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Numerical   Reasoning
Chain Rule
Direct Proportion :
  A           B
  A           B
Indirect Proportion:
  A         B
  A         B
Type - 1
Direct Proportion:
 Price                       Quantity
 100                               15
 150                               x
Price increase no. of quantity will also increase
Direct proportion means Cross Multiply
100*x = 150*15 ;
X = 150*15/100 = 22.5
Type - 2
Indirect Proportion:
Men         Days
  15         50
  x          10
To complete the work in less number of days,
    they need to deploy more number of people.
15*50 = x*20;
X = 15*50/20 = 75
In given problem, if you have more than 2
   variables, you need to,
1. Compare data you need to find with other
   data which is given.
2. While comparing based on the proportion, do
   either cross or direct multiply.
Problem - 1

If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10
days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same
work in 2 days, what would be the time taken by
15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work?
6 men + 8 Boys = 10 days, 26 men and 48 Boys = 2 days
60 men + 80 Boys = 52 Men + 96 Boys
8 M = 16 B
1 Man = 2 Boys
15 M + 20 B = 30 B + 20 B = 50 Boys
6 men + 8 boys = 12 Boys + 8 Boys = 20 Boys = 10 Days
Boy           Days
20            10
50            x
50x = 20* 10
x = 20*10/50 = 4 days.
Problem - 2

20 men can complete one third of a work in 20
days. How many more men should be employed
to finish the rest of the work in 25 more days?
Men             Work       Days
  20              1/3        20
  x               2/3        25
x * 1/3 * 25 = 20*20*2/3
x = 20*20*2 /25 = 32
Already we have 20 men, so 12 more men
should be deployed
Problem - 3

95 men have provision for 200 days. After 5
days, 30 men die due to an epidemic. For how
many days will the remaining food last?
Remaining days = 200 – 5 = 95
Remaining men = 95 – 30 = 65
Men       Days
  95      195
  65      x
65x = 195*95
x = 195*95/65 = 285 days
Problem - 4
A certain number of men completed a piece of
work in 60 days. If there were 8 more men, the
work could be finished in 10 days less. How
many men were originally there?
Days           Men
  60            x
   50          x+8
60x = 50*x+8
60x/50 = x + 8
6x = 5x + 40
x = 40
Problem - 5
A contractor employs 60 people to complete a
task in 20 days. After 10 days, he finds that only
30% of the work is completed. In order to
achieve the target of completion of the task in 20
days, how many more people should he employ
People                   Days              Work
   60                      10                30
   x                        10                70
30*x*10 = 60*70*10
x = 60*70*10/30*10
x = 140
Already there are 60 men, so 80 more men are needed.
Problem - 6
If 6 engines consume 15 metric tons of coal,
when each is running 9 hours a day, how much
coal will be required for 8 engines each running
12 hours a day with the fact that 3 engines of the
former type consume as much as 4 engines of the
latter type?
Three engines of former type consume = 1 unit
One engine of former type consume = 1/3
Four engines of latter type consume = 1
1 engine of latter type consume = ¼
Engine               Hours      Consumption     Coal
    6                  9          1/3             15
    8                  12         ¼                x
x *6*9*1/3 = 8*15*12*1/4
x = 20
Problem - 7
8 men working for 9 hours a day complete a
piece of work in 20 days. In how many days can
7 men working for 10 hours a day complete the
same piece of work?
Men        Hours     Days
  8          9         20
  7          10        x
7*x*10 = 8*20*9
x = 20 4/7 days
Problem - 8

35 cattle can graze a piece of land for 56 days.
How many cattle will graze a field three times as
large in 35 days?

Cattle         Graze       Days
35                1          56
 x                3          35
x*35 = 35*3 *56
x = 56*35*3/35 = 168
Problem - 9
30 men can do a work in 50 days. After 20 days
10 men leave the work. The whole work will be
done in?
Men            Days
 30             30
 20              x
X = 30*30/20 = 45 days
Problem - 10
The work done by a man, a woman and a boy are
in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. There are in a factory 24
men, 20 women and 16 boys, whose weekly
wages amount to Rs. 224. What will be the
yearly wages of 27 men, 40 women, 15 boys?
1 man = 3 boys, 1 woman = 2 boys
24 M + 20 W + 16 B = 24*3 + 20*2 + 16*1 = 128 boys
27 M + 40 W + 15 B = 27*3 + 40*2 + 15*1 = 176 boys
Boys              Duration        Wages
  128               1                224
  176               52                x
x*128 = 52*224*176
x = 52*224*176/128 = Rs.16,016
Problem - 11
A contractor undertakes to dig a canal 12 km
long in 350 days and employs 45 men. He finds
after 200 days of working that only 4½ km of
canal has been dug. How many extra men must
be employed to finish the work on time?
Men            Days           KM
 45              200           4½
 x               150           7½
200*45*15/2 = 150*x*9/2
x= 100
Extra men = 100 – 45 = 55 men
Problem - 12
8 men can build a foundation 18 m long, 2m
broad and 12m high in 10 days, working 9 hours
a day. Find how many men will be able to build
a foundation 32m long, 3m broad and 9m high in
8 days, working 6 hours a day.
Men Metre Breadth Height Day Hour
 8   18    2       12    10    9
 x   32    3        9     8    6

x*18*2*12*8*6 = 32*8*3*9*10*9
x = 30
Time and Work
Type - 1
A can do work in 10 days
B can do work in 15 days
They can complete the work by working
A’s 1 day work = 1/10
B’s 1 day work = 1/15
A + B = 1/10 + 1/15 = 25/150 = 1/6
6 days they will complete their work.
Type - 2
A and B can complete the work in 10 days
B and C can complete the work in 15 days
C and A can complete the work in 20 days
How many days they will take to complete the work by working
  all together.
A + B 1 day work = 1/10
B + C 1 day work = 1/15
C + A 1 day work = 1/20
A+B+B+A+C+A = 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/20
2(A+B+C) = 6/60 + 4/60 + 3/60 = 13/60
A+ B + C = 13*2/60 = 26/60 = 13/30
           = 30 /13 = 2 4/13 days
Types - 3
A and B can complete the work in 10 days
B alone can complete the work in 30 days
How many days A will take to complete the
A+B = 1/10
B = 1/30
A = A+B – B = 1/10 – 1/30 = 3/30 – 1/30 = 2/30
A = 1/15 = 15 days
Type - 4
A can complete the work in 30 days
B can complete the work in 50 days
C can complete the work in 40 days
A is working continuously from the starting, B
  and C supporting A alternatively.
Day 1 A+B = 1/30 + 1/50 = 8/150
Day 2 A+ C = 1/30 + 1/40 = 7/120
2 days work = 8/150+ 7/120 = 67/600

Type - 4
2* 8 days = 67*8/600 = 67/75
In 16 days they will complete 67/75 of the work
Remaining work = 1- 67/75 = 8/75
17th day A+ B = 8/150
Work left = 8/75 – 8/150 = 8 / 150 = 4/75
On 18th day A+C will work they will finish in
  120/7 = 120 / 7 * 4/75 = 32 /35
Whole work will be done in 17 32/35 days
Type - 5
A is 60% more efficient than B.
B can complete the work in 20 days
A will take how many days to complete the work.
             A   : B
Eff          160 : 100
             8    : 5
Days         5    : 8 (More efficient person will
                         take less Days)

Types - 5
Use chain rule method
  Effi           Days
   5              20
   8               x
More efficient person takes less days
8x = 20*5
X = 20*5/8 = 12.5 days
Problem – 1

8 men and 12 children can do a work in 9 days.
A child takes double the time to do a work than
the man. In how many days 12 men can
complete double the work?
8 men and 12 children in 9 days
1 man = 2 children
6 men = 12 children
8 man + 6 man (12 Children) = 14 men
Men             Days        Work
14                9           1
12 men            x           2
12x = 14*9*2
x = 14*9*2 /12 = 21 days
Problem - 2

A is three times more efficient than B, and is
therefore able to complete a work in 60 days
earlier than A. How long A and B together will
take to complete the work?
A is three times more efficient than B
          A                   B
   Effi 3                     1
   Days 1                     3
If A takes 10 days
        A                     B
        10                    30
        20                    60
        30                    90 (60 days difference)
So, A takes 30 days and B takes 90 days.
A and B together = 1/30 + 1/90 = 4/90 = 90/4 =21 ½ days
Problem – 3

A can do ½ of the work in 5 days, B can do 3/5
of the same work in 9 days and C can do 2/5 of
that work in 8 days. In how many days can three
of them together do the work?
The number of Days taken by A, B and C to complete
A = ½ work in 5 days = 1 work = 10 days
B = 3/5 of the work in 9 days = 1 work = 9*5/3
= 15 days
C = 2/3 of the work in 8 days = 1 work = 8*3/2
= 12 days
A + B + C = 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/12 = 6+4+5/60 = 15/60
A, B and C together take 4 days to complete the work
Problem - 4
A, B and C can do a piece of work in 6, 8 and 10
days respectively. They begin the work together.
A continues to work till it is completed. B leaves
off 1day before and C leaves off ½ day before
the work is completed. In what time is the work
A’s x days work = x/6
B’s (x-1) day work = x – 1/8
C’s (x-1/2) day work = 2x-1/2*10 = 2x-1/20
x/6 + x-1/8 + 2x -1/20 = 1
20x +15x – 15+12x – 6/120 = 1
20x + 15x – 15+12x – 6 = 120
47x = 120 + 21
x = 141/47 = 3 days
Problem - 5

A can do a piece of work in 12 days, while B
alone can do it in 15 days. With the help of C
they can finish it in 5 days. If all the three were
paid Rs. 960 for the whole work, what is the
share of A?
A + B = 1/12 + 1/15 = 9/60 = 3/ 20
A + B +C = 1/5
(A+B+C) – (A+B) = 1/3 – 3/20 = 4 -3/20 = 1/20
C will take 20 days to complete the work
A:B:C = 1/12 : 1/15 : 1/20
= 5/60 : 4/60 : 3/60 = 5 : 4 : 3
A’s Share = 960 * 5/12 = Rs.400
Problem - 6

A and B can do a piece of work in 40 days. After
working for 10 days, they are assisted by C and
work is finished in 20 days more. If C does as
much as work as what B does in 3 days, how
many days could A alone do the same work?
A and B’s one day work = 1/40
       Day                       Work
         1                       1/40
        10                        x
x = 1/40*10 = ¼
Remaining work = 1- ¼ = ¾
A+B+C took 20 days to complete ¾ of the work.
       Days                 Work
       20                     ¾
       1                      x
x = ¾ * 1/20 = 3/80
C’s one day work = 1 day (A+B+C) - 1 day (A+B)
                  = 3/80 – 1/40 = 1/80
C takes 80 days to complete the work
             C                  B
      Effi 1                    3
      Days 80                   240
B takes 240 days to complete the work
A’s 1 day work = A + B – B = 1/40 – 1/240 = 6 – 1 /240
= 5/40 = 1/48
A will take 48 days to complete the work.
Problem - 7
To complete a work A takes 50% more time than
B. If together they take 18 days to complete the
work, how much time should B take to do it?

