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PRESENTED TO- presented by- 
DR.KIRAN SIR Priyanka Das 
Arthroplasty is a 
treatment of 
disorder . 
Arthroplasty is the 
operation for 
reconstruction of a 
new movable joint .
Severe osteoarthritis of the hip and knee 
Advance rheumatoid arthritis with disabling 
Quiescent destructive tuberculous arthritis. 
Un united femoral neck fracture. 
Correction of certain type of deformity, 
especially hallux valgus. 
Avascular necrosis.
Hip displasia. 
Bone tumors. 
Instability of hip joint. 
Joint stiffness. 
Acetabular dispasia. 
Frozen shoulder and loose shoulder. 
Failure of conservative management or 
joint reconstruction procedure.
ABSOLUTE contra indication 
1.Active joint infection. 
2. Systemic infection or sepsis. 
3.Chronic osteomyelitis. 
4.Neuropathic of hip joint. 
5. Severe paralysis of the muscles 
surrounding the joint.
RREELLAATTIIVVEE ccoonnttrraaiinnddiiccaattiioonn 
1.Localized infection such as bladder or 
2. Insufficient function of the gluteus medius 
3.Progressive neurological disorder. 
4. Insufficient femoral or acetabular bone 
stock associated with progressive bone 
It may two types- 
1.Replament arthroplasty- it is 
reconstruction of the joint by replacing the 
joint partially or totally. 
It can be- 
HEMI REPLACEMENT-in this type, only one 
of the articulating surfaces is remove and is 
replaced by a prosthesis of a similar type. 
both of the opposed articulating surfaces are 
removed. and replaced by prosthetic 
one or both of the articular ends are 
excised so that a gap is created between 
 This gap fills with fibrous tissue.
Joint replacement is a procedure where by 
one or both the component forming a joint 
are replaced with artificial component is 
called as prosthesis. 
Prosthesis are made up of special metal alloy 
and special high density polyethylene. 
Two types prosthesis are use- 
1.Austin moore prosthesis. 
2.Thomson prosthesis. 
These are commonly use in hip joint.
Bone cement is a methyl-methacrylate 
Cement can be used with or without in 
hip joint. 
It can be two types- 
1.CEMENTED HIP-in the cemented hip the 
acetabular as well as femoral component 
are fixed with the help of bone cement.
Cemented hip arthroplasty use in elderly 
patient with expected life of 10-15 years. 
As the stability of the prosthesis is 
achieved within 15 minutes of surgery. 
2.NON-CEMENTED HIP-is a recent 
development in which bone cement is not 
used to fixed the components of the hip 
Non-cement hip is use In younger 
It can be divided into two broad 
1. Standard surgical approaches. 
2.Minimally invasive approaches. 
can be three types-a. 
postero-lateral approach. 
b.Direct-lateral approach. 
c.antero-lateral approach.
it can be two types-a. 
Single-incision approach. 
b. Two-incision approach. 
In this approach the length of incision is 
less than 10cm,depending on the location 
of the approach and the of the patient .
A. Postero -lateral approach -this is the 
most frequently used approach for total 
hip arthroplasty. 
 In this approach the gluteus maximus is 
split in line with the muscle fibers. 
 In this approach the gluteus medius and 
vastus lateralis muscles is not splited.
In this approach after total hip arthroplasty early 
postoperative motion of hip joint is hip 
ROTATION of hip joint movement is AVOID. 
approach requires longitudinal division of the tensor 
fasciae latae,one-half of the gluteus medius and 
longitudinal splitting of the vastus minimus. 
In this approach disruption of the abductor 
mechanism is associated with post operative 
weakness and gait abnormalities. 
In direct lateral approach the positive 
Trendelenburg sign is present. 
addition to the gluteus medius, soft tissues 
disturbed include gluteus minimus, tensor 
fascie latae,iliopsoas,rectus femoris,and 
vastus lateralis muscles as well as the 
anterior capsul is disturbed.
1. DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS-this occurs due 
to inadvertent manipulation of the thigh 
during surgery, venous stasis in the limb 
due to immobility. 
2. INFECTION-this is the most serious of all 
3. NERVE PALSIES-the sciatic nerve is most 
commonly affected. 
4. VASCULAR INJURY- this is uncommon, 
but can occur mainly due to technical 
6.FRACTURE-these may occur during the 
process of implantation of the prosthesis. 
7.DISLOCATION-it is primarily due to 
malpositioning of limb during early post 
operative period. 
bone formation around the 
components occurs in some cases such as 
ankylosing spondilitis,and results in 
decreased range of joint movements.
1.A pain free hip joint. 
2.A Stable joint for lower extremity weight 
bearing and function ambulation. 
3.Adequate range of motion for functional 
4. Strength of lower extremity for functional 
a) Evaluation:- Pain 
Ms power 
Ms atrophy 
Ambulation & Gait
2. Preoperative patient education:- 
It should be taught on the sound limb 
for easy grasp.
1.Deep breathing & coughing. 
2.Strong & sustained isometric contraction. 
3.Guidance of ROM & Strengthening 
4.Resisted exercises . 
5.To teach proper limb positioning. 
6.To teach appropriate technique of transfer. 
7.To mentally prepare the patient for the 
painful active stage ahead.
PPoosstt ooppeerraatteedd mmaannaaggeemmeenntt-- 
Day ;-1 = 
1.Chest pt 
2.Vigorous toe and ankle movements 
3. Isometrics to quadriceps. 
Day ;-2= 
1. Sitting up by gradually raising the back rest. 
2.Bed transfer 
3. Standing, walking with partial weight bearing or 
toe down weight bearing with a walker.
Day;- 3-7 = 
1. Isomatric to gluteus maximus, medius and 
2.Assisted hip flexion [heel drag] and hip 
3. Initiate prone lying. 
4.Thomas stretch. 
5.Relaxed passive hip movement. 
