next to be refurbished, and all the               completely understand the way in which each person uses the
intermediate landings outside the lift on all floors is to be            space. Possibly even interviewing them about their thoughts on
re-decorated. Having been in discussion with the Landlord about          the builidng itself, how they get there? how they feel when
this project, I have actually been asked by them to consider             they arrive?
approaching this building and space as a ‘live’ project after
my MA.                                                                   As discussed in the dissertation, designers are now becoming
                                                                         increasingly more muilt-media literate. To emphasise this i
As stated before, this book is work-in-progress, it has no ending.       believe the use of an interactive medium to be used within
The reason for this is because there are so many more                    architectural space is perhaps a must rather than a maybe.
possibilities that I would like to explore, and luckily dependent on     There are so many formats and mediums that could be applied
budgets, I might actually be able to.                                    to any space, but those conclusions should only be made after
                                                                         the research and investigation that this project has examined.
This project has not only acted as the starting point for developing     To follow are suggestions of how various ‘interactive’ mediums
my understanding of architectural space and form, with                   could be implemented for future use as a continuation of this
consideration to the input of information design, but has now            project. It will show the possibilities of how users could access
developed into the core foundation of a real brief, working within       information online within the internet, to explore, as I have, the
an actual space.                                                         space and all its content, stripping away information, observing
                                                                         users routes, visitors, usage of the lift and stairs, observing
continued process 2

companies and there users, and so on.                                     usually has a lot of meetings, or leaves the building, their space
                                                                          or recieves a lot of deliveries then this could be updated on the
There is already a web site address registered for this project;          web site which could link to the main signage system of the, which is acting as a                   building? Telling the delivery personnel exactly where that
secondary platform for this project. You can access this site at the      person is in the building. This could be achieved by every
moment and view the contents of this book, but eventually I would         occupant being given a security card which not only allows
like it to become a place where users and visitors can interact           access to the building, but also acts as a tracking device for the
with the actual building. A site that could allow visitors to the         internal signage system. This would mean that someone who
building every detail about how to get there, where the entrances         has never been to the building before could log in to the system
are, where the reception and caretaker is, what floor they will be        on entry, or ask the caretaker to do so (maybe by typing in the
visiting, where their final destination within the building is, and so    recipients name) and then gives the new user or visitor a
on.                                                                       visitors security card which, from that point onwards, updates
                                                                          LED screens that alert the new user to where they (the
I also intend to produce a 3-dimensional engine for the web site          individual) should be going. Which would update dependent
that would work alttle like an intranet system for the building           upon where you were in the building, the stairs, the lift and
itself, that will allow users and visitors to see the building, all its   even alert you if you have taken a wrong turn. Maybe the actual
floors, lifts, stairs, offices and studios, and take information about    movement of the studios and offices could somehow be
the building, how to get to certian floors, by printing out               recorded by heat sensors which upload on to a web site and
directions with actual 3-dimensional bitmapped views.                     local system of navigation. This could alert visitors and
                                                                          occupants of where the most activity was being created?
Taking into consideration the placement of actual occupants
within the building so that if there is certain companies, individual     These ideas for systems of navigation have been derived from
occupants or departments that have a higher level of visitors or          adopting all the data in this book, maybe they would work,
deliveries, then there could be a hierachy of information to access       maybe there would be technical difficulties, but ultimately this
directly about them. For example, if an individual or company             book is about understanding space, learning from a space and
continued process 3

how it is use, and then taking all that information and attaching it
to a building so that we the designers can address the individual
within a space. Making the architectural space interact with the
information that is needed by visitors and other users. Many
signage systems at the moment do not actually address the
individual, they identify a particular place, they point in a general
direction, but they are not universal or diverse. What happens if a
blind or har dof hearing person visits a building or public space?
How do those individuals use the space? how can the designer
take all this into account and use the space to envelope every
type of individual?

This MA is not this book, it is not 134-146curtainroad, it is not
about answers or solutions, and it is not about what I put in the
exhibition. It is about ideas, content, and questions. Questions
that I have asked, and in some cases, suggested solutions. It is
about this ‘continued process’ section, it is about where this
project could and might progress to. This section, indeed page,
should in no way be seen as the conclusion simply because it is
the last page of the book. This book is just the beginning of this

how can designers further their understanding of public or
built space?
what can designers offer architects?
how can designers use the form and function of a public or built
space in order to reflect a system of communication
and information?
what can architects learn from the perspective of a designers
interpretations of a space?
how can designers further their understand of the physiognomic
language of space and movement?
What happens if a blind person visits a building? or deaf? How do
those people use the space? how can the designer take all this
into account and use the space to envelope every type of