A + B = 18 days
B takes = x days
A takes = x +x/2 days = 3x/2
1/x + 2/3x = 18 days
5/3x = 1/18
3x = 18*5
x = 18*5 /3 = 30 days
Problem - 8

A and B can complete a piece of work in 12 and
18 days respectively. If A begins to do the work
and they work alternatively one at a time for one
day each, then in how many days will the whole
work be completed?
1 day’s work of A = 1/12
1 day’s work of B = 1/18
2 days’ work of A and B = 1/12 + 1/18 = 5/36
7 times repeating 2 days work
7*2 = 5*7/36
Amount of work completed after 14 days = 35/36
Remaining work = 1 – 35/36 = 1/36
15th day A is working
= 1/36 *12 = 12/36 = 1/3 days
14 1/3 days to complete the work.
Problem - 9
12 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days.
18 women can complete the same piece of work
in 60 days. 8 men and 20 women work together
for 20 days. If only women were to complete the
remaining piece of work in 4 days, how many
women would be required?
12 men take 36 days and 18 women take 60 days to complete a work.
Ratio of efficiency = 12*36 = 18*60, 432 = 1080, 2 : 5
2 men = 5 women, 8 men = 20 women
Women                     Days
  18                        60
  40                         x
40*x = 18*60 = x = 18*60/4 = 27 days
They worked for only 20 days, 1 day’s work = 1/27, so 20 days’ work = 20/27
Remaining work = 7/27
Women             Days             Work
   40               27                1
   x                7                 7/27
4x = 40*27*7/27 = 40*7/4 = 70 Women
Problem - 10
A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work
for Rs.529. A and B together are supposed to do
19/23 of the work and B and C together 8/23 of
the work. What is the share of A?
A + B = 19/23; remaining work by C = 1 – 19/23
= 4/23
B + C = 8/23, B = 8/23 – C = 8/23 – 4/23 = 4/23
A = A+B – B = 19/23 – B = 19/23 – 4/23
= 15/23
A : B : C = 15:4:4
A’s share = 529*15/23 = Rs. 345
Problem - 11

12 children take 16 days to complete a work
which can be completed by 8 adults in 12 days.
16 adults started working and after 3 days 10
adults left and 4 children joined them. How
many days will they take to complete the
remaining work?
12 children take 16 days, 8 Adults take 12 days to complete work
16 adults would complete the work in 6 days but they worked for 3 days, so
they completed ½ work. Remaining ½ work is yet to be completed.
12 children’s 1 day work = 12*16 = 192
8 adults’ 1 day work = 12 * 8 = 96
192 : 96 = 2 : 1
2 Children = 1 Adult
4 children are added instead of 10 adults
4 children = 2 Adults
2A +6A = 8 adults are going to complete ½ work
8 adults took 12 days to complete the whole work.
They will require 6 days to complete the remaining half work.
Problem - 12

Anu can complete a work in 10 days. Manu is
25% more efficient than Anu and Sonu is 60%
more efficient than Manu. Working together,
how long would they take to finish the job?
Anu takes 10 days to complete work;
Manu takes 10*100/160 = 8 days to
complete work;
Sonu takes     8*100/160 = 5 days to
complete work.
1/10 + 1/8 + 1/5 = 4 /40 + 5/40+8/40 =
Number of Days = 40/17 = 2 6/17
Pipes and Cisterns
Pipes and Cistern
Pipes and Cistern and Time and Work problems
  and method of solving are same.

Only difference, instead of Man and Days, in
 pipes and cistern, they will give pipes / taps
 and cistern / tank.
Pipes and Cisterns
• P1 and P2 both working simultaneously which fills in
  x hrs and empties in y hrs resp ( y>x) then net part
  filled is 1/x – 1/y

• P1 can fill a tank in X hours and P2 can empty the full
  tank in y hours( where x>y), then on opening both
  pipes, the net part empties in hour 1/y -1/x
Problem 1
Taps A and B fills a bucket in 12 and 15 minutes
respectively. If both are opened and A is closed
after 3 minutes, how much further time would it
take for B to fill the bucket?
1 minute = A + B = 1/12 + 1/15 = 9 /60
3 minutes = 3*9/60 = 9 /20
Remaining Bucket = 1 – 9/20 = 11/20
Pipe B time                Bucket
   15                         1
    x                        11/20
x = 11/20 *15 = 33/4
Time required to fill remaining bucket by B
alone = 8 ¼ minutes.
Problem 2

Three pipes A, B and C working together can fill a
cistern in 6 hours. After working together for 2 hours C
is closed and A & B fill it in 7 hours more. How many
hours will C alone take to fill the cistern?
A + B = 7 hours
A + B + C = 6 hours
Hours                          Tank
  6                               1
  2                               x
6x = 2
x = 1/3 tank is full, remaining tank = 1 -1/3 = 2/3
2/3 *1/7 = 2/21
A+B+C – A+B = 1/6 – 2/21 = 21 – 12 /126 = 9/126 = 1/14
Time taken by C alone to fill the cistern = 14 Hours
Problem - 3
A swimming pool is filled with three pipes with
uniform flow. The first two pipes operating
simultaneously fill the pool in the same time
during which the pool is filled by the third pipe
alone. The second pipe fills the pool five hours
faster than first pipe and 4 hours slower than the
third pipe. What is the time required by each
pipe to fill the pool separately?
Let the first pipe be X
A + B = C ------ 1/(x + 5) + 1/x = 1/(x – 4)
1/(x+5) + 1/x = x/x(X+5) + (x+5)/x(x+5)
= 2x +5/x(x+5)
Time taken = x(x+5) /2x+5
x(x+5)/2x+5 = (x-4)
x2 – 8x – 20 = 0
(x+10) (x – 2)
x = 10, -2
x = 10
A = 10 +5 = 15 hours
B = 10 Hours
C = 10 – 4 = 6 hours
Problem - 4

A ship 55 km from the shore springs a leak
admits 2 tons of water in 6 minutes. The ship can
manage 80 tons of water from sinking. The
pumps can throw out 12 tons an hour. Find the
average rate of sailing such that the ship may
reach the shore just to avoid sinking.
Rate of admission of water = 2/6 = 1/3
Rate of pumping out = 12/60 = 1/5
Rate of accumulation of water = 1/3 – 1/5 = 2/15
Time to accumulate 80 tons of water = 80/2/15
= 80*15/2 = 600 min = 10 hours
Average rate of sailing = 55/10 = 5.5 km /hr
Problem - 5

Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 and 16
minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened
together, but 4 minutes before the tank is full,
one pipe A is closed. How much time will they
take to fill the tank?
B’s 4 minutes’ work = 1/16*4 = ¼
Remaining tank = 1 – ¼ = ¾
A + B = 1/12 + 1/16 = 48/7 to fill 1 tank
Tank            Time
  1             48/7
  ¾                x
x = 48*4/7*3 = 64/7 = 9 1/7 minutes
Problem - 6
An electric pump can fill a tank in 3 hours,
because of leak in the tank it took 3½ hours to
fill the tank. If the tank is full, how much time
will the tank take to empty it?
1/3 – 1/x = x – 3 / 3x
Time Taken = 3x /x – 3
3x / x – 3 = 7/2
6x = 7x – 21
x = 21 hours
Problem - 7

Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 minutes
and 32 min respectively. If both pipes are opened
simultaneously after how much time, B should
be closed so that the tank is full in 18 minutes?

Part filled by A + B in x min + part filled by A in 18-x
min = 1
x/24 + x/32 + (18-x)1/24 =1
7x/96 + (18-x)/24 = 1
7x – 4x – 72/96 = 1
7x – 4x – 72 = 96
3x = 96 -72
x = 8 min
Problem - 8
Two pips can fill a cistern in 14 hours and 16
hours respectively. The pipes are opened
simultaneously and it is found that due to
leakage in the bottom, 32 minutes extra are taken
for the cistern to be filled up. If the cistern is full,
in what time will the leak empty it?
A + B = 1/14 + 1/0 = 15/112 = 112 /15
             = 7 hours 28 minutes
32 min extra due to leakage, so total time taken
to fill the tank
             = 7.28 + 32 min = 8 hours
15/112 – 1/8 = 15/112 – 14/112 = 1/112
             = 112 hours
Problem - 9
Two pipes A and B fill a cistern in 10 minutes
and 15 minutes respectively, and a tap C can
empty the full cistern in 20 minutes. All the three
were opened for 1 minute and then the emptying
tap was closed. How many minutes more would
it take for the cistern to be filled?
1 minute work of A+B –C = 1/10 + 1/15 – 1/20 = 7/60
Remaining tank = 1 – 7/60 = 53/60
A + B = 1/10 + 1/15 = 6 min
A+B take 6 minutes to fill the tank
Time                     Cistern
6                           1
x                         53/60
x = 53/60*6 = 5 3/10
Problem - 10
A pipe can fill a bath in 20 minutes and another
can fill it in 30 minutes. A person opens both the
pipes alternatively for 1 minute each. When the
bath was full, he finds that the waste pipe was
open. he then closes the waste pipe and in 3
more minutes the bath is full. In what time would
the waste pipe empty it?
1st min A = 1/20
2nd min B = 1/30
  2 minutes A + B = 1/20 + 1/30 = 5/60 = 1/12
2*12 = 12/12 so 24 minutes 1 bath will be filled
2 minutes = 1/12
3rd minutes = 1/20
      = 1/12 + 1/20 = 5+3/60 = 8/60 = 2/15
2/15 of bath in 24 minutes
Empty the full bath in = 24*15/2 = 180 = 3 hours
Problem - 11
A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the
tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened.
What is the total time taken to fill the tank
1 tank 6 hours: half tank = 3 hours
4 taps = 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 4/6 = 2/3
To fill one tank = 3/2 = 1 ½ hours
To fill half tank 45 minutes
Total time taken to fill the tank = 3 hours 45
Problem - 12
A tank 10m by 6m by 3m has an inlet pump
which pours water at the rate of ¼ cubic metres
in a minute. An emptying pipe can empty the
tank when it is full in 4 hours. If the tank is full
and both pipes are open, how long will it take to
empty it?
Capacity of the tank = 10*6*3 = 180 cu.m
The emptying pipe can remove 180 cu.m in 4 hours
In 1 minute it can remove 180/4*60 cu.m (i.e) 3/4 cu.m
The inner pipe pours ¼ cu.m in 1 minute
¾ - ¼ = 2/4 = ½ cu.m of water will be removed in 1 min.
Empty the tank = 10*6*3/ ½ = 360 minutes = 6 hours
Problems on Trains
Problems on Trains
Important Formula:
1. Distance = Speed * Time
2. Speed = Distance / Time
3. Time = Distance / Speed
Time taken to Cross Each Other:
1. Opposite Direction (Moving Object)
           = S1 + S2
2. Same Direction (Moving Object)
           = S1 – S2            Cont…
Problems on Trains
3. Opposite Direction (both object with Length)
            = L1 + L2 / S1 + S2
4. Same Direction (both object with Length)
                  = L1 + L2 / S1- S2
5. Both object with Length / One non moving Object
                  = L1 + L2 / S1
6. One object with Length / both object are moving
   (opp.dire)     = L1 / S1 + S2
7. One object with Length / both object are moving
   (same.dire) = L1 / S1- S2
Problems on Trains
• Speed from km/hr to m/sec - ( * 5/18).