Week 2= 
1.Active hip flexion, knee extension [bed side 
sitting or chair sitting with back rest].
Week 3 = 
1. Partial weight bearing walking on crutches with 
free swinging of the operated leg. 
Week 4= 
1. Ped-o-cycle or static bicycle [possible free ROM]. 
2. Stair climbing going up with the GOOD LEG first. 
Coming down with the OPERATED LEG first. 
3. Initiate leg rotation in supine and progress to 
against gravity and against resistence. 
Week 5-6= 
1. Gradually increase hip abduction and rotation in 
supine and bed side sitting.
Avoid early initiation of hip abduction and 
Transfer to the sound side from bed to chair 
or chair to bed. 
Do not cross the legs. 
Keep the knees slightly lower than hips when 
Avoid sitting in low, soft chairs. 
If the bed at the home is low, raise it on 
Use a raised toilet seat. 
Avoid bending the trunk over the legs when 
rising from or sitting down in a chair or 
dressing or undressing. 
Avoid standing activities that involve 
rotating the body toward the operated 
Always use pillow between the legs in 
resting, sitting, while turning in bed or 
during transfers. 
Avoid SLR or hip abduction against gravity.
Total knee arthroplasty , also called as total 
knee replacement 
It is a widely performed procedure for 
advanced arthritis of the knee, primarily in 
older patients (more than 70 years of age) 
with osteoarthritis. 
The primary goals of TKA are to relieve pain 
and improve a patient’s physical function and 
quality of life.
Severe joint pain with weight bearing or 
Extensive destruction of articular 
cartilage of the knee joint. 
Marked deformity of the knee such as 
genu varum or genu valgum. 
Gross instability or limitation of motion. 
Failure of non-operative management. 
Failure of a previous surgical procedure.
It can be three compartment replaced- 
1.UNI-COMPARTMENT:- only medial or 
lateral joint surfaces replace. 
2. BI-COMPARTMENT:-entire femoral and 
tibial surfaces replaced. 
patellar surfaces replaced.
1. Standard/tradition or minimal invasive. 
2. Quadriceps-splitting or quadriceps-sparing.
1. STANDARD APPROCH- antero-medial 
parapatellar vertical or curved 
incision from the distal aspect of the 
femoral shaft, running medial of the patella 
to just medial of the tibial tubercle, ranging 
from 8 to 12cm or 13 to 15 cm in length. 
APPROACH-reduced length of antero-medial 
skin incision 6-9cm in length. 
 Anterior capsule release.
 cemented. 
 un-cemented. 
 hybrid.
The principal aim of the physiotherapy is 
to offer maximum static as well as 
dynamic stability to the knee. 
1)Control post operative swelling. 
2)Minimize pain.
A thorough assessment is done prior to the 
surgery, and the postoperative regime of 
physiotherapy is explained to the patient. 
a) Pain. 
d)Strength and endurance. 
e) Effusion and atrophy. 
f) Complete gait analysis.
It includes the following- 
1)Explain to the patient the total post 
operative regime and his responsibility. 
2)Educate the patient on the measures taken 
in prevention of edema, deep venous 
thromosis,chest complication. 
3)Training of isometrics to 
quagriceps,hamstings,and glutei. 
4)Self-assisted passive mobilisation. 
5)Relaxed free movement. 
6) techniques of self-assisted mobilisation.
1.Chest physiotherapy. 
2.Vigorous toe and ankle movements. 
3.Maintain the limb with [with pop on with 
heel or lower leg resting on a pillow]. 
4. Static glutei by pressing the pillow the 
5.Gentle isometrics to quadriceps.
DAY 2-3;- 
1.Transfer in bed. 
2.Gentle patellar mobilisation. 
3.Rapid isometrics to quadriceps[speedy 
and with 10sec. Hold]. 
4.Assisted SLR. 
5. Stand and ambulate with pop on and 
DDaayy 44--55--66;;-- 
1.Transfer in chair. 
2. Self-assisted passive knee flexion;- 
a) Heel drag in supine. 
b) Bed side, relaxed knee movements with 
the help of sound leg[in unilateral TKA]. 
c) Sitting with feet plated on the ground, 
and push forward by raising trunk on 
3.- CPM 5-10 degree daily. Range of knee 
flexion must not exceed 40˚ because 
transcutaneous O2 tension of the skin near 
the incision decreases significantly after 40˚ 
of flexion. 
4.-begin active or active assisted exercise, if 
the wound is clear and dry. 
5.-bed side active knee flexion-extension[ 
self-assisted, if necessary. 
6.-ambulation without pop[can do three 
SLR without pop].
DDAAYY 77--1100;;-- 
1. Work up toward 90 degree flexion by 
10-14 days. 
2. Hamstring strengthening. 
3. Assisted step and stairs. 
 DAY 11-3 WEEKS- progress all 
 WEEKS 4-6;- 
1. Work up toward knee flexion 110-115 
2.-quadriceps dips and steps up. 
3.stastionary bicycle. 
 weight bearing with can.
1. Stationary cycling. 
2. Swimming, water aerobics. 
4. golf [preferably with golf cart]. 
5.Ballroom or square dancing. 
6.Table tennis.
1.Road cycling. 
2. Speed/ power walking. 
3.Doubles tennis. 
6.Cross-country skiing [machine or 
1. Jogging, running. 
2. Basketball. 
3. Volleyball. 
4. Baseball. 
5. Football. 
6. Gymnastics. 
7. Squash.
2. Indication. 
4. types of arthrodesis. 
5.Position of arthrodesis. 
6. complication. 
7.Physiotherapy management.
Arthrodesis also known as called as 
fusion of joint. 
In this operation , fusion is achieved 
between the bones forming a joint so as 
to eliminate any motion at the joint. 
arthrodesis is mostly performed on ankle 
& wrist joint but it can be performed on 
other joint.
