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Dr. Narayan H.Gandedkar
 Ancient growth and development concepts
Garbha Upanishad
“From the conjugation of the blood and
semen embryo comes into existence.during
the period of conception, after the sexual
inter course it becomes kalada (one day
embryo) after remaining seven nights it
becomes a spherical mass, after two months
the head is formed, after three months limb
region is formed”
 Greek scholars – Hippocrates of Los
 Aristotle of stagera
 Claudius Galen
 Talmud
 Leonardo da vinci
To present sheep cloning in 1997 by Ian
Definition of Growth
 “Growth refers to increase in size” - Todd
 “Growth usually refers to an increase in size
and number” – Proffit
 “Self multiplication of living substance”-
 “Growth may be defined as the normal change
in the amount of living substance
 “Change in any morphological parameter
which is measurable”- Moss.
Definition of Development
Development is a progress towards
maturity” – Todd
“Development connotes a maturational
process involving progressive
differentiation at the cellular and tissue
levels” - Enlow
“Development refers to all
naturally occurring
progressive, unidirectional,
sequential changes in the
life of an individual from it’s
existence as a single cell to
it’s elaboration as a
multifunctional unit
terminating in death” –
 Morphogenesis – “A
biologic process having
an underlying control at
the cellular and tissue
 Differentiation – “It
is a change from
generalized cells or
tissues to a more
specialized kinds during
•Translocation –
“ It is a change in position”
•Maturation –
“It is the emergence of
personal characteristics and
phenomenon through
growth processes”
Timing and sequential change
a. Prenatal growth
b. Postnatal growth
c. Maturity
d .Old age
Timing and sequential change
•Prenatal growth- rapid increase in cell no.
•Postnatal growth- 20 yrs- declining growth-
increasing maturation
•Maturity-period of stability
•Old age
Different types of growth
 Size change
 Positional change
 Proportional change
 Functional change
 Maturational change
 Compositional change
Proportional change
Eg-Head of the infant
Functional change
Eg-Secretion , production of enzymes,
Size change- height, weight, volume
Positional change-
•Migration of neural crest cells
•Eruption of teeth
•Dropping of diaphragm
Maturational change
stability and adulthood
Compositional change
Eye pigmentation
Major themes of development
 Changing complexity
 Shifts from competent to fixation
 Shifts from dependent to independent
 Ubiquity of genetic control modulated by
Changing complexity
 All level of organisation - sub-cellular to
whole organism
 Complexity development
 Orthodontics Mixed dentition period
Shifts from competent to fixation
 Undifferentiated cells once differentiated become
Shifts from dependent to independent
 Development brings greater independence at most
levels of organisation.
Ubiquity of genetic control modulated
by environment
 Genetic control of development is
constantly being modified by
environmental interactions
•Increase in size decrease in size
eg- thymus gland after puberty
Development process of inc complexity
Importance of growth and development to
 Etiology of malocclusion
 Health and nutrition of children
 comparison of growth
 identification - abnormal occlusal
development at an earlier stage
 use of growth spurts
 Surgery initiation
 Planning of retention regime
Normal features of
Growth & Development
 pattern
-Differential Growth
-cephalocaudal gradient of growth
 Variability
 Timing, rate & direction
 Pattern in growth represents proportionality .It
refers not just to a set of proportional
relationships at a point in time but to change in
these proportional relationships over time
 The physical arrangement of the body at any
one time is a pattern of spatially proportioned
Different organs grow at different rates
amount and at different times.
 Scammon’s curve of growth
-Richard scammon
• Changes , part of normal growth pattern reflect
“Cephalocaudal gradient of growth”
• Axis of increased growth
Growth of head and face
•It illustrates the change in overall body
proportions during normal growth and
•Imp aspect of pattern is its predictability.
 Predictability of growth pattern is a specific
kind of proportionality that exists at a
particular time and progresses towards another,
at the next time frame with slight variations.
 Change in growth pattern indicates some
alteration in the expected changes in body
 No two individuals with the exception of
siamese twins are like.
 Hence it is important to have a “normal
variability” before categorizing people as
normal or abnormal
 Normality refers to that which is usually
expected, is ordinarily seen or typical – Moyers
 Normality may not necessarily be ideal.
 Deviation from usual pattern can be used to express
quantitative variability
 This can be done by using “growth charts”
Growth chart
Applications of growth charts.
 Location of an individual relative to the group
can be established.
 Can be used to follow a child over time and
note for any unexpected change in growth
Timing of Growth
 One of the factors for variablity in growth.
 Timing variations arise because biologic clock of
different individuals is different.
 It is influenced by:
 genetics
 sex related differences
 physique related
 environmental influences
Distance curve Vs
Velocity curve
Distance Curve (cumulative curve): In this curve growth
can be plotted in height or weight recorded at various
Velocity Curve(incremental curve): In this by amount
of change in any given interval that is growth increment
is plotted.
Growth spurts
 Defined as periods of growth acceleration
 Sex-linked
 Normal spurts are
 Infantile spurt – at 3 years age
 Juvenile spurt – 7-8 years (females); 8-10 years (males)
 Pubertal spurt – 10-11 years(females); 14-15 years
 Growth modulation can be done
 “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the
shoulders of giants”
1643- 1727
• Longitudinal growth studies
• Methods of studying bone growth
• Types of growth data
• Methods of gathering growth data
Ratings and
direct data.
indirect data.
derived data.
Types of growth data
Types of growth data.
• Opinion
clever guess based on experience.
crudest form of scientific knowledge.
• Observations:
for studying all or none phenomenon
limited way use
quantitative data is must.
Quantitative measurements:
Includes expressing an idea or fact as a
meaningful quantity or numbers.
• Direct data: measurements ,living persons or
cadaver -measuring device.
• Indirect data: images or reproductions of
actual person.
• Derived data comparing at least two
Methods of gathering growth
• Longitudinal studies .
• Cross sectional studies.
• Overlapping or semi longitudinal studies.
Longitudinal studies.
• measurements of same person or group-
regular intervals through time.
• Advantage: problems are smoothed with time,
Variability,serial comparison makes study of
specific developmental pattern of individual
Disadvantages: time consuming, expensive,
sample loss or attrition,averaging.
Cross sectional studies
 repeating Quicker
 Less costly
 Statistical treatment made easier
 Variation amongst individuals cannot be studied
Semi longitudinal studies.