Architecture is not merely about providing shelter, it is about        sounds, or colour according to the weather? time of day? even
creating and allowing movement and passage within and around           the mood of the individual?
public and built spaces.
                                                                       b. once the individual is in the building it is important to
When working with a public or built space to design, it is also        determine what entrance is most commonly used. If there are
important to know not just how the users and the building itself       multiple entrances and exits, then you might find it useful to
works, but also to have an awareness of how users, visitors and        find the one most frequently used, in order to establish where
delivery persons travel to, and approach the building upon their       the hierarchy of information should have dominance.
                                                                       c. there may be many floors or even different units to a site.
To follow I will elaborate this through simple diagrams, providing     with Curtain House, there are four floors, but there are many
statistical data that will reflect the natural course in which users   different companies within each floor. All vary in size, and
and visitors approach a space and move around it. There are            frequency of visitors and deliveries. However, there are two
several elements of criteria we must establish through the             methods of getting up and down to the necessary floors, the lift
process of understanding the space:                                    and the stairs. Again, by determining the frequency of both, you
                                                                       will be able to deduce where the necessary areas of design and
a. if the majority of people, everyday users, use a form of public     information will need to concentrate upon.
transport to travel partly or in its entirety to the site, then we
must establish that route, understand the method they use. Try to
determine how successful or stressful those journey’s are for the
individual. The result of these findings may enable you, the
designer, to consider using a system of colour, smell,
photography, art or sound into a signage system, in order to
create a space that encompasses a physiological ambience.
Maybe it would be possible to create a system that changed
name         transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                light surgeons
                                                                pd3 + tully + co
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                state design
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                de grussa larkou
             bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                families need fathers
                                                                underlines store room
             car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                product 250
                                                                paul davies
                         front door   lift               2      chris morris
mark hough                                                      b.c.d
                         garage       stairs             1
                                                                chris richardson
             walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                raymond shawyer
                                                         b      rare styles
             scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                research fortnight
                                                                compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                film office
                                                                opera rara
                                                                underlines/rod howe
                                                                direct cidlog [basement]
name           transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                  light surgeons
                                                                  pd3 + tully + co
                                                                  nigel limb
                                                                  nigel limb
                                                                  direct dialog
                                                                  direct dialog
                                                                  state design
                                                                  direct dialog
                                                                  de grussa larkou
               bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                  families need fathers
                                                                  underlines store room
               car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                  product 250
                                                                  paul davies
                           front door   lift               2      chris morris
mark breslin                                                      letaps
                           garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                  chris richardson
               walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                  raymond shawyer
                                                           b      rare styles
               scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                  research fortnight
                                                                  compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                  opera rara
                                                                  opera rara
                                                                  opera rara
                                                                  film office
                                                                  opera rara
                                                                  underlines/rod howe
                                                                  direct cidlog [basement]
name              transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                     light surgeons
                                                                     pd3 + tully + co
                                                                     nigel limb
                                                                     nigel limb
                                                                     direct dialog
                                                                     direct dialog
                                                                     state design
                                                                     direct dialog
                                                                     de grussa larkou
                  bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                     families need fathers
                                                                     underlines store room
                  car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                     product 250
                                                                     paul davies
                              front door   lift               2      chris morris
philip o` dwyer   train
                              garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                     chris richardson
                  walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                     raymond shawyer
                                                              b      rare styles
                  scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                     research fortnight
                                                                     compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                     opera rara
                                                                     opera rara
                                                                     opera rara
                                                                     film office
                                                                     opera rara
                                                                     underlines/rod howe
                                                                     direct cidlog [basement]
name        transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                               light surgeons
                                                               pd3 + tully + co
                                                               nigel limb
                                                               nigel limb
                                                               direct dialog
                                                               direct dialog
                                                               state design
                                                               direct dialog
                                                               de grussa larkou
            bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                               families need fathers
                                                               underlines store room
            car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                               product 250
                                                               paul davies
                        front door   lift               2      chris morris
ANN KELLy   train
                        garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                               chris richardson
            walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                               raymond shawyer
                                                        b      rare styles
            scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                               research fortnight
                                                               compass c.b.a publishing
                                                               opera rara
                                                               opera rara
                                                               opera rara
                                                               film office
                                                               opera rara
                                                               underlines/rod howe
                                                               direct cidlog [basement]
name     transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                   light surgeons
                                                                   pd3 + tully + co
                                                                   nigel limb
                                                                   nigel limb
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   state design
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   de grussa larkou
                bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                   families need fathers
                                                                   underlines store room
                car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                   product 250
                                                                   paul davies
                            front door   lift               2      chris morris
shane walters   train
                            garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                   chris richardson
                walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                   raymond shawyer
                                                            b      rare styles
                scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                   research fortnight
                                                                   compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   film office
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   underlines/rod howe
                                                                   direct cidlog [basement]
name          transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                 light surgeons
                                                                 pd3 + tully + co
                                                                 nigel limb
                                                                 nigel limb
                                                                 direct dialog
                                                                 direct dialog
                                                                 state design
                                                                 direct dialog
                                                                 de grussa larkou
              bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                 families need fathers
                                                                 underlines store room
              car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                 product 250
                                                                 paul davies
                          front door   lift               2      chris morris
matt HANSON               garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                 chris richardson
              walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                 raymond shawyer
                                                          b      rare styles
              scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                 research fortnight
                                                                 compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                 opera rara
                                                                 opera rara
                                                                 opera rara
                                                                 film office
                                                                 opera rara
                                                                 underlines/rod howe
                                                                 direct cidlog [basement]
name         transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                light surgeons
                                                                pd3 + tully + co
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                state design
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                de grussa larkou
             bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                families need fathers
                                                                underlines store room
             car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                product 250
                                                                paul davies
                         front door   lift               2      chris morris
anna doyle                                                      letaps
                         garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                chris richardson
             walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                raymond shawyer
                                                         b      rare styles
             scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                research fortnight
                                                                compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                film office
                                                                opera rara
                                                                underlines/rod howe
                                                                direct cidlog [basement]
name               transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company
recordings taken from users
[usual] route to and around the                                               light surgeons
building>                                                                     pd3 + tully + co
                                                                              nigel limb
                                                                              nigel limb
                                                                              direct dialog
                                                                              direct dialog
                                                                              state design
                                                                              direct dialog
                                                                              de grussa larkou
                           bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                              families need fathers
                                                                              underlines store room
                           car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                              product 250
                                                                              paul davies
                                       front door   lift               2      chris morris
                                       garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
          toby egelnick
                                                                              chris richardson
                           walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                              raymond shawyer
                                                                       b      rare styles
                           scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                              research fortnight
                                                                              compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                              opera rara
                                                                              opera rara
                                                                              opera rara
                                                                              film office
                                                                              opera rara
                                                                              underlines/rod howe
                                                                              direct cidlog [basement]
name            transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                   light surgeons
                                                                   pd3 + tully + co
                                                                   nigel limb
                                                                   nigel limb
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   state design
                                                                   direct dialog
                                                                   de grussa larkou
                bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                   families need fathers
                                                                   underlines store room
                car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                   product 250
                                                                   paul davies
                            front door   lift               2      chris morris
Scott Haycock                                                      letaps
                            garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                   chris richardson
                walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                   raymond shawyer
                                                            b      rare styles
                scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                   research fortnight
                                                                   compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   film office
                                                                   opera rara
                                                                   underlines/rod howe
                                                                   direct cidlog [basement]
name             transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                    light surgeons
                                                                    pd3 + tully + co
                                                                    nigel limb
                                                                    nigel limb
                                                                    direct dialog
                                                                    direct dialog
                                                                    state design
                                                                    direct dialog
                                                                    de grussa larkou
                 bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                    families need fathers
                                                                    underlines store room
                 car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                    product 250
                                                                    paul davies
                             front door   lift               2      chris morris
  chris morris                                                      letaps
                             garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                    chris richardson
                 walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                    raymond shawyer
                                                             b      rare styles
                 scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                    research fortnight
                                                                    compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                    opera rara
                                                                    opera rara
                                                                    opera rara
                                                                    film office
                                                                    opera rara
                                                                    underlines/rod howe
                                                                    direct cidlog [basement]
name                 transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                        light surgeons
                                                                        pd3 + tully + co
                                                                        nigel limb
                                                                        nigel limb
                                                                        direct dialog
                                                                        direct dialog
                                                                        state design
mark hough       •                                                      direct dialog
mark breslin     •                                                      qube
philip o"dwyer   •                                                      de grussa larkou
matt hanson      •   bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
shane walters    •                                                      families need fathers
ANN KELLY        •                                                      underlines store room
anna doyle       •   car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
toby egelnick    •                                                      product 250
Scott Haycock    •                                                      paul davies
chris morris     •               front door   lift               2      chris morris
clare harris     •                                                      letaps
                                 garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                        chris richardson
                     walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                        raymond shawyer
                                                                 b      rare styles
                     scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                        research fortnight
                                                                        compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                        opera rara
                                                                        opera rara
                                                                        opera rara
                                                                        film office
                                                                        opera rara
                                                                        underlines/rod howe
                                                                        direct cidlog [basement]



     lift      2

  stairs       1


                           light surgeons
                           pd3 + tully + co
                           nigel limb
                           nigel limb
                           direct dialog
                           direct dialog
                           state design
                           direct dialog
                           de grussa larkou
                           mark turner + aaj nayak
                           families need fathers
                           underlines store room
                       4   vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                           product 250
                           paul davies
     lift              2   chris morris
  stairs               1   b.c.d
                           chris richardson
                       g   tom gray
                           raymond shawyer
                       b   rare styles
                           research fortnight/
                           compass c.b.a publishing
                           opera rara
                           opera rara
                           opera rara
                           film office
                           opera rara
                           underlines/rod howe
                           bricklane music hall
                           direct cidlog [basement]
stairs-floors frequency

