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Capturing, Analyzing &
       Optimizing your SQL
       Padraig O'Sullivan -
     Ronald Bradford -

ODTUG – June 2010
Capturing your SQL

ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Provided Options
    Slow Query Log
    General Query Log
    Binary Log
    Engine status
    Status variables

ODTUG – June 2010
Other Techniques
    MySQL Proxy
    TCP/IP Capture
    Application Management

ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Log
    Not enabled by default
        log-slow-queries = /path/to/file (5.0)
        slow_query_log/slow_query_log_file (5.1)
    Granularity of seconds
        Microsecond patch by percona
    Default slow time is 10 seconds
        long_query_time = 2
    Log output to file or table (5.1)
        log_output = FILE | TABLE | BOTH

ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Log Example
# Time: 100518 19:34:31
# User@Host: user[db] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 1155  Rows_examined: 1663671
select distinct visitorid from log where 
timestamp like '20100518%' and accountid!=1 and 
accountid!=37 and file not like '%admin%';
# Time: 100518 19:35:37
# User@Host: user[db] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 6  Rows_examined: 1662525
select distinct accountid from log 
where timestamp>='20100518132033' and accountid NOT IN ('0','1','37','1635');
# Time: 100518 19:35:41
# User@Host: user[db] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 2477  Rows_examined: 1664996
select timestamp, file from log 
where timestamp>='20100518000000' and timestamp<='end' and accountid!=1 and accountid!=37 
order by timestamp desc;
# Time: 100518 19:35:44
# User@Host: user[db] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 3  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 1157  Rows_examined: 1663676
select distinct visitorid from log 
where timestamp like '20100518%' and accountid!=1 and accountid!=37 
and file not like '%admin%';

  ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Table Example

mysql> select start_time, query_time, rows_sent, rows_examined, db, sql_text
    ­> from mysql.slow_log;
| start_time          | query_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | db     | sql_text                          |
| 2010­06­14 13:43:37 | 00:03:45   |         1 |      31290045 | drupal | select count(*) from search_index | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log
    Not enabled by default
        log = /path/to/file
        general_log/general_log_file (5.1)
    Log output to file or table (5.1)
        log_output = FILE | TABLE | BOTH
    Never use in production
        Ideal for development, unit testing

ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log Example
    Output using Wordpress

 26 Query SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = 'xxxx'
 26 Query SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id = 2
 26 Query SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'sidebars_widgets' LIMIT 1
 26 Query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.* FROM wp_posts WHERE 1=1 AND
 wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR wp_posts.post_status = 'private')
 ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10
 26 Query SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt
 ON tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr
 ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag') AND
 tr.object_id IN (2849, 2842, 2836, 2824, 2812, 2680, 2813, 2800, 2770, 2784) ORDER BY ASC
 26 Query SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id
 IN (2849,2842,2836,2824,2812,2680,2813,2800,2770,2784)

ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log Example (2)
    Framework new connection

    23 Connect     user@host
    23 Query       SELECT 1
    23 Query       SET NAMES utf8
    23 Query       SET character_set_results = NULL
    23 Query       SHOW VARIABLES
    23 Query       SHOW COLLATION
    23 Query       SET autocommit=1
    23 Query       SET autocommit=0

ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log Example (3)
     Finding framework overhead
         ROLLBACK after every SELECT
         SELECT 1 – connection ping test
    23 Query       select count(*) from collection where account_name = 'xxx' 
                   and user_id = '313'
    23 Query       rollback
    23 Query       select 1
    23 Query       select count(*) from collection where account_name = 'xxx' 
                   and user_id = '346'
    23 Query       rollback
    23 Query       select 1
    23 Query       select name,user_id,date_format(`register_time`,'%Y%m%d%H%i%S') as 
                   createTime   from account where name = 'xxx' and 
                   user_id = '346'  and `status` = '1'
    23 Query       rollback
    23 Query       select 1
    23 Query       select max(mdate)  from received where account_name = 'xxx' 
                   And user_id = '346' order by mdate desc
    23 Query       rollback
  ODTUG – June 2010
Binary Log
    Not enabled by default
        log-bin = /path/to/file
        expire_log_days = 5
    View with mysqlbinlog


ODTUG – June 2010
Binary Log Example
    mysqlbinlog /path/to/log-bin.000000
 # at 2461
 #100604 10:49:43 server id 1  end_log_pos 2632 Query thread_id=6 
 exec_time=0 error_code=0
 use blog/*!*/;
 SET TIMESTAMP=1275662983/*!*/;
 UPDATE `wp_postmeta` SET `meta_value` = '1275662983' WHERE 
 `meta_key` = '_edit_lock' 
 AND `post_id` = 2849

 # at 21107
 #100604 10:58:49 server id 1  end_log_pos 21469 Query thread_id=62 exec_time=0 
 use monitoringmysql/*!*/;
 SET TIMESTAMP=1275663529/*!*/;
 SET @@session.time_zone='SYSTEM'/*!*/;
 INSERT INTO wp_redirection_logs 
 VALUES ('/mysql­monitoring/dbtuna',NULL,NOW(),'Mozilla/5.0 
 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp/3.0; http
 ://',NULL, '', NULL, 3, NULL)
ODTUG – June 2010

ODTUG – June 2010
    Current connection/thread
    No filtering options
    Ideal for locking

     $ mysqladmin [­v] processlist



ODTUG – June 2010
Processlist Example
mysql [localhost] {root} ((none)) > show processlist;
| Id    | User | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State             | Info                      
|     7 | root | localhost | NULL | Query   |    0 | NULL              | show processlist          
| 20017 | root | localhost | oltp | Query   |    0 | creating table    | create table bench1 (a 
int NOT NULL,i int,s char(10),primary key (a))                                |
| 20020 | root | localhost | oltp | Query   |    1 | copy to tmp table | ALTER TABLE bench ADD  
i919 integer,ADD  i920 integer,ADD  i921 integer,ADD  i922 integer,ADD  i923  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ODTUG – June 2010
Processlist Example (2)

 | Id   | User    | Host     | db  | Command | Time | State              | Info

 | 2692 | app_usr | db:44376 | db1 | Query   |    3 | Sending data       | SELECT ...
 | 2805 | app_usr | db:44703 | db1 | Query   |    0 | statistics         | SELECT ... FOR UPDATE
 | 2829 | app_usr | db:44812 | db1 | Query   |    0 | init               | UPDATE ...
 | 2845 | app_usr | db:44866 | db1 | Sleep   |    2 |                    | NULL                  
 | 2846 | app_usr | db:44866 | db1 | Sleep   |    2 |                    | NULL  
 | 2915 | app_usr | db:56751 | db1 | Query   |    0 | Updating           | UPDATE ...
 | 2847 | app_usr | db:44868 | db1 | Query   |    0 | query end          | SELECT * FROM ...
 | 2928 | app_usr | db:56792 | db1 | Query   |    0 | logging slow query | INSERT INTO ...