Merger of either studies
Longitudinal growth studies
 Bolton brush growth study
 Burlington growth study
 Michigan growth study
 Denver child growth study
 Iowa child welfare study
 Forsyth twin study
 Meharry growth study
 Montreal growth study
 Krogman philadelphia growth study
 Fels growth study
 Implant studies
 The mathews implant collection
 The hixon oregon implant study
 Cleft palate study
Bolton Brush growth study.
• Prof T Wingate Todd - 1926
• skeletal development .
• Dr Holly Broadbent Sr- 1929.
• development of facial skeleton.
• 5000 normal healthy children.
• Records
• merged in 1970.
• 1975 - published - Dr Holly Broadbent jr.
• standards of averages that represent optimum
facial and developmental growth baseline for
understanding and assessing craniofacial
Bolton Brush Growth Study
Burlington growth study
• Malocclusion
• preventive and interceptive orthodontic treatment.
• growth records as a database for future studies.
• Sample size:1632 .
 Records
 original concept - Robert Moyers
 records-Frank Popovich.
Burlington growth study
• 247 investigations & 322 studies - based on this
growth study
• Longitudinal studies by Thompson & Popovich to
derive cephalometric norms of a representative
sample was based on 210 children followed for 15
years at the Burlington growth center.
• age sex and growth type specific craniofacial
templates were derived and static and dynamic
analysis were proposed on the basis of this study.
The Iowa child welfare study.
• Sample size: 20 males and 15 female 4 year
old subjects.
• Followed till 17 years of age. Non –
• Records:lateral and PA views and dental
• Samir Bishara.
• changes in facial dimensions ,standing height
• The dentofacial relationships of 3 normal facial
types (long, average, short) from 5-25 yrs of
age was described & compared.
• LANCASTER PA: 850 record sets - birth to 15
4000 - 5-20 years
ANOMALIES(Chicago); 1000 subjects.
• Records: x-ray films, casts, medical and orthodontic
treatment records.
• All subjects: surgical repair, minor - extensive ortho
Ancient Greek Studies
On Growth
-- According to “Galen et al”.
-- Pattern – Intelligence /
Specific areas of Skull – Specific
Perfection / Dumbness etc.....
Greek Mythology
Growth Studies
-- Constellations, Sun,
Moon etc... determine
the growth of the body.
Methods of studying Growth
c e p h a lo m e tr y .
a n th r o p o m e tr y .
c r a n io m e tr y .
m e a s u r e m e n t a p p r o a c h e s .
a u to r a d io g r a p h y .
n u c le a r v o lu m e m o r p h o m e tr y .
r a d io is o to p e s .
p o la r is e d lig h t.
flu o r e s c e n t la b e ls .
m ic r o r a d io g r a p h y .
m in e r a lis e d s e c tio n s .
a t m ic r o s c o p ic le v e l.
fin ite e le m e n t m o d e lin g .
im p la n t m a r k e r s
a t m a c r o s c o p ic le v e l.
n a tu r a l m a r k e r s .
c o m p a r a tiv e a n a to m y .
v ita l s ta in in g .
a t b o th le v e ls .
e x p e r im e n ta l a p p r o a c h e s .
measurements of skull
Neanderthal and Cro-magnon
information of extinct
population ,growth pattern
Advantages: Precise measurements.
Disadvantages:All growth data must be cross sectional.
• soft tissue pts over bony landmarks- living
• variation in soft tissue thickness - different rslts
• individual growth directly measured
• direct measurement - bony skeletal dimensions
follow up same individual over time .
• Disadvgs
•precise orientation of head ,precise control of
• 2D of 3D structure
Mineralized sections.
• less processing distortions , both organic and inorganic
matrix- studied simultaneously.
• Cellular details , resolutions - enhanced –reduce
thickness of the sections.
• Special stains
• Thin sections- quench- rapidly
• High resolution of images of bone sections
• Differential density btwn pri and seco bone.
• Bone strength -proportional to degree of
• seco bone more strength than pri bone.
• Seco mineralisation process- 8 months to form
minimum retention : 6-8 months.
“Hot Spots”.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Depicts- soft tissue growth
contrast with hard tissue.
Fluorescent labels.
• in vivo calcium binding labels
• anabolic time markers of bone formation.
• Mechanism of bone growth determined by
analysis of label incidence and interlabel distance.
• Sequential use of different colored labels assess
bone growth,healing and functional adaptation.
• Tetracycline,calcein green,xylenol orange,alizarin
complexone,demeclocycline and oxytetracycline
• Radioisotopes of certain elements or compounds
are often used as in vivo markers
• labeled material injected and located within
the growing bone by autoradiographic
1. Technetium 99
2. Calcium 45
3. Potassium 32
• Histological sections are coated with a nuclear track
emulsion to detect radiographic precursor for
structural and metabolic material.
• Specific radioactive labels for protein carbohydrates
or nucleic acids are injected.
• Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the label uptake
is a physiologic index of cell activity.
• Commonly used autoradiographic labels are:
• A. 3
H thymidine.
• B. 3
H proline.
• C. Bromodeoxyuridine.
Polarized light.
• indicates the orientation of collagen fibers within
the bone matrix.
• Most lamellar bone consists of collagen fibers
oriented at right angles.
• However 2 other configurations can also be
noted:longitudinally aligned(L osteons).
• And mixed fiber pattern.
• Loading condition at the time of bone formation
dictate the orientation of collagen fibers . Thus
bone formation can adapt to different loading
conditions by changing the internal lamellar
organization of bone tissue.
Nuclear volume morphometry.
• cytomorphometric procedure to measures the
nuclear size for assessing the stages of
differentiation of osteoblastic precursor cells.
• Pre osteoblasts have significantly larger nuclei
than their precursors.
• used in determining the relative differentiation of
PDL and other bone living cells.
 Introduced in 1982 at international conference
of PACS.
 Universal method of storing and transporting
digital images .
 Currently American college of radiology have
developed DICOM to allow the transmisssion
of images over the internet.
Vital staining
• reported by Belchier in 1796
• John Hunter- alizarin dye
• Other dyes : tetracyline
trypon blue
lead acetate
• Vital staining aids in studying:
Manner in which bone is laid down
site of bone growth
the direction and amount of growth
and the timing and relative duration
of growth at different sites.
Natural markers.
• developmental features - serial radiography.
• trabaculae,nutrient canals, lines of arrested
• cephalometric landmarks.
Implant markers.
• Bjork- tantalum or biologically inert alloys into
growing bone –
• radiographic reference markers for serial
cephalometric study.