Similarly to the examination of the lift, this section simply outlines the floor positioning and variable
time rate that corresponds to each company on every floor using the stairs as a means for getting to
each from the entrance of the building.
If it was felt necessary, one could examine this further to establish exactly how long it takes to move
from point A (the entrance) to point B (the destination), by asking occupants, visitors or delivery
personnel of various sex and ages to record there times and movement over a period of time.
This would help determine what percentage of people actually used the stairs, and how long it took
them to move through each floor. Also examining use of light and colour throught these passages,
because visitors and delivery personnel are going to be most influenced by these corridors and
elevations, and so lighting and general appearence is important in order to create an ambience of
movement and space that is encapsulated within each section of the building.
stairs/company/time   01.00                01.30                   02.00                   02.30                    03.00                    03.30

                                                                                                                                     light surgeons
                                                                                                                              pd3 + tully + co
                                                                                                                     nigel limb
                                                                                                                 nigel limb
                                                                                                              direct dialog
                                                                                                           direct dialog
                                                                                              state design
                                                                                              direct dialog
                                                                                              de grussa larkou
                                                                                             mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                                            families need fathers
                                                                                           underlines store room
                                                                                          vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                                        product 250
                                                                                       paul davies
                                                                                     chris morris
                                                                                 chris richardson
                                                                         tom gray
                                                                       raymond shawyer
                                                                     rare styles
                                                    research fortnight/
                                             compass c.b.a publishing
                                             opera rara
                                             opera rara
                                             opera rara
                                             film office
                                             opera rara
                                             underlines/rod howe
  stairs                     direct cidlog [basement]
name         transport   entrance     internal device   floor   company

                                                                light surgeons
                                                                pd3 + tully + co
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                nigel limb
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                state design
                                                                direct dialog
                                                                de grussa larkou
             bus                                                mark turner + aaj nayak
                                                                families need fathers
                                                                underlines store room
             car                                         4      vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                                                                product 250
                                                                paul davies
                         front door   lift               2      chris morris
mark hough                                                      letaps
                         garage       stairs             1      b.c.d
                                                                chris richardson
             walk                                        g      tom gray
                                                                raymond shawyer
                                                         b      rare styles
             scooter                                            vitaminic
                                                                research fortnight
                                                                compass c.b.a publishing
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                opera rara
                                                                film office
                                                                opera rara
                                                                underlines/rod howe
                                                                direct cidlog [basement]
lift-floors frequency

Dependent on how long a user will wait for the lift to arive at there destination within the building, this
simple chart registers a numeric value to the journey between each and every floor. These values and
not exact timings, because the lifts movement between floors through each day has no set variable
rate. However this does allow the designer to establish whether the lift goes to all floors, how long it
takes (roughly), and whethe or not there are express lifts that allow quicker movement from point A
(entrance) to point B (destination). Added details about the lift would also benefit the designer: does the
lift have a maximum capacity? How is it lite? what are its features? Examinations such as these can be
used to help the user engage with information, maybe a screen next to the lift should now offer more
information than what floor it is at? It could indicate how many people are in the lft, what floor it is
stopping at next, how long it will take to get to there position, and so on.
lift-floors frequency
journey between floors in lift
[dependent upon waiting time]

                     5.0         4.0   3.0   2.0   1.0   0.0   0.1   0.2   0.3   0.4   0.5

                      4                                  b

                                  3                            g

                                       2                             1

                                             1                             2

                                                   g                             3
                                                                                             maximum capacity: six people
                                                                                             lighting: halogen bulbs
                                                                                             features: blue carpeted walls, mirrored interior on
                                                         b                             4     back wall (creates a sense of more space, and light)

This section examines the entrance, movement, and usage around the building of delivery personnel, and
visitors to companies within Curtain House. These two factors are two important when observing the
buildings usage and passage, because they are perhaps unfamiliar with the layout of the building, the
correct entrance (given that many buildings have separate entrances for delivery personnel), or even the
whereabouts of the reception, stairs or lift. Further investigations could establish a record of frequencies
regarding visitors and deliveries over a one week period. This would establish how many visitors and
delivery people visit each office, how many use the lift or stairs; which would ascertain which route was
most frequently used, and therefore determine where the most dominant form of design should sit or be
used within the building.

[• = one delivery]
total deliveries/entrance/device
all floors_deliveries
recorded on

Observations such as these enable the designer to understand how people, who are not familiar
with the space, enter it and use it. This data visualises alot more than just where and how
people use the building, because you could examine what companies they are visiting in
particular, see how frequent those visitors are to the same companies. Find out what business
those companies actually follow, which might influence the system of signage for the building; i.e
most of the space on the fourth floor is dedicated to music and photography, should the signage
be able to feed from this, to reflect the space by sound or photography installations?

[• = one visitor]
deliveries recorded on

• • • • • • • •                       • • • • • • • •            • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •                       • • • • • • • •            • • • • • • • •
• • • •                               • • • •                    • • • •

                         front door                     lift                       direct dialog
                         garage                         stairs
frequency of deliveries

total deliveries= 20      front door= 11   lift= 17      20   direct dialog   ••••••••••••••••••••
                          garage= 9        stairs= 3

••••••••••                •••••••••••      •••••••••••
••••••••••                •••••••••        ••••••
first floor
deliveries recorded on

• •                                   • •            •   •
-                                     -              -
-                                     -              -
• •                                   • •            •   •
-                                     -              -
-                        front door   -     lift     -
                                                             tom gray
•                        garage       •     stairs   •   •
                                                             raymond shawyer
• •                                   • •            -
                                                             rare styles
-                                     -              -
                                                             research fortnight
-                                     -              •
                                                             compass c.b.a publishing
-                                     -              •   •
                                                             film office
• •                                   • •            -
                                                             opera rara
•                                     •              •   •
                                                             underlines/rod howe
first floor
frequency of deliveries

total deliveries= 10      front door= 8   lift= 5     2   tom gray                   ••
                          garage= 2       stairs= 5   0   raymond shawyer            -
                                                      2   rare styles                ••
                                                      0   vitaminic                  -
••••••••••                ••••••••        •••••       0   research fortnight         -
                          ••              •••••       2   compass c.b.a publishing   ••
                                                      0   film office                -
                                                      0   opera rara                 -
                                                      0   kio5k                      -
                                                      1   o.t.t                      •
                                                      2   unison                     ••
                                                      0   underlines/rod howe        -
                                                      2   a.k.a                      ••
                                                      1   egelnick+webb              •
second floor
deliveries received on 28.10.00