ODTUG – June 2010
Engine Status
    Provides engine specific information
    Vendor implemented
        Running threads
        Last deadlock
        Last foreign key error
    Other engine types include
ODTUG – June 2010
Engine Status

           mysql> SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS;


ODTUG – June 2010
Engine Status Example
  Trx id counter 0 480206585
  Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 480205682 undo n:o < 0 0
  History list length 5
  ­­­TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 27230, OS thread id 1182685536
  MySQL thread id 427, query id 123563 dba
  ­­­TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 27230, OS thread id 1169639776
  MySQL thread id 44, query id 123445 dba
  ­­­TRANSACTION 0 480206305, ACTIVE 67 sec, process no 27230, OS thread id 1192270176
  mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
  1 lock struct(s), heap size 368, 0 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
  MySQL thread id 370, query id 123171 user query end
  INSERT INTO `table` ....
  ­­­TRANSACTION 0 480206290, ACTIVE 70 sec, process no 27230, OS thread id 1178159456
  mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
  1 lock struct(s), heap size 368, 0 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
  MySQL thread id 372, query id 123150 user query end
  INSERT INTO `table` ....
  ­­­TRANSACTION 0 480206289, ACTIVE 70 sec, process no 27230, OS thread id 1178425696
  mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
  1 lock struct(s), heap size 368, 0 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
  MySQL thread id 373, query id 123149 user query end
  INSERT INTO `table` ....

ODTUG – June 2010
Engine Status Example (2)
090624 14:32:18
TRANSACTION 0 39639074, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 27807, OS thread id 1176562016 inserting
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 7 lock struct(s), heap size 1216
MySQL thread id 1225, query id 4695283 db update
INSERT INTO table VALUES(254381,638,1,57)
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 6371457 n bits 248 index `PRIMARY` of table `db/table` trx id 0 39639074 lock_mode X insert intention waiting
Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

TRANSACTION 0 39639079, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 27807, OS thread id 1179224416 inserting, thread declared inside InnoDB 500
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
7 lock struct(s), heap size 1216
MySQL thread id 1229, query id 4695295 madden_2010 update
INSERT INTO table VALUES(254382,746,1,57)
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 6371457 n bits 248 index `PRIMARY` of table `madden_2010_franchise_xbl2/franchise_draft_board` trx id 0 39639079
lock_mode X
Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;

RECORD LOCKS space id 0 page no 6371457 n bits 248 index `PRIMARY` of table `db/table` trx id 0 39639079 lock_mode X insert intention waiting
Record lock, heap no 1 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 1; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;;


ODTUG – June 2010
Status Variables
    Shows incrementing internal counters
    Volume of SQL
    Read/Write ratio

ODTUG – June 2010
Status Variables

      mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;

      $ mysqladmin extended­status

      mysql> SELECT * FROM GLOBAL_STATUS (5.1)


ODTUG – June 2010
Status Variables Example

         | Com_select                        | 553971     |

         | Com_insert                        | 64068      |
         | Com_insert_select                 | 6521       |

         | Com_update                        | 190627     |
         | Com_update_multi                  | 4809       |

         | Com_delete                        | 95197      |
         | Com_delete_multi                  | 1408       |

         | Com_replace                       | 1549       |
         | Com_replace_select                | 0          |

ODTUG – June 2010
Status Variables Example (2)
         | Bytes_received                    | 635778091  |
         | Bytes_sent                        | 4207810294 |

         | Bytes_received                    | 635778091  |
         | Bytes_sent                        | 4207810294 |
         | Threads_connected                 | 22         |
         | Threads_connected                 | 22         |
         | Threads_running                   | 3          |
         | Threads_running                   | 3          |
         Server Running

         | Uptime                            | 5951       |

ODTUG – June 2010
Status Variables Example (3)
  ●$ mysqladmin ­u ­p ­r ­s 1 extended status | grep ­v “| 0”
  | Variable_name                     | Value      |
  | Bytes_received                    | 8888       |
  | Bytes_sent                        | 151482     |
  | Com_select                        | 114        |
  | Com_show_status                   | 1          |
  | Created_tmp_tables                | 2          |
  | Handler_read_key                  | 194        |
  | Handler_read_next                 | 273        |
  | Handler_read_rnd                  | 165        |
  | Handler_read_rnd_next             | 47416      |
  | Handler_write                     | 289        |
  | Key_read_requests                 | 1555       |
  | Questions                         | 116        |
  | Select_range                      | 23         |
  | Select_scan                       | 3          |
  | Sort_rows                         | 165        |
  | Sort_scan                         | 3          |
  | Table_locks_immediate             | 115        |
  | Threads_connected                 | ­1         |
  | Threads_running                   | ­1         |
  | Uptime                            | 1          |
  | Uptime_since_flush_status         | 1          |

ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Proxy
    Included histogram.lua
        Gives read/write breakdown per table
        Shows top executing queries by frequency
        Shows max and avg execution time



ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Proxy Example
    mysql> select * from histogram.tables; 
    | table                        | reads | writes | 
    | schema1.dotCommLookup        |   991 |      0 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.dotCommClient  |     6 |      0 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.ReleaseNumbers |     3 |      6 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.PAYCYCLE       |     1 |      0 | 
    | schema1.dotCommClient        |  1505 |      0 | 
    | schema1.Job                  |   131 |      0 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.CondMod        |     0 |     28 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.SPINFO         |     3 |      0 | 
    | schema1.Poll                 |  1184 |    633 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.LaborSchedules |     0 |     96 | 
    | schema1.JobRequest           |   192 |      0 | 
    | schema1.PollTasks            |   454 |   1048 | 
    | schema1.Tasks                |  1048 |      0 | 
    | schema1.auth                 |   141 |     59 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.dotComm        |     2 |      0 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.MenuItem       |     0 |   2446 | 
    | schema1.Location             |    19 |    118 | 
    | schema2xxxxxx.CONCASH        |     2 |      0 | 
    | schema1.dotComm              |   156 |      0 | 
    | schema1.Client               |    47 |      0 | 
    20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Proxy Example (2)
    mysql> select * from histogram.queries; 
    *************************** 8. row *************************** 
             query: SELECT `type` , COUNT( * ) AS `count` FROM `schema1` . `table1` 
    `a` WHERE `clientID` = ? AND `bocDate` = ? AND `locationID` IN( ? ) GROUP BY ? 
    ORDER BY ? 
             count: 8 
    max_query_time: 12932 
    avg_query_time: 4154.125 
    *************************** 35. row *************************** 
             query: SELECT `empl_first_nam` , `empl_last_nam` , `empl_mid_initial` 
    FROM `schema2` . `table2` WHERE `clientID` = ? AND `empl_ssn` = ? AND 
    `locationID` = ? LIMIT ? 
             count: 84 
    max_query_time: 61974 
    avg_query_time: 2501.3095238095 
    *************************** 305. row *************************** 
             query: INSERT INTO `schema3` . `table3` SET `eventTime` = NOW( ) , 
    `event` = ? , `userID` = ? , `details` = ? 
             count: 59 
    max_query_time: 433610 
    avg_query_time: 38760.983050847 
    *************************** 302. row *************************** 
             query: SELECT * FROM `table4` WHERE `jobID` = ? AND `taskID` = ? 
             count: 1056 
    max_query_time: 17564 
    avg_query_time: 672.67708333333

ODTUG – June 2010
TCP/IP Capture
    Captures network packets


ODTUG – June 2010
TCP/IP Example
   tcpdump -i any -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt port 3306

  2010­05­18 19:08:09.291455 IP 999. > 999. tcp 0
  0x0000:  4500 0030 fdd0 4000 7106 e466 4b43 f50e  E..0..@.q..fKC..
  0x0010:  8cae 5a90 0d0a 0cea e1cd 4d71 0000 0000  ..Z.......Mq....
  0x0020:  7002 ffff 125c 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402  p..............
  2010­05­18 19:08:09.291519 IP 999. > 999. tcp 0
  0x0000:  4500 0030 0000 4000 4006 1338 8cae 5a90  E..0..@.@..8..Z.
  0x0010:  4b43 f50e 0cea 0d0a 69af 73bf e1cd 4d72  KC......i.s...Mr
  0x0020:  7012 16d0 1e0c 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402  p...............
  2010­05­18 19:08:09.316990 IP 999. > 999. tcp 0
  0x0000:  4500 0028 fdd1 4000 7106 e46d 4b43 f50e  E..(..@.q..mKC..
  0x0010:  8cae 5a90 0d0a 0cea e1cd 4d72 69af 73c0  ..Z.......Mri.s.
  0x0020:  5010 ffff 61a0 0000                      P...a...
  2010­05­18 19:08:09.322483 IP 999. > 999. tcp 67
  0x0000:  4508 006b 7eed 4000 4006 9407 8cae 5a90  E..k~.@.@.....Z.
  0x0010:  4b43 f50e 0cea 0d0a 69af 73c0 e1cd 4d72  KC......i.s...Mr
  0x0020:  5018 16d0 574b 0000 3f00 0000 0a35 2e30  P...WK..?....5.0
  0x0030:  2e35 3161 2d63 6f6d 6d75 6e69 7479 0036  .51a­community.6
  0x0040:  9800 0057 7462 6f28 732f 2e00 2ca2 0802  ...Wtbo(s/..,...
  0x0050:  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 386f  ..............8o
  0x0060:  4858 615f 3838 5274 7055 00              HXa_88RtpU.

ODTUG – June 2010
    Observability technologies
    Enable the behavior of running systems
    and applications to be investigated
    Zero probe effect when not enabled


ODTUG – June 2010
SystemTap Example
 # stap query_trace.sty /home/posulliv/repos/mysql/mysql-5.5.2-m2/5.5.2/libexec/mysqld
 select @@version_comment limit 1
 Total: 287us Locks: 0us Engine: 0us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 select USER()
 Total: 127us Locks: 0us Engine: 0us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 Total: 562us Locks: 0us Engine: 0us Network: 21us Filesort: 0us
 show databases
 Total: 642us Locks: 0us Engine: 5us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 show tables
 Total: 1148us Locks: 0us Engine: 6us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 show tables
 Total: 6201us Locks: 0us Engine: 19us Network: 23us Filesort: 0us
 Total: 564us Locks: 0us Engine: 0us Network: 21us Filesort: 0us
 show databases
 Total: 81us Locks: 0us Engine: 5us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 show tables
 Total: 293us Locks: 0us Engine: 5us Network: 6us Filesort: 0us
 select * from t1
 Total: 1202us Locks: 32us Engine: 20us Network: 23us Filesort: 0us
 select * from t1 where a = 1
 Total: 1134us Locks: 30us Engine: 56us Network: 21us Filesort: 0us
 select * from t1 order by a desc
 Total: 4727us Locks: 26us Engine: 20us Network: 22us Filesort: 3182us
 insert into t1 values (3, 'tomas')
 Total: 3406us Locks: 146us Engine: 858us Network: 30us Filesort: 0us
 select * from t1 order by a desc
 Total: 1340us Locks: 27us Engine: 20us Network: 21us Filesort: 228us
ODTUG – June 2010
Analyzing your SQL

ODTUG – June 2010
Bulk Analysis Tools
    Your eyes

ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Log
    mk-query-digest --type slowlog /path/to/slow.log

    Best practice to roll/analyze daily

ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Analysis Example
  ●   $ mk­query­digest ­­type slowlog /var/log/mysql/slow.log

  # Query 1: 0.00 QPS, 2.74x concurrency, ID 0x036A4959F0EBB3BD at byte ­1 _
  #              pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
  # Count          1     395
  # Exec time     28 478528s     11s   4733s   1211s   4168s   1431s    511s
  # Lock time     20  31777s       0   2769s     80s    685s    291s       0
  # Rows sent      0   3.86k      10      10      10      10       0      10
  # Rows exam      3 193.22M 500.73k 500.96k 500.90k 485.50k       0 485.50k
  # Users                  1  xxx
  # Hosts                  5 app5.xxxxx... (128), app1.xxxx... (85)... 3 more
  # Databases              1  xxxx
  # Time range 2009­05­18 10:23:18 to 2009­05­20 10:50:14
  # bytes          0 184.67k     476     479  478.73  463.90       0  463.90
  # Query_time distribution
  #   1us
  #  10us
  # 100us
  #   1ms
  #  10ms
  # 100ms
  #    1s
  #  10s+  ################################################################

