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Can be functional concurrent programming be liberated
from the monadic style
ScalaUA - 2020
// ruslan shevchenko: //
work: robotsmom [ managing partner ] [R&D]
twitter: @rssh1
Problem statement:
cache.query[Property](sql,	args:	_*).	
- typical enterprise application usually contains something like this
monads, monads, … monads everywhere
// are we really need this for fetching data ?
// why accidental complexity is so hight ?
or control flow, reduced to linear with control-flow DSL inside for …
				x	<-	doSomething()	
				y	<-	ifM(q)(	
Problem statement:
cache.query[Property](sql,	args:	_*).	
			await	cache.query[Property](sql,	args:	_*)
Can we fix this ?
- Is this already exists in Scala ?
Make Scala programming great again ?
- Why it’s all unusable now ?
- What will changed in the future?
1. Introduction.
• Monads/Continuations/Concurrency
• async/await in different languages/runtimes
2. Current situation
• existing libraries
• why it not works (?)
3. Dotty-Cps-Async ( )
1. How implement ‘usual async/await’ ?
2. What to do with
• Higher-order functions ?
• Different monads ?
• Behind concurrency.
3. Tasty reflection in a large scale.
1993. Koen Claessen. A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad.
// Journal of Functional Programming
— submit to evaluator value.pure : x ⇒ M[X]
submit value and function to eval
map(x : M[X])( f : X ⇒ Y) ⇒ M[Y]
submit value and function
and resubmit result back
flatMap(x : M[X])( f : X ⇒ M[Y]) ⇒ M[Y]
// it is possible to build concurrency primitives:
fork, queue, … etc
1993. Koen Claessen. A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad.
// Journal of Functional Programming
Any concurrency type <=> type of evaluator
Monad-like concurrency in Scala:
- evaluate later in one thread ….
- evaluate now in Execution Pool (Future) ….
Why we represent concurrency in monads ?
poor-mans concurrency…..
- processes [CTSS ~ 1960]
- isolated data, communication primitives provides by OS.
// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained
Why we represent concurrency in monads ?
poor-mans concurrency…..
- processes [CTSS ~ 1960]
- isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS.
// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained
- kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993]
- shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS.
// Context switching is slow,
// Dealing with shared data is hard
let’s invent something more fine-grained
Why we represent concurrency in monads ?
poor-mans concurrency…..
- processes [CTSS ~ 1960]
- isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS.
-// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained
- kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993]
- shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS.
// Context switching is slow,
// Dealing with shared data is hard
let’s invent something more fine-grained
- user-land threads, Fibers [JVM: Green Threads ~ 2000 , Loom ~ 2018 - 2020]
- shared data, communication primitives and scheduling provided by library/runtime
// Dealing with shared data is hard
// IO access with user scheduling is hard.
let’s invent something more simple
Why we represent concurrency in monads ?
poor-mans concurrency…..
- processes [CTSS ~ 1960]
- isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS.
-// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained
- kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993]
- shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS.
// Context switching is slow,
// Dealing with shared data is hard
let’s invent something more fine-grained
- user-land threads, Fibers [JVM: Green Threads ~ 2000 , Loom ~ 2018 - 2020]
- shared data, communication primitives and scheduling provided by library/runtime
// Dealing with shared data is hard
// IO access with user scheduling is hard.
let’s invent something more simple
- Callback hell, [Node.js: ~ 2009 , Reactive manifesto ~ 2019]
- shared data, communications primitives use callbacks to avoid scheduling.
User-level scheduling….
- Callback hell,
- shared data, communications primitives use callbacks to avoid scheduling.
- Functional Programming (Monads),
- communications primitives use hight-order functions instead callbacks
- which was invented to avoid scheduling.
- Concurrency Frameworks for Functional Programming,
- let’s write generic functional scheduler for better organising of hight-order functions
- which are here to avoid callbacks
- which are here to avoid generic user-land scheduling
- which are here to avoid thread context switching using OS scheduler
- which are here to avoid process context switching using OS scheduler
// Programming with callbacks is hard
// Functional Programming is hard
Let’s return to our monads….
Concurrency (different types)
Distributed programming
(thread-level, fibers, …. etc)
Abstraction [free monad + interpreter]
Unmonad: f : X ⇒ M[X]
await[M] : M[X] → X
async[M] : (f : (X ⇒ Y)) ⇒ (f′ : (X ⇒ M[Y]))
await ⊏ f await /⊏ f′
Let’s return to out monads….
await[M] : M[X] → X
async[M] : (f : (X ⇒ Y)) ⇒ (f′ : (X ⇒ M[Y]))
await /⊏ f′
Possible solutions:
runtime: (Project Loom, specific case of concurrency.)
compile-time: (macros or compiler plugin)
Idris bang notation
Let’s return to out monads….