                   •                                         •                          •
                   •                                         •                          •
• • • • • •        •                           • • • • • •   •            • • • • • •   •
                   •                                         •                          •
                   •                                         •                          •
                   -              front door                 -   lift                   -   state design
                   -              garage                     -   stairs                 -   onedotzero
                   -                                         -                          -   direct dialog
               •   •                                     •   •                      •   •   qube
                   -                                         -                          -   de grussa larkou
           • •     •                                   • •   •                    • •   •   mark turner + aaj nayak
                   -                                         -                          -   families need fathers
                   •                                         •                          •   underlines store room
                   -                                         -                          -   vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                   •                                         •                          •   product 250
      • • • •      •                               • • • •   •                • • • •   •   paul davies
                                                                                            chris morris
                                                                                            chris richardson
second floor
frequency of deliveries

total deliveries= 22      front door= 18       lift= 22                 1   state design                  •
                          garage= 4            stairs= 0                1   onedotzero                    •
                                                                        7   direct dialog                 •••••••
                                                                        0   qube                          -
••••••••••••••••••••••    ••••••••••••••••••   ••••••••••••••••••••••   1   de grussa larkou              •
                          ••••                                          1   mark turner + aaj nayak       •
                                                                        0   families need fathers         -
                                                                        0   underlines store room         -
                                                                        2   vacant pig/bodgit + scarper   ••
                                                                        0   product 250                   -
                                                                        3   paul davies                   •••
                                                                        1   chris morris                  -
                                                                        0   letaps                        -
                                                                        1   b.c.d                         •
                                                                        5   chris richardson              •••••
third floor
deliveries received on 28.10.00

   • • • • • •                                 • • • • • •            • • • • • •

                                  front door                 lift                   direct dialogue
                                  garage                     stairs
third floor
frequency of deliveries

total deliveries= 6       front door= 6   lift= 6     6   direct dialogue   ••••••
                          garage= 0       stairs= 0

••••••                    ••••••          ••••••
fourth floor
deliveries recorded on 28.10.00

                                •                                                •                                            •
                        •   •   •                                        •   •   •                                    •   •   •
•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •                •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •            •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

                                    front door                                       lift                                         light surgeons
                                    garage                                           stairs                                       pd3 + tully + co
                                                                                                                                  nigel limb
fourth floor
frequency of deliveries

total deliveries= 13      front door= 10   lift= 12        1   light surgeons     •
                          garage= 3        stairs= 1       3   pd3 + tully + co   •••
                                                           9   nigel limb         •• •••••••

•••••• •••••••            •••••• ••••      •••••• ••••••
                          •••              •
first floor
visitors recorded on

  •   •                             •   •            •   •
  -                                 -                -
  •   •                             •   •            •   •
  -                                 -                -
  -                                 -                -
  •   •                front door   •   •   lift     •   •   tom gray
  -                    garage       -       stairs   -       raymond shawyer
  -                                 -                •       rare styles
  -                                 -                •   •   vitaminic
  •                                 •                -       research fortnight
  •   •                             •   •            -       compass c.b.a publishing
  -                                 -                -       film office
  -                                 -                -       opera rara
  -                                 -                •   •   kio5k
  -                                 -                •       o.t.t
  •   •                             •   •                    unison
  •                                 •                        underlines/rod howe
second floor
visitors recorded on

                           •                              •                          •
                           •                              •                          •
     • • • • • •           •                • • • • • •   •            • • • • • •   •
                           •                              •                          •
                           •                              •                          •
                           -   front door                 -   lift                   -   state design
                           -   garage                     -   stairs                 -   onedotzero
                           -                              -                          -   direct dialog
                       •   •                          •   •                      •   •   qube
                           -                              -                          -   de grussa larkou
                • •        •                        • •   •                    • •   •   mark turner + aaj nayak
                           -                              -                          -   families need fathers
                           •                              •                          •   underlines store room
                           -                              -                          -   vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
                           •                              •                          •   product 250
           • • • •         •                    • • • •   •                • • • •   •   paul davies
                                                                                         chris morris
                                                                                         chris richardson
third floor
visitors recorded on

          • • • • • •                • • • • • •            • • • • • •

                        front door                 lift                   direct dialog
                        garage                     stairs
fourth floor
visitors recorded on

                                •                                                •                                            •
                        •   •   •                                        •   •   •                                    •   •   •
•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •                •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •            •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

                                    front door                                       lift                                         light surgeons
                                    garage                                           stairs                                       pd3 + tully + co
                                                                                                                                  nigel limb
total visitors/entrance/device
all floors_visitors

                                                                                       light surgeons
                                                                                       pd3 + tully + co
                                                                                       nigel limb
                                                                                       direct dialog
                                                                                       state design
                                                                                       direct dialog
                                                                                       de grussa larkou
                                                                                       mark turner + aaj nayak
•   •   •                                     •   •   •                •   •   •       families need fathers
•   •   • •                                   •   •   • •              •   •   • •     underlines store room
•   •   • •                                   •   •   • •              •   •   • •     vacant pig/bodgit + scarper
•   •                                         •   •                    •   •           product 250
•   •   • • •                    front door   •   •   • • •   lift     •   •   • • •   paul davies
•   •   • • •                    garage       •   •   • • •   stairs   •   •   • • •   chris morris
•                                             •                        •               letaps
•   •                                         •   •                    •   •           b.c.d
•   •   •                                     •   •   •                •   •   •       chris richardson
•   •   • •                                   •   •   • •              •   •   • •     tom gray
•   •                                         •   •                    •   •           raymond shawyer
•   •   •                                     •   •   •                •   •   •       rare styles
•   •   • • •                                 •   •   • • •            •   •   • • •   vitaminic
•   •   • •                                   •   •   • •              •   •   • •     research fortnight
•   •   • •                                   •   •   • •              •   •   • •     compass c.b.a publishing
•   •   •                                     •   •   •                •   •   •       opera rara
•   •   •                                     •   •   •                •   •   •       film office
                                                                                       opera rara
                                                                                       underlines/rod howe
                                                                                       direct cidlog [basement]
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 02
ground floor

   engaged space       brick lane music hall   •
                       entrance                •
                       dustbin store           •
                       stairs                  •
   passage space
                       reception/caretaker     •
                       lift                    •
                       garage                  •
   third space


   light well
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 03
first floor

   engaged space       stair                      •
                       kio5k                      •
                       o.t.t                      •
                       opera rara                 •
   passage space       unison                     •
                       opera rara                 •
                       a.k.a                      •
   third space         underlines/rod howe        •
                       egelnick+web               •
                       opera rara                 •
   toilets             opera rara                 •
                       toilets                    •
                       film office                •
                       compass c.b.a publishing   •
   light well
                       research fortnight         •
                       lift                       •
                       o.t.t                      •
                       tom gray                   •
                       vitaminic                  •
                       rare style                 •
                       raymond shawyer            •
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 04
second floor