• The method allows precise orientation of serial
cephalograms and information on the amount and
sites of bone growth.
B O N E :- L : ost Gr : osteonB O N E :- L : ost Gr : osteon
Definition : Modified connective tissue.
Elements comprising bone tissue.
Cells of Bone –
1. osteoprogenitor
2. osteoblast
3. osteocytes
4. osteoclasts
5. bone lining cells
Osteoprogenitor Cells
-- Stem cells of mesenchymal origin.
Osteoblast cells
-- Bone forming cells.
-- varied shape
- oval
- triangular
- cuboidal
-- increased RER, golgi apparatus
-- Lay down organic matrix and calcification.
-- imprisoned osteoblast
--keep intact lacunae & canaliculli
-- keep open channel for diffusion
-- removal or deposition of matrix and calcium when reqd.
-- Bone removing cells
-- resorption bay or Howship’s lacunae
-- 2-100 um
-- nuclei-20 or more
-- acid phosphatase and lizosomes
Bone Lining Cells
-- present on ndosteal and periosteal layer
-- can form bone when called for
-- dual function - resorption and deposition.
-- outer layer-fibrous
-- inner layer-cellular
Function– nutritive
-- supportive-sharpey’s fibers
-- reparative-protective-osteoprogenitor cells
-- protective-limiting membrane
-oldage exostosis due to
tear of periosteum
Ossification → Intramembraneous
Intramembranous Ossification
Endochondral ossification
Comparison of physiologic properties of bone
and cartilage
 Characteristic cartilage bone
 Calcification Non calcified Calcified
 Vascularity Avascular Vascular
 Surface membrane Nonessential Essential
 Pressure resistance Tolerant Sensitive
 Rigidity Flexible Inflexible
 Modes of growth Interstitial Appositional
and appositional
 Lamellar bone
 Non lamellar bone
 Fine cancellous bone
 Coarse cancellous bone
 Woven bone
 Bundle bone
 Composite bone
Clinical significance
 Full strength of lamellar bone supporting an
orthodontically moved tooth is not attained
for upto a year after completion of active
Non Lamellar bone
 Makes up fine cancellous bone tissue
 No distinct stratification in fibre orientation
Woven bone
 Type of non lamellar bone
 Weak , disorganised, poorly mineralised
 Not found in adult human skeleton under
normal conditions
 First bone formed in response to orthodontic
Bundle bone
 Present adjacent to periodontal ligament
 Presence of perpendicular striations called
sharpey’s fibres.
 Formed on depository side of socket, laid
dowm in the direction toward the moving tooth
Composite bone
 Predominant bone type during early retention
 Most rapid means of producing strong bone
 Formed by deposition of lamellar bone within a
woven bone lattice.
Fine cancellous bone tissue
 Formed by periosteum and endosteum
 Marrow spaces are fine
 It is located in cortex e.g. posterior border of a
growing ramus in a child
 Fastest growing of all bone types
Coarse cancellous bone
 Produced by endosteum only
 Irregular marrow spaces containing red or
yellow marrow
 Irregularly arranged trabeculae
 Present in medulla
Mechanisms of bone growth
 Deposition and resorption
 Growth fields
 Modelling
 Remodelling
 Growth movements
Deposition and resorption
 Bone sides which face the
direction of growth are
subject to deposition (+)
and those opposite to it
…surface principal
Deposition and resorption
 Bone produced by
covering membrane-
periosteal bone comprises
about half of the cortical
bone tissue: bone laid
down by the lining
bone makes up the other
Transverse histologic section of bone:
A.Periosteal surface reorptive,endosteal
surface depository.
B.New endosteal bone addedon inner
C.Endosteal layer produced covered by
periosteal layer following outward
D.Cortex made entirely of periosteal
bone….outer surface depository and
inner surface resorptive.
Growth fields
 Inside and outside of
every bone is covered
by growth fields which
control the bone growth.
 They are both resorptive
and depository types..
 About one half of the
bone is periosteal and the
other half endosteal.If
endosteal surface is
resorptive then periosteal
surface would be
 Provides two growth
Enlargement of any
given bone
Remodelling of any
given bone
Growth sites
 Growth fields having
special role in the
growth of the particular
bone are called growth
 e.g. mandibular condyle,
maxillary tuberosity,
synchondrosis of the
basicranium, sutures and
the alveolar process.
Growth sites
 Such special sites do
not out the entire
carry growth
process but the
entire bone takes
Growth centers
 Special areas which are
believed to control the
overall growth of the bone
e.g.mandibular condyle.
 Force, energy or motor for a
bone resides primarily
within its growth centre.
 Now believed that these
centers do not control the
whole growth process.
 Bone modeling involves
independent sites of resorption and
formation that change the size and
shape of a bone.
– Mechanical Peak load in
Micro strain.
1. Disuse atrophy <200.
2. Bone Maintenance 200—2500.
3. Physiological Hypertrophy 2500—4000.
4. Pathological Overload >4000.
• Endocrine.
1. Bone metabolic hormones-PTH,Vit D,Calcitonin.
2. Growth Hormones-Somatotropin,IGF 1,IGF 2.
3. Sex steroids-Testosterone,Estrogen.
 Required differential growth activity required for bone
 It involves deposition and resorption occuring on opposite ends
 Four types
 Biochemical remodelling
 Haversian remodelling
 Pathologic remodelling
 Growth remodelling
 E.g. The ramus moves
posteriorly by the
combination of deposition
and resorption.
 so the anterior part of the
ramus gets remodeled into
a new addition for the
mandibular corpus.
Functions of Remodeling
1. Progressively change the size of whole bone
2. Sequentially relocate each component of the
whole bone
3. Progressively change the shape of the bone to
accommodate its various functions
1. Progressively change the
size of whole bone
2. Sequentially relocate each
component of the whole
3. Progressively change the
shape of the bone to
accommodate its various
Functions of Remodeling
4. Progressive fine tune fitting of all the separate
bones to each other and to their contiguous
,growing, functioning soft tissues
5. Carry out continuous structural adjustments to
adapt to the intrinsic and extrinsic changes in
conditions .
 It is remodeling process
and a combination of
deposition and
 If an implant is placed
on depository side it
marker becomes
translocated from one
side of cortex to other.