Scala2 attempts:
• Scala-continuations.  
• Scala-async:
• Storm-enroute coroutines: 
• Thoughtworks DSL.scala:
• Effectfull:
// different levels of usability, but all solutions are partial
Main techniques for transformation: State Machine CPS Transform
def	f(x:Int)	{	
				val	q	=	await(doSomething)	
				val	y	=	await(doOtherthing(x,q))		
				y	+	q	
class		f’	{	
		val	q	
		val	y	
		var	state	=	0	
		def	apply(x:Int)	{			
				state	match	{	
					case	0	=>	state=1	
									doSomething.flatMap(r	=>	{q=r;	this(x)})	
					case	1	=>	state=2	
									doOtherthing(x,q).flatMap(	r	=>	{	y=r;	this(x)	})	
					case	2	=>		
State Machine
Main techniques for transformation: State Machine CPS Transform
def	f(x:Int):Int	{	
				val	q	=	await(doSomething)	
				val	y	=	await(doOtherthing(x,q))		
				y	+	q	
def	f’(x:Int,	cont[A]:	Int	=>	CpsMonad[A])	{	
		doSomething(	r	=>	
				val	q	=	r	
				doOtherthing(x,q,	r	=>	{		
						val	y	=	r	
						cont(y	+	q)	})		
CPS Transform
Dotty / Scala3:
• New
• compile, syntax, macro system
Let’s made ideal async transformer
• Dotty-cps-async
• optimised monadic CPS transform.
• any monad
• (which implements needed facilities)
• full language
• (essential constructs)
• higher-order functions
• (need to implement helper typeclass)
• optimised monadic CPS transform.
def	f(x:Int):Int	{	
				val	q	=	await(doSomething)	
				val	y	=	await(doOtherthing(x,q))		
				y	+	q	
def	f’[F:AsyncMonad](x:Int):F[Int]	{	
		summon[F].flatMap(doSomething){	r	=>		
						val	q	=	r	
						summon[F].map(doOtherthing(x,q)){r	=>		
									val	y	=	r	
									y	+	q		
• optimised monadic CPS transform
• main constructions:
• Constant expression:
• Block(sequential composition)
• sync, sync:
• async, sync:
• async, async:
{x;	y} m.pure({x;	y})
{await[M](x);	y}	=>	y)
m.flatMap(x)(_	=>	y)
//Number of maps ~~ Number of awaits…
• Local values
• sync expr, sync tail
• async expr, async tail{	r	=>	val	x	=	r;	y	}
					{val	x	=	vx;	…}		//unchanged..
{val	x	=	await(vx);	y}
• Loops
• l
while( )	{	
def	whilefun()	=	{	
			m.flatMap(condition){	c	=>		
						if	( )		
									m.flatMap(body)(_	=>	
async[F:AsyncMonad]		{	
		val	connection	=	await(receiveConnection)	
				while	{	
						val	command	=	readComand(connection)	
						val	reply	=	await(handleOperation(command))	
						Command	!=	Shutdown	
				}	do	()	
m.flatMap(openConnection())(a	=>	{	
		val	connection:	Connection[F]	=	a	
				def	_whilefun():	F[Unit]	=	
									m.flatMap(readCommand(connection))((a:	Command)	=>	{	
										val	command:	Command	=	a	
										m.flatMap(handle(command))((a:	Reply)	=>	{	
												val	reply:	Reply	=	a	
													if	(!reply.isMuted)	
												)(	_	=>	m.pure(!command.isShutdown))	
				}))(c	=>	if	(c)	_whilefun()	else	m.pure(()))	
async[F:AsyncMonad]		{	
		val	connection	=	await(receiveConnection)	
				while	{	
						val	command	=	readComand(connection)	
						val	reply	=	await(handleOperation(command))	
						Command	!=	Shutdown	
				}	do	()	
m.flatMap(openConnection())(a	=>	{	
		val	connection:	Connection[F]	=	a	
				def	_whilefun():	F[Unit]	=	
									m.flatMap(readCommand(connection))((a:	Command)	=>	{	
										val	command:	Command	=	a	
										m.flatMap(handle(command))((a:	Reply)	=>	{	
												val	reply:	Reply	=	a	
													if	(!reply.isMuted)	
												)(	_	=>	m.pure(!command.isShutdown))	
				}))(c	=>	if	(c)	_whilefun()	else	m.pure(()))	
What we need from monad ?