• Speed from m/sec to km/h, - ( * 18/5).
• Average Speed:-
  Average speed = Total distance traveled
                    Total time taken
Problem - 1

Two trains start from stations A and B and
travels towards each other at speeds of 50 km/hr
and 60 km/hr respectively. At the time of their
meeting the second train has traveled 120 km
more than the first train. What is the distance
between Stations A and B?
Speed difference in 1 hr = 10 km
120 km difference will come after 12 hrs of
traveling. So both the trains have traveled 12
hours each.
Distance covered in 12 hrs,
Train 1 = 12*50 = 600
Train 2 = 12*60 = 720
Distance between stations A and B is = 600 +
720 = 1320
Problem - 2

Trains are running with speeds of 30 km/hr and
58 km/hr in the same direction. A man in the
slower train passes by the faster train in 18
seconds. What is the length of the faster train in
Speed of the train (same direction)
  = 58 – 30 = 28 Km/hr
  = 28*5/18 = 70/9 m/sec
Distance (Length of the train) = S * time
  = 70/9*18 = 140 metres
Problem - 3

A train passes two bridges of lengths 800m and
400m in 100 sec and 60 sec respectively. What is
the length of the train?
Let the length of the train be x.

Speed = Distance / Time
(x + 800)/100 = x+400/60
x = 200 m
Problem - 4
A train does a journey without stoppage in 8
hours. If it had traveled 5 km an hour faster, it
would have done the journey in 6 hours 40 min.
What is its slower speed?
Let the Speed be x
Speed                   Time
  x                      8
  x+5                    6 hr 40 min
Sp                 Time
 x                 480
 x+5               400
480x = 400(x+5)
480x – 400x = 2000
80x = 2000
x = 25
Slower Speed = 25
Problem - 5
Without stoppage a train travels with an average
speed of 80 km/hr and with stoppages, it covers
the same distance with an average speed of 60
km/hr. How many minutes per hour the train
Stoppage time / hour =
           = Difference in speed / Faster Speed
           = 80 – 60/80 = 20/80
           = 15 minutes
Problem - 6
Two trains of lengths 190m and 210m
respectively start from a station in opposite
directions on parallel tracks. If their speeds are
40 km/hr and 32 km/hr respectively, in what
time will they cross each other?
Time = Distance / Speed
Opp. Direction = S1 + S2
                = 190 +210/40+32
                = 400/72*5/18
                = 400/20
                = 20 Sec
Problem - 7
A train 100 m long takes 6 sec to cross a man
walking at 5 km/hr in a direction opposite to that
of the train. Find the speed of the train.
Speed = Distance / Time
     100/(x+5)*5/18= 6
     = 30 (x+5) = 1800
X + 5 = 1800/30 = 60
x = 60 – 5 = 55 km/hr
Problem - 8
Two trains running in opposite directions cross a
man standing on the platform in 27 sec and 17
sec respectively and they cross each other in 23
seconds. What is the ratio of their speeds?
Sp. of Slower train         Sp. of Faster train
      17                    27
                 23(cross Each other)
  27-23 = 4                 23-17 = 6
      2          :          3
Ratio of Faster and Slower train = 3:2
Problem - 9
Two trains of equal lengths takes 10 seconds and
15 sec respectively to cross a telegraphic post. If
the length of each train be 120m, in what time
will they cross each other traveling in opposite
S1 = 120/10 = 12
S2 = 120/15 = 8
Opposite Direction = S1 + S2 = 12 +8 = 20

Time taken to cross each other = D/S
120 + 120/20 = 12 Sec
Problem - 10
A train consists of 12 bogies, each bogie is 15
metres long. The train crosses the telegraphic
post in 18 sec. Due to some problem, two bogies
were detached. In what time will the train cross
the Telegraph post now?
12 bogies each 15 m long
Total length = 12*15 = 180
12 bogies 180 m long
10 bogies 150 m long
Length                   Time
180                      18
150                      x
180x = 18*150
x = 18*150/180
x = 15 sec
Problem - 11
A train 300 m long overtook a man walking
along the line in the same direction at the rate 4
km/hr and passed him in 30 sec. The train
reached the station in 15 min after it had passed
the man. In what time will the man reach the
L = 300 m
Speed of the man = 4 km/hr
Time took to pass = 30 sec
15 min to reach station after crossing a man
Relative Speed in same direction = x – 4*5/18
     = 300/(x-4)*5/18 = 30
     = x – 4 = 180/5, x – 4 = 36, x = 40 km/hr
Speed of the Train = 40 km/hour
Distance Time
 40          60
 x          15
60x = 40*15; x = 10 km = Distance to reach the Station
Speed              Time
40 km/hr           15
4 km/hr            X
 = 4x = 40*15
x = 40*15/4 = 150 min = 2 ½ hrs
Problem - 12
A train starts from station X at the rate of 80
km/hr and reaches station Y in 48 minutes. If the
speed is reduced by 8 km/hr, how much more
time will the train take to return from station Y
to station X?
Speed                       Time
  80                         48
  72                          x
72x = 80*48 = x = 80*48/72 = 53 1/3
48 – 53 1/3 = 5 1/3 = 5 min 20 sec
Time and Distance
Time and Distance

Speed:- Distance covered per unit time is called

Speed = distance/time (or)

Distance = speed*time    (or)

Time = distance/speed
Problem - 1
In 1760m race, A can beat B by 44m while in a
1320m race, B can beat C by 30m. By what
distance will A beat C in a 880m race?
In 1760 m race, A = 1760m B = 1760 – 44 = 1716m
In 1320 m race, B = 1320, C = 1290m
   B                       C
  1716                      x
  1320                     1290
C = 1716*1290/1320 = 1677m
A = 1760, B = 1716, C = 1677
In 1760 m race, A beats C by 83 m
In 880 m race, A will beat C by 41 ½ m
Problem - 2
Two trains traveling in opposite direction start
from a station at the same time with the speeds
of 40 km/hr and 120 km/hr respectively. What is
the distance between them after 15 minutes?
In 1 hour Both trains covers A + B = 40 + 120 =
160 km
Distance covered in 15 minutes = 160*15/60 =
16*15/6 = 40 km
Problem - 3
A hare preceded by a greyhound is 87.5m before
him. While the hare takes 4 leaps, the greyhound
takes 3 leaps. If the greyhound and the hare go
2¾ m and 1¾ m respectively in one leap, in how
many leaps will the greyhound overtake the
Dis. Covered by Hare = 4* 1¾ = 4*7/4 = 7
Dis. Covered by Greyhound = 3*11/4 = 33 / 4 = 8.25
Dis. gained by greyhound in 3 leaps
= 8.25 – 7 = 1.25 m
        Dis.                    Leaps
       1.25                       3
       87.5                       x
x = 87.5 * 3 / 1.25 = 210 leaps
Problem - 4
A monkey is climbing up a greased pole ascends
5m and slips down 2m in alternate minute. If the
pole is 35 m high then when will the monkey
touch the top?
1st min = 5m up
2nd min = 2m down
   = 2 minutes = 3m up
2*11 = 3*11 m
22 min = 33 m
Remaining = 35 -33 = 2m
Meter          Min
5m                    60 sec
2m                    x
x = 2*60/5 = 24 sec
Total time taken = 11 minutes 24 seconds
Problem - 5
Walking 6/7 of his usual rate a man is 25
minutes late. Find his usual time?
Usual time = Nr * Late
= 6*25 = 150 Min = 2 hr 30 Min
Problem - 6
A hare runs at 5 m/sec and a tortoise runs at 0.5
m/sec. They start from the same point in the
same direction. How far ahead will the hare be
after 30 min?
30*60 = 1800 Sec
Per sec difference = 5 – 0.5 = 4.5 m / sec
30 min = 4.5*30*60 / 1000 = 8.1 km
Problem - 7
Two cars A and B are running towards each
other from two different places 88 km apart. If
the ratio of the speeds of the cars A and B is 5 : 6
and the speed of the car B is 90 km / hr. At what
time will the two meet each other?
Ratio            A    :     B=5 : 6
A : B = x : 90
x*6/11 = 90 x = 165
(Total Speed ) 165 – (B’s Speed) 90 = 75
Speed of car A = 75
Time to meet each other = 88/75+90 = 88/165hrs
88/165*60 = 32 min
Problem - 8
A train travelling at the rate of 60 km/hr, while
inside a tunnel meets another train of half its
length traveling at 90 km/hr and passes
completely in 4 ½ sec. Find the length of the
tunnel if the first train passes completely through
it in 4 minutes 37 ½ sec?
Relative Speed = 60 + 90 = 150
Dis. = 150*5/18*9/2 = 375/2 m
Length of the 1st train is = x
Length of the 2nd train is = x/2
X+ x/2 = 375/2
3x = 375
X = 375/3 = 125
Time taken by the first train to cross the tunnel,