 Displacement is a physical movement of the
whole bone as it remodels
 Two types:
primary displacement
secondary displacement
Primary displacement
 It is a physical
movement of a whole
bone and occurs while
the bone grows and
remodels by resorption
 E.g. in maxilla
Secondary displacement
 It is the movement of a
whole bone caused by
the separate enlargement
of other bones
Combination of remodeling &
 Both these mechanisms carries out two
general functions
 Positions each bone
 Designs and constructs each bone
Balloon Anology
Hand Anology
Tripod Chair Anology
 According to Enlow,
growth rotation is due to
diagonally placed areas
of deposition and
 Two types
 Remodelling rotations
 Displacement rotations
Principle of ‘Area relocation’
Both remodeling and
displacement together
cause a shift in existing
position of a particular
structures with reference
Growth equivalent principle
This principle proposed by Hunter & Enlow
relates the effects of cranial base growth on
the facial bone Growth.
Counter Part Principle
Donald H Enlow
Regional Change (Stage 1)
 Two reference line
 P T M
Stage 2
°Amt of forward displacement
equals the amt of post length.
°PTM returns to same line.
°Class 2 position of maxilla.
Stage 3
 What are counterparts of maxillary
- Palate
- Corpus of
mandible described.
- Corpus
- Ramus
Why separate bcoz has separate
 Bony mandi arch cp of
max arch.
 Body of max arch cp of
max arch.
 Corpus remodels, what
was ramus at once
becomes body.
 however still cl 2.
Stage 4
 remodelling and disp of
 condyle and post part of
ramus remodels.
 process not to increase
width of ramus.
 but to relocate it postly
for lengthening the
stage 5
 whole mandible displaced
ant by amt ramus has
 post- primary displ.
 ramus lengthening remains
 only corpus horizontal
dimension change.
 cl 1 returned.
 separation of occlusion.
stage 6
 dimension of temporal
lobe and MCF.
 Spheno-occipital
synchondroses- maj
growth site.
stage 7
 vertical line moves ant.
 forehead
 cheekbone
 Palate
 Max arch
 all move in ant
stage 8
 Effect of MCf on mandi.-
secondry disp.
 less than max effect.
 bcoz MCF grows in front and
between the condyle and maxi
 SOS lies between condyle and ant
boundary of MCF.
stage 9
 MCF counterpart ?
 ramus and pharyngeal
 skeletol function of
 - bridge
pharyngeal space and
span of MCF.
 A-P breadth of ramus is
- too →
narrow- retrusive.
wide- protrusive.
stage 9
 floor of ACF & forehead grow by endocranial
depostition & ectocranial resorption.
 nasal bone – ant displaced.
 enlarging bone displaces calvaria – by sutural growth.
 depositing new bone at contact edges.
1. frontal.
2. parietal.
3. occipital.
4. temporal.
stage 10
 NMC – vertical
 remodelling → depo and
 prim disp.
 resorption of superior
(nasal side).
 deposition of inferior
(oral side).
stage 11
 Downward mvmt of
palate & max arch.
2-3 → downward pri
disp & suture grow
1-2 → remodelling.
2-3 → downward
1-2 → teeth own
Stage 12
 upward / superior drift
of each mandi tooth.
 max teeth drift more
than mandi teeth.
 less growth “to work
with” in mandi.
 curve of spee.
stage 13
 remodelling also
- incisor
alveolar region.
- chin.
- corpus
of mandi.
differential growth timing.
stage 14
 rationale of growth of
zygo process.
 zygo remodels → post
more deposition
→ ant less
 hence forward growth.
Enlow’s V principal
 Most useful and basic
concept in facial growth as
many facial and cranial
bones have a V- shaped
 Bone deposition(+) occurs
on the inner side and
resorption (-) occurs on
the outer surface.
Example with V oriented vertically
 When bone added on
lingual side of coronoid
proceeds and this part
of the ramus increases
in vertical dimension.
Example of V oriented horizontally
 Same deposits of bone
also bring about a
posterior direction of
growth movement.
 This produces a
backward movement
of coronoid processes
even though deposit is
on the lingual side.
 Same deposits carry
base of bone in medial
direction as in fig 1.
 Hence, the wider part
undergoes relocation
into a more narrow part
as the whole v moves
towards the wide part
(fig 2)
 Proffit:contemporary orthodontics.
 Moyers:handbook of orthodontics.
 An inventory of United states and Canadian
growth record sets.S.Hunter , Baumrind S
AJO 1993.
 Craniofacial imaging in orthodontics :S
Kapila et al AO 1999:69
 Essays in honour of Robert moyers
CFGS.monograph 24.
 Bone biodynamics in orthodontics:CFGS.27
 Atlas of craniofacial growth in Americans
of African descent CFGS.26
 Growth changes in the nasal profile from 7-
8 yrs AJO 1988:94 Meng H ,R Nanda
 Longitudinal changes in 3 normal facial
types .S Bishara,AJO1985:88
 S Bishara,J R Peterson, changes in the
facial dimensions & relationships between
the ages 5-25yrs.AJO 1984:85
 Lewis A B, Roche AF pubertal spurts in
cranial base & mandible AJO 1985:55
 Popovich.Thompson. Craniofacial
templates for orthodontic case analysis.
 Baumrind S,Korn EL,quantitation of
maxillary remodeling. AJO 1987:91
 Atlas of craniofacial growth CFGS
monograph 2.
 Moyers,Van Der Linden standards of
human occlusal development CFGS:5
 B Grayson 3D cephalogram
theory,technique and clinical application.

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Concepts of growth and development / orthodontic courses /certified fixed or...
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Growth and Development Concepts and Terminologies

  • 2. 2  Ancient growth and development concepts Garbha Upanishad “From the conjugation of the blood and semen embryo comes into existence.during the period of conception, after the sexual inter course it becomes kalada (one day old embryo) after remaining seven nights it becomes a spherical mass, after two months the head is formed, after three months limb region is formed”
  • 3. 3  Greek scholars – Hippocrates of Los  Aristotle of stagera  Claudius Galen  Talmud  Leonardo da vinci To present sheep cloning in 1997 by Ian Wilmut
  • 4. 4 Definition of Growth  “Growth refers to increase in size” - Todd  “Growth usually refers to an increase in size and number” – Proffit  “Self multiplication of living substance”- J.S.Huxley.
  • 5. 5  “Growth may be defined as the normal change in the amount of living substance  “Change in any morphological parameter which is measurable”- Moss.