1. Advanced osteoarthritis and rheumatoid 
arthritis with disabling pain. 
2. Quiescent tubercular arthritis with 
destruction of the joint surfaces. 
3. Instability from muscle paralysis, as after 
4. For permanent correction of deformity 
as in hammer toe.
1. To provide pain relief. 
2. To restore skeletal stability. 
3. Improve alignment in people with 
advanced arthritis.
In arthrodesis may be – 
1. Intra-articular type. 
2. Extra-articular type. 
3. Combined type. 
INTRA- ARTICULAR TYPE-in intra- articular 
arthrodesis the articulating surfaces are raw and 
the joint immobilised in the position of optimum 
function until there is a bony between the bones. 
articular arthrodesis ,an extra-capsular bridge of 
bone is created between the articulating bones. 
COMBINED TYPE- in this type both intra and 
extra articular fused joint.
The best position of arthrodesis of a 
joint the one which conforms to the 
requirements of the patients work.
1. SHOULDER JOINT= flexion-25 degree, 
= abduction-30 degree, 
= int.rota.- 45 degree. 
A. Single joint- flexion=75 degree 
B. Both- one in flex.70 degree, 
other in flex.130 degree. 
3.WRIST JOINT= dorsi flexion-20 degree.
1. HIP JOINT = flexion-15 degree 
= no adduction 
= no abduction[neutral position] 
2. KNEE JOINT = flexion= 5 to 10 degree. 
male= neutral position, 
female=planter-flexion for high 
1. Bleeding. 
2. Infection. 
3. Blood clots In the legs. 
4. Loosening of prosthetic part.
In two phases- 
1.During immobilisation phase. 
2.During mobilisation phase.
1. To prevent and manage the possible post 
operative complications. 
2. Maintenance of the proper position of the 
operated joint. 
3. Strengthening and ROM exercise for the 
joints free from immobilisation. 
4. Initiating early non weight bearing 
ambulation in case of hip, knee, and ankle 
1. In lower extremity gradual and correct 
weight bearing, weight transfer and 
balancing should be initiated with 
adequate aid. 
2. Guidance and assistance with several 
sessions a day are needed to achieve 
functional proficiency.
OOFF aarrtthhrrooppllaassttyy aanndd aarrtthhrrooddeessiiss 
Q.-1 which operation is called as reconstruction 
of a new mobile joint- 
B. Arthroplasty. 
Q.-2 which technique is known as fusion of a 
B. Arthrectomy. 
Q.-3 which operation is called cutting of bone- 
Q.-4 which method is called as operative method 
of treatment- 
D.All the above.
Q.-5 which compound form BONE CEMENT use 
in arthroplasty- 
Q.6-in exicisional arthroplasty form a gap which 
fills by- 
A.Adipose tissue. 
B.Aerolar tissue. 
C.Fibrous tissue. 
D.Elastic tissue.
Q.7- stability of prosthesis is achieve within minutes 
of surgery in total hip arthroplasty- 
A.15 minutes. 
B. 20 minutes. 
C.25 minutes. 
D.30 minutes. 
Q.8- in stair climbing going up and coming down 
which leg first respectively in total hip 
A.Good leg and operated leg. 
B.Operated leg and good leg. 
C.Alternate good and operated. 
D.All the above.
Q.-9 which are type of total hip implants use in 
A.Cemented hip. 
B.Non-cemented hip. 
C.Both a and b. 
Q.-10 why joint replacement occur in 
human, why not occur in animals- 
A.Because human is bi-pedal locomotion. 
B.Because animal is Quadra-pod locomotion. 
C.Both a and b. 
Q.-11 in joint replacement surgery which types 
complication occur— 
A.Deep venous thrombosis. 
B. Infection. 
C.Nerve palsy. 
D.All the above. 
Q.-12 in which range of motion knee flexion must 
not exceed within the first three post operative 
A.Must not exceed 40 degree. 
B.Must not exceed 50 degree. 
C.Must not exceed 30 degree. 
D.Must not exceed 20 degree.
Q.-13 in which types of arthrodesis only 
articulating surface is fused- 
A.Extra-articular type. 
B.Intra-articular type. 
C.Combined type. 
D.All the above. 
Q.14 in joint replacement surgery which type of 
artificial components is use- 
C.Both a and b. 
Q.-15 in the isometric quadriceps exercises how 
many second hold in total hip arthroplasty- 
A.25 sec. 
B.2o sec. 
C.15 sec. 
D.10 sec. 
Q.-16 which day patient walk after surgery of 
total hip replacement- 
A.2-3 day after surgery P.W.B. with walker. 
B.4-5 day after surgery F.W.B. with cane. 
C.7-9 day after surgery N.W.B. with crutch. 
D.11-12 day after surgery P.W.B. with stick.
Q.-17 in which position of arthrodesis is done in 
shoulder joint joint- 
A.Extension 25degree,adduction 
30degree,external rotation 45 degree. 
B.Flexion 30 degree, adduction 25degree,exernal 
rotation 50degree. 
C.Extension 30 degree, abduction 25degree, 
internal rotation 50. 
D.Flexion 25 degree, abduction 30 degree, internal 
rotation 45degree.
Q.-18 the prosthesis is made up of – 
A.Special metal alloy. 
B.Special high density poly ethylene. 
C.Both a and b. 
D.Special low density poly ethylene. 
Q.-19 In which operative approach the positive 
Trendelenburg sign is present in total hip 
A.Postero-lateral approach. 
B.Direct-lateral approach. 
C.Antero-lateral approach. 
D.All the above.
Q.-2O in Postero-lateral approach is use in total hip 
replacement which movement is initially AVOID 
after post operative period- 
A.Hip extension,abduction,and external rotation. 
B.Hip flexion,adduction,and internal rotation. 
C.Hip exension,adduction,and internal rotation. 
D.Hip flexion,abduction,and exernal rotation. 