   engaged space       stair                         •
                       paul davies                   •
                       product 250                   •
                       vacant pig/bodgit + scarper   •
   passage space       chris morris                  •
                       underlines store room         •
                       letaps                        •
   third space         families need fathers         •
                       b.c.d                         •
                       mark turner + aaj nayak       •
   toilets             chris richardson              •
                       de grussa larkou              •
                       toilets                       •
                       stair                         •
   light well
                       lift                          •
                       direct dialog                 •
                       qube                          •
                       state design                  •
                       onedotzero                    •
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 05
third floor

   engaged space       stair           •
                       direct dialog   •
                       toilet          •
                       stair           •
   passage space
                       lift            •
                       direct dialog   •

   third space


   light well
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 05
fourth floor

   engaged space       stair              •
                       nigel limb         •
                       toilets            •
                       stairs             •
   passage space
                       lift               •
                       light surgeons     •
                       pd3 + tully + co   •
   third space


   light well
134-146 curtain road
floor mapping 01

   engaged space       direct dialog   •
                       toilet          •
                       stairs          •
                       lift            •
   passage space

   third space

architecture/local area mapping

This section simply deals with the surrounding area around
Curtain House, locating and plotting every tube station, major
road, and bus stop (including a bus route listing). Recording
this data helps to know the area around a space, how the
traffic moves, and is systematically controlled. It also assists
in learning how people could get to the building, from which
direction, what area, and how long each route takes.

This data is also linked to recording the method that users
and visitors take to the building. This could easily be extended
by charting occupants route to the building; which would help
to establish what kind of journey the occupants experience,
which relates to what frame of mind they might be in once in
the building. The building represents shelter, protection from
the elements, it may have heat, or air-conditioning, but it may
also be well lite, smell different, have sounds playing upon
arrival, anything to try and create an ambience, or a certain
mood to influence the way people use and feel about the
134-146 curtain road•
arear mapping 01                   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
road names

                               a                                                a

kings road                 •
hoxton square              •   b                                                b
hackney road               •
pitfield street            •
old street                 •
                               c                                                c
rivington street           •
great eastern road         •
city road                  •
tabernacle street          •   d                                                d
bethnal green road         •
shoreditch high street     •
st. paul street            •   e                                                e
worship street             •
primrose street            •
apollo street              •
                               f                                                f
bishopsgate                •
commercial road            •
liverpool street station   •
london wall                •   g                                                g
old broad street           •
threadneedle street        •
leadenhall street          •   h                                                h
cornhill                   •

                               i                                                i

                               j                                                j

                                   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
134-146 curtain road•
area mapping 02                   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
tube stations

                              a                                                a

tube stations
                              b                                                b
c.01 old street           •
northern line
british rail
                              c                                                c
e.07 shoreditch           •
east end
british rail
                              d                                                d
f.03 liverpool street     •
hammersmith and city
                              e                                                e
british rail
                              f                                                f
h.06 aldgate east         •

i.05 aldgate              •   g                                                g
cirle and district
hammersmith and city
                              h                                                h
i.01 bank                 •
cirlce and district
                              i                                                i
docklands light railway
british rail
                              j                                                j

                                  01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
134-146 curtain road•
area mapping 03                    01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
bus stops

                               a                                                a

bus stops
                               b                                                b
old street roundabout      •
43,, 76, 141,214, 271,
                               c                                                c
shoreditch church          •
43, 55, 243

shoreditch high street     •   d                                                d
26, 35, 43, 47, 48, 55
67, 78, 149, 242, 243

great eastern street       •   e                                                e
43, 55, 243

bishopsgate                •
8, 26, 35, 43, 47, 48,         f                                                f
78, 149, 242

liverpool street station   •
11, 23, 42, 100, 133,
                               g                                                g
141, 214, 271, sl1, sl2,

                               h                                                h

                               i                                                i

                               j                                                j

                                   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project
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Architecture/Movement/Text - MA Project