  • 6. 6 Definition of Development Development is a progress towards maturity” – Todd “Development connotes a maturational process involving progressive differentiation at the cellular and tissue levels” - Enlow
  • 7. 7 “Development refers to all naturally occurring progressive, unidirectional, sequential changes in the life of an individual from it’s existence as a single cell to it’s elaboration as a multifunctional unit terminating in death” – Moyers
  • 8. 8 Definitions  Morphogenesis – “A biologic process having an underlying control at the cellular and tissue levels”  Differentiation – “It is a change from generalized cells or tissues to a more specialized kinds during development”
  • 9. 9 •Translocation – “ It is a change in position” •Maturation – “It is the emergence of personal characteristics and behavioural phenomenon through growth processes”
  • 10. 10 Timing and sequential change a. Prenatal growth b. Postnatal growth c. Maturity d .Old age
  • 11. 11 Timing and sequential change •Prenatal growth- rapid increase in cell no. •Postnatal growth- 20 yrs- declining growth- increasing maturation •Maturity-period of stability •Old age •death
  • 12. 12 Different types of growth  Size change  Positional change  Proportional change  Functional change  Maturational change  Compositional change
  • 13. 13 Proportional change Eg-Head of the infant Functional change Eg-Secretion , production of enzymes, hormones
  • 14. 14 Size change- height, weight, volume Positional change- •Migration of neural crest cells •Eruption of teeth •Dropping of diaphragm
  • 15. 15 Maturational change stability and adulthood Compositional change Eye pigmentation
  • 16. 16 Major themes of development  Changing complexity  Shifts from competent to fixation  Shifts from dependent to independent  Ubiquity of genetic control modulated by environment
  • 17. 17 Changing complexity  All level of organisation - sub-cellular to whole organism  Complexity development  Orthodontics Mixed dentition period
  • 18. 18 Shifts from competent to fixation  Undifferentiated cells once differentiated become fixed. Shifts from dependent to independent  Development brings greater independence at most levels of organisation.
  • 19. 19 Ubiquity of genetic control modulated by environment  Genetic control of development is constantly being modified by environmental interactions
  • 20. 20 Growth •Increase in size decrease in size eg- thymus gland after puberty Development process of inc complexity Development=growth+differenciation+translocation
  • 21. 21 Importance of growth and development to orthodontist  Etiology of malocclusion  Health and nutrition of children  comparison of growth
  • 22. 22  identification - abnormal occlusal development at an earlier stage  use of growth spurts  Surgery initiation  Planning of retention regime
  • 23. 23 Normal features of Growth & Development  pattern -Differential Growth -cephalocaudal gradient of growth  Variability  Timing, rate & direction
  • 24. 24 PATTERN  Pattern in growth represents proportionality .It refers not just to a set of proportional relationships at a point in time but to change in these proportional relationships over time  The physical arrangement of the body at any one time is a pattern of spatially proportioned parts.
  • 25. 25 DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH Different organs grow at different rates amount and at different times.  Scammon’s curve of growth -Richard scammon
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28 CEPHALOCAUDAL GRADIENT OF GROWTH • Changes , part of normal growth pattern reflect “Cephalocaudal gradient of growth” • Axis of increased growth
  • 30. 30 Growth of head and face
  • 31. 31 •It illustrates the change in overall body proportions during normal growth and development. •Imp aspect of pattern is its predictability.
  • 32. 32 Predictability  Predictability of growth pattern is a specific kind of proportionality that exists at a particular time and progresses towards another, at the next time frame with slight variations.  Change in growth pattern indicates some alteration in the expected changes in body proportions.
  • 33. 33 Variability  No two individuals with the exception of siamese twins are like.  Hence it is important to have a “normal variability” before categorizing people as normal or abnormal
  • 34. 34 Normality  Normality refers to that which is usually expected, is ordinarily seen or typical – Moyers  Normality may not necessarily be ideal.  Deviation from usual pattern can be used to express quantitative variability  This can be done by using “growth charts” •
  • 37. 37 Applications of growth charts.  Location of an individual relative to the group can be established.  Can be used to follow a child over time and note for any unexpected change in growth pattern.
  • 38. 38 Timing of Growth  One of the factors for variablity in growth.  Timing variations arise because biologic clock of different individuals is different.  It is influenced by:  genetics  sex related differences  physique related  environmental influences
  • 39. 39 Distance curve Vs Velocity curve Distance curve Velocity curve Age Height Distance Curve (cumulative curve): In this curve growth can be plotted in height or weight recorded at various ages. Velocity Curve(incremental curve): In this by amount of change in any given interval that is growth increment is plotted.
  • 40. 40 Growth spurts  Defined as periods of growth acceleration  Sex-linked  Normal spurts are  Infantile spurt – at 3 years age  Juvenile spurt – 7-8 years (females); 8-10 years (males)  Pubertal spurt – 10-11 years(females); 14-15 years (males)  Growth modulation can be done
  • 41. 41
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  • 45. 45  “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” _ SIR ISAAC NEWTON , ENGLISH MATHEMATICIAN 1643- 1727
  • 46. 46 • Longitudinal growth studies • Methods of studying bone growth • Types of growth data • Methods of gathering growth data
  • 48. 48 Types of growth data. • Opinion clever guess based on experience. crudest form of scientific knowledge. • Observations: for studying all or none phenomenon limited way use quantitative data is must.
  • 50. 50 Quantitative measurements: Includes expressing an idea or fact as a meaningful quantity or numbers. • Direct data: measurements ,living persons or cadaver -measuring device. • Indirect data: images or reproductions of actual person. • Derived data comparing at least two measurements.
  • 51. 51 Methods of gathering growth data. • Longitudinal studies . • Cross sectional studies. • Overlapping or semi longitudinal studies.
  • 52. 52 Longitudinal studies. • measurements of same person or group- regular intervals through time. • Advantage: problems are smoothed with time, Variability,serial comparison makes study of specific developmental pattern of individual possible. Disadvantages: time consuming, expensive, sample loss or attrition,averaging.
  • 53. 53 Cross sectional studies ADVANTAGES  repeating Quicker  Less costly  Statistical treatment made easier DISADVANTAGES  Variation amongst individuals cannot be studied
  • 56. 56 Longitudinal growth studies  Bolton brush growth study  Burlington growth study  Michigan growth study  Denver child growth study  Iowa child welfare study  Forsyth twin study  Meharry growth study
  • 57. 57  Montreal growth study  Krogman philadelphia growth study  Fels growth study  Implant studies  The mathews implant collection  The hixon oregon implant study  Cleft palate study
  • 58. 58 Bolton Brush growth study. • Prof T Wingate Todd - 1926 • skeletal development . • Dr Holly Broadbent Sr- 1929. • development of facial skeleton. • 5000 normal healthy children. • Records
  • 59. 59 • merged in 1970. • 1975 - published - Dr Holly Broadbent jr. • standards of averages that represent optimum facial and developmental growth baseline for understanding and assessing craniofacial growth. Bolton Brush Growth Study
  • 60. 60 Burlington growth study • AIM • Malocclusion • preventive and interceptive orthodontic treatment. • growth records as a database for future studies. • Sample size:1632 .