ODTUG – June 2010
Slow Query Analysis Example

  # Tables
  #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `xxxx`.`gg`G
  #    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `xxxx ` LIKE 'gr'G
  #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `xxxx `.`gr`G
  #    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `xxxx ` LIKE 'tt'G
  #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `xxxx `.`tt`G
  SELECT tt.*, 
         (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gg WHERE gg.tt_user_id = AS g_c, 
         (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  WHERE gr.tt_user_id = ) AS r_c
          FROM tt AS tt
          WHERE 1 AND tt.user_type = 'CUSTOMER'
          GROUP BY HAVING g_c > 1 OR r_c > 1
          ORDER BY desc, g_c DESC , r_c DESC
          LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0G

ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log
  ●   $ mk­query­digest ­­type genlog ­­report­format profile /opt/mysql_sandboxes/latest/data/msandbox.log

  # 2.4s user time, 40ms system time, 37.40M rss, 78.70M vsz
  # Current date: Fri Jun 11 14:17:22 2010
  # Files: /opt/mysql_sandboxes/latest/data/msandbox.log
  # Overall: 17.11k total, 2.64k unique, 0.71 QPS, 0x concurrency __________
  #                    total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
  # Exec time              0       0       0       0       0       0       0
  # Time range        2010­06­11 07:35:44 to 2010­06­11 14:17:01
  # bytes            793.75k      11  26.50k   47.52   54.21  295.84   38.53

  # Profile
  # Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls R/Call   Item
  # ==== ================== ================ ===== ======== ================
  #    1 0xC9EEB2D51C356A33     0.0000  0.0%  3622   0.0000 SET
  #    2 0x6C099B0B73EA7633     0.0000  0.0%   608   0.0000 USE
  #    3 0xAC5C18B304F9DE87     0.0000  0.0%   595   0.0000 SELECT
  #    4 0x30FE5C2032672827     0.0000  0.0%   595   0.0000 SHOW TABLE STATUS
  #    5 0x1D7CBA0BE5BAA758     0.0000  0.0%   595   0.0000 SHOW TRIGGERS
  #    6 0xAEA9A980826923AF     0.0000  0.0%   595   0.0000 SET
  #    7 0x10AB55EA465447D0     0.0000  0.0%   565   0.0000 ADMIN FIELD
  #    8 0x5D51E5F01B88B79E     0.0000  0.0%   522   0.0000 ADMIN CONNECT
  #    9 0xAA353644DE4C4CB4     0.0000  0.0%   438   0.0000 ADMIN QUIT
  #   10 0xE3A3649C5FAC418D     0.0000  0.0%   410   0.0000 SELECT
  #   11 0x28FC5B5D583E2DA6     0.0000  0.0%   402   0.0000 SHOW STATUS
  #   12 0x3AEAAD0E15D725B5     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SET
  #   13 0x3607184B9D9C3A96     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SELECT
  #   14 0x44001A2E53C1AB70     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SET
  #   15 0xA2750AF24EA2AEE6     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SHOW COLLATION
  #   16 0x38B3D80280BBFA2A     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SET
  #   17 0xC69B6ED2C47380A4     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SHOW VARIABLES
  #   18 0xE4CF7146873CCC28     0.0000  0.0%   107   0.0000 SET
  #   19 0x5CBA2034458B5BC9     0.0000  0.0%    95   0.0000 SHOW DATABASES
  #   20 0x2DE40AAFA6F4B715     0.0000  0.0%    46   0.0000 INSERT SELECT TEMP.task

ODTUG – June 2010
General Query Log Analysis
$ mk­query­digest ­­type genlog /opt/mysql_sandboxes/latest/data/msandbox.log

# Query 20: 0 QPS, 0x concurrency, ID 0x2DE40AAFA6F4B715 at byte 56687 ___
# This item is included in the report because it matches ­­limit.
#              pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
# Count          0      46
# Exec time      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
# Databases              1 anonymous
# Time range 2010­06­11 09:33:04 to 2010­06­11 09:33:04
# bytes          3  25.72k     404   1.12k  572.57  833.10  157.30  511.45
# Query_time distribution
#   1us
#  10us
# 100us
#   1ms
#  10ms
# 100ms
#    1s
#  10s+
# Tables
insert into TEMP.task(    task_type,     state,     user_table_schema,     user_table_table, user
_table_depth,     artifact_schema,     artifact_table,     command ) 
values(    'GenerateFinalBySort',    'waiting',    'drupal',    'node_revisions',    '0',    
'TEMP',    'node_revisions$final',    'create table `TEMP`.`node_revisions$final`(`nid` int, 
`vid` int, `uid` int, `title` varchar(255), `body` longtext, `teaser` longtext, `log` longtext, 
`timestamp` int, `format` int) select `nid`, `vid`, `uid`, `title`, `body`, `teaser`, `log`, 
`timestamp`, `format` from `drupal`.`node_revisions` order by `vid`')G

ODTUG – June 2010
Binary Log

    mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'log_bin';
    mysql> SHOW MASTER LOGS;

ODTUG – June 2010
Aggregating Binlog Output
    mysqlbinlog /path/to/mysql­bin.000999 |  
      grep ­i ­e "^update" ­e "^insert" ­e "^delete" ­e "^replace" ­e "^alter"  | 
      cut ­c1­100 | tr '[A­Z]' '[a­z]' |  
      sed ­e "s/t/ /g;s/`//g;s/(.*$//;s/ set .*$//;s/ as .*$//" | 
      sed ­e "s/ where .*$//" |  
      sort | uniq ­c | sort ­nr  

                      33389 update e_acc
                      17680 insert into r_b
                      17680 insert into e_rec
                      14332 insert into rcv_c
                      13543 update e_rec
                      10805 update loc
                       3339 insert into r_att
                       2781 insert into o_att

