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       Pavan ,DM.
 Cardiac arrhythmias occur frequently in ICU patients.
• 12% incidence of ventricular plus supra ventricular
  arrhythmias for a general icu population.
 The most common arrhythmia is sinus tachycardia.
  Atrial arrhythmias also occur with some frequency ,
  where as ventricular arrhythmias are less common
  but usually more ominous.
• Not all arrhythmias seen in the ICU are of new onset ,
  some patients have preexisting arrhythmias that can
  be exacerbated by their critical illness .
• Arrhythmias are most likely (90%) to occur in patients
  with structural heart disease, the inciting factor for an
  arrhythmia in a given patient may be a transient
• Management includes correction of these imbalances
  as well as medical therapy directed at the arrhythmia
• The urgency and type of treatment is determined by
  the physiologic impact of the arrhythmia as well as by
  underlying cardiac status.
• Arrhythmias in the ICU represent a major source of
  morbidity and increased length of stay.

Brady (HR < 60/mt)                 Tachy (HR> 100/mt)


           AVND         Narrow QRS(<120ms)    Wide QRS(≥120ms)


Sinus node dysfunction
1 . Sinus bradycardia:

2 . Sinus pause or sinus arrest.

  3 . Sino atrial Exit Block.
•    3 . Sino atrial Exit Block.

      First-degree SA exit block cannot be recognized on
      the ECG because SA nodal discharge is not recorded
     During type I (Wenckebach) second-degree SA exit
      block, the P-P interval progressively shortens prior to
      the pause, and the duration of the pause is less than
      two P-P cycles
     An interval without P waves that equals approximately
      two, three, or four times the normal P-P cycle
      characterizes type II second-degree SA exit block
     Third-degree SA exit block can be manifested as a
      complete absence of P waves and is difficult to
      diagnose with certainty without sinus node
4 . Sick Sinus Syndrome
Syndrome encompassing a number of sinus nodal
(1) persistent spontaneous sinus bradycardia not caused by
drugs and inappropriate for the physiological circumstance
(2) sinus arrest or exit block
(3) combinations of SA and AV conduction disturbances
(4) alternation of paroxysms of rapid regular or irregular
atrial tachyarrhythmias and periods of slow atrial and
ventricular rates (bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome)
Extrinsic         Intrinsic
  Drugs                            Sick sinus syndrome (SSS)
   Beta blockers,Digoxin,          Coronary artery disease
    Calcium channel blockers       Inflammatory
    Antiarrhythmics (class I and    Pericarditis, Myocarditis, RHD,CTD
  Hypothyroidism, Hypothermia      Lyme disease
  Sleep apnea, Hypoxia            Senile amyloidosis
  Increased intracranial pressure Congenital heart disease
  Autonomic                        TGA/Mustard and Fontan repairs
• Endotracheal suctioning
  Diagnosis                       Iatrogenic
  The combination of findings are indicator of intrinsic SA
  node disease.
             cSNRT -525ms , SACT -125ms
             IHR - 117.2 – (0.53 x age) in beats/min (0.2
  mg/kg propranolol and 0.04 mg/kg atropine)
Indications for Pacing in Sinus Node Dysfunction
 Class I
      1. symptomatic bradycardia or sinus pauses.essential long-
term drug.
      2. Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence .
 Class IIa
      1. Sinus node dysfunction occurring spontaneously or d/t
necessary drug therapy, with hr <40 beats/min when a clear
association between significant symptoms consistent with
bradycardia and the actual presence of bradycardia has not been
       2. Syncope of unexplained origin when major abnormalities of
sinus node function are discovered in eps studies.
 Class IIb
      1. Minimally symptomatic patients, chronic hr <40 bpm while
Atrioventricular block
1. First-Degree AV

 2 .Second-Degree AV Block Mobitz
   type I
3 .Second-Degree AV Block Mobitz type 2

                      Type 2 second-degree AV block is characterized
4 . Third-degree AV   by intermittent failure of conduction of the P wave
                         without changes in the preceding PR or RR
  Block                                      intervals
Mobitz type I                       Mobitz type 2
Progressive prolongation of the    Constant P-R intervals prior to A
    P-R interval prior to A            nonconducted P wave
       nonconducted P
Progressive shortening of R-R          Constant R-R intervals
 P-R interval prolongation at          Constant P-P intervals
  progressively decreasing
 the last conducted P-R interval    the last conducted P-R interval
   prior to the blocked P wave        prior to the blocked P wave
longer than the next conducted     equal to the next conducted P-R
            P-R interval                         interval
• Etiologies of Atrioventricular Block