Speed = 60*5/18 = 50/3 m /sec
Time = 4 min 75/2 sec
      = 4*60 +75/2 = 555/2
Distance traveled by 1st train is,
Sec                        Metre
  1                         50/3
  555/2                       x
50/3*555/2 = 4625
Length of the Tunnel = Total Dis. – Length of the Train
                      = 4625 – 125 = 4500m or 4.5 km
Problem - 9
A man standing on a 170 m long platform
watches that a train takes 7 ½ sec to pass him
and 21 seconds to cross the platform. Find the
Length of the train and its Speed?
Sp. to cross a man = x/15/2 = 2x/15
Sp. To cross a platform = 170+x/21
170 +x/21 = 2x/15
2550 + 15x = 42x
x = 850/9 m
Speed = 2* 850/15*9 = 12 16/27 m/sec
Problem - 10
A and B starts at the same time with speeds of 40
km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively. If in covering
the journey, A takes 15 minutes longer than B.
Find the Total distance of the Journey?
A (1 hour) covers = 40 km
B (I hour ) covers = 50 km
A took 15 minutes longer than B
Distance cover in 15 minutes = 40*1/4 = 10 km
Total Distance = 50 km
Problem - 11
A train 110 m in length passes a man at the rate
of 6 km/hr against it in 6 sec. How much time it
will take to pass another man walking at the
same speed in same direction?
Opp. Dir = x + 6 km /hr
        x+6 *5/18*6 = 110 m
                   x = 60
Time taken to pass 2nd man
        = 110/60-6 = 7 1/3 sec
Problem - 12
A train running at the speed of 20 m/sec crosses
a pole in 24 seconds less than the time it required
to cross a platform thrice its length at the same
speed. What is the length of the train?
Distance = Speed * Time
Length of the train be x
Time = x/20 sec
To cross the platform 3x+x/20 = 4x/20
To cross the Pole = x/20
Diff. in time to cross the platform and pole,
                  4x/20 – x/20 = 24
                  3x/20 = 24
                  3x = 20*24; x = 160 m
Boats and Streams
Boats and Streams
• Up stream – against the stream
• Down stream – along the stream
• u = speed of the boat in still water
• v = speed of stream
• Down stream speed (a)= u+v km / hr
• Up stream speed (b)=u-v km / hr
• u = ½(a+b) km/hr
• V = ½(a-b) km / hr
Problem - 1
The speed of a boat in still water in 8 km/hr. If it
can travel 20 km downstream at the same time as
it can travel 12 km upstream, what is the rate of
stream (in km/hr)?
Rate of stream = x km/hr
Sp. Of boat in still water = 8 km/hr
Upstream speed = 8 – x km/hr
Downstream Speed = 8+x km/hr
Given, 20/8+x = 12/8-x
= 160 – 20x = 96+12x
32x = 64x
X = 64/32 = 2 km/hr
Problem - 2
A boat’s crew rowed down a stream from A to B

and up again in 7 ½ hours. If the stream flows at

3km/hr and speed of boat in still water is 5 km/hr.

find the distance from A to B ?
Down Stream = Sp. of the boat + Sp. of the stream
                = 5 +3 =8
Up Stream = Sp. of the boat – Sp. of the stream
                 = 5-3 = 2
Let distance be x
Distance/Speed = Time
      X/8 + x/2 = 7 ½
      X/8 +4x/8 = 15/2
          5x / 8 = 15/2
             5x = 15/2 * 8
              x =12
Problem - 3
A boat goes 40 km upstream in 8 hours and 36
km downstream in 6 hours. Find the speed of the
boat in still water in km/hr?
 Speed of the boat in upstream = 40/8 = 5 km/hr
 Speed of the boat in downstream = 36/6 = 6
 Speed of the boat in still water = 5+6/2 = 5.5
Problem - 4

A man rows to place 48km distant and back in
14 hours. He finds that he can row 4 km with the
stream in the same time as 3 km against the
stream. Find the rate of the stream?
Down stream 4km in x hours. Then,
Speed of Downstream = 4/x km/hr,
Speed of Upstream = 3/x km/hr
48/ (4/x) + 48/(3/x) = 14 , x = 1/2
Speed of Down stream = 8,
Speed of upstream = 6
Rate of the stream = ½ (8-6) km/hr = 1 km/hr
Problem - 5

In a stream running at 2 km/h a motor boat goes
10 km upstream and back again to the starting
point in 55 minutes. Find the speed of the motor
boat in still water.
Let the speed be x km/h
  10/(x+2) + 10/(x-2) =     55/60
Solving the above equation,
                 x = 22 km/h
Problem - 6
A swimmer can swim a certain distance in the
direction of current in 5 hours and return the
same distance in 7 hours. If the stream flows at
the rate of 1 km/h, find the speed of the swimmer
in still water.
Let the speed of the swimmer in still water be x
Distance = speed x time
Distance covered at Downstream = (x+1) * 5
Distance covered at Upstream         = (x-1) * 7
             5(x+1) = 7(x-1)
Solving the equation, x = 6
      Speed of the swimmer = 6 km/h
Problem - 7
A person can row a boat D km upstream and the
same distance downstream in 5 hours 15
minutes. Also, he can row the boat 2D km
upstream in 7 hours. How long will it take to row
the same distance 2D km in downstream?
Speed of boat and stream be x and y km/hr
Rate of Downstream = (x+y) km/hr
Rate of Upstream = (x – y) km/hr
D / x+y + D / x-y = 21/4 hrs ---------1
And, 2D/x-y = 7; D / x-y = 7/2------2
Subtracting equation 2 from 1
D/x+y = 21/4 – 7/2; D/x+y = 7/4
2D/x+y = 7/2 hrs
Problem - 8
A boat takes 19 hours for traveling downstream
from point A to point B and coming back to a
point C, midway between A and B. If the
velocity of the stream is 4 km/hr and the speed of
the boat in still water is 14 km/hr. What is the
distance between A and B?
Speed of Downstream = 14 + 4 = 18 km/hr
Speed of Upstream = 14 – 4 = 10 km/hr
x/18 + x/2/10 = 19
x/18 + x/20 = 19
10x+9x/180 = 19
19*180/19 = 180 km
Problem - 9
Speed of a boat in standing water is 9 km/hr and
the speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr. A man row
to a distance of 105 km and comes back to the
starting point. Find the total time taken by him?
Sp. of upstream = 7.5 km/hr
Sp. Of Downstream = 10.5 km/hr
Total time taken = 105/7.5 + 105/10.5 = 24 hrs
Problem - 10
A man can row 40 km upstream and 55 km
downstream in 13 hours. Also, he can row 30 km
upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours.
Find the speed of the man in still water and the
speed of the current?
Let the rate of upstream = x km/hr and
rate of downstream = y km/hr
40/x + 55/y = 13-------1
30/x + 44/y = 10-------2
1*3 = 120/x + 165/y = 39
2*4 = 120/x + 176/y = 40
Subtracting 1 and 2, we get y = 11
40/x + 55/y = 13
40/x + 55/11 = 13; x = 5 km/hr
Rate in still water = ½(11+5) = 8 km/hr
Rate of Current = ½(11 – 5) = 3 km/hr
Problem - 11
A man can row 7 ½ km/hr in still water. If in a
river running at 1.5 km an hour, it takes him 50
minutes to row to a place and back, how far off
is the place?
Sp. of Downstream = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9 km/hr
Sp. of Upstream = 7.5 – 1.5 = 6 km/hr
Let required distance = x km
x/9 + x/6 = 50/60 ; 5x/18 = 5/6;
x = 5/6*18/5 = 3 km
Problem - 12
The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr and
the rate of current is 3 km/hr. Find the distance
traveled downstream in 15 min?
Distance = Speed * Time
     = 15 + 13 *15/60
     = 28*1/4 = 7 km
Simple Interest and Compound
Simple / Compound Interest

Simple Interest = PNR / 100

Amount A = P + PNR / 100

When Interest is Compound annually:

Amount = P (1 + R / 100)n

C.I = A-P
Simple / Compound Interest

•   Half-yearly C.I.:
       Amount = P (1+(R/2)/100)2n

•   Quarterly C.I. :

    Amount = P (1+(R/4)/100)4n
Simple /Compound Interest
Difference between C.I and S.I for 2 years
                 = P*(R/100)2.

Difference between C.I and S.I for 3 years
                 = P{(R/100)3+ 3(R/100)2 }
Problem - 1

A sum of money amounts to Rs. 6690 after 3
years and to Rs. 10035 after 6 years on C.I. Find
the sum.
P(1 + R/100)3 = 6690 -----------1
P(1 + R/100)6 = 10035 -----------2
Dividing (1 + R/100)3 = 10035/6690 = 3/2
Substitute in equation 1 then P(3/2)=6690
     P = 6690 * 2/3 = 4460
     The sum is Rs.4460
Problem - 2

What will be the difference between S.I and C.I

on a sum of Rs. 4500 put for 2 years at 5% per


C.I – S.I = P (R/100)2

Difference = Rs. 11.25
Problem - 3

The simple interest on a certain sum is 16 / 25

of the sum. Find the rate percent and time if

both are numerically equal.

R = N and I = 16/25 P
R = I * 100 / P*N
R*N = 64 where R = N
        The rate of interest is 8%
Problem - 4

The difference between the compound and
simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at the
rate of 8% per annum is Rs.80,What is the sum?
C.I – S.I = P(R/100)2
      80 = P*(8*8/100*100)
   The sum is Rs.12,500
Problem - 5

If a sum of money compounded annually
amounts of thrice itself in 3 years, in how many
years will it become 9 times itself?

  A = 3P and find n when A = 9P

The number of years required = 6 years
Problem - 6

What will be the C.I on Rs. 15625 for 2½ years
at 4% per annum?

A = P(1+R/100)n
A = 15625 ((1+4/100)2 (1+4*1/2/100))
   = 17238
CI = A –P = 17238 - 15625
          Compound interest = Rs. 1613
Problem - 7

What is the S.I. on Rs. 3000 at 18% per

annum for the period from 4th Feb 1995 to

18th April 1995

Time = 24+ 31+17 = 73 days = 73/365 = 1/5
P = 3000; R = 18%;
= PNR/100 = 3000*1*18/100*5
The simple interest is Rs. 108
Problem - 8

Raja borrowed a certain money at a certain

rate of S.I. After 5 years, he had to pay back

twice the amount that he had borrowed. What

was the rate of interest?

A = 2P
A = P + PNR/100
2P = P(1+NR/100)
2 = (1+5*R/100)
1 = R/20
The rate of interest is 20%
Problem - 9

In simple interest what sum amounts to Rs. 1120
in 4 years and Rs. 1200 in 5 years?

                           CTS Question

Interest for 1 year = 1200 – 1120 = 80
Interest for 4 year = 80*4 = 320
A = 1120
P = A – P = 1120 – 320
The Principal is Rs. 800
Problem - 10

A simple interest amount for Rs. 5000 for 6
months is Rs. 200. What is the annual rate of

                              CTS Question

P = 5000; N = 6/12 = ½
I = 200
R = I *100 / P*N
   = 40/5 = 8%
 The annual rate of interest is 8%
Problem - 11

A man earns Rs. 450 as an interest in 2 years on
a certain sum invested with a company at the rate
of 12% per annum. Find the sum invested.