  • 61. 61  Records  original concept - Robert Moyers  records-Frank Popovich. BURLIGTON GROWTH STUDY
  • 62. 62 Burlington growth study • 247 investigations & 322 studies - based on this growth study • Longitudinal studies by Thompson & Popovich to derive cephalometric norms of a representative sample was based on 210 children followed for 15 years at the Burlington growth center. • age sex and growth type specific craniofacial templates were derived and static and dynamic analysis were proposed on the basis of this study.
  • 63. 63 The Iowa child welfare study. • Sample size: 20 males and 15 female 4 year old subjects. • Followed till 17 years of age. Non – orthodontical-European • Records:lateral and PA views and dental casts. • Samir Bishara.
  • 64. 64 • changes in facial dimensions ,standing height • The dentofacial relationships of 3 normal facial types (long, average, short) from 5-25 yrs of age was described & compared.
  • 65. 65 CLEFT PALATE STUDIES. • LANCASTER PA: 850 record sets - birth to 15 years/annually • HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN(Toronto):over 4000 - 5-20 years • .CENTER FOR CRANIOFACIAL ANOMALIES(Chicago); 1000 subjects. • Records: x-ray films, casts, medical and orthodontic treatment records. • All subjects: surgical repair, minor - extensive ortho treatment.
  • 67. 67 Ancient Greek Studies On Growth -- According to “Galen et al”. -- Pattern – Intelligence / Specific areas of Skull – Specific Growth Perfection / Dumbness etc.....
  • 68. 68 Greek Mythology on Growth Studies -- Constellations, Sun, Moon etc... determine the growth of the body.
  • 69. 69
  • 70. 70 Methods of studying Growth c e p h a lo m e tr y . a n th r o p o m e tr y . c r a n io m e tr y . m e a s u r e m e n t a p p r o a c h e s . a u to r a d io g r a p h y . n u c le a r v o lu m e m o r p h o m e tr y . r a d io is o to p e s . p o la r is e d lig h t. flu o r e s c e n t la b e ls . m ic r o r a d io g r a p h y . m in e r a lis e d s e c tio n s . a t m ic r o s c o p ic le v e l. fin ite e le m e n t m o d e lin g . im p la n t m a r k e r s a t m a c r o s c o p ic le v e l. n a tu r a l m a r k e r s . c o m p a r a tiv e a n a to m y . v ita l s ta in in g . a t b o th le v e ls . e x p e r im e n ta l a p p r o a c h e s .
  • 71. 71 CRANIOMETRY. measurements of skull Neanderthal and Cro-magnon skull. information of extinct population ,growth pattern Advantages: Precise measurements. Disadvantages:All growth data must be cross sectional.
  • 72. 72 ANTHROPOMETRY: • soft tissue pts over bony landmarks- living individuals. • variation in soft tissue thickness - different rslts • individual growth directly measured
  • 73. 73 • CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHY: • direct measurement - bony skeletal dimensions follow up same individual over time . • Disadvgs •precise orientation of head ,precise control of magnification. • 2D of 3D structure
  • 74. 74 Mineralized sections. • less processing distortions , both organic and inorganic matrix- studied simultaneously. • Cellular details , resolutions - enhanced –reduce thickness of the sections. • Special stains • Thin sections- quench- rapidly
  • 75. 75 Microradiography. • High resolution of images of bone sections • Differential density btwn pri and seco bone. • Bone strength -proportional to degree of mineralisation. • seco bone more strength than pri bone. • Seco mineralisation process- 8 months to form minimum retention : 6-8 months.
  • 78. 78 M R IM R I Magnetic Resonance Imaging Depicts- soft tissue growth contrast with hard tissue.
  • 79. 79 Fluorescent labels. • in vivo calcium binding labels • anabolic time markers of bone formation. • Mechanism of bone growth determined by analysis of label incidence and interlabel distance. • Sequential use of different colored labels assess bone growth,healing and functional adaptation. • Tetracycline,calcein green,xylenol orange,alizarin complexone,demeclocycline and oxytetracycline
  • 80. 80 Radioisotopes. • Radioisotopes of certain elements or compounds are often used as in vivo markers • labeled material injected and located within the growing bone by autoradiographic techniques. 1. Technetium 99 2. Calcium 45 3. Potassium 32
  • 82. 82 Autoradiography. • Histological sections are coated with a nuclear track emulsion to detect radiographic precursor for structural and metabolic material. • Specific radioactive labels for protein carbohydrates or nucleic acids are injected.
  • 83. 83 • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the label uptake is a physiologic index of cell activity. • Commonly used autoradiographic labels are: • A. 3 H thymidine. • B. 3 H proline. • C. Bromodeoxyuridine.
  • 84. 84 Polarized light. • indicates the orientation of collagen fibers within the bone matrix. • Most lamellar bone consists of collagen fibers oriented at right angles. • However 2 other configurations can also be noted:longitudinally aligned(L osteons).
  • 85. 85 • And mixed fiber pattern. • Loading condition at the time of bone formation dictate the orientation of collagen fibers . Thus bone formation can adapt to different loading conditions by changing the internal lamellar organization of bone tissue.
  • 86. 86 Nuclear volume morphometry. • cytomorphometric procedure to measures the nuclear size for assessing the stages of differentiation of osteoblastic precursor cells. • Pre osteoblasts have significantly larger nuclei than their precursors. • used in determining the relative differentiation of PDL and other bone living cells.
  • 87. 87 Teleradiology.  Introduced in 1982 at international conference of PACS.  Universal method of storing and transporting digital images .  Currently American college of radiology have developed DICOM to allow the transmisssion of images over the internet.
  • 88. 88 Vital staining • reported by Belchier in 1796 • John Hunter- alizarin dye • Other dyes : tetracyline trypon blue lead acetate procion
  • 89. 89 • Vital staining aids in studying: Manner in which bone is laid down site of bone growth the direction and amount of growth and the timing and relative duration of growth at different sites.