Q.-21 in which approach the HIP 
ROTATION is AVOID in after total hip 
A.Direct-lateral approach. 
B.Antero-lateral approach. 
C.Postero-lateral approach. 
D.Both A.and B.
Q.-22 in direct-lateral approach of operative 
procedure in total hip replacement which type of 
sign is present- 
A.Galleazzi sign. 
B.Gower`s sign. 
C.Tinel`s sign. 
D.Trendelenberg sign. 
Q.-22 chronic osteomyelitis,nearopathic hip joint, 
active joint infection these are in arthroplasty is- 
C.Both A and B. 
Q.-24 in which type of joint replacement surgery 
only one part of articulating surface is remove- 
A.Excision arthroplasty. 
B.Hemi-replacement arthroplasty. 
C.Total replacement arthroplasty. 
D.Both A and B. 
Q.-25 after total hip arthroplasty which activities are 
Avoid cross the leg. 
B.Avoid Indian toilet seat. 
C.Avoid transfer to the affected side from bed to 
chair or chair to bed. 
D.All the above.
Q.-26 in which type one both of the articular ends of 
the bone is excised- 
A.Total replacement arthroplasty. 
B.Excision arthroplasty. 
C.Both A and B . 
D.Hemi-replacement arthroplasty. 
Q.27 which hip flexion range of motion to be contra-indicated 
in total-replacement arthroplasty- 
A.Beyond 30 degree. 
B.Beyond 45 degree. 
C.Beyond 60 degree 
D.Beyond 90 degree.
Q.-28 in which condition arthrodesis is 
used most commonly- 
A.Painless, and stiff joint. 
B.Painful, and stiff joint. 
C.Both A and B. 
Q.29- which prosthesis used only without cemented in hip 
replacement arthroplasty is- 
A.Thompson prosthesis. 
B. Charnley`s prosthesis. 
C.Muller`s prosthesis. 
D.Austin -moore prosthesis. 
Q.30- which physical activities following total knee 
arthroplasty is highly recommended – 
A.Low impact aerobics. 
B. Middle impact aerobics. 
C.High impact aerobics. 
D. Water aerobics.
Q.31- which games after total knee arthroplasty is not recommended- 
A. Table tennis. 
B. Doubles tennis. 
C. Single tennis. 
D. Golf. 
Q.32- in standard or minimally invasive approach which incision is 
used in total knee arthroplasty- 
A. Postero-medial-parapatellar incision. 
B. Antero-lateral –parapatellar incision. 
C. Postero-lateral- paratellar incision. 
D. Antero-medial-parapatellar incision.
Q.33- which type bone cement is used in 
total knee arthroplasty- 
A. D-crylic cement 
B. B-crylic cement. 
C. A-crylic cement. 
D. C-crylic cement.
Q.33- in minimally invasive approach the incision 
is made in centimeter of length in THR-A. 
Less than 25cm in length. 
B.More than 15cm in length. 
C.Less than 10cm in length. 
D.More than 20cm in length. 
Q.34- in postero -lateral approach which muscle 
is split in line of muscle fibers- 
A.Gluteus medius. 
B.Gluteus minimus. 
C.Gluteus maximus. 
D.All the above.
Q.35- in cemented arthroplasty is generally 
used in- 
A.Elderly people. 
B.Old people. 
C.Both a and b. 
Q.36- in nerve palsy complication of joint 
replacement arthroplasty which nerve 
commonly affected- 
A.Femoral nerve. 
B.Popliteal nerve. 
C.Gluteal nerve. 
D.Sciatic nerve.
Q.36- the implant of femoral component of 
total knee arthroplasty shape is – 
A.`T`- shape. 
B.`C`- shape. 
C.`D`- shape. 
Q.37- in which of the following is relative 
contra-indication in THR-A. 
Active joint infection. 
B.Systemic infection. 
C.Neuropathic hip joint. 
D.Progressive neurological disorder.
Q.38- which surgical approach is most 
recent is use in knee arthroplasty- 
A.Minimally invasive approach. 
B.Standard approach. 
C.Traditional approach. 
D.All the above.sssss

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  • 3. IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN Arthroplasty is a operative treatment of orthropaedic disorder . Arthroplasty is the operation for reconstruction of a new movable joint .
  • 4. IINNDDIICCAATTIIOONN Severe osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joint. Advance rheumatoid arthritis with disabling pain. Quiescent destructive tuberculous arthritis. Un united femoral neck fracture. Correction of certain type of deformity, especially hallux valgus. Avascular necrosis.
  • 5.
  • 6. CCoonntt..-- Hip displasia. Bone tumors. Instability of hip joint. Joint stiffness. Acetabular dispasia. Frozen shoulder and loose shoulder. Failure of conservative management or joint reconstruction procedure.
  • 7. CCOONNTTRRAAIINNDDIICCAATTIIOONN ABSOLUTE contra indication 1.Active joint infection. 2. Systemic infection or sepsis. 3.Chronic osteomyelitis. 4.Neuropathic of hip joint. 5. Severe paralysis of the muscles surrounding the joint.
  • 8. RREELLAATTIIVVEE ccoonnttrraaiinnddiiccaattiioonn  1.Localized infection such as bladder or skin. 2. Insufficient function of the gluteus medius muscles. 3.Progressive neurological disorder. 4. Insufficient femoral or acetabular bone stock associated with progressive bone disease.
  • 9. TTYYPPEESS OOFF AARRTTHHRROOPPLLAASSTTYY It may two types- 1.Replament arthroplasty- it is reconstruction of the joint by replacing the joint partially or totally. It can be- HEMI REPLACEMENT-in this type, only one of the articulating surfaces is remove and is replaced by a prosthesis of a similar type. TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT-in this type, both of the opposed articulating surfaces are removed. and replaced by prosthetic compounds.
  • 10.