P = I*100/R*N
  = 450*100/12*2
Principal = Rs. 1875
Problem - 12

If Rs. 85 amounts to Rs. 95 in 3 years, what
Rs. 102 will amount in 5 years at the same rate

Let P = Rs. 85; A = Rs. 95; I = 10/3 in 1 year
Rate = I*100/P*N = 4% ( app)
Amount = P+PNR/100 = 102+20 =122
Hence the amount in 5 years = Rs. 122

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Numerical reasoning II

  • 1. Numerical Reasoning
  • 2. Chain Rule Direct Proportion : A B A B Indirect Proportion: A B A B
  • 3. Type - 1 Direct Proportion: Price Quantity 100 15 150 x Price increase no. of quantity will also increase Direct proportion means Cross Multiply 100*x = 150*15 ; X = 150*15/100 = 22.5
  • 4. Type - 2 Indirect Proportion: Men Days 15 50 x 10 To complete the work in less number of days, they need to deploy more number of people. 15*50 = x*20; X = 15*50/20 = 75
  • 5. Tips In given problem, if you have more than 2 variables, you need to, 1. Compare data you need to find with other data which is given. 2. While comparing based on the proportion, do either cross or direct multiply.
  • 6. Problem - 1 If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same work in 2 days, what would be the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work?
  • 7. Solution 6 men + 8 Boys = 10 days, 26 men and 48 Boys = 2 days 60 men + 80 Boys = 52 Men + 96 Boys 8 M = 16 B 1 Man = 2 Boys 15 M + 20 B = 30 B + 20 B = 50 Boys 6 men + 8 boys = 12 Boys + 8 Boys = 20 Boys = 10 Days Boy Days 20 10 50 x 50x = 20* 10 x = 20*10/50 = 4 days.
  • 8. Problem - 2 20 men can complete one third of a work in 20 days. How many more men should be employed to finish the rest of the work in 25 more days?
  • 9. Solution Men Work Days 20 1/3 20 x 2/3 25 x * 1/3 * 25 = 20*20*2/3 x = 20*20*2 /25 = 32 Already we have 20 men, so 12 more men should be deployed
  • 10. Problem - 3 95 men have provision for 200 days. After 5 days, 30 men die due to an epidemic. For how many days will the remaining food last?
  • 11. Solution Remaining days = 200 – 5 = 95 Remaining men = 95 – 30 = 65 Men Days 95 195 65 x 65x = 195*95 x = 195*95/65 = 285 days
  • 12. Problem - 4 A certain number of men completed a piece of work in 60 days. If there were 8 more men, the work could be finished in 10 days less. How many men were originally there?
  • 13. Solution Days Men 60 x 50 x+8 60x = 50*x+8 60x/50 = x + 8 6x = 5x + 40 x = 40
  • 14. Problem - 5 A contractor employs 60 people to complete a task in 20 days. After 10 days, he finds that only 30% of the work is completed. In order to achieve the target of completion of the task in 20 days, how many more people should he employ now?
  • 15. Solution People Days Work 60 10 30 x 10 70 30*x*10 = 60*70*10 x = 60*70*10/30*10 x = 140 Already there are 60 men, so 80 more men are needed.
  • 16. Problem - 6 If 6 engines consume 15 metric tons of coal, when each is running 9 hours a day, how much coal will be required for 8 engines each running 12 hours a day with the fact that 3 engines of the former type consume as much as 4 engines of the latter type?
  • 17. Solution Three engines of former type consume = 1 unit One engine of former type consume = 1/3 Four engines of latter type consume = 1 1 engine of latter type consume = ¼ Engine Hours Consumption Coal 6 9 1/3 15 8 12 ¼ x x *6*9*1/3 = 8*15*12*1/4 x = 20
  • 18. Problem - 7 8 men working for 9 hours a day complete a piece of work in 20 days. In how many days can 7 men working for 10 hours a day complete the same piece of work?
  • 19. Solution Men Hours Days 8 9 20 7 10 x 7*x*10 = 8*20*9 x = 20 4/7 days
  • 20. Problem - 8 35 cattle can graze a piece of land for 56 days. How many cattle will graze a field three times as large in 35 days?
  • 21. Solution Cattle Graze Days 35 1 56 x 3 35 x*35 = 35*3 *56 x = 56*35*3/35 = 168
  • 22. Problem - 9 30 men can do a work in 50 days. After 20 days 10 men leave the work. The whole work will be done in?
  • 23. Solution Men Days 30 30 20 x X = 30*30/20 = 45 days
  • 24. Problem - 10 The work done by a man, a woman and a boy are in the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. There are in a factory 24 men, 20 women and 16 boys, whose weekly wages amount to Rs. 224. What will be the yearly wages of 27 men, 40 women, 15 boys?
  • 25. Solution 1 man = 3 boys, 1 woman = 2 boys 24 M + 20 W + 16 B = 24*3 + 20*2 + 16*1 = 128 boys 27 M + 40 W + 15 B = 27*3 + 40*2 + 15*1 = 176 boys Boys Duration Wages 128 1 224 176 52 x x*128 = 52*224*176 x = 52*224*176/128 = Rs.16,016
  • 26. Problem - 11 A contractor undertakes to dig a canal 12 km long in 350 days and employs 45 men. He finds after 200 days of working that only 4½ km of canal has been dug. How many extra men must be employed to finish the work on time?
  • 27. Solution Men Days KM 45 200 4½ x 150 7½ 200*45*15/2 = 150*x*9/2 x= 100 Extra men = 100 – 45 = 55 men
  • 28. Problem - 12 8 men can build a foundation 18 m long, 2m broad and 12m high in 10 days, working 9 hours a day. Find how many men will be able to build a foundation 32m long, 3m broad and 9m high in 8 days, working 6 hours a day.
  • 29. Solution Men Metre Breadth Height Day Hour 8 18 2 12 10 9 x 32 3 9 8 6 x*18*2*12*8*6 = 32*8*3*9*10*9 x = 30
  • 31. Type - 1 A can do work in 10 days B can do work in 15 days They can complete the work by working together? A’s 1 day work = 1/10 B’s 1 day work = 1/15 A + B = 1/10 + 1/15 = 25/150 = 1/6 6 days they will complete their work.
  • 32. Type - 2 A and B can complete the work in 10 days B and C can complete the work in 15 days C and A can complete the work in 20 days How many days they will take to complete the work by working all together. A + B 1 day work = 1/10 B + C 1 day work = 1/15 C + A 1 day work = 1/20 A+B+B+A+C+A = 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/20 2(A+B+C) = 6/60 + 4/60 + 3/60 = 13/60 A+ B + C = 13*2/60 = 26/60 = 13/30 = 30 /13 = 2 4/13 days
  • 33. Types - 3 A and B can complete the work in 10 days B alone can complete the work in 30 days How many days A will take to complete the work? A+B = 1/10 B = 1/30 A = A+B – B = 1/10 – 1/30 = 3/30 – 1/30 = 2/30 A = 1/15 = 15 days
  • 34. Type - 4 A can complete the work in 30 days B can complete the work in 50 days C can complete the work in 40 days A is working continuously from the starting, B and C supporting A alternatively. Day 1 A+B = 1/30 + 1/50 = 8/150 Day 2 A+ C = 1/30 + 1/40 = 7/120 2 days work = 8/150+ 7/120 = 67/600 Cont…
  • 35. Type - 4 2* 8 days = 67*8/600 = 67/75 In 16 days they will complete 67/75 of the work Remaining work = 1- 67/75 = 8/75 17th day A+ B = 8/150 Work left = 8/75 – 8/150 = 8 / 150 = 4/75 On 18th day A+C will work they will finish in 120/7 = 120 / 7 * 4/75 = 32 /35 Whole work will be done in 17 32/35 days
  • 36. Type - 5 A is 60% more efficient than B. B can complete the work in 20 days A will take how many days to complete the work. A : B Eff 160 : 100 8 : 5 Days 5 : 8 (More efficient person will take less Days) Cont…
  • 37. Types - 5 Use chain rule method Effi Days 5 20 8 x More efficient person takes less days 8x = 20*5 X = 20*5/8 = 12.5 days
  • 38. Problem – 1 8 men and 12 children can do a work in 9 days. A child takes double the time to do a work than the man. In how many days 12 men can complete double the work?
  • 39. Solution 8 men and 12 children in 9 days 1 man = 2 children 6 men = 12 children 8 man + 6 man (12 Children) = 14 men Men Days Work 14 9 1 12 men x 2 12x = 14*9*2 x = 14*9*2 /12 = 21 days
  • 40. Problem - 2 A is three times more efficient than B, and is therefore able to complete a work in 60 days earlier than A. How long A and B together will take to complete the work?
  • 41. Solution A is three times more efficient than B A B Effi 3 1 Days 1 3 If A takes 10 days A B 10 30 20 60 30 90 (60 days difference) So, A takes 30 days and B takes 90 days. A and B together = 1/30 + 1/90 = 4/90 = 90/4 =21 ½ days
  • 42. Problem – 3 A can do ½ of the work in 5 days, B can do 3/5 of the same work in 9 days and C can do 2/5 of that work in 8 days. In how many days can three of them together do the work?
  • 43. Solution The number of Days taken by A, B and C to complete work A = ½ work in 5 days = 1 work = 10 days B = 3/5 of the work in 9 days = 1 work = 9*5/3 = 15 days C = 2/3 of the work in 8 days = 1 work = 8*3/2 = 12 days A + B + C = 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/12 = 6+4+5/60 = 15/60 =¼ A, B and C together take 4 days to complete the work
  • 44. Problem - 4 A, B and C can do a piece of work in 6, 8 and 10 days respectively. They begin the work together. A continues to work till it is completed. B leaves off 1day before and C leaves off ½ day before the work is completed. In what time is the work completed?
  • 45. Solution A’s x days work = x/6 B’s (x-1) day work = x – 1/8 C’s (x-1/2) day work = 2x-1/2*10 = 2x-1/20 x/6 + x-1/8 + 2x -1/20 = 1 20x +15x – 15+12x – 6/120 = 1 20x + 15x – 15+12x – 6 = 120 47x = 120 + 21 x = 141/47 = 3 days
  • 46. Problem - 5 A can do a piece of work in 12 days, while B alone can do it in 15 days. With the help of C they can finish it in 5 days. If all the three were paid Rs. 960 for the whole work, what is the share of A?
  • 47. Solution A + B = 1/12 + 1/15 = 9/60 = 3/ 20 A + B +C = 1/5 (A+B+C) – (A+B) = 1/3 – 3/20 = 4 -3/20 = 1/20 C will take 20 days to complete the work A:B:C = 1/12 : 1/15 : 1/20 = 5/60 : 4/60 : 3/60 = 5 : 4 : 3 A’s Share = 960 * 5/12 = Rs.400
  • 48. Problem - 6 A and B can do a piece of work in 40 days. After working for 10 days, they are assisted by C and work is finished in 20 days more. If C does as much as work as what B does in 3 days, how many days could A alone do the same work?