 Metabolic Hyperkalemia , Hypermagnesemia
  Coronary artery disease Acute MI
  Drug-related Beta blockers , Adenosine ,Calcium channel
 blockers , Antiarrhythmics (class I & III) ,Digitalis, Lithium
  Infectious Endocarditis , Lyme disease, Diphtheria, Chagas
Indications for Pacing in Acquired Atrioventricular Block in
Class I
 1. 3rd & advanced 2nd-degree AV block at any anatomic level, associated
 with symptoms , essential drugs , after catheter abltion , post
 operative , neuromuscular diseases , periods of asystole 3.0 sec or
 any escape rate <40 beats/min in awake
  2. mobitz type 2 AV block asymptomatic with broad QRS
 Class IIa
  1. Asymptomatic AV block
         third-degree at any anatomic site rates if cardiomegaly or LVD is
          type II second-degree AV block with a narrow QRS.
          type I second-degree AV block at intra- or infra-His levels found
 at EPS
  2. 1st degree AV block with symptoms like pacemaker syndrome
Class IIb
  1. Marked 1st-degree AV block (>0.30 sec) with LVD and symptoms of
  2. Neuromuscular diseases with any AV block (including 1st-degree AV


Guidelines for Permanent Pacing in Chronic
Bifascicular and Trifascicular Block
  Class I
    Intermittent third-degree AV block
    Type II second-degree AV block
    Alternating bundle branch block
  Class IIa
    HV interval ≥100 msec in asymptomatic
    EPS of pacing-induced infra-His block that is not
  Class IIb
    Neuromuscular diseases with any degree of
fascicular block
• Patients who have a bradyarrhythmia or asystole at initial
       Are less common presentation of cardiac arrest(10-
       Have the worst prognosis
       Only 9 % of such patients were admitted to hospital
       None was discharged
       Brady arrhythmias also have adverse prognostic
       implications after defibrillation from VF in the field
      Children had a higher probability of asystole as the
       initial documented rhythm but had a better overall
       survival rate because they had better outcomes of
       interventions for these rhythms than adults.
Bradyarrhythmia/ Asystole

                   Maintain continuous CPR ,

             Identify and treat reversible
                    Continue CPR
                     • Hypoxia
              • Hyper/Hypokalemia
                • Severe acidosis                  Pacing :external
                 • Drug overdose                    or pacing wire
                  • Hypothermia

   Epinephrine -------Atropine ------- Sodium        Paced rhythm
                 bicarbonate                          and pulse
1 mg Iv          1 mg Iv             1 mEq/kg Iv

 Absent p wave with irregularly irregular R-R interval
 Coarse fib waves (differentiate from AFL)
 Regular R-R intervals in AF
 Prolonged QRS duration in AF
 ventricular rates
            controlled – 60-90 at rest and 90-115 at
            slow < 60 – sick sinus syndrome
            very fast > 200 – accessory pathway
The estimated prevalence of AF is 0.4% to 1% in the general
   population ,increasing with age
Atrial pressure elevation, atrial ischemia, Inflammatory or
 infiltrative atrial disease, Drugs, Endocrine disorders, Post
 operative, Congenital heart disease, Neurogenic , loneAF
• Anti thrombotic management in AF :
• Rhythm control in AF:
  Disabling symptoms of heart failure with recurrent
 paroxysmal and persistent AF

• Rhythm control in AF :

Cardiac               First line drug        Second line drug
Structurally normal Flecainide               Sotalol, amidarone
heart with out
Adrenergic AF         Beta blockers          Sotalol
with out structural
CAD with              Dofetilide , sotalol   Amidarone
preserved LV
Heart failure         Amidarone ,            --
HTN with LV wall      Flecainide             Amidarone
• Rate control in AF:
  1. Minimal or no symptoms of heart failure with
 paroxysmal and persistent AF
   2. Permanent AF
   3. PIAF(2000), RACE(2002) ,STAF(2002) ,
 AFFIRM(2002) , HOTCAFÉ(2004) showed no difference in
 rate and rhythm control

  With accessory pathway       Amidarone (IIa)
  With out accessory           Metaprolol , proponolol ,
  pathway                      esmolol, diltiazem,
  Heart failure with out       Digoxin (I)
  accessory pathway            Amidarone(IIa)
• Cardio version in AF
Multifocal atrial