  • 11. 1. EXCISION ARTHROPLASTY-in this type, one or both of the articular ends are excised so that a gap is created between them.  This gap fills with fibrous tissue.
  • 12. PPRROOSSTTHHEESSIISS IINN AARRTTHHRROOPPLLAASSTTYY Joint replacement is a procedure where by one or both the component forming a joint are replaced with artificial component is called as prosthesis. Prosthesis are made up of special metal alloy and special high density polyethylene. Two types prosthesis are use- 1.Austin moore prosthesis. 2.Thomson prosthesis. These are commonly use in hip joint.
  • 13. BBOONNEE CCEEMMEENNTT Bone cement is a methyl-methacrylate compound. Cement can be used with or without in hip joint. It can be two types- 1.CEMENTED HIP-in the cemented hip the acetabular as well as femoral component are fixed with the help of bone cement.
  • 14.
  • 15. Cemented hip arthroplasty use in elderly patient with expected life of 10-15 years. As the stability of the prosthesis is achieved within 15 minutes of surgery. 2.NON-CEMENTED HIP-is a recent development in which bone cement is not used to fixed the components of the hip joint. Non-cement hip is use In younger people.
  • 16.
  • 17. OOPPEERRAATTIIVVEE AAPPPPRROOAACCHHEESS It can be divided into two broad categories- 1. Standard surgical approaches. 2.Minimally invasive approaches. 1.STANDARD SURGICAL APPROACHES-it can be three types-a. postero-lateral approach. b.Direct-lateral approach. c.antero-lateral approach.
  • 18.
  • 19. 22..MMIINNIIMMAALLLLYY IINNVVAASSIIVVEE AAPPPPRROOAACCHHEESS-- it can be two types-a. Single-incision approach. b. Two-incision approach. In this approach the length of incision is less than 10cm,depending on the location of the approach and the of the patient .
  • 20. A. Postero -lateral approach -this is the most frequently used approach for total hip arthroplasty.  In this approach the gluteus maximus is split in line with the muscle fibers.  In this approach the gluteus medius and vastus lateralis muscles is not splited.
  • 21. In this approach after total hip arthroplasty early postoperative motion of hip joint is hip FLEXION,ADDUCTION, and INTERNAL ROTATION of hip joint movement is AVOID. 2.DIRECT LATERAL APPROACH-in this approach requires longitudinal division of the tensor fasciae latae,one-half of the gluteus medius and longitudinal splitting of the vastus minimus. 
  • 22. In this approach disruption of the abductor mechanism is associated with post operative weakness and gait abnormalities. In direct lateral approach the positive Trendelenburg sign is present. 3.ANTERO-LATERAL APPROACH-in addition to the gluteus medius, soft tissues disturbed include gluteus minimus, tensor fascie latae,iliopsoas,rectus femoris,and vastus lateralis muscles as well as the anterior capsul is disturbed.
  • 23.
  • 24. CCOOMMPPLLIICCAATTOONN 1. DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS-this occurs due to inadvertent manipulation of the thigh during surgery, venous stasis in the limb due to immobility. 2. INFECTION-this is the most serious of all complication. 3. NERVE PALSIES-the sciatic nerve is most commonly affected. 4. VASCULAR INJURY- this is uncommon, but can occur mainly due to technical reasons.
  • 25. 6.FRACTURE-these may occur during the process of implantation of the prosthesis. 7.DISLOCATION-it is primarily due to malpositioning of limb during early post operative period. 8.HETEROTROPIC BONE FORMATION-new bone formation around the components occurs in some cases such as ankylosing spondilitis,and results in decreased range of joint movements.
  • 26. PPHHYYSSIIOOTTHHEERRAAPPYY MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY MANAGEMENT- Goal`s- 1.A pain free hip joint. 2.A Stable joint for lower extremity weight bearing and function ambulation. 3.Adequate range of motion for functional activities. 4. Strength of lower extremity for functional activity.
  • 27. PPHHYYSSIIOOTTHHEERRAAPPYY MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT 1. PREOPERATIVE - a) Evaluation:- Pain Deformity ROM Ms power Ms atrophy Ambulation & Gait
  • 28. 2. Preoperative patient education:- It should be taught on the sound limb for easy grasp.
  • 29. PPRREEOOPPEERRAATTIIVVEE PPHHYYSSIIOOTTHHEERRAAPPYY 1.Deep breathing & coughing. 2.Strong & sustained isometric contraction. 3.Guidance of ROM & Strengthening exercises. 4.Resisted exercises . 5.To teach proper limb positioning. 6.To teach appropriate technique of transfer. 7.To mentally prepare the patient for the painful active stage ahead.
  • 30. PPoosstt ooppeerraatteedd mmaannaaggeemmeenntt-- Day ;-1 = 1.Chest pt 2.Vigorous toe and ankle movements 3. Isometrics to quadriceps. Day ;-2= 1. Sitting up by gradually raising the back rest. 2.Bed transfer 3. Standing, walking with partial weight bearing or toe down weight bearing with a walker.
  • 31. Day;- 3-7 = 1. Isomatric to gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. 2.Assisted hip flexion [heel drag] and hip abduction. 3. Initiate prone lying. 4.Thomas stretch. 5.Relaxed passive hip movement. Week 2= 1.Active hip flexion, knee extension [bed side sitting or chair sitting with back rest].
  • 32. Week 3 = 1. Partial weight bearing walking on crutches with free swinging of the operated leg. Week 4= 1. Ped-o-cycle or static bicycle [possible free ROM]. 2. Stair climbing going up with the GOOD LEG first. Coming down with the OPERATED LEG first. 3. Initiate leg rotation in supine and progress to against gravity and against resistence. Week 5-6= 1. Gradually increase hip abduction and rotation in supine and bed side sitting.