  • 49. Solution A and B’s one day work = 1/40 Day Work 1 1/40 10 x x = 1/40*10 = ¼ Remaining work = 1- ¼ = ¾ A+B+C took 20 days to complete ¾ of the work. Days Work 20 ¾ 1 x x = ¾ * 1/20 = 3/80
  • 50. Solution C’s one day work = 1 day (A+B+C) - 1 day (A+B) = 3/80 – 1/40 = 1/80 C takes 80 days to complete the work C B Effi 1 3 Days 80 240 B takes 240 days to complete the work A’s 1 day work = A + B – B = 1/40 – 1/240 = 6 – 1 /240 = 5/40 = 1/48 A will take 48 days to complete the work.
  • 51. Problem - 7 To complete a work A takes 50% more time than B. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, how much time should B take to do it?
  • 52. Solution A + B = 18 days B takes = x days A takes = x +x/2 days = 3x/2 1/x + 2/3x = 18 days 5/3x = 1/18 3x = 18*5 x = 18*5 /3 = 30 days
  • 53. Problem - 8 A and B can complete a piece of work in 12 and 18 days respectively. If A begins to do the work and they work alternatively one at a time for one day each, then in how many days will the whole work be completed?
  • 54. Solution 1 day’s work of A = 1/12 1 day’s work of B = 1/18 2 days’ work of A and B = 1/12 + 1/18 = 5/36 7 times repeating 2 days work 7*2 = 5*7/36 Amount of work completed after 14 days = 35/36 Remaining work = 1 – 35/36 = 1/36 15th day A is working = 1/36 *12 = 12/36 = 1/3 days 14 1/3 days to complete the work.
  • 55. Problem - 9 12 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days. 18 women can complete the same piece of work in 60 days. 8 men and 20 women work together for 20 days. If only women were to complete the remaining piece of work in 4 days, how many women would be required?
  • 56. Solution 12 men take 36 days and 18 women take 60 days to complete a work. Ratio of efficiency = 12*36 = 18*60, 432 = 1080, 2 : 5 2 men = 5 women, 8 men = 20 women Women Days 18 60 40 x 40*x = 18*60 = x = 18*60/4 = 27 days They worked for only 20 days, 1 day’s work = 1/27, so 20 days’ work = 20/27 Remaining work = 7/27 Women Days Work 40 27 1 x 7 7/27 4x = 40*27*7/27 = 40*7/4 = 70 Women
  • 57. Problem - 10 A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs.529. A and B together are supposed to do 19/23 of the work and B and C together 8/23 of the work. What is the share of A?
  • 58. Solution A + B = 19/23; remaining work by C = 1 – 19/23 = 4/23 B + C = 8/23, B = 8/23 – C = 8/23 – 4/23 = 4/23 A = A+B – B = 19/23 – B = 19/23 – 4/23 = 15/23 A : B : C = 15:4:4 A’s share = 529*15/23 = Rs. 345
  • 59. Problem - 11 12 children take 16 days to complete a work which can be completed by 8 adults in 12 days. 16 adults started working and after 3 days 10 adults left and 4 children joined them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work?
  • 60. Solution 12 children take 16 days, 8 Adults take 12 days to complete work 16 adults would complete the work in 6 days but they worked for 3 days, so they completed ½ work. Remaining ½ work is yet to be completed. 12 children’s 1 day work = 12*16 = 192 8 adults’ 1 day work = 12 * 8 = 96 192 : 96 = 2 : 1 2 Children = 1 Adult 4 children are added instead of 10 adults 4 children = 2 Adults 2A +6A = 8 adults are going to complete ½ work 8 adults took 12 days to complete the whole work. They will require 6 days to complete the remaining half work.
  • 61. Problem - 12 Anu can complete a work in 10 days. Manu is 25% more efficient than Anu and Sonu is 60% more efficient than Manu. Working together, how long would they take to finish the job?
  • 62. Solution Anu takes 10 days to complete work; Manu takes 10*100/160 = 8 days to complete work; Sonu takes 8*100/160 = 5 days to complete work. 1/10 + 1/8 + 1/5 = 4 /40 + 5/40+8/40 = 17/40 Number of Days = 40/17 = 2 6/17
  • 64. Pipes and Cistern Pipes and Cistern and Time and Work problems and method of solving are same. Only difference, instead of Man and Days, in pipes and cistern, they will give pipes / taps and cistern / tank.
  • 65. Pipes and Cisterns • P1 and P2 both working simultaneously which fills in x hrs and empties in y hrs resp ( y>x) then net part filled is 1/x – 1/y • P1 can fill a tank in X hours and P2 can empty the full tank in y hours( where x>y), then on opening both pipes, the net part empties in hour 1/y -1/x
  • 66. Problem 1 Taps A and B fills a bucket in 12 and 15 minutes respectively. If both are opened and A is closed after 3 minutes, how much further time would it take for B to fill the bucket?
  • 67. Solution 1 minute = A + B = 1/12 + 1/15 = 9 /60 3 minutes = 3*9/60 = 9 /20 Remaining Bucket = 1 – 9/20 = 11/20 Pipe B time Bucket 15 1 x 11/20 x = 11/20 *15 = 33/4 Time required to fill remaining bucket by B alone = 8 ¼ minutes.
  • 68. Problem 2 Three pipes A, B and C working together can fill a cistern in 6 hours. After working together for 2 hours C is closed and A & B fill it in 7 hours more. How many hours will C alone take to fill the cistern?
  • 69. Solution A + B = 7 hours A + B + C = 6 hours Hours Tank 6 1 2 x 6x = 2 x = 1/3 tank is full, remaining tank = 1 -1/3 = 2/3 2/3 *1/7 = 2/21 A+B+C – A+B = 1/6 – 2/21 = 21 – 12 /126 = 9/126 = 1/14 Time taken by C alone to fill the cistern = 14 Hours
  • 70. Problem - 3 A swimming pool is filled with three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the pool in the same time during which the pool is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the pool five hours faster than first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. What is the time required by each pipe to fill the pool separately?
  • 71. A+B=C Solution Let the first pipe be X X+5=X=X–4 A + B = C ------ 1/(x + 5) + 1/x = 1/(x – 4) 1/(x+5) + 1/x = x/x(X+5) + (x+5)/x(x+5) = 2x +5/x(x+5) Time taken = x(x+5) /2x+5 x(x+5)/2x+5 = (x-4) x2 – 8x – 20 = 0 (x+10) (x – 2) x = 10, -2 x = 10 A = 10 +5 = 15 hours B = 10 Hours C = 10 – 4 = 6 hours
  • 72. Problem - 4 A ship 55 km from the shore springs a leak admits 2 tons of water in 6 minutes. The ship can manage 80 tons of water from sinking. The pumps can throw out 12 tons an hour. Find the average rate of sailing such that the ship may reach the shore just to avoid sinking.
  • 73. Solution Rate of admission of water = 2/6 = 1/3 Rate of pumping out = 12/60 = 1/5 Rate of accumulation of water = 1/3 – 1/5 = 2/15 Time to accumulate 80 tons of water = 80/2/15 = 80*15/2 = 600 min = 10 hours Average rate of sailing = 55/10 = 5.5 km /hr
  • 74. Problem - 5 Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 and 16 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened together, but 4 minutes before the tank is full, one pipe A is closed. How much time will they take to fill the tank?
  • 75. Solution B’s 4 minutes’ work = 1/16*4 = ¼ Remaining tank = 1 – ¼ = ¾ A + B = 1/12 + 1/16 = 48/7 to fill 1 tank Tank Time 1 48/7 ¾ x x = 48*4/7*3 = 64/7 = 9 1/7 minutes
  • 76. Problem - 6 An electric pump can fill a tank in 3 hours, because of leak in the tank it took 3½ hours to fill the tank. If the tank is full, how much time will the tank take to empty it?
  • 77. Solution 1/3 – 1/x = x – 3 / 3x Time Taken = 3x /x – 3 3x / x – 3 = 7/2 6x = 7x – 21 x = 21 hours
  • 78. Problem - 7 Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 minutes and 32 min respectively. If both pipes are opened simultaneously after how much time, B should be closed so that the tank is full in 18 minutes?
  • 79. Solution Part filled by A + B in x min + part filled by A in 18-x min = 1 x/24 + x/32 + (18-x)1/24 =1 7x/96 + (18-x)/24 = 1 7x – 4x – 72/96 = 1 7x – 4x – 72 = 96 3x = 96 -72 x = 8 min
  • 80. Problem - 8 Two pips can fill a cistern in 14 hours and 16 hours respectively. The pipes are opened simultaneously and it is found that due to leakage in the bottom, 32 minutes extra are taken for the cistern to be filled up. If the cistern is full, in what time will the leak empty it?
  • 81. Solution A + B = 1/14 + 1/0 = 15/112 = 112 /15 = 7 hours 28 minutes 32 min extra due to leakage, so total time taken to fill the tank = 7.28 + 32 min = 8 hours 15/112 – 1/8 = 15/112 – 14/112 = 1/112 = 112 hours
  • 82. Problem - 9 Two pipes A and B fill a cistern in 10 minutes and 15 minutes respectively, and a tap C can empty the full cistern in 20 minutes. All the three were opened for 1 minute and then the emptying tap was closed. How many minutes more would it take for the cistern to be filled?
  • 83. Solution 1 minute work of A+B –C = 1/10 + 1/15 – 1/20 = 7/60 Remaining tank = 1 – 7/60 = 53/60 A + B = 1/10 + 1/15 = 6 min A+B take 6 minutes to fill the tank Time Cistern 6 1 x 53/60 x = 53/60*6 = 5 3/10
  • 84. Problem - 10 A pipe can fill a bath in 20 minutes and another can fill it in 30 minutes. A person opens both the pipes alternatively for 1 minute each. When the bath was full, he finds that the waste pipe was open. he then closes the waste pipe and in 3 more minutes the bath is full. In what time would the waste pipe empty it?
  • 85. Solution 1st min A = 1/20 2nd min B = 1/30 2 minutes A + B = 1/20 + 1/30 = 5/60 = 1/12 2*12 = 12/12 so 24 minutes 1 bath will be filled 2 minutes = 1/12 3rd minutes = 1/20 = 1/12 + 1/20 = 5+3/60 = 8/60 = 2/15 2/15 of bath in 24 minutes Empty the full bath in = 24*15/2 = 180 = 3 hours
  • 86. Problem - 11 A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?
  • 87. Solution 1 tank 6 hours: half tank = 3 hours 4 taps = 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 4/6 = 2/3 To fill one tank = 3/2 = 1 ½ hours To fill half tank 45 minutes Total time taken to fill the tank = 3 hours 45 minutes
  • 88. Problem - 12 A tank 10m by 6m by 3m has an inlet pump which pours water at the rate of ¼ cubic metres in a minute. An emptying pipe can empty the tank when it is full in 4 hours. If the tank is full and both pipes are open, how long will it take to empty it?