def pure[T](t:T):F[T]
def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B):F[B]
def flatMap[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>F[B]):F[B]
for control flow
def error[A](e: Throwable): F[A]
def restore[A](fa: F[A])(fx:Throwable => F[A]): F[A]
for try/catch
def adoptCallbackStyle[A](source: (Try[A]=>Unit) => Unit):F[A]
def spawn[A](op: =>F[A]): F[A]
def fulfill[T](t:F[T], timeout: Duration): Option[Try[T]]
for integration
with other
async monads
Different monads in one expression:
async[ ]{	
			val	x	=	await[ ](something)	
implicit	def	mc[A](x: [A]): [A]=	
M2 M1
Possible, if we have implicit conversion:
Different monads in one expression:
			val	x	=	await[M](something)	
	LoggedM:	M	~>	Logged[M]	
			val	x	=	await[M](something)	
}		 // now we can log context boundaries
Higher-order functions:
async	{	
		val	words	=	line.split("	")	
		for(w	<-	words)	{	
ArrayOps[String].foreach[U](String => U)
(String => M[U])
class ArrayOpsAsyncShift[A] extends AsyncShift[ArrayOps[A]] {
def foreach[F[_],U](arrayOps: ArrayOps[A], monad: AsyncMonad[F])(
f: A => F[U]): F[Unit] = {
var r:F[Unit] = monad.pure(())
arrayOps.foreach{ a =>
val b = f(a)
r = monad.flatMap(r)(_ => =>()) )
inline given shiftedArrayOps[A] as _ <: AsyncShift[ArrayOps[A]] =
new cps.runtime.ArrayOpsAsyncShift[A]()
Define implicit helper typeclass
Implement ‘shiftedVersions’ of async
Higher-order functions:
• Shifted version for standard library
• Provide guidelines for library authors.
• Future:
• In theory it’s possible to generate ‘shifter’ versions automatically
• Dotty store a compiled AST for each method in .class .
• Current limitations:
• it is impossible to access one via compile-time reflection.
• Third-order shifted lambda-functions
• Possible to transform in-place
• Hard to find real-wold example.
• on practice: higher-order ~~ second-order
• Application code:
• usually have ‘monadic’ version as business logic.
• Can we apply async/await on other monad ?
Let’s await on space, instead await on time.
• Knight tour problem:
case	class	State(	
			currentPoint:	Point,	
			board:	Chessboard,	
			trace:	List[Point]	
def nextMoves(state: State):List[State] = …..
def	findPath(initPos:Point,	state:	State):	List[State]	=	
										val	nextState	=	await(nextMoves(state))	
										if	(board.isFull())	
												if	(initPos	==	nextState.currentPoint)	
// complex backtracking algorithm become simple.
Current implementation:
How can you help(?)
- implement missing parts (it's still a lot of work)
- provide a small examples
- trying to use in own dotty experiments
Thanks for attentions.
// Ruslan Shevchenko <>
RobotsMom @rssh1 - twitter
@rssh - github
ScalaUA - 2020

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Can concurrent functional programming be liberated from monadic style

  • 1. Can be functional concurrent programming be liberated from the monadic style ScalaUA - 2020 // ruslan shevchenko: // work: robotsmom [ managing partner ] [R&D] twitter: @rssh1
  • 2. Problem statement: cache.query[Property](sql, args: _*). map( ) - typical enterprise application usually contains something like this monads, monads, … monads everywhere // are we really need this for fetching data ? // why accidental complexity is so hight ? or control flow, reduced to linear with control-flow DSL inside for … for{ x <- doSomething() y <- ifM(q)( oneBranch() )( pure(x)) }
  • 3. Problem statement: cache.query[Property](sql, args: _*). map( ) await cache.query[Property](sql, args: _*) Can we fix this ? - Is this already exists in Scala ? Make Scala programming great again ? - Why it’s all unusable now ? - What will changed in the future?