 The atrial rhythm is characterized by
     at least three distinct P wave morphologies
     at least three different PR intervals
     atrial and ventricular rates are typically between 100 and 150
 Presence of an isoelectric baseline distinguishes this arrhythmia
from AF
 The absence of any intervening sinus rhythm distinguishes from
normal sinus rhythm with frequent multifocal APCs
 Common in older pts with COPD and CHF , Digitalis,
theophylline .
 Management is primarily directed toward the underlying disease
Atrial flutter

• Atrial flutter is the most common type of macro reentrant atrial
• Typical atrial flutter (counterclockwise flutter)
• Atypical flutter (clockwise, or reverse flutter)
• Atrial flutters originating in the left atrium
• Management Of Atrial Flutter

                    Cardio version
           Synchronous DC low energies 50J
        IV ibutilide(convert 60-90% but inc QTc)
                      IV Procainamide
 Rapid atrial pacing with a catheter in the esophagus or
                     the right atrium
               Slow the ventricular rate
     Verapamil , adenosine , esmolol , digitalis,
   AFL is much more difficult to rate-control than
                    Class IA , IC
Indications for anticoagulation in patients with atrial flutter
         are similar to those with atrial fibrillation.
Tachycardia Involving AV Junction

• Treatment of PSVT

c                   Vagal maneuvers
compromise            Carotid sinus massage
                      Valsalva maneuver
                      Exposure of the face to ice
    DC shock          Verapamil Or Diltiazem
      Long-acting calcium antagonist
        Long-acting beta- blocker,
                Digitalis ,
Focal Atrial
 Generally have atrial rates of 150 to 200 beats/min
 P wave contour different from that of the sinus P wave
 Characteristic isoelectric intervals between P waves
 Analysis of P wave configuration during tachycardia
indicates atrial focus
 The distinction between AT with block and AFL can be
 Atrial tachycardia
       Significant structural heart disease such as CAD with or
with out MI
       Cor pulmonale , Digitalis intoxication
 Atrial tachycardia in a patient not receiving digitalis is
treated in a manner similar to the treatment of other atrial
 If atrial tachycardia appears in a patient receiving digitalis,
therapy includes cessation of digitalis and administration of
Focal Atrial
SVT with a long RP interval that exceeds the PR interval
Tachycardia is maintained by anterograde AV nodal
 conduction and retrograde conduction over the
 accessory pathway
Posteroseptal accessory pathway (most often right
 ventricular, but other locations as well) that conducts
 very slowly, possibly because of a long and tortuous
 route, appears responsible
Electrocardiographic manifestations of accessory
 pathway conduction during sinus rhythm are absent.
Incent tachycardia with treatment similar to PSVT

 The sinus node exhibits a discharge frequency between
100 and 180
 Sinus tachycardia is common in infancy and early
childhood and is the normal reaction to various physiological
or patho physiological stresses and drugs
 Treat the underlying disorder
SVT with aberrancy & AF with WPW

  Drugs That Slow Conduction in, and Prolong
   Tissue          Drugs
   Accessory       Class IA
   AV node         Class II , Class IV , Adenosine,
   Patients with a history of recurrent symptomatic
   Both            Class IC , Class III (amiodarone)
  SVT episodes, incessant SVT, and heart rates >200
  beats/min with SVT should be given strong
  consideration for undergoing catheter ablation

• QRS contours during the VT can be Monomorphic ,
  polymorphic, torsades de pointes, bidirectional VT
• Ischemic heart disease , cardiomyopathy , ion channel
  abnormalities , mitral valve prolapse , valvular heart
  disease, congenital heart disease , LVH , Coronary artery
  spasm , after coronary artery bypass grafting
• Ventricular tachycardia classification

NonsustainedVT         Three or more beats in duration ,
                    terminating spontaneously in less than
 SustainedVT        VT greater than 30s in duration and /
                       or requiring termination due to
                     Hemodynamic compromise in less
                                  than 30s.
 Monomorphic             VT with a stable single QRS
  Polymorphic       VT with a changing or multiform QRS
                        morphology at cycle length
                         Between 600 and 180 ms.
• Acute Management of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia

Hemodynamic Decompensation        No hemodynamic
      Cardio version             Acute termination by
        DC cardio version       administering IV Amiodarone,
         Thump version          Lidocaine, Or Procainamide
        Ventricular pacing       Amiodarone, sotalol, and
                                procainamide appear to be
      TYPE OF VT        SPECIFIC DRUG lidocaine
                                superior to
      CPVT              Beta blocker
      OUT FLOW          Vagal maneuvers, adenosine, beta
      TRACT VT          blockers and verapamil
      FASICULAR VT IV verapamil
      BB Reentrant      Pace termination
• Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia

 Regular rhythm with ventricular rate is between 140 and 200
 Alternating polarity in the frontal plane from -60 to -90 to
+120 to +130
 Digitalis excess and CPVT
 Digitalis excess
       1. Typically in older patients and with severe
            myocardial disease
       2. The extent of toxicity is often advanced, with a poor
• Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
     • VT with a changing or multiform QRS morphology at
       cycle length Between 600 and 180 ms.
     • Causes of
        1) Ischemia , Myocarditis
       2) Long & short QT syndrom
       3) Brugada syndrome
       4) Familial catecholaminergic polymorphic VT.
• Torsades de Pointes
VT characterized by QRS complexes of changing amplitude
 that appear to twist around the isoelectric line and occur at
 rates of 200 to 250/min
characterized by prolonged ventricular repolarization, with
 QT intervals generally exceeding 500 milliseconds
The abnormal repolarization need not be present or at least
 prominent in all beats, but may be apparent only on the
 beat prior to the onset of torsades de pointes
Long-short R-R cycle sequences commonly precede the
 onset of torsades de pointes from acquired causes
Torsades de pointes can terminate with progressive
 prolongation in cycle length and larger and more distinctly
 formed QRS complexes and culminate in a return to the
 basal rhythm, a period of ventricular standstill, and a new
 attack of torsades de pointes or ventricular fibrillation.
• Torsades de Pointes

 The upper limit for duration of the normal QT interval corrected
for heart rate (QTc) is often given as 0.44 second
 0.46 second for men and 0.47 second for women
Women, perhaps because of a longer QT interval, are at
greater risk for torsades de pointes than men.
• Torsades de Pointes causes

Antibiotics : antimalarials , erythromycin , quinalones ,
Antihistaminics : astemazole , terfenidine
Antidepressants : tricyclic
Antiarrythmics : class IA , III , IC
Antiemetics : cisapride
Antipsychotics : phenothiazines
Structural lesions : MVP , cardiac ganglionitis , CNS lesions
Others : liquid protein diet , starvation
• Torsades de pointes treatment

IV magnesium is the initial treatment of choice for torsades
 de pointes from an acquired cause
Temporary ventricular or atrial pacing.
Isoproterenol can be used to increase the rate until pacing
 is instituted
Lidocaine, mexiletine, or phenytoin can be tried
The cause of the long QT should be determined and
 corrected, if possible
Torsades de pointes resulting from congenital long-qt
 syndrome is treated with beta blockade, surgical
 sympathetic interruption, pacing, and ICD.
Ventricular flutter / fibrillation

Ventricular flutter is manifested as a sine wave in
appearance—regular large oscillations occurring at a
rate of 150 to 300/min .

Ventricular fibrillation is recognized by the presence of
irregular undulations of varying contour and amplitude
Distinct QRS complexes, ST segments, and T waves
are absent.
Fine-amplitude fibrillatory waves (0.2 mV) are present
with prolonged ventricular fibrillation. These fine waves
identify patients with worse survival rates and are
• Ventricular fibrillation
 Ventricular fibrillation occurs in various clinical situations but is
  most commonly associated with coronary artery disease and as a
  terminal event
 Ventricular fibrillation can occur during
         Antiarrhythmic drugs, Hypoxia, Ischemia , Atrial fibrillation
         Very rapid ventricular rates in the preexcitation syndrome
         Electrical shock administered during cardioversion
         Accidentally by improperly grounded equipment
         During competitive ventricular pacing to terminate VT
 In patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 75
  percent have ventricular fibrillation
 Of such patients, 40 percent were successfully resuscitated and
  admitted to the hospital alive and 23 percent were ultimately
  discharged alive.
•Ventricular fibrillation / tachycardia prevention

    Patients at continued risk for
    ventricular fibrillation or VT from
    nonreversible causes
 Intensive care unit (ICU) monitors generate a high rate of
false alarms when physiological signals are severely corrupted
by noise.
 To suppress the false life-threatening heart rate (HR)-related
electrocardiogram arrhythmia alarms, data derived from arterial
blood pressure (ABP) signal were used.
 A new ABP signal quality index (SQI) was designed based
upon the combination of two previously reported signal quality
measures. HR was then tracked based on beat detection from
ABP and a Kalman filter with a SQI-modified update sequence
 The false alarm reduction rate was 74.13% and 53.81%, and
the corresponding true alarm acceptance rate was 99.60% and
99.58% for extreme bradycardia and extreme tachycardia
Combining ECG and ABP information therefore provides a
significant reduction in false alarms with minimal impact on true
Thank you