  • 33. PPRREECCAAUUTTIIOONN Avoid early initiation of hip abduction and rotation. Transfer to the sound side from bed to chair or chair to bed. Do not cross the legs. Keep the knees slightly lower than hips when sitting. Avoid sitting in low, soft chairs. If the bed at the home is low, raise it on blocks.
  • 34. Use a raised toilet seat. Avoid bending the trunk over the legs when rising from or sitting down in a chair or dressing or undressing. Avoid standing activities that involve rotating the body toward the operated extremity. Always use pillow between the legs in resting, sitting, while turning in bed or during transfers. Avoid SLR or hip abduction against gravity.
  • 35. TTOOTTAALL KKNNEEEE RREEPPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT AARRTTHHRROOPPLLAASSTTYY Total knee arthroplasty , also called as total knee replacement It is a widely performed procedure for advanced arthritis of the knee, primarily in older patients (more than 70 years of age) with osteoarthritis. The primary goals of TKA are to relieve pain and improve a patient’s physical function and quality of life.
  • 36.
  • 37. IINNDDIICCAATTIIOONN OOFF TTKKAA Severe joint pain with weight bearing or motion. Extensive destruction of articular cartilage of the knee joint. Marked deformity of the knee such as genu varum or genu valgum. Gross instability or limitation of motion. Failure of non-operative management. Failure of a previous surgical procedure.
  • 38.
  • 39. NNUUMMBBEERR OOFF CCOOMMPPAARRTTMMEENNTTSS RREEPPLLAACCEEDD It can be three compartment replaced- 1.UNI-COMPARTMENT:- only medial or lateral joint surfaces replace. 2. BI-COMPARTMENT:-entire femoral and tibial surfaces replaced. 3.TRI-COMPARTMENT:-femoral,tibial,and patellar surfaces replaced.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. SSUURRGGIICCAALL AAPPPPRROOAACCHH 1. Standard/tradition or minimal invasive. 2. Quadriceps-splitting or quadriceps-sparing.
  • 43.
  • 44. 1. STANDARD APPROCH- antero-medial parapatellar vertical or curved incision from the distal aspect of the femoral shaft, running medial of the patella to just medial of the tibial tubercle, ranging from 8 to 12cm or 13 to 15 cm in length. 2. MINIMALLY INVASIVE APPROACH-reduced length of antero-medial skin incision 6-9cm in length.  Anterior capsule release.
  • 45.
  • 46. IIMMPPLLAANNTT FFIIXXAATTIIOONN  cemented.  un-cemented.  hybrid.
  • 47. PPHHYYSSIIOOTTHHEERRAAPPYY MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT IINN TTKKRR The principal aim of the physiotherapy is to offer maximum static as well as dynamic stability to the knee. GOALS- 1)Control post operative swelling. 2)Minimize pain.
  • 48. PPRREE OOPPEERRAATTIIVVEE AASSSSEESSSSMMEENNTT A thorough assessment is done prior to the surgery, and the postoperative regime of physiotherapy is explained to the patient. a) Pain. b)Deformity. c)Rom. d)Strength and endurance. e) Effusion and atrophy. f) Complete gait analysis.
  • 49. PPRREE--OOPPEERRAATTIIVVEE TTRRAANNIINNGG It includes the following- 1)Explain to the patient the total post operative regime and his responsibility. 2)Educate the patient on the measures taken in prevention of edema, deep venous thromosis,chest complication. 3)Training of isometrics to quagriceps,hamstings,and glutei. 4)Self-assisted passive mobilisation. 5)Relaxed free movement. 6) techniques of self-assisted mobilisation.
  • 50. PPOOSSTT--OOPPEERRAATTIIVVEE MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT DAY-1 1.Chest physiotherapy. 2.Vigorous toe and ankle movements. 3.Maintain the limb with [with pop on with heel or lower leg resting on a pillow]. 4. Static glutei by pressing the pillow the heel. 5.Gentle isometrics to quadriceps.
  • 51. DAY 2-3;- 1.Transfer in bed. 2.Gentle patellar mobilisation. 3.Rapid isometrics to quadriceps[speedy and with 10sec. Hold]. 4.Assisted SLR. 5. Stand and ambulate with pop on and walker.
  • 52. DDaayy 44--55--66;;-- 1.Transfer in chair. 2. Self-assisted passive knee flexion;- a) Heel drag in supine. b) Bed side, relaxed knee movements with the help of sound leg[in unilateral TKA]. c) Sitting with feet plated on the ground, and push forward by raising trunk on arms.
  • 53. 3.- CPM 5-10 degree daily. Range of knee flexion must not exceed 40˚ because transcutaneous O2 tension of the skin near the incision decreases significantly after 40˚ of flexion. 4.-begin active or active assisted exercise, if the wound is clear and dry. 5.-bed side active knee flexion-extension[ self-assisted, if necessary. 6.-ambulation without pop[can do three SLR without pop].
  • 54. DDAAYY 77--1100;;-- 1. Work up toward 90 degree flexion by 10-14 days. 2. Hamstring strengthening. 3. Assisted step and stairs.  DAY 11-3 WEEKS- progress all exercise.  WEEKS 4-6;- 1. Work up toward knee flexion 110-115 degree.
  • 55. 2.-quadriceps dips and steps up. 3.stastionary bicycle.  weight bearing with can.
  • 56. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN FFOORR PPAARRTTIICCIIPPAATTIIOONN IINN TTKKAA HIGHLY RECOMMENDED- 1. Stationary cycling. 2. Swimming, water aerobics. 3.Walking 4. golf [preferably with golf cart]. 5.Ballroom or square dancing. 6.Table tennis.
  • 57. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDEEDD IIFF EEXXPPEERRIIEENNCCEEDD BBEEFFOORREE TTKKAA-- 1.Road cycling. 2. Speed/ power walking. 3.Doubles tennis. 4.Rowing. 5.Bowling. 6.Cross-country skiing [machine or outdoor].