  • 4. 1. Introduction. • Monads/Continuations/Concurrency • async/await in different languages/runtimes 2. Current situation • existing libraries • why it not works (?) 3. Dotty-Cps-Async ( ) 1. How implement ‘usual async/await’ ? 2. What to do with • Higher-order functions ? • Different monads ? • Behind concurrency. 3. Tasty reflection in a large scale. PLAN
  • 5. Monads/Concurrency 1993. Koen Claessen. A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad. // Journal of Functional Programming EVALUATOR INPUT QUEUE M[X] — submit to evaluator value.pure : x ⇒ M[X] — submit value and function to eval map(x : M[X])( f : X ⇒ Y) ⇒ M[Y] — submit value and function and resubmit result back flatMap(x : M[X])( f : X ⇒ M[Y]) ⇒ M[Y] SIDE EFFECTS // it is possible to build concurrency primitives: fork, queue, … etc
  • 6. Monads/Concurrency 1993. Koen Claessen. A Poor Man's Concurrency Monad. // Journal of Functional Programming EVALUATOR INPUT QUEUE M[X] SIDE EFFECTS Any concurrency type <=> type of evaluator Monad-like concurrency in Scala: - evaluate later in one thread …. - evaluate now in Execution Pool (Future) ….
  • 7. Why we represent concurrency in monads ? poor-mans concurrency….. - processes [CTSS ~ 1960] - isolated data, communication primitives provides by OS. - // Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained
  • 8. Why we represent concurrency in monads ? poor-mans concurrency….. - processes [CTSS ~ 1960] - isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS. - // Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained - kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993] - shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS. - // Context switching is slow, // Dealing with shared data is hard let’s invent something more fine-grained
  • 9. Why we represent concurrency in monads ? poor-mans concurrency….. - processes [CTSS ~ 1960] - isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS. -// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained - kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993] - shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS. - // Context switching is slow, // Dealing with shared data is hard let’s invent something more fine-grained - user-land threads, Fibers [JVM: Green Threads ~ 2000 , Loom ~ 2018 - 2020] - shared data, communication primitives and scheduling provided by library/runtime - // Dealing with shared data is hard // IO access with user scheduling is hard. let’s invent something more simple
  • 10. Why we represent concurrency in monads ? poor-mans concurrency….. - processes [CTSS ~ 1960] - isolated data, communication primitives and scheduling provides by OS. -// Context switching and memory mapping is slow, let’s invent something more fine-grained - kernel threads [OS360Task ~ 1971, SunOS Threads ~ 1993] - shared data, communication primitives provided by library, scheduling - by OS. - // Context switching is slow, // Dealing with shared data is hard let’s invent something more fine-grained - user-land threads, Fibers [JVM: Green Threads ~ 2000 , Loom ~ 2018 - 2020] - shared data, communication primitives and scheduling provided by library/runtime - // Dealing with shared data is hard // IO access with user scheduling is hard. let’s invent something more simple - Callback hell, [Node.js: ~ 2009 , Reactive manifesto ~ 2019] - shared data, communications primitives use callbacks to avoid scheduling. -
  • 11. User-level scheduling…. - Callback hell, - shared data, communications primitives use callbacks to avoid scheduling. - - Functional Programming (Monads), - communications primitives use hight-order functions instead callbacks - which was invented to avoid scheduling. - Concurrency Frameworks for Functional Programming, - let’s write generic functional scheduler for better organising of hight-order functions - which are here to avoid callbacks - which are here to avoid generic user-land scheduling - which are here to avoid thread context switching using OS scheduler - which are here to avoid process context switching using OS scheduler // Programming with callbacks is hard // Functional Programming is hard
  • 12. Let’s return to our monads…. M[X] Concurrency (different types) Distributed programming (thread-level, fibers, …. etc) Abstraction [free monad + interpreter] Unmonad: f : X ⇒ M[X] await[M] : M[X] → X async[M] : (f : (X ⇒ Y)) ⇒ (f′ : (X ⇒ M[Y])) await ⊏ f await /⊏ f′
  • 13. Let’s return to out monads…. Unmonad: await[M] : M[X] → X async[M] : (f : (X ⇒ Y)) ⇒ (f′ : (X ⇒ M[Y])) await /⊏ f′ async/await Possible solutions: lift/unlift runtime: (Project Loom, specific case of concurrency.) compile-time: (macros or compiler plugin) effectfully/! Idris bang notation reset/shift