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Arrythmias in ICCU

  • 2.  Cardiac arrhythmias occur frequently in ICU patients. • 12% incidence of ventricular plus supra ventricular arrhythmias for a general icu population.  The most common arrhythmia is sinus tachycardia. Atrial arrhythmias also occur with some frequency , where as ventricular arrhythmias are less common but usually more ominous. • Not all arrhythmias seen in the ICU are of new onset , some patients have preexisting arrhythmias that can be exacerbated by their critical illness .
  • 3. • Arrhythmias are most likely (90%) to occur in patients with structural heart disease, the inciting factor for an arrhythmia in a given patient may be a transient imbalance. • Management includes correction of these imbalances as well as medical therapy directed at the arrhythmia itself. • The urgency and type of treatment is determined by the physiologic impact of the arrhythmia as well as by underlying cardiac status. • Arrhythmias in the ICU represent a major source of morbidity and increased length of stay.
  • 4. ARRHYTHMIAS Brady (HR < 60/mt) Tachy (HR> 100/mt) SND AVND Narrow QRS(<120ms) Wide QRS(≥120ms) IVCD ASYSTOLE
  • 6. Sinus node dysfunction 1 . Sinus bradycardia: 2 . Sinus pause or sinus arrest. 3 . Sino atrial Exit Block.
  • 7. 3 . Sino atrial Exit Block.  First-degree SA exit block cannot be recognized on the ECG because SA nodal discharge is not recorded  During type I (Wenckebach) second-degree SA exit block, the P-P interval progressively shortens prior to the pause, and the duration of the pause is less than two P-P cycles  An interval without P waves that equals approximately two, three, or four times the normal P-P cycle characterizes type II second-degree SA exit block  Third-degree SA exit block can be manifested as a complete absence of P waves and is difficult to diagnose with certainty without sinus node electrograms.
  • 8. 4 . Sick Sinus Syndrome Syndrome encompassing a number of sinus nodal abnormalities (1) persistent spontaneous sinus bradycardia not caused by drugs and inappropriate for the physiological circumstance (2) sinus arrest or exit block (3) combinations of SA and AV conduction disturbances (4) alternation of paroxysms of rapid regular or irregular atrial tachyarrhythmias and periods of slow atrial and ventricular rates (bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome)
  • 9. Extrinsic Intrinsic Drugs Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) Beta blockers,Digoxin, Coronary artery disease Adenosine Calcium channel blockers Inflammatory Antiarrhythmics (class I and Pericarditis, Myocarditis, RHD,CTD III) Hypothyroidism, Hypothermia Lyme disease Sleep apnea, Hypoxia Senile amyloidosis Increased intracranial pressure Congenital heart disease Autonomic TGA/Mustard and Fontan repairs • Endotracheal suctioning Diagnosis Iatrogenic The combination of findings are indicator of intrinsic SA node disease. cSNRT -525ms , SACT -125ms IHR - 117.2 – (0.53 x age) in beats/min (0.2 mg/kg propranolol and 0.04 mg/kg atropine)
  • 10. Indications for Pacing in Sinus Node Dysfunction Class I 1. symptomatic bradycardia or sinus pauses.essential long- term drug. 2. Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence . Class IIa 1. Sinus node dysfunction occurring spontaneously or d/t necessary drug therapy, with hr <40 beats/min when a clear association between significant symptoms consistent with bradycardia and the actual presence of bradycardia has not been documented 2. Syncope of unexplained origin when major abnormalities of sinus node function are discovered in eps studies. Class IIb 1. Minimally symptomatic patients, chronic hr <40 bpm while awake
  • 11. Atrioventricular block 1. First-Degree AV Block 2 .Second-Degree AV Block Mobitz type I
  • 12. 3 .Second-Degree AV Block Mobitz type 2 Type 2 second-degree AV block is characterized 4 . Third-degree AV by intermittent failure of conduction of the P wave without changes in the preceding PR or RR Block intervals
  • 13. Mobitz type I Mobitz type 2 Progressive prolongation of the Constant P-R intervals prior to A P-R interval prior to A nonconducted P wave nonconducted P Progressive shortening of R-R Constant R-R intervals intervals P-R interval prolongation at Constant P-P intervals progressively decreasing increments the last conducted P-R interval the last conducted P-R interval prior to the blocked P wave prior to the blocked P wave longer than the next conducted equal to the next conducted P-R P-R interval interval
  • 14.
