environmental economics economic growth equilibrium limit pricing pareto optimality general equilibrium role of monetary policy phillip's curve liquidity preference characteristics short and long run monopoly mps aps aggregate demand and supply pigovian tax externalities macro economics allocations to control inflation fiscal policy to control inflation monetary policy to control inflation methods to control inflation wage price spiral cost push inflation demand pull inflation inflation kenneth arrow and health economics scope of health economics features of health economics health economics allocation to education in india benefits of education costs of education lucas distribution and valuation invariant measure of value relationship between growth one commodity world labour embodied theory of value polluter pays red industries compensation bod levels telangana pollution csr industrial pollution bare hands production natural price market price adam smith labour commanded labour embodied distribution stationary state heterogeneous goods value common and perrings pearce strong and very strong sustainability theories holling sms schumpeter decline of capitalism innovations role of entrepreneur table economic preclassical economic thought quesnay natural law physiocrats growth of capitalism marshall marx robbins and schumpeter definition adam smith's defintion political economy marginal theory of wages wage funds theory subsistence theory of wages labour theory of value samuelson and hicks wicksteed euler's theorem product exhaustion theorem walras and wicksell marginal productivity theory of distribution different firm sizes entry preventing price oligopoly potential entry of firms managerial discretion williamson's model profits layers sales expenditure managers vs. owners' objectives baumol's theory of sales maximisation different objective of firm sales vs. profits decreasing returns causes of market failure social marginal costs and benefits subsidies utility possibility curve social welfare function constrained bliss point grand utility possilibility bergman unemp in india voluntary disguised unempl policies to increase emp unemployment involuntary unemp type social welfare scitovsky double criterion micro theory of welfare compensation principle kaldor hicks criterio scitovsky paradox ppc and c edgeworth box consumer's equilibrium transformation curve production possibility curve efficiency in production contact curve edgeworth box market equibrium uniqueness of equil stability of equil existence of equil government policy to stabilise the economy role of fiscal policy stabilisation international methods to stabilise business cycle stabilisation central bank functions quantitative and qualitative methods monetary policy samuelson's theory hicks causes of trade and business cycle phases of cycles schumpeter's theory the natural rate of unemployment criticism of phillip's curve stagflation real wage rate and unemployment inverse relationship milton friedman monetarist theory of inflation real cash balance ratio less developed countries balanced allocation ratio structural inflation prebisch is-lm curves money market and goods market lm curve money supply rate of interest rate of interest and ny real market and money market hicks and hansen derivation of is curve i-s curve savings deposits vs. liquid cash baumol's demand for money visits to the bank portfolio of assets tobin's demand for money rate of return risky vs. safe assets patinkin's real balance effect demand for money absolute vs. relative prices classical vs. neo classical theory of prices collusion oligoply cartels paul sweezy's kinked demand curve mergers short run and long run equilibriu chamberlin monopolistic competition heroic assumptions different types of price discrimination lerner's index profit maximisation loss minimisation short run shut down point perfect competition long run equilibriu equilinbrium of a firm in pc and monopoly revenue revenue curves for pc and monopoly conditions for profit maximisation tr ar and mr price different types of costs envelope curve long run costs variable short run cost curves and total costs short run production function long run returns to scale law of variable proportions factors affecting supply market supply elasticity of supply supply analysis demand and supply interactions conditions where no equilibrium exists market equilibriu milton friedman's theory of consumption modigliani's theory of consumption diagrammatic representation keynes' saving function mpc apc keynesian consumption function aggregate income hypothesis keynesian economics relative income hypothesis duesenberry kuznets paradox effective demand disequilibriu ordinal utility properties of indifference curves total utility equilibrium of consumer under indifference curve budget line equilibrium of consumer marginal utiltiy shift in demand vs increase/decrease in demand factors influencing demand demand curve and schedu different types of price elasticities of demand elasticity of demand micro assumptions fallacy of composition defini definition and scope of sustainable development brundtland hartwick's rule weak sustainability sustainable development travel costs dose response hedonic price avoided costs contingent valuation methods willingness to pay post keynesian growth model golden ages economic growth model marketable permits public goods rival goods
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