  • 1.
  • 2. architecture/movement/text This project is not simply about a public or built space, it is not even about 134-146 Curtain Road, it is about learning, as a designer, the system of movement, passage and meaning that is governed by architectural form. This project is a process of learning and communicating information to the designer, the architect and the reader. This project is about taking one space, and learning all its uses, functions and forms in parallel to the users and visitors that move in and around it. This project is work-in-progress, it has no ending.
  • 3. contents introduction architecture/local area mapping area mapping 01 [road names] questions area mapping 02 [tube stations] basics area mapping 03 [bus stops] device/floor area mapping 04 [one way system] device/floor/company bus route listings floor/users lift-floors frequency stairs/company/time movement/users_deliveries frequency of deliveries device/floor/company total deliveries/entrance/device architecture/engaged_movement_third movement/users_visitors floor mapping 01 [basement] frequency of visitors floor mapping 02 [ground floor] total visitors/entrance/device floor mapping 03 [first floor] floor mapping 04 [second floor] floor mapping 05 [third floor] pictures floor mapping 05 [fourth floor] sketches charting space charting movement charting architecture continued process rendered perspectives 01 [wireframe+flat] rendered perspectives 02 [all floors] rendering/routes of movement rendering still frame animation
  • 4. introduction This book is about information, lines, dots, text and fields of data. understanding not necessarily for every designer, but for me, There is no colour, no expensive printing finishes, no overload of both as an individual and a designer. There in lies its generic graphical layering, and no conclusive answers. Most importantly, application, not by proclaiming the ‘right’ way to approach this book is work in progress, it represents a process, a mapping designing for an architectural or public space, but an of experience, understanding and knowledge of one subject, one alternative means to realise space. area, one space in particular, in short, i have focused my MA project on a public and built space called Curtain House, 134-146 There is no specific product, nor is it overlayed with Curtain Road, London EC2a 3AR. unnecessary graphical elements, there are no conclusive answers as to how designers should be creating a ‘generic’ As a process this book is not governed or determined by signage/information systems for any public or architectural conclusive answers, what it does seek to establish is a route, a space. It is my belief that all space is unique, it has many uses process, a method of working within architectural space. A and users, and should therefore be treated as one space rather method that explores the nature, language and most importantly, than trying to make all applications generic, we should strive the usage of a space by its occupants, because only then as for unique systems of envisioned information by studying each designers can we hope to communicate a system of design that space individually. Only then may we as designers be more not only supports the architectural space, but reflects the nature easily accepted in to the discipline of architecture. of the space. In order to achieve this I have set about establishing as many details about the building as I could, so that i may comprehend the building through my eyes as a designer. The process has inevitably become the actual project; to visualise information. What you will read, view and interpret from this book is simply various systems of analysis and data concerning the building its occupants, deliveries, visitors, localised area and so on. This book is more of a tool, a guideline to enable an
  • 5. architecture engaged_movement_third Curtain House consists of four upper floors, a ground floor, and a By learning about these areas you may be able to understand basement. It has one lift that can carry a maximum of six people, whether these areas communicate well together as one space, a stair well that runs from the basement to the top floor. Each or whether there could be improvement; whether the floor differs in engaged space, movement space, and third space. importance of the movement space could be shifted to the third There are different variants in the amount of people that work space, to enable better communication, both physiologically and move through each floor and office space, and it is these and informatively? variables that need to be recorded, and understood, in order to comprehend how each space is used. Engaged space, consists of space that is permanently inhabited by occupants of the building, within the office/studio space. Movement space, is concerned with the areas that allow passage in and around the building, such as the lift and stair wells. Recording these spaces allows us to record what area may denote movement, and to what extent the frequency of that movement exists in specific parts of building. Third space, is actually concerned with ‘non-space’. A space that exists as a direct parallel to the movement space, and yet adds nothing new to the experience of the movement. Such as corridors, hallways, doors, landings, intermediate landings, and so on. These areas, although important to the right of passage, add nothing, they are merely corridors of passage to allow the user to move from point A to B.
  • 6. rendered perspectives 01 [wireframe+flat] The floor and area plans are a crucial part of any public or built space, and although I have re-drawn the floor plans of Curtain House in this book to establish areas within the building that determine engaged, movement and third space, they act simply as the beginning of my interpretation of this space. In the following section I have created my own 3-dimensional renders of the building, including just the company names, lifts and stairs (where indicated), and studio spaces. These help determine where everything sits next to each other, establishes a language for the building, and enables you the reader to look at the building in another perspective, not necessarily an architectural one, but one from the eye of a designer who is understanding the space. Admittedly it is presented to you on a mere flatland of static paper, but it is an alternative approach and technic to present the floor plans with a visual representation of space and form on a page. Creating and rendering my own Curtain House has helped me confirm where companies sit above one another, it has allowed me the freedom to move in and around the space (on screen), but all the same it is the allusion of movement that is important in order to visualise the building. Even though I know the building, the important point is that you the reader probably does not, but you might understand it a little better by viewing the next section.
  • 7. continued process 1 There is nothing special about Curtain House, 134-146 Curtain There is a lot more that I would like to have established within Road, it is not a spectacular construction of architecture, it does my research for this book, elements that I think would add not make any statements, but there is room for improving the clarity to its context. Mapping the movements of occupants interior of the building, this is the problem that I identified. Since within their particular spaces, and the building throughout a this project began the actual reception has been refurbished, and one week period would be of interest to this project. I think it repositioned by the front door, sitting opposite this new reception, would be important to narrow it down to the individual users of instead of mirrors, is a white washed wall. There are new doors, the building, record their every movement, so that I may the lifts’ interior is next to be refurbished, and all the completely understand the way in which each person uses the intermediate landings outside the lift on all floors is to be space. Possibly even interviewing them about their thoughts on re-decorated. Having been in discussion with the Landlord about the builidng itself, how they get there? how they feel when this project, I have actually been asked by them to consider they arrive? approaching this building and space as a ‘live’ project after my MA. As discussed in the dissertation, designers are now becoming increasingly more muilt-media literate. To emphasise this i As stated before, this book is work-in-progress, it has no ending. believe the use of an interactive medium to be used within The reason for this is because there are so many more architectural space is perhaps a must rather than a maybe. possibilities that I would like to explore, and luckily dependent on There are so many formats and mediums that could be applied budgets, I might actually be able to. to any space, but those conclusions should only be made after the research and investigation that this project has examined. This project has not only acted as the starting point for developing To follow are suggestions of how various ‘interactive’ mediums my understanding of architectural space and form, with could be implemented for future use as a continuation of this consideration to the input of information design, but has now project. It will show the possibilities of how users could access developed into the core foundation of a real brief, working within information online within the internet, to explore, as I have, the an actual space. space and all its content, stripping away information, observing users routes, visitors, usage of the lift and stairs, observing
  • 8. continued process 2 companies and there users, and so on. usually has a lot of meetings, or leaves the building, their space or recieves a lot of deliveries then this could be updated on the There is already a web site address registered for this project; web site which could link to the main signage system of the, which is acting as a building? Telling the delivery personnel exactly where that secondary platform for this project. You can access this site at the person is in the building. This could be achieved by every moment and view the contents of this book, but eventually I would occupant being given a security card which not only allows like it to become a place where users and visitors can interact access to the building, but also acts as a tracking device for the with the actual building. A site that could allow visitors to the internal signage system. This would mean that someone who building every detail about how to get there, where the entrances has never been to the building before could log in to the system are, where the reception and caretaker is, what floor they will be on entry, or ask the caretaker to do so (maybe by typing in the visiting, where their final destination within the building is, and so recipients name) and then gives the new user or visitor a on. visitors security card which, from that point onwards, updates LED screens that alert the new user to where they (the I also intend to produce a 3-dimensional engine for the web site individual) should be going. Which would update dependent that would work alttle like an intranet system for the building upon where you were in the building, the stairs, the lift and itself, that will allow users and visitors to see the building, all its even alert you if you have taken a wrong turn. Maybe the actual floors, lifts, stairs, offices and studios, and take information about movement of the studios and offices could somehow be the building, how to get to certian floors, by printing out recorded by heat sensors which upload on to a web site and directions with actual 3-dimensional bitmapped views. local system of navigation. This could alert visitors and occupants of where the most activity was being created? Taking into consideration the placement of actual occupants within the building so that if there is certain companies, individual These ideas for systems of navigation have been derived from occupants or departments that have a higher level of visitors or adopting all the data in this book, maybe they would work, deliveries, then there could be a hierachy of information to access maybe there would be technical difficulties, but ultimately this directly about them. For example, if an individual or company book is about understanding space, learning from a space and