  • 15. • Etiologies of Atrioventricular Block Metabolic Hyperkalemia , Hypermagnesemia Coronary artery disease Acute MI Drug-related Beta blockers , Adenosine ,Calcium channel blockers , Antiarrhythmics (class I & III) ,Digitalis, Lithium Infectious Endocarditis , Lyme disease, Diphtheria, Chagas Heritable/congenital Inflammatory Infiltrative Neoplastic/traumatic Degenerative
  • 16. Indications for Pacing in Acquired Atrioventricular Block in Adults Class I 1. 3rd & advanced 2nd-degree AV block at any anatomic level, associated with symptoms , essential drugs , after catheter abltion , post operative , neuromuscular diseases , periods of asystole 3.0 sec or any escape rate <40 beats/min in awake 2. mobitz type 2 AV block asymptomatic with broad QRS Class IIa 1. Asymptomatic AV block third-degree at any anatomic site rates if cardiomegaly or LVD is present type II second-degree AV block with a narrow QRS. type I second-degree AV block at intra- or infra-His levels found at EPS 2. 1st degree AV block with symptoms like pacemaker syndrome Class IIb 1. Marked 1st-degree AV block (>0.30 sec) with LVD and symptoms of CHF 2. Neuromuscular diseases with any AV block (including 1st-degree AV block)
  • 19. Guidelines for Permanent Pacing in Chronic Bifascicular and Trifascicular Block Class I Intermittent third-degree AV block Type II second-degree AV block Alternating bundle branch block Class IIa HV interval ≥100 msec in asymptomatic EPS of pacing-induced infra-His block that is not physiological Class IIb Neuromuscular diseases with any degree of fascicular block
  • 20. Asystole • Patients who have a bradyarrhythmia or asystole at initial contact  Are less common presentation of cardiac arrest(10- 30%)  Have the worst prognosis  Only 9 % of such patients were admitted to hospital alive  None was discharged  Brady arrhythmias also have adverse prognostic implications after defibrillation from VF in the field Children had a higher probability of asystole as the initial documented rhythm but had a better overall survival rate because they had better outcomes of interventions for these rhythms than adults.
  • 21. Bradyarrhythmia/ Asystole Maintain continuous CPR , Intubate Identify and treat reversible causes Continue CPR • Hypoxia • Hyper/Hypokalemia • Severe acidosis Pacing :external • Drug overdose or pacing wire • Hypothermia Epinephrine -------Atropine ------- Sodium Paced rhythm bicarbonate and pulse 1 mg Iv 1 mg Iv 1 mEq/kg Iv
  • 23.
  • 24. Atrial Fibrillation ECG :  Absent p wave with irregularly irregular R-R interval  Coarse fib waves (differentiate from AFL)  Regular R-R intervals in AF  Prolonged QRS duration in AF  ventricular rates controlled – 60-90 at rest and 90-115 at exertion slow < 60 – sick sinus syndrome very fast > 200 – accessory pathway
  • 25. The estimated prevalence of AF is 0.4% to 1% in the general population ,increasing with age Atrial pressure elevation, atrial ischemia, Inflammatory or infiltrative atrial disease, Drugs, Endocrine disorders, Post operative, Congenital heart disease, Neurogenic , loneAF
  • 26. • Anti thrombotic management in AF :
  • 27. • Rhythm control in AF: Disabling symptoms of heart failure with recurrent paroxysmal and persistent AF PAROXYSMAL AF ( <7 DAYS) PERSISTANT AF ( >7 DAYS)
  • 28. • Rhythm control in AF : Cardiac First line drug Second line drug condition Structurally normal Flecainide Sotalol, amidarone heart with out CAD Adrenergic AF Beta blockers Sotalol with out structural HD CAD with Dofetilide , sotalol Amidarone preserved LV function Heart failure Amidarone , -- dofetilide HTN with LV wall Flecainide Amidarone
  • 29. • Rate control in AF: 1. Minimal or no symptoms of heart failure with paroxysmal and persistent AF 2. Permanent AF 3. PIAF(2000), RACE(2002) ,STAF(2002) , AFFIRM(2002) , HOTCAFÉ(2004) showed no difference in rate and rhythm control With accessory pathway Amidarone (IIa) With out accessory Metaprolol , proponolol , pathway esmolol, diltiazem, verapamil(I) Heart failure with out Digoxin (I) accessory pathway Amidarone(IIa)
  • 31. Multifocal atrial tachycardia  The atrial rhythm is characterized by at least three distinct P wave morphologies at least three different PR intervals atrial and ventricular rates are typically between 100 and 150 beats/min  Presence of an isoelectric baseline distinguishes this arrhythmia from AF  The absence of any intervening sinus rhythm distinguishes from normal sinus rhythm with frequent multifocal APCs  Common in older pts with COPD and CHF , Digitalis, theophylline .  Management is primarily directed toward the underlying disease