  • 58. NNOOTT RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDEEDD;;-- 1. Jogging, running. 2. Basketball. 3. Volleyball. 4. Baseball. 5. Football. 6. Gymnastics. 7. Squash.
  • 59. AARRTTHHRROODDEESSIISS CONTENTS- 1.Definition. 2. Indication. 3.Goals. 4. types of arthrodesis. 5.Position of arthrodesis. 6. complication. 7.Physiotherapy management.
  • 60. DDEEFFIINNIITTIIOONN Arthrodesis also known as called as fusion of joint. In this operation , fusion is achieved between the bones forming a joint so as to eliminate any motion at the joint. arthrodesis is mostly performed on ankle & wrist joint but it can be performed on other joint.
  • 61.
  • 62. IINNDDIICCAATTIIOONN OOFF AARRHHTTRROODDEESSIISS 1. Advanced osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis with disabling pain. 2. Quiescent tubercular arthritis with destruction of the joint surfaces. 3. Instability from muscle paralysis, as after poliomyelitis. 4. For permanent correction of deformity as in hammer toe.
  • 63. GGOOAALLSS 1. To provide pain relief. 2. To restore skeletal stability. 3. Improve alignment in people with advanced arthritis.
  • 64. TTYYPPEESS OOFF AARRTTHHRROODDEESSIISS In arthrodesis may be – 1. Intra-articular type. 2. Extra-articular type. 3. Combined type. INTRA- ARTICULAR TYPE-in intra- articular arthrodesis the articulating surfaces are raw and the joint immobilised in the position of optimum function until there is a bony between the bones. EXTRA-ARTICULAR TYPE-in an extra articular arthrodesis ,an extra-capsular bridge of bone is created between the articulating bones. COMBINED TYPE- in this type both intra and extra articular fused joint.
  • 65. PPOOSSIITTIIOONN OOFF AARRTTHHRROODDEESSIISS The best position of arthrodesis of a joint the one which conforms to the requirements of the patients work.
  • 66. PPOOSSIITTIIOONN OOFF AARRTTHHRROODDEESSIISS OOFF DDIIFFFFEERREENNTT JJOOIINNTT 1. SHOULDER JOINT= flexion-25 degree, = abduction-30 degree, = int.rota.- 45 degree. 2.ELBOW JOINT= A. Single joint- flexion=75 degree B. Both- one in flex.70 degree, other in flex.130 degree. 3.WRIST JOINT= dorsi flexion-20 degree.
  • 67. 1. HIP JOINT = flexion-15 degree = no adduction = no abduction[neutral position] 2. KNEE JOINT = flexion= 5 to 10 degree. 3. ANKLE JOINT = male= neutral position, female=planter-flexion for high heels.
  • 68. CCOOMMPPLLIICCAATTIIOONN 1. Bleeding. 2. Infection. 3. Blood clots In the legs. 4. Loosening of prosthetic part.
  • 69. PPHHYYSSIIOOTTHHEERRAAPPYY MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT IINNAARRTTHHRROODDEESSIISS In two phases- 1.During immobilisation phase. 2.During mobilisation phase.
  • 70. DDUURRIINNGG IIMMMMOOBBIILLIISSAATTIIOONN PPHHAASSEE;;-- 1. To prevent and manage the possible post operative complications. 2. Maintenance of the proper position of the operated joint. 3. Strengthening and ROM exercise for the joints free from immobilisation. 4. Initiating early non weight bearing ambulation in case of hip, knee, and ankle arthrodesis.
  • 71. DDUURRIINNGG MMOOBBIILLIISSAATTIIOONN PPHHAASSEE;;-- 1. In lower extremity gradual and correct weight bearing, weight transfer and balancing should be initiated with adequate aid. 2. Guidance and assistance with several sessions a day are needed to achieve functional proficiency.
  • 72. MMUULLTTIIPPLLEE CCHHIIOOCCEE QQUUEESSTTIIOONN OOFF aarrtthhrrooppllaassttyy aanndd aarrtthhrrooddeessiiss Q.-1 which operation is called as reconstruction of a new mobile joint- A.Arthrodesis. B. Arthroplasty. C.Arthroscopy. D.Osteotomy. Q.-2 which technique is known as fusion of a joint- A.Arthroplasty. B. Arthrectomy. C.Arthroscopy. D.Arthrodesis.
  • 73. Q.-3 which operation is called cutting of bone- A.Osteotomy. B.Arthrodesis. C.Arthroplasty. D.Arthroscopy. Q.-4 which method is called as operative method of treatment- A.Arthroplasty. B.Arthrodesis. C.Arthroscopy. D.All the above.
  • 74. Q.-5 which compound form BONE CEMENT use in arthroplasty- A.Methyl-ethacrylate. B.Ethyl-methacrylate. C.Ethyl-ethacrylate. D.Methyl-methacrylate. Q.6-in exicisional arthroplasty form a gap which fills by- A.Adipose tissue. B.Aerolar tissue. C.Fibrous tissue. D.Elastic tissue.
  • 75. Q.7- stability of prosthesis is achieve within minutes of surgery in total hip arthroplasty- A.15 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C.25 minutes. D.30 minutes. Q.8- in stair climbing going up and coming down which leg first respectively in total hip replacement- A.Good leg and operated leg. B.Operated leg and good leg. C.Alternate good and operated. D.All the above.
  • 76. Q.-9 which are type of total hip implants use in arthroplasty- A.Cemented hip. B.Non-cemented hip. C.Both a and b. D.None. Q.-10 why joint replacement occur in human, why not occur in animals- A.Because human is bi-pedal locomotion. B.Because animal is Quadra-pod locomotion. C.Both a and b. D.None.