ODTUG – June 2010
$ mysqlbinlog /opt/mysql_sandboxes/latest/data/msandbox.000001 
> | ./mk­query­digest ­­type binlog ­­report­format profile
# Profile
# Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls R/Call   Item
# ==== ================== ================ ===== ======== ================
#    1 0xBE1EAF34D33DE48B     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE coitest_?k.customers 
#    2 0x0A44B866EBFF94FC     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 DROP
#    3 0x7B747B0DEABCA018     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE coitest_?k.orders 
#    4 0xB4E2D6D6475B00FF     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 DROP
#    5 0xF5DAC1762A3DE61F     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 DROP
#    6 0x42EF521F930E2DB7     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE coitest_?k.orders 
#    7 0xE4D87F83229BB741     0.0000  0.0%    18   0.0000 UPDATE bulkload.task
#    8 0x5A7960FD3F39E5F8     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE bulkload.progress
#    9 0x813031B8BBC3B329     0.0000  0.0% 60141   0.0000 COMMIT
#   10 0x854DE5DBCC259DFB     0.0000  0.0% 30000   0.0000 INSERT bulkload.items$parent
#   11 0x3FBD919BC7E69704     0.0000  0.0%    87   0.0000 INSERT bulkload.progress
#   12 0xE50052BA71B4D17C     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 DROP TABLE if
#   13 0xD645DADD65C8DD01     0.0000  0.0%    18   0.0000 INSERT SELECT bulkload.task
#   14 0x5B6EB50967F9BAB8     0.0000  0.0%    18   0.0000 UPDATE bulkload.task
#   15 0x277902B2380B46B4     0.0000  0.0%     1   0.0000 DROP
#   16 0x15174D089E600489     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE bulkload.task
#   17 0x6F1EE7DAFC74D9AF     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE coitest_?k.items 
#   18 0x85FFF5AA78E5FF6A     0.0000  0.0% 60141   0.0000 BEGIN
#   19 0x9EE6FD43C5546BA1     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 CREATE TABLE bulkload.items$parent 
#   20 0x51DCCB95FA917A6F     0.0000  0.0%     3   0.0000 DROP TABLE if

ODTUG – June 2010
Status variables Analysis
    Gathering global status per time interval
    Reporting options

ODTUG – June 2010
statpack Example
                Uptime: 17 days 17 hours 22 mins Snapshot Period 1: 59 minute interval
                      Variable     Delta/Percentage          Per Second               Total

                                           Statement Activity

                       SELECT:       13,503,876                 3,798.56            4,298,170,239 (94.25%)
                       INSERT:           91,101                    25.63               25,327,062 (0.56%)
                       UPDATE:          782,004                   219.97              220,640,296 (4.84%)
                       DELETE:            9,674                     2.72                2,485,643 (0.05%)
                       COMMIT:           46,422                    13.06               13,700,478 (0.30%)
                     ROLLBACK:                0                     0.00                       13 (0.00%)


                                            Temporary Space

    tmp_table_size Efficiency:           2.10%
           Memory Temp Tables:           26,467                     7.45                9,335,030
             Disk Temp Tables:           25,951                     7.30                9,138,705
                   Temp Files:                2                     0.00                      601

ODTUG – June 2010
TCP/IP Dump Analysis
    Close to full sample
    Near realtime

      $ tcpdump ­i eth0 port 3306 ­s 65535 ­x 
      > ­n ­q ­tttt ­c 1000 > tcpdump.out
      $ cat tcpdump.out | mk­query­digest ­­type tcpdump

ODTUG – June 2010
TCP/IP Dump Summary
  # 4.1s user time, 85.9ms system time, 17.85M rss, 18.46M vsz
  # Overall: 1.99k total, 86 unique, 321.13 QPS, 0.21x concurrency _________
  #                    total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
  # Exec time             1s    39us    70ms   649us   839us     4ms   152us
  # Time range        2010­03­30 17:52:42.569092 to 2010­03­30 17:52:48.772254
  # bytes            186.80k      13   1.61k   96.03  166.51  196.84   40.45
  # Rows affe             59       0       2    0.03       0    0.18       0
  # Warning c              5       0       2    0.00       0    0.07       0
  #   4% (98)   No_index_used

  # Profile
  # Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls R/Call   Item
  # ==== ================== ================ ===== ======== ================
  #    3 0xC9ECBBF2C88C2336     0.0875  7.5%   568   0.0002 SELECT r_c
  #    4 0x448E4AEB7E02AF72     0.0785  6.7%   566   0.0001 SELECT r_t
  #    5 0xCF3A86CFCC509800     0.0596  5.1%     5   0.0119 SELECT h_c_i
  #    6 0x8D86ED007917BCE6     0.0480  4.1%   131   0.0004 SELECT loc
  #    7 0xDB8614598CD1ED36     0.0416  3.6%     1   0.0416 SELECT lml r
  #    8 0x9BA140CF9CE950C8     0.0316  2.7%     1   0.0316 SELECT bsc
  #    9 0x633F85619F198C33     0.0219  1.9%    23   0.0010 SELECT hlm mt 
  #   10 0xADCCD37E265C8300     0.0197  1.7%    79   0.0002 SELECT h_l_l

ODTUG – June 2010
TCP/IP Dump Query Review
  # Query 6: 23.02 QPS, 0.01x concurrency, ID 0x8D86ED007917BCE6 at byte ­2
  # This item is included in the report because it matches ­­limit.
  #              pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
  # Count          6     131
  # Exec time      3    48ms   160us     5ms   366us   690us   477us   247us
  # Hosts                  5 (86), (21), (20)... 2 more
  # Time range 2010­03­30 17:52:43.034021 to 2010­03­30 17:52:48.724815
  # bytes          8  15.93k     123     125  124.54  124.25       1  124.25
  # Errors                 1    none
  # Rows affe      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
  # Warning c      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
  # Query_time distribution
  #   1us
  #  10us
  # 100us  ################################################################
  #   1ms  ##
  #  10ms
  # 100ms
  #    1s
  #  10s+
  # Tables
  SELECT l.* FROM loc p, loc l WHERE AND l.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt AND 
  l.depth=p.depth+1 ORDER BY l.lftG

ODTUG – June 2010
    SQL orientated monitoring utility for
    Measures various metrics
    Stores measurements in database
    Metrics can be accessed through SQL
    Can generate HTML reports and Google
    charts easily

ODTUG – June 2010
SQL Analysis Tools
    I_S Table/Index size
ODTUG – June 2010
    Returns information on query plan
    Query not actually executed (unless
    query contains sub-query)
    1 row in output per table
    EXPLAIN EXTENDED shows query actually


ODTUG – June 2010
Explain Examples
mysql> explain select 1;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | NULL  | NULL | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL | NULL | No tables used | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> explain select 1G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: NULL
         type: NULL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: NULL
        Extra: No tables used
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