  • 32. Atrial flutter • Atrial flutter is the most common type of macro reentrant atrial tachycardia. • Typical atrial flutter (counterclockwise flutter) • Atypical flutter (clockwise, or reverse flutter) • Atrial flutters originating in the left atrium
  • 33. • Management Of Atrial Flutter Cardio version Synchronous DC low energies 50J IV ibutilide(convert 60-90% but inc QTc) IV Procainamide Rapid atrial pacing with a catheter in the esophagus or the right atrium Slow the ventricular rate Verapamil , adenosine , esmolol , digitalis, amidarone AFL is much more difficult to rate-control than AF Class IA , IC ,III RFA Indications for anticoagulation in patients with atrial flutter are similar to those with atrial fibrillation.
  • 34. Tachycardia Involving AV Junction • AVNRT • AVRT
  • 35. • Treatment of PSVT Hemodynami c Vagal maneuvers compromise Carotid sinus massage Valsalva maneuver Exposure of the face to ice water Adenosin DC shock Verapamil Or Diltiazem Competitive pacing Long-acting calcium antagonist Long-acting beta- blocker, Digitalis , RFA
  • 36. Focal Atrial Tachycardia  Generally have atrial rates of 150 to 200 beats/min  P wave contour different from that of the sinus P wave  Characteristic isoelectric intervals between P waves  Analysis of P wave configuration during tachycardia indicates atrial focus  The distinction between AT with block and AFL can be difficult  Atrial tachycardia Significant structural heart disease such as CAD with or with out MI Cor pulmonale , Digitalis intoxication  Atrial tachycardia in a patient not receiving digitalis is treated in a manner similar to the treatment of other atrial tachyarrhythmias  If atrial tachycardia appears in a patient receiving digitalis, therapy includes cessation of digitalis and administration of
  • 38. PJR T SVT with a long RP interval that exceeds the PR interval Tachycardia is maintained by anterograde AV nodal conduction and retrograde conduction over the accessory pathway Posteroseptal accessory pathway (most often right ventricular, but other locations as well) that conducts very slowly, possibly because of a long and tortuous route, appears responsible Electrocardiographic manifestations of accessory pathway conduction during sinus rhythm are absent. Incent tachycardia with treatment similar to PSVT
  • 39. Sinus tachycardia  The sinus node exhibits a discharge frequency between 100 and 180  Sinus tachycardia is common in infancy and early childhood and is the normal reaction to various physiological or patho physiological stresses and drugs  Treat the underlying disorder
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  • 41. SVT with aberrancy & AF with WPW  Drugs That Slow Conduction in, and Prolong Refractoriness Affected Tissue Drugs Accessory Class IA pathway AV node Class II , Class IV , Adenosine, Digitalis  Patients with a history of recurrent symptomatic Both Class IC , Class III (amiodarone) SVT episodes, incessant SVT, and heart rates >200 beats/min with SVT should be given strong consideration for undergoing catheter ablation
  • 42. Ventricular tachycardia • QRS contours during the VT can be Monomorphic , polymorphic, torsades de pointes, bidirectional VT • Ischemic heart disease , cardiomyopathy , ion channel abnormalities , mitral valve prolapse , valvular heart disease, congenital heart disease , LVH , Coronary artery spasm , after coronary artery bypass grafting
  • 43. • Ventricular tachycardia classification NonsustainedVT Three or more beats in duration , terminating spontaneously in less than 30s SustainedVT VT greater than 30s in duration and / or requiring termination due to Hemodynamic compromise in less than 30s. Monomorphic VT with a stable single QRS morphology. Polymorphic VT with a changing or multiform QRS morphology at cycle length Between 600 and 180 ms.
  • 44. • Acute Management of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia Hemodynamic Decompensation No hemodynamic decompensation Cardio version  Acute termination by DC cardio version administering IV Amiodarone, Thump version Lidocaine, Or Procainamide Ventricular pacing  Amiodarone, sotalol, and procainamide appear to be TYPE OF VT SPECIFIC DRUG lidocaine superior to CPVT Beta blocker OUT FLOW Vagal maneuvers, adenosine, beta TRACT VT blockers and verapamil FASICULAR VT IV verapamil BB Reentrant Pace termination VT
  • 45. • Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia  Regular rhythm with ventricular rate is between 140 and 200 beats/min  Alternating polarity in the frontal plane from -60 to -90 to +120 to +130  Digitalis excess and CPVT  Digitalis excess 1. Typically in older patients and with severe myocardial disease 2. The extent of toxicity is often advanced, with a poor prognosis