  • 90. 90 Natural markers. • developmental features - serial radiography. • trabaculae,nutrient canals, lines of arrested growth • cephalometric landmarks.
  • 91. 91 Implant markers. • Bjork- tantalum or biologically inert alloys into growing bone – • radiographic reference markers for serial cephalometric study. • The method allows precise orientation of serial cephalograms and information on the amount and sites of bone growth.
  • 92. 92 B O N E :- L : ost Gr : osteonB O N E :- L : ost Gr : osteon Definition : Modified connective tissue. Elements comprising bone tissue. Cells of Bone – 1. osteoprogenitor 2. osteoblast 3. osteocytes 4. osteoclasts 5. bone lining cells
  • 93. 93 Osteoprogenitor Cells -- Stem cells of mesenchymal origin. Osteoblast cells -- Bone forming cells. -- varied shape - oval - triangular - cuboidal -- increased RER, golgi apparatus -- Lay down organic matrix and calcification.
  • 94. 94 Osteocytes -- imprisoned osteoblast --keep intact lacunae & canaliculli -- keep open channel for diffusion -- removal or deposition of matrix and calcium when reqd. Osteoclasts -- Bone removing cells -- resorption bay or Howship’s lacunae -- 2-100 um -- nuclei-20 or more -- acid phosphatase and lizosomes
  • 95. 95 Bone Lining Cells -- present on ndosteal and periosteal layer -- can form bone when called for -- dual function - resorption and deposition. Periosteum -- outer layer-fibrous -- inner layer-cellular Function– nutritive -- supportive-sharpey’s fibers -- reparative-protective-osteoprogenitor cells -- protective-limiting membrane -oldage exostosis due to tear of periosteum
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  • 101. 101 Comparison of physiologic properties of bone and cartilage  Characteristic cartilage bone  Calcification Non calcified Calcified  Vascularity Avascular Vascular  Surface membrane Nonessential Essential  Pressure resistance Tolerant Sensitive  Rigidity Flexible Inflexible  Modes of growth Interstitial Appositional and appositional
  • 102. 102 TYPE OF BONES  Lamellar bone  Non lamellar bone  Fine cancellous bone  Coarse cancellous bone  Woven bone  Bundle bone  Composite bone
  • 103. 103 Clinical significance  Full strength of lamellar bone supporting an orthodontically moved tooth is not attained for upto a year after completion of active treatment.
  • 104. 104 Non Lamellar bone  Makes up fine cancellous bone tissue  No distinct stratification in fibre orientation
  • 105. 105 Woven bone  Type of non lamellar bone  Weak , disorganised, poorly mineralised  Not found in adult human skeleton under normal conditions  First bone formed in response to orthodontic loading.
  • 106. 106 Bundle bone  Present adjacent to periodontal ligament  Presence of perpendicular striations called sharpey’s fibres.  Formed on depository side of socket, laid dowm in the direction toward the moving tooth root.
  • 107. 107 Composite bone  Predominant bone type during early retention phase  Most rapid means of producing strong bone  Formed by deposition of lamellar bone within a woven bone lattice.
  • 108. 108 Fine cancellous bone tissue  Formed by periosteum and endosteum  Marrow spaces are fine  It is located in cortex e.g. posterior border of a growing ramus in a child  Fastest growing of all bone types
  • 109. 109 Coarse cancellous bone  Produced by endosteum only  Irregular marrow spaces containing red or yellow marrow  Irregularly arranged trabeculae  Present in medulla
  • 110. 110 Mechanisms of bone growth  Deposition and resorption  Growth fields  Modelling  Remodelling  Growth movements drift displacement
  • 111. 111 Deposition and resorption  Bone sides which face the direction of growth are subject to deposition (+) and those opposite to it undergo resorption(-) …surface principal
  • 112. 112 Deposition and resorption  Bone produced by covering membrane- periosteal bone comprises about half of the cortical bone tissue: bone laid down by the lining membrane-endosteal bone makes up the other half.
  • 113. 113 Transverse histologic section of bone: A.Periosteal surface reorptive,endosteal surface depository. B.New endosteal bone addedon inner surface. C.Endosteal layer produced covered by periosteal layer following outward reversal. D.Cortex made entirely of periosteal bone….outer surface depository and inner surface resorptive.
  • 114. 114 Growth fields  Inside and outside of every bone is covered by growth fields which control the bone growth.  They are both resorptive and depository types..
  • 115. 115  About one half of the bone is periosteal and the other half endosteal.If endosteal surface is resorptive then periosteal surface would be depository.  Provides two growth functions: Enlargement of any given bone Remodelling of any given bone
  • 116. 116 Growth sites  Growth fields having special role in the growth of the particular bone are called growth sites  e.g. mandibular condyle, maxillary tuberosity, synchondrosis of the basicranium, sutures and the alveolar process.
  • 117. 117 Growth sites  Such special sites do not out the entire carry growth process but the entire bone takes part
  • 118. 118 Growth centers  Special areas which are believed to control the overall growth of the bone e.g.mandibular condyle.  Force, energy or motor for a bone resides primarily within its growth centre.  Now believed that these centers do not control the whole growth process.
  • 119. 119 MODELING  Bone modeling involves independent sites of resorption and formation that change the size and shape of a bone.
  • 120. 120 CONTROL FACTORS FOR BONE MODELING – Mechanical Peak load in Micro strain. 1. Disuse atrophy <200. 2. Bone Maintenance 200—2500. 3. Physiological Hypertrophy 2500—4000. 4. Pathological Overload >4000. •
  • 121. 121 • Endocrine. 1. Bone metabolic hormones-PTH,Vit D,Calcitonin. 2. Growth Hormones-Somatotropin,IGF 1,IGF 2. 3. Sex steroids-Testosterone,Estrogen.
  • 122. 122 Remodelling  Required differential growth activity required for bone shaping.  It involves deposition and resorption occuring on opposite ends  Four types  Biochemical remodelling  Haversian remodelling  Pathologic remodelling  Growth remodelling
  • 123. 123  E.g. The ramus moves posteriorly by the combination of deposition and resorption.  so the anterior part of the ramus gets remodeled into a new addition for the mandibular corpus.