ODTUG – June 2010
Explain Examples
    mysql> explain
        ­> select 
        ­>   avg(length(w.variables)) / 1048576
        ­> from 
        ­>   watchdog w
        ­> G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
               id: 1
      select_type: SIMPLE
            table: w
             type: ALL
    possible_keys: NULL
              key: NULL
          key_len: NULL
              ref: NULL
             rows: 69248
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


ODTUG – June 2010
    Reverse engineers explain output from
    Formats MySQL explain output as a left-
    deep tree
    Can take piped input or can process
    explain plans from input file


ODTUG – June 2010
mk-visual-explain Examples
echo "explain SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM blocks b LEFT JOIN blocks_roles r ON b.module = r.module AND = WHERE b.theme = 'garland' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (2) OR r.rid IS NULL) 
ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module" | 
mysql ­u root drupal | 

     table          temporary(b,r)
     +­ JOIN
        +­ Distinct/Not­Exists
        |  +­ Filter with WHERE
        |     +­ Index lookup
        |        key            r­>PRIMARY
        |        possible_keys  PRIMARY
        |        key_len        292
        |        ref            drupal.b.module,
        |        rows           3
        +­ Filter with WHERE
           +­ Bookmark lookup
              +­ Table
              |  table          b
              |  possible_keys  tmd,list
              +­ Index lookup
                 key            b­>tmd
                 possible_keys  tmd,list
                 key_len        194
                 ref            con

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Create Table
    Shows full definition
    Includes all keys
    Shows storage engine

            SHOW CREATE TABLE [schema.]tablename


ODTUG – June 2010
Show Create Table Example

   mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE wp_postmetaG
   *************************** 1. row ***************************
          Table: wp_postmeta
   Create Table: CREATE TABLE `wp_postmeta` (
     `meta_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
     `post_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
     `meta_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
     `meta_value` longtext,
     PRIMARY KEY (`meta_id`),
     KEY `post_id` (`post_id`),
     KEY `meta_key` (`meta_key`)
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Indexes
    Provides cardinality

           SHOW INDEX[ES] [FROM|IN] [schema.]tablename


ODTUG – June 2010
Show Index Example

mysql> SHOW INDEXES FROM wp_postmeta;
| Table       | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
| wp_postmeta |          0 | PRIMARY  |            1 | meta_id     | A         |        1351 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |    
| wp_postmeta |          1 | post_id  |            1 | post_id     | A         |         450 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |    
| wp_postmeta |          1 | meta_key |            1 | meta_key    | A         |           7 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |    

   ODTUG – June 2010
Table Status

        SHOW TABLE STATUS [IN schema] LIKE 'tablename'


ODTUG – June 2010
Table Status Example
  mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'wp_postmeta'G
  *************************** 1. row ***************************
             Name: wp_postmeta
           Engine: MyISAM
          Version: 10
       Row_format: Dynamic
             Rows: 1351
   Avg_row_length: 46
      Data_length: 62960
  Max_data_length: 281474976710655
     Index_length: 58368
        Data_free: 76
   Auto_increment: 1745
      Create_time: 2009­09­08 09:57:51
      Update_time: 2010­06­04 15:06:47
       Check_time: 2010­06­01 11:12:54
        Collation: utf8_general_ci
         Checksum: NULL
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
ODTUG – June 2010
Information Schema
    Meta data
        Simple view of DBA_TABLES/COLUMNS


ODTUG – June 2010
Information Schema Example
      SELECT   table_schema,
               (data_length+index_length)/1024/1024 as total_mb, 
               (data_length)/1024/1024 as data_mb, 
               (index_length)/1024/1024 as index_mb,
               CURDATE() AS today
      FROM     information_schema.tables 
      WHERE    table_schema=DATABASE()
      ORDER BY 7 DESC;

ODTUG – June 2010
Information Schema Example

  | table_name       | engine | row_format | table_rows | avg_row_length | total_mb     | data_mb      | index_mb     |
  | xxxxxxx          | InnoDB | Compact    |    1778523 |            314 | 658.39062500 | 533.84375000 | 124.54687500 |
  | xxxxxxxxx        | InnoDB | Compact    |     553266 |            846 | 472.25000000 | 446.75000000 |  25.50000000 |
  | xxxxxxx          | InnoDB | Compact    |     435892 |            884 | 392.25000000 | 367.81250000 |  24.43750000 |
  | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   | InnoDB | Compact    |    1106547 |             65 | 133.26562500 |  68.59375000 |  64.67187500 |
  | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | InnoDB | Compact    |      58281 |            531 |  30.34375000 |  29.51562500 |   0.82812500 |
  | xxxxxxxxxx       | InnoDB | Compact    |      68721 |            298 |  28.12500000 |  19.54687500 |   8.57812500 |

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Session Status
    MySQL Internal counters


ODTUG – June 2010
Show Session Status Example
                    SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Created%';
                    | Variable_name           | Value |
                    | Created_tmp_disk_tables | 1     | 
                    | Created_tmp_files       | 5     | 
                    | Created_tmp_tables      | 3     | 

                       SELECT ...;

                    SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Created%';
                    | Variable_name           | Value |
                    | Created_tmp_disk_tables | 2     | 
                    | Created_tmp_files       | 5     | 
                    | Created_tmp_tables      | 3     | 

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Profile

    Provides internal message calls
    Descriptions not always accurate

                    SET PROFILING = 1;
                    SHOW PROFILES;
                    SHOW PROFILE [FOR QUERY n];

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Profile Example

     mysql> SHOW PROFILESG
     *************************** 1. row ***************************
     Query_ID: 1
     Duration: 0.00081600
        Query: SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms 
                   AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON 
                   tt.term_id = t.term_id INNER JOIN 
                   wp_term_relationships AS tr ON  
                   tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id 
                   WHERE tt.taxonomy IN
                   ('category', 'post_tag') AND 
                   tr.object_id IN (2487) 
                   ORDER BY ASC

