La Duck Conf - "The Boring Architecture"

OCTO Technology 5 years ago

Vous aimez les legos ? React est fait pour vous !

Francois Zaninotto 5 years ago

Railway Oriented Programming

Scott Wlaschin 10 years ago

Are statecharts the next big UI paradigm?

Luca Matteis 6 years ago

The AI Rush

Jean-Baptiste Dumont 6 years ago

Online Meetup: Intro to LinuxKit

Docker, Inc. 6 years ago

Apache Hadoop 3.0 What's new in YARN and MapReduce

DataWorks Summit/Hadoop Summit 7 years ago

Learn 90% of Python in 90 Minutes

Matt Harrison 10 years ago

Startup driven development

Gabriel Kastenbaum 7 years ago

Devoxx 2016 - Docker Nuts and Bolts

Patrick Chanezon 7 years ago

Programming the world with Docker

Patrick Chanezon 7 years ago

Building a Docker v1.12 Swarm cluster on ARM

Team Hypriot 7 years ago

Generation start up

Bpifrance 7 years ago