  • 124. 124 Functions of Remodeling 1. Progressively change the size of whole bone 2. Sequentially relocate each component of the whole bone 3. Progressively change the shape of the bone to accommodate its various functions
  • 125. 125 1. Progressively change the size of whole bone 2. Sequentially relocate each component of the whole bone 3. Progressively change the shape of the bone to accommodate its various functions Functions of Remodeling
  • 126. 126 4. Progressive fine tune fitting of all the separate bones to each other and to their contiguous ,growing, functioning soft tissues 5. Carry out continuous structural adjustments to adapt to the intrinsic and extrinsic changes in conditions .
  • 127. 127 Drift  It is remodeling process and a combination of deposition and resorption.  If an implant is placed on depository side it gets embedded.eventually marker becomes translocated from one side of cortex to other.
  • 128. 128 Displacement  Displacement is a physical movement of the whole bone as it remodels  Two types: primary displacement secondary displacement
  • 129. 129 Primary displacement  It is a physical movement of a whole bone and occurs while the bone grows and remodels by resorption deposition  E.g. in maxilla
  • 130. 130 Secondary displacement  It is the movement of a whole bone caused by the separate enlargement of other bones
  • 131. 131 Combination of remodeling & displacement  Both these mechanisms carries out two general functions  Positions each bone  Designs and constructs each bone
  • 135. 135 Rotation  According to Enlow, growth rotation is due to diagonally placed areas of deposition and resorption  Two types  Remodelling rotations  Displacement rotations
  • 136. 136 Principle of ‘Area relocation’ Both remodeling and displacement together cause a shift in existing position of a particular structures with reference to another .
  • 137. 137 Growth equivalent principle This principle proposed by Hunter & Enlow relates the effects of cranial base growth on the facial bone Growth.
  • 138. 138
  • 140. 140 Regional Change (Stage 1)  Two reference line Horiz Verti  P T M
  • 141. 141 Stage 2 °Displacement. °Amt of forward displacement equals the amt of post length. °PTM returns to same line. °Class 2 position of maxilla.
  • 142. 142 Stage 3  What are counterparts of maxillary arch. - NMC - ACF - Palate - Corpus of mandible. mandible described. - Corpus - Ramus Why separate bcoz has separate counterparts.
  • 143. 143  Bony mandi arch cp of max arch.  Body of max arch cp of max arch.  Corpus remodels, what was ramus at once becomes body.  however still cl 2.
  • 144. 144 Stage 4  remodelling and disp of mandi.  condyle and post part of ramus remodels.  process not to increase width of ramus.  but to relocate it postly for lengthening the corpus.
  • 145. 145 stage 5  whole mandible displaced ant by amt ramus has relocated.  post- primary displ.  ramus lengthening remains same.  only corpus horizontal dimension change.  cl 1 returned.  separation of occlusion.
  • 146. 146 stage 6  dimension of temporal lobe and MCF.  Spheno-occipital synchondroses- maj growth site.
  • 147. 147 stage 7  vertical line moves ant.  forehead  cheekbone  ACF  Palate  Max arch  all move in ant direction.
  • 148. 148 stage 8  Effect of MCf on mandi.- secondry disp.  less than max effect.  bcoz MCF grows in front and between the condyle and maxi tuberosity.  SOS lies between condyle and ant boundary of MCF.
  • 149. 149 stage 9  MCF counterpart ?  ramus and pharyngeal space.  skeletol function of ramus  - bridge pharyngeal space and span of MCF.  A-P breadth of ramus is critical. - too → narrow- retrusive. → wide- protrusive.
  • 150. 150 stage 9  floor of ACF & forehead grow by endocranial depostition & ectocranial resorption.  nasal bone – ant displaced.  enlarging bone displaces calvaria – by sutural growth.  depositing new bone at contact edges. 1. frontal. 2. parietal. 3. occipital. 4. temporal.
  • 151. 151 stage 10  NMC – vertical lengthening.  remodelling → depo and reso.  prim disp.  resorption of superior (nasal side).  deposition of inferior (oral side).
  • 152. 152 stage 11  Downward mvmt of palate & max arch. 2-3 → downward pri disp & suture grow 1-2 → remodelling. 2-3 → downward disp. 1-2 → teeth own
  • 153. 153 Stage 12  upward / superior drift of each mandi tooth.  max teeth drift more than mandi teeth.  less growth “to work with” in mandi.  curve of spee.
  • 154. 154 stage 13  remodelling also - incisor alveolar region. - chin. - corpus of mandi. differential growth timing.
  • 155. 155 stage 14  rationale of growth of zygo process.  zygo remodels → post more deposition → ant less resorption  hence forward growth.
  • 156. 156 Enlow’s V principal  Most useful and basic concept in facial growth as many facial and cranial bones have a V- shaped configuration.  Bone deposition(+) occurs on the inner side and resorption (-) occurs on the outer surface.
  • 157. 157 Example with V oriented vertically  When bone added on lingual side of coronoid process,growth proceeds and this part of the ramus increases in vertical dimension.
  • 158. 158 Example of V oriented horizontally  Same deposits of bone also bring about a posterior direction of growth movement.  This produces a backward movement of coronoid processes even though deposit is on the lingual side.
  • 159. 159
  • 160. 160  Same deposits carry base of bone in medial direction as in fig 1.  Hence, the wider part undergoes relocation into a more narrow part as the whole v moves towards the wide part (fig 2)
  • 161. 161 REFERENCES:  Proffit:contemporary orthodontics.  Moyers:handbook of orthodontics.  An inventory of United states and Canadian growth record sets.S.Hunter , Baumrind S AJO 1993.  Craniofacial imaging in orthodontics :S Kapila et al AO 1999:69  Essays in honour of Robert moyers CFGS.monograph 24.
  • 162. 162 References  Bone biodynamics in orthodontics:CFGS.27  Atlas of craniofacial growth in Americans of African descent CFGS.26  Growth changes in the nasal profile from 7- 8 yrs AJO 1988:94 Meng H ,R Nanda  Longitudinal changes in 3 normal facial types .S Bishara,AJO1985:88  S Bishara,J R Peterson, changes in the facial dimensions & relationships between the ages 5-25yrs.AJO 1984:85
  • 163. 163 References  Lewis A B, Roche AF pubertal spurts in cranial base & mandible AJO 1985:55  Popovich.Thompson. Craniofacial templates for orthodontic case analysis.  Baumrind S,Korn EL,quantitation of maxillary remodeling. AJO 1987:91  Atlas of craniofacial growth CFGS monograph 2.  Moyers,Van Der Linden standards of human occlusal development CFGS:5  B Grayson 3D cephalogram theory,technique and clinical application.