  • 9. continued process 3 how it is use, and then taking all that information and attaching it to a building so that we the designers can address the individual within a space. Making the architectural space interact with the information that is needed by visitors and other users. Many signage systems at the moment do not actually address the individual, they identify a particular place, they point in a general direction, but they are not universal or diverse. What happens if a blind or har dof hearing person visits a building or public space? How do those individuals use the space? how can the designer take all this into account and use the space to envelope every type of individual? This MA is not this book, it is not 134-146curtainroad, it is not about answers or solutions, and it is not about what I put in the exhibition. It is about ideas, content, and questions. Questions that I have asked, and in some cases, suggested solutions. It is about this ‘continued process’ section, it is about where this project could and might progress to. This section, indeed page, should in no way be seen as the conclusion simply because it is the last page of the book. This book is just the beginning of this project.
  • 10. questions how can designers further their understanding of public or built space? what can designers offer architects? how can designers use the form and function of a public or built space in order to reflect a system of communication and information? what can architects learn from the perspective of a designers interpretations of a space? how can designers further their understand of the physiognomic language of space and movement? What happens if a blind person visits a building? or deaf? How do those people use the space? how can the designer take all this into account and use the space to envelope every type of individual?
  • 11. movement users_visitors Architecture is not merely about providing shelter, it is about sounds, or colour according to the weather? time of day? even creating and allowing movement and passage within and around the mood of the individual? public and built spaces. b. once the individual is in the building it is important to When working with a public or built space to design, it is also determine what entrance is most commonly used. If there are important to know not just how the users and the building itself multiple entrances and exits, then you might find it useful to works, but also to have an awareness of how users, visitors and find the one most frequently used, in order to establish where delivery persons travel to, and approach the building upon their the hierarchy of information should have dominance. arrival. c. there may be many floors or even different units to a site. To follow I will elaborate this through simple diagrams, providing with Curtain House, there are four floors, but there are many statistical data that will reflect the natural course in which users different companies within each floor. All vary in size, and and visitors approach a space and move around it. There are frequency of visitors and deliveries. However, there are two several elements of criteria we must establish through the methods of getting up and down to the necessary floors, the lift process of understanding the space: and the stairs. Again, by determining the frequency of both, you will be able to deduce where the necessary areas of design and a. if the majority of people, everyday users, use a form of public information will need to concentrate upon. transport to travel partly or in its entirety to the site, then we must establish that route, understand the method they use. Try to determine how successful or stressful those journey’s are for the individual. The result of these findings may enable you, the designer, to consider using a system of colour, smell, photography, art or sound into a signage system, in order to create a space that encompasses a physiological ambience. Maybe it would be possible to create a system that changed
  • 12. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train letaps mark hough b.c.d garage stairs 1 chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
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  • 14. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris philip o` dwyer train letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 15. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris ANN KELLy train letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 16. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris shane walters train letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 17. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train letaps matt HANSON garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 18. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train anna doyle letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 19. name transport entrance internal device floor company recordings taken from users [usual] route to and around the light surgeons building> pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d toby egelnick chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 20. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train Scott Haycock letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 21. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train chris morris letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 22. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube mark hough • direct dialog mark breslin • qube philip o"dwyer • de grussa larkou matt hanson • bus mark turner + aaj nayak shane walters • families need fathers ANN KELLY • underlines store room anna doyle • car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper toby egelnick • product 250 3 Scott Haycock • paul davies chris morris • front door lift 2 chris morris train clare harris • letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 23. device/floor 4 3 lift 2 stairs 1 g b
  • 24. device/floor/company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero direct dialog qube de grussa larkou mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies lift 2 chris morris letaps stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles vitaminic research fortnight/ compass c.b.a publishing opera rara opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb bricklane music hall direct cidlog [basement]
  • 25. stairs-floors frequency Similarly to the examination of the lift, this section simply outlines the floor positioning and variable time rate that corresponds to each company on every floor using the stairs as a means for getting to each from the entrance of the building. If it was felt necessary, one could examine this further to establish exactly how long it takes to move from point A (the entrance) to point B (the destination), by asking occupants, visitors or delivery personnel of various sex and ages to record there times and movement over a period of time. This would help determine what percentage of people actually used the stairs, and how long it took them to move through each floor. Also examining use of light and colour throught these passages, because visitors and delivery personnel are going to be most influenced by these corridors and elevations, and so lighting and general appearence is important in order to create an ambience of movement and space that is encapsulated within each section of the building.
  • 26. stairs/company/time 01.00 01.30 02.00 02.30 03.00 03.30 light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero direct dialog qube de grussa larkou mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 paul davies chris morris letaps b.c.d chris richardson tom gray raymond shawyer rare styles vitaminic research fortnight/ compass c.b.a publishing opera rara opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb bricklane stairs direct cidlog [basement]
  • 27. name transport entrance internal device floor company light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb nigel limb direct dialog direct dialog state design onedotzero tube direct dialog qube de grussa larkou bus mark turner + aaj nayak families need fathers underlines store room car 4 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper product 250 3 paul davies front door lift 2 chris morris train mark hough letaps garage stairs 1 b.c.d chris richardson walk g tom gray raymond shawyer b rare styles scooter vitaminic research fortnight compass c.b.a publishing opera rara bike opera rara opera rara film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 28. lift-floors frequency Dependent on how long a user will wait for the lift to arive at there destination within the building, this simple chart registers a numeric value to the journey between each and every floor. These values and not exact timings, because the lifts movement between floors through each day has no set variable rate. However this does allow the designer to establish whether the lift goes to all floors, how long it takes (roughly), and whethe or not there are express lifts that allow quicker movement from point A (entrance) to point B (destination). Added details about the lift would also benefit the designer: does the lift have a maximum capacity? How is it lite? what are its features? Examinations such as these can be used to help the user engage with information, maybe a screen next to the lift should now offer more information than what floor it is at? It could indicate how many people are in the lft, what floor it is stopping at next, how long it will take to get to there position, and so on.