  • 14. Let’s return to out monads…. Scala2 attempts: • Scala-continuations.   •les/icfp113-rompf.pdf • Scala-async: • • Storm-enroute coroutines:  • • • Thoughtworks DSL.scala: • •  • • Effectfull: • // different levels of usability, but all solutions are partial
  • 15. Main techniques for transformation: State Machine CPS Transform def f(x:Int) { val q = await(doSomething) val y = await(doOtherthing(x,q)) y + q } class f’ { val q val y var state = 0 def apply(x:Int) { state match { case 0 => state=1 doSomething.flatMap(r => {q=r; this(x)}) case 1 => state=2 doOtherthing(x,q).flatMap( r => { y=r; this(x) }) case 2 => monad.pure(y+q) } } State Machine
  • 16. Main techniques for transformation: State Machine CPS Transform def f(x:Int):Int { val q = await(doSomething) val y = await(doOtherthing(x,q)) y + q } def f’(x:Int, cont[A]: Int => CpsMonad[A]) { doSomething( r => val q = r doOtherthing(x,q, r => { val y = r cont(y + q) }) ) } CPS Transform
  • 17. Dotty / Scala3: • New • compile, syntax, macro system Let’s made ideal async transformer
  • 18. • Dotty-cps-async • • optimised monadic CPS transform. • any monad • (which implements needed facilities) • full language • (essential constructs) • higher-order functions • (need to implement helper typeclass)
  • 19. • optimised monadic CPS transform. def f(x:Int):Int { val q = await(doSomething) val y = await(doOtherthing(x,q)) y + q } def f’[F:AsyncMonad](x:Int):F[Int] { summon[F].flatMap(doSomething){ r => val q = r summon[F].map(doOtherthing(x,q)){r => val y = r y + q } } }
  • 20. • optimised monadic CPS transform • main constructions: • Constant expression: • Block(sequential composition) • sync, sync: • async, sync: • async, async: m.pure(x)x {x; y} m.pure({x; y}) {await[M](x); y} => y) {await[M](x); await[M](y)} m.flatMap(x)(_ => y) //Number of maps ~~ Number of awaits…
  • 21. • Local values • sync expr, sync tail • async expr, async tail{ r => val x = r; y } {val x = vx; …} //unchanged.. {val x = await(vx); y}
  • 22. • Loops • l while( ) { } conditionasync bodyasync def whilefun() = { m.flatMap(condition){ c => if ( ) m.flatMap(body)(_ => whilefun()) else m.pure(()) } c
  • 25. What we need from monad ? def pure[T](t:T):F[T] def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B):F[B] def flatMap[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>F[B]):F[B] for control flow def error[A](e: Throwable): F[A] def restore[A](fa: F[A])(fx:Throwable => F[A]): F[A] for try/catch def adoptCallbackStyle[A](source: (Try[A]=>Unit) => Unit):F[A] def spawn[A](op: =>F[A]): F[A] def fulfill[T](t:F[T], timeout: Duration): Option[Try[T]] for integration with other async monads ?
  • 26. Different monads in one expression: async[ ]{ … val x = await[ ](something) … } M1 M2 implicit def mc[A](x: [A]): [A]= …. M2 M1 Possible, if we have implicit conversion:
  • 27. Different monads in one expression: async[M]{ … val x = await[M](something) … } LoggedM: M ~> Logged[M] …. : async[Logged[M]]{ … val x = await[M](something) … } // now we can log context boundaries
  • 29. class ArrayOpsAsyncShift[A] extends AsyncShift[ArrayOps[A]] { def foreach[F[_],U](arrayOps: ArrayOps[A], monad: AsyncMonad[F])( f: A => F[U]): F[Unit] = { var r:F[Unit] = monad.pure(()) arrayOps.foreach{ a => val b = f(a) r = monad.flatMap(r)(_ => =>()) ) } r } ……. inline given shiftedArrayOps[A] as _ <: AsyncShift[ArrayOps[A]] = new cps.runtime.ArrayOpsAsyncShift[A]() Define implicit helper typeclass Implement ‘shiftedVersions’ of async
  • 30. Higher-order functions: • Shifted version for standard library • Provide guidelines for library authors. • Future: • In theory it’s possible to generate ‘shifter’ versions automatically • Dotty store a compiled AST for each method in .class . • Current limitations: • it is impossible to access one via compile-time reflection. • Third-order shifted lambda-functions • Possible to transform in-place • Hard to find real-wold example. • on practice: higher-order ~~ second-order • Application code: • usually have ‘monadic’ version as business logic.
  • 31. • Can we apply async/await on other monad ? Let’s await on space, instead await on time.
  • 32. • Knight tour problem: case class State( currentPoint: Point, board: Chessboard, trace: List[Point] ) def nextMoves(state: State):List[State] = ….. def findPath(initPos:Point, state: State): List[State] = async[List]{ val nextState = await(nextMoves(state)) if (board.isFull()) if (initPos == nextState.currentPoint) nextState else await(Nil) else await(findPath(initPos,nextState)) } // complex backtracking algorithm become simple.
  • 33. Current implementation: How can you help(?) - implement missing parts (it's still a lot of work) - provide a small examples - trying to use in own dotty experiments Thanks for attentions. // Ruslan Shevchenko <> RobotsMom @rssh1 - twitter @rssh - github ScalaUA - 2020