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Profile Example (2)
  | Status                         | Duration | Source_function  | Source_file   | Source_line |
  | starting                       | 0.000049 | NULL             | NULL          |        NULL |
  | checking query cache for query | 0.000074 | unknown function |  |        1446 |
  | Opening tables                 | 0.000013 | unknown function |   |        4495 |
  | System lock                    | 0.000005 | unknown function |       |         258 |
  | Table lock                     | 0.000032 | unknown function |       |         269 |
  | init                           | 0.000038 | unknown function | |        2484 |
  | optimizing                     | 0.000014 | unknown function | |         820 |
  | statistics                     | 0.000135 | unknown function | |        1011 |
  | preparing                      | 0.000017 | unknown function | |        1033 |
  | Creating tmp table             | 0.000155 | unknown function | |        1524 |
  | executing                      | 0.000002 | unknown function | |        1755 |
  | Copying to tmp table           | 0.000142 | unknown function | |        1902 |
  | Sorting result                 | 0.000026 | unknown function | |        2176 |
  | Sending data                   | 0.000051 | unknown function | |        2309 |
  | end                            | 0.000002 | unknown function | |        2530 |
  | removing tmp table             | 0.000063 | unknown function | |       10776 |
  | end                            | 0.000003 | unknown function | |       10801 |
  | query end                      | 0.000002 | unknown function |  |        4978 |
  | freeing items                  | 0.000017 | unknown function |  |        6004 |
  | storing result in query cache  | 0.000005 | unknown function |  |         983 |
  | logging slow query             | 0.000001 | unknown function |  |        1679 |
  | cleaning up                    | 0.000002 | unknown function |  |        1647 |
  22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ODTUG – June 2010
Show Profile Example (3)

  |        1 | 0.00084800 | SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t ...
  |        2 | 0.00006000 | SELECT t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM wp_terms AS t ....
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  | starting                       | 0.000034 | NULL             | NULL         |        NULL |
  | checking query cache for query | 0.000008 | unknown function | |        1446 |
  | checking privileges on cached  | 0.000004 | unknown function | |        1534 |
  | sending cached result to clien | 0.000010 | unknown function | |        1629 |
  | logging slow query             | 0.000002 | unknown function | |        1679 |
  | cleaning up                    | 0.000002 | unknown function | |        1647 |

ODTUG – June 2010
Optimizing your

ODTUG – June 2010
About the MySQL Optimizer
    Cost based optimizer
    No way to pin QEP
    One index per table rule (with exceptions)
    The lack of good hints
    No statistics granularity
    No parallelism

ODTUG – June 2010
SQL Optimization Goals
    Identify the best indexes
    Reduce unnecessary data access
    Minimize kernel internals

ODTUG – June 2010
Explain Signs
    No index used
    Large rows
    Excessive possible indexes
    SQL for composite/covering indexes
    Using Temporary
    Using filesort
    Derived tables

ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Index Types
    Column indexes
    Composite indexes
    Covering indexes
    Partial indexes
    Spatial indexes
    Fulltext indexes
    Clustered indexes
    Hash indexes

ODTUG – June 2010
Column Index – Sub-optimal Design
  CREATE TABLE `content` (
    `ContentID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Promo` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
    `Theme` float NOT NULL,
    `ForDelete` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY  (`ContentID`),
    KEY `CategoryID` (`CategoryID`),
    KEY `Verified` (`Verified`),
    KEY `FileName` (`FileName`(10)),
    KEY `FileDuration` (`FileDuration`),
    KEY `Votes` (`Votes`),
    KEY `FileDir` (`FileDir`),
    KEY `ForDelete` (`ForDelete`),
    KEY `UserID` (`UserID`),
    KEY `Type` (`Type`),
    KEY `CategoryType` (`CategoryType`),
    KEY `DateAdded` (`DateAdded`)
ODTUG – June 2010
Composite Indexes Example

         CREATE TABLE relationship (
           relation_id bigint NOT NULL auto_increment,
           type_id bigint default NULL,
           user_1 bigint NOT NULL,
           user_2 bigint NOT NULL,
           PRIMARY KEY  (relation_id),
           KEY user_1 (user_1),
           KEY user_2 (user_2),

ODTUG – June 2010
Composite Indexes

explain SELECT user_2 FROM relationship WHERE user_1 = '1580980221' AND user_2 IN (508534334,521894993);
| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | relationship  | range | user_1,user_2 | user_2 | 8       | NULL |    2 | Using where | 

ALTER TABLE relationship DROP INDEX user_2, ADD INDEX user_2 (user_2, user_1);

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                   |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | relationship  | range | user_1,user_2 | user_2 | 16      | NULL |    2 | Using where;Using Index | 

ODTUG – June 2010
Covering Indexes Example
      CREATE TABLE logging (
        source_addr int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
        source_port int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
        destn_addr int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
        destn_port int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
        protocol int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
        log_time int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
        size int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
        KEY log_time (log_time),
        KEY size (size),
        KEY source_port (src_port),
        KEY destn_port (destn_port),
        KEY source_addr (source_addr),
        KEY destn_addr (dstn_addr)
      ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
ODTUG – June 2010
Covering Indexes
SELECT source_port, SUM(size) FROM logging WHERE log_time BETWEEN 1 AND 2 
GROUP BY source_port ORDER BY SUM(size) DESC LIMIT 0,20
| id | select_type | table   | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | logging | range | log_time      | log_t| 4       | NULL | 69997 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort | 

By changing the index we achieve an index only scan.

DROP INDEX log_time, DROP INDEX source_port,
ADD INDEX (log_time, source_port, size );
| id | select_type | table   | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | logging | range | log_time      | log_t| 4       | NULL | 69977 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort | 

ODTUG – June 2010
Partial Indexes
    part_number VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    manufacturer_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    INDEX (brand_id, part_number,manufacturer_name)

  ALTER TABLE parts DROP INDEX brand_id,
  ADD KEY (brand_id,

  Reduced Index size by 30%.

ODTUG – June 2010
QEP – Using Filesort
EXPLAIN SELECT itemid FROM items WHERE productid=999 GROUP BY itemid;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                       
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items | ref  | productid     | productid | 4       | const |    1 | Using where; Using filesort
                                                                                                      Using filesort 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

               DISTINCT itemid FROM items WHERE productid=999
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items | ref  | productid     | productid | 4       | const |    1 |       | 

ODTUG – June 2010
QEP – Using Filesort

mysql> show profile source for query 1;
| Status             | Duration | Source_function       | Source_file   | Source_line |
| (initialization)   | 0.000003 | open_tables           |   |        ...
| preparing          | 0.000021 | exec                  | |        1594 | 
| executing          | 0.000005 | exec                  | |        1990 | 
| Sorting result     | 0.000121 | exec                  | |        2114 | 
| Sending data       | 0.000033 | mysql_select          | |        2318 | 
| end                | 0.000007 | mysql_execute_command |  |        5141 | 
| query end          | 0.000005 | mysql_parse           |  |        6142 | 

ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Index Sizes
    NULL columns
    Bigint vs int
    InnoDB secondary index PK value