  • 89. Solution Capacity of the tank = 10*6*3 = 180 cu.m The emptying pipe can remove 180 cu.m in 4 hours In 1 minute it can remove 180/4*60 cu.m (i.e) 3/4 cu.m The inner pipe pours ¼ cu.m in 1 minute ¾ - ¼ = 2/4 = ½ cu.m of water will be removed in 1 min. Empty the tank = 10*6*3/ ½ = 360 minutes = 6 hours
  • 91. Problems on Trains Important Formula: 1. Distance = Speed * Time 2. Speed = Distance / Time 3. Time = Distance / Speed Time taken to Cross Each Other: 1. Opposite Direction (Moving Object) = S1 + S2 2. Same Direction (Moving Object) = S1 – S2 Cont…
  • 92. Problems on Trains 3. Opposite Direction (both object with Length) = L1 + L2 / S1 + S2 4. Same Direction (both object with Length) = L1 + L2 / S1- S2 5. Both object with Length / One non moving Object = L1 + L2 / S1 6. One object with Length / both object are moving (opp.dire) = L1 / S1 + S2 7. One object with Length / both object are moving (same.dire) = L1 / S1- S2
  • 93. Problems on Trains • Speed from km/hr to m/sec - ( * 5/18). • Speed from m/sec to km/h, - ( * 18/5). • Average Speed:- Average speed = Total distance traveled Total time taken
  • 94. Problem - 1 Two trains start from stations A and B and travels towards each other at speeds of 50 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. At the time of their meeting the second train has traveled 120 km more than the first train. What is the distance between Stations A and B?
  • 95. Solution Speed difference in 1 hr = 10 km 120 km difference will come after 12 hrs of traveling. So both the trains have traveled 12 hours each. Distance covered in 12 hrs, Train 1 = 12*50 = 600 Train 2 = 12*60 = 720 Distance between stations A and B is = 600 + 720 = 1320
  • 96. Problem - 2 Trains are running with speeds of 30 km/hr and 58 km/hr in the same direction. A man in the slower train passes by the faster train in 18 seconds. What is the length of the faster train in meters?
  • 97. Solution Speed of the train (same direction) = 58 – 30 = 28 Km/hr = 28*5/18 = 70/9 m/sec Distance (Length of the train) = S * time = 70/9*18 = 140 metres
  • 98. Problem - 3 A train passes two bridges of lengths 800m and 400m in 100 sec and 60 sec respectively. What is the length of the train?
  • 99. Solution Let the length of the train be x. Speed = Distance / Time (x + 800)/100 = x+400/60 x = 200 m
  • 100. Problem - 4 A train does a journey without stoppage in 8 hours. If it had traveled 5 km an hour faster, it would have done the journey in 6 hours 40 min. What is its slower speed?
  • 101. Solution Let the Speed be x Speed Time x 8 x+5 6 hr 40 min Sp Time x 480 x+5 400 480x = 400(x+5) 480x – 400x = 2000 80x = 2000 x = 25 Slower Speed = 25
  • 102. Problem - 5 Without stoppage a train travels with an average speed of 80 km/hr and with stoppages, it covers the same distance with an average speed of 60 km/hr. How many minutes per hour the train stops?
  • 103. Solution Stoppage time / hour = = Difference in speed / Faster Speed = 80 – 60/80 = 20/80 =1/4 = 15 minutes
  • 104. Problem - 6 Two trains of lengths 190m and 210m respectively start from a station in opposite directions on parallel tracks. If their speeds are 40 km/hr and 32 km/hr respectively, in what time will they cross each other?
  • 105. Solution Time = Distance / Speed Opp. Direction = S1 + S2 = 190 +210/40+32 = 400/72*5/18 = 400/20 = 20 Sec
  • 106. Problem - 7 A train 100 m long takes 6 sec to cross a man walking at 5 km/hr in a direction opposite to that of the train. Find the speed of the train.
  • 107. Solution Speed = Distance / Time 100/(x+5)*5/18= 6 = 30 (x+5) = 1800 X + 5 = 1800/30 = 60 x = 60 – 5 = 55 km/hr
  • 108. Problem - 8 Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 sec and 17 sec respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. What is the ratio of their speeds?
  • 109. Solution Sp. of Slower train Sp. of Faster train 17 27 23(cross Each other) 27-23 = 4 23-17 = 6 2 : 3 Ratio of Faster and Slower train = 3:2
  • 110. Problem - 9 Two trains of equal lengths takes 10 seconds and 15 sec respectively to cross a telegraphic post. If the length of each train be 120m, in what time will they cross each other traveling in opposite direction?
  • 111. Solution S1 = 120/10 = 12 S2 = 120/15 = 8 Opposite Direction = S1 + S2 = 12 +8 = 20 Time taken to cross each other = D/S 120 + 120/20 = 12 Sec
  • 112. Problem - 10 A train consists of 12 bogies, each bogie is 15 metres long. The train crosses the telegraphic post in 18 sec. Due to some problem, two bogies were detached. In what time will the train cross the Telegraph post now?
  • 113. Solution 12 bogies each 15 m long Total length = 12*15 = 180 12 bogies 180 m long 10 bogies 150 m long Length Time 180 18 150 x 180x = 18*150 x = 18*150/180 x = 15 sec
  • 114. Problem - 11 A train 300 m long overtook a man walking along the line in the same direction at the rate 4 km/hr and passed him in 30 sec. The train reached the station in 15 min after it had passed the man. In what time will the man reach the station?
  • 115. Solution L = 300 m Speed of the man = 4 km/hr Time took to pass = 30 sec 15 min to reach station after crossing a man Relative Speed in same direction = x – 4*5/18 m/sec = 300/(x-4)*5/18 = 30 = x – 4 = 180/5, x – 4 = 36, x = 40 km/hr
  • 116. Solution Speed of the Train = 40 km/hour Distance Time 40 60 x 15 60x = 40*15; x = 10 km = Distance to reach the Station Speed Time 40 km/hr 15 4 km/hr X = 4x = 40*15 x = 40*15/4 = 150 min = 2 ½ hrs
  • 117. Problem - 12 A train starts from station X at the rate of 80 km/hr and reaches station Y in 48 minutes. If the speed is reduced by 8 km/hr, how much more time will the train take to return from station Y to station X?
  • 118. Solution Speed Time 80 48 72 x 72x = 80*48 = x = 80*48/72 = 53 1/3 48 – 53 1/3 = 5 1/3 = 5 min 20 sec
  • 120. Time and Distance Speed:- Distance covered per unit time is called speed. Speed = distance/time (or) Distance = speed*time (or) Time = distance/speed
  • 121. Problem - 1 In 1760m race, A can beat B by 44m while in a 1320m race, B can beat C by 30m. By what distance will A beat C in a 880m race?
  • 122. Solution In 1760 m race, A = 1760m B = 1760 – 44 = 1716m In 1320 m race, B = 1320, C = 1290m B C 1716 x 1320 1290 C = 1716*1290/1320 = 1677m A = 1760, B = 1716, C = 1677 In 1760 m race, A beats C by 83 m In 880 m race, A will beat C by 41 ½ m
  • 123. Problem - 2 Two trains traveling in opposite direction start from a station at the same time with the speeds of 40 km/hr and 120 km/hr respectively. What is the distance between them after 15 minutes?
  • 124. Solution In 1 hour Both trains covers A + B = 40 + 120 = 160 km Distance covered in 15 minutes = 160*15/60 = 16*15/6 = 40 km
  • 125. Problem - 3 A hare preceded by a greyhound is 87.5m before him. While the hare takes 4 leaps, the greyhound takes 3 leaps. If the greyhound and the hare go 2¾ m and 1¾ m respectively in one leap, in how many leaps will the greyhound overtake the hare?
  • 126. Solution Dis. Covered by Hare = 4* 1¾ = 4*7/4 = 7 Dis. Covered by Greyhound = 3*11/4 = 33 / 4 = 8.25 Dis. gained by greyhound in 3 leaps = 8.25 – 7 = 1.25 m Dis. Leaps 1.25 3 87.5 x x = 87.5 * 3 / 1.25 = 210 leaps
  • 127. Problem - 4 A monkey is climbing up a greased pole ascends 5m and slips down 2m in alternate minute. If the pole is 35 m high then when will the monkey touch the top?
  • 128. Solution 1st min = 5m up 2nd min = 2m down = 2 minutes = 3m up 2*11 = 3*11 m 22 min = 33 m Remaining = 35 -33 = 2m Meter Min 5m 60 sec 2m x x = 2*60/5 = 24 sec Total time taken = 11 minutes 24 seconds
  • 129. Problem - 5 Walking 6/7 of his usual rate a man is 25 minutes late. Find his usual time?
  • 130. Solution Usual time = Nr * Late = 6*25 = 150 Min = 2 hr 30 Min
  • 131. Problem - 6 A hare runs at 5 m/sec and a tortoise runs at 0.5 m/sec. They start from the same point in the same direction. How far ahead will the hare be after 30 min?
  • 132. Solution 30*60 = 1800 Sec Per sec difference = 5 – 0.5 = 4.5 m / sec 30 min = 4.5*30*60 / 1000 = 8.1 km
  • 133. Problem - 7 Two cars A and B are running towards each other from two different places 88 km apart. If the ratio of the speeds of the cars A and B is 5 : 6 and the speed of the car B is 90 km / hr. At what time will the two meet each other?
  • 134. Solution Ratio A : B=5 : 6 A : B = x : 90 x*6/11 = 90 x = 165 (Total Speed ) 165 – (B’s Speed) 90 = 75 Speed of car A = 75 Time to meet each other = 88/75+90 = 88/165hrs 88/165*60 = 32 min
  • 135. Problem - 8 A train travelling at the rate of 60 km/hr, while inside a tunnel meets another train of half its length traveling at 90 km/hr and passes completely in 4 ½ sec. Find the length of the tunnel if the first train passes completely through it in 4 minutes 37 ½ sec?
  • 136. Solution Relative Speed = 60 + 90 = 150 Dis. = 150*5/18*9/2 = 375/2 m Length of the 1st train is = x Length of the 2nd train is = x/2 X+ x/2 = 375/2 3x = 375 X = 375/3 = 125 Time taken by the first train to cross the tunnel, Cont….
  • 137. Solution Speed = 60*5/18 = 50/3 m /sec Time = 4 min 75/2 sec = 4*60 +75/2 = 555/2 Distance traveled by 1st train is, Sec Metre 1 50/3 555/2 x 50/3*555/2 = 4625 Length of the Tunnel = Total Dis. – Length of the Train = 4625 – 125 = 4500m or 4.5 km
  • 138. Problem - 9 A man standing on a 170 m long platform watches that a train takes 7 ½ sec to pass him and 21 seconds to cross the platform. Find the Length of the train and its Speed?
  • 139. Solution Sp. to cross a man = x/15/2 = 2x/15 Sp. To cross a platform = 170+x/21 170 +x/21 = 2x/15 2550 + 15x = 42x x = 850/9 m Speed = 2* 850/15*9 = 12 16/27 m/sec
  • 140. Problem - 10 A and B starts at the same time with speeds of 40 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively. If in covering the journey, A takes 15 minutes longer than B. Find the Total distance of the Journey?