  • 77. Q.-11 in joint replacement surgery which types complication occur— A.Deep venous thrombosis. B. Infection. C.Nerve palsy. D.All the above. Q.-12 in which range of motion knee flexion must not exceed within the first three post operative day- A.Must not exceed 40 degree. B.Must not exceed 50 degree. C.Must not exceed 30 degree. D.Must not exceed 20 degree.
  • 78. Q.-13 in which types of arthrodesis only articulating surface is fused- A.Extra-articular type. B.Intra-articular type. C.Combined type. D.All the above. Q.14 in joint replacement surgery which type of artificial components is use- A.Orthosis. B.Prosthesis. C.Both a and b. D.None.
  • 79. Q.-15 in the isometric quadriceps exercises how many second hold in total hip arthroplasty- A.25 sec. B.2o sec. C.15 sec. D.10 sec. Q.-16 which day patient walk after surgery of total hip replacement- A.2-3 day after surgery P.W.B. with walker. B.4-5 day after surgery F.W.B. with cane. C.7-9 day after surgery N.W.B. with crutch. D.11-12 day after surgery P.W.B. with stick.
  • 80. Q.-17 in which position of arthrodesis is done in shoulder joint joint- A.Extension 25degree,adduction 30degree,external rotation 45 degree. B.Flexion 30 degree, adduction 25degree,exernal rotation 50degree. C.Extension 30 degree, abduction 25degree, internal rotation 50. D.Flexion 25 degree, abduction 30 degree, internal rotation 45degree.
  • 81. Q.-18 the prosthesis is made up of – A.Special metal alloy. B.Special high density poly ethylene. C.Both a and b. D.Special low density poly ethylene. Q.-19 In which operative approach the positive Trendelenburg sign is present in total hip replacement- A.Postero-lateral approach. B.Direct-lateral approach. C.Antero-lateral approach. D.All the above.
  • 82. Q.-2O in Postero-lateral approach is use in total hip replacement which movement is initially AVOID after post operative period- A.Hip extension,abduction,and external rotation. B.Hip flexion,adduction,and internal rotation. C.Hip exension,adduction,and internal rotation. D.Hip flexion,abduction,and exernal rotation. Q.-21 in which approach the HIP EXTENSION,ABDUCTION,and EXTERNAL ROTATION is AVOID in after total hip replacement- A.Direct-lateral approach. B.Antero-lateral approach. C.Postero-lateral approach. D.Both A.and B.
  • 83. Q.-22 in direct-lateral approach of operative procedure in total hip replacement which type of sign is present- A.Galleazzi sign. B.Gower`s sign. C.Tinel`s sign. D.Trendelenberg sign. Q.-22 chronic osteomyelitis,nearopathic hip joint, active joint infection these are in arthroplasty is- A.Indication. B.Contra-indication. C.Both A and B. D.None.
  • 84. Q.-24 in which type of joint replacement surgery only one part of articulating surface is remove- A.Excision arthroplasty. B.Hemi-replacement arthroplasty. C.Total replacement arthroplasty. D.Both A and B. Q.-25 after total hip arthroplasty which activities are AVOID-A. Avoid cross the leg. B.Avoid Indian toilet seat. C.Avoid transfer to the affected side from bed to chair or chair to bed. D.All the above.
  • 85. Q.-26 in which type one both of the articular ends of the bone is excised- A.Total replacement arthroplasty. B.Excision arthroplasty. C.Both A and B . D.Hemi-replacement arthroplasty. Q.27 which hip flexion range of motion to be contra-indicated in total-replacement arthroplasty- A.Beyond 30 degree. B.Beyond 45 degree. C.Beyond 60 degree D.Beyond 90 degree.
  • 86. Q.-28 in which condition arthrodesis is used most commonly- A.Painless, and stiff joint. B.Painful, and stiff joint. C.Both A and B. D.None.
  • 87. Q.29- which prosthesis used only without cemented in hip replacement arthroplasty is- A.Thompson prosthesis. B. Charnley`s prosthesis. C.Muller`s prosthesis. D.Austin -moore prosthesis. Q.30- which physical activities following total knee arthroplasty is highly recommended – A.Low impact aerobics. B. Middle impact aerobics. C.High impact aerobics. D. Water aerobics.
  • 88. Q.31- which games after total knee arthroplasty is not recommended- A. Table tennis. B. Doubles tennis. C. Single tennis. D. Golf. Q.32- in standard or minimally invasive approach which incision is used in total knee arthroplasty- A. Postero-medial-parapatellar incision. B. Antero-lateral –parapatellar incision. C. Postero-lateral- paratellar incision. D. Antero-medial-parapatellar incision.
  • 89. Q.33- which type bone cement is used in total knee arthroplasty- A. D-crylic cement B. B-crylic cement. C. A-crylic cement. D. C-crylic cement.
  • 90. Q.33- in minimally invasive approach the incision is made in centimeter of length in THR-A. Less than 25cm in length. B.More than 15cm in length. C.Less than 10cm in length. D.More than 20cm in length. Q.34- in postero -lateral approach which muscle is split in line of muscle fibers- A.Gluteus medius. B.Gluteus minimus. C.Gluteus maximus. D.All the above.
  • 91. Q.35- in cemented arthroplasty is generally used in- A.Elderly people. B.Old people. C.Both a and b. D.None. Q.36- in nerve palsy complication of joint replacement arthroplasty which nerve commonly affected- A.Femoral nerve. B.Popliteal nerve. C.Gluteal nerve. D.Sciatic nerve.
  • 92. Q.36- the implant of femoral component of total knee arthroplasty shape is – A.`T`- shape. B.`C`- shape. C.`D`- shape. D.`U`-shape. Q.37- in which of the following is relative contra-indication in THR-A. Active joint infection. B.Systemic infection. C.Neuropathic hip joint. D.Progressive neurological disorder.
  • 93. Q.38- which surgical approach is most recent is use in knee arthroplasty- A.Minimally invasive approach. B.Standard approach. C.Traditional approach. D.All the above.sssss