ODTUG – June 2010
NULL Index Columns

  parent_id INT UNSIGNED,
PRIMARY KEY(child_id),

mysql> explain select * from child where parent_id=42;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | child | ref  | parent_id     | parent_id | 5       | const |    1 | Using where |

ODTUG – June 2010
NULL Index Columns (2)

  *************************** 1. row ***************************
               Field_name: odtug.CHILD.parent_id
                Min_value: 1
                Max_value: 13
               Min_length: 1
               Max_length: 2
         Empties_or_zeros: 0
                    Nulls: 0
  Avg_value_or_avg_length: 7.0000
                      Std: 3.7417
        Optimal_fieldtype: TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

ODTUG – June 2010
NULL Index Columns (3)

    | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | child | ref  | parent_id     | parent_id | 4       | const |    1 |       |

ODTUG – June 2010
explain SELECT user_2 FROM relationship 
WHERE user_1 = '1580980221' AND user_2 IN (508534334,521894993); 

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                   |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | relationship  | range | user_1,user_2 | user_2 | 16      | NULL |    2 | Using where;Using Index | 


explain SELECT user_2 FROM relationship 
WHERE user_1 = '1580980221' AND user_2 IN (508534334,521894993); 

| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                   |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | relationship  | range | user_1,user_2 | user_2 | 8       | NULL |    2 | Using where;Using Index | 

ODTUG – June 2010
MySQL Index Sizes
    NULL columns
    Bigint vs int
    InnoDB secondary index PK value

ODTUG – June 2010
When Indexes Don't Help
  CREATE TABLE `items` (
    `itemid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `productid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `itemlive` enum('true','false') NOT NULL 
  default 'true',
    PRIMARY KEY  (`itemid`),
    KEY `productid` (`productid`),
    KEY `productid` (`productid`)
    KEY `packaging_cost` (`packaging_cost`)

ODTUG – June 2010
When Indexes Don't Help

SELECT DISTINCT(categories.categoryid) 
FROM categories, category_product, items
WHERE categories.categoryname!='' 
AND categories.categoryid=category_product.categoryid
AND category_product.productid=items.productid 
AND category_product.productid=items.productid
AND items.itemlive='true'; 

| id | select_type | table            | type   | possible_keys        | key       | key_len | ref                                | rows | Extra                        |
                                                                        NULL      | NULL    | NULL                               | 2906 | Using where; Using temporary | 
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items            | ALL    | productid            | NULL
|  1 | SIMPLE      | category_product | ref    | categoryid,productid | productid | 4       | baris5.items.productid             |    1 |                              | 
|  1 | SIMPLE      | categories       | eq_ref | PRIMARY              | PRIMARY   | 4       | baris5.category_product.categoryid |    1 | Using where                  | 
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ODTUG – June 2010
When Indexes Don't Help
     Adding an index can reduce this full table scan

mysql> alter table items drop index productid, add index (productid,itemlive);

| id | select_type | table            | type   | possible_keys        | key       | key_len | ref                                | rows | Extra    
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items            | index  | productid            | productid | 5       | NULL                               | 2180 | Using 
where; Using index; Using temporary | 
|  1 | SIMPLE      | category_product | ref    | categoryid,productid | productid | 4       | ronald.items.productid             |    1 |          
|  1 | SIMPLE      | categories       | eq_ref | PRIMARY              | PRIMARY   | 4       | baris5.category_product.categoryid |    1 | Using 
where                               | 

ODTUG – June 2010
Optimizing SQL for Locking
    DML is a blocking statement for MyISAM
    Long running cleanup scripts

DELETE FROM fts_datacache
WHERE productid NOT IN (
SELECT productid
FROM xcart_products_categories
WHERE categoryid IN (297,1356,1366,1361,1202,...)
GROUP BY productid

    3+ minutes to run SELECT
ODTUG – June 2010
Optimizing SQL for Locking
    Rewriting statement into 2 statements
    can reduce locking time to ~10 ms
  productid INT NOT NULL, 
  primary key (productid)) ENGINE=MEMORY
  FROM retailbl_xcart.xcart_products_categories
  WHERE categoryid IN (297,1356,1366,1361,1202,...);

  DELETE FROM fts_datacache
  WHERE productid NOT IN 
  (SELECT productid FROM delete_cache);

ODTUG – June 2010
Don't Forget Update
AND NEXT_FIRE_TIME < 263352299544

AND NEXT_FIRE_TIME < 263350625813;

| id | select_type | table         | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | QRTZ_TRIGGERS | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 1185 | Using where |

ODTUG – June 2010
Remove Duplicate Indexes
  CREATE TABLE `accounts` (
    `accountid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `retail_date` date NOT NULL,
    `customer_survey` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
    PRIMARY KEY  (`accountid`),
    KEY `accountid` (`accountid`)

  CREATE TABLE `vehicle_applications` (

   PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
    KEY `mcp_index` (`product_id`,`make`,`model`,`year`),
    KEY `status_idx` (`status`),
    KEY `sid_idx` (`status_identifier`),
    KEY `product_id_idx` (`product_id`),
ODTUG – June 2010
The Most Optimal
  SQL is the SQL You
    Can Eliminate
ODTUG – June 2010
Eliminating SQL – Example 1
    Following executed 6,000 times in 5 min period

 SELECT pages_id, 
 FROM pages 
 WHERE pages_id = 0

    0 is an invalid pages_id
ODTUG – June 2010
Eliminating SQL – Example 2
    Following executed on single page load
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist` WHERE (ArtistID = 196 )
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist` WHERE (ArtistID = 2188)
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`
 5 Query   SELECT *  FROM `artist`

ODTUG – June 2010
Eliminating SQL – Example 3
Row at a time (RAT) processing

SELECT * FROM activities_theme WHERE theme_parent_id=0
SELECT * FROM activities_theme WHERE theme_parent_id=1
SELECT * FROM activities_theme WHERE theme_parent_id=2
SELECT * FROM activities_theme WHERE theme_parent_id=11
SELECT * FROM activities_theme WHERE theme_parent_id=16

Chunk at a time (CAT) processing

FROM   activities_theme 
WHERE  theme_parent_id in  (0,1,2,11,16) 

ODTUG – June 2010

ODTUG – June 2010
    Improvement is a reoccurring process
    Ideally you should analyze all SQL
    Changes in data size and result set size
    over time can affect SQL performance

ODTUG – June 2010

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