  • 141. Solution A (1 hour) covers = 40 km B (I hour ) covers = 50 km A took 15 minutes longer than B Distance cover in 15 minutes = 40*1/4 = 10 km Total Distance = 50 km
  • 142. Problem - 11 A train 110 m in length passes a man at the rate of 6 km/hr against it in 6 sec. How much time it will take to pass another man walking at the same speed in same direction?
  • 143. Solution Opp. Dir = x + 6 km /hr x+6 *5/18*6 = 110 m x = 60 Time taken to pass 2nd man = 110/60-6 = 7 1/3 sec
  • 144. Problem - 12 A train running at the speed of 20 m/sec crosses a pole in 24 seconds less than the time it required to cross a platform thrice its length at the same speed. What is the length of the train?
  • 145. Solution Distance = Speed * Time Length of the train be x Time = x/20 sec To cross the platform 3x+x/20 = 4x/20 To cross the Pole = x/20 Diff. in time to cross the platform and pole, 4x/20 – x/20 = 24 3x/20 = 24 3x = 20*24; x = 160 m
  • 147. Boats and Streams • Up stream – against the stream • Down stream – along the stream • u = speed of the boat in still water • v = speed of stream • Down stream speed (a)= u+v km / hr • Up stream speed (b)=u-v km / hr • u = ½(a+b) km/hr • V = ½(a-b) km / hr
  • 148. Problem - 1 The speed of a boat in still water in 8 km/hr. If it can travel 20 km downstream at the same time as it can travel 12 km upstream, what is the rate of stream (in km/hr)?
  • 149. Solution Rate of stream = x km/hr Sp. Of boat in still water = 8 km/hr Upstream speed = 8 – x km/hr Downstream Speed = 8+x km/hr Given, 20/8+x = 12/8-x = 160 – 20x = 96+12x 32x = 64x X = 64/32 = 2 km/hr
  • 150. Problem - 2 A boat’s crew rowed down a stream from A to B and up again in 7 ½ hours. If the stream flows at 3km/hr and speed of boat in still water is 5 km/hr. find the distance from A to B ?
  • 151. Solution Solution: Down Stream = Sp. of the boat + Sp. of the stream = 5 +3 =8 Up Stream = Sp. of the boat – Sp. of the stream = 5-3 = 2 Let distance be x Distance/Speed = Time X/8 + x/2 = 7 ½ X/8 +4x/8 = 15/2 5x / 8 = 15/2 5x = 15/2 * 8 x =12
  • 152. Problem - 3 A boat goes 40 km upstream in 8 hours and 36 km downstream in 6 hours. Find the speed of the boat in still water in km/hr?
  • 153. Solution Solution: Speed of the boat in upstream = 40/8 = 5 km/hr Speed of the boat in downstream = 36/6 = 6 km/hr Speed of the boat in still water = 5+6/2 = 5.5 km/hr
  • 154. Problem - 4 A man rows to place 48km distant and back in 14 hours. He finds that he can row 4 km with the stream in the same time as 3 km against the stream. Find the rate of the stream?
  • 155. Solution Solution: Down stream 4km in x hours. Then, Speed of Downstream = 4/x km/hr, Speed of Upstream = 3/x km/hr 48/ (4/x) + 48/(3/x) = 14 , x = 1/2 Speed of Down stream = 8, Speed of upstream = 6 Rate of the stream = ½ (8-6) km/hr = 1 km/hr
  • 156. Problem - 5 In a stream running at 2 km/h a motor boat goes 10 km upstream and back again to the starting point in 55 minutes. Find the speed of the motor boat in still water.
  • 157. Solution Solution: Let the speed be x km/h 10/(x+2) + 10/(x-2) = 55/60 Solving the above equation, x = 22 km/h
  • 158. Problem - 6 A swimmer can swim a certain distance in the direction of current in 5 hours and return the same distance in 7 hours. If the stream flows at the rate of 1 km/h, find the speed of the swimmer in still water.
  • 159. Solution Solution: Let the speed of the swimmer in still water be x Distance = speed x time Distance covered at Downstream = (x+1) * 5 Distance covered at Upstream = (x-1) * 7 5(x+1) = 7(x-1) Solving the equation, x = 6 Speed of the swimmer = 6 km/h
  • 160. Problem - 7 A person can row a boat D km upstream and the same distance downstream in 5 hours 15 minutes. Also, he can row the boat 2D km upstream in 7 hours. How long will it take to row the same distance 2D km in downstream?
  • 161. Solution Speed of boat and stream be x and y km/hr respectively. Rate of Downstream = (x+y) km/hr Rate of Upstream = (x – y) km/hr Given, D / x+y + D / x-y = 21/4 hrs ---------1 And, 2D/x-y = 7; D / x-y = 7/2------2 Subtracting equation 2 from 1 D/x+y = 21/4 – 7/2; D/x+y = 7/4 2D/x+y = 7/2 hrs
  • 162. Problem - 8 A boat takes 19 hours for traveling downstream from point A to point B and coming back to a point C, midway between A and B. If the velocity of the stream is 4 km/hr and the speed of the boat in still water is 14 km/hr. What is the distance between A and B?
  • 163. Solution Speed of Downstream = 14 + 4 = 18 km/hr Speed of Upstream = 14 – 4 = 10 km/hr x/18 + x/2/10 = 19 x/18 + x/20 = 19 10x+9x/180 = 19 19*180/19 = 180 km
  • 164. Problem - 9 Speed of a boat in standing water is 9 km/hr and the speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr. A man row to a distance of 105 km and comes back to the starting point. Find the total time taken by him?
  • 165. Solution Sp. of upstream = 7.5 km/hr Sp. Of Downstream = 10.5 km/hr Total time taken = 105/7.5 + 105/10.5 = 24 hrs
  • 166. Problem - 10 A man can row 40 km upstream and 55 km downstream in 13 hours. Also, he can row 30 km upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours. Find the speed of the man in still water and the speed of the current?
  • 167. Solution Let the rate of upstream = x km/hr and rate of downstream = y km/hr 40/x + 55/y = 13-------1 30/x + 44/y = 10-------2 1*3 = 120/x + 165/y = 39 2*4 = 120/x + 176/y = 40 Subtracting 1 and 2, we get y = 11 40/x + 55/y = 13 40/x + 55/11 = 13; x = 5 km/hr Rate in still water = ½(11+5) = 8 km/hr Rate of Current = ½(11 – 5) = 3 km/hr
  • 168. Problem - 11 A man can row 7 ½ km/hr in still water. If in a river running at 1.5 km an hour, it takes him 50 minutes to row to a place and back, how far off is the place?
  • 169. Solution Sp. of Downstream = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9 km/hr Sp. of Upstream = 7.5 – 1.5 = 6 km/hr Let required distance = x km x/9 + x/6 = 50/60 ; 5x/18 = 5/6; x = 5/6*18/5 = 3 km
  • 170. Problem - 12 The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr and the rate of current is 3 km/hr. Find the distance traveled downstream in 15 min?
  • 171. Solution Distance = Speed * Time = 15 + 13 *15/60 = 28*1/4 = 7 km
  • 172. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  • 173. Simple / Compound Interest Simple Interest = PNR / 100 Amount A = P + PNR / 100 When Interest is Compound annually: Amount = P (1 + R / 100)n C.I = A-P
  • 174. Simple / Compound Interest • Half-yearly C.I.: Amount = P (1+(R/2)/100)2n • Quarterly C.I. : Amount = P (1+(R/4)/100)4n
  • 175. Simple /Compound Interest Difference between C.I and S.I for 2 years = P*(R/100)2. Difference between C.I and S.I for 3 years = P{(R/100)3+ 3(R/100)2 }
  • 176. Problem - 1 A sum of money amounts to Rs. 6690 after 3 years and to Rs. 10035 after 6 years on C.I. Find the sum.
  • 177. Solution Solution: P(1 + R/100)3 = 6690 -----------1 P(1 + R/100)6 = 10035 -----------2 Dividing (1 + R/100)3 = 10035/6690 = 3/2 Substitute in equation 1 then P(3/2)=6690 P = 6690 * 2/3 = 4460 The sum is Rs.4460
  • 178. Problem - 2 What will be the difference between S.I and C.I on a sum of Rs. 4500 put for 2 years at 5% per annum?
  • 179. Solution C.I – S.I = P (R/100)2 Difference = Rs. 11.25
  • 180. Problem - 3 The simple interest on a certain sum is 16 / 25 of the sum. Find the rate percent and time if both are numerically equal.
  • 181. Solution R = N and I = 16/25 P R = I * 100 / P*N R*N = 64 where R = N R=8 The rate of interest is 8%
  • 182. Problem - 4 The difference between the compound and simple interest on a certain sum for 2 years at the rate of 8% per annum is Rs.80,What is the sum?
  • 183. Solution C.I – S.I = P(R/100)2 80 = P*(8*8/100*100) The sum is Rs.12,500
  • 184. Problem - 5 If a sum of money compounded annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years, in how many years will it become 9 times itself?
  • 185. Solution A = 3P and find n when A = 9P The number of years required = 6 years
  • 186. Problem - 6 What will be the C.I on Rs. 15625 for 2½ years at 4% per annum?
  • 187. Solution A = P(1+R/100)n A = 15625 ((1+4/100)2 (1+4*1/2/100)) = 17238 CI = A –P = 17238 - 15625 Compound interest = Rs. 1613
  • 188. Problem - 7 What is the S.I. on Rs. 3000 at 18% per annum for the period from 4th Feb 1995 to 18th April 1995
  • 189. Solution Time = 24+ 31+17 = 73 days = 73/365 = 1/5 P = 3000; R = 18%; = PNR/100 = 3000*1*18/100*5 The simple interest is Rs. 108
  • 190. Problem - 8 Raja borrowed a certain money at a certain rate of S.I. After 5 years, he had to pay back twice the amount that he had borrowed. What was the rate of interest?
  • 191. Solution A = 2P A = P + PNR/100 2P = P(1+NR/100) 2 = (1+5*R/100) 1 = R/20 The rate of interest is 20%
  • 192. Problem - 9 In simple interest what sum amounts to Rs. 1120 in 4 years and Rs. 1200 in 5 years? CTS Question
  • 193. Solution Interest for 1 year = 1200 – 1120 = 80 Interest for 4 year = 80*4 = 320 A = 1120 P = A – P = 1120 – 320 The Principal is Rs. 800
  • 194. Problem - 10 A simple interest amount for Rs. 5000 for 6 months is Rs. 200. What is the annual rate of interest? CTS Question
  • 195. Solution P = 5000; N = 6/12 = ½ I = 200 R = I *100 / P*N =200*100*2/5000*1 = 40/5 = 8% The annual rate of interest is 8%
  • 196. Problem - 11 A man earns Rs. 450 as an interest in 2 years on a certain sum invested with a company at the rate of 12% per annum. Find the sum invested.
  • 197. Solution P = I*100/R*N = 450*100/12*2 Principal = Rs. 1875
  • 198. Problem - 12 If Rs. 85 amounts to Rs. 95 in 3 years, what Rs. 102 will amount in 5 years at the same rate percent?
  • 199. Solution Let P = Rs. 85; A = Rs. 95; I = 10/3 in 1 year Rate = I*100/P*N = 4% ( app) Amount = P+PNR/100 = 102+20 =122 Hence the amount in 5 years = Rs. 122