  • 46. • Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia • VT with a changing or multiform QRS morphology at cycle length Between 600 and 180 ms. • Causes of 1) Ischemia , Myocarditis 2) Long & short QT syndrom 3) Brugada syndrome 4) Familial catecholaminergic polymorphic VT.
  • 47. • Torsades de Pointes VT characterized by QRS complexes of changing amplitude that appear to twist around the isoelectric line and occur at rates of 200 to 250/min characterized by prolonged ventricular repolarization, with QT intervals generally exceeding 500 milliseconds The abnormal repolarization need not be present or at least prominent in all beats, but may be apparent only on the beat prior to the onset of torsades de pointes Long-short R-R cycle sequences commonly precede the onset of torsades de pointes from acquired causes Torsades de pointes can terminate with progressive prolongation in cycle length and larger and more distinctly formed QRS complexes and culminate in a return to the basal rhythm, a period of ventricular standstill, and a new attack of torsades de pointes or ventricular fibrillation.
  • 48. • Torsades de Pointes  The upper limit for duration of the normal QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) is often given as 0.44 second  0.46 second for men and 0.47 second for women Women, perhaps because of a longer QT interval, are at greater risk for torsades de pointes than men.
  • 49. • Torsades de Pointes causes Antibiotics : antimalarials , erythromycin , quinalones , ketaconazole Antihistaminics : astemazole , terfenidine Antidepressants : tricyclic Antiarrythmics : class IA , III , IC Antiemetics : cisapride Antipsychotics : phenothiazines Structural lesions : MVP , cardiac ganglionitis , CNS lesions Others : liquid protein diet , starvation Congenital
  • 50. • Torsades de pointes treatment IV magnesium is the initial treatment of choice for torsades de pointes from an acquired cause Temporary ventricular or atrial pacing. Isoproterenol can be used to increase the rate until pacing is instituted Lidocaine, mexiletine, or phenytoin can be tried The cause of the long QT should be determined and corrected, if possible Torsades de pointes resulting from congenital long-qt syndrome is treated with beta blockade, surgical sympathetic interruption, pacing, and ICD.
  • 51. Ventricular flutter / fibrillation Ventricular flutter is manifested as a sine wave in appearance—regular large oscillations occurring at a rate of 150 to 300/min . Ventricular fibrillation is recognized by the presence of irregular undulations of varying contour and amplitude Distinct QRS complexes, ST segments, and T waves are absent. Fine-amplitude fibrillatory waves (0.2 mV) are present with prolonged ventricular fibrillation. These fine waves identify patients with worse survival rates and are
  • 52. • Ventricular fibrillation  Ventricular fibrillation occurs in various clinical situations but is most commonly associated with coronary artery disease and as a terminal event  Ventricular fibrillation can occur during Antiarrhythmic drugs, Hypoxia, Ischemia , Atrial fibrillation Very rapid ventricular rates in the preexcitation syndrome Electrical shock administered during cardioversion Accidentally by improperly grounded equipment During competitive ventricular pacing to terminate VT  In patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 75 percent have ventricular fibrillation  Of such patients, 40 percent were successfully resuscitated and admitted to the hospital alive and 23 percent were ultimately discharged alive.
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  • 54. •Ventricular fibrillation / tachycardia prevention Patients at continued risk for ventricular fibrillation or VT from nonreversible causes
  • 56.  Intensive care unit (ICU) monitors generate a high rate of false alarms when physiological signals are severely corrupted by noise.  To suppress the false life-threatening heart rate (HR)-related electrocardiogram arrhythmia alarms, data derived from arterial blood pressure (ABP) signal were used.  A new ABP signal quality index (SQI) was designed based upon the combination of two previously reported signal quality measures. HR was then tracked based on beat detection from ABP and a Kalman filter with a SQI-modified update sequence  The false alarm reduction rate was 74.13% and 53.81%, and the corresponding true alarm acceptance rate was 99.60% and 99.58% for extreme bradycardia and extreme tachycardia respectively. Combining ECG and ABP information therefore provides a significant reduction in false alarms with minimal impact on true alarms.