  • 29. lift-floors frequency journey between floors in lift [dependent upon waiting time] 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 4 b 3 g 2 1 1 2 g 3 maximum capacity: six people lighting: halogen bulbs features: blue carpeted walls, mirrored interior on b 4 back wall (creates a sense of more space, and light)
  • 30. movement/users_deliveries This section examines the entrance, movement, and usage around the building of delivery personnel, and visitors to companies within Curtain House. These two factors are two important when observing the buildings usage and passage, because they are perhaps unfamiliar with the layout of the building, the correct entrance (given that many buildings have separate entrances for delivery personnel), or even the whereabouts of the reception, stairs or lift. Further investigations could establish a record of frequencies regarding visitors and deliveries over a one week period. This would establish how many visitors and delivery people visit each office, how many use the lift or stairs; which would ascertain which route was most frequently used, and therefore determine where the most dominant form of design should sit or be used within the building. [• = one delivery]
  • 31. total deliveries/entrance/device all floors_deliveries recorded on 28.10.00 Observations such as these enable the designer to understand how people, who are not familiar with the space, enter it and use it. This data visualises alot more than just where and how people use the building, because you could examine what companies they are visiting in particular, see how frequent those visitors are to the same companies. Find out what business those companies actually follow, which might influence the system of signage for the building; i.e most of the space on the fourth floor is dedicated to music and photography, should the signage be able to feed from this, to reflect the space by sound or photography installations? [• = one visitor]
  • 32. basement deliveries recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • front door lift direct dialog garage stairs
  • 33. basement frequency of deliveries 28.10.00 total deliveries= 20 front door= 11 lift= 17 20 direct dialog •••••••••••••••••••• garage= 9 stairs= 3 •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• •••••• •••
  • 34. first floor deliveries recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • - - - - - - • • • • • • - - - - front door - lift - tom gray • garage • stairs • • raymond shawyer • • • • - rare styles - vitaminic - - - research fortnight - - • compass c.b.a publishing - - • • film office • • • • - opera rara • • • • kio5k • o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb
  • 35. first floor frequency of deliveries 28.10.00 total deliveries= 10 front door= 8 lift= 5 2 tom gray •• garage= 2 stairs= 5 0 raymond shawyer - 2 rare styles •• 0 vitaminic - •••••••••• •••••••• ••••• 0 research fortnight - •• ••••• 2 compass c.b.a publishing •• 0 film office - 0 opera rara - 0 kio5k - 1 o.t.t • 2 unison •• 0 underlines/rod howe - 2 a.k.a •• 1 egelnick+webb •
  • 36. second floor deliveries received on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - front door - lift - state design - garage - stairs - onedotzero - - - direct dialog • • • • • • qube - - - de grussa larkou • • • • • • • • • mark turner + aaj nayak - - - families need fathers • • • underlines store room - - - vacant pig/bodgit + scarper • • • product 250 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • paul davies chris morris letaps b.c.d chris richardson
  • 37. second floor frequency of deliveries 28.10.00 total deliveries= 22 front door= 18 lift= 22 1 state design • garage= 4 stairs= 0 1 onedotzero • 7 direct dialog ••••••• 0 qube - •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 de grussa larkou • •••• 1 mark turner + aaj nayak • 0 families need fathers - 0 underlines store room - 2 vacant pig/bodgit + scarper •• 0 product 250 - 3 paul davies ••• 1 chris morris - 0 letaps - 1 b.c.d • 5 chris richardson •••••
  • 38. third floor deliveries received on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • front door lift direct dialogue garage stairs
  • 39. third floor frequency of deliveries 28.10.00 total deliveries= 6 front door= 6 lift= 6 6 direct dialogue •••••• garage= 0 stairs= 0 •••••• •••••• ••••••
  • 40. fourth floor deliveries recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • front door lift light surgeons garage stairs pd3 + tully + co nigel limb
  • 41. fourth floor frequency of deliveries 28.10.00 total deliveries= 13 front door= 10 lift= 12 1 light surgeons • garage= 3 stairs= 1 3 pd3 + tully + co ••• 9 nigel limb •• ••••••• •••••• ••••••• •••••• •••• •••••• •••••• ••• •
  • 42. first floor visitors recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • - - - • • • • • • - - - - - - • • front door • • lift • • tom gray - garage - stairs - raymond shawyer - - • rare styles - - • • vitaminic • • - research fortnight • • • • - compass c.b.a publishing - - - film office - - - opera rara - - • • kio5k - - • o.t.t • • • • unison • • underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb
  • 43. second floor visitors recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - front door - lift - state design - garage - stairs - onedotzero - - - direct dialog • • • • • • qube - - - de grussa larkou • • • • • • • • • mark turner + aaj nayak - - - families need fathers • • • underlines store room - - - vacant pig/bodgit + scarper • • • product 250 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • paul davies chris morris letaps b.c.d chris richardson
  • 44. third floor visitors recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • front door lift direct dialog garage stairs
  • 45. fourth floor visitors recorded on 28.10.00 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • front door lift light surgeons garage stairs pd3 + tully + co nigel limb
  • 46. total visitors/entrance/device all floors_visitors light surgeons pd3 + tully + co nigel limb direct dialog state design onedotzero direct dialog qube de grussa larkou mark turner + aaj nayak • • • • • • • • • families need fathers • • • • • • • • • • • • underlines store room • • • • • • • • • • • • vacant pig/bodgit + scarper • • • • • • product 250 • • • • • front door • • • • • lift • • • • • paul davies • • • • • garage • • • • • stairs • • • • • chris morris • • • letaps • • • • • • b.c.d • • • • • • • • • chris richardson • • • • • • • • • • • • tom gray • • • • • • raymond shawyer • • • • • • • • • rare styles • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vitaminic • • • • • • • • • • • • research fortnight • • • • • • • • • • • • compass c.b.a publishing • • • • • • • • • opera rara • • • • • • • • • film office opera rara kio5k o.t.t unison underlines/rod howe a.k.a egelnick+webb direct cidlog [basement]
  • 47. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 02 ground floor engaged space brick lane music hall • entrance • dustbin store • stairs • passage space reception/caretaker • lift • garage • third space toilets light well
  • 48. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 03 first floor engaged space stair • kio5k • o.t.t • opera rara • passage space unison • opera rara • a.k.a • third space underlines/rod howe • egelnick+web • opera rara • toilets opera rara • toilets • film office • compass c.b.a publishing • light well research fortnight • lift • o.t.t • tom gray • vitaminic • rare style • raymond shawyer •
  • 49. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 04 second floor engaged space stair • paul davies • product 250 • vacant pig/bodgit + scarper • passage space chris morris • underlines store room • letaps • third space families need fathers • b.c.d • mark turner + aaj nayak • toilets chris richardson • de grussa larkou • toilets • stair • light well lift • direct dialog • qube • state design • onedotzero •
  • 50. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 05 third floor engaged space stair • direct dialog • toilet • stair • passage space lift • direct dialog • third space toilets light well
  • 51. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 05 fourth floor engaged space stair • nigel limb • toilets • stairs • passage space lift • light surgeons • pd3 + tully + co • third space toilets light well
  • 52. 134-146 curtain road floor mapping 01 basement engaged space direct dialog • toilet • stairs • lift • passage space third space toilets
  • 53. architecture/local area mapping This section simply deals with the surrounding area around Curtain House, locating and plotting every tube station, major road, and bus stop (including a bus route listing). Recording this data helps to know the area around a space, how the traffic moves, and is systematically controlled. It also assists in learning how people could get to the building, from which direction, what area, and how long each route takes. This data is also linked to recording the method that users and visitors take to the building. This could easily be extended by charting occupants route to the building; which would help to establish what kind of journey the occupants experience, which relates to what frame of mind they might be in once in the building. The building represents shelter, protection from the elements, it may have heat, or air-conditioning, but it may also be well lite, smell different, have sounds playing upon arrival, anything to try and create an ambience, or a certain mood to influence the way people use and feel about the building.
  • 54. 134-146 curtain road• arear mapping 01 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 road names a a kings road • hoxton square • b b hackney road • pitfield street • old street • c c rivington street • great eastern road • city road • tabernacle street • d d bethnal green road • shoreditch high street • st. paul street • e e worship street • primrose street • apollo street • f f bishopsgate • commercial road • liverpool street station • london wall • g g old broad street • threadneedle street • leadenhall street • h h cornhill • i i j j 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
  • 55. 134-146 curtain road• area mapping 02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 tube stations a a tube stations b b c.01 old street • northern line british rail c c e.07 shoreditch • east end british rail d d f.03 liverpool street • circle hammersmith and city e e metropolitan central british rail f f h.06 aldgate east • district i.05 aldgate • g g cirle and district metropolitan hammersmith and city h h i.01 bank • cirlce and district northern i i central docklands light railway british rail j j 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
  • 56. 134-146 curtain road• area mapping 03 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 bus stops a a bus stops b b old street roundabout • 43,, 76, 141,214, 271, 55 c c shoreditch church • 43, 55, 243 shoreditch high street • d d 26, 35, 43, 47, 48, 55 67, 78, 149, 242, 243 great eastern street • e e 43, 55, 243 bishopsgate • 8, 26, 35, 43, 47, 48, f f 78, 149, 242 liverpool street station • 11, 23, 42, 100, 133, g g 141, 214, 271, sl1, sl2, h h i i j j 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09